Thesis en

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THESIS Patient education of hip replacement Orthopedic surgery animation

Student Name: Sandra Yuen Studentnr: 464474 Email: Mobile: 06 31956774 Education: HAN University of Applied Sciences Major: Communication & Multimedia Design (CMD-C) Company Name: Happy Folk Address: Nieuwe Oeverstraat 31-33, 6811 JB Arnhem Website: Manager: Mark Tamea Email manager: Mobile manager: 06 14989990 University Coach: Yvonne Brinkman Email: Mobile: 06 28304356 Date: 18 May 2017 Verion: 3.0 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Management summary...........................................................................................................................................4 Preface .......................................................................................................................................................................6 1. Projectcontext.........................................................................................................................................................7 2. Assignment definition..........................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Research...........................................................................................................................................................8 3. The methods, techniques and tools, project approach, (interim) results and global planning..............9 3.1 Methodology...................................................................................................................................................9 3.1.1 Process management....................................................................................................................9 Waterfall Sashimi method.........................................................................................10 Big6...............................................................................................................................11 3.2 Techniques.....................................................................................................................................................12 3.2.1 Interview........................................................................................................................................12 3.2.2 Survey...........................................................................................................................................13 3.2.3 Desk research...............................................................................................................................13 3.2.4 Applied research.........................................................................................................................13 3.3 Interim results................................................................................................................................................14 3.3.1 Projectplan....................................................................................................................................14 3.3.2 Product analysis...........................................................................................................................14 3.3.3 Targetgroup analysis.................................................................................................................14 3.3.4 Research document....................................................................................................................14 3.3.5 Design document........................................................................................................................14 3.3.6 Test report....................................................................................................................................14 3.3.7 Proof of concept..........................................................................................................................15 3.4 Global planning...........................................................................................................................................16 4. Process and deliverable results..........................................................................................................................17 4.1 Preparation phase.........................................................................................................................................17 4.1.1 Plan of approach..........................................................................................................................17 4.1.2 Research plan..............................................................................................................................17 4.2 Research phase............................................................................................................................................19 4.2.1 Research on current communication......................................................................................19 4.2.2 Literature review.........................................................................................................................19 4.2.3 Product analysis..........................................................................................................................19 4.2.4 Target group analysis...............................................................................................................21 Survey...........................................................................................................................21 Interview.....................................................................................................................21 4.2.5 Research document....................................................................................................................21


4.3 Design phase...............................................................................................................................................22 4.3.1 The research.................................................................................................................................22 4.3.2 Design and style.........................................................................................................................22 4.3.3 The approval...............................................................................................................................23 4.3.4 The script......................................................................................................................................23 4.3.5 Try-outs........................................................................................................................................24 4.3.6 Design document.....................................................................................................................24 4.4 Test phase.....................................................................................................................................................25 4.4.1 Moving storyboard....................................................................................................................25 4.4.2 Proof of concept.........................................................................................................................26 4.5 Realisation phase.........................................................................................................................................27 5. Conclusion and recommendation....................................................................................................................29 6. Appendix.............................................................................................................................................................30 Attachment 1 Domain Competences............................................................................................................32 Attachment 2 Evaluation document............................................................................................................37 Attachment 3 Feedback form.......................................................................................................................44 Attachment 4 Deliverable results/documents............................................................................................48


MANAGEMENT SUMMARY The graduation project takes place at the company of Happy Folk, located in Arnhem which was founded by two partners in 2015 as a Communication Design Agency. The graduation project is conducted by the client Spine Advice. Spine Advice is a new company established by two leading Orthopedic surgeons practicing from a renowned clinic in The Netherlands. The mission is to publish clear and educational patient information for people who will be undertaking an Orthopedic procedure. The aim of this material is to help patients prepare for their hospital visit and make informed decisions about both the surgery, the recovery period and their quality of life thereafter. Many patients are having difficulties retaining the given information about Orthopedic surgery. Therefore, Spine Advice wants to provide Orthopedic surgery information through animation which patients can easily retain and understand the procedure of the surgery. This animation tool can benefit both as patients and doctors. The graduation assignment/ project is to research, design and to realize a basic patient education animation based on the requirements of patients and clients of Spine Advice. From the project, an animation is going to be created and designed in order to increase patient’s knowledge and understanding about Orthopedic (hip replacement) surgery. This animation is the first series of Orthopedic surgery which starts with hip replacement surgery as the first topic. The main research of the project is about defining the problem as: “How can Spine Advice improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery through animation?”. The research is divided into several research questions, which are obtained from the problem definition and the theoretical framework. From the research sub-questions, the main question can be answered. Hereby, the research is divided into three components which are the product analysis, target group analysis and theoretical research. The design of the animation is based on the research results and the requirements of Spine Advice. For the approach of this project, there are two common methods that can be applied, which is the SCRUM and Waterfall methodology. The Scrum approach to project management enables software development organizations to prioritize the work that matters most and break it down into manageable chunks. Therefore, SCRUM can define which project has priority so that the team can be focused and finish the project before the deadline, but it’s not suitable for this project. This project has to be executed individually, which SCRUM cannot be applied. Waterfall methodology allows for departmentalization and managerial control, but there is no allowing for modification in the previous stages. Hereby, there is a modified Waterfall methodology called Sashimi Waterfall methodology which does give the opportunity to modify the requirements in the previous stages. Therefore, Sashimi Waterfall methodology is chosen to be the approach to project management of this project. The structural of the project is going to be divided into five phases: Project preparation, Research, Design, Test and Realization. Project preparation The most important part of this phase is to determine the purpose of the project. The problem is formed into a main research question. The main question is further divided into several sub-questions in order to break down the complexity of the answer. Requirements are set in this phase from Spine Advice in order to build a clear path for the creation and process of the project. Approaches are determined for each sub-question, which afterward Spine Advice can review the quality of the project. Hereby, organizing and structuring all the tasks are going to be necessary in order to achieve the goal of the project.


Research phase The results of this phase are to collect research data in order to answer the sub-questions. There are several approaches being applied in this phase. In the beginning, there is research on the current communication in order to define the concrete problem. Competitors are being analyzed base on the provided content of the animation. The animation of the competitors is analyzed according to five categories: story, graphic, color use, motion effect and audio. The results of the product analysis are listed as a MoSCoW method, which prioritized the requirements that are found in the analysis. The target group is also analyzed in this phase to define for whom the animation will be created. Therefore, there are two approaches to identify the target group such as survey and interview. The most important approach is the interview, which it gives a deep insight of the thoughts of the patients regarding a hip replacement surgery. The results of the interview turned out, that the animation has to have a storyline, which it covers the headlines of the procedure of the animation. From other research in this phase, it turns out 3D graphic is the most common medical animation that is being used nowadays. Design phase The main part of this phase is to start designing the animation. The design includes creating the 3D models and the visual of the animation. This means the look and feel of the animation. For the creation of the 3D model, 3Ds Max is the most common software, due that it’s the most economic and efficient than any other software. The 3D body model is anatomically accurate approved by Spine Advice like other design choices. This phase is all about trying out all the design choices. Trying out the design means exporting the design of the animation in the exact format as the final result of the project. These try-outs are exported per scene in order to have a smooth workflow. Errors and mistakes can be easily detected and changed per scene instead of searching in an entire animation. The design of the animation is based on the requirements of Spine Advice and the requirements of the research. Spine Advice is amazed by the design of the animation, which the animation has a clean and simple look. The design is focused on the clean and calm environment, which means the colors are tinted instead of pure and bright. In the design of the animation, another important component is displaying the medical term in order to increase the knowledge of hip replacement surgery. Test phase All the test result turns out positively, which patients do understand the story and the message behind the animation. The test is tested on the target group in order to define the reaction and the feeling of the animation. Hereby, there is an important test session to assure the understanding of the patient. The assuring test is very important because it’s the main part of the project to define if animation does increase the understanding of a patient. This assuring is made based on confirming what patient has understood from the animation by applying the “teach-me back” method. Most of the patient of the test understand the purpose and the message of the animation, which means that an animation can be a solution in order to increase patient’s knowledge and understanding about hip replacement surgery. Realization phase The most important part of this phase is combining all the final try-out (renders) together as a final animation in the common software of Adobe Premiere. All try-outs are basically videos per scene of the animation that have to be edited. Adobe Premiere gives the opportunity to edit video and audio at the same time. Try-outs are being edited on the speed, which timing is one of the principles of animation and follows by the transition of each scene to another. The end of this phase is about exporting the animation in a common format as MP4 which can be played on any video players.


PREFACE This thesis is written for the graduation project at Happy Folk by Sandra Yuen, a student from the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem. The graduation project is conducted by Spine Advice in order to develop a proof of concept to improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic (hip replacement) surgery through an animation. Through this thesis, the performed project is going to be described per chapters and summarized in order to have an overview of the graduation process. As first, the project context will be explained and the environment describes where the graduation project takes place. The assignment definition chapter gives a complete description about the main purpose of the graduation project. To have a good approach for this graduation project, several techniques, methodologies and tools are applied in order to have a structured and manageable process. The expected results of the project will be explained, then followed by an objective planning how the process of each phase is planned. The process of each phase from the Sashimi-Waterfall will be described to give a deep insight of the process of the project. As last, conclusion is drawn and recommendations are made in order for future projects.


1. PROJECTCONTEXT Happy Folk is a public Communication Design Agency established in the year 2015, headquartered in Arnhem. Early in 2015, the company started with only 3 employees in Nijmegen, but after having big clients like The Hague Convention Bureau and Fortimedix Surgical, the company moved to Arnhem. Happy Folk provides a wide range of services, from graphic design, to marketing and PR. The company is a partnership company. It is divided into Marketing Communication and Graphic Design departments. Mark Tamea is an Art director who is leading the Graphic Design department and the Communication Marketing department is led by Zhenya Starkova. The co-operation works very well among them: Mark is focused on design and Zhenya provides high quality content in Marketing Communications. There are a total of 8 employees working at Happy Folk at this moment including the student as an intern. Happy Folk has a very structural work flow, which collaboration is the key of success. The company is divided into two departments, but they always collaborate with each other. There is no individual work on a project without collaboration of both departments. The managing partners are the ones who arrange new projects with clients. When they are accepting new project, they will pass it on to the project manager to schedule it into Happy Folk’s project calendar. After scheduling the new project, the managing partners will arrange a meeting with the staffs to discuss how to approach the project. Usually when the Graphic Design department finishes a project, Mark as the Art director will ask the Marketing Communication team for advice and feedback. To have a better view about the workflow of Happy Folk, find the hierarchy/organogram here below on the image below.

