The Group Picture Taken at 20th-term Councilors' Inauguration
第 20 屆議員全體合照
4 歷史沿革
6 議長序
8 副議長序
10 第20屆議員宣誓就職典禮
12 彰化縣議員選舉區劃分圖
14 第1選舉區
24 第2選舉區
30 第3選舉區
36 第4選舉區
44 第5選舉區
50 第6選舉區
56 第7選舉區
62 第8選舉區
68 第9選舉區
70 第20屆議員資料統計一覽
Celebration of the 300 th Birthday of the County
彰化縣設縣於1723年(清雍正元年),首任 知縣為談經正,縣治設在半線(今彰化市)。到了 民國112年正逢建縣300年。
Changhua County was established in 1723 (the first year of Yongzheng) with Tan,Jing-Jheng being its first magistrate. The county government was located in Ban Xian (now Changhua City). 2023 marks the 300th anniversary of the establishment of Changhua County.
縣政府成立,民國40年2月4日彰化縣議會成立, 同年5月1日第1屆彰化縣議員宣誓就職,賴維種當
After the retrocession of Taiwan in 1945, the Changhua County Government was established on October 25, 1950. The Changhua County Council was established on February 4, 1951 and the first Changhua County councilors were sworn in on May 1 of the same year. Lai,Wei-Chung was elected as the first Speaker and Wu,Tsai-Kun as the Deputy Speaker.
The Office Where the 1st -term Administrative Staff Were Working
Speaking for the Public for 72 Years
經過漫長時光的淬鍊,第20屆議會 在民國111年12月25日成立,全縣劃分 9個選舉區,選出54席議員,代表不同選 區反映民意,落實地方自治,以穩健的步 伐向前邁進。
A lot of time has elapsed, the 20 th County Council was inaugurated on December 25, 2022. The county was divided into 9 election districts with 54 councilors for the purpose of reflecting public opinion, attaining autonomy, and going forward at a steady pace.
邁向科技未來 揚帆啟航 再出發
Towards a Technological Future
Sail to a Brighter and More Beautiful Future
典林 承蒙鄉親及議會同仁的支持,有 幸蟬聯第 20 屆議長,將繼續以宏觀的視野
監督縣政、掌握縣民的需求,促進全縣的永 續發展。
彰化縣是六都之外的第一大縣, 典林 除了為縣民積極發聲之外,更需廣納不同世 代、不同族群的意見,整合成為彰化縣持續 發展的動力,使本縣能夠邁向科技縣,蓄積 發展的動能。
典林 身為議長,致力營造理性和諧的 問政環境,充份發揮全縣最高民意殿堂的功 能,但願今日的努力,成為明日的驕傲。
Thanks to the supports of the county residents and all council comrades, I got re-elected as the Speaker in a row. I would keep supervising the county policies with a broad view and fulfill the county residents’ needs to make the sustainable development for Changhua County happen!
Changhua County is the biggest county behind the six metropolitan cities. Besides taking the initiative to speak for all county residents, I would pay attention to opinions from different generations and groups and integrate them to make Changhua County move toward a county full of high technologies.
Being the County Speaker, I would try my best to maintain a harmonious relationship between the County Council and the Changhua County Government. What's more, I would make the most of the County Council. I sincerely hope all I do today would end up tomorrow’s pride.
彰化縣議會 議長
溪州鄉 Xizhou Township
出生 民國68年
學歷 美國加州多明尼肯大學管理學碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第16、17、18、19屆議長
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.MBA, Dominican University, USA
.16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Council Speaker
12th Chairman of Chinese Taipei Basketball Association
Political Party
“Council Speaker Hsieh, Dian-Lin”
議長 謝典林
of Deputy Speaker
掌握社會脈動 府會和諧 服務縣民
Feel the Pulse of Society
Keep the Harmony between the Government and the Council with the Benefits of the County Citizens in Mind
議長增進府會間的溝通協調,打造幸 福的彰化縣。
彰化縣農業發達,也是傳統產業 的故鄉,期盼府會共同努力,營造良 好的投資、居住環境,吸引年輕人返
The purpose of life is to serve others. My original intention to be a councilor is to seek the best welfare for the county residents. Thanks to the supports of the county residents and all council comrades, I got elected as Deputy Speaker in a row. I will try my best to help the Speaker to better communication between the Changchun County Government and the Changhua Council to make Changhua a happy county.
The society nowadays moves forward very fast. We have to understand the pulse of the social developments as well as get hold of the guide lines of the Changhua County Government to balance the developments of Changhua County.
Changhua County has a well-developed agriculture. It’s also the hometown of many transitional industries. I sincerely hope, through the cooperations between the Changhua County Government and Changhua Council, to build a better investment and living environment to attract the young generation to return home to work to make Changhua County more prosperous!
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國51年
學歷 彰化縣立陽明國中
經歷 彰化縣議會第15、16屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
Yang Ming Junior High School
15th&16th Changhua County Councilor
17th、18th&19th Changhua County Council Deputy Speaker
Political Party
“Deputy Speaker Hsu, Yuan-Long”
副議長 許原龍
宣誓就職典禮 第20屆議員
20th -term Councilors
Swearing-in Ceremony
Mr. Hsieh Dian-Lin Accepted the Seal of the 20th Changhua County Council Speaker
Map of Administrative Divisions and Councilors' Election Districts of Changhua County
Election District 1│Changhua City、Fenyuan Township、Huatan Township
Election District 2│Lukang Township、Fuxing Township、 Xiushui Township
Election District 3│Hemei Township、 Xianxi Township 、Shengang Township
Election District 4│Yuanlin City、Dacun Township、Yongjing Township
Election District 5│Xihu Township、Puxin Township、 Puyan Township
13 席 7 席 6 席 8 席
Election District 6│Tianzhong Township、Shetou Township、Ershui Township
Election District 7│Beidou Township、Tianwei Township、Pitou Township、Xizhou Township
4 席 5 席
Election District 8│Erlin Township、Fangyuan Township、Dacheng Township、Zhutang Township
Election District 9│Lowland aborigines living in Changhua County
5 席
1 席
第1選舉區 Election District 1
選區人口數:293,270 人
Population:293,270 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
彰化市 Changhua City
彰化市是一座古蹟城市,著名的古蹟有孔子廟、 元清觀、南瑤宮等20多處。人口約23萬人,是全縣 政治、經濟、教育中心。市區美食小吃林立,爌肉 飯、肉圓最為出名,也是居民的飲食文化特色。農業 以荔枝、咖啡、牛奶較具特色,製造業以金屬製品及 機器設備較為發達。
Changhua City
Changhua is a historic city with more than 20 famous historic sites such as the Confucius Temple, Yuanching Temple, and Nanyao Temple. The city has a population of approximately 230,000 and is the political, economic and educational center of the county. Among other delicious street foods, braised pork rice bowls and bawans are the most famous and representative of the local food culture. For agricultural products, lychees, coffee, and milk are the specialties. For manufacturing, it is an important metal products and machinery production area.
彰化/孔子廟 Changhua/Confucius Temple
Changhua City
Fenyuan Township
芬園鄉 Fenyuan Township
芬園鄉農業發達,位於八卦山的丘陵地,適合果 樹生長,以鳳梨、荔枝、龍眼產量最多。平地則是一 片綠油油的稻田。「楓仔坑」是重要的米粉產區,也 為新竹、埔里等地知名米粉代工。寶藏寺為信仰中 心,被列為縣定古蹟;沿著彰南路,則聚集著各式古 董店家,貓羅溪河床有民眾飼養牛群,成為獨特的景 觀。
Located on a hilly area of Bagua Mountain, Fenyuan has a flourishing agriculture due to its geography. Pineapples, lychees and longans are the main crops. The flat area is full of green paddy fields. Fenkeng is not only an important rice noodles production area but also OEMs the well-known Hsinchu and Puli rice noodles. The Baozang Temple is the most important religious center in the town and a county government-designated historic site; the antique shops on both sides of Zhangnan Road are accessible artworks themselves. Cattles raised by local residents along the Maoluo River become a unique scenery.
