December 2014 hahodesh issuu

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ha odesh y c g d


Th i s Mo n t h @ C h i z u k A m u n o

Collecting Dreidels


pparently I collect dreidels. I never meant to. One year before Hanukkah I received a little porcelain dreidel as a thank you gift. Things took off from there. Rabbi Ron Shulman

Through the years, I have been given dreidels from all over the world. Today I own a large and varied collection. Though dreidels aren’t something I sought to collect, as I think about continued on page 3

The Ethics of Peace ~ Dr. Shibley Telhami Fineman Ethics Lecture Wednesday, December 3 • 7:30 p.m. Dr. Shibley Telhami is the Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, College Park. Professor Telhami will address political and ethical dimensions of the Middle East conflicts as we seek both understanding and insight, aware of difficult realities and holding out hopes for eventual peace. Dr. Shibley Telhami is a Senior Fellow at the

Saban Center at the Brookings Institution and an advisor to the United States Department of State. His best-selling book, The Stakes: America and the Middle East was selected by Foreign Affairs as one of the top five books on the Middle East. Sponsored by the Paul J. Fineman Fund for Ethics Education

Join us for sam Glaser in ConCert and Celebrate HanukkaH with us! Wednesday, december 17

sam Glaser brings his soulful music and joyous spirit to us for a lively concert the whole

6 p.m. Dinner and Games 7 p.m. Candle Lighting Ceremony and Concert $8/person; $24/family; free for children under 5 RSVP: or We express our gratitude to the Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund for underwriting the concert. View Sam Glaser’s YouTube videos at:

family will enjoy. his enerGetic

style and passionate delivery iGnite the spirit of audiences of all sizes and ages. 1

Prayer @ Chizuk Amuno DECEMBER 2014 Kislev/Tevet 5775 Candle Lighting December 5

4:25 p.m.

December 12

4:25 p.m.

December 19

4:27 p.m.

December 26

4:31 p.m.

January 2

4:36 p.m.

December 5/6 | Kislev 13/14 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YISHLAH Sermon by Rabbi Shulman Family/Gateway Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Community Havdalah Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:10 p.m.

December 12/13 | Kislev 20/21 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YEISHEV Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler New Shabbat A.M. 10:30 a.m. Family Service 10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:10 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel

Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: refer to weekly Shabbat schedules

December 19/20 | Kislev 27/28 Shabbat Hanukkah Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MI-KETZ AND NUMBERS In celebration of Hanukkah, our service will include holiday themes and songs followed by latkes, games, and fun being together! Sermon by Rabbi Shulman No Family Service Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:13 p.m.

Mark Your Calendar! Winter Worship Saturdays, December 27 and January 3 December 26/27 | Tevet 4/5 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Winter Worship TORAH PORTION: VA-YIGGASH Study with Rabbi Shulman No Family Service Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.


5:17 p.m.

January 2/3 | Tevet 11/12 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service Winter Worship TORAH PORTION: VA-Y’HI Study with Rabbi Wechsler No Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:22 p.m.

Hanukkah begins the evening of Tuesday, December 16. The blessings for lighting the Hanukkiyah can be found at 2

New Shabbat

Friday, December 5, 6:30 p.m.

“And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you…” (Ezekiel 36:26) New Shabbat is our joyous, informal NEW contemporary Friday night SHABBAT service with instrumental music. Using a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection, New Shabbat is enjoyed by adults and children, families, and individuals. Next New Shabbat: January 9.

#Celebr8 What Hanukkah Means To You with New Shabbat A.M. Saturday, December 13 10:30 a.m.

We’re looking for personal and modern meanings for celebrating Hanukkah. Come share your thoughts and insights. Hear those of others. What do you, what do we, celebrate on Hanukkah? Join our discussion at this month’s New Shabbat A.M. New Shabbat A.M. is a concise hour and one-half Shabbat Morning Service welcoming participants into a celebration of prayer, song accompanied by instrumental music, and the chance to ask questions, explore ideas, and enjoy a more intimate Shabbat setting. New Shabbat A.M. is enjoyed by a variety of participants and uses a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection so everyone can participate. New Shabbat A.M. is led by Rabbi Ron Shulman, Charlee Sterling, and Ayal Yariv. Next New Shabbat A.M.: January 17.

The Amuno Minyan Saturday, January 24 9:30 a.m.

The Amuno Minyan is our lay-led participatory Shabbat Morning Service, a more intimate and informal setting for prayer and Torah study. Family Service participants may also join the Amuno Minyan for a joyous and warm Shabbat service. Come lend your voice and your spirit.

Learning @ Chizuk Amuno Erev Family

Wednesday, December 3 • 6 p.m.

Take a break and join your friends from GECEC, KSDS, and RRS for an evening of family-friendly camp activities! 6-6:30 p.m. Dinner at Café Amuno – RSVP required 6:30-7:15 p.m. Camp activities: • Adult Learning with Ramah Director Joel Seltzer • Camp Style Games – with Ramah Staff • Camp Crafts • Storytelling 7:15-7:30 p.m. Goodnight snacks




You may register online at and the fee for dinner will be charged to your Chizuk Amuno account.

613 & Me Mitzvah Fair

Mitzvot abounded on Sunday, November 1, as 70 fifth and sixth grade students and their parents learned the language of mitzvah in preparation for becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah. There were opportunities for hands on mitzvah projects, including making snacks for the afterschool program at Paul’s Place, making cards for Operation Welcome Home, sorting clothing for the IOU Clothing Drive, and making sandwiches and lunches for Manna House. Families were also able to meet representatives from 14 different local agencies who provide age appropriate mitzvah opportunities. Some of our previous Bat/Bar Mitzvah students shared the meaningful ways that they had brought new mitzvot into their lives at the time of their

B’nei Mitzvah and how they continued to engage in those mitzvot as teenagers. Todah Rabbah to our teenagers, the agency representatives, and especially Miriam Foss and Debby Hellman for such an engaging morning of learning, doing, and exploring. Our next 613 & Me program, this one for current sixth graders, will be on Saturday, January 10 at 9:45 a.m. We will come together for Shabbat morning services in the Sanctuary to gain familiarity with the service, meet some of the B’nei Mitzvah tutors, and begin to talk about training at lunch following services.

