End of Year Message - High School

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DECEMBER 14, 2020



DEAR HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS AND STUDENTS, Now that we have reached the end of the year, I want to thank you for your constant engagement and dedication to learning during these challenging months. I am very impressed with our students because, throughout the semester, despite the difficulties, they have

In this newsletter:

demonstrated responsibility, stamina, and kindness. It makes me very proud to be part of this community, which has remained united during the whole year.

Scenario 1: Overview Page 02 Scenario 2: Overview Page 02 Scenario 1: Schedule

I wish you all a peaceful and loving Christmas, and I hope that the new year brings us better times. I know some of you are anxious about next semester, so I would like to share our current plans with you. As of now, we have not received updated legal directions for the next semester; consequently, we are considering two possible scenarios for January, detailed below.

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N o t e t h a t w e a r e o b l i g e d t o f o l lo w th e le g a l re q u ire m e n ts , a n d Scenario 2: Schedule

a n y c h a n g e i n g o v e r n m e n t a l p o lic ie s c o u ld a f f e c t o u r p la n s .

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SCENARIO 1: START THE SECOND SEMESTER AS WE FINISHED THIS ONE REGULAR CLASSES All classes continue to be offered remotely, with the option for 10th-12th grade students to participate in classes on campus. Student presence on campus is optional, as long as students participate online. We are currently only allowed to offer curricular activities (regular classes) on-campus for 10th through 12th-grade students . We may have up to 20% of students from other grade-levels on campus for extra-curricular activities only. In summary, regular classes for grades 7th - 9th remain solely in the remote learning program. The regular classes on campus are permitted only for grades 10th - 12th. From January on, all 10th - 12th grade students will have classes on-campus every day.

AFTER SCHOOL EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Clubs All “Clubs� will continue online during the next semester. At the beginning of the semester, we will release a new booklet with all Club offerings and an updated schedule. A new enrollment process will open for students that are interested in new activities.

Physical activities and sports practices on campus We will continue to offer sports and physical activities on-campus. Information regarding the after school extracurricular program will be shared with families at the beginning of the semester.

Support Labs Teachers will offer support labs for each subject area on-campus, at least once a week for all grade-levels. A new schedule will be publicized at the beginning of the second semester.

End of Year Message- High School | page 02

“NEW EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE FOR 7TH, 8TH, AND 9TH GRADES DURING SCHOOL HOURS” We have designed a new extra-curricular program only for students in 7th through 9th grade. These grade-levels would have a full day on campus to enjoy extra-curricular activities once every seven school days. Please see the “New Extra-Curricular Activities Schedule for 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades” below. During these days when students have extracurricular activities on campus during school hours, remote learning is suspended for that grade-level.

End of Year Message- High School | page 03

SCENARIO 2: START THE SECOND SEMESTER ON PHASE 1 FROM THE SĂƒO PAULO PLAN In this case, we would have Seniors on campus every day together with another gradelevel. In this model, grade levels from 7th through 11th grades would have classes on campus once a week. After school activities follow the same plan described above.

It is important to emphasize that the Protocols for the Prevention of Covid-19 must be followed before opening school for the second semester and returning to campus. Therefore, students and/or people in their household who have any signs and/or symptoms which are associated with Covid-19, (a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, persistent tremors and chills, muscle pain, headache, the recent loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal disorders, and/ or decreased appetite), should remain home and inform the school. As we adopt measures for our gradual return to campus, we count on the commitment of the entire Chapel community in order to make it a success. If you travel during vacation, if you are transiting in airports and hotels, if you are in contact with people who display Covid-19 alike symptoms, please observe self-quarantine before sending your child to school at the beginning of the semester. We must keep our community safe and healthy to avoid closing classes and ensure that our campus remains open as much as possible. Warm regards, Paula Moro High School Principal End of Year Message- High School | page 04

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