March 2011 VOICE

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Don’t Forget KidsFair is on March 13 from 10-4 at the Gaillard Auditorium - see our ad on page 8

A publication of the Charleston Jewish Federation •

a e k a s r M e e t n u l o V n g i Campa

March 2011 Adar 5771

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Get involved. Donate. Volunteer. It’s what being Jewish feels like.

arcia olunteers M V n ig a p m CJF Ca stein d Faye Bern n a y le a e h S Difference a e k a M h c Schupba

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Thank you to all our

CJF Campaign


Pictured above (L-R), Faye Bernstein Schupbach & Marcia Shealey


What's Nu? 2 Charleston Jewish Federation 3-5, 7 JCC Centerpiece 8-10 Local Happenings 7, 11 Serendipity 12 Our Community 13-15

Learn how you can volunteer for the CJF Annual Campaign by calling Sarah Swingle, CJF Program Director, at 843.571.6565 x 304


what’s nu?

March 2011 | Adar 5771

The Charleston Jewish Voice is a community newspaper, published as a service by the Charleston Jewish Federation, which focuses on Jewish life in Charleston. The Jewish Community Center is a recipient agency of the Charleston Jewish Federation and encourages its members to participate in these respective annual campaigns. Annual dues to the JCC and any contribution to the CJF campaign represent the request for a subscription to the Charleston Jewish Voice. Submission Policy:

The Charleston Jewish Voice does not assume responsibility for the quality or kashrut of any product or service advertised in its pages. The opinions that are expressed in these pages are those of the author's, not that of the Charleston Jewish Voice. The Charleston Jewish Voice bears the right to reject/edit any editorial, articles, or advertising that it deems inappropriate. Article Deadline:

1st Friday of the month for the following month’s publication; send articles in MS Word via e-mail to Advertising Deadline:

1st Wednesday of the month for the following month’s publication. Please email for advertising questions. Publisher:

Charleston Jewish Federation p 843.571.6565 f 843.556.6206

CJF President:

Jeffrey Buncher, M.D.

Chief executive officer:

Judi Corsaro

Account executives:

Carol Berlin - 843.571.6565 Allyson Leverett - 843.571.6565

Creative director:

Maria Cordrey

Charleston Jewish Voice

is printed 10 times per year by the Charleston Jewish Federation, 1645 Wallenberg Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407

Charleston Jewish Voice Article Submission Change: Please submit all articles by the 1st Friday of the month for the following month’s publication. Send articles to Sarah Swingle, CJF Program Director, at

Judi Corsaro Joint CEO

Jeffrey Buncher, M.D. CJF President

In Honor Of:

Eileen & Stanley Chepenik, Mazel Tov on your granddaughter Abby’s Bar Mitzvah: Jeffrey & Beth Buncher & family; Judi & Ted Corsaro Debbie Baker, a Speedy recovery: Judi & Ted Corsaro

CJF President’s Article

Life Cycles Life is about cycles-some change, and some are fixed, like the seasons. With the arrival of spring, another cycle begins for the Federation’s Annual Campaign. What does campaign mean to you? Think about the remarks of Andrew Carnegie: “He who dies rich, dies disgraced.” This year’s campaign chairs are Susan Addlestone Berlijn, Masha Kalinsky, Alan Toporek, our past year’s campaign Chair and consultant, Morey Lipton, MD, and myself. The campaign is off to a phenomenal start, and we are very enthusiastic, but we need your help. The women (as expected) jump-started our men’s division with an extraordinary Lion of Judah event with keynote speaker Linda Hurwitz. New Lions of Judah so far this year are Masha Kalinsky, Diana Manaker and Roxann Spandorfer. We thank our new Lions for their commitment and support of worldwide Jewry. A major gifts event is scheduled for Thursday, March 10, 2011 at the home of Liz and Spencer Lynch. Our keynote speaker is Micah Halpern. We know this will be an inspiring evening and look forward to everyone’s support. This year there is a new campaign challenge between doctors and lawyers. Watch for the evolving results on the Federation’s web site ( The recent Ghetto Shanghai event was a sold-out, inspiring evening with Evelyn Pike Rubin, author of the book entitled Ghetto Shanghai. The mensch of the month is gifted with many talents and has been a staunch supporter of Judaism and Israel for years. Self-sacrifice for the betterment of worldwide Jewry is just the way it is. Outspoken--yes. Wisely spoken--yes. My mentor-yes. Backed by and, at times, perpetuated into motion by his life’s partner--yes. Always rises above and beyond the call of duty--yes. A strong proponent of Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh La Zeh--yes. The Jewish Community Alliance of Greater Charleston and the Charleston Jewish community as a whole thank Morey Lipton, MD, and wife Sandra for their years of giving to, and growing, worldwide Jewry. This month we begin a series to recognize lay volunteers who give endlessly of their time and energy to support local and international Jewish causes. This individual joined our leadership team when I became President of the Federation. She has been very active in the Federation in years past. She was responsible for revitalizing and rebuilding a critical committee and has concern for the heart and soul of Judaism. She is always on top of any issue that may affect Judaism. She articulates timely issues with editorials in the press and establishes public forums such as the recent interfaith program with keynote speaker Ronnie Porat. The Jewish Community Alliance of Greater Charleston and the Jewish community thank Eileen Chepenik for her dedication and hard work as Chairwoman of the JCRC. One final thought: As this year’s cycle of the Federation campaign progresses, think about your role in the community. As Linda Hurwitz so elegantly stated, consider giving 10 percent of your net income. Make a change. Make a commitment. Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Remember: “It takes one to serve a community. It takes a community to serve one.” L’Dor V’Dor

CEO’s Article A few weeks ago, I had the honor of giving the D’Var Torah at Synagogue Emanu-El. Below is a portion of what I said that I wanted to share with all of you, because it relates to the CJF Annual Campaign. This week’s Torah portion Turema means to give, to give with a sense of responsibility and an open heart. It is appropriate on this day I highlight from my heart the important work that Federation does in our community, in Israel and worldwide. The Charleston Jewish Federation mission is to build and foster a strong unified Jewish community and strive to ensure its well-being and continuity locally, in Israel, and throughout the world. One of the most important ways we do this is through our annual campaign. The Charleston Jewish Federation reflects the values of social justice and human rights that define the Jewish people. The Federation protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through values of tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedakah(charity and social justice) and Torah (Jewish learning). In Charleston, only 17 % of the Jewish community contributes to the Federation annual campaign. This past year we increased our campaign to $970,000 but we were still unable to meet our local needs as well as our overseas needs. Imagine the collective power we all have to impact the future of our Jewish people. Please, this year, give to the CJF annual campaign. Give with a sense of responsibility and an open heart. Thank you so much for your support.. Please give on-line at or send a check to:

In Memory Of:

Anita Levine, beloved mother of David & Eve Levine: Sharon & Eddie Toporek Robert A. Levy, beloved companion of Susan D. Morris: Howard & Leighann Sherman David Funk, beloved father & grandfather of Laura & Jonathan Zucker & family: Jeffrey & Beth Buncher & family Myra Altman Nalibotsky, beloved sister of Sandra Altman Poliakoff: Judy & Billy Grossman Marilyn London, beloved mother & grandmother of Deborah & Morris Ellison & family: Judi & Ted Corsaro Robert Levy, beloved companion of Susan Morris: Howard & Leighann Sherman Morris Kalinsky Campaign Continuity Fund In Honor Of:

Eli Hyman, a Happy 50th birthday: Liz & Spencer Lynch

Charleston Jewish Federation 1645 Wallenberg Blvd. Charleston, SC 29407 ATTN: CJF Annual Campaign

There are still PJ LIbrary subscriptions available in Charleston. Sign your child up at

PJ Library participant Elliot Lapp loves his PJ book! The PJ Library, an international, award-winning Jewish family engagement program, is designed to strengthen the identities of Jewish families and their relationship to the Jewish community. The program is offered here in Charleston thanks to the generous local funders listed below and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Pictured: Sandra Peskin with grandson Elliot Lapp in Atlanta Special thanks to our local funders who are making this possible: Ettaleah & Nicky Bluestein Linda & David Cohen Quyen & Adam Feller Marilyn Hoffman Janice & Ellis Kahn Elaine & Barry Krell


Nancy & Bernard Mendelson Neda & Alan Nussbaum Sandra & Howard Peskin Jean & Herb Rosner Gina & Sammy Shapiro In Memory of: Freddie & Milton Kronsberg

Judy & Melvin (OBM) Solomon Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Elaine & Stuart Tessler Laurie Waters The Zucker Family Foundation Anonymous


annual cjf campaign ‘CJF Campaign Volunteers’ from page 1 Tell us a little about yourself and your family.

