Nude Ethics X Urban Outfitters Promotional Campaign

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C R E AT I V E 28


C R E AT E T R A D I T I O N A L A D V E R T I S I N G C A M P A I G N . Traditional advertising can build brand awareness through exposure to a numbder of audiences that would not typically shop from the brand.


E X P A N D S O C I A L M E D I A P R O M O T I O N A L A C T I V I T Y. Creating social media promotion for the collaboration will increase engagement with existing followers, as well as exposing social media users to the campaign.


C R E AT E A M O B I L E A P P T O I N C R E A S E C U S T O M E R E N G A G E M E N T A mobile app allows further interactivity with consumers, as it can provide loyalty schemes, discounts and another accessible platform for purchases.



L A U N C H A P O P - U P S TA L L I N U O . To bring this brand into the physical world, a pop up stall will create an engaging and memorable experience which will gain brand awareness.

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