AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning AUGUST 2018 | Av / Elul 5778
RABBI’S COLUMN Being that this is my first HaHodesh article as your new senior rabbi, I find it hard not to focus on transition. In the biblical narrative that we RABBI JOSHUA GRUENBERG are currently reading, there are two liminal realities that are challenging the people at the same time. Moses is nearing the end of his tenure as the leader of the Children of Israel, and Joshua (purely coincidence, or is it?) is set to take over. In addition, the people are about to eschew their nomadic ways for a more permanent existence in the land of Israel. Throughout this arduous process the nation experiences a wide range of emotions and challenges which I believe serve to remind us that despite the difficulty of these transitory moments in our lives, they are necessary times of unease and discomfort which keep our lives moving forward. This is a liminal moment for the entire Chizuk Amuno community and the Gruenberg family as well. It is both heartwarming and sacred that we navigate these transitional waters together. Change is not easy, as it thrashes us out of a comfort zone and forces us into the unknown. Despite the discomfort we might feel, it is often through these experiences from which we learn about ourselves and our personal and communal threshold for growth and advancement. I can’t tell you how excited the Gruenberg family is to grow together with this incredible community. Though we will not pledge to be Ravens fans (sorry), we cannot wait to be immersed in the incredible Baltimore and Chizuk Jewish communities. On a personal note, I am most excited to honor all that my incredible predecessors have Continued on Page 2
(Creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment)
Dress casually and appropriately for Shabbat Services. Families, friends, adults and children are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah. The Dvar Torah theme for this year is Israel at 70. August 4 - Parshat Ekev - Israela Meyerstein August 11 - Parshat Re’eh - Susan Flax Posner August 18 - Parshat Shoftim - Fern Babkes
“Come Blow Your Horn” Tuesday, August 21 (at Sundown about 8 p.m.)
FREE & Open to the Community
Please join us on Tuesday, August 21, at sundown (about 8 p.m.), outside in the courtyard at Chizuk Amuno, when Cinema Under the Stars presents “Come Blow Your Horn” starring Frank Sinatra, Jill St. John, and Molly Picon, with Dean Martin. Based on Neil Simon’s first Broadway hit and adapted by Norman Lear, this is the story of a Jewish family with two sons seeking to become independent from their doting parents. This year we celebrate the 14th anniversary of our popular outdoor movie series, in honor of Judy Meltzer. Enjoy fresh popcorn, candy, and cold drinks - all free! If it should rain (Don’t worry, we won’t allow that), we will view the film in the Krieger Auditorium.
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6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.
accomplished, while dreaming together about our bright future.
Shabbat Mornings
Liminal moments are also an important time for gratitude. My mother has a daily gratitude alarm on her phone that reminds her once a day simply to be thankful. While her children (present company included) deride her daily alarm, in reality it is a consistent ritual that all of us would do well to practice. We have been fortunate for the last seven years to be a part of a wonderful community in Yardley, Pennsylvania. They enriched our lives in every way possible, and we will be forever grateful and blessed for the time we spent with the Beth El community there.
9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.
AUGUST 3/4 / AV 22/23 Candle Lighting.........................Friday 7:58 p.m. TORAH PORTION: EIKEV D’var Torah by Israela Meyerstein Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................6:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................7:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................8:40 p.m.
AUGUST 10/11/ AV 29/30 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 7:50 p.m. TORAH PORTION: R’EIH D’var Torah by Susan Flax Posner Shabbat Study Session ......................6:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 7:30 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................8:32 p.m.
AUGUST 17/18 /ELUL 6/7 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 7:41 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SHOF’TIM D’var Torah by Fern Babkes Shabbat Study Session ......................6:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 7:15 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................8:23 p.m.
AUGUST 24/25 / ELUL 13/14 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 7:31 p.m. TORAH PORTION: KI TETZEI Ezra Glazer becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Gruenberg Shabbat Study Session .......................6:15 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 7:15 p.m. Havdalah ................................................8:13 p.m.
Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300, by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Please Note: Labor Day Monday, September 3 Daily Services will be at 9:15 a.m.
