Cheetah Factory Racing 2014 Brochure

Page 1

Phot o:Br ynHughesSl edder :DanTr eadway

TheCFRTunnelr ac ksar edes i gnedt ogoont hebac kofmos t s nowmobi l eswi t ha141”orl ongert unnel .Theyar emadef r om s t r ong yetl i ght wei ghts t r uc t ur alt ubul aral umi num.TheCFRTunnelr ac ksar e des i gnedt oc ar r yext r af uel ,bac kpac ks ,s kiboot set c .CFRal s o manuf ac t ur esac ompl et el i neofwat er pr oofbagst hatar edes i gnedt o f i ts eaml es s l ywi t hourr ac ks ,t okeepyourgearext r adr y.I fyouneed t oc ar r ys ki s ,s nowboar dsorpow s ur f er sweof f erac ompl et el i neof br ac ket st hatbol tt ot hes i deofourr ac kst okeepyourgears ec ur eand outofyourway.

Par t #TR04

Wear ec ons t ant l ywor ki ngonmaki ngourpr oduc t sl i nebet t erand bet t er .Thi syeari snoexc ept i on,andt henew Mount ai nr ac ki sas c ut t i ngedgeasi tget s .Theover al lhei ghtoft heMount ai nRac ki sonl y 3. 75“ .Dr oppi ngt hec ent erofmas sl ower sal loft hewei ghtt hat ’ s c ar r i edi nt her ac kal l owi ngt hes nowmobi l et oper f or m bet t erunderl oad. Anot hernew f eat ur eoft hi sr ac ki st hatt henew des i gnal l owst her ac k t obemount edont heedgeoft het unnel .Thi swi l lal l ow s omeOEM f ac t or yhol est obeus edr equi r i ngl es sdr i l l i ngi nt ot her eart unnel . The new des i gni sal s oengi neer edt ous ef ewermat er i al st hanexi s t i ngr ac ks yets t i l lbeass t r ong.

Phot o:Rus s el lDal by Sl edder :Aar onLeyl and

Par t #TR03

Rac kDi mens i ons:15x10. 75x2 mount i ngpl at e2. 75x10. 9

Thei Rac kf r om CFRhasbeenourf l ags hi pr ac kf ort hepas tt hr eeyear s . Thenew CFRConnec ts ys t em wasdes i gnedus i ngt hei Rac kbec aus eof i t ss t r ongyetl i ght wei ghtdes i gn. Feat ur esi nc l ude -Now avai l abl ewi t hCFRConnec ts ys t em.Al l owsr ac kt obeputonand t akenof fs nowmobi l ewi t houtanyt ool s . .( Onl yavai l abl eonSkiDooXP andXM s nowmobi l es . -Madef r om ext r emel ys t r ongandl i ght wei ght¾”s t r uc t ur alt ubul ar al umi num. -Mount i ngbr ac ket sar ef r om f i t t edar oundt hes i desofr ac kf ors uper s t r engt h. -Pr of es s i onalwel dsf orl ongl as t i ngr es ul t s . -Al lmount i nghar dwar ei nc l udedi smadef r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es s s t eel .( Supers t r ongandr us tf r ee) -Car r i esupt oa20l6Gf uelc ont ai ner . -Car r i esupt ot wopai r sofs ki s ,Snowboar ds andPow Sur f er swi t hpr operat t ac hment s . ( Sol ds epar at el y) -Mount st omos ts nowmobi l eswi t ha141” t r ac korl onger . -Compat i bl ewi t hCFRDi meandQPBag. -Avai l abl ei nFourCol or s :Fl atBl ac k,Mons t ergr een Ghos tWhi t eandor angec r us h.

CFRBr ac ketKi t sar edes i gnedt obeat t ac hedt ot heCFRMount ai nr ac k, i Rac k,DDandDr ac ks .Eac hCFRBr ac ketki ti sdes i gnedt oc ar r ys ki s , s nowboar ds ,noboar dsandPows ur f er s .Thebr ac ketki t sat t ac ht ot he s i deoft heCFRr ac ksenabl i ngupt ot wobr ac ketki t st obeat t ac hedt o eac hr ac k. ( Us i ngt hes i ngl es kibr ac kets ys t em onl yal l owsonebr ac ket ki tt obeus ed)

