The bulletin newspaper 12 may

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Issue 127 - FREE

12 MAY 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Hunt still on for raging motorist dropped the shocked passengers off on the side of the road and headed into town to report the incident to the Kinross Police Station. A few minutes later, DA councillor Encee van Huyssteen drove past the the group of passengers next to the road. A bloodied man was trying to flag down a motorist to seek help. He called the ambulance and police while also calming down the injured woman and the bystanders. “The woman’s injury looked severe,” Encee said. “It is regrettable that some people have reached the intolerance levels portrayed in this incident. It is also totally unacceptable that someone can think that he or she can just shoot into another vehicle, not thinking about the consequences of his action. There is no excuse for this action and it is totally unacceptable. We now have an innocent passenger that is fighting for her live because of such a reckless and irresponsible action. The DA would like to express our sympathy and support to the victim and wishes her a speedy and full recovery. ” Langamed South Ambulance Services transported Emely to Evander Hospital. Shayne van der Heever said the patient was responsive, but her condition was critical. Job Mnguni, taxi driver, described the gunman to The Bulletin as a tall and well-built young white man with a moustache. He was wearing a white shirt and driving a white Ford Kuga with Gauteng registration plates. The police asked anyone who can help identify the woman, anyone with information about the incident or the identity of the shooter, to contact Sgt Nhlapo at 072 611 3006. - Arisja Misselhorn.

A woman who was shot in the head in the midst of a road rage ordeal near Kinross on Friday afternoonis critical but stable. According to Sgt Esther Nhlapo, spokesperson for the Kinross Police Station, the victim’s condition is critical. However, according to the victim’s employer, Christine Buchholz, the victim, Emely Mhlonyane is in Witbank Hospital and she responded to her daughter after undergoing an operation on Saturday morning. “Her daughter said she was confused after the operation,” said Christine. Emdly has been working for the family for nine years. Emely was a passenger in a taxi traveling to Kinross when she was shot at about 16:00 on Friday afternoon. An altercation erupted between the taxi driver and another motorist en-route from Secunda towards the four-way crossing at the water reservoirs between Kinross and Trichardt. According to another passenger, the taxi driver and the motorist were arguing and shouting at each other. “The motorist skipped the stop street by the water reservoirs. I think he wanted to get ahead of us, but our driver turned off towards Kinross. The angry motorist made a U-turn, stopped for a while on the side of the bridge near the stop street, then came racing up from behind,” the woman said. Several meters from the entrance to Kinross, the motorist fired a shot into the rear windscreen of the taxi, made a U-turn and headed back into the direction of Trichardt. The bullet ripped through the rear window and the back seat, hitting the female passenger in the head. The taxi driver stopped,



12 May 2017

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845


All a family’s belongings were destroyed in a fire at a house in Piet Retief Street on Monday, 1 May.

Arisja Misselhorn 083 780 0060

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to houses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal. and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to Circulation: 21 000 copies weekly COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b

House burns down It only took an hour for a family to lose all their belongings when a fire erupted in the house they are renting in Piet Retief Street in Secunda on Monday, 1 May. Annalise Jacobs and her grandson, Jaun (4) were in the house when the fire started. He was in the living room with PlayStation games while Annalise was in the bathroom. When she entered her bedroom, she found the room ablaze. “I just grabbed a jacket and Juan and ran out.” Neighbours heard Annalise’s cries for help and come running. They alerted the local fire department. The fire department was called at about 15:09 on Monday afternoon, but only arrived 45 minutes later. They apparently could not find the house and went to the wrong street. “I was in such a state and the neighbours tried to calm me down,” said Annalise. You see your whole house is burning down and there is nothing you can do.” The neighbours tried to extinguish the fire with hose