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LIVE STREAMING AVAILABLE IN THE SANCTUARY ON SHABBAT MORNINGS Beginning on August 25! Thanks to the generosity of the family of Lillian and Stanley Wilen, of blessed memory, and the support of Rabbi Wechsler and the Religious Life Committee led by Jeff Snyder, the congregation has installed equipment to provide remote video access to our Shabbat morning services. This live streaming of our services will enable those who are not physically capable of being at Chizuk Amuno to see, hear, and join in our Sanctuary services via computer from their home. While we test our new equipment and experiment with the capabilities, our services will be accessed by request through a dedicated website link we can send via email. Those interested in accessing a particular Shabbat morning service are invited to contact Glenn Easton at for the link. In addition to Shabbat morning services, we will be able to provide live streaming of any program, lecture, or activity in our sanctuary. Please watch for future information about these opportunities. Our sincere appreciation to Sam Wilen, Judy Wilen, and Debra Schwartz, the children of Lillian and Stanley Wilen, for honoring the memory of their parents in such a meaningful and impactful way.
During the process of our courtship with Chizuk and in the subsequent time, we have been welcomed in this community by everyone we have been fortunate enough to meet. I wish I could mention every name, but I am told I have a word limit in this article. I want to offer a special thank you to Sandi Moffet, Stephen Pomerantz and the entire search committee for everything that they did during this process. Being on a rabbinic search committee is a full-time job, and we are a lucky community to have such devoted volunteers. Throughout this process, the professional staff of Chizuk has been an invaluable source of strength and council for our entire family, and I am incredibly excited to work together with such a talented and expert team. I need to thank my children Sam and Kayla, who have been nothing short of wonderful during a time of scary transition. Finally, I want to thank my partner in life Elissa, who is the stabilizing force in our family and our entire lives. Liminal moments are scary! But they are also opportunities to transform our lives and reach heights previously unimaginable. I look forward to our bright future together.
8:30 p.m. Havdalah & Dessert Reception We gather to enjoy the sweetness and light of Havdalah following the conclusion of Shabbat and enjoy a dessert reception. 9:00 p.m. “The Little Dictator” Award winning short film and discussion with Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg. An uncharismatic history professor and expert on totalitarian leaders, feels unappreciated both by his students and his bossy wife. One Sabbath weekend, at the 90th birthday party of his wife’s grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, he finds himself in a situation that forces him to confront history, family and his own self. 10 p.m. Selihot Service “Service of Forgiveness” Selihot is a unique and moving late night “Service of Forgiveness” that starts the High Holy Day season. It is a spiritual and evocative evening that challenges us to reflect upon our past deeds and experiences and encourages us to consider personal and religious goals for future growth and change. Before our Selihot Service begins, the Torah Scrolls in the ark are publicly changed into their white High Holy Day covers which symbolize the freshness and purity of the coming New Year. During the service, a string quartet will accompany Hazzan Perlman and the Chizuk Amuno Choir. The evening concludes with the familiar sounding of the Shofar.
EREV ROSH HASHANAH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 5:45 p.m. - Minhah, Hoffberger Chapel 6:00 p.m. - Ma’ariv, Sanctuary
ROSH HASHANAH - 1ST DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 9:00 a.m. - Shaharit, Morning Service 9:30 a.m. - Torah Service followed by the Sounding of the Shofar at 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - Musaf: Holy Day Service 5:00 p.m. - Family Tashlikh 5:30 p.m. - Community Tashlikh
FRIENDLY HOSTS & GREETERS NEEDED! We need volunteers to serve as hosts for services during the year, both Shabbat and High Holy Days, and as hallway greeters. Please help us greet our congregations and guests warmly. To volunteer, please contact Paulette Pollack, in the Synagogue front office at 410-486-6400.
Yom Kippur
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 6:15 p.m. - Minhah/Ma'ariv
ROSH HASHANAH - 2ND DAY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 9:00 a.m. - Shaharit, Morning Service Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. - Torah Service followed by the Sounding of the Shofar at 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - Musaf: Holy Day Service 7:00 p.m. - Minhah 7:30 p.m. - Ma’ariv Evening Service
KOL NIDRE - EREV YOM KIPPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 6:00 p.m. - Minhah, Hoffberger Chapel 6:30 p.m. - Kol Nidre & Ma’ariv
YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 9:00 a.m. - Shaharit 10:00 a.m. - Torah Service 11:00 a.m. - Yizkor Memorial Prayers 11:30 a.m. - Musaf Holy Day Service
September 4-19 Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby. Visit our website for our full list of items.
Please check expiration dates.
