May 2015
Sneak Peek How to I mprov e Practi cal l y Anything i n Fi v e M i nutes a day
trashyour NegativeSelf-Talk Psst? I ?m i nti mi dated by you ! | 1
Thanks for Visiting our
Sneak Peek of
Cherished Magazine
- Enjoy Pleasesharewith your friends! 2 | May 2015
Hi! I?m Sheryl Siler, founder of Cherished Magazine. Welcome to our first issue "Sneak Peak" Enjoy! What I really want you to grasp is to cherish yourself ? because God cherishes you. This is a message that I?ve chatted about for a while now over at my blog, What I know to be true from conversations I've had with women all over the place is this: We simply don?t talk very nice to ourselves. This is what I also know to be true; we often don?t even realize we are doing it. This ?Trash Talk?, as I like to call it, causes us to trash our confidence! I want you to dig down, be brave and choose to be your own encourager and really learn to recognize that you are
B eautiful
Amazing Enough
Confidence is key lovely lady! You are cherished!
l y r e h S | 3
Psst? I ?m i nti mi dated by you! by Holley Ger th Yep, I?m intimidated by you. And by you, I mean women. Put me in a room of my peers and it won?t be long before my hands are sweaty and I?m shaking in my boots (yeah, the cute ones I bought from TJ Maxx in the hopes they?d somehow hypnotize everyone into liking me? you know what I?m talking about). It got so bad I even took drastic measures a few summers ago. Disclaimer: there is some serious dorkiness coming in the next few sentences. If you?re offended by that you should stop reading now. I went to the library and I checked out all the social skills books. The ones like, ?How to Have Friends and Influence People without Relying on Your TJ Maxx Boots.? And I read all of them. I know? don?t say I didn?t warn you. Through my ambitious pursuit of coolness, I discovered that my insecurities came from a much deeper place than an inability to make coherent small talk at times. What I thought might be some sort of social ailment turned out to be a spiritual one.
4 | May 2015
Inside a voice whispered, ?You?re not enough.? Depending on the day, an extra word might be thrown into that sentence? You?re not pretty enough. You?re not outgoing enough. You?re not likeable enough. So I kept spinning my wheels on an endless treadmill. I?d make progress in one area only to realize I had miles to go in another. Exhausted, I finally began pondering and praying. ?Lord,? I asked, ?Why do women feel as if we?re not enough?? It seemed I heard a whisper in response, ?Because they?re not.? For a moment I thought I had some holy static happening. ?Excuse me, God, it sounded like you said, ?We?re not enough.?Could you repeat that pretty please?? Again, gently and firmly, ?You are not enough.? By then I started thinking perhaps my heart had dialed the wrong number and the devil was on the line. But in that pause it seemed God finished the sentence, ?You are not
in me you are so much more.? We are much more than pretty? | 5
we are wonderfully made. We are much more than likeable? we are deeply loved. We are much more than okay? we are daughters of the King. I think the enemy tricks us into believing we are not enough
because he knows if we discover the truth we?ll be unstoppable. If you?ve embraced that lie like I did then together we can start trading it for the truth? We are chosen, cherished, created women who have all we need to fulfill God?s plans for our lives. He has made us just as He wants us to be. We have something to offer that no one else can bring? and the world is waiting. Girls, let?s stop shaking in our boots and instead start standing tall for Him together. I can?t do it alone? will you be in this with me?
Holley Gerth is a best-selling author, life coach and speaker. She?d love to hang out with you at
6 | May 2015
& BE SOCI A L! | 7
trashyour by Sheryl Siler
?This should be easy.? That is what I said to an assignment given to me by my women?s group leader. You see all you had to do is to keep track of how many times you said something negative to yourself for our weekly assignment. I thought, ?Piece of cake. I?m a pretty positive, silver-lining kind of gal. With everything going on I?m glad this is an easy week.? Let me share with you a little story about the day following this little assignment. It was an ordinary day in this homeschool?s mom life. We ate breakfast, got to work at the kitchen table and a few subjects later, it was time for lunch. So we move on with the ordinary 8 | May 2015
day with me fixing some grilled cheese sandwiches while the kids finished up that day?s work. I buttered the bread, gathered the cheese and into the hot pan they went. As the first side grilled, I noticed the small fry pan in the sink leftover from our scrambled eggs that morning and thought, ?I?ll just clean that up real fast.? So I swished and scrubbed and rinsed? still a little stuck on egg so I swished and scrubbed and rinsed. Is that still some egg? So you, as the reader to my little tale, may be trying right now to get my attention. You are probably yelling ?Sheryl? your sandwiches? .flip them before you burn them!? The problem is that you were
not there that day and yes in a moment just after that last ?swish? my nose reminded me what I really came in the kitchen to do. As I quickly turned over the sandwiches and discovered a shade of brown that was darker than I would have liked, these two things immediately popped into my head.
