Our mission is to encourage
individual development and civility in our students
by inspiring them to learn,
by encouraging them to serve others, and by offering them
many growth-promoting opportunities.
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
from THE HEADMASTER Welcome to Charlotte Latin School. When
the arts, and an educational approach that
this school community, I was touched by
from the students, parents, alumni, and
We are a school where families of diverse
for the new Headmaster; however, I have
nationalities share the common value of
my family moved to Charlotte and I joined
the warmth and support that we received
faculty. Of course, I expected nothing less
found this experience to be the rule, not the
exception, for newcomers to the Latin community.
Above all, Latin provides a balanced
environment for our students. We are a
school with a challenging yet nurturing
is traditional in design, but innovative in
respect for themselves and for others, a
commitment to service, and an enduring
dedication to providing opportunities that
will enrich our children’s educational journey. Personally, I am particularly proud
of Latin’s emphasis on our Honor Code. A plaque bearing the words, “Honor Above
atmosphere, created by the presence of
All,” is proudly displayed in every classroom
athletic program, a solid commitment to
model for and instill in our students.
Charlotte Latin School
as a beacon of the behavior we wish to
LETTER from the Headmaster
Jeff, Jennifer, Arch, Avery, and Archie McIntosh
Ultimately, the success of an independent
If you would like additional information
partnerships fostered among families, the
Office at admissions@charlottelatin.org. Our
Independent schools have two primary
questions and if you choose, guide you
school is largely dependent upon the School,
constituents: their students (including
alumni) and their parents. At Charlotte
Latin, we believe that we work together to
provide the best possible educational
opportunities for our students.
Charlotte Latin School
about Latin, please contact our Admissions
staff will be very pleased to answer your through the admissions process.
We truly appreciate your interest in Charlotte Latin School.
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
More than forty years ago, a group of Charlotte parents believed that their
children deserved a superior education, one based upon the best traditions
of America’s seventeenth century “Latin” schools. With their emphasis on
exemplary teaching and a mastery of language arts, science, mathematics,
and history, the Latin schools provided a classical academic foundation
for their students. Inspired by the “Latin school” model, the parents rolled
up their sleeves, worked hard, and turned their vision into reality. They
founded Charlotte Latin School with the same dedication to excellence
as our nation’s first schools, creating an educational environment where
teaching is valued and learning is celebrated.
Our Founders’ commitment to a strong academic foundation and their focus on children remain Charlotte Latin’s guiding principles. With a
challenging curriculum, Latin expects students to stretch intellectually and achieve to the best of their abilities, yet the School provides individual
attention and a safe, nurturing environment where each child is supported as he or she explores new interests and deals with life experiences.
Charlotte Latin School
WELCOME to Charlotte Latin
Charlotte Latin is guided by our Honor Code and by the Honor Pledge: As a member of the Charlotte Latin Community, I am responsible for upholding and promoting honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and justice in all venues of School life. To maintain personal integrity, I will not cheat, lie, steal, or plagiarize. I will do my best to raise awareness of the importance of honor for the purpose of making Latin a better place to learn and work. I understand the Charlotte Latin School Honor Code and will uphold my HONOR ABOVE ALL.
From its founding, Latin has been a school built upon the success of each student, strong partnerships with families, and personal commitments to the common good.
Equally as important as academic accomplishment is Latin’s emphasis
on our students’ moral growth. Adherence to our Honor Code teaches
the importance of personal responsibility and good citizenship, and
cultivation of respect for oneself and others fosters a strong sense of
community among Latin’s students, families, faculty and staff; a community that embraces peoples of diverse backgrounds and talents.
This commitment to values is manifested in many tangible ways, such
as the absence of locks on students’ lockers.
Students also are encouraged to learn about the world beyond Latin’s
campus. A school-wide service program provides age-appropriate
opportunities for students to address the needs of others while
learning about underlying social issues, and the Sister School Program sponsors international travel and exchanges to promote
students’ cultural literacy. Whether a person is a member of the
Charlotte Latin community, the greater Charlotte community, or the
global community, our students are encouraged to reach out to him
or her with intellectual curiosity and compassion. 6
Charlotte Latin School
WELCOME to Charlotte Latin
Ultimately, the selection of a school is based upon many factors, including
its mission, its academic record, the breadth and depth of its curriculum,
its emphasis on moral values, and its faculty and facilities. Perhaps a
family’s most important consideration, however, is confidence that the
school will care for its children. From its founding, Latin has been a school
built upon the success of each student, strong partnerships with families, and personal commitments to the common good. For those of us in the Charlotte Latin community, Latin is the right choice.
