Sishe Chin Portfolio 2006-2009

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PORTFOLIO 2006-2009



4446 Mobile Drive 216 | Columbus | Ohio | 43220 614.446.2043 SKILLS Architectural: Advanced in AutoCAD and Google SketchUp; Experienced in 3D Studio Max, Rhinoceros with RhinoScript and Grasshopper, and Form Z; Hand sketching with pencil and ink; Model making with either hand-made or fabrication with laser cutter. Graphic: Advanced knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. Website & Multimedia: Extensive knowledge in HTML, ASP, VRML, and CSS; Skilled in package software such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Flash. Other applicable skills: Native in Chinese-mandarin, proficiency in English; Experienced in MS Office and Adobe Acrobat; Skilled in cost estimating and optimization with mathematical models. EDUCATION The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH M.Arch: expected graduation in December 2009 M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2006 Concentration in Operations Research, Networking, and Algorithms. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan B.S. in Industrial Engineering & Enterprise Information, 2003 Concentration in Operations Research. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Graduate Teaching Associate, October 2008—June 2009 Assisting instructor in teaching software such as AutoCAD, Form Z, Rhinoceros with Grasshopper, and 3D Studio Max. Graduate Administrative Associate, October 2007—June 2009 Utilizing HTML and CSS to maintain school website; Updating school database with Microsoft Access & SQL. Cosmos Architects & Interior Designers Architectural Intern Designer, June—August 2006 Drafting building plans, sections, and elevations on AutoCAD; Conduct precedent research for mass transportation terminals.




construction details | EARTH SCIENCES GALLERY computational design | SERVO THERMOCLIME REPRODUCTION single family house | CROSWELL RESIDENCE the rebirth of cultural center | BEIRUT HOUSE OF ARTS & CULTURE confluence the confluence | SCIOLENTANGY WETLAND & RIVER RESEARCH CENTER comprehensive design | GAHANNA SENIORS HOUSING

before architecture | KSA ADMISSION PORTFOLIO

schematic design WALL HOUSE VERB HOUSE: PARE BUNKER HILL URBAN HOUSE Studio Douglas Graf & Jacqueline Gargus WALL HOUSE is a project of house made by two golden ratio rectangular walls. The major purpose of this project is to practice and develop schematic design with simple actions on simple objects. With limited actions such as cutting and folding, spaces are created spaces and a continuous circulation run through every space. VERB HOUSE is a project of house created by English verb “PARE”. Acting on a 1 by 4 bar, with approaches of cutting and folding to perform verb, a two story height space is made for bibliophile. Programs of library, bedroom, kitchen/ dining, and others are carefully located along the axes of verb house.


BUNKER HILL URBAN HOUSE is a project of urban house near Bunker Hill Monument Square in Boston. A given site is about 24 foot wide and 92 foot long. The project is to design a house for a traditional three-generation family. In here not only their current need are required to be considered, but also for any

future adjustment. Our clients are a regular family of mom and dad with two kids, and they live with their grandpa for now. Grandpa wants his own private space and family want to have some flexibility of grandpa’s space once they have freedom to reuse. So that a double house type for a single family become main format in design. Procedures divide to several steps: Site Analysis, programs design, and circulation design. The major design of this house is the combination of three cubes. Each cubes represents some unique programs in a regular family. Front cube has public spaces such as living room and library; upper cube has private spaces such as bedrooms; lower cube has separate program such as grandpa’s room. Two circulations, as well as two entrances, have been provided, one is for family and their friends, and second one on the back is mainly for grandpa to direct access private space in family house. Though it is more like a double house project, these two housing units connect to each other and are able to communicate to each other. The recess of balcony in between cubes provides view and natural light to each cubic space.


top: A Series of study models bottom: Physical model shot Right: Hand-drawn elevations & sections & Handdrawn floor plans



top: a Series of study models Left: Hand-drawn elevations & sections & Hand-drawn floor plans bottom: Physical model shot



top: Study models of Urban House project & 1:32 scale site model to urban context middle: Hand-drawn plans & sections & elevations bottom: 1:8 scale physical model to show party wall, front, side, and rear elevation


urban design URBAN ARCHIPELAGOS Studio Kivi Sotamaa & Andrew Kudless Collaboration with Katherine Eberly & Tongsue Ly This is a urban design project for a site on the south harbor of Helsinki, Finland. We have a group of three teammates collaborating on our idea of urban pattern; the pattern of an archipelago acts as the driving force behind the organization of this urban fabric. Perimeters of the individual islands provide natural rhythms which set the pace for everyday activities. Ribbons of greenscape are created between the patterns of programmable space while swaths of buildings and interior lakes allow for a reading of a smaller scale that harkens back to the ideas of the overall urban plan.


