Angelfall Analysis Document
Student: Sandra Yuen Cavi class: A Studentnumer: 464474 Professor: Cindy Vermeulen Date: 22/09/2014 1
Content 1. Introduction 2. Subject
3 4
3. Purpose of assignment
4. Quality requirements
5. Users/ viewers
6. Identity client
7. Goals starting points
8. Personal vision and own view
9. Research subject
10. Research design
11. Conclusion and recommendations based on research and analysis/concept 13 12. Reflection on analysis and recommendation 13. Sources
1. Introduction This is the first assignment for the AVI semester. In this assignment we have to create a title sequence from a book that hasn’t been created into a movie yet. The book that I choose is called ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck. In this document I will be writing about my researches on the book and the analysis of it.
2. Subject: Angelfall
The subject is about the book called ‘Angelfall’ written by the author Susan Ee. It’s ayoung adult novel that revolves around a post-apocalyptic California. A seventeen year-old Penryn Young trying to rescue her kidnapped sister. The novel begins with the Apocalypse has come. Penryn, her mentally imbalanced mother, and Penryn’s little sister, wheelchair-bound Paige, prepare to flee from Silicon Valley into the hills. Their escape is interrupted by a fight between the angel Raffe (Raphael) and five challengers. Raffe manages to fend off the angels, though he becomes seriously wounded, and the lead angel, Beliel, cuts off Raffe’s wings. Paige is then kidnapped and their mother runs away. Penryn helps nurse Raffe back to health, and asks him to help her find her sister. He is reluctant to do so, but decides he must help if he wants the chance of having his wings reattached. Penryn and Raffe travel north, and fall in with a militia resistance group, determined to fight back against the angels that have invaded Earth. They are led by a good man named Obadiah, who wants to give people hope by fighting back. Penryn and Raffe leave and continue north to the angel aerie in San Francisco, at a 1920s-themed club. Raffe has no idea what the angels are doing -none of them do. They simply act on orders, but without Gabriel, God’s Messenger, they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Politics have broken out among the angels, seeking to nominate the next Messenger. Raffe is in consideration. While at the club’s basement, Penryn finds her sister, who has been torn apart and stitched back together. She is now an automaton, with little independence of her own -but she can walk again. Raffe goes to see the angel Laylah, who can reattach his wings, but betrays him by putting Raffe’s wings on Uriel, Beliel’s boss. Uriel’s demonic wings are given to Raffe. A scorpion fetus creature paralyzes Penryn as the resistance attacks the club, killing many angels, and Raffe brings Penryn to safety. The victory is celebrated, and Penryn, her mother, and Paige leave with the resistance, while Raffe goes off on his own, able to fly once more.
3. Purpose of assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to create a title sequence for a book that could be made into a movie. The book has to be one that has not been made into a film yet or is going to be made into a film but doesn’t have an existing title sequence yet. The main purpose is actually for us to understand the use of typography and the design that we’re going to be using and if the design and typography would make a good motion graphic. With this I mean it’s to show how you’re composing everything together and if it fits with the theme or book that you’ve chosen. The purpose is also to research on typography and different kinds of motion graphic styles and what inspires you to turn your title sequence in such a thing.
4. Quality of requirements Design The design for the title sequence is not allowed to consist of photograpy or video format. Such as photos of any subjects that are taken from Google or anywhere from the internet. It has to be of vectors or hand drawn. The design has to be original. This also counts for videos, videos are too easy so it’s not allowed in our title sequence. The quality of the design can have a 3D look and feel to it, but it can also be in 2D. Also there will be music that will accompany the title sequence of the book. The music must correlate with the movie, so you can feel the tenseness of the movie.
Designsoftware Software that will be used for this assignment will be Adobe After Effects CS6 and also Adobe Premiere CS6 aswell. Both softwares will be use to create the title sequence, but besiides these two there are also other software I will properly use like Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop CS6.
AV-technique I think I will be using a lot of the zoom or close up and fade-in and out techniques for my title sequence. The zoom in or close up is to get the feel of having a deeper look into the story. With close up can bring the feeling of tenseness to the audience. About the zoom in is more to give the audience the directly subject what the movie will be about. I think this technique I will use it more on the main character. About the fade-in or -out technique is to give the audience the chance to keep thinking about the short scene that will be faded out. It’s more like a teaser, so people want to see the real movie when it is released. I think these two techniques are properly what I’m going to use in the title sequence. Like usually you see in some movies can make it very interesting just to add up some close-ups and then the fade-out to some other part of the story.
5. Users viewers The target audience of this assignment would be for the audience of the book ‘Angelfall’. Therefore I will be designing this assignment a title sequence of the book ‘Angelfall’ who are teenager going into their twenties to be young adults. I actually choose this kind of target audience,because I see this story book much like ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ movie. This movie was also made from the book first and then the movie. Everyone that I know who read the book was young adults in their twenties. So I will take that as my target audience for this book also.
