017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Roos & Rosslee celebrating 30 years! See page 6, 7 & 8
Theft causes pipeline fire?
Emergency calls and warnings on social media started around 02H00 alerting the public of a burning tanker as well as a pipeline fire. A fire erupted at a valve on the Transnet pipeline between Standerton and Charl Cilliers early Sunday morning. Emergency services rushed to the scene and found a Tanker on fire as well as the grass surrounding the area. A huge fire was belching from the Valve Pit. Trying to extinguish the fire at that stage would have been futile as there was a lot of fuel streaming out of the Valve Pit. The pipeline is owned by Transnet and not Sasol. It only transports Sasol’s products. The official statement received from Transnet is as follows: “During the early hours of Sunday morning a fire occurred at a block valve on the Transnet Pipelines’ pipeline between Secunda and Standerton. Transnet Pipelines has a methane gas pipeline and a redundant fuel pipeline in this location. The incident occurred on the fuel pipeline but the gas pipeline was shut down as a precautionary safety measure. Emergency response
teams were on site and extinguished the fire. Remediation teams are currently on site. The integrity of the gas pipelines has been inspected and this line was brought back into operations by 12H00 today. The fuel pipeline is the redundant pipeline between Standerton and Secunda and therefore it does not affect operations or any security of supply to the market. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the Sasol Gas Fire Department as well as the local Standerton and Secunda emergency response teams for all their support and actions”. “Transnet investigations are still underway.” The Bulletin received the following statement from Sasol: “On Sunday, at approximately 03H00, a thirdparty tanker truck caught fire at one of Transnet’s redundant crude oil pipelines, about 10km from Standerton. The incident occurred at the same valve pit near a Transnet gas line that transports Sasol’s gas. The gas line has been temporarily decommissioned as a precautionary measure. Sasol Emergency Services were
dispatched to the scene to assist. The fire has been contained and emergency services are on site.” The gas line will be recommissioned once it is safe to do so. Sasol remains committed to the safety and health of our employees, service providers, community and the environment and will assist where possible. The Bulletin visited the scene and witnessed the extinguishing of the fire. According to our sources, the fire started again but was again successfully extinguished. It was apparent from some of the role players (sources from Lekwa) that it was not as simple as it seemed to be. The initial version of what happened that was circulated stated that the tanker stopped next to the road. The tanker then caught fire that ignited the surrounding grass that led to the ignition of the fuel line. It was clear to The Bulletin that this was not the case. A burned-out supply hose was visible along the ground. Our sources from Lekwa also stated that this was theft. “Stealing is stealing. No matter how you look at it.”
The truck was destroyed in the fire. The fire reached such high temperatures that the aluminium of the truck melted and flowed down the embankment. Pools of aluminium were visible on the ground. The alleged brazen attempt at stealing the fuel is beyond comprehension. The driver of the truck allegedly stopped next to the road and connected the supply hose to the valves inside the valve pit. This was done in the early hours of the morning when the road would be at its quietest. There were even warning triangles placed to warn motorists of the truck next to the road. It appears that this is not the first time that these thefts have happened. The Bulletin would like to commend the emergency services on their handling of the situation. A nearby pipeline could easily have ruptured causing far more damage and could easily have resulted in fatalities. The remoteness of the location hampered the operation at one stage as water had to be transported from nearby towns, but the fire was successfully brought under control. Well done to everyone involved!
Mariëtte 083 476 2860
26 July 2019
Veld fires destroy farms Veld fires ravaged the Bethal areas last week. Huge plumes of smoke billowed into the sky. Fire Fighters battled to get the fire under control. High winds added to the problem. The Bethal/Hendrina road had to be closed due to all the smoke as visibility was only a few meters. Hectors upon hectors of grass and grazing were destroyed. At one stage a call came through that the jail building was under threat to be consumed by the fire. This, fortunately, did not happen. One major problem hampering the fire fighting operations was the water supply in the area. Farmers came and refilled their water containers at the fire trucks before rushing off to continue fighting the fire. The fire was eventually brought under control but the path of devastation was visible as a black line across the countryside. Bales of grass smouldering and red-hot coals covered in smoke were visible remnants of the devastating fire. Fires can easily get out of hand and firebreaks are made according to set standards. Winter is normally the fire season on the Highveld. The veld becomes dry and very flammable, and as the season progresses towards July and August high winds tend to hamper the efforts of firefighters to extinguish the flames. Fires also tend to flame up out of control in a very short time. There is legislation governing fires
snippets Provincial commissioner lauds members for recovery of firearms and arrest of suspects The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma praised members from Lothair, Chrissiesmeer and the Tactical Response Team (TRT) for their relentless efforts in recovering a total of 10 firearms and arrest of nine men in two incidences within the province.
and preventative fires on open and farmland such as Act No.101 of 1998: National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (This act can be accessed by following the link: http://www.dwaf. pdf). Veld fires should only be made when the risk of the fire becoming out of control is low and when there are no strong winds for example. Smoke inhalation is a serious concern for those in the path of a wildfire. Excessive exposure to smoke can lead to significant respiratory problems and other medical issues, and can
even result in death. Smoke inhalation is the most common cause of death in a fire situation. As wildfires can move swiftly and their smoke can hang for miles, you are at increased risk for smoke exposure and inhalation problems, even if the fire isn’t closeby. It is important to know what to do in the event you or a household member starts suffering ill effects from wildfire smoke. Understanding the proper first-aid techniques for helping a victim can mean the difference between life and death.