Huatan Township
Huatan/Flower Sea of Orange Daylily around Hushanyan Temple
花壇鄉 Huatan Township
舊稱「茄苳腳」,因早期種植許多茄苳樹而得名,因 「茄苳」之臺語發音與「花壇」的日語發音相似而改稱; 鄉內茉莉花產量居全臺之冠,又有「茉莉花的故鄉」之 稱。好玩景點有茉莉花壇夢想館、百年歷史虎山巖、皇帝 御賜官封的福德老爺白沙坑文德宮、順達磚窯觀光工廠、 大山牧場、虎山巖金針花海,提供休閒娛樂的好去處。
Huatan is also known as the "Chieh-Tung-Chiao", which was named for being planted with a lot of toog trees in the early days. Later it was changed as Huatan according to Japanese similar pronunciation. Huatan has the most booming jasmine production industry in Taiwan and is known as the "Hometown of Jasmine". The Jasmine Flower Garden Dream Hall, 100-year-old Hushanyan Temple, Baishatun Wende Tudigong Temple honored by the emperor, Shuen Dar Brickkiln Tourist Factory, Da Shan Pasture, Flower Sea of Orange Daylily around Hushanyan Temple are all famous attractions for leisure time.
花壇/文德宮迎燈排 Huatan/Rows of Lanterns at Wende Temple彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國69年
學歷 日本高崎經濟大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Citizen Representative of Changhua City Political Party
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國81年
學歷 亞洲大學休閒與遊憩管理學系碩士
經歷 彰化市長林世賢助理
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.1992 Education
.Master, Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Asia University.
.Assistant of Changhua Mayor Lin,Shih-Hsien
.Convener of the Maternity and Child Group of New Power Think Tank
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國85年
學歷 國立政治大學政治學系
經歷 總統蔡英文彰化競選總部青年部主任
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University
.Director of the Youth Department of President Tsai, IngWen Changhua Campaign Headquarters
.Executive director of the Campaign Headquarters of Changhua Mayor Lin,Shih-Hsien
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
花壇鄉 Huatan Township
出生 民國58年
學歷 東海大學公共行政學系
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員 花壇鄉鄉長
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Public Administration,Tunghai University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Chief of Huatan Township
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
議員 Councilor 楊子賢 Yang, Tzu-Hsien 議員 Councilor 李成濟黃柏瑜
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國84年
學歷 英國劍橋大學碩士
經歷 立法委員洪宗熠國會助理
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.MPhil in American History, Cambridge University
.Assistant of Legislator Hung,Tsung-I
.Assistant of the Campaign Office of Legislator candidate Wu,I-Nung
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國67年
學歷 國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所社會組
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Social Group for the Graduate Institue of National Development, National Taiwan University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Director of parliament office of Legislator Huang,Xiu-Fang.
18th Citizen Representative of Changhua City
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
Gu Huang, Shuei-Hua
花壇鄉 Huatan Township
出生 民國42年
學歷 鹿港國中
經歷 彰化縣議會第15、16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Lukang Junior High School
.15th、16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.19th&20th Executive Director of Huatan Township Women's Association
Political Party
Yeh, Yung-Ching
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國57年
學歷 精誠中學
經歷 彰化市第18、19屆市民代表
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
. Ching Cheng High School
.18 th &19th Citizen Representative of Changhua City
.Deputy Chairperson of the Changhua City Division of the Kuomintang
Political Party
議員 Councilor第1選區議員簡介 Election District 1 Councilor
議員 Councilor
Lin, Mao-Ming
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國47年
學歷 高職畢業
經歷 彰化縣議會第16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Vocational School
.16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.15th&16th Citizen Representative of Changhua City
Political Party
Huang, Qian-Yan
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國61年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學技職行政管理碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Vocational Administration Management Master, National Changhua University of Education
.17th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.15th&16th Citizen Representative of Changhua City
Political Party
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國55年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學資訊管理學系資訊管理碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Master , Department of Information Management, National Changhua University of Education
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.17th&18th Citizen Representative of Changhua City
Political Party
彰化市 Changhua City
出生 民國57年
學歷 國立臺中科技大學附設空中進修學院學士
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.The Affiliated Open College of Continuing Education,National Taichung University of Science and Technology
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.15th&16th Citizen Representative of Changhua City Political Party
議員 Councilor 陳銌銌 Chen, Zun-Zun第2選舉區 Election District 2
選區人口數:168,960 人
Population:168,960 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
老建築,如龍山寺、天后宮等。小吃及特產以肉包、 蚵仔煎、傳統糕點、傳統工藝等最為有名。頂番婆地 區有「水龍頭的故鄉」之稱也是全國最大的水五金生 產聚落。鹿港溪近年完成水岸景觀再造,再現風采, 每年端午節所舉辦的「鹿港慶端陽」,是全國十大節 慶活動之一。
Lukang Township
In light of the fact that there are a bunch of wellpreserved old buildings in the town, including Longshan Temple and Mazu Temple, Lukang is not only one of the important historic cities in Taiwan but a city of culture and tourism. Meat buns, oyster omelets, traditional pastries, and traditional crafts are the specialties of the town. The Dingfanpo area is known as the "hometown of faucets". The waterfront landscape reconstruction of the Lukang River was completed in recent years. The annual "Celebration of Dragon Boat Festival in Lukang" is one of the top ten festival activities in the country.
Lukang Township
鹿港/龍山寺 Lukang/Lungshan Temple
福興鄉 Fuxing Township
早年居民由福建移民而來,而取名福興鄉,西濱臨臺灣海 峽,養殖漁業發達,以鰻魚與文蛤為主,福寶酪農專業區乳牛養 殖居全臺之冠。由濕地規劃而成的福寶生態園區,區內水鳥生態
豐富,成為觀光景點。「福興穀倉」被列為歷史建築,也是旅遊 景點,福興工業區則吸引許多廠商設廠。
Fuxing Township
The immigrants from Fujian in the early days named it Fuxing. The Taiwan Strait is just to the west With eels and clams being its main fish products, Fuxing has a flourishing aquaculture.The dairy cattle breeding capacity of the Fubao Dairy Specialized Zone is the biggest in Taiwan. The Fubao Ecological Park located on the wetlands is the home of various water birds and a famous tourist attraction. The "Fuxing Barn" is designated as a historic site and is also a tourist attraction. The Fuxing Industrial Park has attracted many manufacturers to settle in.
Fuxing/Seawall Painting
議員 Councilor
秀水/乳牛養殖 Xiushui/Dairy Farming
秀水鄉 Xiushui Township
秀水鄉酪農業非常發達,農產以稻米、蜜雪棗、小 番茄、豌豆最為有名,每年舉辦金陵風箏花海節,5種
繽紛色澤的拼盤花海,宛如置身世外桃源。益源古厝為 臺灣三大古厝之一,還有全臺唯一的五金博物館,來此 遊玩不管從視覺、味覺到觸覺都可深度感受到秀水的在 地精采故事。
Xiushui has a flourishing dairy farming. Rice, sweet jujubes, cherry tomatoes, and peas are the most famous agricultural products. In the annual Jinling Kite and Sea of Flowers Festival, flowers in 5 different colors are ingeniously arranged to create the image of an ethereal wonderland. In addition to the unique hardware museum, Yiyuan Historic Mansion is one of the top three old houses in Taiwan. Your trip to Xiushui will make you immerse deeply in the wonderful local stories.
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
出生 民國73年
學歷 淡江大學
經歷 鹿港義警分隊副分隊長
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Tamkang University
.Vice Captain, Lukang Volunteer Police Branch
.CEO, Lukang Zijidian Educational Foundation
Political Party
秀水鄉 Xiushui Township
出生 民國80年
學歷 東吳大學社會學系
經歷 秀水鄉第20屆鄉民代表
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Sociology, Soochow University
.20th Citizen Representative of Xiushui Township
.Executive member of the Changhua County Division of the Democratic Progressive Party Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
出生 民國83年
學歷 東海大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Tunghai University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Law credic course of National Taiwan University
Political Party
議員 Councilor 藍駿宇 Lan, Chun-Yu議員 Councilor
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
出生 民國53年
學歷 僑光商專二專夜間部
經歷 彰化縣議會第14、15、16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.1964 Education
.Two-Year Evening Class, Overseas Chinese College of Business Experience
.14th、15th、16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.President of the Changhua County Women Association
Political Party
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
出生 民國64年
學歷 彰化縣私立正德高級中學
經歷 彰化縣議會第16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.1975 Education
.Zen De High School Experience
.16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Chairperson of Lukang Township Division of the Kuomintang
Political Party
凃淑媚 Tu,議員 Councilor
Yang, Chun-Cheng
福興鄉 Fuxing Township
出生 民國59年
學歷 國立臺中科技大學附設空中進修學院二技畢業
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.The Affiliated Open College of Continuing Education,National Taichung University of Science and Technology
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.9th Director of Luming Kiwanis International
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
福興鄉 Fuxing Township
出生 民國59年
學歷 建國科技大學二技
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Two-year junior college program of Chienkuo Technology University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.19th&20th Citizen Representative of Fuxing Township
Political Party
議員 Councilor 楊妙月 Yang, Miao-Yue第3選舉區 Election District 3
選區人口數:142,910 人
Population:142,910 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
和美鎮 Hemei Township
紡織、製傘業為和美最出名的產業,有織女的故 鄉之稱。道東書院為國定古蹟,主祀朱熹,每年舉行 考生祈福活動。和美街長宿舍經整修後已成為歷史建 築。每年元旦過後,舉辦花海節,田間色彩繽紛,吸 引各地遊客。近年來「卡里善之樹」成熱門觀光景 點;沿著大肚溪岸則有完善的自行車道。
Hemei/Tree of Kalishan
Hemei Township
Thanks to its famous textile and umbrella-making industries, Hemei is known as Zhinu's Hometown. Daodong Academy, mainly dedicated to Zhu Xi, is designated as a national historic site where prayer activities for young test takers are held annually. The renovated Hemei Police Chief Dormitory is an embodiment of history. Annually, the Flower Sea Festival held after New Year attracts tourists to roam through the beautiful flower fields. In recent years, the "Tree of Karishan" has become a popular tourist attraction. The bike path along the Dadu River is well paved and constructed .