6. Identity of client The identity of the client is actually a bit confusing, because the client could be the author of the book or any movie production company. Actually the book has been optioned by Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Good Universe. So that why it’s a bit confusing by whom is the client, because Susan Ee wrote the book and Good Universe has the filming rights. I’ll take the author Susan Ee for my client as so far, because she is the one who wrote the book and wants to turn it into a movie. Furthermore this assignment is to create a title sequence of the book for school.
7. Goals and starting points Goals My goals for this assignment is to try to make a title sequence that would impress the audience to go and watch the movie. I also want to want the audience to have the feelings or the intense of the movie, which people can’t get that much by just reading the book. Specially me, because I prefer to watch the movie in stead of reading the book only. I think movies give more interest, attention and pictures of scenes will be easily memorize.
Starting points My starting point was really difficult, because I have choose an old book that I had read in my middle school. I actually didn’t forget the story of the book and I was going to start my assignment with it. There was one simple step that I totally forgot, it was to look up on the internet if the book is already made into a movie. The result is that they already turn the book into a movie and this means that I cannot use this book for this assignment. Therefore I went to search for another book and see if I can use it for this assignment. Finally I found this book ‘Angelfallen’, which they are planning to turn it into a movie but still not produce yet or release.
Personal learning objectives My assignment is to make a title sequence in Adobe After Effects but without the use of any photography or videos. I’ve never worked in Adobe After Effects before this semester, I’ve only worked with the basics during the Pressure Cooker week. So for my personal learning objectives I would like to: specialize in Adobe After Effects. Learn to use/make special effects in Adobe After Effects. Learn more and specialize how to make a good motion graphic like those professional title sequence. I really need to keep up with my planning and with more research and practices.
8. Personal vision and own view My vision for my title sequence is to make something like how a professional film company would make their title sequence. I also have the vision how my title sequence would be, but still we can’t use any photography or videos, so that kind of down me a bit. I think sometimes I try to make things too difficult where I can just keep it on the simple way. This time I will keep it simple instead of make a difficult title sequence since I never work with After Effects before. I would try to keep the design for the title sequence similar to the book cover. The only thing I would change a bit is the typography, because I actually already have choose a font for it. The typography shows more and gives also the appearance of ghotic look that will belong to the object. I will show it on the next chapter of researches which typography I have chosen for my title sequence. The book is about angels and therefore I have this vision that the typography should be mix with some ghotic and angelic font. On the internet there are allots of different typography named angel, but they are very confusing and unreadable. It’s like those with some kind of angelwings after each letter, that is too much and it doesn’t match. Then I saw some of the ghotic fonts which mathes wihat I’m looking for, simple but still with meanings. For me the title needs to be attractive to the audience and also mathes the objects what is about.
9. Research object The research of subject is based on the boof of Angelfall by Susan Ee. It’s a young adult fiction novel and followed by World After another book by Susan Ee. The novel is targeted at teenagers around the age of 15 to the early twenties, 20 -28. Family is a major and dominant theme in the novel. Thematically family, which includes mutual love or affection and also other affects of the entire plot of the novel. Family most strongly revolves around the character of Penryn and feuls the plot of the entire novel.
10. Research design I have began researching on typography and I’ve came across with some typography that I’ve really liked and below are some photos of the typography. Here I have choose some typography that inspired me.
For the designing or the way I want to make my title sequence I went to research on other motiongraphics. I foind one that have inspered me how how I would like made my title sequence. The following are the designs that has inspired me.
11. Conclusions and recommendation Well my final conclusion would be keeping the color theme that the bookcover already has. The color theme is very simple which is black and purple blue and grey. I think I will use vectors and symbols like the inspiration that I had before to have a different look. The first inspiration is not vector pictures, but more like just paintings. The topography that I have finally choose is the one called ‘Angel’ combining with the gothic one named ‘Teutonic’. I also really like the ‘Angelic serif’ one, maybe I will see if I can combine them together or not. The Angel font matches more with the title of the book, because it has some parts of the letter faded or missing, which that matches the apocalypse in the story.
12. Reflection on analysis and recommendation I think I have done allot by researching for inspiration for the title sequence. Well that is actually the real point of the assignment I think to make as much research as you can so you know what it is all about. I have search for alot of other title sequence and some has inspired me that I would like to make something similar but in my own way. The typography was the best part of the analysis because typography is really beautiful and I’ve found several of them that would’ve been great for my title sequence.
13. Sources Watched the title sequence of The mortal instruments: City of bones:
Made by Sandra Yuen 15