In the first instance which took place on 18 July 2019, a joint operation of members from Lothair and Chrissiesmeer Police Stations recovered seven firearms, a flat screen TV and a cell phone which were stolen from a farm during March this year and arrested suspects in the process. Information at police disposal suggested that the firearms, all rifles, had been stolen during a housebreaking incident that took place on a farm at Lothair on the evening of 29 March 2019, together with the mentioned flat screen TV and cell phone. Police, who have been following information ever since, made a breakthrough when one suspect believed to have been part of the housebreaking and theft was arrested and five rifles recovered. The suspect, 35-year-old Thabo Nkosi appeared at the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court yesterday, where he was remanded in custody pending bail application and will return to the same court on 26 July 2019. The other two suspects aged between 27 and 26, were arrested on Friday and are expected to appear on Monday, 22 July 2019, at the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court.
Drug dealer sentenced The Evander Regional Court has convicted Rethabile Chabedi (27), to ten years imprisonment on Tuesday for dealing in drugs following a thorough Hawks’ investigation. Chabedi and Chubuike Faithful Ani (47), were arrested by the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation Unit in December 2017, following a tipoff that they were transporting drugs in the vicinity of Embalenhle. The vehicle fitting the description was stopped and searched and R250 000 worth of Methcathinone drugs, commonly known as ‘Kat’ were seized. The court sentenced Ani to a fine of R1 500.00, for contravening the Immigration Act, and acquitted him on other charges, he was further judged to be in the country illegally. The Department of Home Affairs has been ordered to facilitate Ani’s deportation process. Meanwhile, following a plea agreement, Chabedi was ordered to serve a ten (10), year direct imprisonment term. During judgement the Magistrate mentioned that he found it strange that Chabedi took blame for the drugs, effectively exonerating the other accused. A fatal accident occured at the intersection of Walter Sisulu and Oliver Thabo on Saturday, 20 June. The driver of a BMW lost control of his vehicle and crashed into the traffic lights. The vehicle crashed into two traffic lights and uprooted two trees. The two occupants were flung from the vehicle. Both were killed instantly and the declaration was done on the scene.
26 July 2019
“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children - (Nelson Mandela) Die woorde van Nelson Mandela het verseker gestalte gekry tydens die besoek van Hoërskool Secunda aan die Janelle Huis geleë te Evander. Elke leerlingraad kies jaarliks ’n projek vir die betrokke jaar waarin hulle funksioneer as raad. Die 2019 se leerlingraad het vroeg in 2018 al besluit dat hulle Janelle huis gaan aanneem as hulle projek vir 2019, en het toe ook die daad by die woord gevoeg op 18 Julie met hulle besoek aan die kinders van Janelle huis. Leerlinge van die “Femme meisies klub” het dan ook die geleentheid benut om die pragtige hand vervaardigde serpe aan die kinders te gee, wat hulle dan ook met groot trots gedra het en daarmee rond geparadeer het. Die menigte houers met artikels soos, skoonmaakmiddels, groot
verskeidenheid blikkies met uiteenlopende inhoud en nog vele meer, te veel om so individueel te noem, wat ook deel was van die projek se doelstellings het die kombuis en sitkamer area gevul.
Gemeet aan al die glimlaggende gesigte en die krete van plesier wat van oor al in en buite die huis gehoor kon word was die keuse van projek deur Hoërskool Secunda se leerlingraad ‘n reuse sukses. – Aart Reedijk
tyd om ‘n tak te stig. Michelle is al jare lank besig in die gemeenskap en help graag waar sy kan. Die waterprobleme in Bethal is ‘n groot doring in die vlees vir haar. “Dit is onaanvaarbaar dat inwoners van Bethal en meer spesifiek die een gedeelte by Bethal rand asook X3 en X8 altyd moet deurloop as daar water probleme is” sê Michelle. Die VF+ kan by die
volgende nommers gekontak word: Michelle 060 491 7038, Hennie 076 531 3587 en Wilma 060 568 5022.
BT Staffing solutions address unemployemnt A young vibrant team heads the newly established BT Staffing Solutions in eMbalenhle. Vusi Sibeko as CEO, Vusi Sibiya as COO and Bandile Thela as the Chief Financial officer. Although they have been helping eMbalenhle residents for a long time they opened their doors officially on 1 July 2019. They saw that not all companies are registered with the department of labour and realised that this is an area that needs to be addressed. One of their main drives is that local economic development must be advanced. “We want to address the current unemployment situations by empowering locals, “Said Vusi Sibeko, “We will primarily focus on residents of eMbalenhle.”