Rabbi Shulman continued from page 1

Hanukkah’s meaning lies in how we talk about and answer these questions. Like a spinning dreidel before falling over, Hanukkah encourages each of us to find our balance. The challenge for the Jews of antiquity was to establish a working relationship with Hellenistic culture, to preserve Jewish religious identity while simultaneously partaking of the riches of the larger world. Substituting Western culture for Hellenistic, we seek the same thing. On Hanukkah we celebrate our Jewish identities and religious values at a time when different religious images and themes are so important to many of our neighbors and friends. My collection includes dreidels from all over the world. Their shapes, colors, and designs remind me what Hanukkah is all about. Hanukkah is a holiday during which we display our pride in being Jewish to the world as we reflect on the religious choices and cultural values we hold dear. Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah I appreciate their symbolism. The dreidel originally had nothing to do with Hanukkah. It evolved from a popular spinning top with which children played in late medieval Europe. We inherit the version of the game we play from our Eastern European ancestors. They translated the word for top, “trundle,” into Yiddish calling it a dreidel. While Hanukkah celebrates an ancient victory over cultural assimilation, the dreidel is an innocent, fun example of taking something from another culture and making it our own. The Jewish challenge of our days is written on every dreidel: p - Nothing, b - All, d - Half, y - Put In. As the world spins us all around, how much do we take for ourselves from the larger society in which we live? How much of ourselves do we give back to society and to others? As we turn and turn through the routines and opportunities of our busy days, do we understand practicing Judaism as an all or nothing proposition?

Rabbi Ron Shulman 3

Learning @ Chizuk Amuno Rosenbloom Religious School, Just Another Day on the Farm As part of Rosenbloom Religious School’s mission to bring Jewish learning to life, five of our classes visited the Pearlstone Farm for full mornings of handson Jewish learning and exploration. They rolled up their sleeves and got to work brushing goats, watering chickens, and harvesting peppers. The Atid (seventh grade) class visited Pearlstone as their first “classroom without walls” experience. Their morning focused on the role of tzedakah in the community, as they experimented with different biblical forms

of setting aside parts of the harvest for the needy. While few of us are farmers, the activity pushed the students to think about their personal abilities to contribute positively to the community. The Nachshonim and Tzofim (fifth and sixth grade) trip prepared our students for Sukkot. Pearlstone challenged the students to rethink the traditional four species that are used on the holiday, which are each said to represent a different body part. Using Pearlstone’s extensive grounds and gardens, the students picked their own local species and used their neo-classical creations in some closing prayers. Our Giborim and Kochavim (kindergarten, first, and second grade) students and parents culminated their Noah’s Ark exploration by getting to know the many animals that live at Pearlsone, from goats and chickens to the tiny bugs that keep the farm healthy. The students emulated Noah’s care of his animals by taking care of some of Pearlstone’s smallest pets – the earthworms! The students fed these little guys with quality garden scraps and helped to pick out the valuable soil they produce to enrich the farm’s gardens. Of course, everyone also enjoyed the opportunity to groom the goats, feed the chickens, and gobble at Pearlstone’s very noisy brood of turkeys! We would like to thank the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood for subsidizing our trips to Pearlstone, and we look forward to returning soon for more fun and learning together!

Kadima Rolls into Sukkot

Our Kadima-niks (middle school youth group) camped out at Chizuk at their Saturday night sukkah sleepover! Starting with Havdalah in the sukkah, it was a whirlwind of fun. Our mystery bus tour took us to Sportsman’s Hall for an evening of gliding and racing (or, for some of us, slipping and sliding) around the rink. Congratulations to those Kadima-niks who bravely entered themselves into the skating relay. Even though it was too cold to sleep in the sukkah, we did manage to work up quite an appetite spending the

night in the Krieger and enjoying an early-morning gym session. We made our own special pancake Ushpizin (Sukkot guests), thanks to the creative power of whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Or course, our pancake friends were too delicious to stick around long! With the Sukkah sleepover behind us we are gearing up for our next event, a latke cook-off on Saturday, December 13. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Please contact our Kadima advisor, Sara, for more information at It’s sure to be a blast! 4

Learning @ Chizuk Amuno Sometimes You Just Know, It’s Beshert A GECEC-KSDS Collaboration

Our first get together consisted of getting to know each other and creating a partnership. It ended with smiles and hugs all around. The second gathering consisted of meaningful conversation and incredible pictures in the first group and Simhat Torah flags in the second group. The connections established among the children have been amazing. We accomplished so much: We got to know each other using personal and social skills, listening, speaking and learning about each other, and the Jewish value of kehillah, building community. We can’t wait until our next visit!

This has been proven true with our 4x4 program this year. Krieger Schechter Day School fourth grade and the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center four year olds have teamed up for bi-monthly interactive programming. We knew it was a perfect match the very first time they got together! Morah Susan and Morah Becca’s class (Room 2) met with Mrs. Ravinovich’s class; Morah Randi, Morah Jamie, and Morah Ellen’s class (Room 5) met with Mrs. Lee’s class.

The Many Voices of Israel: A Journey through Historical Narrative

Mondays, December 1, 8, 15 • 7-8:30 p.m.

We will study the extraordinary history of Israel through the voices of major personalities, beginning with biblical and continuing through contemporary times. $10 Registration fee Israel as Holy Space Dr. Marjorie Lehman The Israel We Pray For Rabbi Steve Schwartz Like Nowhere Else: Judaism in the Jewish State

Rabbi Ron Shulman We are grateful to the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study for funding this exciting learning experience. Coordinated by Judy Meltzer.

New Members Gathering Saturday, January 24, 3:30 p.m.

We want you to feel at home, and so our new members are invited to Rabbi Ron and Robin Shulman’s home to get better acquainted and learn a bit more about each other and Chizuk Amuno. This is an informal and intimate gathering, where we’ll share the mood of Shabbat to visit, nosh, and make connections. For more information, contact, Cheryl Snyderman, 5

Reflecting on Israel @ Chizuk Amuno Making Aliyah at Wartime by Ellen Rosenberg

I first saw the group gathered at JFK, intensely laughing, crying, even clinging; so many goodbyes on the way to a new beginning. I was to join the summer Nefesh b’ Nefesh chartered El Al flight to Israel – a soul changing experience. It was this past August, war was raging, tunnels of depravity exposed in some Pulp Fictionist nightmare of tranquilizers and handcuffs, lone soldiers killed, thousands at their funerals, present because there are no lone soldiers in Israel, each solider is our family. The new olim, those making aliyah, gathered at the airport, over 350 in all. Among them, 108 young men and women who knew that when they arrived home, b’eretz, their first role would be as soldiers. My “job” onboard was giving candy and coloring books to the children. The children seemed already to be Israelis as all of the adults looked after each of them. All who left New York an American citizen arrived in Tel Aviv an Israeli. Amazingly, the first class cabin became an Israeli Ministry of Absorption Center and the paperwork