Happy Folk Organogram Managing partner Graphic Design M. T

Managing partner Marketing Communication Z. S

Communication Specialist L. K

Junior Graphic Design L. M

Junior Graphic Design N. C

Multimedia Design Intern S. Y

Junior Communication J. L

Junior Communication D. P


2. ASSIGNMENT DEFINITION Nowadays, there is a big issue among doctors and patients regarding the understanding of the provided medical information during the consultation. The issue frequently starts when doctors are trying to explain how a surgery is going to be held. Spine Advice has tried to provide Orthopedic surgery information from a brochure to their patients, but only some patients will read through the brochure. While the rest will feel surprised and/or anxious when they are about to undergo a surgery. Patients will feel anxious because they didn’t read through the brochure or they didn’t understand the information of the surgery properly. A surgery is a very complex situation that doctors cannot explain it in a simple form which patients can understand easily. The complexity of the surgery is very difficult to understand when a person has no medical knowledge. This issue is affecting the patients as much as the doctors. Therefore, Spine Advice approaches Happy Folk to see how digital media can be a potential solution for this issue. Knowing that these days everything is digital, this makes Spine Advice have to modernize and improvise their way of communication. The main goal of this assignment is to create an animation by visualizing the provided information or the complexity of a surgery into an easier way to understand. Furthermore, the animation is not only created for the understanding but also to educate and to increase patient’s knowledge about (hip replacement) Orthopedic surgery. The assignment is to research, design and to realize a basic patient education animation based on the requirements of patients. This means an animation is going to be created and designed in order to increase patient’s knowledge and understanding about Orthopedic (hip replacement) surgery.

2.1 Research

Spine Advice already has an idea and desire about the animation, but the main problem is still not defined in order to make a concrete answer about the purpose of the animation. Therefore, the main research question is formulated in order to have a concrete answer and solution for the problem. The conclusion and expectations from the research are essential for the further implementation of the project. The research main question is: “How can Spine Advice improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery through animation?”. The main question is too complex to be answered, therefore the main question is divided into four subquestions: 1. How can spine Advice assure the degree of understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? 2. What content must be provided in the animation regarding the understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? 3. Which type of animation can be used to improve patients’ knowledge and understanding regarding the target group? 4. How can animation improve patient’s knowledge and understanding?


3. THE METHODS, TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS, PROJECT APPROACH, (INTERIM) RESULTS AND GLOBAL PLANNING The use of development method is to find out how the information system could be developed and how the development process is carried out throughout the whole process of this research. This chapter is going to describe the usage of methodologies, techniques and tools that are applicable for the project.

3.1 Methodology

This paragraph is all about the usage of methodologies and how they are being applied to the project. In the following paragraphs of process management, research methodology and design methodology, it will be described in detail how they are used in a structural project. 3.1.1 Process management methodology Happy Folk is a small company that uses SCRUM as their development method. The Scrum approach to project management enables software development organizations to prioritize the work that matters most and break it down into manageable chunks. Scrum is about collaborating and communicating both with the people who are doing the work and the people who need the work done. It’s about delivering often and responding to feedback, increasing business value by ensuring that customers get what they want. Happy Folk is not a software development organization, yet they still use SCRUM. Happy Folk has many small to big projects, to which everyone is constantly contributing. Therefore, SCRUM can define which project has priority so that the team can be focused and finish the project before deadlines. However, SCRUM is not suitable for this project, because the project is not about developing an information system or software system. Nevertheless, SCRUM does have a structural process management of each project. According to the Reader: Projectmatig werken, SCRUM is the best development method to use, but this method requires teamwork (Leer, S., Sicherer, C., & Schuszler, P., 2011). This project is an individual project, which the SCRUM cannot be applied. Another method that is suitable for this project is the Waterfall methodology. This method allows for departmentalization and managerial control. Planning with deadlines can be set for each stage of development and the product can proceed through the development process and be delivered on time. Development moves from concept, through design, implementation, testing and ends up with maintenance. The traditional Waterfall methodology is also not suitable for this project because each phase has to be perfectly completed to continue to the next phase. In the process of this project, there is a test phase, which the process management method should be allowed to go back to the previous phase to adjust feedback. Therefore, it’s inefficient to apply Waterfall methodology to this project. Down in the image_D01 below states that the phases in the traditional Waterfall method are organized in a linear order. Once a phase is completed there is no moving back because the output of one phase works as an input of next phase, so modification in the previous phase can make the process unstable and leads to failure. There is another modified Waterfall methodology called Sashimi Waterfall methodology.

Image_D01 (Eternal sunshine of the is mind, 2013) 9

The Sashimi Waterfall methodology is no different from the traditional Waterfall methodology. However, one disparity does stand out. In the development phase, there are no overlapping steps in the traditional Waterfall methodology, which in Sashimi allows having overlapping development stages. There is a research phase in the beginning of the project. The research phase consists of a desk- and field research, the field research is about collecting data from surveys and interviews. This means, there is a time pause in the research phase to collect sufficient data from the survey. During the time pause to collect all the results, the design phase can begin. Meanwhile, the research phase is still ongoing. Therefore, the Sashimi Waterfall methodology is applicable to this project, because there is a possibility to go back to the stages when adjustments are needed.

Image_D02 (Pancholi M,2011) Sashimi Waterfall methodology As explained in paragraph 4.1.2, Sashimi Waterfall methodology is going to be used as the approach for the project management of this project. In this paragraph, each phase is going to be explained why and how they are being used in the project. Furthermore, from the phases, there are intermediate results available throughout the project which are explained in paragraph 4.3 Interim results.

Software Concept This phase is about knowing what the concept is about. This means in this phase the project has to be defined what the purpose of the project is about. It’s very important to know what the concept is about before starting with other phases. The software concept phase is like creating a foundation of the project. This foundation has to be concrete in order to continue with other tasks. If this phase is not clear and define, there are risks of having problems, confusions and delaying in the next phases of the project. Requirement Analysis In this phase, the analysis begins, which research takes place in order to find the requirements for the project. This project consists of a big part of the analysis in order to find out what the possible solution or outcome is for the project. The research analysis is mandatory from the study, where every conclusions and decision is made out from. The analysis is to proof what the society of Orthopedic surgery requires nowadays. Architectural Design This phase is about collecting the information or data from the analysis phase in order to make the first draft of design. By applying the Sashimi Waterfall methodology, this phase can start meanwhile the research analysis phase is still ongoing. This overlapping methodology is very suitable for this project because during the analysis phase there is a time pause in the process, for example, the survey. Time must be given to the survey in order to reach sufficient responses. Thus, instead of waiting for the responses, the design phase can be started. This overlapping phase of methodology keeps the process of the project ongoing instead of holding on one phase until it’s completely finished to continue to the next phase.


Detailed Design Base on the architectural design phase, the actual proof of concept becomes visible by how it actually looks like. This phase is about realizing the functionality of the basic design. Furthermore, in this phase, there is a subdivision task in the technical units such as programs, modules and functions. Programs and software’s will be defined in order to start creating the proof of concept. Coding and Debugging This phase is about starting to create the proof of concept of the project. From the design phase, the information will be implemented in the selected software or program that are going to be used. By applying this phase to the project, it gives the possibility to identify and to remove the errors from the program or software. System Testing This is the last phase of the Sashimi Waterfall methodology, which is the testing phase. In this phase, the proof of concept will be tested whether to identify if the proof of concept is properly built according to the designs in the previous phase. Throughout the test, errors will be detected from the previous phases. Big 6 methodology The Big 6 methodology is developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz. The Big6 is the most widely used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world. It’s used in most schools, higher education institutions and corporate and adult training programs (Big6, 2014). The Big6 information problem-solving model is applicable whenever people need and use information. The biggest part of this project consists of research, which there is much information needed. The question is how much information is enough and which information is relevant or important for this project. All these questions lead to an overloading of information. Therefore, the Big6 is suitable to use to select and narrow the relevant information that is important to the project. The Big6 integrates information search and use skills along with technology tools in a systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific needs and tasks. The big 6 has the following six steps to solve information overloading problem: 1. Task Definition 2. Information Seeking Strategies 3. Location and Access 4. Use of information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation In the beginning of the project, there isn’t a clear path to what this project is about and what kind of information are required for the project itself. By applying the Big6 to the project, the path has become clear of what tasks or information are needed for the project. Throughout the Big6 model, it creates a vision of how all these tasks should be made in order to succeed the project. Furthermore, the Big6 has a very structural form to solve information overloading which this methodology applies more to the research phase of the project. By having a structural research phase, it increases the process of the entire project.


Step 1 till step 5 is used in the research phase and step 6 for the end of the project. The usage of the methodology is mostly in the beginning of the project. There is an observation in the beginning on deskand literature research before implementing information directly to the analysis. According to the Big6, the first step is to have an overview on the goal of the assignment/project. A research list is created in order to define what has to be researched to achieve the goal of the project. Spine Advice is the client, which they provides the most important information for the porject, but the Art director of Happy Folk as Mark Tamea also contributes important information to the project. In order to have a concrete research on the subject of the project, product analysis and target group analysis re the best approach to collect valueble data to develop a high quality animation. Techniques are also sought in this phase to have a concrete approach of the project. From step 1 to step 3 is about collecting information about the project, then the next step is to use these informations for further implementation for the project. Step 5 is about synthesis the information, which means organizing the collected information. This step is applied to the Research document, which all su-questions are written in that document and all collected data are combined together as an answer to each sub-question. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, step 6 is going to be applied at the end of the project with an evaluation that covers the main question of the project.

3.2 Techniques

3.2.1 Interview In the target group analysis, there are several techniques are being used in order to collect data information. The interview is called Field Research, which is a method to collect information outside of your workplace setting. It’s also known as qualitative research, which means the research is supported by quality information such as experiences and based on real life stories. Nowadays there is sufficient information available on the internet to increase our knowledge and development of diverse techniques. Therefore, interviews are conducted in order to support the collected information from the internet and/ or literature. Interviews are made to get an insight of the target group for their experience and opinion regarding Orthopedic surgery. The interviews from the target group are held in a different location per person because it depends on where the target group is living or at what location is suitable for them to have the interview. The interviews are prepared in the form of a DROP-model. From this model, the interview can specify what question, topic, and roll have to be made in order to collect relevant information for the project (Thijsen R, 2011). Therefore, the interviews are implemented by a list of questions. These questions are similar to the one in the survey, which it will be explained in the next paragraph. The interview questions are listed in order, however appropriate questions will be asked during the interview and it depends on the given answers. It’s a pleasant way of interviewing because the interviewee feels like a normal conversation instead of being questioned about the related topic. This gives the interviewee the opportunity to explain or tell the entire story calmly. The interviews was an enjoyable experience with the target group. 3.2.2 Survey The survey was a difficult point during the research phase. During the meeting with Spine Advice’s surgeons, they mentioned that their target group for this project are the patients, but they didn’t specify the age range. Therefore, a survey is created to segment the target group of patients that are the most common age range for (hip replacement) Orthopedic surgery. To have a representative quantitative research many responses are required. Therefore, the student went to an acupuncture clinic to hand out surveys and has reached 82 responses. From these 82 responses, it took two weeks of time to collect all these data.