We truly appreciate your interest and invite you to learn more about Charlotte Latin. We hope you will come to share our sense of pride, our
enthusiasm, and our affection for Latin.
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
Charlotte Latin’s mission is to develop in our students a lifelong desire to
learn, to understand, and to seek new opportunities. Teaching is our primary responsibility, and our teachers’ primary focus is on their students.
At Latin’s heart is the caring relationship our teachers and students share;
one built upon mutual respect and a shared commitment to learning.
It is a priority at Latin to attract faculty members who believe in their
students and who are dedicated to the development of the whole child.
Subject-area expertise is just the first expectation; Latin’s teachers, more
than two-thirds of whom have earned advanced degrees, stay abreast of
innovations in pedagogy, carefully researching and adopting only those
best practices that will enhance our students’ learning experiences. While
Charlotte Latin’s curriculum is traditional in design, it is innovative in implementation. We believe that a traditional school is most decidedly
one that continues to progress.
Latin’s faculty members are dedicated to their professions and to their
students’ success, and they devote the time and energy necessary to know
Charlotte Latin School
TEACHING is valued
The close relationship that our students share with their teachers fosters a sense of confidence to stretch abilities, to take healthy risks, and to raise expectations for personal achievements.
each student as an individual and to encourage him or her to thrive.
Teachers regularly interact with their students outside of the classroom –
sponsoring clubs, coaching teams, leading advisory groups, and providing
the guidance and direction young people need from the adult role models
in their lives. By taking the time and making the effort to care about every
aspect of their students’ lives, our teachers contribute to the kind of people the children will become.
Latin’s teachers’ own passion for learning is supported by the School, which provides considerable resources for professional development. Our faculty members are supported as they pursue advanced degrees, attend
conferences, travel abroad, and conduct research in their subject areas.
These educational opportunities prepare our teachers to share their
enthusiasm for their subject areas, thereby enriching their classes and benefiting their students.
Charlotte Latin School
TEACHING is valued
A great deal is expected from our students, yet they often expect even
more from themselves. The close relationship that our students share with
their teachers fosters a sense of confidence to stretch abilities, to take healthy risks, and to raise expectations for personal achievements. This foundation serves Latin students throughout their lives.
The student-teacher relationships forged at Latin endure as the students graduate, attend college, and grow into adulthood. It is not an uncommon
sight on the Latin campus to see a student home from college visiting a favorite teacher or an alumnus introducing his or her own children to a special administrator. The ties are indeed strong.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
“Inlustrate Orbem,” our School motto, is translated from the Latin as “Enlighten the World.” The sparks that ignite our students’ intellects and
imaginations come from the many lives that touch theirs in our School’s community of learners. Together, the Latin community kindles a lifelong
passion for learning that enriches our students’ lives and encourages them to make a positive mark upon the world.
Learning how to learn and academic achievement are cornerstones of the Latin educational experience. As the youngest school to be granted a Cum
Laude charter, Latin’s early commitment to excellence has been demonstrated in every successive year as our graduates matriculate at many
of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities. Exceptional
standardized test scores, as well as state and national awards in math, science, languages, the arts and many other subject areas, serve as evidence of the strength of Latin’s college preparatory curriculum and our students’
commitment to their studies.
Charlotte Latin School
At every grade level, experiential learning opportunities engage our students’ natural inquisitiveness. Latin’s curriculum calls for active not passive learning, and hands-on activities are frequently used to spark our
students’ intellectual curiosity. LOWER SCHOOL students do not merely
learn about ecosystems, they observe flora and fauna in their natural
environment at the campus pond. They don’t just hear about elections, they conduct their own mock elections to understand the American political system. The Lower School curriculum spirals, so that each discovery is reinforced to build a solid academic foundation.