necessary to obtain an ID card, a health insurance card, a bank account, even, was accomplished as we flew. I was 19 years old the first time I arrived in Israel. In those days, arriving passengers exited onto the tarmac and were taken in shuttles to the terminal. Utterly moved by that moment, I kissed the ground. Four months ago, as we exited onto the tarmac to be greeted by the president of Israel, I watched in awe as young people, the same age I was that long time ago, spontaneously knelt and pressed their lips to the ground, fulfilling a yearning in our DNA for centuries. At the terminal, singing, music, cheers, hugs and waving of flags from over 1,400 waiting Israelis welcomed their newest citizens home. Those who

were IDF bound came freely, not because they were escaping persecution and discrimination, but rather to live the miracle of our modern homeland, choosing to be a participant in the adventure of a new state. Over the next two days I watched the work of Nefesh b’Nefesh helping the newest Israelis settle and adjust to their new home. At dinner with lone soldiers who had come with Nefesh in recent years, young people in uniform spoke matter-of-factly of their incredible efforts to keep civilians there safe, at increased risk to themselves. I sensed neither hatred nor anger that they were spending their summer at risk, at war, to assure the safety and security of their fellow citizens. Beautiful young men and women, each a hero and none realizing it. We dined in a rooftop restaurant down an alley of the Mahene Yehuda in Jerusalem. Our view – the eternal City of Peace, from which we were expelled and dispersed so many times in our history. Those young people have chosen to put all they are on the line for all of us to ensure that it never happens again.

Our Youngest Leaders-in-Training Travel to Israel In late December, 23 Achshav students from Chizuk Amuno and Beth El Congregation will participate in a ten day leadership trip to Israel as part of Achshav’s two year curriculum. Ramah Programs in Israel have planned a fabulous, fun, educational, and experiential Israel itinerary. Students will tour the most important sites in the country to learn about and experience the times and

deeds of Jewish political, religious, and cultural leaders throughout history. Visiting the places where the leaders walked and struggled will give the students the chance to dynamically relive what made our leaders great. In addition, students will sight-see and take fun excursions such as climbing Masada, snorkeling in Eilat, and rolling down the Kisui sand-dunes. The trip is made possible by a generous donation from the 6

Florence and Charles Hoffberger Family Foundation and the Charles Crane Family Foundation. On Saturday, December 13, our pilgrims, along with Rabbi Seltzer and Morah Allen, will have a special aliyah in the Sanctuary to thank God for the opportunity to travel safely throughout the land of Israel and to experience all the country and people have to teach them.

Gemilut Hasadim @ Chizuk Amuno Adopt-A-Road

Operation Welcome Home Maryland

Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. Meet us by the front office. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. To volunteer, please call Irwin Golob at 410-560-7422.

Join adults and children as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, welcome and cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. If you would like to be informed of these welcoming opportunities, contact Rabbi Wechsler at

Art with a Heart

Our Daily Bread

Sunday, December 7, 9 a.m. (Rain date December 14)

Wednesday, December 3, 6 p.m.

Sundays, December 28, January 25 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Sunday, January 11, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Art with a Heart aims to enhance the lives of those in need through visual arts. Volunteers work on art projects at Art with a Heart headquarters in Hampden. The completed projects are then exhibited in community organizations, schools, and hospitals in Baltimore. Carpooling will be available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m. To register and for driving directions, please contact Miriam Foss.

Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children. To sign up, please contact Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or Todah Rabbah to our October volunteers: Wendy Davis (leader), Barbara Cohen, Arlene Klaff, Janice Perlman, Judy Spector

Todah Rabbah to our November Volunteers: Deborah

Ronald McDonald House

Cardin, Deb Charles, Claire Freeland, Ruthanne Kaufman, Blanca Berger Sollod, Julia Willis

Thursday, December 4

Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home-cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home.

BBQ Chicken Preparation for Our Daily Bread Monday, February 2

We invite you to join Chef Annie Hood in preparing large quantities of BBQ chicken for the guests at Our Daily Bread. There will be two shifts: 3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. We also are in need of volunteers for clean-up and to load the van. Each shift needs 10 volunteers. Dinner will be provided for all participants. We will take a special study break with Rabbi Wechsler at 5 p.m. RSVP to Miriam Foss.

Todah Rabbah to our November volunteers: Molly

Bookoff, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Edna Crystal, Garth Gerstenblith, Hedy Goldstein, Matt Greenspan, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Margi Hoffman, Joy Katz, Rona London, Saundra Madoff, Janice Perlman, Paulette Pollack, Joy Robinson, Paul Robinson, Marcia Scherr, Frada Wall

Program made possible by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and the Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund

We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.

Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests

For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss, Gemilut Hasadim Director, at ext. 281 or, or refer to our website for more information.

If you live within walking distance of the synagogue and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler,

Knitting Havurah

Jewish Volunteer Connection’s Community Mitzvah Day

Wednesdays, December 17, January 21, and February 18, 2-3:30 p.m.

We knit and and/or crochet blankets for babies in Israel and Baltimore. Each session is enriched with conversation and informal learning. Knitting instruction is available and everyone is welcome. Please contact Miriam Foss to join.

Thursday, December 25, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Join thousands of volunteers in various locations throughout Baltimore to celebrate this annual communitywide day of service by participating in hands-on projects helping those in need in Baltimore and overseas. Chizuk Amuno Congregation, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, Krieger Schechter Day School, and Rosenbloom Religious School are community partners. Visit for more details.

Todah Rabbah to our October knitters: Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Linda Levy, Esther Marsiglia, Judy Meltzer, Hazel Radowsky, Anita Raines


Gemilut Hasadim @ Chizuk Amuno Caregiver Support Session

Race for the Cure

Monday, December 1 • Noon-2 p.m.

Led by Barbara Sugarman Grochal, C.P.C.C – certified professional/life coach This facilitated interactive conversation will cover some of the ups and downs faced by those charged with caring for loved ones. The group will explore issues common to participants’ experiences, and discuss, in a supportive environment, useful strategies that care-givers have found for self-care. Free and open to the community. Lunch will be served. RSVP required to Miriam Foss, ext. 281.

