Targetgroup analysis

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TARGET GROUP ANALYSIS Inthernship at Happy Folk

Student Name: Sandra Yuen Studentnr: 464474 Email: Mobile: 06 31956774 Education: HAN University of Applied Sciences Major: Communication & Multimedia Design (CMD-C) Company Name: Happy Folk Address: Nieuwe Oeverstraat 31-33, 6811 JB Arnhem Website: Manager: Mark Tamea Email manager: Mobile manager: 06 14989990 University Coach: Yvonne Brinkman Email: Mobile: 06 28304356 Date: 18 May 2017 Verion: 2.0 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface...................................................................................................................................................................................3 1. Current research information.......................................................................................................................................4 2. Survery questions............................................................................................................................................................5 3. Survey results...................................................................................................................................................................7 4. Interview..........................................................................................................................................................................17 5. Persona............................................................................................................................................................................19 6. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................................21 7. Appendix........................................................................................................................................................................23


PREFACE This document is written in conclusion for the research of the graduation project at Happy Folk conducted by Spine Advice. The graduation assignment is to create a proof of concept which could be a solution for Spine Advice’s communication and understanding problem for the future. The analysis is going to define the target group for the proof of concept about (hip replacement) Orthopedic surgery animation. Therefore, to make a concrete research for the target group there are several approaches that has to be done in order to collect the data. The target group analysis starts with a current research information, this is a desk research which means researching from the desk, which is searching information on the internet from accurate websites such as CBS etc. The next approach for the target group analysis is the survey. In the chapter of the survey, survey questions are going to be described why and how these questions have value to the research of the target group. The survey is also a tool to have an overview of the needs of the target group. Furthermore, there is a chapter about interviews. In the interview chapter, all the interviews are described in order to have a deep insight of the needs among the target group. The last approach, is to create personas, which is a fake profile based on the collected data of the researched target group.


1. CURRENT RESEARCH INFORMATION For Spine Advice it is very important to identify who their target group is for the animation. According to the experiences of the surgeons from Spine Advice, 40% of their patients cannot retain health literacy from a brochure or from consultations. Most patients come back to the surgeons surprised and anxious when they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. In this situation, the surgeons have to explain the patient how the procedure will go again while maintaining them calm. It takes time to explain the procedure of the surgery to the patients and it’s not effective at all. Time is very important to surgeons, because a surgery doesn’t have a time limit when it can be finished. Therefore, surgeons want to provide patients as much information as possible during their consultations regarding the understanding of the surgery. It’s more efficient and time saving if patients understand the procedure of the surgery thoroughly. These current general information is collected from desk research. This current information already exists from different sources on the internet. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek is the most reliable source on the internet to collect the needed data. Based on the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek data, their most recently updated data is from 2010, which is already enough to trace back which gender and in what age range Orthopedic hip surgery is held the most. Down in the image 1.1 below, there is an overview table from CBS. This table shows the total hip surgery that has been held from the 2005 till 2010 based on the gender and age range. This data is required in order to identify the target group for the proof of concept. From the stats below it shows that females have the most hip surgery then males and most of the patients are in the age between 65 to 80 years old. This means the target group for the proof of concept are patients at the age of 65 to 80 years old. This research of the target group is important in order to identify the needs of the target group. Each target group has a different needs and approach to communicate with.

Image_T01 (, 2014) 4

2. SURVEY QUESTIONS The survey questions are to determine the information from the respondents. The survey questions have to be very specific, because if the questions are unclear the answers of the respondents can be completely different to what was originally asked. The survey can be filled only once, which means the chance is limited to collect the required data. In chapter 3 the questions of the survey are going to be described why these questions are made. From the target group analysis, answers will be drawn in to answer the sub questions from the research plan. In general, the target group are patients, but patients are a very wide range. Therefore, to narrow down and specify the target group this survey will identify the needs and segmented the target group. The targeted group of patients can be everyone, but we will be focusing on people from 50 years or older according to Spine Advice (Maarten Spruit, personal announcement, 04 December 2016). There is no prediction on what is going to happen tomorrow. Therefore, there is a possibility to have a potential target group that might can be used in the future for the proof of concept. The sub-questions that are relevant to the targetgroup analysis via the survey are the following: • What content must be provided in the animation regarding the understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? • Which type of animation can be used to improve patients’ knowledge and understanding regarding the target group? The survey is made in order to collect as much information as possible to answer the main questions of this project. The main question is too broad to be answered by just doing a survey, it requires more research and information. Therefore, in order to have a complete answer to the main question, the sub-questions must be answered first. These sub-questions are part of the main question, which could be answered by the results of the survey. Opinions and other information will be collected through the survey. The results of the survey can give an overview of the general opinions/information and needs from the target group. In the following survey questions, there will be a description below on each part about how and why these questions have added value. The survey starts with some demographic questions. These questions are the common questions from a survey such as knowing the gender, age, etc. These data helps to distinguish differences in certain groups of the population. 1. What is your gender? 2. What is your marital status? 3. What is your age? 4. What is your profession/occupation? Here above are the demographic questions from the survey. Knowing the age range is very important, because it defines the age of the target group and it reveals in what age this situation is happening frequently. 5. Did you have Orthopedic surgery before? This question is made in order to get the tester to be familiar with the subject and to prepare the tester what the following questions are related to. In the beginning of the survey there is already a description about Orthopedic surgery. It’s not that the tester will not know what the subject of the survey is until they reach this question. 6. Did your doctor provide you information before the surgery? 7. Was the provided information understandable? These questions are meant for the testers that have gone through an Orthopedic surgery. From them is easy to know how the provided information was and was it clear enough for them to understand. 5