Xianxi Township
Hemei Township
線西鄉 Xianxi Township
西濱臨臺灣海峽,塭仔漁港銷售新鮮魚貨,吸引各 地採購者。線西鄉皮鼓製作、皮蛋、老人才藝,素有 「線西三寶」之稱。彰化濱海工業區的線西區及崙尾區 位於境內,為中部產業經濟發展重心。肉粽角海灘、臺 灣優格餅乾學院、興麥蛋捲烘焙王國及蛤蠣兵營等為熱 門的觀光景點。
With the Taiwan Strait on its west coast, consumers from all over the country visit the Wenzai Fishing Port for its fresh fish catches. Leather drum production, thousand-year eggs, and elders' talents are the "Three Treasures of Xianxi". The Xianxi District and Lunwei District of the Changhua Coastal lndustrial Park in the town are the industrial and economic center in Central Taiwan. The Rou Zong Corner Beach, School of Cookie, Hing Mak Egg Roll Baking Kingdom, and Clam Barrack are famous tourist attractions.
伸港鄉 Shengang Township
擁有「魚米之鄉」美譽的伸港鄉,舊名「溪口厝」, 鄉內農漁業物產豐饒,以蒜頭、洋蔥、花生為主要農產 品。在大肚溪入海口處潮間帶濕地,孕育豐富的生態資 源,隨處可見蚵田、招潮蟹等,伸港成為水鳥與臺灣招 潮蟹的故鄉。全興工業區是鄉內的產業重鎮,市地重劃 則使未來城市發展更具潛力。
The booming agricultural and fishing industry earns Shengang (former name: Xikou Cuo) the name of "the Land of Plenty". Garlic, onions, and peanuts are the main agricultural products. The intertidal zone at the estuary of the Dadu River is dotted with oyster farms, The ecological diversity makes it the home of various waterbirds and Taiwan fiddler crabs. Chuansing Industrial Park is the industrial center of the town. The ongoing land consolidation is intended to pave the way for the future development.
Shengang Township
Lin, Hsiao-Chi
和美鎮 Hemei Township
出生 民國60年
學歷 國立臺中科技大學附設空中進修學院副學士 經歷 和美鎮嘉犁社區理事長
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Associate degree, National Open College of Continuing Education Affiliated to National Taichung
University of Science and Technology
.Chairperson of Jiali Community, Hemei Township
.The 21st National Representatives of the Kuomintang
Political Party
和美鎮 Hemei Township
出生 民國70年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學公共事務與公民教育學系碩士 經歷 和美鎮第19、20、21屆鎮民代表
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Master , Department of Public Affairs and Civic Education, National Changhua University of Education
.19th、20th&21st Citizen Representative of Hemei Township
.The 18th Director of the Changhua County Council for Party Office of the Democratic Progressive Party
Political Party
Election District 3 Councilor
和美鎮 Hemei Township
出生 民國50年
學歷 凱達格蘭學校(高中)
經歷 彰化縣議會第16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Completed course study at Ketagalan Institute
.16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
和美鎮 Hemei Township
出生 民國58年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學資訊管理學系碩士 經歷 彰化縣議會第18、19屆議員
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Master , Department of Information Management, National Changhua University of Education
.18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Director, Changhua Area Fishermen's Association
Political Party
Ke, Jhen-Bei
伸港鄉 Shengang Township
出生 民國49年
學歷 伸港國中
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Shenkang Junior High School
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.15th Vice Chairman of Shenkang Township Council
Political Party
Shih, Chia-Hua
線西鄉 Xianxi Township
出生 民國74年
學歷 大葉大學電機博士
經歷 中國國民黨20全黨代表
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Doctor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Dayeh University
.20th Party Representative of Kuomintang
.19th Changhua County Councilor
Political Party
議員 Councilor第4選舉區 Election District 4
選區人口數:198,029 人
Population:198,029 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
員林市 Yuanlin City
員林市工商業發達、交通便利、民生富裕,許多 金融機構設立分支機構,為南彰化的經濟重鎮。物產 十分豐饒,盛產各種水果,為全國最知名的蜜餞產 地,員林也是全國知名的美食之都。縣定古蹟興賢書 院、百果山風景區等為著名旅遊景點。184公頃市地 重劃完工後,高樓林立,都市正迅速發展。
Yuanlin City
Yuanlin City is an important industrial and commercial hub in southern Changhua where many enterprises and financial institutions are headquartered. Yuanlin is located on a tract of fertile land that abounds with different fruits. Yuanlin is also a gourmet city and the most famous production area of fruit preserves. Famous tourist attractions in the city include the county government-designated historical site - Xingxian Academy and Baiguoshan Scenic Zone. Yuanlin City is now full of high-rise buildings and developing rapidly after the completion of the consolidation and rezoning of 184 hectares of land.
大村鄉 Dacun Township
有「葡萄的故鄉」美名的大村鄉,巨峰葡萄是主要 的農產品,鄉內也有葡萄景觀步道、雙心池塘等知名景 點,也經常吸引遊客駐足;位於大橋社區的「大路畔雜 貨店」,更讓大村鄉充滿了濃濃的農村人情味。鄉內產 業發達,國內知名企業「正新輪胎」、「美利達自行 車」及「華豐輪胎」都在鄉內設廠。
With Kyoho grapes being its main agricultural product, Dacun is known as the "Hometown of Grapes". The Grape Scenic Trail and Twin Hearts Pond in the town are always crowded with sightseers. The "Dalupan Grocery Store" in the Daqiao Community is an embodiment of the close-knit relationship between the villagers. Many prestigious companies choose to set up factories in Dacun, such as "Cheng Shin Rubber lnd. Co., Ltd." "Merida Bikes", and "Hwa Fong Rubber lnd.Co., Ltd.
Yongjing Township
永靖鄉 Yongjing Township
鄉內農業發展深具特色,包括花卉、盆栽、庭園造 景、蔬果等都欣欣向榮,也是全國水果種苗主要的供應中 心。鄉內文化資源豐富,縣定古蹟「餘三館」名列臺灣十 大古宅之一,呈現饒平客家的傳統特色,其他還有成美文 化園、永靖公學校宿舍、陳氏家廟、邱氏宗祠等,顯示歷 史悠久,人文薈萃。
Being the center of fruit seedlings distribution in the country, Yongjing has a unique agricultural development history and a flourishing floral, bonsai, landscaping, and vegetables/ fruits growing. Yongjing is a town of culture.
In addition to other attractions such as Cheng Mei Cultural Park, Yongjing Public School Dormitory, Chen Family Temple, and Chiu Family shrine;the county government designated historic site - Yusan House representing the characteristics of the typical Raoping Hakka buildings is one of the top ten historic mansions in Taiwan and a testament to the cultural diversity and long history of Yongjing.
