April 2013 issue of the Charleston Jewish Voice

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Jewish Voice Charleston

A publication of the Charleston Jewish Federation • www.jewishcharleston.org

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April | 2013

Nissan/Iyar 5773

3 1 . 4 4.1 0 y a d n Su INDEX

President’s Letter 2

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Charleston Jewish Federation 3-9 Charleston JCC 10-13 Our Community 14-18 Local Happenings 19



charleston jewish federation

The Charleston Jewish Voice is a community newspaper, published as a service by the Charleston Jewish Federation, which focuses on Jewish life in Charleston. Submission Policy: The Charleston Jewish Voice does not assume responsibility for the quality or kashrut of any product or service advertised in its pages. The opinions that are expressed in these pages are those of the author's, not that of the Charleston Jewish Voice. The Charleston Jewish Voice bears the right to reject/edit any editorial, articles, or advertising that it deems inappropriate. Article Deadline: First Wednesday of the month one month prior to the issue’s publication; send articles in MS Word via e-mail to lorihs@jewishcharleston.org Advertising Deadline: Last Monday of the month one month prior to the issue’s publication. Contact thevoice@jewishcharleston.org with advertising questions. Publisher: Charleston Jewish Federation p 843.571.6565 f 843.556.6206 JCA/CJF President: Spencer Lynch JCA Vice President/JCC SENIOR President: Masha Kalinsky


A Letter From the


PRESIDENT As poet Jennifer Wanger said, “Passover is one of my favorite times of the year. This is when the whole community and family gets together to remember who we are and why we are here.” Sure we may not like missing out on our favorite meals in the city with some of the best food in the country, but we do miss out on these meals because we are observing as a community the holiday of Passover. Where did you learn about Passover? Was it from someone in your family? Was it while attending pre-school at Addlestone Hebrew Academy? Or, like my son Sean, was it by watching a Rugrats Passover at a program at the JCC many years ago? Regardless of where or when you learned about Passover, you learned about it when you were with the people most close to your heart: the family and the Jewish community. The first time you observed Passover and maybe even today, it can be a struggle to follow all of the restrictions. However, you had the support of the Jewish community and your family to motivate you to keep going and make it through the eight days.

Today, it is our local Charleston Jewish community as a whole that is in need of support. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that the there are various struggles being faced currently by the JCC. These struggles will not cease to exist without the support from each and every member of our community. While there is no miraculous splitting of the sea of struggles as there was splitting of the Red Sea, there IS a committee that has been created to figure out how exactly we as a community are going to make it to the other side of the river. This strategic planning committee, led by Harry Goldberg, has developed a plan to navigate the seas. This strategic plan, known as VISION 2016, if executed properly and supported by ALL members of the Charleston Jewish community, will result in freedom from our struggles and a prosperous future. As Rabbi Tarfon taught: “It is not your responsibility to finish the work [of perfecting the world], but you are not free to desist from it either” (2:16). We, the members of the Charleston Jewish Alliance, understand that every member of the community may not be interested in playing a large role in VISION 2016. However, all we ask is that every member of this community does their part, whether big or small, to ensure that the Jewish Community Center is truly a community center, not just a building with a name. Over the next few weeks, members of the JCA Board will be contacting all members of the Jewish community, regardless of organizational affiliation, to ask questions, gain insight, and receive feedback on the state of the Charleston JCC. Your insight is essential to the success of VISION 2016. As Passover ends and you and your friends return to the restaurants of Charleston for a meal, make a topic of conversation the JCC. Figure out how you can get involved. What does VISION 2016 mean to you? -Spencer Lynch

Chief executive officer: Judi Corsaro judic@jewishcharleston.org CJF Program Director: Sarah Roshfeld sarahr@jewishcharleston.org director of marketing: Lori Hoch Stiefel lorihs@jewishcharleston.org CJF social services Director: Sara Sharnoff saras@jewishcharleston.org Account executive: Nanci Kestenbaum thevoice@jewishcharleston.org CJF GRAPHIC DESIGNER Andrea Joseph andreaj@jewishcharleston.org Charleston Jewish Voice is printed 10 times per year by the Charleston Jewish Federation, 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407


April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

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s h a WE GIVE. 2013 u z t i CAMPAIGN M ANNUAL & s a t i DO YOU? Margar 2nd


CJF Contributions

Together, we do extraordinary things

CJF Contributions In Honor Of: Ruth Berlinsky, a Speedy Recovery: Marilyn Hoffman; Wendy Marcus & Alan Goer

i hereby pledge to pay the annual campaign the sum of: $ Name

Tuesday, April 23rd from 6:00pm - 7:30pm Address The Charleston Jewish Federation and Charleston JCC staff members have achieved 100% participation in the 2013 CJF Annual Campaign. On a daily basis, we all work to make Jewish life in Charleston the best that it can be. We give our time, energy, and full support in our respective areas, but there are some things we cannot do individually. The Federation Annual Campaign exists to fulfill those needs in our community, nationwide, and abroad.

Frances Feinberg, mother of Dennis Feinberg & Carolyn Draisin, a Speedy Recovery: Marilyn Hoffman


Charleston Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign Event just for young women!


Featuring door prizes from SoCa Day Spa and more! Name of Cardholder Card #



Telephone #

Adam Feller’s beloved grandmother Mimi: Marilyn Hoffman






Charleston Jewish Social Services

Jean Rosner, a Speedy Recovery: Phyllis Tanenbaum Morey Lipton, a Speedy Recovery: Phyllis Tanenbaum

To make your pledge and join Together, do extraordinary things us in supporting thewe campaign, to pay the annual campaign the sum of: $ please filli hereby out thepledge pledge card below and return to the Name Charleston JCC, make a pledge RSVP by 4/18 to Sarah Roshfeld at at www.jewishcharleston.org, sarahr@jewishcharleston.org Address Email or call 843-614-6487. or 843.614.6487 City


Exp. Date

Evaline Delson, Mazel Tov on being honored as National Council of Jewish Women’s 2013 A Woman who Makes a Difference: Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky

Cardholder Signature

Free to Attend!

Name of Cardholder Together, we do extraordinary things

In Memory Of:

Claire Nussbaum, beloved wife of Maurice Nussbaum and mother of Alan, Jane, Susie & Amy: Sharon & Eddie Toporek

Come enjoy a delicious Mexican dinner and Irene Garfinkel, beloved mother of Elyse Garfinkel & Wendy Gold: margaritas, while you hear from local women who Wendy Marcus & Alan Goer Lillie Levy Rubenstein, beloved stepmother of Denise Barto: have been helped, welcomed, or touched by the Marilyn Hoffman EnclosedJewish is myFederation. check Learn how you can Please qCharleston be charge my qMastercard q Visa q Amex q Discover part of making a difference - Don’t miss this fiesta! Children’s Holocaust Garden Fund

Joe Pasta’s Upstair Place 428 KingCode St Charleston, SC 29403 Security

q Enclosed is my check

Ed Barron, a Speedy Recovery: Marilyn Hoffman

In Memory Of:

Claire Nussbaum, beloved wife of Maurice & mother of Alan & Neda Nussbaum: Phyllis Tanenbaum Toby Seid, beloved sister of Haskell & Morton Ellison: Phyllis Tanenbaum Charleston Jewish Social Services -Food Pantry In Memory Of:

Telephone #

Please charge my qMastercard q Visa q Amex q Discover Card #

Exp. Date

i hereby pledge to pay the annual campaign the sumCardholder of: $ Signature Security Code

Claire Nussbaum, beloved wife of Maurice Nussbaum and mother of Alan, Jane, Susie & Amy: Harriett & Wally Brown Claire Nussbaum, beloved mother of Susie Rieder: Joan Schwartz Sidney Silver, beloved father of Richard & Dunlap Silver: Liz & Spencer Lynch Janice & Ellis Kahn Fund for Jewish Education and Preservation of Jewish Historic Sites In Memory Of:

Saul Krawcheck, beloved husband of Blossom Krawcheck: Dale & Haskell Toporek

Name Address




q Enclosed is my check

Sure we can print that! And mail it too! Zip

Please charge my qMastercard q Visa q Amex q Discover

Name of Cardholder

Card #

Security Code

Cardholder Signature

Low Country

Telephone #

Exp. Date

Target Mailing Jeremy and Kimberly Ross, Owners 2139 N. Boland Circle • N. Charleston, SC 29406 Phone (843) 745-0001 • Fax (843) 745-4110 www.rsaprinting.com • www.lctmsc.com Proud Member