pipes, but it was too late, everything was already destroyed. The cause of the fire still unknown, but it is suspected that it was an electrical fire. “My father passed away about 11 years ago and many things in that house belonged to him,” said Annalise. “That is what is most upsetting, because those are things that cannot be replaced. We can replace the fridge, but my mother’s wedding rings, my grandmother’s engagement rings and my father’s bar can never be replaced.” Annalise’s husband, Hennie Jacobs, works in Quatar and arrived in South Africa for a visit on Sunday. He and their daughter were in Evander when their house burnt down. Four Bibles and Jaun’s clothes were not destroyed in the fire. “Jaun’s Bible he got when he was baptised with his photo and everything in is still whole.” The family’s spaniel dog, Sally, was saved from the burning house after she went inside again to look for the family. Annalise’s daughter, Anja Jacobs and her friend, Henry Kock also stayed in the house and family helped them out with clothes and food on Monday night. The landlord where the family rented the house, had another house on the same property and offered it to the family to stay in. “Our landlord, Danie Venter, helped us so much, we are so grateful for him,” said Annalise. The community already reached out to the family and brought clothes, food and beds. “People we do not even know, brought food etc. for us, we are very thankful. “We also want to thank the police and the CPF for their excellent service.” The family still needs a refrigerator and more winter clothes. If you want to help the family, contact Henry at 079 511 4278.- Jana Oosthuizen


Annalise Jacobs and her grandson, Jaun (4) with the Bibles that were not destroyed in the fire.


12 May 2017


Baba Luke steeds in hospitaal: oupa sterf Baba Luke Britz wat op 14 Februarie te vroeg gebore is, is steeds in die hospitaal. Die dokters se verwagte datum vir Luke se geboorte was 8 Mei. Die hospitaalrekening beloop tans R1.4 miljoen en styg steeds daagliks. Dokters het gesê Luke sal dalk binnekort kan huis toe gaan, maar Saterdagaand het hy infeksie opgedoen en is nou weer op antibiotika. Luke se oupa, pastoor Hannes Smit (50) van die Oase van Liefde-gemeente op Secunda, is Maandagmiddag (1 Mei) aan ’n hartaanval dood. Volgens Estie Smit, pastoor Smit se vrou, was hulle op pad huis toe nadat hulle by Spar was en pastoor Smit het gesê hy het borspyn. Sy was op pad hospitaal toe met hom, maar hy het gesê hy was dors en sy het eers by die Palms-sentrum gestop om water te koop. “Hy het in die motor gesit en begin blou word om sy lippe,” het Estie vertel. “Ek het om die motor gehardloop om mond-tot-mond asemhaling toe te pas en hom te help.” Daar was toevallig parameddikuste op die toneel wat Estie en pastoor Smit te hulp gesnel het, maar hulle het gesê dit is verby, hy is reeds dood. “Hy het Sondag nog jaffles gemaak by ’n fondsinsamelings-geleentheid vir Luke en hy het nog grappe gemaak en Maandagoggend nog ons seun se motor herstel,” het Estie vertel. Sy het gesê haar man was baie geliefd en sy sal hom onthou as iemand wat altyd ander wou help en wat altyd grappe gemaak het. Hy het by Kusile Kragstasie as ’n sweiswerk-inspekteur gewerk en was ’n pastoor by die Oase van Liefdegemeente. Hy het dié gemeente in 2007 begin en die gesin woon al 18 jaar op Secunda. Pastoor Smit laat sy vrou, drie kinders, twee skoonseuns en klein Luka agter. Sy begrafnis het op Dinsdag (9 Mei) vanuit die Immanuel-gemeete op Secunda plaasgevind. Die BTI (Beauty Therapy Institute) op Trichardt bied op Saterdag, 20 Mei ’n bederfdag aan om geld in te samel vir Luke. Belangstellendes kan hulself bederf met verskillende masserings wat wissel

Mamokgotsi wins car

Mamokgotsi Mokujoane was the lucky winner of the Volkswagen Polo. Graceland Hotel’s Bonus Candy promotion finished on Saturday, 29 April and 13 finalists were selected for entry into the final draw. The second and third place winners each took home a share of R25 000 in cash. Here is Mamokgotsi with General Manager at Graceland ,Willem van Rooyen.

tussen R100 en R150. Vir meer inligting, of om te bespreek, skakel Yolandi by 082 499 1268. Manie Jackson tree op Woensdag, 31 Mei by Our Place op Trichardt op en die wins gaan ook vir Luke. Kaartjies kos R100 per volwassene en R50 per kind onder die ouderdom van 12. Vir meer inligting, of om te bespreek, skakel Estie by 074 601 6312. Pastoor Smit se begrafnis vind op Dinsdag, 9 Mei om 11:00 plaas vanuit die Immanuel-gemeente in EG Jansenstraat op Secunda. Na afloop van die diens gaan belangstellendes begrafplaas toe en verversings sal by die Oase van Liefde-gemeente bedien word in Okavangostraat 6 in Uitbreiding 22.

