Innovative Women
jenny manger, marussia beverages usa
Spirited women continue to merge their past contributions and future leadership roles in innovative ways. Today’s strong presence of women in top-tier positions within the spirits industry is welcomed by many, trickling down to a truer representation of drinkers and brands. “The friction needed for idea-making thrives when the boardroom is filled with different points of view,” states Jenny Manger, Marketing Director for Marussia Beverages USA, the highly diversified privately-owned premium wines, sakes, and spirits group. “Now, with a healthy mix of both women and men in leading spirits positions, we finally have the right balance
of what our consumer base is truly made of. Consequently, that comes with a broader spectrum of opinions, innovation, and creativity.” While both men and women have spearheaded innovative projects across the spirits industry for some time, women today tend to bring a fresh perspective to an otherwise male-dominated industry. “The spirit industry, for the most part, has always been male-dominated,” notes Manger. “Marketing and product development really reflected that singular perspective—good, bad, or indifferent.” We now see representation beginning to shift toward equality, which directly influences brand development.
“Now, with a healthy mix of both women and men in leading spirits positions, we finally have the right balance of what our consumer base is truly made of.” -Jenny Manger