Charleston Jewish Voice Dece 2012/Jan 2013

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A publication of the Charleston Jewish Federation • December/January

u o Y k n a h T FOR SUPP


kasih 2012/2013 terima o t s i r a h f e dot a n ariga KISLEV/ TEVET/SHVAT y a kasih h dot b i h m s ri - 5773 to u te ii k y k ti ie z istu ma h asante d tack suksa je i c o r d e n m a kr bolzin u sih hdot h kk hdot s terima ka y ti tu is ma e k to gracias ta a d o dan tack suksa c i r e g i r m b in o lz a n bo ot r d k h u sih je h rima ka kk hdot s e t ta s o a t ci s a tiy i gr r tu a o fh e danke is n arigat o a d y i a b g i r ot b kiitos hd kasih uje hdot o terima nte dziek o sa t a s i r h to a je h f do a n ariga y sih hdot e b i a k ot a d h m s dot ri h to istutiy te dziekuje suksama kii e k nt c sa a a t i h c r o t s i a r fh a n do je ih hdot e bolzin m e kr u h s ot s d a h k k a k b i m ta ri s gracia kiitos hdot ke istutiy te a n m a a d ks su o k d c ga ta i c i b r r o e ih bolzin m s a k a terim


President’s Letter 2 Charleston Jewish Federation 3-5 Charleston ‘J’ 6-11 Our Community 14-17


Local Happenings 18-19






The Charleston Jewish Voice is a community newspaper, published as a service by the Charleston Jewish Federation, which focuses on Jewish life in Charleston. The Jewish Community Center is a recipient agency of the Charleston Jewish Federation and encourages its members to participate in these respective annual campaigns. Annual dues to the JCC and any contribution to the CJF campaign represent the request for a subscription to the Charleston Jewish Voice. SUBMISSION POLICY: The Charleston Jewish Voice does not assume responsibility for the quality or kashrut of any product or service advertised in its pages. The opinions that are expressed in these pages are those of the author's, not that of the Charleston Jewish Voice. The Charleston Jewish Voice bears the right to reject/ edit any editorial, articles, or advertising that it deems inappropriate. ARTICLE DEADLINE: 1st Friday of the month for the following month’s publication; send articles in MS Word via e-mail to ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 1st Wednesday of the month for the following month’s publication. Contact with advertising questions. PUBLISHER: Charleston Jewish Federation p 843.571.6565 f 843.556.6206 JCA PRESIDENT/CJF PRESIDENT: Jeffrey Buncher, M.D. JCA VICE PRESIDENT/JCC SENIOR PRESIDENT: Masha Kalinsky CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Judi Corsaro CJF PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Sarah Roshfeld DIRECTOR OF MARKETING: Lori Hoch Stiefel CJF SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR: Sara Sharnoff GRAPHIC DESIGNER Andrea Joseph ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Carol Berlin - 843.571.6565 Joann Sherman - 843.571.6565 CHARLESTON JEWISH VOICE is printed 10 times per year by the Charleston Jewish Federation, 1645 Wallenberg Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407






he last three years have been a long and winding road, with hills and valleys, but never loosing sight of the mountain top. The success and achievements are the result of a maturing collective of dedicated individuals, including stanch supporters in the Jewish community, dedicated board of directors and officers and the professional staff. Highlights of major accomplishments, in times of economic turmoil, retired $500,000 in debt for the Jewish Community Center (JCC), thanks to major benefactors and fiscal responsibility, under the direction of Susan Critzman, CFO, who is a seasoned MBA and CPA. This coming year is slated for a balanced JCC budget. Masha Kalinsky, Judi Corsaro, Ronneca Watkins and Tamar Sternfeld labored tirelessly to enrich programming and attract new membership. The JCC fitness center had a total up-fit, with a diversity of classes and new, state-of-the-art equipment. Spencer Lynch was instrumental in this transition and acquiring the equipment. JOIN THE JCC, BE THERE! A major project, under way is chaired by David Kalik, which is evaluating an assisted living facility on the JCC campus. David , Paul Sykes and Ellen Hoffman spent endless hours establishing policies and thinking outside the box to insure the financial integrity of the organizations. A special thanks to Sharon Toporek…always there behind the scenes, bringing years of leadership and experience in multiple capacities. She provided staff training and insures integrity of the organizations as head of governance, establishing policies. She spearheaded the formation of the Charleston Jewish Alliance. Thank you to the Zucker family for refurbishing the JCC and providing financial support to insure the longevity of the JCC and the sister organizations. The support for the Charleston Jewish Federation (CJF) and JCC by all the Rabbis in Charleston has been on-going and impacting. Thank each of you for your thoughts and inspiration. Thank you to Tamar Sternfield for enhancing and growing Camp Baker and bringing to town the Circus of the Kids.

The staff of the JCC/JCF has evolved with many new faces of seasoned professionals, dedicated to the future success and growth of the organizations. A special thanks to Sarah Swingle, whom I worked closely with over the years. She proof read my articles and added a special touch; Sarah has a special touch for all she does. The PJ library is an example of the phenomenal success with national recognition with her leadership. Best wishes and self-fulfillment in her new endeavors. The heart and soul of an organization is vested in the Chief-Executive Officer and their ability to build a village. It is important to have the right people sitting on the bus in the right seat. Under difficult financial circumstances, Judi Corsaro persevered, determined the organization would be successful, requiring fine balancing by juggling this versus that , and working endless hours and week-ends to pull the rabbit out of the hat. We butted heads on many occasions, which evolved in positive outcomes and growth. Thank you Judi for your commitment and vision to the success of the organizations. Thank you to the campaign chairs…Morey Lipton, Alan Toporek, Susan Addlestone Berlijn, Harry Goldberg, Masha Kalinsky and Spencer Lynch, for your dedication and hard work. Thank you to Alan Toporek for legal council on the affairs of both organizations and your personal advise and support. Spencer Lynch has revitalized the leadership development program and enlisted dynamic new board members. All success to Spencer and the board. Thank you to my wife, Beth and children, Jeff, Janna and Jonathan, for their support and understanding during my three year tenure. Finally, as I write my last article, as President of the Charleston Jewish Alliance, our mother land is showered with rockets and for the first time reaching Tel Aviv. Ten thousand rockets are armed and ready. Where are we as a Jewish people? Our prayers and support are with Israel and her people. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to serve the Jewish Community. L Dor V Dor

CJF Martin Luther King Jr. Participation January 21, 2013 | 9am-12pm | Burke HS The Charleston Jewish community will once again support the YWCA’s commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s life and accomplishments, this year to be held on Monday, January 21, 2013. For the first time -- in honor of Dr. King’s message of equality and tolerance -- we as the Jewish community will walk in the parade together as one. Please plan to join us to walk in the parade and contact Sarah Roshfeld: ( to receive more information.


Thank you so much to our amazing JCA board members and all our volunteers who have worked so hard on behalf of the Jewish Community Center, Federation and Jewish Social Services. A special thank you to our board members whose terms have expired, you will be missed.

JCA Executive Committee

-Lynn Bernstein (OBM) (Secretary) -David Kalik ( JCA Vice President) -Paul Sykes ( JCC Treasurer) -Alan Toporek ( JCA Vice President) -David Odle (CJF Immediate Past President)

JCA Board -Aaron Perry

-Edie Rubin To all our 2013 JCA Board Members, we look forward to a year of great accomplishments as we work together on behalf of the Charleston Jewish Community. Happy Hanukkah and a healthy and prosperous New Year! Masha Kalinsky, Jeffrey Buncher, Spencer Lynch & Judi Corsaro

CJF Contributions CJF Contributions

IN HONOR OF: Neda & Alan Nussbaum, Mazel Tov on son Joseph’s marriage: Judi & Ted Corsaro IN MEMORY OF: Paul H. & Hattie Sohor: Andrew Sohor Stanley Karesh, beloved husband of Charlot Karesh: Sharon & Eddie Toporek; Judi & Ted Corsaro Stanley Karesh, beloved brother of Phyllis Tanenbaum: Judi & Ted Corsaro Nathan Marcus Srochi, beloved son of Rebecca & Norman Nirenblatt: Judi & Ted Corsaro

Charleston Jewish Social Services IN HONOR OF:

