Big Book of Education 2020-2021

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Everything you need to make the best choices for your kids: preschool through high school



College Prep is “Key helped me recognize the value of critical thinking skills and also helped me have confidence in a challenging academic setting. I know that I am prepared for college courses, especially in the writing department.” Angela Harris, Key ’20 Vanderbilt University ’24

“Key has led me to be a self-advocate, an individualist and an investigative thinker. I attribute my critical thinking skills and, more importantly, my confidence and skill with sharing these thoughts to the Key community. As I leave, I am taking courage and self-confidence from my time at Key. I will enter college with an eagerness to assess the world around me, be a good listener, and engage in meaningful conversations to expand my thinking.”

“I was born in Tibet, and escaped in exile to India. When I first arrived at the Key School, I barely spoke any English. Everything around me was new. I was immediately accepted into the community, and at eight years old, I found myself in another home. Key School taught me to express myself in the classrooms as well as art rooms, athletic fields and outdoor camping trips. As I head off to college, I will take with me many insights that Key has taught me. I learned to keep an open mind. I also learned a love for the outdoors, connecting with nature and my friends, as well as reading. I believe Key School’s unique program, curriculum and seminar-styled classrooms have prepared me to communicate my thoughts and for the college learning environment at Brown University.”

Talia Stern, Key ’20 University of Pennsylvania ’24

Kalden Namgyal, Key ’20 Brown University ’24

Key congratulates its Class of 2020! Visit to see where they are headed in the fall.

hether it’s developing new collegelevel courses like Calculus 2/3 to challenge our most tenacious mathematicians, or building a 70-acre athletic park to meet the needs of a growing, championshipwinning athletic program-Key School is constantly evolving programming to best prepare the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Come see why Key is one of the most sought-after educations in Maryland, why 75% of 2020 graduates earned merit scholarships to college, and why 98% of parents of recent alums recommend the school to friends and family.

KEY GRADUATES ARE: • Independent thinkers • Intrinsically motivated • Creative innovators • Effective collaborators • Tenacious problem-solvers • Articulate leaders

VISIT KEY Key’s Admission Counselors are providing virtual tours to interested families. While no substitute for a walking tour of our campus and Fusco Athletic Park, the virtual tours are designed to be a personalized experience. To contact us with questions or to arrange for a tour, go to

The Key School engages children from 2.5 years of age through grade 12 in a progressive, coeducational, college-preparatory program on its picturesque 15-acre campus located 4 miles from downtown Annapolis. 2 • BI G BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m 534 HILLSMERE DR. • ANNAPOLIS, MD • 21403 • 410. 263.9231 • KEYSCHOOL.ORG

FEATURES 07 Germ Zapper 08 Schools of the Future 11 Extracurricular Online Learning 17 Maryland’s 529 Plans 18 Virtual Campus Tours 31 Virtual Field Trips

DIRECTORIES 12 Preschool Directory 20 Private School Directory 27 Field Trip Directory

C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2021 • 3

Annapolis Area Christian School • K–12th

2020 - 2021 School Opening During COVID -19 Safeguarding the health of our students and our faculty/staff is our highest priority. With that in mind, we remain deeply committed to providing a distinctly Christian worldview learning experience for all students. AACS offers both an on-campus (in-person) and an online (distance) instructional option for all students in grades K-12. Each consideration in our reopening plan exists based on information and expertise from state and local government executive orders. Adjustments to the AACS Reopening Plan will be made as needed to maintain our alignment with the most current recommendations from the organizations and resources identified at

AACS students are immersed in a

Active Learners

Christ-Centered Culture

Compassionate Neighbor, an Effective Communicator and a Responsible Steward

where being a

are just as important as

DOING YOUR BEST academically.

Take a Virtual Tour Today! Four Locations in Anne Arundel County


4 • BI G BOOK OF EDUC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m


Vol 10· No. 1 PUBLISHER

Donna Jefferson ext. 212


Ann Levelle ext. 200


Joyce Heid


Jenny Cardoza


Claire Kovacs


Steve Adams Laura Boycourt Janet Jefferson Dylan Roche


Pam Beall ext. 226 Jen Jeffries ext. 207 Claire Kovacs ext. 204



Jefferson Communications, LLC 121 Cathedral Street, 3rd Floor, Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: 410-263-1641 Fax: 410-280-0255

he school year is upon us, and no matter your situation, it will be different for sure. Whether your children will be learning solely from home or returning to the classroom in some manner,

there’s a lot to do to get ready. You might be looking for a

The acceptance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by Chesapeake Family of products or services Advertisers are not given special consideration or placement in editorial content. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement or listing that is not in keeping with the policies or standards of this publication. Jefferson Communications assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of Chesapeake Family, by any means without permission, is strictly prohibited. ©2016 Jefferson Communications, LLC.

private school so your child can return to the classroom in person, or a new preschool if your spot got removed from the need for smaller class sizes. The Big Book of Education is designed to help you meet your back-to-school worries head-on with information on getting your youngest children ready for school all the way up to prepping your oldest for high school and college challenges. ChesapeakeFamilyMagazine

If you think your child is ready for a new or different school, visit our area Preschool and Private School directories, where you’ll find information on the best local private institutions. Our Field Trip directory also has helpful

information on the best places in the area for field trips that you can take together as a family this year while you help your kids with virtual schooling.

We hope this year’s Big Book of Education will have you back in the swing of school in no time, no matter how different the school year will be. Chesapeake_Family C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2021 • 5

ANNAPOLIS LANGUAGE SCHOOL The Area’s Only Spanish Immersion Program for Children ages 2-5!

We are One in Christ

Mondays-Fridays 9:30am to 12pm

Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 - 3pm

(3½ - 5 year olds only)

An Education for Good

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Welcoming Applications for Preschool through 8th Grade.

International Baccalaureate Project Lead the Way — Pathway to Engineering 14 : 1 Student Teacher Ratio 25 AP Courses Offered Over $33 Million Awarded in College Scholarships


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bbe | education notes


Germ Zapper ith germs and viruses on the top of everyone’s

Items as small as crayons, markers, and LEGOs, as well as large

mind these days, wouldn’t it be wonderful if there

items like strollers and car seats are sanitized with ease. Paper and

were a vanishing cabinet like in the Harry Potter

craft supplies, which previously would have to be tossed, can now

series to make the germs go away?

be cleaned. Stuffed animals, dress-up clothes, and bedding can

A company called ZONO Technologies has the answer. The first

ZONO Sanitizing Cabinet has arrived in Anne Arundel County at Kiddie Academy in Hanover. This magical answer to every parent’s

also be sanitized without having to go into a washer and dryer. Wet sports equipment comes out sanitized and dry. Kiddie Academy owner Gulnar Patel was interested in acquiring

prayers kills staph, E. coli, hand/foot/mouth and many other

a ZONO Sanitizing Cabinet for the health and safety of her

viruses without using chemicals. As for COVID-19, according to

students and staff. The Academy serves families with children from

the ZONO Technologies website, “under EPA regulations ZONO

6 weeks to 12 years, so like in all child care centers, at any given

cannot say it kills COVID-19 until it is able to test with the virus.

time someone is sniffling. To stay on top of things, classroom items

However, ZONO has tested with Norovirus, widely known as one

are regularly sanitized.

of the hardest types of virus to kill, and the ZONO kills 99.99%

Patel also extends the sanitizer as a free service to the

(disinfecting level) of Norovirus. ZONO plans to test with COVID-

Academy’s clients. “Families can bring in their car seats or strollers

19 as soon as possible.” The eco-friendly cabinet uses ozone

when they pick up or drop off their child and we will sanitize the

created from ambient air and less than a half-ounce of water

items for them,” says Patel. While items do not have to be washed

to sanitize porous, semi-porous and nonporous surfaces. One

down first, if a child has vomited, had an accident, or there is mud

30-minute cycle eliminates odors, and requires no wiping down or

or other yuckies, they should be spot cleaned before going into

rinsing of items prior to use. The manufacturer also states it will

the cabinet.

not discolor or damage items.