Todah Rabbah to all those who participated! Chizuk Amuno team: Kelly Blavatt, Chairperson, Sande Mitchell, Race Day Leader, Amy Blavatt,

Jackson Blavatt, Jared Blavatt, Jason Blavatt, Jeffrey Blavatt, Rachel Blavatt, Vivian Chait, Miriam Foss, Anne King, Steven King, Rosalyn Malinow, Stan Malinow, Margery Moranz, Michael Moranz, Avi Rubin, Elana Rubin, Mel Schehr, Susan Schehr, Rabbi Debi Wechsler

KSDS team: Liz Minkin-Friedman, Chairperson, Donna

Balinkie, Ann Berman, Jack Cohen, Jamie Cohen, Shannon Cohen, Talia Eisner, Rachel Keane, David Maine, Naomi Maine, Zachary Maine, Marisa Obuchowski, Chris Schanberger, Rachel Smith-Maine, Deborah Steinig, Ilene Wise

New! Wanted: Creative, Caring Volunteers

Pediatric Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital is looking for creative, caring individuals to help in the outpatient playroom. Volunteers read books, set up arts and crafts, and play games with children who come in for check-ups or treatments. These are children who look good, feel good, and just want to play! Children with cancer come to Hopkins from all over the region and the world. Volunteers undergo screening and training at the hospital and are expected, in general, to commit to a weekly 4-hour shift. Parking is provided. This is a unique opportunity for individuals who want to experience the joy that comes from making a difference in a child’s life. For more information, contact Lauren Small, lcsmall@ or 410-486-8899.

IOU Clothing Drive Helps Job Seekers

Keeping in Touch with Our Elders We are eager to hear from our fellow congregants who are not able to come to shul as often as they would like. We will be instituting monthly phone calls to those who would like to be more in touch. Please contact Miriam Foss if you would like to be part of our elder dialogue.

Todah Rabbah to all those who contributed to the IOU Clothing Drive. We were able to deliver carloads of clothing to Baltimore Station, the Center for Urban Families, and Suited to Succeed. Special thanks to: Amy Chapper, Carole Diamond, Leah

Companionship Hevrah Forming

Helman, Judy Meltzer, Margie Simon, David Spitz, Vanda White, Jack Zager and students and parents attending the

This group will be for members who would like to share meals, movies, or cultural events in an atmosphere of friendship. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jerry Buxbaum, or 410-486-8151.

Mitzvah Fair!


Affiliates @ Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood 8th Annual Ravens Tailgate Party

Mah Jong with Sisterhood

Tuesdays, December 2 and 16, 9:30 a.m.

W omen Women C.A.N. C.A.N.

Sunday, December 7, 12:30 p.m.

Join us in the Esterson Auditorium where we’ll feast on scrumptious snacks while watching the Ravens feast on the Miami Dolphins. The cost is $6 per person, payable at the door. RSVP to Richard Udell,


Wednesday, January 21, 7 p.m.

Your Hanukkah One-Stop Shop

The Sisterhood Judaica Shop is totally stocked and ready for Hanukkah. We have a wonderful selection of menorot to appeal to everyone’s taste, from traditional to modern and everywhere in between including our popular glow stick menorah, Ravens menorah, princess menorah, battery operated menorah, oil lamp menorah, baby block, and many more. You can choose from our huge variety of Israeli candles and drip cups. We also have a limited supply of the newest craze “The Maccabee on the Mantle.” – Already gift boxed for you. We even have Wax Off! Stop in, browse our super selection of dreidels, toys, games, and books, and polish off your shopping list. Come early and often for the best selection. HOURS: Sundays • 9:30-11:30 a.m., when RRS is in session Mondays and Wednesdays • 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays • 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-5 p.m. Fridays • 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Questions can be directed to Anne, 410-303-7716, or Edna, 410-653-3495.

CAC Brotherhood American Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday, December 22, 2-7 p.m.

Mark your calendars and build up your iron level for our next CAC Brotherhood American Red Cross Blood Drive. Everyone aged 16 or over is encouraged to participate. To sign up, please contact Warren Gould, 301-602-0017. Walk-ins are welcome.

Brotherhood Movie Night

Thursday, December 25

As has been our tradition for several years, we’ll have our movie night on Thursday, December 25 and then enjoy dinner together at a nearby restaurant. At this time, the location of the movie has not been determined. Details will be forthcoming. RSVP to Ted Walman, We hope to see lots of folks at our December events. If you have not yet become a Brotherhood member, contact Marvin Spector,, and join now!

Young Families of Chizuk – Join Us! Community Havdalah Followed by Dinner and Board Games Saturday, December 6, 5 p.m. Take advantage of the early end of winter Shabbat and join us for a meaningful and fun family evening. We’ll experience together the special moment of Havdalah, as we bid farewell to Shabbat, then enjoy a casual evening starting at 6 p.m. with dinner and board games for all ages.

Parents’ Night Out: Hanukkah Cooking Demo Saturday, December 13 8 p.m.

Get a babysitter and come out to join other Chizuk Amuno parents for a fabulous and fun night out. Learn about, make, and taste delightful treats to bring even more joy to your Hanukkah Celebrations.


And keep an eye out for a new season of parent-child classes coming mid-January! To sign up to receive Young Families notices, scan the QR code. Please feel free to be in touch with Rabbi Marci Aronchick with any questions or suggestions, maronchick@ or 410-486-6400, ext 305.

Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Bimah Flowers Shabbat, December 6 | 14 Kislev IN HONOR OF: The Bat Mitzvah of Cameron Elle Levine, by her parents, Robyn and Charlie Levine, and her grandparents, Audrey Levine and Gilda and Murray Raitzyk IN MEMORY OF: Arthur Levine, grandfather and Flora and Irving Pearlstein, great-grandparents, of Cameron Elle Levine, on the occasion of Cameron’s Bat Mitzvah Anna Perlmutter, mother, by Helen Kleinman Laurel Dolly Keen, mother and grandmother, by Rena and Jack Shenk and family Ruth S. Caplan, mother, by her children, Lyndy and David Caplan, Linda and Foster Goldman, Jr. and her grandchildren, Michael, Danielle and Allison Mark Eigenberg, father, by Judi and Marc Komins and family Bessie Caplan, mother, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan and family Florence Gordon, mother, by Darlene and Gerald Gordon and family Esther Glassman, mother, by Leonard Glassman and family Nathan Blum, father, by Elke and Arnold Neuburger and family Evelyn Fishlin, by Alita and Ron Millen and family Rosalie Levin, by Joan and Michael Vardi, Alan Levin and Anita Baron and Barbara Levy and families Stanley I. Minch, on his birthday, by his wife, June Minch, and family

Shabbat, December 13 | 21 Kislev IN MEMORY OF: Lilyan Sayer, mother, by Suzanne Katz and family Sidney Tucker by Sally and Arthur Grant, children, and grandchildren Miriam Sokolow, sister, by Jeanne and Jack Luskin and family Beatrice Kraus, mother and grandmother, by Joanne and Dr. Edward Kraus and family Irene Levin, mother, by Sherrie and Carl Polsky and family