8. How did you initially feel after your doctor informed you that you were about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery? 9. How would you initially feel if your doctor inform you that you are about to undergo for an Orthopedic surgery? These two questions above, are technically the same. The first question is meant for testers that already had Orthopedic surgery before. The second question is for testers that haven’t gone through an Orthopedic surgery yet and can imagine or make up a scenario where they pretend as if they are in a similar situation. In this case there will be types of information collected, one that have already experienced the surgery before and the other one that hasn’t yet. This is a good comparison to get to know how other people feel and think when they are picturing themselves going through the situation. These questions are also related to what Spine Advice has mentioned during the meetings with patients, that they become anxious and afraid when they know they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery (Maarten Spruit, personal announcement, 04 December 2016). 10. What kind of information do you think is the most important for you to feel assure about the surgery? This question is to understand what content is more important for the patient to reassure him/her about the surgery that he/she is about to undergo. According to Spine Advice people/patients don’t retain health information and it might be because of too detailed information. From this question Spine Advice, should able to find out what kind of information is more important for the patient to be well informed for an Orthopedic surgery. 11. Do you think information from a brochure is interesting? 12. How often do you read the provided information from a brochure? 13. How secure do you feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? 14. How trustworthy do you think you feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? Spine Advice has mentioned that they have provided information from a brochure before, but only 40% of patients have read the information (Maarten Spruit, personal announcement, 04 December 2016). From the questions above it can be presumed that brochure information is not the correct communication media/style to provide Orthopedic surgery information. 15. How do you feel if your doctor provides you Orthopedic surgery information in a different form? This is the last question of the survey which it can show how testers feel about different type of medical media.



3. SURVERY RESULTS Divorced Cohabit

The survey has reached 82 respondents within 2 weeks, which means it is already sufficient data Married to collect from the survey. The purpose of the survey is to see how many people went through an Orthopedic surgery and how was the information provided. The survey is pure to have an overview of people that already went through or are going to undergo for an Orthopedic surgery. In order to have a deep insight of the target group itself, there is going to be an interview chapter with description about the results of the testers during the interview. Married 88%

The respons From the survey the most responses are females in the age of 65 years old or older. This means that this data is compatible with the current information research form CBS. Most of these testers are already Female married and retired. ReviewMale the collected results in the pie diagram below. Percentage



What is your gender? Male Female

Male 46% Female 54%

18 to 24

25 to 34

35What to 44 is 45 your to 54 age? 55 to 64 65 or older 345 to 54 34 63 3%

18 to 24

55 to 64 34%

25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or older


65 or older 63%

Self-emplyeUnemployeRetired Employed 2 58 40






Cohabit Married Respones 8 2 84 100 What is your age? 45 to 54 3%

What is your marital status? Single 1%

18 to 24

Divorced 9% Cohabit 2%

25 to 34

55 to 64 34%

35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64

Single 65 or older 63%

Divorced 65 or older Cohabit Married

Married 88%



Self-emplyeUnemployeRetired Employed 2 58 40 Male


What 46 is your 54 profession/occupation? Unemployed 2%

What is your gender? Employed 40%

Student Male Self-emplyed Female Unemployed Retired

Male Retired 46% 58%

Employed Female 54%

Yes 18 to 24



25 to 34

22 35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64 65 or older 3 34 63


From the results of the survey, there is 78% of testers that have Orthopedic surgery before. The other 22% of testers did not have Orthopedic surgery before, this means they are about to undergo for an Orthopedic surgery. In the following diagram below, it shows all 78% of testers did received information from their surgeons or doctor. It seems like it’s a very logical that a doctor would provide the patient with information, but a question is never a wrong question. No one knows unless it’s asked that maybe there is one tester did experience that the doctor did not provide him/her with enough information before the surgery.

