Dtbook nan chenghui reduced

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Introduction The Collage Board

AI and Architecture Three Hypotheses

Contexts and Locations Place where the hypothesis happen

Program AI Data Center & Architecture

Speculation How the AI shape the architecture

Addition & Reference Additional information and ref index

02 06 14 28 58 58

Cover Photo, Table of Content Photo was taken by Chenghui Nan in DDP Seoul, South Korea



AI and Architecture

Contexts and Locations



The Collage Board

Three Hypotheses

Place where the hypothesis happen

AI Data Center & Architecture

How the AI shape the architecture

Introduction Do androids dream of electric sheep? The question is asked frequently by the famous sci-fi author Philip K.Dick. Alive yet not living. They sought to pass as humans and seize man’s dying earth, he answers. Do artificial intelligences dream of living in a world they design? Will we appreciate the living supported by AI? Complex yet not complicated. Artificial intelligence gradually shapes our living. Here, in this book, I would like to introduce the possibilities of artificial intelligence involved architecture, where the data and AI shapes the performance of the space.


Introduction The History of AI

Intelligence Einstein

Future Ancient Human The History of AI

AI is growing larger and stonger today. The right chater is showing a brief history of AI and potential future development of that. The estimate time when AI will compete human intelligence would be 2030 according to the wikipedia.


Chimp Mammal Insect

History 1943

1975 (History)


2016 (Current)

2030 (Future)


1943: The Invention of the first modern computer 1975: The Invention of first personal computer 2011: The AI researchers discovered GPU’s value in AI computing 2016: The AI engine Alphago defeated human player in GO game, one of the most complex game of humanity. 2030: AI researchers predict that by 2030 AI will be smarter than the most smart people of mankind. Knowledge Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence Rediagram by Chenghui Nan


Introduction The Capability of AI

Deep Learning

Machine Learning Predictive Analytics

안녕하세요 你好 Hello

The Capability of AI

What abilities would AI capabale of? The right chater shows the recent AI involved industry today. As AI grows stronger, more and more industry will be supported by AI.




Natural Language Processing Artificial Intelligence Information Extraction

Speech Recolonization

Planning, Scheduling & Optimization


Image Recognition & Machine Vision

Knowledge Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence Rediagram by Chenghui Nan




AI and Architecture

Contexts and Locations



The Collage Board

Three Hypotheses

Place where the hypothesis happen

AI Data Center & Architecture

How the AI will change the architecture

AI of Architecture, Architectural of AI As Artificial Intelligence is evolving, in the near future, the AI could be used in multiple areas including architecture. The question of “how” and “where” to use the AI would be a great exploration for future architects. In this chapter, I would like to introduce three distinctive yet interrelated Hypothesis to illustrate my understanding about future AI, future AI based architectural and future lifestyle extracted from three collage highlights.


AI and Architecture Three Hypotheses

HYPOTHESIS 1 Today’s AI is a cycle of data collection, data feeding and result re-evaluation. The raw data is imported to AI at first, and artificial intelligence will analize them and output a raw calculation result. Then the calculation result is checked and inspected by the artificial intelligence developer and they will re-enter the result in to the artificial intelligence calculation processes. Then new result comes out which would be more closer to our expectation. And after hundreds and thousands of attempt, artificial intelligence will understand the imputed data, then analys and calculate them, eventually produce proper result. So, if we introduce this cycle of calculation in the architectural design process, theoretically artificial intelligence will have his unique feedback to architectural design. In a way to understand time and space, there is a ten dimension imagination, which started from one dimension point to two dimension surface, three dimension space, four dimension duration, five dimension possibilities, etc. The lower dimension can only see the projection of higher dimension. As design is happening in three dimensional world, the design process is the moment of capturing of one of the possibilities out of hundreds and thousands, which also means the design possibilities are the fourth dimension in the architectural design. From this perspective, artificial intelligence to the architectural design, would be a higher dimensional calculation projected on the real three dimensional information. So, how would AI redefine our living space and the design process? We can take PhotoshopTM as an example. The amount of data PhotoshopTM need to define a two dimensional picture is limited, which is the pixel position and the color information of pixel (pixel:X,Y & pixel: R,G,B), which also means the calculation is happening from three dimensions of data(two dimensional position data + color data). With those data, the PhotoshopTM can create any kind of two dimensional images and artwork. The AI thinking process is a rational process arises from small basic element(photoshop’s subdivision of two dimensional picture) to serve a large purpose. The calculation is composed by large number of trivial yet logical and rational subdivision. It is a bottom to top process yet logical and directional. AI calculation will be a useful tool for architecture design and urban planning. 人工智能的思考过程是数据和算法叠加的结果,这是一种是自下而上的思考过程,但是充 满理性和方向性。




