Angelfall Design Document
Student: Sandra Yuen Cavi class: A Studentnumer: 464474 Professor: Cindy Vermeulen Date: 22/09/2014 1
Content 1. Introduction 2. Subject
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3. Visual material based on research subject
4. Visual material based on research design
5. Concept / Script / Scenario (including argumentation) 6. Look and feel (including argumentation) 7. Storyboard (low end & high end)
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8. Color use (met onderbouwing en voorbeelden)
9. Typography (including argumentation and examples)
10. Commentary/ Audio/ Audio-effects/ Music (inl. argumentation) 11. Budgetting
12. Arguing designproces and technical proces 13. Reflection on designproces, realisationproces and results 14. Mentioning sources
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1. Introduction
This is the first assignment for the AVI semester. In this assignment we have to create a title sequence from a book that hasn’t been created into a movie yet. The book that I choose is called ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck. In this document I will be writing about my design processes on the title sequence that I’m going to create.
2. Subject: Angelfall The subject is about the book called ‘Angelfall’ written by the author Susan Ee. It’s ayoung adult novel that revolves around a post-apocalyptic California. A seventeen year-old Penryn Young trying to rescue her kidnapped sister. The novel begins with the Apocalypse has come. Penryn, her mentally imbalanced mother, and Penryn’s little sister, wheelchair-bound Paige, prepare to flee from Silicon Valley into the hills. Their escape is interrupted by a fight between the angel Raffe (Raphael) and five challengers. Raffe manages to fend off the angels, though he becomes seriously wounded, and the lead angel, Beliel, cuts off Raffe’s wings. Paige is then kidnapped and their mother runs away. Penryn helps nurse Raffe back to health, and asks him to help her find her sister. He is reluctant to do so, but decides he must help if he wants the chance of having his wings reattached. Penryn and Raffe travel north, and fall in with a militia resistance group, determined to fight back against the angels that have invaded Earth. They are led by a good man named Obadiah, who wants to give people hope by fighting back. Penryn and Raffe leave and continue north to the angel aerie in San Francisco, at a 1920s-themed club. Raffe has no idea what the angels are doing -none of them do. They simply act on orders, but without Gabriel, God’s Messenger, they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Politics have broken out among the angels, seeking to nominate the next Messenger. Raffe is in consideration. While at the club’s basement, Penryn finds her sister, who has been torn apart and stitched back together. She is now an automaton, with little independence of her own -but she can walk again. Raffe goes to see the angel Laylah, who can reattach his wings, but betrays him by putting Raffe’s wings on Uriel, Beliel’s boss. Uriel’s demonic wings are given to Raffe. A scorpion fetus creature paralyzes Penryn as the resistance attacks the club, killing many angels, and Raffe brings Penryn to safety. The victory is celebrated, and Penryn, her mother, and Paige leave with the resistance, while Raffe goes off on his own, able to fly once more.
3. Visual material based on research subject/ moodboard
4. Visual material based on design For the designing or the way I want to make my title sequence I went to research on other motiongraphics. I foind one that have inspered me how how I would like made my title sequence. The following are the designs that has inspired me.
5. Concept / Script / Scenario (including argumentation) In my title sequence I want to bring out the subject, like a really short story of the book. Since the title sequence is only one minute, I think I’m not gonna put the short, because then it will be too long. Therefore I choose to focus more on the main character, how and what will be involved to him. The main character will be Raffe, the only angel that will turn to be a good angel at the end. The title sequence will begin with an introduction of the movie production company, which is Good Universe. Then the main character will come in and introducing the director of the movie. That will be the first impression that the audience will have about the title sequence. The point of what the title dequence is about. Next to come will be the scene of falling angels down from the sky. Then it follow by the scene that Raffe’s wings got cut off suddenly out of nowhere. In this part I want the audience to think what is actually happening here. This can be the look and feel part for the movie. This will make the audience to see the entire movie when they release it. The next scene I want to show that the angel without wings fall down and ink like blood is spreading out. From the ink there will be a city rising up, this part is to give a hint what the story will goes. Audience will be like why there is a city rising up from there, there must be something. And for ending the title sequence I want the title to be visible from the ink and for last Raffe as an angel warrior standing there with his wings again. In this part I want the audience to think how that is possible that he has his wings again, since the wings was cut off. I want to make my title sequence so that audience will keep questioning about the scenes that I made so they would want to see the entire movie. Well I also feel the same away when I see a movie trailer. I always ask why or how coukld that happen in a trailer and makes me want to see the movie. That attacts more by putting some actions and tenseness to it.