The reason to hand out the survey is because the target group is not specified like mentioned before. Therefore, from the survey, there is more supporting information needed to identify the target group for the project. The target group consists of people from 60 years or older, but there is also potential target group which it could be everyone. This target group of 60 years or older is the most common age range for hip replacement of Orthopedic surgery. The survey is made to define if people/patient understands the provided information about Orthopedic surgery during their consultation with the doctor. Furthermore, the survey also defines what kind of information are the most important information that a person needs to understand a surgery properly. The survey consists of several open questions, which took a lot of time to segment the answers. Therefore, these questions are transformed into multiple choices questions. These questions are more suitable for an interview which the tester can ask further questions on the given answers to get a deeper insight of the interviewee. The survey took a lot of time than expected because the survey had to reach a certain amount of responses in order to segment and have valuable data. Therefore, interviews are conducted after making the survey to collect qualitative data. 3.2.3 Desk research Desk research is mostly done in the beginning of the project. In the beginning, the student has to deliver an interim result which is the Project plan and it takes almost two weeks the time to have feedback. During that time, the steps of Big6 will start by searching for resources and information. Many types of research were done during the research phase about how medical animations can increase patient knowledge and understanding. The biggest part of desk research goes to patient’s understanding because this is the main topic or purpose of this project. Online articles are difficult to assess. Nowadays, there isn’t many articles topic about how or why medical animation benefits patient’s understanding. It’s very difficult to verify the source of the article if it’s written by an expert or a recent young professional graduate. There are multiple sites that provide the same article repeatedly, which the author is being changed continuously by the one who posts it. In this situation, there are many sources are being deleted, because the author turns out to be a student or with limited experience regarding the related subject. 3.2.4 Applied research/experimental research The applied research is about doing practical tests. This project is to create a proof of concept in order to define animation which can increase patient’s knowledge and understanding of a complex hip replacement surgery. Therefore, there are two times of practical test phase in this project. The first practical test is a moving storyboard to define if the sequence of visual images is understandable and provided in a logical order. Furthermore, the test of a moving storyboard is also to get a deep insight of the target group what they require in order to undergo a hip replacement surgery. The proof of concept is a draft of a hip replacement of Orthopedic surgery animation. This test takes place in the final test phase of the project by verifying if the animation is understandable. Collected data from the research can be tested through the proof of concept if they are qualified or meet the standards of the target group. Therefore, there are interviews conducted after the test to verify the requirements. By doing a practical test, mistakes and errors can be detected in order to justify the requirements for the target group.


3.3 Interim results

The intermediate results are the results of documents that are being created during the process of the project. In this paragraph, all these interim results are going to be explained why they are made in order to support the project. 3.3.1 Project Plan The Project plan gives a general overview how the student is going to tackle his/her graduation research assignment/project. The Project Plan consists of the two components namely; Plan of Approach and Research Plan. The Plan of Approach supplies a brief description of the internship company, as well as of the client which the student is working for. The other component of the Project Plan is the Research Plan, where the student describes how and what he/she is going to research for his/her graduation assignment/project. In the Research Plan, the student will describe when does the research takes place and which methodology he/she is going to use to achieve that. The Research Plan is necessary in order to answer the main and the sub-questions which are related to the project itself. From the research plan, the student can describe how he/she is going to approach the project and what kind of techniques or mythologies he/she is going to use. 3.3.2 Target group analysis The target group is going to composed of patients according to Spine Advice. Throughout the target group analysis, the student should be able to define the needs and interests of a specific target group by conducting interviews and survey. 3.3.3 Product analysis Product analysis is made in order to take a look on the market what is already launched regarding (hip replacement) Orthopedic surgery animation. In this analysis, several competitors are being analyzed on how they provide hip replacement surgery to an understanding level. The analysis is going to define what exactly the problem is. From the current analysis, the student should be able to describe or to tell if the animation is a correct channel to communicate with the target group. 3.3.4 Research document In the research document, all collected data and criteria will be written in this document including the conclusions that has been drawn. The research document consists of the sub-questions including the answers of this project. Those sub-questions are part of the main question of the entire research. The main question is too complex to be answered and therefore it’s divided into several sub-questions. From the research document, the main question is answered by combining the answers of the sub-questions. 3.3.5 Design document A design document is written according to demonstrate the steps and conclusions of the design for the animation. Mood boards, storyboards, style, color and typographies are written in this document. 3.3.6 Test report The test report consists of interviews that have been conducted during the test of the moving storyboard and the proof of concept. This test report gives an overview of the reactions, feelings and opinions of the target group. From this document advantages and disadvantages will be revealed from the test.


3.3.7 Proof of concept The content of the animation will be created based on the research. According to Studio Post animation video requires a high quality of render, which is on a format of Full HD (1920px1080p). Audio, background music and voice-overs is must have for a clear output in the animation to the audience. The audio format is going to be AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), which is a type of a digital audio file and has been promoted as a successor to the MP3. The video animation is going to be rendered in the following specifications: .MP4, H.264, 16.9 of aspect ratio (Studio Post. 2016). From the animation, the student will test it out with the target group and based on the result, the student can draw his/her conclusions regarding the communication and understanding problem of patients about Orthopedic surgery. For this project, the student has to make every component of the animation, which means from content to design. The client doesn’t have a video format yet, which the student will be creating one. Video format is not just about the file format that is going to be exported, but it’s about the concept of branding of a video-format, like a template (Ellis J, 2013). The template is repeatable and exportable that can generate multiple episodes in a multitude of markets: for instance, the house style and the graphic style that will be used in the video. The video format will be designed in the design phase, which will occur after the research on product analysis and target group analysis.


3.4 Global planning

To have a successful project a planning is the first thing to do to make an overview on deadlines and phases that will be taken in order to accomplish the project. Therefore, all the components and documents will be planned in a Gantt-chart (Mindtools, n.d.). There are several colors which indicate what they represent in the chart below. Further, the planning is divided into six phases: preparation phase, research phase, design phase, realization phase, test phase and completion phase. These phases are based on the actual tasks that have to be taken for the project. In the actual planning the phases are combined and divided into three phases: initiation, definition and implementation phase. These three phases are made according to HAN University of Applied Sciences to organize the process of the graduation procedure to deliver interim results for each phase.

1. Project preparation

2. Research phase

3. Design phase

4. Test phase

5. Realization phase

6. Test phase 7. Completion phase

Internship week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Calendar week 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1

Plan of approach Researchplan Feedback Projectplan Survey research Research on current communication Interview research Literature review Product analysis Targetgroup analysis Processing research results Research document Processing results Mind mapping Moodboard design Storyboard design Animation format Design document Moving storyboard Processing test results Test report Motion effect Sound effect and voice-over Video animation process Content process Animation format Animation test at the clinic Processing test results Thesis Reflection document 80% of thesis Feedback 80% thesis

Color block with 1: Deadline

1 1 1


4. PROCESS AND DELIVERABLE RESULTS This chapter contains the entire process of the graduation project. After reading this chapter, the reader will have a clear view of what the student has done over the past five months for the graduation project. This chapter is divided into several paragraphs according to the planning phases. The appropriate approach and process will be explained in each phase. Thus, this chapter provides a deep insight into the steps and approaches that are taken in the process of the graduation project.

4.1 Preparation phase

4.1.1 Plan of Approach This phase is about setting up the project description and defining what the purpose of the project is about. Therefore, a Plan of Approach is created in the beginning of the project to document all the descriptions about the project. This document is required according to the “Studiehandleiding” from the HAN University of Applied Sciences. During the documentation of the Plan of Approach, the assignment was not concrete in the beginning. Therefore, several meetings were held together with Spine Advice and Mark Tamea the Art Director of Happy Folk in order to define the concrete assignment. This is not an ordinary assignment like the other assignments/projects that is being created by Happy Folk, but it requires proof and confirmation of the target group. In the beginning, Spine Advice didn’t really know what could be the best solution for their situation, but they have searched online for several digital media for inspiration and found out that animation could be the solution. Therefore, they have set some criteria or requirements for making the proof of concept. The requirements are mentioned during the meeting of 16 December 2016. They consider animation as a possible solution since digital media is popular nowadays. Spine Advice requirements are: • the animation is going to be provided during the consultation, which means it’s not for the public. • the general environment of the animation has to give the patient a relaxing/calm feeling. • using a 3D model for accuracy. • provides a correct angle of surgery. • body has to be anatomically correct. • level of details has to be sufficient to avoid confusion. • no showing blood to avoid intimidation feelings. • no showing nerves to avoid confusion. • no showing ligaments to avoid confusion. • style have to be clean like a diagram. • avoid too realistic bones. • the animation has to be clean, like minimalism style. The project consists of a big part of research, which is to determine if the animation is the best solution for the situation. From the research results, Spine Advice can have an overview of the target group requirements and how animation is beneficial. In the making of the document, there is information overloading, which makes it difficult to start writing the document. Therefore, some research is done about how to solve information problems and the Big6 is found as the most widely known and widely used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world (Big6, 2014). The big6 methodology is the best approach to sorting out all the overloaded information in a correct order. After applying the Big6 methodology, the path and the goal of the project become clearly. Unnecessary information will be put aside and important information will be more concentrated. 4.1.2 Research plan The Research plan is also created in this phase, which the main- and sub-questions are written in the document. The document doesn’t only consist of the main- and sub-questions, but the methodologies of approach per questions are also written. From the Research document, you will be able to see which approach of the methodology is being used in order to answer the questions.


