2024 LGA Booklet

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ladies’ golf program

ladies’ golf calendar


Chatter Platter

April 9

Ladies‘ Four Ball Tournament

Beginning April 9


Ladies’ Member-Guest

May 15 - May 16

Mixed Twilight Par 3 May 19


Ladies’ Guest Day

June 18


Ladies’ Interclub

July 18


Ladies’ Club Championship & Queens Cup

August 24 - 25

Ladies’ Mix Sticks Golf & Tennis Event

September 13

Ladies’ Member-Member

October 8-9

Lassie Day

October 23

Cramer Cup

Sunday, Exact Date TBD


Ladies’ Season Ender

November 5

ladies’ tournaments


April 9 | 9:30 AM Golf Staff

The format will be an ABCD with teams made by the golf staff. After play, join us for a delicious lunch and prizes.

2023 Winners: Katie Hodges, Missy Miller, Trudy Morton, Mimi Kane


April 9 - November Golf Staff

This is a season-long Four-Ball match play event with a partner. The format will be a Better Ball of Your Partners, and the competitors will be in charge of scheduling their own matches. The Four-Ball Tournament will be a single elimination tournament.

2023 Winners: Katie Hodges & Sarah Brown


May 15, 2 PM | May 16, 9 AM

Henrietta Palmer, Chair

Grab a friend for our two-day Member-Guest event. The format will be a One Best Ball for Each Team, enjoyable for all! Prizes will be awarded for the low gross and net teams. Each player will receive 100% of their course rated handicap (36 is the Max Handicap).

2023 Gross Winners: Susan Tome & Robin Griffith

2023 Net Winners: Addison Ayer & Leila Evans


May 19 | 5:30 PM Golf Staff

Come join us for a fun-filled Par 3 event! The format will be a Better Ball of the 2 Players and the ladies score must count on at least 4 holes. It is sure to be a relaxed, and enjoyable round of golf!


June 18 | 1 PM

Golf Staff

A fun day to enjoy our beautiful course with your guests! Members can bring one OR three guests. There will be a Shotgun start with a Two Net Ball format followed by lunch.


August 24, Time TBD | August 25, Time TBD

Connor Macon, Chair

This is a two-day tournament consisting of two divisions. The Ladies’ Club Championship is a gross individual stroke play, and the Queens Cup is the net division, which will consist of a Ringer Score

2023 Club Champion: Gayle Tallardy

2023 Queen’s Cup Winner: Mary Claire Wall


September 13 | Time TBD

Anne Carter Smith, Chair

We are excited to offer this new event! Keep an eye out for details to come on format and more!


October 8 - October 9 | 9 AM

Anne Dooley, Chair

Partner with another member for this two-day golf event. Day one the format will be a Captain’s Choice and Day two will be a Shamble with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun on both days!

2023 Overall Champion: Gaither Deaton and Carter MacBain

2023 Net Winner: Mary Claire Wall and Henrietta Palmer


October 23 | 1 PM

Rad Von Werssowetz & Molly Froelich, Chairs

This is our annual Scottish themed one-day event for our Lassies! Ladies are invited to bring guests, wear their Scottish themed attire, and play golf with the occasional view of a bagpiper down the 18th fairway. The format will be a Best Ball of Four.

2023 Gross Winners: Rad Von Werssowetz, Molly Froelich, Erin Varol, Elizabeth Hagood

2023 Net Winners: Linda Hawfield, Peggy Thies, Amy Watson, Hanna Kane


Date TBD | 12:30 PM

Golf Staff

This is a fun couples event with a fall theme where the format will be a traditional Chapman style. The event consists of switching tee balls with your partner, and playing in from there. There are Gross and Net divisions.

2023 Net Winners: Dan & Andrea Harknett

2023 Gross Winners: Susan Tome & John Maxwell


November 5 | Time TBD

Golf Staff

Join us for the final tournament of the year. The format will be a Cross Country Scramble. Stay after play for lunch and prizes.

2023 Gross Winners: Gayle Tallardy and Carter MacBain

2023 Net Winner: Katie Hodges and Carver Buchanan

ladies’ programming

Tuesday Ladies’ Beginner Clinic

Tuesdays | 10:00-11:00 am | March 19 - May 14 | $50 Per Clinic

Our Tuesday Beginners’ Clinic will provide introduction to all parts of the game, for any ladies that are new to golf or looking to focus on the basics.

