6 minute read
social services numbers
A Better Way Ministries
Supports men ages 17-55 through struggles with drug and alcohol addictions, or other life controlling issues; 678-251-0713 abetterwayministries.com
Al-Anon Family Groups
Support groups for those affected by another’s alcohol problem; ga-al-anon.org
Alcoholics Anonymous
Self-help sobriety group. A twelve-step program; aageorgia.org
Alzheimer’s Support Group
Help for victims of Alzheimer’s and their families/caregivers; 1-800-272-3900 act.alz.org or alz.org
American Legion
A veterans and community service organization Post 50, Peachtree City, 678-472-8485, Jose Cuevas - 706-616-7400 galegionpost50.org Post 57, Newnan: 770-251-6949, legion57.org Post 105, Fayetteville: 770-815-9253, americanlegionpost105ga.org
Angel’s House
Provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis; 770-251-7050; theangelshouse.org
Boy Scouts of America - Flint River Council
Builds character, trains boys in the responsibilities of good citizenship and develops physical fi tness 770-227-4556; fl intrivercouncil.org
Dedicated to improving the lives of children in foster care and empowering the families who care for them. 770-460-6652; bloomouryouth. org. To volunteer & donation center 770-4617020.
Breast Cancer Survivors’ Network
Provides assistance, education, and support services to women throughout their diagnosis, treatment and recovery 770-487-4396; bcsurvivorsnetwork.org
Bully Wag, Inc.
An active pet rescue and adoption group. We accept cats and dogs from owner surrenders and obtained from animal shelters. Pet adoptions are held at Petco in Peachtree City - Kedron Village Shopping Center every Saturday from 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM. Be a foster or volunteer - contact Jonnie Craig at (404) 518-9807 or via email at Bullywaginc09@ yahoo.com. Find your furever friend at http://www.bullywaginc.org
Business Women of Fayette & Coweta
Professional organization for businesswomen who wish to give back to their community 678-472-1199; bwfcc.org
Camp Southern Ground
Over 400-acre facility in Fayette County to serve children of all abilities; 404-941-3480; campsouthernground.org
Caring Paws
Group that provides animal therapy to locations including hospitals, nursing homes and schools; 770-252-5303; CAREingpaws.org
Christian City
Non-denominational organization ministering to the needs of families, particularly children, the aged and infi rm 770-964-3301; christiancity.org
Civitan Club—Fayette County
Service organization that builds good citizenship through serving individual and community needs, with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities; georgiacivitans. org and oc5.run
Clothes Less Traveled Thrift Store
Thrift store offering gently-used clothing, household items and furniture; all proceeds are donated to local area charities. 770-486-8517; clotheslesstraveled.org
Commemorative Air Force of the Dixie Wing (CAF)
Fleet of historic aircraft used to recreate, remind and reinforce the lessons learned from the defi ning moments in American military aviation history; 678-364-1110; dixiewing.org
Daughters of the American Revolution
A lineage society dedicated to patriotism, historic preservation, and education Fayette Starr’s Mill: Susan Morrison, 770-486-8641 fayettestarrsmill.georgiastatedar.org
Daughters of the American Revolution (cont.)
General Daniel Newnan: danielnewnan.georgiastatedar.org James Waldrop: jameswaldrop.georgiastatedar.org
Advocates for people with developmental disabilities and their families, with a focus on promoting the improvement and expansion of support and services 770-631-1035; exceptionalops.com
Fayette County Animal Shelter
Provides assistance for homeless, injured or abused animals while preserving public safety; 770-631-7210 fayettecountyga.gov/animal_control/
Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center
Offering free services, confi dential and available to all in need. 770-719-2288; fayetteprc.com
Fayette Senior Services
Promotes positive aging through support services and enrichment classes/programs 770-461-0813; fayss.org
Fellowship of Christian Airlines Personnel
Our vision is to see Christians connect in every area of the airline/aviation workplace throughout the world; to display God’s glory and to be His infl uence while on the job. 770.461.9320 https://fcap.org
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta
For ages K-17; builds young women of courage, confi dence, character and service; 770-7029100; gsgatl.org
Support group for those recovering from the death of a spouse, child, other family member or friend; griefshare.org
Guitars Not Guns
Works to help stop youth violence by providing guitars and lessons for foster children, at-risk youth and others; guitarsnotguns.org
Healing Bridge Clinic
Provides routine, non-emergency medical and nursing care to the uninsured in Fayette, Coweta and South Fulton counties; 770-6810157; healingbridgeclinic.org
Dedicated to assisting military service members and veterans lead healthy, productive lives by connecting them with certifi ed service dogs; 678-364-9993; healing4heroes.org
Provides useful and morale-boosting customized care packages for deployed members of the armed forces 866-999-4376; herobox.org
Humane Society of Fayette County
Providing care for pets until they can be adopted out; 770-487-1073; fayettehumane.org
Jobseekers of Peachtree City
Non-denominational ministry designed to assist unemployed individuals with their job transition; jobseekersptc.org
Keep Peachtree City Beautiful
Helps make communities cleaner, greener, safer and more livable through education and collaboration with businesses and the public; 770-632-3195 keeppeachtreecitybeautiful.com
Kiwanis Clubs
Service organization dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time Kiwanis Club of Fayette County: kiwanis.org Kiwanis Club of McIntosh Trail: Kay McInroe, 678-570-0717, kiwanis.org Metro-Fayette: kiwanis.org
Lekotek of Georgia, Inc.