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Annalie 082 906 0546
VF+ stig Bethal tak Die Vryheids Front Plus het die afgelope week ‘n tak in Bethal gestig. Michelle Viljoen Rademeyer is as tak voorsitter verkies en Hennie Rademeyer as ondervoorsitter. Wilma Wolmerans is as sekretaresse verkies. “Ek is baie trots daarop dat Bethal vir die eerste keer ‘n VF+ tak gestig het.” het Michelle gesê, “Ek glo dat ons nou met die hulp van die 20 kommitee lede die dorp se probleme vinniger en makliker kan hanteer. Die gemeenskap is welkom om op ons nommers te druk en ons sal hul bystaan waar en hoe ons kan.” Die FF+ se steun het die afgelope tyd baie gegroei en na die onlangse verkiesing het die party besluit dit is
The offices are easily reached being situated close to the Catholic Church. Locals from eMbalenhle can contact
Vuyiswa C Yengiwe (Admin Clerk) @ 073 164 5032 / 082 047 8485 or on
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• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279
BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 Annalie van der Merwe 082 906 0546
PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
26 July 2019
Ds Marius Britz “Ek kry ‘n klein klein beiteltjie,/ ek tik hom en hy klink;/toe slyp ek en ek slyp hom/totdat hy klink en blink.” Só vergelyk Van Wyk Louw die mag van woorde met die krag van ‘n beitel om te breek in sy gedig Die beiteltjie. Uiteindelik sê hy in sy gedig dat daardie beitel die krag het om rotse en die aarde te skeur, ‘n kraak wat uiteindelik deur die planeet en sterre loop. Jakobus 3 stem saam. Hy meen dat die tong soos ‘n klein roer is wat ‘n groot skip stuur waarheen hy wil, en ook ‘n vuur kan aansteek wat nie geblus kan word nie. Die krag van woorde kan moeilik onderskat word. Ek het die afgelope tyd hieraan gedink toe ek na die reeks Judge Judy gekyk het wat op TV herhaal word. Dikwels laat die beskuldigdes en klaers, tipies Amerikaans, strome van woorde vry wat geheel irrelevant en verspotlik is wanneer hulle voor die regter te staan kom. En haar gereelde skerp respons is: “Shut, the Lord gave you two ears and one mouth. Use it accordingly!” Dit ervaar mens baie: jou woorde kan verhoudinge maak of breek. Ondeurdagte woorde kan skade veroorsaak en wonde laat wat jare daarna nog steeds rou en seer bly. Vele mense kan daarvan getuig. Dit is waar van al die verhoudings waarin ons staan. Of dit nou binne in ‘n huwelik is, of ouer- en kindverhoudings, binne ‘n werksomgewing, of selfs ‘n geloofsgemeenskap, mens moet maar altyd baie mooi oorweeg hoe jy jouself uitdruk. Die speletjie “Telefoon” wat kinders in die ou dae gespeel het, voordat hulle op hulle selfone gespeel het, is ‘n goeie voorbeeld van hoe belangrik dit is om reg te luister, en dit wat jy hoor, reg oor te dra en te verwoord. Die kinders sit almal in ‘n kring. ‘n Sekere sin word in die eerste een se oor gefluister, wat dit dan in die volgende een se oor fluister, totdat almal ‘n beurt
gehad het om die boodskap op die manier te kry. As die eerste en die laaste skakels in die ketting dan uiteindelik hardop sê wat hulle gehoor het, bars almal uit van die lag oor hoe die oorspronklike boodskap verdraai is. As dit egter in die werklike lewe gebeur, waar ookal, is dit nie meer snaaks nie. Veral nie as die eerste storie oor jou gegaan het, en jy die laaste skakel in die ketting is wat dit hoor nie. In alle eerlikheid moet mens dan ook byvoeg dat jy soms die regte dinge sê wat, onwetend, salf is vir iemand anders se diepste pyn. Lank daarna sal ‘n persoon vir jou sê “Jy het eendag vir my gesê … en dit het my baie beter laat voel.” Tot jou skande kan jy dit dikwels glad nie eens onthou nie. Maar dit bevestig net weer Van Wyk Louw se gedig dat woorde soos ‘n beitel gebruik kan word, om te breek of te bou. Ek lees dikwels gedigte deur amateurdigters op sosiale media, en is verstom oor hoe sommige van hulle die vermoë het om ‘n heelal van emosies, ervarings, diep gedagtes, deur ‘n tregter te giet in ‘n paar reels van ‘n eenvoudige gedig wat jou aangryp, en ‘n vertoonkas van jou eie binneste word. Natuurlik is daar ook ander wat blote rymelary is, ‘n uitgestorte stortvloed van woorde wat niksseggend is, en jy beleef dit as ‘n roekelose aanslag op jou intellektuele kapasiteit. Die beste preke en toesprake is eenvoudig, kort en op die man af. Dit is ‘n fyn kuns wat nie baie mense bemeester nie. Nie ‘n uitgebreide goëlery met cliché’s en niksseggendhede wat nóg kant nóg wal raak nie. Mens kan maklik in die slaggat trap om met ‘n uitgebreide woordeskat en gebruik van moeilike frases niks te sê nie. (Veral politici is uitstekend hiermee.) Soos ‘n aanhaling wat ek gelees het: “Don’t use a big word when a singularly unloquacious and diminutive linguistic expression will satisfactorily accomplish the contemporary nececessity.” En my reaksie was op die man af: “Hù?” Soms kan ‘n enkele frase wat iemand gebruik, legendaries word. Soos Martin Luther King se “I have a dream.” Of Boy Louw se reaksie op ‘n naelskraapse Springbokoorwinning: “Looks