The process of creating the sub-questions is a pure focus on what the main question is about and what information is required to create the proof of concept. Most of the methodologies that are used for to approach of the project are educated from HAN University of Applied and Sciences. In the semesters of the study, most methodologies are being taught how to be approached in certain circumstances. For example, making a storyboard, mind map and mood board they are design methodologies that are going to be explained in the Design phase. According to Spine Advice, their goal is to create a proof of concept to develop the communication among patients and doctors/surgeons. The main question is required from the HAN in order to have a concrete assignment and especially for the research. After making several mind maps and brainstorm about the situation. Finally, the main points are detected. Understanding and patient’s knowledge are the key points which Spine Advice wants to create a proof of concept. From these key points, the main question is created, which has to cover all the purposes of the assignment. The main question of the assignment is “How can Spine Advice improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery through animation?”. To have a concrete answer for this question, the main question is further divided into four sub-questions:

1. How can spine Advice assure the degree of understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? 2. What content must be provided in the animation regarding the understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? 3. Which type of animation can be used to improve patients’ knowledge and understanding regarding the target group? 4. How can animation improve patient’s knowledge and understanding? The first question is about finding out how to assure patients understanding because according to Spine Advice only 40% patients understand the provided information about Orthopedic surgery. This question is researched base on the understanding degree of the target group. This is the principal of creating the proof of concept so patients can understand the provided information of Orthopedic surgery easily. Therefore, this sub-question is created in order to research all the possibilities about assuring the understanding of people. This question is actually a bit difficult to find a concrete answer in the beginning because there isn’t that much information online. In the beginning of the research starts with a general research among the subject of understanding, but there isn’t much success. The searching about the subject of understanding has to be more specific to the target group instead of searching in general. Therefore, the way of research about this question has to define and specify as much as possible to the target group in order to have the correct information. In the second sub-question is about the content that should be provided in the animation. This subquestion is created in order to find out what are the content requirements for the target group in such animation. An Orthopedic surgery is a very complex situation to be explained in a few words. Therefore, it’s important to define the headlines of a complex surgery for better understanding among the target group. The third sub-question is formed in order to define which type of animation will be suitable for the subject and target group. Nowadays, there are many types of animation such as 2D or 3D style. The assignment is about creating a proof of concept of an animation. Therefore, this sub-question is formed to have deep research which type of animation is suitable in order to improve patients’ knowledge and understanding. The last sub-question is actually similar to the main question, which it’s formed to have a deeper insight into the subject itself. Furthermore, all the concrete answers of the sub-questions are written in the Research document in the attachment below. 18

4.2 Research phase

4.2.1 Research on current communication The research phase starts on the current communication of Spine Advice. Their current communication is being researched in order to detect what the problem is about. After having several meetings with Spine Advice, it clarifies that their communication isn’t that efficient for the patients. They are providing information through brochures which it isn’t successful. According to Spine Advice, many patients don’t read through the brochure that is given by the doctors and this leads to misunderstanding while patients undergo a surgery. Spine Advice tries to provide their patients as much information as possible about Orthopedic surgery, but a surgery is too complex to be explained and patients can’t retain all the given information about the surgery. Therefore, this project is created in order to find out if animation could be a solution for their situation. 4.2.2 Literature review The literature review is about searching for articles online regarding the assignment. The Big6 methodology is applied during the process of reviewing literature. Step number 3 and 4 from the Big6 method are being used in this part of the phase in order to identify the author of the articles. Step number 3 is “Location and Access”, which in this step is about finding the correct information from the correct source (Big6, 2014). There are many articles online, but how do we know which articles are written by professionals and which websites are trustful. Therefore, each article will be further researched on the authors of the posts, to verify the quality of the written information. During this process, there were many articles that were being reposted by several people who are not the original author. The original article is being rewritten or reposted as a summary of the subject and posted by another person. This situation takes times to search for the original author if the article is trusted or what is the origin of the article. In step number 4 is about “Use of information”, this means by reading the articles and take out the relevant information for further development in the research (Big6, 2014). 4.2.3 Product analysis The product analysis is about analyzing animation regarding Orthopedic surgery. For the analysis, four hip replacement surgery animations are selected to be analyzed, because that is the first part of Orthopedic surgery animation that Spine Advice wants to introduce. Later in the future other parts/series of Orthopedic surgery animation will be available. This analysis is not about marketing positioning, but it’s about knowing how competitors have done a hip replacement surgery animation. Therefore, the selected animations are being analyzed base on five categories as the principles of motion graphic/animation (Musselman R, n.d). The five categories are: Storyline This is about the content that is being provided in the animation. The story about the process how a hip replacement surgery is going to be held. Thus, the story is going to be analyzed base on the story flow if it’s told in order from the beginning to the end. Furthermore, style of communication also plays a big role in this category. It’s about analyzing the level of communication that is being used in the animation so patient/viewer can easily understand and follow the story.

Graphic This category is about the visually of the animation, which includes the figures and images that are being presented in the animation. Images are about the style of the graphic which is being used in the animation. These styles of graphics can be as graphical elements to support or to emphasize a certain part of the content.


Color use This category is about the colors use in the animation. Color use is, in general, all over the animation itself, which the colors can change or give a different environment and feeling of the animation. Motion effect Motion effect is based on moving visual stimulus for a time with a stationary eye. This means by the moving effect that is presented in the animation. Furthermore, transitions are also being analyzed how images are displayed from one after another without an abrupt halt. Audio This category principle is about the audio of the animation. The audio is going to be analyzed base on the narrator as a voice-over and the background music. The audio from the narrator can be monotonous or an active voice to increase patient’s/viewer’s attention to the animation. An important factor for the success of the project is ensuring that the requirements, are prioritized (DSDM Atern Handbook, 2008). Therefore, there is a requirement list created in the Product analysis document attached in chapter 6 Appendix which all the requirements are listed in a MoSCoW method. This method allows selecting the priorities and the important key point of the analysis from the competitors. This method is taught by the HAN University of Applied and Sciences, which it’s used to define the importance of the priorities for the animation. By using this method in the product analysis, the results of the analysis become more clear on the benefits from the competitors in order to develop a better hip replacement surgery animation. Furthermore, the requirement list can be further implemented in the design phase of the design choices that are being made for the animation. Here down below is the MoSCoW list from the results of the product analysis. MoSCoW requirement list:

Must have • Introduction of the animation • Structural story • Dividing session in the story • Common level of communication • Short phrases • Non medical jargon • None-blood graphic • Realistic textures (pleasant) • Anatomicly accurate • Light color use • Active voice-over • Clear pronounciation • Displays medical terms (graphical elements) • Timing effect • Clean background

Should have • Non-disturbing background music • Three dimensional (3D) graphic • Perspective view • Emphasize effect on important moment • Diagram style Could have • Surgery tools • Sound effect Won’t or would have in the future • Full anatomiclly education


4.2.4 Target group analysis In the target group analysis, all the collected data from the survey and interview are written in the target group analysis document. The process of making the target group analysis is about defining what is the exact target group for the proof of concept. According to Spine Advice, their target group is the patients, but the term “patients” is still a very broad target group. Therefore, the target group as patients have to be segmented by age and gender. The most common patients for hip replacement surgery are females in the age of 60 years or older. From the analysis results, there are two types of target groups that can be segmented by experienced and non-experience of Orthopedic surgery. Thus, there are two personas created in order to represent the user/patient that is going to use the proof of concept (Jahagirdar,N., Joseph Martin. A, 2010). These personas are a fictional person to reflect what kind exact target group is the proof of concept aiming for. The process of creating personas leads to a deep thinking about the purpose of these personas because from the target group results there are two types of the target group for the proof of concept. One target group is patients that already went through an Orthopedic surgery and the other one is patients that are about to experience the surgery or could be a patient of an Orthopedic surgery in the future. It’s a bit difficult to create a scenario for these two personas. Survey The process of the survey requires more time than expected. The survey was ongoing for two weeks to reach 82 responses in order to have sufficient data to make a conclusion. While making the survey it was very hard to form the correct questions, because the questions have to be very specific so people can understand and give their answers. Therefore, there are many moments of brainstorming and thinking backwards on what the purpose of the assignment is about and what kind information is needed from the target group. The survey questions are created in order to find out the requirements of the target group regarding Orthopedic surgery. After creating the questions, the answers become difficult to settle, because open questions are most useful for this subject in order to get a concrete answer. The open questions are forced to be multiple-choice questions, therefore multiple answers are made in a certain value or ranking. The survey is available in the appendix of the Target group analysis document. Interview There are two times of interview session in the process of the project, the first interview is with the target group for the survey questions and the other one is during the test session of the proof of concept. In the beginning of each interview, the interviewer gives a brief introduction what the interview is about and ask for permission if the conversation can be recorded. For some interviewees, they feel a bit nervous/tense, because they feel like it’s an exam or they are being judged base on their answers. Therefore, the interviewer tries to comfort the interviewee as much as possible by having an ordinary conversation instead of interrogating about their feelings, opinions etc. In some moments, the interviewer has to be critical on the given answer in order to define the actual feeling or meaning of the words. For example, there are many interviewees that give the answer as “good”, but the word “good” could mean anything. Therefore, the critical question must be asked in order to clarify what does the interviewee mean by saying “good”. This is how the interviewer gets a deeper insight into the given answers. 4.2.5 Research document After researching what is needed for the sub-questions of the project, the research document is created. This research document contains all the sub-questions of the project with their researched answers. All other research components have to be finished before writing this document. In this document, all other results from other components are being mentioned base on the sub-question. Therefore, this document takes a long time in the process to be finished, because of wait for other research to be completed. Review the document in the chapter 6 Appendix under Research document.


4.3 Design phase

4.3.1 The research In the beginning of the design phase, there is overloading of ideas how the design of the animation is going to be. There is too much information to know exactly where to start or what kind of design is suitable for the animation. Therefore, everything is written in a separate notebook or sketchbook in order to have an overview of the tasks that have to be taken regarding the design of the animation. This gives the opportunity to select and organize all the overloading ideas. During the study at the HAN University of Applied Sciences, there is a method that is usually used in the beginning of a design phase which it’s called the “Mind map”. This method is very useful in order to start from the main point of the project or subject that is going to be developed. Then from the main point, it gives the opportunity to expand the ideas among the subject. These ideas are connected to each other in order to see what else can be related to the subject. The mind map of the animation is located in the Design document, which it’s attached in the appendix. The further process of the design phase follows by researching for the inspiration of design regarding hip replacement surgery. The search is about looking for a different design that can be suitable for the animation, but this is not where all the design choices come from. Despite from the inspiration, the design choices also have to meet the requirements of Spine Advice and the other requirements that are found in the analysis. Therefore, several meetings were held with Spine Advice in order to understand what design they do and don’t want for the animation. After the research for inspiration, mood boards are created in order to visualize the mood or feeling about the final product. This mood board method is also taught by HAN University of Applied Sciences while designing. These steps are the common steps that are taught at the University, for others as a reader of the design document can understand how the design choices are made. The mood boards are created in the Design document, which it’s attached in the Appendix. Usually, all the design choices are made based on the research, but it’s different for this project. All design choices have to be approved by an expert Mark Tamea as Art director of Happy Folk and Spine Advice as the client. 4.3.2 The design and style The design is one of the most important part of the animation. It’s the outer look which people will judge from their first impression. The style and the design of the animation is about clean, simple and minimalistic like. Therefore, it has the style as a diagram in order to increase the knowledge of patients. A diagram is commonly sees as a chart, a plan or a scheme. However, a diagram also means differently as showing a drawing or illustration with outlines which parts of the drawing is being explained. For example: learning biology in the primary school, the body is illustrated while there is explanation on the side of each body part. This style is a common style to educate people, which they can see the illustration and learn the functions or other purposes. On the next page, there is an image of a diagram how the style of the animation has to be. In order to increase the design of nowadays, this style of diagram is going to be performed in a three-dimensional (3D) animation. 3D animation provides viewers a greater sense of perspective by viewing the objects at multiple angles. Such vision enables the viewer to get a true sense of volume and depth (Marketandmarket, May 2016). Furthermore, 3D animation is accurate to realism compare to other style like 2D. The design of the animation includes the color use and graphical elements. Like mentioned before, the design is going to be clean and simple, which the colors for the animation is soft or tinted. The animation is targeted mostly for seniors. Therefore, hard or pure color are only used to differentiate the components of the prosthesis. The colors on the color palette are most neutral colors. Colors of the body parts are quite realistic, but softened that reduce tensions. The style of the animation has a best practice called “suspension of belief”. It’s about making a fictional tale so delightfully engaging that it lets the audience suspend rational judgment and ultimately memorize the content much better (Oliynyk K, 2015). It’s about to belief what it is and avoid the realism. For example: when the femur dislocates from the hip in the animation, it seems like the doctor will pull out the leg very far away. 22

However, in reality the doctor will slightly dislocate the leg, leave it in the same position as it is and operate it from the same position. It’s not drastically meaning the doctor is pulling the leg out as far as it’s shown on the animation.

