Camp Baker Family Manual 2012

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Welcome to our Camp Baker Family! We are so excited to have you join us this summer. We hope that this guide will help provide the answers to your questions about Camp Baker. Of course, should you have any questions or concerns that are not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. There are a variety of ways to do so. Camp Office: 843.614.6486 • 8:00am – 5:00pm Camp Cell: 843.259.7014 Camp Email: • Charleston JCC Main Line: 843.571.6565

Reporting Absences We understand that sometimes situations arise where your child may not be able to attend Camp on a particular day. If this should arise, please call the Camp Office at 843.614.6486 prior to 8:30 am just to let us know. If no one should answer, please leave the message on our voicemail so that we can appropriately notify our staff.

Dismissal and Arrival Each day when you come to drop off your child and pick up your child, you will notice the Camp Baker staff in the front of the Charleston JCC building. Due to the volume of traffic coming through the parking lot, please do not park your car and bring your child in. Carpool will take place between 8:20 and 8:40 each morning. If you should arrive before or after that time, please be prepared to walk your child into the Camp Office and we will connect them with their group. In the afternoon, carpool will run from 4:45 - 5:00 pm. If you are picking your child up after 5, they will be in the after-care room. We will be happy to get your child out of your car and walk them to their camp group in the morning. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Early Dismissal If your child needs to be picked up early, please send a written note with your child and we will have your child waiting in the Camp Office, where you can meet them and sign them out. Out of Town If you should find yourself out of town during Camp, please notify the Camp Office in writing of who will be responsible for your child during that time, including an emergency phone number and pick-up authorization.


Communication In order to communicate in the most effective manner, emails will be sent home to parents throughout the summer. If you do not receive these emails, please contact Tamar Sternfeld at to be added to our list. In addition, we send home notes in the backpacks throughout the summer. Be sure to check your campers’ backpacks each day for any notes that may have come home. Be on the lookout for Camp Newsletters at the end of each session, pictures of the fun we have, and even our twitter updates. Follow us on twitter at

Camper Security We welcome parents to visit while their children are at camp. All visitors, however, must check in with a photo ID at the Camp Office upon arrival and we would be happy to show around Camp. Doing so allows us to maintain the level of security for all campers during the summer. If your child arrives or leaves at any time other than the normal arrival or dismissal times, we ask that you sign your child in or out at the Camp Office. If any special arrangements need to be made during the Camp Season in relation to pick ups and drop offs for your child, please notify Tamar Sternfeld in writing, either in the Camp Office or via email at Please submit to the Camp Office the names of anyone who has permission in advance to pick up your child from Camp. This will help us maintain the safety of your child.

Lunch Camp Baker is pleased to be able to offer kosher lunch to all children every day. The JCC kitchens are under Orthodox supervision. If your child has any food allergies, please be sure that the Camp Office is aware in writing.


Safety at Camp We at Camp Baker are fully committed to keeping each and every camper and staff member safe. With this in mind and the understanding of the world in which we live in mind, we will take all precautions necessary in the event of an emergency situation. The JCC auditorium will serve as the central location in which all campers and staff will gather in such an event until it is deemed safe by the proper authorities to exit. Should an event occur which would prevent the main building from being the central location, campers will be gathered, accounted for, and kept safe off-site until the situation is resolved and campers can safely return to Camp. In such an event, please call Tamar on the Camp Baker cell phone or call the Charleston JCC main line to find out more information. The Campers’ Day 7:00am - 8:30am: Morning Care (Advance Registration Required) 8:30 - 8:45am: Arrival & Attendance 8:45 - 9:00am: Morning Assembly We “warm up” for our camp day with energizing songs, dances, and other fun Camp Baker traditions 9:00am: Campers start their first activities A group schedule will be sent home during the first week of each session 4:30 - 4:45pm: Afternoon Assembly Announcements, snack and dismissal 4:45 – 5:00pm: Dismissal 5:00 - 6:00pm: Aftercare (Advance Registration Required) ***After 5:00pm any children not picked up will transition to Aftercare.

Swimming Camp Baker campers will swim in the Pearlstine pool. On all non-field trip days, all non-specialty camp Campers will swim twice. The first swim time will consist of skill-building lessons, and the second time will be free-swim for the campers. Please feel free to send your child with two bathing suits to accommodate the multiple pool times. Specialty campers will swim once a day on most days. Our pool staff is made up of lifeguards and water safety instructors (WSI), certified by the American Red Cross, with skills in helping campers adapt to the water and to develop stronger swimming skills. Camp staff will be in the water with the campers during their pool times. Children under the age of 4 will receive one on one swim instruction with a member of the aquatics staff, with the focus on building up their comfort level in the water, when accompanied by a written request from the parents. If you have any questions about swim instruction, please don’t hesitate to contact the Camp Baker Office.