Veteran Owned Small Business www.jewishcharleston.org


Charleston Jewish Federation

US Policy Towards the Middle East During Obama’s Second Term


he Arab uprisings, which began in the winter of 2010, have successfully unseated long standing dictators – most of whom were secular – with new Islamist regimes in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. For two years now, Syria under Bashar Assad’s minority-ruled secular dictatorship, has unsuccessfully tried to liquidate an uprising, which has resulted in at least 60,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of refugees. While Syria’s fate remains uncertain, Islamists will most likely play an important role in the future. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one arena which has largely been unaffected by the uprisings. President Obama will likely seek to take advantage of this relative calm and try to jumpstart the peace process during his first official trip to Israel at the end of March. However, decade old demands that the two-state solution is the best and only option appears more and more out of sync with current geopolitical realities on the ground. Since Arafat’s death in 2004, Israel has been negotiating an agreement with Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank. The PA has jurisdiction only in the West Bank yet it claims to represent all of the Palestinians. Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by the US and EU, controls the Gaza Strip, and is not directly part of the peace process. Hamas has occasionally expressed a willingness to accept a long-term hudna or truce without recognition of Israel and without unambiguously agreeing to end the conflict. This does not constitute reaching a permanent settlement with Israel. Hamas has never abandoned its ultimate vision of establishing an Islamic state in all of Israel – not just the West Bank and Gaza. It has also never relinquished its demand that Palestinians displaced during Israel’s independence and the 1967 War have the right to return to Israel proper. These facts have made reaching a lasting agreement with the Palestinians extremely difficult. However, in spite of the many challenges and concerns the Arab uprisings have presented for US policy, they have revealed some opportunities. Unless you follow Arabic media closely, you may not realize that Egypt and Jordan have revealed signs that they may play a much larger role with Palestinians, thus easing part of the burden on Israel. It should be recalled that from 1949-1967, Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Under Nasser, Egypt ruled Gaza with an iron fist and although Egypt championed the Palestinian cause, it wanted to dominate and control Palestinian affairs. Nasser never granted Gazans Egyptian citizenship or autonomy. During this same time, Jordan ruled the West Bank. To King Hussein’s credit, he was the only Arab leader to offer Palestinians citizenship. However like the Egyptians, the Jordanians sought to dominate Palestinian affairs and eliminate Palestinian nationalism. In a reversal of policy under Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s new president Mohamed Morsi recently permitted Gazans to enter Egypt via Rafah for three days without a Visa. Hamas has also stated that Gaza will soon become connected to Egypt’s electricity grid and natural gas pipeline. These actions would alter Israel’s role as supplier of power and energy and advance its claims that is not the occupying power.

After Morsi’s government becomes more confident and established, it might ease further restrictions in Gaza and ultimately seek a total lift of the blockade and a free trade agreement. Some analysts speculate that these gestures may ultimately result in some type of Egypt-Gaza confederation. In the fall of 2012, there were signs that Hamas would unilaterally declare independence and disengage from Israel and the West Bank. The pan-Arab newspaper Al Arabiya reported that Hamas discussed the issue with Egypt and reiterated its desire for an independent Islamic emirate. An independent Gaza would remain small and weak and therefore wish to link up with their powerful ideological brethren in Morsi’s Egypt, either through autonomy or confederation. Like Hamas in Gaza, the West Bank Palestinian Authority has faced severe challenges which could be alleviated through Jordanian assistance. Jordan severed legal and administrative ties to the West Bank in 1988. Although King Abdullah rejects the Jordan is Palestine slogan (al watan al badil in Arabic), he might entertain the possibility of confederation with an independent Palestinian state. In the past few months, there has been more chatter about confederation prospects – not by Israelis or Americans but by Jordanians and Palestinians - than there has been in the past decade. In October, Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan told a Palestinian audience that the West Bank legally remained Jordanian territory. In December, Jordanian activist Mudar Zahran asserted, “we would absolutely welcome a joint confederation between us and [the West Bank Palestinians] if it keeps the area secure.” Palestinians may also support this initiative. Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of Al Quds Al Arab, proposed confederation after Palestinian independence. During my interview with Mohammed Dajani, professor at Al-Quds University, he said this process could consist of three stages: “As a first step, a State of Palestine with Arab Jerusalem as its capital should rise; while the second step would be the formation of a confederacy with Jordan.” In the third and final stage, which reveals his idealism and optimism, he said: “Eventually, this confederacy may include Israel – should Israel opt for that.” Such a scenario involving the first and second steps of Dajani’s principles could benefits all parties. For Israel, a Palestinian union with Egypt and Jordan offers security guarantees dealing with nations already having peace treaties and diplomatic relations. Palestinians could set their own destinies apart from Israel under the umbrella of joint Arab economic and security cooperation. For Egypt and Jordan, the United States and European Union would most likely provide economic incentives they both desperately need including a generous aid package. Perhaps the United States should adopt new strategies to address the changing regional dynamics both from the Arab uprisings and the HamasFatah divide. If the two-state solution is no longer feasible, it might be time to explore a three-state solution involving greater Egyptian and Jordanian responsibility. Michael Sharnoff, PhD. is the editor of Sharnoff’s Global Views www.sharnoffsglobalviews.com

Dr. Martin Toporek


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April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

Remember Program for Holocaust & Genocide Education

Proclamations To Commemorate

The Holocaust


Each year, local city and county councils issue Proclamations that commemorate the Holocaust and honor Holocaust victims. In very moving ceremonies during their scheduled council meetings, a member of the Council reads a Proclamation, followed by a candle lighting ceremony. It is crucial for members of the Jewish community to support these proclamations by attending the council meetings at which the proclamation is read.

Please join us on April 9th at 6:30 pm for the Charleston County Council reading. The REMEMBER Program urges you to show your support of Holocaust remembrance in the community. Please email Sandra Brett at sandrab@jewishcharleston.org or call 571-6565 and let her know which meeting(s) you can attend. Our goal is to have 10-15 representatives of the Jewish community at each meeting.


h a o h S Ha Build in g o


rin y Re m e m b e b e r u t u F r

. g the past


2013 Holocaust Remembrance Program

a tribute to Holocaust survivors

Sunday04.07.13 3:00pm

at Kahal kadosh beth elohim

90 Hasell St, Charleston, SC 29401

Sponsored by the REMEMBER Program of the Charleston Jewish Federation



charleston jewish federation

Young Adult Division YAD Upcoming Events April 3rd at 5:30pm:

Looking to advertise your business or product in the Voice?

• Pizza after Passover Happy Hour! Join us to welcome newcomer ‘Crust’ to the James Island food scene. Located on Maybank Highway next to the Terrace Theater, you’ll love their pizza options, Italian favorites, and drinks—especially after 8 days of matzot!


Picnic & Play at the Park

May19th at 5pm:

Join PJ Library and YAD for a young family picnic and play at the park! Bring food for your family to enjoy, your favorite outdoor games/activities, and spend the afternoon getting to know other young families in Charleston.

April 18th at 7pm:

•Join YAD for an intergenerational fashion show with the JCC Senior Citizen Program at the Sherman House- we will need make-up artists, stylists, photographers, and more! This is our TOM for the month, so even if you’re not artistic, come out to support our local seniors!

More details to come; contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at lorihs@jewishcharleston.org with questions.

April 26th at 7pm:

•Taste of Home Potluck Shabbat in Mt. Pleasant-- prepare a special family recipe or comfort food from growing up to share.


For more information, e-mail thevoice@jewishcharleston.org


1. Sara Sharnoff, Sarah Roshfeld, Lori Hoch Stiefel, and Tamar Sternfeld were seen wearing both traditional and unique costumes at YAD and BSBI’s Purim Party on 2/23/2013. 2. Josh Rosenthal, Rachael Beloff, Ellen Iroff, David Myer, and Dara Rosenblatt enjoyed themselves at the Purim Party at Southend Brewery 3. 17 YADdies joined together at Sparians in Mt. Pleasant for a bowling happy hour in February

For more details, and to see all of YAD’s upcoming events, visit



April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

Like YAD on Facebook at facebook.com/CharlestonYAD

Charleston Israel Alliance


Hosted by CJF, Synagogue Emanu-el, and Hadassah.

Celebrate Israel's

Speak Up For Israel

Tuesday, April 9 | 7 pm at Synagogue Emanu-El, 5 Windsor Drive

This class provides effective tools for speaking on Israel’s behalf and countering common adverse claims made against Israel. For more information, contact Sarah Roshfled at sarahr@jewishcharleston.org


Making Sweet Memories One Cup at a Time

Sunday, April 14th 5 to 7pm at the Charleston JCC Enjoy your favorite Israeli foods and: - ‘Walk the Land’ to celebrate Israel’s gifts to the world

- The Kotel - Israeli dance (from 5:30-6pm)

- Shuk of local artists

- Archaeological dig

- Israeli beer and wine garden

- Kibbutz JCC’

- Ivrit Café

- IDF training course

Submit photos of your own trip to Israel to sarahr@jewishcharleston.org by April 10 for our ‘Israel through Charleston’s Eyes’ presentation!

