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BY PETER HANCOCK Capitol News Illinois phancock@capitolnewsillinois.comSPRINGFIELD
– Minimum
wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
The law allowing public housing
BY HANNAH MEISEL CAPITOL NEWS ILLINOIS HMEISEL@CAPITOLNEWSILLINOIS.COMThere are no champagne toasts or fireworks, but when the clock strikes 12 a.m. on Saturday, it’s the start of a new year in Illinois – a new fiscal year, that is.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds.
And just as a new year is a time to contemplate recent accomplishments and make resolutions for the future, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza is ringing in fiscal year 2024 by celebrating a record-high $1.94 billion in Illinois’ “rainy day” fund and setting her sights on doubling that figure in the next decade.
She boasted that Democratic leadership – including her, Gov. JB Pritzker and the Democratically controlled General Assembly – has helped right Illinois’ fiscal ship in the last several years.
“However, governors change. Legislatures change,” she said. “This is the time to do it. I don’t see any good reason to, to delay it any further.”
Mendoza said lawmakers should be able to increase the rainy day fund’s balance to 8 percent of Illinois’ budget in the next 10 to 15 years regardless of whether her bill requiring greater contributions becomes law.
From there, she said, Illinois should focus on paying down its unfunded pension liabilities, which stood at $139.7 billion at the end of Fiscal Year 2022. The most current figure will be made public in the coming months.
“$2 billion sounds like a lot of money, certainly in contrast to $48,000,” Mendoza said in an interview Friday, citing one of her most frequently repeated stories about the fund’s balance in August 2018 – when the state was still recovering from a two-year budget impasse between Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats in the General Assembly.
It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6.
Other new laws include:
The paltry sum would have only funded state government operations for 30 seconds, Mendoza estimates.
Unfunded pension liabilities would never come due at the same time; pension payments are doled out monthly when state workers retire, while the state pays into its five pension systems twice per year.
Mendoza rejected the “crisis” label often ascribed to the pension issue, but she said it’s not a problem to be ignored.
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In contrast, nearly $2 billion “gives us about 10 days’ worth of operating reserves for our state,” she said.
But despite achieving that high-water mark – and celebrating Illinois’ eight recent credit ratings upgrades from the three major finance agencies that determine public and private creditworthiness – Mendoza joked that it’s her job to be the “party pooper” or “Debbie Downer” of state government.
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
“The majority of states in our country have about 40 days’ or more worth of reserves for their state operation,” she said. “So we’re doing great, but we have a far path yet to trek through.”
Paying more into the pension systems now will negate the piling up of interest costs in the future, reducing the crowding out of services that money could otherwise be used to fund, she said. Mendoza pointed to the $700 million above the minimum required amount that the state has paid into its pension systems in recent fiscal years, which she said will save Illinois “about $2.4 billion on the back end.”
“And the more we do that, the quicker we’re going to get out of this hole,” she said.
That’s why Mendoza said her proposed legislation targets the pension stabilization fund as well as the rainy day fund.
College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
While Mendoza would love to someday get Illinois to the same roughly 40 days of reserves that 26 states have socked away, she’d settle for 20 – which would be roughly 8 percent of Illinois’ operating budget for a given year. She said that’s what the major credit ratings agencies have advised if Illinois is to receive future credit upgrades.
Mendoza has been pushing legislation to mandate that lawmakers put more into the state’s rainy day and pension stabilization funds during strong fiscal years, but it has never received a vote in either chamber of the General Assembly despite clearing a House committee unanimously. The comptroller said she plans to reintroduce the bill through her allies in the General Assembly.
“It’s not sexy,” she said. “There’s no ribbon cutting with saving money, but I think it’s the best and most incredible use of taxpayer dollars to actually protect our budgets…the moral document that we’re going to live off of that year.”
Mendoza earlier this year had advised Pritzker and lawmakers to not start any new state programs in the coming year’s budget. But she said she was happy with this year’s budget “for the most part,” despite new spending in areas like child care, pre-K programs and higher education.
“All of those spending initiatives, which are big ticket items, are all going to produce a good return on investment for taxpayers,” she said.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
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Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
“There is no good reason to not move forward with this legislation,” Mendoza said, adding that credit ratings agencies haven’t forgotten about Illinois’ reputation of not “being a good fiscal steward year after year after
FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government. It is distributed to hundreds of print and broadcast outlets statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, along with major contributions from the Illinois Broadcasters Foundation and Southern Illinois Editorial Association.
NAPERVILLE, IL – Expanding on its commitment to enhance opportunities and social mobility for the communities it serves, Nicor Gas is announcing $100,000 in funding to support secondary and post-secondary educational programs as well as technical and vocational programs.
Pritzker is shown here earlier this year in a Capitol News Illinois file photo. The governor signed more than 300 bills that become law on Jan. 1. (Capitol News Illinois file photo)
generation of energy professionals,” said Jackie Nagel, manager of Community Affairs. “We are also committed to investing in organizations that offer areas of study important to our business, including STEM programs as well as programs that foster diversity, equity and inclusion.”
Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
Community nonprofit organizations may apply for these grants from Nicor Gas to support their educational programming that align with the company’s workforce development initiatives. Applications are available at www.NicorGas.com/CharitableGiving through September 30 with funding decisions by November 30. Each community nonprofit organization selected will be eligible to receive up to $5,000 in grant funds this year.
Last year, the company provided grant support to:
to the appropriate school support personnel.
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
The company is committed to supporting initiatives that provide a path to social mobility and enhanced opportunities through education and career readiness programming, including institutions that offer areas of study important to the energy industry.
“At Nicor Gas, we are committed to investing in education and workforce development opportunities that develop the next
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
Heartland Community College – Nicor Gas provided a grant that supports curriculum that integrates robotic quadrupeds into classroom learning.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
Boys and Girls Club of Livingston County – Nicor Gas provided a grant that supports comprehensive science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) programs and learning opportunities among traditionally underserved groups.
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs – Nicor Gas provided a grant to support summer manufacturing camps that provide youth in Cook and McHenry counties with hands-on experiences to strengthen their technical, analytical and communication skills.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
To submit an application for the education and career readiness grants, visit www.NicorGas.com/CharitableGiving.
Self-described ‘party pooper’ comptroller eyes socking away even more in coming years
WASHINGTON, PRNewswire -- Higher Heights Leadership Fund and the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University, released the latest version of the report, Black Women in American Politics 2023.