—Joyce Heid

C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2021 • 7

THE FUTURE OF SCHOOLS Interview by Janet Jefferson 8 • BIG BOOK OF ED UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m



his year society has been forced to look at every aspect of our lives through a different lens. While the pandemic has so many people out of their element, many leaders and thinkers have taken this opportunity to look at our daily lives—work, travel, commutes, the economy, and of course, school—to see what makes sense, and what can change for the better. We took the opportunity to speak with one such leader, Mike Posthumus, an Education Design Specialist and President of EcoGeek Solutions, about the future of schools.

CF: What sort of trends have you seen in education design? MP: There are three things that pop out [at] me. We’re

seeing technology emerge that helps teachers make better decisions about how to give a student a different way to think about something. This technology is ultimately giving us more power to individualize learning for each student. We’re still at the leading edge of this, but we’re probably going to see in the next decade major transitions to artificial intelligence and neural network powered software that’s equipping our teachers to be superhuman. Next, and this has been highlighted by the COVID response, [is] an increase in attention to social-emotional learning. It’s easy to forget how important educators are in the lives of our children, especially the lives of children from impoverished communities who do not necessarily always have adults in their lives. Technology is also allowing learners to not spend as much time in community, to not have as many direct conversations with individuals that they’re around. We see the socialemotional learning that often happened in families and in community not being reinforced as often. Now it’s becoming something that schools have to explicitly do. The third [trend] is learning as a skill that we have to teach: learning to learn. One of the things that’s driving this is the largest market cap companies in the world, the three A’s Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet (which is Google), these are learning organizations. They make money by learning and creating new ideas and then applying [them] to business solutions. The most valuable talent that we can have right now is the ability to learn and the ability to teach a computer to learn. So you have to be able to learn yourself. As a consequence of this, learning to learn is becoming this incredibly important part of the teaching and learning experience that we’re seeing way more attention being paid to.

CF: What is the long-term impact of COVID-19 on school? MP: COVID is this turning point, people figured out that

school is not just academics. A lot of people know that, but

To view the interview visit us at CheaapeakeFamil the public opinion of school is, you get on the bus, go to school, learn some stuff, and come home. [But] school is a market for food, it’s a restaurant, a mental health service provider, physical fitness, physical therapy. School is a social service. It is not an organization or a building. I think COVID has really opened the wound. We are asking this service, this system to do so much, we need to respond to it. I think we’re going to see norms getting challenged in education. For schools to operate the way that they need to operate, to really support communities the way they need to be supported, there’s going to be change in the way that people think about school. Other really practical things that I think will happen, distance learning is not going away. It’s going to be a part of every student’s learning experience. Even if it’s not the ideal form of teaching and learning, [students] have to be prepared for it for when they leave [school], whether it’s working or learning remotely. We need to equip students to be able to do this connected model of learning. You might see a new normal in school, where you do online learning, but you might be in a space where it’s comfy, like a coworking space. We might see schools starting to develop these types of environments where [students] have a class where they’re in that space, doing some type of instruction or learning experience. We have to teach things that are relevant. How do you gain the attention of a seven-year-old online if you’re teaching something that they don’t care about? You’re online, they can go to anything in the world that they might be more interested in. It’s going to force curriculum to become more responsive to the audience. I think we’re going to start seeing curriculum become more specialized to localities. It’s necessary for us to actually have a more equitable learning experience for people of color and for marginalized communities. We have to see curriculum change in order for those communities to really feel engaged in a part of the learning experience.

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FOR 2021 -2022 SCHOOL YEAR

Catholic Coeducational School Grades 9-12 College Preparatory Curriculum Four Year Honors & AP Curriculum Arts Academy Freshmen Transition Program Accelerated Science Program, Engineering, Robotics 1:10 Student-Faculty ratio Average Annual College Scholarship Awards total $4.5 million

CF: How do we make school a more equitable place? MP: I am not a person of color so I am not authority and

I cannot pretend to have the answers. What I will say is we work very hard to work with and work alongside and to elevate the voices of these community members when we’re designing schools. There’s this great resource called the Black Space Manifesto ( It’s a group of black architects and city planners that came together and said, what does it mean to build a building or to build a community alongside the black community. There’s going to be more things like this emerging to position people of color in leadership positions, to help be the authority on what needs to change, so that learning can be more equitable. We’re designing a school in Wenatchee, Washington. It’s a small rural community and there’s a strong Hispanic, Latino community designing the first charter school. We are designing the physical building and it looks very different than a traditional school. We have a Plaza which pulls on Hispanic home experiences with beautiful rich fabrics, dance, music, and mariachi. We have a market instead of a cafe so kids can come and visit food trucks and local community vendors. We are taking the community that the school is serving and building what a learning space should be for that community based on their voice. We’re building it around their vision, not what we call cells and bells, where you have a corridor and a line of box [rooms] that mimic prison. We know that the school to prison pipeline is real. We are trying to decolonize the nature of school by literally designing them differently; more open spaces, more labs, more literal round spaces for discourse and conversation and dialogue, places for community organizations to have offices in the school, spaces for community members to come and have conversation. And then of course, places for dance and music and gathering and celebration. All of those things are really closely connected to social-emotional learning, too. We need to see more of that in education, not just around the physical design of buildings, but also around the curriculum that students are experiencing.

Your First Choice for Quality Childcare & Education Choosing childcare is a very important decision. We want to be your first choice! At Play & Learn, your child will be provided with a wide variety of appealing, ageappropriate activities provided by professionally trained childcare educators.

113 St. Mary’s Place • Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 725-3228 • 10 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

580 Taylor Rd. ■ Annapolis 50 Community Place ■ Crownsville

bbe | education notes


Extracurricular Online Learning ith another season of online learning upon us, your kids might need a break from their regularly scheduled learning at school. These educational websites, apps and resource libraries are great places for your kids to learn about what they want to learn. They will keep kids entertained and keep their brains working at the same time.

There are thousands of amazing sites offering free help during the pandemic, so these are just a few, but they all

have quality “programming” and offer a wide variety of lessons for learners of all ages.

Outschool Outschool has a ton of really cool courses taught by teachers from around the world via live stream. Courses feature topics from writing and the arts, to STEM topics like coding and robotics, often with fun themes like Harry Potter potions, LEGO and Minecraft. Courses range from one-time to

National Geographic Education Resource Library

Varsity Tutors education/resourcelibrary Learn about the world with National Geographic, including lessons on weather, globalization, engineering, physics, earth science and social studies.

Khan Academy

Brain Pop Nearly 200 free, live

This website has great

K-12 classes available

Learn just about

animated videos and

all day long intended

anything at Khan

related activities on

to help parents fill

Academy, for FREE.

just about every topic

their children’s day

During the COVID

your kids want to

with enriched learning.

crisis, Khan has daily

learn about, including

Some popular classes

schedules for students

coding and making

are “Intro to Spanish for

ages 2–18 to keep

movies, plus anti-

Kids,” “Coolest Women

them learning, as

racism resources,

in History, and “The

well as resources for

quizzes, games, and

Story of Your Favorite

parents and teachers.

a personalized goal-

Fairy Tales.” There are

tracking system.

free courses as well as paid courses ranging

multi-week courses and

upward from $10 per

from as little as $10.

hour session.

C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2 021 • 1 1



here’s never been a better time to do research and find that perfect preschool for your child. Read on to our Preschool Directory, a comprehensive list of area schools with information provided by the schools. Schools with descriptions are advertisers. Find additional information about the schools including class size, financial aid, foreign language offerings and more, online at Only preschool programs are listed here. Programs that start at Kindergarten or higher are listed in our Private School Directory (page 20) and at privateschools.

