End of Year Message - Elementary School

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DECEMBER 14, 2020



DEAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENTS, I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well. I want to begin by saying thank you to all our families for the incredible support during remote learning throughout all these months. Our program is successful because of our shared beliefs in Chapel's Guiding Statements and our motto, "Faith in Education."

In this newsletter:

This year we were challenged in many different ways; however, there’s much to celebrate too. My team and I are incredibly grateful for your commitment to learning, and we are proud of the high-quality remote learning program

Scenario 1: Overview

delivered to our elementary school students.

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I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family

Scenario 2: Overview

health and happiness in the year ahead. May the New Year start with fresh joys and a life filled with peace.

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Until this date, there has not been legal orientation Scenario 1: Schedule Page 3 Scenario 2: Schedule

regarding any changes for Elementary School students for January 2021. Next semester, we are looking at preparing for two possible scenarios. Additionally, please keep in mind that all plans are subject to change due to governmental decisions and legal requirements.

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SCENARIO 1: CONTINUE WITH 20% OF THE ENROLLED STUDENTS FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Next semester, what will be new to the extracurricular activities program is that students will participate in a full-day program at school (beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 3:10 p.m.). Additionally, we will offer English Language Support Labs

and will continue with the Portuguese and Math Support Labs. Fridays will be used in the rotation cycle to ensure that students have the opportunity to return to campus in a shorter period. Information regarding the after school extracurricular program will be shared with families at the beginning of the semester.

SCENARIO 2: BEGIN PHASE 1 OF "PLANO SĂƒO PAULOâ€? WITH 35% OF THE ENROLLED STUDENTS FOR CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Information regarding the after school extracurricular program will be shared with families at the beginning of the semester. It's important to emphasize that the Protocols for the Prevention of Covid-19 must be followed before opening school for the second semester and returning to campus. Therefore, students and/or people in their household who have any signs and/or symptoms which are associated with Covid-19, ( a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, persistent tremors and chills, muscle pain, headache, the recent loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal disorders, and/ or decreased appetite), should remain home and inform the school. As we adopt measures for our gradual return to campus, we count on the commitment of the entire Chapel community in order to make it a success. If you travel during vacation, if you are transiting in airports and hotels, if you are in contact with people who display Covid-19 alike symptoms, please observe self-quarantine before sending your child to school at the beginning of the semester. We must keep our community safe and healthy to avoid closing classes and ensure that our campus remains open as much as possible..

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SCENARIO 1 20% OF THE ENROLLED STUDENTS FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES In case we begin January 2021, with Scenario 1, we will continue to offer school hours extracurricular activities (beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 3:10 p.m.) on a rotating basis . Students at home will follow our remote

learning program as per the schedules and assignments posted on their Daily Planners or Google Classroom for the day. Below is the schedule for January/ February for optional extracurricular activities on campus.

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SCENARIO 2 35% OF THE ENROLLED STUDENTS FOR CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IIn case we begin January 2021, with Scenario 2, we will move to Phase 1 of the "Plano SĂŁo Paulo" where 35% of the enrolled students will come to campus for curricular activities (beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 3:10 p.m.) , on a rotating basis. Students at home will follow our remote learning program as per the schedules and assignments posted on their Daily Planners or Google Classroom for the day. In this scenario, the students at home will join the students at school through the online platform for synchronous curricular classes as well. In Elementary School, we will follow a Week 1 and Week 2 rotation schedule. On Mondays, all 4th and 5th grade students will come to campus for curricular classes, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grade students will follow the remote learning program.

WEEK 1 The white group comes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the blue group on Wednesdays and Fridays.

WEEK 2 The white group comes to school on Wednesdays and Fridays, and the blue group on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

1ST, 2ND, 3RD, AND 6TH GRADES On Mondays, all students in these grade levels will remain at home and follow the remote learning program. According to their color group (blue or white), starting on Tuesday and ending on Friday, students in these grade levels will begin a campus rotation schedule. Other students will remain at home and follow the remote learning schedule for that day.

4TH AND 5TH GRADES On Mondays, all 4th and 5th grade students will come to campus for curricular classes. On this day, teachers will also prepare students for the assignments that they will need to complete during the week at home. On all other days of the week, the classroom and specialist teachers will be online for synchronous classes, support labs, and consultation with students.

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The Elementary School Office will send a rotation calendar to families in advance and before reopening campus for curricular activities. Please see below what the schedule will look like in Phase 1. Below is the schedule for this possible scenario for January/February curricular activities on campus.

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I hope this letter has provided insight into our next steps in elementary school. Parents will continue to be informed about the gradual return to campus as we move forward. In case you haven’t had the opportunity to read our School Re-Entry Plan, please read it as soon as possible. The protocols and procedures to be followed upon return to campus are published in this plan.

Have a blessed holiday season! Sincerely, Ms. Juliana Menezes Elementary School Principal

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