For nearly a decade, Higher Heights and the Center for American Women and Politics have teamed up to report on the status of Black women in American politics. In that period, Black women have seen representational gains across all levels of office, including in the federal executive, and achieved milestones as candidates and officeholders within states and nationwide.
The 2022 election illuminated these realities. Record numbers of Black women ran for congressional and statewide elective executive offices and, as a result of the election, a record number of Black women now serve in Congress, in statewide elective executive office, and in state legislatures. Still, despite a record number of Black women running for and winning major-party nominations for the U.S. Senate and governor in 2022, last year’s election did not remedy the lack of Black women’s representation at either level.
Higher Heights and the Center for American Women and Politics Release Black Women in American Politics 2023
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This report provides a foundation for this work, offering an overview of Black women’s political representation today and over the past decade, as well as indicators of how Black women fared in the most recent election.
The report illustrates:
A record number of Black women serve in congressional, statewide elective executive, and state legislative offices, as well as in the presidential cabinet, in 2023, with important gains made and milestones achieved over the past decade. Since 2020, Black women have ascended to the
vice presidency and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Still, despite being 7.7% of the population, Black women are less than 6% of officeholders in Congress, statewide elective executive offices, and state legislatures. They are eight of the mayors in the nation’s 100 most populous cities.
A record number of Black women ran for the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and statewide elective executive offices – including governor – in 2022, and a record number of Black women were nominees for the U.S. Senate, statewide executive offices, and governor. These candidacies translated into record-level officeholding at multiple levels, but no Black women serve in the U.S. Senate today and no Black woman has ever served as governor.
Between 2022 and 2023, Black women’s state legislative representation remained nearly equal – achieving a new high but by just three seats – though a record number of Black women currently lead state legislative chambers.
Black women won big-city mayoral elections in Los Angeles, California and North Las Vegas, Nevada in 2022, and a Black woman is poised to be elected mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in November 2023.
“In 2022 we were able to celebrate many historic wins by Black women running for federal, statewide office, and mayors of the top 100 cities. However, as with all history-making moments, not every goal aimed for during the election was achieved, and we felt the deep loss of the hardfought campaigns with efforts to elect a Black woman to the U.S. Senate and as this nation’s first Black woman governor,” said Glynda C. Carr, President, and CEO of Higher Heights. “But make no mistake, Black women’s energy, work, and commitment to building a true democracy is continuing to diversify and improve America’s leadership. We will continue to strive in 2023 and in 2024 to diversify and improve America’s leadership to include the presence of diverse perspectives at every level of government.”
Higher Heights and CAWP issued their first report on the status of Black women in American politics in June 2014. Since then, 24 new Black women were elected to Congress, the number of Black women state legislators has risen by over 50%, Black women have made tremendous strides in representation as big-city mayors – with 15 Black women taking office as mayors in the top 100 most populous cities since mid-2014 – and a Black woman now serves as vice president.
“For nearly a decade, our reports on the status of Black women in U.S. politics have illustrated both the progress made and the persistent underrepresentation for Black women across levels of office,” said report author Kelly Dittmar, Director of Research at CAWP and Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University-Camden. “These data are necessary to guide the interventions necessary to ensure continued growth in Black women’s political representation and power.”
Headquartered in New York, NY, Higher Heights Leadership Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization, and its sister organization Higher Heights for America, a national 501(c)(4) organization is investing in a long-term strategy to analyze, expand and support a Black women’s leadership pipeline at all levels and strengthen their civic participation beyond just Election Day http://www.higherheightsleadershipfund.org/.
The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is nationally recognized as the leading source of scholarly research and current data about women’s political participation in the United States. Its mission is to promote greater knowledge and understanding about the role of women in American politics, enhance women’s influence in public life, and expand the diversity of women in politics and government. http://www.cawp. rutgers.edu/.
SAN FRANCISCO, PRNewswire -- The HBCU Founders Initiative (HBCUFI), a nonprofit organization that supports HBCU students and alumni along their entrepreneurial journey, has announced that it has selected five additional HBCUs to join its Pre-Accelerator program, which is in place to provide specialized support to students and alumni exploring entrepreneurship and the launch of tech-fueled ventures across HBCU campuses.
Over 750 students and alumni from 80+ HBCUs have benefitted from HBCUFI’s programming with participants raising over $2M for their startups.
The five new HBCUs on-boarding into HBCUFI’s Pre-Accelerator program include Hampton University, Morehouse College, Texas Southern University, Benedict College, and Bethune-Cookman University.
These institutions will join HBCUFI’s Fall 2022 inaugural cohort of seven partner HBCUs that include Bowie State University, Elizabeth City State University, Morgan State University, North Carolina A&T University, Oakwood University, Prairie View A&M University, and Spelman College.
This brings HBCUFI’s total number of HBCU campus-based cohorts to 12 institutions, with a growing waitlist of schools ready to partner. Prior to launching its inaugural cohort of 7 partner HBCUs in 2022, HBCUFI worked with HBCU students and alumni interested in entrepreneurship through its virtual programming offerings.
“HBCUFI is the missing piece of our entrepreneurial community-building package at Benedict College,” Dr. Tracy Harrell Dunn, Dean of Benedict College’s Burroughs School of Business and Entrepreneurship, and Aaron Taylor, Program Coordinator of Benedict’s B.E.S.T. Innovation Lab said. “Despite the B.E.S.T Lab’s remarkable progress, we were missing a Pre-Accelerator experience for our student entrepreneurs that would enable our potential student founders to launch ventures in this competitive market confidentially. With HBCUFI, we have that now.” While HBCUFI programming is open to students and alumni from the nation’s 100+ HBCUs, the decision to develop direct partnerships with HBCUs allows HBCUFI to further connect with the on-campus ecosystem at HBCUs and host in-person entrepreneurship programs with partnered institutions.
“We are pleased to have 5 additional HBCUs join us in fulfilling our mission to ensure that innovative ideas don’t die on the vine because there is no one available to cultivate them,” said HBCUFI President, Marlon Evans. “By providing a structured program that connects our participants with executives and entrepreneurs with deep experience building companies, coupled with providing access to preseed funding, HBCUFI is helping to build an unprecedented innovation ecosystem on HBCU campuses.”
Support from organizations committed to diversity and inclusion has been core to HBCUFI’s success. Organizations supporting HBCUFI for its third year include UNCF,
AARP, Principal Foundation, Blackstone LaunchPad, UNC Eshelman Institute for Innovation, Costco, Chase for Business, Vistra Corp., Cooley, and the Techstars Foundation.