20% OFF



$5 per person; children under 3 are free Contact Sarah Roshfeld at sarahr@jewishcharleston.org or 843-614-6487 with questions.

99 Market St.

Charleston • 843• 277• 2108




charleston jewish federation

Connecting Jewish Women


Find your Passion, Make a Difference Plan to join us Sunday, August 11th from 9am to 2:30pm for the 4th Annual Connecting Jewish Women conference at the Lockwood Marriott-the only intergenerational and non-denominational event for Jewish women in Charleston! Registration opens May 6 – contact Sarah Roshfeld at sarahr@jewishcharleston.org with questions.

Shalom Baby Shalom, Benjamin “Hudson” Toporek! Mazel Tov to Christine and MArtin Toporek and big SISTER LEiLa Rose.


! y b a B a lom,

What is PJ Library? The PJ Library (PJ as in pajamas) provides your family with a FREE treasury of Jewish books and music. Each child you enroll in The PJ Library will receive a monthly gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish book or CD as well as a reading guide to enhance your family’s experience. Regardless of your level of observance or affiliation, the gift of stories and song is sure to enrich your entire family’s Jewish journey. Book topics include holidays, traditions, family values, Jewish identity and Jewish heroes. The books are carefully selected by top national Jewish educators, with an eye on books that are joyful, highly engaging, and represent the best Jewish children’s literature available.


April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

“Shalom Baby,” an outreach program of the Charleston Jewish Federation, warmly welcomes new (and new-ish!) babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community. Each new baby is greeted with a visit by CJF Staff and a gift, a copy of an adorable PJ Library board book and a custom-made tzedakah box from HelloEverywear!, and a delicious JCC challah.

Do you have a new addition to the family? We’d love to visit and provide a gift! Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 614.6497 to let her know about your special new family member! The Shalom Baby program is funded by a generous grant of the Zucker Family Foundation.

PJ Library us on Find book Face book.com/

ston .face www arycharle pjlibr

PJ Library is also a community for parents, grandparents and friends. Join us at our events, share you stories and grow our community for our future. Did you know that over 250 children in Charleston take advantage of receiving FREE Jewish Books or Music every month through the PJ LIbrary? Do you know someone 6 months - 7 years old that would be interested in taking part in this incredible program? Sign your child up at www.pjlibrary.org. Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel, 614.6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org for more information. PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and the Charleston Jewish Federation.



Social Services Jelf Application for Interest-Free Educational Loans Available March1

Applications for interest-free loans for post-secondary education (college, graduate school and vocational programs) will be available to Jewish students in the Charleston area for the 20132014 school year from the Jewish Educational Loan Fund, in partnership with Charleston Jewish Social Services. The loan application will be available March 1 – April 30 on JELF’s website at www.jelf.org. JELF loans are need-based and offer “last-dollar” financing, meaning that JELF provides the final dollars that bridge the gap between a student’s total financial resources and the cost of attending school. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a program leading to a degree or certificate at an accredited institution that is located in the United States, be a U.S. citizen or have lawful immigration status in the U.S., and be able to demonstrate financial need (FAFSA application required). For more information, contact info@jelf.org or call 770-396-3080 or contact Sara Sharnoff at saras@jewishcharleston.org or 614.6494.


Charleston Jewish Social

Services needed, It takes a village! We are seeking Dentists, Physicians, Attorneys, Social Workers and other professionals to assist us with our growing need for client services. If you are interested in providing services at discounted rates or volunteering your professional services, please contact Sara Sharnoff at 571.6565 or email at saras@jewishcharleston.org.

Kosher Food Pantry

Did you know that the Kosher Food Pantry provided over 5,000 meals in 2012? If you are interested in volunteering with the Kosher Food Pantry, please email saras@jewishcharleston.org for more information. While the KFP appreciates all donations, the following items are in great need right now: • Canned diced tomatoes and tomato sauce • Canned fruits and vegetables • Tuna Fish • Juice/Bottled beverages • Crackers/Snacks for Children

• • • • •

Boxed milk/ soy milk Coffee creamer Brown rice Apple Sauce Toiletry items (toilet paper and paper towels!)

glean the new green, replace hunger with health volunteer to glean Make

For more information on gleaning or to be a volunteer gleaner, contact the Charleston Jewish Federation at 843.571.6565

On the third Monday of each month at 7pm (April 15, May 20, June 17) in the JCC’s senior lounge. If you are interested in joining this group, please call Sara Sharnoff at 614-6494 or email her at saras@jewishcharleston.org.

Check out the weekly Federation Email for meatless monday recipes! To sign up, please contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at lorihs@jewishcharleston.org



Charleston Jewish Community Center


Active Adult

JCC Contributions JCC Contributions In Honor Of: Dana Rothschild Levy, a Speedy Recovery: Marilyn Hoffman In Memory Of: Irene Garfinkel, beloved mother of Elyse Garfinkel & Wendy Gold: Rhalda & Ralph Kahn; Bette & Lew Kurtzman; All of Irene’s friends c/o Marilyn Hoffman

Feb rua r y Senio r Gath erin g Many of our seniors have known each other each other for years, but with an everchanging community, it is important to take the time to meet new friends while

Lynn Bernstein Kitchen Endowment Fund In Honor Of: Fay Novit Grabin, Mazel Tov on being honored as Brith Sholom Beth Israel’s 2013 A Woman who Makes a Difference: Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky

getting to know old ones better as well.

Arlene Rosenthal, Mazel Tov on being honored as Congregation Dor Tikvah’s 2013 A Woman who Makes a Difference: Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky

Senior Services sponsored a gathering

Marilyn Hoffman, Mazel Tov on being honored as Hadassah’s 2013 A Woman who Makes a Difference: Katie Bielsky

On February 14th, 2013, ComForcare for Charleston Jewish seniors where we chatted and noshed on delicious treats. Helene

KidsFair 2013

and Richard Glassman introduced a new game called Memory

In Honor Of: Carol Berlin, thank-you for all your hard work with KidsFair: Shera Lee Berlin

Magic, a game similar to bingo with different themes that bring up memories from the past, and lead to residents telling stories of their lives. We look forward to having another Chat and Snack soon!

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p r shi m be h e m t ily fam per mon

Jcc 2


There’s never been a better time to join! Make this year a year for wellness and fun for your whole family!

The Charleston JCC – You belong here!

M e m b e rs hip Benefits Members have access to our Junior olympicsized Pearlstine Pool, Fitness Center & Body Training Systems® (BTS®) Group Fit and Group Cycling classes, Senior Fit classes, yoga, basketball and tennis courts, locker rooms with showers and saunas, the Senior Lounge, an auditorium for meetings and much more! To join the Charleston JCC today or to schedule a tour please contact Ronneca Watkins at ronnecaw@charlestonjcc.org

P ckleball Demo 10

April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

Thursday, April 4th @ 10am Have you Pickleballed yet? Come play the game that is sweeping the nation! Please join us as we watch, learn and play. Pickleball is a racquet sport which combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. Once you get started, you will be hooked! Fee: FREE | Age: All ages welcome | Where: JCC tennis courts

Charleston Jewish Community Center

g n i w S ring Sp

Cleanse post pas sov e r


shion a f r o i sen

with Dr. Sherri Jacobs

Passover is in the past, it’s over, but you’re feeling sluggish, bloated and less than energetic? Then join us at the Charleston JCC on Monday April 8th for Dr. Sherri’s Spring Cleanse. During this 21-Day RESET Program, we will support ourselves and each other in taking an important step towards better health and longevity.


Eat REAL Food. Control

Thursday, April 18th at 7:00pm

your sugar cravings.

Feel Energetic. Restorative Sleep. Improved

At the Sherman House Rec Hall, 1635 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd.

Digestion. Clear

An evening of fun, fashion and friends! Join us and support the JCC and Sherman House Seniors as they strut their stuff down the catwalk.

Skin and Bright Eyes.