Klein Luke Britz se ours, Jimmy en Hanrie Britz, hou hom vas in die hospitaal.

Pastoor Hannes Smit en sy vrou, Estie Pastoor Hannes Smit is op Maandag Smit, tydens hul dogter se troue vroeër (1 Mei) aan ’n hartaanval dood en sy begrafnis is op Dinsdag (9 Mei) gehou. vanjaar.

Zanel moet nog ’n operasie kry twee jaar later, moet sy egter weer Zanel Schnepel is op 23 Januarie ’n operasie ondergaan omdat sy 2015 met klompvoete gebore. steeds ’n probleem het met haar Sy was net vyf dae oud toe voetjies. Dié operasie gaan dokters gips aan haar bene sowat R43 000 kos. “Ons wil gesit het en sy het in April graag hê dieselfde dokter wat dieselfde jaar haar eerste haar die eerste keer geopereer operasie ondergaan. het, moet haar nou weer Sy moes spesiale skoene opereer,” het ’n familie-lid, dra toe die gips af Heleen Bezuidenhout, gekom het. Zanel se gesê. As jy Zanel wil help, ma, Anzel Kruger, het skakel Heleen by 082 447 nie ’n mediese fonds 2595. nie en Zanel het die eerste operasie in ’n privaat-hospitaal in Pretoria ondergaan. By die staatshospitaal sou sy op ’n waglys moes gaan en dokters Zanel Schnepel is met het gesê hoe langer ’n mens wag klompvoete gebore en moes met dié operasie, spesiale skoene dra om haar hoe minder is die voete reg te kry. kanse vir haar bene Zanel Schnepel is twee jaar oud en om reg te kom. Die gemeenskap het het reeds ’n operasie ondergaan om twee jaar terug hul harte oopgemaak haar klompvoetjies reg te maak, maar en genoeg geld vir Zanel ingesamel sy so gou as moontlik nog ’n operasie om die operasie te ondergaan. Nou, moet ondergaan.

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12 May 2017

Martie laat poppe na regte babas lyk Dit is nie elke ouma wat ‘reborn’-poppe maak vir ’n stokperdjie nie. Dit is Martie Schriven se nuutste stokperdjie. Sy het sowat drie weke gelede die kursus voltooi waar sy geleer het om die poppe te maak en is tans besig om haar derde pop te maak. Sy gaan in Desember vanjaar aan haar eerste kompetisie om dié poppe te maak, deelneem. ‘Newborn’-poppe is uniek en pryse begin by R2 500 en dit kan tot R7 000 kos vir een pop. Hoe meer fyn werk of hoe groter die pop, hoe duurder is hulle. Mense kan die geslag van die pop kies

en ook hule hulle hare moet lyk. Die poppe kan ook met ’n laplyf of ’n ‘vinyl’-lyf gemaak word. Martie kan selfs premature poppe maak en ook tweelinge. Die gogga het Martie gebyt nadat sy vir haar kleinkinders elkeen een gekoop het.