12 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 0 2 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

ANNE ARUNDEL A Giants Preschool Edgewater, 443-764-1217 6 weeks–4 years

Anchors-A-Wee Preschool Annapolis, 410-757-6556 2 years–Pre-K

Annapolis Language School Annapolis, 410-533-4209 2 years–5 years Tuition: $200-$600 Annapolis Language School is the area’s only Spanish Immersion Program for Preschoolers. Your child will be exposed to Spanish in a natural way through total immersion, authentic situations, songs, and books. See our ad on page 6

See our ad on page 28

Calvary Baptist Church Academy Glen Burnie, 410-768-5324 3 years–12th grade

Calvary Center School Annapolis, 410-268-3812 3 years–PreK-4

Cape Kids’ Corner Annapolis, 410-757-2271 3 years–Kindergarten

Chesapeake Montessori School

Arnold, 410-777-2450 2 years–PreK-4

Annapolis, 410-757-4740 18 months–8th grade

Arundel Christian School

Colonial Nursery School

Hanover, 410-859-8573 Infants-12th grade

Annapolis, 410-266-8064 2 years–PreK-5

Asbury Community Christian Preschool and

Community Christian Preschool

Clubhouse Preschool Arnold, 410-757-7113 2 years–6th grade

Bay Country Learning Center Annapolis, 410-974-6700 Infants-PreK-4

Beth Shalom Preschool

Pasadena, 410-255-9250 2 years – PreK-4

Community United Methodist Child Care Crofton, 410-451-1010 3 years–PreK-4

Creative Beginnings Preschool

Arnold, 410-757-0552 2 years–PreK

Arnold, 410-647-9224 2 years–PreK-4

Bright Beginning Children’s Learning Center

Creative Garden Nursery School and Kindergarten

Crownsville, 410-923-3192 Glen Burnie, 410-768-4526 2 years–PreK-4

Crofton, 410-721-7711 2 years–Kindergarten

Crofton Children’s Centre

Indian Creek School

Gambrills, 301-261-0599 2 years–PreK-4

Crownsville, 410-923-3660 2.9 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: Flexible Tuition available; $9,090-$27,500/yr Indian Creek School is a private, co-educational, nonsectarian day school located on two campuses in Crownsville, Maryland. ICS is distinguished by its welcoming community, neuroscience-based approach to education, ample opportunities for extra-curricular involvement, differentiated teaching, innovative faculty, studentcentered culture and commitment to being a family school.

CrossRoads Child Development Center Davidsonville, 410-798-5790 2 years-PreK-4

Edinboro Early School Severna Park, 410-544-2476 2 years–Kindergarten Before & after care Tuition: Varies Four-year degreed teachers implement MSDE approved curriculum. Structured programs include language arts, math, music, science, art and social studies. Child Care Aware (military) approved. Playground time, homework help, snack, crafts and games in a safe, nurturing environment. See our ad on page 28

Faith Baptist Child Development Center Glen Burnie, 410-761-9112 2 years–Kindergarten

Grace Pointe Child Development Center Severn, 410-987-6777 6 weeks–PreK-5

Granite Baptist School Glen Burnie, 410-761-1118 3 years–12th grade

Grannie Annie’s Child Care & Learning Center Pasadena, 410-255-0478 Infants–5th grade

Harundale Presbyterian Weekday School Glen Burnie, 410-766-4338 3 years – PreK

Heritage Learning Center Annapolis, 410-263-5153 2 years-PreK-4

See our ad on page 23

Joy Kids Learning Center Edgewater, Mayo, 443-837-6001 2 years–PreK-5

Keenan Christian Learning Center Pasadena, 410-544-3107 2 years–PreK-4

Key School Annapolis, 410-263-9231 2.5 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: $8,800-$30,075/yr Key School engages children in a progressive, coeducational, college-preparatory, day program on its picturesque 15-acre campus. Key emphasizes experiential learning, interdisciplinary studies and global perspectives. Key graduates are independent thinkers, creative innovators, effective collaborators, tenacious problem-solvers, and articulate leaders. See our ad on page 2

Kiddie Academy of Arnold Arnold, 410-315-7552 Infants–5th grade

Kneseth Israel Preschool Annapolis, 410-263-3924 x8 2 years–PreK-5

C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2 021 • 1 3


Anne Arundel Community College Child Development Center

Tuition: $254-$276/wk Bright Beginning provides quality early education that exceeds MSDE standards and guidelines, offering full- and part-time care for children ages 2-5. We provide a curriculum that promotes fine and gross motor skills, cognitive development and social-emotional well-being for every child.

London Towne Academy

Montessori International Children’s House

Edgewater, 410-798-5128 3 years–Kindergarten

Magothy Cooperative Preschool Pasadena, 410-360-0292 2 years–PreK-4

Mayo Nursery Preschool Edgewater, 410-798-6255 3 years–PreK-4

Glen Burnie, 410-766-7130 2 years - 8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $7,790-$8,638/yr Our Mission: Rooted in Catholic faith and committed to academic excellence, Monsignor Slade Catholic School is dedicated to forming the whole child to know, love, and be disciples of Christ. See our ad on page 30

See our ad on page 14

Mt. Carmel Child Development Center Pasadena, 4102552429 3 years-PreK

Naval Academy Primary School Annapolis, 410-757-3090

See our ad on page 16

Nichols-Bethel United Methodist Preschool Odenton, 410-674-2272 3 years–Pre-K

Odenton Day Care Odenton, 410-674-4031 2 years–Kindergarten

Pasadena Early Learning Center Pasadena, 410-647-0006 3 years–PreK-4

Play and Learn Annapolis, 410-263-4029 Crownsville, 410-987-3312 Infants to 5 years Play and Learn is a not for profit corporation providing quality childcare and education. Our programs are developmentally appropriate, focus on the whole child and his/ her physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs, and are largely guided by the interests and needs of the children and their families. See our ad on page 10

Right Start Academy Gambrills, 410-923-7575 2 years–5 years

Saint Andrew’s Day School Edgewater, 410-266-0952 3 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $9,120-$13,275/yr Saint Andrew’s intentionally small classes allow our experienced

Bach nex minuet t we ek!

Voted Best Montessori School for 7th Year in a Row And Best Lower Private School

Celebrating 35 years of Teaching Children to Shine! 18 months- 6th grade Education, Not Just Daycare Gifted Teachers & Staff Extended Day Available Safe, Secure & Nuturing Spanish & Music Happy, Engaged Children

410 -757-7789

The PEABODY PREPARATORY is Baltimore’s premier community school for the performing arts. Remote private instruction and group classes in music and dance are offered for students of all ages and skill levels. 667-208-6640



Monsignor Slade Catholic School

Annapolis, 410-757-7789 18 months–6th grade Before & after care Tuition: $10,500-$12,500/yr Montessori International (MICH) is a coeducational independent school for children 18 months through 6th grade. We inspire excellence, nurture curiosity and enhance creativity. Our learning community emphasizes hands-on experiential learning, respect for self and others, and the development of inquiry skills that enhance life-long learning. Extended Day available.

3 years–5th grade Before & after care Tuition: $5,832-$11,340/yr NAPS is a warm nurturing environment that is open to military families and the Annapolis communities. We have small class sizes and an inviting school house that stimulates children’s abilities to grow and mature intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

14 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

faculty to provide an engaging classroom environment that challenges all students. Our integrated curriculum and educational foundation ensures continued academic success. See our ad on page 19

Severn School Severna Park, 410-647-7700 3 years–12th grade Tuition: Please call At Severn we feel socialization and “Learning by Doing” are key components of a young learner’s first school experience. See our ad on page 15

Severna Park United Methodist Church Nursery School Severna Park, 410-987-8339 3 years–PreK-4

Davidsonville, 410-798-5650

Ss. Constantine & Helen School Annapolis, 410-573-2078 3 years–PreK-4

St. Andrew by the Bay Preschool Annapolis, 410-974-1994 2 years–PreK-5

St. Anne’s School of Annapolis Annapolis, 410-263-8650 2 years–8th grade

St. John the Evangelist School Severna Park, 410-647-2283 4 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $8,275/yr St. John the Evangelist School offers a stimulating, dynamic and challenging academic program

in a nurturing environment. Our faculty have the knowledge, experience and love for teaching that guides and inspires every student. Contact us today to see how we merge faith, technology and academics to create good citizens and future leaders.