“Working with HBCUFI has proven to be highly advantageous for our organization,” Martin Booker, Program Manager, Financial Resilience Programming at AARP said. “It has provided us with a valuable opportunity to bring our staff together, fostering connections with HBCU student founders and enabling us to offer mentorship opportunities. The program not only brings enjoyment but also serves as a source of inspiration, witnessing numerous motivated college students who are actively establishing their own businesses.”
For the program, each of the 12 partner HBCUs will host two, eight-week Pre-Accelerators (one in the fall and one in the spring) in support of up to eight startups per cohort; all of which are comprised of early-stage founders who are past the ideation stage and ready to validate a problem and build an MVP.
Each Pre-Accelerator program will cover topics such as validating the idea, building a prototype, customer discovery, marketing and branding, legal operations, and fundraising and will be presented in weekly virtual cohort sessions with on-campus activities also planned. The program will culminate in a pitch competition where participants will be eligible to receive non-dilutive program awards in support of MVP development.
Applications for the Fall 2023 Pre-Accelerator program will open on July 1st and will close on August 6th.
To learn more and to apply, visit: https://www.hbcufi. org/pre-accelerator
BOSTON, PRNewswire -- View Boston, the highly anticipated preeminent observatory encompassing the top three floors of the Prudential Tower, has officially opened its doors to the public. The 59,000 square-foot experience provides locals and tourists alike with a unique opportunity to enjoy 360-degree panoramic views of the city, elevated bites at the Stratus cocktail bar and The Beacon bistro, interactive state-of-theart immersive exhibits that showcase the city’s many neighborhoods and cultural landmarks including Boston 365, Explore Boston, and much more.
“We are thrilled to share this remarkable experience with everyone who wants to explore the beauty and diversity of our incredible city,” said Bryan Koop, Executive Vice President for BXP’s Boston Region. “We believe that View Boston will become a must-visit attraction for tourists and a favorite spot for locals to gather and celebrate special moments.”
Guests will begin their journey on the 52nd floor, known as The View, which boasts 24-foot-high floorto-ceiling windows and uninterrupted views of Boston’s gorgeous skyline and famed landmarks. They can delve deeper into the city with interactive digital maps called Virtual Viewers, allowing guests to zoom in on various points of interest. On the 51st floor, named The Cloud Terrace, guests will discover an array of photo opportunities on the 360-degree open-air roof deck,
plus an indoor/outdoor cocktail bar, Stratus, where guests can enjoy seasonally inspired craft cocktails and shareable small plates - bringing the epitome of al fresco dining to new heights. The City, the final floor of the experience, offers interactive exhibits, including a 3D projection-mapped model of the city, an immersive theater and touchscreen technology to explore various neighborhoods, attractions, landmarks and restaurants. The City level also houses The Beacon, a bar and bistro, with a menu full of regionally inspired dishes paired with exceptional dining views and Studio 50, a private event space. As a final touch to the experience, guests will receive their very own ViewPrint, a curated digital itinerary integrated with landmarks, experiences, restaurants and more collected by scanning your ticket while exploring View Boston.
Ticketing packages for View Boston range from Standard Admission, starting at $34.99, to the Combination package at $44.99, and an All Inclusive package at $54.99. All three tiers include stunning views of the city, ability to build a personalized ViewPrint itinerary, and access to all three levels of the observatory. View Boston is the ultimate destination for those seeking to experience the city in a new and unforgettable way.
“We are excited to officially open View Boston’s doors and allow guests to embark on an exciting journey through the city,” said Justin Rink, General
Manager of View Boston. “Our teams have worked tirelessly to develop an experience like no other, and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication. We invite both locals and visitors to experience the city in a whole new way, and create memories that will last a lifetime.”
View Boston’s hours of operation are 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily. Guests can purchase tickets and make dining reservations online. Stratus hours of operation are Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. The Beacon operates daily from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. For additional information, group pricing, and special event inquiries please visit www.viewboston. com/.
View Boston is the city’s preeminent observatory experience offering unrivaled 360-degree views of Boston’s breathtaking city skyline. Encompassing the top three floors of Boston’s iconic Prudential Tower, the 59,000-square-foot destination features indoor and outdoor panoramic views of the city, an open air roof deck, two dining destinations, state-ofthe-art immersive experiential exhibits, and more. Whether discovering famed landmarks and coveted hidden gems or meeting friends for a sunset cocktail, your unforgettable Bostonian experience begins here. For more information, please visit viewboston.com or follow us on Instagram.
Guests can now experience unparalleled views, discover the city’s hidden gems, enjoy a sunset cocktail and more at the top of one of New England’s tallest buildingsPRNewsfoto/View Boston PRNewsfoto/View Boston
Chicago – In June, the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois (NKFI) welcomed 1,400 patients, family members, friends, and supporters of those with kidney disease to Diversey Harbor for the 24th annual Walk for Kidneys. People from all over Chicagoland turned out to embrace NKFI’s mission of improving the health and well-being of those at risk or affected by kidney disease through prevention, education, and empowerment. They raised more than $237,000, which will go directly towards the crucial programs cultivated by NKFI and will provide services for people affected by or at risk of kidney disease across Illinois.
“We cannot thank Chicagoland enough for the vital support it provides consistently to the work that we do to support those impacted by kidney diseases across this state,” said Jacqueline Burgess-Bishop, FACHE, Chief Executive Officer of the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois. “This disease does not discriminate, but our Black and Brown communities are disproportionately impacted by kidney disease. It is only with the community’s help that we can change the trajectory of this disease.”
NKFI also thanks Baxter International, Inc. for being presenting sponsor of the 24th Annual Walk for Kidneys. Other sponsors include Associates in Nephrology, Nephrology Associates of Northern Illinois and Indiana, Cook County Meds Disposal Initiative, Fresenius Kidney Care, NxStage, Rush University Medical Center, Somatus, and more. If you missed the walk, you can still donate to the cause by visiting www.nkfi.org/walk.
Statistics show that 1 in 3 American adults is at risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and 1 in 7 American adults already has CKD. NKFI seeks to improve these statistics by educating the public on the risk factors, offering support to those with the disease, and funding research.
About the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois improves the health and well-being of individuals at risk for or affected by kidney disease through prevention, education and empowerment. To learn more about the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois and its programs, please visit www.nkfi.org.