Zero D

One D

Two D

Three D

Four D

Five D



Pixel of Information

Four dimensional reality in three d imensional space. Drawn by Chenghui Nan


AI and Architecture Three Hypotheses

HYPOTHESIS 2 The space can be perceived by different media.In the perspective of bat, the space is understood by the echo and reflection of ultrasonic. From the bat perspective, the space is a sector shape of ultrasonic flow in front of their mouth. When an object is near his range the ultrasonic would bounce differently to its receiver, and bat will recognize the distance and position of that object. Similar perception of space happens to today’s Jet Fighters with advanced radar system. And recently, auto-driving testing car from MobileyeTM is using radar(razor radar)to recognize surrounding space Blind people can also perceive space. Although, they have no vision, they understand other’s presence by the volume and echo of other’s sound. In other word, the pure sound data could create a subjective perspective of a space in blind people’s mind. Furthermore, once artificial intelligence start constructing its own understanding of architectural design, artificial intelligence will create its own perspective of space. Those perspectives will be shifted by the source data, and the source data will eventually define the perspective. Different perspective will lead to different design, and with the help of artificial intelligence, the source data that shape different perspective will greatly enlarged. As artificial intelligence grow stronger, the perception generated by artificial intelligence on the space could be valuable source for architectural design. Through operation. Artificial intelligence will understand disabled people better than normal people, it will perceive blind people’s perception of the space by calculation and it will also predict best spacial options for different disables. So, how will these different perspective change our design? A dark humid cave is the best habitat for bat but it is a miserable place for people to live. If you are a “bat” architect, you have to think as bat, avoiding sunlight, creating closed space to enhance the echo of ultrasonic, etc. As artificial intelligence is getting more and more involved into our life, the perception from data, the perspective of artificial intelligence will help us understand the space better. In a word, as an architect,a wiser spacial decision could be made through the perspective generated from gathered data and calculation of the artificial intelligence. 人工智能所收集的数据和其运算结果将提供一个全新的视角会去辅助的建筑师的空间决 策。





New perception about the space Drawn by Chenghui Nan


AI and Architecture Three Hypotheses

HYPOTHESIS 3 Eric Baldwin said in his article “Building Life Cycles: Rethinking the Architecture of Aging” that: “Today, the vast majority of countries have a higher proportion of older citizens than young people. Architects and planners must begin moving beyond end-of-life care and nursing facilities to consider the new design challenges posed by aging adults who desire active, interconnected lifestyles. Embracing networks of family and community, a new generation of elderly adults are looking to maintain independence and freedom through mobility, self-governance and third spaces.” Relationships between the built environment and human longevity is featuring ranges of typologies. Different projects take a different step on illustrating about how age trends will dramatically affect the future society and architecture. Take an example of Aalto’s Paimio Sanatorium, Aalto sketched the difference between a normal, healthy client’s light needs standing up, and those of a patient at the sanatorium. The heat was designed so that the feet at the end of a bed would receive enough heat. For when patients would want to look out towards the Finish landscape, there is a footrest underneath the window along with a platform to act as a desk.(from wikipedia) Also, in the near future, daily activities for aged people will be largely supported by AI. AI will track your living and arrange your life style, and even AI may know you better than own yourself and your doctor. Facing the aging of the population, the artificial intelligence will be the “software” and the architecture will be the “hardware”, architecture and AI, together, they will tell the designer how they should begin building new life cycles and rethink the architecture of aging.

1990 Born 0



Prime of Life

College 20


Middle-Aged Life

Born 0

A day in the life of A patient at Paimio Sanatorium







Nursing-house Life

Retirement 70 College 20

After Memories



Daily Activities Assisted by AI


Work 40 New Generation

Diagram source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paimio_Sanatorium Diagram credit: Alvar Aalto


After Life


Death 90 Work 40

Retirement 70

Third Generation Born 0

College 20 Nursing-house Space


Work 40 Virtual Space

The Falling Aging Space Original Photo was taken by Chenghui Nan in DDP Seoul, South Korea 12



AI and Architecture

Contexts and Locations



The Collage Board

Three Hypotheses

Place where the hypothesis happen

AI Data Center

How the AI shape the architecture

Contexts and Locations Data is everywhere. Different data will convey different information, different information will provide contexts and different context will define distinct locations. What will AI and data provide new perspective to those existing urban context in St.Louis? In this chapter, I will try to analyze two different locations and explore the potential interaction between AI context.


The ST.Louis Urban Context

ST.Louis City

St.Louis is known as the “gateway to the west�. The contemprory history of the St.Louis starts from 17th century, when the French colonists came to the area and settled the land as trading center. Sited along the Mississippi River, St.Louis later became a hub of domestic trade and continued to expand by the railroad and industry. Now, St.Louis is known for the Gateway Arch, a nationally recognized symbol of St.Louis.

Residential Industrial Commercial Parks Vacancy

Data Source: St. Louis County Maps and Apps http://stlcogis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=0c8450a868ee4e29aa8daf72f964dc59


AI Involved Urban Design Urban Context

Final Plan

Concept Vision Land Use Infrastructure Institutions Natural Resources Activities Nature Attraction Objectives Regulations ETC.




Family Growth Family Economy Family Transportation Routes Prefered Favorite Activities Demography Imports/Exports Properties Business ETC

Sorted Data

Collected Data

Raw Data is Processed And Sorted In Categories Needed For Planning.

Raw Data is Processed And Sorted In Categories Needed For Planning.




Personal Device



Smartphone Tablet PC Smartwatch Smartglass ATM Amazon Record

Name Address Family Relationships Likes Dislikes Income Payments Shares Purchase Interests Activities Travels ETC.

Corporation Data


Rron Beqiri mentioned a possible AI based urban planning model in his article “Architecture and Urban Planning in the age of Artificial Intelligence”. In his model citizens are the data collector, and gathered datas from citizens are analized and treated in the AI, and eventually AI will come up with a rational answer to the urban design problems.


AI Involved Urban Design

Information from Device is Constantly Uploading Information to A Cloud Server

Raw Data is Collected From Citizens’ Devices And other media.

Source from http://futurearchitectureplatform.org/news/28/ai-architecture-intelligence/ Architecture and Urban Planning in the age of Artificial Intelligenceby Rron Beqiri. by LONGREAD Rediagram by Chenghui Nan


Vacancy In ST.Louis Urban Context

Vacancy In St.Louis City

As the traditional industry shifted to new economy, St.Louis was no longer the hub of industry and economic. Though urban renewal effort and public housing program tried to keep the population, they could not stem the tide of population loss. And in some cases contributed to the decline. Four new interstate highways cut block-wide swaths through neighborhoods, driving the population to the suburbs.

