Charlotte Latin School: Gratitude Report 2022-23

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Our connections unite our community 2022–23 Gratitude Report
2022–23 Gratitude Report 1 8 Celebrating Your Impact 28 One Latin Community 26 Impact of Endowment 18 Latin Fund 4 Impact of Philanthropy 36 One Blue Love 40 Celebrating Your Leadership 46 Celebrating What’s to Come 48 Honor Roll A Record Year Connections on Campus Celebrating our Donors Celebrating our Alumni

From the Head of School and Board Chair

Dear Latin Community,

“It takes a village.” It’s a common saying that holds true at Latin. Our village includes students, their families, our alumni and their families, teachers, staff, coaches, and people who simply love our school. We’re extraordinarily grateful to have such a strong, intentionally-created community, working together to foster outstanding human beings.

From the very beginning, Latin was founded “ encourage individual development and civility in our students…” with the additional charge to “...[encourage] them to serve others.” This foundational mindset, paired with our Core Values, provides a framework for living in community with one another. From Moral Courage and Respect for Oneself and Others to the expectation to adhere to Honor Above All cooperation and community is infused in the fiber of our school.

Our village at Latin comes in many forms. Dedicated volunteers and parent organizations are some of the most visible ways we see community participation in action. There are also the spectators at athletics and arts events who cheer on and applaud our Hawks, teachers and staff who coach their students after the regular school day is over, student clubs and affinity groups, alumni reunions and get-togethers, Grandparents’ Day, Veterans Day celebrations, and our many community-wide events that include Touchdown Tailgate, Book Fair, Celebrate Latin, May Day Play Day, and FLY DAY—our annual day of giving.

In this Gratitude Report, read about the many ways Charlotte Latin School is bolstered by our community’s philanthropy. You are a crucial part of our success and the continued legacy of our school. We are grateful for your active participation in our vibrant community. Latin is made better by the combined impact of everyone’s unique contribution, and your investment in Latin ensures we continue to provide a world-class education to our students. Your love of Latin makes our community stronger, sustaining the Latin experience for years to come. Thank you.

Forever grateful,

2 Charlotte Latin School

thank you

Your love of Latin makes our community stronger, sustaining the Latin experience for years to come.

2022–23 Gratitude Report 3

OF PHILANTHROPY at Charlotte Latin School IMPACT

We are grateful for your philanthropy at Charlotte Latin School and the $4,368,832 raised by the Latin community in 2022–2023.



Endowment IMPACT

Total 2022–23 budget funded by endowment: $1.725M

Scholarships: 32%


$2,246,417 TO OPERATING $64,874SUPPORT

Teacher Awards and Faculty Support: 22%

Operating Support: 46%

4 Charlotte Latin School
Current Parents Alumni FLYING HIGH FOR the Latin Fund 913 Leadership Donors in the Latin Society 374 Donors TO THE LATIN FUND
2022–23 Gratitude Report 5
254,012 RAISED BY OUR NEWEST FAMILIES donors GREW THEIR GIFT to the Latin Fund 618 164 of these donors at the Latin Society Leadership Level 298 FIRST-TIME donors

A Letter from Chief Financial and Operations Officer

Since joining Latin at the beginning of the 2022–23 school year, I am amazed at the generous philanthropic support our community provides to our students, faculty, and staff. I’m grateful you have partnered with us to foster the school’s financial health and ensure a sustainable future.

Our published tuition does not represent the full costs of educating a student at Latin. With tuition revenues accounting for only 83% of our annual operating costs, your philanthropic support factors significantly into establishing Latin’s annual balanced budget. In addition to the immediate impact of the Latin Fund—which is fully utilized the following fiscal year—the investment returns generated by Latin’s endowment make an equally important difference in our ability to enhance programs, provide scholarships, maintain operational needs, offer competitive compensation for our employees, and more.

One of our key strategic plan goals centers on providing Access and Affordability for a diverse student body. Our community’s generosity funded much of the $3.2 million in financial assistance and scholarships that were awarded to deserving students in 2022–23. Our use of financial assistance will only grow in the future to meet this strategic initiative, allowing us to continue to provide an enriching Latin experience to each student.

At the same time, philanthropy helps us in the day-to-day needs of operating our school. As you will see from the many wonderful examples throughout this report, your support directly ties to the outcomes we are able to provide to our students.

Our community’s philanthropic spirit helps improve everything at Latin. Thank you for investing in our school with your trust, time, and generosity.

6 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Impact

By the Numbers

Fiscal Year 2022–23



4.3% Latin Fund*

3.7% Endowment

8.6% Auxiliary Revenue


5.6% Auxiliary Services

14.0% Plant Operations*

19.0% Administration*

83.4% Tuition and Fees

2.6% Debt Service

6.6% Advancement*

52.2% Instructional*

* Includes salaries/benefits

$46,935,000 ENDOWMENT

Endowment draw: 4.1%

As of June 30, 2023

2022–23 Gratitude Report 7
* Funded by Latin Fund donations received in the 2021–22 school year.
8 Charlotte Latin School
connections Celebrating the Latin community’s impact on our students, faculty, and staff.
Artwork by Madison Nabors ’25
2022–23 Gratitude Report 9


A Community of Cooks

A genuine love for food brings people together. What you cook, how you dine, and when you share your favorite recipes can tell a lot about who you are and where you come from. It’s also a wonderful way to connect with people, make new friends, and celebrate community.

This year, Latin’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion started Exploring Culture Through Food: A Cookbook Club for current parents. Each gathering spotlights a culture and cookbook. Recipes are assigned, prepared by attending parents, and shared. There’s discussion around the food, the cookbook, and

the culture they are experiencing. Questions like “Why this ingredient?” and “How is it prepared?” stimulate conversation and broaden cultural awareness and understanding.

The first cookbook club gathering centered on Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking by Toni Tipton-Martin. This spring, in a nod to the Lower School’s Global Partners study of Mexico, the cookbook club explored Oaxaca: Home Cooking from the Heart of Mexico. Erica Moore, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Kelly Willis, Director of Global Studies, led the discussion on Mexican home cooking.

10 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Impact

A Kaleidoscope of Cultures

This year’s pilot Passport Pals program transported Lower School students around the world from their classrooms. Kelly Willis, Director of Global Studies, along with Lower School DEI Coordinator Avery Teichman, built an age-appropriate curriculum to teach our youngest Hawks about cultural perspectives. They were assisted by Lower School Librarian Nancy Atwell, Lower School Spanish teacher Rachel Wells, and classroom teachers Maggie Shamblin and Laurie Fischer.

Kindergarten and Grade 3 Passport Pals spent the year examining many examples of culture. For instance, they read about different ways people go to sleep, lucky symbols around the world, and how various cultures celebrate holidays. Building on this year’s Global Partners focus on Mexico, third graders taught their Passport Pals in Kindergarten about el Dia de los Muertos and made papel picado, a traditional Mexican paper craft. In another lesson, they created kaleidoscopes, discussed how the lenses change how we see, and then connected it to how our own lenses influence our cultural perspectives.

Passport Pals culminated with a field trip to Super G’s International Market, where students roamed the aisles, discovering foods from around the world. They had to locate and record foods from several countries, including a few finds that made them reflect, “That’s not WEIRD, that’s culture!”

“That’s not WEIRD, that’s culture!”
–Grade 3 Student

CONNECTIONS in ATHLETICS and WELLNESS Student–Athletes Connect the Mind and Body

In January, the Booster Club and Mission 34, the nonprofit founded in honor of Sean Bonner ’16, hosted a Student-Athlete Wellness Discussion. Jennifer Fights, Latin parent, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC), and National Certified Counselor, gave an impactful presentation about priorities and making room for “the important stuff.” She was joined by distinguished alumni Caleb Jordan ’16 and Ruthie Jones ’19 for a discussion and Q&A centered on student-athlete wellness. The purpose of the event was to share tools with our Middle School and Upper School student-athletes for managing their busy lives “within the margins” to be mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy.

“Latin was fortunate to work with the Bonners to put together an educational event for more than 100 students and coaches. Ruthie and Caleb were so honest and helpful, and they really connected with our students on the importance of mental health.”

12 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Impact

A Winning Mindset

It’s only human to remember what we did wrong rather than what we did right. The negative can overshadow the positive. While this thinking can be typical for adults, how does it impact student-athlete performance and well-being?

Powell Paguibitan, Upper School AP Psychology teacher and soccer coach, works with our Hawk athletes with this in mind. “My background is in applied sports psychology, and my role at Latin organically developed into a mental skills coach for our soccer teams,” shares Paguibitan.

What is a mental skills coach?

Just as student-athletes are coached in strategy and tactics, there’s also the mental component to consider. Paguibitan gives the example of the pressure a player feels when they have a penalty kick. It’s a high-pressure moment. How does the athlete handle it? If they don’t make the goal, can they stay in the moment and get right back into the game?

“When mistakes occur, a bad touch or pass, I look at body language and signs of mental chatter. Are they grounded and present? Are they overanalyzing and spiraling? There are definite signs when a player is mentally distracted and distressed,” says Paguibitan. He continues, “My goal is to help our student-athletes deal with performance anxiety and pressure, which aligns with Latin Leads’ Wellness Goal, as well as our school’s emphasis on educating the whole child.”

At the suggestion of Director of Athletics David Gatoux, Paguibitan recently participated in the TrueSport Cohort for Change symposium in Colorado, where they worked to “...establish best practices and solutions to further the mission of creating a more positive youth sport experience rooted in mental and physical wellness.” Reflecting on the experience, Paguibitan says, “It was very beneficial meeting people who are doing similar things and to bounce ideas off of each other. We formed a community of support.” Our community’s support of the Latin Fund helps make unique professional development opportunities like Powell’s experience possible.

What’s next?

Inspired and informed by everything he learned at the symposium, Paguibitan plans to extend and expand this work to other Latin teams, possibly as soon as this school year. “Our goal is to have athletes who are good people, friends, and students. Wellness is holistic, and this is part of Latin’s commitment to comprehensive well-being.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 13

Engineering CONNECTS our CAMPUS

Investing in Ingenuity

Latin’s Innovation and Design Department’s engineering program is a leader in K–12 STEM education, thanks, in part, to the Latin Fund’s ongoing investment in the Fab Lab. This year, Latin Fund dollars enabled advancements to our computer science program by providing access to a private network, including a dedicated T1 internet line (a high-speed digital communication line) and servers.

The private network is a virtual sandbox, allowing students to learn about networking and cybersecurity in a safe and controlled environment while protecting Latin’s larger technology infrastructure. Under the guidance of our skilled faculty, students practice “White Hat hacking,” which involves ethically identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. This hands-on experience helps students improve overall security and protect against malicious attacks while learning valuable networking skills that will benefit them in the future.

“This investment is part of a long-range plan to expand and enhance our existing computer science program, allowing our students to be technology creators, not just consumers,” says Tom Dubick, Innovation and Design Chair and Fab Lab Director.

14 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Impact

Like Son, Like Father: Fab Academy Graduates

When touring Latin for my family, I was impressed with the Fab Lab and Tom Dubick’s passion for this state-of-the-art facility. At that point, I didn’t realize there were adult nights in the Fab Lab on Thursdays. When the first sign-up came out, I was eager to meet other Latin parents and teachers interested in the complexities of digital fabrication—such as 3D printing and laser cutting—in a fun, supportive environment. When COVID hit, I joined the Fab Lab’s effort to create face shields for the greater Charlotte community, an experience that highlighted the Fab Lab’s ability to bring together and empower the Latin community.

It was during this time of intense, real-time learning that I considered enrolling in Fab Academy to gain a more robust foundation in digital fabrication. My son, Adam ’25, was also planning to complete Fab Academy, so this was a natural entry point for me to matriculate. Although I was in the adult group with teachers Zach Budzichowski and Adam Durrett, I observed as the students—my son included—built an impressive toolkit of knowledge around every piece of equipment in the Fab Lab. I experienced a simultaneously humbling and proud moment when I needed to ask Adam for help with an assignment during code week.

2022–23 Gratitude Report 15
The Fab Academy experience is truly representative of the Latin experience. Through dedicated, knowledgeable, and passionate leadership and a facility made possible by generous donors, Fab Academy allows the Latin community—students, families, and faculty—to come together to learn and help each other reach their full potential.
—Dan Stone P ’25 ’29


Parents Tie Us Together

When welcoming a new family to Latin, former trustee Joy Kenefick P ’20 ’20 often says, “I truly believe we are a family, all working together to raise and educate our children, providing the greatest opportunities possible for them.” This belief that we are a dependent, connected network of families is vital to sustaining the thriving community that feels like home for all Hawks.

Latin’s parent community is passionate about setting up students for success and will often go above and beyond in giving their time to ensure children are ready for life after Latin. Whitney D’Allaird P ’17 ’22, executive director of FOR Students, and Heather Bonner P ’14 ’16 ’20, co-founder of Mission 34, have turned personal tragedies into action at Latin. These moms want to empower children to use their voices in times of need, and to find courage and strength in discussing mental health.

Working with the school and several parent volunteers, the D’Allaird and Bonner families have helped bring the conversation of student mental health and wellness to Latin’s forefront:

• More than 150 Upper School students participated in Students for Students in 2022–23, a student-led club that allows students to have tough conversations about the problems they face, gaining insight from other students who have had similar experiences.

• LAUNCH facilitated discussions throughout the year for seniors, which included topics like how to protect their mental well-being,

time-management guardrails, meaningful and healthy relationships, and substance abuse prevention. LAUNCH also hosted a meeting with parents of seniors to prepare for having these discussions at home.

• More than 100 student-athletes attended the Student-Athlete Wellness

Discussion hosted by Mission 34 and Booster Club, which shared tools for students to be mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy within their rigorous schedules and lives.

• For the first time this year, the seniors’ school year culminated with NEXT, a two-day conference to help students discuss and prepare for life after Latin.

16 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Impact

It was during a parent volunteer coffee that parents hatched the plan to adapt the Upper School mental health and wellness programming to fit our Middle School grades. Last spring, Latin’s first Inside Out Day allowed Middle School students a full day of meaningful programming around facing challenges, reducing stress, mental and physical exercise, and simply celebrating community.

On this inaugural Inside Out Day, FOR Students Program Director Ed Williams wrapped the day in Belk Gym by sharing, “If difficulty is not happening, it is coming. Community is so unbelievably important. Remember who the people are around you today, so you know who to lean on when you need it.”


FOR Students

Erin Baldecchi

Katie (Browne) Beam ’93

Alison Bonner ’14

Kim Cobb

Ginny Comly

Katharine Cowan

Whitney D’Allaird

Kevin D’Allaird

Hayden D’Allaird ’22

Katie Deterding

Elizabeth Feld-Oblachinski ’14

Mary Martha Felkner

Jennifer Fights

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88

Jenn Freno

Lauran Godwin

Lisa Hill

Renee Hobart

Jane Hunter

Mission 34

Katie (Browne) Beam ’93

Heather Bonner

Sean Bonner

Ryan Bonner ’20

Jen Dauska

Jennifer Fights

Jane Hunter

Ruthie Jones ’19

Caleb Jordan ’16

Ruthie Jones ’19

Caleb Jordan ’16

Amy Kerr

Anne Layton

Laura Monk

Cydne Pennington ’15

Haley Poole

Robert Schleusner

Jarrell Seagraves

Hunter Sheridan ’16

Kristi Speckman

Mary Bradley Thigpen ’88

Jane Tune

Kathy Upton

Adri Warrick

Sara Weiers

Brady Whitmore ’16

Leslie Wickham

Mitchell Malak ’16

Alison Milligan

Martine Mosrie

Beth Pence

Wilson Salisbury ’16

Ben Scott ’16

Ashley Smith

Brady Whitmore ’16

Halcyon Worrell

“Any time anyone at Charlotte Latin needs something or someone, the Latin community shows up for everyone.”
2022–23 Gratitude Report 17
Lucy Caddell ’30, Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, sharing her favorite memories from Lower School

A Letter from the 2022–23 Latin Fund Chairs Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert P ’30 ’32

“Last year’s Latin Fund reached new heights. This year, let’s soar even higher.”

This was our charge for the 2022–23 school year. It was a big ask, and in our second year as Latin Fund Chairs, we were energized by the challenge. And that’s because of you.

We knew that we could count on the Latin community to rally around the school’s excellence. We knew that we could ask boldly, and that Hawks in all stages of life would rise to the occasion. We knew that our shared love for Latin would inspire many to give in gratitude to a school that has given us so much.

Thank you for answering the call. Because of your outstanding generosity and commitment to excellence, you raised an incredible $2,353,045 for the 2022–23 Latin Fund.

The Latin Fund plays a vital role in supporting our school’s annual operating budget so every gift, from every donor every year—makes a difference for our students, faculty, and staff. As you will see in this year’s recognition lists, Latin Fund donors represent every possible connection to our school, an amazing demonstration of Latin’s immediate yet lasting impact on every Hawk.

That lasting impact inspired The Schuster Family Hawk Challenge, which launched in the fall. The Latin Fund’s first challenge match asked parents, alumni, grandparents, and parents of alumni to reflect on their own Latin stories and encouraged them to support the school’s future. Read more about the incredible story of the Schusters’ philanthropy on the following page.

As Latin Fund Chairs, it has been a privilege to connect with our community and share the Latin Fund story. We must also thank Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt, our Vice-Chairs, and the outstanding Latin Fund volunteers who reached out to friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues to encourage them to invest in Latin’s future. Through their many conversations, we’ve been reminded that while every family is unique, we are all connected by a deep appreciation for the many gifts that Latin has given us.

To all who gave back to the Latin Fund, we thank you. Your participation and support ensures that Latin’s excellence will be carried forward for years to come.

18 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Latin Fund

The Schuster Family HAWK CHALLENGE

Giving in Gratitude

When Dan and Mardell Schuster enrolled their oldest child at Latin in the early 2000s, they hoped the new environment would set him up for success. What they didn’t expect was how Latin’s faculty and staff would immediately make their whole family feel seen, known, and nurtured.

Now, as proud parents of three Latin alumni and new Latin grandparents, the Schusters chose to give back to Latin by creating The Schuster Family Hawk Challenge. Knowing that the Latin Fund has a direct impact on faculty and staff, the Schusters committed $200,000 to match Latin Fund gifts with the hope of encouraging Hawks of all ages to give back to the school that gives us all so much. The Schuster Family Hawk Challenge inspired support from parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and grandparents, resulting in the Latin Fund soaring beyond its $2,200,000 goal.

2022–23 Gratitude Report 19
“When we think about what made our Latin experience so special, it was, without a doubt, the people.”
—Dan and Mardel Schuster
P ’06 ’08 ’10 GP ’35 ’36


FLY DAY is Latin’s festive and fun annual giving day. Held each May, FLY DAY unites the entire Latin community near and far—parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty, and staff—to celebrate our school and support the Latin Fund.

FLY DAY 6 shattered records with 1,764 donors raising $339,620 for the 2022–23 Latin Fund.

In the spirit of this year’s video game theme, we offered students an opportunity to relax in a game truck and join in on the community and fun that defines FLY DAY.

New this year: the Parent Participation Challenge awarded a prize to the G.O.A.T in each division. We treated the division winners—TK and Kindergarten, Grade 6, and Grade 9—to one-on-one time with 13 snuggly baby goats.

20 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Latin Fund
No one has stronger game

Thank you to our Latin community for leveling up this year!


796 807 201

Continuing our tradition of honoring Latin’s exceptional faculty and staff, volunteers got their steps in on FLY DAY while delivering more than 1,600 power star cookies across campus.

More than 30 alumni joined on FLY NIGHT to encourage participation, which resulted in healthy competition among classes and 796 record-breaking alumni gifts.

Alumni Parents

Faculty, staff, and parent volunteers wrote 2,000+ thank you postcards to donors.

than Latin Hawks.

Latin employees

… and more grandparents, parents of alumni, and friends got in the game.


These grades were the G.O.A.T.s of their divisions

TK/K for Lower School

Grade 6 for Middle School

Grade 9 for Upper School


These graduating classes vied for the top 3 spots on the leaderboard

Class of 2010 48 donors

Class of 2000 38 donors

Class of 2003 36 donors

2022–23 Gratitude Report 21

Projects Capital

The Latin Fund is an essential part of our school’s budget. Tuition covers 83% of the true cost of educating each Latin student, so philanthropic gifts to the Latin Fund help bridge the gap to ensure school leadership can say “yes” to the opportunities, tools, and resources that give students the full Latin experience.

Here are just a few examples of capital expenses that the Latin Fund supported for our students, employees, and campus in the 2022–23 school year:

• Upper School Math and Learning Resources Offices

The Upper School Learning Resources and Math departments switched places on campus and were outfitted to better serve the teachers in their new spaces. The move also provides additional tutoring space for students in the new Learning Resources office.

• Sidewalk to South Campus

Prior to the 2022–23 school year, there was not a sidewalk connecting the Upper School student parking lots to the Howard Levine Athletic Campus. To reduce car traffic and to protect our students, we constructed a sidewalk connecting the junior parking lots to the lots at SwimMAC.

• Fab Lab Storage Building

We constructed a freestanding storage building behind the SAT building for Fab Lab storage. This storage supports safety by keeping hallways and classrooms clear of materials and supports the entrepreneurial spirit of the Fab Lab by giving it room to continue to grow.

• Library Storage Divider Wall

A new divider wall was installed in the Knight-Dickson Library to separate the Lower School space from the Middle and Upper School space, and now provides much-needed storage for the Lower School library team.