Esther Sapperstein, by her children and

Lillian Kurman, mother, by Gail and Jerry Kurman

Rhoda Toney, by her family and friends

Marjorie Tucker Friedlander, by Lynn and Nelson


of Chizuk Amuno Morris Jacob, by his daughter, Barbara Wallenstein, and family Lee B. Cooper, mother, by Pamela and Joel Fradin Baracat Elgamil, father, by Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda and family Rebecca Bobick, mother, by Anita Raynes and family Jeanette Friedman, mother, by Joannie and Dr. Harry Friedman and family and Neil Friedman Leon Weiner, brother, by Miriam and Arnold Kahn Isadore Stern by his wife, children, and granddaughter Rebecca Spevak, mother, by Estelle Bloomberg and family Morris Sacks, father, by Pauline Luntz and family Judge Albert L. Sklar, on his birthday, by his family

Shabbat, December 20 | 28 Kislev IN HONOR OF The Bar Mitzvah of Max Ryan Holzman, by his parents, Julie and William Holzman, and his grandparents, Janie Goldman, Mark and Barbara Goldman, and Susan and Henry Holzman IN MEMORY OF: Julius Leiter, father, by Ruth and Allen Brown and family Anna Yoffe, mother, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family Louis Keiser, by Harriet Keiser Anne Picower, mother, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family Jacob Donick, father, by Faye and Howard Pollack Herman Glanzman, by Joel Richmond and family Geraldine Shane, by her husband and family Moritz H. Grossman, nephew, by Rose Frank Jerome S. Cardin, by Shoshana S. Cardin and family Marion L. Goldman, by her children and grandchildren Ethel Wolf, mother, by Donna and Robert Wolf and family

Honor our Staff - Staff Holiday Gift Fund Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is fortunate to have a wonderful, dedicated maintenance, clerical, administrative, and support staff, all of whom ensure that the synagogue and schools run as needed. Our staff serves our members, students, officers, faculty, committees, schools, and clergy in achieving our mission and goals.

The synagogue has a policy of “no tipping” individual staff members following events or programs. Some staff members are more visible than others, but it takes all of them to prepare. In lieu of tipping, the congregation has created a Staff Holiday Gift Fund, which is divided equally among the support staff every December. We


and children

Tucker and family

Nathan L. Cohen, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen,

and family

Mary E. Mogol, by Ellen and Alan, Jonathan,

Andrew, Sarah and Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein

Shabbat, December 27 | 5 Tevet IN MEMORY OF: Mollye Hamburger, sister, by Ina and

Calvin Hamburger

Abraham Weiner, father, by Miriam and Arnold

Kahn and family Anna Miller, by Beverly and Jordon Max and family Nathaniel Jacobs, by his wife Ethel, children and grandchildren Rose Shapiro, mother, and Simon Levinson, father-in-law, by Bernice Levinson and family Beulah Oppenheim, mother, by Rosalind and Samuel Oppenheim and family Morris Pines, father, by his family Florence M. Friedman, mother, by Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Weber, and grandchildren, Staci and Nikki Mollie Putterman, mother, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan and family Marcia Lee Selko, by Mildred and Soll Selko Flora Pearlstein, mother, by Audrey Levine and family Esther Kahan, by Ann Kahan and family Gabriel Massouda, father, by Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda and family Joseph L. Shor, by Shirley Shor and family Yetta and Issy Cooperman, parents, by their family F. David Cohen, by Rose Frank and family Bess and Louis M. Schlimer, mother and father, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family Sarah Rosenberg, mother, by her children and grandchildren Sylvia Apatoff, by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren Cheryl Rimerman, on her birthday, by her mother, Marlene Brager, and family

appreciate those who contribute to the holiday gift fund to our maintenance and support staff members in honor of their good work during the High Holy Days and throughout the year.

Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Chizuk Amuno Foundation The Chizuk Amuno Foundation is the supporting arm of our congregation that manages our synagogue endowment funds. The Foundation board oversees our investments, currently with the Associated Endowment Fund, and reviews spending policies of the Foundation. Alan Mogol has served as president for the past term; we thank him for his leadership and excellent stewardship. As required by the Foundation bylaws, the composition of the Foundation board was submitted to and approved by the synagogue Board of Trustees. The new

Foundation officers were elected by the Foundation board at its last meeting. We are pleased to announce the new and re-nominated Foundation board members – Gary L. Attman,

Jason Blavatt, Lou Sapperstein, Rabbi Ron Shulman, and Glenn Easton. Sandy

Our synagogue and school endowment funds provide scholarships, underwrite programming, enhance our schools, and support our facility in perpetuity. For information about establishing a named endowment fund, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton at the synagogue office. We express our grateful appreciation to all of our Foundation leadership for their time and excellent management of our synagogue investments.

Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts

David Liebman, in appreciation by Karen

Evelyn Levin, on her yahrzeit by Lynne and

Garber and Andy Sandler Jordon Max, on being named Hatan Torah by Sharon and Irv Caplan Janice and Hazzan Manny Perlman, on the birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman, by Ann and Gil Abramson; Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Marilynn and Martin Kinstler; Kathy and Bruce Posner; Susan and Douglas Schehr Sheila Sandbank, on being named Kallat B’reishit by Harriet and Moe Brown; Sharon and Irv Caplan; Diane and Stephen Dansicker; Miriam and Arnie Kahn; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Arline Nitzberg; Ruth and Donald Shein Judy and Marvin Spector, on their granddaughter, Joelle, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Diane and Stephen Dansicker Dave Weinberg, on his 100th birthday by Rose and Sidney Kovens

Larry Lichtig

We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410486-6400. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.

Chizuk Amuno Contributions IN HONOR OF Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager, on their 50th

wedding anniversary by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Glenn Easton, by Sandra Dzija and Andy Miller Liz Minkin Friedman and Dr. Keith Friedman,

on their son, Sage, becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Jenny Baker Randee and Ron Glassman, on the birth of their granddaughter, Emily Kate Unger, by Kathy and Bruce Posner Joan and David Greenberg, on the marriage of their daughter, Jennifer, to Eric Stromberg by Janet and Stanley Kantor Leah Helman, on the marriage of her grandson, Joshua, by Joan and Sol Gurney Ruth and Jay Lenrow, in appreciation by Karen and Robert Dillon

Maury Garten, Beth Goldsmith, David M. Schwaber, and Anne Young. Continuing board members are Barry Isaac, Alan Kanter, Stuart Kaplow, Toba Grant, and Sam Moskowitz. Appointed board

members from The Associated are Michael Friedman, Mark Neumann, and Marc Terrill. Appointed board members from the synagogue are Andrew Miller,

IN MEMORY OF Jay Bernhardt, by Jenny Baker; Anne and

Steven King; Dorothy Rainess; Margot Zipper Todd Boyoisky, by Darlene and Gerry Gordon Elsie and Samuel Goldberg, on their yahrzeits by Linda and David Richman Sylvan Isaac, on his yahrzeit by Marion Isaac Jill, beloved sister of Lois Kaminsky, by Sylvia Braverman Gerald Katz, by Jenny Baker; Marilyn Naviasky; Seema Reznick; Lisa and Bob Rombro; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Dr. Anne and David Young Leo Lamm, on his yahrzeit by Edith and Walter Lamm 11

Schreiber serves as legal counsel.