Vacancy in St.Louis city overtime






25% or more housing units vacant

Vacancy Data Source: US census, American Community Servey Knowledge: A Brief History of St. Louis from www.stlouis-mo.gov https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/visit-play/stlouis-history.cfm


Vacancy and Commercial Area In ST.Louis Urban Context

Vacancy and Commercial in St.Louis

Vacancy and commercial area of St.Louis is like two side of the magnite, they hardly meet each other yet they coexist with each other. Vancany and commercial are puzzles of the St.Louis where they hardly can find commen pieces.



Data Source: Wash U GIS Data


Site Analysis 1 The Old North St.Louis

Site Option 1 The Old North St.Louis Area


Site Opetion 1 The Old North St.Louis Area

The old north St.Louis area is one of the oldest block in St.Louis. It has rich history but also it has lots of vacany area. Due to the past glory, the area has most rich abandoned building type, abandoned school, residential house, park, church as well as abandoned office buildings.

Old North St.Louis

The space can be perceived by different media.In the perspective of bat, the space is understood by the echo and reflection of ultrasonic. From the bat perspective, the space is a sector shape of ultrasonic flow in front of their mouth. When an object is near his range the ultrasonic would bounce differently to its receiver, and bat will recognize the distance and position of that object. Similar perception of space happens to today’s Jet Fighters with advanced radar system. And recently, auto-driving testing car from MobileyeTM is using ladar(lazor radar)to recognize surrounding space Blind people can also perceive space. Although, they have no vision, they understand other’s presense by the volume and echo of other’s sound. In other word, the pure sound data could create a subjective perspective of a space in blind people’s mind. Furthermore, once artificial intelligence start constructing its own understanding of architectural design, artificial intelligence will create its own perspective of space. Those perspetives will be shifed by the source data, and the source data will eventually define the perspective. Different perspective will lead to different design, and with the help of artificial intelligence, the source data that shape different perspective will greatly enlarged. As artificial intelligence grow stronger, the perception generated by artificial intelligence on the space could be valuable source for architectural design. Through operation. artificial intelligence will understand disabled people better than normal people, it will perceive blind people’s percption of the space by calculation and it will also predict best spacial options for different disables. So, how will these different perspective change our design? A dark humid cave is the best habitat for bat but it is a miserable place for people to live. If you are a “bat” architect, you have to think as bat, avoiding sunlight, creating closed space to enhance the echo of ultrasonic, etc. As artificial intelligence is getting more and more involved into our life, the perception from data, the perspective of artificial intelligence will help us understand the space better. In a word, as an architect,a wiser spacial decision could be made through the perspective generated from gathered data and calculation of the artificial intelligence.



128 FT

256 FT


Vacancy In Old North ST.Louis Urban Context

Vacancy In Old North St.Louis Area

Vacancy space in St.Louis quite thought-provoking. Vacancy in St.Louis is not ruin or nothingness, it is rather a architectural media of history in this city.

Photo Credit: Mark Scott Abeln https://www.flickr.com/photos/msabeln/5169106417/


Old North Saint Louis neighborhood, in Saint Louis, Missouri

Inspiration from Pokemon GOTM Urban Context

A youtuber’s first time visit on the Old North St.Louis Area.

In the youtube chanel “stlfancs”, the uploader is using pokemon go to explore the city of St.Louis. In his 2016 video, he firstly visited the Old North St.louis area for the first-time in his life as St.Louis born. Left picture is my inspiration drawing and Right two picktures are screen shoot from youtube channel

The pokemon GOTM was an location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic for mobile phone. Pokemon GO is adding an additional information to the exsiting site, encouraging players to explore. It means that pokemon GOTM is artificially adding a new dimension for en existing spaces.

His youtube channel inspired me that a vacancy space can be a worthwhile space for visit, since they could be a valuable space for virtual world.

Source Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnwHDdwPNxAxNPeTAmqKOQ


Site Analysis 2 The Delmar Loop

Site Option 2 The Delmar Loop

Site Opetion 2 The Delmar Loop

The Delmar Loop is an entertainment, cultural and restaurant district in University City and the adjoining western edge of St.Louis city. An interesting fact is that while most commercial areas are avoiding vacancy space, Delmar Loop has a coexisting vacancy and commercial areas.

Delmar Loop



128 FT

256 FT

Today’s AI is a cycle of data collection, data feeding and result re-evaluation. The raw data is imported to AI at first, and artificial intelligence will analize them and output a raw calculation result. Then the calculation result is checked and inspected by the artificial intelligence developer and they will re-enter the result in to the artificial intelligence calculation processes. Then new result comes out which would be more closer to our expectation. And after hundreds and thousands of attempt, artificial intelligence will understand the imputed data, then analys and calculate them, eventually produce proper result. So, if we introduce this cycle of calculation in the architectural design process, theoratically artificial intelligence will have his unique feedback to architectural design. In a way to understand time and space, there is a ten dimension imagination, which started from one dimension point to two dimension surface, three dimension space, four dimension duration, five dimension posibilities, etc. The lower dimension can only see the projection of higher dimension. As design is happening in three dimensional world, the design process is the moment of capturing of one of the possibilites out of hundreds and thousands, which also means the design possibilities are the fouth dimension in the architecgtural design. From this perspective, artificial intelligence to the architectural design, would be a higher dimensional calculation projected on the real three dimensional information. So, how would AI redefine our living space and the design process? We can take PhotoshopTM as an example. The amount of data PhotoshopTM need to define a two dimensional picture is limited, which is the pixel position and the color information of pixel (pixel:X,Y & pixel: R,G,B), which also means the calculation is happening from three dimensions of data(two dimensional position data + color data). With those datas, the PhotoshopTM can create any kind of two dimensional images and artwork. The AI thinking process is a rational process arises from small basic element(photoshop’s subdivision of two dimensional picture) to serve a large purpose. The calculation is composed by large number of trivial yet logical and rational subdivision. It is a bottom to top process yet logical and directional. AI calcuation will be a useful tool for architecture design and urban planning.