par t#K04

TheBoar ds kibr ac ketki ti sadi r ec tr es ul tofl i s t eni ngt onumer ous c us t omer sanddeal er swant i ngabr ac kett hatc ar r i ess ki sors nowboar ds . Theboar ds kibr ac ketki tc anc ar r yones nowboar doronepai rofs ki s andpol esont hes i deofas nowmobi l e.I t st hegot obr ac ketf orpeopl e whobot hs kiands nowboar dorhavef r i endst hats kiands nowboar d. Not hi nghasbeenc ompr omi s edi nt hedes i gns ec ur i ngbot hs ki sor s nowboar ds .TheBoar ds kif as t ensbot hs ki sands nowboar dsaswel las al loft heot hers ki / s nowboar ds pec i f i cCFRBr ac ket s . Feat ur es : Car r i esonepai rofs ki s / pol esorones nowboar d. Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar ei nf us edwi t hr es i nt hat makest hem ext r emel ys t r ongandc anhandl e100degr ee c ol dt emps .

Cus t om madeI nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatwontbr eaki nt hec ol dbutwi l lbr eaki n s ever er ol lover st opr eventdamage. Rat c het sandLadder sar ec us t om madef ors uper i orr at c het i ngc apabi l i t i es . Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smadef r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel . ( Supers t r ong andr us tFr ee) Car r i esonepai rofs ki sandpol es . ( Anot herDualSkibr ac ketki tc anbepur c has edt o c ar r yupt ot wopai r sofs ki s ) Spec i f i c al l ydes i gnedt obef as t enedt oCFRDD,ir ac korMount ai nRac k( Sol ds epar at el y) Pr oudl ymadeCanada. Phot o:Kur t i sCr oy Tandemar s :Wi l l yandDave

par t #K01 Thes nowmobi l eSnowboar dr ac kt hati st es t edandappr ovedby pr of es s i onals nowboar der sTr avi sRi c e,Mar kCar t er ,Mar kLandvi kand Anni eBoul anger .TheCFRSnowboar dBr ac ketKi twi l lkeepyour s nowboar doutoft hewaywhi l es nowmobi l i ng.Youwi l lf or gett hat youhaveyours nowboar dwi t hyouwhenbr eaki ngt r ai lt ot het opof yourf avor i t es nowboar dl i neorj umps pot .Thi spac kagec ont ai nspar t s andhar dwar et oc ar r yones nowboar donD,DDr ac k,i Rac kor Mount ai nRac k( Sol ds epar at el y) Anot hers nowboar dbr ac ketki tc anbepur c has edt oc ar r yupt ot wo s nowboar dsont heD,DD,iRac korMount ai nRac k. ACFRDualSkiBr ac ketc anal s obepur c has edt oc ar r yapai rofs ki son DDori Rac k. ( Sol ds epar at el y)Aboar ds kiBr ac ketKi tc anal s obe pur c has edt oc ar r yei t herapai rofs ki sandors nowboar donDD,i Rac k orMount ai nRac k( Sol ds epar at el y) Feat ur es : Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar ei nf us edwi t hr es i nt hatmakest hem ext r emel ys t r ongand c anhandl e100degr eec ol dt emps . I nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatwontbr eaki nt hec ol dbutwi l lbr eaki ns ever er ol lover st o pr eventdamage. Rat c het sandLadder sar ec us t om madef ors uper i orr at c het i ngc apabi l i t i es . Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smadef r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel . ( Supers t r ong andr us tFr ee) Car r i esones nowboar d. ( Anot herbr ac ketc anbe pur c has edt oc ar r yupt ot wos nowboar ds ) Spec i f i c al l ydes i gnedt obef as t enedt o CFRD,DDr ac k,i Rac korMount ai nr ac k( Sol d Separ at el y) Pr oudl ymadei nCanada.