Trips and Bus Safety Camp Baker offers a lot of fun and exciting field trips for campers over the course of the summer. In order to take campers on these fun adventures, we need their help…and yours. During a field trip, the campers will be expected to stay seated and safe on the bus at all times—which includes listening to the instructions of the staff and bus driver. While on field trips, campers are expected to stay with the group and follow directions from their counselors. In order to help Camp Baker staff keep everyone safe on their trips, please be sure to send your child to camp in their Camp Baker T-shirt on field trip days. Camp Baker will provide a Kosher packed lunch for your child(ren). Please do not send money to camp.

What to Wear and Bring to Camp Camp Baker is filled with engaging and creative and at times, messy adventures. Please be sure to send your child to Camp in clothes that are okay to get dirty. We ask that every day your child wear closed-toed shoes. Flip-flops, sandals, and other open-toed shoes have the potential for hurt toes and can prohibit your child from maximizing their full potential in Camp activities. Flip-flops and sandals are welcome at the pool but will be placed in your child’s backpack for the remainder of the day. •

Please send your child daily with a backpack, hat, tennis shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, bathing suit, towel, and plastic bag for wet items.

Please be sure to label all items brought to Camp clearly with your child’s first and last name.

For Children Ages 4 and Under Please send your child with a clearly labeled nap mat to be kept at Camp for the duration of your child’s time here. Also with items previously stated. Bug spray and sunscreen will be kept in the classroom, out of their reach.

For Children in Diapers Please send your child with diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, diaper cream, and swim diapers in addition to all other items listed above to be kept at Camp for the duration of your child’s time here.

What NOT to Bring Please do not send your child with CD players, tapes, video games, cell phones, iPods, trading cards, or toys from home, and money. Camp is filled with activities, to keep your child engaged, and by keeping those items at home, campers can more fully enjoy their time at Camp.


Lost and Found Lost and found items will be kept the in Camp Office each afternoon for pick-up. Items not claimed within two weeks will be donated to charity.

Weathering the Weather At camp, we take the weather very seriously, but we do not let it spoil our fun. Camp is open rain or shine. You can help your camper stay comfortable by sending them in appropriate attire. Rain and Thunderstorm Watches/Warnings When the rain comes, we will move to sheltered areas. The counselors will tell stories, play small group games, and carry out other creative activities until the storm has passed. Tornado Watches/Warnings In the event of a tornado watch or warning, all campers will be immediately transported to the closest safe location—taken to designated areas within those buildings until the storm has passed and the all-clear has been given. Trip Procedures Should we encounter severe weather while on or en route to or from a field trip, the staff will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all campers and staff.

Medical Information It is very important to all of us that campers coming to camp are in good health and free of any infections. For the health and safety of your child, all children must have a current health form and immunization record on file at the Camp office before camp begins. By insuring that this information is complete and up-to-date, we can best care for your child during their time at Camp Baker. All campers’ medical forms will be kept confidential and in the care of Tamar Sternfeld, Camp Director. In addition, in order to help us keep all Camp Baker campers healthy and safe, we ask the following: •

Please keep your child at home whenever there are symptoms of illness, especially contagious diseases.

If a child shows signs of illness during the day, the child will be sent to the camp office. If a child needs to return home, the parents will be notified. We ask that parents make prompt arrangements for the child’s return home.

Please notify the camp office if your child is suspected of being exposed to any contagious diseases. We will send home information sheets to the entire camp as warranted by the Health Department regarding contagious diseases.

Campers must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to Camp.


Medication In the event that your child needs to take any prescribed medication while at camp, written consent and instructions are REQUIRED from the parent/guardian before it will be dispensed to the camper. Medicines will only be administered to the campers from the original package and/or container. We strongly prefer not to dispense over-the-counter medications. Should this become necessary, it will be dealt with on a ‘case-by-case’ basis and written instructions will be needed. Over-the-counter medications cannot be given for more than three days consecutively. In all cases where medications need to be given to a camper, the parent/guardian must hand deliver the instructions as well as the medication to the Camp office. For the safety of your child, we are not able to dispense any medication delivered by the camper. All medications will be administered by the Camp Director and Camp Head Staff only.