at the score board.” Dan is daar ook daardie uitdrukkings wat net jy en jou vriende verstaan. Baie mense het sulkes. Ek ry jare gelede saam met ‘n tuinier van die Lynnwood-gemeente, Thomas, om ‘n skaapbraaidrom te gaan haal iewers in Pretoria. Ons as finalejaarklas op kweekskool wou die dosente en hulle gades onthaal met ‘n heerlike karooskaap op die spit. (Wat opsigself ‘n storie op sy eie is, aangesien nie een van ons broeders al ooit ‘n skaap op ‘n spit gebraai het nie. Die uiteinde was dat, toe al die wyn en die grappe op was later daardie aand, ons maar moes las om emmers KFC te gaan koop sodat die geleerde professore en hulle vroutjies
darem nie honger huis toe gaan nie.) Ewenwel, Thomas was ‘n teruggetrokke man, wat glad nie onnodig gepraat het nie. Ten spyte van my gebabbel oor alles en nog wat, het hy nie ‘n woord gesê nie, net nou en dan sy kop geskud. En toe, daar op die N1-afrit by Menlyn, het ‘n groot vragmotor omgeslaan. Kratte vol hoenders en vere lê die wêreld vol. Uit die bloute, uit sy eie, sê Thomas toe droogweg: “Daar is groot k@k daar.” Onnodig om te sê, dit het ons beskrywingssin geword vir alle fiasko’s as ander woorde ontbreek. Veral as ons die mondelinge eksamens moes beskryf. (En dit was ook die enigste positiewe kommentaar oor ons skaap-op-die-spit braaiery later daardie aand.)
Tannie Poppie se: Ousus se gebakte kool 1 koolkop, fyngekap 15 ml suiker 15 ml koekmeelblom 5 ml fyn neutmuskaat 1 eier sowat 230 ml melk beskuitjiekrummels botter of margarien 1. Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C (350°F). 2. Kook die kool in soutwater tot sag. Dreineer. 3. Voeg die suiker, koekmeelblom en
neutmuskaat by die kool. 4. Meng goed en verhit die koolmengsel. Laat effens prut. 5. Breek die eier in ‘n koppie, klits en vul verder aan met melk. Klits saam (alles saam moet 250 ml wees). 6. Skep die koolmengsel in ‘n gesmeerde oondbak en gooi die eiermengsel oor. 7. Strooi beskuitjiekrummels oor en stip met botter of margarine. 8. Bak sowat 20 – 25 minute lank tot ligbruin.
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
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26 July 2019
Izingubo Kuala Notandum “It always seems impossible until it’s done” (Nelson Mandela) The “Blankets with love” project that was initiated by the Secunda Superspar and the East Side Super Spar, the Bulletin News and the South African Defence Force Association was a huge success when measured against the goals that were set at the commencement of the endeavour. The objective was to distribute at least one hundred good quality blankets to persons that anxiously required a cold preventing covering at the onset of the winter cycle. The Spar, Bulletin and the SADFA are proud to announce that we have managed to sell 140 blankets (±470m2) to lighten some of the less fortunate winter challenges.
Sasol Mining hands over 218 houses as part of its Housing Project Sasol Mining on Tuesday celebrated the final phase of its Secunda housing project with the handover of 18 homes to its employees. This brings to 218 the total number of houses Sasol Mining has handed over to employees as part of the Social and Labour Plan. The houses are in eMbalenhle and Secunda, Mpumalanga. “The provision of housing to Sasol Mining employees is a continuous process and an initiative in accordance with the Social and
Labour Plan. Handing over houses to colleagues is also part of our broader transformation journey. As a caring employer, we seek to increase homeownership across our ranks and build our nation. We believe homes are more than just houses, homes provide the foundation for family, the foundation for stable community and the foundation for wealth creation.” Said Pierre Jordaan, Vice President Mining Services at Sasol Mining. The houses are an adequate size with essential basic infrastructure such as
water, sanitation and electricity. This is because Sasol Mining recognises the importance of decent housing for its employees. “We have invested and will continue to invest in the local development of our infrastructure enabling us as a proud South African company to leave a lasting legacy. Our employees must be proud and be able to point out the positive impact that we are making in the communities where we conduct our business,” added Pierre Jordaan.