Ijo & Stanley Toporek, Mazel on new grandson Benjamin Hudson: Judi & Ted Corsaro IN MEMORY OF:

Lisa Helene Golod, beloved daughter of Marsha & Bill Golod: Judy & Myron Lutz

Janna Peskin Brown, beloved daughter of Sandra & Howard Peskin: Judy & Myron Lutz Louise Sexton, beloved & faithful employee of the JCC and CJF for 40 years and beloved mother of Stephanie Brown & Gerald Sexton & grandmother of Shakerra Hughes: Bill & Marsha Golod; Staci & Scott Katz & family; Sharon & Dennis Feinberg; Robyn, Randy, Micah, Judah & Ezra Cohen; Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky; Sharon & Eddie Toporek

Charleston Jewish Social Services—Food Pantry In Honor Of: IN HONOR OF: Joe Engel, Mazel Tov on your special birthday!: Judi & Ted Corsaro


In the upcoming months, Jewish Social Services will begin to host a bereavement support group for the community. Community members who have lost parents, partners, children, or friends are strongly encouraged to attend. Volunteers in the mental health field who would like to help lead or contribute to these groups would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in joining this group, please call Sara Sharnoff at 614-6494 or email her at Dates and times for this group will be announced shortly. Jewish Social Services also continues to gather volunteers and donations for the Kosher Food Pantry, as well as promote our beautiful food baskets for rent to support the pantry. If you are interested in volunteering in the KFP, please email If you’re an experienced ‘couponer’, please help stock our Kosher Food Pantry by donating extra items that your household may not need right now. Our Social Services recipients would be grateful for any pasta, canned goods, paper towels/baggies/paper goods, toiletries, or other Kosher items that you can ‘coupon’ for! All items can be dropped at the JCC during normal business hours. If you don’t use your coupons from the Post & Courier weekend section for your own home, please donate them to the Kosher Food Pantry! We have volunteers who are willing to grocery shop with them; what may be paper recycling for you could mean dinner for a deserving family in our community. Contact Sara Sharnoff, with any questions.


Benjamin Gilbert, son of Mitchell and Irene Gilbert, has been selected as the 2012 recipient of the Max Kirshstein Community Youth Endowment Award. Ben, a senior at Academic Magnet High School, was praised by the application committee for his dedication to the American Lung Association, fundraising efforts, and advocacy work. For over 6 years, Ben has worked with the American Lung Association (ALA), not only by raising over $20,000 to fund research and programming, but by educating other asthmatic children at local schools about the importance of lung health and helping them to understand that having asthma should not limit them. Last summer 50 of these children were able to attend the ALA’s Camp Breathe-Easy, thanks to the fundraising efforts of Ben’s Friends Against Asthma. He is the youngest member to serve on the Fight for Air Run/Walk Leadership Team, which oversees the annual event at Folly Beach, and is also a spokesperson for the American Lung Association, giving interviews to spread awareness of the need for research and program funding. Ben has also been involved with BBYO, in charge of both Judaic programming at the chapter level and Judaic programming and community service programming at the council level. BBYO was a particularly meaningful organization to Max Kirshstein, and the committee particularly appreciated Ben’s level of involvement with the Charleston chapter when evaluating applications for this year’s award. Ben was awarded the Max Kirshstein Community Youth Endowment Award at the Charleston Jewish Federation/JCC Annual Meeting & Awards Reception which was held on Sunday, December 2 at the JCC.




“Shalom Baby,” an outreach program of the Charleston Jewish Federation, warmly welcomes new (and new-ish!) babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community. Each new baby is greeted with a visit by CJF Staff and a gift, a copy of an adorable PJ Library board book and a custom-made tzedakah box from HelloEverywear!, a custom-design, made-to-order T-shirt and gift company run by a Jewish mother right here in Charleston, and a delicious JCC challah.



DO YOU HAVE A NEW ADDITION TO THE FAMILY? We’d love to visit and provide a gift! Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 571.6565 to let us know about your special new family member! The Shalom Baby program is funded by a generous grant of the Zucker Family Foundation.

o ston .faceb www arycharle r b pjli

FREE Jewish Books & Music Every Month There are still PJ Library subscriptions available in Charleston. Sign your child up at CONTACT LORI HOCH STIEFEL, 571.1019 or for more information. December 12th - PJ Library Chanukah Story Time Brick by Brick, Belle Hall Shopping Center 616 Long Point Road, Suite D. Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 in Mt. Pleasant 5:30 pm December 13th - PJ Library Chanukah Story Time Citadel Mall 5:30 pm in the play area





Young Adult Division

A Monumental Year for YAD. Here’s Why: This year has been full of quality programming for YAD, and we can truly say there has never been a better time to be a Jewish young professional in Charleston. We hosted well-attended Shabbat dinners every month this year, helped the local and international community through a variety of Tikkun Olam projects, and socialized and networked at monthly Happy Hours. YADdies were able to attend High Holiday services at all 4 local synagogues free of charge, represented our generation at Connecting Jewish Women, and have taken on leadership roles across the community. Over the past year alone, we have welcomed almost 60 new YADdies. But, the year isn’t over yet! YAD looks forward to more engaging programs this month and will host visiting Jewish young professionals from across South Carolina on December 24 for the 6th Annual Matzo Ball. YAD is a home-away-from-home for many of the graduate students and young professionals who have relocated to Charleston, but it is also a way for local Charlestonians to engage with the Charleston Jewish community when they return to town after leaving for college, graduate school, or a job. If you (or someone you know) are between the ages of 21-35 and are looking for a network of other young adults, please let us know by contacting

UpcomingYADEvents Dog Date at East Bay Dog Park Sunday, December 9 at 10:30am

YAD hosts cornhole at Chanukkah in the Square Sunday, December 9 from 4-6pm

Chanukkah themed Shabbat Dinner Friday, December 14

Holiday celebrations with Sherman House residents Wednesday, December 19

Annual Matzo Ball

Monday, December 24 at 9 pm

YAD Shabbat hosted by the CofC Hillel Friday, January 25 at 5:45pm

YADdies spent the morning after Super Storm Sandy cleaning up trash off of Folly Beach.

Check out YAD’s events at 4


Like YAD on Facebook at


Israel Engagement Initiative

AbouttheIsraelEngagementInitiative The Israel Engagement Initiative (IEI) seeks to educate and inspire the Charleston community through strategic programming and by leading Israel advocacy efforts, coordinating efforts to promote and express support for Israel, and implementing a comprehensive plan that promotes opportunities for Israel travel.

One of the most recent initiatives of the IEI was the November 19th Stand With Israel Rally. Thank you to the 250+ people who attended, and to those who supported the cause. The sea of red was a comforting sight and reaffirmed the Charleston community’s support of Israel. Despite the diversity of the speakers and their backgrounds, there was a strong consensus among all that Israel has the right to defend herself.

The next program that the IEI will present is the Step Up With Israel film series.



Senior couple - $30/month or $324/yr Single senior - $25/month or $270/yr Young couple - $30/month or $324/yr Young adult - $25/month or $270/yr

Family - $55/month or $594/yr Single parent family - $40/month or $432/yr Couple - $40/month or $432/yr Single adult - $30/month or $324/yr

Full time student - $20/ month or $216/yr Diamond Club - $1500/yr Need membership information? Contact Joann Sherman at

Experience BTS at the ‘J’! Group Fitness made its debut at the “J” in September and now we are in full swing and ready to take you to new heights with your fitness goals! With our Body Training Systems programs, you are sure to find your perfect workout. Group Power, Group Step, Group Active and Group Centergy have gotten us off to an incredible start and now we are adding Group Kick and Group Groove.

at the Charleston 'J'

In Group Kick you will punch, kick and sweat your way to awesome shoulders and strong legs. This is a phenomenal cardio workout appropriate for all fitness levels. Come Kick It with us starting Tuesday November 13th at 5:45pm! If you like Zumba, you will LOVE Group Groove. We shake, shimmy, mambo and break it down in one fun filled hour of mixed style dancing. All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Come join the party starting Thursday November 15th at 5:45pm! Also, don’t forget, we have an incredible indoor cycling program at the ‘J’. Group Cycling is for everyone, no matter if you are just beginning your fitness journey or are a seasoned pro. Everyone can ride! We now have classes at 6am, 6:30am, 9:15am, 9:30am, Noon, 5:45pm and 6pm. There is a time and program for everyone, BUT if you don’t see what you’re looking for, let us know! Your feedback is invaluable and we want to do what it takes to encourage you to make the Charleston JCC your fitness home base.

