CHI Fit Guide

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CHI Fit Guide Enjoy our illustrated exercises to start your day and help you keep fit in your CHI apartment.


Quick Sheet #1 Often when we wake, our bodies are a little stiff from being still for 7-8 hours, and they need some gentle persuasion to get ready for the day. To get yourself limber for the day try the following routine:


Wakey Wakey




Standing, feet a little wider than your hips – keep feet flat on floor and sway your hips left to right.



Link your fingers above your head. Keep elbows bent and palms to ceiling. Polish an imaginary halo with your hands – work in both directions.


Allow head to lower to the chest & then let the body follow as you roll down. Roll back up to standing, repeat x3.

From move 4. put hands on floor and walk hands forward to a down dog/upside down V position – sink the heels towards the floor.

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Push up onto hands & knees, arch your back into a cat stretch – into funky cat: wiggle hips left-right & turn head in opposite direction.

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From move 9. hug knees and roll to seated, feet hip width apart on the floor.

Use momentum to roll to standing. Challenge: do this without putting hands on the floor!


Lower to floor - go into a push up, bend arms. Gently lift head and chest off the floor, extend arms x5.

Lie on back, feet width apart, lift hips up squeezing butt, do hip wiggles: push left hip higher than the right, alternate.


Reach left arm up and right arm down and stretch. Work to both sides.


a) 1/2 roll back - roll slightly curving spine & back up, OR b) Rolling: keep chin to chest, hug knees, feet off floor - roll backwards - keep head off floor - roll back up without putting feet on the floor.

All exercises are provided by Lisa Jones for CHI. For full exercises + tips, please see the next page.

Lie on back, feet wider – allow knees to fall to one side then the other, keep shoulders pressed into the floor.

Wakey Wakey - Description Sheet #1 We’re going to have to stretch the body to get you ready for the day. So let’s do some movements to get our blood circulating after our nights rest. 1. Loosening up Stand with feet flat on the ground and a little wider than your hips. Sway your hips from left to right to loosen yourself up a bit. 2. Halo Stretch Standing still hip width apart, bring your arms above your head and link your fingers together. Face your palms to the ceiling and keep your elbows slightly bent. Move your hands in a circular motion and change direction after a couple of rounds. Feel your shoulder blades move about and free up. 3. Reach & Stretch Reach your left arm up, as if you were grabbing something and stretch your right arm down your right side, allowing the body to bend like bamboo. Hold for 10 seconds and change sides. 4. Roll Down- Roll Up With feet shoulder width apart, reach arms overhead to a height that allows you to keep your shoulders soft. Take a deep breathe in and breathe out as you lower your chin to your chest and slowly bend and roll your body down till your hands touch the floor, bending your knees slightly if you need to. Hold this position for a count of 3 then, slowly roll your body back up to the standing position. 5. Upside Down V From move 4 roll your body down to your toes, then slowly walk your hands forward so you are in an upside down V position. Make sure your bottom is sticking up and keep your legs straight while reaching your heels towards the floor for a better stretch. 6. Swan Stretch From above position, lie flat on your belly and place your palms face down by your shoulders with arms bent. Take a deep breathe out and breathe in as you push into your hands and extend your arms, lifting your head and chest off the floor – pretend you are a scorpion arching its back. Hold the position for 5 seconds before returning to the start position. 7. Crazy Cat Push up onto your hands and knees, and arch your back giving it a good cat stretch. Then wiggle your hips from left and right, and turn your head in the opposite direction – wiggle about in whatever way you want to – be funky!! 8. Bridge Lie on your back and keep your feet hip width apart, feet facing forward. Lift your hips off the floor and squeeze your butt keeping your back in a straight line. Wiggle your hips by pushing one hip higher than the other and keep alternating. If you feel the back of your legs or back start to cramp – lower a little bit and try to squeeze your butt more. Press arms into the floor for more support, and ensure your core is turned on. 9. Knee Falls Still lying on your back, keep your legs hip width apart. Allow your knees to fall to one side, keeping your shoulders and head flat on the floor. Then allow your knees to fall to the other side. Keep alternating, allow the head to turn away from your knees for more stretch. 10. Roll up From move above, bring your knees into your chest hugging them. Roll up into a seated position keeping your feet off the floor so you are balancing on your butt bones. 11. Rocking Roll Keep the same position; you can roll in two ways. a) Gently roll back while curving your spine in a C-shape, then roll back up – place your feet on the floor to do this. b) Tuck in your chin towards your chest looking at your belly button, keep your feet off of the floor and roll back. Do not let your head touch the floor, roll back up to balance. 12. Stand Up Remain in same position, roll back and use the momentum to roll to seated with your feet on the floor. From there stand up without putting your hands onto the floor – it’s harder than it sounds!