60637, 60643, 60644, 60649, 60651, 60652, 60409, 60411, 60419, 60422, 60429, 60443, 60461, 60473, 60478 and more………
ComEd wants you and your family to experience the thrill of the ComEd EV Rally and enjoy a day at the Museum of Science and Industry—for free on Saturday, July 29th! Witness nine teams of Chicagoland girls race electric go-karts with the help of ComEd mentors.
The transition to clean energy is creating STEM jobs and opportunities in Northern Illinois. Programs like the EV Rally are helping prepare tomorrow’s workforce today.
CHICAGO, ILL. – As festival season continues, The West Town Chicago Chamber of Commerce (WTCC) is thrilled to announce the lineup and event programming for Dancing in the Streets! In partnership with On Tour Brewing Company, the annual street fest highlights West Town’s growing brewer community with live music, dancing, local food vendors and makers, and a vast selection of craft beer from the Chicago Brewing District. The celebration kicks off Friday, August 4th through Sunday, August 6th, 2023 promising cold brews and hot jams that include headliners Terrapin Flyer, Rock & Rye and Old Shoe, with more than a dozen bands rounding out the lineup.
This year’s festival will benefit Arts of Life, as well as the year-round efforts of the West Town Chamber of Commerce, helping to support and showcase the talent, vibrancy and collaborative spirit that make West Town and its Brewing District a destination for locals and visitors alike. This year’s Dancing in the Streets will also offer plenty of activities for the kids! The street fest will feature live art making curated by Kiss The Brain, and for the first time: a family-friendly “Lil Hops Fun Zone” presented by Altitude Trampoline Park and KitchFix.
While Dancing In The Streets is a celebration of the West Town neighborhood and community, it was also born out of the spirit of peace and love championed by the Grateful Dead. It’s no accident that the name of the event is also a popular Grateful Dead song. Further, the festival dates were chosen specifically to coincide with the “days between,” which is the name of the week celebrating the memory of Jerry Garcia between August 1st, Jerry Garcia’s birthday, and August 9th, the date that Garcia passed away.
Dancing in the Streets takes place on Hubbard Street between Paulina and Wood (1700-1800 W Hubbard St. Chicago IL 60622) on Friday, August 4th from 5-10PM, Saturday, August 5th from 12-10PM, and Sunday, August 6th from 12-10PM. The “Lil Hops Fun Zone” will be open Saturday, August 5th and Sunday, August 6th from 12p until 6pm. A $10 donation is requested at the gate. The full lineup of bands and live art events can be found below, and more information on the West Town Chamber of Commerce can be found on their website at westtownchamber.org.
Presented by On Tour Brewing Company
5:00-6:00PM: Magic Bus
6:30-8:00PM: Lunar Ticks
8:30-10:00PM: Rock & Rye
1:00-2:00PM: Wood Street Bloodhounds
2:30-4:00PM: Trouble Ahead
4:30-6:00PM: Peach Jam
6:30-8:00PM: Terrapin Flyer (Set 1)
8:30-10:00PM: Terrapin Flyer (Set 2)
1:00-2:00PM: Through a Different Lens
2:30-4:00PM: Brendan Forrest & Friends
4:30-6:00PM: Jon Gram & The Sway
6:30-8:00PM: The Brooklyn Charmers
8:30-10:00PM: Old Shoe
Presented by Kiss The Brain COLLABORATORS
Laina Joy
DJ Staord
Cecilio Garcia
Emma Lyons
Nick Apple
Kristen Wenc
Katie Klimaceck
Laina Joy
Karla Crochets: Handmade festival wear, live and interactive crochet
Rebecca Memoli: Cyanotype workshop (create your own prints, tote bags)
Jordan Campbell, Cody Norman, Tom Burtonwood: Plastic art installation, environmental trivia, live demos
Xtina and Julia: Fun, colorful festival hair and handmade accessories
Lindsey Gevry: Guided make your own jewelry and fun festival accessories
Russel Scott: Live art using a magnifying glass and the sun
Rebecca LaFlure: Chalk art inspired by the Grateful Dead
Emily Gil: Live portrait paintings and illustrations
The West Town Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization with hundreds of small business members. The Chamber’s mission is to foster community and economic development by empowering businesses with information and technical resources, creating connections, and providing neighborhood-wide marketing and other valuable programming. westtownchamber.org.
Soul/Jazz singer hailed by Tony Bennett as “my favorite singer” featured in performances at 7 & 9 p.m. at Lighthouse ArtSpace Chicago
Lighthouse ArtSpace Chicago (108 W. Germania Pl.) continues its Live @ Lighthouse summer concert series with Allan Harris. Legendary jazz and showtune singer Tony Bennett has called Harris “my favorite singer.” Harris will be showcased in 7 and 9 p.m. performances Thursday, July 13.
The Harlem-based vocalist, guitarist, band leader and composer Harris has reigned supreme as the most accomplished and exceptional singer of his generation. Aptly described by the Miami Herald as an artist blessed with, “the warmth of Tony Bennett, the bite and rhythmic sense of Sinatra, and the sly elegance of Nat ‘King’ Cole,” the ample and aural evidence of Harris’ moving artistry can be heard on his 14 recordings and his far-flung and critically acclaimed concerts around the world.
Harris’ nationally acclaimed smash “Cross That River” (2006) which tells the unsung story of America’s black cowboys and sheds light on their oft-overlooked contribution in taming the American West was featured in the New York Times and on NPR’s Weekend Edition and CBS and NBC. Harris is scheduled to release his newest recording, “Live at Blue Llama” on July 28 via Love Productions Records in collaboration with Live at Blue LLama Records. This will be Harris’ first live
album in more than a decade and was recorded this past January.
Harris’ numerous awards, include the New York Nightlife Award for “Outstanding Jazz Vocalist” – which he won three times – the Backstage Bistro Award for “Ongoing Achievement in Jazz,” the DownBeat Critic’s Poll Award for “Rising Star Jazz Vocalist,” the Hot House Jazz Magazine “Jazz Vocalist of the Year Award” in 2015 and 2016, the Harlem Speaks “Jazz Museum of Harlem Award,” France’s Palmares Award for 3rd Best Jazz Vocal Album of 2019, among others.
Remaining artists scheduled for the Live @ Lighthouse concert series include two jazz trios: the legendary Lenny White with Cyrus Chestnut and Buster Williams (Aug. 10); and Billy Hart, Yotam Silberstein and Omer Abital (Aug. 31). All jazz performances are presented in partnership with the Michael Brovkine Agency.