Did you have Orthopedic surgery before? Did you have Orthopedic surgery before? No 22% No 22%

Yes NoYes No

Yes Yes

No 100 No 100

Yes 78% Yes 78%

0 0

Did your doctor provide you information before the Did your doctor provide you information before the surgery? No surgery? 0% No 0%

Yes NoYes No

Yes 100% Yes 100%

Not Not


Less Less 0


Average Well Very 35 55 Average Well Very 5 35 55

5 5


Was the provided information understandable? Very 5%

Not 0%

Less 5%

Not Less

Average 35%

Average Well Very


Well 55%

Shocking Worried Reassured Other as Not applicable 30 29 29 7 5


In the diagram above it shows that the provided information is only 55% understandable. This indicates that not everyone understood the provided information about the surgery 100%. This is a very good research/data for Spine Advice to have, which can now prove from the research that not 100% of the information provided from a doctor/surgeon is understandable. From these data, there is a possibility to develop better communication and understanding between patients and doctors. The second highest percentage of this question is “Average” with 35%, which means there are also testers that think they don’t understand the provided information from their doctor/surgeons. In this case Spine Advice, has mentioned, it’s important for people to understand the provided medical information (Maarten Spruit, personal announcement, 04 December 2016).


The following diagram is about the feelings of the patients/testers when they hear that they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. Down in the diagram below it shows “Anxious” of 30% has the highest percentage of all. Human beings have emotions and especially when it comes to surgery, according to Spine Advice most of the patients are anxious before the surgery because they have no control of their own body. This means patients don’t know what is going to happened when they are unconscious. The other high percentages go for worried as “29%” and “shocking” as 29%. These seems to have the same percentage, because this question allows testers to give multiple answers. For this question testers, can give multiple answer about their feeling. In the interview chapter, there will be a deep insight about this question.

How did you initially feel after your doctor informed you that you were about to undergo an Orthopedic Anxious Shocking Worried Reassured Other as Not applicable surgery? 33



Reassured 7%



Other as Not applicable 5%

Anxious 30%

Worried 29%

Anxious Shocking Worried Reassured Other as Not applicable

Shocking 29%

Pre-operative Incisions Medical insArtificial re Recovery Procedure Other 61 22 16 28 79 74



How would you initially feel after your doctor informed you that you were about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery? Reassured 6%

Other as Not applicable 5%

Anxious 33%




Worried 12 34%

Average Well 43




Anxious Shocking Worried Reassured Other as Not applicable Shocking 22%

The diagram above is actually almost the same question like the previous one. This question is made in order to know how would the tester feel like when they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. Not everyone as a tester has to undergo a surgery in order to fill out the survey. Some people/tester also experienced some injuries related to Orthopedic, they can also express themselves on how they would feel if they had to undergo a surgery. The main purpose of this question is to point out the feelings and reactions of anyone when they are about to undergo for a surgery. From the results of the diagram above it shows testers are more worried as highest percentage of 34% when knowing they are about to undergo a surgery. This question is also a multiple answers question, which means the tester can give more than one answer. In order to see which feelings are the top ones, it depends on the percentage. From the diagram the three feelings are Worried 34%, anxious 33% and shocking with 22%, these are the top three feelings with the highest percentage. There are also testers that have other feelings besides of these ones. In the diagram, there is only 5% of other feelings, which means some testers also feel “Not applicable” when they know they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. In the option “Other”, testers can have the possibility to give their own feeling which is not listed in the given answers. Never



Sometimes Often 26 46 20


What kind of information do you think is the most important for you to feel assure about the surgery? Other






