CST Weekly 9-6-2023

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Business executives float easier work permit process as solution to ongoing worker shortage


CHICAGO – A coalition of elected officials and business leaders in Illinois is calling on President Joe Biden to ease work restrictions for asylum seekers and other long-term undocumented workers – a move they say is both humane and would help solve ongoing labor shortages.

Week of September 6, 2023 FREE | VOL 7 | ISSUE 03 citizennewspapergroup.com www.facebook.com/durrell.garth.9 w advertising@citizennewspapergroup.com twitter.com/citizennewsnow SUBURBAN TIMES C WEEKLY citizennewspapergroup.com TRAVEL P4 Newest Crayola® Family Attraction Slated for Popular Vacation Destination in Tennessee P6 P2 P8 Zenni® Optical Launches “Board Certified” Eyewear Collection, Curated for Keke Palmer Gran Coramino Tequila Launches New “Club Coramino” Film Gov. JB Pritzker at a Chicago news conference Wednesday, advocating for the federal U.S. Department of Homeland Security to allow Illinois and other states to sponsor work permits for asylum seekers and other long-term undocumented workers. (SCREENSHOT VIA ILLINOIS.GOV)

New state laws taking effect Jan. 1

Minimum wage hike, pets in public housing among new changes

Pritzker, state leaders call on Biden to allow Illinois to sponsor work permits for migrants

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– Minimum

wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.

Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.

Business executives float easier work permit process as solution to ongoing worker shortage

The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.

The law allowing public housing

tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds.

In the year since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican governors began bussing and flying Central and South American migrants to socalled sanctuary cities, Chicago city leaders report they have received more than 13,000 asylum seekers. The vast majority are not legally authorized to work in the U.S., leaving them with little choice but to either wait on already stretched-thin services or find under-the-table work, often for extremely low wages and sometimes in dangerous conditions.

immigrants to build their lives here in the state of Illinois.”

Johnson and Pritzker on Monday sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas advocating for the state-sponsored work permit solution, following similar letters this summer from Durbin, U.S. Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, IL-4, and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. In February, Republican Govs. Eric Holcomb of Indiana and Spencer Cox Utah floated the idea in a joint op-ed in the Washington Post.

Illinois Manufacturers’ Association President and CEO Mark Denzler, whose organization is often aligned with Republicans in Springfield, said Wednesday he doesn’t view immigration reform as a partisan issue, but rather “an American issue” that needs solving “today.”

It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6.

At the same time, employers in Illinois are having trouble filling thousands of jobs across industries like food processing, health care, transportation, and energy. State and business leaders on Wednesday urged the federal Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, to allow Illinois – and other states – to sponsor migrants and other undocumented immigrants in order for them to get work authorization permits.

“Manufacturers, like retailers and hospitality and hotels and hospitals, are all struggling to find qualified workers, whether engineers or frontline workers, employees of all skill levels who can earn a good wage and benefits,” Denzler said.

Durbin added that he’d just completed a one-month tour of Illinois, where he’d heard from essential businesses like hospitals that were considering cutting services because of workforce shortages.

Other new laws include:

“The best way for us to manage through this lengthy crisis is to tap into the extraordinary value that immigrants bring to our workforce,” Pritzker said at a Chicago news conference Wednesday. “We have the jobs. We have the people. We just need authorization from Washington.”

Generally, asylum seekers can’t apply for work permits from DHS until approximately five months after they’ve applied for asylum in the U.S. – a process that itself can take months.

But the work permits are temporary, if granted at all, and depend on migrants’ successful navigation of the paperwork DHS requires of applicants.

Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.

Instead, Pritzker, along with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and other elected officials called for DHS to streamline and expand its existing program aimed at allowing refugees “paroled” into the U.S. from countries like Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to get slightly faster access to work permits.

The push for state-sponsored work permits isn’t limited to asylum seekers. Long-term undocumented workers – some who are eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program – are also included.

But not everyone who is eligible for DACA ever applied. Estela Gambino, a 33-year-old mother of six, said the nearly $500 fee stopped her from applying, in addition to lack of help navigating the application process.

She shared that she’d once been offered a job as a teacher’s aide in a day care center, but she had to turn it down and was embarrassed to share with the center’s director that she was undocumented. Afterward, Gambino said, she got depressed.

“I want to have a good job. I want to buy a house I want to buy a car,” she said. “My kids deserve a stable life. And I’m working as hard as I can. But I need a work permit…to get a good job and to continue to contribute to Illinois and Chicago.”

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Illinois’ Fiscal Year 2024 budget, which began in July, set aside $42.5 million for asylum-seeker services – the latest installment of the $250 million the state and city of Chicago have already pledged to support the migrants in the last year since they began arriving.

But Johnson said his city needs more help from the Biden administration, including resources and tweaks to the immigration system.

“Let me state this clearly: The city of Chicago cannot go on welcoming new arrivals safely and capably without significant support and immigration policy changes,” Johnson said. “This change would be a commonsense measure that would provide greater opportunities for new arrivals and

College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.

Buses of asylum seekers sent from Texas to Chicago have come in waves over the past year. In May, Gov. Abbott vowed to keep sending migrants in a response letter to then-Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who’d urged him to stop the buses. Earlier this month, a toddler died on the most recent Chicago-bound trip while traveling through southern Illinois.

Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government. It is distributed to hundreds of print and broadcast outlets statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, along with major contributions from the Illinois Broadcasters Foundation and Southern Illinois Editorial Association.

CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

CST Weekly, published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issues annually). W ritten permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or part from the General manager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is every Monday at noon. For information on subscriptions or advertising call us at (773) 783-1251. Our office is located at 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.


Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.

State Treasurer Michael Frerichs: If We Have Unclaimed Property for You, We’ll Just Send You the Check Up to $5,000

SPRINGFIELD – More than 66,000 people are in line to receive up to $5,000 from the state’s Unclaimed Property program and all they have to do is open their mailbox, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs said.

Frerichs proposed and worked with the General Assembly to create the enhancements to the Money Match program to make it easier to automatically return money to individuals without the need to file a claim. In doing so, lawmakers also agreed to raise the automatic payment cap to $5,000. Enhanced Money Match is the latest improvement that leverages technology to return money to individuals quickly and efficiently.