Questions? Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300 A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
3:15 p.m. - Study Sessions 3:45 p.m. - Public Yizkor Service, Hoffberger Chapel 4:15 p.m. - Ask the Rabbi 5:15 p.m. - Minhah 6:45 p.m. - Neilah, Sanctuary 7:45 p.m. - Family Neilah Service Krieger Auditorium 7:47 p.m. - Sounding of the Shofar/ Conclusion
Break the fast snack courtesy of the Blavatt Family. *View the complete High Holy Day Brochure including services for toddlers, students, and families at Page 3
MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Thank you to our generous members who renew their membership, contribute meaningfully to support our congregation and schools, and enable us to fulfill our mission of finding meaning, strengthening faith, and, creating community. Each year, when the membership renewal letters are sent, we are overwhelmed and heartened by the hundreds of families that immediately respond with their membership contributions and good wishes for our new year. This demonstration of support for our congregation and schools allows us to profoundly affect the lives of thousands of our members and their extended families. We understand that some cannot afford our full membership contribution request. Our policy is that no child goes without a religious education and no family is turned away from membership due to financial hardship. Rather, we encourage contributions at a level reflecting individual financial ability. This is made possible by the generosity of those who support our Annual Appeal and other fundraising projects. If you have a financial challenge, please call our Executive Director, Glenn Easton, at the synagogue office. Chizuk Amuno Congregation has so much to offer each of us. If there is more that you need or want for you or your family, I want to extend a personal invitation to reach out to us with suggestions, questions, or a simple request for ways to be a part of our wonderful community. You may phone us at 410-486-6400 or email us at Thank you for your continuing support. Sincerely, Bob Hallock Vice President for Membership Engagement
WELCOME NEW STAFF We are pleased to welcome John Earle to our maintenance staff as our new Building Engineer/Superintendent. John joins us with over twenty years of experience as a building engineer, heating and air conditioning technician, fire systems specialist, and general contractor with experience in plumbing, electrical repairs, and painting. John will help us maintain our expansive building, oversee our upcoming air conditioning replacements, supervise our classroom LED lighting project, and work with our staff to service, repair, and improve our building and grounds. We also welcome Jose Varga to our full-time maintenance staff. Jose has been working part-time on weekends until this summer. John and Jose join our dedicated and long standing maintenance team of Ernie Lancaster, Winston Williams, and Lonnie Heckstall. Please join us in thanking our entire maintenance staff for their work and years of service when you see them at the synagogue.
THANK YOU ACE UNIFORM SERVICES, INC. Chizuk Amuno Congregation and the housekeeping and maintenance staff are grateful to the Finkelstein family and Ace Uniform Services, Inc. for providing uniforms for our staff. We thank them for their generous support.
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As we move towards the end of summer, we look forward to the exciting year ahead. With Rabbi Gruenberg in position as our senior Rabbi and many subcommittees already hard at work, our Hazzan search is in full swing. Members of our committee are working with the Cantor’s Assembly to provide information about Chizuk Amuno so that they may facilitate our search. Shortly we will begin community conversations in order to discuss our dreams for the next Hazzan of our congregation. This will be followed by a survey distributed to our community to further gather information about our vision for our next Hazzan. After we begin receiving resumes upon the conclusion of the holidays, we will work as a committee to vet and to conduct preliminary interviews with potential candidates. In the immediate term, we are grateful to welcome Hazzan Joel Lichterman for our interim year as we work to identify our next Hazzan. Newly Emeritus, very experienced, and steeped in the tradition of our sacred music, Hazzan Lichterman possesses not only the musical knowledge, but also the experience with congregants that will help us to smoothly navigate the interim period. Further aiding in the transition, we are delighted that Hazzan Lichterman will live in our Baltimore community while serving our congregation. This will allow him to engage with our community in a variety of ways. Continuing Hazzan Perlman’s legacy of warmth, connection and engagement with congregants, we feel that Hazzan Lichterman will honor that legacy with his own personal style. We are eager to hear your thoughts, suggestions and questions at Warmly, Jenny Gamliel & Antony Rosen
A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT On Saturday November 27, 1982, I became a Bat Mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno. A third generation member on my mother’s side and fourth generation on my father’s side. That Fall, Chizuk Amuno began to permit girls to become a Bat Mitzvah on a Saturday morning and read from the Torah. I had the honor of being one of the very first. It was the forward thinking of our Board and our very new rabbi, Rabbi Zaiman, that instituted this transformational change. At my Bat Mitzvah, I read from the Parsha Vayetze, which as I reflect now, creates a wonderful bridge to today. Vayetze teaches us that Jacob has a dream about angels ascending a ladder that reaches to the heavens: “and Jacob dreamed, and behold there was a Sulam, a ladder, which was firmly affixed to the earth and its top reached heavenward.” My symbolic ladder at Chizuk Amuno will help me climb to the heights of my own leadership potential, encouraging our community to dream about our future. This is OUR synagogue. I will always take the time to listen and speak with you. I might not get everything right but, my intentions are always from the heart and mindful of what this community wants, needs and expresses. I look forward to building relationships with all of you. We have great excitement in our community and confidence in the future as we welcome our new Senior Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg. I know that he along with our entire clergy, and the Chizuk Amuno and Schools team, will continue to do the wonderful and important work we are doing. The above story of change that occurred 35 years ago allowed Chizuk Amuno to continue to grow and thrive and be at the forefront of Conservative Judaism. I am so honored to be part of this legacy and serve as Chizuk Amuno’s President as we chart our future together.