Week 1 | March 19 - The Golf Bag & Setup

Week 2 | March 26 - Introduction to Full Swing

Week 3 | April 2 - Introduction to Putting

Week 4 | April 9 - Introduction to Chipping / Putting

Week 5 | April 16 - Irons & Wedges

Week 6 | April 23 - Bunkers & Chipping / Pitching

Week 7 | April 30 - Driving & Hybrids

Week 8 | May 7 - Putting & Green Reading

Week 9 | May 14 - Full Swing Review

Thursday Ladies’ Clinic

Thursdays | 10:00-11:00 am | March 21 - May 16 | $50 Per Clinic

Our Thursday Ladies’ Clinic with Drew Perry & Thomas Redding provides weekly instruction for ladies who are looking to improve their game. We will focus on different topics each week, covering all aspects of the game

Week 1 | March 21 - Irons & Wedge Play

Week 2 | March 28 - Chipping & Pitching

Week 3 | April 4 - Driving & Hybrids

Week 4 | April 11 - Bunkers & Chipping / Putting

Week 5 | April 18 - Putting & Green Reading

Week 6 | April 25 - Driving & Irons

Week 7 | May 2 - Putting & Green Reading

Week 8 | May 9 - Bunkers & Chipping / Putting

Week 9 | May 16 - Full Swing Review

If you would like to participate in either clinic, please email Drew Perry at dperry@charlottecountryclub.org or by calling the Golf Shop.

golf fees

Each LGA member receives two Play Days a year, where she can bring a guest on that particular day for a cart fee only. The Play Days can be utilized at any time during the year on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Please call the Golf Shop to schedule your play days.

Junior Guest (18 & under): $15

Junior Guest (18-23): $50

Immediate Family Guest Weekday: $60

Immediate Family Guest Weekend / Holiday: $75

In-Town Guest Weekday: $200

In-Town Guest Weekend / Holiday: $250

Out of Town Guest Weekday: $150

Out of Town Guest Weekend / Holiday: $200

Golf Cart Rates:

18 holes: $25

9 holes: $13

Club Storage: $150

Junior Club Storage: $25

Charged annually to your account

Single: $290

Double: $400

Family (3 or more family members): $480

Take a Caddie!

One of the greatest traditions at Charlotte Country Club is the pleasure of playing golf with a caddie at one’s side. Our long standing caddie program is available to enhance your golfing experience. Charlotte Country Club has one of the few remaining true caddie programs in the state, allowing our members to take a caddie daily. In order for the caddie program to improve, it is imperative that the membership continues to embrace this great tradition. Next time you and your friends want to play a round of golf at the Club, consider taking one of our caddies!

9 Holes: $40 per bag

18 Holes: $80 per bag

9 Holes: $20 per bag

18 Holes: $40 per bag

Requests for caddies can be made while booking a tee time in ForeTees. Please contact the Golf Shop for more information on our wonderful caddies.

golf professional staff


KAYLA BARTEMEYER | Assistant Golf Professional kbartemeyer@charlottlecountryclub.org | 704.333.9809

Kayla is from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She started playing golf at the age of 8 and fell in love with the game. Kayla has spent her last four years playing golf at UNC Charlotte, and is a proud graduate of the Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte. A familiar face to CCC, you may recognize Kayla who has joined us for the past few summer seasons at the Club. We are so excited to bring her on full-time, and especially to see all she will do for our Ladies’ Golf Association!

Golf Shop Professionals


Director of Golf

ewilliamson@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.5237


Head Golf Professional tnoske@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9809


Golf Shop Merchandiser lsusen@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.2244

Golf House Professionals


Director of Instruction jfields@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9878


Teaching Professional

dperry@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9877


Assistant Golf Professional wgarrett@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9809


Assistant Golf Professional twilliams@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9809


Golf Operations Supervisor twilcox@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9809


Club Fitting Professional wlove@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9877


