17 minute read
history of the peachtree city library
The Children's Wing Nourishing Life-Long Learners
One of the busiest, most colorful, and joyful sections of the library is the Children’s Wing. A dedicated addition built from the 2003 bond, the Children’s Wing offers child-size tables, chairs, bookcases, computers, and a book collection geared to the youngsters of Peachtree City. A glass walled room within the wing hosts programs for children of all ages. Janice Dukes was the first Peachtree City Library Youth Services Librarian and is celebrating 20 years in that position this spring. She says the children's department has seen much change in those 20 years, including hundreds of programs and events and thousands of new books and materials. “The children's department is the nursery of the library,” says Janice. “It nourishes the youngest of our community to become lifelong learners.” The library encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and learning through a monthly comprehensive schedule of programs for them and their parents. Programs for children include a weekly “Storytime” for pre-schoolers and Janice’s favorite program, “Babytime,” for infants up to two years old. The Children’s Summer Reading Program includes weekly performers, age specific activities, and prizes for completing summer reading goals.
[“Librarians save lives: by handing the right book, at the right time, to a kid in need.” —Judy Blume]
201 Prime Point Peachtree City, GA 30269 201 Prime Point Peachtree City, GA 30269
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From left: Joel Cowan and Peachtree City Administrator Jill Prouty in the History Room.
Lee Eltzroth, President of the Friends of the Library.
For history buffs, a special place in the library is the Joel Cowan History Room, named in honor of Peachtree City founder, former mayor, and long-time resident Joel Cowan. Contained within its space are archives of Peachtree City history, including documents; publications (newspapers, area magazines); maps, photographs, and other visual materials; and artifacts, which are preserved and made available for research by appointment. Twenty-year Peachtree City Library librarian veteran Rebecca Watts, who co-authored Arcadia Publishing’s history series Images of America: Peachtree City, has been involved in organizing the History Room since about 2008. “Whenever we come across something interesting that pertains to Peachtree City, we say, ‘that might be good for the history room!’” says Rebecca. Now retired, Rebecca continues that organizing task, along with other FOL volunteers, including chairman Lee Eltzroth, a retired professional archivist, who brings much expertise and experience to the project. Friends of the Library recently received a large grant from an anonymous donor specified for use for the Joel Cowan History Room as well as its related website and social media presence. Some of the historical records in the Joel Cowan room concerning the early history and planning of Peachtree City can be found online in the Digital Library of Georgia. Coordinated by Watts, the collection, "Peachtree City: Plans, Politics, and People, 'New Town' Beginnings and How the 'New Town' Grew,” contains a number of documents, maps, newsletters from the 1970s, and a previously digitized collection of administrative records covering the history of the golf cart paths from the early 1970s up through 2007. You can access this online collection at https://dlg.usg.edu/collection/ frrls-pt_newtown.
[“To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse.” —Barbara W. Tuchman, Historian and Author]
Front, L to R: Honey Corbin and Rebecca Watts. Back, L to R: fabric artists Candace Hackett Shively and Kathy Schultz.
Art Initiative Art and Books—What More Do We Need?
Local artist Honey Corbin and former Peachtree City Librarian Rebecca Watts saw a need to expose local artwork and artists to the area residents and collaborated to do just that. Started in 2016, while Rebecca was still employed at the library, the Library’s Art Initiative provides the community an ongoing venue for visual art. Rebecca, who has continued the collaboration in her retirement, says, “While this cultural amenity is certainly a plus for the city, it also serves as a key exhibit opportunity for local and regional artists.” Three area artists' associations—Fayette Society of Fine Art, Newnan-Coweta Art Association, and Peachtree City Photography Club—have permanent display space in the library with a fourth display area reserved for artists invited by co-curators Corbin and Watts. The two curators enjoy attending regional art events in search of new artists to bring to the library. Exhibits, which hang on grids throughout the library, are changed out six times per year. Prior to the pandemic, the library hosted artist receptions on "Art Sunday" as a celebration of local art for each new exhibit—a practice the Art Initiative administrators hope they are one day able to revive. Art—just another reason to go to the Peachtree City Library.
[“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” —Zadie Smith]
From left: Library Administrator, Jill Prouty, and Honey Corbin.
Computer access has been integral to the library since the early 2000s.
Continued from page 9. A library project that is very visual and makes a big splash is the Art Initiative located on grids throughout the library. This initiative provides curated shows from local and regional artists. (See Art Initiative Spotlight, p.14). Peachtree City Library has a strong FaceBook page presence with interesting reading and library information and online events, such as Cozy Top Book Club, What’s On Jill’s Nightstand, Teen Book Club, and OB the Storytelling Dog.