Image_D03 (Anatomybody-charts, 2016)

4.3.3 The approval The approval of each design choices takes a lot of time in the real world of practice. Spine Advice doesn’t have an administrator or another responsible person that isn’t a surgeon neither a doctor for this project. The owners of Spine Advice are responsible for this project. The owners are surgeons and time is very limited for them. The design choices take a long time to be approved by Spine Advice because they have a very tight schedule as surgeons. For each design choices, it takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks for an approval or to get a feedback. This project is about hip replacement surgery, which means everything has to be anatomically accurate, positioned and approved by surgeons. In some cases, the approval of the surgeons also takes months. For example, the artificial hip is created in the beginning of the project and it was positively approved by Spine Advice. After 2 to 3 months Spine Advice writes back to say there is a missing piece of the artificial hip, meanwhile they already approve it in the beginning. This highly affects the project by delaying the process. In the beginning of this phase, the design of the 3D model is approved by Spine Advice. Spine Advice specifically chose this 3D model from 3Ds Max, because this model is anatomically accurate. Therefore, the choice of the model goes to Spine Advice itself based on anatomic experts. The choice by choosing to work with the software of Autodesk 3Ds Max is because it’s the most economically and efficient software compares to others. This project is the first part of Orthopedic surgery animation series, which means there will be more series of animation in the future. Furthermore, the 3D model could be imported into another 3D software, but it will destroy some other aspects from the original model. Therefore, to avoid issues and errors the choice is made to work with the original software that the model is made. This 3D software is also knowable by Happy Folk and it can also be executed by the student. Using new 3D software will extend the process of the project in order to learn the functionality of the new software. This 3Ds Max software is also taught by the University in the Game semester. Therefore, choosing this 3D software benefits both as company and student to make the project more efficient. 4.3.4 The script Spine Advice has made a milestone script based on several hip replacement surgery animations that they have found on the internet. From the milestone script, the key scenes are drawn out in order to make the first draft of the storyboard. This first draft of storyboard was immediately approved with some small changes by Spine Advice which the process continues to create a moving storyboard. The moving storyboard is tested with the target group based on the content and the sequence of the illustrations. In this stage, the actual script is not written yet by the Spine Advice, because Spine Advice never experienced this before. 23

Contacts are made with Spine Advice in order for them to create a script for the animation as soon as possible, but till today Spine Advice hasn’t replied yet. Therefore, based on the given milestone script (key scenes), the first narrator script is created by the student and confirmed by Mark Tamae in order to keep the project ongoing. The first draft script is to be found in the Design document attached in the Appendix of chapter 6. 4.3.5 Try-outs Design are not just designing by choosing colors and other aspects, but also trying out the designs. Every design has to be “tested”, which means trying it out how the design actually looks like as the final product. All try-outs/renders have to be exported exactly as the same as the final product that is going to be presented to the audience. While designing, there are many things that cannot be detected, for example, the color use. The colors are displayed differently while creating it than a try-out/render. In the computer, the colors may look like as wanted, but after printing it out, it turns out to be darker or lighter color than what it seems to be. This situation applies to all kind of design process according to the HAN University of Applied Sciences education. The animation consists of many scenes, which there are many try-outs/ renders available in order to check if everything is correct. Therefore, try-outs/renders are exported as per scene which errors and mistakes can be easily detected than exporting an entire animation. It’s very inconvenient and inefficient to export an entire animation with all the scenes as a try-out/render. For this animation, one of the most important parts of the design is to have a correct stage of the object on the screen. This means by positioned the object in the frame and defining what is in the frame (Roberts-Breslin J, 2012) Therefore, there is a camera needed in the creation of the animation to create the real camera view or angle. The camera gives the possibility to fly over the object to create a real camera movement. In the 3D software, there is a camera function which every scene can be exported with a different perspective of try-out/render. All these try-outs/renders are exported as AVI (Audio Video Interleave) file to see how it looks like in the actual format. AVI file is a video and audio file format used to store audio and/or video information digitally for playback purposes (Bytescout, 2014). It’s very difficult to see the exact frame while making the scene and/or camera angle and other aspects in the software, because of the interface distraction of the software. Furthermore, another process in the design phase is the coordination of the object. In each scene, the 3D object and camera have to be repositioned and therefore each coordinate has to be written. The try-outs of the design of the animation are fully in detailed described in the Design document attached in chapter 6 Appendix. All the designs are made in this phase, which means the model, colors, graphics and typography are already made in order to be implemented in the realization phase. 4.3.6 Design document In this phase, the Design document is also created. The design document consists of all the design choices that are made and the design process of the animation. During the making of this document, all research regarding the animation has to be finished in order to start designing. The research results are taken to make further implementation on the design based on the founded requirements and conclusions from target group analysis, product analysis, and test report. The Design document is attached in chapter 6 Appendix.


4.4 Test phase

There are two test session in the project. The first test session is with a moving storyboard, which the process is going to be further explained in paragraph 4.4.1 Moving storyboard. The second test session is the proof of concept and the process session which will be further described under the paragraph 4.4.2 Proof of concept. In the beginning of both tests, the tester will give an introduction to the testee about what the test is about. The tester will ask the testee for approval if the interview or the conversation can be recorded for further implementation of the information. After the test, the tester will ask several questions related to the moving storyboard or the proof of concept so the testees can give their opinions. Furthermore, a test report is created in order to set and define all the test results. 4.4.1 Moving storyboard The test of the moving storyboard takes place in the middle of the design phase. The moving storyboard is tested with 5 testees of the target group, which the summary of each testee could be found in the Test report attached in chapter 6 Appendix. The purpose of this test is to test out if the provided illustrations are set in a smooth order way of understanding of the procedure of hip replacement surgery. The moving storyboard is created with sketch illustrations, which each key scene is being displayed after each other. The test of the moving storyboard is provided via a company laptop instead of online streaming. The voice-over is not yet recorded in this phase; therefore, this test is based on the provided content of the surgery. Here down below is a list of the test results from the moving storyboard.

Moving storyboard results Test Story is provided in logical way Clear story to understand Pre-operative is important The animation covers most of the headlines Illustrations are clear to understand what they represent Content/illustration is specific and direct to the point Clear sequence of images to follow Graphical element enhance the understanding of illustration Animation doesn't fullfill all the needs to undergo the surgery

1 X X X X X

2 X

3 X X

4 X X



5 X X X X

Total 3 5 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 Table 1.1

After testing out the moving storyboard base on the content, there is a conclusion. The testing result comes out positively because the main purpose of the test is to find out if the story is provided correctly and understandable throughout the illustrations. According to all the testees, the story of the moving storyboard is very clear to understand. The story is provided in a logical way, which the story is easy to follow even without a voice-over. For most of the testees, the moving storyboard covers most of the headlines of the surgery. This means the most important information regarding a hip replacement surgery is given or illustrated in the moving storyboard. From the results, there is no confusion encountered during the test, which means every testees understands what the moving storyboard is about. The provided sequence of illustrations creates a link to the story flow how the procedure is going to be held by the surgeons/doctors. Furthermore, testees find the illustrations are clear enough for them to understand what it represents. These results will be in taken for further implementation in the design phase, which it shows these are the key scenes that must be provided in order to have an understandable storyline.


4.4.2 Proof of concept The test of the proof of concept takes place at the end of the process, which it’s after the realization phase. The proof of concept is tested in order to find out if the animation is the solution for the communication issue that Spine Advice is having. Therefore, the proof of concept is tested with 5 testees of the target group, which the summary of each testee could found in the Test report attached in chapter 6 Appendix. The proof of concept is tested based on the understanding of the provided information about hip replacement surgery. Here down below are the test results which it’s given in table 1.2.

Proof of concept Test The animation is clear The graphic is modern The content/animation is understandable The procedure is narrated step by step Testee feels more secure after watching the animation 3D graphic is clear and clean 3D graphic gives different angle/ perspective view The animation gives an interesting feeling The animation minimize the complexity/confusion of a surgery The content covers all the headlines of a surgery The animation looks very accurate to realism

1 X X X X




3 X

4 X









Total 3 1 4 5 1 3 3 3 2 3 1


Checking for understandablity Testee can give a summary Testee can tell the procedure step by step Testee remembers the artificial hip name called "Prosthesis" Testee can point out the incision position on his/her body






5 4 4 4 Table 1.2

The testing results have reached the purpose of the proof of concept. In table 1.2 it shows there are 4 testees that understand the provided information of the animation. This means, most of the testees understand how the process of a hip replacement surgery is being held. Furthermore, all testees think the procedure of the surgery is being explained step by step, which it’s very clear for them to follow how the surgery is being done. Most of the testees are amazed by the graphic and the 3D style because it’s clear and clean to watch. This means the graphic is not complicated or crowded because according to some testees they have experienced very complicated animation which creates confusions. The further process of the test is to assure the understandability of the patient, which this is also a subquestion in the Research document. This is the part of ‘Checking for understandability” in table 1.2. After the test, the tester checks for understandability by asking four questions regarding the proof of concept. The four questions are the following: 1. Can you give a short summary about the animation? 2. Can you tell a story regarding the steps that have to be taken for a hip replacement surgery? 3. Can you name the medical term of the artificial hip? 4. Can you point out on your own body where the incision is going to be in order to be operated?