JCC’S NEW BUILDING HOURS Monday-Thursday 6am-8pm Friday 6am-5pm Sunday 9am-5pm

Be sure to subscribe to our e-zine for the latest JCC Fitness and Wellness news. You can also check out our website for a full class schedule and class descriptions. Let’s Move!

For complete class schedules and class descriptions, please visit us at

Stephanie Lasek Charleston ‘J’ Fitness and Wellness Director Contact Stephanie Lasek at |571.6565 ext.1013

An Evening with


FEBRUARy 6th at 7PM

Where:: Charleston JCC 1645 Wallenberg Blvd. Charleston, SC 29407 Fee::

Joel will be selling and signing copies of his book,

"The 188th Crybaby Brigade” On SaLe NOW AT THE JCC

$12 adv./:$15 DOOR

Sponsorships available. Contact TAMARs@CHARLESTONJCC.ORG




‘J’ Nu’s &

Tennis with Coach Marty Classes help students, K-5th grade, learn the essentials of tennis. There will also be plenty of exciting games. Maximum enrollment of six per class. Mondays | Beginners: 3:30-4:00pm Junior Challengers 4:10-5:10pm Community: $20/class; Member: $15/class

Singles Event Meet other singles, ages 50+, make some new friends, and enjoy some nosh. December 9th from 10-11:30am

Jewish Storytelling with Minerva King Save the date and come out for a wonderful storytelling event for the whole family. Minerva King will delight you with Jewish folklore and other multi-cultural tales from around the world, often augmented with music. This event is being presented by the Charleston JCC in partnership with the Charleston County Public Library, BSBI Synagogue, KKBE, Synagogue Emanu-El, Congregation Dor Tikvah, and the PJ Library. Sunday afternoon, February 3rd at 1 pm Free and open to the public.

Scrapbooking Class Do you have a box full of memories but don’t know what to do with them? Well, the JCC is here to help! Join us on Sunday, January 6th from 10 am-12 pm for a class. Talented staff from Scrap, Stamp, and Ink will be here to teach us how to preserve those memories for a lifetime, so bring your pictures! Sunday, January 6th from 10am-12pm Community: $30; Member: $25 Fee includes all supplies and a light nosh.


Sunday, August 4 thru Friday, August 9, 2013 Hosted by Orange County, CA

Sports Offered: • Baseball • In-Line Hockey • Lacrosse • Soccer 7 v 7 • Softball • Volleyball • Dance


• Bowling • Swimming • Table Tennis • Tennis • Track & Field • Star Reporting and Sports Broadcasting

• Acting-Musical Theater Combo • Dance (Boys & Girls) • Rock/Jazz Music • Vocal Music • Visual Arts

We will be recruiting teams for the games. For more info, please contact Tamar Sternfield at

t s a f k a e r B e k a c Pan December 25, 2012

Menu includes: ets, grits, pancakes, omel mimosas d an ys ar bloody m etc... ), ts ul ad e th r (fo

Day: Tuesday Time: 9:00 – 11:00am Location: JCC Auditorium & Lobby Fee: $5/person and a canned good $20 maximum per family

Volunteers Needed!

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING JCC WINTER CAMP 2012 Brrr.....It’s cold! Bundle up with us at the Charleston ‘J’ and let us bring the warmth this holiday season. Winter Camp is filled with exciting adventures & activities! For boys & girls ages 18 months to 12-years-old. Arts & crafts, gym games, outside playground, lunch & much more on a daily basis. Lunch & snacks are provided. **Field trips based on age group beginning with Kindergarten

12/21 - Art-ic Workshop 12/24 - Winter Field Day 12/25 - CLOSED 12/26 - Candyland Day 12/27 - Pajama Day 12/28 - Ice-periments & Ice Palace field trip @ 12:30pm (K-8th) 12/31 - New Year’s Party 1/1 - Closed

SCHOOL’S OUT We will have fun-filled activities that are sure to keep your children entertained. We will provide kosher lunch and snacks, arts and crafts projects, games and so much more. We hope to see you at the ‘J’!! AHA: January 2, 21, & 31 (EC Closings) Community: $22 | ‘J’ Care Family: $13 CCSD: January 17, 18, &21 Community: $45 | Member: $35

Join us for the JCC’s 2012

CHANUKAH DINNER & CELEBRATION Chanukah Dinner & Celebration

Looking for some fun? Let your kids join us here at the JCC for Kid’s Night OWT!

12/20 Festival of Lights Trip 6:00-8:30PM

The annual Chanukah Dinner is back by popular demand! Join us for your chance to schmooze and enjoy some of the holiday fun! We will have games, crafts, music, and a festive Chanukah dinner.

-Dinner Provided. Trip to JICP. S’Mores activity. Limited Space Available Community: $13 | Member: $10

All ages welcome! Bring your own Chanukiah!

1/19 Martin Luther King: Dare to Dream 5:00-7:00PM

December 11, 2012 Day: Tuesday

-Racing Stripes Movie and Dinner Community: $9 | Member: $7

Time: 5:30 – 7:00pm Location: JCC Auditorium & Lobby Fee: $10/per person | $5/child (2-6yr) | $40/max per family

Children under 2 are FREE


RSVP by December 4th to Tamar Sternfeld at or 843.614.6486

Contact Alexis Bailey 614.6498 |



Scott Bernstein I can’t tell you how touched I am by how the Charleston Jewish Community continues to come together to honor my beautiful mother. It just goes to show that when someone truly gives from their heart, and is a TRUE friend, people continue to make sure that their memory is truly celebrated. Thank you all so much for loving my mom.

JCC Contributions JCC Contributions

IN HONOR OF: Anita Zucker, Mazel Tov on wedding of Jeffrey & Jessica: Judi & Ted Corsaro Linda and David Cohen, Mazel Tov on receiving the 2012 Jerry Zucker Lifetime Achievement Award created by Charleston Magazine & the Coastal Community Foundation: Judi & Ted Corsaro

Change of Date!

IN MEMORY OF: Lynn Bernstein, beloved sister of Teri & Ira Lash: Eddie & Sharon Toporek; Ellen Hoffman; Helen & John Heron; Cindy & Joe Brams; War Group, Inc.; Swallowtail Architecture, LLC; Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky; Ann & Wayne Fontanelle Lisa Helene Golod, beloved daughter of Marsha & Bill Golod: Ellen Hoffman

Join the JCC Family to honor

L ynn Bernstein

Janna Peskin Brown, beloved daughter of Sandra & Howard Peskin: Ellen Hoffman

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Harold Baum, beloved father of Mindy Popowski: Ellen Hoffman; Judi & Ted Corsaro Morris Rosen, beloved father of Robert, Richard & Debra Rosen: Marilyn Hoffman Stanley Karesh, beloved husband of Charlot Karesh: Katie, Moshe, Simcha & Malka Bielsky

Call the JCC / 571-6565 or contact Carol Berlin: 568-4450/ or reserve your ticket online at or mail your tax deductible donation check to the: JCC-Bernstein Event / 1645 Wallenberg Blvd. / Charleston, SC 29407

Stanley Karesh, beloved brother of Sandra Schwartz: Judi & Ted Corsaro

JCC Building Fund IN MEMORY OF: Stanley Karesh, beloved husband of Charlot Karesh: Carolyn & Neil Draisin

Sherman House IN MEMORY OF: Ida Schwartz: Eileen & Stan Chepenik; Alvin Olasov; Linda Koonin, Sam Solomon & Gertrude Solomon; Dr. & Mrs. Boatwright & Staff of Coastal Ob/Gyn; Ina & Harold Enoch; Elaine & Barry Krell; Irvin Rabinowitz

Lynn dedicated her life to the Jewish Community Center and was beloved by so many of us that had the honor to call her a friend. Lynn spent years as a kosher caterer and chaired many events for the JCC and the Jewish Community. When Lynn passed away it left a huge whole in our hearts. Let’s celebrate her Life….