The MIDDLE SCHOOL curriculum continues to build upon the
foundation established in Lower School, with an emphasis on learning how to learn and cultivating appropriate habits of the mind. Middle School
students delve into engineering principles by designing and building model
airplanes and robots, and they reinforce their Spanish vocabulary lessons
by sharing Power Point presentations with classmates. Students are
presented with opportunities to solve problems, to work creatively, and
to develop the critical thinking skills that prepare them to tackle
increasingly complex material in their core subjects. 16
Charlotte Latin School
LEARNING is celebrated
The application of knowledge is stressed in the UPPER SCHOOL as
students take a more mature role in their academic progress. They become
partners in their educational journey, working with their teachers on
projects and lessons that formulate hypotheses, challenge theories, analyze
attitudes, and investigate truths. Upper School students take advantage of
a wide range of core academic classes and electives. From publishing their own newspaper and editing a literary journal to solving advanced calculus problems and designing Web pages, students hone their ability to think
critically while exploring their interests and preparing for success in college.
The sparks that ignite our students’ intellects and imaginations come from the many lives that touch theirs in our School’s community of learners. From Transitional Kindergarten through twelfth grade, Latin’s academic
program is enriched by the infusion of a wide variety of people, places, and
experiences. Students frequently leave campus to attend concerts, watch plays, take field trips, visit zoos, and tour museums. Upper School students
travel overseas to participate in Latin’s extensive International Exchange
and Study Abroad programs. Experts from African dancers to public policy advocates often come to campus, making lessons come to life. Guest
conductors, who work with our students to perform original works, and
successful athletes, who talk about winning and losing with dignity, share their insights. The sparks abound.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
the 21st CENTURY
Innovative thinking is rarely signaled by fireworks, rather evidence of its
presence is found as our students apply knowledge to solve problems in new ways or connect seemingly disparate pieces of information to form a
better understanding of issues. Teachers encourage their students to
research, to question, to stretch for understanding. Our students’ critical
thinking skills are the result of resourceful teaching and a solid mastery of
core subjects.
The faculty is assisted in curriculum development by a full-time
Curriculum Coordinator who facilitates planning to review and refine the
curriculum across all grade levels. The resulting collegiality fosters the
cross-discipline sharing that sparks creativity and innovation in the
classroom and supports special programs such as the UNC-Charlotte
Science Olympiad and Odyssey of the Mind.
Charlotte Latin School
Innovative thinking is rarely signaled by fireworks, rather evidence of its presence is found as our students apply knowledge to solve problems in new ways or connect seemingly disparate pieces of information to form a better understanding of issues.
Latin’s teachers continually research best practices to appropriately integrate technology into instruction. In addition to teaching computer
application courses, teachers utilize technology to reinforce traditional
teaching methods. For example, computer-based writing labs support the
sixth through tenth grade curriculum by providing writing practice for
students as they master the solid writing skills they need for Upper School and beyond. Computer-assisted microscopes allow students in Upper
School chemistry classes to magnify images at high resolutions
unattainable with standard equipment. Lower School students use mobile laptop computer labs and computers in every classroom, as well as a
dedicated computer lab. In the Media Center, students access online
databases, such as those of the Library of Congress and EBSCO, to conduct research for papers and projects. Advances in technology are
increasingly creating learning opportunities for Latin’s students.
Charlotte Latin School
PREPARING the 21 st Century student
Latin’s approach to technology reflects our commitment to teach life lessons as well as subject-specific lessons. Middle and Upper School students and their parents sign a Campus Internet Use Policy, in which
they agree to access only appropriate Web sites, and filtering software is
provided by the School to protect young people from inappropriate material on the World Wide Web. The ethical use of electronic
information also is stressed, and students are taught to analyze the avalanche of available data to discern fact from fiction and information
from misinformation.
Learning at Latin is not limited to acquiring knowledge; it is about using knowledge appropriately. Latin prepares our students by providing a strong liberal arts foundation coupled with the development of the critical
thinking skills they will need to thrive in and make positive contributions to a world that is increasingly influenced by technology, and in which
tomorrow’s opportunities may be vastly different from those of today.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
BALANCE Latin is committed to supporting our students’ emotional, physical, and creative development by offering a variety of courses, electives, and extracurricular activities that energize the academic environment.
Latin students embrace a joy for learning through a balanced curriculum
that includes the visual and performing arts, athletics, and life skills. In the
Lower School, enthusiasm for the educational journey is nurtured as
students participate in a variety of activities, including art, music, foreign language, and physical education classes. Lessons are structured to include
activities that engage the whole child, making classes interesting and rewarding, and third, fourth, and fifth grade students may choose to participate in after-school club options, such as Odyssey of the Mind.