Teaching Professional tredding@charlottlecountryclub.org 704.333.9877

2024 roster

MISSY ANDERSON missyand@me.com 704-577-8819

ADDISON AYER addayer@me.com 704-609-1363

DEBRA BAKER dbaker1928@aol.com 828-381-2051

PAM BARNHARDT pambarnhardt1348@gmail.com 704-609-3181

MIDGE BARRON midgebarron@gmail.com 704-651-3033

PAM BARRY pammymb47@gmail.com 704-906-6570

KIM BELK belkkim@gmail.com 704-575-2355

MOLLY BLYTHE mooblythe@gmail.com 704-365-0699

KIM BOOHER kgbooher@gmail.com 704-408-8844

BRANDON BOYD mwcbbb@outlook.com 704-661-2195

ROBIN BRANSTROM robin@branstrominvestments.com 704-578-3112

MARTY ANDRESS martyandress@gmail.com 704-376-8189

MARY LOU BABB mloubabb@carolina.rr.com 704-375-9710

KERRY BALDWIN baldwinsfour@mac.com 704-376-6178

LEIGH BARNHARDT mopweed@aol.com 704-370-0014

ALISON BARRY awbarry68@gmail.com 704-367-2262

MARY BEAVER marybeaver@mac.com 704-577-7916

BETSY BLUE betsynblue@gmail.com 704-650-8117

LAURIE BOND lauriebond@mac.com 704-641-1149

BETH BOWEN elizabethbowen3@gmail.com 704-502-1424

MEG BOYLES megfoley@bellsouth.net 704-408-1163

KATHERINE BRIGGS kbriggsnc@yahoo.com 704-756-6685

CANTEY BROWN canteybrown@gmail.com 704-906-2366

CARVER BUCHANAN carver0520@aol.com 704-574-1729

ELIZABETH BURNS elizabethburns1@gmail.com 980-233-0728

KAKY CASSADA kaky.cassada@gmail.com 704-589-9337

MARY CATHERINE CHESNEY mcchesney214@gmail.com 704-904-4663

WOODY CLARK woodyclark39@gmail.com 704-366-2045

JOE ANNE COLE jcolesr@carolina.rr.com 704-236-0759

NANCY COVINGTON nunu.covington@gmail.com 704-905-9111

DEE DEE DALRYMPLE deedal@me.com 704-906-5573

GAITHER DEATON gaitherdeaton@gmail.com 704-996-4224

NANCY DICKSON nancydickson1016@gmail.com 727-599-6044

SARAH BROWN cowense@gmail.com 523-262-0553

MARION BUCKMAN marionberri@comcast.net 503-449-0124

TERESA CARROLL tesscaroll27@gmail.com 704-502-9598

JANE CHANON janechanon@gmail.com 704-574-0824

MARCY CHOATE marcychoate@gmail.com 704-517-5905

ELIZABETH CLARK ebclark@bellsouth.net 704-366-2045

HILLARY COOPER hillaryc67@gmail.com 704-575-6052

ANN CRAMER annhcramer@gmail.com 704-516-1355

DEBBIE DARDEN d3darden@gmail.com 704-649-1744

MARY ANNE DICKSON madicksoncharlotte@gmail.com 704-231-0408

KATHY DOCKERY sdockery@carolina.rr.com 704-724-5498

ANNE DOOLEY ahdooley12@gmail.com 704-661-4156

CHRISTINA DOWDY crwdowdy@gmail.com 704-577-2126

LAUREN DUNAWAY laurendunaway1@gmail.com 678-640-7265

MARY EDWARDS maryedwards1701@gmail.com 704-604-4444

MINNA ELLIOTT minnadelliot@gmail.com 704-578-3800

FRANCES EVANS devans@carolina.rr.com 704-377-3114

CATHERINE FISCHER cathf.email@gmail.com 704-517-9513

JEANNIE FULLER jfuller1919@gmail.com 704-572-0120

LAURA GILCHRIST houseslg@carolina.rr.com 704-840-8698

KATHY GRIGG katgrigg16@gmail.com 704-618-3382

TRACY HALLETT sixhalletts@gmail.com 704-906-8172

JANE HARRIS janebhh@gmail.com 704-724-2582

SUSAN DOOLEY susandooley@me.com 704-564-8212

SUSAN DUDLEY susandudley725@gmail.com 704-231-5801

TINA EARLY tinaearly@me.com 704-907-1124

MILLICE ELLERBE millice.ellerbe@gmail.com 704-364-4278

MARTHA EUBANK meubank@bellsouth.net 704-578-2343

KATHY EWING birdieewing@gmail.com 704-258-4175

MOLLY FROELICH mfroelich@carolina.rr.com 704-578-7771

ALICE GALLAGHER adg5876@aol.com 704-975-3919

FAY GRASTY fgrasty11@gmail.com 704-999-8012

LISE HAIN lisehain@gmail.com 704-533-5091

SUSAN HAMILTON sueham510@gmail.com 704-621-8509

SARAH HARRIS kittybaxter53@hotmail.com 704-604-0793


tricia.b.harrison@gmail.com 704-942-1597

PATRICIA HAWORTH grandy1237@aol.com 704-608-3531

BOBBIE HERNDON bobbiehern52@gmail.com 704-576-3326