Iris E. Baker Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF: Rhoda Baker, beloved mother of Jerry & Debra Baker: Gloria Adelson

2013 Burke High School




Day Trips

Chat Tuesdays


Join us for a stimulating afternoon of lunch and learning. The second Tuesday of the month we are guests at Emanu-el for their Ha’zak program and the third Tuesday of the month, join us at the Charleston ‘J’ with Ijo Toporek. Ongoing 2nd Tuesday | Ha’zak at Emanu-El | 12:00pm | $3 3rd Tuesday | Ijo Toporek at the ‘J’ | 12:00pm | $3

Why the Charleston ‘J’?

The Charleston JCC Senior Program offers transportation, day trips, guest speakers, senior exercise programs, collaborations with other senior organizations in the area, and various other programs. For more information, contact Sara Sharnoff at 843.614.6494 or

Chai Tea with the Rabbi

Plan a day at the movies or a tour of historic cities of the South. Maybe we will try out a new restaurant in town, or even a little out of town.

Bingo Tuesdays First and last Tuesdays of the month are Bingo in the Senior Lounge. If there is a fifth Tuesday we will have Mystery Bingo. Watch the calendar to see which Bingo we’re playing.

Please RSVP the Monday prior.

Ongoing First & Last Tuesday | 12:00pm Community: $5/regular; $7/super; Member: $3/regular; $5/super

A discussion with our local Rabbis. A different topic each month. Refreshments will be served.

12/20 3rd Thursday | 1:00pm | $3 Please RSVP the Monday prior


SeniorCalendar MONDAY, DEC. 3



8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness

9:10am Yoga with Ursel 12:00pm Bingo and Lunch Community fee:$7 Member Fee: $5 RSVP required

8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping




12:00pm Bingo and snacks Community fee:$5 Member Fee: Free


8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


9:10am Yoga with Ursel 12:00pm- Decopouge in senior lounge RSVP required


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics

8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness






8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping




12:00pm Ha’zak at Emanu-El $3 RSVP required 5:30pm Community Hanukkah Dinner


New Years Day Open 10am-5pm

8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping

3:00pm-6:00pm Chanukah in the Square at Marion Square Park 8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics

12:00pm Chat Room and Lunch with Ijo RSVP required, FREE 7:30pm West Side Story at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center Limited Quantity- Must RSVP 8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


9:10am Yoga with Ursel

9:10am Yoga with Ursel

FRIDAY, DEC. 21 8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


9:00am Pancake Breakfast $5 per person

9:10am Yoga with Ursel


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


12:00pm Ha’zak at Emanu-El $3 RSVP required

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9 8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


9:10am Yoga with Ursel 1:00pm Chai Tea with Rabbi Refson

9:10am Yoga with Ursel 12:00pm Lunch at North Market RSVP required 8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


12:00pm Chat Room and Lunch with Ijo RSVP required FREE


8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


9:10am Yoga with Ursel


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics



8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:15am Chair Aerobics


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


12:00pm Bingo and Lunch Community fee:$7 Member Fee: $5 RSVP required


8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jonng 12:00pm Sherman House Shopping


9:10am Yoga with Ursel


8:00am Women’s Only Zumba Ball Fusion 9:10am Yoga with Ursel 10:10am Senior Forever Fit 11:00am Mah Jongg 11:15am Chair Fitness


12:00pm Mystery bingo and snacks Community fee:$5 Member Fee: Free


8:00am Women’s Only Total Body Fitness 9:10am Yoga with Ursel


all 22 of us. We asked the staff to share a little bit about themselves.


Stefanie Alexander


Chief Executive Officer of CJF/JCC JUDIC@JEWISHCHARLESTON.ORG | 843.571.6565 x1001

I am from Connecticut, but I’ve been in Charleston since 2001. I’m a big New York Mets fan! I have a fabulous dog and cat. I also have a fabulous boyfriend.

I grew up in Woodbridge, Connecticut and moved to Charleston 21 years ago. Husband is Ted and Daughters are Jessica & Alex.

2. Alexis Bailey

7. Susan Critzman



Accountant for CJF/JCC& Sherman House

Children’s Services Director

Originally from Baltimore Maryland Attended the Woodstock Music Festival during the summer of 1969 Married to Donald Critzman for 12 years. Have 2 children - Gina Carapico 32 years old, Corporal Louis Carapico 27 years old Have 1 stepddaughter - Michelle Klunk 34 years old Have 1 granddaughter - Alexys Ferro 12 years old.

3. Carol Berlin

8. Lauren Dumas-Schryver



I am from Elmont, New York and have lived in Charleston and have been at the JCC since, September 1981. For 32 years I have enjoyed coming to work at the JCC, its part of my heart and everyday life. I have two children and six Grandchildren!!!

I am from Charleston, SC- Born and raised I am a HUGE tomboy at heart ie: love to fish and hunt, and I live for college football My husband is Tim, 2 cats Summer and Phil and 2 dogs Marlin and Capers.

4. Katie Bielsky

9. Ben Fludd

JCC Front Desk, Evenings & Sundays


Born in Chattanooga TN; raised in Unionville/Chadds Ford area of PA.When working on my Masters in Anthropology, emphasis in Physical Anthropology, I worked with Dr. William Bass, world renowned Forensic anthropologist known for the “Body Farm” written about in Patricia Cornwell’s Dr. Kay Scarpetta novels. I have three children; Moshe, Simcha & Malka.

5. Sandra Brett Cultural Arts Programming


Born in Johnstown, PA I am a watercolor artist. I have One husband, one dog, 4 kids.


Chief Financial Officer of CJF/JCC

I am from Charleston, SC I enjoy watching the oldies...Tom & Jerry, Bonanza and Jeopardy. As well, I like to play with snakes. I am a daughter, sister, an aunt, a cousin and more importantly a friend.

Special Events Coordinator


6. Judi Corsaro

Sports, Recreation and Aquatics Director

JCC Groundskeeper 571-6565

Ben Fludd has been employed by the JCC for the past 8 years and loves taking care of the grounds for the entire campus. Whether he’s cutting the grass or putting down ant spray for the children of JCare and AHA you can always count on Ben to be there when you need him. Ben enjoys cooking and spending time with his family and hopes to retire but work part time for the JCC in the near future.

10. Lenny Gregg JCC Maintenance 571-6565

Lenny Gregg has been employed by us for 34 years and is known affectionately around campus as Mr. Lenny. Lenny takes great pride in knowing that he has been a part of so seeing so many different generations of family come through the doors of the JCC. Lenny is the JCC and we are so grateful to have his knowledge and wisdom at our Charleston JCC.

11. Dee Hilos

JCC Maintenance 571-6565

Darius Hilos became employed after his hard work at the JCC City Swim Meet. Almost three years later, “Dee” continues to be an asset to the Maintenance Team. He has an infectious laugh and smile that keeps everyone going and his background in the construction world makes him super handy to have at the Charleston J. In his spare time Dee enjoys being a father and spending time with his daughter Erin.

12. Bridget Johnson

CJF/JCC Graphic Designer BRIDGETJ@CHARLESTONJCC.ORG | 843.571.6565 x1002

17. Sarah Roshfeld CJF Program Director


I am from Rockville, MD but have been in Charleston for 6 years. Something not many people know: my family are the only ‘Roshfeld’s in the USA. Family: Both of my parents are still in my childhood home in MD, my 23 year old sister works in DC, my 18 year old brother is a freshman at Elon University, I have an almost 2 year old pitbull-lab-boxer mix named Benson, and my boyfriend David is a teacher here in town.

18. Joann Sherman JCC Membership Director


I am from Georgetown, SC. I love surfing and hanging out at the beach with friends! I’m an only child but I have two doggies, Dudley & Sandi.

I am from Georgetown, SC Although I grew up in Georgetown, SC, technically I was born on an Air Force Base in Madrid, Spain. My husband is Mitchell, and our children are: Stacey, 26; Molly 23, David 11. Dogs: Noah and Herman!

13. Andrea Joseph

19. Sara Sharnoff

I am from Colatown, SC. I danced and cheered for half of my life. I have a half brother, half sister and I am the aunt of a nephew that is two weeks older than me.