phot o:J oeCar t erMount ai nSl ayer :Br yanI guc hi

par t #K03

TheCFRs i ngl es kibr ac ket ss ys t em i sdes i gnedt obemount edt oD,DD, ir ac korMount ai nRac k.TheCFRs i ngl es kibr ac ketki ti st hebes tway t ogetyours ki sandpol est ot het opoft hemount ai ns af el yonyour s nowmobi l e.Thi ss etupevenl ydi s t r i but est hewei ghtofbot hs ki sand pol esbyc ar r yi ngones kiandpol eoneac hs i deoft heD,DD, ir ac kor Mount ai nRac k.Noot herat t ac hment sar epos s i bl e. Feat ur es : Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar ei nf us edwi t hr es i nt hatmakest hem ext r emel ys t r ongand c anhandl e100degr eec ol dt emps . Cus t om madeI nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatwontbr eaki nt hec ol dbutwi l lbr eaki n s ever er ol lover st opr eventdamage. Rat c het sandLadder sar ec us t om madef ors uper i orr at c het i ngc apabi l i t i es . Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smadef r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel . ( Supers t r ong andr us tFr ee) Car r i esones kiandpol eoneac hs i deofs nowmobi l e.Noot herBr ac ket sc anbeus ed wi t ht hi ss ys t em. Spec i f i c al l ydes i gnedt obef as t ened t oCFRD/ DDr ac k,iRac korMount ai nRac k ( Sol ds epar at el y) Pr oudl ymadei nCanada.

Phot o:Br ynHughesSl edder :DanTr eadway

par t #K02 Tes t edandappr ovedbypr of es s i onalSki er sDanTr eadway, I anMc I nt os h, DanaFl ahrandSageCat t abr i ga.TheCFRDualSkiBr ac ketKi twi l lkeep yours ki sandpol esoutoft hewaywhi l ebr eaki ngt r ai lt oyourf avor i t e l i neorj umps pot .Thi ss ys t em c anbeus edwi t hanot herduals kibr ac ket ki tt oc ar r yupt ot wopai r sofs ki sandpol es .I tal s oc anbeus edwi t ha s nowboar dbr ac ketki tt oc ar r yas nowboar donones i deofs nowmobi l e ands ki s / pol esont heot hers i deofs nowmobi l e.Whent woduals ki br ac ketki t sar ebei ngus edi ti sput t i ngal otofext r awei ghtont her ear t unnel .Sl ow downgoi ngt hr oughr oughc ondi t i ons .Ext r at unnel s uppor t sar eagoodi deai fyouf r equent l yt r aveli nr oughc ondi t i ons wi t ht wopai r sofs ki s . TheDualSkiBr ac ketki ti ss pec i f i c al l ydes i gnedt o beat t ac hedt ot heCFRDDr ac k,ir ac k orMount ai nRac k ( Sol ds epar at el y)

Phot o:Br ynHughes

par t #K05

Thenew CFRSnowboar d/ Pow Sur fbr ac keti sar es ul tofadi r ec t c ol l abor at i onwi t hJ er emyJ ens enatGr as s r oot spow s ur f i ngandCFR. J er emyneededar ac konhi ss nowmobi l et oc ar r yhi spow s ur f er s . Thec ur r entCFRs nowboar dbr ac ketki thehadbeenus i ngwor ked gr eatf orhi ss nowboar dbutdi dn’ twor kwi t hhi spow s ur f er s .Wehi t t hedr awi ngboar danddes i gnedanew br ac kett hatwor kedbot ht o c ar r yhi sr evol ut i onar ybi ndi ngl es ss now r i di ngpow s ur f er sandhi s r egul ars nowboar dwhenhehadt ous ebi ndi ngs .I fyouwantt oc ar r y yourpow s ur f erors nowboar donyours nowmobi l et hi si st hebr ac ket f oryou! Feat ur es : Car r i esoneGr as sRoot spow s ur fboar dorones nowboar d Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar ei nf us edwi t hr es i nt hatmakest hem ext r emel ys t r ongand c anhandl e100degr eec ol dt emps . Cus t om madeI nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatwontbr eaki nt hec ol dbutwi l lbr eaki n s ever er ol lover st opr eventdamage. Rat c het sar es pec i f i c al l ymadef ort hi sappl i c at i onwi t hbi ggerpul l i ngt eet handt hi c ker s pr i ngs .Madet ol as t ! Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smadef r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel . ( Supers t r ong andr us tFr ee) Anot herbr ac ketc anbepur c has edt obemount edont heot hers i deoft her ac kt oc ar r y what everel s eyouneed.

Spec i f i c al l ydes i gnedt obef as t ened t oCFRD/ DDr ac k,iRac korMount ai nRac k ( Sol ds epar at el y) Pr oudl ymadei nCanada.

POVPhot o:J er emyJ ens en

TheCFRbagdi vi s i onwasdevel opedt out i l i z ec er t ai nkeys pot sont he s nowmobi l et oc ar r ymuc hneededext r agear .Ourgoalwast oonl yhavet he es s ent i al si nyourbac kpac kandpoc ket s .Li ght eni ngupyourl oadwhen s l eddi ngands hr eddi ngi samus thavef orhi ghper f or manc emaneuver s .The bagsar ewat er pr oofandt ought owi t hs t andal loft hehar des twi nt er c ondi t i onsyouwi l lf ac eandkeepyourgeardr yandac c es s i bl e.