Following the master plan of Urban Archipelago, high density housing formed by the patterns is scattered over the north side of Lower Peninsula, adjacent to marina complex and maritime museum of Finland. The scheme of high density housing is a mixing of landscape and buildings. Landscapes interlace on different levels to reduce the visual impact of steel buildings. Mixing landscape forms a

huge system of green space to provide leisure and entertainment to residents; upper story residents have the same opportunity to access green open space while sliding open their back door. One new life style is created by the interaction of inner living space and outer recreation space. “Green everywhere” doesn’t limit their convenience or their ability to maintain their physical lifestyle. Commercial space popping up below fulfills their shopping needs. A concrete core provides structural support and vertical circulation, juxtaposed with the interlacing landscapes which provide horizontal or diagonal circulation. High density housing no longer needs to give an impression of coagulation and congestion, but instead the sense of an ideal life style, green and convenient.

top: The site plan of south harbor (dark grey area) in city of Helsinki in Finland bottom-left: The original image of pattern for urban context design bottom-middle: Patterns are selected out of image and will be mapped on top of the plan of south harbor as the pattern of building and water area bottom-right: Schematic diagram of urban context for south harbor in Helsinki


High Density Housing

Maritime Museum

Waterfront Marina


8th Floor

4th Floor

Ground Floor

opposite-top-left: The site plan of complex of high density housing, waterfront marina, and maritime museum on the south of south harbor in Helsinki opposite-top-right: The site plan of high density housing top: The floor plans of high density housing bottom: The section of high density housing with diagram of design strategy of flying landscape opposite-bottom: 1’=1/8� scale physical model to show the views and details of high density housing


color/copy/cut/confine/curate FIVE QUICK FIXES OF ARCHITECTURE Studio Robert Somol & John McMorrough

This is a studio of laziness and indiscipline. With the five basic practices in architectural concept left out to differentiate formal training in architectural education from our preformative stage, our development is highlighted. Assignments have let students jump out of spatial design to a more abstract area; discovering the possibility of art in architecture, we return to spatiality to develop complex concepts in architecture. Analyzing the characteristics of color, recreating notable image in architecture with local elements, applying simple action of cut to generate a space, organizing small spaces within a finite boundary, and presenting them all together as one unity. And then technique developed through these C’s training.


RGB 25 93 175 CMYK 98.04 63.14 4.31 0.00

right: First C: Color for morpho blue opposite: First C: the color code of M blue in RGB and CMYK for morpho blue middle & bottom: Second C: Copy of famous image of Golden Lane by Allison and Peter Smithson in 1952. The practice allow us to recreate image with commercial catalog into a different phenomenon.





opposite top: Third C: Cut as an implementation in block to create a spiral mass and create a space inside as shown in section cut. opposite bottom: Forth C: Confine three scales of cubes within a larger boundary. With single strategy to organize space, and this strategy is text texture-map on English letter. right: Fifth C: the proposal of Curate for previous four C. bottom: Actual setting of Curate.


construction details EARTH SCIENCES GALLERY IMI Competition Finalist To present a gallery for earth sciences, layering of masonry material is applied. Sand stone has been chosen as cast stone for lower layer and ground floor facade. Brick has been chosen for upper layer of facade and has orientation changed due to the shape of building. The layering of masonry materials is from more natural stone such as sand stone, to more artificial masonry such as brick. The purpose of layering design is to create a phenomenon that the building erected from nature. The recess design in second floor and roof is to reduce the visual impact to current site. This frame-shape design not only demonstrate the usage of building as exhibition space, but also determines the orientation of brick layout. The Gallery also achieve the sustainability by taking advantage of the slope of recess roof to recycle water.