Fee: $345 Early Bird $50 discount

Models will be accompanied by Addlestone Hebrew Academy students and YAD members. Clothes and Accessories generously provided by Affordables, Butterfly Consignments, and more! Emcee’d by AJ Snow

For more information visit

For more info Contact Sara Sharnoff at 843.614.6494 or saras@charlestonjcc.org

www.21DayMetabolicCleanse.com/JCC or email at Contact@HealthECoaching.com

Charleston JCC

1 annual st


Packet Pick Up

Race Day


Friday, June 28

Sunday, June 30

Time: 7am - 5pm OR before the race at 7am sharp Location: Charleston JCC

Check-In Time: 7:00am, mandatory Race Start Time: 8:00am Location: Charleston JCC

years old, will swim, bike and run their way through scenic West Ashley,

Early Bird Fee: $25/per child, by 4/26 Fee: $35/per child, after 4/26 Late Fee: $45/per child, after 5/31 Age Groups: 7-10 & 11-14

*All participants will receive a

*All participants must supply their own

ending with a post race party at the JCC. The Charleston JCC Kid’s Triathlon,

*Registration begins April 1st and

goody bag and t-shirt. Carefully

bicycle. Any style will be acceptable. A

will be capped at 100 participants.

look over all of the information

certified bike helmet is mandatory for

Registration forms will be available in

regarding the registration process,

participation in the race.

April at the Charleston JCC.

as well as race day guidelines.

Come make history with us! On Sunday June 30th, the Charleston JCC will host it’s first ever Kid’s Triathlon. Two age groups, 7-10 years old and 11-14

in cooperation with the Daniel Island Kid’s Triathlon and the Coastal Christian Preparatory School Kid’s Triathlon, is a part of the Charleston Kid’s Tri Series. Age Groups and Distances:

7yrs - 10yrs: 50 yard swim, 2 mile bike, ½ mile run | 11yrs - 14yrs: 100 yard swim, 5 mile bike, 1 mile run

For more information contact

Stephanie Lasek at 843.614.6488 or stephaniel@charlestonjcc.org





Weekend Fitness

5-on-5 Men’s BasketBall League

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

The Charleston JCC Fitness & Wellness Center will be open on Saturdays from 9am - 12pm and on Sundays from 9am - 5pm. Whether you want to work out on our state of the art Free Motion equipment in the JCC Fitness Center or come to one of our high energy Group Fitness or Group Cycling Classes, the JCC has your Saturday fitness needs covered.

Looking for a little bit of friendly competition while showing off your moves on the basketball court? Then join our 5-on-5 Men’s Basketball League. There will be a championship game at the end of the season. Come on out and see if your team will be the reigning champions.

April is a month that Israel celebrates its past and independence. Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, occurs on the 27th of Nissan. The following week Yom HaZikaron, a Memorial Day for soldiers who lost their lives and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, marks the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. On these dates the past experiences are shared and cultures are commemorated by the community. April also serves as National Child Abuse Prevention month. In 1983, April was proclaimed the first National Child Abuse Prevention Month. As a result, child abuse and neglect awareness activities are promoted across the country during April of each year. Today, the Child Abuse Prevention Initiative continues to be an opportunity to create strong communities to support families and keep children safe. A factor in preventing child abuse is by providing a strong community. It is our responsibility to ensure, that as the Jewish community, we are doing everything that we can to be supportive of those around us. Here are a few tips from the Administration on Children & Families on ways to get protection and fortify community:

Saturdays Kick and Sculpt @ 9:30am | Group Cycling Extended Ride @ 9:30am

Season Starts 4/9 (10 weeks) | Registration Starts 3/4 - 3/22 Days: Sundays & Tuesdays Times: Sundays 9:00am - 12:00pm & Tuesdays 6:00pm - 9:00pm *No games Tuesday, May 14, closed for Erev Shavuot Age: 21+ Fee: $450/per team

Sundays Group Step @ 3:30pm | Group Cycling Extended Ride @ 9:30am


*Fitness participants, please park in the portion of our lot closest to the recreational fields. From there follow the signs and marked path to our Saturday Fitness Entrance.

Kid’s Anti-Bullying Class Days: Thursdays *April 4th is the last free class Time: 4:00pm (30mins) Location: Charleston JCC Group Fitness Studio

Kid’s Taekwondo Baekho Taekwondo with Master Instructor Rachel Blackstock. Days: Mondays & Wednesdays | Time: 4:00pm Location: Charleston JCC Fitness Cottage at the Zucker Pavillion Fee: Community Fee: $69/month | Member Fee: $59/month *One time $25 fee to cover uniform costs

Adult Taekwondo Baekho Taekwondo with Master Instructor Rachel Blackstock. Days: Mondays & Wednesdays | Time: 6:00pm Location: Charleston JCC Fitness Cottage at the Zucker Pavillion Fee: Community Fee: $69/month | Member Fee: $59/month *One time $25 fee to cover uniform costs

21 Day Post Passover Cleanse Passover is in the past, it’s over, but you’re feeling sluggish, bloated and less than energetic? Then join us at the Charleston JCC for Dr. Sherri’s Spring Cleanse. During this 21-Day RESET Program, we will support ourselves and each other in taking an important step towards better health and longevity. Monday, April 8 Fee: $345 Early Bird $50 discount Included in the program: • Weekly Group Sessions Hosted by Dr. Sherri • Metabolic Evaluation - At the beginning of the 21 Days and again at the end! • All supplements are included: Cleanse powder, hypoallergenic protein & detox support packets • Membership Access: Includes entire program pre-recorded, handouts, recipes, local restaurant guide~ access to Dr. Sherri’s recommended links, products, favorite recipes & post-cleanse maintenance plan! • FREE 3 week pass to JCC Group Fitness and Group Cycling Classes • Discounted Individual Consults with Dr. Sherri Stephanie Lasek, Fitness & Wellness Director stephaniel@charlestonjcc.org | 843.614.6491


Sports and rec

April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

The JCC and The City of Charleston Recreation Department are teaming up again this summer to bring you the best team in the CCAA! Practices begin May, 1st 2013 Registration begins in mid-January. Practice times will vary, according to the age group. Meets are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with the schedule provided by CCAA in late May. This is a parent-supported team and family volunteers are always needed. May 1st - Mid-July Season will culminate with CCAA Dates: City Swim Meet July 21 - July 23 Member Fee: $60/child | Community Fee: $75/child $50 for each additional child Daniel Stern, Director of Sports, Recreation, & Aquatics daniels@charlestonjcc.org | 843.614-6482

ADULT’S PROGRAMMING Jammin’ at the J’ Join us as we open up the JCC for a night to jam! Bring your guitar, your drums, and start to play! Second Thursday of each month Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm | Fee: FREE

Weekly Mah Jongg

1. Baby Steps • Go to meetings at your child’s school and get to know the families there. • Get involved with the JCC to meet more families and get your family involved in activities. Remember the JCC has something for everyone! 2. Small Steps • Set up playgroups and consider inviting those without children (like senior citizens or empty nesters) to reassure them that their presence is still important. • Volunteer at your child’s school, synagogue or even at the JCC. 3. Big Steps • Host a community event, like Shabbat in a Box. • Attend county meetings and voice your concerns. Let them know how important resources are to the community. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Administration on Children and Families. (2012). Preventing child maltreatment and promoting wellbeing: A network for action. Retrieved from https://www.childwelfare.gov/ preventing/preventionmonth/index.cfm

Are you looking for a friendly neighborhood game of pick up Mah Jongg? Well look no further! The JCC has got you covered! Every Tuesday night Time: 7:30pm | Location: Charleston JCC We will have cards and sets. All you need is your game face.

Beading Class Are you the creative type? Do you love to make your own jewelry? Join us as we learn how to make beautiful beaded jewelry with the staff from the Beaded Venus. Light nosh, coffee, and all supplies are included.

Kid’s Night OWT Join us for Kid’s Night OWT. We will have dinner and bowl the evening away at Ashley Lanes Bowling! Wednesday, April 17 Location: Ashley Lanes Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Member Fee: $10 | Community Fee: $13

Sunday, April 14 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Ronneca Watkins, JCC Chief Operating Officer ronnecaw@charlestonjcc.org | 843.614.6488

Alexis Bailey, Children’s Services Director alexisb@charlestonjcc.org | 843.614.6498

2013 Camp Baker Registration, now open!

Ronneca Watkins, JCC Chief Operating Officer ronnecaw@charlestonjcc.org | 843.614.6488

We are just waiting on you to join us!

Check out all that Camp Baker has to offer at www.charlestonjcc.org.