• Fennebresque Hall Renovation

Latin’s administrative offices were remodeled to better serve the needs of the Administration team, Human Resources, Business Office, and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This remodel allows each office to thrive and operate at its fullest potential, better meeting the needs of faculty, staff, and students.


Technology has become a critical part of the academic landscape. Latin purchased more than 100 Smart TVs to replace outdated projectors in classrooms to further enhance learning and classroom environments.

22 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Latin Fund

What’s the Communi TEA’?

As part of this year’s Fennebresque Hall renovation, space was added for Latin’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Program. This included offices for the DEI Director and Assistant Director, as well as a Community Room, a flex space that students have aptly dubbed the Communi TEA’ Room.

The idea for this space was conceived well in advance of the renovation. The ability to gather in a comfortable environment for planning, collaborating, studying, and grabbing a cup of tea is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and connection for our students.

Every day this school year—rain or shine—students from all backgrounds gravitated to the Communi’TEA’ room. It quickly became a hidden gem on campus, tucked away (but not far from the Head of School’s office, as well as the DEI team) where students were found planning for diversity club meetings, studying for quizzes, writing papers, or playing a good ol’ game of Uno.

Leif Lanzillotta ’24 was commissioned to create a vibrant piece of art, which now hangs above the room’s comfy couch. Students who frequent the space and support the DEI program’s efforts signed this special artwork to highlight their sense of community and inclusion.

In addition to painting sessions, popcorn parties, and video shoots, the DEI Office has hosted a variety of events in its new space for Latin students, parents, faculty, and staff. It is a space where members of our full DEI office—coordinators and divisional DEI committees—can collaborate on the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure all students are served well.

Needs Operational

Gifts to the Latin Fund

Here are just a few operational examples of how the Latin Fund supported our students, employees, and campus in the 2022–23 school year:

• Financial Aid

A robust Latin Fund helped support an increased financial aid budget, which in turn helps keep Latin accessible to excellent students who will thrive in and strengthen our school community.

• Parent Organizations

The Latin Fund provided the 2022–23 budgets for Latin Arts Association and Booster Club, allowing board members and volunteers to fully focus on supporting Latin’s extraordinary Arts and Athletics programs.

• Gratitude Bonus

An annual Gratitude Bonus, funded by the Latin Fund, recognizes and thanks our excellent faculty and staff each November.

• Professional Development

The Latin Fund supports a healthy Professional Development budget, which ensures that our faculty are at the top of their field and offer the best possible education to our students.




24 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Latin Fund
make possible many critical enhancements that are visible and tangible on our campus. What you don’t see, however, is equally important.
Every year, the Latin Fund supports behindthe-scenes initiatives and investments that keep Latin a worldclass institution.

“We are so grateful for our beautiful and functional custom bookshelf and credenza. Visually, it has provided a practical buffer between the lively Lower School library and much-needed quiet study space for our Upper School students. Additionally, it creates an essential office space for the Lower School librarians where we can collaborate and review materials. We’ve never had a dedicated office space, and we love it.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 25


In 1997, Dr. John C. Malone and his family founded The Malone Family Foundation with one initial objective: to improve access to quality education—particularly at the secondary school level—for highly capable students who lack the financial resources to best develop their talents. It was Dr. Malone’s own experience as a recipient of a similar scholarship that inspired his desire to establish this program nationwide. Eight years later, this mission brought him to Charlotte Latin School when it was proudly selected as the sole Malone School for the state of North Carolina following a rigorous review process.

Since the Malone Family Foundation’s initial gift to establish a $2,000,000 scholarship endowment, the impact of their investment in Latin students has been exponential. In addition to funding the Latin educations of 31 incredible scholars beginning in Middle School, the model for the Malone Scholarship has served as a framework for many scholarships established by the Latin community in the years since. Dr. Malone recognizes that the value of an independent school education goes beyond the classroom. Along with covering the cost of tuition, the Malone Scholars Endowment provides support for additional expenses, allowing them to fully experience life at Latin.

With similar programs now established at 50 independent schools across the country—creating a community of mutual support, encouragement, and learning—the Malone Family Foundation will sunset operations this year. As a show of their continued desire to impact students, the Malone Family gifted an additional $500,000 to each school to further fund their endowments.

In a letter shared with each Malone Scholarship recipient, Dr. Malone provides encouragement for future endeavors: “We want to enable you to reach your potential. We want you to enjoy learning among a peer group who shares your thirst for knowledge and your enthusiasm for intellectual conversation. We want you to thrive in an environment where it’s not only okay to be smart, but encouraged!”

26 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Impact of Endowment
Charlotte Latin School is proud to be a steward of the Malone Family’s vision and is grateful for the lasting impact of their generosity on Malone Scholars and the entire Latin community. Dr. John Malone and The Malone Foundation have funded the education of 31 Malone Scholars at Latin.

“While the academics and extracurriculars at Latin have taught me everything I need to be successful in my next stage of life, what I value most is the community. I have formed very strong relationships with classmates and teachers, and the values promoted and upheld by everyone at the school have helped shape me into who I am today. The opportunity to grow in an environment where everyone cares about one another and will do anything to aid the pursuits of others has been the most beneficial aspect of my time at Latin.”

—Class of ’23 Malone Scholar Graduate

supported by the Malone Scholarship Endowment from Grade 6 to graduation

2022–23 Gratitude Report 27


The volunteer community at Latin is second to none. Our volunteers go beyond simply giving of their time. They bring infinite enthusiasm, varied experience, and immeasurable creativity and wisdom. Above all, our volunteers bring their genuine love for Latin and abiding commitment to providing the excellent

experience our students, faculty, and staff deserve. You’ll see here some of the many ways volunteers impact life at Latin—examples that only touch on the breadth of contributions our volunteers make each year. Here’s to the hand-raisers, the time-givers, the community-builders.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is composed of volunteers drawn from the school’s constituent groups, which together determine the policies that govern the school, and whose primary focus is supporting Latin’s Mission to ensure future success for generations to come. The Board oversees the school’s strategic planning process and has fiduciary responsibility for the annual budget. The Board looks at the big picture—not daily activities—reviewing policy and budget for the upcoming years, and are updated at meetings by key administrators in areas that make Latin a success. In short, the Board of Trustees is always focused on Charlotte Latin’s future.

“Following many months of work by faculty, parents, alumni, and students, the Board enthusiastically approved our new strategic plan. Latin Leads lays out a clear direction for developing tomorrow’s Charlotte Latin student-leaders, and we are excited to see each pillar of the plan take shape in the coming years.”

28 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Latin Community
you for making Latin home.

2022–23 Board of Trustees

Mike Freno, Chair

Rael Gorelick, Vice Chair

Phil Colaco, Treasurer

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88, Secretary


Irm Bellavia

John Comly

Mary Katherine DuBose

Adaora Eruchalu

Paige Ford ’06

Donald Gately

Karim Lokas

John McCoy

Kristin Middendorf

Uma O’Brien

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ’90

Christian Robinson

David Shuford

Charles Thies ’90

Michelle Thornhill

2022–23 Highlights

• Oversaw the approval and launch of Latin Leads, the school’s strategic plan, to guide the next five years. Established committees and task forces focused on Wellness; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and the Portrait of a Latin Leader—each tasked with confirming key definitions and frameworks to guide the strategic goals.

• Approved November’s Gratitude Bonus increase for all employees, made possible by our community’s support of the Latin Fund.

Board of Trustees Committees at Work Finance

Chair: Phil Colaco P ’19 ’22 ’26

Goal: Steward the school’s financial resources appropriately and effectively.

• Balanced tuition changes while keeping employee compensation competitive.

• Consistently monitored cash reserves in light of national bank failures and inflationary pressures to maintain a balanced budget.

• Supported the Latin Fund’s goals and identified key funding initiatives needed for Latin Leads and our enhanced financial aid program.

Marketing and Communications

Chair: Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88 P ’17 ’23

Goal: Ensure the marketing and communication needs of each constituent group are met.

• Discussed the Veracross rollout to identify and resolve issues affecting users in our community.

• Reviewed Latin Leads materials and approved the timing of the communications calendar.


Chair: Kristin Middendorf P ’21 ’23

Goal: Ensure fundraising priorities are aligned with the school’s immediate and long-term needs.

• Worked in three subcommittees to develop Latin’s planned giving program, rewrite the gift acceptance policy, and study the volunteer experience at Latin.

• Encouraged leadership and participation from the Board of Trustees and Administrative team to support Latin’s philanthropic goals.

• Supported fundraising goals for the Latin Fund, endowment gifts, and operating gifts, focusing on surpassing financial and participation goals.

Trustees and Governance

Chair: John Comly P ’28 ’30

Goal: Ensure the Board of Trustees is appropriately equipped to meet the needs of Latin, and to fulfill its responsibilities concerning all matters of institutional governance.

• Curated a diverse list of active volunteer leaders to serve on Board Committees and Task Forces and potential future nominees for election to the Board of Trustees.

• Recommended the slate of officers for the 2023–24 Board and its various committees.

• Reviewed bylaws and policies to ensure the Board operates within best practices among peer schools and similar non-profit organizations.

• Performed annual reviews of school leadership, including the Board, to assess effectiveness and areas of focus for 2023–24.


2022–23 Gratitude Report 29

Parents’ Council

Charlotte Latin’s Parents’ Council supports the Board of Trustees and Administration by utilizing the unique talents of our parent community in four focus areas: communication, fellowship, fundraising, and service.

2022–23 Highlights

• Through the care and leadership of 17 grade level liaisons, new families were welcomed to Latin at back-to-school orientations, new family events, and grade level parent socials.

• All divisions celebrated the return to school at the annual Touchdown Tailgate, welcoming new and returning families to a fun-filled dinner before the Latin and Legion Collegiate Academy Varsity Football game.

• In collaboration with school administration, the Parent Education committee hosted Mark Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, for presentations to faculty, staff, and parents.

• Admissions volunteers were on hand to support the year’s events, including the Fly By Open House, prospective family visits, and welcome back days.

• Hosted the annual Lower School Book Fair, including the return of Donuts with Grown Ups, and welcomed Joy Callaway to our Visiting Author Luncheon.

• The Global Partners program immersed our youngest Hawks in all things Mexico, bringing parents into the classroom to teach Lower School students about Mexican culture.

• Topsy-Turvy May Day Play Day engaged the Latin community with more than 1,500 attending the spring carnival and Middle School Spikeball tournament. This event is possible because of the more than 200 student, parent, faculty, and staff volunteers.

• Honored 50 members of our faculty and staff at the Service Recognition and Retirement Luncheon in June.

• On Faculty and Staff Appreciation Days, volunteers served 350 cookies and pastries from Virtuoso Breadworks and 308 Rico’s Acai Bowls, as well as Donut I Love You donuts, Nothing Bundt Cakes, and coffee. Supported multiple luncheons for Latin’s faculty and staff.

• The Together Latin Cares committee served 23 meals to families in the Latin community.

• Appropriated $144,200 to the Latin Fund, to the endowment, and to many requested needs of Latin’s administration, faculty, and staff across all divisions.

2022–23 Parents’ Council Executive Board

Lauran Godwin, President

Karen Cotchett, Deborah Hullinger, First Vice Presidents

Tara Livingston, Second Vice President

Dao Nguyen, Treasurer

Nicole Sunday, Assistant Treasurer

Abbe McCracken, Secretary

30 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Latin Community

“Our Parents’ Council events from the year highlight the strength of commitment, fellowship, and care of our parent volunteers.

All of our parent groups are fortunate to have so many committed to building community-wide engagement in volunteerism, which— in tandem with our faculty, staff, and students—is the heartbeat of Charlotte Latin.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 31
’24 ’26 Latin parents Cat Shaw, Amanda Linch, Molly Nielsen, Jarrell Seagraves, Lauran Godwin, and Nate Brinkley lent their volunteer hands on FLY DAY 6, spending time writing thank you postcards for our generous FLY DAY donors.

Booster Club

The Booster Club supports the school’s Athletic Department, including student-athletes, coaches, trainers, and administrators. The Booster Club Board manages concessions, special events, strategic projects, NCISAA tickets, spirit initiatives, and the Latin athletic magazine.

2022–23 Highlights

• Hosted a Lower School Spirit Night for our youngest Hawks. Our basketball, dance, and cheer squads generated enthusiasm with morning carpool greetings and tours of the Lower School in advance of big Friday night basketball showdowns. The children loved the autograph table, sign making, basketball games, and, of course, the chicken dance.

• Partnered with Mission 34 to start an annual event around studentathlete mental wellness (read more on page 12).

• Brought back the Winter Sports Showcase, the first multi-sport all-school sports night since January 2020. The Belk throwback basketball games were standing-room only, the SwimMAC swimming competition was spirited, and the SAC wrestling senior night had an amazing energy.

• Produced the 2023 Hawkspy Awards, a night for our seniors, state champions, and coaches. The “Suits, Sneakers, and Sequins” celebration recognized our six state championship teams while honoring our coaches and senior athletes.

• Provided “Home of a State Champion” signs to all six state championship teams, as well as pennants for senior athletes. The Booster Club also created thousands of spirit buttons for parents to proudly wear in support of their student-athletes.

2022–23 Booster Club Executive Board

• Contributed financially to Latin athletics, including updating the Beck Student Activities Center’s branding and providing new equipment for Hawks Media Production and several sports teams.

• Successfully managed multiple concessions stands for all visitors and Latin sports fans.

• Produced the 2023 Latin Athletic Magazine for our senior families, along with three seasonal digital magazines. These publications highlighted our athletes in action and the collective achievements of all of our Latin teams.

• Initiated new projects to evolve the Booster Club beyond fundraising initiatives to support the Athletics Department with long-term planning.

32 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Latin Community
“Latin athletics celebrated much this year. Congratulations to all of our athletes, coaches, and families, and many thanks to the amazing Booster Club Board and its volunteers for their incredible support. Go Hawks!”
—Jane Hunter P ’21 ’23 ’24 President
Alexa Cutter, Treasurer Beth Pence, Secretary

Latin Arts Association

Latin Arts Association is the umbrella organization that supports, enhances, and promotes the arts community at Latin, including choral and instrumental music, creative writing, theater arts, visual arts, and speech and debate.

2022–23 Latin Arts Association Executive Board

Gina Lawrence, President

Abbe McCracken, First Vice President

Leslie Wickham, Second Vice President

Alexa Cutter, Treasurer

Ivy Babcock, Secretary

2022–23 Highlights

• Brought together singers of all skill levels from the Latin community for our second annual Community Chorale. Students, parents, employees, alumni, and more were able to ring in the holidays together during this community event in Thies Auditorium.

• Ahead of the sell-out weekend production, hosted the Behind the Curtain VIP preview of the Shrek, The Musical dress rehearsal, featuring food, wine, and a Directors Talk and Q&A with Performing Arts Faculty Matt Cosper, Ryan Maloney, and Ryan Harrison.

• Provided support for this year’s Alumni Art Show, hosted by the Visual Arts department and the Office of Alumni Relations.

• Welcomed visiting artist and photographer Karey Walter to host an Upper School Artist’s Workshop. During the weekend, students learned about cyanotype photography and how to use this technique.

• Hosted the Scholastic Writing Assembly Luncheon, honoring students who participated by submitting their talented works into the Scholastic Writing competition this year.

• For March’s Youth Art Month, partnered with the Mint Museum Uptown to showcase the Kindergarten to Grade 5 art show adjacent to the visiting Picasso Landscapes: Out of Bounds exhibit.

• Supported the field trip for all Grade 7 students to visit the Gantt, McColl, and VAPA Centers, in addition to the Mint Museum, where students celebrated those peers with works in the Scholastic Art & Writing Show.

• Showcased the achievements of our award-winning Speech and Debate program by building a custom trophy wall in the Inlustrate Orbem Building to house current and future trophies, plaques, and other special gifts.

• Hosted the Senior Art Show, Blue Review Launch, Speech and Debate Spring Showcase, Senior Film Premiere and Celebration, and Winter and Spring Concert Receptions to celebrate our talented and multifaceted students.

exciting to evolve LAA into a group that provides opportunities for all in our community to come together through a shared love of the arts. We’ve seen incredible engagement and hope to build on this momentum through volunteerism, partnering with other parent groups, and looking for ways to bring new programming to our school community.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 33
“It’s been

Alumni Governing Board

The Alumni Governing Board (AGB) is comprised of alumni in Charlotte, Washington, D.C, Charlottesville, New York City, Boston, and New Haven. Striving to strengthen ties among Latin alumni and the school, the AGB includes focus committees that partner with the Office of Alumni Relations to identify specific needs and the corresponding means to satisfy them, all while supporting the mission of Charlotte Latin.

2022–23 Highlights

• Active launch and celebration of the True Blue Giving Society specifically for Latin’s alumni philanthropic leaders. In its second year, the society grew by 44 donors.

• Managed the selection and presentation of three annual Inlustrate Orbem faculty awards. This year, these awards honored Hunter Murphy (Upper School), Alex Beck (Middle School), and Mary Cerbie (Lower School).

• Organized Latin’s second Alumni Art Show, which featured 30 alumni artists from across the country with original works displayed in the Horne Performing Arts Center’s Downer Lobby for six weeks. The evening included a presentation by renowned muralist Scott Nurkin ’95, who shared slides and stories about his NC Musicians Mural Project, and the impact Latin’s visual arts program had on his professional career.

• Obtained a record 796 alumni donors on FLY DAY. With the year-end Collins Cup challenge, we achieved our annual alumni participation goal of 23% with 913 total alumni donors.

• Worked with Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Erica Moore to identify and recruit 25 Black alumni to participate in a Black alumni student mentoring program, the first of its kind at Latin.

2022–23 Alumni

Governing Board

Effe Ghartey-Tagoe Gibson ’10, Chair

Doug Ausbon ’75

Elizabeth Beecy ’14

Chase Carbone ’10

Ryan Carter ’12

Michelle Charles ’17

Andrew DeWeese ’20

Talia Caligiuri Fann ’98

Patrick Fitzpatrick ’05

Sydnor Gammon ’07

Tyler Henry ’16

Joey Holder ’93

Jamie Esposito Hubbard ’06

Robert Jones ’10

Conor Keeley ’11

Jarrett Lewis ’03

James McLelland ’17

E.C. Myers ’16

Sebastian Nabatoff ’15

Claire Litaker Patterson ’08

Santosh Rao ’94

Clay Sealey ’03

Ashley Moody Sigmon ’00

Alec Smith ’02

Nichelle Wynn Sublett ’00

Mary Kate McAlister Sykes ’10

Paul Taylor ’09

Christian White ’14

34 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Latin Community
Mary Holland (Rankin) Griffin ’03 and Katie Moody ’03 visit with Scott Nurkin ’95, following his presentation about the NC Musicians Mural Project at our second Alumni Art Show held in March.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to remain connected to and serve the Latin community as an AGB member. Plugging in at a detailed level allows me to not only contribute to the evolution of Latin, but also foster meaningful relationships with fellow alumni.”
—Effe Ghartey–Tagoe Gibson ’10 Chair

Latin Fund Volunteers

The Latin Fund is our school’s top fundraising priority, allowing the administration to invest in both forward-facing and less tangible needs for our school. Each year, Latin Fund volunteers work tirelessly to ensure we surpass the fundraising goal, and this year was no different.

2022–23 Highlights

• Helped lead the charge for the Latin Society’s critical growth in leadership donors by 21%.

• Welcomed and stewarded 133 new families to our school community with a phone call, note, or visit from a volunteer.

• Got in the game on FLY DAY 6 to deliver cookies, encourage participation, and write thank you postcards for all donors.

• Encouraged fellow parents to support the Latin Fund, helping us reach 80% participation from our parent community.

• Kicked off the year with a Latin Fund Volunteer Social, participated in mid-year updates, continued Latin Fund training, and closed the year with a Latin Fund Volunteer Appreciation Evening

2022–23 Latin Fund Leadership

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert, Chairs

Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt, Vice Chairs

Mike Wiggers, Upper School Captain

Jeff Seaman, Middle School Captain

Nate Brinkley, Lower School Captain

2022–23 Faculty and Staff Chairs

Tim Creamer

Nadege Head

2022–23 Latin Fund Volunteers

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald

Margaret and Waldo Bradley, Jr.

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Meredith and Will Chapman ’01

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf

Beth and Michael Clifton

Hillary and Burrell Crittendon

Katie and Kevin Cumbus

Leigh-Ervin and Will Dedmon

Kate and Walker Ellis

Janet (Brown) ’87 and Andrew Fisher

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Amanda and Grady Frank

Jen and Michael Fulenwider

Marjorie and Zach Guy ’02

Binaifer and Homiar Hathiram

Grace and Eric Hauth

Veronica and Steve Henley

Dawn and Ben Holland

Jane and Tommy Hunter ’86

Katie (Miller) ’01 and Travis Iams

Stephanie and Eugene Kim

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Kelley and Greg Laughton

Meghan and Justin Lay

Kate (Vandiver) ’00 and Josh Leary ’00

Amanda and Scott Linch

Lauren (Bowman) ’98 and Jeff Llamas

Callie and Will Lloyd ’00

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Emily and Max McEwen ’99

Kristin and Marty Middendorf

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Katie and Kevin Morgan

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Theckla and Beale Pope

Krista (Gasbarro) ’98 and Mason Rankin

Emily and Brian Richards ’96

Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson Rives

April and Tim Robertson

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Kim and Matt Salsbury

Simpson and Allan Schmitt

Stephanie and Beau Schwab ’02

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Ashley (Moody) ’01 and Lee Sigmon ’01

Hope (Davis) ’08 and Spyros Skouras

Kristi and Eric Speckman

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

Sarah and Patrick Wilde

Katie and Drew Williams

Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt

2022–23 Gratitude Report 35
Latin Fund volunteers Nate and Lillian Negrin and Katie and Kevin Morgan celebrate our school’s philanthropic leaders at the Latin Society Leadership Evening in September.
“We give to support the faculty and staff that teach, nurture, and enrich the lives of each and every one of our students. They are what make Charlotte Latin the special place that it is, and we are glad to have the opportunity to support them.”
—Katie Williams P ’30 ’32 ’35, Latin Fund Volunteer
Kate Hughey Maggie Shamblin

Celebrating our ALUMNI COMMUNITY

Small but MIGHTY Alumni Giving Committee

We admit: each year, the Giving Committee is not necessarily the most sought-after committee to join for Alumni Governing Board (AGB) members.