I am from Columbia, SC. I can play the trombone. My parents and brother live in Columbia, SC. I live with my new dog, Goose.

14. Stephanie Lasek

20. Tamar Sternfeld

I am from Florence, SC and Austin,TX Member of Women’s Gymnastics Team at the University of Texas at Austin, HOOK ‘EM HORNS! Married for 14 years to Todd Lasek, one daughter Aubren Lasek.

I was born in Charleston and have lived in Indianapolis, Urbana-Champaign, San Diego, DC Suburbs, and Akron, Ohio. Most people don’t know that I was a founding member of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir. My husband, Scott, and I have been married for over 11 years, and we have three children, Hadassah (age 9), David (age almost 7), and Noam (age 3).

CJF Graphic Designer ANDREAJ@JEWISHCHARLESTON.ORG | 843.571.6565 x1002

Fitness and Wellness Director STEPHANIEL@CHARLESTONJCC.ORG

15. Chelsea Parker Director of First Impressions


I’m from Kingsport,TN I’m a Civil War Reenactor- I ride in the cavalry! I live in an apartment downtown with my cat, Hannah. My parents still live in TN, and two of my 5 sisters live in Charleston with me!

16. Marcie Rosenberg Chef Extraordinaire at the JCC


I am from Ramsey, New Jersey I am a competitive and strategic game player My husband is David and my kids are Allan, Rachel and Sammy.

Director of Social Services and Senior Programming


JCC Program Director


21. Lori Hoch Stiefel Director of Marketing, Family & Holiday Programming for JCC and CJF


I am from Montreal, QC, Canada and have been in the US for 9 years. I love musical theatre and have performed in Yiddish theatre abroad. My husband is Barry and I have a son named Izzy Moe and a daughter named Corinne Zara.

22. Ronneca Watkins Chief Operating Officer of the JCC


Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky I am an ear-piercing expert I’m a wife and a proud mother of Thomas 12-years-old, and Jayda, 3-months-old!


Looking to advertise your business or product in the Voice? For more information, e-mail

Charleston Jewish Social Services needed We are seeking Dentists, Physicians, Attorneys, Social Workers and other professionals to assist us with our growing need for client services. If you are interested in providing services at discounted rates or volunteering your professional services, please contact Sara Sharnoff at 571.6565 or email at

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Events BSBI


Service Dor Tikvah

Congregation Dor Tikvah co-sponsored an Enchanted Sukkah evening with the Charleston Jewish Federation’s YAD (Young Adult Division) on Saturday evening October 12, in the Sukkah at the JCC. The evening included a Havdalah service with guitar playing by Jason Daniels. Children also participated in the service and there was dancing and celebration, as kosher wines from around the world were tasted. An array of beautifully displayed hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Marcie Rosenberg’s Dining In were served in the JCC. This was a great community wide program which attracted members and representatives from different Charleston area synagogues and Jewish organizations. We were happy to see such a positive turnout for our first social program. As a new congregation, Dor Tikvah held a full High Holiday Service schedule. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services were led by out of town Hazan, Rael Blumenthal. Young adult guests from Torah Tours, a program of Yeshiva University, helped to bring a spirited Simchat Torah. We want to thank our Torah readers, young children who close Shabbat services, as well as all of our members who contribute to make our young congregation a vibrant and growing



We want to thank our Torah readers, young children who close Shabbat services, as well as all of our members who contribute to make our young congregation a vibrant and growing addition to Jewish Charleston.

addition to Jewish Charleston. Congregation Dor Tikvah continues to thrive, as a search for a full-time Rabbi is currently underway. All are welcome to experience Congregation Dor Tikvah services and programs. Check our website: for more information.

Before getting started on all of the exciting events that are happening at BSBI, I would like to thank the BSBI family and the entire Jewish community of Charleston for embracing us with such warmth. We have enjoyed meeting so many of you and hope to meet those of you whom we have not yet met. To learn more about us, check out my blog which discusses our experiences in moving to Charleston from the big city. This past month has been a whirlwind of activity at BSBI. We kicked off the new cycle of the weekly Torah reading with a vegetarian cholent and elaborate Noah’s ark cake, baked and decorated by BSBI kids and students from Addlestone Hebrew Academy. With the current exciting storylines of the weekly parsha, we hope to have many more parsha themed events and desserts! Al Levine Mens’ Night Out was a huge success and after those giant steaks, our men were so full that none of them were able to even THINK about food. Much thanks to Kenny Fox, Stanley Baker, Joe Chase

and Carole Rivers for making it happen. On the subject of food (Jewish=food), we had a beautiful Friday night dinner on November 9th at the synagogue and would like to thank Stanley Baker, Aaron Hyman and Tovi Admon for putting it together. We are very much looking forward to the next one, which will take place on January 18th when Rabbi Daniel Cohen, rabbi of Agudath Shalom of Stamford, and his wife Diane, a native Charlestonian (daughter of Ruth and Isaac Jacobs, obm), join us as our Scholar in Residence for Shabbos. Rabbi Davis made us all proud at his first Three Rabbi Panel and then ran an important and informative seminar on “Death and Bereavement in Jewish Tradition” on Veterans’ Day. The Rabbi and I have been busy teaching classes, including Chumash at the JCC, Lunch and Learn, Wednesday night at the Minyan House, Women’s Siddur, and the Thought of Rabbi Soloveitchik at the College of Charleston. We are thrilled by the reception we have received and the community’s thirst for learning. Exciting new programs at BSBI: We have a PARTY (Parents and Rabbis Teaching Youth) every Saturday night at BSBI, featuring pizza, prizes and parent-children learning, for all ages and backgrounds. And for those of you who like to sleep in on Sunday mornings and eat well when you wake up (isn’t that everyone??), you’ll be excited to learn that BSBI has started “First Sunday of the Month Hot Breakfast Extravaganza” following a LATE Sunday morning minyan (8:30), with an array of delicious food and a taste of Torah for added spice. We would be remiss not to thank our president Judge James Turner for his hard work and many accomplishments as he completes his term as president of our synagogue. We wish the new slate of officers much success. Wishing y’all an enlightening Chanukah from the Rabbi, myself and our three girls, as well as the entire BSBI family! By Rebbetzin Ariela Davis

Weekly Torah Reading and Noah’s Ark Cake baked and decorated by BSBI kids and students from Addlestone Hebrew Academy.

Todah Rabah Hadassah

Up& Coming KKBE

The next few months are jam-packed with activities and programs hosted or jointly sponsored by KKBE. We are grateful to be part of such a vibrant and active community. If you have questions about events, programs or services, please contact the temple office at 843-723-1090 or info@ Here are some highlights: Chanukah in the Square: Sunday, December 9 from 4-6pm

Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies teams up with other local groups to present this Jewish Community bash at Marion Square. Enjoy live camels, a pony and plenty to eat and drink. KKBE will provide beverages.

Shabbat Service Held East of the Cooper - Friday, January 11

KKBE periodically offers a service held east of the Cooper River as a convenience to those in that area. Join us at Franke at Seaside in the Rodenberg Chapel in Mount Pleasant at 7:00 pm. Shabbat Evening Service will also be conducted at KKBE’s historic downtown synagogue at 8:00 pm.