Par t #B03

Thenew CFRhandl ebarbagc onveni ent l y at t ac hesbet weent hehandl ebar sof mos ts nowmobi l es .Ther i ps t opwat er pr oof f abr i cal ongwi t hwat er pr oof z i pper skeepyourgoodsdr yont hewet t es tdays .Us i ngt heCFRhandl ebar bagl et syouempt yyourj ac ketandpantpoc ket s ,wi t ht hem empt yyouc an boondoc kyours l edt hr ought het r i c ki es tt er r ai nands i dehi l lf ormi l es . 9�ofc l ear anc er equi r edonXM s nowmobi l esbet weent het opoft hebagand t heDESSs wi t c h.I fc l ear anc ei snotavai l abl et hebagwi l lknoc kDESSs wi t c h outwhent ur ni ngs har pl y.DESSs wi t c hc anber el oc at edi fyous t i l lwantt o r oc kt heBuc kbaganddonthavec l ear anc e.

par t #B01

TheCFRDi meBagwasdes i gnedbyBi r ki n,BCCanadabas edFYIdes i gns .Tom Rout h headdes i gner / s nowboar dl egend/ s l ed/ mot oheadwant edawat er pr oofands uper t oughbagf orhi sCFRr ac k.TheDi meBagwast her es ul t .Tom c hos e l eadi ngf abr i cmakerDi mens i onPol yentf ort he out ers hel lbec aus eofi t ss upert oughand wat er pr oofc har ac t er i s t i c s .TheCFRDi meBag hasvel c r os t r i pst hatwr apar oundal lCFR r ac ks t ubul arbar si nf ours pot st okeept hebagl oc ked i nt opl ac e.Thewat er pr oofz i pperont he out s i dewi l lkeepyourc ont ent sdr y.Thei ns i de wat er pr oofpoc keti sper f ec tf oryourwal l etand t hekeyhookkeepsyourkeysi nt her i ghtpl ac e. ACFRs c r aperc omess t andar di nal lDi meBags s oyouc ans c r apet heunwant edi c ebui l dupon yours nowboar d/ s ki sandr unni ngboar ds .The CFRDi meBagal l ows10c ubi ci nc hesofc ar r yi ng c apac i t y.Now youc anbr i ngal ongyourf i r s tai d ki t ,t ow r ope, s yphonhos es ,bever agesor what everel s eyoumi ghtneedf oryourwi nt er advent ur es . phot o: f oons ki s . c om s l edder :db

par t #B02 Thenew CFRQPBagof f er s25l i t r esofwat er pr oofc ar r yi ngc apac i t yandf i t s s nugl yi nal loft heCFRr ac ks ys t ems .TheQPi sat el es c opi ngbagt hatdoubl es i ns i z ewi t haqui c kz i pperext ens i ont oc ar r yupt o50l i t r esofgear .

Feat ur esi nc l ude Cor dur awat er pr ooff abr i c Wat er pr oofz i pper s 25l i t erc apac i t y,unz i pt heext ens i onand c apac i t yi nc r eas est o50l i t er s Cl i psr i ghti nt oal lCFRr ac k s ys t emsandi seas i l y r emovabl e Shovelac c es sont opal l ows eas yac c es st os hovelon deepdays . Coveni entc ar r yi nghandl e I ndi vi duali ns i depoc ket

phot o: t ot al l yaws omeadvent ur es . c om s l edder :DaveTr eadway phot o: DB

TheCFRdi r ec tt unnelmount( DTM)r ac ks ys t emsar edes i gnedt obeat t ac hed di r ec t l yt ot her eart unnelofmos ts nowmobi l es .Noot herr ac kr equi r ed.They ar ef ort hemi ni mal i s twhodoes n’ twantar ac kont hebac kandj us twant st o c ar r yt hei rs nowboar dors kigear .

par t #M03 Wehavebeenwor ki ngont he di r ec tt unnelmountbr ac ket f ort hepas t5year s .The c ount l es smoul dsandR&Dhave madet hi sourbi gges tpr oj ec t t odat e.Wear ehappyt of i nal l ybr i ngyou t henew DTM Boar ds kibr ac kets ys t em. Thedemandsandexpec t at i onsofour us er soft hi ss ys t em ar ehuge.That ’ s whyt hi sr el eas ei ss uc hgr eatnews ;i thas al lt hequal i t yandf eat ur est hatourc us t omer s havebeendemandi ng.Theabi l i t yt oc ar r yas nowboar dors ki swi t hnoot her r ac kr equi r edi snow ar eal i t y.J us tbuyt hi sbr ac ket ,bol ti ton,s t r aponyour s ki sorboar dandgo!