Woods Child Development Center

See our ad on page 30

Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

St. Margaret’s Day School Annapolis, 410-757-2333 2 years–Kindergarten

Tree of Life Preschool Annapolis, 410-266-6006 3–5 years

Weems Creek Nursery School Annapolis, 410-266-5522 2 years–PreK

Wesley Grove Pre-K Hanover, 410-787-0745 2 years-PreK-4

Severna Park, 410-647-9168 2 years–PreK-4


Baltimore, 410-547-5515 2 years–12th grade

Bryn Mawr Little School Baltimore, 410-323-8826 2 months–Kindergarten

Friends School of Baltimore Baltimore, 410-649-3211 4 years–12th grade

HASA | Gateway School Baltimore, 410-318-6780 2 years–8th grade

We can’t wait to meet you ... virtually! Schedule your one-on-one virtual visit with our Admissions team today. Chesapeake Campus (preschool - grade 5) Teel Campus (grades 6 - 12) Email: Call: 410.647.7700 Visit: MSDE #161229

C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2 021 • 1 5


South County PreKindergarten Cooperative 3 years–PreK-4


The Park School of Baltimore

Dawns Early Light Preschool

Baltimore, 410-339-7070 4 years–12th grade

Dunkirk, 301-855-6300 2 years–5th grade

Relay Children’s Center, Inc.

Imagine Nations Early Learning Center

Baltimore, 410-247-2811 2 years – 5th grade

Owings, 410-286-3300 2 years–PreK-4

Roland Park Country School

Noah’s Ark Learning Center Inc.

Baltimore, 410-323-5500 3 years–12th grade

Huntingtown, 4104145084 Infants–5 years



Glenn Dale, 301-464-3215 3 years–8th grade

Busy Bee Nursery

Chapelgate Preschool

Prince Frederick, 410-535-0687 2 years–PreK-4

Marriottsville, 410-442-5663 2 years–PreK-4

Leal Angels Bilingual Child

Calvert Nursery School

Columbia Academy

Prince Frederick, 410-535-0577 3 years–PreK-4

Columbia, Ellicott City, Fulton 410-992-0484

Be a part of this


Julia Brown School Laurel, 301-498-0604 18 months–3rd grade

Joy in Learning Columbia, 410-740-2999 Infants–PreK-5

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY The Daisy Lane School at Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School

Development Bowie, 301-850-4934 2 years–PreK-

St. Matthew’s Early Education Center Bowie, 301-464-1813 2 years-Kindergarten

QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY Christ Episcopal Church Day School Stevensville, 410-643-8248 3 years–Pre-K

Little Lamb Preschool Grasonville, 410-827-6022 2 years-Kindergarten

Kiddie Academy of Kent Island Stevensville, 410-643-3932 2 years–PreK-4

TALBOT COUNTY Christ Church Day School Easton, 410-822-2677 2 years–PreK 4 For the complete Preschool Directory visit us online at

A student-centered, developmentally appropriate curriculum.

Warm nurturing environment with class sizes averaging 12-18 students.

Naval Academy Primary School • PreK- Fifth grade (must be 3 by Sept 1) • Special tuition for military families Visit us online at or call us at 410.732.6200.

• AIMS accredited

• Performing Arts, science labs, & foreign language curriculum | 410-757-3090 74 Greenbury Point Road, Annapolis

16 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 0 2 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

bbe | education notes As Greg Klingler, a 529-investing father of two and the Director of Wealth Management at the Government Employees’ Benefits Association (GEBA) puts it, “The biggest benefit of a 529 plan is that every dollar it generates is a dollar that doesn’t have to be

The 529 Plan’s Plentiful Positives

borrowed, and repaid with interest, by a young person.” Rather than being weighed down by debt as soon as they enter the real world, he says, “college graduates with little to no debt are able to apply their financial resources to their futures, like saving for a home or starting a family, and that’s extremely powerful.” Indeed, some simple math provided by Michelle Winner, director of marketing for Maryland 529, demonstrates that beginning to invest in a plan during a future collegegoer’s toddler days can easily save them (and you) close to half of out-of-pocket tuition costs. For example, if you set a goal to save $25,000 for college costs over a 15-year period and assume an average annual return in line with current estimates of 6 percent, you’d be investing about $15,500 over 15 years, or roughly $86 per month, to potentially build a $25,000 investment for college. On the other hand, if you or your college student take out a loan


for that $25,000, at the Federal direct undergraduate loan rate of 5.05 percent, you’d be looking at paying approximately $32,000 wo hundred and sixty years ago, Ben Franklin wrote in his book The Way to Wealth, “an investment in knowledge always pay the best interest.” Franklin’s statement still rings true today; The Bureau of

Labor Statistics reports that the unemployment rate and average annual salary among those with just a high school degree was 4.1 percent and $37,960 in 2018, whereas it was just 2.2 percent and $62,296 for college graduates. Of course, better employment and pay prospects are the result of what is indeed a very costly investment: The College Board reports that the current average annual tuition at public and private four-year universities stands at all-time highs of $10,230 and $35,830, respectively. Worse yet, these numbers are expected to continue growing. The good news? Maryland recognizes the value of a welleducated workforce and offers two forms of college saving plans: the Maryland Prepaid College Trust (MPCT), a defined-benefit plan that allows you to save for future college tuition at today’s prices, and the Maryland College Investment Plan (MCIP), which is tied to a mutual fund investment portfolio. Both plans incentivize saving for and funding college and other forms of education by providing tax-deferred growth and tax-free distributions.

over ten years, or $266 per month, to repay that debt.

Low-Maintenance Unlike many other interest-bearing investments, 529 plans are designed to appeal to everyone. They have no income, age, or annual contribution limits; are lowmaintenance, allowing you to “set it and forget it” by scheduling automatic deductions from your bank account or paycheck; can be gifted to any relative; and are guaranteed to be used for their intended purpose, as named beneficiaries have no legal rights to the funds, which remain under your complete control. Plus, the Maryland 529 plan offers some perks that many states’ plans don’t, including: • A deduction of up to $2,500 (or $5,000 for married couples filing jointly) in contributions per investment plan beneficiary per year from your state taxes if you’re the account holder(s). • The same deduction as above if you’re simply a contributor or pair of contributors to a 529 plan—we’re looking at you, grandma and grandpa. • An annual gift tax exclusion on deposits of up to $15,000 per individual per year (or $30,000 for married couples filing jointly). • The ability to apply up to $10,000 in tax-free withdrawals to tuition expenses, per year and per beneficiary, at private, public, or religious elementary and secondary schools.

Preventing Student Debt Because 529 plans make it easy for parents or other relatives to systematically invest money on a tax-benefited basis to help children fund their education, it follows that participating in a 529 plan helps more young people avoid becoming a part of the $1.49 trillion student loan debt crisis—or at least leave college with less student loan debt than the average graduate’s $31,172.

• The Save4College State Contribution Program, which provides eligible low- and middle-income families who apply between January 1 and June 1, 2020 with a $250 or $500 529 plan contribution from the state. To enroll in a Maryland 529 plan, head to —Steve Adams

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by Laura Boycourt



or high school students ready to check out colleges and universities, it won’t be business as usual this year due to COVID-19 related restrictions and safety precautions. Fortunately, schools are boosting their virtual experiences and tailoring visit opportunities so that students can still learn all they need to know. Here’s what some local schools are doing to make campuses and admission activities accessible to prospective students.