Marcia: I am from Charleston and have lived here for my entire life. I grew up on Gordon Street across from the old Synagogue Emanu-El, and my maiden name is Marcia Leslie Bernstein. I had an older brother Howard, who died in 1988, and a younger sister Faye. (She loves to tell people that I am her much older sister, but in reality, I am only 3 years older!) I always went to Hebrew School and Sunday School throughout my early years and had my Bat Mitzvah at Emanu-El. I guess that since we lived across the street, I didn’t have a good excuse for missing classes and was not stuck in traffic!! I was graduated from Rivers High School in 1970, and my first job was when I was 16 as a cashier at the TG&Y Store across the street from my high school. That was where I met my future husband Sid, a 1973 graduate of The Citadel. We actually became engaged just moments before I graduated from the College of Charleston in May 1974. We were married on August 11, 1974. We have two sons, Jason and Kevin, who both live in Charleston. My sister Faye and her husband Dane live just a few blocks away, and we are extremely close siblings. Now that we are the only immediate members of our family of five who are left, we realize how important family celebrations are and get together as often as we can. We usually communicate every single day in some fashion to find out what is going on in our lives. My husband and I have two dogsCocoa (16 years old) and Cleo (12 years old). Sid is now retired and was the former director of landscaping for Kiawah Island. He has always been the cook in the family, mainly because I did not inherit the kitchen talents of my late grandmother Mildred Bernstein and my sister Faye. Since January 1974, I have been an English teacher at Bishop England High School where I have been Senior Class Advisor for 30 years and was also Graduation Moderator for almost

20 years. My hobbies include reading, watching old movies, shopping, shopping, and more shopping!! Faye: I was born and raised in Charleston, SC, and am currently an Executive Assistant at Sonepar USA and have worked there for 16 years. I’ve been married to Dane Schupbach for 25 years (we renewed our vows in Las Vegas 3 years ago after Dane completed his conversion to Judaism -we were married in Vegas by a Rabbi who looked just like the comedian Jackie Mason!). Dane and I have 2 dogs - Barkley and Sasha, and we are very close to my two nephews, Jason and Kevin (Marcia’s boys). My hobbies include baking (my grandmother was a local caterer -Mildred Bernstein), reading, and yearly vacationing in Las Vegas! What are you passionate about?

Marcia: I am passionate about enjoying life since it flies by so quickly. I am also passionate about making young people realize that they need to “seize the day” and not waste time. I can recall when I began teaching 37 years ago and how the students were only 4 years younger than I was at the time. Now that age gap has grown, but I feel that the students’ views on life are really not much different. I am also passionate about remembering the past and continuing traditions. I guess those feelings are signs of getting older, but we are here for just a short time and need to make the best of all opportunities. Faye: Raising money for good causes and being charitable are my passions. In 2009 I was the top fund raiser for the American Heart Association in Charleston, and in 2008 I was the second highest money raiser for them in Charleston. In 2010 I was the top fund raiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in Charleston. How did you get involved with the Charleston Jewish Federation?

Marcia: Ever since Masha Kalinsky asked me to be the PTA President at Addlestone in 1988, I have been

March 2011 | Adar 5771

an active member of different organizations. I have been involved in various aspects of the Charleston Jewish community including the following: AHA Board member, Synagogue Emanu-El officer and Board member as well as fundraising chairperson, cochairperson of AHA’s First Annual Auction, and Zucker Volunteer of the Year for Synagogue Emanu-El. Since the deaths of my late mother and father (Bernice and Maurice Bernstein OBM), I am a regular morning Minyan attendee at Synagogue Emanu-El. I feel that beginning my day reading the Ashrei prayer that my mother used to read is the perfect way to begin every day of the week. Faye: I was asked by Masha Kalinsky to help and after talking with her and listening to how passionate she was I knew it was what I wanted to do. What inspired you to step up and volunteer in such a big way for the CJF Annual Campaign this year?

Marcia: I was inspired by Masha Kalinsky and Susan Addlestone Berlijn, this year’s Women’s Division Campaign Co-Chairs. I have known Masha since we were children, and we became close friends when our children began attending AHA. As a matter of fact, Masha thought that I might turn her down, so she first managed to get my sister Faye to agree to solicit for contributions. Once she got Faye’s participation, then she asked Susan to call me--knowing that I would never allow my sister to work without me! Faye: I remember my mother putting coins into her pushke and donating it to the CJF - it was the last thing she did every Friday night before she lit her Shabbos candles. It is a good feeling to do something when you are not personally benefiting from it.


Doctors Lawyers

Marcia Shealey and Faye Bernstein Schupbach as youngsters

Why should Charleston Jewish community members give to the CJF Annual Campaign?

Marcia: People should give to the CJF Annual Campaign because it helps in so many wonderful areas of our community from the young children who need food to the elderly who need care. Even if everyone gave something, we could support different activities and individuals who truly need help. Remember that all of us are just playing a temporary role, and one day we might be the people who need some of the help which the Annual Campaign provides. Faye: It is a mitzvah to make someone’s life better. Even if you can only afford to give a small amount, it will help someone who doesn’t have much.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Faye: I was surprised to find out that several people don’t know that you can target your donation to a specific recipient agency or CJF program.

2011 Campaign Competition Alan Toporek, a lawyer, and Jeffrey Buncher, a doctor, are the 2011 CJF Annual Campaign Men’s Division Co-Chairs, and they are asking you to join them in a community challenge. It’s lawyers versus doctors to see who can raise more funds for this year’s Annual Campaign. Consider it a little friendly competition to help raise the vital dollars needed for our Jewish community, Israel and Jews around the world.

So get out your gloves… just kidding, we mean your check books. Women, this is not just about Men’s Division; if you are a laywer or a doctor, please stand up and show the men how it’s done! Give your gift to the CJF 2011 Annual Campaign and check the weekly tally of who is ahead on our website at www. OF CHARLESTON, SC

Inside the Envelope

Donate Today:

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To do your part for the CJF Annual Campaign, visit www. and give. It’s what being Jewish feels like.

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charleston jewish federation

March 2011 | Adar 5771

Jewish community relations committee

Advocacy for Israel How You Can Respond to Inaccuracies Eileen Chepenik JCRC Chair

The best way to advocate for Israel is to be informed. A publication by the Anti-Defamation League entitled Israel – A Guide for Activists gives detailed information about Israel including history, background and the issues she faces today. One section in particular focuses on inaccurate representations and how to respond to them. Some of the topics include settlements, refugees, treatment of Palestinians, treatment of Arabs, anti-Semitism and foreign aid. One of these responses is provided here. The guide is available at “Inaccuracy: Jews unfairly label anyone who criticizes Israel an anti-Semite.” “Response: Certainly the sovereign State of Israel and its government can be legitimately criticized just like any other country or government in the world. Criticism of particular Israeli actions or policies in and of itself does not constitute anti-Semitism. However, it is undeniable that there are those whose criticism of Israel or of Zionism crosses the line into anti-Semitism. It is also undeniable that criticism of Israel and Zionism are considered socially acceptable, thereby providing a pretext for some whose criticism masks deeper anti-Semitic attitudes.” “How can one distinguish between criticism of Israel that is within the bounds of legitimate political discourse, and that which crosses the line into anti-Semitism?” “One way is to recognize when those that criticize Israel invoke traditional anti-Jewish references, accusations and conspiracy theories. For example, when Israelis are depicted using Der Stürmer-like stereotypes: i.e., hooked noses; bent over, dark, ugly, demonic figures. Or when Israelis are accused of crimes that are reminiscent of age-old anti-Jewish conspiracy theories – i.e. alleged Israeli/ Jewish plans for world domination; that a Jewish cabal (elders of Zion) is behind Israel’s strength or behind foreign policy that is favorable to Israel, or allegations of Israeli actions that are eerily similar to medieval blood libels.” “Another common theme is when Israelis are compared to Nazis and Hitler. This comparison between the Jewish state and those who perpetrated the greatest and largest act of anti-Semitism in world history is not an impartial or dispassionate accusation. It is a charge that is purposefully directed at Jews in an effort to associate the victims of the Nazi crimes with the Nazi perpetrators, and serves to diminish the significance and uniqueness of the Holocaust. To make such a comparison is an act of blatant hostility toward Jews and Jewish history. “Finally, deeper bias against Israel and Jews may be evident when Israel is held to a different standard than any other country in the world. Such an example is when critics of Israel question or deny Israel’s right to exist. No one questions France’s right to exist or Egypt’s, simply because there is disagreement with their policies. Why is it only the Jewish state’s legitimacy that is a subject for discussion? Similarly, questions of motivation arise when Israel is singled out for criticism for actions or policies that nations around the world engage in with impunity.”