Medical Emergency In the case of a severe medical emergency, it is our policy to contact 911 prior to calling the parent/guardian. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified as soon the situation allows. If we are unable to locate you and emergency treatment is necessary, your child will be transported to the nearest hospital. A senior staff member will accompany your child and stay with him/her until a parent/guardian can assume responsibility. In the event of an accident or injury, you will receive a copy of the incident report.

Illness Management of Communicable Disease If your child shows signs of illness, you will be contacted immediately and your child will be isolated and sent home. In some cases, a doctor’s note may be required for the child to return to camp. Parents of the children in the group will be notified of exposure to the communicable disease. Many of the staff members have been trained in First Aid, CPR, communicable disease and/or child abuse. Please keep him/her at home if he/she has had a fever within the past 24 hours or you deem your child not fit for the camp day. This will help avoid extraneous phone calls to you during the work day.


Camp Exclusion List: A Quick Reference for Parents Please keep your child home from Camp if he or she has one of the conditions or illnesses listed below. Call your child’s Camp to let them know why your child is absent. Send the appropriate note when your child returns to Camp. Chicken Pox / Varicella Children with chicken pox may return with a Parent Note once all of the sores and blisters are dried or scabbed over, or if there are no scabs, until no new sores appear. Diarrhea: For most kinds of diarrhea (defined as 3 or more loose stools in 24 hours), Campers in 1st through 5th grades should stay home until diarrhea stops, or until a doctor clears the child to return to Camp. Your child can return with a Parent Note when the diarrhea has stopped. Older children in 6th through 12th grades with diarrhea do not have to stay home, unless they are spreading illness in the Camp setting, or have diarrhea with blood or mucus. Campers of any age must have a Medical Note to return to Camp after having diarrhea that contains blood or mucus. Campers who can use the restroom or whose stools are contained in diaper-­‐type underwear do not have to be excluded if the diarrhea is known to be from a non-­‐contagious condition, or if it continues after the child completes antibiotics for a diarrhea-­‐causing illness. A medically fragile child or child who needs help with toileting may be excluded for fewer than 3 episodes of diarrhea if her condition makes it hard for her caretakers to maintain sanitary conditions in t he classroom. Diarrhea from Campylobacter, E. Coli, Giardia, Norovirus, Rotavirus, Salmonella or Shigella: Campers of any age are excluded for one of these infections. Your child may return to Camp with a medical note for the following conditions: Campylobacter, Norovirus, Rotavirus, Shigella and most types of Salmonella after diarrhea stops. E. coli For the most severe type of E. coli, Campers of any age must be out of Camp until the diarrhea stops and 2 lab tests taken 24 hours apart test negative for E. coli O157:H7. Giardia When diarrhea stops or child has taken antibiotics for at least 24 hours. Salmonella typhi (Typhoid fever) After 24 hours without diarrhea, if a doctor clears the child to return. Fever by itself Keep your child home for a fever 101 degrees or higher by mouth or 100 degrees or higher if taken under the arm. Your child can return to Camp with a Parent Note when the fever is gone. Fever with Rash, Behavior Change or other Symptoms Campers with a fever should be out of Camp if they have signs of severe illness such as a rash, change in behavior, earache, vomiting confusion, sore throat or irritability. German Measles / Rubella / 3 Day Measles Keep your child home until 7 days after rash starts. He may return with a Medical Note. Head Lice Camp-­‐age with head lice, who are not medically fragile, should be sent home at the end of the Camp day. Your child may return with a Parent Note after her first treatment with a Camp-­‐approved lice-­‐removal product. Your child’s Camp may recommend options for head lice treatment. Hepatitis A / Yellow Jaundice Children with acute hepatitis A may return with a Medical Note 1 week after the start of the jaundice. 8