Connect, Connect, Connect

Laura Burrell Baxter, Director of College Advising at The Key School, says that the high school Class of 2021 will likely experience the greatest challenge when it comes to selecting their school, since much of the search process from the pre-COVID days just isn’t possible at this time. “The biggest difference I’ve seen,” says Baxter, “is that there are so many more opportunities (for a high school student) to do either Skype or a Google meet or a Zoom call with your admission counselor,” or whatever type of college representative you’d normally see visiting a high school or presenting at a college fair. Even parents can connect virtually with financial aid officers or other individuals they’d normally meet with in person. “We all have that venue” now, she says. Baxter adds that since so many high schoolers are already on social media, researching schools through their

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Instagram (or other platform) accounts is a no-brainer. Baxter also encourages students to “really tap into the alums that you know who go to the schools where you’re hoping to go.” As she suggests to her rising seniors at Key, who have the cell phone numbers of recent past-grads at college, kids can connect with their former schoolmates to learn more about classes, the vibe on campus, and other “insider information” that offers a solid glimpse into school life.

Cruise Campus With a Click

From drone flyovers to student-led quad walks exploring everything from classrooms to dining halls, campuses are “open” online. “Regardless of which [type of tour] they choose to do, it’s really giving kids the only chance to see the inside of a lecture hall or how big or how small a dorm room (is),” Baxter says of the various ways colleges have virtually welcomed high school students to campus. Coleen Beddick, Director of Events and Volunteers at Washington College on the Eastern Shore, says the school has worked hard to recreate its in-person admissions experiences for online offerings. Every afternoon, WC offers a virtual tour so prospective students can get an inside look at the grounds from the comfort of their own homes. “During this tour, students and their families can take a virtual walk through campus with one of our current students in real time and ask questions, just like they would on campus,” she says. Classrooms, residence halls, athletic fields, and even downtown Chestertown are just some of the parts of the WC experience that will be included in the online tours. Virtual info sessions, live student chats, and admissions interviews will also be available, says Beddick. “We are here to connect students with whomever they feel the need to speak with in order to get their questions answered,” she adds. Goucher College has also tweaked its physical and virtual options to provide a productive experience for students hoping to learn more about the school. Vice President for Enrollment Management Jonathan Lindsay says that in addition to offering online tours, Goucher has created a driving tour to offer prospective students a middle ground option. Having pre-registered for the tour and with masks, families remain in their cars and follow a driving map throughout campus. Lindsay says visitors can even briefly pause along the route for interactive experiences. “On their map there are QR codes that allow the visitor to stop in front of a building, click on the QR code (with a smartphone), and the QR code provides images from inside the building.” The college is also offering in-person visits with “a lot of safety precautions” in place, Lindsay says, such as limiting the number of participating individuals, sticking to a single floor of indoor spaces, and, of course, using masks.

Look for the Silver Linings

Dale Bittinger, Assistant Vice Provost at University of Maryland Baltimore College (UMBC), says that although prospective students likely won’t be able to check out the college in the traditional ways, it’s an opportunity for UMBC to really let its core tenets shine. “If you listen well, you’ll have a chance to understand the campus and its values,” says Bittinger of the information and virtual experiences that the university will be offering. Baxter says that although many college and university representatives who would normally visit high schools to speak to juniors and seniors likely won’t be doing so this fall, Skype and Zoom will allow members of school admissions teams to connect with more high schools than they might be able to in person. Lindsay adds another unexpected outcome, saying “we were pushed into virtual programming, and in some cases, it has provided more opportunities for students,” noting that because more faculty members are teaching online, prospective students can access more classes to get a sense of the academic community. Whether by Skype, on social media, or at a distance, colleges and universities are providing a wealth of ways to connect with high schoolers and their families, so be sure to peruse school websites carefully for all their offerings. No matter which options you pick, stay safe, and enjoy…you’ve got this, Class of 2021!

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re you interested in learning more about private schools in the area? There are plenty to choose from and our Private School Directory is a great place to start getting information. This Directory is a listing of area private and parochial schools. Schools with descriptions are advertisers and information in the listings is provided by the schools. For more details on these school programs, such as class size, uniform requirements, and sports available, visit privateschools.

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ANNE ARUNDEL Annapolis Area Christian School Annapolis, Severn, 410-519-5300 Kindergarten–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: $12,825-$20,450/yr AACS has been providing an excellent, distinctly Christian education from Kindergarten through 12th grade for over 45 years. Students at AACS pursue their God-given gifts and talents through a comprehensive offering of academic courses, fine arts and athletics, extracurricular clubs and programs. See our ad on page 4

Archbishop Spalding High School

See our ad on page 6

Book of Life Academy Annapolis, 410-263-2600 2 years–5th grade

Calvary Baptist Church Academy Glen Burnie, 410-768-5324 3 years–12th grade

Chesapeake Montessori School Annapolis, 410-757-4740 18 months–8th grade

Edinboro Early School Severna Park, 410-544-2476 2 years–Kindergarten Before & after care Tuition: Varies Four-year degreed teachers imple-

See our ad on page 30

Indian Creek School Crownsville, 410-923-3660 2.9 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: Flexible Tuition available; $9,090-$27,500/yr ICS believes that education should be engaging and challenging. Innovative teaching based on educational research combined with nurturing relationships and enrichment opportunities outside the classroom create a unique, remarkable Pre-K through 12th grade college preparatory experience. See our ad on page 23

Key School Annapolis, 410-263-9231 2.5 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: $8,800-$30,075/yr Key School engages children in a progressive, coeducational, college-preparatory, day program on its picturesque 15-acre campus. Key emphasizes experiential learning, interdisciplinary studies and global perspectives. Key graduates are independent thinkers, creative innovators, effective collaborators, tenacious problemsolvers, and articulate leaders. See our ad on page 2

Monsignor Slade Catholic School Glen Burnie, 410-766-7130 2 years - 8th grad Before & after care Tuition: $7,790-$8,638/yr Our Mission: Rooted in Catholic faith and committed to academic excellence, Monsignor Slade Catholic School is dedicated to forming the whole child to know, love, and be disciples of Christ. See our ad on page 30

Montessori International Children’s House

Saint Andrew’s Day School

Annapolis, 410-757-7789 18 months–6th grade Before & after care Tuition: $10,500-$12,500/yr Montessori International (MICH) is a coeducational independent school for children 18 months through 6th grade. We inspire excellence, nurture curiosity and enhance creativity. Our learning community emphasizes hands-on experiential learning, respect for self and others, and the development of inquiry skills that enhance life-long learning. Extended Day available.

Edgewater, 410-266-0952 3 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $9,120-$13,275/yr Saint Andrew’s intentionally small classes allow our experienced faculty to provide an engaging classroom environment that challenges all students. Our integrated curriculum and educational foundation ensures continued academic success.