Sectional diagram indicates the sustainable design to recycle rain water Opposite-Top-Left: Elevation Opposite-Top-Right: First floor plan Opposite-Bottom-Left: Section Opposite-Bottom-Right: Second floor plan



Top: Wall detailed sections with material assigned Bottom-Left & Opposite-Bottom: Physical sectional model Bottom-Right: Partial elevation showing the differentiation of materials and composition Opposite-Top: Wall section details


computational design SERVO THERMOCLIME REPRODUCTION Computer Graphics Collaborative with Shanshan Tang Thermoclime is a project of integration of digital design, fabrication, lighting and sound technologies. It upgrades the infrastructure of a conventional furniture unit, transforming its surface into a multi-sensory experience. Servo, with collaborators, has continued to investigate how to do interaction design with various ergonomic studies of people position on the furniture, and begins to transform a larger environment through the mixing of sounds around the piece and through lighting which responds to seating positions. We developed and reproduced digital model of Servo Thermoclime on 3D Studio Max. Generated the model with parametric approach such as lofting and snapshotting. The time-framed animation gave us opportunities to set the variations on the furniture in the middle of process. These variations became the emission of heat and light. The replica of smaller scaled model is fabricated on laser cutter in a quarter scale.


top: The dents of surface to allow air, light and heat emitting out from inside middle: Diagrams of ergonomic design with different positions of human sitting on Thermoclime bottom & opposite: The original Thermoclime developed by SERVO. In their furniture, the Thermoclime was made of thermo-formed acrylic cells. Each cell surface was corrugated to provide structural support for a variety of sitting and resting conditions


Initial shape



top: Computational anaylsis: generating object with lofting techniques in 3D Studio Max opposite-top: Computational anaylsis: generating object with snapshotting techniques in 3D Studio Max Middle: Digital rendering of SERVO Thermoclime bottom: Digital rendering of the elevations of SERVO Thermoclime opposite-bottom: The variation of material applied on the SERVO Thermoclime






initial shape





Nesting: 10 Hours

Model Reconstruction: 8 Hours

Model Snapshotting: 10 Hours

Model Lofting: 8 Hours

Documentation: 5 Hours


middle & opposite-middle: Final 1/4 scaled physical models made of chipboards with laser cutting bottom & opposite-bottom: Cost & material analysis in a plot-chart diagram of specific time spending on each of the stage of reproduction. In this process, 9 sheets of 29-by-46 3/16 inches chipboards has been used and they cost $20.7 with $2.3 each; plotting 8 sheets of presentation boards for 29.2 with $3.65 each; and the total cost we spend on the project is $49.9 opposite-top: The nesting layout in AutoCAD for laser cutter to cut out the shape of Thermoclime section

Total Tome: 86 Hours

Presentation Boards: 11 Hours

Photographic Documentation: 2 Hours

Digital Model Rendering: 4 Hours

Nesting & Assembly of Model: 8 Hours

Laser Cutting: 15 Hours

Laser Cutter Testing: 2 Hours

Material Purchasing: 1 Hour

Cost/ Material Analysis: 2 Hours


single family house CROSWELL RESIDENCE Studio Michael Cadwell & Stephen Turk This is a residential project on Croswell Road, north side of city of Columbus. In Project Scenario, Bookish Jon is a single dad with sixyear-old twin boys, Andy and Tommy. Jon is a psychotherapist and he work at home. A busy guy as Jon has no time to watch them all time and need help from his elderly mom, kids’ grandmother to stay and take care of them. She is so good at cooking and has her own growing farm in back yard. Jon loves to collect books. He has library for not only his own collection of novels, and picture books, but also for his kid’s children’s book. Sometimes sitting in the library by the windows to read relaxes him from work. Based on the scenario, five elements: dad & twins, grandma, productive garden, library, and work at home as a psychotherapist, have been provided as program requirement. Under these conditions this project has


requirement of double house type spatial design: one for private use and the other one is for work. The site of project on Croswell is a residential community area. The house type in that area is ranch house mostly. Taking advantage of ranch house attribution, two parts of space has been developed on two direction and stack on top of each other. Both of spaces share the front entrance and garden on the back. Circulation divides two spaces in the middle spatially, and glass entrance divides two volumes of space visually.

top: Five elements of schematic setting: father & twins, grandma, library, productive garden, and therapist as father’s occupation bottom: Schematic diagram: this is a development of traditional ranch house type to new design


top: Floor Plans in 1’=1/32” scale Middle-Top: Site plan with north on top in 1’=1/64” scale middle-bottom & opposite: Elevations in 1’=1/32” scale bottom & opposite: Sections in 1’=1/32” scale opposite-top: Digital rendering of Croswell project in aerial view. The landscape strategy can be identified as a progress from water to productive garden to bosque. opposite-middle: Diagram of view strategy. Four different types of view are provided on front and rear of project




top & middle & opposite: Digital rendering of Croswell project. Top row crossing pages are the rendering of interior space for library and office bottom: 1’=1/16� scale physical model. This is a study model of Croswell project


the rebirth of cultural center BEIRUT HOUSE OF ARTS & CULTURE Studio WORK AC/ Dan Wood & Amale Andraos House of Arts and Culture in Beirut is a project for contemporary arts in Lebanon. In program requirement spaces are designed for performance arts, exhibitions, workshops, documentation, cinematheque, and administration. Each specific program has area requirement as well. Overlooking the program relationship, programs can be divided to three major categories: for public access, for artist access, and staff only. Also analyzing the site relationship to city of Beirut, site is located on the south edge of downtown area. On the north is Solidere development project, and on the south is highway with ramp directly accessing the back of site. Due to the height of highway, the site has slope going down 7 meters from south to north.