“How can we make life a little bit better and a little bit easier for our residents is the driving force behind all of our programs,” Frerichs said. “Putting money in people’s pockets so they can decide how best to spend it simply makes a lot of sense and is the right thing to do.”



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FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.

an estimated 66,700 individuals. Checks could be issued a few weeks later. The total to be returned is $47 million.

Enhanced Money Match is part of the office’s Unclaimed Property program, also known as I-Cash. It is one of the state’s oldest consumer protection initiatives. In Illinois, the state treasurer is tasked with safeguarding unclaimed property, such as the contents of overlooked safe deposit boxes, unpaid life insurance benefits, forgotten bank accounts and unused rebate cards. Illinois holds more than $3.5 billion in unclaimed property. The state treasurer is legally required to return unclaimed property to its owners or heirs, no matter how long it takes.

Pritzker is shown here earlier this year in a Capitol News Illinois file photo. The governor signed more than 300 bills that become law on Jan. 1. (Capitol News Illinois file photo)

To see if you have unclaimed property, check the online database at www.illinoistreasurer.gov/ICASH

to the appropriate school support personnel.

The Enhanced Money Match Program leverages data already collected by the state and crossmatches it with the treasurer’s unclaimed property database. When a matching name and mailing address is identified and confirmed, the unclaimed property owner will receive a letter from the Treasurer’s Office that describes the amount and source of the money.

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Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred

After one additional security step is concluded, a check simply is issued to the owner. All they have to do is watch for the mail.

Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.

“Our economy is growing, but we know there still are challenges,” Frerichs said. “This money will offer a cushion for some, and for others it will help with back-to-school expenses and making rent.”

Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.

Enhanced Money Match focuses on simple claims: Cash owed to a single person. Not included is cash owned by multiple parties, including a joint holding of a parent and minor child, as well as shares of stocks and bonds, escrow accounts, and the contents of bank safe deposit boxes. That part does not change, but the cap is raised to $5,000 from $2,000.

Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-

its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.

Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the

Initial Enhanced Money Match letters hit the U.S. Mail this month to


The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office is a powerful economic engine that invests in people to drive prosperity, development and growth throughout the state. As State Treasurer, Michael Frerichs (FRAIR’ iks) is the state’s Chief Investment and Banking Officer and actively manages approximately $55 billion. The investments help families pay for college and trade school; workers save for a dignified retirement; and local governments process bill payments more efficiently so they can pass along the savings to taxpayers. The office provides financial institutions money to loan to farmers, small business owners, and qualified individuals at below-market rates because better jobs create stronger communities. The office operates the state’s largest consumer-protection initiative, the unclaimed property I-Cash program, which has returned a record breaking $1.8 billion since Frerichs was elected.

United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.

Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.

For more news about the State Treasurer’s Office, please follow Treasurer Frerichs on X (formerly Twitter) at @ILTreasurer, Threads @iltreasurer@threads.net, Instagram at ILTreasurer, Linkedin and on Facebook at Invested in You – Treasurer Michael Frerichs.

NEWS Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 2 C SUBURBAN TIMES C citizennewspapergroup.com
2 | CITIZEN | Suburban Times Weekly | Week of Dec. 29, 2021
Gov. JB

Danille Taylor, Professor of African American Studies at Clark Atlanta University, Named New Director of University’s Historical Art Museum

ATLANTA, PRNewswire -Clark Atlanta University recently named Danille Taylor, Ph.D., as the Director of its art museum (CAUAM). Taylor is a professor of African American Studies at the University and has served as interim museum director since August 2022. Under her leadership, the museum reopened in October 2022 with three new exhibitions, including “Our Friend Jean, the Early Works of Jean Michele Basquiat,” which drew more than 1300 attendees during its week-long run.

“Dr. Taylor’s experience, determination, and perseverance serve her well in this role,” said Jaideep Chaudhary, Dean and Professor of the School of Arts and Sciences. “Danille was instrumental in bringing the collective works of Basquiat, one of the museum’s most successful exhibitions, to Clark Atlanta University. Additionally, she led the charge to secure and curate two more exhibits for the 2022-2023 exhibition season: “From Black Spring to the Eternal” and “The Audacious Platform.” CAUAM is thriving under her leadership, and her efforts to advance the museum to the next level are meritorious.”

Dr. Taylor brings 17 years of experience in higher education administration to her role. Her background includes serving at three universities as Dean of the schools in which art museums were housed. This facilitated her development of appropriate strategies aligned with Clark Atlanta’s art museum’s mission and purpose. In addition to her work as a professor and educator, she studied under Edmund Barry Gaither at Boston University, founder of the

National Center of Afro-American Artists in Boston, and the first president of the African American Museum Association, where she became grounded in African American visual art history. Moreover, Dr. Taylor, alongside famed artist Dr. Margaret Burroughs, served on the Board of Directors at Chicago’s renowned DuSable Museum of African American History, where she garnered intimate exposure to the museum’s collections, management, finances, educational mission, and programming. While in Illinois, Taylor also taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

CAU administrator and visual artist Sam D. Burston states, “While serving as Interim Director, I have observed Dr. Taylor’s commitment and passion for the CAU Museum. In her new role as Director, she will not only elevate the university treasure to a renewed level of excellence and awareness; she will also develop programs and key initiatives which will honor the legacy of its founder, Hale Woodruff, while showcasing the significant essence of African American culture through our historic art collection.”

Under Dr. Taylor’s tenure as interim director, Clark Atlanta University began its work as a member of the inaugural group of HBCUs to participate in the National Museum

of African American History and Culture’s HBCU History and Culture Access Consortium to digitize the permanent collection and complete the conservation of the Hale Woodruff murals “The Art of the Negro.” A grant from the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS) for $100,000 has also been secured to hire a registrar/collection manager.

Dr. Taylor earned her bachelor’s degree in English and African American Studies, a Master of Arts degree from Boston University in African American Studies, and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees in American Studies from Brown University. She is editor of Conversations with Toni Morrison and coeditor of The Cambridge Companion to African American Women’s Writing.

