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Camp Baker


Camp Chronicle


Tamar Sternfeld, tor JCC Program Direc ho nk you to all of you w ha T d! ha e w n io ss day to Wha t an amazing se d ruach (spiri t) each an , gy er en s, ile sm had a brought your o weeks for us! We tw n fu a ch su it e Camp Baker to mak joying the yummy en s, ie ov m e th to jamas s, blas t wearing our pa with the Israel Scout g in nc da , us irc C e cotton candy at th mes at Camp each ga t en er ff di e th of g all new and of course playin new adventures, and n, fu ith w ed ck pa e day. Our days wer ns 3 and 4, where io ss se r fo t ai w t n’ e ca r friendships made. W nds, Lego® camp, ou ie fr er cc so w ne r we will welcome ou t for Maccabiah, ou ok lo e th on be d , an is all camp talent show coming some time th e ar at th es m ga d e!) our field day fun an when…it’s a surpris u yo g llin te t no re summer (we’ ore adventures to m ill st e ar e er th d way over an The fun is only halfif you haven’t signed so , le lab ai av s ot sp a few us for more fun! be had. We still have in jo u yo ve ha to ve call. We’d lo up, please give us a

Alexis Bailey, JCC Children’s Serv ices Coordinator Oh wha t fun have w e been having in the sun! Session 2 has truly been an amazin g session at Camp Baker. Parents and campers were amaz ed at wha t these ca mpers learned and accomplished in a m at ter of days with T he Circus of the Kids. Session 2 ende d with a bang with th e Tsofim Caravan performance. We ar e halfway thru camp and there are still more tricks up our sl eeves. Stay tuned fo r Session 3!

Camp Yeladim


K’TON TON 2YEAR OLDS Alicia McNeil, Keneshia Williams & Allisha Hemingway This session in K’Ton Ton, we had a blast exploring the wonderful world of Drama with Lauren and the new puppets that we got to play with. We also got in touch with our artistic sides with Ms. Vernell when we made Handprint Necklaces. We got to hang out with Coach Daryl and we even played baseball with a balloon. The highlight of this session was definitely seeing the Circus of the Kids, performed by our fellow campers! We look forward to another wonderful session!

GANIM AND HABONIM 3&4 YEAR OLDS Lily Alterman, Erika LeGendre, Camille Tolliver and Katy Moffit For second session, Ganim and HaBonim got to play together! We continued to soar through the solar system this session. We had a few new stars in our galaxy this session and they were great additions. We decided that everyone needed a vehicle to travel through outer space. So, our astronauts made our own rockets out of toilet paper rolls. Now that everyone has their own rockets, Session Three promises to be loads of fun. For the Ganim campers, we made placemats with a frog and their handprint on it to use during snack time. We sure did enjoy playing sports and swimming together. We also enjoyed going to the see “Circus of the Kids”. See you during Session 3!

Camp Chaverim




Molly Leff, Rachel Ware & Estelle McLaurin-aka Pookie

Amanda Kasman, Uri Kirshstein, and Jannerra Scott

Noar A campers enjoyed participating in and watching their friends in Circus of the Kids. We were captivated by Rabbi Sytner’s stories and games and we were very sad to see him and his family leave for their new home in New Jersey. Our field trip to the movies was an awesome adventure and the campers really enjoyed watching the movie, “How to Train your Dragon”. Our other days at camp were busy as we kept cool swimming in the pool. We also had fun playing “Who Let the Dogs Out” and “Mr. Freeze” in Sports with Coach Darryl. Our campers also learned “Sweet Caroline”, thanks to Mr. Gage and they love to sing it! We look forward to seeing these awesome campers back for the other sessions of camp.

We can’t believe the summer is half over already! Tiyul and others experienced the Circus of the Kids first hand and we were amazed! Jugglers, Bikers, Skaters, as well as many others filled the Tiyul classroom, as well as Camp Baker. Art was full of Fourth of July projects. Voices filled the air in Music and in Drama. We can’t forget going our second field trip to the movies, where we saw, “How to Train your Dragon”. It was a must see! Hope to see you next session for even more adventures! ☺

CHALUTIZIM Jerell Lewis and Natanya Miller

NOAR B Jaquan Mallard, Malka Bielsky and Cheryl McLaurin Noar B has been having a blast at Camp Baker, enjoying everything we have to offer and participating in activities that allowed them to have fun, but also learn at the same time. The campers in Noar B are a pleasure to have! Each child has their own personality that can bring a smile to anybody’s face. Their parents should be proud that they’re flourishing in every aspect, learning new things and enjoyed themselves at Camp. Just remember, nobody does it like Camp Baker! Thank you for sharing your children with us and making our summer so special.

RUACH 1 & RUACH 2 Kathy Tran, Avi Kirshtein, Jewel Lomax and Rachel Hunsinger Session 2 has been an amazing time for Ruach. They really enjoyed experiencing and watching Circus of the Kids. They have learned so much from working with others to trusting each other and how to have fun, while being safe. Pajama Day was a Ruach hit! They were nice and comfortable while on their field trip to go see the movie “How to Train your Dragon”. Ruach has grown so much this past month! Hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July! See you next session!

Chalutzim has had a super fun session 2. We went on adventures all over Charleston and even ventured out to Kiawah before we visited the DC area. The highlight of our local trips included kayaking on Shem Creek, where we got an amazing view of the Charleston Harbor and even spotted a dolphin! Then, we hit the road again - this time to Richmond, VA and Washington, DC. We expanded our knowledge with some visits to a few of the Smithsonian museums, took in a little culture at a Washington Nationals game, and enjoyed being an American with fireworks on the National Mall. Even the power outages around Metro DC couldn’t stop our Chalutzim campers from having the time of their lives (Not to worry…everywhere we went had power)! We can’t wait for Session 3 to begin where we will set off to Atlanta!