The Delmar Loop Urban Context

The Delmar Loop is an entertainment, cultural and restaurant district in University City and the adjoining western edge of St.Louis city.



Delmar Loop - Public Transit Connection - Walk - Centered - Car - Back Parking Lot - Street - Interior Shop - Small Scale Street Shops

10 mile





Commercial & Open Space

Delmar Loop Location






Open Space

The Delmar Loop Urban Context

Thai Country Cafe

Wizard’s Wagon

Peacock Dinner

Theatre Tivoli

Blue Ocean Sushi

Thai Gai Yang Cafe


V Vegaz


Seoul Taco

Chinese Noodle

Vietnam Style




AI and Architecture

Contexts and Locations



The Collage Board

Three Hypotheses

Place where the hypothesis happen

AI Data Center & Architecture

How the AI shape the architecture

Program Different data will create different virtual data world, in gaming data world, everywhere would be a place for exploration, in historical data world, any building with rich history will be an important data point. In my Data Center, I will use the abandoned surrounding area as AI device testing field and introduce driving AI, drone AI as well as gaming AI in to my AI Data Center and testing & developing them in my AI testing hubs. With the help of richness abandoned surroundings, AI will manipulate different circumstance in virtual data world based on the abandoned buildings and they will be developed deeply alongside the neighbor.


Back Story Program

Old North St.Louis Area

The Old North St.Louis is known for the landmark Crown Candy Kitchen, historic 19th century brick homes, and its award-winning community gardens, the neighborhood now known as Old North St. Louis was established as the independent village of North St. Louis in 1816 and was annexed by the City of St. Louis in 1841.After many generations as a very densely populated neighborhood, Old North St. Louis experienced several decades of population losses and deterioration of the community's housing stock. Over the past several years, however, the community has started to experience a dramatic revitalization led by the community-based Old North St. Louis Restoration Group,

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_North_St._Louis


Old North St.Louis

Map Past Old North St.Louis Map

Map Name: Gould's official map of [the] city of St. Louis Map Author: Gould’s Group Map Date: 1880 Map Source: Harvard Univ Library

Old North St.Louis


Map Past Old North St.Louis Map

Map Name: Map of St.Louis Map Author: Rand McNally and Company Map Date: 1903 Map Source: https://www.da vidrumsey.com

Old North St.Louis


Map Past Old North St.Louis Map

Map Name: Sightseeing Guide to St. Louis. Map Author: Shell Oil Company Map Date: 1956 Map Source: https://www.da vidrumsey.com

Old North St.Louis


The Program AI Data Center

The Environment Unlike other data center, my project is located in a low population area. My ambition here is that the data center can create a virtual image of the sourrounding area and help the visitors to explore the rich history of the site.

Data Center Data center is the driving force behind the AI system. It is located north since the south is the main entrance of the community.

The Activities The activities inside the data center are varies to different person, for the residents, the daily life is peaceful & normal, for the visitors, the data center would be a media to read the old north St.louis community and rich datas, and for the professionals, the data from the data center would help their research.

The Data Center All the data generated by the community will be sent to the data center located north of the community, which will eventually be calculated by the artificial intelligence terminal.

The Datas of the Community The rich data of the community will be represented in VR or AR gears inside the data center.

A Different Perspective of Data Data has its own perspective, and in my data center, the visitors will have chance to persive those different perspective.

The Program AI Data Center

AI Data Center

Real Space

Location: St.Louis, MO, USA Architect: Chenghui Nan Client: Future AI head company Area: Total around 5,000 m², building area: 200,000 m² Year: 2017


AI Calculation

Datas From Sensors in Architecture

Using the AI to calculate the Data

The main advantage of AI calculation is making customized information easy to calculate, which means by the data from different people the AI will provide distingtive solution to them

Current AI Process Classified Personal Data

Customized Space for different People

Evaluate Personal Condition by the AI calculation

The Architectural Space are changing accordingly


Light Sound Temporature Tactile impression Spacial Impression

How would the space be customized by AI? Virtual Space

Source DATA is crucial to Artificial Intelligence, it is the most valuable source. How to collect the data from a data testing center? This would be the main question in the AI Data Center Program.

Virtual Experiment


Virtual Gaming Space


Virtual History Education

? 34

The Program AI Data Center

The Abandoned Building in Virtual World

The abandoned building will serve as data testing sub center in my proposual. And different type of abandoned building will serve different function according to the AI calculation and requirement.

Abandoned Office in Site

Same Building in Gaming Data Virtual World 35

The Program AI Data Center

The Abandoned Building in Real World

The abandoned building will be redesigned to serve different data center needs. Most redesign will happen in the interior to fit the purpose of data testing sub center.

Abandoned Church in Site

Same Building in Historical Data Virtual World 36

Map Today Old North St.Louis Map

The southern portion of this district has been hit particularly hard by abandonment and demolition. A wall of industrial sites hems the neighborhood in to the south, cutting off what would be a potentially valuable link with downtown. Despite all this, the area seems to be undergoing a long, slow rebirth that began some twenty years ago and continues today.