This project was correspondingly undertaken by one of the SADFA veteran’s units based in Standerton with terrific success. No project is successful without the backing, funding, donations and support of the general public and we wish to extend our acknowledgements to all that assisted to create this achievement. Thank you. – Aart Reedijk
26 July 2019
The history of Roos & Rosslee
ohan Rosslee grew up in Alberton and from a young age, construction was in his blood. The smell of cement that he grew up around, never left him. He saw his dad work himself up from bricklayer to a developer. In 1989, at age 25, Johan left Murray & Roberts as a junior Quantity Surveyor on a housing project on the East Bank of Alexandra, Johannesburg to work for Fibreflex Pools in Secunda. Three months later, on 26 June 1989, the company filed for bankruptcy. Johan and his friend, Kurt Roos, saw a gap in the market, took a leap of faith and started Roos & Rosslee. The first job they did, came on 27 June 1989. After this Roos & Rosslee started making a name for themselves. What set them apart was the fact that they never asked for a deposit before they started and always honoured their guarantees. The partners then went to the clients homes where Fibreflex Pools had left the swimming pools unfinished and finished building their pools. They would work from 06h00 until late night. Clients of those days will recall seeing them at work even up to 22h00 at night. Initially Johan struggled to sell pools, but one day he decided that he would under no circumstances
leave the potential client’s house until the quotes were signed. “I sat in their house drinking coffee until eleven or twelve that night. I almost fell asleep, but they signed and I sold my first pool and from that day I could sell pools!” Building pools gave the partners a chance to get to know their clients well during the six weeks it took to build the pools. Over
the years they got to know Secunda and its people on all levels and from all angles. In October of 1990 Johan met Serene Hill. After only knowing each other for 2 weeks, the die was cast. They decided to get married when the Cosmos flowers were in full bloom, the most beautiful time in the Highveld. 29 years and 4 children later they are still going strong.
In 1995 Kurt and Johan decided to buy land and develop properties. The first of these ventures was Ballynoran. From there, Johan never looked back and kept on buying properties and developing them. He said that he was taught by his father that when times are good, you build for other people and when times are tough, you build for yourself. Continued to page 8
Flippie Rosslee supervising
Ballynoran before construction started
Roos & Rosslee swimming pool exhibition at the Secunda show
Lake Umuzi development
26 July 2019
26 July 2019
The history of Roos & Rosslee
From page 6 and 7 At the end of 1997, Kurt decided to return to Durban, where he grew up. The vacancy Kurt left, opened the door for youngsters in the name of Johan Munnik, then 22 and Martin Keyser, then 18. In the following years, others would follow. Rikus Radley, Roelof Stander, Meghan van Papendorp. Recently Greg Missenden, Sifiso Buthelezi and Prince Hokomane. The most important thing Johan never forgot and still does today is to ensure that the business is run like a family. Many of the employees that started at Roos & Rosslee 30 years ago are still with him today. This is still a very integral part of his business philosophy to ensure that the businesses stay family orientated no matter how big or small. Johan
also has an eye to assist young entrepreneurs in their endeavours by mentoring and coaching them in the intricacies of running a business. He greatly enjoys this part of his everyday life. Roos & Rosslee is turning 30 on 27 July and in Johan’s own words: “I was too dumb to be scared back then, but looking back I’m not sure I would have made the same decisions I did back then, now.” To give back to the community and to say thank you for supporting Roos & Rosslee and their associated companies, Dupcrete, Aquazone, Eish!! etc, Johan and his team have planned joyous festivities for the weekend of 26 July to 28 July. There will be the Boere Mall on Friday and Saturday, live entertainers, the likes of: Sunset Sweatshop, The Dully Buggers, Zebra, Spoegwolf and
Elandré, craft beer and gin stalls and a lot more to enjoy at Lake Umuzi Waterfront. The best part… Entrance is free! Join the team at Lake Umuzi
Kurt with Alan and Karen Docherty. R&R built their first pool and that was the beginning of a lifetime friendship.
Waterfront in the fun and entertainment for Roos & Rosslee’s 30th anniversary celebrations and wish them 30 more years of success! - Ané Prinsloo
Kurt and Johan
The Roos & Rosslee team 30 years later and still going strong
26 July 2019
Secunda Cluster Mandela Day Activity “Action Against Poverty” Secunda SAPS Cluster stations, with stakeholders held the sixty-seven (67) minutes for international Mandela day with the theme “Action Against Poverty.” The stations involved, together with the stakeholders managed to build a threeroomed house for the Mathibela family on a farm at Trichardt. The project commenced after the Cluster Commander spotted a house made from rusted old corrugated sheets on the farm in Trichardt next to the N17 road while driving pass. He then established a task team comprising of the station’s communications and Social Crime Prevention officers mentioned above to make the project a success. The hardworking and determined task team (project’s team) met and went to see the family and discovered that the family indeed needed help. During the visit to the family on the first day before starting with the project, members discovered that the condition of the shack was not good and during the rainy season, the poor family
does not sleep due to water coming in through the roof and the sides are covered with old empty bags from maize meal. The team then went all out to look for donations to help build a proper house for the family and managed to involve the local businesses that contributed
Kinross anti employment forum chairperson Mr Thami Lekhuleni, deputy chairperson Mr Xolani Mpondo, the treasure Mrs Nonosi and the whole structure approached Evander Gold mine to donate school uniforms and grade R classes at the Kinross Primary School on 19 July. Evander Gold mine donated school uniform for 52 children and the classes are still on the way. Thanks to the Kinross anti unemployment forum.
positively towards the project and a proper house was built. Today the members from the Cluster stations together with the Cluster Commander Brigadier Sifiso Cele gathered together to hand over items including groceries, clothing and furniture to the family.
TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 MARIËTTE 083 476 2860 ANNALIE 082 906 0546
Kinross police station renovated Park lifting took an initiative to renovate Kinross saps on a Mandela day initiative. They started renovating the police station on Saturday 13 July 2019. Buildings were painted, toilets painted and cleaned. As well as the garden cleaned. The staff of Bidvest TMS Industrial services opened their hearts to the less fortunate and homeless. They teamed up with Colour Wizard and offered soup to all the street sleepers. The Woman’s Food donated bread for them to distribute. The homeless all sat around enjoying the warm soup. About 150 cups of soup were distributed to the less fortunate.
Busher Birds FC team under 17 from Charl Cilliers would like to thank the WBHO company for the donating the soccer kit for the team. They received jerseys and a soccer ball on Mandela day. - Mkhary Mthombeni (team chairman)
SAPROMO spent the day with 50 jobseekers next to Charlie1 Sasol gate. SAPROMO is concerned about the business environment that the Municipality of Govan Mbeki put companies under. It is difficult to create jobs under the straining economic conditions and power service delivery at the same time. More resources must be allocated towards the advancement of the human species more than machines. Many jobs are now taken by machines than human beings “ said Mr. Hlolweni. “These machines are not manufactured in South Africa, this means we contribute to employment of other countries while we continue endangering our own job market “ Mr. Hlolweni further explained.
26 July 2019
SAICE Highveld Bridgebuilding Competition VACANCIES VAKATURES
The SAICE (South African Institute of Civil Engineers) Highveld Bridgebuilding competition was held at Curro school this past weekend. It was a buzz of activity as the 22 teams that entered the competition prepared their building areas. A model was on display for all to see and to get the minds thinking. Measurements were taken and plans were discussed. The bridges had to span a width that was only made known at the event. All the required materials were supplied and soon it was time to start. The teams started in earnest with various designs before the actual building commenced. Once the design was finalised the Meranti beams (5x5mm) were cut and the construction started. The hall was buzzing with pupils rushing for measurements, cutting the wood and discussing the designs. After three hours allotted time it was clear that time caught up with the builders. Another hour was allowed and judging by the cheers it was very welcome. The time for testing arrived far too quickly for some. The teams were called and the bridges weighed. The moment of truth arrived! The bridges were tested for their loadbearing capabilities. One by one
the hopefuls stood by while one team member loaded the weights. Each time a new weight was loaded sighs of relieve could be heard only to change to calls of disappointment when the structures finally break.
The winning teams were Standerton 3rd, Curro 2nd and a team from Ligbron 1st. Well done! Thank you to everyone that made the event possible. Next year promises to be even better.
HoĂŤrskole Sport uitslae HS Secunda Hokkieuitslae: Meisies O/14 wen kwarteind teen Curro Nelspruit 7-0 en wen semi-finaal 1-0 teen Middelburg. Hulle speel volgende naweek in die Mpumalanga finaal. O/15 speel gelykop tee HTS Middelburg en wen 3-1. Hulle speel in semi-finaal teen HTS Witbank en het toe verloor. 1stes het kwarteind verloor teen HTS Witbank. Rugby: 1stes het 15-17 teen Ligbron verloor in MP-finaal
Oosterland O/15 Dogtershokkie 2-2 HS Middelburg wen. Oosterland gaan steeds Noordvaal Kampioenskappe speel op 1tot 3 Augustus in Pretoria. Eerstespan seunshokkie in Krugersdorp komende naweek vir Noordvaal Kampioenskappe A. O/15 Rugbyspan - speel teen Jan Viljoen 12-12. Hulle het die eerste drie gedruk hulle gaan dus deur. Eerste Rugbyspan speel teen Leeuwenhof. Verloor 12-5.
26 July 2019
Laerskool Secunda Laerskool Goedehoop Vrydag, 12 Julie en Saterdag, 13 Julie het die Hokkie Super 12 te Tukkies plaasgevind, slegs die O/13-seuns en –dogters neem deel. Die seuns behaal ‘n 9de plek en die dogters eindig 12de.