[“Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.”—Ray Bradbury, Author]
Since the days of a once-a-week bookmobile, Peachtree City Library has steadily and pro-actively moved forward. Dedicated staff moved it forward. Developers and city officials moved it forward. Residents moved it forward. All of these people understood the joys and comfort experienced by having a hometown library that not only met the needs of its residents but exceeded their expectations time and time again. Peachtree City Library, like all libraries, is not a finished product. It does and will require numerous hours from personnel and volunteers to maintain the high standards it has set for itself. You do not get to be one of the best by standing still. Friends of the Library continues to need volunteers and support in order to establish and maintain the library’s many programs and initiatives. In addition to events and activities held in conjunction with the annual Friends of the Library Week and for National Library Week, FOL regularly funds book purchases and processing and miscellaneous supplies. It also funds the following library activities: the Art Initiative, the Joel Cowan History Room, the Children’s Reading Program, and the Adult Reading Program, which consists of authors’ lectures, writers’ workshops, and tracking summer books read. Contact Friends of the Library organization through the library, on its Facebook page, or at its website at ptclibraryfriends.org. Due to the ongoing pandemic, Peachtree City Library has established reduced hours and is only sponsoring virtual events. Visit the library website at peachtree-city. org/125/Library or its Facebook page for updates as pandemic conditions improve. Last of all, remember— ["Libraries are only good if people use them, like books only exist when someone reads them.”—Nicholas Meyer, Writer and Director]
Peachtree City Library By The Numbers
For some time, Peachtree City Library has been ranked the busiest library in Flint River Regional Library System—a system that includes Fayette County, Tyrone, Griffin-Spalding, Tyrone, Milner, BarnesvilleLamar, Jackson-Butts, Monroe County, and Zebulon.
Below are some numbers from pre-pandemic 2019. That year represents a more normal amount of library activity than what has occurred since. Total Circulation: 360,287
Children’s Circulation: 176,706 children’s items
Items Acquired: 4,497
Group Meetings: 435
Children’s Programs: 252 Number of Participants: 9,434 Adult Programs: 82 Number of Participants: 1,199
Volunteers: 546 Number of Hours Worked: 3,666
[“The library is inhabited by spirits that come out of the pages at night.”—Isabel Allende, Author]
Stay on top of what’s happening in Peachtree City and the surrounding area with this calendar. The latest events and changes are at your fi ngertips with the Peachtree City App—download it today.
At press time, many events have been postponed and we have adjusted dates where known. Others we have left as shown on the event organizer's websites. Please check the event before you go, as all are subject to change! Websites are shown at the end of this calendar.
Peachtree City Magazine
May 1-June 13 Georgia Renaissance Festival, Weekends only, plus Memorial Day, Fairburn
May 11 Birdies for Meaghan Memorial Concert with Phil Vassar to benefit suicide prevention, Drake Field, Peachtree City 7:00-11:00 pm. this is a 21+ event. Tickets on EventBrite
May 20 Josh Purgason LIVE, The Avenue Peachtree City, 6-9pm
May 21 Rumours, A Fleetwood Mac tribute, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
Peachtree City GeoTour – 19 spots along Peachtree City’s cart paths—it’s up to you to fi nd them! Available all day, every day –Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau
Apr 15 3rd Thursday Night Out at the Avenue Peachtree City, Andy & Lisa perform 6-9pm May 22 – 23 Atlanta Air Show, Atlanta Regional Airport/Falcon Field, Peachtree City 8am-3pm
Peachtree City Market – Saturdays and Wednesdays, year-round; 9am-1pm Aberdeen Shopping Ctr
Disc Golf – A nice 9-hole golf course nestled in the Village Green park near Hwy 54- open from dawn to dusk
Southern Hollywood Film Tour Familyfriendly tour features popular TV and movie settings. Available most days, select times. Call 404-310-9613.