Feat ur esi nc l ude Bol t st ot hes i deofmos ts nowmobi l es( Doesnotwor kon07andnewer Pol ar i sorSki dooRev’ s ) Twonyl oni nf us edpol yur et hanebr ac ket sc ar r ys nowboar dandors ki s s ec ur el yands af el y. Cus t om madei nj ec t i onmoul dednyl ons t r apskeepyours hi tt i ght . Cf rus esc us t om r at c het sdes i gnedt obeus edunderver yhi ght ens i l el oads wi t ht hi c kers pr i ngsand r at c het i ngmec hani s ms . CFRl ogoi nc l uded! Car r i esei t herapai rof s ki sors nowboar d. Anot herDTM Boar ds ki br ac kets ys t em c anbe pur c has edt oc ar r yanot her s etofs ki soraboar dont he ot hers i deofyours l ed. Topver t i c alhol esl i neupwi t h pr edr i l l edSkiDooXM’ s hol epat t er n. phot o:Rus s el lDal by Sl edder :Cur t i sCi s z ek

par t #M01 Thes nowboar dr ac kt es t edandappr ovedbys nowboar der sEr i c J ac ks on,Bj or nLei nesandMadsJ ohns on.Li ght es ts nowboar dbr ac ket s ont hemar ketwei ghi ngi n@ 2. 5l bs . Tandem r i di ngwi t hyourbuddi esi s now eas yaspi ewi t hyours nowboar dsont her ac kandnoti nyourbac k pac kshi t t i ngyoui nt hebac koft hehead.Havi ngs nowboar dsf as t ened t ot hes nowmobi l eal l owsyout onegot i at et r i c kys nowmobi l i ng s i t uat i onsget t i ngt oyourf avor i t ebi gmount ai nl i neorj umps pot .The Met alSnowboar dr ac ks ys t em i smadef ort hemi ni mal i s twhowant st o beabl et oc ar r yhi sorhers nowboar dandnot hi ngel s e.TheCFRMet al Snowboar dr ac kSys t em c ar r i esones nowboar dont hes i deofyour s nowmobi l e.( Noot herr ac kr equi r ed)Anot herMet alSnowboar dr ac k Sys t em c anbepur c has edt oc ar r yt wos nowboar ds . Feat ur es : Met alSnowboar dr ac kSys t em c ar r i esones nowboar dont hes i deofmos ts nowmobi l es ( Noot herr ac kr equi r ed) Anot hers nowboar dc anbec ar r i edbypur c has i nganot herMet alSnowboar dr ac k Sys t em. Ac os tef f ec t i vewayofc ar r yi ngas nowboar donyours nowmobi l e. Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar ei nf us edwi t hr es i nt hatmakest hem ext r emel ys t r ongand c anhandl e100degr eec ol dt emps . Cus t om madeI nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatc anhandl et empsasl ow as100c ol dbut wi l lbr eaki ns ever er ol lover st opr eventdamage. Rat c het sandLadder sar ec us t om madef or s uper i orr at c het i ngl oc kdown. Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smade f r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel . ( Supers t r ong andr us tFr ee) Pr oudl ymadei nCanada.

