DIGITAL CHAPEL Issue #51 | Jun 2018
FESTA JUNINA WAS EXCITING FROM BEGINNING TO END This year's Festa Junina took place on May 5th and had a very diverse and planned out program. The day was replete with family entertainment and a firework show at the end of the day. At the entrance, kids received a fabric bag to keep their gifts that were provided and sustainably designed by a school parent. After the PTA (Parent-Teacher-Association) moms' talked and the traditional blessing of Father Pipolo, the singer Joe, started the party singing Ave Maria beautifully in the middle of the audience. PTA mothers, Carla Cajueiro and Graziella Rahal, had many volunteers help with the party's decoration and toy booths as well as teachers and staff who helped at the food booths. All this help made the event a huge success. The money obtained from the raffle sales in which the gifts were donated by school parents, was given to the Association Maria Helen Drexel, which helps children and teens in vulnerable circumstances. The concern for social outreach was reinforced by the winter clothes drive organized by the NHS (National Honor Society) that collected more than 200 pieces. It was all taken to Sabesp (a sanitation company serving São Paulo) for distribution. Student bands played and there was a professional music group that performed typical and traditional songs for square dances. “This Festa Junina brought together all the aspects of a Chapel party: the celebration of Brazilian culture, good deeds through social work, an awesome integration of parents, teachers, students, and staff, all in addition to the entertainment for the community, explained Lucy Nunes, school superintendent.
Festa Junina 2018 photos, click here. Festa Junina 2018 video, click here.
FIRST GRADERS TALK TO THE AUTHORS OF CORVO-CORREIO After reading the book CorvoCorreio during Portuguese classes, first graders had the opportunity to meet the authors: siblings Isabel and Zeka Cintra. On May 24th, the author Isabel Cintra, a Brazilian who lives in Stockholm, Sweden and her brother, the illustrator, Zeka Cintra, came to Chapel to talk to students about their book. The story is about a crow that dreamed of being a messenger bird. Since these were only white pigeons, the crow was not welcome because of his black feathers. The book was awarded at the”Off Flip de Literatura 2017”, and according to the Portuguese teacher, Ms. Eliana Cardia, “the story is engaging, pleasant, and reflexive since it discusses such important and necessary themes: diversity and tolerance”. “The students write and illustrate every day during Portuguese classes. For this reason, having the opportunity to meet and talk to the authors: Isabel and Zeka Cintra was extremely meaningful”, explains the First grade teacher, Ms. Vanessa Almeida. She adds on by saying that the book theme - prejudice and diversity - matched with the content they are working on, especially because kids have been writing about feelings and situations they live every day.
“THERAPY” DOGS VISIT HS STUDENTS On May 3rd, during one of the IB exams' break, Chapel seniors had a great time with Lugano, Kumbia, Maracatu, Gwndolyn, and Feijão, friendly dogs that visited the school especially to interact with students, and relieve some of the stress from the end of the school year. A special room was reserved to welcome the dogs and their trainers, and also to provide students with relaxing activities and materials. “I have been thinking of ways to support students emotionally during the final exam season for some time. For this reason, we brought trained dogs to have this positive and pleasant interaction with the students”, explained the superintendent, Lucy Nunes. Due to the success of such experience, the dogs returned to Chapel on the week of May 8 to May 15, in order to interact with all High School students from 7th to 12th grades. Before the lunch break, for ten minutes, all students were able to play with the animals from Bocalan Brazil, an international organization specialized in training therapy dogs. Right after, they spent some more time with the twelfth graders. “Having the dogs here was extremely positive. Students, teachers and employees were all excited about the animals”, stated Ms. Nunes. “We are researching about the benefits of therapy dogs in learning. Our idea is to always bring them during exam season to interact with the students”.