Thank You Thank you so much to all of the members of the KidsFair Steering Committee who gave freely their time and ng r s i t a r effort to make this b a service e l e r C emunity i a event a success! Yom idsF


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Growing up

4/7 5/8 6/12 Growing up LGBT and Jewish in Charleston If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, the family member or friend of a LGBT person, or anyone interested in individual rights and social justice, we welcome you to the Charleston JCC for a special program series. Join Neda Nussbaum, Janet Fox, Leah Chase, and the Charleston JCC for three programs that explore the experiences of LGBT people and their families. Refreshments will be served. For more info Contact Sandra Brett at 843.571.6565 or sandrab@jewishcharleston.org



Our Community


Teen Convention BBYO CHARLESTON TEENS ATTEND INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION WITH WELCOME MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA Over Presidents’ Day weekend, five Charleston teens attended BBYO, Inc.’s annual International Convention (IC). This year, IC was held in Washington, DC and began with a welcome video message from President Obama to an audience of more than 2,000 Jewish teen leaders of AZA and BBG, BBYO’s renowned leadership platform and high school fraternity and sorority, educators, thought leaders, volunteers and philanthropists from 18 countries. For nearly 90 years, this convention has served to unite the rising leaders of AZA and BBG, to set the course for the coming year, determine strategies for strengthening BBYO as a youth-led movement and connect teens to the worldwide Jewish community. OVER 30 TEENS ATTEND DIXIE COUNCIL SPRING CONVENTION 2013 From March 22-24, over 30 BBYO Southern Region: Dixie Council teens gathered in Aiken, SC for Dixie Council’s annual spring convention. Highlights of the convention included: • The State of the Council Address by Alex Berlinsky, 49th Godol (President) of Dixie Council and member of Charleston AZA #143 • Elections of the 50th Dixie Council Board • Meaningful and spiritual Shabbat services and programming planned by Dixie Council teens • The annual Senior Life Ceremony where members of the Class of 2013 inspired the younger members of Dixie Council by sharing the impact that BBYO made on their lives • A leadership training institute led by members of the BBYO staff, Dixie Council alumni and the BBG International N’siah (Teen President) Sarah Minion Teens will gather again as a council in Charleston over Labor Day weekend for the annual Labor Day Dance Weekend. Details will be released soon, but for now mark your calendars for August 30 – September 1! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS SUMMER? Can’t wait until Labor Day weekend? Join BBYO this summer for an “epic season” of BBYO Summer Experiences. There are many ways to be part of BBYO, but in the summer months, BBYO - the values, the traditions, the movement - becomes ingrained in you at BBYO Summer Experiences. Bond with new friends in a way that can only happen on an amazing shared experience. Travel to another continent. Learn how to lead and advocate for the causes that you care about. Expand your mind and strengthen your Jewish identity. A BBYO Summer will soon become your favorite season. Learn more at bbyo.org/summer. BBYO SOUTHERN REGION: DIXIE COUNCIL WELCOMES TAMAR STERNFELD BBYO is thrilled to welcome Tamar Sternfeld as the BBYO Dixie Program Director. Many of you are familiar with Tamar from her work at the Charleston JCC over the past few years. Along with her many professional experiences working with teens in the Jewish community, Tamar served as the BBYO Akron City Director at the Shaw JCC in Akron and has a master’s degree in social work and Jewish communal service. Tamar is looking forward to working with all of the Dixie Council teens and families. Starting April 3, Tamar can be reached at tsternfeld@bbyo.org.


April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773


Announced Dor Tikvah Rabbi Michael Davies of Oakland, CA, has been selected to be the first rabbi of Congregation Dor Tikvah, which holds services in the Mona and Oscar Sokol Auditorium at the Jewish Community Center.Every Friday afternoon, the Auditorium is transformed into a modern Orthodox shul complete with Aron haKodesh (Holy Ark), torahs, a bima (reading table), chairs and a mechitzah (partition). Having a full-time rabbi will enhance and expand Shabbat and holiday observances and promote and provide educational opportunities needed for the families in the West Ashley area near the JCC and the Addlestone Hebrew Academy. Visitors to Dor Tikvah tell of the enthusiasm that permeats the congregation and experiences the warm welcome of this new congregation. A large group of costumed Dor Tikvah families enjoyed their first Purim festivities the weekend of February 23-24. Three readings of the megillah by Jonathan Sigman took place which provided the first of the mitzvahs required for observing Purim. A festive brunch for all members and guests was held on the Sunday during Purim. Shalach Manot (Purim baskets) were also shared as sending candy, snacks and hamentaschen (tri-cornered pastries) to family and friends is also one of Purim’s mitzvahs.

Rabbi Davies and his wife, Ora, are excitedly looking forward to coming to Charleston. They plan to move in July but will also visit earlier -- the Shabbat weekend of May 11. “We hope to [be part of] the next stages of life for Dor Tikvah,’ said Rabbi Davies in a telephone interview. “We will capitalize on the excitement we feel there and build it into something strong with Jewish content and Jewish growth, and will reach out to people who are not connected.” First as Assistant Rabbi and now as Associate Rabbi for Oakland’s Beth Jacob Congregation and director of the youth programs, Rabbi Davies revamped the entire youth program and created a leadership training program for teenagers. He and his wife, Ora, a social worker and educator, were born and grew up in the New York area, Rabbi Davies earned his BS in accounting from the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University and his semicha (rabbinic ordination) from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary also at YU. He studied for several years in Jerusalem at the RIETS Israel Kollel and completed the Ohr Chadash Fellowship. The Davies have two young children: Yehoshua, age three and a half, and Chana, two. “We invite everyone to help us welcome the Davies family to Charleston,” said Dor Tikvah president, Jonathan Zucker.

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Calendar BSBI

We at BSBI have been overloading our calendar, in keeping with our motto that BSBI is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Mellow Mushroom kosher pizza night was a huge success with delicious food (thanks Michael Shemtov!), a great movie and a diverse and large crowd. We followed that event with the annual Chevra Kadisha dinner to thank our many volunteers community-wide for the ultimate act of kindness they perform every time there is a passing in Charleston- the kindness that can never be repaid. We salute our many volunteers and urge y’all to join us at next year’s Chevra Kadisha dinner on March 9th to give these special people the tribute they deserve. Stuart Kaufman may be a newcomer to Charleston but he has certainly made his mark on BSBI and we thoroughly enjoyed the Passover Wine Tasting he organized at Charlestowne Tobacco and Wine that following night. It was an evening for wine and friends and we look forward to the next idea Stuart cooks up. Purim was incredibly spirited at BSBI with a beautiful Megillah reading by Jonathan Kirshtein and a delicious breakfast by our Sisterhood. And speaking of our Sisterhood… was it 10,000


hamentashen this year? 50,000? (The person with the closest answer gets a hamentashen!) We cannot commend our ladies (and men) enough for the tremendous work they put into baking the hamentashen and compiling hundreds of Mishloach Manot and delivering them all over town on Purim. The BSBI Sisterhood has been running this program for decades and it couldn’t have happened this year without Barbara Schwartz, Fay Grabin and their many volunteers. And we want to take this opportunity to give a public thank you to our Sisterhood for all that you do- we would be lost without you. This year, we added another program to our usual Purim lineup- a young adults Purim party at Southend Brewery, which included a Megillah reading, drinks and delicious appetizers.The night exceeded our greatest expectations: there was a huge crowd, everyone had a blast, we met so many new people and we all left stuffed by Joellen Kirshtein’s amazing food and slightly buzzed… looking forward to next year’s Purim Party! For Passover, we enjoyed a beautiful communal second seder with words of Torah, great food and a lot of spirit. Would say looking forward to next year, but isn’t that supposed to be in Jerusalem? Looking towards Shavuot and two great new programs at BSBI. In an effort to both bolster community unity as well as Jewish literacy, we have created the Charleston Jewish Literacy Campaign, wherein we challenge every Jewish person in Charleston to read one of four selected books. Become one of the People of the Book by selecting one of these best-sellers and increasing your own Jewish knowledge. Here are the books we’ve selected: Letter in the Scroll by Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (Genre: Theology, 220 pgs.), Out of the Depths by Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau (Genre: Holocaust, 364 pgs.), The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder (Genre: Science 226 pgs.), and Endless Light by Rabbi David Aaron (Genre: Kabbalah, 175 pgs.). Books can be purchased online, or from the synagogue office (we’ll also lend you a copy). The other Shavuot program will be officially unleashed in the next Voice article… if you’re that curious, check the ads in national Jewish magazines. -Ariela Davis

Charleston Congregations Reform - Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Rabbi Stephanie Alexander 90 Hasell Street Charleston, SC 29401 p 843.723.1090 f 843.723.0537 email: office@kkbe.org www.kkbe.org Look for us on Facebook! • Erev Shabbat Services: 8:00pm • Family Shabbat Service: 7:00pm • Shabbat Morning Services: 10:00am Conservative - Synagogue Emanu-El Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum 5 Windsor Drive Charleston, SC 29407 p 843.571.3264 f 843.402.0844 email: emanu-el@emanu-el.com www.emanu-el.com • Erev Shabbat Services: 6:00 pm • Shabbat Morning Services: 9:30 am • Morning Minyan Services: 7:15 am (Monday - Friday); 9:00 am (Sunday) • Evening Minyan Services: 5:30pm (Monday - Thursday) Orthodox - Brith Sholom Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Moshe Davis

182 Rutledge Avenue Charleston, SC 29403 p 843.577.6599 f 843.577.6699 email: info@bsbisynagogue.com www.bsbisynagogue.com

• Morning Minyan Services: 7:00 am (Monday - Friday); 8:00 am (Sunday) • Evening Mincha/Maariv Services: 7:00 pm (Sunday - Friday) • Shabbat Morning Services: 9:00 am • Shabbat Minchah Serves: Call BSBI office for times.