Tickets for all Live @ Lighthouse concerts start at $65 and are on sale at lighthouseartspace.com/chicago. In addition to the musical performance, each ticket includes a free welcome drink and the “Mozart Immersive” experience. VIP tickets include a souvenir poster signed by the featured artist/s, and a meet and greet with the performer following the show.
For more information on Lighthouse ArtSpace Chicago’s programs and offerings, follow @lighthouseartspacechicago on Facebook and Instagram.
CHICAGO – ComEd announced it has introduced new enhancements to its private rooftop and community solar calculators to make it easier for customers to learn more about costs, benefits and savings as demand for these options continues to grow and contribute to the goals of Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA), one of the nation’s most ambitious plans for renewable energy development.
“The updates to the new solar calculators make it easy for customers to determine their best options for accessing the benefits of solar energy, including the positive environmental impact they can make by reducing their carbon footprint through solar energy,” said Lewis Binswanger, ComEd’s senior vice president of Government and External Affairs. “We are available to support customers in every step of their solar journey.”
The number of ComEd residential and business customers who have installed solar systems has grown from 837 at the end of 2016 to 41,270 customers through May of this year. Additionally, there are more than 82 community solar projects in ComEd’s northern Illinois service territory and the company estimates there will be more than 100 projects serving more than 25,000 customers by the end of this year. Community solar is a popular option for customers whose roofs are not suited for rooftop solar, do not own their roofs, or want to combine rooftop solar with community solar.
Not every home is well suited for rooftop solar, which is why ComEd offers a tool to help customers get the facts to decide if rooftop solar is right for them. The interactive rooftop solar calculator evaluates a roof’s solar energy potential, including factors such as roof direction, slope and shading. To ensure that rooftop solar estimates will reflect a customers’ energy requirements, the calculator allows customers to include future electric usage that would result from electric vehicle charging or the replacement of gas appliances with electric alternatives. Customers receive a personalized report that combines current and estimated future energy usage and includes the number of solar
panels required to meet their energy needs, project costs, rebates, incentives and payback period.
The calculator also provides information on a rebate program that is newly available to residential customers through CEJA. It offers a rebate of $300 per kilowatt for an eligible distributed generation facility, such as a private solar system, and a rebate of $300 per kilowatt hour for an associated energy storage device. Customers are able to compare their potential payback with and without incorporating the rebate, enabling them to see how it would impact their estimated payback period.
ComEd also has launched a new community solar calculator, which provides estimated savings based on current energy usage. Community solar allows all ComEd customers to subscribe to a solar energy “farm” of solar panels owned by an independent developer and earn credits on their monthly ComEd bills for their portion of the energy produced by the project.
The rooftop and community solar calculators provide information on customer assistance programs, including Illinois Solar for All, which helps customers who may qualify for more affordable solar installation or community solar subscriptions through state incentives. CEJA, which was enacted in 2021, increases funding for Illinois Solar for All from $30 million to $70 million annually.
The multi-year grid and rate plans ComEd filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) earlier this year outline the proposed investments required to support this rapid expansion of renewable energy and help ensure equitable access to the benefits of clean energy under CEJA. The plans align with ComEd 2030, the company’s recently announced vision for a carbon-free energy future that will benefit all communities and meet customers’ changing needs for the rest of this decade and beyond.
To learn more about ComEd’s new and improved solar calculators visit: https://secure.comed.com/MyGeneration/
MONTREAL, PRNewswire -- Stephen Voyce, the gifted Canadian-Nigerian singer-songwriter surprised fans and broke new ground with the release of his anticipated project, “Emancipation of Eze,” a 10-track EP that marks a significant shift in his creative journey. Embarking on a new creative chapter, after years of releasing individual singles, Voyce’s transformative project showcases his vocals and artistic growth. Available now across digital stores and platforms, this collection of songs showcases Voyce’s evolution as an artist and serves as a powerful expression of freedom.
“The Emancipation of Eze” holds immense significance as Voyce’s exploration of freedom and the acceptance of letting go. The EP’s title itself hints at the overarching theme, as it reveals one of Voyce’s Nigerian names, Eze, short for Ezechinyere which translates from Igbo to English as King, reflecting his heritage.
“Hearing ‘Promise Land’ and ‘The Motion’ in this body of work feels like a homecoming,” said Stephen Voyce, highlighting the significance of these tracks in the context of the EP.
From the infectious energy of the opening track, ‘Scream,’ to the introspective melodies of the closing song, ‘Time,’ Voyce’s soulful vocals and evocative lyrics leave a lasting mark on the listener’s heart and mind. Beyond those, the EP consists of primarily new music, with ‘The
Motion’ and ‘Promise Land’ being previously released commercial tracks.
Voyce’s songwriting genius is on full display throughout, with tracks like ‘Scream’ and ‘Prophet’ showcase an unrelenting confidence, while tracks like ‘Time’ and ‘Stand by You’ reveal his emotional scars. It is that duality to his creativity that makes him honest and human.
All the new material for the EP was written, recorded, and produced by Stephen Voyce within the span of two weeks. The entire process felt like, to him, a compulsion, a need that craved fulfillment; and so his attention was hyper focused. Since the release, “Stand by You” was selected for an official R&B Spotify Playlist called “Mood Ring” which boasts over 145,000 saves.
Stephen Voyce is a multiple-award winning singer, songwriter, producer, actor, filmmaker, science geek with an ever growing following and fanbase, collaborations with artists around the world. With four commercially released albums, countless singles and collaborations, industry recognition, a budding acting career, he now finds himself in a new chapter, a chapter that sees the artist filled with confidence and a readiness to tell a new story.
To learn more about Stephen Voyce and his music, visit his official website: www.stephenvoycestore.com.
PRNewsFotoLos Angeles, CA – We are thrilled to announce the premiere of Grammy Award-winning artist Mýa’s new music video, “It’s All About Me (25th Anniversary Remix)” -- a reinvented heels choreography version of her 1998 debut music video. This video celebrates Mýa’s remarkable 25-year journey in the music industry, showcasing her enduring talent as a premier dancer and performer.