第4選區議員簡介 Election District 4 Councilor
議員 Councilor
Tu, Chun-Jen
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國67年
學歷 大葉大學管理學院碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Management Master of Dayeh University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Citizen Representative of Yuanlin Township
Political Party
Chang, Chin-Kun
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國54年
學歷 大葉大學管理學院碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第15、16、17、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Management Master of Dayeh University
.15th 、16th 、17th &19th Changhua County Councilor
.16th&17th Chief of Yuanlin Township
1st Mayor of Yuanlin City
Political Party
議員 Councilor
Chang, Xin-Qian
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國75年
學歷 逢甲大學經營管理學院碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.EMBA, School of Management Development, Feng Chia University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Secretary of Magistrate Wei,Ming-Ku.Assistant to Legislator Chen, Su-Yueh
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國67年
學歷 福建中醫學院
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員 大村鄉農會第16、17屆理事長
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Fujian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.16th&17th Director General of Dacun Township
Farmers’ Association
Political Party
黃正盛 Huang, Zheng-Sheng
第4選區議員簡介 Election District 4 Councilor
Liu, Hui-Chuan
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國61年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學管理學院企業高階管理碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第18、19屆議員
員林鎮第 17、18、19 屆鎮民代表
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.EMBA, College of Management,National Changhua University of Education
.18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.17th、18th &19th Citizen Representative of Yuanlin Township
Political Party
Chan, Mu-Ken
永靖鄉 Yongjing Township
出生 民國52年
學歷 臺灣警察專科學校
經歷 永靖鄉第17、18屆鄉長
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
. Taiwan Police College
.17th&18th Chief of Yongjing Township
.Chief Secretary of Yongjing Township
Political Party
張雪如 Chang, Syue-Ru
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國55年
學歷 明道大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第15、16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 台灣民眾黨
Year of Birth
.Mingdao University
.15th、16th、17th、18th&19thChanghua County Councilor
.Keeping Holding Big-Scale Chatatible Activities to Help the Disadvantaged Deal with the Burials for Their Deceased Family Members
Political Party
.Taiwan People’s Party
員林市 Yuanlin City
出生 民國70年
學歷 國立彰化師範大學公共事務與公民教育學系碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Master , Department of Public Affairs and Civic Education, National Changhua University of Education
.18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.20th Central Standing Committee Member, Kuomintang
.Director, Foundation for the People
Political Party
議員 Councilor第5選舉區 Election District 5
Population:119,269 people
溪湖鎮 Xihu Township
溪湖鎮位於彰化縣的地理中心位置,交通四通 八達,是蔬果產地及集散地,擁有中臺灣最重要的 果菜市場,農產品以韭菜及巨峰葡萄最具特色。羊 肉爐十分有名,知名店家林立,中部談到吃羊肉首 先會想到溪湖。溪湖糖廠可搭乘小火車欣賞田園風 光,巫家捏麵館為全臺唯一的捏麵文化館,吸引許 多親子遊客前來。
Xihu Township
Located at the heart of Changhua County, Xihu is a transportation hub and a distribution center for vegetables and fruits and has the most importart fruit and vegetable market in Central Taiwan. Leeks and Kyoho grapes are its distinctive specialties. If you live in Central Taiwan and happen to be a mutton hot pot lover, you would definitely be familiar with Xihu and those famous mutton hot pot restaurants in the town. You can also take a small train at the Xihu Sugar Factory to enjoy the idyllic scenery. The "Wu Family Dough Figurines Hall" is the only one of its kind in Taiwan and a perfect destination for family excursions.
Xihu Township
埔心鄉 Puxin Township
稻米為埔心鄉主要作物,蜜紅葡萄、寶島蜜拔 及金蜜芒果為埔心鄉農會所推動的「埔心三蜜」, 深受市場歡迎,並結合休閒與生態景觀,成為本鄉 特色。建於1882年的「羅厝天主教堂」,曾獲選 臺灣歷史建築百景,蘑菇部落及路葡萄隧道是熱門 旅遊景點。
Rice is the main crop of Puxin. In recent years, the tireless effort of the Town Farmer's Association to promote its agricultural specialties such as honey red grape, honey guavas and honey mangos, socalled“Triple Honeys of Puxin”, are very popular products in the market. From the sweetness of fruits to the leisurely and ecological landscape of the town, your journey to Puxin will definitely be unique and unforgettable. The Luocuo Catholic Church, built in 1882, has been selected as one of the Top 100 Historical Buildings in Taiwan. The Magical Mushroom Tribe and Lu Grape Tunnel are also popular tourist attractions.
埔鹽鄉 Puyan Township
有「蔬菜的故鄉」、「糯米原鄉」之稱的埔鹽鄉,是 國內重要的蔬菜產地,近年來積極推動社區營造,帶動地 方人文發展。挪威鐵人伊登因戴著「埔鹽順澤宮」的帽 子,贏得世界冠軍,讓這頂「冠軍帽」風靡海內外。鄉內 更有傳承百年、全臺碩果僅存的傳統表演藝術保存團體 「錦成閣」、「高甲戲庄頭鎮」,是重要的文化資產。
With the nickname of the "Hometown of Vegetables" and "Hometown of Glutinous Rice", Puyan is an important vegetable production area in Taiwan. The promotion of community development in recent years has conduced to local cultural development. Norwegian Gustav Iden wore a cap bearing Chinese characters "Puyan Shunze Temple" won a world championship, which makes the "lucky cap" popular both in and outside of Taiwan. The "Jin Cheng Pavilion" and "Gaojia Opera Zhuang Tou Zhen" are the few century-old traditional performing arts groups in Taiwan and important cultural heritage.
Liu, Shan-Ling
埔心鄉 Puxin Township
出生 民國79年
學歷 淡江大學全球政治經濟學系
經歷 立法委員陳素月國會辦公室主任
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Global Politics and Economics, Tamkang University
.Director of Parliament Office of Legislator Chen,Su-Yueh
.Member of the Women's Business Advisory Council in Central Taiwan, Executive Yuan
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
Chen, Yu-Chi
溪湖鎮 Xihu Township
出生 民國52年
學歷 明道大學企業高階管理碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.EMBA,MingDao University
.17th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.The President of Hupu Community College
Political Party
議員 CouncilorHong, Ben-Cheng
溪湖鎮 Xihu Township
出生 民國53年
學歷 高中肄業
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.High School Suspension
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Chairman of the Xihu Township Representative Council
Political Party
Chang, Chun-Yang
埔心鄉Puxin Township
出生 民國49年
學歷 彰化縣私立大慶高級商工職業學校
經歷 彰化縣議會第18、19屆議員
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Dah-Chin Commercial & Industrial Vocational High School
.18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Member of the Standing Committee of Taiwan
Changhua Irrigation Association
Political Party
Chen, Chung-Chia
埔鹽鄉 Puyan Township
出生 民國70年
學歷 大葉大學電機工程碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員
富慶集團及永晉集團特助 、阡富科技執行長
黨籍 台灣民眾黨
Year of Birth
.Electrical Engineering Master of Dayeh University
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Special Assistant of Fortune Industrial Group,CEO of Chian Fu CO. LTD
Political Party
.Taiwan People’s Party
溪湖/溪湖藝文館 Xihu/Xihu Art Museum 埔鹽/高麗菜乾製作 Puyan/Dried Cabbage Making 議員 Councilor田中鎮|社頭鄉|二水鄉
第6選舉區 Election District 6
選區人口數:95,502 人
Population:95,502 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
Tianzhong/HSR Changhua Station
田中鎮 Tianzhong Township
鎮內擁有廣闊肥沃的稻田,氣候溫和,優質的濁 水溪泉源造就粒粒圓潤的田中米,產量豐碩,享有 「臺灣米倉」美譽。特色產業是花生油及麻油等製油
傳統行業,也使鎮內處處飄香。田中鎮風光明媚,不 僅有環境清幽的鼓山寺,每年舉辦的台灣米倉田中馬 拉松,被稱為國內最有人情味的路跑活動。
Tianzhong/Tianzhong Straw Art Festival
Tianzhong Township
The town is the home of the round and glistening Tianzhong Rice, thanks to the fertile fields, the mild climate, and the crystal-clear water of the Zhuoshui River. Not surprisingly, it is known as the "Rice Granary of Taiwan". The solitary Gushan Temple further adds to the beauty and scenery of Tianzhong. Not only beautiful, but also this town smells good due to its traditional peanut oil and sesame oil making industry. The Taiwan's Rice Granary Tianzhong Marathon held annually has the reputation of being the most heart-touching road running event.