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Modern Orthodox Congregation Dor Tikvah Jonathan Zucker, President P.O. Box 80301, Charleston, SC 29416-0301 Tel: (843) 410-3230 | info@DorTikvah.org www.DorTikvah.org | www.facebook.com/DorTikvah • Friday evening: 7:00 PM. Erev Shabbat Services held at the JCC, 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407 • Saturday services: 9:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services at the JCC (address above) • Please check our Facebook Page or Website for Shabbat Mincha/Maariv and Shiur times - times change weekly. • Evening Minyan, Monday and Wednesday only: • Times change weekly; Services are at the JCC; check our website for more information • Men’s Talmud Class, Sunday evenings. Please call or email for details. • All are welcome.

Owners: Joe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki www.jewishcharleston.org


Our Community

Jewish Princesses



New Initiative



o we have Jewish princesses at Addlestone? You bet! We saw many at Purim and we continue to read about them in the story of Passover and many little girls dream about becoming one. Two princesses at Addlestone reminded us poignantly of the best in Jewish values. Two of our wonderful Early Childhood girls had planned to be princesses for Purim, wearing similar costumes. These best friends came to school dressed in long yellow dresses, one blond and light skinned, the other brown haired and dark skinned. They twirled around, preening and enjoying their costumes. One girl said to her teacher, “We are twins today, both princesses in yellow.” The teacher admired their costumes. The other child said, “How will they tell us apart? We look so much alike. Maybe we should wear name tags so people can tell.” The first one responded, “Oh, I know! You wear glasses-that’s how they will tell us apart.” The story of Purim, like Passover, is about betrayal and villains and it is also about faith and heroes. There are many evildoers who are part of Jewish history. We read about them, study why evilness exists and we bemoan indifference. We also celebrate those who stand up, speak out and take the risk of promoting goodness. We honor the Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews during the Shoah, planting trees on their Avenue in Jerusalem; we celebrate the Esthers and Moseses who take chances to lead others to safety and to responsibility.

Children remind us about vision and what our holidays truly teach us. Our little princesses saw with their hearts and souls, and in doing so, reminded us of the goodness in our world.

Synagogue Emanu-El will inaugurate the Joe Engel Holocaust Education Fund during services on Saturday, April 6. The community is invited to attend and to join in the Kiddush lunch following services. Guest speakers are Anita Zucker and Joe Engel. The Fund was established to honor Joe Engel for his years of dedication to educating people about the Holocaust and to subsidize Holocaust education opportunities for teenage children of Synagogue Emanu-El members. These may include trips to Eastern Europe such as the March of the Living or to Holocaust museums in Washington and elsewhere. Most people are familiar with what happened to Joe Engel in the Holocaust. When he was just 13 years old, the Nazis came to his small town of Zakroczym, Poland, near Warsaw. They rounded up all the Jews and brought them to the town square where they immediately shot and killed 150 young people.


April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

In Linda and David Cohen’s honor, Addlestone Hebrew Academy will host Bryan Fogel and his comedic staged production “Jewtopia Live” at the College of Charleston’s Physicians Auditorium at 7:00PM on Sunday, April 21, 2013. Bryan is the co-creator, director and star of both the Broadway sensation, Jewtopia, the best-selling book, and the very soon to be released feature film adaptation which he wrote and directed as well. The film, which will be released nationwide this summer, stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jon Lovitz, Tom Arnold, Rita Wilson, Nicollette Sheridan, Peter Stormare, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and many other stars. Bryan promises laughs a plenty and an evening of entertainment not to be missed. This show is not appropriate for anyone under 18. The Charleston Jewish community would not be what it is today without the support of Linda and David. They have each served as President or Chair to many of the local Jewish organizations. Their pro-activity has initiated successful programs in Charleston such as the Charleston Jewish Federation’s PJ Library, a donor funded book club, which mails Jewish storybooks to children who register. Their support of Addlestone, the JCC and many Jewish organizations is well known. Their generosity extends to the larger Charleston community as well, including such organizations as Roper St. Francis, the American Cancer Society, MUSC Heart and Vascular Center, the Coastal Community Foundation and the Low Country Food Bank. Community leadership and responsibility are core values of the Cohens. They are the models of good citizenship. Many people mouth their support but few people demonstrate this commitment in their own lives, and even fewer people are able to successfully teach their children and grandchildren this dedication. Linda and David Cohen not only live by the value of tikkun olam, but they have transmitted this ideal down to their children and grandchildren. For those who want to congratulate Linda and David, there is ad space available in the event playbill. Please contact Phyllis Katzen, 843-795-9202 for ads. There will be a dessert reception after the show for major sponsors. Engel survived hunger, disease, ghettos, torture, and the notorious death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau. He came to America not knowing a word of English. He started a new life and ran a successful business in downtown Charleston for many years. Now Engel is 85 years old. “I never thought I would survive the Holocaust and be able to tell the world what happened to me and what I saw with my own eyes,” he said. “Today I spend my life making sure that people, especially young people, learn about the Holocaust so it can never happen again. They must learn about prejudice and learn what can happen when people are hated because of what they believe.” To learn more about the Fund or to make a donation, please contact Synagogue Emanu-El, 571-3264, or Eileen Chepenik, 556-7304, schepenik@aol.com.

April dawns with the conclusion of Passover, and the beginning of a new initiative at Synagogue Emanu-El. On Saturday, April 6th, the Synagogue will honor Joe Engel and officially launch the Joe Engel Holocaust Education Fund. This fund will help provide Emanu-El teens with educational experiences that will teach them about the Holocaust and the importance of tolerance and activism. Services that morning begin at 9:30AM and will featured speeches by Anita Zucker and Joe Engel. A special kiddush will follow services. If you would like to contribute to the fund, please contact the Synagogue office. The Synagogue has been blessed with wonderful lay leadership, and it is proud to continue that tradition. A congregational meeting will take place Sunday, April 14th, at which the congregation will vote to approve a new slate of officers. The new board will be installed at Shabbat services on Saturday, April 27th. As summer beckons, it is never too early to plan to be a part of Synagogue programming over the coming months. As a friendly reminder, here are some of the Synagogue’s ongoing endeavors: • Friday night services rotate on a weekly basis. The first Friday of each month features a “Family Shabbat” service at 5:15PM, geared to young children but suitable for all ages. The second Friday is “Tour d’Emanu-El”, a 7:30PM service that takes place at various locations across the Charleston area. The third Friday is “Friday Night Live”, a 6:00PM service usually followed by dinner and a program. The fourth (and fifth, if applicable) Friday features a “Late Night” service at 8:15PM, followed by an Oneg Shabbat in which we welcome attendees to bring a dessert to share. • Emanu-El University meets Tuesday evenings from 7:008:30PM through May, and will resume at the end of August. This Adult Education program features several classes, including an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program and Judaism 101 (an introduction to Judaism). • Each Shabbat morning service is preceded at 9:00AM by “Danish and D’rash”, a half-hour discussion led by Rabbi Adam J. Rosenbaum about the Torah portion of the week, featuring complimentary coffee and danish. • Rabbi Rosenbaum teaches a weekly class on the book of Psalms on Thursdays at 9:30AM. This class concludes in May. Beginning in October, this class will resume anew as a “Highlights of the Talmud” class. • The Synagogue features an excellent Religious School, with educational opportunities for students in pre-school through 12th grade, and offers youth programming for grades 4-5 (“Rakevet”), grades 6-8 (“Kadimah”) and grades 9-12 (“COSY”, a chapter of United Synagogue Youth). To receive regular updates about Synagogue services, programs and life-cycle events, please contact emanu-el@emanu-el.com to request to be added to the Synagogue’s email list. For more information, please contact the Synagogue at emanu-el.com or (843) 571-3264.