Fundraising volunteers can be hard to find, but committee chairs Talia Caligiuri Fann ’98 and James McLelland ’17, along with Claire Litaker Patterson ’08, Elizabeth Beecy ’14, and Santosh Rao ’94, were not deterred by the task. Rather, they rose to the challenge and laid the groundwork for a strong alumni Latin Fund performance with a commitment to:

• Celebrating our inaugural True Blue donors, while actively soliciting new donors for our leadership society.

• Reengaging class agents, empowering and equipping them with appropriate and ample resources for FLY DAY fundraising.

• Bringing together a group of 35 volunteers, including alumni and current and retired faculty, to come to campus on FLY DAY for what we call FLY NIGHT—a dinner and spirited class-byclass fundraising competition.

The foundation they built not only resulted in a record-breaking year for alumni participation in the Latin Fund, but it also reinvigorated alumni volunteers who reminded their fellow alumni why it’s important to give back.



* first year of the Latin Fund


FY18* 302 alumni

FY22 717 alumni

FY23 796 alumni

* first year hosting FLY DAY

“Giving to Latin transcends making a donation to a traditional non-profit organization; it brings about a nostalgic feeling of connecting to the incredibly formative relationships and memories we experienced while at Latin. This year’s giving committee prioritized building camaraderie around our shared respect and appreciation for the faculty and staff, because they are instrumental in who we have become.”


36 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Blue Love
So hats off to the AGB Giving Committee, our small but mighty crew, whose enthusiasm and love for Latin is clearly contagious!
FY12* 432 donors 14.5%
854 donors 21% FY23 913 donors 23%


The True Blue Giving Society celebrates the philanthropic leadership of Charlotte Latin alumni.

Membership to True Blue is as follows:


2018–2022 $25+ 43

2013–2017 $250+ 12

2008–2012 $500+ 18

1974–2007 $1,000+ 113



44 new True Blue donors

Over Thanksgiving weekend, we hosted our very first True Blue Celebration at the home of Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt to thank donors for their leadership, volunteerism, and unwavering support of Latin.

Latin Alumni
2022–23 Gratitude Report 37
James McLelland ’17 and Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt ’02 catch up at the True Blue celebration.


Emily Hinshaw ’16

Zurich, Switzerland

Emily Hinshaw ’16, who is pursuing a PhD in geology at ETH Zurich, made a virtual visit with Grade 8 Earth Science students, where she described her favorite rock, shared memories of sitting in exactly the same classroom they were in, and explained how geology is important to the everyday person.

Nick Coma ’08

Oakland, CA

Kyle Worthy ’00

Charlotte, NC

Nick Coma ’08 and Kyle Worthy ’00 visited Richard Fletcher’s Upper School visual arts class to share their careers in the arts. Nick, a senior product designer with Mondo Robot, talked about designing digital ad campaigns and logos for such clients as Coachella. Kyle, a photographic artist, shared his journey and lifelong love affair with the magic of capturing a story.

Theresa Campobasso ’04

Washington D.C.

Former U.S. Marines intelligence officer Theresa Campobasso ’04 joined Richard Harris’ War Literature class. Currently a Senior Vice President of Strategy for Exiger Government Solutions, Theresa shared stories with students of her work in counterintelligence and countering espionage.

38 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | One Blue Love

Paige Ford Schwartzbauer ’06

Charlotte, NC

U.S. Army veteran and West Point graduate Paige Ford Schwartzbauer ’06 captivated Upper School students at the Veterans Day assembly with her stories of wartime heroism, loss, and bravery, and urged students to, “Take a look around you. These are your battle buddies. Don’t forget that you have a duty to one another.”

Mary Kate McAlister Sykes ’10

Charlotte, NC

During the Class of 2023 Baccalaureate service, Reverend Mary Kate McAlister Sykes ’10 of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte delivered a thoughtful message entitled Can We Skip to the Good Part and encouraged seniors to remember that, “The good part is the choice to immerse yourself right where you are.”

John Barry ’10

Baltimore, MD

Managing Partner and Director of Analog, John Barry ’10, delivered the 2023 Commencement Address, in which he challenged seniors to improve and excel in the things they love, saying, “Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Never be ashamed of trying. You will learn more about yourself through your mistakes than you ever will playing it safe within the confines of expectation.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 39
When alumni fly the nest, they set out on unique journeys and paths that take them near and far. Our hope is that our alumni will always find a way back home to Latin and share their wisdom and experiences with our younger Hawks.


When a member of our community gives a leadership gift to the Latin Fund, they join a wonderful group of philanthropic leaders at Charlotte Latin. The Latin Society celebrates donors who make annual leadership gifts of $2,500 or more to the Latin Fund. We recognize this community at signature events throughout the school year, connecting current families, parents of alumni, alumni, grandparents, and others in celebration of Charlotte Latin.

Soar Circle Celebration

The Latin Society Soar Circle honors donors who support the Latin Fund with annual gifts of $10,000 or more. In April, we hosted the Soar Circle Celebration at Quail Hollow Club to celebrate and thank our Soar Circle donors for their leadership, volunteerism, and unwavering support of Latin.

40 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Leadership
1 1
2022–23 Gratitude Report 41 4 5 6 3
1. Jeff and Lauren (Bowman) Llamas ’98, Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt 2. Vanessa Kearney, Jenn Freno, and guests 3. Karl Hermann 4. Rachel Hannon, Julie Rhule, Kim Salsbury, Jenny Purcell 5. More than 60 guests joined for celebratory cocktails and dinner at Quail Hollow Club 6. Ravi Modukuri, Deepthi Pavuluri, Mike Freno

’34 ’36.

1 3 4 2

42 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating Your Leadership
1 970
1970 Circle Cocktail Party
The Latin Society 1970 Circle honors donors who support the Latin Fund with annual gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. In April, we celebrated our 1970 Circle donors at a poolside cocktail party hosted by Christian and Jen Saarbach P
1. Christian and Joy Kenefick, Jeffrey Panzo and Kersten Stannard 2. Chuck and Erin Baldecchi, Christian and Jen Saarbach 3. Natalie and Todd May 4. Max McEwen ’99 and Patrick Hartman
5 6 8 7
5. Emily McEwen, Betsy Hartman, and Margaret Bradley 6. More than 100 guests joined for this year’s 1970 Circle cocktail party hosted by Christian and Jen Saarbach 7. Dwayne and Julie Blanton, Steve Beam 8. Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton


Latin Society Leadership Evening

The Latin Society honors donors who support the Latin Fund with total annual giving of $2,500 or more. In September, we hosted the Latin Society Leadership Evening—for the first time since 2019—on campus, and it was well worth the wait.

44 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Celebrating Your Leadership 3 2 1 1970 C I RC L E C I RC L E THE LATIN SOC I ET Y H AW KS S O AR CI R C L E THE LATIN SOC I ET Y THE LATIN SOC I ET Y SOC I ET Y Latin Alumni UE U E
1. Mackenzie and Rebekah Alpert, Blair Scheuer 2. Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver, April Robertson, Ben and Dawn Holland 3. David Gatoux, Denny (Smith) ’90 and Brian O’Leary, Trey and Kimber Morgan 4. Steve and Jackie (Roche) Ryder ’04, Peggy and Kevin Roche 5. Mike Freno, Ed McMahan ’93, Chuck Baldecchi 6. Guests heard remarks from Board Chair Mike Freno and Head of School Chuck Baldecchi 7. Zach Guy ’02, Beau Schwab ’02, Will Bowman ’02 8. Marnelle and Jaco Uys 9. Kristin and Marty Middendorf
4 6 5 2022–23 Gratitude Report 45 7 8 9

From the Director of Philanthropy

I love hearing people’s favorite Latin stories. From our newest families to our current students and most seasoned alumni, everyone has a unique and interesting story to share. Often, these stories are about a teacher who impacted their lives for the better. The tales never get old, and I never tire of listening to them.

One of my favorite times at Latin is Grandparents’ Day. In recent years, we’ve hosted a coffee before the main event for parents of alumni who are now, and in some cases, newly, Latin grandparents. The threads of early memories of their children performing carry through, one generation later, as their grandchildren take the stage. Their stories remind me that the school we love and the moments we create together connect us all.

The importance of this connection is lifelong. My son, Ryan, graduated from Latin in May 2022. As our family navigated the transition to “Latin Alumni,” the relationships we built at Latin sustained us. My standing dinner date with fellow Hawk alumni moms helped me adjust to an empty nest. Ryan relied on the many lessons learned and friendships gained during his time at Latin—from Kindergarten to Commencement—to navigate his first year away at college.

The strength of our community makes Latin a special place. And as I see every day, your philanthropy helps keep it so. The incredible generosity of our donors, who support the school in so many ways, sustains a Latin experience with which we can all engage. It evolves beyond connection, transforming into true community fellowship spanning Latin’s history.

Thank you for staying connected to Latin, and for choosing to give back to our school. Through your philanthropy, volunteerism, and engagement, you make excellence possible for our students and faculty, inspiring new favorite memories every day.

46 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Celebrating What’s to Come

Latin Leads Strategic Plan

We are grateful for the Latin community’s extensive participation in developing the school’s five-year strategic plan: Latin Leads. This framework is guided by our vision to develop courageous, honorable leaders who are fueled by intellectual curiosity, who value moral courage, who are guided by a commitment to excellence, and who can navigate and thrive in a complex global society. Our community’s generosity has supported the early work of this plan and will continue to be critical to achieving each of the five goals. Thank you for investing in the future of Charlotte Latin.

The Latin Leader

Teaching & Learning

Building on our belief that every student can lead, we will leverage our signature leadership programs to develop the leadership potential in every student in a curricular thread that begins in Transitional Kindergarten and continues through Grade 12

Latin will promote a teaching and learning culture of intellectual curiosity that centers on student choice and voice, develops future-ready competencies, and connects learning to the real world.

Community Wellness

Guided by our commitment to whole-child education, Latin will develop a comprehensive plan to address wellness and to empower students and employees with the tools and resources they need to thrive.

A Community of Purpose & Belonging

Latin will foster an environment where each community member finds a sense of purpose and belonging.

Access & Affordability

Latin will work towards eliminating the barriers to accessing a full Charlotte Latin experience for prospective and current families.

Latin is an extraordinary place to learn and work . While we must continue to evolve as an institution to meet the ever-changing needs of our students, the school’s Mission and Core Values remain central to our identity, planning, and actions. Knowing that future graduates will emerge into a significantly different world relative to the experiences of our alumni, we are guided by our beliefs about both the current moment and the future of teaching and learning.

2022–23 Gratitude Report 47

A Commitment to PHILANTHROPY

Celebrating our Philanthropic Leaders

Each year, we invite the Latin community to support our school with a gift that is meaningful to their family.

Philanthropic leadership is exemplified in the young alum choosing to give back to Latin while managing a new career. It’s demonstrated in the family making a significant gift above and beyond tuition. We see it in the faculty member choosing to give back to the school that invests in them each year. These are just a few examples of leadership in action, and we are incredibly proud and grateful.

The Latin Society

The Latin Society honors donors who support the Latin Fund with total annual giving of $2,500 or more.

Anonymous (4)

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alpert

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Nancy and Arthur Bunn

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf *

Beth and Michael Clifton

Kristen Cone

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Lee Ann and Steve DeCarlo

Virginia and Eric Flynn

Amanda and Grady Frank

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Margie and Tyler ’04 Gately

Sherri and Greg Gregory

Marjorie and Zach ’02 Guy *

Rachel and Justin ’01 Hannon

Jennie and Greg Harper

Katie and Karl Hermann

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Susan and Chris Kearney

Vanessa and Kevin Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ’04 Kearney

Betty and Jeffrey Lee

Lauren (Bowman) ’98 and Jeff Llamas *

Sehnaz and Gene Lowe

Christina and Warren McDonald

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Deepthi Pavuluri and Ravi Modukuri

Katie and Kevin Morgan

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Cara and Luke Peters

Erin Walsh and Jonathan Philpot ’99

Jenny and Brian Purcell

Julie and Matthew Rhule

Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson Rives

Jennifer and Jack Ross

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Amanda and Neil Salvage

Katherine and Mitchell Schorr

Mardell and Dan Schuster

Emily and Blair ’02 Shwedo *

Melissa and Dan Siever

Peggy (Kane) ’96 and Charles ’90 Thies *

Blair and Andrew Tucker

Elissa and Joseph Vona

Leslie and Mitchell ’87 Wickham

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

Maureen and Ronald Young

48 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll
$10,000+ Soar Circle 1 970 C I RC L E C I RC L E TH E L AT IN SOC I ET Y H AW KS S O AR CI R C L E TH E L AT IN SOC I ET Y TH E L AT IN SOC I ET Y ET Y Alumni E E

1970 Circle

$5,000 – $9,999

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald *

Xian Wang and Feng Bai

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Elizabeth and Jemison Bartlett

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Irm and Ross Bellavia

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Aileen and Mark Boltz

Nancy and Nathan Bourne

Margaret and Waldo Bradley

Sabina and Nathan Bragg

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Susan and Bob Calton

Jenny Campbell

Meredith and Will ’01 Chapman *

Lauri and Andy ’87 Clark *

Jessica and Ron Cohen

Amy and Phil Colaco

Ginny and John Comly

Katie and Kevin Cumbus

Sherilyn and Tyler Degenhardt

Tracy and John Denning

Christina and Neal Desai

Katie and David Deterding

Susan and Jonathan Dion

Sarah and Chris Douglas

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Mark Fuller ’77

Wendy and Ben Gilman

Brooke and Mike Goldman

Gabi and Rael Gorelick

Jessica and Edwin Gray

Lindsay and Tripp Griffin

Amanda and John Grigg ’79

Betsy and Patrick Hartman

Sarah and Taylor Hayden

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Christine and Trevor Hoke

Kathryn and Eddie Holland

Joe and Jenna Hollmeyer

Dr. and Mrs. William Hull

Kara and Graham Hunt

Katherine (Porter) ’00 and Lang Hunter *

Yan Yu and Jack Kang

Joy and Chris Kenefick *

Amy and Evan Kerr

Mary Margaret and Lawrence Lanzillotta

Catherine and Jeff LaPoint *

Kelley and Greg Laughton

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Julie and Howard ’77 Levine *

Amanda and Scott Linch

Stacey and Chris Little

Callie and Will ’00 Lloyd

Sarah and Coleman Lyons

Natalie and Todd May

Emily and Max McEwen ’99

Tamara and Tino McFarland

Laura and Matt McGirt *

Joy and Michael Misocky

Stacy and John Mitchell

Laura and Coy Monk *

Caton and Charlie Morris

Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff *

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Uma and James O’Brien

Denny (Smith) ’90 and Brian O’Leary *

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Mary Margaret and Fritz Porter *

Susan and Bill Porter/ The Porter Foundation

Karen and Ward Pritchett

Neely and Jack Purcell

Carolyn and Rob Rechkemmer

Molly and David Reed

Emily and Brian Richards ’96

Chrys and Ches Riley

Stephanie and Mark Rindner

Barbara and Christian Robinson

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Sally and Matthew Roper

Jackie (Roche) ’04 and Steve Ryder *

Blair and Luke Scheuer

Simpson and Allan Schmitt

Stephanie and Beau ’02 Schwab

Jackie and Mike ’87 Selle

Antoinette and Douglas Shaller

Cat and Brian Shaw

Sara and Jamie Shyer

Catinna and Harry Sideris

Margaret and Carter Siegel *

Hope (Davis) ’08 and Spyros Skouras

Vicky and Spyros Skouras, Jr.

Adam and Cheryl Smith

Kristi and Eric Speckman

Carolyn and Dan Stone

Whitney and Andrew Tindel

Kristina and Paul Tucker

Karen and Rob Vaughn

Ashley and John Patrick Walsh

Cameron and Thomas White

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Jacki and Andy Wright

Sally and James Wyche

Allison and Michael York

The Ayinala Family

Nicole Backerman

Lisa (Moore) Baden ’00

Amy and Charlie Baker

Elizabeth and Michael Baker

Amy and Todd Ballaban

Jean Ann and Barry Banker

Elizabeth Kerr Barnhardt ’91

Kelley (Dickerson) ’94 and Jay Barnhardt ’94

Will Bowman ’02

Collins and Fred Byers

Yanyan Wu and Yang Cao

Laura and Tim Casey

Allison and Frank Chatman

Xiaoying Meng and Yuan Cheng

Stewart and Jeff ’02 Cincotta

Laura (Austin) ’87 and Murphy Clark *

Annie and Charlie ’01 Clarke

Ginny and John Collett ♦

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Lora and Mike Connor *

Melinda and Brannen Edge

Gigi and Willie Egge *

Ashley and Ben Ellis

Kate and Walker Ellis

Kory Eubank and Jeff Mathis

Laura Fahrney

Courtney and JC Fain

Holland and Ian Ferguson

Rachel and Jeff Filer

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi ’96 and Matt Filpi

Janet (Brown) ’87 and Andrew Fisher *

Abby Shen and John Geng

Ashley and Brian Gift

Lanny and Aaron Gillespie

Anna (Stiegel) ’01 and Scott Glass *

Courtney and Rich Goettke

Tara Bradley and Phil Greenberg

Fletcher Gregory ’04

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser *

Ramya Malisetty and Kiran Gurumurthy

Laurie and Barry Guy

Anonymous (13)

Katherine and Scott Addison

Emily and Paul Alt

Maria Glenn and Nick Anthony

Laura and David Archibald

Nancy and Alan Atwell *

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Katie and Mitch Brigulio

Amy (Fennebresque) ’92 and Baker Burleson

Erin and Brad Buser

Susan Duncan-Butler and George Butler

Karen and Jim Cotchett *

Hillary and Burrell Crittendon

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Jennifer and Nick Dimovski

Margaret and Frank Dunn

Zelle and John Dunn

Scott Fitzgerald ’88

Patrick Fitzpatrick ’05 *

Kathryn and Adam Ford

Stacey and Robert Frost

Lia Spina and Michael Gaslin

Stacy and Roderick Gee *

John Hackney

Melissa and Grant Hamilton

Lydia and David Hanna

Emily and David Harry

Cathie and Bob Hartness

Heather and Nance Hendley *

2022–23 Gratitude Report 49
$2,500 – $4,999 Hawks Circle 0 E C I ET Y H AW KS CI R C L E TH E L AT IN SOC I ET Y

Kate and Frank Henry

Mandy and Tim Hicks

Kathleen and Greg ’89 Hinrichs ♦

Dawn and Ben Holland

Mary and Jonathan Holland

Whitney and Justin Holofchak

Pender and John Hollmeyer

Cameron and Christopher Holtz *

Greta and Rob Hord

Kexin Zhao and Xuetao Thomas Hu

Lauren and Nathan Hull

Page and Martin Hull *

Sally and Watts Humphrey

Jane and Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Danielle and Ryan Hutcheson

Wizzie and Dan Irvin

Tori Irvine

Anu and Jensen Jacob

Diep Nguyen and Taylor Jarrell

Grace Ge and Henry Jiang

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Stephanie and Eugene Kim

Elizabeth and Jamie ’82 Kiser

Ginny and Brad Knight

Kristin and Reed Kracke

Dina and Jerry Kressner

Missy and William Kutner

Linda and Bill Kutner

Tu Hoang and Michael Lam

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Laurie and Kevin Larsh

Maggie and Mike Leffke

Elyse and Robert Lesley *

Kristin and Allen Lewis *

Jamie and John ’93 Linker *

Link and Dan ’81 Litaker

Tara and Matt Livingston *

Brooke and Doug ’93 Lowry

Beth and Charlie Lucas *

Perry and Bob ’78 Lucas *

Susannah and David Lund

Jennifer and Rollin Lynn

Wandra and George Mackie

Jennifer and Eric ’01 Madara *

McCay and Kevin Manwaring

Tanya and John Marco

Amy and Ryan Marsh

Lori and Andrew Martin

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Yilei Zhang and David Mauer

Robert and Lynda McArthur

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Anna (Simpson) ’94 and Ed ’93 McMahan

Madeline and James ’17 McLelland

Patterson (Maker) ’07 and Graham ’07 Miller

Catherine and Hunter ’03 Miller *

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Kimber and Trey Morgan

Jorj and George Morgan

Read and Terrie Morton

Jenny and Billy Morton

Jane and Justin Mosbo

Niyati Nathwani and Abhijeet Nadkarni *

Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz

Johanna and Randy Newman

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Missy and Heath Norman

Mary Yorke (Robison) ’83 and David Oates ♦

Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver

Sarah and Matt Orlousky

Rachel and Steve Pangalos

Susie and John Papadopulos

Christine and Jay Patti

Ann Stewart and Pearson Pendergrass

Amber and Chris Phelps

Meredith and Geordie Pierson

Theckla and Beale Pope

Kasey and Stuart ’93 Proffitt

Sajeev and Lori Anne Puri

Enid and Steve Randall *

Krista (Gasbarro) ’98 and Mason ’98 Rankin *

Jyoti and Santosh ’94 Rao

Kate and Anthony Ring

Aline and Keith Robelen

Carol and Martin Robinson

Janet (Miller) ’84 and Todd Rogers

Robyn and Todd Rosenthal

Barbara Pereira Rico and Carlos Sagasta

Aparna and Rabindra Sagunarthy

Lori and Nader Samii

Laura and David Sammons

Leigh Schell

Amanda and David Schrum

Gregory ’08 and Shelley Schuster

Paige (Ford) ’06 and Nathan Schwartzbauer

Shea and Chris Seaman

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Jolie and Brian Short *

Jing Tang and Jiang Shu

Sarah and Greg Slayton *

Sally (Gray) ’82 and Eric Smith ♦

Vivi Bechtler-Smith and Bill Smith *

Kate and Jeff Snoots *

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

Christine and Jason Strife

Whitney and Andy Sturge

Nicole and Kevin Sunday

Jennifer and Josh Surowitz

Ping Meng and William Tang


We proudly recognize donors who have given back to Latin for more than 10 consecutive years.