Middle School students choose each semester from among a number of diverse electives as well as clubs that meet during a weekly activity period.
The Middle School program also stresses interpersonal relationships to balance adolescents’ needs for individual attention and group acceptance.
Charlotte Latin School
...enthusiasm for the educational journey is nurtured as students participate in a variety of activities, including art, music, foreign language, and physical education classes.
The goal is to awaken in our students a love of the arts that will enrich their lives.
Team building is fostered through a strong Intramurals Program and group
projects, such as the International Festival. Students learn to lead, to
delegate, and to share responsibilities with others. Upper School is a time
for students to explore their emerging talents and practice their leadership
skills. Upper School students are offered a wide array of activities, including the Environmental Club, Community Service Program, and Student Council. Meetings and activities are scheduled during the daily activity period and after school.
Latin’s students across all grade levels are encouraged to explore the visual and
performing arts through an integrated curriculum. Our students’ level of artistic
accomplishment is recognized locally, regionally, and nationally by the Scholastic
Art Awards, and our choral and instrumental music students are cited at all
levels for their knowledge of sight reading and their performance skills. The
goal, however, is not to collect awards, but rather to awaken in our students a love of the arts that will enrich their lives.
Charlotte Latin School
The touch of strings, the rhythm of drums, and the harmonies of many
voices joined in unison inspire a love of music. At Latin, this love is nurtured through our music program, which strives not only to teach our
students the fundamentals of musical works and performance, but also to
promote a lifelong appreciation for music.
Beginning in the Lower School music program, students are introduced
at age-appropriate intervals to the basic elements of music, such as
rhythm, harmony, and melody. Older students, through vocal or instrumental music instruction, learn to develop their own creativity and
to appreciate others’ talents as they perform in ensembles. The Upper
School program is more sophisticated, as students use written study guides to learn the distinct nuances of musical styles, as well as the historical
context of major works. Thanks to supportive arts organizations on
campus, Latin’s young musicians also have opportunities to present
premiere performances of original compositions.
Charlotte Latin School
The excitement of opening night attracts many students to Latin’s diverse theater arts program. Students of all ages learn about theater craft from
Latin’s faculty and by participating in workshops with visiting artists such
as the North Carolina Shakespeare Company. In addition to learning performance skills, students learn the principles of lighting, staging,
costuming, and make-up via “on-the-job” experiences as they present
musicals and plays, including one-act plays written and directed by seniors.
The annual Upper School musical allows the music and theater students to
merge their talents; students act, sing, dance, accompany, sew costumes, and build sets to present classics, such as Oklahoma! and West Side Story. Every few years, an all-school musical is produced so that singers, dancers,
actors, and musicians of all ages can share their talents. Whether destined for a stage or an audience, Latin’s students develop confidence by
performing for and with their classmates and families. 28
Charlotte Latin School
A lump of clay in the hands of a Kindergarten student can become
anything: a fanciful dragon or a looming dinosaur or a beautiful fairy princess. The possibilities are endless in the imagination of a child. Latin’s
visual arts program is designed to capture this innocent expression and
nurture it through each grade level.
Beginning in Transitional Kindergarten, students learn the basics of shape,
color, texture, and line as they work in many mediums, from painting to
sculpture. As they progress to Middle School, students’ art classes advance
their knowledge of artistic styles and periods as they learn to apply them to their own works. Upper School students continue to refine their work and to express their feelings and observations through their art. From
painting landscapes to firing clay sculptures, the time and attention that
Charlotte Latin School
Our students’ creative expression is nurtured through the collaboration of ideas with their teachers, who understand how to guide and challenge them without undermining the creative process.
our students have dedicated to their art since their first Kindergarten
projects is readily discernable. Latin’s unique campus serves as a subject,
as well as a gallery, for many of these works, which are colorfully displayed
in classrooms and common areas.
In addition to teaching their students art history lessons and how to critique others’ works, Latin’s art teachers provide encouragement for the
young artists. Our students’ creative expression is nurtured through the
collaboration of ideas with their teachers, who understand how to guide and challenge them without undermining the creative process. This special
relationship results in an environment that develops an exceptional level of artistic accomplishment.