Yard Sales in PTC – Download the Peachtree City App and check it every Thursday-Saturday for locations and details for all yard sales in PTC
Apr 24 Annual Bark for Life Walk, 201 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City. Show off your best friend! All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society. 12:00- 3:30
May 1-2 Cotton Pickin Fair, Gay, GA 8am-5pm cpfair.org June 11 Satisfaction: A Rolling Stone Tribute, Brightmoor Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville, gates open at 7pm
June 19 A1A The Official Jimmy Buffett Tribute Show, Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
June 25 Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Brightmoor-–Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville, gates open at 7pm
June 26 Black Jacket Symphony presents Hotel California, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
July 2 Grand Funk Railroad, Brightmoor– Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville, gates open at 7pm
July 4 Peachtree City celebrates: Parade on Peachtree Pkwy 9am /4th Fest at City Hall Plaza afternoon / Fireworks, Peachtree City
July 5 Newsies on the Lawn Stage. Legacy Theatre, 1175 Senoia Rd, Tyrone. Legacytheater.com
July 10 Georgia Players Guild Presents
Top Artists – Tribute, the Music of the Allman Brothers, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
July 24 Departure: The Journey Tribute Band, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
Aug 5 Back to School Concert at the Avenue, Peachtree City 6-9pm
Aug 7 Who’s That Girl: The Ultimate Diva Experience, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
Aug 20-22 Pelagius: A New Musical, Legacy Theatre, 1175 Senoia Rd, Tyrone
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Peggy Crayton, Agent 267 Hwy 74 North Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-6274 peggy@peggycrayton.com Ky Dickerson CLU, Agent 240 Commerce Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-632-8882 ky@kydickerson.com Samuel Morris Jr CLU LUTCF, Agent 113 Ebenezer Road Fayetteville, GA 30215 Bus: 770-487-3552 sam@sammorris.biz Tarcia D Troup, Agent 211 Prime Pt Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 678-788-7650 tarcia@troupinsurance.com
Clay Van Meter Ins Agcy Inc Clay Van Meter, Agent 262 S. Peachtree Pky Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-5060 Joe Dion CLU LUTCF CASL RHU, Agent 2004 COMMERCE DR N Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-460-0132 joe@dionagency.com Steve Smeal, Agent 1200 Highway 74 S Ste 5 Peachtree Cty, GA 30269 Bus: 404-810-0000 steve@stevesmeal.com Mark Gray CLU CPCU, Agent 66 Eastbrook Bend Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-8561 mark@markgrayinsurance.com
*Average annual per household savings based on a 2020 national survey by State Farm® of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas State Farm Lloyds Richardson, TX State Farm Florida Insurance Company Winter Haven, FL 2001300
Aug 21 Natural Wonder- The Ultimate Stevie Wonder Experience, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30
Sept. dates TBA Kiwanis Coweta County Fair, Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Road, Newnan
Sept 18-19 Shakerag Arts & Crafts Festival, 201 McIntosh Trail, PTC, 10-5
Sept 25 Face to Face: A Tribute to Elton John & Billy Joel, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City - Show 7:30, Doors 6:30 Sept 25 Rotary Club of Peachtree City Dragon Boat Festival, Lake Peachtree – Drake Field, 151 Willowbend, Peachtree City 9-5
Oct 2 ABBA Revisited – A Tribute to ABBA, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater,
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For more information: Peachtree-City.org; VisitPeachtreeCity.com; ExploreCoweta.com; MainStreetNewnan.com; Fayetteville-ga.gov/events; DowntownFayetteville.org; EnjoySenoia.net; Tyrone.org; Amphitheater.org (for the Fred); southerngroundamp.com
>>go SEE & DO
Performance by "Completely Unchained" (VH Tribute) – Brightmoor–Southern Ground Amphitheater, September 2020.
When it comes to what there is to go, see, and do in Peachtree City, the pandemic is still a factor, but things are starting to turn the corner. You will fi nd events that were cancelled last summer slowly coming back and most entertainment centers are open with limited hours and social distancing procedures. Check websites or call for up-to-date information.
■ Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater Music plays again at the The Fred! One of the most iconic spots in town, the Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater is back with its summer concert series. This season’s concerts include: Yacht Rock Revue, The Offi cial Jimmy Buffett Tribute Show, and ABBA Revisited. Located in the McIntosh Trail Recreation Area, the amphitheater offers great acoustics and an intimate setting. Check website for COVID-19 guidelines. 770-6310630 or amphitheater.org.
■ Atlanta Air Show After having its Peachtree City debut cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, the Atlanta Air Show will soar over the town at its new home, Atlanta Regional AirportFalcon Field on May 22 and 23. The aviation show features a wide variety of aircraft in the air and in on-ground displays as well as interactive exhibits, simulators, and activities. Saturday-Sunday, May 22 and 23, at 8.am.- 3 p.m.
■ Georgia Renaissance Festival After a cancellation in spring of 2020 and then an abbreviated Fall Fling this past November, the Georgia Renaissance Festival is back full force, weekends from April 24 to June 6, 2021! Immerse yourself in Renaissance culture in the recreated 16thCentury European Village of Newcastle with its circus-style entertainment, an outdoor theater, and an arts and craft marketplace, where over 150 skilled artisans work from charming cottages, creating everything from pottery to jewelry. Ten stages provide a continuous schedule of music, comedy, juggling, and feats of skill. Minstrels, wenches, pirates, knights, jesters, and royalty stroll the village grounds. This annual festival is located on permanent grounds in Fairburn. Check the festival’s website for updates and announcements. 770-964-8575; garenfest.com; 6905 Virlyn B. Smith Rd., Fairburn.
■ Brightmoor-Southern Ground Amphitheater This 1,500-seat amphitheater with a 50-foot stage and natural-grass, tiered seating sits in a neighborhood in Fayetteville’s historic Main Street District. After an abbreviated schedule last summer, see this summer’s concert listing on page 20 or see the venue’s website for updated information about this year’s events. 770-719-4173; southerngroundamp.com; 301 LaFayette Ave, Fayetteville.
■ CAF Airbase Georgia Museum Formerly known as the Commemorative Air Force’s Dixie Wing Museum, the CAF Airbase Georgia Museum is a unique, historic attraction in Peachtree City boasting hundreds of WWII era artifacts, educational seminars, event space, and hands-on learning. Call for special tours of these perfectly restored War Birds—or even a neverto-be forgotten ride! 678-364-1110 or dixiewing.org.