MartinLutherKing,Jr.Commemoration at Synagogue Emanu-El: Sunday, January 13 at 4pm

Jewish and African American Congregations come together to celebrate the life of this prominent civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist. The featured guest speaker will be The Honorable Richard Gergel, a lawyer and Federal judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina. Each year, this event proves to be a moving tribute to a national icon whose relevance never wanes

Tu-B’shvat Seder: Friday, January 25 at 5:45 pm Join us for a special Seder and dinner celebrating the festival of Tu B’shvat. A Shabbat evening service will follow at 8:00 pm. Watch for an online RSVP at

It’s December and Hadassah’s Centennial Celebration is drawing to a close. The Charleston Chapter finished 2012 with a flourish as we hosted Hadassah’s Chief Development Officer Michael Ostroff at our Donor program at The Original Ms. Rose’s. We also shared experiences and excitement from Convention at our December Chapter meeting. One of the tangible representations of the Charleston Chapter’s commitment to Hadassah is our brick on the Centennial Path, leading to the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower at Ein Kerem. Another is the series of names on the Keepers of the Gate Columns and Founders and Centennial Founders Walls at Ein Kerem. Mazel Tov Charleston – and thank you! As we enter our second century we set off on the next hundred years of our partnership with Israel. Our Youth Aliyah programs are building genera-

Ed Silverberg, Howard Weiner, Stephanie Tranen and Terry Tranen finding the names on the Keepers of the Gate columns.

tions of strong Israelis. Our hospitals bring babies into the world and provide the finest medical care in the Middle East. Our medical research helps the lives of millions…not just in Israel but throughout the world. We celebrate our achievements but cannot rest on these lofty laurels. There’s so much more we can do – WE ARE HADASSAH. For information on giving opportunities, programs, membership, getting involved, or general inquiries, email HadassahCharleston@ or call 971-6116. This is you last chance to become a Life Member, Associate, or gift a life membership for $212. As of January 1st the annual membership goes back to $360. Are there any new family members this year? Now’s your chance to make them part of Hadassah’s family. Contact Bonnie at 556-5670.

Artist in Residence Weekend: First Weekend in February

Rabbi Noam Katz, an exciting voice in contemporary Jewish music, will share his talent and passion for the power of music to create strong Jewish and interfaith communities. Noam’s latest release, A Drum in Hand, combines elements of the prayer service with hand percussion and rhythms from around the globe. He spent three months with the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda and his work reflects deftness for interweaving diverse cultural elements. A longtime song leader at URJ camps, Noam is Dean of Jewish Living at URJ’s Camp George.

Stradivarius Sunday Concert at KKBE - February 17 at 5:30 pm

Don’t miss the chance to hear Charleston Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster, Yuriy Bekker, as he joins other talented musicians for a music lover’s dream. Attendees will enjoy the rare opportunity to hear consummate violinists perform on a Stradivarius. Fewer than 600 are still known to exist. The evening will feature Jewish music played by talented artists on an astounding instrument in a beautiful setting. Find ticket info at Only 400 seats are available.

An enduring commitment from Charleston on the Centennial Path to the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower at Ein Kerem.




The NCJW Charleston Membership Tea took place on October 28, 2012 at the home of Sunny and Samuel Steinberg. Dr. Jeri Cabot, Dean of Students at the College of Charleston was our guest speaker.

Kindergartners from AHA shopping for the Kosher Food Pantry.

& Mitzvot AHA


ith Thanksgiving and Chanukah on the way, food is certainly on our minds. Our Kindergarten planned a lot of purchases—but not for themselves. During the two weeks before Thanksgiving, Kindergarten has been collecting food for the Low Country Food Bank, Ms. Sue McClurg leading this project. Not forgetting families who keep kosher at Thanksgiving, Kindergarten went shopping at Publix to buy food to be donated to the JCC’s Kosher Food Pantry. The project grew in a truly grassroots fashion. A student suggested making tzedakah boxes to be taken home. Morah Alli Debrow and the class designed and made their own tzedakah boxes. The children gave tzedakah at home, bringing $120.00 to their class tzedakah project. They studied hechsharim (Kashrut marks) with the Fourth Grade, who drew a number of hechsharim on cards for the Kindergarten children to take shopping. EC 3 children were inspired to donate their class tzedakah box money of $13.00 to help make these purchases.



On November 14, the class went shopping at Publix, looking for nutritious and kosher food. Several parents and grandparents and Rabbi Admon transported our students and helped them make their purchases. The kindergarteners divided into shopping groups with chaperons. With the 4th grade kosher symbol cards for reference and the suggested food list from JCC’s Sara Sharnoff, they began to shop. They looked for pantry staples that are needed such as tuna, rice, soy milk, peanut butter and pasta sauce. When they found the foods they needed, the children looked for the hechsharim. They also found the kosher section and enjoyed seeing what foods they could purchase there. Our students encountered many Charleston Jewish community members who were all so proud that Addlestone kindergartners were doing this kindness. So many shoppers who did not know our children or our school praised our children for their goodness in performing this mitzvah (good deed). What amazing representatives our children were! Each child was given money to make an actual individual purchase. The cashiers were so excited to help our students and talked to them about the students’ project. The children carried their own purchases and were eager to deliver them to the Kosher Food Pantry. This project ties into Kindergarten’s Thanksgiving project to help people who keep kosher food celebrate this American holiday, which has roots in Jewish tradition. Children were continuously praised for the kind hearts and their mitzvot. The project’s objectives were met successfully: creative children making tzedakah boxes, parents sharing in the excitement of the whole project at home, and children realizing that they helped families have kosher food available. Truly this was a lesson of the heart which with a lifelong message. -Susan Weintrob, Head of School

Dr. Cabot (2nd from left). With her in the picture are her daughter, Rachel, and Marlene Denemark and Susan Garfinkel. Sunny and Samuel Steinberg are in the background.

Attendees enjoying food at the event.



Sunday, December 9, 2012 from 4:00-6:00 pm in Marion Square Park


Join us for the eighth annual

e have had such an amazing fall season at Emanu-El. Thank You to Marilyn Hoffman and her wonderful committee for our dazzling 65th Anniversary Party. Todah Rabah also to Alex Fox and his committee for our super-fun 65th Anniversary Family Picnic that doubled as a meaningful tribute to our community’s veterans.

Chanukah in the Square extravaganza. Once again the Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program will team up with our friends, the City of Charleston’s Office of Cultural Affairs, Chabad of the Lowcountry, and many other community organizations to create our most festive Chanukah in the Square yet. Last year, we successfully introduced live camels into the mix to an overwhelmingly positive response from the event’s attendees. This year, we are amplifying the festive mood by frying fresh sufganiyot (doughnuts) to delight the taste buds of the 1000+ expected celebrants. We are also adding pony rides.

Now it is time to heat your winter up with us! We invite you to join us - celebrate, learn and worship! THE 2ND ANNUAL EMANU-EL HANUKKAH KICKOFF PARTY:

Sunday, December 2nd 10:30AM-12:30PM

If you came to our Hanukkah Kickoff Party last year, you know this is not to be missed! This time we will feature a professional Magic Show that is sure to entertain all ages, on top of our many games and attractions for kids and adults alike. Home-made latkes and other treats will be available for purchase, as well as many other surprises. FAMILY SHABBAT & MEN’S CLUB HANUKKAH DINNER:

Friday, December 7 Services: 5:15PM-5:45PM, Dinner to follow

The 1st Friday of the month features an exciting new tradition at Emanu-El: our “Family Shabbat” service is suitable for all ages and starts early so little ones can easily participate. This month, we also are fortunate to have our very own Men’s Club cook their annual Hannukah dinner for us following services. The January Family Shabbat service will be on January 4th. TOT SHABBAT:

Saturdays, December 8, January 12 11:00AM

Meet us in the double classroom for Shabbat fun for kids newborn-5, at 11:00AM. Afterward, please join the congregation for Kiddush following services.


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday — January 13-15, 2013 in Arnold Hall Rabbi Radinsky on January 13 and 15 (Sunday at 5:00pm, Tuesday at 7:00pm) RECEIVING MONEY FOR TORAH STUDY

Over two evenings, this class will explore the ethical implications of receiving money from tzedakah in order to study Torah. What is the primary obligation of a Torah scholar? That of providing for his family, or Talmud Torah? Barbara Radinsky on January 14 (Monday at 7:00pm) THE LIVING LEGACY OF THE


This class will explore the fifth book of the Torah in order to better understand how the Jewish people needed to transition after the death of Moses, and how the lessons of Devarim can be applied to life today. SUNDAY BRUNCH WITH DAVID BENATAR

January 20, 2013 at 10:00am in Arnold Hall, Jewish Studies Center Three Rabbis walk into a Bar…: Some thoughts on Jewish Humor

What makes a joke a Jewish joke? When is a joke antiSemitic? The speaker will

discuss these and other questions, illustrating his proposed answers with relevant jokes (and possibly adding a few gratuitous ones). David Benatar is professor of philosophy and head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is the author of Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence (Oxford, 2006) and The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)


Mondays, January 28 – April 29, 2013 5:25 – 6:40pm in Arnold Hall and the Levin Library

Our informal Hebrew classes will continue during the spring semester as follows: there will be two intermediate levels offered at the same time. Shula Holtz will teach Reading Fluency and Prayer Literacy. Tsipi Wagner will teach Reading Fluency and Modern Hebrew. Basic ability to read Hebrew is a prerequisite for these classes. A beginner’s class will be offered again in fall 2013.