田中/老樹公園 Tianzhong/Old Tree Park
Tianzhong/Taiwan's Rice Granary Tianzhong Marathon
Shetou/Cingshueiyan Temple
社頭鄉 Shetou Township
社頭有三多,即「芭樂多、襪子多、董事長 多」,鄉內曾經是全世界最大的製襪產地,因此有 「襪子的故鄉」之稱,農業以水晶芭樂、珍珠芭樂 享譽全臺。擁有豐富的人文與生態景觀,如「劉家 月眉池」和景色秀麗的「清水岩森林風景區」,都 是社頭的魅力所在。清水岩寺為主要信仰中心,為 縣定古蹟。
Shetou Township
Shetou has a lot of "guavas, socks, and chairmans". Shetou was once the world's biggest sock production center and is known as the "hometown of socks". Its crystal guavas and pearl guavas have a nationwide reputation. The "Yuemei Pond of Liu Family" and the picturesque "Qingshuiyan Forest Recreation Area" further add to the cultural and ecological beauty and the glamour of Shetou. The Qingshuiyan Temple is the most important religious center in the town and a county government-designated historic site.
二水鄉 Ershui Township
藉以飲水思源,緬懷先賢鑿圳引水的辛勞,成就如今豐富 的農產品,至今為具有特色的節慶活動。主要農產品為白 玉苦瓜、帝王柚、白柚。旅遊景點很多,包括豐柏登山步 道、八堡圳公園等。騎單車遊二水享受田園之樂,受到各 地遊客歡迎。
Peoples gather at the renowned irrigation system"Babao Canal " annually for the well-known "Water Running Festival" to commemorate the effort of the ancestors to channel waters into the fields that yield various agricultural products nowadays. Among other featured products, white jade balsam pears, emperor pummelos, and white shaddocks are the most popular ones. Fengbo Hiking Trail and Babao Canal Park are pinned frequently on the map by many tourists from all over Taiwan. You may just go on a bike ride and enjoy the verdure in Ershui.
二水/集集線火車 Ershui/Jiji Railway
Hsiao, Yu-Hsuan
社頭鄉 Shetou Township
出生 民國74年
學歷 國立員林家商
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.National Yuanlin Home-Economics and Commercial
Vocational Senior High School
Political Party
田中鎮 Tianzhong Township
出生 民國50年
學歷 國立虎尾科技大學工業工程管理碩士班
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Institue of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Formosa University
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.15th&16th Chief of Tianzhong Township
Political Party
社頭鄉 Shetou Township
出生 民國54年
學歷 彰化縣文興高中
經歷 立委陳素月競選團隊婦女部辦公室主任
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Holy Savior High School
.Director of the Women's Department Office of Legislator Chen,Su-Yueh Campaign Team
.The 9th、13th&17th Executive Committee Members of the Democratic Progressive Party
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
田中鎮 Tianzhong Township
出生 民國62年
學歷 國立臺中科技大學(二專)
經歷 彰化縣議會第18、19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Two-Year Vocational College,National Taichung
University of Science and Technology
.18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.17th Chairman of Changhua County Youth Career Development Association
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
議員 Councilor 議員 Councilor第7選舉區
Election District 7
選區人口數:116,906 人
Population:116,906 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
北斗鎮 Beidou Township
港及貨物集散地。農產品以稻米、香菜(芫荽)、冬 瓜、芹菜為主要作物,小吃以肉圓、肉乾較為出名。 佔地11.7公頃的河濱公園,留存以前航行到鹿港的 渡船頭,說明了清代「寶斗」北斗舊名的繁榮盛況。 奠安宮媽祖廟香火鼎盛,為主要的信仰中心。
Beidou Township
Beidou Township
The once thriving businesses make Beidou an important inland river port and a cargo distribution and transport hub in Central Taiwan. Rice, coriander (cilantro), winter melons, and celery are the main crops. Bawan and jerky are the famous foods of Beidou. The ferry bow in the 11.7-hectare riverside park where ferries to Lukang once moored now becomes a raconteur telling us the prosperity of "Bao Dou" (the former name of Beidou in the Qing Dynasty). Dianan Temple, dedicated to Mazu, is the chief religious and belief center.
Tianwei Township
田尾/落羽松美景 Tianwei/Beautiful Scenery of Bald Cypress Trees
田尾鄉 Tianwei Township
花團錦簇的花園騎車旅遊,也是一種享受。居民多數 務農,種植花卉及苗木,是重要的觀光旅遊景點。
As the town whose floral industry developed early and most of the residents work in the floriculture , Tianwei is known as the "Flower Township". With Highway Garden covering an area of about 500 hectares and more than 200 gardening centers, Tianwei is the home of thousands of exotic flowers and plants. Lamplight daisies at night are a tourism spotligiht. What’s more,visitors can enjoy a bike ride in the gardens where flowers are blooming in a riot of colors. Most of its residents work in agriculture, floriculture, and seedlings industry. Tianwei is definitely an attraction for tourism.
田尾/採收菊花 Tianwei/Harvesting Chrysanthemums
Pitou Township
埤頭鄉 Pitou Township
2,000公頃,成為本縣重要的米倉。鄉農會將「台梗9號 米、包心白菜、葱、平地高接梨」組成埤頭F4,並將農 會穀倉改建為彩繪的百寶村,與臺灣穀堡觀光工廠,都 成為熱門觀光景點,埤頭工業區則是鄉內最重要的製造 基地,以食品加工、塑膠等製造業為主。
Pitou, with more than 2,000 hectares of rice fields, is the granary of Changhua County. "Taiken No. 9 Rice, Chinese cabbage, green onions, and plain grafted pears" are changhua Souvenir Pitou’s F4 formed by the Town Farmers' Association. The Town Farmers' Association also converted its barn into Changhua Souvenir Center decorated with colorful paintings, which , together with the Taiwan Rice Castle, become popular tourist attractions. Pitou Industrial Park is the most important manufacturing center of the town,whose monufacturers are mostly food processing and plastic manufacturing plants.
溪州鄉 Xizhou Township
溪州鄉隔濁水溪與雲林縣連接,農業發達,稻 米、蔬菜、世紀芭樂、苗木都是主要的農作物,溪州 公園每年農曆年間舉辦「花在彰化」活動,聞名全
點。后天宮是主要信仰中心,大甲媽祖南下遶境,必 前來駐駕的「行宮」。
Xizhou has a flourishing agriculture with rice, vegetables, century guavas, and seedlings being its main crops. The annual "Flowers in Changhua" event held in the Xizhou Park during the period of Lunar New Year has earned a national reputation and attracted huge crowds. Xizhou Forest Park and Wanjing Art Garden are famous tourist spots. Houtian Temple is the most important religious center in the town and is the "imperial villa" where Dajia Mazu will stay at during her pilgrimage to the south.
埤頭鄉 Pitou Township
出生 民國46年
學歷 私立玉山高級中學
經歷 埤頭鄉第16、17屆鄉長
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
. Yushan Senior High School
.The 16th&17th Chief of Pitou Township
.16th、17th&18th Chair, Citizen Representatives of Pitou Township
Political Party
北斗鎮 Beidou Township
出生 民國62年
學歷 日本國沖繩國際大學畢業
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Okinawa International University of Japan
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Consultant of Changhua County Government
Political Party
溪州鄉 Xizhou Township
出生 民國47年
學歷 中臺醫專醫技科
經歷 彰化縣議會第14、15、16、17、18屆縣議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology
.14th、15th、16th、17th&18th Changhua County Councilor
.Convener of the Changhua County Council Party Office of the Democratic Progressive Party
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
田尾鄉 Tianwei Township
出生 民國48年
學歷 大葉大學國際企業管理碩士
經歷 彰化縣議會第12、13、16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.MS in International Business Management, Da-Yeh University
.12th、13th、16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.13th&14th Chief of Tianwei Township
Political Party
議員 Councilor 李俊諭 Li, Chun-Yu第8選舉區 Election District 8
109,992 人
Population:109,992 people(資料統計至111年11月底)
Erlin Township
二林鎮 Erlin Township
本縣面積最大的鄉鎮,盛產葡萄,有多家酒莊釀 製葡萄酒,有「臺灣酒鄉」之稱。春天的東螺溪木棉 花道秘境,風景優美,冬天有臺灣唯一種植蕎麥的鄉 鎮。「中科二林園區」正積極建廠,將吸引高科技廠 商進駐,加上「二林精密機械產業園區」,未來將是 本縣發展的雙引擎。
Erlin Township
Erlin is the largest township in the county and is famous for its grapes. Wineries brew wine themselres which earns Erlin a nickname - "the Town of Wine". In spring, you can see the beautiful silk-cotton trees on the hidden trail meandering along the Dongluo river. Erlin is also the only town in Taiwan that grows buckwheat in winter. The "Central Taiwan Science Park - Erlin Park" under construction is expected to attract high-tech manufacturers to settle in and, together with the "Erlin Precision Machinery Industrial Park", will serve as the twin engines for the development of the county.