Contact Sandra Brett for more information,

JCRC and Central Mosque of Charleston Co-Sponsor Interfaith Event Responding to a call for solidarity and hope, local faith leaders and 100 Charleston-area residents of many religions gathered on Monday, February 7, 2011 at the Charleston JCC to discuss and learn about the situation in Egypt. Read by Rabbi Ari Sytner at the event:

Wishing Ella Wheeler Wilcox Do you wish the world were better? Let me tell you what to do. Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them always straight and true. Rid your mind of selfish motives, Let your thoughts be clean and high. You can make a little Eden Of the sphere you occupy. Do you wish the world were wiser? Well, suppose you make a start, By accumulating wisdom In the scrapbook of your heart; Do not waste one page on folly; Live to learn, and learn to live If you want to give men knowledge You must get, ere you give. Do you wish the world were happy? Then remember day by day Just to scatter seeds of kindness As you pass along the way.

The meeting, “Crisis in the Middle East: An Interfaith Call for Solidarity, Hope and Peace,” was sponsored by the Central Mosque of Charleston and the JCRC.

Above: Anita Zucker speaks with Ghazala Javed after the interfaith event. At Right: Keynote speaker Ronnie Porat discusses the situation in Egypt at the JCRC and Central Mosque of Charleston sponsored event.

Eileen Chepenik, Chair of the JCRC, and Dr. Shahid Husain, President of the Central Mosque of Charleston, gave opening remarks. Ellen Dressler Moryl, Director of the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs, brought greetings from the Mayor, and clergy of several faiths, including Imam Mohamed Melhem of the Central Mosque of Charleston, Reverend Robert Leeper, chaplain for the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, and Rabbi Ari Sytner of Brith Sholom Beth Israel , spoke. Anita Zucker, philanthropist, business and community leader, introduced the

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Sunday, May 1, 2011 3:00pm at Charleston Music Hall 37 John Street, Charleston, SC

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keynote speaker, Ronnie Porat. Porat is the former consul at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and current Israeli emissary to the Southeast for the Jewish National Fund. He reviewed a history of Israeli-Egyptian relations since 1948, and answered questions from the audience. Rabbi Sytner gave closing remarks and read a poem titled “Wishing,” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The evening struck a chord of fellowship that resonated through the interfaith gathering. The JCRC and the Central Mosque of Charleston hope to collaborate on future events.

These sites and more will highlight a comprehensive trip, July 18-31, 2011, sponsored by the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust in conjunction with Facing History and Ourselves, an international organization helping classrooms and communities link the past to moral choices today. Trip leader is Dr. Mary Johnson, Senior Historian of the organization. The trip leaves from Charlotte, NC, on Monday, July 18, and returns to Charlotte on Sunday, July 24. The price of $3,995 includes round trip air fare from Charlotte, bus transfers, hotels, 12 breakfasts, four dinners, and sightseeing. Graduate students can apply to the SC Council on the Holocaust for funding assistance to pay for graduate credits.

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charleston jewish federation

March 2011 | Adar 5771

Support Holocaust Young Adult Division Remembrance


JELF Application for Interest-Free Educational Loans Now Available

The REMEMBER Program urges you to support Holocaust remembrance in the community Evaline Delson & Phillis Kalisky-Mair Co-chairs, REMEMBER Program

Every year, local city and county councils issue proclamations that commemorate the Holocaust and honor Holocaust victims. In very moving ceremonies during scheduled meetings, a member of the Council reads the Proclamation and everyone lights candles as they remember Holocaust victims. It is crucial for members of the Jewish community to support these proclamations by attending the council meetings at which the proclamation is read. The schedule of the readings of the Proclomations for 2011 as follows: Charleston County Council: April 5, 7 p.m. City Of Charleston April 26, 5 p.m. Mt. Pleasant Town Council March 8, 7 p.m. North Charleston April 14, 7 p.m.

Please email and let her know which meeting(s) you can attend. She will send you an email reminder closer to the date. Our goal is to have at least 10 representatives of the Jewish community at each meeting.

Nazis Pursuit of

and modern-day war criminals Eli Rosenbaum and Global Justice

Applications for interestfree loans for post-secondary education (college, graduate school, vocational and professional courses) will be available to Jewish students in Charleston for the 2011-2012 school year from the Jewish Educational Loan Fund. The loan application will be available March 1 – April 15 on JELF’s website at www.jelf. org. JELF loans are need-based and offer “last-dollar” financing, meaning that JELF provides the final dollars that bridge the gap between a student’s total financial resources and the cost of attending school. Applicants must be enrolled full time in a program leading to a degree or certificate at an accredited institution that is located in the United States, be a U.S. citizen or legal resident, and be able to demonstrate financial need (FAFSA application required). For more information, contact info@jelf. org or call 770-396-3080.

YAD ladies and AHA Moms show off the hamsas they painted at Bottles ‘N Brushes. YAD Ladies and Addlestone Hebrew Academy Moms enjoyed a night out at Bottles ‘N Brushes in Mt. Pleasant on February 3, 2011. Sipping on wine and noshing on snacks, the ladies learned to paint a hamsa, which they personalized with their own colors and flare. At the end of the fun evening of getting to know each other, each lady had her very own work of art to take home!

Interested? For more information on YAD, visit

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charleston jewish federation

March 2011 | Adar 5771

CJF, Addlestone Foundation sponsors “Jewish Films from Around The World” at The Terrace Theater’s Charleston Film Festival the festival will be on showing top quality films that have never been seen in the Charleston area. Paul Brown, owner of The Terrace Theater, commented on what inspired him to focus on Jewish films as a major part of the Festival this year: “Having seen great films about the Jewish experience around the world, I thought it would be a wonderful introduction to a varied culture for Charleston audiences.” The Charleston Film Festival at The Terrace Theater has announced some of their key films in the “Jewish Films from Around the World” section:

Welcome to our Jewish community, Simon! Shalom, Simon! “Shalom Baby,” an outreach program of the Charleston Jewish Federation, warmly welcomes new babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community. Each new baby is greeted with a visit by CJF Staff and a gift, a custom-made tzedakah box from “HelloEverywear!”, a custom-design, made-to-order T-shirt and gift company run by a Jewish mother right here in Charleston. Simon Levy loved his gift from the CJF!

Do you have a new addition to the family? We'd love to visit and provide a gift! Contact Sarah Swingle, CJF Program Director, at 571.6565 x 304 to let us know about your special new family member! The Shalom Baby program is funded by a generous grant of the Zucker Family Foundation.

The Charleston Jewish Federation is the proud sponsor of “Jewish Films from Around the World” at the 2011 Charleston Film Festival at The Terrace Theater thanks to the generous support of

the Addlestone Foundation. The festival will run from March 16 – 20, 2011, and all films will be shown at The Terrace. This year’s focus will be on Jewish Cinema from around the World, Northern Exposure: The Best of the Toronto Film Festival, with guest presenters, and also included this year will be Regional films and shorts. The emphasis of

BARNEY’S VERSION, starring Dustin Hoffman, Paul Giamatti and Minnie Driver

The picturesque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully lived life of the impulsive, irascible and fearlessly blunt Barney Panofsky. The critically acclaimed: THE CONCERT -

Charleston Premiere!

Thirty years ago, Andrei Simoniovich Filipov, the renowned conductor of the Bolshoi orchestra, was fired for hiring Jewish musicians. Now a mere cleaning man at the Bolshoi, he learns by accident that the Châtelet Theater in Paris invites the Bolshoi orchestra to play there. He decides to gather together his former musicians and to perform in Paris in the place of the current Bolshoi orchestra. As a solo violin player to accompany his old Jewish or Gypsy musicians he wants Anne-Marie Jacquet, a young virtuoso. If they all overcome the hardships ahead this very special concert will be a triumph. INSIDE HANA’S SUITCASE --- Charleston Premiere!