Charlotte Latin School
Equally as important as Latin’s emphasis on the mind and the creative spirit is our commitment to our students’ physical well-being. Healthy
bodies are developed through a variety of activities and participation in
team sports. Supervised play on the playground, physical education classes,
workouts in the fitness center, intramural games, team-building exercises,
and athletic events are all designed to offer Latin’s students age-
appropriate opportunities that stress the tenets of fair play, healthy competition, and physical fitness.
Athletics is an important component of Latin’s balanced and varied
curriculum. Go Hawks! You hear that chant over and over as our student
athletes compete on more than sixty teams participating in boys’ and girls’ sports. From football to field hockey, Latin’s athletic program is extensive
and intensive.
A combination of coaches, professional trainers, student trainers, and faculty members with expertise in various sports supports the more than
ninety percent of Latin’s students who participate on varsity, junior varsity,
or Middle School teams. The athletic program is strengthened by the camaraderie of the coaching staff, which encourages many student athletes
to participate in two or three sports. Latin athletics also benefit from a strong partnership between coaches and other faculty members; the shared
focus on the “student” in “student athlete” underscores every aspect of
our program.
Charlotte Latin School
The athletic program is an important component of Latin’s balanced and varied curriculum.
An impressive athletic complex also supports Latin athletics. On-campus
facilities allow practices, as well as games, to be hosted at the School. Away
games are played across the state at other schools that are members of the North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association (NCISAA).
Having won the prestigious Wachovia Cup sixteen times, including an
unprecedented seven consecutive years, Latin’s teams have proven their
dedication to good sportsmanship and fairness, as well as their
commitment to competing and winning. Our Hawks teams are
competitive and want to win, but personal integrity and commitment to
the team are paramount. Athletes are pushed to excel, while learning that
the most important competition is to achieve one’s personal best with
poise and sportsmanship. Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
No two children are the same. This concept is so simple that it would
appear to be obvious. Yet, many educational approaches seem to ignore
this basic tenet of human nature. Charlotte Latin, however, believes that
there are no “average� children; each child is gifted with talents and abilities that deserve attention. We celebrate the unique person that each
of our students is growing into over the years at Latin.
Latin devotes significant resources to address the needs of each of our
students. In the Lower School, with the aid of teaching assistants, Latin
maintains a low teacher/student ratio to create an environment where our
teachers are able to work one-on-one with their students. This attention
forges a strong bond that fosters the trust and the nurturing relationships
so necessary for children to progress and allows our teachers to identify each student’s learning style.
Charlotte Latin School
Advisors guide students’ decisions about course selections and serve as important mentors who appreciate each advisee’s goals, interests, and needs.
To provide the reassurance and foster the acceptance that is so
important to young adolescents, each Middle School student is a
member of an advisory group, which is led by a faculty advisor. Within this small, cohesive group, students celebrate birthdays, plan community
service projects, set personal goals, develop skills for positive decisionmaking, and discuss sensitive topics, such as peer pressure. Advisory
groups also participate in intramural games that encourage camaraderie and good sportsmanship.
Each Upper School student continues to receive individual guidance from
his or her faculty advisor. After initially working with special freshman
advisors, students select their advisors during the spring semester of their
freshman years, and these relationships continue throughout their high
school years. Advisors guide students’ decisions about course selections
and serve as important mentors who appreciate each advisee’s goals, interests, and needs.
Charlotte Latin School
RECOGNIZING each child
Our teachers also help our students learn to respect and appreciate others’ various talents, while they widen their own horizons. Opportunities, too,
are afforded for students to share these interests with their classmates, so
that they understand that there are many pathways to a fulfilling life. A
sense of acceptance creates a safe and inspiring environment in which young people can flourish.
In addition to the support students receive from their advisors, Charlotte
Latin provides professional counseling services for our students and their families to guide them through important decisions or trying times. As a
college-preparatory school, Latin provides generous support for our students to assist in the selection of the best college or university for each
individual. Upper School students and their families receive advice from
three full-time, highly experienced college counselors who guide their
college search and application process. Beginning in the junior year, students and their parents receive detailed information, including handbooks, schedules, and an extensive list of Internet resources. Each
student is assigned to a specific counselor, who studies the student’s academic record, consults with the student’s teachers, and interviews both
the student and his or her parents to understand fully their plans and
aspirations. The counselor suggests appropriate colleges for consideration and works with the student to prepare and submit applications.