From the test result, it shows most of the testees understand the content of the proof of concept correctly. Therefore, well-phrased confirmation questions can help to assure others’ understanding by asking the following questions (Harris G, 2012): “Let me say back to you what I think you just said, so that I can be sure I understood you correctly…” “Please correct me if I am wrong. I understood you to say ________. Is that correct?” “If I hear you correctly, you are saying _____________. Is that right?” “I hear you saying ____________. Is that right?” “It sounds to me like you feel/think ____________. Did I understand you correctly?” These confirmation questions are tested during the test of the proof of concept in order to confirm the understanding of the testees regarding the animation. There are several situations that the tester misinterprets the meaning of the testee, which the tester has to use the confirmation phrases to assure the understanding.

4.5 Realization phase

The realization phase is about combining everything together as the final proof of concept. The animation is created by each key scenes, which there are approximately 20 key scenes in total for this animation. This style of approach is the most effective and efficient way to create the animation. Usually, the animation is created with the common software called Adobe After Effect. The entire animation will be created in one file and then rendered out as one complete animation. This project is slightly different compared to other animation because it’s a 3D animation. Like mentioned before, all scenes are created in 3Ds Max. Hereby, all the final renders are being imported into another software called Adobe Premiere. The renders are videos of the final try-outs of each scene. This software is also taught by the HAN University of Applied Sciences during the course of AVI (Audio and Video Interaction) and it’s the most common software to use for video editing. In Adobe Premiere the renders will be placed according to the order of the storyboard. Adobe Premiere is a timeline-based video editing app developed by Adobe systems. After importing the renders into Adobe Premiere, the next process is to edit the speed of each video. The speed is a variety of slow and fast timing within a scene which adds texture and interest to the movement. Working on the timing of the video is one of the principles of animation (Clark B, 2010). In the creation of the proof of concept, the timing of each medical term that appears in the frame is very important, because it has to be synchronized with the voice-over. When the medical term is being mentioned by the narrator, the text of the medical term must appear on the screen directly. Furthermore, the process continues on smoothing the transition of each scene to another. The first draft of the voice-over is created in this phase like mentioned in the previous paragraph. The voice-over is narrated by the Art director Mark Tamea of Happy Folk, because it’s a draft and it’s economically inefficient to pay for an expert to narrate the script as a draft. The script is already sent to Spine Advice and waiting to be approved. Meanwhile, the first draft of the voice-over will be edited in the same software of Adobe Premiere to cut out the unnecessary pauses and/or mistakes. This voice-over is more like a guide for the animation, which it gives a support to the videos (try-outs/renders) that are combined as an animation. Besides of the voice-over, the background music is also being selected to accompanied with the animation. The background music also has to be edited, which the volume of the background music has to be lower than the volume of the voice-over. In the animation, the voice-over is very important to be loud and clear enough to the audience, which the message or the purpose of the animation is being cleared.


The process of this phase is continuously about replaying the animation in Adobe Premiere until everything sounds and look correctly. After combining all the components together, the animation can be exported as an MP4 file. The file format of the animation is already mentioned in the previous paragraph 3.3.7 Proof of concept. Furthermore, the result of this phase is the proof of concept of the hip replacement surgery animation. Spine Advice is amazed by the final result of the proof of concept, which the animation meets all the requirements of Spine Advice.


5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In this chapter, the conclusions and recommendations of the thesis are presented. The first section deals with the conclusions, the second section provides the recommendations for the company and for further research. The project is processing for 5 months conducted by Spine Advice at Happy Folk in order to create an animation regarding improvement on knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic (hip replacement) surgery. Hereby, research is executed by the student in order to prove animation could be a solution as Spine Advice suggested. The object of the research is to answer the problem definition:

How can Spine Advice improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery through animation? The research is divided into several research questions, which are obtained from the problem definition and the theoretical framework. In general, the research of this project is very successful and educational to define the answer to the main question from above. At the end of the graduation project, the documentation and the proof of concept are distributed to Spine Advice. The proof of concept is a solution to explain and to show the complexity of a surgery in an easier way to a patient. Usually, many patients have the problem to retain health literacy, which verbal communication becomes an issue. By providing visual material, it increases the knowledge and understanding of a patient. In fact, a picture worth a thousand words. Therefore, an animation is highly suggested to be provided to the patient during the consultation with the doctor. While providing the animation the doctor has the possibility to pause and verify the understanding of the given information. The animation covers all the headlines of the surgery step by step, which a patient knows exactly how the procedure of the surgery will be. Communication seems to be part of the issue, therefore the animation is narrated in a common communication level which everyone should be able to understand. Medical terms have to be avoided as much as possible to minimize confusions and surge of questions. From the animation, the patient can have a better idea or view what they are about to go through. In fact, surgery is a very serious situation which it can lead to the risk of life. The animation will reduce the concern of the risk of life and increase the high possibility to become healthier after the surgery. It gives out positive thoughts to the patient to feel better by understanding what it’s about. Currently, the animation is only acquired by doctors and surgeons which patient doesn’t have access to the animation if they want to review or show it to their relatives. In the future, the animation can be upgraded into an interactive animation online which patient can take their time to process the information about the procedure of the surgery. The animation remains as confidential which patient can obtain a password from the doctor to have access. Project quality At the end of the project can be assessed whether the project is successfully achieved. The project seems to be successfully accomplished by having all the research questions a concrete answer. All the research as techniques, competitors, and target group are developed and well prepared according to plan. There is enough desk research which there is in total 82 responses from the survey and 5 interviews for analyzing the target group. Furthermore, there were two test session in the process of the project, which the content is test approved by the target group as understandable and that the provided information covers all the headlines of the surgery. It’s also tested how to assure the understanding of a patient. Testing is the most important part to define the quality of the animation. Spine Advice is amazed on the final animation, which it meets all the requirements that Spine Advice has set. The target group also complimented the animation, because the animation explains a complex surgery procedure in an easy way from step by step.


6. APPENDIX List of references Anatomybody-charts. (2016, 01 March). The Human Body Digestive System Diagram [Image_D03]. Consulted on 28 February 2017, from digestive-system-diagram/the-human-body-digestive-system-diagram-2/ Big 6. (2017). Big6 Skills Overview. Consulted on 29 November 2016, from about/big6-skills-overview.php Bytescout. (2014, 26 Augustus). AVI File Format and its Advantages and Disadvantages. Consulted on 10 January 2017, from advantages-and.html Clark, B. (2010, 09 February). The 12 basic principles of animation. Consulted on 16 February 2017, from DSD Atern Handbook, (2008). MoSCoW Prioritisation. Consulted on 10 January 2017, from https:// Ellis, J. (2013, 21 March). What makes a successful format? Consulted on 16 November 2016, from Eternal sunshine of the is mind. (2013). Waterfall model [Image_D01]. Consulted on 23 March 2017, from Gantt Charts, Planning and Scheduling Team Projects. (n.d). Consulted on 14 November 2016, from Harris, G. (2012). Five Questions to Make Sure that You Understand Others Correctly. Consulted on 24 January 2017, from sure-that-you-understand-others-correctly/ Jahagirdar,N., Joseph Martin. A. (2010, October 30). Using Personas During Design and Documentation. Consulted on 11 January 2017, from archives/2010/10/using-personas-during-design-and-documentation.php Leer, S., Sicherer, C., & Schuszler, P. (2011). Projectmatig werken en Procesmodellen. Marketsandmarkerts. (2016, May). Medical Animation Market by Type (3D, 2D, 4D), Therapeutic Area (Oncology, Cosmeceutical/Plastic Surgery), Application (Drug MoA, Patient Education), End User (Medical Device Manufacturers, Hospitals/ Clinics) - Forecast to 2021. Consulted on 19 January 2017, from medical-animation-market-223188473.html Musselman, R. (n.d). Principles of Animation. Consulted on 16 February 2017, from thesis/lit_review/animation.php Oliynyk, K. (2015, 21 December). Jedi Principles of UI Animation. Consulted on 16 February 2017, from 30

Pancholi, M. (2011 16 July). Android Media player [Image_D02]. Consulted on 23 March 2017, from Roberts-Breslin, J. (2012). Making Media: Foundations of sound and image production. 3rd edition. United States of America: Elsevier. Studio Post. (2016). Preparing Graphics for Video. Consultd on 02 December 2016, form http:// Thijsen, R. (2011, 30 November). Criteria voor interview. Consulted on 27 November 2016, from https://


ATTACHMENT 1 Domain competences


RESEARCH The graduation project is going to be assessed based on three compentences. The compentences are choosen by the student, but only the competence of Research is mandatory. This compentence is going to be assessed based on methodologies, techniques and tools, quality of the research and quality of the research porcess. Down below the student shows how he/she is able to be competent in the field of research. Furthermore, sub-product are linked to this competence. Sub-products: 1. Research plan 2. Product analysis 3. Target group analysis 4. Research repport/document Main- and sub-questions: ‘How can Spine Advice improve patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery through animation?’ Sub-question 1: How can spine Advice assure the degree of understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? Sub-question 2: What content must be provided in the animation regarding the understanding of patients about Orthopedic surgery? Sub-question 3: Which type of animation can be used to improve patients’ knowledge and understanding regarding the target group? Sub-question 4: How can animation improve patient’s knowledge and understanding? Methodologies, techniques and tools During the research, The Big 6 methodology is used as research management method. By applying this method to the research, it solves the information problem. The method is very structural in order to search for the correct information that is needed. The name of this method is actually not very common, but most people are using the method without knowing it’s The Big 6 management method. The method is suggested by other colleges, which already experienced the beneficial of the method. Furthermore, this method also structure the planning of each stage of the project by preparing all the relevant subjects that are needed for the research. Applying this method seems to be an extra task, but it benefits the structure of the tasks. From this method, the student is able to plan in the interviews, which usually interviews take lots of time. Therefore, this method is suitable for the research phase of the project, because triangulation has been used. In triangulation, there are several quantitative and qualitative sources of information, which arranging the research gives an overview on the work environment. The implementation of the research consists of interview, survey and desk research. The interviews are conducted to the target group of the proof of concept on several locations. The interview is to get a deeper insight of the target group based on the survey questions. Furthermore, the interview conversation is very friendly which the interviewee doesn’t feel uncomfortable such as interrogating. The survey is filled by the target group and it has reached 82 respondents within two weeks.