BETH HOBBS hobbsnc@mac.com 704-201-0592

KATIE HODGES katieahodges@gmail.com 407-865-4225

KELLY HOPKINS kem1234@gmail.com 704-904-7430

JORDAN HORSTMAN jordan.horstman@gmail.com 704-962-5458

CAROLYN HUDSON cbhudson2@gmail.com 704-577-3829

MARGARET JACKSON dwjackson3@aol.com 704-578-0953

LINDSAY JONES lindsayhawfieldjones@gmail.com 704-999-3386

CAROLE JOYNER carole@joynerbenfield.com 704-564-2685

MILLY KENNEDY bryanmilly@gmail.com 704-609-1396

LINDA HAWFIELD lkhawfield@gmail.com 704-277-6465

BETTY HECHENBLEIKNER bhech@carolina.rr.com 704-576-5876

KATIE HICKS hickskatie700@gmail.com 704-340-4499

LYNN HODGES hodgeslynnb@gmail.com 704-309-1761

SUSAN HOLLOWAY susanholloway@icloud.com 704-953-9103

PEGGY HORNE peggy.horne1009@gmail.com 704-661-8783

KATHY HOWE khowe@carolina.rr.com 704-577-0859

JANE HUNTER janewhunter@gmail.com 704-252-1148

PAIGE JAMES paigecjames@gmail.com 704-651-6997

JENNY JORDAN jennypjordan@gmail.com 704-756-8787

MIMI KANE mimifkane@gmail.com 704-609-0681

MARY KLUTTZ mary.kluttz@gmail.com 704-287-7161


lizlea55@gmail.com 704-905-8169

ELLIE LINDEMANN ewlindemann@mac.com 704-334-9090

JANE M LOCKWOOD jml@mccollbroslockwood.com 704-957-4624

PERRY LUCAS perrylucas3@gmail.com 704-763-1010

CARTER MACBAIN cbmacbain@gmail.com 704-619-4420

FRANCIE MANGAN fcmangan@gmail.com 704-366-1179

SUSAN MCALISTER snmcalister@gmail.com 704-651-6062

SALLY MCELWEE mcelwee.sally@gmail.com 704-975-5920

POSEY MEALY poseymealy@gmail.com 704-564-9263

SALLY MILLER salshomil@yahoo.com 704-907-5893

SALLY MITCHENER sallyhmitchener@gmail.com 704-516-9307

NANCY MORGAN nancymorgannc@gmail.com 704-617-7004


leggett.anne@gmail.com 704-343-9536

KELLY LINEBERGER klineberger@ridgemontep.com 843-422-2348

MARY LONG mlong4@carolina.rr.com 704-577-0758

SALLY LUCAS cyclesal@gmail.com 704-491-0651

CONNOR MACON connor.macon@gmail.com 843-830-0973

LYNNE MCADAMS lynnemac714@me.com 704-905-6550

CAROLINE MCARTHUR carolineshannon@gmail.com 704-578-3435

ASHLEY MCMILLAN ashleyjonesmcmillan@gmail.com 704-577-2369

MISSY MILLER mumiller20@gmail.com 704-619-3180

BECKY MITCHENER beckyrmitchener@gmail.com 704-907-1806

VICKY MITCHENER vmitchener@dickensmitchener.com 704-517-0177

KATIE MORRIS katiebelkmorris@gmail.com 704-340-6269


Trudypollock@mac.com 704-607-3558


ellenmoseley@att.net 704-609-8197


bneale55@aol.com 704-575-2155


snichols81515@gmail.com 704-491-7783


celene.oken@gmail.com 704-905-2519


cpappas@dickensmitchener.com 704-661-2402

ANNE PERPER anneperper@gmail.com 704-905-1710

PAT POLLARD patpollard410@gmail.com 704-491-7852

SHEPHERD POOLE smpoole@me.com 704-578-0226

SUSAN PORTER susanporter9@me.com 704-607-9995

JUNE RHYNE junerhyne@yahoo.com 704-576-3597

MARGOT ROBERTS jarbell@comcast.net 908-578-2865


annetneal@gmail.com 704-577-7887

CATHERINE NEWMAN catgnewman@gmail.com 704-577-7724

CYNTHIA OATES cynthiaoates7@gmail.com 704-373-0722

HENRIETTA PALMER hwpalmer@carolina.rr.com 704-806-6074

MARY PAYNE payne1614@gmail.com 216-337-2794

MISSY PLYLER fiveplylers@gmail.com 704-607-6651

ELIZABETH POLLET lizpollet@me.com 704-907-9108

ANNE POOLE annepoole@me.com 704-241-0397

JACELYN PRICHARD jacelynb@aol.com 704-578-2896

ELLEN RANKIN ellenrankin@gmail.com 704-906-0069

JOANNA ROBERTS jhr1139@yahoo.com 704-517-1640

ANNE ROBINSON apanda41@gmail.com 704-576-5113

PAULA RUFFIN pruffin@carolina.rr.com 704-301-5374

MARY ANN SCARBOROUGH maryannscarborough@gmail.com 843-478-0700

NATALIE SCOTT nasjds@gmail.com 704-582-2562

KATY SHOEMAKER kshoe7274@icloud.com 704-534-5071

ANNE CARTER SMITH annecartersmith@me.com 704-622-4447