?Stupid Me! Can?t I get anything right!? Ohhhh? ouch! That wasn?t real positive was it? That simple little mistake of burning a couple of grilled cheese had me saying some pretty harsh things! Stupid? Really? I by no means would say I am stupid but that is exactly what I told myself. Can?t I get anything right? What about the 100 things I did do right up to that point that day? No wonder my confidence was so low! In Hebrews 10:35-36 it says: So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. | 9
I would love to say that the incident of ?trash talk? was an isolated incident that week but I can?t. If truth be told I probably would have filled up a trash can with the insults to myself. I was throwing away my confidence daily.
Don?t trash your confidence ladies! Trash your negative self-talk. Let me put the same assignment on you this week. Pay attention and see how many times this week you say something negative to yourself?
What about you? Are you throwing away your confidence? Sheryl Siler is a devoted wife and homeschooling mom. She has a passion for learning, enjoys teaching and inspires others with her heart of service. Sheryl blogs over at and author of the book, Snapshots: Great Attitudes & Positive Self-Talk.
10 | May 2015
Hey Lov el y Ladi es
to Ch eri sh ed M agazi ne Today! Onl y $ 3.97/ mo. | 11
Tri -Leaf Earri ngs
12 | May 2015
Z ul f a-Spi ral Cuf f
M edal l i on Scarf
Cl ear Spri ngs
Gol den Bombol ul u
Earth and Spri ng
I nf i ni ty Scarf
Earri ng's
Brai ded Bracel et
Medallion Scarf | 13
M y M om's
It alian Beef by Sher y l Siler
As I sit dow n to w r ite about w hat m em or ies my m other ?s Italian Beef r ecipe br ings m e, I r ealize just how m uch you lear n fr om your m other. As a kid w e never r eally helped my m other cook . We did, how ever, play a lot of gam es of ?hangm an? on the chalkboar d as my m om w ould pr epar e dinner. (She w ould tell you today that it w as because she didn?t have the patience to teach us.) It w asn?t until my m other br oke her w r ist (I think I w as 12) that she has no choice but to br ing m e into the kitchen and to star t shar ing about dicing, slicing, sautĂŠing, r oasting, baking, poaching and the hundr eds of other cooking ter m s and skills to help br ing dinner to the table. Another skill my m other passed dow n, per haps w ithout her r eally know ing it, w as how to thr ow a big par ty? bir thday par ties, gr aduations, holidays and sur pr ise going aw ay par ties. She unknow ingly taught m e how to choose do ahead foods so that
14 | May 2015
you could enjoy your guests w hile they ar e ther e and not be in the kitchen. M any of those do-ahead foods involved the fr eezer w hich w ould allow things to be cooked w eeks (and even m onths) in advance to help w ith not feeling fr azzled w ith m ad-dash cooking for days in a r ow r ight befor e the par ty. I also lear ned that it allow ed my m other to budget buy for a big gather ing w hen things w er e on sale. A little her e and a little ther e. M y m om is one sm ar t lady. So I find myself alw ays thinking of my m other w hen I am cooking Italian beef. Yes, it is usually because I?m planning for com pany. I also know I?m passing dow n the sam e com pany skills to my daughter and that m akes m e sm ile. Thanks M om . You?r e the best.
[Recipe in the M ay 2015 issue]
Her e's a f ew c a r ds of en c ou r a gemen t t o get y ou s t a r t ed. Ea c h a ddit ion of Cher is hed M a ga z in e w ill ha ve dif f er en t des ign s . Clic k ima ge t o dow n loa d t he f r ee pr in t a ble .pdf f ile. We s u gges t pr in t in g on c a r ds t oc k. En j oy ! Sher y l | 15
Welcom e!
Ch eri sh edM agazi 16 | May 2015