Based on the internationally acclaimed book “Hana’s Suitcase” which has been translated into 40 languages, the film is an effective blend of documentary and dramatic techniques. In addition to tracing the lives of George and Hana Brady in the 1930’s and 40’s, “Inside Hana’s Suitcase” tells the presentday story of “The Small Wings”, a group of Japanese children, and how their passionate and tenacious teacher, Fumiko Ishioka, helped them solve the mystery of Hana Brady, whose name was painted on an old battered suitcase that they received from Auschwitz. THE MATCHMAKER -South East Premiere

During the summer of 1968 a teenage boy goes to work for a matchmaker who has survived the Holocaust. Both their lives are forever altered. Some other films in the festival’s Canadian theme will include “The High Cost of Living,” starring Zack Braff, “The Whistleblower” starring Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucci and Vanessa Regrave, and “Made in Dagenham,” starring Sally Hawkins and Bob Hoskins. For more information:

Tickets for the festival can be purchased at The Terrace Theater (1956 D Maybank Highway) or call the box office at 843-762-4247, and visit the website, http://terracetheater1., for list of movies and show times.

local happenings

local happenings


Shabbot On

March 2011 | Adar 5771

r d in a Junio participate ah, GA. s er b em m n BSBI avan baton in S NCSY Shab

YAD/AHA Ladies’ Night Out

Please send us your photos to


Maya Hirsch Kupchik, Lori Hoch Stiefel and Lori Gleaton get ready to paint and have a good time.

CJF’s Ghetto Shanghai

Interfaith Event on Fe bruary


7, 2011

Elaine Tessler and Naomi Gorstein after the program

Rabbi Ari Sytner, Rev erend Rober t Leeper and Imam Mo hamed Melhem spoke at the interfaith meeting.

Emeritus of y Holz, Rabbi Rabbi Anthon ahid Husain, President Sh KKBE, and Dr. osque of Charleston. lM of the Centra



A young a ttendee, Ja cob Kesten with his ba d Shanghai. ad Stuart, at G um, hetto

The Chase Family Tradition Evolves!

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kidsfair 2011

March 2011 | Adar 5771

Connecting Kids to a Healthy Community

March 13, 2011

Rain or Shine

10:00am - 4:00pm Gaillard Auditorium and Exhibition Hall

KidsFair Brings... • • • • •

KidsFair brings Exhibits that focus on: KidsHealth Kids Go Green KidsSmart KidsSafe y KidsPla

Kids Activities Food Court Sports Competitions Go Green Tips Live Local Entertainment

• • • •

Costume Character Parade Welcome from Mayor Riley Over 95 Interactive Booths Healthy Food Demonstrations

$1.00 Admission per person Once inside Everything is FREE!

Free Parking Children must be accompanied by an adult. Adults will not be admitted without a child. Presented by the JCC in partnership with the City of Charleston. For more information, contact Carol Berlin at or call 843.568.4450.

Publix Super Markets C hari t i es , Inc. & Publix Super Markets, Inc.

charleston jcc

March 2011 | Adar 5771


[ jcc program highlights ] Senior Programming

Fitness Programming

Sports Programming

Special Events Programming

Barely Seniors Hike

Zumba with Prisca

Youth Soccer Clinic

Mindful Manners

Caw Caw Interpretive Center

For Active adults 50+, the hike at the Caw Caw Interpretive Center was scheduled especially for you! Put on your hiking boots and bring your lunch to enjoy a day hikefresh air and exercise included! 3/17 Day: Wednesday Time: 10:30am Ages: 50 and up (Active Seniors) Community Fee: $7 Must RSVP the Tuesday before

Join the Party!

Zumba® fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, and to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while having an absolute blast in an hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing movements meant to engage you for life!

Ongoing Days: Wednesdays Time: 5:30pm Community Fee: $5/class

Join Kevin Jackson, a USSF licensed coach with over twelve years experience working with youth, high school and college players and current Charleston Battery midfielder. Training will consist of individual and group skills mastery, technical and tactical awareness in game situations & overall conditioning. Participants need to bring a ball, shin guards, cleats & water.

3/7- 5/2

A well-mannered dog is a pleasure to be around and is welcome in many places and circumstances. Learn how to communicate clearly and concisely with your dog. This class will teach basic obedience skills needed for a well-mannered dog including: touch, sit, down, stay, leave it, wait, watch, walk politely on a leash and come when called. It is appropriate for dogs, 6 months and older with no training or just needing a refresher course.

No Class: 4/25

Starts 3/27

Day: Monday Time: 3:30-4:30 pm Member Fee: $125/child Community Fee: $140/child

Minimum of 4 people registered by 2/17

Day: Sundays Time:11:00am Member Fee: $80/dog for a 6 week course Community Fee: $100/dog for a 6 week course Pre-registration is required as space is limited.

Only $50 for siblings!


un Comm

Purim Costume Contest 12:00pm at the ‘J’

.chef .....athlete




...fireman ...leader



NEW EXTENDED HOURS!!! There’s so much to do at Purim we NEEDED more time. Don’t miss this day of fun, games and prizes!





Come one, come all to the Charleston JCC’s Purim Carnival. There will be carnival games for the entire family, a jump castle, pony rides, great food and prizes for the winners. March 20, 2011 Days: Sunday Time: 10:00am - 2:30pm Purim Costume Contest: 12:00pm Location: Charleston ‘J’

Join us for all these great activites! • • • • • •

Camp Baker 2011 When I Dream... Receive Early Bird discounts when you register for Camp Baker at the Purim Carnival

Open Registration Going on now

Jump Castle Carnival Games Prizes Delicious Food Pet Parade Hamantashen

Carnival Tickets • .50/ticket • $10/35 tickets • $20/85 tickets

Contact Lauren Dumas at 843.571.6565 x 307 or

Community Purim Carnival is brought to you by the Charleston ‘J’ with the participation of Addlestone Hebrew Academy and Synagogue Emanu-El.

onneca Contact R for details 3 x 08 571.6565

Stop by and pick up 2011 Camp Baker Brochure and meet Camp Head Staff at the Low country Parent Camp and Education Fair at Tanger Outlet.


charleston jcc

March 2011 | Adar 5771

JCC Contributions

Ronneca Watkins Assistant Executive Director

In Memory Of: Ray Frisch, beloved father of Ellen Mintz: Sharon & Eddie Toporek; Judi & Ted Corsaro

David Funk, beloved father & grandfather of Laura & Jonathan Zucker & family: Judi & Ted Corsaro; Joe & Cindy Brams & family

JCC Iris Baker Fund

In Honor Of: Debbie Baker, a Speedy & Easy recovery: Barbara & Lenny Zucker

Shalom Yall! We are very busy at the “J” for the month of March, I hope to see a lot of you at the 23rd annual KidsFair on Sunday, March 13 from 10am-4pm! Carol Berlin and Barry Hoffman, KidsFair Chairs and their committee have been working very hard since the fall to make sure that KidsFair is the place to be! Don’t forget to visit the JCC Booth while your family is enjoying the festivities to meet JCC Swim Team and Camp Baker representatives. Believe it or not, Camp and Swim

As always, my door is open for comments and suggestions. I hope that you will consider enrolling your son or daughter, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews or refer your neighbor’s children to Camp Baker this summer! See you at the ‘J’!


the date

April 3

In Honor Of: Lauren Toporek Johnson & Rich Johnson, Mazel Tov on your recent wedding: Judi & Ted Corsaro

Season are in full gear. If you happen to miss us at KidsFair, I hope that you will join us for the JCC Purim Carnival! Lauren Dumas has been working hard to ensure that a good time will be had by all, with jump castles, pony rides, pet parade, hamantashen, dunk tank, games, and Costume Contest. Please come dressed to impress! Last, but not least, I have been working very hard to ensure that once again, Camp Baker is the number one day camp in Charleston. With an energetic and committed Camp Committee, an extremely qualified Head Staff that brings over 25 years of camping experience, and a host of new counselors that have worked at various JCC day camps we are well on our way to having a very successful summer!

JCC Cultural Arts Program with Guest Speaker Rabbi Tokayer The Charleston ‘J’ is delighted to welcome scholar Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, an internationally renowned expert on the Jewish experience in the Far East, to the JCC on April 3 from 10:00am - 12:00pm April 3, 2011 Days: Sunday Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Location: Charleston ‘J’ Member Fee: $10/person Community Fee: $15/person Student Fee: $5/person Continental Breakfast

Contact Ronneca Watkins for more information, 843.571.6565 x 308 or

Special thanks to the JCC Cultural Arts Committee for making this event possible. All Tickets can be purchased thru March 25, 2011.