So you're awake, loosened up and in need of more movement, wanting to get the blood pumping around you and get the brain active. It’s time to...

Get Active

Feet hip width apart, roll down, walk your hands out + do 3 push ups. Roll back up and repeat x3.

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Quick Sheet #2


From move 1. squat as if you’re sitting on the loo, raise arms up, lower them when standing. Repeat x10.

Hold low squat, tap left foot to right & reverse. Go faster into speed skater for 2 minutes, allow your arms to swing.

Side plank: Let heels go to the floor - keep hips up. Hold for 30 seconds, turn to your left and hold for 30 seconds, alternate sides.





Roll to lying on back, knees bent up and curl chest up: a) single leg stretch b) scissors c) criss cross: twist, opposite shoulders to knees x10.


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Hold a deep squat, heels down, chest forward and move arms Y-T-A. Repeat x5.

Roll down to a plank, keep belly pulled in and do alternative knee tucks. Work to 1 minute.

Lower to belly, gently lift head and chest off the floor, extending arms x3. Swimming: lift right arm / left leg & alternate sides, go faster.

Hug knees, and use momentum to roll to standing.

Lift one leg up, and balance, softly bending the standing leg. Swing the raised leg forward & back for 1 minute. Allow arms to swing with the leg. Change sides.


Backward step lunge & twist to the front leg. Alternate x5.

All exercises are provided by Lisa Jones for CHI. For full exercises + tips, please see the next page.

Get Active - Description Sheet #2 So you're awake, loosened up and in need of more movement, wanting to get the blood pumping around you and get the brain active. Go for this sequence and repeat it until you've had enough or used the time you have available. One time through will take about 8 minutes when you know the sequence: 1. Roll Down - Push Ups Roll down – reach arms over head at a width that allows you to keep your shoulders soft – allow head to lower to the chest and then let the body follow as you roll down – arms hang freely down, keep knees soft and let the spine lengthen as you hang down. Walk your hands out till you are in a plank position and do 3 push ups. Walk your hands back to your feet, slowly roll back up to standing and repeat this move 3 times. 2. Squats Standing with feet firmly planted, shoulder width apart. Sit back into a squat and raise your arms above your head. Allow your knees to go forward keeping them in line with your second toes. Lower your arms as you return to start position. Repeat 10 times. 3. Squats with YTA arms Hold your squat position. Raise your arms up in a Y shape, move them down slowly to a T shape then lower them to your side, finally make an A shape squeezing your shoulder blades together at the end. Keep your core tight so only your arms are moving. Repeat this 5 times. 4. Squat Toe Taps Hold a low squat position. Move your left foot and tap it to your right, return to original position, then tap your right foot to your left. Once you’ve got a feel for it, move your left leg behind your right like a speed skater allowing arms to swing and alternate legs for 1 minute. 5. Plank - Knee Tucks Start standing and roll down to a plank position/push-up position (like step 1). Keeping your back straight, bring your left knee in towards your chest and alternate with your right knee. Do this for 1 minute. 6. Side Plank From your plank position, turn to your left so you are in a side plank, with your right arm/leg touching the ground. Keep your body straight, hips up and core tight. Hold for 30 seconds and change to your left side. 7. Swan - Swimming Lower to your belly. Place your palms downwards by your shoulders, elbows tucked in and keeping your core tight, inhale to lift your chest up. Exhale and lower upper body back down to the mat while raising your legs – squeeze from the butt as you lift your legs. Repeat this 3 times. Then go swimming –place your arms straight and above your head. Lift and extend right arm and left leg, lower & alternate with opposite arm/leg. When you feel comfortable increase the speed. 8. Single Leg Stretch - Scissors - Criss Cross Roll over so you're lying on your back. Engage your core and raise your knees bent up at a 90degree angle. Place your fingertips to the side of your head, keep elbows out and lift your head and chest off the floor into a crunch. Remain in this position to complete the following exercises. To make it harder, lower your legs closer to the floor – ensure your lower back is flat on the floor all the time. a) Single leg stretch: exhale as you extend and stretch your left leg out and alternate with right leg. b) Scissors: remain in your crunch position, extend both legs to the ceiling. Lower the left leg keeping the right one up and switch like scissors. Lower your legs for a more intense workout. c) Criss Cross: remain in the crunch position, bring your right shoulder to your left knee, keeping your right leg extended. Alternate with your left shoulder to your right knee. 9. Roll up to Standing Lying on your back, roll up starting with your chin to chest, till you are sitting up. Bring your legs underneath and stand up. 10. Lunge with Twist Step your left leg back, bending the knee as close as you can to the floor - bend your right leg at the knee. With your hands behind your head, elbows wide and keeping your core tight, turn to your right side. Face forward again, switch legs and repeat. 11. Balanced Running With legs shoulder width apart, lift one leg up and balance on the other with the knee slightly soft. Extend and swing the raised leg forward & back for 1 minute – add arms as if you are running on the spot. Change sides. 12. Repeat the routine another 2 times.