Artificial replacement


Medical instruments




Pre-operative preparation

61 0










This question is made in order to know what kind of information is the most important for the tester/ patient in order to feel safe about the surgery. All numbers are given in percentages. From the diagram, Not Less Average Well Very it shows what is the most important information a patient requires to know about the surgery. The 6 12 43 19 1 ‘Recovery’ rank as the highest percentage with 79% of the entire list. This means the biggest number of testers/patients think that information about the recovery is very important for them to feel safe about the surgery. The “Procedure” also has a high percentage, which ranks in the second place with 74%. The percentage of “Procedure” close to “Recovery”. Thisfrom is possible because thisis question is a multiple Do you isthink information a brochure answers question. In order to know what information is the most important for the testers/patients to interesting? feel safe during the procedure, there must be a possibility for multiple answers. It’s not just general Not Very which is a very serious topic. There isn’t such thing as information, but information about your surgery 6% 13% only having one part of the information is important in order to feel assure. Less There must be sufficient information to reassure the patient’s feelings. To have the full cover of the12% feeling to be assured about the surgery, there are three top rank percentages results for this question. The first highest percentage is “Recovery” with 79%, second “Procedure” with 74% and third “Pre-operation operation” with 61%. Not

Less Average Well

Well 26%


Average 43%


Do you think information from a brochure is interesting? Not 6%

Very 13%

Less 12%

Not Less Average Well

Well 26%


Average 43%

From the diagram above, it shows 43% of the testers/patients think information from a brochure is average interesting. This question is made in order to find out if the given information from Spine Advice is accurate enough. It seems like from the results, the data is quite accurate in comparison to what Spine Advice has experienced.


How Less often doAverage you read information Wellthe provided Very 5 25 44 a brochure? 23 2 from Never 9%

Often 20%

Barely 26%

Never Barely Sometimes Often

Sometimes 45%

The question above is also related to information from a brochure. The results from this question are find out how often testers/patients read the provided information from a brochure. According to the results of the survey, testers/patients do read the provided information from a brochure sometimes. It has 45%, which means almost the half of testers/patients read a brochure sometimes. The next highest percentage Unpleasant Terrify Sensitive Normal lead to “Barely� with 26%, this means there is also a group of testers/patients barely read the provided 2D animati 13 1 8 79 information from a brochure. Live record 3D animati

39 6

15 1

20 9

26 84


How secure do you feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? Not How secure do you feel afterVery reading Orthopedic 1% 7% surgery information from a brochure? Well 24%

Very 1%

Not 7%

Less 15%

Well 24%


Less 15%

Less Average Well



Less Average Well Very Average 53%

This question is made in order to find out how secure testers/patients feel after reading Orthopedic How thrustworthy doityou feel after reading surgery information from a brochure. From the result, shows testers/patients feel average with 53% of secureness after readingOrthopedic Orthopedic surgery information from afrom brochure. This means testers/patients surgery information a brochure? Very Not don’t feel 100% secure after reading Orthopedic information Averagefrom a brochure. This is also a good 2% 5% research for Spine Advice to know that brochure is not the53% correct way to provide medical information. Well 23%


25% How thrustworthy do you feel after reading Not Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? Less

Very 2%

Average Well Very

Not Less

Well 23%

Not 5%

Less 25% Average 45%

Average Well Very

Average 45%

This question is made to find out how trustworthy testers/patients feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure. The highest percentage for this question is the “Average” one from the list. From the result, it shows testers/patients feel “Average” 45% of trustworthy after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure. This test is in order to find out if testers/patients feel trustworthy to do the surgery after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure. The next highest percentage of this diagram goes for “Less” with 25%. 15

How do you feel if your doctor provides you Orthopedic surgery information in a different form? 90



80 70 60 50 39



30 20 10 0



13 6



8 1

1 Terrify 2D animation/cartoon

Sensitive Live recording


3D animation

This is the last chart for the last question of the survey. In the bar chart above, it shows 3D animation has the highest percentage of 84% in total. This means more than the half of the testers/patients think Orthopedic surgery information is normal to be provided in a form of 3D animation. The second highest percentage is 2D animation with 79% percentage of testers/patients feel normal. The third highest rank is the live recording with 39% of unpleasant, which means testers/patients feel unpleasant watching a live. Live recording, means surgeons/doctors are doing an Orthopedic surgery with a patient while it’s recording. This live recording shows everything that is going to happen in the operation room, which means it’s possible to see blood. The purpose of this question is to find out what patients think about information from other media.