Clark Atlanta University was formed with the consolidation of Atlanta University and Clark College, both of which hold unique places in the annals of African American history. Atlanta University, established in 1865 by the American Missionary Association, was the nation’s first institution to award graduate degrees to African Americans. Clark College, established four years later in 1869, was the nation’s first four-year liberal arts college to serve a primarily African American student population. Today, with nearly 4,000 students, CAU is the largest of the four institutions (CAU, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and Morehouse School of Medicine) that comprise the Atlanta University Center Consortium. It is also the largest of the 37-member UNCF institutions. Notable alumni include: James Weldon Johnson, American civil rights activist, poet, and songwriter (Lift Every Voice and Sing, “The Black National Anthem”; Ralph David Abernathy, Sr., American civil rights activist; Congressman Hank Johnson, Georgia District 4; Kenya Barris, American award-winning television and movie producer; Kenny Leon, Tony Award-winning Broadway Director; Jacque Reid, Emmy Award-winning Television Personality and Journalist; Brandon Thompson, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion for NASCAR; Valeisha Butterfield Jones, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at the Recording Academy. To learn more about Clark Atlanta University, visit www.cau.edu.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Takes The Fight For Black Maternal Health To The Nation’s Capitol This September

WASHINGTON, PRNewswire -- On Sept. 20, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. will host its annual Zeta Day on the Hill social action programmatic initiative where members of the organization convene together for education and to advocate for policy changes that directly impact communities of color across the United States. This year’s event will make history for the organization and will be the first time it has brought together a delegation of over 1,100 members. Together, members will advocate for the passage of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act.

“Black women are dying because doctors do not take us seriously. As black women, we must take our lives back, educate ourselves, and instruct doctors on how to treat our symptoms and bodies,” said Dottery Butler Washington, International Co-Director of Social Action for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. “The legacy our organization will leave behind on the steps of Washington this September will be one of action that pushes our leaders to stand up and fight for women to access the care they need and deserve.”

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this is the first time in five years that Zeta Phi Beta will gather in person for the annual event. Zeta Phi Beta’s focus on

women’s reproductive rights and having its members there in support of the Momnibus Act is a key facet of Zeta Phi Beta’s current push for worldwide wellness.

“It’s unacceptable that the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any high-income country and, despite this being heavily discussed for years, the crisis continues to worsen,” said Dr. Stacie NC Grant, International President & CEO of Zeta Phi

Beta Sorority, Inc. “Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is in full support of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act which puts action behind and investment in addressing every driver of maternal mortality, morbidity, and disparities in the United States.”

Zeta Day on the Hill also precedes what is expected to be one of the largest gatherings of the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, where Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will host a panel titled “Politics, Policy and Reproductive Justice” taking place on September 21st. During the panel, Zeta Phi Beta will expand and reiterate its health justice advocacy efforts and will lead a discussion open to all convention attendees.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is the third oldest historically Black Greek-lettered sorority founded in 1920 at Howard University. With a membership of over 120,000 women, the organization has 800 chapters spanning North America, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East.

For more information about Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., visit www.zphib.org.

NATIONAL NEWS Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 3 C SUBURBAN TIMES C citizennewspapergroup.com
Dr. Danille K. Taylor Director Clark Atlanta University Art Museum. PRNewsfoto/Clark Atlanta University. Zeta Phi Beta International President & CEO, Dr. Stacie NC Grant, and Sorors celebrate fellow Soror, Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove on her election to the 118th United States Congress. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.

Newest Crayola® Family Attraction Slated for Popular Vacation Destination in Tennessee

First of five new Crayola Experience locations to be developed in U.S. by 2027

PIGEON FORGE, Tenn., PRNewswire -BrightColors LLC and its strategic partner Kingsmen Xperience Inc., in association with Crayola LLC, announced that Pigeon Forge, Tenn. will be home to the creativity brand’s newest Crayola Experience family entertainment venue. The next generation Crayola Experience will add its unique splash of color to Tennessee’s popular vacation destination in fall 2024.

Artist rendering of the exterior of the new, next generation Crayola Experience attraction that will add its unique splash of color to the popular vacation destination of Pigeon Forge, Tenn. in fall 2024. The family destination for interactive, creative play encourages kids to explore art and technology, express their creativity, and experience color in a whole new way. The newest member of the Crayola Experience pack will join operations in Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Texas, and Arizona.

Crayola Experience has been a family

destination for interactive creative play for more than 25 years. The adventures of these immersive attractions help kids and adults alike explore art and technology, express their creativity, and experience color in a whole new way. The newest member of the Crayola Experience pack will be the brand’s sixth attraction, joining operations in Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Texas, and Arizona.

The 30,000-square-foot indoor family entertainment center planned for Pigeon Forge will have more than 20 hands-on attractions and a retail store featuring the world’s largest selection of Crayola products and unique souvenirs. Visitors will delight in innovative, never-before-seen attractions, as well as beloved, one-of-a-kind Crayola Experience activities such as naming their own Crayola crayon, starring in their own coloring page, and creating melted wax art.

“Crayola Experience at Pigeon Forge will introduce new colorful adventures to our

iconic lineup of imagination-inspiring activities, taking the experience to a new level,” said Warren Schorr, Crayola Senior Vice President Business Development, Global Licensing & Experiences. “We’ve sharpened our crayons to create a new experience that transports guests into the whimsical world of Crayola crayons and markers.”

“We’re very excited to be developing the first of the next generation Crayola Experiences,” said Robin Turner, Managing Director of BrightColors. “This will mark one of the first global branded attractions in the Pigeon Forge area. We will continue to focus on family-friendly markets with a strong tourism and residential draw to bring the colorful world of Crayola to new audiences.”

The Pigeon Forge attraction is the first of five Crayola Experience locations that BrightColors plans to open over the next five years as part of a licensing agreement with Crayola that will double the attraction brand’s presence in the U.S.

C Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 4 TRAVEL citizennewspapergroup.com SUBURBAN TIMES C
Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 | 5 SUBURBAN TIMES

Zenni® Optical Launches “Board Certified” Eyewear Collection, Curated for Keke Palmer

NOVATO, Calif., PRNewswire

-- Zenni Optical, the world’s leading online eyewear retailer, announced the launch of its “Board Certified” collection, curated in partnership with Emmy® Award-winning actress, musician, producer and style icon, Keke Palmer.