phot o:Kur t i sCr oy Shr edder :db

par t #M02 TheCFRMet als kiBr ac ketSys t em i soneoft hel i ght es ts nowmobi l es ki r ac ksavai l abl et oday@ 5l bs . ( Noot herr ac kr equi r ed) Thi si st hemi ni mal i s ts etup,f oraper s onwhoonl ywant st oc ar r yone s kiandpol eoneac hs i deoft her es nowmobi l e.Havi ngs ki sf as t enedt o t hes nowmobi l eal l owsyout onegot i at et r i c kys nowmobi l i ngs i t uat i ons get t i ngt oyourf avor i t ebi gmount ai nl i neorj umps pot .TheCFRMet al s kir ac kwoul dbeac heaperal t er nat i vet oCFRt unnelr ac ksus i ngt he DualSkiBr ac ket/Si ngl eSkiBr ac ketki t s . Feat ur es : Met alSkiRac kSys t em c ar r i esones kiandpol eoneac hs i deofmos ts nowmobi l es ( Noot herr ac kr equi r ed) Ac os tef f ec t i vewayofc ar r yi ngyours ki sandpol esonyours nowmobi l e. Li ghtwei ghtNyl onpar t sar emadef r om ext r emel ys t r ongi nf us edr es i nt hatc anhandl e 100degr eec ol dt emps . Cus t om madeI nj ec t edmol deds t r apst hatwi l lnot br eaki n100degr ee c ol dbutwi l lbr eaki ns ever er ol lover st o pr eventdamage. Rat c het sandLadder sar ec us t om madef or s uper i orr at c het i ngl oc k down. Al lmount i ngHar dwar ei nc l udedi smade f r om hi ghgr ades t ai nl es ss t eel ( Supers t r ongandr us tFr ee) Pr oudl ymadei nCanada.

phot o:Mar kFi s her

TheCFRs nowmobi l ec ont r oldi vi s i onwass t ar t edbec aus eoft hel ac kof f eat ur esanddes i gnsofhandl ebar sandr i s er st hatwer eavai l abl eont he mar ket .Al loft hepr oduc t sbel ow havebeendes i gnedandappr ovedbyusat CFRandourc i r c l eofTeam r i der sandus er s .

Monst erGr eenpar t #CD02

Fl atBl ackpar t #CD01

GhostWhi t ePar t #CD03

I nt r oduc i ngt heBoondoc kerBar ! Thenew c ut t i ngedges nowmobi l est hathavebeenr el eas edi nt hepas tf ew year sr equi r el es sef f or tandt her ef or et hedes i gnoft hehandl ebarneededt o c hange.Des i gnedf r om f eedbac kf r om ournet wor kofTeam r i der sandus er s t heBoondoc kerbyCFRi st her es ul t !Doyoul ovet or i dei ndeeppow,l aybi g pow c ar vesmanoeuvr i ngt hr ought i ghtt r eesandwhi pof fever yj umpi n s i ght ?I syours nowmobi l eyourhel i c opt erf orac c es s i ngpowders now ei t her f ors ki i ngors nowboar di ng?TheCFRBoondoc kerwi t hi t s30i nc hwi dt h,12 degr ees weepand7degr eebarr i s ewasmadef oryou.Thi sbarwasdes i gned f r om t hei ns i deout . Fi r s tofal lweus ed7075doubl ebut t edheatt r eat ed al umi num f oras t r ongyetl i ght wei ghtbas e.I nt hec ent er ,wher et hes t em c l amps ,weus eal ar ger11/ 8t hwal lt hi c knes s ,butatt heendsi tt aper st o7/ 8” . Thi sal l owst heener gyt odi s s i pat eoveragr adualt aper i ngwi t hi nt hei nner c or e.What ’ st her es ul t ?Muc hbet t ers t r engt h,butal s omuc hbet t er dampeni ngofhar dhi t sandabet t erf eelf orwhat ’ sgoi ngonunder neat hyou ont hes now.The7/ 8t ht aper i ngt hi c knes sal s oal l owst hes nowmobi l e c ont r ol st of i tdi r ec t l yont hebar .Ont heout s i deweaddedas i det os i deand f or war dbac kwar dt empl at es oyouc anc ent erandc l ampt hebarj us twher e youwanti t ,wi t houtat apemeas ur e.The37degr eebarendsar egr eatf or keepi ngyourhandsf r om s l i ppi ngof ft hehandl ebarandput t i ngyoui nt oa t r ee!Wewant edt heBoondoc kert ol as tandl ookgoodwi t hages ot hef l at bl ac kbar sar eanodi z edandt heMons t ergr eenandGhos twhi t ebar shave at r i pl epowderc oat edf i ni s h. Feat ur esi nc l ude 2”r i s e-7degr eeUp-12degr eeBac k-30”wi dt h Madef r om 7075Heatt r eat eds uperal umi num wi t hf l ext ec hnol ogy St r ong, l i ght wei ghtandt oughass hi t ! Bet t erpos i t i oni ngt hans t oc kbar sandways t r onger !Thenew des i gn di s s i pat esbumpyc ondi t i onsbet t ert hans t oc kbar skeepi ngyouf r es hand r i di ngl onger Ver t i c alandhor i z ont alpos i t i oni nggr aphi c sf orper f ec tc ent er i ngandpul l bac kangul at i on. Al lhandl ebar sc omewi t hCFRbarpad