See our ad on page 14

Naval Academy Primary School Annapolis, 410-757-3090 3 years–5th grade Before & after care Tuition: $5,832-$11,340 NAPS is a warm nurturing environment that is open to military families and the Annapolis communities. We have small class sizes and an inviting school house that stimulates children’s abilities to grow and mature intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

See our ad on page 19

School of the Incarnation Gambrills, 410-519-2285 4 years–8th grade

Severn School Severna Park, 410-647-7700 3 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: Varies Severn School strives to meet the needs of young learners as well as college-bound students while challenging them to realize personal excellence. Students are provided varied opportunities to demonstrate scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and sportsmanship. See our ad on page 15

See our ad on page 16

Rockbridge Academy Crownsville, 410-923-1171 5 years–12th grade Before & after care Tuition: $7,100 - $15,690 Rockbridge Academy is a K-12 classical Christian school located in Anne Arundel County serving Annapolis, Baltimore, and Washington, DC, areas. A 25-year tradition of academic excellence using the classical method, combined with a loving, Christian environment, creates self-motivated lifelong learners who pursue truth, beauty, and goodness as they are taught to be socially graceful and spiritually gracious. See our ad on page 22

St. Anne’s School of Annapolis Annapolis, 410-263-8650 2 years–8th grade

St. John the Evangelist School Severna Park, 410-647-2283 4 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $8,275/yr Offers a stimulating, dynamic and challenging academic program in a nurturing environment. Our faculty have the knowledge, experience and love for teaching that guides and inspires every student. Contact us today to see how we merge faith, technology and academics to create good citizens and future leaders. See our ad on page 30

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Severn, 410-969-9105 9th grade–12th grade Tuition: $17,950/yr As a Catholic, co-educational, college preparatory secondary school, we are committed to challenging our students to grow spiritually, academically, physically, and socially. The school community provides a caring environment that affirms the dignity of the individual and promotes learning.

ment MSDE approved curriculum. Structured programs include language arts, math, music, science, art and social studies. Child Care Aware (military) approved. Playground time, homework help, snack, crafts and games in a safe, nurturing environment.

St. Martin’s-in-the-Field Episcopal School
 Severna Park, 410-647-7055 3 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $3,500-$13,500/yr We are an independent school educating students from early childhood to 8th grade. At St. Martin’s, we encourage students to stretch their thinking and discover their unique potential, while learning with confidence, serving with compassion, and leading with character.

Glen Burnie, 410-766-5790 3 years–8th grade

St. Philip Neri Catholic School Linthicum, 410-859-1212 4 years–8th grade

The Summit School Edgewater, 410-798-0005 6 years–8th grade

See our ad on page 6


St. Martin’s Lutheran School

Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

Annapolis, 410-269-1955 3 years–8th grade

Baltimore, 410-547-5515 2 years–12th grade See our ad on page XX

St. Mary’s Elementary School


St. Paul’s Lutheran School

Annapolis, 410-263-2869 PreK 4-8th grade

Baltimore School for the Arts Baltimore, 443-642-5165 9th grade–12th grade

The Boys’ Latin School of Maryland Baltimore, 410-377-5192 5 years–12th grade After School Tuition: $21,960-$31,600 Founded in 1844, The Boys’ Latin School of Maryland is an all-boys independent school serving boys in grades k-12. At Boys’ Latin, each and every student is known for who he is today, and all he will be tomorrow. Nearly two centuries of all-boys education has taught us that a close community builds a foundation of confidence. Of compassion. And of character. See our ad on page 6

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Calvert School

Baltimore, 410-486-1900 2 years–12th grade

Baltimore, 410-243-6054 Pre K - 8th grade

After Care Tuition: $18,850/yr At Calvert, we are committed to guiding students through the emotional and cognitive changes that come with growing up. Our coed K-8 program tackles these challenges and empower boys and girls to learn together and be leaders in their community.

The Catholic High School of Baltimore Baltimore, 410-732-6200 9th–12th grade Tuition: $14,800/yr The Catholic High School of Baltimore is an independent college-preparatory high school for young women, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. Since 1939 young women have benefited from the education they received at Catholic High. See our ad on page 16

ROCKBRIDGE ACADEMY ~ Celebrating 25 years! CHRIST-CENTERED ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • Individual attention from devoted teachers. • Re-tooled tuition assistance to increase accessibility. • A loving, supportive, and safe community.

SMALL CLASS SIZES + EXPANSIVE CLASSROOMS = SCHOOL IS OPENING THIS FALL! 22 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

Center for Creative Learning Baltimore, 410-945-0664 2 years–5th grade

Gilman School Baltimore, Lower School, 410-323-7284 Middle & Upper Schools, 410-323-7169, 5 years–12th grade

Lamb of God School Halethorpe, 410-242-4100 5 years–8th grade

Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities Baltimore, 410-938-4413 2 years–12th grade

The Park School of Baltimore

The School of the Cathedral Baltimore, 410-464-4100 5 years–8th grade

St. Paul Lutheran School Catonsville, 410-747-1924 18 months–5th grade

CALVERT Cardinal Hickey Academy Owings, 410-286-0404 Montessori PreK 3-4, Traditional Kindergarten - 8th grade Before and after care Tuition: $9,375/yr Our school provides an environment where the whole child is nurtured to achieve his/her academic and personal excellence. The school community cherishes our Catholic faith and fosters a personal relationship with Christ and His Church through sacraments, prayer, and service.

Huntintown, 410-535-0216 2.5 years–12th grade

Whatever the 2020-21 school year brings...

Tidewater School Huntingtown, 410-257-0533 2.5 years–5th grade

HOWARD Bethel Christian Academy Savage, 301-725-4673 3 years–8th grade

Resurrection-St. Paul School Ellicott City, 410-461-9111 3 years–8th grade

St. John’s Parish Day School Ellicott City, 4104657644 3 years–5th grade


St. Louis School Clarksville, 410-531-6664 4 years–8th grade

Trinity School Ellicott City, 443-498-5040 3 years-8th grade

KENT COUNTY Kent School Chestertown, 410-778-4100 3 years–8th grade

Radcliffe Creek School Chestertown, 410-778-8150 5 years–8th grade

PRINCE GEORGE’S Belair Baptist Christian Academy Bowie, 301-262-0578 4 years–12th grade

Pre-Kindergarten 3 through Grade 12 EXCELLENT ACADEMICS


ENGAGED LEARNING SAFETY Our Health & Safety Task Force has - IN ANY FORMAT created a plan to ensure a safe and Our student-centered, collegevibrant return to school. preparatory program is steeped in the philosophy of teaching in the ways children best learn. PERSONALIZED LEARNING Our teachers know each child Indian Creek students participate and family. Our partnership in a world-class education, taught approach ensures that every child by our passionate, dedicated, is supported and challenged on highly-skilled faculty. their learning journey. Our 7:1 student to teacher ratio, small Lower School learning A DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE cohorts, and forward thinking COMMUNITY IN WHICH Upper School modular schedule CHARACTER MATTERS to an agile continuous Students, parents, faculty, and contribute learning program. alumni form a diverse community of learners in which all are known, All students experience a robust valued, respected, and affirmed. academic program, steeped At ICS, we don’t just raise good in strong student-teacher and thinkers. We raise empathetic student-student connections, leaders and passionate change whether they choose to learn on makers. campus or at home throughout the 2020-21 school year. C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m • B I G B OOK OF E D UC AT I ON 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 21 • 23


Baltimore, 410-339-7070 4 years–12th grade

The Calverton School

Bishop McNamara High School Forestville, 301-735-8401 9th–12th grade

Christian Academy of Laurel Laurel, 301-490-1076 3 years-8th grade

DeMatha Catholic High School Hyattsville, 240-764-2200 9th–12th grade

Elizabeth Seton High School Bladensburg, 301-864-4532 9th–12th grade


Friends Community School College Park, 301-441-2100 Kindergarten–8th grade

Grace Christian School Bowie, 301-262-0158 Kindergarten–8th grade

Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School Bowie, Glenn Dale, 301-464-3215 3 years–8th grade Before & after care Tuition: $11,525 to $13,705/yr Our mission is to help students become “The Best You.” We offer strong academics and provide opportunities in visual arts, athletes, technology and help students become leaders of tomorrow. See our ad on page 24

Riverdale Baptist School Upper Marlboro, 301-249-7000 3 years–12th grade

St Mary of the Assumption Upper Marlboro, 301-627-4170 3 years–8th grade

St. Vincent Pallotti High School Laurel, 301-725-3228

9th–12th grade Tuition: $16,485-$17,480/yr Founded in 1921, St. Vincent Pallotti High School is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and building Christian character in a welcoming community. Through our challenging and diverse curriculum, students develop into independent, self-motivated, socially conscious young adults who are prepared to enter college as critical thinkers. See our ad on page 10

QUEEN ANNE’S The Gunston School Centreville, 410-758-0620 9th–12th grade

Lighthouse Christian Academy Stevensville, 410-643-3034 4 years–8th grade

Wye River Upper School Centreville, 410-758-2922 9th–12th grade Tuition: $30,000/yr Wye River engages bright students with learning differences in a challenging educational experience, preparing them for college, career, and life. Our students gain knowledge and independence through an inquiry-driven, multi-sensory, multi-modal pedagogy. To support this approach, project-based learning, outcome-based goals, and applied experiences outside of the classroom highlight our courses.