4. INTERVIEW This chapter is about the interview that has been made for the target group analysis. These interviewees are selected base on the collected data from the current desk research. From the survey, we are able to only collect quantitative information from the target group. In order to have a deeper insight of this target group, an interview is the best approach to collect qualitative information. According to the following interviewees, they don’t want to reveal their names to the public, therefore there is privacy to the interviewees. They will stay anonymous and be named with their first letter of their name with numbers instead of their real name. For the interview, the interviewer will start asking the same questions as the ones in the survey. By asking the survey questions to the interviewee it gives the possibility to the interviewer to ask further and deeper questions based on the given answers. There is a total of 5 interviewees for this research. From these 5 interviewees, 3 have experienced Orthopedic surgery before and the other 2 haven’t go through an Orthopedic surgery yet. From the survey questions, there is two types of a target group, one that already experienced Orthopedic surgery and the other who hasn’t. By having these two groups, it gives a better overview of the target group that has experienced the situation how they felt about it and the others that are going to experience it in the future. People that already experienced a surgery before already know in general how the process is going to be and for the one that doesn’t they have to take more time to process that they are going through the situation. This also means they need more time in order to understand the provided information about Orthopedic surgery. The results of the interviews are given in a Table_4 according to the headlines of the interview. The table gives an overview on the main point of the interview. Furthermore, to have an entire story of each interviewee, the summaries are attached in the appendix. According to APA-style, interview recordings are not allowed to be attached in the appendix as recordings or transcript (Swaen B, 2015). Therefore, all the interviews are summarized as a story. Furthermore, personal interview recordings are also not allowed to the third parties. Interview questions: 1. What is your gender? 2. What is your marital status? 3. What is your age? 4. What is your profession/occupation? 5. Did you have Orthopedic surgery before? 6. Did your doctor provides you information before the surgery? 7. Was the provided information understandable? 8. How did you initially feel after your doctor informed you that you were about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery? 9. How would you initially feel after your doctor informed you that you were about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery? 10. What kind of information do you think is the most important for you to feel assure about the surgery? 11. Do you think information from a brochure is interesting? 12. How often do you read the provided information? 13. How secure do you feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? 14. How trustworthy do you think you feel after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure? 15. How do you feel if your doctor provides you Orthopedic surgery information in a different form?


Interview Feelings:

1 Sad Disappointed Worried Afraid Accepted


Understandable Many medical terms Understandable with sketches


Surgery experienced 2 3 X


Surgery non-experienced 4 5 X



4 1 1 1 1

Provided information: 1 2 1


Important content: Procedure Recovery


Interesting on subject Trustworthy Secure





3 4

Brochure: X


3 1 2


Communication style: 3D animation Personal communication Other digital media





4 2 1

Table_4 Conclusion According to the interview results, it seems like most people are feeling uncomfortable when they are about to undergo for a surgery. From the table above, it shows most of the interviewees feel sad about the situation. The main purpose of the interview is to have an insight about experienced and nonexperienced people of a surgery. For most of the patient that already experienced a surgery before, only one interviewee says the provided information is understandable. This means others don’t understand the provided information fully during their consultation with the doctor. Other patients commented that the provided information comes with a lot of medical terms, which makes them difficult to understand. Another interviewee says, he understood the provided information because it was combined with sketches. This means, it’s better to visualize the information then only verbal communication. Furthermore, from the result it shows procedure and the recovery information of a surgery are the most important part of the content that a patient would require. Like mentioned before in the beginning, which Spine Advice provides information with a brochure. Therefore, it’s important to identify opinions about information form brochures. Three out of five interviewees say brochure is interesting depends on the subject and especially if the subject is related to themselves, then they would browse into the brochure. As last, most of the interviewees think 3D animation would be a better communication media, because it gives a depth of field and accuracy of the surgery. Others think personal communication is also important, which this can be a combination of personal communication and animation. The animation can be provided during the consultation of the patient with the doctor and meanwhile the patient is able to have interaction with the doctor.


5. PERSONAS In this chapter is going to describe the persona for the entire research. Personas are fictitious users that are created based on the research. A persona could show or give an image of the finding results of the research and provide a practical approach to understand the requirements of the target group (Jahagirdar,N., Joseph Martin. A, 2010, October 30). With this persona, it would help to bring up the idea to life and the requirements of the target group that is needed for the animation. The purpose to create a persona is to bring the user to life by developing the persona with real names, personality, motivations and a picture. Here below are 2 personas in order to bring the 2 target group to life.