Fl atBl ackpar t #CD04

Monst erGr eenpar t #CD05

GhostWhi t ePar t #CD06 TheCFRDanTr eadways i gnat ur ebari sar es ul tofAhandl ebart hati s des i gnedt odowhatDandoesbes tonhi ss nowmobi l e.Pr et t ymuc h ever yt hi ngi fyouhaves eenhi svi deopar t sorpi c t ur es ,butmor es pec i f i ct o j umpi nghi ss nowmobi l eof fofbi gs t uf f .The30”wi dt hi ss t abl eont hebi gges t dr opswi t ht hes t r ai tendsal l owi ngf ul lus eoft heent i r ebar .TheDan Tr eadwayBars pec i f i c3”r i s e8degr eeupand14degr eebac kbars pec si sof Dansl i ki ng.I fyoul i ket hes pec sbutwantt ohavebarendst her ear emar kson t heendoft hebart hatal l owsyout oevenl yc utdownt hebar sandput af t er mar kethooksont hem.Ori fyouwantnar r owerbar syouc anj us tc ut t hem downt oyourdes i r edwi dt h.Thi sBarwasdes i gnedf r om t hei ns i deout . Fi r s tofal lweus ed7075doubl ebut t edheatt r eat edal umi num f oras t r ong yetl i ghtwei ghtbas e.I nt hec ent er ,wher et hes t em c l amps ,weus eal ar ger 11/ 8” wal lt hi c knes s ,butatt heendt hebart aper st o7/ 8” . Thi sal l owst he ener gyt odi s s i pat eoverac ons i s t entandgr adualt aper i ngwi t hi nt hei nner c or e.What ’ st her es ul t ?Muc hmor es t r engt h,butal s omuc hbet t erdampeni ng ofhar dhi t sandabet t erf eelf orwhat ' sgoi ngonunder neat hyouont hes now. The7/ 8”t aper i ngt hi c knes sal s oal l owst hes nowmobi l ec ont r ol st of i tdi r ec t l y ont hebar .Ont heout s i deweaddedas i det os i deandf or war dbac kwar d t empl at es oyouc anc ent erandc l ampt hebarj us twher eyouwanti twi t hout us i ngat apemeas ur e.Wewant edt hebart ol as tandl ookgoodwi t hages o t heBl ac kBari sAnodi z edandt heWhi t eandGr eenbar shaveaPowder c oat edf i ni s ht hat ’ st r i pl el ayer ed.TheDanTr eadways i gnat ur emodelc omes i nt hr eec ol or s .Fl atbl ac k,Mons t ergr eenandghos twhi t e. Feat ur esi nc l ude 3”r i s e-8degr eeUp-14degr eeBac k-30”wi dt h Madef r om 7075Heatt r eat eds uperal umi num wi t hf l ext ec hnol ogy St r ong, l i ght wei ghtandt oughass hi t ! Bet t erpos i t i oni ngt hans t oc kbar sandways t r onger !Thenew des i gn di s s i pat esbumpyc ondi t i onsbet t ert hans t oc kbar skeepi ngyouf r es hand r i di ngl onger Ver t i c alandhor i z ont alpos i t i oni nggr aphi c sf orper f ec tc ent er i ngandpul l bac kangul at i on. Al lhandl ebar sc omewi t hCFRbarpad

Par t #4”CD07 5”CD08 6”CD09 7”CD10 8”CD1 1

Thenew Knuc ksHandl ebarr i s er sar e i dealt oper s onal l yc us t omi z et hehei ghtofyour bar s .Mac hi nedf r om HiSt r engt hs upert ough6061-T06Al umi num t heyc an t akeanyt hi ngyouc ant hr ow att hem.Ananodi z edbl ac kt umbl ef i ni s hand Gr aphi c ski twi l lads omes t yl et oyours t eed.Thegr aphi c sar enotj us tf or l ookswi t hac ent er i ngl i neont het opc apal l owi ngyout oadj us tyourhandl e bar st owher eyouwantt hem!TheKnuc ksc omei n4, 5, 6, 7and8i nc hhei ght s andwi l lwor konyour7/ 8”orover s i z ed11/ 8”bar s