Conducts play/learning sessions in which adapted computer and educational materials are loaned to help infants and children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities 404-633-3430; lekotekga.org
Lions Club
Service organization dedicated to meeting humanitarian needs, encouraging peace and promoting international understanding Newnan-Coweta: lionsclubs.org Peachtree City: lionsclubs.org
Marine Corps League
Clyde Thomason Detachment #1325 Veterans and community service organization comprised of Marines and FMF Corpsmen 678-827-1325; mcl1325.net
Peachtree City Community Garden
Glenloch Recreation Park, Peachtree City 770-631-2542, ptccommunitygardens.org
Midwest Food Bank - Georgia Division
Food bank ministry distributing food at no cost to social services agencies 770-486-1103 peachtree.midwestfoodbank.org/home
MOMS Clubs
Support group for at-home mothers, mothers who work part-time, and mothers who work at home Fayetteville: fayettevillemoms.webs.com Peachtree City North: momsclubptcn.weebly.com/ Sharpsburg: momsclubofsharpsburg.weebly.com
Narcotics Anonymous
Support group and recovery program for those suffering from chemical addictions Holy Trinity Catholic Church: 770-487-0175; na.org
New Neighbors League
Helps new residents adjust and fi nd their place in Peachtree City; 770-486-9116 newneighborsptc.com
Optimist Clubs
Service organizations that seek to “bring out the best in kids” by providing hope and positive vision Peachtree City Optimist Club: georgiaoptimists.org Senoia Optimist Club: georgiaoptimists.org
Peachtree City Dog Park Association Non-profi t organization run by volunteers who maintain and manage the dog park located on McIntosh Trail; 470-219-8066; ptcdogpark.com
Peachtree Wind Ensemble
A non-audition, community band that rehearses regularly and performs throughout the Southern Crescent region; peachtreewindensemble.org
Promise Place
Comprehensive domestic violence services for Fayette County; 770-460-1604 (Hotline) promiseplace.org
The Real Life Center
Helps those facing life’s unanticipated challenges; a variety of programs such as counseling fi nancial assistance, food pantry/ clothes closet and career help 770-631-9334; reallifecenter.org
Rotary Clubs
Service organizations that work to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace and eradicate polio Rotary Club of Coweta-Fayette (Senoia): cowetafayetterotary.org
Rotary Clubs (cont.)
Rotary Club Fayette Daybreak: fayettedaybreak.org Rotary Club of Fayetteville: rotaryfayettevillega.com Rotary Club of Newnan: www.newnanrotary.org Rotary Club of Peachtree City: 678-884-9556, peachtreecityrotary.org

Sons of the American Revolution— Marquis de Lafayette
A lineage society dedicated to patriotism, historic preservation, and education gasocietysar.org
Sons of Confederate Veterans
A lineage society dedicated to historic preservation, and education LaFayette McLaws Camp #79 fayettescv.org William Thomas Overby Camp #715: facebook. com/
Southern Animal Alliance Group
Helps connect people with animals waiting to be adopted. https://southernanimalalliancegroup.org/
Southern Conservation Trust
Saves greenspaces for people and wildlife, owns and/or manages 1,600+ acres, including Flat Creek Nature Area, Line Creek Nature Area, Morgan Grove Nature Area, Sams Lake Bird Sanctuary and The Ridge Nature area 770-486-7774; sctlandtrust.org
Southside Support
Offers connections for families with special needs children through social media, parent education and community outings 404-823-7943; southsidesupport.org
Southwest Christian Care
A non-profi t organization providing services for the terminally ill, medically fragile children, and senior adults, all at no cost. 770-969-8354; swchristiancare.org
Fostering change one youth at a time. Serving ages 13-23 through mentorship, leadership, education and community service. 805-7106080 or 678-379-9591 V2fosteringchange. org
VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars)
A veterans patriotic/historical/educational organization Post 9949, Peachtree City: 678-633-9996 myvfw.org/ga/post9949 Coweta Veterans Club, Post 2667, Newnan: 404-981-2667, vfw2667.org
Walk to End Alzheimer’s of the Southern Crescent
Raises funds for programs/services supporting Alzheimer’s patients and their families, and for research into treatments and a cure Snapper Freeman, 404-728-6049; act.alz.org or alz.org
Wellspring Treasures Thrift Shop
Supports Wellspring Living, which confronts the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through treatment, education and advocacy programs for girls and women Store: 770-632-1788 Volunteer: 770-631-8888; wellspringliving.org