“Board Certified” embodies Palmer’s ‘let’s-get-down-to-business’ spirit with a sharp and sophisticated look that transitions seamlessly from the sleek aesthetic of the boardroom to the elegant style of an evening out. As summer begins to fade, the collection’s mood provides inspiration for returning to business, taking charge and putting the best frame forward whether in the office or between work-from-home calls.

This collection is the second installment of Zenni’s “Find Your Frame of Mind” campaign, which launched in July, inspired by Palmer’s captivating style and leading-lady energy, available only on Zenni. com.

“Keke Palmer is as fashionable as she is fierce. No matter what she’s conquering – or where or when – she does so effortlessly and with style,” said Veronica Alcaro, VP Brand of Zenni. “We’re excited to release the ‘Board Certified’ curation as it reflects the heart of Keke’s style and sophistication as a true force of nature in and out of the boardroom, and we expect it will inspire others to adopt her bold vision.”

The “Find Your Frame of Mind” campaign features eyewear of various sizes and styles that make a big statement, creating the perfect look for any occasion. The “Board Certified” collection follows Palmer and Zenni’s first mood, “Summer Love,” featuring bold, colorful eyeglasses and sunglasses that capture the vibrant essence of summer style.

“Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these frames are not only fashion-forward but also highly functional. With their exquisite blend of acetate and metal, these eyeglasses offer a sophisticated and refined look that elevates any ensemble,” said Aysegul Colakel, Designer at Zenni.

Additional phases of the campaign will launch later this year featuring new seasonal moods and glamorous frames. From the beach to the office, on set or at home, there are styles reflective of every mood, spirit and style.

The collaboration with Palmer follows Zenni’s recent partnerships with other fashion, sports and pop culture trendsetters that include Iris Apfel, David Ortiz, George and Claire Kittle, Cynthia Rowley and more.

For more information about the Keke Palmer x Zenni “Board Certified” collaboration,

The Doux Bridges Gap Between Professional Stylists & The Textured Hair Community with Cosmo Prof Debut

ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- The Doux, a trailblazing leader known for its Best-selling Black-owned styling foam, proudly announces its entry into the professional sector at Cosmo Prof. The brand is marking a monumental milestone in its journey by now being the only textured haircare brand available in Cosmo Prof stores created by a seasoned textured hairstylist.

Through this expansion, The Doux will continue its commitment to revolutionizing textured haircare and addressing the need for professional products created for textured hair that also reduce styling time. Beauty professionals can now access these science-backed formulas at exclusive professional pricing through Cosmo Prof. Recognizing that maintaining hair between salon visits is crucial for healthy hair, stylists can now confidently recommend The Doux’s salon-grade products to their clients, which are also conveniently available at their favorite retail stores.

Acknowledged as one of the Top 15 Curl Experts in the world, Maya Smith, the visionary CEO, Co-founder, and Licensed Cosmetologist behind The Doux, brings over 25 years of expertise to the brand’s professional endeavors. Smith shares, “Textured haircare is a fast-growing category, but what sets The Doux apart is how it was created by the hands of a practicing textured hairstylist who’s actually doing the work in salons.” She adds, “I developed The Doux for myself as a stylist to solve stylist problems on saving time, simplifying routines, and prioritizing client’s hair health in and outside of salon visits. With a full product line that’s easy to use and provides outstanding results, this partnership with Cosmo Prof is meant to empower hairstylists to elevate their artistry on textured hair clients, no matter their experience level.”

Emerging as one of the fastest-growing Black-owned haircare brands in the nation, The Doux consistently delivers innovative solutions catering to all curl types. Notably, the Mousse Def Texture Foam, stands out as a styling essential formulated with a built-in leave-in conditioner and is celebrated as the #1 best-selling black-owned mousse across retailers. Looking ahead, The Doux has exciting plans to further amplify the professional haircare experience. In Q4, the iconic Mousse Def Texture Foam and the beloved CrazySexyCurl Honey Setting Foam will be available in convenient liter sizes, catering to the demands of salon professionals and their clientele.

visit Zenni.com/Keke and follow for updates on social media at @ZenniOptical.

Zenni pioneered the online eyewear industry in 2003 with a mission to make prescription eyewear affordable and accessible to everyone. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Zenni offers adults and children the freedom to express their personal style through high-quality prescription and protective eyewear curated with a sense for fashion and incredible selection. With complete prescription pairs starting at just $6.95, and averaging just over $40, the company has brought massive price disruption to the traditional retail model. With over 51 million frames sold worldwide, Zenni is proud to be the Official Eyewear of the San Francisco 49ers, Boston Red Sox, Columbus Crew and the Chicago Bulls. Zenni has worked with designers and tastemakers on curations and collections, including Keke Palmer, Iris Apfel, Cynthia Rowley, David Ortiz and George and Claire Kittle. For more information, please visit zennioptical.com/blog/press.

The Doux is an award-winning brand known for its super-fresh, texture-focused solutions that merge old-school flavor with new-school science. Maya and Brian Smith, a married couple with five boys and creative entrepreneurs, launched The Doux while living in Germany, where Brian was serving in the US Air Force. Inspired by decades of Maya’s practice behind the chair as a licensed cosmetologist, these multi-functional formulas were created to put an end to complicated hair regimens.

To learn more about The Doux, visit thedoux.com and be sure to shop the collection at cosmoprofbeauty.com. To keep up with the brand’s latest & greatest, follow along on Instagram at @ ilovethedoux!

FASHION Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 6 C citizennewspapergroup.com SUBURBAN TIMES C
The second collection in Zenni’s® “Find Your Frame of Mind” campaign, “Board Certified,” embodies Palmer’s fierce, bold style, inspiring people to embrace their big boss mentality. Zenni Optical. Maya Smith, co-founder and CEO of The Doux. The Doux

U.S. Department of Education Takes Action Against 5 Schools for Disbursing Federal Student Aid to Students Enrolled in Unaccredited Programs

The U.S. Department of Education (Department) announced settlement agreements with five law schools after a Federal Student Aid (FSA) investigation revealed that the schools improperly disbursed Title IV funds to students enrolled in unaccredited Master of Laws (LL.M.) programs.