6. Look and feel For the look and feel I choose to go with some dark blue color, this color is mysterious and a bit sad. I choose this color, because the story has a thriller genre. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer’s moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror, that’s why I think the dark blue color will be the best color the title sequence. Furthermore I choose a texture in the dark blue color, that will also give the meaning of the situation of Raffe, the main character. There is a picture below where you can take a look and feel about I have mention above. For the vectors that I’m using I just kept it simple, everything is black or some vectors will be textures. But still I want to keep it as simple as possile. The vectors one that I will put textures on changing color is to give more empahsis on that scene.
Low end story board
High end story board
8. Color use The colors I have use I’ve already mentioned in the Look and Feel section. The colors were dark blue, black, white and grey. I’ve chosen these colors because dark blue, as I mentioned before, is a thriller genre. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer’s moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror, that’s why I think the dark blue color will be the best color the title sequence. I used black and white for the vectors because other colors didn’t really look good with it. I’ve tested several colors and I’ve decided to just go with black and white since it’s simple and it pops out from the background. For some vectors I’ve used white because the white color really look good on the dark blue background. With black vectors will be abit too much dark colors, but I still want to give the thriller look, so I will make some vectors black and some white. White color is meaningful and therefore I use that for calm and resting. I think I will use it at the end of the title sequence that the main character is still alive with his wings back. Below there is a color palette that I have made. There will be some little change about the color since I was not sure if it’s good or not. But actually I didn’t change that much, but only the blue has changed a bit darker and more blue. The other colors are still the same.
9. Typography Below you see I have done some researching on typography and I’ve came across with some typography that I’ve really liked and below are some photos of the typography. Here I have choose some typography that inspired me. First of all I came across with the font “Angel” which I really like to use it for the title. The “Angel” font has a some part of the letters faded which it matches like apocalypse. So that’s how I choose to use that typography for the title. With the “Angel” font it will be too simple and I want to combine it with another typography. Therefore I have search for some gothic typography which it’s the typography below the “Angel” font. This is also the font that I’m using right now for my document. I actually also like the “Teutonic” one, but I tried it and it doesn’t match or look good like “Offenbacher Schwabacher”. The “Angelic serif” is too curly which I found it nice, but doesn’t match my theme.
10. Commentary/ Audio/ Audio-effects/ Music For my title sequence I’m only using music and maybe one or two sound effects. The reason why I’m, not using commentary is because it’s not neccessary for my title sequence. I don’t really want anything to be said or explained in it because it should be your own interpretation. I would use like one sound effect on the sword slicing the wings off scene. That seems very nice, so you really hear the slicing and it’s impressive. Furthermore I don’t think I’m going to put more sound effects, because I already have chosen a music and the music is already too much. To put more sound effects in it, would makes it too chaotic. The music that I will be using is a instrumental music by The Secession, Immortral. I’m using this song because it fits to the genre of thriller of my title sequence. It has alot of bass and epic dramatic sound that matches with the story of Raffe, the angel warrior.
11. Budgetting I’ve probably have worked about 5 hours per day for a week or two long. I’ve used several plug ins for the title sequence, these plug ins would cost around €150,- for the energy drinks I’ve drank to keep up the work would probably cost around €10,-. I think per hour it would cost about €80,- to €90,- per hour
12. Arguing designproces and technical proces. The design proces has been fairly easy compared to the technical proces. If you have the right amount of inspirations and know the book you’re making the title sequence of the designing would go pretty quickly. The technical proces took longer than it should because of lack of skills in After Effects Cs6. To make such a simple thing or such simple animation/motion it took long because I had to search for tutorials and each tutorial would take about 15 minutes to an hour. Sometime one tutorial isn’t enough either and that cost more time.
13. Reflection on designproces, realisationproces & results. As design proces I’ve thought I’ve done pretty good. I thought I’ve chosen the right design to go with, simple and easy. I’ve done my research on the book, typography, style and moodboard, so I thought it might come out as a decent title sequence. Desigining or thinking of the animations or moves that I wanted to do was a bit difficult, it took me some time to think what I actually really want and what could fit the most with. The simple effect that I used was the fade in and outs mostly, because it gives a better feeling on certain things. For the realisation proces it was harder then I thought, because lack of knowledge on After Effects. It took me some time to figure out how everything works. That took me quite a few hours with tutorials on the side. You have to play around with the effects controls while you have no idea what each controls/options does. So you’ll be wasting time trying to figure out what each controls/options does. For the end result I’m quite happy, because atleast it looks like what I was going for. But still there are some points that are not what I was planning for. I imagine my title sequence with more effects, like glowing or something else. Now it looks too simple and a bit boring because of the black vectors. I should put some colors in it and maybe it will look different, but then I think I’m of the theme of the genre thriller. On my research I have come across with a motion graphic based on hand painted pictures, that look very nice but since there isn’t that much time to paint I stay with vectors.
14. Sources
Made by Sandra Yuen