“My niggie wat in Despatch woon, maak dié poppe al lankal en toe ek afgetree het, het ek ’n stokperdjie gesoek en besluit om die poppe te begin maak,” het Martie gesê. Dit neem Martie sowat ’n week om een pop klaar te maak. Dit het haar vyf ure geneem net om

een pop se hare klaar te maak. “Dit is so lekker stokperdjie, ek geniet dit baie,” het sy gesê. Sy het vir jare op Kriel gewoon en as eiendomsagent gewerk en ook as streeksbestuurder by ’n meubelwinkel. Sy en haar man, Nico, woon nou al vyf jaar op Secunda. - Jana Oosthuizen

Bied ‘n helpende hand Alisha de Lange, Solidariteit Helpende Hand se streeksorganiseerder vir Mpumalanga, het op 24 April by Davieshof vir inwoners meer van dié organisasie vertel en ook die projekte wat hulle doen. Een van diék projekte is Help Hanna waar Helpende Hand dogters help met toiletware en sanitêre doekies onder andere. “Dogters mis 55 skooldae jaarliks omdat hulle nie sanitêre doekies kan bekostig nie en dan eerder by die huis bly,” het Alisha gesê. Een van Helpende Hand se nuwe projekte is Help Hennie waar hulle

toiletware en onder andere skeermesse en skeerroom vir seuns gaan insamel. Van die ander projekte is Vat ’n Ouma Fliek toe en Vat ’n Oupa Rugby toe waar Helpende Hand op bejaardes fokus en hulle uitneem vir die dag. Akademia, Helpende Hand se Afrikaanse universiteit in Centurion, bied tans sewe graad-kursusse aan en het satteliet-kampusse in ander dele van Suid-Afrika. Helpende Hand se tak op Secunda is aktief en vergader maandeliks. Vir meer inligting, of om betrokke te raak, skakel Marlien Combrinck by 082 908 6655.

Helpende Hand Secunda-tak se bestuur is Christene Schoonbee, Elani van der Merwe, Alisha de Lange (Mpumalanga streeksorganiseerder) en Marlien Combrinck.


12 May 2017


Charné steps down as Relay for Life’s chairperson Charné Olivier has laid down the reigns as chairperson and organiser of the annual Cansa Relay for Life. This local hairdresser is well-known and loved in the community for the huge contribution she, her staff at Scissorhands Salon and her family have made towards cancer patients. But after four years of pushing herself beyond breaking point, not only with the relay but also with giving every ounce of her being to the sick, she desperately needs a break. Charné has been on the path where many a volunteer has gone before – a path of being emotionally burned out. “I believe God called me to serve. “He gave me a pair of scissors and a comb, and I view this which I have chosen to do with His gift, as a privilege. And without my trusted friend and co-worker Kirsty Paterson, all this would not have been possible.” Over the past four years Charné has been surrounded by cancer in one form or another.

Both her aunt and her mother were diagnosed with cancer. Kirsty’s mom died from cancer. Visits to the oncology ward of a children’s hospital became a regular event for the Olivier household. Her kids Liam and Noel are still small, but they have a realistic view on cancer and how to care and support others. Scissorhands Salon is across the road from the Highveld Medi-Clinic and the local oncologists’ consulting rooms. This means that often patients would visit the salon after a visit to the oncology department. “Every patient has a first-time experience when diagnosed with cancer. “We on the other hand relive that experience over and over with each new patient that walks through the salon doors. “ With everyone we give support, counselling and hope. “This shop is not mine, but God’s where we stand in faith,” Charné explained.

Giving Hearts is Alta se passie Alta Horn het in September die niewinsgewende welsynsorganisasie, Secunda Giving Hearts, begin want sy is lief daarvoor om mense in nood te help. Alta woon al 10 jaar op Secunda en het voorheen ‘n bestaan uit spyseniering gemaak. Giving Hearts hou haar egter nou voltyds besig. “My ma het ook al die jare tot haar dood welsynswerk gedoen, ek dink dit is waar dit vandaan kom,” het sy gesê. Giving Hearts help behoeftige gesinne met kos en klere vir so vier of vyf maande om hulle kans te gee om op hul voete te kom. Hulle verskaf nie net kos nie, maar ook skoonmaakmiddels en toiletware wanneer dit beskikbaar is. Giving Hearts help tans tussen 50 en 60 gesinne op ’n gereelde basis. Die span van Giving Hearts bestaan hoofsaaklik uit Alta, Nicci Delport en Elize Lerm en daar is ook vrywilligers wat op ’n gereeld basis uithelp. Hul boeke word jaarliks deur ’n ouditeur nagegaan.