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Kim and Mark Tayloe *

Mary and Edward Taylor

Michelle and Wayne Thornhill

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena

Meredith and John Tye *

Kathryn (Barnhardt) ’91 and Nik Van Nort ♦

Whitney and Brad Vineyard

Cameron (Hall) ’90 and Shane Wagner

Katie and Johnson Wagner

Lawrence Wall ♦

Kristi and Jerry Walters

Ashleigh and Kevin White *

Meg and John Wilkinson

Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt *

Marshall and Bryan Wyker

Leigh and Ryan Young

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Isabelle Guo and Arthur Zhao

Sophia Yue and Stephen Zhou

Hellen Cao and Wanxin Zhou

Eleanor & James Barnhardt Foundation

50 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Faculty and Staff Leadership

Our faculty and staff demonstrate Latin’s commitment to excellence each day in and outside of the classroom. We are grateful for those who support the Latin Fund with a leadership gift.

Paul Alt

Nancy Atwell *

Chuck Baldecchi

Amy Ballaban

Todd Ballaban

Joanne Beam *

Susan Carpenter

Nidhie Dhiman

Spencer Dowd

Chris Downing ♦

Lea Fitzpatrick

David Gatoux *

Topher Gee *

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ’00 *

Dale Greene

Tanya Keller

Heather Knull *

Jeff Knull *

Stacey Little

Alicia Long *

Beth Lucas *

Ginger McAdams *

Rob McArthur

Chrissy McConaughy *

Neil McConaughy *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07

Thea Moore *

Barbara Morrow *

Matt Morrow *

Hunter Murphy *

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ’98

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83 ♦

True Blue Giving Society

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ’98

James Robards *

Suzanne (Little) Robards ’82

Sally Roper

Jessie Sellner *

Margaret Sigmon

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82 ♦

Stephen Starner ’98 *

Pete Sung

Vivian Sung

Katie Sutton

Mark Tayloe *

Kathryn (Barnhardt) Van Nort ’91 ♦

Lawrence Wall ♦

Jeff Wolfe

The True Blue Giving Society honors Latin’s most generous and loyal alumni donors. The True Blue Giving Society celebrates and recognizes the philanthropic leadership of our alumni, whose participation empowers Latin’s leadership to plan for our bright future and sets us apart from our peers.

Charlotte Latin Alumni

Classes of 2018–2022

Ben Anderson ’22

Jimmie Anderson ’19

Will Anderson ’19

Bella Baldecchi ’21

Ryan Beam ’22

John Beecy ’19

Ryan Bonner ’20

Katie Chai ’21

Chase Crews ’18

Andrew DeWeese ’20

Connor Downing ’18

Amy Dragelin ’19

Ashley Foley ’18

Callie Gargagliano ’21

Kevens Grammont ’19

Mary Griggs ’18

Olivia Halperin ’22

Marshall Hanson ’21

Tripp Hughes ’19

Ana Kenefick ’20

Sara Kenefick ’20

Harrison Klingman ’22

Lauren Langley ’20

Thomas Layton ’18

Ella Livingston ’22

Jakob Lucas ’20

Joshua Manuel ’18

Emma Martin ’19

Mary Elliott McCabe ’18

William McCabe ’21

Kate McCracken ’22

Catie Meanor ’18

J.B. Meanor ’20

Cecelia Monnin ’18

Eloise Monnin ’18

Jackson Morgan ’21

Wyatt Nabatoff ’18

Smith O’Leary ’19

Annabelle Oates ’18

Christopher Oster ’20

Rob Schleusner ’19

Meredith Scott ’19

Abbigail Snyder ’22


Carter Anderson ’14

Daniel Jones ’15

Andrew Maxwell ’16

Elli (Morrison) McAdams ’13

James McLelland ’17

Sebastian Nabatoff ’15

West Osborn ’14

Gray Smith ’15

Michael Smith ’17

Griffin Smith ’14

Margot Sprow ’14

Nick Verderame ’15


Davis Austin ’10 *

Jasmine (Isley) Betts ’08

Effe (Ghartey-Tagoe) Gibson ’10

Andrew Gibson

Eliza Karp ’11

2022–23 Gratitude Report 51
“Though I am grateful for all of our school community, after 31 years I still show up for work every day because of the relationships I have with wonderful colleagues. That dynamic has been the greatest constant over my time at Latin.”
—Jeff Knull P’19 Upper School Math Teacher

Ann Louise (Seaton) Keeley ’11

Conor Keeley ’11

Jenny (Roche) Madigan

Rob McAlister ’08 *

Robert Miller ’11

Murrill Oakes *

Drew Papadopulos ’12

Claire (Litaker) Patterson ’08

Roddey Player

Greg Schuster ’08

Hope (Davis) Skouras ’08

Paul Taylor

Scotty Thompson ’08


Anonymous (1)

Gary Anderson ’75 ♦

Brian Anderson ’88 *

Doug Ausbon ’75 *

Lisa (Moore) Baden ’00

Katie (Browne) Beam ’93

Candy (Everett) Bing ’91

Will Bowman ’02

Ann (Thompson) Brock ’81 *

Brick Bryant ’01

Byron Burns ’94 *

Jeff Case ’95

Will Chapman ’01 *

Jeff Cincotta ’02

Andy Clark ’87 *

Laura (Austin) Clark ’87 *

Charlie Clarke ’01

Fiz (Anderson) Craig ’85

Katherine (Dickson) Crockett ’94

Billy Fennebresque ’02

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi ’96

Janet (Brown) Fisher ’87 *

Scott Fitzgerald ’88

Patrick Fitzpatrick ’05 *

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88 *

Mark Fuller ’77

James Gallagher ’05

Tyler Gately ’04

Anna (Stiegel) Glass ’01 *

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ’00 *

Fletcher Gregory ’04

Fred Griffith ’78

John Grigg ’79

Zach Guy ’02 *

Carolyn (Sijthoff) Hallett ’98

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins ’97 *

Justin Hannon ’01

New Family Leadership Circle

Jamie Harris ’92

Kelly (Beck) Haseley ’82 *

Kathy (Ibach) Horvath ’78

Drew Hubbard ’05

Jamie (Esposito) Hubbard ’06

Katherine (Porter) Hunter ’00 *

Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Katie (Miller) Iams ’01 *

Ryan Kearney ’04

Chris (Skinner) Kirkland ’77

Jamie Kiser ’82

Stephanie (Wisinski) Ladley ’00 *

Josh Leary ’00 *

Kate (Vandiver) Leary ’00 *

Howard Levine ’77 *

Jarrett Lewis ’03

John Linker ’93 *

Dan Litaker ’81

Lauren (Bowman) Llamas ’98 *

Will Lloyd ’00

Doug Lowry ’93

Brooks Lucas ’98 *

Bob Lucas ’78 *

Eric Madara ’01 *

Max McEwen ’99

Matt McGirt

Anna (Simpson) McMahan ’94

Ed McMahan ’93

Graham Miller ’07

Hunter Miller ’03 *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07

John Mitchener ’77

Pender Murphy ’77

Daniel Nunn ’97

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ’98

Michael Nunn ’04

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ’90 *

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83 ♦

Michael Parks ’07

Beth (Anderson) Pence ’89

Jonathan Philpot ’99

Thomas Porter ’01

Will Potts ’03

Stuart Proffitt ’93

Mason Rankin ’98*

Krista (Gasbarro) Rankin ’98 *

Beth (Goode) Reigel ’76

Anna (Litaker) Reimers ’90 *

Brian Richards ’96

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ’98

Suzanne (Little) Robards ’82 *

Janet (Miller) Rogers ’84

Drew Rutherford ’94

Jackie (Roche) Ryder ’04 *

Leigh (Luter) Schell

Beau Schwab ’02

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer ’06

Michael Selle ’87

Blair Shwedo ’02 *

Ashley (Moody) Sigmon ’01

Lee Sigmon ’01

Alec Smith ’02

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82 ♦

Mike Stein ’01

Charles Thies ’90 *

Peggy (Kane) Thies ’96 *

Kenny Thompson ’03

James Tsahakis ’05

J.P. Tsahakis ’01

Kathryn (Barnhardt) Van Nort ’91 ♦

Cameron (Hall) Wagner ’90

Dylan Webb ’06

Tom Westbrook ’81

Mitchell Wickham ’87

Nancy (Lea) Williams ’80 ♦

Susan (Brown) Wolfe ’98

Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt ’02

We are grateful to the new families who chose to make the Latin Fund a philanthropic priority in their first year, and honor those who joined the New Family Leadership Circle with a gift of $5,000 or more.

Elizabeth and Jemison Bartlett

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Nancy and Nathan Bourne

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Margie and Tyler ’04 Gately

Marjorie and Zach ’02 Guy *

Sarah and Taylor Hayden

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Katie and Karl Hermann

Kathryn and Eddie Holland

Joe and Jenna Hollmeyer

Katherine (Porter) ’00 and Lang Hunter *

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ’04 Kearney

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Stephanie and Beau ’02 Schwab

Jackie and Mike ’87 Selle

Cat and Brian Shaw

Adam and Cheryl Smith

Kristina and Paul Tucker

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Jacki and Andy Wright

52 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Celebrating our Community’s Participation

We are one Latin community, and every gift to the Latin Fund matters. To all who joined in supporting the 2022–23 Latin Fund, thank you. Your support is an act of gratitude, philanthropy, and investment, and you are essential to our school’s success.

Board of Trustees 2022—23

Latin’s Board of Trustees invest their time, talent, and treasure into our school each school year. We are grateful for their service, their 100% Latin Fund participation, and for their vision and leadership.

Irm Bellavia

Phil Colaco

John Comly

Mary Katherine DuBose *

Adaora Eruchalu

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88 *

Mike Freno *

Don Gately *

Rael Gorelick

Karim Lokas

John McCoy

Kristin Middendorf *

Uma O’Brien

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ’90 *

Christian Robinson

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer ’06

David Shuford

Charles Thies ’90 *

Michelle Thornhill

As our parents of alumni turn into grandparents in our Latin community, it’s a fun tradition to connect over coffee, nibbles, and conversation before the Grandparents’ Day performance. This year, Dick Kane and Trustee Don Gately were able to visit with Libbie and Laurens Willard before watching their grandchildren star in “Latin’s Got Talent.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 53

Faculty and Staff

We are incredibly proud of Latin’s faculty and staff who participated in the Latin Fund.

Anonymous (2)

Louise Hindal Acer ’08 *

Christine Adams

Lilian Aguilar

Ephraim Akihola

Kim Alexander

Tamara Alito

Paul Alt

Juliana Angel-Alexander

Mary-Forbes Arkwright

Marsha Ashcraft *

Jean Asinger *

Nancy Atwell *

April Baker

Laura Balabushka

Chuck Baldecchi

Amy Ballaban

Todd Ballaban

Brittany Banda

Melissa Barger

Shane Barthram *

Joanne Beam *

Jim Bean

Alex Beck

Alan Becker *

Chris Berger ’89 *

Debi Berry

Sara Best

Hutch Bibby

Zan Biedenharn

Michael Bocian

Curtis Bowers

Ann (Thompson) Brock ’81 *

Amber Brown

Kelly Brown

Mark Brunton

Tammey Bryant

Buck Bryant ’79

Chris Brycki

Marta Brycki

Zack Budzichowski

Monica Bullock

Bilal Butt

Megan Butt

Sallie (Dickson) Caddell ’97

Anne Cammer *

Riti Canton

Nicole Caprio

Hugo Caraballo

Susan Carpenter

Jillian Caskey

Mary Cerbie *

Bob Cizmar

Karla Claytor *

Anna Clifford

Jennifer Coble

Kurt Coleman

Shirley (Anderson) Cook ’93 *

Daniel Cooke

Patrick Cooney

Tasha Cooper

Matt Cosper *

Rebecca Courter

Sarah Courtney

Tim Creamer

Haley Cripps

Abigail Cudabac *

Caroline Cuellar

Liz Dannemann *

Lori Davis

Drew Dayton

Nidhie Dhiman

Dawn DiRoma

Pat Dorcy

Spencer Dowd

Chris Downing ♦

Tom Dubick *

Beth Dunn

Whitney Duquette

Adam Durrett

Beth Eastridge *

Chuck Edwards ’94 *

Kristin (Horton) Edwards ’10

Teresa Edwards

Andre Elam

Raquel Elam

Marina Elliott

Doug Ellison *

Virginia (Smith) Ellison ’79 *

Katherine Evatt

Mary Fabian

Amita Farmah

Alex Felizzola

Laurie Fischer

Anne Fisher

Doreen Fitzpatrick *

Lea Fitzpatrick

Richard Fletcher ’85 *

Tiffany Fletcher

Jaime Flett

Jill Flynn *

Tiffany Ford

Mary Beth (Fay) Foster ’99

Gretchan Frederick *

Katherine Freeman

Jeremy Frye

Kelly Fuller

Donay Fullwood

Yiannis Galanos

Stephanie Gardner

David Gatewood

David Gatoux *

Topher Gee *

Renee Gerden

Mary Gibson *

Flekeda Gilliam

Stacey Gipson

Michelle Godfrey

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ’00 *

Kaila Gottschling

Jenny Greathouse

Dale Greene

Paula Grillas

Susan Grogan

David Hall ’87

Freya Hamilton *

Andrew Hammitt *

Lin Hansbrough

Justin Hardin

Cory Hardman

Alyssa Harrigan

Richard Harris

Clark Hawgood

Daniel Hayes

Nadege Head

Lynn Hellmuth *

John Herrick

Laura Hidell

Elise (Davis) Houston ’05

Sabrina Howard *

Jim Huffaker

Kate Hughey *

Dawn Hull

Rick Hutchins

Colin Imwalle

Luke Ivey

Jake Jacobs

Jody Jennings

Jason Keefer

Jen Keith

Tanya Kellar

Tim Kelly *

Sarah Kilby *

Katie Kilroy

Maria Klein ♦

Heather Knull *

Jeff Knull *

Aaron Koch

Laura Korkowski

Amanda Labrie *

Sara Lahmann

Jennifer Landry *

Melvin Leak

Stacey Little

Alicia Long *

Emily Long

Beth Lucas *

Fay Lucas *

Greg Lucas

Dianne Mackey

Shelly Magno

Ryan Maloney

Julie Marx

Elizabeth Matrejek

Amy Maxwell

Ginger McAdams *

Rob McArthur

Meredith McCarter

Chrissy McConaughy *

Neil McConaughy*

Edie McGlone *

Karen McQuaid *

Chris McRae *

Oscar Mendez

Brittany Mercado

Stacy Mercer

Ashley Merritt *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07

Janis (Watts) Mishoe ’96 *

Donnie Moore *

2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll
54 Charlotte Latin School

Erica Moore

Thea Moore *

Lisa Moreland *

Amy Morris

Shirley Morris

Barbara Morrow *

Matt Morrow *

Scott Moulton

Hunter Murphy *

Colin Murray

Megan (Lew) Myers ’96

Rode Norman

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ’98

Courtney Oates *

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83 ♦

Sara Onstad

Elizabeth (Murphy) Owen ’01

Powell Paguibitan

David Paige

Amy Paridy

Jason Parker

Sally Parsley *

Maureen Paschal *

Bob Patten *

Caitlin Peters

Tanya Powell

Cheri Pratt *

Joey Prestidge

Laura Pruitt

Lauren Putman

Lori Quattlebaum

Andria Quintero

Millie Rayburn

Mary Ellen Reese

David Reyes Rivera

Carolyn Richardson ♦

Annie Riddick

Brian Rigo

Kay Rigo

Meghan Rinehart *

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ’98

James Robards *

Suzanne (Little) Robards ’82 *

Matilde Rodriguez *

Tammi Rogers *

Kathleen Ronek

Sally Roper

Tanya Rosario

Sandra Rosenberg

Emily Round

Vernette Rucker *

Susan Russell

Anthony Russo

Virginia Schneidt

Mike Schriffen

Marcy Schwindt

Jay Scott *

Tim Scott

Kyle Searles

Lisa Seaton *

Camille Seeley

Alex Segura

Jessie Sellner *

Maggie Shamblin

Rob Sharpe

Heather (Massengale) Shaw ’95

Jessica Shoup

Robin Siczek

Margaret Sigmon

Betsy Simerville *

Jenna Sinclair

Dick Sipperly *

Richard Smalls

Eric Smith *

Katie (Ivanoff) Smith ’93 *

Lucy Smith *

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82 ♦

Marianna Spero

Wendy Staffieri

Caroline Stamatovich

Stephen Starner ’98 *

Mel Stier

Isa Stokes

Mary Strawderman

William F. Strickland

Craig Summerville ’79 *

Pete Sung

Vivian Sung

Katie Sutton

Pamela Sweer

Sintayehu Taye

Mark Tayloe *

David Taylor

Sonja Taylor

Joe Teets

Avery Teichman *

Susan Tenkin *

Laura Thomsen *

Monty Todd

Angel Trimble

Jen Turner

Mike Turner

Yvonne Turner

Sonja Turpin

Jenny (Austen) Urbain ’95

Kathryn (Barnhardt) Van Nort ’91 ♦

Tracey Vanneste *

Mindy Vergakis

Megan Vespa

Laura Walker

Lawrence Wall ♦

Julia Walthall-Eisman

Beth Weaver

Carol Webb-Gargagliano *

Rives Wedding

Sara Weiers

Mike Weiss *

Rachel Wells

Crystal Westbrook

Chandra Wheeler

Kate Wheeler

Mary White

Colette Whitney

Kim Wilkinson

Catherine Williams *

Nikki Williams

Kelly Willis *

Kari Wimbish

Jeffrey Wolfe

Patti Yakubinis

Amy Zinn *

Kathy Zuck

2022–23 Gratitude Report 55


Latin’s parent community is second to none. We are all Hawks, and Latin parents helped make the Latin Fund a success with 80% participation. Thank you to our parent community for their generosity and enthusiastic participation.