Quality of delivered research In the research document, the main- and sub-question are being answered. From the research the result, it shows animation does increase patients’ knowledge and understanding. 3D animation is the best choice to provide medical information, because of the accuracy, depth of field and the perspective view that it offers. The 3D animation is tested by the target group, which there are positive results that the animation is very clear and understandable. Furthermore, the animation is created based on the requirements of the interview from the target group. The research is trustworthy, because interviews are conducted to the target group and the survey has reached 82 respondents which it’s enough to draw out conclusion. Furthermore, desk research consists of present articles written by medical researchers and experts of certain field. As last, all the sub-questions and main question are being answered. Quality of the researchprocess In the research plan there are several research methods that are going to be used in order to have good quality of the research process. As mentioned before, the Big 6 is applied to the research and there are several methods are used such as desk research, field research and experimental research. The research process is completed in a lineair way, which in the beginning desk research and survey are done. Later on, the collected data are verified by the target group through interviews. By only conducting interview is still not enough to proof the quality. In addition, the target group is tested and this is the best method to have a closure on the quality of the selected and collected information that are used for the proof of concept.


DESIGN After collecting all the data and the requirements, the next phase is to design the proof of concept. Designing is not only about colors, but it’s more about the style and the feeling that it gives to the audience. Therefore, the competence of design is to reach out the feeling and style of the target group. For this competence there is only one sub-product available which is the Design document. Methodologies, techniques and tools For the design of the proof of concept there are several methodologies, techniques and tools are applied. In order to start with the design, it’s convenient to map out all the ideas by creating a mind map. This mind map gives an overview on the ideas of the design. In the beginning the brain is overloaded with several ideas how to design the proof of concept. From the mind map, another method is applied in order to visualize the idea of the design by creating a moodboard. This moodboard consists of related images, colors and text that form part of the design. The moodboard is created based on the requirements of the client and results of the research. All these requirements are taken into the design. From the research results, medical animation seems to be better performed in 3D than 2D. Furthermore, storyboards are made and also tested with the target group in order to define the understandability of the story. The style of the proof of concept has to be clean and simple like a diagram. The proof of concept is a 3D animation which it’s created with 3Ds Max. The subject is about hip replacement, which a 3D body is needed including the skeleton and muscles. Styling the body is the most important part of the entire design, which means the body has to look simple and clean without any confusions and worries. Hereby, lighting is a very important element in order to create a soft, calm and clean style for the animation. It’s like filming in a studio, which lights create shadows on the objects and it can affect the style of the entire film/movie. Quality of delivered design The design and style of the animation meet the requirements of the client. At the end of the project, the proof of concept is tested with the target group, which the test result is positive. The proof of concept is tested with five people of the target group. From the test result, it shows the proof of concept does increase their knowledge and understanding regarding the hip replacement surgery. The animation is design in a style of a diagram, which medical terms are displayed so patients can learn and retain health literacy easily. Furthermore, patient’s understandability is also tested at the same moment by asking them feedback questions that are founded in the research. The quality of the design is also based on the principles of animation which the student has learned in the previous course of AVI at the HAN University. Quality of the design process In order to define the correct information that a patient needs to undergo for a surgery, the content is tested with the target group by a moving storyboard. During the design process, there are moments of searching for competitors, which it’s in the product analysis document. By analyzing the animations from other competitors, several design and style are discovered. From these design and style beneficial elements are taken in order to develop a better animation such as graphical elements to emphasize certain points. Every camera movement, changing colors and light settings have to be rendered/ exported in order to define the quality of the video how it actually looks like. Each design choices are first discussed with the manager and the client. After several meetings, the client finally approved the design and it’s also tested with the target group like mentioned before. There are many try-outs available during the design process before having the right design and style for the animation. Therefore, the process of the design takes more time than expected, but at the end the design meets all the requirements of the client. 35

REALISATION The realization competence is about creating the proof of concept, which is the hip replacement animation. The proof of concept is the first series of patient education of Orthopedic surgery animation. Methodologies, techniques and tools The animation is created by developing each scene in 3Ds Max and then bind them together in Adobe Premiere. The animation can be created fully in 3Ds Max, but then the file will be extra-large to work with and difficult to modify the camera movement or the body parts. While making each scene, everything has to be precisely on the same position. When the scenes are bonded together the position of the camera, body and bones must be the same in order to create a smooth video. Therefore, each scene and movement have a separate file in order to trace back the position and movement. Timing and spacing are the most important principle of animation that gives the object the illusion of moving within the laws of physics. The timing is about the number of frames between two poses. The animation is to educate patient, which text and illustrations have to be displayed for a certain time to retain the information. The content of the animation is provided like a storytelling, which it’s narrated by the manager of Happy Folk. From the research result, it shows the voice-over has to be an active voice-over in order to keep the attention of the audience. However, for the proof of concept the voice-over narrated by the manager is just a voice guide for story. In the future, the client will seek for professional narrator for the animation. Furthermore, the texts and illustrations have to be synchronized with the voice-over in order to increase the understanding of a patient. The proof of concept is tested with five people of the target group and with their feedback the proof of concept is further developed as final result of the animation. Quality of delivered realisation/proof of concept The proof of concept meets the requirements of the client and from the research. The proof of concept is also tested with the target group like mentioned before. The design of the proof of concept does reduce patients tensions and worries according to the test results. This means the proof of concept does increase patient’s knowledge and understanding of Orthopedic surgery. The animation is exported with high resolution, which it’s HD (1920p x 1080p) with a MP4 format. This format is a standard format which it’s playable on any video player software. The animation has a soft and calm design which patient can easily focus and follow the procedure by the story. The content of the animation is very specific on the information that a patient needs to know about the procedure of the surgery. Besides of the voice-over there is a background music added into the animation in order the feeling of the audience. The background music is only instrumental music, which helps to relax the patient. The animation has reached to be a patient education tool for doctors and surgeons regarding hip replacement surgery. Quality of the realization process The process by realizing the proof of concept is basically binding all the pieces together at the end. The process is according to the planning successfully performed. Usually an animation is created in one software such as Adobe After Effect, but the proof of concept is in 3D. Therefore, to assemble the animation it’s first created in the 3D software, then combining all the scenes together and edit them in Adobe Premiere. By parting up the assembling of the scenes makes it easier to develop, because from each scene mistakes and errors are also easily detected and modified. During the realization process, each exported scene has to be confirmed by the manager based on the timing and composing the frame. After confirmation from the manager, the draft of the scene or part of the proof of concept is sent to the client for approval if the draft meets the requirements of the client. Furthermore, the proof of concept is also tested with the target group as mentioned before in order to meet the requirements of the target group. As final, the proof of concept meet both requirements of the client as Spine Advice and for the target group.


ATTACHMENT 2 Evaluation document


This evaluation document consists of the project evaluation and a personal evaluation. The goal of this document is to define how succesfull the project of the animation is. Hereby, it’s also about reflecting on the process of the project based on the compentences of professional skills; communication, planning and collaboration. Each compentences are going to be explained how the process wnet throughout the project and what could be approached in a better way. Furthermore, there is also a personal evaluation which the student reflects on the approaches of certain situations.


1. PROJECT EVALUATION In the beginning of the project, the assignment is concrete what has to be achieved. The client requires to have a series of patient animation of Orthopedic surgery animation and the first proof of concept is going to be hip replacement surgery animation. Later in the process there were some changes which delays the process of the porject. However, this is actually the workflow in reality working with clients instead of school projects. School projects allows the students to interact with the teachers whenever they encounter with issues, but in reality practical world is different. Therefore, the graduation internship is to improve student’s ability of managing unussual situations and learn how to handle the situation in a professional way. The graduation project is conducted by the client Spine Advice and the project is to create a patient education of hip replacement surgery animation. Hereby, I’m going to design and realize the animation individually. This animation is created in order to increase patient’s knowledge and understanding regarding hip replacement surgery, because Spine Advice is having trouble with patients that don’t understand and retain the provided information of the surgery. Planning In the beginning there is a planning created, which each phases are set to be accomplished within a period of time. The first task of the project was to search for a compatible projectmanagement methodology in order to structure and organize all the tasks. Hereby, I have searched for the SCRUM method, because it’s the most common methodology that the University thought us to use during all other courses that I have attended. This method is only suitable for team work, but not for individual performed project. Therefore, I have found the Waterfall method, which it’s suitable for this project. In the beginning, I started to apply the Waterfall method to the project, but later in the process it seems confusing. While I was in the research phase waiting for the survey respondents my workflow delays, because it’s taking too long and I cannot continue according to the Waterfall method unless this phase is fully finished. Therefore, I searched for alternativer method which I come across with the Sashimi Waterfall method. This method is actually similar to the traditional Waterfall, but it’s a developed version with overlapping stages. With this method I was able to continue with the design phase while I was waiting for the survey to reach sufficient respondents in the research phase. This is how this method is suitable for this project, because after collecting valueble data in each phase I was able to go back to the phases for modification. Communication The communication with the client in general is very poor, because they are surgeons and have a tight schedule. Each time when I come up with some design choices I have to wait for their feedback and it takes approximately up to 3 weeks for reply. In this situation is very inconvenient and it delays the process of the project. Sometimes the communcation is very vague about what they require to have for the proof of concept, because this is their first time experiencing making an animation. Many things are not clear or they are not sure what they really want. In order to clarify what they want I suggested some samples that they already have searched before regarding hip replacement animation and from those sample they said what they do and don’t want. This is how the requirements list is created. Eventhough the communication is poor with the client, but I succeed to achieved al their requirements and they do like the proof of concept at the end. The communication with the manager is very good, because he is very open and helpfull whenever I have questions.


Collaboration As mentioned before, the project has to be performed individually by the student, however there is some collaboration with my manager Mark Tamea. Most of the collaboration with my manager takes place in the design process, because each design has to be approved by him and the client. My manager is seen as an expert, because he has lots of experience making medical animations before. Therefore, I am eager to learn and to develop his suggestions. When I finished part of my design, we will have meeting as collaborating in order to discuss my work/design and set on agreements and changes that have to be done. There was another collaboration with the other manager of communication department Zhenya Starkova, which I asked her for help regarding the main-question of the project. She helped me define my main research question, because I was having information overloading problem and couldn’t focus to form a proper main-question for my research. Hereby, we had several meetings which she taught me how to map out all the important information regarding hip replacement surgery. Therefore, I have searched for the method called Big 6 in order to solve my information overloading problem. Research For this project, the main part is the research, which the research defines how the proof of concept could be beneficial or different performed. Therefore, the research consists of product analysis and target group analysis. The proof of concept is going to be an animation, which the target group for this animation has to be defined. Currently, the client has mentioned who their target group is, but it’s not sufficient and they are not allowed to provide data of their patients regarding privacy policy. Therefore, a deep target group analysis has to be made in order to define a concrete target group for whom this animation could be. Defining the target group was confusing, because it’s a surgery animation and this surgery can be happened to all ages. Therefore, from the research the most common ages that have been through such surgery is selected as the target group of the animation. In order to have a deeper analysis on the target group, I decided to do interviews with the target group. From the interviews, I can collect more valuable data than from a survey, but after all I realized I can also collect general data from a survey. By making the survey was kind of difficult in order to form valuable answers. Therefore, a colleague Julian helped me out making valuable multiple choice answers. The process of the interview went properly as expected, which I could ask more questions based on the given answers of the target group. There were some people that were uncomfortable while I was interviewing them, because they feel like I was interrogating them. For some people, I understand it’s difficult for them to define their concrete opinion and most of the time they would just give a very vague and global answer. This is the reason that it’s difficult to collect valuable data for my research. Therefore, I have approach them differently by giving them suggestions and example regarding the information that I was seeking for. The process of the product analysis wasn’t that good, because there are only few hip replacement surgery animations on the internet that I can make comparison and analyze. After all those animations that I have found are sufficient to draw out conclusions for my research. Furthermore, many research was made in order to collect quality information. The research took much more time than expected, because from the articles that I found I have to verify how trustworthy is the information.


