Ascension Life, June 2021

Page 28


PL ACE 3 3, SE CR E T S OF E XCER P T F R OM CH AP TER 8 - K AR MI C TAR Sterling came to visit while the kids were at school. “It feels much be er here since the presence left” Sherilyn tells him. “Thank you so much for helping me release it. Are you ready to be hypnoti ed?” She asked. Sherilyn starts with, “I have read numerous books on hypnosis and have done some training. I want to see if we can access ‘The Place’ this way, accessing the 33rd dimension via the spirit world, so to speak.” Sterling and Sherilyn get ready to ascend through hypnosis. Before being taken into the spirit world, Sterling asks, “Do you have a beer or a glass of wine?” “Sure,” she says. “It’s probably a good Idea to loosen up a bit.” The list of questions she wants to ask him suddenly blurs. Obviously, Sterling is having an e ect on her. Sherilyn feels like an amateur, si ng next to this man who is like a god, since she found out who he really is. Once she gets her bearings, She pulls herself together, even though the other man she really wanted to be with cancelled their date. Part of her wanted Kenton and part of her wants to make love with Sterling. A er several minutes of small talk, she asks Sterling to tell her what the symbols of his ta oos mean. She was simply curious, not prying. Standing up, Sterling removed his shirt, handed it to her and then sat down, closer to her. She could not help but noti e Sterling’s bare skin and how smooth it looked. His stomach and chest muscles were tig t. His blonde hair hung loose, blowing in the breeze from the fan. He points to a large round ta oo. He says, “This is the ower of life. It represents the creation pa ern, the way in, the way out. This one is a crown, to remember I’m in charge of my royalty and I can’t forget Mom.” “Wow!” Sherilyn knew she could not allow her sexual thoughts to linger for


another second. Immediately she changed her focus. She crisply instructs Sterling, “Let’s get started.” She gently lulls Sterling into a conscious hypnotic state. While in a trance, it’s crucial to make sure the vibrations which are in the higher dimensions, are planned in an exact sequence, or he could get lost in his mind. This is especially true in the thirty-third dimension. She realizes she can talk to Sterling and others while actually in this dimension, in the spirit world. “Get ready for another great adventure,” he says. They are in the elevator. Sherilyn starts counting down to Level 33. They are at The Place, so they go to the lily pads and fill themselves with the white water. They are pure again for now. Sterling says, “Early on, when we went to the other side of The Place, I told you about the Unforgiven, remember?” “Mmm hmm,” she replied. “You take a damp, stink , rottin elevator to get there,” he says. “Oh that side is where the Unforgiven souls hang out. They must become saturated with nega vity before going to the forgiven side.” “Right, let’s go check it out,” Sherilyn said. They are back in the elevator. He says, “Push number eight.” They are on Level Eight instantly. Now they’re transporting themselves to the opposite side of eight. The other side of the elevator door opens this time. They are getting out on the left side of the elevator. “We’re going to enter into the left hemisphere. First we must get to the center of my mind,” Sterling says. “Okay, how do we do that?” Sherilyn asks confused. “The Pathway is right there. All you do is open the door,” Sterling informs her. “We look out the window and see the pool.” “The door is open,” Sherilyn says. “This is it. Give me a piece of paper,

please,” Sterling asks. “Okay,” She says handing him piece of paper and a pencil. His eyes are firmly closed. Please be calm so I can center myself.” Sterling directs Sherilyn. Sterling Commenting, “It seems so far away, like drawing with a 30-foot pencil. How large is this paper? Sterling proceeds to draw a map on the paper. “The elevator is here, 33 floors are over here, and then turn there. We’ll get off here. This would’ve gone down to the eighth floor. Okay, always remember, take me back exactly the way we came or I’ll be confused. I want you to get into the new elevator of shadow with me. This is the Unforgiven elevator; the elevator’s in the left hemisphere in the center of my mind!” “Okay I’m getting in with you. Where are we going?” She asked, visualizing all of it. “We are going down to Level 33,” Sterling states. “All right, we’re here.” Sherilyn relays. Open the door... God, it’s beautiful!” He says. Startled, Sherilyn asks him, “What does it look like?” Since he’s in a conscious hypnotic trance and she’s here in 3D Earth, she can’t see it exactly as he sees it. But, she can visualize. She uses her imagination, which she found out is real. “Beautiful, gorgeous. It’s an iridescent blue-black sea. It’s stunning. Absolutely a deep, indigo blue-black iridescent onyx color,” Sterling explains. “The depth of the color reflects the depths which we’re at. It’s the opposite of light. Logically in a conscious mind you would think it’s in the left, repre-senting white and light. But the nature of the mirror principle flips it into reverse. It’s Frank’s doing of course.” “Interesting,” he says looking through the window. “Let’s sit down over there,” he says pointing left.

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