With the analysis of the view and the accessibility to public from the site, the major side of the site is the north facing Solidere. The highway on the south has difficulty for pedes-

trian to access. In schematic design, public enter the site from the north, been guided to the center of site to enter the building, and then has three ways to access three major spaces. Taking the advantage of slope floor for seating in auditorium, small performance hall, and theater, whole volume of performance and exhibition spaces are tilted in certain degree in order to be perpendicular to sloped seating floor, and it generated dynamic geometry. Also a theme is developed as an envelope wrapping around front, top, and back of public space to hang the artist space on the back.

top-left: Accessibility analysis by walk and drive top-right: Programmatic diagram bottom-left: Digital rendering of project in urban context bottom-right: Schematic diagram


Ground Level


Main Level

Auditorium Level

Workshop Level

Gallery Level

top & opposite-top: Floor Plans in 1:1000 scale middle & opposite middle: 1:250 scale physical model; also presenting building details with section cut bottom: Digital rendering of HAC in aerial view opposite-bottom: Longitudinal sections in 1:1000 scale


confluence the confluence SCIOLENTANGY WETLAND & RIVER RESEARCH CENTER Studio Jose Oubrerie Wetland and river research is a dominant area in Ohio State University’s academic research. The research center under the department of natural resource is located by the Olentangy river near west campus. Although the center is newly designed and built for wetland research, however, the resource for river study is insufficient. Therefore, an extended and remote center for water research is requested.


Wetland and river study requires the site monitoring and data collection from site intensively. The more data has been collected, the more accurate the model they can build. Ecological model can help scientists to study the cause of natural habitation destruction and to predict and develop the solutions of ecological system restoration regarding to climate pattern. It is controversial that site has to be closed enough to research center let scientists to daily monitor the change on the site, however, too close the facility to the site might depredate the current ecological system on the site.

Overlooking the geometry of city of Columbus, Confluence Park is a perfect location since it is by the confluence of two river: Olentangy river and Scioto river. The new site of water research institute not only provides the best position to monitor the status of both rivers at once, but also convenient traffic network to connect related site around city. Also due to it closed location near downtown, part of site can also become an experimental site for study the possibility and solution of natural habitation restoration in developed city areas. The design of facilities can be also a experiment and practice to design a well-functional building with minimum impact to surrounding natural habitation, in other words, a sustainable design. An extra and optional challenge could be providing the open area as a park for public along with the construction of new research facility. The advantage of merging private research institute and public park is to provide a on-site learning environment for public to understand the importance and principles of river restoration. People can observe the site of wetland and river study while exercising or jogging. This is multi-functional institute for academic research and public activities.


au dock & boathouse

ce eren conf oms ro

m ditoriu hall

gu es s om tro

storage room & mechanical room






exhibition room

rain garden

education center & observatory

green house for aquatic plants

meeting rooms


te r




g ag ara /s e ge ho sp & w ac er e m ro ud om ro om




IT GIS cen ce ter nt & er ist








e bli ditin ca g tio ro n om ce nt & er




pumping station

re se ar

monitoring station

scioto experimental site


retaurant & reception room parking lots

top: diagram of program relationship bottom: digital rendering: south view of research center from scioto river





ch em bio lo gic al

ica l



ele ct



ec ha nic al

e co mer nt ge ro n l cy ric al



top & opposite-top: digital renderings bottom: diagram of schematic development opposite-bottom: diagram of program elevation layout





GROUND LEVEL 1 Main Hall / Entrance 2 Education Center / Information Center 3 Garage SECOND LEVEL 4 Administration Office 5 Auditorium 6 Conference Rooms 7 Restrooms 8 Library 9 Chemical Laboratory 10 Bological Laboratory 11 Mechanical Laboratory 12 Staff Office 13 Gallery 14 Meeting Rooms 15 Tea Room 16 Changing Room 17 Mechanical Room 18 Bathroom