School For Sale Old North St.Louis

Church Not In Use


Abandoned House

Abandoned House Abandoned House

Abandoned House

Abandoned Office

Abandoned Office



The Program AI Data Center

School For Sale

Abandoned House

Church Not In Use

Abandoned House

Abandoned House

AI Data Center is center of all the “abandoned buildings”

Physically AI Data Center is the hub of all “abandoned building”. AI Data Center is connecting all other building by datas and AI. AI will apply any change to the surrounding sub testing center.

AI Data Center

Abandoned Office

Abandoned House

Abandoned Office


The Program AI Data Center



Site Topography

Site Landmarks

Data Source: Map created from 3-meter Lidar data obtained from U.S Department of Agriculture “GeoSpatial Data Gateway.” https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx. Accessed July 13, 2015

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment


The Program AI Data Center



Vacancy and ownership.

Demographic maps

Data sources: Vacancy and ownership – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015.

Data sources: Age and race – Map created from TIGER 2010 Census Blocks data obtained from USDA. “GeoSpatial Data Gateway”. gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx. Accessed Jul. 13, 2015.

Diagram sources: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment

Diagram sources: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment


The Program AI Data Center



Street System

Current Land Use

Data sources: Street functional classification – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015. Speed limits – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis. Apr. 2015.

Data sources: Land use and TIF district – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015.

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment

The Program AI Data Center

Side Walks

Built Density

Data sources:Streets, sidewalks, and proposed MetroLink – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015.Transit – Raw data provided by the Bi-State Development Agency. Apr. 2013.Bike infrastructure – Raw data provided by Great Rivers Greenway. Feb. 2013.

Data sources: Zoning – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015.

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment

Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment


The Program AI Data Center

Lab for Auto Driving AI

The AI for auto driving is keep developing today. The AI data center could be a vitrual testing envirnment for those kind of AI. WaymoTM and UberTM are testing their own AI of auto driving in their lab. What would happen if they are testing their AI in AI Data Center?


The Program AI Data Center

Auto Driving AI pattern in AI Data Center The driving AI will connected by the road. The road are connecting AI data center and vancancy space, which will shape the final space of the AI Data Center.


The Program AI Data Center

Lab for Auto Driving AI

The Old North St.Louis is providing various road conditions including narrow street, high-way as well as main road. So the AI Data center would be good hub for Auto Driving AI. The building(frist floor) is the large auto-center.


Precedent Study Auto Lab Center

Lab for Auto Driving AI

The first floor of my AI center would be an auto driving AI testing center, which will be quite similar to the normal automatic laboratory.

Universal Technical Institute, Orlando, FL Source: http://www.atechtraining.com/Training/Lab-Design.aspx


The Program AI Data Center

Lab for Drone AI

The AI for auto driving drone delievery is one of the future feature that AmazonTM is developing. The AI data center could also be the testing center for these kind of experiment.


The Program AI Data Center

Drone AI pattern in AI Data Center The Drone AI is not limited by the existing road condition. AI drone is controlled and operated by the top floor platform of the AI Data Center.


The Program AI Data Center

Lab for Drone AI

The rich abandoned building in the Old North St.Louis would provide various place for AI drones to operate. So the top floor of my AI Data Center is AI drone hub.


Precedent Study Auto Lab Center

The Drone Tower

The Drone Tower project provides a glimpse into a possble future drone testing facitlites. The Drone Lab will need a drone landing and operating platform.

Source: Second Place 2016 Skyscraper Competition Hadeel Ayed Mohammad, Yifeng Zhao, Chengda Zhu United States http://www.evolo.us/competition/the-hive-drone-skyscraper/


The Program AI Data Center


AI Virtual Reality Gaming Center House House

The abandoned building in the site is providing various possiblities for futre virtual reality gaming. Especially, different type of the abandoned building will have different story and different task for players to explore.



Store Office


The Program AI Data Center

Virtual Reality Gaming Center The virtual reality gaming would create a lively digital world on the abandoned building areas. By the virtual reality gaming, the abandoned area will be revitalized and recreated. Eventually, the virtual world will affect the real world.


The Program AI Data Center

Lab for VR & AR Gaming AI

The rich abandoned building in the Old North St.Louis would provide various place for AI drones to operate. So the top floor of my AI Data Center is AI drone hub.


Precedent Study VR Gaming Space

Guide Book From Steam VR

The steam VR guide book shows how to create a VR gaming envirenment. Set the divices, make room for movement, clear obstacles and enjoy VR!

Find a location for basestation mounting at opposite corners of the tracked space.

Max distance between units is 5m. Rough linear dimensions of playspace are 4x3m.

Avoid unstable mounting solutions or surfaces that are prone to vibration.

Enjoy VR.

Sources: https://imgur.com/gallery/FDUwM


The Program AI Data Center

AI Data Center

Drone AI Center

Indoor AI Experiment Center

Logically, the AI Data Center is composed by two different space, one is AI data tower and AI operation center. Also, operation center is composed by four different sub testing center.

Virtual Data Gaming Center

Driving AI Center

AI Data Tower


AI Operation Center

The Program AI Data Center

Drone AI Center

Indoor AI Experiment Center

Virtual Data Gaming Center

Driving AI Center

AI Operation Center




AI and Architecture

Contexts and Locations



The Collage Board

Three Hypotheses

Place where the hypothesis happen

AI Data Center & Architecture

How the AI shape the architecture

Speculation The Data Center is both happening in real space and virtual space. In the real space, the space of the data center is controlled and calculated by the AI system in the building. In the virtual space, the AI system is testing all kind of possibilities inside the community as well as larger St.Louis area. How would AI change the space, and what would AI and data center bring the community? Those two questions will be answered in this chapter.