The five schools that settled these claims are Albany Law School, Atlanta’s John Marshall School of Law, Brooklyn Law School, New England Law–Boston, and New York Law School. Nearly $2.9 million in ineligible disbursements were made to 92 students across the five schools between July 2017 and June 2022.

“Today’s actions demonstrate our commitment to protect the integrity of the federal student aid programs,” said FSA Chief Operating Officer Richard Cordray. “Through our ongoing work, we will continue to protect both students and taxpayers.”

Generally, institutions must be accredited or, in the case of public or non-profit institutions, pre-accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency to participate in Title IV programs. Each school is responsible for ensuring Title IV funds are only disbursed to students enrolled in eligible programs within the scope of the Department’s recognition of the school’s institutional accrediting agency. Accreditation is a critical part of the federal student aid program’s

regulatory framework, and accrediting agencies serve as reliable authorities regarding the quality of education or training offered by the institutions or programs they accredit.

Unlike most law schools in the United States, the schools included in the settlements are not part of a broader university system that offers other non-legal education programs and has institutional accreditation. Such schools are sometimes referred to as “freestanding law schools.” The American Bar Association (ABA) typically functions as a programmatic accreditor for schools with Juris Doctor (J.D.) programs that otherwise have institutional accreditation; however, the ABA does not accredit LL.M. programs. For freestanding law schools, the ABA is recognized as an institutional accreditor by the Department and, therefore, approved as a gatekeeper for Title IV funds for J.D. programs only. As a result, freestanding law schools institutionally accredited by the ABA that offer non-J.D. programs, such as LL.M. programs, must also secure institutional accreditation that has within its recognized scope all the programs the school offers for Title IV aid. FSA’s investigation determined that the five law schools failed to secure the necessary accreditation to disburse aid for their LL.M. programs.

Under the settlements, the schools will: Reimburse the expected loss to the Depart-

ment from the improperly disbursed funds; Stop disbursing federal student aid funds to students in ineligible programs; and

Agree not to seek reimbursement or to recoup the amounts paid as a settlement from any students or former students.

Under the settlements, the three schools that disbursed Title IV funds within the last five years must pay a fine.

The agreements do not constitute an admission of wrongdoing or liability by the schools.

These are not the first instances of an ABA-accredited law school coming under Department scrutiny for disbursing Title IV funds to students enrolled in an unaccredited LL.M. program. In October 2021, another freestanding law school notified the Department of its own violation. The Department opened a program review and assessed liabilities against the school for improper disbursements. In that case, however, the Department determined not to impose a fine on that school in recognition of the school’s responsible conduct in self-identifying and self-reporting this violation.

Schools are responsible for ensuring they have institutional accreditation recognized by the Department, including any program for which they intend to disburse Title IV funds. The Department will continue to hold schools accountable if they fail to fulfill this responsibility.

Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 | 7 SUBURBAN TIMES
The settlement agreements include the payment of liabilities for all five schools and fines against three schools


LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- Gran Coramino Tequila has launched a new brand campaign with the debut of their anthemic film “Club Coramino,” to celebrate their brand mantra, “Hard Work Tastes Different”. The ultra-premium tequila brand launched in 2022, founded by comedian, entertainer, and businessman Kevin Hart and 11th generation tequila producer Juan Domingo Beckmann, and created with Global Brand Equities and Proximo Spirits.

“Hard Work Tastes Different” celebrates the ethos that Kevin Hart follows and mirrors his widely known position as the “Hardest Working Man in Hollywood.” Gran Coramino was born from two creators at the top of their craft, joining together to create a Cristalino and Añejo tequila where their hard work is evident in every delicious sip.

“I live by the Gran Coramino value that ‘Hard Work Tastes Different’ and challenged my team to show that in the most epic way possible in our first brand campaign,” said Kevin Hart. “The ‘Club Coramino’ film not only pays tribute to all the hard work that has gone into crafting and

supporting Gran Coramino Tequila, but it is a reminder to everyone to celebrate our shared hard work and our resulting achievements.”

The campaign pays tribute to the cinematic style of Goodfellas with an homage to one of the most complex scenes ever shot in cinematic history – the iconic one-shot date scene. The film stars Kevin and his wife Eniko Hart on their own date night, also features a surprise cameo from Michael Imperioli.

To bring this vision to life, Gran Coramino teamed up with director Sam Washington and Hartbeat, Hart’s global, multi-platform entertainment company. The creative and production for the Club Coramino anthemic film was led by PULSE, Hartbeat’s branded entertainment studio and marketing consultancy. Their shared vision for the campaign was to be aspirational, authentic, and inclusive – just like Gran Coramino. To shoot this difficult scene, they paid tribute to legendary clubs, by creating a sleek and exclusive nightclub named “Club Coramino.” While working alongside distinguished cinematographer Federico Cantini, the

team were able to successfully pay homage to the past in a creative modern way.

“I was honored to take on the challenge when Gran Coramino and Hartbeat contacted me about this iconic project,” said Sam Washington. “Working with a comedy genius such as Kevin and a seasoned actor like Michael was incredibly exciting, but most importantly, I wanted to create a space and give them a working environment to do what they do best. While we wanted to fold comedy into this campaign, the challenge was to ensure that it aligned with the brand and the script in hand. It was an intricate scene to capture but we accomplished it through hard work.”

The “Club Coramino” anthemic film debuts today – a few days prior to Labor Day Weekend, a holiday that historically has celebrated the country’s dedication to hard work. People can watch the campaign film on Gran Coramino’s YouTube and GranCoramino.com.

For more information on Gran Coramino, please visit www.GranCoramino.com and follow @GranCoramino on Instagram.