A Call to the “Barely Seniors” n

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Shalom Y'all!

For a hands-on selection visit Chosen Treasures, the sisterhood giftshop at Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim. Your resource for exceptional Judaica & Israeli Gifts. No need to Schlep...we SHIP! Sun–Mon 10am-4pm & Friday 10am-3pm 843-723-7324 |

Chosen Treasures 90 Hasell Street Charleston, SC 29401

Participate in the New Senior Program here at the ‘J’. We are now offering exciting, informative and challenging programs for the ‘Barely Senior’ crowd. The Senior Program is not just for your mom or dad anymore. For more information, contact Louise Petkov, 843.571.6565 x 325 or

local happenings

March 2011 | Adar 5771




Tuesday, March 1

Adar I 25 REMEMBER Mtg. 7:00pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Sytner: 7 Noahide Laws 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 2

Adar I 26 CJF Grief Counseling 6:00pm

Thursday, March 3

Adar I 27 KKBE Sisterhood Luncheon 11:30am KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm E-E Class w/Rabbi RosenbaumHidden Purim 7:30pm

JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JCA Exec. Mtg. 5:30pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm JCA Board Mtg. 7:00pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Epstein 7:00pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 15

Adar II 9 KKBE Board Mtg. 7:00pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Sytner: 7 Noahide Laws

Wednesday, March 16

Adar I 28 AHA Shabbat Dinner & Services 6:00pm Candlelighting 6:01pm

Adar II 10 E-E Sisterhood Ladies Night Out 6:30pm JSP & REMEMBER Program: From Behind the Lens: Menachem Daum’s Life as Filmmaker Part 1 7:00pm

Saturday, March 5

Thursday, March 17

Friday, March 4

Adar I 29 Shabbat Ends 7:05pm E-E Community Event for Adults 7:00pm

Sunday, March 6

Adar I 30 E-E Sisterhood Board Mtg. 10:00am BSBI Jewish Soul Music 4:00pm

Monday, March 7

Adar II 1 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 8

Adar II 2 E-E Hazak Lunch 12:00pm Woman Who Makes a Difference 7:00pm JSP Class with Rabbi Sytner: 7 Noahide Laws

Adar II 11 JSP & REMEMBER Program: From Behind the Lens: Menachem Daum’s Life as Filmmaker Part 2 7:00pm E-E Board Mtg. 7:30pm KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm

Friday, March 18

Adar II 12 AHA Purim Celebration 9:00am Candlelighting 7:12pm

Saturday, March 19

Adar II 13 Shabbat Ends 8:15pm E-E March Madness Purim Party 8:15pm YAD Purim! 9:00pm Chabad Absolute Purim 9:30pm

Sunday, March 20

Adar II 3 CJF Caregiver Seminar 6:00pm

Adar II 14 Purim BSBI Sisterhood Purim Brunch 10:00am JCC Purim Carnival 10:00am Chabad Purim Masquerade Bash 12:00pm NCJW Purim Pet Parade 11:30am

Thursday, March 10

Monday, March 21

Wednesday, March 9

Adar II 4 KKBE Intro to Judaism 7:30pm

Friday, March 11

Adar II 5 Anna Book Bat Mitzvah Candlelighting 6:06pm

Saturday, March 12

Adar II 6 Shabbat Ends 7:10pm

Sunday, March 13

Adar II 7 KidsFair 10:00am BSBI Sisterhood Chevera Kadisha Dinner 5:00pm YAD Hamantaschen Making Class 10:00am

Monday, March 14 Adar II 8

Adar II 15 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm JSP Speaker: Dale Rosengarten 6:30pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 22

Adar II 16 JCRC Mtg. 7:00pm AHA Coffee Talk w/Susan Weintrob 7:00pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Sytner: 7 Noahide Laws 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 23

Adar II 17 KKBE Sisterhood Matriarch Luncheon 11:00am JSP Three Rabbi Panel 7:30pm

Thursday, March 24

Adar II 18 AHA Board Mtg. 7:00pm Chabad Program: Raid on Entebbe 7:00pm

Friday, March 25

Adar II 19 Candlelighting 7:17pm

Preparing for Pesach 7:45pm

Tuesday, April 5

Nisan 1 AHA Performance of Schoolhouse Rock 12:00pm REMEMBER Cmte. Mtg. 7:00pm BSBI Sisterhood Nominations/ Election Mtg. 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 6

Nisan 2 CJF Grief Counseling 6:00pm E-E Sisterhood Elections 6:30pm AHA Performance of Schoolhouse Rock 7:00pm

Thursday, April 7

Adar II 20 Shabbat Ends 8:20pm

Nisan 3 REMEMBER Program Arts & Literature Contest Awards 6:30pm AHA Performance of Schoolhouse Rock 7:00pm

Sunday, March 27

Friday, April 8

Saturday, March 26

Adar II 21 JSP Sunday Morning Brunch: Israeli Consul Gen. Opher Aviran 9:00am AHA Spring Fundraiser 6:00pm

Monday, March 28

Adar II 22 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm JSP Speaker: Stuart Rockoff 6:30pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 29

Adar II 23 CJF Panel Discussion w/ Pastor, Rabbi & Imam 7:00pm Hadassah Passover Recipe Exchange 7:00pm JSP Contemporary Israeli Cinema: “Yossi & Jagger” 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 30 Adar II 24

Thursday, March 31 Adar II 25

APRIL Friday, April 1

Adar II 26 Candlelighting 7:22pm

Saturday, April 2

Adar II 27 E-E Men’s Club Shabbat 9:00am Shabbat Ends 8:25pm

Sunday, April 3

Adar II 28 JCC Cultural Arts Brunch: Rabbi Marvin Tokayer 10:00am BSBI Dedication of Holocaust Torah 1:00pm NCJW Tea & Election of Officers 1:30pm BSBI Chamber Music Concert 6:00pm JCC Youth Rabbi Marvin Tokayer 2:00pm

Monday, April 4

Adar II 29 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm BSBI Class w/Rabbi Sytner:

Nisan 4 E-E Shabbat Dinner 7:00pm Candlelighting 7:26pm

Saturday, April 9

Nisan 5 E-E Confirmation 9:00am Shabbat Ends 8:30pm

Sunday, April 10

Nisan 6 JSP Sunday Morning Brunch w/Kenneth Jacobson 9:00am Hadassah Donor Program 11:00am B’Nai Tzedek Program 12:30pm E-E Congregational Mtg. 4:00pm

Monday, April 11

Nisan 7 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25pm JCA Exec. Cmte. Mtg. 5:30pm JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm JSP Spearker: Lenny Rogoff 6:30pm JCA Board Mtg. 7:00pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm

Tuesday, April 12

Nisan 8 REMEMBER Lecturer: Eli Rosenbaum, The Nazi Hunter 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 13

Nisan 9 AHA Coffee Talk w/Susan Weintrob 8:30am CJF Social Services Caregiver Seminar 6:00pm KKBE Women’s Seder 6:00pm E-E Sisterhood Book Club 7:30pm

Thursday, April 14 Nisan 10

Friday, April 15

Nisan 11 Candlelighting 7:31pm

Saturday, April 16

Nisan 12 Alex Millman Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Ends 8:37pm

Sunday, April 17

Nisan 13 JSP Sunday Morning Brunch w/Rabbis Alexander & Schindler 9:00am AHA Chometz Dinner


Monday, April 18

Nisan 14 Jason Goldberg Bar Mitzvah 1st Seder Erev Pesach Candlelighting 7:34pm

Tuesday, April 19

Nisan 15 Pesach I E-E 2nd Night Seder 6:00pm KKBE Board Mtg. 7:00pm Candlelighting after 8:37pm

Wednesday, April 20 Nisan 16 Pesach II Omer I 8:38pm

Thursday, April 21

Nisan 17 Pesach III Omer 2 E-E Board Mtg. 7:30pm

Friday, April 22

Nisan 18 Pesach IV Omer 3 Candlelighting 7:37pm

Saturday, April 23

Nisan 19 Pesach V Omer 4 Shabbat Ends 8:40pm

Sunday, April 24

Nisan 20 Pesach VI Omer 5 KKBE Congregational Mtg. 11:00am Candlelighting 7:38pm

Monday, April 25

Nisan 21 Pesach VII Omer 6 JSP Intermediate Reading Hebrew 5:25 JSP Class w/Rabbi Krohn: Intro to Talmud: Bava Metzia 5:30pm Jewish Choral Society 7:00pm Candlelighting after 8:40pm