HS WELCOME THE NARRATORS “8º BOCA DO CÉU” The High School Spanish and French students participated in sessions of oral narratives with two professional storytellers . They came to Brazil for the event “Boca do Céu” - 8th International Conference of History Storytellers, that takes place every two years in São Paulo. The exclusive sessions performed in the professionals' native languages happened on May 22nd for ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders, and it was organized by the librarian Fernanda Caires. Chapel welcomed the Spaniard, Arnau Vilardebò, who has been working with oral narratives for 30 years. He is specialized in Greek Mythology storytelling. The Frenchman, Pépito Matéo, is a narrator of his own stories and he also adapts tales loosely. “For Chapel, it is a privilege to embody this event and welcome renowned professionals specialized with teen and adults audiences,” explains Ms. Caires.
TENTH GRADE WELCOMES FRIAR WHO LIVED IN THE MILITARY DICTATORSHIP Brazilian Social Studies tenth grade students had the opportunity to talk with Friar Sérgio Peres de Paula about the experiences he had during the military dictatorship. Sérgio Peres has been through unique experiences in which he got to know the political polarization between the right and left parties. He was engaged in two institutions in the 1980's: Colégio Naval where he was an aspiring student, and then Ordem dos Agostinianos Recoletos where he served as a seminarist. The visit was organized by Mr. Erico Padilha and took place on April 11th. His goal was to provide students with the possibility of analysing the same historical event under different perspectives, one of IB's demands. “As he related behind-the-scenes experiences from opposing groups: the State and the Church, Friar Sergio Peres showed students the impact of oral History, something crucial to connect students emotionally with the content”, explains Mr. Padilha. Friar Sérgio has a degree in Theology, Philosophy and History. He currently works as a Provincial Econome, Prior and Vicar at São José Parish in Ribeirão Preto (city in the countryside of São Paulo). He traveled to São Paulo just to talk to Chapel students. “His visit was extremely positive in academic terms. It was aligned with the “Military Regime”, content given in the Brazilian History program as well as the I.B.E. objectives. For me, it was a pleasure to see Friar Sergio again. We went to college together and I haven't seen him since 2010”, says Mr. Padilha.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ROBERT PLADET, 25, AIRBUS PILOT Digital Chapel started a new section: Chapel's Best Under 40. Every issue, there will be a brief interview with a Chapel alumnus who will share a little about his life, profession, dreams and Chapel memories. Get to know Robert Pladet, alumnus who studied at Chapel from tenth to twelfth grade. He currently lives in Santiago, Chile, where he works as the First Officer (pilot) on the Airbus 320 fleet for LATAM airlines. As soon as he graduated from High School, Robert went to the Netherlands to study International Business at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. After finishing his bachelor's degree, he earned his Master of Finance at the same university. Tell us about your profession Currently I work as First Officer (pilot) on the Airbus 320 fleet for LATAM Airlines in Santiago de Chile. My dream has always been to become a pilot, so after graduating University I worked in the operations department of this airline until I could apply as pilot. Your life goal is... I absolutely love flying and learning everything there is about airplanes and aviation. My lifelong goal is therefore to hopefully someday become Captain, and perhaps even Instructor on a large commercial airplane! Tell us your favorite memory from Chapel To me the Chapel community always felt like a second family. Looking back at my time in Chapel, my favorite memory isn't one of a particular big event, but rather is of the daily lunch-time break we had. I always cherish the memories of lunch time where the entire group of Chapel students came together, sat down for lunch, shared stories, and laughed together like one big group of friends. Besides, Chapel had one of the best catering services I have ever seen in a school‌! How did Chapel influence your life? Chapel had a big impact on my life in terms of freedom of thought. In Chapel we were always encouraged to think outside of the box, debate was always promoted, and I was taught to always question everything. The teachers at Chapel played a crucial role in this by creating a very freethinking environment where everyone's opinion was listed to and discussed openly. At Chapel I learned to really question and learn, rather than just memorize the school curriculum.  
DIGITAL CHAPEL is a Chapel School publication. All rights reserved. R. Vigário João de Pontes, 537. - Chácara Flora - CEP 04748-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil Phone: +55 11 5521-7763 - www.chapelschool.com Articles: Paula Veneroso and Chapel team - Translation: Chapel School Photos: Chapel files - Design: Otávio Garcia