二林/台灣酒窖 Erlin/Taiwan CellarFangyuan Township
芳苑鄉 Fangyuan Township
乘海牛、吹海風、賞夕陽、吃蚵嗲,可以說是到芳苑 鄉旅遊的特色。黑白相間的王功燈塔為芳苑的地標,近年
完工的芳苑濕地紅樹林海空步道,可近距離欣賞水鳥、招 潮蟹棲息地,漫步在紅樹林間觀賞海邊美景。每年夏天舉 辦的「王功漁火節」是中臺灣重要的夏日慶典,成為重要 的觀光活動。
Riding an ox cart,being refreshed by the sea breeze, admiring the sunset or feasting on oyster fritters are what tourists would do when visiting Fangyuan Township. The Wanggong Lighthouse with black and white stripes is the landmark of Fangyuan. The Fangyuan Wetland Mangrove Skywalk completed in recent years across the habitat of water birds and fiddler crabs leads to the picturesque scenery of the mangrove forests. The Firework on Waggong Fishing Port Festival" held every summer is an important summer festival in Central Taiwan that attracts huge visitors.
大城鄉 Dacheng Township
以農業及畜牧水產養殖為主要經濟活動。農產以西瓜、花 生、毛豆、番茄、蔬菜為主。肉鵝、肉鴨產量也大。水產 養殖以黃金蜆為大宗。知名景點有台西村影像館、台17線
Located on the north bank of the estuary of the Zhuoshui River, Dacheng is a typical agricultural village where most of the residents live by farming, livestock raising, and fish farming. Watermelons, peanuts, green soybeans, tomatoes, and vegetables are the main agricultural products.Besides many farmers raise a large amount of geese and ducks,too. For fish farming, gold clams are the main products.Taixi Village Gallery Hall and the Shalun Egrets Area on the west side of Provincial Highway 17 attracting various seabirds are tourist attractions.
Dacheng Township
竹塘鄉 Zhutang Township
稻香水甜、綠野平疇是竹塘鄉的最佳寫照。濁水溪水帶 來肥沃的土壤,主要農產品為稻米、洋菇、豌豆、高接梨、 葡萄及蔬菜,鄉內所生產的「竹塘米」、「米粉」都受到市 場歡迎,畜牧業以生產雞蛋為主。位於濁水溪堤岸的木棉花 道及400年的九龍大榕公為知名景點。
Zhutang/Chiulong Big Banyan Tree
The fragrance of rice, the limpidity of water, the emerald of fields and the vastness of plains are the best description for Zhutang Township. The water of the Zhuoshui River results in the fertile fields of Zhutang. Rice, mushrooms, peas, grafted pears, grapes, and vegetables are the main agricultural products. Its "Zhutang rice" and "rice noodles" are popular on the market. Zhutang is also an important egg production area. The famous attractions in Zhutang include the silk-cotton trail meandering along the Zhuoshui River and the 400-year-old Chiulong Big Banyan Tree.
Zhutang Township
出生 民國87年
學歷 臺中中國醫藥大學中國藥學暨中藥資源學系
經歷 立法委員黃秀芳助理
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Department of Chinese Pharmaceutical Science and Chinese Medicine Resourses, China Medical University
.Assistant of Legislator Huang,Xiu-Fang
.Director of the Youth Liaison Office of the Changhua County Division of the Democratic Progressive Party
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
出生 民國47年
學歷 曉陽商工
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員 中國國民黨二林鎮黨部主任委員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Xiaoyang Commercial &Industrial Vocational School
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Chairperson of Erlin Township Divison of the Kuomintang
Political Party
二林鎮 Erlin Township 議員 CouncilorHong, Teng-Ming
二林鎮 Erlin Township
出生 民國64年
學歷 中州科技大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第19屆議員
黨籍 民主進步黨
Year of Birth
.Chung Chou University of Science and Technology
.19th Changhua County Councilor
.Squad Leader, Volunteer Firefighters, Erlin Branch
Political Party
.Democratic Progressive Party
Wu, Shu-Chuan
大城鄉 Dacheng Township
出生 民國44年
學歷 明道大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第 13 、 14 、 15 、 16 、 17 、 18 、
黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
.Mingdao University
.13th、14th、15th、16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
Political Party
Chen, Yi- Tun
二林鎮 Erlin Township
出生 民國63年
學歷 中州科技大學
經歷 彰化縣議會第17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Chung Chou University of Science and Technology
.17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
.Director and Representative, Changhua Area
Fishermen's Association
Political Party
竹塘/醒靈宮 Zhutang/Xingling Temple 大城/運動公園 Dacheng /Sports Park 議員 Councilor第9選舉區 Election District 9
設籍在本縣的原住民族共有15族、人數約6,000 人,其中阿美族人數最多。居住的城市前2名分別是 彰化市與花壇鄉。原住民率真、熱情,為經濟發展貢 獻良多。每年縣府都舉辦原住民文化節,讓他們彼此 交流,並且展現不同的原民文化特色。
The aborigines registered in Changhua County belong to 15 tribes, numbered 6,000. Most of them are Amis. The aborigines mainly live in Changhua City and Huatan Township. They are sincere and hospitable and have contributed colossally to the economic development of the county. The Indigenous Cultural Festival held by the county government every year provides a platform for them to gather together and share their different cultures with each other.
Changhua/Indigenous People Reunion and Celebrating Arrival of Spring Activity
Changhua/lndigenous Peoples Activity Center
陳榮妹 Chen, Rong-Mei
原住民 Indigenous
出生 民國52年
學歷 高級中學
經歷 彰化縣議會第16、17、18、19屆議員
黨籍 中國國民黨
Year of Birth
.Senior High School
.16th、17th、18th&19th Changhua County Councilor
Changhua/Harvest Festival
.Founding President of Changhua County Aboriginal Humanities Care Development Association
Political Party
議員 CouncilorStatistic Overview of the 20 th Term's Councilors
Proportion of Political Parties
Duties and Rights of the Council
本會職權依據「地方制度法」第 36 條 規定,計 有下列 10 項:
另依同法第 48 條規定,議會定期會開會時,縣長應提出施政報告,縣政府各一級
Based on the article 36 of Local System Law, the council has 10 items of duties and rights.
1. Resolve regulation of the county.
2. Resolve budget of the county.
3. Resolve special levies, temporary levies and additional levies of the county.
4. Resolve properties handling for the county.
5. Resolve autonomy regulations of the county government together with its relevant businesses.
6. Resolve proposals from the county government.
7. Deliberate the examining reports of final accounting for the county.
8. Resolve proposals from the councilors.
9. Adopt petitions from county people.
10. Other commissions on the basis of the law or superior statutes.
Besides, in accordance with article 48 of the same law, during each regular meeting session, the county magistrate should submit administration reports, and all the chiefs of first class departments and auxiliaries under county government ought to propose their business reports and adopt interpellations from the councilors if necessary.
Council System 組織
凡中華民國國民年滿 20 歲在本縣且在各該選
凡選舉人年滿 23 歲,得於其行使選舉權之選
第六條規定方式計算為 54 名,包括平地原住
The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Council are elected separately through open ballots by all councilors after their inaugurations. The Speaker handles the council. In case the Speaker can't execute his duty, the Deputy Speaker should act for him. If the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker could not perform their duties at the same time, then the councilors may elect one of them in 3 days. If it happens in recess, councilors should hold a provisional meeting to elect a deputy. Should they fail, councilor with most terms in the council would be the deputy. If councilors with the same terms of service in the council, then the most senior one would be the deputy.
All the councilors are elected by the county's constituents.
According to the electoral law, R.O.C. citizens who are 20 years old or above and have at least 4 months residence in the election district of the county, will be electors. Electors, who are 23 years old or above could register to be the candidate of official position in their election districts.
According to article 6 of the “local legislative organization criteria”, it regulates that there are 54 councilors this term, including one aboriginal and 11 seats of reserved councilwomen.