During the research I must sturcture my tasks, because like I mentioned before I was having information overloading problem. With a structure I can organize my tasks in my workflow I was able to know my path. Otherwise I am more lost with all the information which I don’t know where to start and how to continue. Design For designing the animation, I was very sure in which style and design the proof of concept is going to be. The client has mentioned what kind of style they want to achieve and based on the product analysis that I have found those styles are not suitable for the target group. Therefore, the design is based on the requirements of the target group and from the client. When I started to design the animation, the first thing was to create a moodboard for the client in order to verify the style and design. The moodboard was directly approved by my manager and the client. Both liked the moodboard, which the style is very clean and simple like a diagram. My manager has lots in common with me, which we both usually agree on certain stuff like designs and he suggests some tips to top up the quality. Therefore, designing the proof of concept went well and the client is very happy with the design. From the approval of my manager and the client I was able to focus working on the design. Designing a 3D animation is not simple as a 2D animation by only selecting the right colors, but it’s about setting up proper lights on the 3D object in order to create the style and feeling of the environment. It’s like filming in a studio, the lights are the most important part of filming. Therefore, the design took much more time than expected, because there were many tryouts with different settings and different types of light. Finally, after several try-outs, I find the proper settings lighting the 3D object which it fits the design that I’m looking for. Once the proper lights are set, the process of the design is much easier. By only designing the 3D model doesn’t meet the requirement in order to educate patients. Therefore, I choose to use graphical elements to emphasize the knowledge of medical terms. During the design process, I kept in mind that the design of the animation has to be clean and simple, because usually I doubt on design choices. From this stage I learned how to focus on what is set and developed from the focus point. This focus point leads to a very successful work progress as final result, because the client is very happy with the final result. Furthermore, the design of the animation amazes the target group. I got positive feedback from some of them regarding the simple and clean style that makes it interesting to watch.


Realization Realization is one of the domain-competence that I want to demonstrate. The realization of the animation starts with designing the format and the script. The script also makes part of the design, because an education animation must consist of script in order to tell the story or information. The script is written by myself, because the client doesn’t provide us a proper script during the time. I wrote the script based on the milestone script that the client has send me before processing the project. Therefore, the script is narrated by my manager Mark Tamea as a guide for the animation. In the future, the client can seek for a professional narrator for the other series of Orthopedic surgery animations. The video-format of the animation is exported on HD quality with a 1920p by 1080p of resolution on a MP4. The animation is created in 3Ds Max, which I’m not familiar to create animation with this software. I have worked with this software several times throughout my Game course to make 3D model, but not animate it. Hereby, I needed to spend some time in order to search and learn how to create animation with this software. Usually animations are created with After Effects, which I have learned through all my courses at the University. The beginning of the process I took some time to search for tutorials on the internet. Furthermore, there were updates since the last time I worked with the software and it requires some time to catch up with the settings again and discover new features. After searching for tutorials, I started to create the motions in 3Ds Max, but I was having difficulties keeping all the movements together of each components of the 3D body. Therefore, I discussed that with my manager and he suggested to separate the movements per scene. Indeed, this approach is more convenient and easy to work with. Each scenes of the animation are further assembled in Premiere, which in this software allows to edit the video. There is also instrumental music available as background music of the animation. The background music is free downloaded from the internet chosen by myself, which it’s later approved by the manager and the client. Brief general refelection Throughout the project, I have learned that communication is very important. If the communication wasn’t clear, the process of the project wouldn’t be successful as it is. To understand the communication is a higher level, because then you can feel and see for yourself what others really mean. This means by understand each other from another perspective. In order to reach this point, I communicate as much as possible to clarify the project/assignment. This is how in the design process I was very determine to the style and design that me, my manager and the client have decided.


PERSONAL EVALUATION In the beginning, I was very excited about the assignment, because it’s about 3D design and I like to design 3D models. After the manager told me exactly what the project is about, I was a bit afraid that I couldn’t finish the project on high quality. Throughout my study, I never created 3D animations before, but only creating 3D models. During the entire process of the project I kept with a positive mind that I could create a 3D animation for my client. This project is very challenging, especially developing a tool for medical use. This means everything has to be precisely and very serious. Therefore, I tried my best in the beginning to clarify and to understand what the assignment is about in order to approach it correctly to deliver a professional animation to the client. Before starting the internship, we had an introduction lesson at the University, which gran part of the internship consists of a research. This means realizing the product isn’t that important, however my coach explained later to me that realizing the product is also important as the research. At that moment, I was confused about the purpose of the internship. My manager was also confused about the entire graduation assignment. I thought the internship was for us as student to experience the practical business world, but it was to do research and making the product for the client. Personally, I think the University can informed us better and provide concrete information what exactly this graduation internship is about. Therefore, my coach extended my preparation phase of the project which you can find it in the Project plan. The coach did not approve the Project plan, because I didn’t define a complete approach of the research and for the animation. At that moment I felt very disappointed, but I remain positive and try to approach the project in a better way. After improving the Project plan, the coach approved it directly and I understood how to continue with the project. Later, there was a second assessment with the coach, which it’s the 80% of delivery of the project. This 80% of the project is actually almost the final phase of the project, which everything is already done according to plan. In that phase, I thought everything that I’ve done should be good, because I did all the research and created the animation for the client which the client is very happy with the final animation. However, my coach she was disappointed that I have developed only one animation for the client. At that point, I felt very empty like all the work that I’ve done worth nothing and still confused what do I have to do. In the business world, the client is whom you are working for and therefore we have to meet the requirements of the client instead of creating several different versions of animations and let the client decide which one is better. Furthermore, I am the semi-expert that convinced the client about the design of the animation. At that point, I don’t understand what I did wrong that my coach was disappointed in my work. From this situation, I really learn to be positive, think at the same point of the coach and there is always a solution no matter what. For this project I feel very happy, because it’s the first time that I have created a 3D animation for a client and they like it very much. I can say the project is very successful, because the animation meets all the requirements of the client and the target group. I received positive feedback from the target group during the test session. Furthermore, I have learned from this project that everything has to be clarified before proceeding. When one step is wrong, it’s difficult to go back and change it. Therefore, it’s better to have everything clear in the beginning so you can focus from that point to succession.


ATTACHMENT 3 Feedback form by internship supervisor



Bijlage 3.

Feedbackformulier bedrijfsbegeleider

Dit formulier is ook in Word format beschikbaar op Bedrijf

: Happy Folk


: Mark Tamea


: Sandra Yuen Cijfer (1-10)

Positief kritische houding

Methodische aanpak

Bewaking van de voortgang


Nakomen van afspraken

Tijdige terugkoppeling

Toelichting Sandra is inquisitive and likes to learn new techniques to apply to her work. She made time to research those herself and always looked for professional advice when it came to application. She is friendly and keen to work within teams and likes to make practical use of her knowledge.


Sandra is quite independent and likes to get things right. She was always concerned that her work with the hip replacement animation correctly reflected the research that she made with her test subjects.


Sandra made good progress within her internship. She discovered not only new practical techniques for her animation work but also how to work on a large project within a studio team of designers and communication specialists.


Once Sandra had been briefed and discovered where she had to take the project she was very capable of working alone. She would produce her own time sheets and project planning as well as storyboards for the client.


Sandra followed her time planning well. Sometimes she took a little longer than estimated but that was usually because she was researching new techniques.


Working on a project with two incredibly busy surgeons had its challenges concerning feedback. Sandra coped well and did her best to synchronize.


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STUDIEHANDLEIDING AFSTUDEREN semestermodel VOLTIJD 2016-2017 Cijfer (1-10) Kwaliteit van de opgeleverde producten

Kwantiteit van de opgeleverde producten


Mondelinge communicatie

Schriftelijke communicatie

Professioneel gedrag

Algemeen overall-beeld


Toelichting The client was very happy with the quality of the end product and it met their expectations.

One completed and approved animation. 9






Sandra got on well with the rest of the team on both a professional and social level. She was very receptive to my feedback and suggestions during the project and liked to discuss different angles and possibilities.

I found that Sandra communicated in a satisfactory manner with no problems.

I can not really comment on the quality of Sandra's written communication in Dutch because it's not my first language. Her English written communication has some shortcomings which I would normally associate with a non-native speaker. Sandra got on well with everybody in the studio and the work-flow was good. Sometimes in a studio environment there are creative problems to resolve and discuss. She handled this with intelligence.

Sandra has a friendly, open personality and is interested in discovering how to improve her visual communication skills. She takes her projects seriously.


STUDIEHANDLEIDING AFSTUDEREN semestermodel VOLTIJD 2016-2017 Cijfer (1-10) Advies tav verbeterpunten / aandachtspunten student


Toelichting Our agency, like many others, is a fast moving environment. While it's not a problem for an intern (who is in a training situation) Sandra would benefit from being able to speed up her process a bit.

Opmerkingen tav Praktijkbureau, docent, algemene zaken van een andere dringende reden op grond waarvan de afstudeerorganisatie, student of onderwijsinstelling redelijkerwijs niet verwacht kan worden dat de overeenkomst wordt voortgezet, een en ander na overleg tussen alle partijen.

Plaats: Arnhem

Aldus overeengekomen en in drievoud opgemaakt en ondertekend

Datum: 12 May 2017 Naam bedrijf: Happy Folk

Arnhem 15/11/2016 te …………................., ……................….. (datum invullen) Naam: Mark Tamea De afstudeerorganisatie


Mark Tamea Art Director .................................................... (naam) ................................................ (functie)


Arnhem 15/11/2016 te …………................., ……................….. (datum invullen) De student

Qiao Pein (Sandra) Yuen (naam) ............................................................................

________________________________________________________________________________________ De onderwijsinstelling



Deliverable results/documents


• Project plan • Product Analysis Document • Target group Analysis Document • Test Report • Research document • Design Document • Proof of concept


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