Giving Hearts is van donasies en borge afhanklik wat vir hulle geld, kos of enige benodighede skenk. Hulle reël ook geldinsamelingsgeleenthede. Hul volgende geleentheid om geld in te samel is ’n Country Dans en markdag op Saterdag, 3 Junie by Crawdaddy’s op Trichardt. Die markdag begin om 08:00 en sal tot 15:0 duur en daar gaan ’n wye verskeidenheid stalletjies wees asook ’n springkasteel vir die kinders. Stalletjies kos R200 en geen kosstalletjies gaan toegelaat word nie. Die Country Dans begin tot 18:00 en gaan tot laat duur. Kaartjies vir die dans is R100 per persoon. Die span van Giving Hearts bestaan hoofsaaklik uit Alta en Elize Lerm en daar is ook vrywilligers wat op ’n gereeld basis uithelp. Vir meer inligting, of om by Giving Hearts Secunda betrokke te raak, skakel Alta by 071 107 7261 of besoek hul blad op Facebook.

Elize Lerm en Alta Horn sorteer klere uit vir die welsyns-organisasie, Secunda Giving Hearts.

The team cannot help but form a bond with those who come to seek comfort when their hair begins to fall out, when they want a wig or just to feel better. Charné and Kirsty often see cancer patients at their worst. They become family. They celebrate milestones and survival stories. “When a client passes away, I find comfort in the knowledge of the fight they put up and that, although they did not survive, their painful path brought others together and was not in vain. Although Charné needs to take break from Cansa, she still has a heart for those with cancer. “In fact, it is exactly that big heart that is now breaking apart. “I do not want to disappoint anyone, but I need to become whole again,” she explained. “I now need to focus on my husband Duncan and our kids Liam and Noel, and on my business, but I will always have an open door for cancer patients.”

Charné Olivier stepped down as the Cansa Relay for Life’s chairperson and organiser after four years.

For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website:

PROPERTIES eiendomme



12 May 2017

Visit wedding expo

27 May

Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club in association with Blast Parties, will be hosting a Wedding and Matric Farewell Expo on Saturday, 20 May. Brides-to-be and pupils preparing for their matric dances will have the opportunity to view stalls with an exquisite selection

k ondeker R i. e M An12-14 eek met w a n e u Vro der. iid en an rW e s li a n sfo a is: Tran Die tem uid raaf – Br B – r e e s m d. Koste in k s g in – Kon on er perso ies p 0 5 2 R is ss it alles se en dit slu Vir sings in. r e v r e v en akel gting, sk li in r e e m 3470. 017 631

of designer clothing items, delectable eats, décor and more. Whether you are hoping to find the dress of your dreams and the ultimate hair and make-up artists, or simply looking for ideas on how to make your special day as memorable as it can be, this expo is the place to be. Several prizes sponsored by Graceland Hotl are up for grabs and one lucky brideto-be will stand the chance to win a bridal package worth R30 000. This package will include complimentary venue hire, a night in the Presidential Suite at Graceland and a pamper package. One lucky matric pupil will receive a voucher from Roots Spa to the value of R750, which includes gel nail polish, gel toe nail polish and make-up, plus a R500 voucher from Absolute Hair. Guests at the expo will also have the opportunity to view

an exquisite range of designer garments modelled on the runway at the Expo fashion show, which will starts at 10:00. “This year’s Wedding and Matric Farewell Expo promises to be a fun-filled day for brides-to-be, matric pupils and anyone who just wants to enjoy a day out with the girls,” said Veneshrie Chetty, Marketing Manager at Graceland. ‘’We are excited to have Fortis Hotel, DaDiva , Cronje De Waal Skhosana Inc, Butterfly Box, Wow Moments flowers and Décor, Kardoesie Tuisnywerheid, Funky Rides, just to name a few. “Local Designer John Wayne Keyser will be showcasing his new design collection.” Entry fees are R60 per adult and R30 for children under the age of 12. For more information, conact Sandy Deonarian at 011 620 1196 or 082 321 6975 or visit


12 May 2017

Pitbulls show off The Undertakers Club’ hosted a Pitbull dog show at High School Evander on Saturday. The dogs displayed their strength, prowess, endurance and obedience in various events - from pulling a weighted cart to jumping high to catch a rubber “prey”. Undertakers are affiliated to the United Pitbull Association of South Africa.