Tuesday, April 26

Nisan 22 Pesach VIII Omer 7 JCRC Mtg. 7:00pm Candlelighting 8:42pm

Wednesday, April 27

Nisan 23 Omer 8 REMEMBER Prgm. REMEMBER the Children 4:00pm

Thursday, April 28

Nisan 24 Omer 9 AHA Board Mtg. 7:00pm

Friday, April 29

Nisan 25 Omer 10 David Lynch Bar Mitzvah KKBE Brotherhood/ Sisterhood Shabbat 8:00pm Candlelighting 7:41pm

Saturday, April 30

Nisan 26 Omer 11 Candlelighting 8:37pm

Charleston Congregations: Reform - Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim

Rabbi Stephanie Alexander 90 Hasell Street, Charleston, SC 29401 p 843.723.1090 f 843.723.0537 • Friday Evening Services: 8:00 pm • Saturday Morning Services: 11:00 am

Conservative Synagogue Emanu-El

Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum 5 Windsor Drive, Charleston, SC 29407 p 843.571.3264 f 843.402.0844 email: emanu-el@ • Erev Shabbat Services: 6:00 pm • Shabbat Morning Services: 9:00 am • Morning Minyan Services: 7:15 am (Monday - Friday); 9:00 am (Sunday) • Evening Minyan Services: 5:30 pm (Monday - Thursday)

Orthodox - Brith Sholom Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Ari Sytner 182 Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, SC 29403 p 843.577.6599 f 843.577.6699 email: • Morning Minyan Services: 7:00 am (Monday - Friday); 8:00 am (Sunday) • Evening Mincha/ Maariv Services: 7:00 pm (Sunday - Friday) • Shabbat Morning Services: 9:00 am • Shabbat Minchah Serves: Call BSBI office for times.

Candlelighting Times for February & March 2011 March 4 - 6:01pm March 11 - 6:06pm March 18 - 7:12pm March 25 - 7:17pm April 1 - 7:22pm April 8 - 7:26pm April 15 - 7:31pm April 18 - 7:34pm April 19 - After 8:37pm April 22 - 7:37pm April 24 - 7:38pm April 25 - After 8:40pm April 29 - 7:42pm



March 2011 | Adar 5771

serendipity DID YOU KNOW …? Dr. Michael Busman joined Phoebe Physician’s Group in Georgia? He serves as chief of medical staff for Phoebe Sumter Medical Center. Michael is the son of Rita Busman and Irwin Busman (OBM). Attorney Robert N. Rosen of the Rosen Law Firm LLC has been elected president of the South Carolina chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers? Samuel Steinberg, retired president of Charleston Steel & Metal Company, has been elected president of the Hebrew Orphan Society? That Ellis Grossman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Colby Grossman, has opened up his new energy food restaurant, The Black Bean Company, on 116 Spring Street downtown, with a second restaurant opening on James Island in the spring? The second location will be the first healthy drive-thru restaurant in the area - with all organic and fresh local produce. All locations serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ellis is a graduate of the Charleston Culinary School at Trident Technical College. DID YOU HAPPEN TO SEE …? Terry Schildcrout in “The Drowsy Chaperone” in the Village Playhouse? Julie Ziff was the costumer for the musical. In the Charleston Mercury, the East of the Cooper newspaper, articles by Risa Mason-Cohen and Jana Yampolsky? Risa is a psychologist with a private practice on Daniel Island and the executive director of the Ruth Rhoden Craven Foundation for Postpartum Depression Awareness. Jana is the daughter of Ellen and Mark Yampolsky, and granddaughter of Sandra and Morey Lipton, who, by the way, also is a regular contributor on the Middle East for the same paper. EDUCATION: A special congratulations to Max Weinstein, Jacob Gleaton, and Abby Turner who are advancing to the State Spelling Bee! Mazel Tov to all at Addlestone Hebrew Academy! Mazel tov to Jasmine Hubara on being accepted to the Academic Magnet School for the ninth grade. Jasmine is a student at Addlestone Hebrew Academy and is the daughter of Daphne Hubara, big sister to Noa Leigh and Gilli, and granddaughter of Rose and Ted Levin.

Please keep the information flowing to us at We'd love to know all of your simchas so we can share them with others. Send us your pictures of new babies, engagements and wedding announcements, and Bar/Bat Mitzvah announcements. We want to fill our pages with your simchas! Please send us your information with correct spelling, family ties, etc. You keep this column going and you deserve the bragging rights! Zachary Serrins was accepted to the University of Colorado at Boulder for Spring Semester 2011. BAR MITZVAH: Mazel tov to Zachary Hunter Gilbert on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Zachary is the son of Irene and Mitch Gilbert, and brother of Ben Gilbert. LOVE AND MARRIAGE: Mazel tov to Ari Kurtz and Holly Gelfand on their marriage in Atlanta mid February. Mazel tov to Rita and Artie Kurtz, parents of the groom. It was a great Charleston reunion for Ari in Atlanta!!! VITAL STATISTICS: Born to Dr. Bradley and Amanda Kalinsky, twins, Ava and Cole, of Nashville, Tennessee. Proud grandparents are Masha and Dr. Marshall Kalinsky. SPECIAL BIRTHDAY: Artie Kurtz celebrated his 80th birthday with a surprise visit from all of his children and grandchildren. How very special was that, Artie? Mazel tov to Joe Rubin on the occasion of his 70th birthday. AWARDS Congratulations to Taylor Combs, daughter of Jeffery and Traci Combs, on winning the Children’s Hunter Pony Grand Champion at the National Children’s Equitation Finals. Taylor rode her pony “At The Roxy” to the championship which was held at the Atlanta Horse Park on November 18-21, 2010. She is also the granddaughter of Judi and Jerry Taylor of Charleston. Taylor is 13 years old.

corrections There were errors in the following announcements in a previous issue. Below is the corrected information, and we apologize for the errors. Mazel Tov to both families! Congratulations to Graeme Bagg and Martha Armitage who were married on October 16, 2010 in Boston. Graeme is the son of Patti and Dr. Mickey Bagg, and Martha is the daughter of Chris

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7oz Ital Seth Chapman, 7lbs 0am 8:1 at 1 201 7, y uar Jan Born ary 7, 2011 at 8:10am, 7lbs. Itai Seth Chapman was born Janu rew Chapman of Moncks And and el 7oz, to proud parents, Rach ld, Michigan. Proud grandparCorner, formerly West Bloomfie of West Bloomfield, Michigan, ow Turb en ents Sanford and Dore d of Plymouth, Michigan. nfiel Mona Chapman and Glenn Gree

and Marcy Armitage. They will live in Fort Lauderdale. Graeme is a trader with a proprietary trading, Schonfeld Group Holding. Martha is studying for her Masters in Education and continues to work for Mazel Tov to Kevin Shealey, son of Marcia and Sid Shealey, on his engagement to Kristina Deaton of Tennessee. Kevin is the grandson of Maurice “Tiny” and Bernice Rudich Bernstein (OBM) and is a 2006 graduate of the College of Charleston. He received a Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from Clemson University and is currently employed by Coastal Landscape Design. Kristina is also a 2006 graduate of the College of Charleston with a double major and is pursuing her master’s degree while working at The Jones Company. Kevin completely surprised Kristina when he proposed in front of the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas, a perfect spot since they began dating while studying abroad in France. The wedding is planned for November 4, 2011, at Magnolia Plantation’s Carriage House.

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our community

March 2011 | Adar 5771


Coming Up at Jewish Studies in March 2011 Food for Thought Lecture Series continues…… Join us at 7:00pm on Monday evenings in Arnold Hall at the Jewish Studies Center for our new Food for Thought Lecture Series. We’ve invited a stellar lineup of leading speakers to reexamine the course and consequences of the conflict for Jews, and to discuss its impact on Jewish – African American relations after the war ended. All the talks will be preceded by desserts and coffee. March 21: Dale Rosengarten (College of Charleston), Ladies of the Lost Cause March 28: Stuart Rockoff (Institute of Southern Jewish Life), The Promised Land? Slavery, Freedom, and Southern Jews A Class with Rabbi Sytner continues…..

