AscensionLife March 2021

Page 34



ow to Use a Pendulum Pendulums are versatile tools used to tap into

intuition, communicate with the higher self and to better understand the subconscious. Pendulums have been around since ancient times by multiple cultures. They’ve been used for everything from divination to spirit communications and even healing rituals. So what are they and how do they work? A pendulum consists of a string or chain with a weight at one end that allows it

to show you “yes”, then “no” and “can’t

When the pendulum swings take note of

to swing back and forth from a pivot

answer”. Your pendulum will swing back

the direction for your answer. If you are

point. Pendulums are made from every-

and forth for one answer, side to side for

uncertain, you can try again later or rephrase

thing from wood to stone. Most have a

another and in a circle for the 3rd. Once

the question for more clarity. When you

fob at the top of the chain that helps the

you have determined which direction

are finished with each question; clear the

user hold the pendulum securely.

corresponds to each answer, begin by

pendulum by touching it to the palm of

Pendulums respond to energies by moving

asking questions you know the answer

your other hand.

in different directions. They are used to

to. This will help ensure that answers are

Protect your pendulum when you aren’t

connect the user with the higher self for

consistent and you are reading your pen-

using it. Many pendulums are worn as

guidance. A pendulum can help its user

dulum correctly.

necklaces. Keeping it close to you allows

explore the deeper levels of the subcons-

Using a Pendulum

it to absorb your energy and keeps you

cious mind, enhance intuition and even

When you are ready to use your

more in tune with it. If you don’t want to

promote healing by detecting the flow of

pendulum for guidance, take a few moments

wear it; keep it in a black velvet pouch and

energy in the subtle body.

to clear and prepare your mind. Make sure

store it in a safe place.

Pendulums are a great way to help you

your environment is clear from noise and

You can also use your pendulum during

connect with your intuition and higher self

other distractions.

meditations and energy work to help deter-

through “yes/no” type questions.

Grip your pendulum securely and set

mine where your energy may be blocked, or

Programming a Pendulum

your intention. For example “I call upon

even too open. Try holding your pendulum

When you first use a pendulum; you’ll

my True Source Self to answer these

over the chakra you are meditating on. If it

need to spend some time programming

questions truthfully, according to my

moves easily and smoothly; it means your

it. Position yourself properly with feet flat

highest good”. Next, ask very specific

energy is flowing as it should. If it stops

on the floor and sitting up straight. Grasp

yes or no questions allowing time for the

moving, moves inconsistently or you feel

your pendulum by the fob and hold it

answer. It’s important to not attach you-

resistance; it means you may need to do

securely between your thumb and fore-

rself to what you think the answer should

more clearing and balancing of that chakra.

finger. Stabilize your arm and then let the

be or what you want to hear, but to remain

Pendulums are very versatile tools that are

pendulum dangle.

as neutral and detached from outcomes

easy to learn. They can be used successfully

Hold your pendulum steady and ask it

as possible.

by anyone.


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