Anonymous (20)

Eunice Osei and Gibrine Adam

Christine and David Adams *

Tracey and Josh Adams

Tara (Huber) ’00 and Drew Adams *

Katherine and Scott Addison

Pegah Rahmani and Wael Aljishi

Rita Allen

Eryn Alpert ’92

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Emily and Paul Alt

Nilma and Samir Amin

Becky Ragard and David Anderson

Suzanne and Mikael Andersson

Marcela Pipitone Rodrigues and Carlos Angrisano

Maria Glenn and Nick Anthony

Laura and David Archibald

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald *

Andrea and Javier Arevalo

Ericka and Steve Arnold

Molly and Bernard Arthur

Kopal Sharma and Neeraj Ashri

The Ayinala Family

Ivy and Brian Babcock ’95

Amber and Justin Babcock ’97

Nicole Backerman

Xian Wang and Feng Bai

Amy and Charlie Baker

Elizabeth and Michael Baker

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Amy and Todd Ballaban

Blaire and Jonathan Bancroft *

Margaret and Rick Bange

John Barlow

Jasmin and PJ Barnes

Kristin and Hunter Barron

Elizabeth and Jemison Bartlett

Katie (Browne) ’93 and John Beam

Adrienne Bean

Jenn and Philip Bearden

Sallie and Gary Beason

Mary Margaret and Josh Beaver ’94

Emily and Ryan Beaver

Soraya Toosi and Alan Becker *

Irm and Ross Bellavia

Darniya and Marcus Belton

Beth and Jim Benonis

Melissa Berens

David Berman

Keisha Betton

Amy and John Bezanson

Arti Patel and Anish Bhakta

Susan and David Black

Vicky and Justin Blackhall

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Linda and Todd Bleakney

Darci and John Bly

Aileen and Mark Boltz

Nicole and Tom Booms

Shira and CJ Bordoloi

Dina Banerjee and Gene Borkowski

Nancy and Nathan Bourne

Will Bowman ’02

Amy and Kirk Bradley *

Margaret and Waldo Bradley

Sabina and Nathan Bragg

Sarah and Drew Branham

Marcela Cortes and Julian Bravo

Lauren and Wil Brawley *

Carla and John Bridges

Katie and Mitch Brigulio

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Amber and Andrew Brown

Rebecca and Doug Brown

Sarah and Duncan Brown

Grey (Timberlake) ’89 and Robbie ’90 Brownlow *

Lisa and Michael Brumfield

Christina and Keith ’93 Brunnemer

Liz and Brick Bryant ’01

Georgia and Trey Buck

The Budzichowski Family

Courtney and Scott Burbank

Victoria Gouletas and Troy Burk

Lesley Burke

Amy (Fennebresque) ’92 and Baker Burleson

Elizabeth and Byron Burns ’94 *

Janel and Charles Burrell

Erin and Brad Buser

Susan Duncan-Butler and George Butler

Collins and Fred Byers

Paola Uceda and Aldo Caballero

Sallie (Dickson) ’97 and Matthew Caddell

Stacey and Steven Cady

Rocio Valdez and Willy Caldas

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Whitney and Gregory Campion

Yanyan Wu and Yang Cao

Suzanne and Adam Carson

Lauren and George Carter

Liezl and Chris Cary

Laura and Tim Casey

Stephanie and John ’93 Cattie

Casey Celli

Alison and Gavin Chafin

Janie and Jean Chai

Christina and Jeff Chandler

Tiffany Mitchell and Sam Chaney

Allan and Dallas Chapman

Priscilla and Teddy Chapman

Jenny Chapman *

Matt Chapman ’99 *

Meredith and Will ’01 Chapman *

Cynthia Nortey and William Charles

Allison and Frank Chatman

Julia and David Cheatwood

Kakie and Colin Cheek

Haley and John Cheek

Antoinette Tan and Ken Chen

Shirley and Wei Chen

Xiaoying Meng and Yuan Cheng

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf *

Jordan and Michael ’88 Cigler *

Stewart and Jeff ’02 Cincotta

Lauri and Andy ’87 Clark *

Christa (Holt) ’06 and Andrew Clark

Laura (Austin) ’87 and Murphy Clark *

Annie and Charlie ’01 Clarke

Jennifer and Ryan Clayton

Anna and Pat Clifford

Beth and Michael Clifton

Iva and Norv Clontz

Jennifer and Ryan Clutter

Jaime and Kenny Coble

Jennifer and Jason Coble

Jessica and Ron Cohen

Amy and Phil Colaco

Kelly and Andrew Coleman

Laura and Kurt Coleman

Dawn Collier

Michelle and Grayson Collins

Ginny and John Comly

Kristen Cone

Lora and Mike Connor *

Shirley (Anderson) ’93 and Norm Cook *

Angela and Daniel Cooke

Meredith Quimby and Kevin Coppage *

Karen and Jim Cotchett *

Jo and William Cowan

Gina and Eric Craig

Heloisa and Scott Crane

Stacy and Tim Creamer

Haley and Ben Cripps

Hillary and Burrell Crittendon

Mary Ann and Oliver Cross

Portia Guerrero and Franklin Cruz

Katie and Kevin Cumbus

Pollyanna and Christian Cunningham

Leah and Stephan Custer

Mapela and George Custodio

Alexa and Ernie Cutter

Jen and Bill Dauska *

Lauren (Guy) ’01 and Rob Davenport

Brenda and C.P. Davis *

Anna and Mike Davis

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Mary and Brendon de Jonge

Caroline De Mey-D’Hont and Laurent De Mey

Leigh-Ervin and Will Dedmon

Sherilyn and Tyler Degenhardt

Audra and Brad Dellinger

Sacha and Curtis Deloney

Carrie and AJ DeLuca

56 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Tracy and John Denning

Christina and Neal Desai

Katie and David Deterding

Renee and Brad DeWeese

Shalinee Jha and Pramesh Dhakal

Nidhie and Parshant Dhiman

Na-il Diggs

Jennifer and Nick Dimovski

Susan and Jonathan Dion

Dawn and Bryan DiRoma

Paula and Bill DiSciullo

Michelle and Bob Donnelly

Sarah and Chris Douglas

Sandra and Scott Downey

Lesley and Bill Downey

Jennifer and Jamie Doyle *

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Zelle and John Dunn

Beth and Nathan Dunn

Laurie McWilliams and Jeff Dunnigan

Susannah and John DuPuy *

Lisa and Swandip Dutt

Melinda and Brannen Edge

Caroline and Chuck ’94 Edwards *

Tricey and Doug Edwards *

Lesley and Tom Edwards

Gigi and Willie Egge *

Sherri and Steve Ehrenberg

Amy and Matt Eirich

Julia Walthall-Eisman and Tom Eisman

Linda and Andre Elam

Winn (Rollins) ’86 and Chris Elliott

Ashley and Ben Ellis

Kate and Walker Ellis

Kim and Ernest Ellison

Jenna and Blake Enoch

Meredith and Charlie Everett

Elizabeth and John Fagg

Laura Fahrney

Courtney and JC Fain

Ashley and John Faison

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Monica and Nagib Farah

Amita and Munesh Farmah

Jan Scott (Swetenburg) ’00 and Luke Farmer *

Mary and Kevin Farmer

Holland and Ian Ferguson

Ginny and Jonathan Ferguson

Valerie and David Ferro

Melissa and Joe Filanowicz

Rachel and Jeff Filer

Elizabeth (Moore) ’96 and Matt Filpi

Jessica and Brian Finn

Gail and Tim Fischer

Carrie and Carl ’88 Fisher *

Janet (Brown) ’87 and Andrew Fisher *

Scott Fitzgerald ’88

Ashley and Eric Fleischer

Tiffany and Richard ’85 Fletcher *

Amy and Sid Fletcher *

Jaime and Adam Flett *

Virginia and Eric Flynn

Jill and Alan Flynn *

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Kathryn and Adam Ford

Adam Fosnaugh

Mary Beth (Fay) ’99 and Joshua Foster

Debbie (McMahan) ’88 and Scott Frail *

Amanda and Grady Frank

Katherine Freeman

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Dorian and Kevin Fritze

Stacey and Robert Frost

Kelly and Jocquin Fuller

Saritha Ambati and Bala Gaddam

Melisa and Adam Gail

Erin and Robert Gannett *

Mandy and Richard Garratt

Casey and David Gaskin

Leah and Reed ’01 Gaskin

Giving in Gratitude


To Elissa and Joe Vona, education is the most important gift one can give to prepare the next generation to address future challenges. Their family’s love of Latin is rooted in the school’s commitment to helping students develop rigorous critical thinking and leadership skills.

Latin’s teachers—the “superstars”—have made the biggest impact on their family, helping Sophia ’22 and Tori ’24 to become lifelong seekers of knowledge and philosophers.

These qualities inspire Sophia and Tori to pursue their passions while giving back. Sophia, a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been actively involved in HIV research since moving to college. Tori has helped to establish two clubs at Latin: CLS Academic Buddies, a student tutoring program, and the CLS Research Club. Both daughters are already contributing to their generation’s impact.

2022–23 Gratitude Report 57
“Our giving is a special thank you to the wonderful teachers at Latin who tirelessly teach these important lessons. It is our way of saying that we see you, and we value you, and we support you.”
—Elissa and Joe Vona P ’22 ’24

Lia Spina and Michael Gaslin

Margie and Tyler ’04 Gately

Shannon and Todd Gaylord

Abby Shen and John Geng

Candace and Eric Gibbs

Ashley and Brian Gift

Lanny and Aaron Gillespie

Flekeda and James Gilliam

Wendy and Ben Gilman

Lainey Gilmer

Mikelle and Charles Girard

Anna (Stiegel) ’01 and Scott Glass *

Laura and Dave Glasscock

Patti and Adam Glassner

Michelle and Bob Godfrey

Monica and John Godshall

Lauran and Jeremy Godwin *

Courtney and Rich Goettke

Brooke and Mike Goldman

Jori and Joshua ’03 Goodman

Gabi and Rael Gorelick

Mary (Dickson) ’00 and Ryan Gorman *

Kaila and Mark Gottschling

Holly (Ivanoff) ’96 and Matthew Graham

Jenny Greathouse

Tara Bradley and Phil Greenberg

Gerda and Dan Gregerson

Nicole and John Grenier

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser *

Lindsay and Tripp Griffin

Mary Holland (Rankin) ’03 and Tripp Griffin *

Michelle Griggs

Rick Griggs

Susan and Bill Grogan

Berry Bolt and Mike Guggenheimer

Sheeka and Alekh Gupta

Ramya Malisetty and Kiran Gurumurthy

Melissa and Trent Gustafson *

Marjorie and Zach ’02 Guy *

Amy and Marcos Haase

John Hackney

Birkiti Teklemariam and Okobe Hagos

Beth and Ryan Hahn

Kati and Patrick Hale

Carolyn (Sijthoff) ’98 and John Hallett *

Freya and Keith Hamilton *

Melissa and Grant Hamilton

Melissa and Eric Hampton

Minji Kim and Paul Han

Frances (Fennebresque) ’97 and John Hankins *

Deanie (Albright) ’83 and Ed Hanley

Lydia and David Hanna

Rachel and Justin ’01 Hannon

Jennie and Greg Harper

Anna (Dings) ’96 and Johno ’97 Harris

Ellen and Charlie Harris

Cassandra and Jamie ’92 Harris

Emily and David Harry

Julia and Matthew Hartley

Betsy and Patrick Hartman

Binaifer and Homiar Hathiram

Gen and Clark Hawgood

Sarah and Taylor Hayden

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Wendy and Gary Hecimovich *

Laura and Chris Helsabeck

Heather and Nance Hendley *

Kristin and Mike Hennessy

Bronie and Mark Henry *

Kate and Frank Henry

Lindsey and Andy ’98 Henson *

Katie and Karl Hermann

Mandy and Tim Hicks

Laurie and David Hidell

Missy (Erwin) Highsmith ’96

Ted Highsmith

Nikki Hill

Stacey and Steve Hitzemann

Michelle and Tim Hodgkins

Jill and Bryan Hoffman

Christine and Trevor Hoke

Joey Holder ’93

Dawn and Ben Holland

Kathryn and Eddie Holland

Mary and Jonathan Holland

Pender and John Hollmeyer

Joe and Jenna Hollmeyer

Whitney and Justin Holofchak

Rebecca and Michael Holt

Topher Gee and Kathleen Holtzman *

Greta and Rob Hord

Julie and James Horiuchi

Ellen and Matt Houpt

Elizabeth (DuBose) ’93 and Brad House *

Elise (Davis) ’05 and Mark Houston

Sabrina and Barry Howard *

Bike and Simon Howard

Cathy and Bob Howell

Lisa and Michael Howley

Kexin Zhao and Xuetao Thomas Hu

Kari Wimbish and Dan Huang

Chrissie and Scott Hughes

Kate Hughey *

Dawn Hull

Lauren and Nathan Hull

Page and Martin Hull *

Emily and Zach Hull

Deborah and Jerry Hullinger *

Leigh and Watts Humphrey

Kara and Graham Hunt

Katherine (Porter) ’00 and Lang Hunter *

Jane and Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Maria and Martin Hurden

Danielle and Ryan Hutcheson

Courtney and Bill Hyder

Katie (Miller) ’01 and Travis Iams *

Anne and Andrew Ighade

Ashley (Mott) ’02 and Sean Ilharramendy

Wizzie and Dan Irvin

Tori Irvine

58 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Beth (Cropper) ’02 and Mike ’02 Jackson

Anu and Jensen Jacob

Sarah and Ryan Jacobs

Nicole (Papadopulos) ’06 and Page Jacobson

Laura and Jeffrey Jansen

Deepika Ramamoorthi and Saideep Janyavula

Shirley and Marc Jarmosevich

Erika Jefferson

Courtney and Tyson Jeffus

Karla and Jody Jennings

Grace Ge and Henry Jiang

Carin Ross Johnson and Donnie Johnson

George Johnson

Jennifer and Lance Johnson

Kate and Steve Johnson

Kendall and Carroll Jones *

Chandra Jones

Becky and C.T. Jones

Kate and Robert Kadijevic

Yan Yu and Jack Kang

Camille and Robert Kanofsky *

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ’04 Kearney

Jason and Amy Keefer

Tanya and Greg Kellar

Heidi and Bill Kelley

Catherine Ruth and Alex Kelly

Katy and Tim Kelly *

Amy and Evan Kerr

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Eunice and Do Kim

Stephanie and Eugene Kim

Min Jung Song and Joo Ro Kim

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) ’04 and Jonathan ’02 Kirkland

Elizabeth and Jamie ’82 Kiser

Julie and Ross Klingman

Kellie and Aaron Koch

Laura and Erik Korkowski

Kristin and Reed Kracke

Christy and Brian Krasnigor

Missy and William Kutner

Stephanie (Wisinski) ’00 and Sean Ladley *

Tu Hoang and Michael Lam

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Catherine and Larry Langley

Beth and John ’96 Langston *

Jenny and Ben Lanzillotta

Catherine and Jeff LaPoint *

Della and Mike Lapuente

Laurie and Kevin Larsh

Kim and Tony Lashley

Jen and Chris Latta

Marion and Dave Laubach

Kelley and Greg Laughton

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Meghan and Justin Lay

Anne and Thomas ’86 Layton

Valarie Leach

Kate (Vandiver) ’00 and Josh ’00 Leary *

Kate and Jeff Lee *

Valerie Delby and Stacey Lee

Maggie and Mike Leffke

Elyse and Robert Lesley *

Ashleigh and John Levesque

Sharon and Chris Levy

Nicki and Sid Levy

Kelly and Charley ’94 Lew

Kristin and Allen Lewis *

Emily Cui and David Li

Erica Li

Jennifer Liddy

Morgan and Welch Liles

Kelly and Matt Lilly

Amanda and Scott Linch

Stacey and Chris Little

Molly Li and Shawn Liu

Tara and Matt Livingston *

Lauren (Bowman) ’98 and Jeff Llamas *

Callie and Will ’00 Lloyd

Holly and Michael Loeffler

Lourdes and Thomas Logan

Ghazal and Karim Lokas

Alicia Long *

Cristiane Fernandes Lopes and Alexandre Lopes

Sehnaz and Gene Lowe

Brooke and Doug ’93 Lowry

Brooks Lucas ’98 *

Chrissy (Hunter) ’04 and Andy Lucas

Beth and Charlie Lucas *

Susannah and David Lund

Brittany and Derek Luther

Amber and Phil Lynch *

Jennifer and Rollin Lynn

Sarah and Coleman Lyons

Susan and Steve Lyons

Jennifer and Eric ’01 Madara *

Tonya McLeod and Marcus Madison

Shelly and Alex Magno

Christine and Eric Malone

McCay and Kevin Manwaring

Tanya and John Marco

Paula and Adam Markin

Amy and Ryan Marsh

Lori and Andrew Martin

Jenny and Paul Martineck

Shauna and Dan Martinie

Julie and David Marx

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Kory Eubank and Jeff Mathis

Catherine and Eric Matthews

Yilei Zhang and David Mauer

John Mautone

Natalie and Todd May

Sloane and Bill Mayberry

Ginger and Judson McAdams *

Catherine and BJ McAndrews

Ellen and Jordan McCarley

Meredith and Craig McCarter

Chrissy and Neil McConaughy *

Anna and John McCoy

Alexandra and Tyler McCoy

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Christina and Warren McDonald

Emily and Max McEwen ’99

Tamara and Tino McFarland

Laura and Matt McGirt *

Amy Zinn and James McKinney *

Diane and Rob McLaughlin

Tara McLellan

Megan and Scott McLendon

Anna (Simpson) ’94 and Ed ’93 McMahan

Allison and Kevin McMahon

Susan and Chris McRae *

Stacy and Jason Mercer

Ellen and Michael ’83 Meyer *

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Jill and Rob Miles

Catherine and Hunter ’03 Miller *

Keva and Reco Miller

Ali and Todd Milligan

Janis (Watts) ’96 and Doug Mishoe *

Joy and Michael Misocky

Stacy and John Mitchell

Krista (Latham) ’98 and Reed Mockaitis

Deepthi Pavuluri and Ravi Modukuri

Laura and Coy Monk *

Sarah and Eric Moody

Kelly Crawford and John Moore

Lisa and Ted Moreland *

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Andi and Craig Morgan

Kimber and Trey Morgan

Katie and Kevin Morgan

Laura and TJ Morgan

Jen and Bruce ’86 Morrill

Caton and Charlie Morris

Morgan Morris

Jenny and Billy Morton

Jane and Justin Mosbo

Angela Tutovani and David Mosiashvili

Laura Mosman

Martine and D.J. Mosrie

Michelle and Scott Moulton

Lauren and Steve Mullett

Lauren and Dan Mulligan

Keller (Barnhardt) ’98 and Jim Mulligan

Megan (Lew) Myers ’96

Amanda and Jeff Nadeau

Niyati Nathwani and Abhijeet Nadkarni *

Julie and John Nale

Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz

Lisa and Doug Neely

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Allison and Rudy Nemeth

Johanna and Randy Newman

Devon (Chandler) ’00 and Sean Newton

Dao and Thang Nguyen

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Molly and Thomas Nielsen

Amy and Dave Niles

Missy and Heath Norman

Trudi and Gray Norris

Meredith (Kempert) ’98 and Daniel ’97 Nunn

Uma and James O’Brien

Kelley and Michael O’Callaghan

Kristy and Sean O’Connell

Rita Osei-Obeng and Francis Obeng

Oby Ogbata

Eydie and Blake Okland *

Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver

Harriet and Rick Ollman

Sara and Preston Onstad *

Sarah and Matt Orlousky

2022–23 Gratitude Report 59

Anne and David Oster *

Elizabeth (Murphy) ’01 and Brett Owen

Daisy and David Paige

Rachel and Steve Pangalos

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Chelsea and Hyon Park

Christy and Jason Parker

Sejal and Kunal Patel

Ann Patterson

Christine and Jay Patti

Beth (Anderson) ’89 and Steve Pence

Ann Stewart and Pearson Pendergrass

Cara and Luke Peters

Swapna and Gautam Phadke

Amber and Chris Phelps

Melanie and Dana Piasecki

Meredith and Geordie Pierson

Maria and Nick Pirro

Joanna Lindenbaum and Jon Polsky

Foli and Rich Pontillo

Rebecca Jane (Reigel) ’04 and Rob Ponton

Haley and Scott Poole

India and Brian Pope

Theckla and Beale Pope

Allison and Ryan Popp

Leigh and Philip Porcher

Mary Margaret and Fritz Porter *

Krista Porter

Tanya and Andre Powell

Hashini and Brad Precht

Kasey and Stuart ’93 Proffitt

Jennifer and Matt Provencher

Jenny and Brian Purcell

Neely and Jack Purcell

Kathryn and Hunter Purdom

Sajeev and Lori Anne Puri

Lauren and Dan Putman

Camille Walters and Tim Puyleart

Carrie and Stowe Query

Agnes and Thomas Ragsdale

Cathy and Justin Ramey

Enid and Steve Randall *

Krista (Gasbarro) ’98 and Mason ’98 Rankin *

Beth and Matthew ’01 Rankin

Jyoti and Santosh ’94 Rao

Jasper ’80 and Mary Katherine Ratterree

Jackie and Nick ’06 Ray

Millie and McCord ’02 Rayburn *

Delanie Reavis-Bey

Carolyn and Rob Rechkemmer

Molly and David Reed

Brendan Reichs

Emily Reichs

Anna (Litaker) ’90 and Ryan Reimers *

Julie and Matthew Rhule

Emily and Brian Richards ’96

Chrys and Ches Riley

Stephanie and Mark Rindner

Kate and Anthony Ring

Kelley (Gately) ’98 and Daniel Ripp

Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson Rives

Aline and Keith Robelen

Brenda and Chris Roberts

Laura and Jake Roberts

Lauren and Houston ’92 Roberts

April and Tim Robertson

Barbara and Christian Robinson

Janet (Miller) ’84 and Todd Rogers

Rina Roginsky

Heather and David Romero

Kathleen Ronek

Sally and Matthew Roper

Zach Rorabaugh

Robyn and Todd Rosenthal

Jennifer and Jack Ross

Emily and Luke Rosser

Vernette and Reggie Rucker *

Jen and Hector Ruiz de Vinaspre

Elizabeth Dunbar and John Rush

Erin and Drew ’94 Rutherford

Jackie (Roche) ’04 and Steve Ryder *

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Barbara Pereira Rico and Carlos Sagasta