Feat ur esi nc l ude-CNCmac hi nedf r om His t r engt h6061-T06Al umi num. -Gr aphi c sar el as eret c hedf oradur abl el ongl as t i ngl ook. -Anodi z edbl ac kandt umbl edf i ni s hed. -Avai l abl ei n4, 5, 6, 7and8”i nc hhei ght s . -Wi l lwor kwi t hei t her11/ 8"t aper edbaror7/ 8" bar s .( Adapt ori nc l uded) -Pat entpendi ng? ”ant is l i pi ns er tkeepsbar swher eyouwantt hem. -Youmus thaveapi vots t yl es t eer i ngpos toradoubl epi votadapt er . -Des i gnedt obeus edwi t ht henew CFRBoondoc ker / DTbar sbutwi l lwor k wi t hal lhandl ebar s .

Par t #C01 TheCFRConnec tSys t em enabl esyout ot akeyourCFRi Rac konorof fatwhi m! Fours t ai nl es ss t eelbuc kl esl oc kyourr ac kdownt oyours nowmobi l e.

4St ai nl es ss t eelbuc kl esl oc kyourr ac kdownt oyours nowmobi l et unnel . Per manentMount i ngpoi nt sons nowmobi l ear el ow pr of i l es t ai nl ess t eel l oops . Madef orpeopl ewhos omet i meswantt oGol i ght wei ghtandl ow pr o. CFRConnec tonl ywor kswi t ht heCFRi Rac kandonSkiDooXPandXM s nowmobi l esOnl y.

Phot o:RobAl f or ds l edder :Chr i sBr own

Addabi tmor eMet alt oyourr ears nowmobi l et unnel .Thes ebadboys ad50% mor es t r engt ht oyourt unnel .Youc anmountt hem ont he i ns i deorout s i dedependi ngonwhats nowmobi l eyouhave.Bl adesar e r ec ommendedi fyout r avelonver ybumpyr oadswi t hal otofext r a wei ghtonyourr eart unnel .Bl adesar eavai l abl ef orSkiDooXP' sand XM’ s .0607Ar c t i cc atM s er i esandYamahaNyt r o' s . Feat ur es : -SkiDooXP/ XM Bl adesar eanat omi c al l ydes i gnedt of i tt her eart unnel oft heSkiDooXP/ XM. Par t#TS01 146"Tr ac k. Par t#TS02 154"Tr ac k Par t#TS03 163”Tr ac k -Nyt r oBl adess quar eof ft her eart unnell eavi ngaf l atpl at f or mt o mountr ac kt o. Par t#TS0420102013YamahaNyt r o Par t#TS0520082009YamahaNyt r o -0608Ar c t i cCatBl adesgoondi mpl est hatar eont opoft unnel al l owi ngaf l ats ur f ac ef orr ac kt os i ton. Par t#TS0620082009Ar c t i cCat -Al lRi vet sandmount i nghar dwar ei nc l uded.

Phot o: Daveb.J oeLaxPat i ent l ywai t i ngf ort hef ogt oc l ear

Pr event sover heat i ng Ext endst hel i f eofyours l i der s

16"I nj ect edmol dedr epl acements t r ap. Par t#1002

8"I nj ect edmol dedr epl acements t r ap. Par t#1001

220mm CFRLadders t r ap Par t#1003

CFRAl umi num Bl ackRat chet Par t#1006

Phot o:Br y nHughes Sl edder :DanTr eadway

par t #AR01 6f t par t #AR02 7f t

Hi ghqual i t yal l umi num r amps f ol di ngf eat ur eandl i ght wei ghtenhanc es por t abi l i t yr ubberc oat edar mspr ot ec t t r uc kbed uni quec hannels ys t em t o di f f us el oadi ngs t r es sawayf r om wel ds model st of i ti ns hor t boxandr egul ar beds 3yearwar r ant yondef f ec t s i nmat er i aland wor kmans hi p avai l abl ei n2l engt hs Madei nt heUSA

Phot o:Br y nHughes Sl edder :DanTr eadway

Formor ei nf oor or der i ngpl eas evi s i t www. c heet ahf ac t or yr ac i ng. c om

orc al l ( 604) 8941880 18778941880 phot o: Br ynHughess l edder : DanTr eadway

s t udi ophot os :Di c eK, Br i anHoc kens t ei n Br oc hur e:Cor bet t

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