The 2023 version of “It’s All About Me” is directed and choreographed by the iconic Brian Friedman, a pioneer and entrepreneur in the dance industry, who has worked with top music artists such as Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, Janet Jackson, Prince, Paula Abdul, and more. This collaboration marks another milestone in their history of successful collaborations, including Mýa’s “My Love is like Wo!” music video, Mýa’s MTV ICON tribute performance for Janet Jackson, and Mýa’s fierce “Whatever Bitch” performance from Pepsi Smash.
Mýa on working with Brian Friedman: “It was a complete full circle moment working with the incredibly dynamic Brian Friedman. We share a history of unforgettable moments, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for our 25th anniversary collaboration! His exceptional talent, musicality, technique, versatility, and expertise in both visual and live performance bring out the absolute best in artists. It was an absolute joy to connect with greatness once again.”
Brian Friedman on working with Mýa: “I was thrilled to hear from Mýa after so many years and without hesitation jumped on board for this special project! I always love my time with Mýa… as a choreographer the greatest gift you can receive is an artist who is technically trained. Mya’s vocabulary and understanding for movement is so extensive
and I had the best time bringing my work to life on her. I hope the fans love this as much as we do!”
This year marks Mýa’s 25th anniversary in the music industry. Her self-titled debut album in 1998 went double platinum, producing hit singles such as “It’s All About Me,” “Movin On,” and “My First Night With You.” Her collaborations with renowned artists such as Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, P!nk, and Missy Elliott on the Grammy winning “Lady Marmalade” and other hits such as “Ghetto Supastar”, “Take Me There”, “Case of the Ex”, “Girls Dem Sugar”, “Free” & “My Love is like Wo!” solidified her status as a cross-genre international staple. Mya is also a highly respected indelible talent across film, television, Broadway,
and gaming, with a Screen Actors Guild award for her performance in the Academy Award-winning film “Chicago.” In 2008, Mýa began her own independent label, Planet 9, and has since released various compilations and Grammy Nominated albums.
Recently, Mýa has been making waves with her viral vogue video on International Dance Day and her participation in the Humane Society’s More than a Pet campaign. She continues to be a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, with new projects on the horizon.
Grammy Award-winning entertainer Mýa is a globally celebrated singer, songwriter, producer, actress, dancer, choreographer, model, philanthropist, activist, and entrepreneur. With a career spanning over 25 years, Mýa’s alluring talent echoes around the globe and across decades as a beloved, respected artist. Her self-titled debut album in 1998 went double platinum, producing hit singles such as “It’s All About Me,” “Movin On,” and “My First Night With You.” Collaborations with renowned artists such as Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, P!nk, and Missy Elliott on the Grammy winning “Lady Marmalade” and other hits such as “Ghetto Supastar”, “Take Me There”, “Case of the Ex”, “Girls Dem Sugar”, “Free” & “My Love is like Wo!” solidified her status as a cross-genre international staple. Mýa is also a highly respected indelible talent across film, television, Broadway, and gaming, with a Screen Actors Guild award for her performance in the Academy Award-winning film “Chicago.” In 2008, Mýa began her own independent label, Planet 9, and has since released various compilations and Grammy Nominated albums. In 2023, Mýa marks her 25th anniversary in the entertainment industry…with the best yet to come!
LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- Ryan Destiny and Pacsun are back with the third drop of her self-titled apparel collection, created in collaboration with Pacsun. The summer collection serves as her 2023 debut and draws inspiration from closets of the ‘90s, with a curated selection of bold pieces that merge sophistication and trend into every ensemble. Destiny’s artistic prowess shines through as she infuses elements of grunge and menswear, creating a contemporary aesthetic that resonates with Gen Z’s evolving trends and shopping behaviors.
Cargo details are at the forefront, incorporating elements of utilitarian style. Parachute pants and skirts adorned with cargo accents bring a fresh take on grunge, while delicate lace and mesh details introduce soft, feminine notes. Destiny also incorporates modern silhouettes with nostalgic, low-rise bottoms, complementing vintage charm with contemporary fashion to create bold, distinctive looks.
The collection showcases a carefully curated neutral palette intertwined with cool color
SAN DIEGO – Lineage Watch Company, a female-owned, black-owned, and family-owned and operated enterprise, proudly announces its official launch today, coinciding with the commemoration of Juneteenth. This new brand of timepieces is not only proudly built in America, but also represents a commitment to reviving the art of master watchmaking in the United States. With a passionate and diverse team at the helm, Lineage Watch Company stands as a true embodiment of the American Dream. Join us in our endeavor to revitalize the legacy of American craftsmanship, with every watch crafted by a Certified Master Watchmaker (CMW21) and hand-assembled by skilled technicians in the United States.
The Destiny Collection and The Legacy Collection will be the first Lineage watches available for purchase. The Destiny Collection (MSRP $395), a timeless minimalist design, features the Ameriquartz 7320b quartz movement. The watch’s 42mm case displays both polished and brushed finishes to accentuate the smooth elements of the case’s design, features an elegant Milanese metal bracelet, and will be available in four color options: gold, rose gold, bright silver, and brushed black. The Legacy Collection (MSRP $895) features an elegant heritage-style watch design showcasing the Americhron 7A20 automatic movement which is visible through the timepiece’s sapphire crystal exhibition caseback. The two-level dial is adorned with polished Roman numeral markers which match the finely polished bezel and 39mm case, and will be available in stainless steel, gold, and rose gold with a matching Jubilee bracelet, with either a black or white dial.
Several additional collections are in the pipeline, with different color dial options and features for both The Destiny Collection and The Legacy Collection to be available for purchase by the end of 2023. Every Lineage Watch Co timepiece is designed, engineered, tested, and built in the United States with a focus on quality, beauty, and design embodying the sophisticated and diverse culture of San Diego.
“Each watch is crafted with precision and attention to detail, using the highest quality materials to ensure that they will last for years to come,” said Brianna Edwards, President and CEO of Lineage. “As a black-owned business, it was significant to launch our Lineage Watches on Juneteenth to honor the sacrifice and rich history of African Americans. The name Lineage also speaks to our past and to the future of the company – knowing where we come from, who we are, and where we are going. The North Star in our logo and design is a nod to not only stylish aspects of the watches and brand, but to the notion that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, has their own true North and can define their own legacy.”
combinations, centered around key pieces that embody timeless appeal deliberately designed to make a statement. The intentional blending of hues creates a seamless transition from the vibrant energy of Summer and the muted tones of Fall, making it the ideal assortment for the in-between seasons.