Camp Exclusion List: A Quick Reference for Parents cont. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae Type B) Campers with proven Hib infection need to be out of Camp until at least 24 hours after they complete their antibiotics. A Medical Note is required to return. Impetigo If your child has dry, honey-­‐colored crusty sores that cannot be covered, he will be sent home at the end of the Camp day until 24 hours after starting antibiotics. If the sores are weepy, oozing or wet or cannot be covered, the Camper will be sent home immediately. He may return after 24 hours of antibiotics, if the sores have stopped oozing and are starting to get smaller. A Medical Note is needed to return to Camp. Influenza or Influenza-­‐Like Illness (ILI) A Camper with ILI or the flu will be excluded for a fever of 100 with cough and/or sore throat until he is fever free for at least 24 hours without any fever medicines. Measles / Red Measles / 10 Day Measles Children with measles can return with a Medical Note 4 days after the rash begins, if they have no fever and feel well enough to participate in regular Camp activities. Meningitis A Camper with signs of meningitis (high fever, rash, stiff neck) must remain out of Camp until a healthcare provider says that the Camper may return. Mononucleosis Children with “mono” can return to Camp when cleared by a healthcare provider. Mumps Children with mumps can return with a Medical Note 5 days after the beginning of swelling. Pink-­‐eye / Conjunctivitis Campers in 1st through 5th grades whose eyes are red or pink, and who have eye pain and reddened eyelids, with white or yellow eye discharge or eyelids matted after sleep may have Purulent Conjunctivitis. They should not be in Camp until they have been examined and treated. A Medical Note is required to return. Campers in 6th through 12th grades with Pinkeye do not have to stay home unless there is a recommendation from the health department or the child’s healthcare provider. Rash Campers who have a rapidly spreading rash or a rash with fever or behavior change are excluded from Camp immediately. A Medical Note is required to return. Ringworm 1st — 5th graders with ringworm of the scalp must remain out of Camp until they have begun treatment with a prescription oral antifungal medication. Your child may return with a Medical Note. 1st — 5th graders with ringworm of the body may return with a Parent Note once they have begun oral or topical antifungal treatment, unless the affected area can be completely covered by clothing. Older Campers with ringworm of the head or body do not have to remain out of Camp unless they are spreading illness at Camp. Scabies Children with scabies should be out of Camp until treatment/medication has been applied. A Medical Note is required to return.


Camp Exclusion List: A Quick Reference for Parents cont. Shingles Keep children home who have shingles lesions/sores/blisters that cannot be covered. Your child may return with a Parent Note once the lesions are dried/scabbed. Staph or Strep Skin Infections (includes MRSA) A child with a draining sore, boil, or abscess that cannot be covered, or with sores that ooze through and soak dressings, should remain home. She may return once the draining stops, or if the drainage (oozing) can be contained in the dressing, so that no one else comes into contact with the drainage. Because treatments vary, there is no requirement for numbers of hours on an antibiotic. “Strep Throat” / Streptococcal Pharyngitis Your child with “Strep throat” can return to Camp with a Medical Note 24 hours after starting antibiotics if there is no fever. Tuberculosis (TB) A child with TB should be kept home until the doctor treating the TB writes a Medical Note that says that the child is no longer contagious. Whooping Cough / Pertussis Children with whooping cough can return to Camp with a Medical Note after completing 5 days of prescribed antibiotics, unless directed otherwise by DHEC or your Camp nurse. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Children with the following conditions do not have to be excluded from Camp, if they feel well enough to participate in regular Camp activities: Bronchitis Canker Sores Colds, without fever Cold Sores Croup CMV: Cytomega-­‐lovirus Ear Infection Fifth Disease Hand-­‐Foot-­‐and-­‐Mouth Disease Illnesses from Tick Bites Lyme Disease Malaria MRSA, if child is only a carrier Pinworms Pneumonia Rash without fever or behavior change Red eye without yellow or green discharge, fever, or matting RSV: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Roseola Thrush Warts, including Molluscum contagiosum Urinary Tract Infection West Nile Virus Yeast Diaper Rash If you have any questions about the Camp Exclusion List, please contact your child’s Camp or your local health department The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Revised June 13, 2011


Tipping Policy We take a great deal of pride in the quality of our Camp Baker staff, and we hope that your child’s experience with them will be a memorable and wonderful one. We are thrilled when parents want to recognize the hard work and excellent job that our staff does for our campers. However, the Charleston JCC has a no tipping policy, of which counselors are made aware during our staff orientation. Should you want to recognize the service provided by a certain staff member or the staff as a whole, we welcome your contribution/donation to Camp Baker in their honor. Please contact the Camp Office at 843.571.6565 for more information.

Camp Baker Contact Information Need to reach us in an emergency? Had a change of plans? Don’t hesitate to call! Camp Office: Camp Cell:

843.614.6486 • 8:00am – 5:00pm 843.259.7014

Camp Email:

Charleston ‘J’: 843.571.6565 Website: Facebook:

Camp Baker is an opportunity for your child to grow, explore, and find his/her “voice”. If at any time you have any questions, concerns, or feedback to share, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Tamar Sternfeld, Program Director. We welcome you and your child into our Camp Baker family and hope that this summer will be one filled with love, laughter and memories for your child. L’shalom Tamar & The Camp Baker Staff 11

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