Aparna and Rabindra Sagunarthy

Kim and Matt Salsbury

Amanda and Neil Salvage

Lori and Nader Samii

Laura and David Sammons

Jay Raghavan and Mahesh Santhanam

Grace and John Saydlowski

Blair and Luke Scheuer

Simpson and Allan Schmitt

Katherine and Mitchell Schorr

Amanda and David Schrum

Ina and Andy Schuner

Gregory ’08 and Shelley Schuster

Stephanie and Beau ’02 Schwab

Marcy and Peter Schwindt *

Kathleen and Anthony Sciacca

Jarrell and Graham Seagraves

Shea and Chris Seaman

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Whitney and Daniel Seeburg

Jackie and Mike ’87 Selle

Jessie and Daniel Sellner *

Kindra and Vipul Shah

Maggie and Casey Shamblin *

Tracy Li and Pezhman Shams

Winnie Hua and Tony Shan

Veena and Shan Shanmuganathan

Cat and Brian Shaw

Heather (Massengale) ’95 and Ashley Shaw

Jenna and Jake Shaw

Hobby and John Sherman

Jolie and Brian Short *

Jessica and Derek Shoup

Jing Tang and Jiang Shu

Liz and Dave Shuford

Mary (Rogers) ’86 and Sam ’86 Shumate

Emily and Blair ’02 Shwedo *

Sara and Jamie Shyer

Catinna and Harry Sideris

Nicole and Eric Sidman

Margaret and Carter Siegel *

Melissa and Dan Siever

Ashley (Moody) ’01 and Lee ’01 Sigmon

Betsy and Bill ’84 Simerville *

Danele and Rufus Simmons

Hope (Davis) ’08 and Spyros Skouras

Katie (Ivanoff) ’93 and Eric Smith *

Lucy and Tony Smith *

Erin and Michael Smith *

Mason and Michael ’89 Smith

Adam and Cheryl Smith

Tim Snead

Kate and Jeff Snoots *

Brooke (Shantz-White) ’97 and Josh Spangler

Kristi and Eric Speckman

Anita Wu and James Spicer *

Karen and Jason Spiegler

Ambika and Jeffrey Spinazzola

Wendy and David Staffieri

Caroline and Petar Stamatovich

Eleanor (Nichols) ’98 and Stephen ’98 Starner *

David ’82 and Caroline Stedman

Lori Sternola

Kristin and Andrew Stinson

Grace Leung Stockdale and Nick Stockdale

Carolyn and Dan Stone

Sara Best and Wes Strickland

Christine and Jason Strife

Erin and John Stubbs

Mary Katherine and Taylor Stukes

Whitney and Andy Sturge

Michele and Paul Sullivan

Nicole and Kevin Sunday

Vivian and Pete Sung

Jennifer and Josh Surowitz

Holly and Brian Swartz

Kendria and Cliff ’85 Sweet *

Dana and Ted Swimmer

Amy Brindley and Geof Takacs

Jamie and Brian Tallent

Ping Meng and William Tang

Liz and Jeff Tarumianz

Caroline and Josh Tayloe

Bri Agatep and David Taylor

Mary and Edward Taylor

Lindsay and Evan ’04 Taylor

Wendy and Ben Teal

Emily and John Teddy

Avery and Will Teichman *

Sofanit Nerie and Netsanet Tessema

Peggy (Kane) ’96 and Charles ’90 Thies *

Lisa and David Thompson

Alessia and Richard Thompson

Brooke (LoFaso) ’00 and Scott Thorne

Michelle and Wayne Thornhill

Kalyani Pulleti and Veera Thota

Tama and Warren Thune

Tina He and Yingming Tian

Whitney and Andrew Tindel

Adele Deaton and Kevin Trogdon

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena

Stephanie and Chris Troutman

Blair and Andrew Tucker

Kristina and Paul Tucker

Jane and Trey Tune

Meredith and John Tye *

Lauren and Brian Ulrey

60 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Scott Upton

Jenny (Austen) ’95 and Henry Urbain

Marnelle and Jaco Uys

Jessica and Brandon Valentine

Kathryn (Barnhardt) ’91 and Nik Van Nort ♦

Noelle and Jeff Vandiver ♦

Ashley and Derek VanHoose

Karen and Rob Vaughn

Whitney and Brad Vineyard

Elissa and Joseph Vona

Cameron (Hall) ’90 and Shane Wagner

Katie and Johnson Wagner

Maggie and T.J. Wagner

Jessica and Craig Walker

Ashley and John Patrick Walsh

Kristi and Jerry Walters

Meg and Matt Walters

Iris Dou and Derek Wang

Alexa and Scott Warner

Jeff Warren

Julie Warren

Adri and Will Warrick *

Wendy and Chris Wasko

Beth and Brian Weaver

Amy and Bill Weaver

Danielle and Daniel Webb

Sara and Ryan Weiers

Allison and Al Welch

Rachel and Wrenn Wells

Myra Wenninger

Erin and Bryan White

Ashleigh and Kevin White *

Cameron and Thomas White

Jordan (Mackie) ’01 and Wyman Whitesides

Leslie and Mitchell ’87 Wickham

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

Sarah and Patrick Wilde

Jessica and Laurens ’00 Willard

Tanya and Glenn Willett

Katie and Drew Williams

Catherine and Keith Williams *

Crystal and Joseph Williams

Lindsey and Ted Williams

Kelly and Cory Willis *

Anne and Ira Wilson

Susan (Brown) ’98 and Jeff Wolfe

Mary and Kent Wolff

Amanda and Duncan Wood

Janet and James Woodward

Gracy and Scott Wooster *

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Jen and Lee Wouters

Jennie and Holt ’97 Wrenn

Jacki and Andy Wright

Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt *

Sally and James Wyche

Marshall and Bryan Wyker

Olivia Sun and Andy Yang *

Catherine Li and Frank Yang

Jing Ai and Gang Yang

Xiaomei Chen and Limin Yang

Quyen Chu and Tom Yee

Michelle and Greg Yin

Allison and Michael York

Leigh and Ryan Young

Chanjuan Lu and Li Yu

Jen and Will Yu

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Isabelle Guo and Arthur Zhao

Cindy Dong and David Zheng

Nicole Zhu and Kevin Zhou

Sophia Yue and Stephen Zhou

Hellen Cao and Wanxin Zhou

Nadya Klinetob and Mike Zottoli

Rae and Jeremy Zupp


Hawks fly high when we fly together, and this year, 23% of Latin’s alumni participated in the Latin Fund with their generous support. We are grateful for a vibrant alumni community that chooses to show its one blue love each year for Latin.

Class of 1975

11% Participation

Gary Anderson ♦

Doug Ausbon *

Sandy Lourie

Donna (Hubbard) Nicholson

Class of 1976

14% Participation

Miriam Andrews

Kaki (Johnson) Behr *

Elaine (Summerville) Kelley *

John McAlister

Beth (Goode) Reigel

Lorri (Reid) Tomlin

Class of 1977

33% Participation

Linda (Dulin) Cagley *

Carol (Lomax) Fortenberry

Mark Fuller

Ken Gwynn

Beth (Francis) Hood

Chris (Skinner) Kirkland

Harold Latta

Howard Levine *

Beth (Schofield) Miller

Megan (Hoey) Mitchell

John Mitchener

Pender Murphy

Paul Rutter ♦

Dave Sheridan

Susan (Fitzgibbon) Shumaker

Anne (Marshal)l Sykes

Class of 1978

20% Participation

Brian Gibson

Fred Griffith

Robin (Waters) Griffith *

Jeannie (Moore) Hern

Kathy (Ibach) Horvath

Bob Lucas *

Alex McAlister

Compie Newman

Beth Poole *

Trey Thies

Charles Wickham

Class of 1979

12% Participation

Buck Bryant

Carter (Fox) Eagle

Virginia (Smith) Ellison *

John Grigg

Dennis Kokenes *

John Stedman

Craig Summerville *

Deryl Warner

Class of 1980

13% Participation

Angus McBryde

Elizabeth (Medearis) Myers *

Sarah (Finklea) Pennacchia

Jason Ratterree

Ashley (Evans) Stewart

Nancy (Lea) Williams ♦

2022–23 Gratitude Report 61

Class of 1981

14% Participation

Ann (Thompson) Brock *

Jef Cox

Dan Litaker

Jane (Elliott) Murphy

Annie (Gray) Roberts

Eric Sheridan

Tom Westbrook

Class of 1982

22% Participation

Rob Blackmon

Bill Bowen *

Mariah Currin

Susan (Michaux) Dalton

Kathy (Evans) Dockery

Kelly (Beck) Haseley *

Suzy (Minor) Johnson *

Jamie Kiser

Tasse (Alexander) Little

J. P. McBryde

Suzanne (Little) Robards *

Sally (Gray) Smith ♦

David Snider

Chipper Stanley

David Stedman

Allen Tate

Ray Workman

Melissa (Beard) Workman

Class of 1983

11% Participation

Deanie (Albright) Hanley

Lynda (Sydnor) Hunley

Michael Meyer *

Michael Newman

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ♦

John Patten ♦

Class of 1984

6% Participation

Bob Boyd

Jennifer (Keown) Mirgorod

Janet (Miller) Rogers

Bill Simerville *

Class of 1985

13% Participation

Fiz (Anderson) Craig

Blair (Carriker) Donald

Richard Fletcher *

Paisley Gordon *

Libby (Tate) Gordon *

Kenna (Cloninger) Jordan *

Blair (Tyler) Peters

Cliff Sweet *

Class of 1986

21% Participation

Winn (Rollins) Elliott

Chad Grier

Michael Hinshaw

Tommy Hunter *

Thomas Layton

J.B. Meanor ♦

Nicole (Ewing) Meanor ♦

Bruce Morrill

Leigh (Luter) Schell

Mary (Rogers) Shumate

Sam Shumate

Gib Smith

Marty Viser

Class of 1987

21% Participation

Joe Andrews

Andy Clark *

Laura (Austin) Clark *

Elliott Crutchfield *

Janet (Brown) Fisher *

Winn Fuller

David Hall

Cathy (Fletcher) Himan

Syd (Geissinger) Lubkin

Tommy Marshall

Julie (Barnes) Nofsinger

Michael Selle

Kim Seymour

Mitchell Wickham

Hannah Zoutewelle

Class of 1988

13% Participation

Brian Anderson *

Michael Cigler *

Carl Fisher *

Scott Fitzgerald

Debbie (McMahan) Frail *

Derek Painter

Brandon Sharrett

Bobbie (Ewing) Sharrett *

Randy Snyder

Rich Vinroot

Class of 1989

17% Participation

Chris Berger *

Heidi (Layton) Berger *

Grey (Timberlake) Brownlow *

Deb (Locke) Denny

Kim (Couch) Hanson *

Greg Hinrichs ♦

Steven Hinshaw

Tricia (Hunter) Magher

Eric Nichols

Beth (Anderson) Pence

Thad Sharrett *

Michael Smith

Jay Thomas

Class of 1990

16% Participation

Robbie Brownlow

Dave Johnson

Denny (Smith) O’Leary *

Anna (Litaker) Reimers *

Charles Thies *

Meredith (McLeod) Van Ryder

Cameron (Hall) Wagner

Robyn Withrow

Class of 1991

9% Participation

Elizabeth Barnhardt

Candy (Everett) Bing

Amy (Sproull) Brittain

Justin Brittain

Alexa (Klimas) Corcoran

Katherine Lambert

Kathryn (Barnhardt) Van Nort ♦

Class of 1992

14% Participation

Eryn Alpert

Amy (Fennebresque)


Robert Durden *

Jamie Harris

Boyd Holland

Brian Moore

Houston Roberts

Amy (Hawfield) Watson

Class of 1993

27% Participation

Katie (Browne) Beam

Keith Brunnemer

John Cattie

Shirley (Anderson) Cook *

Currie Gilbert

Bobby Green

Joey Holder

Elizabeth (DuBose) House *

Brad Huffstetler

John Linker *

Doug Lowry

Bryan McLean

Ed McMahan

Woody (Chapman) Oakey

Stuart Proffitt

Katie (Ivanoff) Smith

Sidney (Povall) Uderani

McNeill Wester

Class of 1994

37% Participation

Catherine (Kendrick) Allen

Jud Allen

Kara (Gooding) Allen

Amber (Ankers) Almond *

Jay Barnhardt

Kelley (Dickerson) Barnhardt

Josh Beaver

Byron Burns *

Laura (Roberts) Callari

Dan Conway

Jennifer Coots

Mark Crockett

Katherine (Dickson) Crockett

Rob Docherty

Wendy Docherty

Chuck Edwards *

Jason Green

Brandon Grier

Charley Lew

Matt McGirt *

Anna (Simpson) McMahan

Chase Metheney

Santosh Rao

Drew Rutherford

Hayes Swinney

Forest Wester

62 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Class of 1995

21% Participation

Brian Babcock

Marshall Brenizer

Kendall (Booe) Burgess

Jeff Case

Kate Clark

Lowell (Rayburn) Combs

Sam Dengler

Rob Howard

Reid Lerner

Catherine (Justice) Luckadoo

Mac McBryde

Megan (Kempert) Morrow

Andrew Nesbitt

Andi (Lonon) O’Bryan

Douglas O’Bryan

Heather (Massengale) Shaw

Jenny (Austen) Urbain

Class of 1996

22% Participation

Katie Archer

David Chanon

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi

Holly (Ivanoff) Graham

Anna (Dings) Harris

Missy (Erwin) Highsmith

John Langston *

Ken Leonczyk

Janis (Watts) Mishoe *

Megan (Lew) Myers

Brian Richards

Josh Smith

Peggy (Kane) Thies *

Eileen (Conway) Turner

Class of 1997

25% Participation

Rachael (Lewis) Anna

Justin Babcock

Liz (Fahl) Benz

Sallie (Dickson) Caddell

Eli Collins

Jason Cowley

Leslie (Edwards) de Oliveira

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins *

Johno Harris

Jennie (Owen) Livingstone

Winston (Irwin) Marosek

Daniel Nunn

Tonya Phifer

Dave Powell

Carter Robinson

Ann (Burns) Schwartz

Meghan (Booe) Solomon

Brooke (Shantz-White) Spangler

Holt Wrenn

Class of 1998

37% Participation

Meg (Stokes) Alden

Hunter (Willard) Arton *

Will Clegg

Talia (Caligiuri) Fann *

Carolyn (Sijthoff) Hallett *

Jonte Harrell

Pearce Hayes

Andy Henson *

Lauren (Kempert) Jenkins

Liz (Breyer) Johnson

J.J. King

Lauren (Bowman) Llamas *

Katie (Scruggs) Logan

Brooks Lucas *

Lauren (Sealey) Medsker

Krista (Latham) Mockaitis

Keller (Barnhardt) Mulligan

Ryan Newth

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn

Mason Rankin *

Krista (Gasbarro) Rankin *

Trey Rayburn

Kelley (Gately) Ripp

Lori (Voci) Sohm

Eleanor (Nichols) Starner *

Stephen Starner *

Matthew Stiegel

Brian Storm

John Swinney

Martin Wilkins

Susan (Brown) Wolfe

Class of 1999

25% Participation

Cary (Dunlap) Brege

Matt Chapman *

Regan (White) Craig

Rebecca Davenport

David DeLaney

Brooke (Smith) Dubiel

Charlie Earp

Chris Ekstrom

Mary Beth (Fay) Foster

Lauren Gardner

George Greenoe

Max McEwen

Meredith Niess

Jonathan Philpot

Laura (Van Dyke) Pitale

Brad Porterfield

Kate Scanlon

Siri (Smith) Thomas

Grimes Thomas

Chris Totherow

Chris Turner

Amy Voci

“Through the Inlustrate Orbem awards, it is clear alumni value Latin and what Latin gives to the community and its students. They are willing to invest in teachers and students they maybe don’t know because they know how special Latin is. They’re investing—maybe even on faith—in the fact that the Core Values of Latin live on. I hope our current students will view it similarly and continue to give in the future.”

2022–23 Gratitude Report 63
–Tracey Vanneste, Upper School Dean of Students, and Inlustrate Orbem award recipient

Class of 2000

53% Participation

Tara (Huber) Adams *

Lindsey Austen

Lisa (Moore) Baden

John Bethune

Michelle Breyer *

Matt Cloud

Zac Corbin

Michael Cropper

Jan Scott (Swetenburg) Farmer *

Carlton Fleming

Marshall (Long) Fuzzell

Mary (Dickson) Gorman *

Jaime (Uva) Holt

Will Holt

Katherine (Porter) Hunter *

Guido Jaramillo-Blum

Reagan Kenwell *

Owen Koch

Stephanie (Wisinski) Ladley *

Josh Leary *

Kate (Vandiver) Leary *

Skip Livingston

Will Lloyd

Paul Manos

Leona (Carlson) Mizer

Lindsay (Sanders) Murthy

Devon (Chandler) Newton

Gladden Pappin *

Anne (Hanley) Puckett

Neel Shah

Brian Smith

Selin Soyak

Nichelle (Wynn) Sublett

Angie (Jones) Sweeney

Emily (Whalen) Thomas

Brooke (LoFaso) Thorne

Zack Whittington

Carl Wilk

Laurens Willard

Jenelle Williams

Sarah (Wrenn) Donelan

Class of 2001

35% Participation

Brick Bryant

Will Chapman *

Charlie Clarke

Dave Clegg

Erin (Hickey) Clegg

Lauren (Guy) Davenport

Brandon DeCurtins

Matthew Derham

Peyton Gallagher

Reed Gaskin

Anna (Stiegel) Glass *

Justin Hannon

Stephanie Hannon

Katie (Miller) Iams *

Eric Madara *

Marie Morgann

Julia (Gilbert) Murray

David Nunn

Elizabeth (Murphy) Owen

Thomas Porter

Matthew Rankin

Andrew Schaeffer

Ashley (Moody) Sigmon

Lee Sigmon

Mike Stein

J.P. Tsahakis

Jordan (Mackie) Whitesides

Class of 2002

49% Participation

Natalie Antonov

Nicki Applefield

Martha (Dunlap) Bader

Meg (Rutledge) Beal

Adam Beedenbender

Will Bowman

Brandon Chin

Jeff Cincotta

Robbie Clarke

Tripp Cockerham

Jenny (Atlas) Cook

Meredith (Parnell) Daniels

Jimmy Dashner

Zack DeFilipp

Frances (Turner) Deller

Audrey (Brown) Dickison

Reid Duff

Billy Fennebresque

Allison Fitzpatrick

Zach Guy *

Adnan Hadzikadic

Jordan Harris

Laura Hibberd

Katie Hunter

Ashley (Mott) Ilharramendy

Beth (Cropper) Jackson

Mike Jackson

Hanako Kawabata

Jonathan Kirkland

Jennifer (Andresen) Lamba

Eric Pedersen

McCord Rayburn *

Patrick Rivenbark *

Mitch Rose

Beau Schwab

Blair Shwedo *

Jonathan Simmons

Alec Smith

Biniam Tekola

Lauren (Fastje) Thomas

Sterling Thomas

Kevin Troxell

Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt *

64 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll
is awarded each year to the class with the highest participation in the Latin Fund. For the second year, the Class of 2000 takes hold of the Collins Cup, with 53% of the class making a gift to the Latin Fund. Followed By: Class of 2002 49% Class of 2010 48% Class of 2003 44% Class of 2005 39%
The Collins Cup