“Ryan Destiny’s creative vision combined with Pacsun’s commitment to quality and style has resulted in a collection that captures the essence of 90s fashion while incorporating contemporary elements,” said Abbie Hutzler, Women’s Buying Director at Pacsun. “With 90s nostalgia currently trending among our consumers, and this drop is set to resonate and captivate the Pac Community.”
The Ryan Destiny Summer Collection is now available at Pacsun.com and select Pacsun stores nationwide. With prices ranging from $24.00 to $70.00 and inclusive sizes XS to XL, this highly-anticipated collection showcases the unique style and spirit that both Destiny and Pacsun represent.
“My sister and I have always loved watches and appreciate a good design with quality materials. American-built movements are now making their way back into the industry, so we decided to create our own brand that customers can feel confident purchasing from,” said co-founder and Executive Vice President Evan Edwards. “Our goal is to create products that exceed what is available at this price point in today’s market and deliver a high-quality timepiece that is built with skill and purpose.”
Lineage Watch Co is committed to partnering with companies who utilize U.S.-sourced materials and American labor, to help broaden the footprint of American manufacturing while contributing to important initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion within the watch industry. Lineage Watch Co is also proud to contribute a substantial portion of its sales to non-profit organizations and efforts serving American communities. For instance, as a proud supporter of No Kid Hungry, Lineage pledges five percent (5%) of the gross sales of The Destiny Collection and The Legacy Collection to the organization to assist its efforts in combating childhood hunger in America.
Lineage Watches are now available for purchase at www. lineagewatchco.com where customers can choose from a diverse range of designs and styles that can be dressed up or down for any occasion. Each watch comes with a two (2) year warranty, after-service care for repairs if ever needed (as each watch and movement are fully serviceable), and free battery replacements on all quartz movements.
MISSION, Kan., PRNewswire -- (Family Features) Warmer weather means flowers and trees are blooming, but for the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, it also means coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion and other symptoms aren’t far behind.
Allergies, defined by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) as an immune reaction to a foreign substance, or allergen, can develop after an allergen is ingested, inhaled, injected or touched. About one-quarter (25.7%) of adults suffer from seasonal allergies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which are commonly caused by grass, tree and weed pollens.
When allergies act up, many people reach for medications like antihistamines, decongestants and other over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for quick, yet temporary, symptom relief. While symptoms may subside, there are side effects to prolonged use of OTC medicines such as dry mouth, drowsiness and blurred vision, among others.
Innovative alternatives, such as allergy immunotherapy, are now available from the convenience of a patient’s home. This treatment offers more effective long-term relief compared to antihistamine pills, which only mask symptoms temporarily. Sublingual immunotherapy is an effective option for people who don’t want the inconvenience or safety risk associated with allergy shots.
“More than 120 million people in the U.S. suffer from allergies and their related diseases, making it the most prevalent chronic illness facing our nation,” said Dr. Ken Chahine, Ph.D., J.D., founding CEO of Nectar Life Sciences. “Nectar’s mission is to empower consumers with breakthrough solutions that can put an end to allergies and, in turn, build healthier, more productive communities.”
To help combat symptoms this allergy season, which will be longer and more intense due to climate change, according to the AAFA, consider these tips for long-lasting symptom relief.
Recognize Allergy Symptoms
Although seasonal allergies typically affect the nose, eyes, mouth and sinuses, the symptoms and triggers can vary among individuals. While itching in the roof of the mouth, hives and watery eyes are considered classic allergy symptoms, others may resemble signs of illness or infection, such as coughing, sneezing, congestion, body aches, pain or a stuffy or runny nose. If these symptoms persist for a week or two, it is possible you are reacting to seasonal allergens. Conversely, if you experience symptoms throughout the year, they might be caused by common allergens found in homes and workplaces, such as dust, mold or pet dander.
The best way to avoid allergy symptoms is by eliminating or reducing exposure to triggers. In the case of seasonal allergies, the primary trigger is typically pollen. This may require staying indoors on dry and windy days or choosing to go outside later in the day when pollen counts are generally lower. Before heading outside, check pollen forecasts and current levels in the area.
Rainfall helps clear pollen from the air, making rainy or cloudy days ideal for outdoor activities. However, many outdoor activities rely on clear and sunny weather. In such situations, taking additional precautions
becomes necessary. For instance, try wearing a face mask while performing outdoor chores like mowing, gardening or pulling weeds, which can stir up allergens. It’s also important to refrain from hanging laundry outside, as pollen tends to adhere to linens and clothing. People should promptly remove clothes after being outside and take a bath to rinse off any pollen from the skin and hair. Bringing allergens indoors, especially onto bedding, can worsen symptoms or prolong their duration. Additionally, closing doors and windows when pollen counts are high is advisable.
While allergen avoidance and OTC medications like antihistamines and decongestants can be effective, they may not work for everyone. For those seeking an alternative to antihistamines, allergy immunotherapy offers a viable option. With more than 100 years of clinical practice, allergy immunotherapy has shown it can improve long-term quality of life. The concept behind this therapy is to regularly expose the body to the allergen, gradually building immunity and reducing sensitivity, ultimately leading to fewer or even no allergy symptoms.
Keep Indoor Air Clean
To maintain allergen-free indoor spaces, it is advisable to refrain from opening windows in the house or car when pollen counts are high. However, there are other measures you can take to minimize exposure indoors. Utilizing an air conditioner equipped with high-efficiency filters and adhering to regular maintenance schedules for heating and cooling systems are effective strategies. Additionally, frequent dusting of countertops, shelves and tables is recommended, along with cleaning carpets using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Using a dehumidifier can help maintain dry indoor air and reduce the risk of mold growth. Furthermore, consider installing portable air purifiers with built-in HEPA filters in bedrooms or frequently occupied rooms throughout the home.
To learn more or access online resources that can help you fight allergies, such as the Help Center and Learning Hub, visit MyNectar.com.
WASHINGTON, PRNewswire -- Black American travelers are excited to be out and about again and continue to be a powerful segment of the leisure travel market - having contributed $63 billion to U.S. travel and tourism in 2019, according to a Mandala Research study. With travel on many minds, the Black Nurse Collaborative is encouraging travelers to make smart choices to protect their health this summer season.
“At the end of the day, we all share a common goal of health and safety,” said Meedie Bardonille, registered nurse and founder of the Black Nurse Collaborative, which partners with the HHS We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign. “Simple practices while traveling, such as wearing a mask and staying updated on flu shots and COVID vaccines, have a major impact on everyone’s ability to achieve that goal.”