Segment 1 Segment Represented segment: Senior patient with Orthopedic surgery experience Background 60 years old male HVAC Technician Married for 32 years. Characteristics Good + acceptance + passive Less - conservative - stubborn - unpatience

+ caring

Patient requierements Common level of communication Simple to understand Clearness Information visualization LEO DE GRAAF, 60 YEARS OLD. SCENARIO Leo de Graaf is a chef at Hyatt hotel for 10 years, he loves being chef and that is why he is still working instead of retiring. He had a surgery on his knee just a week ago. After a month, his friend came to visit him. His friend was concern about his recovery and asked him how is the recovering going. Leo answered that he is doing fine, but there are a lot of movements that he cannot do yet. This friend also asked him what did the doctors do to him, such as how was the surgery. Leo couldn’t say that much about the surgery because he says the doctor told him a lot of information that he couldn’t remember anymore. However, there is a big part of the information that he doesn’t understand, because the doctor mentioned a lot of medical terms during the consultation which he doesn’t have an idea what is going to happen. Leo didn’t understand the procedure of the surgery, but he really trusts that the doctors can help him with his knee and that he can stand on it again to keep on doing what he loves as a chef. 19

Segment 2 Segment Represented segment: Patient without Orthopedic surgery experience. Background 55 years old female, Administrator Married for 8 years. Characteristics Good + active + liberal + social Less - doubtfull - stubborn Patient requierements • Simple communication • Clearness • Straight forward HELEN DEGEN, 55 YEARS OLD. SCENARIO Helen has injured her hip during a tragic accident. The doctor told her that she has to undergo a hip replacement surgery in order to be able to walk again. Helen never had surgery before, this would be her first time going through such a situation. She is worried and afraid what all is going to happen to her. She heard from many people that the surgery is very complicated and it’s very difficult to recover. When the doctor is consulting Helen, he noticed that she had many questions about the surgery and that she is afraid of what is going to happen. The doctor provided her a hip replacement surgery animation and Helen’s worries were reduce. After Helen had watched the animation, she had gotten an idea of how or what the surgery is going to be like.


6. CONCLUSION This chapter is the conclusion of the research for the target group. The target group of hip replacement surgery is seniors from the age 60 to 65 years old. According to Spine Advice, this segment of the target group is also the most common one that they have experienced (Maarten Spruit, personal announcement, 04 December 2016). This means the collected data are adequate to the one that Spine Advice has experienced. However, segments beyond this target also could be the potential target group because you never know what could happen tomorrow. In conclusion of the entire analysis, many people do prefer to visualize medical information in a better way instead of having only verbal communication. From the results of the survey, it turns out that only 55% of the testers do understand the provided information from their doctor. This means not everyone has understood the provided information from their doctor fully. There is a total of 35% of the target group thinks that they have an average understanding of the provided information from their doctor. By not understanding the provided information from the doctor, it might increase the patient’s anxiety. However, 30% already have the feeling of anxiety, shocking and/or worried by just knowing they are about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. People don’t read information from brochure that often, mostly sometimes. This means information from a brochure or especially medical information is not that interesting. There is a possibility that the provided information in the brochure is too detailed for a 65-year-old or older senior to read it thoroughly. Therefore, there is a question in the survey in order to find out what kind of information patients/testers want to know for them to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. The result of this question shows, there are three kind of information that scores the highest percentage namely; pre-operative (before surgery), procedure and the recovery (after surgery). These are the most important information that a patient would require in order to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. Patients/testers would like to have 3D animation as a development tool for understanding. From three out of five interviewees say that 3D Orthopedic surgery animation gives a better perspective view and accuracy. They can visualize the provided information instead of transforming their understanding of the information into their own imagination. The reason behind those uncomfortable feelings can vary from affecting their mobility to family caring. From the interviews, there is an understanding that most of them are concern about the procedure and the recovery from the surgery. This means that the information is almost similar to the results of the survey. Brochures aren’t that interesting if the topic is not related to the person him/herself. This means the possibility is minimal that patient would read the information from a brochure. Many patients might browse into it the brochure, but patient cannot retain the imporant inforamtion my just browsing through the brochure. Surgery information is not fully understandable according to the opinions of the interviewees. Doctors speak on a high level of communication, which patient doesn’t understand the medical terms of knowledge. This also makes the target group difficult to retain all the given information. It’s very difficult to understand such complex information, especially for seniors. Therefore, most of the interviewees say they only understand part of the provided information. Interviewees also point out that it would be better if the doctor can visualize the information instead of only verbal communication.