組織架構圖 Organization and System Framework
委員會 Examination Committee
議長 Speaker
副議長 Deputy Speaker
秘書長 Secretary General
行政單位 Administrative Unit
程序委員會 Procedure Committee
審查委員會 Examination Committee
紀律委員會 Discipline Committee
民政委員會 Civil Affairs Committee
財稅警政委員會 Finance & Police Committee
經建交通委員會 Economic Affairs & Transportation Committee
文教環衛委員會 Culture & Education Environmental Protection & Public Health Committee
議事組 Division of Session Agenda
總務組 Division of General Affairs
法制室 Statute Office
公共關係室 Public Relations Office
資訊行政室 Computer Information & Administration Office
會計室 Accounting Office
人事室 Personnel Office
議事部門 一、會議
Departments of Session Agenda
章、決定預算通過提案等,都要以開會的方式來決 定。因此本會係以召開會議為首要之務,其開會會期 除每屆成立大會外,分成定期會及臨時會,每次會
議、非有議員總額減除出缺人數後過半數之出席不得 開議,但於施政報告及質詢時,不受額數之限制。 定期會
每 6 個月開會一次,由議長召集。每次會期包括
例假日或停會在內為 40 日。每年審議總預算之定期會
之一以上連署,提經大會決議延長會期,但不得超過5 日,且不得作為質詢之用。
長應於 10 日內召開,其會期包括例假日或停會在內,
每次不得超過 5日,每12個月不得多於 6次,但有覆議
1.The Meeting
County council shall exert its powers on the basis of collegiate system to settle all matters concerning drawing up regulations, county budgets resolution, proposals approval, and so on. Therefore, the primary task of this council lies in its session. It has regular meetings and provisional meetings besides the opening general convention held at the start of each term. Except for administration report and questioning, no session may be convened without a majority of all attendant members of councilors deducted from those vacancies.
Regular Meeting
The council shall be convened once every six months by Council Speaker. Each session shall be a period of forty (40) days (official holidays or meeting suspension are included). Under the resolution of this meeting, annual budget reviewing session, if necessary, when under the request of County Magistrate or Speaker's approval or cosigners of one third of total councilors, shall be extended not more than five (5) days (official holidays or meeting suspension are included).
Provisional Meeting
Upon the request of the County Magistrate or Speaker of this council or one third of total councilors, or when a re-vote is submitted by the County government, an occasional session shall be convened within ten (10) days by the Speaker. Each such provisional session shall not exceed five (5) days (official holidays or meeting suspension are included); except for re-vote bill, not more than six of such provisional sessions are allowed within a period of twelve (12) months.
本會委員會之設置,主要目的是為方便分工及提升議事效率,分為程序委員會、紀律委員會、 審查委員會三種,另得設專案小組。
乃為審定議事日程而設立,包括審查各種提案之內容,合併、分類以及時間之分配事項。由各 議案審查委員會各推兩人為委員,並以議長為當然委員兼召集人。
召集人 議長 謝典林
委員 柯振杯、黃柏瑜、黃俊源、吳錦潭、黃正盛、莊陞漢、陳一惇、陳銌銌
召集人 副議長 許原龍
乃為審查議案而設立,於本會開會期間設置 4 個審查委員,分別審查議案,每一審查委員會設置
召集人 3 至 5 人,其人數、人選及召集人,由議長就議員中擬定,提出大會通過之,但每一議員以參加
This committee is set up for the purpose of laboring division within the council and upgrading efficiency. This committee is devided into a procedure committee, a discipline committee, an examination committee, and an additional special case team.
Procedure Committee
The procedure committee shall be set up for the purpose of reviewing the session agenda which includes the content, merger, classification of various proposals and the allocation of meeting schedules. The said committee of the whole shall be composed of two respective councilors from each reviewing committee, with Speaker as the convener and natural commissioner concurrently.
Convener Speaker, Hsieh, Dian-Lin
Commissioner Ke, Jhen-Bei、Huang, Po-Yu、Huang, Jun-Yuan、Wu, Chin-Tan Huang,Zheng-Sheng、Zhuang, Sheng-Han、Chen, Yi-Tun、Chen, Zun-Zun
Discipline Committee
It also shall be set up for the purpose of maintaining order of meeting, with councilors selected from county councilors as committee members, and with one committee member selected among all members as convener.
Convener Deputy Speaker, Hsu, Yuan-Long
Commissioner Lee,How-Tsen、Hsu, Shu-Wei、Chen, Chung-Chia、Huang, Qian-Yan Chou, Chun-Ling、Shih, Pei-Yu、Hsiao, Yu-Hsuan、Lai, Cing-Mei Chang, Chun-Yang、Tu, Jun-Ren、Chan,Wan-Hui、Lin, Mao-Ming
Examination Committee
The examination committee shall be set up for the purpose of inspecting various bills. A total of four examination committee shall be set up to review bills, with each committee comprising 3-5 members as conveners. The number, candidate, and convener of each committee shall be named by the speaker among all councilors and approved by the general meeting, provided that each councilor shall be limited to only one committee, and shall participate each committee in sequence order annually.
審查會別 召集人 委員 程序委員會委員 審查會承辦人
財稅 警政
顧黃水花、白玉如、李成濟、黃柏瑜 郭燕陵、楊妙月、柯振杯、施嘉華 劉惠娟、陳重嘉、許書維、李浩誠 洪子超
陳玉姫、鄭俊雄 藍駿宇
凃淑媚、張雪如 李俊諭、張國棟
劉淑芳、陳榮妹 林宗翰、洪本成
黃千宴、黃俊源、藍駿宇、施佩妤 林小琪、周君綾、張錦昆、曹嘉豪 詹木根、陳玉姫、鄭俊雄、吳錦潭 吳淑娟
温芝樺、莊陞漢、許雅琳、凃淑媚 賴清美、黃正盛、張欣倩、張雪如 張春洋、蕭妤亘、李俊諭、張國棟 洪騰明
葉永清、楊子賢、陳銌銌、林茂明 楊竣程、林宗翰、凃俊任、洪本成 劉珊伶、詹琬惠、劉淑芳、陳一惇 陳榮妹
柯振杯 黃柏瑜 許鈺涓
2、縣 府:行政處、民政處、勞工處、青年發展處、社會處、計畫處、新聞處、人事處、政風處。
員人數、人選及召集人,由大會推定。但對未發生之事項或假定問題,不得組設專案小組。議員對於本身有利害 關係之事項,不得參加專案小組。
Examination Committee
Type of Examination Committee Convener Commissioner
Gu Huang, Shuei-Hua
Bai, Yu-Ru
Gu Huang, Shuei-Hua、Bai, Yu-Ru、Li, Cheng-Ji
Huang, Po-Yu、Guo, Yan-Ling、Yang, Miao-Yue
Examination Committee Commissioner
Sponsor of Examination Committee
Civil Affairs
Liu, Hui-Chuan
Yang, Miao-Yue
Guo, Yan-Ling
Wu, Shu-Jyuan
Chang, Chin-Kun
Chen, Yu-Chi
Zheng, Jun-Xiong
Lan, Chun-Yu
Tu, Shu-Mei
Chang, Syue-Ru
Li, Chun-Yu
Chang, Kuo-Tung
Wen, Zhi-Hua
Ke, Jhen-Bei、Shih, Chia-Hua、Liu, Hui-Chuan
Chen, Chung-Chia、Hsu, Shu-We、Lee, How-Tsen
Hong, Tzu-Chao
Huang, Qian-Yan、Huang, Jun-Yuan、Lan, Chun-Yu
Shih, Pei-Yu、Lin, Hsiao-Chi、Chou, Chun-Ling
Chang, Chin-Kun、Tsao, Hower、Chan, Mu-Ken
Chen, Yu-Chi、Zheng, Jun-Xiong、Wu, Chin-Tan
Wu, Shu-Jyuan
Wen, Zhi-Hua、Zhuang, Sheng-Han、Hsu, Ya-Lin
Tu, Shu-Mei、Lai, Cing-Me、Huang, Zheng-Sheng
Chang, Xin-Qia、Chang, Syue-Ru、Chang, Chun-Yang
Hsiao, Yu-Hsuan、Li, Chun-Yu、Chang, Kuo-Tung
Hong, Teng-Ming
Culture & Education
Environmental Protection & Public Health
Liu, Shu-Fang
Chen, Rong-Mei
Lin, Zhong-Han
Hong, Ben-Cheng
Liu, Shan-Ling
Yeh, Yung-Ching、Yang, Tzu-Hsien、Chen, Zun-Zun
Lin, Mao-Ming、Yang, Chun-Cheng、Lin, Zhong-Han
Tu, Chun-Jen、Hong, Ben-Cheng、Liu, Shan-Ling
Chan, Wan-Hui、Liu, Shu-Fang、Chen, Yi-Tun、
Chen, Rong-Mei
Special Case Team:
Ke, Jhen-Bei
Huang, Po-Yu Shiu, Yu-jiuan
Huang, Jun-Yuan
Wu, Chin-Tan Huang, ShianJang
Huang, ZhengSheng
Zhuang, ShengHan
Chen, Yi-Tun
Chen, Zun-Zun Ou, Shan-yu
This council shall have the right to set up special case team when any special case or data gathering regarding its authority and function is deemed necessary. Number, candidate and convener of the special case team shall be subjected to the approval of general meeting. Special Case Team shall not be set up for not-yetoccurred matters or presumable problems. Councilors shall not be a member of the Special Case Team if he/ she has a stake in the matter which the Special Case Team is about to handle.