Here are “SMARTT” ways Black travelers can protect their health while travelling domestically or vacationing abroad:
S: Sanitize – Sanitize when travelling on planes, trains and public transportation
M: Mask up – Consider masking up in busy airports, on planes and when in crowded areas.
A: Avoid people with symptoms: Avoid close contact
with anyone who is sick or has COVID-19 symptoms
R: Remember to get your vaccination: If you haven’t already, remember to get your COVID-19 vaccination before travelling to help ensure you don’t get sick this summer. Vaccines will remain free for most U.S. residents.
T: Take the essentials: Make sure you take wipes, tissues, sanitizer, pain medication, a thermometer and your vaccination card. These are essential items for the savvy traveler.
T: Travel Clinics are an untapped resource: Travel clinics are an often-untapped resource that can help travelers stay healthy while on the road or travelling abroad. These niche facilities are equipped with specialists who can advise you on everything from vaccinations risks facing travelers in specific countries.
To search by country for specific health-related information, such as travel health notices and required vaccinations, visit: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel.
Although the federal public health emergency declaration expired in May COVID remains a public health priority. Go to vaccines.gov or text your ZIP code to 438829 to find nearby places to get a vaccine.
For additional resources visit, staywellhealthhub. com.
AC 7-5-2023
NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 31-12-118-006-0000. Commonly known as 2901 Bob O Link Road, Flossmoor, IL60422. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOTbe open for inspection. For information call The Sales Department at Plaintiff's Attorney, Diaz Anselmo & Associates, P.A., 1771 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563. (630) 453-6925. 1463-181517
(StatePoint) Plasma donation is an impactful, meaningful way to give back to your community this summer. By donating plasma, you can help people like Machelle Pecoraro. Pecoraro lives with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE), a rare disease that can cause attacks of swelling, and often pain, in specific parts of the body, including the stomach, hands, feet, arms, legs, genitals, throat and face. Like with many serious and rare diseases, the therapies used to treat HAE require human plasma donations.
“Plasma donors directly impact my ability to live a full and productive life. Therapies made from these donations allow me and my son, who also lives with HAE, to receive ongoing treatment for our conditions,” says
Pecoraro. Plasma, a straw-colored liquid that carries red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, helps to maintain a steady level of blood pressure, supports the immune system and delivers critical nutrients to cells.
Plasma donations are used to replace crucial proteins people living with rare and serious diseases lack, and to produce therapies that treat diseases such as primary immune deficiencies, hereditary angioedema, hemophilia, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency and various bleeding and neurological disorders.
There is a critical and ongoing need for plasma donations, as these life-saving medicines treat people in more than 100 countries around the world.
Every year, it takes more than 1,200 plasma donations to treat one hemophilia patient, more than 900 plasma donations to treat one alpha-1 patient and more than 130 plasma donations to treat one primary immune
(StatePoint) Love hiking in the great outdoors? Enjoy authentic, local cuisine? Get a thrill hurtling down mountain biking trails? Whatever sort of adventure you’re craving, Arkansas, also known as “The Natural State,” is a great destination to consider.
“With wide-open landscapes, an abundance of natural resources, and friendly hospitality, an Arkansas trip is unlike any other,” says Shealyn Sowers, chief of communications, Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism.
As Sowers points out, Arkansas is known as The Natural State for a reason. Hiking, floating, fishing, hunting and cycling are just a few of the many outdoor activity options available, along with golf, ATVing and even hang gliding. You can even take a backcountry aviation adventure and literally camp next door to your plane.
Arkansas is home to some of the best mountain biking trails on the planet, not to mention the first national river (Buffalo National River) and the first unit in the National Park System (Hot Springs National Park).
If your choice of adventure is more urban than outdoors, check out
Bentonville, which is home to one of the finest American art museums in the nation, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. The capital city of Little Rock offers art and museums, along with unique dining and cultural experiences.
New this year, the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts recently reopened in Little Rock following an almost four-year renovation and reimagining. The museum’s art collection spans the 1300s to present day, with 14,000 works.
What else does Arkansas offer?
You can dig for diamonds and keep what you find at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro.
Tour one of only two purse museums in the world at ESSE Purse Museum in Little Rock.
deficiency patient.
“Plasma donors do the amazing, as plasma is
used to develop life-saving therapies for people living with rare and serious diseases. We encourage those who can donate to visit a nearby CSLPlasma donation center,” says Rachpal Malhotra, MD, head of plasma donor safety, CSL Plasma.
Eligible, qualified plasma donors also receive payments in connection with donating plasma.
The Donation Process
To donate, you must be in good health, between the ages of 18-74, weigh at least 110 pounds, and have had no tattoos or piercings within the last four months. You must also meet the health and screening requirements and have valid identification with a permanent address. Although wait times may vary at each location, the collection process takes approximately 90 min-
utes after the first donation.
It is recommended that you drink four to six 8-ounce glasses of water, fruit juice or other caffeinefree liquid at least two to three hours before donation, avoid caffeinated beverages, avoid alcohol of any type for 24 hours beforehand, eat a meal prior to donation and get adequate sleep.
CSLPlasma has 320 plasma donation centers across the United States. Visit cslplasma.com for more information and to find a center near you. The CSL Plasma donor app is also available for Apple and Android device users.
“I thank all donors and encourage anyone who is considering donating to remember that doing so does make an impact for people like me and my son,” says Pecoraro.
Arkansas also celebrates its native sons Johnny Cash and Bill Clinton, and you can visit sites that recognize their contributions to American culture and history. In Dyess, tour the Johnny Cash Boyhood Home and in Little Rock, explore the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. You’ll also find plenty of inexpensive family activities, including in Arkansas State Parks, which are completely free to enter. This year marks the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Arkansas State Parks, and you can find activities and events commemorating the occasion throughout the year. Pick up your free passport at an Arkansas State Park visitor center and begin recording your travels. All 52 state parks are free to enter and offer diverse experiences. Whether you're a history buff, love to hike, paddle, bike, wildlife watch, fish, kick back and relax, or all of the above, there is a state park for you. For more trip ideas and inspiration, visit www.arkansas.com.
And enjoy James Beard Award-winning cuisine at Jones Bar-B-Q Diner in Marianna and Lassis Inn in Little Rock.
“There’s no doubt you’ll find plenty to do in The Natural State,” says Sowers. “We can’t wait to see you!”