Speculation The Evolve of the Area

What if virtual space has more meaning than real context?


In case of the virtual space or the data world is booming, there are possiblities of the meaning of urban context overwhelmed by the digital datas. In this case, will the real space transform itself or change itself to the shape they are in virtual world? Or will they be replaced by the virtual meaning? Perhaps the AI and time will answer this question eventually.

Conceptial Drawing for the transformation of the abandoned building


Speculation Virtual World & Real World

What if AI understand the data and site? In the game Pokemon GO, people are using virtual data provided by the game client to explore the “monsters� of the game in real urban context. Waht if AI understand these interaction between real place and virtual data context? Will AI create a virtual world by itself to attract more people to join his virtual world?

Pokemon GO Conceptial Drawing in Old North St.Louis


Speculation Virtual World & Real World

Real Space

Virtual Space

With the help of AI and VR gear, other people would experience the different life by datas created from AI calculation. So, the data center is not only a space for storing the data it is also a place to represent the datas. For the visitors, AI data center is the media to understand different datas, and for the professionals, the AI center is also the media to merge their datas and thoughts. 47


Speculation Virtual World & Real World

Will the data center reflects the reality of the our real world? Perhaps the mixed reality and virtual world would be the answer to the future AI world.

Precedent Study Data Center of China Life Insurance

Data Center Of China Life Insurance in Shanghai Location: Shanghai, China Architects: GMP Project management: Kong Buhong, Martin Hagel, Hao Yanli Competition Design Team: Jan Blasko, Rebekka Brauer, Wang Qing Detail Design Team: Jan Blasko, Rebekka Brauer, Cai Lei, Fang Min, Gao Shusan, Martin Hagel, Hao Yanli, Kong Buhong, LiZhaoying, Florian Wiedey Client: China Life Insurance Area: above ground 79,000 m2, below ground 45,000 m2 Total GFA: 124,000 m2 Year: 2015

Photo Credit: Gerkan, Marg and Partners Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2015/08/data-center-of-china-life-insurance-inshanghai-by-gmp.html


Precedent Study Data Center of China Life Insurance

China’s largest insurance company, China Life Insurance Company, has moved into its new Data Center in Shanghai-Pudong. After a design and construction period of six years – which is on the long side for China – the complex designed by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners The project comprises 80,000 square meters of gross floor area and, in three buildings, accommodates offices and hotel and conference functions around the Data Center at the heart of the insurance complex. The functions are grouped into three succinct rectangular building volumes which relate to each other in a dynamic way, such that the open spaces in between are defined as generous entrance areas and inner courtyards. Photo Credit: Gerkan, Marg and Partners Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2015/08/data-center-of-china-life-insurance-in-shanghai-by-gmp.html


Precedent Study Data Center of China Life Insurance

Facebook Data Center

Photo Credit: Jonnu Singleton Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2012/10/facebook-data-center-by-sheehan-pa rtners.html


Location: Prineville, USA Architects: Sheehan Partners Area: 332,390 sq ft Year: 2011

While Facebook is the second most visited website in the world, its Prineville Data Center., in Oregon, is the first wholly owned and operated by the company. The new center is one of the most energy-efficient data centers ever built and the first LEED Gold certified Facebook building. Metal Sales was specified for the structure’s exterior walls and generator yard.

Precedent Study Data Center of China Life Insurance

Facebook’s first Prineville Data Center was completed spring 2011. Construction on a second identical Prineville Data Center began fall 2011. Facebook will have additional data centers in North Carolina and Sweden. Metal Sales has also been specified for the North Carolina data center that is currently under construction.

Photo Credit: Jonnu Singleton Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2012/10/facebook-data-center-by-sheehan-partners.html



Addition & Reference Additional information will be present in this chapter, including collage, logic pattern, word dictionary explanation as well as possible installation gears in my building.


AI, Architecture and Aging The Collage

Conceptual Collage, Draft and edited by Chenghui Nan Source material detail refer to the bibliography. 69

Collage Highlight 1 First topic of the collage would be the artificial intelligence. As the artificial intelligence grow stronger and stronger, our life would be totally changed by artificial intelligence. As the Internet changed our today’s life, artificial intelligence would shape our world unexpectedly.

Collage Highlight 2 When we have highly developed artificial intelligence, our living will full of their calculation and evaluation. In the future, we will live in an AI based living space, and the coordination between AI and architectural space would be an important topic for architects to research.

Collage Highlight 3 In the future, the population aging would be a huge issue for our society. And of course, AI will provide their understanding on aging perhaps and perhaps, AI, AI based machines and architecture will burden part of the aging care services.


Program Logic The logic behind the program

Some of the issues that the Old North St.Louis Area is facing will be solved by the future Artificial Intelligence as the following diagram indicate. Problem 1 Old North St.Louis Area


Preserve Rich History





Preserve Rich History Then Digitalization End


AI may store those precious memories through digitalization.

Problem 2 Many Abandoned Buildings

Problem 3 No one goes These Places

Large Data Calculation

Virtual Experience

AI may provide optimised calculation for different people and district.

AI or other mothod will create virtual experience to solve those problems.

Else If Many Abandoned Building Then Mega Data Calculation ReCall Digitalization End

Problem 4

Historials & Locals are trying to preserve the area

Virtual Reality

AI and large data can create virtual reality space for people to visite and remember.

Else If Vacancy Space Then Virtual Experience ReCall Digitalization Mega Data Calculation End

Else If Preservation Then Virtual Reality End

Additional Info

High Fidelity Speaker Group

Special Gears in AI center

Special “Gears� Then what could be the interaction media in my Data Center? Some of the special gears would be helpful in the interaction between AI and humans. Bose Speaker Group

The Transparent Screen Window

Photo Source: http://www.4electronicwarehouse.com/bose-soundlink-color-bluetooth-speaker-p30758

The sound are another important element to determine the space. AI controlled high fidelity speaker group will be used to tell the space for the visitors.