Mark de Beer rewards his dog with an affectionate hug.

Cronus Maximus (dog of Mark de Beer) jumps for the target on Saturday morning.

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Secunda VLU-tak vergader Lede van die Secunda VLU-tak het op Donderdag, 4 Mei vergader en Sophie Hugo het vir vroue gewys hoe om blomme te rangskik. Vroue het ook geleer hoe om ’n sekere patroon te brei. Maryna Hartman het vroue gehelp om behendig te raak met die breinaalde. Dié tak se volgende vergadering is op Donderdag, 8 Junie end an gaan vroue ’n werksklaas bywoon waar hulle gaan leer hoe om ’n armband van blomme te maak. Vir meer inligting, skakel Estelle Boshoff by 072 233 0335.

Maryna Hartman wys vir vroue hoe om sekere steke te brei.

Kaleidoskoop bekoor gehoor

Medicine Drive

A community outreach project presented by:

Objective: To provide flu-packs to 200 orphaned and vulnerable children in eMbalenhle and Leandra during April/May 2017 to prevent the onslaught of yearly flu and colds, which negatively impacts children’s school attendance and performance. A flu pack consists out of throat lozenges, ring worm treatment, vitamin syrup, and paracetamol syrup (for pain and fever) and costs a mere R12.00. Care workers will administrate the medicine.

PJ Pretorius, wat tans op The Voice SA te sien is, en onder die Top 16 is, het Donderdagaand (4 Mei) vir die groep, Kaleidoskoop geopen tydens hul Kaleidoskoop het Donderdagaand (4 Mei) in die Kruik-teater opgetree. optrede in die Kruik -teater.

Requirements: ✓ Donations toward the flu packs (Only R120.00 will buy 10 packs! Any amount is however welcome.) ✓ Volunteering to assist with the project in terms of - Flu pack distribution - Raising awareness about this project and general health matters - Seeking funds

017 631 1593

For more information contact the organization on:

086 577 1124 /




12 May 2017

ICE Fest raises awareness for charity The ICE Fest held at Eish!! on Saturday aimed to make the community aware of the needs of local welfare organisations such as Famsa and Little Paws Big Hearts and also the need to donate blood. And Klikkerland was there to entertain the kiddies.


12 May 2017



To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

Kamoghelo Makolane and Joday Schambreel of TP Stratten Primary School took part in the Mpumalanga Rugby semi-finals that took place on Friday, 5 May in Middelburg. They were chosen to take part in the finals on 20 May. With them is their coach, Jan de Beer.

Zothile Chonco van Laerskool Hoëveld is vir die Mpumalanga o.13-netbalspan gekies.

Laerskool Hoëveld se rugbyspanne het op Donderdag, 4 Mei met Laerskoo Balfour kragte gemeet.

To advertise in this space call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529 or email:


ACCREDITED INSTALLER Aerial + DSTV Installations Single HD Decoder (Fully Installed) R 799 Sales and Testing. Terms & Conditions Apply. E-MAIL:

Tel: 017 634 5014 • Shop 2 Medical Centre, next to Biltong Paleis



12 May 2017

Laerskool Goedehoop se rugbyspanne het algeheel vyfde geëindig in die Super 12-reeks wat op 25 April by die LC de Villiers Station in Pretoria geëindig het. Hiér is Andries Nel van Goedehoop se o.9Aspan in aksie. Pieta Smit, Deputy Principal at Evander High School, received an award for being best teacher per subject in the Highveld Ridge circuit. She was chosen as the best Accounting teacher for 2016 at the Gert Sibande circuit achievers awards function held recently.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop is vir die Mpumalanga Netbalspan gekies. Die eindronde van die proewe het op Vrydag, 5 Mei op Middelburg plaasgevind. Hulle is (voor) Johnke Prinsloo, (o.12), Lana Hyman (o.12), Meceila Brits (o.12) an Ané Botha (o.12). Agter is Zelri de la Rey (o.13) en Sharona Klein (o.13).