FROM BEHIND THE LENS: MENACHEM DAUM’S LIFE AS A FILMMAKER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 AND THURSDAY, MARCH 17 AT 7:00PM If there is such a thing as the traditional path to Hollywood, filmmaker Menachem Daum did not take it. Then again, he still lives in Brooklyn. From geriatric Anita Zucker and her Family researcher to documentarian, Daum has collaborated with co-director Oren Rudavsky on two films: A Life Apart: Hasidism in America and Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust. The first is “an attempt to humanize haredim to the outside world.” The subsequent film shifts the lens in “an attempt to humanize the outside world to haredim.” Last year, Jerry (obm) and Anita Zucker and their family endowed the Zucker/Goldberg Center for Holocaust Education at the College of Charleston to honor their parents and the countless victims and survivors of the Holocaust. “We want their legacy to be the importance of helping others, even in the face of unspeakable evil,” Anita says, hoping that the Zucker/Goldberg Center for Holocaust Education will convey that message to generations of students at the College and to the Charleston community. As the inaugural Zucker/Goldberg Center for Holocaust Education community event, Menachem Daum joins us from Boro Park on March 16th and March 17th. Daum will screen both films, discuss the shift of his lens and the struggle to remain true to our tradition and heritage without letting ourselves get enslaved by the hatred of the past, and brief us on his current documentary projects that are bringing him to Poland and to Arab villages in Israel. Both films will be shown at 7:00pm in Room 129 of the New Sciences Building, 202 Calhoun Street, at the corner of Calhoun and Coming Streets. Join us Wednesday, March 16th for a screening of Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust followed by a dessert reception, and on Thursday, March 17th for a screening of A Life Apart: Hasidism in America. This event is co-sponsored by the REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education of the Charleston Jewish Federation.

Sunday Mornings: now in the Stern Center Ballroom Monthly brunches have become a regular feature of the Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program. Bagels, coffee, and orange juice will be served in Arnold Hall beginning at 9:00am. This semester the talks will be held in the Stern Center (on the corner of Glebe and George Streets) in the fourth floor ballroom. All talks begin at 10:15am. Events are free and open to the public. Immediately after the presentations, Sig Schildcrout will host an informal discussion with the speaker. Free parking is available for Sunday morning events (only) in the Wentworth Street Garage on the corner of Wentworth and St. Philip. Bring your parking ticket to the talk for validation. Thanks to Lora and David Kratzok, Jean and Zev Wolf, and Thelma Becker, our indefatigable volunteers, for their ongoing commitment, hard work, and good humor.

the seven noahide laws

Opher Aviran

A Class with Rabbi Epstein continues…

Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 10:15am in the Stern Ballroom Israel lives in a difficult neighborhood, a neighborhood that has received lots of world attention. Consul General Aviran will address Iran’s nuclear ambitions and Israel’s options in response, the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, and Israel’s relationship to the United States and its Jewish community. Opher Aviran is a graduate of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Haifa and National Defense College. Aviran was appointed in August 2010 to serve as the Consul General of Israel to the Southeastern United States, based in Atlanta, and has served in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1983. The Consul General is joined in Atlanta by his wife Talyah and daughters Adi and Noa.

Tuesday evenings, March 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2011 7:00 - 8:30pm Levin Library, Jewish Studies Center The seven Noahide laws are requirements of behavior that are obligatory for both Jews and non-Jews, and reflect a moral and religious commonality between them. Rabbi Sytner will provide an overview of the Noahide tradition, dissecting one of the laws of Noah in each of the seven classes. This class will closely analyze key Biblical texts, as well as contemporary sources to unearth the origins of these laws. Participants will compare the role of the Jew and non-Jew in the world, and study the special power that the Noahide laws have to link all of civilization together, regardless of religion.

Medicine and Morals - a course on Practical Jewish Medical Ethics

Mondays, March 14, and May 2, 2011 7:00 - 8:30pm Arnold Hall, Jewish Studies Center This course will introduce you to the traditional Jewish analysis of these issues in an environment that supports the rabbinic tradition of debate and discussion. This energetic and intellectually challenging course is sure to broaden your perspective and provide greater sophistication in analyzing and thinking about medical perplexities. Among the topics are: autonomy, infertility, confidentiality, organ donation, medical experimentation, and mental illness. This course presents a unique opportunity to earn thirty CME credits as you explore a novel comparative approach to medical ethics. Zucker/Goldberg Center for Holocaust Education

From Behind the Lens: Menachem Daum’s Life as a Filmmaker

Co-sponsored by the REMEMBER Program of the Charleston Jewish Federation Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust

Wednesday, March 16th, at 7:00pm

A Life Apart: Hasidism in America

Thursday, March 17th, at 7:00pm Both films will be shown in Room 129, New Sciences Building, 202 Calhoun Street (at Coming) See the side bar to the left for more details on this wonderful prog ram. Three Rabbi Panel: Judaism and Sexuality: “Sects in the City” Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 7:30pm at Stern Center Ballroom (4th Floor) Now in its fifteenth year, and with an altogether new generation of rabbis, the Three Rabbi Panel is one of the proudest accomplishments of Jewish Studies as it showcases the unity of the Charleston community and the importance of dialogue or, in our case, trialogue. On the heels of last semester’s controversial topic and well-received presentations, this semester we challenge our community’s spiritual leaders with the delicate task of expressing Jewish views on sexuality. It’s a theme that promises to flesh out the approaches that differentiate Judaism’s major denominations, highlight universal Jewish values, and generate rousing discussion. The rabbis will address sexuality before marriage, sexuality within marriage, and constraints on sexual expression. As always, the Three Rabbi Panel is an opportunity for all of us to increase our knowledge base and kvell over how thoughtful, dynamic, and utterly impressive our rabbis are.

Israel’s Political and Security Challenges

Contemporary Israeli Cinema: Yossi and Jagger Tuesday, March 29th at 7:00pm in Arnold Hall: Yossi & Jagger (2004; 65 minutes) Winner of multiple awards, a tale of two lovers, set on the border of Israel and Lebanon living in the face of a possible Hezbollah incursion.

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our community

March 2011 | Adar 5771

Local Prestigious Physician to Join Phoebe Physician Group New practice will begin seeing patients

on February 1st Local physician Michael Busman, M.D. has joined the Phoebe Physician Group and will now practice under the PPG umbrella. Dr. Busman will continue to see patients at his current address of 922 East Jefferson Street and will have the same phone number of

(229) 924-2383. One change will be the name of the practice, as it will be known as Phoebe Sumter Family and Sports Medicine Associates. “We are excited to have Dr. Busman join the Phoebe Physician Group and the Phoebe family,” said Keith Petersen, CEO, Phoebe Sumter Medical Center. “He has been a pillar of this community for a number of years, and has always been a friend to Phoebe Sumter and Phoebe as a whole. There is no doubt in our minds that he will continue to provide excellent care for his patients as well as continue to be productive citizen in all of his other endeavors.” Dr. Busman recently earned a prestigious honor when he was named the Georgia Family Physician of the Year by the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians (GAFP). The Family Physician of the Year Award is the highest award given by the GAFP. Recipients of this award have been leaders in family medicine and have made outstanding contri-

butions to the profession and their community. A native of South Carolina, Busman had been in private practice in Family and Sports Medicine in Americus for twelve years before joining the Phoebe Physician Group. He earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina before going on to complete his family medicine residency in Columbus and a Sports Medicine Fellowship in Columbia, S.C. In addition to being actively involved in the GAFP, including currently being on the board of directors, Busman is also actively involved in the Medical Association of Georgia, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine and the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery. He serves as the Chief of Medical Staff for Phoebe Sumter Medical Center, as well as on multiple boards and committees for the hospital. Dr. Busman is also very involved

in the community. He has served on the Sumter County Board of Education for the past eight years and is currently serving his third year as chairman. He serves on the board of directors of the AmericusSumter Chamber of Commerce. Busman also provides local school systems with free sports physicals and volunteering as team physicians. He is also a preceptor for local medical, pre-med and nurse practitioner students. Additionally, Busman is spearheading the organization of a free medical clinic for indigent care patients, in the community. His patients appreciate his caring and willingness to be available, as he frequently will meet them after hours to address their medical concerns. Busman and his wife Dianne have four children, and when he is not working he likes to run (he has competed in a number of marathons) and spend time with his family.