Tuesday, December 11, noon

The best lunch deal in town! $3 for “all you can eat” and a stimulating talk. Hazak is our popular program for seniors and takes place the second Tuesday every month. This month, Sisterhood joins in on the fun, which promises an extra special menu and even more friendly faces! Topic and speaker to be announced. January 8th we will also have Hazak in session! Please call the office to RSVP. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. CELEBRATION:

Sunday, January 13, 4:00pm

Synagogue Emanu-El is proud to host this joint event in its 17th year. The Jewish Community is partnering with Morris Brown AME Church to strengthen the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the bonds in our community. TU B’SHVAT SEDER AT KIDDUSH:

Saturday, January 26, following 9:30AM Services

Join us on this festive Shabbat as we celebrate the new year of all trees and plants! The Kiddush luncheon that traditionally follows services will be a fun and delicious Tu B’Shvat Seder! To volunteer or for more information, email emanu-el@ or call us at 571-3264.



send us your simchas Please keep the information flowing to us at

We would love to share your simchas with others.

WE CAN DO THE BRAGGING FOR YOU. DID YOU KNOW THAT? Margot Freudenberg was spotlighted by Willard Scott on the morning Today show for her 105th birthday? Mazel tov, Margot! Margot is the mother of Henry Freudenberg. Linda and David Cohen were named the recipients of the Jerry Zucker Lifetime Achievement Award during the 2012 Giving Back Awards Ceremony. Archie Burkel was honored for her work with the Hat Ladies at this years Giving Back Awards? Dr. Allen Lieberman received the Torman Award for distinguished leadership in the practice of environmental medicine. Congratulations! DID YOU HAPPEN TO SEE? Roxann Spandorfer being honored by ORT at a brunch at the Charleston J.C.C.? Well deserved honoree!!! Mazel tov to Roxann and her entire family! Harlan Greene on his article in this month’s Charleston Magazine about the CSO? LOVE AND MARRIAGE: Shea Adam Meddin married Christina Marie Forte on September 22, 2012, at the St. Regis Hotel in Atlanta GA. Shea is the son of Stuart and Sheryl Bakst Meddin and the grandson of Doris Levkoff Meddin and Hyman J. Meddin (OBM) and Ellen and Alvin Bakst (OBM). Christina is the daughter of Susan and Steven Forte and granddaughter of Mary Ann Seavey. This was shared with us by Shea’s aunt, Ann Meddin Hellman. Thanks, Ann. Anna Fox, daughter of Missee and Charles Fox, granddaughter of Joan and Maurice Fox, married Lt. Cameron Jackson Burnette, USN. The couple is residing in Washington, DC. Jeffrey Zucker, son of Anita



and Jerry(OBM) Zucker, married Jessica Gerrick of Ft. Worth, Texas on Sunday October 21st at Runnymede Plantation. Rabbi Ari Sytner married the happy couple. Now living in Lincoln Park,Ill., Jeffrey owns Pizza Persona and Jessica is a registered nurse. Jeffrey is the grandson of Rose andCarl (OBM) Goldberg and Zipporah and Leon (OBM) Zucker .Ellis and Kelly Grossman were married October 28th at Lowndes Grove. Ellis is the son of Colby and Fran Grossman and the grandson of Marie Grossman. Kelly is the daughter of Allen and Sue Wenner of Columbia. Ellis is the president of The Black Bean Company; Kelly is the jewelry designer for Kelly Wenner Designs. It is never to late to announce a simcha.......Brenda Chepenik, daughter of Stan and Eileen Chepenik and Shannon McCoy were married in December, 2011. Brenda is an oncology nurse at MUSC and Shannon is an IT specialist for a defense contractor. Joseph Nussbaum and Victoria Neiman were married at Charlestowne Landing October 28th. Both Joseph and Victoria, graduates of Yale, are attorneys in New York. Joseph is the son of Alan and Neda Nussbaum and the grandson of Claire and Maurice Nussbaum and Florence Coleman Horowitz.Mazel to all! VITAL STATISTICS: Jeri and Marty Perlmutter’s son, Aaron, and their daughter-in-law, Karen, gave birth to a baby boy, Caleb, in September. Benjamin Hudson Toporek born 10/10/12 to Christine and Martin Toporek. Leila Rose is Hudson’s “big sister”. Benjamin is the grandson of Ijo and Stanley Toporek and Lil and Paul Kent. Norma Caplan is the very proud great grandmother.

Mazel Tov to Alyssa and Fritz Gitter on the birth of their daughter, Mayer Izzy, on Monday, October 23rd! Congratulations to big sister Caroline too! Neda and Alan Nussbaum are proud to announce the arrival of two more grandchildren. Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum and Noam Pianko of Seattle, Washington are the proud parents of a son, Elisha, born October 30th. Big sisters Yona and Mia are happy to welcome their new brother. In late summer, Nathan and wife Jackie Nussbaum’s daughter, Eden, was born in Philadelpha. Mazel tov to the great grandparents Claire and Maurice Nussbaum and Florence Coleman Horowitz. Mazel Tov , Mazel Tov! ANNIVERSARIES: Jerri and Marty Perlmutter 40th Anniversary BAR & BAT MITZVAHS: Mazel tov to the following on the occasion of their bat mitzvot: Elliot Rach Cohn, on his Bar Mitzvah, September 15th at Kahol Kadosh Beth Elohim.He is the son of Jackie and Russell Cohn. Elliott is a seventh grader and is an honor roll student at Buist Academy. Juliana Leigh Strobing, on her Bat Mitzvah, October 6th at Kahol Kadosh Beth Elohim. She is the daughter of Claudia and Frank Strobing. She is a tennis player and is currently on the Wando tennis team. Jared Michael Kievit, on his Bar Mitzvah, November 3rd at Kahol Kadosh Beth Elohim. He is the son of Lisha and Rick Kievit.Jared is an honor student at Charleston County School of the Arts where he majors in Visual Arts.

Left to right Mary Fishburne, Immanuel A. Houston and Kristen Bushey. Photo by Gerry Katz

Theater Review: Tell me on a Sunday SANDY KATZ, REVIEWER


hen a beautiful and talented young lady comes to New York from across the pond to seek her fame and fortune, we have a musical with a happy ending! A modern fairy-tale of challenges and obstacles and more challenges and obstacles! Mary Fishburne’s Emma lit up the stage as she sang her heart out lamenting and celebrating her failures at romance and successes at finding herself and a place in the sun ultimately accomplishing her dream goal with a flair. The small intimate venue was perfect for this one-woman show directed by multi-talented Sheri Grace Wenger who is known for her magical productions that have entertained Charleston audiences for many years. Immanuel A Houston accompanied Fishburne on his piano giving all of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Award-winning musical songs this special musicality deserves. He is discretely hidden behind the scenery where we do get dramatic glimpses of him tickling those ivories. Houston’s musical interludes allowed Fishburne the split seconds necessary for all her costume changes. Kristen Bushey deserves a lot of credit for her costumes that advanced the musical with an important feel of time and place. The minute I entered the theatre and my eyes caught a glimpse of the set, I was so impressed with Ryan Ahert’s creativity. The set looked like Sex-In-The-City met silhouette-man and was done as a wood cut-out. Ahert fulfilled his mom ,director Wenger’s visualization to perfection.. It was all in the details and the ability to change scenery at the drop of a hat. Fishburne owned the stage as she optimistically went through about 20 songs to tell her story of love lost and love found over and over again until she found herself and was content in her success. Memorable songs included: “Tell me on a Sunday” and “Take that look off your face.” For information on Midtown Productions go to website: HYPERLINK “” To buy tickets to attend Midtown Productions shows call: 795-2223

December & January Calendar





• AHA Chanukah Book Fair 12:00pm • Chabad/JSP Chanukah in the Square 3:00pm • Chanukah Light 2 Candles