Met Exhibition to Present the Harlem Renaissance as the First African American–led Movement of International Modern Art

(Black PR Wire) In February 2024, The Metropolitan Museum of Art will present the groundbreaking exhibition The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism. Through some 160 works, it will explore the comprehensive and far-reaching ways in which Black artists portrayed everyday modern life in the new Black cities that took shape in the 1920s–40s in New York City’s Harlem and Chicago’s South Side and nationwide in the early decades of the Great Migration when millions of African Americans began to move away from the segregated rural South. The first survey of the subject in New York City since 1987, the exhibition will establish the Harlem Renaissance as the first African American–led movement of international modern art and will situate Black artists and their radically new portrayals of the modern Black subject as central to our understanding of international modern art and modern life.

Major support for the exhibition is provided by the Ford Foundation and Denise Littlefield Sobel.

Additional support is provided by the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund, the Enterprise Holdings Endowment, and The International Council of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

A significant percentage of the paintings, sculpture, and works on paper on view in the exhibition come from the extensive collections of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), including Clark Atlanta University Art Museum, Fisk University Galleries, Hampton University Art Museum, and Howard University Gallery of Art. Other major lenders include the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., with pending loans from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. The exhibition will also include loans from significant

private collections and European museums.

The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism will open with galleries that explore the cultural philosophy that gave shape to the New Negro movement of art and literature, a term defined and popularized by the movement’s founding philosopher, Howard University professor Alain Locke, in dialogue and debate with W.E.B. Du Bois, Charles S. Johnson, and influential literary and music figures including Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, and James Weldon Johnson. At the core of the exhibition are the artists who shared a commitment to depicting the modern Black subject in a radically modern way and to refusing the prevailing racist stereotypes. Although united in their shared objective to portray all aspects of modern Black life and culture, individual New Negro artists developed widely varied representational styles, ranging from an engagement with African and Egyptian aesthetics and European avant-garde pictorial strategies to a commitment to classicized academic tradition.

Featured artists include Charles Alston, Miguel Covarrubias, Aaron Douglas, Meta Warrick Fuller, William H. Johnson, Archibald Motley, Jr., Winold Reiss, Augusta Savage, James Van Der Zee, and Laura Wheeler Waring. The exhibition will continue with galleries devoted to portraiture and genre scenes that capture all aspects of Black city life in the 1920s–40s as seen in vibrant paintings, sculpture, and film projections as well as photography from The Met’s recently acquired James Van Der Zee Archive and artists’ cover illustrations for books and periodicals, including the NAACP’s Crisis and the National Urban League’s Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life. Monumentally scaled

allegorical history paintings and portraits of luminaries will provide compelling vista views.

In preparation for the exhibition, The Met is undertaking extensive archival research, conservation and restoration treatment, and original photography of important but seldom seen works of art.

Credits and Related Content

The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism is organized by The Met’s Denise Murrell, PhD, Merryl H. and James S. Tisch Curator at Large, Office of the Director, in consultation with an advisory committee of leading scholars.

A fully illustrated scholarly catalogue on the vibrant history of the Harlem Renaissance will accompany the exhibition. It will feature essays that explore how the flow of ideas through Black artistic communities on both sides of the Atlantic contributed to international conversations around art, race, and identity while helping to define our notion of modernism. The catalogue is published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art and distributed by Yale University Press; it will be available for purchase from The Met Store.

The catalogue is made possible by the Mellon Foundation.

Additional support is provided by Denise Littlefield Sobel and Robert E. Holmes.

The Met will host a variety of exhibition-related educational and public programs, to be announced at a later date, while also pursuing community outreach and engagement initiatives.

The exhibition is featured on The Met’s website as well as on social media.

ENTERTAINMENT Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 8 C citizennewspapergroup.com SUBURBAN TIMES C
Photos: Kevin Kwan.

The Great Exhale™ Unveils a New Logo and Brand Identity

JERSEY CITY, N.J., PRNewswire -- The Great Exhale™, a private membership community created exclusively for Black women, today reveals their new logo and brand identity. The visual identity system represents the core qualities of the company, and evolves the brand in a way that sets it up for longevity.

“The logo that we have used up until this point served us well during our pre-launch phase. Our new logo, brand mark, and brand colors represent the evolution of The Great Exhale,” explains Lisa Hurley, Founder of The Great Exhale. “My goal was to create a distinctive brand identity with which our community would strongly connect, and to establish a modern yet classic visual system that would propel the company towards a successful future.”

At its core, The Great Exhale is about divesting from hustle culture and embracing the pause. “Our brand mark is an “e” underpinned by an ellipsis. It is a visual depiction of a literal pause…a reminder to stop for a moment and take a breath,” notes Ms. Hurley. “We encourage our community members to step out of the fast lane and take a break. Our new visual identity communicates that concept in a way that is simultaneously subtle and strong.”

To lead the brand refresh, the company tapped designer Rose Reynolds, FIT alum and Creative Director of graphic design firm Rose Reynolds & Co. “When we were searching for a graphic designer to bring our updated brand identity to life, we made the strategic decision to hire someone who not only has the necessary creative chops, but would also instantly understand the ‘why’ behind the brand based on their lived experience,” explains Latrice Torres, Executive Director of People & Culture at The Great Exhale. “Of the candidates under

consideration, Ms. Reynolds stood out from the crowd— and delivered above and beyond.”

“The company’s tagline is ‘A Soft Space for Black Women,’ so my intention for creating the logo was to visually communicate calmness and softness,” explains Ms. Reynolds. “I focused on subtle details like the curves of each letter, and made sure that the logo is unique, memorable, and evocative of The Great Exhale brand. As I ideated more around the word ‘Exhale,’ I decided to implement the ellipsis as a part of the brand mark. The three dots not only make the logo more visually distinctive; they also represent taking three deep breaths to calm down and ground yourself.”

The primary brand color is now green, a deliberate choice made by the team based on the positive symbolism of the hue: “The cool shades of green in the logo have an ethereal, meditative quality,” continues Reynolds.

“I also chose to depict the greens in the logo in a gradient in order to subliminally reinforce the act of exhaling.”

The new visual brand language incorporates:

The bespoke Exhale logo font.

A distinctive brand mark: the Exhale “e” and ellipsis.

A modern typeface that easily integrates into a variety of settings, particularly digital touchpoints.

A soothing, sophisticated color palette, grounded in peaceful shades of green, to inspire meditative calm.

A word mark with a dark-to-light gradient to visually represent the act of exhaling.