PUBLIC SCHOOL CONTACTS • Maryland State Department of Education, 1-888-246-0016 • Anne Arundel County Public Schools, 410-222-5000 • Baltimore City Public Schools, 443-984-2000 • Baltimore County Public Schools, 443-809-4554 • Calvert County Public Schools, 443-550-8000 • Howard County Public School System, 410-313-6600 • Prince George’s County Public Schools, 301-952-6000 • Queen Anne’s County Public Schools, 410-758-2403

Serving Preschool through Grade 8

See our ad on page 28

TALBOT The Country School Easton, 410-822-1935 5 years–8th grade

Saints Peter & Paul High School

Conveniently located in Bowie/Glenn Dale. Call 301-262-5355 to schedule a personal tour or contact for more information.

Easton, 410-822-2275 9th grade–12th grade Visit for the entire directory.

24 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 0 2 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

•• • •• •


DO NOT OPEN UN TIL OCTOBE R 19th Due to the Coronavirus we have taken our popular STEAM Fair and wrapped it in a box!

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including everything one student needs to participate in the STEAM Fair beginning October 19 and running for 5 nights. 26 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 02 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m




t’s going to be a dry year for school field trips, but you can always make your own field trip by gathering your kids (and maybe a few friends) to explore these excellent destinations for fun and learning. The following list encompasses some of the best of the area. Before heading out, check websites or call to confirm any changes in openings, hours, and social distancing measures.


Adventure Park at Sandy Spring Friends School

American Chestnut Land Trust

16701 Norwood Rd., Sandy Spring 240-389-4386 The aerial forest high ropes course has many platforms, bridges, zip lines, and climbing courses.

676 Double Oak Rd., Prince Frederick 410-414-3400, Hiking trails through what was once tobacco and other farmland. Guided canoe trips and special events.

The Capital Wheel at National Harbor

Anita C. Leight Estuary Center

Oxon Hill, MD 20745 National Harbor 301-842-8650 Soar over the Potomac River and see the nation’s capital from a fully enclosed gondola. Teacher resource guides available.

700 Otter Point Rd., Abingdon 410-612-1688, Programs include canoeing, kayaking, pontoon boating, crafts, hiking, education, animal encounters and research. Partners with Harford County and the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Terrapin Adventures 8600 Foundry St. #2038, Savage 301-725-1313 Aerial adventure guides teach students and others about the Chesapeake Bay watershed, some local history, and how to help protect the environment.

Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Sanctuary 2880 Grays Rd., Prince Frederick 410-535-5327, bccss.html The northernmost naturally occurring stand of bald cypress trees in America. An elevated boardwalk goes through the trees, some over 1,000 years old. Listen for

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge 2145 Key Wallace Dr., Cambridge 410-228-2677 All kinds of birds, including the American bald eagle. A driving map is available.

Calvert Cliffs State Park 10540 H.G. Trueman Rd., Lusby 301-743-7613 pages/southern/calvertcliffs.aspx Fossil hunting, hiking and fishing. The walk to the beach is 2 miles along a trail. There is also a playground.

Carrie Murray Nature Center 1901 Ridgetop Rd., Baltimore 410-396-0808 Focuses on educating the public about animals and the outdoors. Located in Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park, which includes meadows, marshlands, springs and wetlands.

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center 600 Discovery Ln., Grasonville 410-827-6694, Over 4 miles of trails, an aviary and a visitor center. Good for bird watching and hiking. Programs on-hold for time being. Trails open.

Clark’s Elioak Farm 10500 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, 410-730-4049 Meet and learn about animals such as ducks, ponies, pigs, goats and emu. Also enjoy a hayride, cow train, pony rides and the Enchanted Forest.

Irvine Nature Center 11201 Garrison Forest Rd., Owings Mills 443-738-9200, Includes a nature center with animals and exhibits, trails through 116 acres, programs and field trips for students of all ages.

Interactive exhibits provide handson learning about woodlands, wetlands and meadows.

Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 1361 Wrighton Rd., Lothian 410-741-9330, More than 1,400 acres of wetlands for hiking, canoeing and bird watching.

Maryland Zoo in Baltimore 1 Safari PI, Baltimore 410-396-7102, Hands-on children’s zoo, exhibits and animals.

Montpelier Farms 1720 Crain Hwy. North, Upper Marlboro, 410-320-0464, See alpacas, sheep, bunnies, pigs, goats and other farm animals. Also enjoy activities such as gem stone mining, hayrides, corn maze and more.

National Aquarium in Baltimore 501 E. Pratt St., Pier 3, Baltimore 410-576-3833, Includes exhibits on Australia, the Amazon and marine mammals.

National Wildlife Visitor Center 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, 301-497-5898 NWVC.html Explore, discover and learn about science and the environment through interactive exhibits about animals, nature trails and overlooks.

National Zoo 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., 202-633-4888 Pandas and more at this free zoo. Learn about animal habits, habitats and conservation.

Pickering Creek Audubon Center 11450 Audubon Ln., Easton 410-822-4903 Outdoor environmental education

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nature’s harmony of calling frogs and songbirds on the boardwalk.

Tuckahoe State Park and Adkins Arboretum

and activities offered at Pickering Creek and off-site.

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Ln., Columbia 410-313-0400, howardcountymd. gov/RobinsonNatureCenter Learn about space, the Chesapeake Bay and Native American culture through public and group programs and field trips. Includes a digital planetarium and dome-style theater, programs, exhibits and trails to explore.

12610 Eveland Rd, Ridgely Tuckahoe: 410-820-1668 Adkins Arboretum: 410-634-2847 tuckahoe.aspx Twenty miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails, canoeing, hunting, picnicking and a playground. Over 500 acres with native trees and shrubs.

Watkins Nature Center 301 Watkins Park Dr.,

Two Convenient Locations! 867 Buttonwood Trail Crownsville, MD

Upper Marlboro 301-218-6702, Things_To_Do/Nature/Watkins_ Nature_Center.htm Explore wildlife and enjoy resident live animals, hands-on exhibits.

ARTS American Art Museum 8th and F Streets, NW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-7970, Closed during COVID.

Annmarie Garden 13480 Dowell Rd., Dowell 410-326-4640, A 30-acre public sculpture garden, some of which invites visitors to touch. Hosts family-friendly events and festivals.

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Baltimore Museum of Art 10 Art Museum Dr., Baltimore 443-573-1700, Sculpture garden is open; museum is still closed, but offers many athome programs.

The Hirshhorn Gallery and Sculpture Garden 7th St. and Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-4674, Introduce or deepen children’s understanding of and exposure to modern and contemporary art. Closed at present, with online programming available.

National Museum of African Art 950 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-4600, Closed during COVID. Lots of virtual field trip programming for parents and educators.

Walters Art Museum 600 N. Charles St., Baltimore 410-547-9000, Closed during COVID. Lots of virtual field trip programming for parents and educators.

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28 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 0 2 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

Now using the iTero Light Scanner. The iTero Scanner eliminates the mess and gagging of traditional impressions


Maryland Center for History and Culture

610 Park Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201 | 410-675-3750 Digital learning resources, virtual field trips, traveling trunks, museum tours, and student research center offered about Maryland and American history.