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Learning Can Keep You Awake at Night Alan Eysen

Learning is such a Jewish thing. We do it when we lie down and when we rise up. My wife, for example, can’t go to bed without reading a chapter from her book before turning out the lights. I can’t go to sleep until she goes to sleep. In the morning, there are three of us at breakfast—me, her and the Post & Courier. I exaggerate not. But, at least I get the sports section. W hat’s more, we expect our children to learn all the time too. It’s all there in Deuteronomy, sort of. I know lots about this because I have been attending the Sunday morning workshops offered by Rabbi Stephanie Alexander dealing with “various prayers and rubrics.” And while we don’t usually use this column to pitch calendar events, you still can catch the last of these sessions, entitled: “Kabbalat Shabbat and the Shabbat Blessing” on April 3 in the Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall beginning at 10:45 a.m. Yes, they serve coffee and tea. Thus far, the Rabbi’s discussions have delved into the history and messages of the Kaddish and the Shema and its blessings. The Tefilah was the subject of the February 27 session. Rabbi Alexander offers handouts at her workshops—some even containing cartoons-- that enhance her animated lectures. And

she encourages audience participation. Moving to more modern Jewish dynamics, KKBE’s Life Long Learning Committee will be offering two programs in the coming weeks, one dealing with the rise, development and possible future of the Reform Movement. The other will delve into the mind set of young Jewish adults. The idea for this program was originally suggested by Rabbi Abner Bergman, OBM, and the Life Long Learning Committee is dedicating the evening discussion to his memory. It will take place Monday, March 21, at 7:00 p.m. in KKBE’s Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall. Next, the committee will have a panel of young Jewish adults discuss their views and attitudes toward Judaism. As Martin Buber said, “Whether the presently unfolding religious consciousness of a new generation will grow to full maturity, and whether this generation will then assume leadership, will be decisive for mankind’s fate.” The discussion will touch on inter-marriage, Israel and the impact of the internet on their lives and approaches to Judaism. Would they join a cyber- synagogue? How different are their views from those of their parents’ generation? Find out Monday, April 4, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall. In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “In all things, we learn only from those we love.”

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our community

Addlestone Hebrew Academy

I once heard a story once about a child suffering from a serious disease. She would survive only with a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had survived the same disease, therefore developing antibodies to combat the illness. In words that the little boy could understand, the doctor asked him if he would give his blood to his sister. He hesitated, took a deep breath and then said, ‘Yes I’ll do it, if my blood will make her better.’ As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister. At first he smiled, as did his parents and the physicians, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and tears formed in his eyes. He had trouble forming the words without crying. ‘Will I start to die right away?’ Being only 5 years old, he had not understood that he did not have to give his sister ALL of his blood and thus die. Nonetheless, he had decided to give his blood to her. Who could not read this story without dabbing our eyes? Yet, there are times in paying for and supporting Jewish education that we may feel like his little boy. Are we being asked to give all our blood to pay for and work for our children’s education? How much can we be asked to do? Will we have to sacrifice our life style or our bank accounts? But as the little boy’s doctor and parents knew, the transfusion of life was not going to harm him but strengthen his sister. The sacrifice he made showed the kind of admirable individual he was: a person willing to give when it counts and who allowed challenges to become opportunities to better

the world. As parents, educators and community supporters, we know that this investment in Jewish education, like the blood transfusion, will truly pay off, with the gift of life, Jewish values and the sustainability of our future. Jonathan Zucker, President of The InterTech Group, is an alumnus of Addlestone Hebrew Academy and now a proud father of 2 children currently enrolled in the Early Childhood program. Marc Kramer is the Executive Director of RAVSAK: the Community Day School Network, and a father of 3 children in Jewish Day Schools. Both lead organizations that require strategic thinking, innovation, staying ahead of the curve and enormously hard work. And both are passionate about the need for Jewish Education for the future. I have had the pleasure of working with Marc Kramer for more than a decade, including 7 years on the RAVSAK board, 3 years of which I served as its President. I have had the opportunity to get to know Jonathan Zucker since moving to Charleston. I am always inspired after speaking to both men, who are thoughtful, profound and true problem solvers. On March 22, we will have the opportunity to hear from each about the national trends in Jewish education; the ways that communities need to collaborate to support their local day schools and a glimpse into the Jewish future. Both men connect people and resources, and both strive to create the culture of tikkun olam, repair of the world, which becomes more a reality with the sustaining of Jewish Day School education. Come with your questions and get ready to be motivated by these exceptional leaders. Addlestone is thrilled to be able to offer this program. [And don’t worry—we won’t ask for blood!]

March 2011 | Adar 5771

Brith Sholom Beth Israel

We have been very busy this winter with new fun classes and our Scholar in Residence Shabbat. Additionally, a number of our younger members as well as adults participated in an amazing Junior NCSY Shabbaton in Savannah, GA. They had such a great time and are looking forward to more great events like that. P.A.R.T.Y (Parents and Rabbis Teaching Youth) has also been a great success. It has rotated locations on Saturday nights; BSBI Synagogue, Minyan House and West Ashley Minyan at the JCC; and even partnered up with the PJ Library. Parents and children (K-8th Grade) were invited to study together, eat free pizza, and win great prizes. It has been a great opportunity for parents to bond with their children and show them the warmth and excitement of Torah. Next up at BSBI is Jewish Soul Music, a concert being put on by the Charleston Jewish Experience - BSBI’s cultural umbrella. It is a compilation of the most sublime melodies of the Jewish community. It will be taking place on Sunday, March 6, 6:00 pm at BSBI Synagogue,

182 Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, SC 29403. There will be something for everyone! Modern Cantorial , Carlebach favorites, Yiddish pop, Hassidic nigun, Israeli songs and Jewish Jazz. Cantor Ben Zion Bronshtein, Ian Kay and 8 year old Yehonatan Admon will be backed by six of Charleston’s finest musicians; Irina Pevzner - piano, Tomas Jacubek - violin, Ellen Miriam Brandwein clarinet, Roman Pekar - and Victor Quarterman - drums. English and transliterations will be available for all, just in case you feel like singing along! Tickets are $10. They may be purchased in advance atwww. or at the door. For more information about the concert, please contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at or at 843-577-6599 ext.7. For more information about BSBI Synagogue, please visit www.BSBISynagogue. com, e-mail or call 843-577-6599. Experience the Warmth, Live the Inspiration!

Hadassah News Fun times were had at our January Jazz-Drinks-and JNF Fundraiser. Special thanks to Mary and Marty Hoxenhorn for donating the martinimakings and for being our gracious hostess and “Great Martini” bartender. On a more serious note, everyone who attended our program Women Who Are Desperate: Mental Health Issues came away with insight, information, and awareness. This program was a courageous one, dealing with tough personal topics. Thank you to our speakers from East Cooper Psychiatric Solutions, Palmetto Behavioral Health, and to Donna Salerno, LPC, Mental Health Counselor and Shanon McAlister, Advocate for minors in mental health. We also applaud Sharon Neal, Stephanie Tranen, Patricia Sykes, and Mary Hoxenhorn for pulling this event together. March is always a special month, celebrating The Woman Who Makes a Difference from our Charleston Jewish women’s organizations. Hadassah is proud to have originated this program, as we are proud of all the women who have been honored. This year’s honoree, Evelyn Engel, has been honored before, and yet she continues to show leadership and support for Hadassah and its programs. Thanks to women like Evelyn, Hadassah is able to honor commitments to Youth Aliyah/Children-at-Risk, to Hadassah College Jerusalem, to Young Judaea, to Hadassah Medical Organization, and to complete The Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower at Ein Kerem. We hope to have a great turnout of Members and Associates at our April 10 Donor Brunch. Watch your mail for an invitation. Are you receiving our monthly Hadassah Byte-Size newsletter? Stay abreast of local Hadassah events. Send your email address to REMINDER - Special Membership Opportunity - We are celebrating 100 Years of Hadassah with a $100 Lifetime enrollment. Everyone is equal – it is $100 for women, men and children. Consider this a gift from Hadassah – and make it a gift to yourself or your loved ones. To sign up, contact Bonnie Silverberg at 556-5670 or email us at For information about upcoming local programs, contact or call Sharon Hox, Chapter President, at 971-6116.

BSBI is supported in part, by a generous contribution from Charleston Jewish Federation.

(843) 571-2667

WORLDWIDE INVESTIGATIONS SINCE 1973 Addlestone Hebrew Academy is supported in part, by a generous contribution from Charleston Jewish Federation.



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