Smart Pixel Floors

The Sumsung OLED transparent screen Photo source: http://keywordsuggest.org/gallery/854217.html

The first gear in AI data center would be the transparent screen window. The main advantage of this window would be window transparency control and message inform.

Illuminated LED Pixel Floor

Screen Shot From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CPP69pJ6_U

Small pixels composed smart floor would be interaction media in AI Data Center. Each of the piece could be controlled by AI and together they will create different spacial experience. 72

Additional Info Special Gears in AI center

The Transparent Screen Window The quality of sunlight would be controled directly by AI.

The Operation An interactive space will be create by the personal datas and the AI calculation. Different gears will shape different espect of the space.

The Smart Floor System Opaque Window

Simitransparent Window

Transparent Window

The AI will also communitcate with residents with proper message.


Info Family Photos

Old Memories

AI will rise the floor accordingly to indicate the direction

AI detecting a blind people on the floor.


Road Indication

News and Message


High Fidelity Speaker Group The high fidelity speaker will create special effect inside the building.


AI detecting a wheelchair on the floor

AI will lower the floor for creating rail for the wheelchair

The smart pixel floor is compsed by floor panel, connector and AI assisted panel controller. The AI will controll the hight of each floor panel by different needs.

Different Sound Echos


Additional Info Special Gears Operation

Need Indication

Need more sunshine

Transparent Screen Window Operation

Making Window Transparent

Indicate Proper Destination

AI Family Photos

He has Amblyopia.

Old Memories

He is missing his families.

Sensor Collecting Data

Using high contrast to give him indication

The screen will show the old memories.

For VR users

High Fidelity Speaker Group Operation When someone is approaching High Fidelity Speaker Units

The AI will enlarge the sound bounce to indicate his presence. Designated Direction


For People with Visual disability AI controlled shound indication

The AI will use the sound as direction tool.

He is missing his families.

Family Photos

Old Memories

And along with the transparent screen window, the sound and image may create incredible memory space for the residents


Key Word Explanation A.I

A.I Wikipedia Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence exhibited by machines, rather than humans or other animals (natural intelligence, NI). In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving". The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered as requiring "intelligence" are often removed from the definition, a phenomenon known as the AI effect, leading to the quip "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet." For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from "artificial intelligence", having become a routine technology. Capabilities generally classified as AI, as of 2017, include successfully understanding human speech, competing at a high level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go), autonomous cars, intelligent routing in content delivery networks, military simulations, and interpreting complex data. British encyclopedia Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. Since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been demonstrated that computers can be programmed to carry out very complex tasks—as, for example, discovering proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess—with great proficiency. Still, despite continuing advances in computer processing speed and memory. Webster 1 :a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers 2 :the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior


Key Word Explanation Dimension

DIMENSION Wikipedia In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a mathematical space (or object) is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it.Thus a line has a dimension of one because only one coordinate is needed to specify a point on it – for example, the point at 5 on a number line. A surface such as a plane or the surface of a cylinder or sphere has a dimension of two because two coordinates are needed to specify a point on it – for example, both a latitude and longitude are required to locate a point on the surface of a sphere. The inside of a cube, a cylinder or a sphere is three-dimensional because three coordinates are needed to locate a point within these spaces. In classical mechanics, space and time are different categories and refer to absolute space and time. That conception of the world is a four-dimensional space but not the one that was found necessary to describe electromagnetism. The four dimensions of spacetime consist of events that are not absolutely defined spatially and temporally, but rather are known relative to the motion of an observer. Minkowski space first approximates the universe without gravity; the pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of general relativity describe spacetime with matter and gravity. Ten dimensions are used to describe string theory, eleven dimensions can describe supergravity and M-theory, and the state-space of quantum mechanics is an infinite-dimensional function space. The concept of dimension is not restricted to physical objects. High-dimensional spaces frequently occur in mathematics and the sciences. They may be parameter spaces or configuration spaces such as in Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics; these are abstract spaces, independent of the physical space we live in. British encyclopedia Dimension, in common parlance, the measure of the size of an object, such as a box, usually given as length, width, and height. In mathematics, the notion of dimension is an extension of the idea that a line is one-dimensional, a plane is two-dimensional, and space is three-dimensional. In mathematics and physics one also considers higher-dimensional spaces, such as four-dimensional space-time, where four numbers are needed to characterize a point: three to fix a point in space and one to fix the time. Infinite-dimensional spaces, first studied early in the 20th century, have played an increasingly important role both in mathematics. Webster A mathematics (1) :measure in one direction the dimensions of the room; specifically :one of three coordinates determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time (2) :one of a group of properties whose number is necessary and sufficient to determine uniquely each element of a system of usually mathematical entities (such as an aggregate of points in real or abstract space) the surface of a sphere has two dimensions; also :a parameter or coordinate variable assigned to such a property the three dimensions of momentum (3) :the number of elements in a basis of a vector space B :the quality of spatial extension :magnitude, size … the town's modest dimensions and leisurely ways … —Jane Shellhase 76