ASHLEY STEWART ashleyestewart27@gmail.com 704-819-5332

KERRY STRAYHORN kmmbstray@aol.com 704-577-6339

KIM STUMP klovestump@gmail.com 704-351-3560

JEAN SULLIVAN jejesul@aol.com 704-906-7093

MARGARET SWITZER margaretswitzer@aol.com 704-307-7010

GAYLE TALLARDY gtallardy@me.com 845-664-4131

CAROLYN TAYLOR carolynski@icloud.com 704-236-1936

MARY KAY SCARBOROUGH mkscarboro@aol.com 704-996-5864

ANNE SCHLEUSNER aschleusner@me.com 704-904-1013

JAN SHEALY shealyjan@gmail.com 704-651-5527

MARY DAVIS SMART mdmsmart@gmail.com 704-904-1495

JAN SOMMERS sommersj2@yahoo.com 704-907-1244

LUCY STEPHENS lucy@thestephensco.com 704-562-1002

LETTY STONEMAN lettymac@stoneman.me 704-578-5882

MELISSA STROUP stroup4@aol.com 704-661-9385

JAN SWETENBURG janswetenburg@gmail.com 704-517-2083

ANNE SYKES asykes3848@gmail.com 704-619-3848

LYNN TATE lynnsptate@gmail.com 704-996-6601

LESLIE TEAGUE leslie.teague7@gmail.com 704-576-6188

MARCIA TEAL tealrsvp@gmail.com 704-577-6151

SALLY TEDEN sallysteden@gmail.com 704-562-2888

MELISSA TOLMIE mbtolmie1@gmail.com 704-576-3616

SUSAN TOME susanjtome@gmail.com 704-622-7262

GAY VANN gay.vann@gmail.com 704-367-1575

MARY CLAIRE WALL maryclairewall@gmail.com 704-957-0198

BECKY WEEKS beckweeks@comcast.net 704-372-1999

MARY WHITTAKER maryhwhittaker@gmail.com 704-907-8404

LIBBY WILLARD lwillard@carolina.rr.com 704-519-9989

KATE WILLINGHAM ktwillingham@gmail.com 704-302-6767

KATHERINE WOOD katherinewood76@gmail.com 704-858-0394

SUSAN WOOLLEN suswoolllen@gmail.com 704-277-3193

MARY PELL TEDEN mpteden@gmail.com 704-975-3556

ANN TEMPLE annftemple@gmail.com 704-996-6424

LUCY TRENT ltrent59@gmail.com 704-877-7731

MARGARET ULLRICH mcullrich@me.com 704-905-7525

ELLEN VERDONE ellenverdone@gmail.com 704-904-3942

CRISTINA WARLICK cristina.warlick@gmail.com 704-609-3246

RAD VON WERSSOWETZ maryradfordwyatt@gmail.com 404-274-7522

CHARLOTTE WICKHAM wickham6@me.com 917-545-9705

MARGARET WILLIAMS mwwcew@gmail.com 704-614-4992

CAROLINE WINSLETT carolinewinslett@gmail.com 704-517-9773

DEBBY WOODHOUSE debbylwood@aol.com 704-996-3112

EDITH WYATT edithwyatt@aol.com 704-343-4306

rules & regulations

Carts are particularly damaging when the course is wet. Therefore, the Committee has authorized the Golf Course Superintendent to close the course to the use of carts when necessary.

Cart paths are located near the teeing grounds and the green complexes on every hole. With limited cart paths, it is mandated by the Club that the members and guest utilize the cart paths when they are available. Members are to remain on the path until the path ends or an exit point is designated, and are to use the path once it begins again near the green complex.

It is extremely important to keep all four wheels of the golf cart on the cart path at all times. In doing so we will not cause any unnecessary damage to the turf directly adjacent to the cart path.

Native grass have been planted throughout the course. Please keep your golf cart out of these areas.

Carts must remain on paths on all par threes.

A cart shall not be driven within 30 yards of a putting green.

A cart shall not be driven onto a bank or surface of a teeing ground.

A cart shall not be driven into a hazard or bunker.

Only two people may ride in the cart at one time.

Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to drive carts.

Only carts owned or leased by the Club are permitted on the course.

Thank you very much for your assistance with adhering to these rules!

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