Historic Annapolis William Paca House and Garden

B & O Railroad Museum

186 Prince George St., Annapolis 410-990-4543, Connect with the diverse heritage of Annapolis and visit the 2-acre garden.

901 W. Pratt St., Baltimore 410-752-2490, Explore railroad history and a train ride along the first commercial mile of railroad right-of-way in the U.S.

Ford’s Theatre

Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine

18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary’s City, 240-895-4979 Maryland’s first capital shows what life was like in the 17th century and teaches the colony’s legacy.

Maryland Historical Society

2400 E. Fort Ave., Baltimore 410-962-4290, Grounds are open, but the fort, Visitor’s Center and programs not available.

201 W. Monument St. Baltimore 410-675-3750, Reopening in September for museum tours. Virtual field trips offered about Maryland and American history.

Harriet Tubman Museum

Piscataway Park

424 Race St., Cambridge 410-228-0401, visitdorchester. org/harriet-tubman-museumeducational-center Brochures are available for a selfguided driving tour to see the site of Tubman’s childhood, plantations where she worked and stops on the Underground Railroad.

Historic Annapolis Properties 99 Main St., Annapolis 410-267-6656, Guided tours of historic homes and sites plus materials for self-directed walking tours around Annapolis. Teacher workshops and educational outreach programs.

3400 Bryan Point Rd., Accokeek 301-283-2113, Trails and park open for discovery. Self-guided tours available. Visitor’s Center is closed.

National Great Blacks in Wax 1601 East North Ave., Baltimore 410-563-3404, A wax museum of African American history features over 100 life-sized, life- like wax figures in dramatic scenes.

1400 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-4751 Collections illustrate the major periods of African American history, from origins in Africa through slavery, reconstruction, the civil rights era, the Harlem Renaissance and into the 21st century. Closed during COVID; lots of virtual programming and tours available.

National Museum of American History 14th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-1000, Closed during COVID; lots of virtual programming, tours, and teacher resources available.

National Museum of the American Indian 4th St. and Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-6644, This museum examines the history and current status of the American Indian. Closed during COVID; online programming available.

Point Lookout State Park 11175 Point Lookout Rd., Scotland 301-872-5688, pointlookout.aspx The lighthouse is closed. Other activities include fishing, boating and hiking. Said to be one of the most haunted spots in Maryland.

Sotterley Plantation 44300 Sotterley Ln., Hollywood 301-373-2280, Early 18th-century plantation was home to generations of prominent families. Ninety acres include gardens, a smokehouse, a slave cabin and nature trails. Guided tours open to groups of six and under.

Sturgis One-Room School Heritage House 209 Willow St., Pocomoke 410-430-5144, Operated as a one-room schoolhouse for African Americans for nearly 40 years. The Heritage House next door displays local artifacts.

USS Constellation 301 E. Pratt St., Pier 1, Baltimore 410-539-1797, constellation.html This all-sail warship is the only Civil War-era naval vessel still afloat. Currently closed due to COVID. Virtual tours of this and other Historic Ships.

SCIENCE Baltimore Museum o f Industry 1415 Key Highway, Baltimore 410-727-4808 ext. 117, Closed during COVID; fun online activities and virtual tours available.

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511 10th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 202-347-4833, Closed during COVID. Virtual tours and programming available.

Historic St. Mary’s City

National Museum of African American History and Culture

Glenn L. Martin Aviation Museum


701 Wilson Point Rd., Middle River 410-682-6122, See aircraft on the flight line at Strawberry Point and explore exhibits about aviation and space history in Maryland. Virtual fun activities available as well.

Annapolis Ghost Tours

Maryland Science Center 601 Light St., Baltimore 410-685-5225, Both permanent and rotating exhibits; open under limited capacity. Timed entry passes available online.

National Air and Space Museum


600 Independence Ave. at 6th Street SW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-2214, Closed due to COVID; online programming available.

National Air and Space Museum (Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center)

Inspiring Students to Lead & Serve

14390 Air & Space Museum Pkwy., Chantilly, Va. 703-572-4118, airandspace. Thousands of artifacts not in the collection in Washington, D.C., including the SR-71 Blackbird and the space shuttle Enterprise. Open to limited capacity; get free timedentry passes online.

National Cryptologic Museum 8290 Colony Seven Rd., Annapolis Junction 301-688-5849, cryptologic-heritage/museum/ Learn about code making and breaking. Learn about codes throughout history, from Civil War ciphers to biometrics. Closed during COVID, with lots of virtual programming available.

Inquire today!

National Museum of Natural History

Pre-K2 through 8th grade

Grants available for transferring students

Conveniently located near the intersection of Route 100 and I-97 | 410.766.7130

10th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 202-633-1000, Closed due to COVID; online tours, exhibits and resources available.

OCC# 40328

30 • BIG BOOK OF E D UC AT I O N 2 0 2 0- 2 02 1 • C h e s a p e a k e F a m i l y . c o m

13 Francis St, Annapolis 443-534-0043, Take a nighttime ghost walk through the historic downtown district and learn about the history of Annapolis while visiting haunted sites.

Annapolis Tours by Watermark 18 Pinkney St., Annapolis 410-268-7601, Explore Maryland’s history or architecture through educational walking tours and ghost tours. Also offers narrated sightseeing cruises in Baltimore and Annapolis.

Choptank Riverboat Company 6304 Suicide Bridge Rd., Hurlock 410-943-4775, riverboat-cruise-info Cruise on the historic Choptank River aboard a true sternwheeler riverboat.

Schooner Woodwind 80 Compromise St.., Annapolis 410-263-7837, Step aboard the Schooner Woodwind for cruises around Annapolis and the Bay.

Patriot Cruises 213 N. Talbot St., St. Michaels 410-745-3100, A narrated historic cruise of the Miles River. Special student pricing offered.

UNIQUELY MARYLAND The Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 Second St., Annapolis 410-295-0104, Housed in the old McNasby’s Oyster Packing Company, this interactive museum hosts lectures, concerts and children’s activities. Learn about the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay or catch a tour to the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. The museum has been closed for

Virtual Fieldtrips


Kids Can Explore the World from Home

ield trips may be canceled, but there are lots of virtual adventures available online. Kids can head to the San Diego Zoo in the morning, pop on over to Yellowstone after lunch, then take a leisurely stroll through the Louvre after dinner. The best part? No gift shops!

San Diego Zoo

Great Wall of China

Monterey Bay Coral Reefs Aquarium of Palau Kids can go on a deepsea adventure with exhibit webcams then learn more about the animals with activities, games and fact sheets.

Dive in and explore the colorful reefs and underwater life. Kids will learn about the interconnected ecosystem where diverse organisms protect, clean, nourish, and even mimic one another.

Easter Island



Farm Tours

Visit one of the most popular zoos in the country. Students can learn exciting animal facts, explore exhibits in real time, and play fun games and activities.

Who made the moai head megaliths, why did they create them, and where did this lost civilization go? Kids can uncover the answer to these and many more exciting questions through the virtual tour of Easter Island.

No passport needed for this panoramic virtual tour that allows you to walk through one of the oldest and most historically significant wonders of the world. destination/great-wall-ofchina

Take a Virtual Walk on Mars: Hop a ride with NASA’s Curiosity rover and explore the surface of Mars in a 360-degree view while learning about space exploration.

Head to a virtual Africa, where kids can learn the importance of grasslands and learn how ecotourism in Kenya has benefited both people and wildlife. See giraffes, lions, and elephants; the footage will make them feel like they are on safari!

Head north and take a panoramic tour of farms in Ontario. Kids can learn how dairy products are made, see farmers harvest fruit or eggs, and even explore specialty farms like an emu or deer ranch.

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