Recent Achievements Hadassah

Each month our Charleston Chapter brings you news of our local programs. For a change, we want to “kvell” about some of Hadassah’s recent achievements. Your donations make these happen. New Test Developed at Hadassah Predicts Presence of Harmful BRCA Mutation Which Can Trigger Breast Cancer Israeli researchers, led by Dr. Asher Salmon, then Senior Oncologist at the Hadassah Medical Center, developed a blood test that reveals it is possible to predict the presence of harmful BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in otherwise healthy women using a novel technology called gene expression profiling. Women with a mutation in their BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have a significantly increased risk for developing breast or ovarian cancer. Tailored Clinical Trial Gives Cancer Patient New Hope Stewart Greenberg, a Florida attorney and his wife had decided to go on a Miami Jewish Federation mission to

Israel. Shortly afterward, he was diagnosed with stage four melanoma. Facing a devastating risk of metastasis, Stewart consulted various physicians, but they were unable to offer him any strategic plan to combat this grave prognosis-including those at the United States National Institutes of Health. Mr. Greenberg received a new lease on life when he was accepted into a personally tailored melanoma vaccine clinical trial at the Hadassah Medical Center. Hadassah Researchers’ Groundbreaking Insulin Pill Nearing Market Jerusalem’s Oramed Pharmaceuticals is one step closer to putting a groundbreaking oral insulin capsule on the market for people with Type 2 diabetes. The company is about to begin Phase 2 clinical trials on 147 people at about a dozen medical centers in the US. This product could revolutionize the treatment of diabetes. The current method of self-injecting insulin is unpleasant and also carries the constant risk of infection. A capsule taken by mouth would be more convenient and also more natural, as it would mimic insulin’s normal route in the body. Israel is a major center for diabetes research, and in fact the technology underlying Oramed is based on 25 years of research at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. Hadassah Foundation awards $200,000 in grants The Hadassah Foundation awarded grants totaling more than $200,000 to benefit girls Since 2000, the Hadassah Foundation, which augments the work of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, has awarded approximately $6.5 million in grants to nearly 70 nonprofit organizations. Among the 16 grant recipients in Israel are:

• Bar Ilan University’s Ruth and Emanuel Rackman Center, which provides legal counsel to women seeking a divorce and works proactively to improve policy and practice by educating future family lawyers on safeguarding women’s rights and advocating for changes in Israeli family law; and • Rabbis for Human Rights’ Empowering Single Mothers to Advocate for Change program, which works with marginalized Jewish and Arab women from Hadera and the surrounding Arab villages in Wadi Ara to advocate for expanding the potential pool of families eligible for government stipends given to single parents. Young Judaea Taglit-Birthright Israel – Registration now open Young Judaea is an official organizer of the free 10-day Taglit-Birthright Israel trips. This summer, Young Judaea is offering an unprecedented array of trip options, including two special 14-day extended programs! Visit ToIsraelNow.org And on the local front….. we hope our members enjoyed The Whipping Man program, A Woman Who Makes a Difference, and our Passover Recipe exchange in recent months. More spring programming is coming your way. Watch for flyers, or visit www.haddassh.org/southeastern and look for the Charleston Chapter. Anyone interested in attending our TriRegion Spring Conference at Dolce (outside Atlanta) is encouraged to come – so contact Sharon Hox. This is a great opportunity to meet National President Marcie Natan, hear outstanding speakers, and take a more active role in Hadassah. For more information about Hadassah Giving Opportunities, Membership or Programming, contact Sandi Archambault at 769-5667 or Sharon Hox at 971-6116.

Upcoming Events Three Rabbi Panel: On Understanding the Rabbinate: Preparation and Dayto-Day Life of a Pulpit Rabbi Thursday, April 4, 2013 at 7:30pm in the Stern Center Ballroom (4th Floor) Corner of Glebe & George Streets

The panel will provide an inside look into the training for and reality of their day-to-day responsibilities as leaders of Charleston’s three synagogues. What are the similarities and differences between Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbinic training? What were their expectations upon entering the rabbinate, and how have those expectations been realized within their respective pulpits? How do the responsibilities placed upon them vary by denomination, and how do these responsibilities define the different denominations? The three panelists will also share the professional challenges and joys that they experience on a daily basis. Sunday Brunch with Kenneth Jacobson: The Good Old Days in the Middle East Sunday, April 14 at 10:00am in Arnold Hall, Jewish Studies Center

With how badly the Middle East has gone over many decades, is it possible, as the Arab Spring appears to becoming the Arab Winter, that we will long for the “good old days?” Considering the monumental

changes occurring in Egypt, Syria, and Jordan (not to mention Iran), Kenneth Jacobson will discuss where the Middle East is going and the impact of a region in flux on Israel and American-Israeli relations. Special Screening: The Revolutionary with Sidney Rittenberg Monday, April 15, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Stern Center Ballroom (4th Floor) Corner of Glebe & George Streets

The Revolutionary details the experiences of Sidney Rittenberg, who arrived in China as a GI Chinese language expert at the end of World War II. Discharged there, he joined the Chinese Communist Party, and was an active participant in the Chinese Communist revolution and its aftermath. An intimate of the Party’s leadership, he gained prominence at the Broadcast Administration, one of the most important agencies of government. But in the convulsions of a giant country constantly reinventing itself, he twice ran afoul of the leadership, and served a total of 16 years in solitary confinement. He returned to the United States in 1980. A Charleston native, Sidney Rittenberg is one of very few living men who has personally known Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, the notorious “Gang of Four,” Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Zhu Rongji. Today, Mr. Rittenberg is president of Rittenberg Associates, Inc. He

and his wife and partner, Yulin Wang Rittenberg, currently help companies to do business in China. The Milton and Freddie Kronsberg Memorial Lecture: What Does It Mean to be Jewish in America Today? Monday, April 29, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Stern Center Ballroom (4th Floor) Corner of Glebe & George Streets

Beginning in the late seventeenth century, Jews came to America from every walk of life and every corner of the globe. More than four centuries later, we question what it means to be Jewish in America today. Are we American Jews, Jewish Americans, or just Jewish? Some Jews do not find issues of identity relevant to their daily lives, while others struggle to find an appropriate balance, without any clear understanding of what they world by the Jerusalem Post. He is the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, California. Rabbi Wolpe is the author of seven books, including the national bestseller Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning in Difficult Times. Rabbi Wolpe’s newest book is titled Why Faith Matters. Rabbi Wolpe’s father, Rabbi Gerald Wolpe z”l was the rabbi of Charleston’s Synagogue Emanu-El from 1955 to 1958. The Milton and Freddie Kronsberg Lecture Series honors the Kronsbergs’ lifelong commitment to Jewish ideas and values.



Our Community

National Essay

Contest Win KKBE

A Man’s World Ain’t Nothin’ Without a Woman or a Girl I cried when I learned our new rabbi was going to be a woman. I did not like the thought of change. She would change all of our congregation’s traditions. She must be weird – what kind of woman would want to be a rabbi, anyway? Four years later, the woman I loathed in one moment would be the same woman I strive to be like every day. She would be the woman who helped shape my Judaism, my leadership abilities, and myself as an individual. She would become one of my friends – someone I texted every so often, someone who helped me through life’s difficulties. That woman would change not only my life, but my whole congregation in ways no one could anticipate. Our previous rabbi had served our congregation since 1992. He was the only rabbi I had ever known. When he retired, I was not too keen to see a big change; I expected our congregation to choose another man similar to the rabbi I had grown up with – one a little older, liberal, and completely open-minded. The rabbi they chose did not quite meet my criteria. Our new rabbi was a woman in her mid-thirties. More traditional in her religious practices than our previous rabbi, yet similar in her open-mindedness. She brought new traditions to our temple –ones that improved our community and our Judaism. She began to lead our congregation using her strong vocals to spice up a service and making sports analogies in many of her sermons.