行政單位組織與職掌 Organization and Functions of Administrative Units
Secretary General│Lin,Yu-Hsiu
職掌 Authority & Function
Under the order of the Speaker to handle all council's matters and oversee all employees of this council.
Office of Secretariat│Liu,Kun-Li、Huang,Yu-Bin、Huang,Fu-Shih
總務組│陳廣武 主任 Division of General Affairs│Chen,Kuang-Wu
職掌 Authority & Function
關於事務管理、年度工作計畫、研究考核、印信典守、款項出納、會館管理、營繕採購、公產公務之管 理、集會管理、車輛管理、文書檔案管理、廳舍管理、安全管理、工友管理、員工福利之管理及其他不屬 各組、室之事項。
All matters concerning business management, annual project planning, research and evaluation, preservation of official seal and classics, payment of various expenses, management of council hall, construction and procurement, management of public property, management of public assembly, management of vehicles, management of documents and files, housing management, safety management, management of janitors, management of employee's benefits, etc.
議事組│陳三民 主任 Division of Session
職掌 Authority & Function
之整理、議案及人民請願案之處理、議事 錄及公報(會訊)之彙編等事項。
Editing of meeting agenda; preparation of meeting; arrangement of meeting records; handling of bill and public petition; compiling of minutes, communiques, etc.
法制室│黃耀南 主任 Statute Office│Huang,Yao-Nan
職掌 Authority & Function
In charge of legal matters.
公共關係室│田飛鵬 主任
Public Relations
職掌 Authority & Function
In charge of news editing, release, and communication with mass media, collecting, analysis and filing of informational data; councilors' domestic and overseas business visiting, and organizing, interacting and introducing of various activities; also coordination and contacting of foreign affairs.
Personnel Office│Jheng,Heng-Yuan
職掌 Authority & Function
Handling personnel matters in accordance with laws.
資訊行政室│周東儒 主任 Computer Information & Administration Office│Chou,Tung-Ju
職掌 Authority & Function
關於資訊系統之規劃、維護、管理、運用及圖書管理;議員及其公費助理費用請領、勞健保與勞退基金之辦理 等行政事項。
Handling matters in regard to the planning, maintaining of legal information systems, establishing office automation, computer training and utilization, collecting and management of literary, books, and data, etc.
會計室│顏香儒 主任 Accounting Office│Yen,Hsiang-Ju
職掌 Authority & Function
Handling annual accounting, general accounting affairs in accordance with laws.
歷屆議會概況表 Brief Table of Council Operations in the Past
88.12.30公布施行,地 方民意代表費用支給條例於
58 Chen, ShihYing Wu, WangHsiung
The address of council was at
On June 2, 1954, the Speaker Mr. Lai resigned due to a new position as commissioner in provincial government, On July 11, Mr. Yang was the speaker after re-election.
(1) The tenture was changed to 3 years.
(2) The building of new meeting hall was resolved to build in this term. Choosing Changhua Park as the new location. Breaking the ground on December 11, 1957.
The new meeting hall was finished on March 31, 1962. The new office was available on April 23.
The tenture was changed to 4 years.
(1) The tenure of this term was extended one year and 2 months longer under the law.
(2) The speaker, Mr. Wu, got a new position of being a member of the National Assembly and resigned on January 31, 1973. Deputy Speaker, Mr. Huang, substituted the position.
(1) Starting to build the council hall on November 23, 1970, and finished on November 4, 1980.
(2) The tenure of this term was extended 2 months longer under the law.
(1) Council Speaker Bai was dismissed on April 2,2009, and Hsieh, Dian-Lin was elected to fill in the vacancy of Council Speaker via an additional election held on 23rd June.
(2) Hsiau, Ching-Tien designed on 1st February 2008 to take the post of legislator, and Yang, Fu-Ti was elected to fill in the vacancy of Deputy Council Speaker via an additional election held on 1st February 2008.
(1) The tenure of this term was extended nine months and 25 days longer under the law.
(2) Deputy Speaker Bai left his post on the of October 4,2011. His position was filled by Hsu, Yuan-Long on March 27, 2012 through an election.
His original name is Hsieh Dian-Lin, which he changed on January 23, 2019.
Ushering in the next 300 years
邁向下一個300年 The Next 300 Years
根據《地方制度法》規定,人口聚居達 125萬人以上,且在政治、經濟、文化及都會 區域發展上有特殊需要得設置直轄市。
本縣人口接近125萬人,經濟、文化、發 達,有「傳統產業故鄉」、「臺灣穀倉」的 美譽,假以時日必能發展為直轄市,擴大發 展格局,「彰化加油」。
According to the "Local Government Act ", regions with population of 1.25 million and with special requirements in their political, economic, cultural, and metropolitan developments may establish special municipalities.
The county has approximately 1.25 million residents and has earned the reputation of being "the Hometown of Traditional Industries" and "the Granary of Taiwan". It is envisaged that Changhua will be upgraded to a special municipality with thriving industries in the near future. Changhua, GO! GO! GO!
Meeting Hall Seating List
Commissioner,Local Tax Bureau Commissioner,Department of Accounting and Statistics Commissioner, Department of Finance
Commissioner, Department of Agriculture Commissioner,Department ofCity and Tourism Development
Commissioner, Department of Water Resources
經濟暨綠能 發展處長 建設處長 民政處長 秘書長 縣長
Commissioner,Department of Economic and
Hsieh, Dian-Lin Hsu, Yuan-Long Chang, Chin-Kun Zheng, Jun-Xiong
Chen, Zun-Zun Yang, Chun-Cheng Bai, Yu-Ru Lin, Hsiao-Chi Liu, Hui-Chuan Huang, Qian-Yan
Chen, Yi-Tun Huang, Jun-Yuan Ke, Jhen-Bei Wen, Zhi-Hua Lee,How-Tsen Chang, Syue-Ru
Huang,Zheng-Sheng Lin, Tsung-Han Tu, Chun-Jen Hsiao, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Yu-Chi Yeh, Yung-Ching
Hong, Ben-Cheng Chang, Kuo-Tung Tu, Shu-Mei Liou, Shu-Fang
Commissioner, Department of General Affairs
Commissioner, Department of Education
計畫處長 人事處長 政風處長
Commissioner, Department of Planning Commissioner, Department of Personnel Office
Commissioner, Department of Civil Service Ethics
Commissioner, Department of Social Affairs
Commissioner, Department of Labor Affairs
Commissioner, Department of Chang Hua Youth
Commissioner, Department of Information
Commissioner, Police Bureau Commissioner, Fire Bureau Commissioner, Environmental Protection Bureau
Commissioner, Public Health Bureau Commissioner, Cultural Affairs Bureau
Shih, Pei-Yu Chen, Chung-Chia Chan,Wan-Hui Hong, Tzu-Chao Yang, Tzu-Hsien Li, Chun-Yu
Chan, Mu-Ken Wu, Chin-Tan Yang, Miao-Yue Liu, Shan-Ling Chou, Chun-Ling Hong,Teng-Ming
Lin, Mao-Ming Chang, Chun-Yang Li, Cheng-Ji Huang, Po-Yu Hsu, Ya-Lin Hsu, Shu-Wei
Wu, Shu-Jyuan Guo, Yan-Ling Lai, Cing-Mei Lan, Chun-Yu Zhuang, Sheng-Han Chang, Xin-Qian 顧黃水花 陳榮妹 曹嘉豪 施嘉華
Gu Huang, Shuei-Hua Chen, Rong-Mei Tsao, Hower Shih, Chia-Hua