Key Word Explanation Percepton

PERCEPTION Wikipedia Perception (from the Latin perceptio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information, or the environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. For example, vision involves light striking the retina of the eye, smell is mediated by odor molecules, and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not only the passive receipt of these signals, but it's also shaped by the recipient's learning, memory, expectation, and attention. Perception can be split into two processes, (1) processing the sensory input, which transforms these low-level information to higher-level information (e.g., extracts shapes for object recognition), (2) processing which is connected with a person's concepts and expectations (or knowledge) and selective mechanisms (attention) that influence perception. Perception depends on complex functions of the nervous system, but subjectively seems mostly effortless because this processing happens outside conscious awareness. British encyclopedia Perception, in humans, the process whereby sensory stimulation is translated into organized experience. That experience, or percept, is the joint product of the stimulation and of the process itself. Relations found between various types of stimulation (e.g., light waves and sound waves) and their associated percepts suggest inferences that can be made about the properties of the perceptual process; theories of perceiving then can be developed on the basis of these inferences. Because the perceptual process is not itself public or directly observable (except to the perceiver himself, whose percepts are given directly in experience) Webster 1 a :a result of perceiving :observation b :a mental image :concept 2 obsolete :consciousness 3 a :awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation color perception b :physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience 4 a :quick, acute, and intuitive cognition :appreciation b :a capacity for comprehension


Key Word Explanation Perspective

PERSPECTIVE Wikipedia In philosophy, a point of view is a specified or stated manner of consideration, an attitude how one sees or thinks of something, as in "from doctor's point of view". This figurative usage of the expression as attested since 1760. In this meaning, the usage is synonymous with one of the meanings of the term perspective. Perspective (from Latin: perspicere "to see through") in the graphic arts is an approximate representation, generally on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is seen by the eye. The two most characteristic features of perspective are that objects are smaller as their distance from the observer increases; and that they are subject to foreshortening, meaning that an object's dimensions along the line of sight are shorter than its dimensions across the line of sight. British encyclopedia Perspective, method of graphically depicting three-dimensional objects and spatial relationships on a two-dimensional plane or on a plane that is shallower than the original (for example, in flat relief). Perceptual methods of representing space and volume, which render them as seen at a particular time and from a fixed position and are characteristic of Chinese and most Western painting since the Renaissance, are in contrast to conceptual methods. Pictures drawn by young children and primitives (untrained artists), many paintings of cultures such as ancient Egypt and Crete, India, Islam, and pre-Renaissance Europe, as well as the paintings of many modern artists, depict objects and surroundings independently of one another—as they are known to be, rather than as they are seen to be—and from the directions that best present their most characteristic features. Many Egyptian and Cretan paintings and drawings, for example, show the head and legs of a figure in profile, while the eye and torso are shown frontally (see photograph). This system produces not the illusion of depth but the sense that objects and their surroundings have been compressed within a shallow space behind the picture plane. Webster 1 a :the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically :representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance b :a picture in perspective 2 a :the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed places the issues in proper perspective; also :point of view b :the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance trying to maintain my perspective 3 a :a visible scene; especially :one giving a distinctive impression of distance :vista b :a mental view or prospect to gain a broader perspective on the international scene—Current Biography 4 :the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions 78

Reference Ref Index

P3 P4 P15 P16 P17 P18 P21 P22 P39 P40



P50 P63


Knowledge Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence Knowledge Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence Data Source: St. Louis County Maps and Apps http://stlcogis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?ap pid=0c8450a868ee4e29aa8daf72f964dc59 Source from http://futurearchitectureplatform.org/news/28/ai-architecture-intelligence/Architecture and Urban Planning in the age of Artificial Intelligenceby Rron Beqiri. by LONGREAD Data Source: US census, American Community Servey Knowledge: A Brief History of St. Louis from www.stlouis-mo.gov https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/visit-play/stlouis-history.cfm Data Source: Wash U GIS Data Photo Credit: Mark Scott Abeln https://www.flickr.com/photos/msabeln/5169106417/ Source Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnwHDdwPNxAxNPeTAmqKOQ Data Source: Map created from 3-meter Lidar data obtained from U.S Department of Agriculture “GeoSpatial Data Gateway.” https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx. Accessed July 13, 2015 Map Source: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment Data Sources: Vacancy and ownership – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015. Data Source: Age and race – Map created from TIGER 2010 Census Blocks data obtained from USDA. “GeoSpatial Data Gateway”. gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx. Accessed Jul. 13, 2015. Map sources: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment Data Sources: Street functional classification – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015. Speed limits – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis. Apr. 2015. Data sources: Land use and TIF district – Raw data provided by the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015. Map sources: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment Data sources:Streets, sidewalks, and proposed MetroLink – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015.TransitRaw data provided by the Bi-State Development Agency. Apr. 2013.Bike infrastructure – Raw data provided by Great Rivers Greenway. Feb. 2013. Data sources: Zoning – Raw data provided by City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency. Jun. 2015. Map sources: Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St. Louis | Project Area Assessment Photo Source: Source: Second Place,2016 Skyscraper Competition Hadeel Ayed Mohammad, Yifeng Zhao, Chengda Zhu United States http://www.evolo.us/competition/the-hive-drone-skyscraper/ Photo Credit: Gerkan, Marg and Partners Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2015/08/data-center-of-china-life-insurance-in-shanghai-by-gmp.html

Reference Ref Index

P64 P65 P66 P72

Photo Credit: Gerkan, Marg and Partners Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2015/08/data-center-of-china-life-insurance-in-shanghai-by-gmp.html Photo Credit: Jonnu Singleton Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2012/10/facebook-data-center-by-sheehan-partners.html Photo Credit: Jonnu Singleton Article Source: http://aasarchitecture.com/2012/10/facebook-data-center-by-sheehan-partners.html Photo source: http://keywordsuggest.org/gallery/854217.html http://www.4electronicwarehouse.com/bose-soundlink-color-bluetooth-speaker-p30758 Screen Shot From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CPP69pJ6_U


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