• Taylor Kahn-Perry Bat Mitzvah • KKBE Confirmation Class Trip L’Taken Seminar • KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am • Shabbat Ends 5:58pm SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 Kislev 18 • KKBE Confirmation Class Trip L’Taken Seminar • KKBE Religious School Dreidel Shop 9:00am • E-E Religious School 9:30am • E-E Hanukkah Kickoff Party/ Car Giveaway 10:00am • JSP China, Japan & Shanghai Jews during WWII 10:00am • KKBE Sisterhood Cooking Series 1:00pm • JCC/CJF Annual Mtg. 4:00pm MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 Kislev 19 • KKBE Confirmation Class Trip L’Taken Seminar • JSP Reading Hebrew 5:25pm • JSP Ariela Davis Class: Thought of Rabbi Soloveitchik 5:30pm • JSP Rabbi Epstein’s Class: Make Up or Break Up 7:00pm TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Kislev 20 • KKBE Sisterhood Make-up & Margheritas 7:00pm • AIPAC Event 7:00pm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 Kislev 21 • KKBE Manhigut Leadership Class 6:30pm • Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 Kislev 22 • Hadassah Centennial Convention Report 7:00pm • KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 Kislev 23 • • • •

Candlelighting 4:55pm E-E Family Shabbat 4:45pm E-E Men’s Club Hanukkah Dinner 6:00pm KKBE Shabbat First Friday Service 7:00pm

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 Kislev 24 • E-E Sisterhood Anniversary Shabbat 9:00am • KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am • KKBE Tot Shabbat 10:00am • KKBE Winter Senior Shabbat 10:00am • BSBI Annual Sisterhood Chanukah Dinner 5:00pm • JCC Raffle Event 7:30pm • Chanukah Light 1 Candle after 5:59pm

MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 Kislev 26 • Chanukah Light 3 Candles TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11 Kislev 27 • E-E Sisterhood/Hazak Chanukah Luncheon 12:00pm • JCC Community Chanukah Dinner 5:30pm • E-E Finance Mtg. 6:00pm • Chanukah Light 4 Candles WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 Kislev 28 • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm • E-E Religious School 4:15pm • PJ Library Chanukah Story Time in Mt. Pleasant 5:30pm • KKBE Sisterhood Board Mtg. 6:00pm • Chanukah Light 5 Candles THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 Kislev 29 • PJ Library Chanukah Story Time at Citadel Mall 8:00pm • E-E Teen Talk 6:30pm • KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm • Chanukah Light 6 Candles FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 Tevet 1 • KKBE Chanukah Congregational Dinner 5:45pm • KKBE Chanukah Service 7:00pm • E-E Tour d’Emanu-El 7:30pm • Chanukah Light 7 Candles before 4:57pm • Light Shabbat Candle 4:57pm SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Tevet 2 • • • • •

Eli Roberts Bar Mitzvah E-E Shabbat Yachad 9:30am KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am E-E Tot Shabbat 11:00am Chanukah Light 8 Candles after Havdalah 6:00pm


• KKBE Board Mtg. 7:00pm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19 Tevet 6 • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm • E-E Sisterhood Book Club 7:00pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Tevet 7 • • • •

AHA Winter Break Noon Dismissal E-E Board Mtg. 6:30pm KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm AHA Board Mtg. 7:30pm

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 Tevet 8 • Candlelighting 5:00pm • E-E FNL Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm • KKBE Volunteer Shabbat Service 8:00pm SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 Tevet 9 • KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am • Shabbat Ends 6:03pm SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Tevet 10 • BSBI Congregation Mtg. 4:00pm MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 Tevet 11 • YAD 6th Annual Matzah Ball 9:00pm TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 Tevet 12 • JCC Family Pancake Breakfast 9:00am • BSBI Program 6:00pm • KKBE Sisterhood Book Club #1 7:30pm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 Tevet 13 • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 Tevet 14 • KKBE Brotherhood Mtg. 6:30pm FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 Tevet 15 • E-E Late Night Services 8:15pm • Candlelighting 5:04pm SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 Tevet 16 • KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am • Shabbat Ends 6:08pm SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 Tevet 17 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 Tevet 18

MONDAY, JANUARY 21 Sh’vat 10


• • • •

TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 Tevet 26 • E-E Hazak Lunch 12:00pm • E-E Finance Mtg. 6:00pm • AHA Prospective/Current Family Open House 7:00pm WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 Tevet 27 • E-E Religious School 9:30am • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm • KKBE Sisterhood Board Mtg. 6:00pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 Tevet 28

FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 Tevet 22 • • • •

Candlelighting 5:09pm E-E PJ Shabbat 4:45pm KKBE Congregational Dinner 5:45pm E-E Friday Night Live 6:00pm

MLK, Jr. Day E-E Confirmation Trip NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah Jewish Community in the MLK Parade 10:30am • Dor Tikvah Board Mtg. 7:45pm TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 Sh’vat 11 • KKBE Sisterhood Book Club #1 7:30pm Wednesday, January 23

Sh’vat 12 • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm • E-E Religious School 4:15pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 Sh’vat 13

• KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm

• KKBE Brotherhood Dinner 6:30pm • AHA Board Mtg. 7:30pm


FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Sh’vat 14

• Candlelighting 5:14pm • KKBE East Cooper Shabbat Service 7:00pm

• • • •

SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 Sh’vat 1 • • • •

E-E Sisterhood Shabbat 9:00am KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am E-E Tot Shabbat 11:00am KKBE Sisterhood YES Fund Program 6:00pm • Shabbat Ends 6:18pm SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 Sh’vat 2 • E-E Religious School 9:30am • CJF Young Leadership Meeting 7:00pm MONDAY, JANUARY 14 Sh’vat 3 • JCA Exec Mtg. 5:30pm • JCA Board Mtg. 7:00pm TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 Sh’vat 4

• • • •



• E-E Religious School 9:30am • Kadimah Event 1:00pm



Shabbat Ends 6:25pm NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am E-E Confirmation Trip



• New Year’s Day

• • • •

• E-E Confirmation Trip • NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah • JSP 3 Rabbis Walk into a Bar: Some Thoughts on Jewish Humor 10:00am



• KKBE Exec. Board Mtg. 6:00pm

• Brian Rieder Bar Mitzvah • KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am • Shabbat Ends 6:12pm

• New Year’s Eve

• KKBE Brotherhood Brunch 10:30am



• Jewish Professionals Mtg. 8:30am • KKBE Exec Board Mtg. 6:00pm • KKBE Board Mtg. 7:00pm

• BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm • KKBE Manhigut Leadership Class 6:30pm

• Dor Tikvah Board Mtg. 7:45pm • Chanukah 8th Day

• KKBE Shabbat First Friday Service 7:00pm

BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm E-E Religious School 4:15pm E-E Teen Talk 6:30pm E-E Sisterhood Book Club 7:00pm

THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 Sh’vat 6 • • • •

Candlelighting 5:27pm E-E Tu B’Shvat Shabbat Seder 6:00pm AHA Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm KKBETuB’shvat Seder 6:00pm

SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Sh’vat 15 • • • • •

Eleanor Kunitz-Levy Bat Mitzvah E-E Tu B’Shvat Kiddush Seder 9:30am E-E Shabbat Yachad 9:30am KKBE Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am AHA Community Havdalah & Tu B’shevat Celebration 7:15pm • Shabbat Ends 6:31pm SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 Sh’vat 16 • Tri-Sisterhood Event 2:009pm • E-E Bingo 4:00pm MONDAY, JANUARY 28 Sh’vat 17 • Dor Tikvah Board Mtg. 7:00pm TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 Sh’vat 18 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 Sh’vat 19 • BSBI Lunch & Learn 1:00pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 Sh’vat 20 • JCC American Cancer Society Research Study (CPS-3) • KKBE Brother Mtg. 6:30pm • KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm

E-E Confirmation Trip E-E Board Mtg. 6:30pm E-E Sisterhood Book Club 7:00pm KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm

FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 Sh’vat 7 • Candlelighting 5:21pm • E-E Confirmation Trip • NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 Sh’vat 8


He’s watching and learning. How you walk to temple together, rain or shine. The way you speak gently to Aunt Ruth. And your gift for making the holidays feel miraculous. Best wishes for a happy Chanukah. Life is a Miracle.



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