Hokkie Super 12 Dogters O/13 Voor: Tanicia Wolhuter, Emma Wasilewski, Nika Thomas, Simonè vd Berg, Teghan Keyser, Zanè Viljoen Agter: Jenny van Blerk, Amelia Brummer, Elri Jacobs, Me. Lezaan van Rooyen (Afrigters), Kyleigh vd Walt, Kayla Hurter, Lea Goosen Landlopers van Laerskool Secunda het op Woensdag, 17 Julie deelgeneem aan die Hoëveldgroepbyeenkoms wat by Laerskool Oranjegloed plaasgevind het. Die volgende leerlinge het plek in die Top 10 behaal en die dogters het algeheel 2de gekom en die seuns 3de. Dogters O/8: Zeldine Coetzee - 4de Seuns O/8: Brand du Plessis - 1ste, Francois van Tonder - 2de, Gerber Rheeder - 6de, Sipho Masego - 9de, Matthew Venter - 10de. Dogters O/9: Gabby de Olivieira- 2de, Liane van der Merwe - 3de, Michaela Hobkirk - 6de, Amore Roets - 9de. Seuns O/9: Leonardo Brits – 1ste, Daylen Mathee – 9de, Ekhard Clingen – 10de. Dogters O/10: Janke Breytenbach – 4de. Dogters O/11: Lu-Mari du Plessis – 2de, Liane Smit – 4de, Kayla Hudson – 8ste (nie teenwoordig). Seuns O/11: Jason Brits – 2de, Alex Rebolo – 6de, Ruben Meister – 9de. Dogters O/12: Aneme Breytenbach – 5de, Carmen Rebolo – 9de. Seuns O/12 : Schalk Brits – 8ste. Seuns O/13: Berend Fourie – 6de
Hokkie Super 12 Seuns O/13 Voor: Jarno Haarhoff, Rickardt van Heerden, Nico Viljoen, Hugo Strydom, Ryan Erasmus, JV Britz. Agter: Jayden Joubert, Brink la Grange, Juliun Cosmo, Me. Illse Jordaan (Afrigter), Handrè Griessel, Xander Herbst, Marlou Coetzer
Die Spur MTB skole berg-fietsreeks het afgeskop met die eerste kompetisie wat in Nelspruit plaasgevind het en die tweede kompetisie die afgelope naweek in Piet Retief. Laerskool Secunda se fietsryers het baie goed gevaar en het die volgende posisies behaal sowel as punte aangeteken vir die reeks. Laerskool Secunda het tot dusver die meeste punte verwerf in Mpumalanga en hoop om hierdie jaar weer met die titel as fietsry kampioene weg te stap. Agter links na regs: Lu-Mari du Plessis (2de - Dogters 11-12 jaar), Stefan Slabbert (3de - Seuns 9-10 jaar), Deanè du Rand (2de - Dogters 7-8 jaar), Robin Jones (1ste - Dogters 7-8 jaar) Voor links na regs: Markus Boshoff (2de - Seuns 9-10 jaar), Leyla de Olivieira (3de - Dogters 7-8 jaar), Francois van Tonder (3de - Seuns 7-8 jaar), Brand du Plessis (1ste - Seuns 7-8 jaar)
Sasol loses to feisty White River Sasol lost 27-34 to a feisty White River team. Sasol dominated in the front. The forwards pushed their counterparts backwards on several occations. The forwards scored two tries (by the hooker) as a result of pushovers. Sasol scored 5 tries but could only convert one try where White River managed 4 tries and converted all their tries as well as two penalties. The backline had a hard time as the White River team ran on every occation. They managed to exploit
nearly every mistake and weakness on the Sasol side. The end result is one that Sasol Digimag Rugby supporter are not used to as the team grew in strenth and finesse over the past two years. The defeat will surely encourage Sasol to work harder on the practice field as well as during the game. Sasol’s supporters know that Sasol has the HEART to prevail and will look forward to the final games of the season and also to next year.
Duckworth-Lewis wins the Rally
Duckworth floated away in the rain, Lewis made the decision. Just as the Duckworth-Lewis system has left many a cricket team bitterly disappointed, such is the 2019 Baywest National Rally’s sad ending. Unlike cricket that can rely on a rainday to replay, it was the end of the road for the fourth round of the SA National Rally Championship on day two. The early morning message to competitors reported that 25mm of rain had fallen in the Longmore forests on top of what fell over the preceding days and that the start would be delayed. The medical teams, marshals and safety teams were sent in to assess the conditions. The news received back at rally headquarters was not good; in the interests of safety, it was deemed prudent to cancel day two of the rally, a very disappointing end to months of hard work by the organisers. The local Algoa Rally club had come out in full force to boost the entries and it was a wonderful sight to see a field of 39 cars take the start of a national rally. One surprise team was the Zambian Wildcat Racing outfit of Zubair Essa/ Farai Mwanamakondo in a Subaru Impreza and Kelvin Mhlanga, partnered for this event by Barry White, in a Toyota Auris. Team Boss Mohammed Taib decided that they would enter the SA event - despite a date clash with their Zambian Rally Championship running the same weekend - as a chance to test the cars and gauge their abilities against the local drivers. And since the cars are prepared in Johannesburg, and there wasn’t time to cover the two day trip to Zambia... Have cars, will play!