Interviewees opinions are to have a combination of personal interactive with the doctor and an animation during their consultation. Therefore, they will feel more secure and trustworthy because there is an expert with them at that moment to explain what is going to happen. Requirements of the target group: - common level of communication - visualize the main given information - most important content of the surgery are the pre-operative, procedure and the recovery - to have interaction with the doctor to feel secure


7. APPENDIX Dingemanse, K. (2015, 08 September). Soorten interviews. Consulted on 10 December 2017, from Jahagirdar,N., Joseph Martin. A. (2010, October 30). Using Personas During Design and Documentation. Consulted on 11 January 2017, from archives/2010/10/using-personas-during-design-and-documentation.php Schaatsbergen, R. (2012, 18 April). Zes tips voor een goed interview. Consulted on 10 December 2017, from Silkalns, A. (2015, 16 May). How to easily create user personas online. Consulted on 15 March 2017, from, (2014, 05 February). Operaties in het ziekenhuis; soort opname, leeftijd en geslacht, 1995- 2010. Consulted on 15 March 2017, from /?DM=SLNL&PA=80386NED&D1=0&D2=1-2&D3=1-5&D4=19&D5=10- 15&HDR=G3,G4,T&STB=G1,G2&VW=T Swaen, B. (2015, 14 September). Voorbeeld APA-stijl: Interview. Consulted on 10 December 2017, from


Interview nr.1 Interviewee D_2020, 18 January 2016. Interviewee D_2020 is a 55 years old male with an occupation as Sports Instructor. He has Orthopedic surgery before on his spine like about 4 years ago. Interviewee tells that his doctor did provide him information about the surgery, which it was very clear to him what is going to be happened. He thinks that the provided information was understandable, but there was some part of the information that he was doubting about it. Because the doctor was explaining in very details with some medical terms that he isn’t familiar with. Interviewee says that in general he understands the provided information about the surgery. Furthermore, interviewee feels disappointed and sad when he heard that he is about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. He cannot believe that this situation is happening to him, because now he is very concern about his physical or mobility is going to be deteriorate and this will affect his occupation as a sports instructor. He is very concern that he is not going to be able to walk 100% again. For interviewee D_2020 the most important information for him to feel assure about the surgery is the position of the incision and the recovery part, because he as a sports instructor knows how muscles work in the body. He really wants to know if the incision would affect his normal movement and how much time the recovery will take. Interviewee D_2020 thinks information from a brochure is interesting, but he doesn’t read them that often. Sometimes he does read through the brochure when it’s an interesting subject to him, but others then that not very much. Interviewee thinks Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure is quite interesting, because that information are the ones that he needs for now for his situation. For him those information is very trustworthy, because they are provided from the doctor. Interviewee thinks Orthopedic surgery information should be provided in a different way rather than just verbal communication. He as patient on that moment cannot imagine how the process or the surgery is going to be, therefore he thinks if the doctor can visualize the information it would be better for him to have an idea what the surgery is about. For interviewee D_2020 it doesn’t matter in what kind of visual communication it’s provided, because he is more into the information and not the graphic. The graphic is more like an extra help tool for him to have an idea about the surgery. Interview nr.2 Interviewee J_7140, 28 January 2016. Interviewee J_7140 is a 42 years old male with an occupation as Marine. He also has Orthopedic surgery before on his hip like about 3 years ago. According to interviewee the provided information was very clear and understandable, because the doctor sketch out the artificial hip on a piece of paper how the hip is going to be replaced during the consultation. Interviewee J_7140 feels sad and worried when the doctor informed him that he has to undergo for an Orthopedic surgery. He is worried about what is going to happened to him in the future, because he has a family and he his kids are still very young. His youngest son was just one year old. He felt sad that this is happening to him and that his wife has to take care of everything including him now. It was a very though experience and he couldn’t do that much rather then just accept the reality that is happening to him. For him the most important information for him to feel assure about the surgery is the procedure and the recovery. He wants to know about the procedure, because this is the most important part that he is going for. He wants to know what the doctor is going to do with his body or replacement while his unconscious. Interviewee thinks that information from a brochure could be interesting depends on the subject. If the subject is interesting he would browse through the brochure, but not read it carefully for every detail that is written in the brochure. If the brochure is about Orthopedic surgery information that he is about to undergo, then he would read it carefully. Usually he doesn’t read information that often, only sometimes from 3 times out of 10.