Laerskool Goedehoop het algeheel ’n tweede plek behaal in die Super 12-reeks wat op 25 April by die LC de Villiers Stadion in Pretoria geëindig het. Hiér is Lana Hyman van Goedehoop se o.12A-span in aksie.

Evander Vulstasie het rugbytruie vir drie rugbyspanne van Laerskool Hoëveld geborg. Hiér is die o.11-span met hul truie. By die span is Gert Hattingh snr (Evander Vulstasie) en agter is Pieter Hattingh (Evander Vulstasie), Flip Schoeman (afrigter) en Gert Hattingh jnr (Evander Vulstasie). Jong rugbyspelers van Laerskool Kruinpark en Laerskool Goedehoop meet kragte Saterdag, 6 Mei tydens ’n Pumaki-rugby- en netbaldag.

Jong netbalspelers van Laerskool Trichardt en Laerskool Secunda in aksie Saterdagm 6 Mei tydens ’n Pumaki-rugbyen netbaldag by Laerskool Kruinpark.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Secunda het op 3 Mei aan die eerste rondte van die ATKV-Redenaarskompetisie op Ermelo deelgeneem. Hulle is (voor) Chezelle Brand, Gabriella Stemmet, Carli Venter, Mika Janse van Rensburg en Zantè Venter. Agter is Carle van Zyl, Zanelle Oberholzer, Marli Wolmarans en Carmen Rebolo.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Secundag het deurgedring na die Mpumalanga half-eindronde van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie wat op 9 Junie in Middelburg plaasvind. Hulle is Carli Venter, Chezelle Brand en Gabriella Stemmet. Spelers van Laerskool Secunda en Laerskool Kruinpark meet kragte Saterdag (6 Mei) tydens die Pumaki-rugby- en netbaldag wat by Laerskool Kruinpark aangebied is.


12 May 2017


Secunda Rally coming soon With the radical changes in South Africa’s National Rally Championship this year, organisers attempt to make the sport more accessible. Spectators of the coming Secunda Rally should thus know that the top S2000 class is no longer in action. Super 1600 will be the only national championship class (R2 class) and all other cars (subject to conditions) will compete in an “open class”. However, this will not dampen the excitement of the upcoming rally in Secunda on 19 and 20 May. This is the third year that this event is happening in Secunda and forms part of the national Championships with the regionals happening simultaneously which will be sure to offer the most excitement. Classic Cars from year model 1986 and older will be spinning up some dirt in these regionals. Local businessmen teamed up to bring this racing event to

Secunda as a way of boosting the local economy. This year’s programme kicks off with a spectacular event at Eastvaal Motors on Thursday evening. The scrutineering of the race cars will be done at the dealership at noon on Friday 19 May before the official start at TriSec Auto in Trichardt at 15:00. The first day will cover stages at Holfontein, Lake Umuzi and then Graceland where some entertainment and excitement awaits spectators. The Saturday begins with a Super Special stage – this stage is sure to provide spectators with racing exhilaration when the cars directly race each other in pairs. Next up are several stages at TW Stene and Tjorrie Kruger’s farm where a stone quarry provides an excellent back drop for action photos. A mobile service station will be available for their racing crews. The grand finale and ultimately the Champagne spray will take

place at Lake Umuzi. The well-known navigator Simon Vacy Lyle is still teaming with Guy Botterill as the favourites in championships. They recently became the first team to win a round of the African Rally Championship in a 1600cc car. Richard Leeke and Henry Köhne rank second and Secunda’s poster guy, AC Potgieter and his co-driver Nico Swart are sure to receive a lot of support. Another upcoming local racer – and probably the prettiest – is Luné Strydom Snyman, a pharmacist assistant by profession rally driver by choice. Her father, Edward Strydom is the navigator of team Lunetic. Two famous women navigators Carolyn Swart and Elvene Coetzee are now riding with Tjaart Conradie and Lee Rose respectively. For more information, follow the rally events and plans as it unfold on Facebook at SARallying.