Having two international entries created added interest for spectators, bolstering the fight With the Open Class favourites Rory Eland and Robbie Coetzee, back in their newly rebuilt Subaru Impreza after their Sabie Rally accident. Hoping to give Volkswagen a win in their home event, AC Potgieter and Nico Swartz (Lake Umuzi VW Polo) were bullish, having sorted the teething problems that have plagued them so far this year and relishing an all-out fight with Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy Lyle in their Toyota Gazoo Etios. The R2N class was boosted by locals, Nick Davison and Ashley Bezuidenhout, and Riekus Schmidt and Sherilee Pieterse plus Bloemfontein competitors Jacques Du Toit and Ronald Rens, all flying the VW flag. Regulars, Chris Coertse and Greg Godrich; George Smalberger and Carolyn Swan and returnees Matthew Vacy-Lyle and Schalk Van Heerden rounded out the R2N class. Absent from this round were JJ Potgieter, awaiting the birth of his baby, Jono Van Wyk, waiting for an engine part and Michael McGregor, away on a business trip. In the Open Two Class, all eyes were on Paulus Franken and Kes Naidoo in the new Volkswagen Polo Vivo Cup car after its successful debut at the Cape Rally. This car is set to be part of the 2020 Polo Rally Cup, a series designed to be an affordable entry-level car for those wanting to get into rallying, and a great initiative by Volkswagen to inject new life into the sport. After returning from the recce, competitors were left scratching their heads with the extreme conditions encountered. Heavy rains and slippery roads in
the forests and dry conditions in Uitenhage for the first stage meant they had to make tough decisions about tyre choice. Unsure if the rain would reach the 23.50km stage in Uitenhage by the time the rally started, many opted for wet tyres. Setting off from Baywest Mall on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth, teams were greeted by dry conditions in Uitenhage! Murphy was an optimist! It is always a risk choosing wet tyres and then having to race on a dry surface, as the wet tyres are of a softer compound and puncture easily and tend to slip off the rims if driven too aggressively. Botterill and Vacy-Lyle, on wet tyres, were first on the road and promptly set the fastest time, 14 seconds ahead of Potgieter and Swartz and 25 seconds ahead of VacyLyle and Van Heerden (Fragram Toyota Etios). Zambian Essa and Mwanamakondo finished fastest in the Open Class ahead of Eland and Coetzee, reporting gear selection issues. Franken’s Polo Vivo came through eighth fastest, the driver happy with his car. It wasn’t all smooth sailing for some of the crews though; Cape Town competitors Erin Joshua and Lloyd Brady lost drive after taking a jump and had to retire. The Wildcat pairing of Kelvin Mhlanga and Barry White picked up a misfire, limping back to service where they discovered they had a broken injector. A spare injector was sourced but it had to be sent from Cape Town so they had to sit out the rest of the day and hoped to rejoin on Saturday under super rally rules. After service, the teams headed back to Jagtvlakte for the second running of the stage. Stage two yielded the same results, albeit setting slightly faster times with the cars now on dry tyres. Botterill and Vacy-Lyle extended their lead to 17 seconds over Potgieter and Swartz. Vacy-Lyle and Van Heerden set third fastest time followed by Coertse and Godrich (Racetech Mazda2) and local competitors Davidson and Bezuidenhout. The Essa and Mwanamakondo Subaru lost a huge amount of time due to starter switch
damage, adding to the technicians’ workload. Stage three saw the start of Botterill’s problems. A malfunctioning alternator led to the loss of power to the windscreen wipers and to the power steering. Without power steering, the car was difficult to handle on the tight and twisty Baywest Mall car park stage. And without a service break, they headed out to the Van Stadens Pass stage, not knowing how the car would behave on the sharp corners. They decided it was better to be cautious and lost chunks of time to Potgieter and Swartz. It was Potgieter and Swartz who took their first win on stage three, leaving them now just one second off the lead. The VW pair took the rally lead in stage four, eight seconds ahead of Botterill, who still ended up with the third-fastest time. A consistent Vacy-Lyle and Van Heerden posted the second-fastest time in both stages three and four. Eland and Coetzee ended the day ahead of Essa and Mwanamakondo, with Franken and Naidoo the Open Two class leaders, ahead of locals Ross and Roxanne Bartle and Johan and Juane Viljoen, all in VWs. Final results were based on the standings at the end of day one. It was declared to be “force majeure” and the rally commission awarded full points to the finishing competitors. A really sad way to end what was going to be an epic battle in the Longmore forests between Botterill and Potgieter. It was a proud moment for Potgieter and Swartz, after a faultless performance on day one, when they became the first VW to win the Algoa Rally in ten years. Potgieter was delighted with how the car had performed after the mechanical issues they had experienced in the first two rallies. Over recent years several rallies have had stages cancelled or shortened due to inclement weather. In the 2012 VW Rally, spectators were ALGOA RALLY RALLY REPORT banned from Longmore forest as conditions had become too treacherous and two stages were cancelled. The 2013 Garden Route Rally was cancelled after the first stage on the second day. Again in Port Elizabeth, the 2015 rally had two stages cancelled after 5mm of rain fell in under an hour. The NRC title battle now moves to KwaZulu Natal on 23-24 August, where we hope to see a straight fight between the two rivals, uninterrupted by weather or mechanical mayhem. Motorsport extends its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Tino Gouws and Dolf Coetzee who lost their lives in a road accident on their way home. Tino serviced for Rory Eland while Dolf was a competitor for decades. R.I.P. -Susan Vacy-Lyle -Motoring Monday