Mikey Ancrum and Libby Finer

Rachael Smilowitz

The Circus is here!! Or should I say…WAS here. This session of Circus of the Kids was out of this world! Campers participated in various circus acts, from high wire balancing to trampoline tricks to tumbling and juggling to trapeze balancing and web walking (and spinning) and much, much more! When we watched the final show, we couldn’t believe that it came together after just four days (and only about 8 hours of rehearsal)! We were so proud of our campers! They were phenomenal. Each show had a standing ovation for the campers and we can’t wait for them to come back next summer!

Our CIT’s are having a great summer at Camp Baker. We are working hard with our different groups and enjoying learning how to be future counselors. We have also taken some special CIT trips. So far we have gone to Folly Beach and ridden scooters around town. Today, we went Rock Climbing at James Island County Park to wrap up session 2! Each week, we have a different CIT of the week. So far we have honored Misha Pekar, Caroline Jaffee and Angel Chedikah for their hard work and dedication to our Camp Baker campers. We have so many great CIT’s this year and I am so proud of how hard they are working.



Mikey Ancrum and Coach Marty

Gage Baxter

Oh my my my! How these tennis balls fly! This session of Tennis Camp has been exhilarating! Coach Marty has done a great job of teaching us the great skill of teamwork. Each day, we spent time learning different techniques of tennis, such as backhand hits, forehand hits, volleys and serves. We played a plethora of games such as Jailbreak, 21, and King. These games have helped us to develop our natural tennis abilities. So much fun in the sun! We’re going to miss Coach Marty, but can’t wait to see him for our Charleston JCC afterschool tennis classes this fall.

It was another wonderful session at Camp Baker! We have had a very busy, action packed session of music. Highlights include learning “Sweet Caroline”, “Shalom Chaverim”, among others, and playing with the new instruments. I am looking forward to another exciting session at Camp Baker! Hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July and we can’t wait for next session!



Coach Daryl

Lauren Stewart

Sports moved into the auditorium and the Great Outdoors for Circus Week, where we played a variety of cooperative and skill-building games. Tag Games are always the most popular and we were able to play several different versions of Circle Tag, designed to avoid single elimination to ensure all campers were getting plenty of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day, so as to meet our goal of sending the children home “Dirty and Tired”. K’Ton Ton, Ganim and HaBonim focused on locomotor skill building activities such as non-elimination “Simon Says” to enhance movements like hopping and skipping. They also got a chance to play Balloon Baseball and Balloon Volleyball. Noar A, Noar B, Ruach, Specialty Camp and Tiyul all got a taste of the diamond with 3-Ball T-Ball and Kickball, where 3 balls are put into play at once and everyone runs the bases! Tiyul got a beginning lesson on Ultimate Frisbee, while Noar and Ruach got a chance to cool off by way of Human Bowling outside on the Slip and Slide. Last but not least, Specialty Camp got a chance to show off their stick handling skills with several games of highly intense Floor Hockey.

Drama has been very exciting this week! We have played tons of new Drama Games and we have also started playing with puppets and costumes. We have let our imaginations run wild while we explore a whole world of Make Believe with stories, puppets, and dramatic games. Next week, we will continue to work with puppets and we will start some improvisation games too! We can’t wait to take to the stage next session!

CULTURE Itan Halfin I can’t believe how time flies and it’s already the end of Session 2! We have had so much fun learning new Hebrew words and even teaching the amazing Circus of the Kids staff a thing or two about the Jewish religion! Our main topic of this session in Israeli Culture was Peace and we got to make a Peace Mobile together and we created the Wall of Peace. I can’t wait for the next session to come, see y’all soon!

YOUTH JCC Micro Soccer Come kick the ball around at the Charleston JCC! Practices will be held at the JCC with Tuesdays & Thursday | 6:00 – 9:00pm | games being played at the West Ashley Park. U6: 4-5yrs | U8: 6-7yrs | U10: 8-9yrs | U13: ately September 10 10-12yrs | U17: 13-17yrs Games begin approxim 8/1/12 Birthday Cutoff: and run through early November. Jersey and Community Fee: $55/person socks provided. Volunteer coaches needed. Early September Early November

Member Fee: $30/person Late Registration Fee: $20 from 8/2 - 8/6

Register by July 29!






Program ‘J’ Care After School

Care program y is done, the ‘J’ da ol ho sc e th n Whe ent program is r school enrichm begins! Our af te r experienced, in Charleston! Ou st be e th of e on are activities ionate staff prep ss pa m co d an g carin ur children. ‘J’ t to best serve yo when school is ou ty Public School Charleston Coun e th ws llo fo re Ca modate your will try to accom calendar and we dar, too! child’s school calen Ongoing

3:00pm - 6:00pm Mondays - Fridays |

Care regisis required with ‘J’ 0 non-refundable) and parent on ati A $200 deposit ($5 orm inf cy en Medical form, emerg Care. All tration. A current child can attend ‘J’ be on file BEFORE a st , Youth, mu m eld for rnf se Ste ea rel h Tamar required to speak wit Care program. ‘J’ r ou new applicants are ing ter en e Director befor Family and Camp



iley at Contact Alexis Ba 20 or 843.571.6565 x 10 jcc.org on alexisb@charlest

‘J’ Care After Sch

Program ‘J’ Care After School

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register for camP baker iley at Contact Alexis Ba 20 or 10 x 5 56 843.571.6 jcc.org on st le ar ch alexisb@

Did you know that you can still register for Camp Baker Sessions 3, 4 & Post Camp? CONTACT CAMP CENTRAL TO REGISTER

Contact Alexi 843.571.6565 alexisb@char

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