Sidney Pats, on his yahrzeit by Nadja and

Albert Pats Rita Pfeiffer, on her yahrzeit by Edith and

Walter Lamm Edith Reznick, on her yahrzeit by

Elaine and Steven Keller Ida and Isadore Richman, on their yahrzeits

by Linda and David Richman and Elise and Samuel Goldberg Amy Scherr, by Lisa and Bob Rombro Irving Schwartzman, on his yahrzeit by Roslyn and Lewis Godfrey Jon B Singer, by Sheldon Stern Leas’sa Lund Sprehn, by Jenny Baker; Jeanette Goldman; Hazel, Michael, and Jason Radowsky; Anne and Harvey Heyman Seymour Sussman, by Marilyn Naviasky Dr. William Weintraub, by Jenny Baker Kurt Zion, by Seema Reznick

REFUAH SH’LEMAH TO Arnold Kahn, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Rabbi Joel Zaiman, by Dorothy Rainess;

Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Lynn and Nelson Tucker

Chizuk Amuno Special Offerings IN HONOR OF Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on the aufruf of

their daughter Stacey and Josh Schmerling by Robin and Marc Klein Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on receiving an aliyah by Gail and Jerome Kurman

Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on receiving

the maftir aliyah on Rosh HaShanah by Rabbi Michael Meyerson Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on restoring the silver on the Torah mantle in memory of her father by Marjorie Simon Chizuk Amuno Congregation, in support of the Kiddush by Marion and Walter Straus Alice and Alvin Alperstein, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Alice and Allan Alperstein Jordon Max, on being named Hatan Torah by Aaron and Jill Max

IN MEMORY OF Marcia Buxbaum, by Dr. and

Mrs. August Weber Dora Kaplan Pakula, by Sheila and

Dr. Lawrence C. Pakula

Ezrine Library IN HONOR OF Evelyn Ezrine, on her 90th birthday by Amy

and Bruce Chapper and family; Alberta Cooperman; Selma Deckelbaum; Olga Foreman; Ilene and Bruce Lessans; Marlene and Ted Moss

Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center IN HONOR OF Carole Gould, on her special birthday by

Barbara and Benjy Green Dena Lerner, by Laurie Margolies and Isabel Pinson

IN MEMORY OF Joe Berman, by Aliza Frazer and family Jay Bernhardt, by Laurie and Aaron Margolies Marcia Buxbaum, by Arlyn and Jerry Cohen Gerald Katz, by Barbara Cohen Leon Tyrangiel, by Dr. and

Mrs. Alfred Rosenstein

Goldsmith Museum Fund IN MEMORY OF Jay Bernhart, by Margy and Michael Moranz

Krieger Schechter Day School Contributions IN HONOR OF Stacey and Randal Getz, on their children, Eli

and Sophie, becoming B’nei Mitzvah by Faye and Abe Adler Robin and Sam Smith, on the engagement of their daughter, Maya, to Drew Bloomberg by Joy and Eugene Katz

Janice and Hazzan Manny Perlman, on the

IN MEMORY OF Sol Hirsch, by Sandy and David Abramoff Gerald Katz, by Mr. and

Mrs. Martin Zuckerman The beloved mother of Ruth Simon, by Joy and

Eugene Katz Maurice Weingold, by Patty and Gary Attman

Krieger Schechter Day School Special Offerings IN MEMORY OF Gerald Katz, by Sandy and

David Abramoff

Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund IN MEMORY OF Joseph Berman, by Morah Ann Berman

Inscribed Mahzor Lev Shalem IN HONOR OF Janice and Hazzan Manny Perlman, on the

birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman by Ronald, Jason, Amy, Jared, Rachel, Jeffrey, Kelly, and Jackson Blavatt (5 copies) Marlene and David Schwaber, on their 50th wedding anniversary and Marlene’s special birthday by Joyce and Lewis Kaplan Marlene and David Schwaber, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Harriet and Jay Kramer; Debby Schwaber and family

IN MEMORY OF Marcia Buxbaum, by Sandra Dzija and Andy

Miller; Donna and Mayer Handelman; Judy Meltzer; Dr. Mark Whitman Margie Hess, by Harriet and Alan Kanter Freda and Frank Switzenbaum, by Alena and David M. Schwaber

birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman by Hillary and Jonny Lewis Marlene and David J. Schwaber, on their 50th wedding anniversary by Alena and David M. Schwaber Marion and Walter Straus, 60th wedding anniversary by Natalee and Lenny Pearlmen

IN MEMORY OF Marcia Buxbaum, by Lily and

Warren Massouda Alfred Freud, on his yahrzeit by Linda Freud Gerald Katz, by Harriet and Alan Kanter; Erika and Lew Schon Leas’sa Lund Sprehn, by Miriam and Jay Gerstenblith Tobie Volks, on her yahrzeit by Josh Rosen Loved Ones on their yahrzeit, by Regina and Samuel Teitelman

Rosenbloom Religious School IN HONOR OF Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shenker, on their 50th

wedding anniversary by Marci and Mitchell Platt

Zaiman Educational Alliance REFUAH SH’LEMAH TO Rabbi Joel Zaiman, by Marsha and

Dick Manekin

Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund IN HONOR OF Kathy and Stevan Weinberg, on their

grandsons, Jeremy Weinberg and William Weinberg, becoming B’nei Mitzvah by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt

IN MEMORY OF Esther Ruth Deming, by Phyllis and

Minyan Fund IN HONOR OF Rabbi William Gershon, our friend, on

becoming President of the Rabbinic Assembly by Sylvia Pardes and “girls” Rudy Stoler, on obraining a unanimous vote from the GOP Central Committee, supporting key Israeli issues by Sylvia Pardes

Leonard Attman Ida Goldberg, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Faye Lichtenberg, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman The beloved husband and father of Jean Margolis and family, by Phyllis and

Leonard Attman Mary Elizabeth Schuster, by Phyllis and

Prayer Book Fund IN HONOR OF

Leonard Attman

Dr. Stuart Blumenthal, on the marriage of

his daughter, Jenna, to Greg Lessans by Fran Glick Chizuk Amuno Congregation, on receiving an aliyah by Stephani Braverman; Joan Rombro


Shelley Seidman, by Phyllis and

Leonard Attman Jon B. Singer, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Lois Talkin, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Liberty Tsakalos, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Kurt Zion, by Phyllis and Leonard Attman

Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno Doris and Jay Bernhardt Family Endowment Fund IN MEMORY OF

Martha B. Kayne Memorial Tikkun Olam Award Fund IN HONOR OF

Jay Bernhart, by Cindy and Glenn Easton;

Stephen Blumberg, his birthday by

Miriam and Forrest Foss; Harriet and Alan Kanter; Paulette Pollack and Dawn Reznik; Judy and Phil Simkin

Dr. Harold Gilbert

Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund IN MEMORY OF Myrna Blumenthal, by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Marcia Buxbaum, by Susan and Michael

Adess; Faye and Abe Adler; Patty and Gary Attman; Herta and Arthur Baitch; Jenny Baker; Martha Siegel and Herb Berkow; Dana Rosenfeld and Eric Biel; Lisa and Edel Blumberg and family; Sharon and Irv Caplan; Cindy and Glenn Easton; Miriam and Forrest Foss; Rochelle Stolzenberg and Jeffrey Frankle; Eunice and Sidney Friedman; Julie Gilbert; Sandy and Marc Glass; Jackie Glassgold; Leslie and Ronnie Goldman; Toba and William Grant; Ina and Calvin Hamburger; Randi and Jon Jacobson; Sara Lee and Norman Jacobson; Harriet and Alan Kanter; Joy and Eugene Katz; Ruthanne Kaufman; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Keene, Jr.; Anne and Steven King; Ronnie Kleiman; Roz and Al Kronthal; Gail and Jerry Kurman; Harriett Stein and Mende Lerner; Rona and Dr. Marty Levin; Marsha and Dick Manekin; Beverly and Jordon Max; Marilyn Naviasky; Paulette and Jay Pollack; Lorraine F. Pugatch; Celeste Pushkin; Gilda and Harold Resnick; Dawn Reznik; Linda and David Richman; Sheila and Howard Sandbank; Karen Garber and Andy Sandler; by Maxine Seidman; by Nancy and Lee Sherman; Adele and Jerry Sidle; Judy and Phil Simkin; Dr. Martin Taubenfeld; Whitford, Taylor and Preston; Dr. Anne and David Young

Louis Barry Gershen “Our Daily Bread” Fund IN HONOR OF Janice and Hazzan Manny Perlman, on the

birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman, by Ruth and Donald Shein

REFUAH SH’LEMAH TO Betty Dahne, by Dr. Harold Gilbert Isobel Kemper, by Dr. Harold Gilbert

Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry Leibowitz Pathways to Menschlekeit Fund IN HONOR OF Janice and Hazzan Manny Perlman, on the

birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman, by Miriam and Irwin Golob

IN MEMORY OF Jay Bernhardt, by Miriam and Irwin Golob

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF Randee and Ron Glassman, on the birth of

their granddaughter, Emily Kate Unger, by Dorothy Yankellow

IN MEMORY OF Ruth Avjean-Paritzky, by Marilyn, Sonny and

Erica Spector Marcia Buxbaum, by Dorothy Yankellow

Alvin and Lois Neuberger Education Fund IN MEMORY OF Alvin Neuberger, on his yahrzeit by Ann and

Alan Hamburger

Pauline and Ivan Oshrine Krieger Schechter Endowment Fund REFUAH SH’LEMAH TO Herbert Stoller, by Ivan Oshrine

Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF Dr. Randal and Stacey Getz, on their children,

Eli and Sophie, becoming B’nei Mitzvah by the Frier family

IN MEMORY OF Joseph Berman, by the Frier family

Minnie Garber and Rose Greenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund REFUAH SH’LEMAH TO Phillip McKnight, by Sandy and

Marty Greenberg


Clergy Discretionary Fund

Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Joan, Susan, and Robert Kaiser, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the unveiling of Dr. Theodore Kaiser Eilene Kleiman and Nancy Shotola, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Faye Lichtenberg Ethel Klein, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the unveiling of Irvin Klein Joan and David Greenberg, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the wedding of Jennifer Greenberg and Eric Stromberg Amie Sue and Paul Nochumowitz, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the unveiling of Fred Nochumowitz Joshua Rosen, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for wonderful High Holy Day services Gordon Salganik, in honor of Janice and Hazzan Perlman on the birth of their grandson, Abner Judah Perlman Ethel Klein, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for officiating at the unveiling of Irvin Klein Ellen Kahan Zager and Jack Zager, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his kindness Joan and David Greenberg, in appreciation of Rabbi Seltzer for being a meaningful witness to the ketubah signing of Jennifer Greenberg and Eric Stromberg Randi and Darrell Braman, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler, Hazzan Perlman, and Debby Hellman for their dedication in preparing Samuel Reyner Braman for his Bar Mitzvah Harriet Brown, in gratitude for the honor of reading the Haftarah on Yom Kippur Vivian and Robert Manekin, in memory of Marcia Buxbaum Vivian and Robert Manekin, in memory of Jon B. Singer Leslie Polt, in memory of Max Polt on his yahrzeit Ruth and Jacob Silverman, on the yahrzeit of a loved one Maxine and Jay Waxman, in honor of the engagement of Marlene Sussman and Stuart Aiken Louise Weinberg, in honor of her 60th birthday

Tzedakah @ Chizuk Amuno A Special Hanukkah Dedication

Purchase an Inscribed Tribute Brick on Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith

As we remember the rededication of the Temple by the Maccabees, we turn our thoughts to dedicating more bricks on our entry walkway – Derekh Amuno. Please consider this special gift and purchase a brick in honor

Annual Campaign for Education and Engagement Needs Your Support

Take Advantage of Year-end Tax Deductions

Many generous members have responded to our Annual Campaign for Education & Engagement, but we are short of our goal of 100% member participation. December is a good time to consider a year-end gift to help us support our excellent schools, member engagement, synagogue programs, and school scholarships. Phone calls and letters to those who have not yet responded are underway. If you would like to discuss your pledge, please call Beth Goldsmith or Glenn Easton at the synagogue, 410-486-6400. If you would like to direct your gift to Krieger Schechter Day School, please call Alison Wielechowski at 410-824-2050.

or in memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. You can recognize birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, b’nei mitzvah, or express gratitude of a loved one or friend – the list of reasons for purchasing a brick is You may purchase a brick online endless. using a credit card at • $250 per brick for up to four lines DerekhAmuno, or contact Glenn of text, 15 characters per line Easton, 410-486-6400. • Package options available

Camp Ramah Scholarships Available to Chizuk Amuno Members We are delighted to announce that we are able to assist our members in sending their children to Camp Ramah for summer 2015 through a variety of Chizuk Amuno and Ramah Scholarship funds, including the Sam and Ann Kahn Scholarship for Jewish Learning Experiences Fund, the Camp Ramah Fund, the Jared Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund, the Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund, and the Irene and Bernard Siegel Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund. If you are in need of assistance for Camp Ramah Summer 2015, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler at

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Gives Tzedakah Every Friday the children participate in the mitzvah of giving Tzedakah. They come to the office with their coins and drop them in the pushke while singing a little song about giving tzedakah. Each month we designate a special foundation or organization that is meaningful to us. In September, we donated to Lungevity, a foundation committed to making an immediate impact on increasing quality of life and survivorship of people with lung cancer. They provide energy,

inspiration, and resources that are critical to making lung cancer a national priority. In October, we donated to The American Cancer

Society for Breast Cancer Awareness - Mammography’s are saving lives.