Quick Sheet #3 To add some strength to your workout, pick up the CHI weights and go for it:

Body Blast a)


Squat with overhead press: bend knees and as you stand up squeeze butt and press weights over head. Start with palms facing body and turn them out as push them up. Repeat x10.




Side lunge – diagonal arm: From standing hip width - take a big step to the right bending the right knee - lift both weights to the right think staying alive with 2 arms! Step back to the start, go the other way and keep alternating x10 each side.

Multi-directional lunge: Hold both weights and swing arms a different way every lunge you take - imagine standing at 6 o’clock, step back to 12 o’clock and move around the clock. Get creative!



a) Step one leg back into a lunge position bend both knees for a lunge, keep back one as close to floor as can - back straight. b) Arms bend elbows, palms face body c) push arms overhead, palms face each other - d) bend elbows so weights go behind head, elbows close together. Lower arms to start. Repeat x10.




Leg stands: balance on your left leg and hold one weight in your right hand. Keep your arm straight as you lift it out to the side just higher than shoulder height. Repeat x10, switch sides.

Run through these exercises 2 more times.

All exercises are provided by Lisa Jones for CHI. For full exercises + tips, please see the next page.

Body Blast - Description Sheet #3 Now that our body is awake and we have gotten our bodies pumped, it’s time to use the CHI weights to work it. 1. Squat with Overhead Press Start with your knees bent, remember to keep your knees in line with your second toes and squeeze your butt as you stand up. Start with your palms facing each other, hands at shoulders. Lift the weights overhead, turning your palms out, facing forward as you stand up. 2. Lunge & Arms a) Stand straight and step one leg backwards into a lunge position, keep feet hip width apart to help your balance. Your back knee should be as close to the ground as possible, keep your back straight. Hold weights with arms by sides. Arm Sequence: b) Bicep curl: bend your elbows bringing the weights towards your shoulders keeping your palms facing your body. c) Push up so your arms go over your head, straightening them and turn your palms so they face outwards. d) Bring your arms behind your head facing your palms towards each other, keep your elbows close together. Bring them back down to the start position and alternate legs. 3. Side Lunges Stand with your legs hip width apart, step to your right side into a big lunge, bending your right knee and stretching your left leg. Your body weight should be on your right side. Lift both weights stretching out to the right as if you were dancing to staying alive but with two hands. Hold that pose for about 3 seconds then step back to the centre and go the other way. 4. Single Leg Standing Stand upright and lift your left leg balancing on your right – use a mirror if you can to check your hips stay level. Hold one weight in your right hand and bring it up and out to the side lifting it higher than your shoulders – do at least 10 times. Then switch to your right leg and left arm. 5. O'Clock For All Times... Stand in a centre spot as if you were at the centre of a clock, step your right leg back to 6 o’clock into a lunge then step back to the centre then step to 5 o’clock – 4 o’clock – 3 o’clock – 2 and 1 and then straight forward to 12. Swing your arms forward and back as you lunge in different directions.

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