Class of 2003

44% Participation

Erin (Beatty) Baker

Brooke Baragona

Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Boone

Amy Buchanan

Mickey Cloud

Lauren (Fiume) Derrenbacher

Kristen (Brown) Ducey

Kevin Ehmann

Pat Finn *

Brandon Gabosch

Joshua Goodman

Mary Holland (Rankin) Griffin *

Lindsay (Smith) Gustave

Breck Henson

Charles Hodges

Stuart Jones

Steve Kaliski

Keri (White) Kuperman

Katherine (Zuger) Ladd

Manoj Lamba

Caitlin (Taylor) Lapeyre *

Jarrett Lewis

Bette (Sumrell) Mann

Ellen (Kane) Mark

Sterling Masters-Deeney

Scott McAdams

Matt McAdams

Hunter Miller *

Katie Moody

Michael Owens

Harriet Pharr

Will Potts

Clay Sealey

Ben Steenrod

Kim (Limentani) Strickland

Virginia (Barnhardt) Sutton

Harris Swindell

Clement Teden

Kenny Thompson

Nick Tsahakis

Class of 2004

32% Participation

Cristina Atencio

Theresa Campobasso

Stephanie (Player) Dillon

Tim Ducey

Sarah Ewald

Kolbe Franklin

Tyler Gately

Lizz (Clegg) Gregg *

Fletcher Gregory

Lizzie Hibberd

Elizabeth (Doughton) Hodges

Stephanie (Atlas) Hukill

Ryan Kearney

Connor Kilkenny

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) Kirkland

Chrissy (Hunter) Lucas

Mac Mackie

Palmer McArthur

William McEachern *

Kathleen (McDowell) Nowicke

Michael Nunn

Rebecca Jane (Reigel) Ponton

Jay Register

Jackie (Roche) Ryder *

Mary (Griffin) Schaeffer

Harrison Strowd

Evan Taylor

Katy Townell

Class of 2005

39% Participation

Kate Anderson

Lindsay Anderson

Matt Andolino

Anna (Leary) Beedenbender

Jeff Benjamin

James Bishop

Patrick Boruta

Caroline (Buchan) Dalton

Eddie Dalton

Sam DeFilipp

Patrick Fitzpatrick *

James Gallagher

Blair Henson

Shannon (Kehl) Hilton

William Hodges

Elise (Davis) Houston

Drew Hubbard

Reid Hubbard

Stacey (Thompson) King

Tyler Malek *

Ashley (Sassano) McEachern *

Mark Paschal

David Pharr

Whitney Player

Eric Ramirez

Meredith (Trusty) Riggins

Stephen Robison

Teddy Schwab

Brad Starbuck

Lauren (Gabosch) Starbuck

Paul Stroup

Dewey Teden

James Tsahakis

Tally (Sharma) Venjohn

Class of 2006

30% Participation

Faisal Akar

Laura (Hallett) Anderson

Mitchell Anderson

Allison Blake

Ashley (Sigmon) Brown

Macon Carroll

Christa (Holt) Clark

Jenna DeCarlo

Wills Denton

Jennifer (Majors) Ethridge

Madison (McDermott) Frank

Van Gambrell

Kathryn (Van Dyke) Handy

Blake Hankins

Lindsey Hills

Ashlee Hoilett

Jamie (Esposito) Hubbard

Nikki (Papadopulos) Jacobson

Mary Scott Kennedy

Lindsey Metzger

Rome Perlman

Nick Ray

Iris Redwood-Sawyerr

Lauren (Simonini) Richardson

Brian Schuster

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer

Evan Stiegel

Lauren Summerville

Dylan Webb

Paige Wilcox

Jonathon Wylie

Class of 2007

29% Participation

Ryan Almquist

Mark Barber

Levi DeFilipp

Mason Ellerbe

Ehimere Etomi

Alex Fuller

Brent (Price) Gallagher

Graham Gallagher

Sydnor Gammon *

Meryl Golder

Sean Kerrigan

Randall Masters

Graham Miller

Patterson (Maker) Miller

Sarah Owens

Michael Parks *

David Paschal

Cowden Rayburn

Scot Robison

Jim Roche

Molly (McCrory) Schultz *

Annelise Shelton *

Kari Smith

Becca (McAdams) Smith

Sam Teden

Class of 2008

28% Participation

Louise Hindal Acer *

Cameron Ball

Hilary Barr

Bella Bellitto

Jasmine (Isley) Betts

Logan Blough

Lisa (Atlas) Candon

Havlin Crittendon

Max Hagler

Cameron (Burdick) Hutchinson

Larsen Jones

Betsy Klein

David Malton

Rob McAlister *

Peter McDowell

Greg Mittl

Malai (Walker) Moorman

Claire (Litaker) Patterson

Kathleen Powers *

James Proffitt

Will Reigel

Greg Schuster

Hope (Davis) Skouras

Victoria Strayhorn

Amy (Masters) Summers

Scotty Thompson

Jaime Todd

Sara Whelchel

Trevor Wynn

2022–23 Gratitude Report 65

Class of 2009

27% Participation

Annie Booke

Collin Breeney

Meggie Breeney

Blair (Williams) Bruckmann

Emily Bryant

Denise (Dubick) Clark

Miriam DeFilipp

Andrew Gibson

Jackson Henson

Emily (Zuehlke) Heuser *

Laura Hicks

Kevin Jamison

Morgan (Holt) Johnson

Nellie Mark

Jenny (Roche) Madigan

Liza (Price) McNair

Andy Metzger

Murrill Oakes *

David Pearson

Roddey Player

Ali Portaro

Anita (Griffin) Postal

Alexandra (Skipper) White

Paul Taylor

Catie (Faison) Van Loon

Class of 2010

48% Participation

Maggie Achey

Thomas Ashcraft

Davis Austin *

Chase Carbone

Blair Carson

Cari (Breeney) Croom

Reid DeCarlo

Kristin (Horton) Edwards

Sarah Ellison

Liza Fortenberry

Betsy Gammon

Effe (Ghartey-Tagoe) Gibson

Preston Griffith

Megan Harley

Becky (Green) High

Coley (Collett) Hull

Anne Christian (Jones) Brown

Robert Jones *

Lacy (McAlister) King

Rachel Kokenes

Hobbs Maker

McKay (Kirkland) Mansmann

Caroline McEachern

Will McGinnis

Sam Myers

Will O’Brien

Tom Page

Paul Paschal

Caroline Rand

Marshall Rand

Virginia (McGarry) Sauer

Catherine Schepp

Nick Sella

Katie Sheild

Ian Shorkey

Caleb Steen

Cameron (Johnson) Strubinger

Mary Kate (McAlister) Sykes

Marshall Sykes

Will Tome

Michael Tomlin

Georgia Walker

Caroline Waters

Caroline (Gill) Waters

Samantha Wedding

Bess (Asimos) Whitmore

Brooks Whitmore

Katherine Williams

Alex Wilson

McCallie (Jones) Winstead

Class of 2011

28% Participation

Elizabeth Carlson

Morgan Carnes

Delaney Dalton

Alec Dragelin

Jackson Evans

Tucker Fogg

Maggie Gardner *

Claire Gibson

Noland Griffith

Ashley Hall

Mary Padgett Hawkins

Caroline Hicks *

Sophie Hilliard-Arce

Marshall Jackson

Eliza Karp

Ann Louise (Seaton) Keeley

Conor Keeley

Alex Kern

Zach Kern

Tommy Litaker

Scott McGinnis

Robert Miller

Katherine Peters

Kameron Spence

Sam Spence

Anda Totoreanu

Preston Turk

Class of 2012

24% Participation

Garland (Austin) Almquist

Will Almquist

Tyler (Cooney) Armstrong

Will Armstrong

Roman Berens

Marshall Burlingame

Kathryn (Watts) Burlingame

Ryan Carter

Fitz Ellerbe

Grayson Foster

Aseda Ghartey-Tagoe *

Jon Gilmartin

Dan Glaser-Reich

Chris Jones *

Ashley (Wannamaker) Jordi

Brandon Jordi

Mia Kane

Callie (Kennedy) Lillie

Brian Mittl

John O’Keefe

Harris Oates

Amma Okwara

Drew Papadopulos

Isabel Steen

Liza (Robinson) Williams

Hadley Wilson

Class of 2013

21% Participation

Lucy (Brock) Loose

Eve Davis

Ashley Finke

Sarah Harrell

Emily Johnson

Chandler (Dalton) Kasay

Steven Kasay

Rory Keeley

John Lamm

Mary Lewis

Walter Lovejoy

Elli (Morrison) McAdams

Michael Metzger

Jacob Nabatoff

Chris Paschal

Emma Price

Garrett Robards *

Cape Rowan

Mary Lauren Shea

Allen Tate

James Thorp

Sam Traxler

Jordan Williams

Andrew Zuehlke *

Class of 2014

23% Participation

Carter Anderson

Caroline Atwell

Elizabeth Aucamp

Elizabeth Beecy

Tricia Belk

Alison Bonner

Casey Bowen

Hank Ellison

Elizabeth Feld

Gracie Ghartey-Tagoe

Caroline Henley

Liz Kingsley

Lea Kokenes

Mason LeDonne

Katie McDowell

Mary Coley McMillan

Tricia Murphy

West Osborn

John Robinson

Caroline Seaton

Carter Sheridan

Griffin Smith

Margot Sprow

Mary Page Welch

Christian White

Julian White

Jack Zollicoffer

Class of 2015

27% Participation

Grayce Anderson

Audrey Beaussart

Sam Black

Gus Bowen

Catherine Carlson

Scott Chappell

Catherine A. Crigler

Bentley Dalton

Hope Dragelin

Leila Evans

Ryan Gardner

Joth Gass

Emily Herron

Avery Horvath

Anna Jones

Daniel Jones

66 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Nancy Jones

Jay Kane

Austin Lancaster

Dannie Litaker

Alex Massardo

Carrie Mittl

Jackson Monnin

Sebastian Nabatoff

John Oates

Caroline Peters

Gray Smith

Matthew Swimmer

Caroline Targgart

Marcus Tayloe

Nick Verderame

Timothy Vorhoff

Adam Watts

Class of 2016

21% Participation

James Atwell

Julia Cantalupo

Jennifer Chappell

Eric Davis

Brendan Downing

Andrew Fish

Melanie Gamble

Tyler Henry

Abby Hinrichs

Duncan Keeley

Caroline Klein

James Layton

Emma Lee

Andrew Maxwell

E.C. Myers

Jack Ratterree

Addie Robards

Wilson Salisbury

Ben Scott

Hunter Sheridan

Eleanor Smith

Gabrielle Smith

Raymon Wang

Taylor Woollen

Class of 2017

12% Participation

David Baynard

Andrew Calton

Michelle Charles

Mac Craig

Corbett Foster

Will Gardner

Jonathon Harriss

Hayden Hunley

Elizabeth Lancaster

James McLelland

Michael Smith

Bella White

Tory Wilkison

Class of 2018

12% Participation

Chase Crews

Connor Downing

Ashley Foley

Mary Griggs

Thomas Layton

Joshua Manuel

Mary Elliott McCabe

Catie Meanor

Cecelia Monnin

Eloise Monnin

Wyatt Nabatoff

Ellie Norman

Annabelle Oates

Molly Wilkinson

Class of 2019

10% Participation

Jimmie Anderson

Will Anderson

John Beecy

Carter Bell

Amy Dragelin

Kevens Grammont

Anna Catherine Henley

Tripp Hughes

Emma Martin

Smith O’Leary

Rob Schleusner

Meredith Scott

Rhea Shetty

Class of 2020

7% Participation

Ryan Bonner

Andrew DeWeese

Taylor Henry

Ana Kenefick

Sara Kenefick

Lauren Langley

Jakob Lucas

J.B. Meanor

Christopher Oster

Class of 2021

6% Participation

Bella Baldecchi

Katie Chai

Callie Gargagliano

Marshall Hanson

Ryan Hirsch

William McCabe

Jackson Morgan

Class of 2022

6% Participation

Ben Anderson

Ryan Beam

Olivia Halperin

Harrison Klingman

Ella Livingston

Kate McCracken

Christopher O’Leary

Abbigail Snyder

2022–23 Gratitude Report 67

Parents of Alumni

Our Parents of Alumni community helps to ensure today’s Hawks receive the same exceptional experience their children received during their time at Latin. We are grateful for this special community of parents.

Anonymous (5)

Rose Mary and Herb Achey

Shannon and Mike Acks *

Tracey and Josh Adams

Katherine and Scott Addison

Val and Steve Ahearn

Nilma and Samir Amin

Gary Anderson ’75 ♦

Betty and Perrin Anderson

Patti and Andy Anderson

Betty and Don Anderson

Mary and Brian ’88 Anderson *

Camille and Obi Anyafo

Stephanie and Charles Arbuckle

Catherine and Jeff Armstrong

Marsha and Mark Ashcraft *

Jean and John Asinger *

Nancy and Alan Atwell

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

John Barlow

Eleanor and Alan Barnhardt

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Katie (Browne) ’93 and John Beam

Soraya Toosi and Alan Becker *

Irm and Ross Bellavia

Shirley Benfield

Melissa Berens

Heidi (Layton) ’89 and Chris ’89 Berger *

Bleema and William Bershad

Ellen and Jim Bickett

Candy (Everett) ’91 and Darren Bing

Nancy and David Blough

Heather and Sean Bonner

Beth and Bill ’82 Bowen *

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Brandon Boyd

Maurya and Bob ’84 Boyd

Lauren and Wil Brawley

Carla and John Bridges

Ann (Thompson) Brock ’81 *

Andi and Dave Brown

Grey (Timberlake) ’89 and Robbie ’90 Brownlow *

Holly and Harry Bryant

Sheryl and Brian Bucci

Amy (Fennebresque) ’92 and Baker Burleson

Janel and Charles Burrell

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Janie and Jean Chai

Janice and Scott Chappell

Cynthia Nortey and William Charles

Antoinette Tan and Ken Chen

Kathy and Tom Clapp

Woody and Jerry Clark

Laurie Carter and John Clark

Veronica and Bill Clark

Nan and Hal Clarke

Karla and Justin Claytor *

Amy and Phil Colaco

Ginny and John Collett ♦

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Tasha and Doug Cooper

Meredith Quimby and Kevin Coppage *

Karen and Jim Cotchett *

Katharine and Mike Cowan

Jo and William Cowan

Fiz (Anderson) ’85 and David Craig *

Stacy and Tim Creamer

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Leeda Currin

Alexa and Ernie Cutter

Whitney and Kevin D’Allaird

Michele and Paolo Dal Cin

Liz and Brian Dannemann *

Brenda and C.P. Davis

Jean Davis and Bob Metzger *

Lee Ann and Steve DeCarlo

Randy and Gary DeFilipp

Renee and Brad DeWeese

Mary and Brooke Dickson

Blair Donald ’85

Lesley and Bill Downey

Chris and Wilma Downing ♦

Sandy and Tom Dubick *

Susannah and John DuPuy *

Roger W. Durrett *

Bev and Fritz Earle

Beth and Jade Eastridge *

Tricey and Doug Edwards

Teresa Edwards

Gigi and Willie Egge

Winn (Rollins) ’86 and Chris Elliott

Margaret Sigmon and John Ellis

Virginia (Smith) ’79 and Doug Ellison *

Adaora and Obi Eruchalu

Joan and Mark Erwin

Claire and Doug Etheridge

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Monica and Nagib Farah

Linda and Neil Fay

Heather and Tom Finke *

Lois and Carl Fisher, Sr.

Amy and Sid Fletcher

Jill and Alan Flynn *

Carol (Lomax) ’77 and Mark Fortenberry

Debbie (McMahan) ’88 and Scott Frail *

Mark Fuller ’77

Donay Fullwood

Meredith and John Garwood

Kathy and Don Gately *

Stacy and Roderick Gee *

Renee Gerden

Mary and Brian ’78 Gibson *

Flekeda and James Gilliam

Stacey and Greg Gipson

Lauran and Jeremy Godwin

Sherri and Greg Gregory

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser *

Paula and Fred ’78 Griffith

Robin (Waters) Griffith ’78 *

Amanda and John ’79 Grigg

Laurie and Barry Guy

Claudette and Jim Hall

Dale and Rob Hall

Kim (Couch) ’89 and Greg Hanson *

Jennie and Greg Harper

Ellen and Charlie Harris

Mary Beth Harris

Kelly (Beck) ’82 and Allan Haseley *

Veronica and Steve Henley

Beth and Scott Henry *

Laurie and David Hidell

Kathleen and Greg ’89 Hinrichs ♦

Allison and Michael ’86 Hinshaw

Lynn and Charley Hodges

Leigh Holt

Cameron and Christopher Holtz *

Topher Gee and Kathleen Holtzman *

Beth (Francis) ’77 and Chuck Hood

Kathy (Ibach) ’78 and Steve Horvath

Elizabeth (DuBose) ’93 and Brad House *

Colleen and Frank Huber

Page and Martin Hull *

Deborah and Jerry Hullinger *

Lynda Sydnor Hunley ’83

Jane and Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Rick Hutchins

Brenda and Nick Ivanoff *

Shirley and Marc Jarmosevich

Becky and C.T. Jones

Elizabeth Jones

Kenna (Cloninger) ’85 and Phillip Jordan *

Camille and Robert Kanofsky *

Joy and Chris Kenefick *

Judy and Dick Kennedy

Deborah and Tom Kennedy

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Stephanie and Eugene Kim

Chris (Skinner) ’77 and John Kirkland

Susanne and David Kirkland

Nancy Kiser

Maria Klein ♦

Kathy and John Klimas

Julie Klingman

Ginny and Brad Knight

Heather and Jeff Knull *

Kabee and Dennis ’79 Kokenes *

Dina and Jerry Kressner

2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll 68 Charlotte Latin School

Marilene Melo and Wilsoemar Lahass

Billy and Debbie Lamm

Kathy and Lance Lancaster

Jennifer Woodhull Landry *

Catherine and Larry Langley

Della and Mike Lapuente

Manetta and Dave Latham

Jen and Chris Latta

Anne and Thomas ’86 Layton

Nancy and Russ LeDonne

Kristin and Allen Lewis *

Emily Cui and David Li

Link and Dan ’81 Litaker

Stacey and Chris Little

Tara and Matt Livingston

Holly and Michael Loeffler

Amy and Rob Lovett

Liz and Bill Lowry *

Louise and Ed Lucas

Whitney and Patrick Lucas

Perry and Bob ’78 Lucas *

Patrick and Whitney Lucas

Alexa and Chris Lupfer

Dianne and Carl Mackey *

Wandra and George Mackie

Gail and Frank Madara

Karen Marsh *

Kee and Jim Marshall ♦

Lori and Andrew Martin

Kory Eubank and Jeff Mathis

Robin and John Maxwell *

Susan and Alex ’78 McAlister

Kelli and John ’76 McAlister

Karen and J. P. ’82 McBryde

Raechel and Rob McClellan *

Chrissy and Neil McConaughy *

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Cindy and Patton McDowell

Page and Pete McEachern ♦

Edie and John McGlone *

Anna (Simpson) ’94 and Ed ’93 McMahan

Suzy and Ed McMahan *

Susan and Chris McRae *

Nicole (Ewing) ’86 and J.B. ’86 Meanor ♦

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Keva and Reco Miller

Rosalynn and Les Miller

Stacy and John Mitchell

Val and Bob Mittl

Sarah and Tim Monnin

Jean and Bert Moody

Lisa and Ted Moreland *

Katie and Kevin Morgan

Jen and Bruce ’86 Morrill

Barbara and Matt Morrow *

Angela Tutovani and David Mosiashvili

Martine and D.J. Mosrie

Charlotte Mott

Lauren and Dan Mulligan

Linde and Bill Mullis

Hunter and John Murphy *

Patti and Pender ’77 Murphy

Elizabeth Myers ’80 *

Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff *

Lisa and Doug Neely

Catherine and Compie ’78 Newman

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Donna and Nick Nicholson

Trudi and Gray Norris

Susan and Dan Nunn

Denny (Smith) ’90 and Brian O’Leary *

Courtney and Wes Oates *

Mary Yorke (Robison) ’83 and David Oates ♦

Rita Osei-Obeng and Francis Obeng

Eydie and Blake Okland *

Tiffany and Ken Orndorff

Anne and David Oster

Martha Owen *

Susie and John Papadopulos

Jacqueline Parks

Jeanne and Doug Paschal

Maureen and Jon Paschal *

Ellen and Bob Patten *

Ann Patterson

Beth (Anderson) ’89 and Steve Pence

Sarah (Finklea) ’80 and Joe Pennacchia

Cara and Luke Peters

Haley and Scott Poole

Susan and Bill Porter/ The Porter Foundation

Alicia and Jay Powers ♦

Mary and Scott Price

Carrington and Bill Price

Kevin Coppage and Meredith Quimby

Mary Katherine and Jason ’80 Ratterree

Yvonne and Rick Rayburn ♦

Mary Ellen and John Reese

Lanny and Bob Reid

Beth (Goode) ’76 and Ernie Reigel

Anna (Litaker) ’90 and Ryan Reimers *

Suzanne (Little) ’82 and James Robards *

Aline and Keith Robelen

Joanna and Tom Roberts

Barbara Robinson ♦

Carol and Martin Robinson

Mary and Bob Robinson ♦

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Alice Rogers

Janet (Miller) ’84 and Todd Rogers

Kathleen Ronek

Elizabeth Dunbar and John Rush

Barbara Pereira Rico and Carlos Sagasta

Lori and Nader Samii

Anne and Robert Schleusner *

Martha Schmitt

Virginia and Carl Schneidt

Mardell and Dan Schuster

Kathleen and Anthony Sciacca

Debbie and Mike Scott

Lisa and Greg Seaton *

Bobbie (Ewing) ’88 and Thad ’89 Sharrett *

Elizabeth English and Jim Sheedy *

Eric ’81 and Mary Sheridan

Mary (Rogers) ’86 and Sam ’86 Shumate

Betsy and Bill ’84 Simerville

Sarah and Dick Sipperly *

Sarah and Greg Slayton *

Mason and Michael ’89 Smith

Sally (Gray) ’82 and Eric Smith ♦

Amy and Barry Sobel

Missy and Garry Spence

Anita Wu and James Spicer *

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

David ’82 and Caroline Stedman

John ’79 and Julia Stedman

Lori Sternola

Marsha and Mark Stiegel

Mary and Greg Strawderman

Michele and Paul Sullivan

Kathy and Craig ’79 Summerville *

Kendria and Cliff ’85 Sweet *

Jan and Ray Swetenburg

Dana and Ted Swimmer

Anne (Marshall) ’77 and Ed Sykes

Sha and Allen ’82 Tate

Kim and Mark Tayloe *

Janet Taylor

Mary Anne Thomas

Katy Thompson and John Carlson

Tish Thompson

Laura and Jeff Thomsen *

Michelle and Wayne Thornhill

Lin and Larry Tillman

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena

Stephanie and Chris Troutman

Janet and David Trusty

Jane and Trey Tune

Ceci and Mike Turner

Loretta Tuttle *

Meredith and John Tye *

Ann and Mike Van Dyke

Kathryn (Barnhardt) ’91 and Nik Van Nort ♦

Noelle and Jeff Vandiver ♦

Melissa and Tom Vandiver

Elissa and Joseph Vona

Diane and Dennis Watts

Carol Webb-Gargagliano *

Rives and Matt Wedding

John Wester

Faye and Peter White

Regina and Richard White

Vicky and Tim Wilkison

Libbie and Laurens Willard

Tanya and Glenn Willett

Catherine and Keith Williams *

Crystal and Joseph Williams

Nancy (Lea) ’80 and Richard Williams ♦

Cindy and Chip Wilson

Gracy and Scott Wooster

Adair Woronoff

Olivia Sun and Andy Yang *

Jing Ai and Gang Yang

Quyen Chu and Tom Yee

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Cindy Dong and David Zheng

2022–23 Gratitude Report 69


Thank you to our grandparent community and those who choose to invest in their grandchildren’s school community. We are grateful for their continued support and active involvement in the lives of so many past and current Latin students.

Mary Adams *

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alpert

Betty and Don Anderson

Jean Ann and Barry Banker

Eleanor and Alan Barnhardt

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Ann and Jim Baynard

Georgia Bell

Ellen and Bill Bell

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Brandon Boyd

Andi and Dave Brown

Holly and Harry Bryant

Nancy and Arthur Bunn

Dianne and Tony Byers

Melissa Bynum

Jenny Campbell

Bonnie Cheek

Woody and Jerry Clark

Joan Kilby and Michael Clark

Veronica and Bill Clark

Donald Clark

Nan and Hal Clarke

Charlotte and Clinton Clontz

Norvin Clontz

Janet Cone

Kathy and John Connor

Gena and Stephen Conrad

Dottie and Barry Cook

June and Norm Cook

Johnnie and Bill Cowan

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Sandra and Tom Curtis

Mary Jo and Don Dailey

Catherine and Guido DeMaere

Mary and Brooke Dickson

Jackie and Fred Dunlop

Margaret and Frank Dunn

Sharon Edwards *

Margaret Sigmon and John Ellis

Joan and Mark Erwin

John Fagg

Sally and Ronnie Farmer

Linda and Neil Fay

Lois and Carl Fisher, Sr.