Charlotte Latin School
RECOGNIZING each child
Each division also is served by a professional counselor through the Robison-Oates Counseling Office. Our counselors are prepared to offer
the support and guidance needed to nurture our students’ emotional well-
being. Confidential sessions with students and parents are conducted according to the profession’s code of ethics. When, on occasion, a child requires additional academic support to be a successful student, he or she
is referred to the division’s learning resources faculty. These professionals
work with the teacher and division head to determine a course of action,
which may include testing and assessments. After consultation with the
parents, a plan is approved to address the student’s needs, including the
use of Latin’s resources and outside experts. PARENT-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP
Understanding that the welfare of children calls for parents and the School to work closely together, Charlotte Latin fosters a strong partnership with
our families. Timely communications regarding students’ progress are
shared with parents, and conferences are routinely scheduled. The School
also sponsors a variety of programs that help educate them and support
their ability to manage the challenges of childrearing, such as Prime for
Life, which presents practical skills to prevent underage drinking and substance abuse. By uniting messages and reinforcing values, together we are prepared to support and guide our students.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
RELATIONSHIPS Charlotte Latin views parents as true partners in the education of our students. Considerable attention is paid to informing our families about the
transitions that their children will make and helping them enjoy the journey with their children. Trust is the essential link between home and school.
From our founding families to today’s families, their active support and
commitment to excellence has benefited Latin in many ways.
Organizations such as the Board of Trustees, the Parents’ Council, the
Booster Club, Friends of Music, Latin Arts Association, and Friends of
Theater Arts offer parents opportunities to volunteer on campus and to
contribute their time and talents to their children’s education. Parents also
volunteer in classrooms, coach athletic teams, and participate with their children off-campus in school-sponsored community service activities.
Whether they are assisting in the Media Center, chairing a committee, or
promoting a fundraiser, parents are engaged and warmly welcomed at
Latin. This spirit of camaraderie serves to embrace new families, whether
they are new to our School, our community, or our nation.
Charlotte Latin School
Cherished school traditions, including Grandparents’ Day, Homecoming and Commencement, rank among favorite family events, bringing generations together year after year.
The Latin experience endures for a lifetime, not just for our students, but for their families as well. Chance meetings among alumni parents always
last longer than a polite “hello,” as they recall fond memories of the days
at Latin. For Charlotte Latin is not simply “where the kids went to school,”
it is the School built and sustained by and for its families, representing an
important aspect of their lives. Cherished school traditions, including Grandparents’ Day, Homecoming and Commencement, rank among favorite family events, bringing generations together year after year. Many
alumni parents continue to participate in the life of the School by serving
on the Board of Visitors and joining in events sponsored by the CLS Alumni Association.
Led by the Alumni Governing Board, Latin’s more than 3,300 alumni continue to support the School and feel a strong connection to the people
and places of their school days. The loyalty Latin inspires is clearly seen by
the attendance at alumni events, such as reunions, holiday parties, and
continuing education classes on campus. These activities provide
opportunities for alumni and their families to catch up on old friendships and begin new ones.
Charlotte Latin School
HONORING relationships
The best recommendation for Latin’s success is found in the number of alumni who choose Charlotte Latin for their own children. The legacy of
Latin remains strong from one generation to the next. However, far from
limiting enrollment to successive generations of a few “Founding” families,
Latin is committed to welcoming families who are new to the School, while
continuing to honor our longer relationships. The School makes
intentional efforts to attract students and their families who reflect the
rich tapestry of our community’s many faith traditions, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Latin’s sense of community is based upon mutual respect, a
shared dedication to excellence, and a commitment to the education of our students.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
You sense it as soon as you enter the campus: a rare academic environment
where learning is not confined within walls, but spills over on sunny days
to outdoor classrooms under trees and sky. Where teachers find quiet
corners under the walkways to talk with students or lead scientific expeditions to the campus pond. Where students access the Internet or
curl up with a good book in the Media Center. Where Lower School
students mingle easily with older students in Founders’ Hall. Where older
students learn to accept responsibility by mentoring younger students.
Where students are responsible for using their free time wisely, and where,
wisely, the School provides ample spaces for free time. Where the joyous
activity of children growing is juxtaposed against carefully cultivated gardens and the silent majesty of fine works of marble statuary.