Interviewee doesn’t really feel secure after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure, because for him this information is just for him to read about the general information. He prefers personal communication in order to feel secure and trustful, because words or information provided by a doctor has more influence to feel secure and trustworthy. Interviewee thinks if the doctor provides him Orthopedic surgery information with a video such as an animation it will be better to have an idea what is going to happened during the surgery. Furthermore, he thinks it should be in a combination of showing animation during the consultation and interact with the doctor. By having this combination, it gives him as a patient to understand more about the surgery and has the opportunity to ask further questions. Interviewee also thinks that 3D animation is better, because it gives a better view of the depth of field of the body/bones. With 2D animation they are just images and it’s too flat to be realism or accurate to the realism. Interviewee also says “live recording video is a bit disturbing to watch, because there is blood and it’s not clear to see what exactly is happening”. Interview nr.3 Interviewee S_1300, 28 January 2016. Interviewee S_1300 is a 56 years old male with an occupation as Financial manager. This interviewee has not experienced Orthopedic surgery before. He thinks he would feel bad and afraid if the doctor informed him that he is about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. By feeling afraid he means that he has to go through all the pain after the surgery, which it will be a hard phase to go through. For him the procedure isn’t important, because he doesn’t have control over his body and if he is unconscious during the operation then there is no need to know the information of the procedure. Interviewee S_1300, thinks in general brochure is interesting only if the topic is interesting to him. If the topic is interesting he will read through the entire brochure, but if not then he will just browse in the brochure and only read the interesting parts that he thinks it’s interesting. Usually, he doesn’t read from a brochure that much, but it depends on the given topic. Interviewee also says he would feel secure after reading Orthopedic surgery, because doctors consultation time is limited. He as a patient wouldn’t be able to have the opportunity to ask every question. Therefore, he thinks he can take the brochure with the provided information about Orthopedic surgery home and takes his time to read it. Interviewee gives his opinion that a 3D animation is better than a live video, because for a live video it’s more like a “how to it” video. With a 3D animation is more accurate in positioning, because in a live video there are many actions that are happening at the same time and the camera angle cannot catch every step of the procedure that he would need to know. Therefore, he thinks a 3D animation is a good improvement among communications between patients and doctors regarding patient education. Interview nr.4 Interviewee J_0050, 29 January 2016. Interviewee J_0050 is a 60 years old male with an occupation as a Chef. He had Orthopedic surgery before on his knee like about 2 years ago. His doctor did provide him information before the surgery, but some of the information wasn’t that understandable. Because the doctor used many medical terms while explaining the surgery. Interviewee also says that the doctor was communicating on a high level of communication, which it’s too complex and difficult for him to follow or either understand the details. He doesn’t have higher education in order to understand such high level of communication and that makes it difficult. Interviewee felt sad when his doctor informed him that he is about to undergo an Orthopedic surgery. He couldn’t believe that this situation is happening to him and he needed to accept the truth and the reality. For him the most important information about the surgery are the recovery and the procedure. These information is necessary in order for him to know the steps or the precautions to have a successful recovery as soon as possible.


Interviewee thinks information from a brochure is in general not interesting for him, because he doesn’t like to read. He prefers interactive such as personal communication is better than just read a text from a paper. It’s also boring, because there isn’t such feeling of interaction and attention like you communicate with another person. Interviewee also thinks that he doesn’t feel secure or trustworthy neither after reading Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure. He really prefers to have personal communication, because the doctor is the expert so he would feel more secure and trusted communicating with the doctor. Furthermore, he thinks if the doctor provides him Orthopedic surgery information in a different such as an animation he would understand better than just reading a text. Even though if the doctor speaks on a high level of communication that he cannot understand, it would be better if there is a video to visualize what he means. Interview nr.5 Interviewee K_1450, 29 January 2016. Interviewee K_1450 is a retired 65 years old male. This interviewee has not experience an Orthopedic surgery before, but he has a very acceptable behavior about the situation. According to him, he is already an old man and he could image that maybe one day such situation might happen to him. Interviewee K_1450 thinks the recovery is the most important information for him to feel assure about the surgery, because he trusts the doctors. The doctors are the experts that could help him and no one else can, therefore he has this behavior like he is willing to hand over his live/body to the doctor. The recovery is important to him, because he must take care of himself in order to stay healthy and to continue to live long as he can. Interviewee thinks information from a brochure is not interesting, because mostly they are more like advertising. He doesn’t read information that often, because he doesn’t like reading. If the brochure provides serious information such as medical information, then it’s very interesting. He would browse in the brochure in order to find information that might be related to himself. For example, information about heart diseases, because he slightly suffers from heart disease and he would like to know how to avoid or the keep his health of his heart. Interviewee K_1450 thinks if the doctor provides him Orthopedic surgery information in a different instead of only verbal communication, it would be better to understand. Because most of the time doctors explain a lot of details in medical terms which makes him hard to understand, but if there is a video provided while consulting with the doctor then he would have a better understanding. Live recording seems interesting to him, but it’s disturbing such as blood would cover up in some part that might be interesting to watch. Interviewee choose to have a 3D animation, because it’s not disturbing or unpleasant to watch. However, a 2D animation is also good but it doesn’t show the depth of field like a real one. Interviewee thinks a 3D can give you a full accurate view of the entire body and how everything is positioned.


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