And in November, we donated to Scholastic All For Books. For each dollar donated, Scholastic donates one book to an underprivileged library. Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center donated 100 books. 14

Please also consider making a donation to any of these funds and help make a Ramah summer possible for our children and teens.

Chizuk Amuno Congregation

8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 Office • 410-486-6400 Fax • 410-486-4050 E-mail • Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Krieger Schechter Day School Rosenbloom Religious School Stulman Center for Adult Learning

410-486-8642 410-486-8640 410-486-8641 410-824-2055

Dr. Andrew J. Miller, President Dr. Gary Brager, Brotherhood President Carol Davis, Club Hatikvah President Lynne Lichtig, Sisterhood President Shari Kaplan, Chizuk Amuno Schools Parent Association President Mitzi Spiegelman, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Parent Association President Teri Philosophe and Leslie Seidman, Krieger Schechter Day School Parent Association Co-presidents Richard Stone, Rosenbloom Religious School Parent Association President Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Bil Zarch, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick, Director, Teen and Family Engagement Cheryl Snyderman, Director Member Engagement Rachel Levitan, Graphic Designer

Milestones @ Chizuk Amuno B’nei Mitzvah

We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. DECEMBER 6

Cameron Elle Levine

Shana Leah Itzika daughter of Robyn and Charlie Levine DECEMBER 20

Max Ryan Holzman

Heshel Aidan son of Julie and William Holzman


We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Ruby Dean Caplan, daughter of Kana and Richard Caplan and granddaughter of Sharon and Irvin Caplan Sybil A. Dinkin, daughter of Rhonda and Alan Dinkin and greatgranddaughter of Adele and Daniel Marcus Meital Daniella Helfand, daughter of Ilanit and Alex Helfand and granddaughter of Harriet and William Helfand Judah Avery Levine, son of Daniella and Jonathan Levine and greatgrandson of Audrey Levine


We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Jenna Blumenthal, daughter of Wendy Eisenberg and Dr. Stuart Blumenthal, to Greg Lessans Stacy Klein, daughter of Robin and Dr. Marc Klein, to Josh Schmerling Noam Tasch, son of Dafna and Dr. Uri Tasch, to Hadas Reichman

In Loving Memory

In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Jay S. Bernhardt, husband of Doris Bernhardt, father of Jan Schein and Karen Jagoda, and brother of Eileen Sakin Myrna Blumenthal, mother of Helane Moskovich and Steven Blumenthal and sister of Elaine Tolk Marcia C. Buxbaum, wife of Dr. Jerry Buxbaum and mother of Ellen Blatt and Edward Buxbaum Ruth E. Deutch, wife of Jacob Deutch and mother of Shelley Deutch, Dr. Beth Deutch, and Dr. Charisse Deutch Gary A. Fisher, husband of Sandra Fisher, father of Gregory Fisher and Melanie Fisher, and brother of Theodore Fisher Gerald M. Katz, husband of Suzanne Katz, father of Neil Katz, Alise Alden, and Michael Katz, and brother of Barbara Donaghy Meta Oppenheimer, aunt of Florene Goldner Amy Scherr, wife of Jeffrey Scherr, mother of Andrew Scherr and Julia Scherr, daughter of Belle Sussman, and sister of Diane LaSov and Jason Sussman We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Samuel Bell, on the loss of his father, Nathan Bell Beverly Berman, on the loss of her sister, Miriam Leavey Marlene Cohen, on the loss of her mother, Miriam Geller Ruth Simon, on the loss of her mother, Rhoda Berliner Dr. Henry Tyrangiel, on the loss of his father, Leon Tyrangiel Carol Zenilman, on the loss of her father, Maurice Weingold As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.


Working His Magic Behind the Scenes

Thanking Dave Bohager on his Retirement In March of ’88, Executive Director Stanley Minch hired Dave Bohager as Chizuk Amuno’s first plant engineer. With no space yet available for even the smallest of work-shops, Dave found an empty closet to serve as his first office at Chizuk Amuno, which would become his home-away-from home for the next 26 (plus) years. Over the course of time, Dave’s workspace expanded to a large shop in the basement and he supervised a staff that grew to three members at its peak. Dave’s focus was maintaining all mechanical equipment in the building. It was his careful attention that kept the hot air blowing in the winter and cool air in the summer. Among many other things, he also attended to the plumbing, lighting, and alarm system throughout the entire building. Through Dave’s serious, matter-of-fact demeanor and 24/7 dedication, we were always confident that we were in good hands. We thank Dave for all his hard work keeping the building in tip-top shape and wish him all the best throughout his well-deserved retirement.

First Fridays

Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544

December 5, March 6, May 1 We celebrate Shabbat as a synagogue family. Following either our Kabbalat Shabbat service (6:15 p.m.) or our New Shabbat service (6:30 p.m.), we all join together to relax with family and friends at Shabbat Dinner (7:15 p.m.).

8100 Stevenson Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208

• Individual dates: $25/adult; $15/child under 12; Free/child 4 and under. • Full series subscription: $60/adult and $35/child under 12. • RSVP: to • Checks made payable to Chizuk Amuno Congregation should be returned to the synagogue office by December 1.

TIME SENSITIVE M ATERIAL please deliver promptly

Community Havdalah Celebrations

Winter Worship Shabbat Mornings December 27 and January 3 • 9:15 a.m.

Saturdays, December 6 and January 10 5-6 p.m. Chizuk Amuno adults and children: please join us for a special outdoor Havdalah service as we mark the conclusion of Shabbat and share this beautiful ritual moment of music, song, light, and fragrance.

Families, friends, adults, and children – join us in the Krieger Auditorium for our intimate and relaxed prayer environment. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, Hazzan Perlman, and Dr. Shualy.

We’ll also enjoy sweet treats with which to wish each other a sweet week. Come dressed for your evening activities and experience this warm and touching service before you go out or return home. 16

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