Luné Strydom Snyman and her dad, Edward Strydom.

WIN! WIN! WIN! The Secunda Rally is a national event proudly sponsored by local people. The main sponsor of this event over the past three years is Lake Umuzi. Other sponsors are Graceland, De Stroom Guest Lodge, The Bulletin, Eastvaal Motors, Prommac, TriSec Autohaus, Rawson, Potwyk, TW Group, Ricky B, TNJ Properties, Orambambo, Electrothread, SA Rally and the Nation Rally Commission. The main event at the official end of the rally, is the prize giving event at the service park and Makoro venue at Lake Umuzi. Those who want to celebrate with the winners and drivers alike, can attend this event

with free entertainment by Jan Raap and William Black. Tickets to a spitbraai are R110 per person. Five lucky spectators can each win a hot seat spin in a rally car. All you need to do to be in the draw for this prize, is to SMS the answer to the follow easy question before the competition closes. Question: Who has been the main sponsor of the Secunda Rally over the past 3 years? SMS your answer and your name to 33282 before 12:00 on 19 May 2017. Winners will be contacted directly. Remember: Terms and conditions apply. SMS cost R1.50 each.

Rally happenings Eastvaal Motors is planning to be hosting a welcoming event for the Secunda Rally on Thursday, 18 May. Steven Labuschagne, sales manager at Eastvaal Motors, said most of the rally cars and competitors will be at their premises for the evening. “From about 17:30 we will have competitors signing posters, a lot of rally cars on display and also the launch of the first Mazda rally car to compete in the event.” Entertainment and snacks will be provided. “We will also have a lucky draw where two clients visiting our premises on the evening will win a ride in a rally car on Saturday,” said Steven. Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club Graceland is also hosting a

lucky draw to give away two spins in a rally car on 20 May. The lucky draw will be held on Friday evening during the performance of the rally cars. There will also be a refreshment stall. Drinks and quick foods will be available such as burgers, curry and rice and hot dogs as well as beverages. To enter the competition: - Purchase any food or beverage at any of the Graceland outlets inside Graceland, write your details at the back of your till slip and drop it in the entry boxes provided at the outlets. - The main draw will take place at 20:00 at Augusta Lounge - There will also be entertainment at the Augusta lounge on Friday evening from 18:30 to 23:00

AC Potgieter.

A N I W ! ! ! N I SP See page 11

12 MAY



Municipality hosts wellness day The Govan Mbeki Municipality hosted a wellness programme for its employees on Friday, 5 May at the stadium. According to Bheki Kubheka, Acting Head of Marketing and Communications of Govan Mbeki Municipality, the purpose of the event was to demonstrate the municipality’s commitment to employee wellness and to raise awareness among employees of the benefits of physical, emotional and financial wellness. This was the third annual Wellness Day organised by the

municipality. Employees took part in various sports activities, including running, walking, sprinting, tug of war, soccer and marabaraba. Various accredited medical schemes, the Department of Health, the South African Blood Service and financial institutions conducted medical tests and presentations to employees. The Executive Mayor, Flora Maboa-Boltman, said the programme helps to build and maintain a healthy workforce for increased productivity and service delivery.

Golf players compete Graceland Country Club hosted their annual Sanlam Cancer Challenge on Saturday. The winners in the various divisions are now going through to the regional competition to be held in Volksrust in August. Leon Ras won the C division on score of 34, followed by JJ van Wyk and Jorrie Jordaan in third place.

Municipal employees take part in tug of war.

Craighen Cilliers on 45 is the winner of the Men’s B Division followed by Johan Barnard on 44 and Senso Shabalala on 43. Nzama Baloyi with 39 points and 76 strokes a is the winner of the A Division. The women’s C Division was won by Breggie Maritz with a score of 33. Renet van Biljon won the B Division with 38 and Finie Siebritz won the A Division on 31.

The division winners of the Graceland Sanlam Cancer Golf Challenge are André Blom (organiser), Leon Ras (C Division), Nzama Baloyi (A Division), and Craighen Cilliers (B Division) and Maxi Matthee (Sanlam BlueStar Adelaar).

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