News and Notes

The Women of Reform Judaism’s (WRJ) created a national Centennial Essay Competition to honor WRJ’s 100th anniversary. The topic was: The Influence of Women’s Leadership on Our Congregations. The President of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim’s (KKBE’s) youth group, Elizabeth Levi, discovered the contest while searching for scholarships to North American Federation of Temple Youth’s (NFTY) Convention in L.A. The contest was open to all interested teens and the prize was registration for the NFTY convention and $1000. Lizzie was excited about the essay’s topic—her enthusiasm and writing talent won her the national award. “I have and continue to be inspired by the women of my synagogue and I am honored to have won this competition on their behalf,” Lizzie said. She wore a kippah, white robes, and tallis to keep humble, yet demand the respect any man would receive on the bimah. She proved herself worthy of our community’s love. Now, I realize my congregation relies heavily on the leadership of women. Our b’nei mitzvah coordinator, our temple educator, our rabbi, our youth advisor, and our music coordinator all are women. These women are the foundations of my community. They have influenced not only my Judaism, but the Judaism of the rest of our temple youth. They provide our community with love, strength, and spirituality. They push us toward new directions, yet refuse to let us forget the lessons of our past. These women play a vital part in not only the continuation of my congregation, but of Judaism as a whole. Without them, the Judaism I know and love would not be possible. I am thankful for women leaders, because now I am one of them. As the president of my youth group, it is my responsibility to inspire, to teach, to love the way I was taught by the women of my community. It’s funny to think that four years ago I was upset by the thought of a woman rabbi. Why did I doubt this woman’s ability to lead a community? Maybe it was because I doubted myself. I now know the women of my community are part of its strength. I take pride in these women – in their leadership abilities, spirituality, and their openmindedness. I hope one day, I, too, will be able to inspire others as these women have inspired me.

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Religious School Invites prospective students and their parents to an OPEN HOUSE

Jewish Historical Society


he Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina’s spring meeting, “The Past as Prologue: Jewish Genealogy Looks to the Future,” will be held at the College of Charleston on May 18–19, 2013. In a world that moves in forward gear with lightning speed, the conference invites us to look back at where we have come from, to marvel at the transformations of occupation, wealth, and status Jews have experienced in relatively few generations, and to imagine where this momentum will lead. The title of the conference alludes to novelist William Faulkner’s famous quote: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”—a view of time that lies at the heart of Jewish continuity. Following presentations by guest speakers Karen S. Franklin and Steven M. Cohen, a panel representing several South Carolina families will set the stage for viewing their antiques and artifacts on exhibit in Special Collections at the College’s Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library. Panelists will demonstrate how objects from everyday life are vessels of untold stories. Mounted in conjunction with the conference, an exhibition titled Family History Roadshow offers a look through the archival window at the world of southern Jews, then and now. Anchored by portraits and photographs, costumes, quilts, Bibles, and business ledgers, the exhibit will be on display in Special Collections from April 1 until May 20. You can register for the meeting online at www.jhssc.org/events. For more information, contact Enid Idelsohn, phone: 843.953.3918 | fax: 843.953.7624 email: IdelsohnE@cofc.edu


April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

Please join us on Sunday, April 14th - From 9:30am - 11:00am

9:30 – 10:00: Coffee and Conversation with members of our Religious School Committee and Religious School teachers 10:00 – 10:30: Parents meet with Rabbi Stephanie Alexander and Temple Educator Amy Horner; children enjoy creative time with Robin Shuler, KKBE’s Youth Advisor and our Religious School Music Specialist 10:30 – 11:00: Parents and children join Religious School grades K-2 for our morning service and assembly.

Questions? Please contact Amy Horner at 843-723-1090 or ahorner@kkbe.org

IN AND AROUND TOWN 1. Little boy dressed up for Purim street fair. 2. Little girl gets her fortune told. 3. Girl and her grandfather posing with balloon elephant. 4. February Senior Gathering.


2 Sunday

Monday 1 Nissan 21 Pesach

• JCC Closed All Day • *Exhibit of Holocaust Creative Arts Entries* • KKBE Passover & Yizkor Service 11:30AM-12:00PM


3 Tuesday 2 Nissan 22 Pesach





3 Nissan 23

4 Nissan 24

5 Nissan 25

6 Nissan 26

• JCC Closed All Day

• BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00PM-2:00PM

• Three Rabbi Panel 7:30PM-9:00PM

• KKBE Shabbat First Friday Service 7:00-7:30PM

• E-El Shabbaton: Holocaust Education Honoring Joe E 9:00AM-3:00PM • KKBE West Ashley Shabbat Morning Service 10:00AM-10:30PM

11 Iyar 1

12 Iyar 2

13 Iyar 3

• EE Confirmation Shabbat Dinner 6:00AM-6:30PM • KKBE Israel Shabbat Evening Service 8:00PM-8:30PM

• • • • • • •

7 Nissan 27

8 Nissan 28

9 Nissan 29

10 Nissan 30

• KKBE Manhigut Leadership Class 9:00AM-1:00PM • Yom Hashoah Commemoration 3:00PM-6:00PM at KKBE

• JCA Exec. Cmte. Mtg. 5:30PM -7:00PM • Screening: The Flood 7:00PM-7:30PM • JCA Board Mtg. 7:00-8:00PM • Three Jewish Responses to Modernity 7:30PM-8:45PM

• EE Hazak Lunch 12:00-12:30PM • EE Finance Meeting 6:00PM-6:30PM • Step Up for Israel Film Series 7:00PM-8:30PM

• Brown Bag Lunch Series • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00PM-2:00PM • KKBE Sisterhood Board Mtg 6:00PM-7:00PM • Growing up LGBT and Jewish in Charleston 7:00PM

14 Iyar 4

15 Iyar 5

16 Iyar 6

17 Iyar 7

18 Iyar 8

19 Iyar 9

20 Iyar 20

• • • •

• Grief Support Group • Screening & Discussion: The Revolutionary • AHA Board Meeting

• BSBI Board Meeting • KKBE Exec. Board Mtg. • KKBE Board Mtg.

• BSBI Lunch & Learn • EE Sisterhood Book Club

• EE Board Meeting • EE Sisterhood Book Club

• KKBE Sisterhood Shabbat Service

• Bar Mitzvah of Brian Hawkins • KKBE West Ashley Shabbat Morning Service 10:00AM-10:30PM • KKBE Religious School Pasta Dinner

21 Iyar 11

22 Iyar 12

23 Iyar 13

24 Iyar14

25 Iyar 15

26 Iyar 16

27 Iyar 17

• KKBE Brotherhood Brunch • AHA Jewtopia

• The Kabbalah of You 7:00PM-8:30PM

• BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00PM-2:00PM

• KKBE Brotherhood Mtg 6:30PM-8:00PM

• NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah 8:00AM • AHA EC-Grade 3 Family Shabbat Experience 5:00PM-5:30PM

• NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah 8:00AM • EE Board Installation Shabbat 9:30AM-10:00AM • Shabbat Morning Service 10:00AM-10:30PM • Zachary Kronsberg Bar Mitzvah 11:00AM-1:00PM

28 Iyar 18

29 Iyar 19

• NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah • Lag Fest on The Harbor 2:00-4:00PM • EE Lag baOmer Event 4:00PM-6:00PM

• Rabbi David Wolpe 7:30PM-9:00PM

EE Sisterhood Anniversary Shabbat EE Confirmation Shabbat KKBE Tot Shabbat KKBE Shabbat Morning Service E-E Tot Shabbat KKBE Torah Study DT Shabbat Lunch

APRIL Kenneth Jacobson at CofC KKBE Brotherhood Brunch KKBE Sisterhood Cooking Series Israel Independence Day Celebration 5-7PM at the JCC

30 Iyar 20

**Exhibit of Holocaust Creative Arts Entries: April 1- April 30

2013 www.jewishcharleston.org


Gesher 2013

MISSION TO ISRAEL October 31-November 10, 2013

The Charleston and Savannah Jewish communities join together to build a bridge to Israel and to each other.

Tour Highlights: • Explore Jerusalem’s Old City • Dine at the Black Out restaurant, served in the dark by deaf staff • Welcome Shabbat at the Kotel • Visit Yad Vashem, Har Herzel & Har Hazikaron • Enjoy a lovely lunch at a Zichron Ya’acov Winery • Travel to Caeasarea and the “Illegal” Immigration Center in Atlit • Tour the incredible Palmach Museum in Tel Aviv • Visit Rabin Square • Float in the Dead Sea • Ascend Masada *Itinerary subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, new opportunities, and changes on the ground.

Tour Includes: • Gorgeous deluxe accommodations at the Mamilla Jerusalem Hotel and Herods Hotel Tel Aviv • Sumptuous Israel breakfasts daily • Either lunch or dinner daily • All touring and sightseeing in a deluxe air conditioned motor coach with a licensed English-speaking guide. • Entrance fees and activities per itinerary • Group transfers upon arrival and departure


Land costs for the trip amount to $3,205 per person; excludes airfare, tips, surplus luggage charges, hotel upgrades, guests at meals, and medic/guard package.


Contact Sarah Roshfeld at sarahr@jewishcharleston.org or 843.614.6487 with questions or to reserve your spot on the 2013 trip. Limited space is available; don’t miss this opportunity! 20

April 2013 NIsSAN/iyar 5773

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