Shades of brown to evoke melanin, comfort, and a connection to the earth.

In addition to launching its new logo, the company has also launched its new website, Instagram account, blog, and online store. “As we plan the evolution of The Great Exhale, it is vital that we have a 360° presence,” says Lisa Hurley. “Our new website beautifully showcases the modernization of the brand’s look and feel, and provides another key touchpoint for us to connect with our customers and partners.”

The revitalized logo and visual identity have already been rolled out within the members-only community, which is hosted on Mighty Networks. Over the next few weeks, the brand refresh will be implemented across all touchpoints, including the company’s new website.

Founded by Lisa Hurley, The Great Exhale™ is a private membership community built exclusively to center Black women. It is a soft space designed for Black women around the globe to collectively relax, lay their burdens down—and exhale.

For more information about The Great Exhale, visit www.itsthegreatexhale.com.

Maven Clinic and March for Moms Announce Second Annual MPact for Families Fellows to Advance Maternal Health Equity

NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- Maven Clinic, the world’s largest virtual clinic for women’s and family health, and March for Moms, a non-profit that improves the health and wellbeing of mothers through advocacy and awareness, announced its second annual cohort of MPact for Families fellows. Through the course of a 12-month program, Maven and March for Moms provide financial support, mentoring, and skill support to community-based organizations that have built trust within their communities and share Maven’s focus on improving maternal health outcomes. The 2023-2024 MPact for Families Fellows are Village of Healing and Breath of My Heart Birthplace.

Village of Healing offers a new approach to community wellness through Cuyahoga County’s first and only medical center focused on the health of Black women. The Village of Healing Center delivers quality health care services that meet the social and cultural needs of patients in the greater Cleveland community by offering gynecology, obstetrics, mental health services, telehealth, and community programs.

Breath of My Heart Birthplace is a midwifery care clinic and birth center in the Española Valley of New Mexico. Through its free walk-in clinic, birth services, and holistic fertility and preconception care, Breath of My Heart meets the needs of birthing

people and families before, during, and after birth.

“The power of community-based models cannot be overstated in turning the tide on the maternal health crisis and ensuring every person receives the care and support they need as they build their family,” said Kate Ryder, founder and CEO of Maven. “We’re excited to build on the momentum from the first year of the MPact for Families program and support this new cohort as they scale their impact.”

“We know the community has solutions to the challenges experienced by Black and Indigenous birthing people, and it is important for us to partner with those who are the most impacted in shaping and scaling those solutions. With our second MPact for Families cohort, March for Moms and Maven continue to invest the time, talent, and financial resources to ensure that maternal health community-based organizations can focus on building a sustainable and resilient organization that can serve moms, birthing people, and families for many years to come,” said Laneceya Russ, Executive Director of March for Moms.

This announcement comes on the heels of a successful first year of the MPact for Families program. Last year’s fellows included Black Mamas ATX and Chocolate Milk Mommies, two community-based organizations addressing Black maternal and child health disparities through doula and breastfeeding


Providing culturally competent care for every woman and family is at the forefront of Maven’s work, including the MPact for Families program. Maven’s virtual care model delivers personalized support that’s tailored to meet the unique needs, circumstances and experiences of each person. Through care matching, members have access to a personalized care team who share their language, cultural background and lived experiences, including specialists who are of a specific race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Maven is the world’s largest virtual clinic for women’s and family health, offering continuous, holistic care for fertility and family building through maternity, parenting, pediatrics and menopause. Maven’s award-winning digital programs are trusted by leading employers and health plans to reduce costs and drive better maternal health outcomes, as well as enhance DE&I in benefits programs. Founded in 2014 by CEO Kate Ryder, Maven has been recognized as one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies and has 15 million lives under management. Maven has raised $300 million in funding from leading investors including General Catalyst, Sequoia, Oak HC/FT, Dragoneer Investment Group and Lux Capital. To learn more about Maven, visit us at mavenclinic.com.

HEALTH Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 9 C SUBURBAN TIMES C citizennewspapergroup.com
The Great Exhale™ unveils a new logo, brand mark, and visual identity. The team behind the rebrand is Lisa Hurley: Founder, The Great Exhale; Latrice Torres: Executive Director, The Great Exhale; Rose Reynolds: Creative Director, Rose Reynolds & Co.

UNEXPECTED SPACES Surprising home upgrade ideas

(Family Features) Not all great things come in big packages, and home upgrades are an example of the truth in this wisdom. Unexpected, smaller spaces may not get the same attention as high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms and living areas, but their impact can be just as powerful.

Get inspired to make improvements to the lesser-used areas of your home with these tips from the home decorating experts at Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.:


It’s the impression that welcomes guests into your home, so even if the space is small, your entryway warrants some TLC. Focus on making it open and inviting by removing any unnecessary furnishings. Some functional storage, like a bench with integrated coat hooks, can serve a practical purpose, and if you have the space, some built-in cabinetry with an eye-catching countertop can incorporate stylish storage.

Laundry Room

Getting motivated to do chores like laundry is easy when you have a beautiful setting for getting to work. Introducing pops of color in nontraditional places, like the cabinetry, adds a high-end elegance. Water-inspired and earthy hues like Midtown Matte Tidewater or Arcadia Chiffon Cypress are perfect for the laundry space. Both are options in Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.’s Aspire Series, which features concealed hinges with self-close functionality and matching interiors for a high-class look, even when the doors are open for business.


A cluttered closet may not be the first thing a guest notices, but it’s a space you visit daily. Improving the organizational features can streamline your morning routine and put you in a more positive frame of mind to start each day. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to closet design, but using cabinetry in place of open shelving and rods lends a more luxurious feel. Plan for adequate hanging and closed storage, and if space allows, be sure to plan for shoes and accessories since these items can easily contribute to a closet’s disarray.

Mini Bar

If you fear you don’t have room for a mini bar, you may be surprised. Reimagining a larder cabinet, like the ones Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. offers in 30-, 33-, 36- and 42-inch widths, can create an instant bar out of just about any wall space where you can fit a cabinet. Install it as a coffee bar or traditional bar, or add the optional Appliance Pullout shelf for more versatility.