Emi Flynn

Kathy and Don Gately *

Susan and Charles Griffin

Laurie and Barry Guy

Claudette and Jim Hall

Mary Beth Harris

Sally and Ken Harris

Mary and David Harry

Cathie and Bob Hartness

Nancy and Grant Hawgood

Bevie Hemby

Sabrina and John Higgins

Odis Hill

Jere Hollmeyer

Leigh Holt

Nancy Holt

Beth (Francis) ’77 and Chuck Hood

Mary and Robert Hosea

Colleen and Frank Huber

Dr. and Mrs. William Hull

Sally and Watts Humphrey

Audrey Inbody

Brenda and Nick Ivanoff *

Judy and Rick Jacobs

Lucie and Garvin Jones

Pat Joslyn

Susan and Chris Kearney

Harriet and Steven Kessler

Susanne and David Kirkland

Nancy Kiser

Marie and Ken Klaer

Dot and Bob Knox

Linda and Bill Kutner

Mary Margaret and Lawrence Lanzillotta

Manetta and Dave Latham

Betty and Jeffrey Lee

Liz and Bill Lowry *

Louise and Ed Lucas

Wandra and George Mackie

Gail and Frank Madara

Luanne and Larry Manwaring

Suzy and Ed McMahan *

Rosalynn and Les Miller

Jean and Bert Moody

Jorj and George Morgan

Margaret and John Morrison

Read and Terrie Morton

Charlotte Mott

Hunter and John Murphy *

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Susan and Dan Nunn

Joyce and Stuart O’Connor

Susie and John Papadopulos

Trish and John Patti

Phyllis Peters

Leverette Pope

The Susan and Bill Porter/ The Porter Foundation

Karen and Ward Pritchett

Lee and James Pyle

Yvonne and Rick Rayburn ♦

Nancy and Thomas Reams

Clark Rechkemmer

Lanny and Bob Reid

Beth (Goode) ’76 and Ernie Reigel

Patty and Steve Rhyne

Virginia and Joseph Ripp

Joanna and Tom Roberts

Elizabeth and Al Robertson

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Alice Rogers

Charles Ross

Betsy and Carver Rudolph

Susie Sale

Brenda and Joseph Sanzone

Eleanore and Horst Schleicher

Martha Schmitt

Mardell and Dan Schuster

Patty Scotten

Antoinette and Douglas Shaller

Sonja and Charlie Shamblin

Vicky and Spyros Skouras, Jr.

Mindy Wexler and Kenneth Small

Nancy and Mike Smith

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

Jo and Jack Stewart

Marsha and Mark Stiegel

Jan and Ray Swetenburg

Marilyn and Ronald Tankiewicz

Sissy and Lex Tarumianz

Deborah C. Tayloe

Susan and William Taylor

Katy Thompson and John Carlson

Tish Thompson

Linda and David Thurber

Lin and Larry Tillman

Debra and Wayne Trogdon

Nancy and Gene Tucker

Ann and Mike Van Dyke

Rita and Bill Vandiver

Melissa and Tom Vandiver

Barbara and Bruce Wallick

Martha Ann and Craig Wardlaw

Liz and Wick Warrick *

Diane and Dennis Watts

Anita Webb

Terri and Mike Wetherbee

Faye and Peter White

Gwen Whitner

Libbie and Laurens Willard

Robin and Andy Williams

Judy Winchell

Randy Wyatt

Maureen and Ronald Young

70 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Board of Visitors

We thank our Board of Visitors for their engagement and leadership in the school community. We are grateful for their support of the Latin Fund and commitment to Latin’s faculty, staff, and students.

Rose Mary Achey

Gary Anderson ’75 ♦

Catherine Armstrong

Nancy Atwell *

Will Barnhardt

Joanne Beam *

Bill Bowen ’82 *

Ken Collins ♦

Lowell (Rayburn) Combs ’95

Katharine Cowan *

Jean Davis *

Adaora Eruchalu

Heather Finke *

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88 *

Don Gately *

Kathy Gately *

Effe (Ghartey-Tagoe) Gibson ’10

Kelly Graves

Claudette Hall

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins ’97 *

Steven Hinshaw ’89

Boyd Holland ’92

Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Courtney Hyder

Katie (Miller) Iams ’01 *

Kelly Katterhagen *

Joy Kenefick *

Chris (Skinner) Kirkland ’77

Tara Livingston *

Chrissy (Hunter) Lucas ’04

Louise Lucas

George Mackie


We are grateful for those friends in our Latin community who generously supported the Latin Fund.

Anonymous (1)

Maggie Akers

Amy Poole

Emilie Prezioso

Wandra Mackie

Eric Madara ’01 *

Robin Maxwell *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07

Coy Monk *

Kimbrel Morris

Linde Mullis

Compie Newman ’78

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ’90 *

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83 ♦

Tiffany Orndorff

John Papadopulos

Michael Parks ’07 *

David Pharr ’05

Ernie Reigel

Patrick Rivenbark ’02 *

Bob Robinson ♦

Peggy Roche

Robert Schleusner *

Martha Schmitt

Bobbie (Ewing) Sharrett ’88 *

Thad Sharrett ’89 *

Margaret Sigmon

Bill Simerville ’84 *

Jan Swetenburg

Ray Swetenburg

Charles Thies ’90 *

Kathryn (Barnhardt) Van Nort ’91 ♦

Mitchell Wickham ’87

Laurens Willard

Nancy (Lea) Williams ’80 ♦

Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt ’02 *

Gina and Andrew Campbell

Paul and Rita DuPont

Blake and Sarah Garrett

Claire Hart

Janice Heilmann

Anna White Hosea

Vanessa and Kevin Kearney

Laura Kern

Lashune Little

Lynn and Dave Long

Molly Long

Endowment Donors

Monica Roach

Susan and David Spicer

C.W. and Leslie Stacks

Theckla Sterrett

Leslie Teddy

Ellen Ternes

Joseph Ternes

Robert Ternes

Charles Thomson

Evelyn and Gilbert Wachsman

The strength of Latin’s endowment provides for both current and future students’ education needs and enhances the school’s financial position. We are deeply grateful for those donors who have invested in Latin’s endowment and our endowed scholarships.

John Abernethy

Mary and Bruce Anderson

Lea and Brad Bailey

Harriet Barnhardt

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Estate of William M. Barnhardt

Anne and John Barry

Beth Goode and Carl Belk ’78

Cameron and Hadley Callaway

Carter (Fox) ’79 and Steve Eagle

Jenn and Mike Freno*

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Amanda and John ’79 Grigg

Coco and Ray Killian

Toni and Paul Lowrance

The Malone Family Foundation

Page and Pete McEachern ♦

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

John Patten ’83 ♦

Rodney C. Pitts

Mary and Bob Robinson ♦

Sally and Downie Saussy

Nancy and Richard Thigpen

Lawrence Wall ♦

Dana and Joe Woody

2022–23 Gratitude Report 71

Sunny’s Legacy Donors

Thank you to the generous donors who gave to the Sunny’s Legacy Endowment, this year, honoring the life and vivacious spirit of Sara “Sunny” (Harris) Hutchinson ’93 and investing in future generations of Latin students.

Katie (Browne) ’93 and John Beam

Heidi (Layton) ’89 and Chris ’89 Berger *

Brian Biggers ’91

Margaret and Smoky Bissell

The Bissell Family

Jorn Bleimann ’85

Crandall and Erskine Bowles

Justin Converse

Shirley (Anderson) ’93 and Norm Cook *

Charles Dewhurst ’06

Hannah (Swindell) ’06 and Trevor Diaz

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Robert Durden ’92 *

Lauren Everett ’03

Jolie and John ’89 Fennebresque Jr.

Carrie and Carl ’88 Fisher *

Currie Gilbert ’93

David Golder

Jonte Harrell ’98

Deborah and Johnny Harris

Leigh and Watts Humphrey

Jane and Tommy Hunter ’86 *

Wen Hutchinson

Courtney and Bill Hyder

Kelly and George Jenkins

India and Greg Keith

Caroline and Robert Knott

Karen and Will ’92 Leadbitter

Megan and Doug Lebda

Kevin Levine ’86 and Louis Sinkoe

Brooke and Doug ’93 Lowry

Anna and Wes ’88 Martin

Erin (Crabtree) ’93 and Ben Martin

Tara (Faulkner) ’89 and Stuart McAlister

Anna and John McCoy

Anna (Simpson) ’94 and Ed ’93 McMahan

Chase Metheney ’94

Patterson (Maker) ’07 and Graham ’07 Miller

Brian Nicholls ’03

Peter Pappas

Iris Redwood-Sawyerr ’06

Jessie and Will ’08 Reigel

Barbara Robinson ♦

Ashley and Jackson ’91 Smith

Sally (Gray) ’82 and Eric Smith ♦

Lauren and Jonathan ’00 Stout

Ann and Wellford Tabor

Nancy and Richard Thigpen

Aimee and Jay Thomas ’89

Jeanne and Andrew ’89 Thompson ’89

Lauren and Charles ’89 Thrift

Rob Turner ’97

Sidney (Povall) ’93 and Pradeep Uderani

Kay and Kent Van Allen

Sara and Forest ’94 Wester

Jonathon Wylie ’06

Gifts Were Made in Memory of

Faulkner Court Donors

On February 3, the basketball floor in the Beck Student Activites

Center’s Jones Family Arena was dedicated as Faulkner Court, honoring legendary Latin basketball Coach Jerry Faulkner. Thank you to all who contributed to Sunny’s Legacy in tribute to Coach Faulkner, honoring the impact of two beloved members of the Latin community.

Chris Berger ’89

Brian Biggers ’91

Jorn Bleimann ’85

Brick Bryant ’01

Chris Cannon ’03

Jeff Coble ’94

Charles Dewhurst ’06

Hannah (Swindell) Diaz ’06

Robert Durden ’92

Chase Estep ’03

Lauren Everett ’03

John Fennebresque ’89

Carl Fisher ’88

Brett Foster ’92

David Golder

Fletcher Gregory ’04

Chad Grier ’86

Jonte Harrell ’98

Johno Harris ’97

Tommy Hunter ’86

Will Leadbitter ’92

Kevin Levine ’86

Wes Martin ’88

Tara (Faulkner) McAlister ’89

Angus McDonald ’95

Ed McMahan ’93

Chase Metheney ’94

Hunter Miller ’03

Graham Miller ’07

Brian Nicholls ’03

Matthew Rankin ’01

Will Reigel ’08

We gratefully acknowledge those gifts made in memory of the following beloved members of our Latin community.

Patti Bazzell

Kathy Boozer Boone

Casey Brown ’93

Ngaio Carlisle

Adam Carter

Bob Cashion

Gordon Edens

Theresa Fister ’88

Ned Fox Jr.

Pam Franklin

Aileen Hill

Sunny (Harris) Hutchinson ’93

Barbara Kane

Anna Kennedy ’93

Bob Knight Jr.

Mary Ann Little

Calvin McFarland Sr.

Raymond McGill II

Gregory Mills

Arthur Mott

Mary Salem (Gregory) Paramore ’06

Al Sale

Steve Smith

Richard Taddonio ’04

Brian Richards ’96

Geoff Richards ’91

Barbara Robinson

Iris Redwood-Sawyerr ’06

Jackson Smith ’91

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82

Ben Steenrod ’03

Jonathan Stout ’00

Amy (Faulkner) Sumner ’92

Jay Thomas ’89

Andy Thompson ’89

Charles Thrift ’89

Rob Turner ’97

Forest Wester ’94

Jonathon Wylie ’06

Frank Thies Jr.

Janet Thies

Charlie Wickham Jr.

Jennifer Young

72 Charlotte Latin School
2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll

Operating Gift Donors

We thank our donors who chose to make restricted gifts toward specific programs and initiatives at Latin.

Martha Alexander *

Robert W. Baird and Co. Inc.

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Katie and Richard Bates

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Elizabeth Goode and Carl Belk ’78

Hontas Bidgood

C.D. Biswell

Elizabeth and Mike ’75 Blair

Carol and Sam Campbell

Marsha and Amy Carter

Betty Cobb

Fiz (Anderson) ’85 and David Craig *

Martha Groblewski and Harry Creemers

Rennie Cuthbertson

Marsha and William Davis

Jenna DeCarlo ’06

Elizabeth Dowd

George Dozier

Robert Dozier

Jane Elliott

Roland Elliott

Mary and Pat Ellison

Kim and Ernest Ellison

Meredith and Kelly Graves

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Charlotte and Roy Grier

Claudette and Jim Hall

Mary Janet (Thies) ’79 and George Hawkins

Elizabeth and Jamie ’82 Kiser

Estate of Robert V. Knight Jr.

Anne and John Krahnert

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Planned Giving Donors

The Estate of William M. Barnhardt (GP ’98 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’07) in support of the Barnhardt Family Scholarship

Anne Moye Mayo

Page and Pete McEachern ♦

McGuire Family Trust

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Roland Mitchener

Linde and Bill Mullis

Jane (Elliott) ’81 and Brian Murphy

Margrit Benton and Mark Nelson

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Elizabeth Pendleton

Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Rankin, Jr.

Beth (Goode) ’76 and Ernie Reigel

Barbara Robinson ♦

Mary and Bob Robinson ♦

Rooney Robison

Stuart Rogers

Martha Schmitt

Jane and Dan ’75 Sellers

Laura and Blair Shwedo

Dale and David Smith

Sally (Gray) ’82 and Eric Smith ♦

Lee and William Taylor

Trey Thies ’78

Lawton Thies ’84 *

Estate of Stella and Doc Thurston

Susan (Johnson) ’79 and Bill Tome ♦

Lawrence Wall ♦

Bennett and Marty Waters

Jean and Arthur Webb

Tanya and Glenn Willett

Neel and Kemp ’76 Woollen

The 2022–2023 Gratitude Report is published by Charlotte Latin’s Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations and Marketing and Communications to acknowledge gifts made between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Every effort has been made to include all donors. If your name has been omitted or has been listed incorrectly, we offer our deepest apologies and would appreciate notification. Please contact Latin’s Office of Philanthropy at 704.846.7238.

The Estate of Robert V. Knight Jr. (P ’74 ’77 GP ’07 ’10) in support of the McIntosh Leadership Center

The Estate of Stella and Doc Thurston (P ’82) in support of General Operations

A Legacy of Giving

Bob Knight, Jr., pictured with Head of Upper School Lawrence Wall and Head of School Chuck Baldecchi, was a pillar of the Latin community since its first days. With his wife, Betsy, and fellow Founders, he helped build an unshakable foundation for the school. He provided prudent fiscal leadership as the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for many years, and was an active member of the Board of Visitors. Most importantly, he was a proud Latin parent to John Knight ’74 and Ruth (Knight) Gammon ’77 and grandfather to Sydnor Gammon ’07 and Betsy Gammon ’10.

Mr. Knight helped the school navigate an incredible amount of growth over more than sixty years. Extending this remarkable legacy, he named Latin as a beneficiary of his estate, supporting the McIntosh Leadership Center and the future of Latin’s signature leadership programming. Many friends and family honored Mr. Knight’s memory through a gift to the same. This support sustains the educational experience for every Latin student and emerging leader, and a community to which Bob remained committed throughout his life.

2022–23 Gratitude Report


Gifts Were Made In Honor Of

This year, donors made gifts to Latin in honor of incredible individuals within our Latin community.

Jackson Adams ’23

Maggie Adams ’27

Gary Anderson ’75

Elisabeth Baden

Thomas Baden

Chuck Baldecchi

Brittany Banda

Melissa Barger

George Carter III ’35

Louise Cashion

Michael Chadwick ’13

Ashby Chapman ’32

Ellen Chapman ’32

Emmie Chapman ’35

Todd Chapman ’29

Elizabeth Clifford ’33

Richard Clifford ’31

Ken Collins

Greyson Connor ’28

Lila Connor ’25

Anderson Cook ’29

Matching Gifts

Shirley (Anderson) Cook ’93

Stewart Cook ’32

Grey and Mason DeLuca

Nidhie Dhiman

Chuck Edwards ’94

Daniel Farmer ’34

Sarah Farmer ’34

Zachary Farmer ’32

Alex Felizzola

John Fennebresque

Mayes Fisher ’23

Edward Fisher ’28

Eleanor Fisher ’25

Richard Fletcher ’85

Hannah Foster ’33

Henry Foster ’35

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ’88

Donay Fullwood

Robin (Waters) Griffith ’78

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins ’97

Cora Hannon ’32

Laine Hannon ’34

Jackson Henson ’31

Thomas Henson ’33

George Hoke ’31

Lucy Hoke ’29

Sabrina Howard

Catcher Jacobs ’30

Hill Jacobs ’33

Maria Klein

Aaron Koch

William Kressner ’19

Louise Lucas

Nicholas Lucas ’35

Pippin Manwaring ’30

Lib McAlister

Meredith McCarter

Arch McIntosh

Lily McMahan ’22

Millicent McMahan ’30

Sarah McMahan ’24

Brittany Mercado

Lisa Moreland

Barbara Morrow

Hunter Murphy

Anna Nielsen ’33

Miller Nielsen ’35

Andrew Oster ’23

Martha Owen

Annie Rayburn ’30

McLean Rayburn ’34

Millie Rayburn

Tanner Rayburn ’32

William Rechkemmer ’30

Mary Ellen Reese

Susan Russell

Mason Schwartz ’32

Maggie Shamblin

Griffin Sigmon

Henry Sigmon ’30

Smitty Smith

Katie Smith

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82

Taylor Spangler ’27

Thomas Spangler ’25

Rosemary Spence ’33

C.W. Stacks

Finley Strife ’30

Rylan Strife ’28

Smith Sturge ’33

Day Sturge ’35

Vivian Sung

Isabella Tarumianz ’27

Avery Teichman

Laura Thomsen

Robert Todd

Jenny (Austen) Urbain ’95

Laci Wargo

Charles Warrick ’27

William Warrick ’23

Mike Weiss

Kari Wimbish

Hank Yu ’35

We are tremendously grateful for our donors who utilized the matching gift opportunity offered by their employers to increase their impact at Latin. We thank the following organizations for their matching gift programs.


America Online Giving Foundation, Inc.

Ameriprise Financial


Amgen, Inc.

Baird Foundation, Inc.

Bank of America


Barings Asset Management

BASF Corporation

Blackbaud Giving Fund

BlackRock, Inc.

Boston Consulting Group

Citizens Financial Group

- RBS Americas


Duke Energy Foundation

Estee Lauder Companies

Faison Enterprises Inc.

First Horizon National Corporation Foundation For The Carolinas

FTI Consulting, Inc.

Gap Foundation Giving Program

Grainger Industrial Supply

Hearst Communications, Inc


J.P. Morgan Chase Charitable

Jones Lang Lasalle

LPL Financial

Microsoft Corporation

Milliken & Company


National Life Group

Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation

Organic, Inc.

Pamlico Capital

Piper Sandler Companies

Raytheon Technologies

Regions Bank

Russell Investments

SPX Corporation

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

The Duke Endowment

The Home Depot

The Vanguard Group


Truist Financial Corporation

U.S. Bank Foundation

UBS Wealth Management Matching

Gift Program

Vanguard Matching Gifts

Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program

74 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Philanthropy Honor Roll


Our Administration and Advancement Teams collaborate to support the Mission and Core Values of the school through enrollment, community relations, philanthropy, and marketing. We can do none of this without the incredible support of the Latin community.

Administrative Team

Chuck Baldecchi P ’21 ’23 ’25

Head of School

Todd Ballaban P ’32

Head of Middle School

Joanne (O’Brien) Beam P ’22

Director of Philanthropy

David Gatoux

Director of Athletics

James Huffaker

Chief Technology Officer

Beth Lucas P ’35

Director of Human Resources

Advancement Team

April Baker

Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications

Joanne (O’Brien) Beam P ’22 Director of Philanthropy

Kurt Coleman P ’30, ’33, ’36 Stewardship and Scholarship Administrator

Lea Fitzpatrick P ’37 Director of Giving

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ’00, P ’36 Director of Stewardship and Parent Organization Liaison

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07 Admissions Office Manager

Janis (Watts) Mishoe ’96, P ’35 Applications Coordinator

Jenny Morton P ’27 ’29 ’31 Database Manager

Hunter Murphy P ’01 GP ’34 ’37 Front Receptionist

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ’98, P ’31, ’33 Alumni Relations Manager

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83, P ’12, ’15, ’18 Director of Admissions

Rob McArthur

Chief Financial and Operations Officer

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83, P ’12, ’15, ’18

Director of Admissions

Mark Tayloe P ’15 ’18 ’20

Head of Lower School

Sonja L. Taylor

Assistant Head for Academic Affairs

Lawrence Wall

Head of Upper School

Tanya Powell P ’33

Admissions Operations Support

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ’98, P ’30, ’32, ’33

Kindergarten and Middle School Counselor

Lisa Seaton P ’11, ’14

Assistant Director of Admissions

Kindergarten and Lower School Counselor

Sally (Gray) Smith ’82, P ’14, ’15

Director of Alumni Relations

Katie Sutton

Director of the Latin Fund

Sintayehu Taye

Kindergarten and Upper School Counselor

Monty Todd Graphic Designer

Sara Weiers P ’25, ’27

Philanthropy Administrative Assistant

Mary White

Director of Philanthropy Services

Nikki Williams

Advancement Software Specialist and Webmaster

2022–23 Gratitude Report 75


Each individual in the Charlotte Latin community makes us better as a whole.

Our connections to each other, and our contributions to the school we all love, create an environment where students can learn, grow, and thrive among their peers, and where teachers, coaches and staff can perform at their very best.

The work we do to educate the whole child is work we do together. Through your unwavering commitment to philanthropy, fellowship, and excellence, every Hawk soars higher.

Thank you.

76 Charlotte Latin School 2022–23 | Thank You

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.