Latin has created an environment where teaching is valued and learning is
celebrated. The celebration is evident in every aspect of student life and
is supported by exceptional facilities on a park-like, 122-acre campus. The Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools each maintain separate facilities to
Charlotte Latin School
SHARING hawk spirit
SHARING hawk spirit
meet the unique needs of their respective students, yet the sense of one
unified school is reflected in the shared walkways and courtyards that link
the campus together.
Our students, especially the “Latin Lifers” who were enrolled at Latin in
Kindergarten, have experienced the journey from one division to another.
Though measured in yards, their transitions have nonetheless been momentous, as each young life has grown in knowledge, confidence, and
responsibility. Along every step, their teachers have guided their way. In
the final analysis, those attributes that comprise the “Latin experience”
are not always readily discernable, but they endure as significant milestones in the lives of our students.
Years after graduation, it’s generally not the math classes or the science
labs or the English papers that alumni remember about Latin. Rather, their
memories are filled with pep rallies, proms, pizza with their advisory groups, and school pride. They remember cheering for the Hawks, clapping at the musical, and congratulating classmates on admission to their dream college. They smile when thinking about conversations shared
at the picnic tables, hugs shared to mark a triumph, and tears shared to
ease a disappointment. They remember the sense of camaraderie, the
caring environment, and the comical pranks. Above all, they recall fondly
their friends and teachers at Latin, and the fun they experienced with
them. For as much as Latin is about academic excellence, our school also
is about laughter and the people with whom we share it.
Charlotte Latin School
Where teaching is valued and learning is celebrated
It is a fair question to inquire which attributes characterize a graduate of
Charlotte Latin School. In many ways, a Latin education is much greater
than the sum of its parts.
While our students benefit from a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, an outstanding arts program, and a title-winning athletic program, the truest measure of Charlotte Latin is witnessed in the quality
of each alumnus’ life. If Latin helps prepare young people to lead healthy, productive lives with a sense of personal integrity and compassion for others, then we have fulfilled our mission.
One’s success at Latin is not limited to a grade point average and test
scores, but also is found in the awakening of intellectual curiosity and a
lifelong love of learning. With a strong academic foundation, the Latin graduate should have confidence in his or her ability to think critically
and to apply knowledge in all areas of endeavor, from a college campus to a boardroom.
Charlotte Latin School
If Latin helps prepare young people to lead healthy, productive lives with a sense of personal integrity and compassion for others, then we have fulfilled our mission.
The Latin graduate should appreciate that the values that have been woven
into his or her lessons since Kindergarten and modeled by the School community are about more than Latin’s Honor Code; they are about
leading a life that is based upon principles and the importance of making
sound choices, then being accountable for those choices. He or she should
understand the rights and responsibilities of good citizenship, the importance of a strong work ethic, and the need to be resilient in the face of adversity.
A commitment to the welfare of other people should be important to the
Latin graduate. Lessons that teach positive social interactions should have
developed the graduate’s self-awareness, as well as an understanding of
others’ feelings and an acceptance of people’s differences. From
participation in local and international service projects, the graduate
should have interacted with persons of diverse backgrounds, learning about the underlying social issues that create needs and developing the organizational skills to make a difference.
Charlotte Latin School
NURTURING lives of consequence
Through curricular experiences that provide an in-depth view of other
countries’ cultures, history and geo-political issues, the Latin graduate
should possess an appreciation of the similarities that unite people and
the variety that makes our world interesting. Perhaps an exchange with
one of Latin’s international Sister Schools prepared the graduate to thrive
in an increasingly interconnected global community, beginning with the development of a lifelong friendship with a host family.
With a strong sense of respect for oneself and others, the Latin graduate
should be confident in his or her values while being prepared to practice
civility when they differ from those held by others. And in the spirit of
teamwork and collaboration for the common good, the Latin graduate
should demonstrate morally courageous leadership to turn a personal passion into a concrete contribution to his or her community.
The Latin graduate should be committed to high expectations, but should
know that while striving for excellence, he or she should not be
intimidated by the absence of perfection. With joy in the journey, the Latin graduate’s future is full of promise and possibilities.
Charlotte Latin School
CHARLOTTE LATIN SCHOOL 9502 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28277 Tel: 704.846.1100 Fax: 704.846.1712 www.charlottelatin.org