Guests may not find themselves in your pantry very often, but you likely use this space every day. Transform your pantry for heightened utility in simple ways like using clear plastic bins for small boxed foods or stylish wicker baskets to hide away snacks. For a more permanent solution, take advantage of unused space on the back of the pantry door with thin shelves for items like seasoning packets and smaller canned goods.

Guest Bathroom

Swapping out a tired vanity and countertop is a relatively affordable upgrade that can completely change the style of a secondary bathroom. Be sure to also update the fixtures for a more contemporary look and, if budget allows, replace the flooring. Finish the project with a fresh coat of paint in a light, airy shade and add new textiles and a few decorative touches to complete the job.

Find more ideas for updating unexpected spaces in your home at Wellborn.com.

Hideaway Storage Spaces

One feature that enhances virtually any space is more storage. Having convenient places to tuck away all your stuff makes rooms feel more open and inviting. Hidden storage solutions are often better because you can enjoy the functionality they add to the space without interrupting your design aesthetic.

Here are some clever ideas for keeping necessary items tucked out of sight but within easy reach:

Built-in Step Stool: If you love the look of tall cabinets but struggle to reach the top shelves, a practical addition is a hidden step ladder in a pullout caddy. Specially designed ladders that fold down extra narrow and feature nonslip rubber treads make this a handy addition you’ll reach for again and again.

Paper Towel Pullout: Keep paper towels hidden but close by hiding them in a pullout cabinet such as Wellborn Cabinet Inc.’s 12-inch-wide model, which features a built-in paper towel holder and bottom shelf ideal for organizing cleaning products. There’s also a space behind the paper towels that’s perfect for storing sponges and other kitchen supplies.

Drawer Dividers: While you can find many after-market options to organize the insides of your drawers and cabinets, choosing organizers designed to work seamlessly with your cabinetry creates a more polished look (and saves the headaches of measuring and guesstimating the fit). Tray dividers are useful for sorting cookie sheets and baking pans, while you can find dividers in a variety of heights to match drawers below the oven or where you store your cutlery. Another option that serves a similar purpose is pegs, which keep fragile items from shifting when drawers are opened or closed.



HOME Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 10 C SUBURBAN TIMES C
HOME South Suburban | Week of September 7, 2022 13 C SOUTH SUBURBAN C


AC 8-30-2023


Defendants 2023 CH 01699 3643 ANTHOLLSTREETFLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on June 20, 2023, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30

AM on October 3, 2023, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:

Commonly known as 3643 ANTHOLL STREET, FLOSSMOOR, IL60422

Property Index No. 31-11-110-009-0000

The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of

title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOTbe open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff's

Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876 THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales.


E-Mail: pleadings@il.cslegal.com Attorney File No. 14-23-01393 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 2023 CH 01699



What Homeowners Need to Know Before and After a Hurricane

Wucherpfennig suggests taking the following steps to be ready for severe weather: Before a storm:

• Review your policy: Know your insurance coverage limits and check to see that your coverage amounts will allow you to repair or rebuild your property based on current costs.

• Keep good records: Store your policies and insurance contact information in a safe place should your property be damaged and you want to make a claim.

• Create an

items that could be damaged or destroyed in a storm.

• Consider purchasing flood insurance: This is a separate policy and can cover water damage due to flooding resulting from tropical storms and hurricanes. After a storm:

• Make temporary repairs: Consider hiring a vendor to board up windows, tarp the roof, clean up hazardous spills and debris or take other steps to reduce the possibility of additional property damage.

• Separate and inventory damaged personal property: Create a list of any damaged contents and include a description of each item with details such as the name of the brand and manufacturer; age, place and date of purchase, and other pertinent facts. Be sure to include photographs, video, or personal property inventories you may already have available.

(StatePoint) The official Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30, and the National Weather Service is predicting between 12 to 17 total named storms. The best advice for homeowners who want to be better prepared? Proactively think about what can be done ahead of time -- as well as after the fact -- so that you and your family are able to withstand severe weather and quickly recover from it.

“Every day, our team speaks with homeowners needing guidance on their insurance and ways to help keep their family and property safe. Customers typically ask our loss consultation team about water damage, deductibles and what might be covered under their insurance policies,” said Jim Wucherpfennig, vice president of Property Claim at Travelers, a property casualty insurer that assists homeowners in planning for and recovering from hurricanes. “Knowing policy terms and conditions can help alleviate some of a homeowner’s anxiety that accompanies a storm.”

Preventing Bug Infestations at Home Can Reduce Your Anxiety

(StatePoint) Anew survey reveals a pervasive fear of bugs among Americans. This is bad news considering that the average home has more than 100 kinds of bugs living in it.

According to a Proctor & Gamble survey, 71% of Americans suffer from what Zevo calls “bugxiety.” Much more than a mere nuisance, many respondents confessed to extreme reactions and big emotions after a bug sighting. But you don’t have to live in fear. Here’s your five-part plan for handling insects and achieving a sense of calm:

1. For round-the-clock protection, use strategically placed Zevo Flying Insect Traps in the kitchen, garage and areas where doors and windows are open and closed frequently.

2. Seal cracks around windows and doors. It’s a cost-effective, DIYproject to keep bugs out.

3. Wash up after meals. Regularly sweep and vacuum to prevent crumbs.

4. Make a thick line of used coffee grinds around your home’s perimeter. Not only will it naturally prevent ant invasions, it’s beneficial mulch for your garden, too.

5. Apply Zevo On-Body repellent before heading outdoors for peace of mind and up to 8 hours of protection from mosquitos and ticks.

To learn more, visit zevoinsect.com or follow the conversation on Facebook and Instagram with the #ZEVOit hashtag. While bugs are an inevitable part of life, having a plan to handle them at home and while on the go, can help you react with less stress and fear.


• Maintain accurate records: Keep detailed notes of your expenses and save bills and receipts from your temporary repairs.

For more information on how to get your home and your finances ready for severe weather, visit Travelers.com.

While no one likes to think about worst-case scenarios, being prepared before a storm, and having a plan for its aftermath, can help your family get back on its feet faster.

Suburban Times | Week of September 6, 2023 11 C classified SUBURBAN TIMES C Classifieds
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