1 3

THIRD LEVEL 19 Restaurant 20 Kitchen 21 Library 22 Restrooms 23 IT/ GIS Office 24 Publication Office 25 Data & Control Center 26 Exhibition Room FORTH LEVEL 27 Hotel / Guestrooms 28 Fitness Center


12 26 11






18 16



23 27

9 7 22 13





6 19

4 6



open to below


top: floor plans of research center, first floor plan also indicates the site plan middle: from left to right: west elevation, south elevation, and east elevation bottom: from left to right: longitudinal section and two cross sections


comprehensive design GAHANNA SENIORS HOUSING Studio Michael Cadwell & John McMorrough Collaborative with Andrew Calhoun This is a housing project for senior residents in the city of Gahanna, Ohio. In program requirement we have 250 units for studio, one-bedroom apartment and two-bedroom apartments. Some amenities are also required for further consideration for elder people.


The design concept in site and housing units has considered for disability. Following the ADA code and wheelchair accessibility, ramp is a solution for accessing units and this strategy has been adapted project-wide into site design. With further consideration of senior health condition, housing units are only two stories high and has ramp to access on both side to every floor. Due to the east-west orientation of site, bar has been considered as an ideal geometry and a feasible solution for housing units. Bar-shape housing complex is going along the major site orientation for better ambient lighting. Public areas such as parks and services are provided in between bar housing.

Moreover, we consider water, pedestrian path, and vehicular path as three major elements of site design. More natural elements within landscape can provide ease and health environment for our elder residents. Due to elder’s memory condition, identical elevations of housing units may easily confuse them; to overcome this situation, we adapt various materials for cladding and pull-in or push-out units to create diversity. These materials are applied on operate-able sunshade and each sunshade can totally close to cover floor-to-ceiling windows or totally open to provide natural light and view to landscape.

top: Site massing is generated by accessible sloped ramps formed from ground cut to create water features bottom: Unit rows are coded by material, flow of water reflects flow of people through program next: Digital rendering: Live long and prosper




top: Digital rendering: units bottom-left: Selected units have access to dedicated garden space for individual and communal growth bottom-right: Community areas include clinic, theatre/dining hall, and recreation center opposite: Project details in architectural drawings



top-left: Bar provides advantage for sustainability and site layout design top-right: Prefabrication in exploded axonometric view bottom: Digital rendering: paths opposite: Project details in architectural drawings



before architecture KSA ADMISSION PORTFOLIO Miscellaneous collections

Here I collect and present my skills other than architectural design. This collection includes my works in basic design studio, website design, some hand-sketch, and photography. Along with the advance of the technology. architectural concept no longer be restricted in 2D drawing or 3D modeling. Multimedia, such as motion picture, website design, or photographic collage, can be used to represent the spatial ideas. This collection shows my skills and ability to adopt those tools to demonstrate the possibility of architectural concept development.


MSI MP3 PLAYER This is a object study assignment for basic design studio. Here not only I demonstrate my investigation of the usage of object, but also show my skill of hand sketch. top-left: SECTION DRAWING top-right: Six elevations bottom: isometric drawing opposite-top: pencil-sketch of the object opposite-bottom: usage diagrams


WEBSITE DESIGN I have practiced website design for over 10 years and completed over 8 projects for 4 institutions. Here I demonstrate some samples I have done before my study in architecture.


left: My personal website in spring 2006 middle: course work design as off-campus guide right: the modernity program in academia sinica opposite-left: quangxi fellowship in Taipei opposite-middle: travel journal in western europe opposite-right: alumni for sociology at national Taiwan university


VIRTUAL REALITY MODELING LANGUAGE VRML is a markup language for 3D modeling that can be demonstrate online as a web application. It allows user to remote control a VR object. Web-base massive spatial design becomes possible via this web 3D language. PRODUCTION LINE PROJECT left: Seminar project with VRML for remote robot arm control FACILITY RENOVATION opposite-left: an animated demonstration of the renovation of Tunghai university main library for facility design WEB-BASE APPLICATION opposite-right: an integration of VRML and website makes an online architectural education or knowledge database possible



PHOTOGRAPHY Photography is a basic way to demonstrate architectural idea or completed work. Good shots can reinforce the major concept or discover the new possibilities. Here I show some previous works before my architectural study.


left: Charles river near backbay area in Boston right: ohiopyle on the west side of pennsylvania opposite: miscellaneous shots such as Washington monument, library of congress, MOMA, Metropolitan museum of art, Ohio theater, central park, and Seattle space needle


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