THE MIRIAM FOSS MEMORIAL FUND AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP TO STUDENT COMMITTED TO ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY Each year, a scholarship fund in honor of Miriam Foss z”l awards one graduating senior at Baltimore City College High School a $5,000 scholarship designated for the student’s college tuition. The fund honors Miriam’s deep love for Judaism and her and the synagogue’s commitment to helping communities across Baltimore City. The award goes to a student who has demonstrated a long-term commitment to improving the community and has shown outstanding character. Dennis Gong, who will be attending Johns Hopkins University in the fall, is the award’s second recipient. Dennis was chosen by the faculty at City College for his commitment to environmental advocacy. Throughout his four years at City, he was a leader and member of the Environmental and Recycling Club, helping City become a certified green school in the state of Maryland. Dennis’s involvement extended outside of City’s walls as well—in the past year he worked for the Baltimore Office of Sustainability and also joined Baltimore Beyond Plastic, a youth-led organization whose goal is to reduce plastic waste in the city. This year the group successfully lobbied the Baltimore City School Board to pass a Styrofoam food container ban, which requires the use of compostable paper lunch trays in place of Styrofoam ones. Dennis says City has taught him the importance of not only being informed about an issue or problem, but taking initiative to bring about the change he wants to see. One of the most exciting parts of his work is how the cause of environmentalism brings together hundreds of students from all ages and backgrounds. Dennis plans to major in Biomedical Engineering so that he can become a scientist in the field, having studied drug-delivery systems and tissue regeneration this past summer at Hopkins. As a college student he would like to stay involved with Baltimore Beyond Plastic and start a group on campus that would help students reduce waste. Alongside all of this, he will tutor Baltimore City youth in the sciences. Congratulations to Dennis on his achievements and contributions, and thank you to the family and friends of Miriam Foss z”l for their generous support. The Foss family is grateful for all the contributions that have been made to the Miriam Foss Gemilut Hasadim Fund. If you would like to make a gift, please contact the Chizuk Amuno office for more information.
SUMMER READING Chizuk Amuno is one of the original sponsors of the upcoming, and first ever, Festival of Jewish Literature in Baltimore to be held November 8-18. We will be hosting the closing event on Sunday, November 18 at 5 p.m. which will feature Jeremy Dauber, author of Jewish Comedy: A Serious History. We know that many of you spend the sunny, languorous days of summer reading and wanted to offer you the opportunity to add Jeremy Dauber’s book to your night table. You may also want to add The Last Watchman of Old Cairo by Michael David Lukas which is the selection for the Community Read in which the entire Baltimore Jewish Community will be reading the same title. Both books may be purchased at the Chizuk Amuno Gift Shop. Books are provided to the shop by The Ivy Bookshop who is generously donating 20% of the profits back to us. Happy Reading! Page 5
Chaired by Leonard & Phyllis Attman and Steven & Anne King, the evening featured a memorable and participatory concert by Peter Yarrow, a video visit and sing-a-long by Noel Paul Stookley, a video documentary, a prayerful opening and closing with choir by Hazzan Perlman and his brother, Hazzan Josh Perlman, heartfelt remarks by Hazzan Perlman, and a presentation of a sculpture on behalf of the congregation by Leonard & Phyllis Attman. Nearly 1,000 people enjoyed the special evening followed by a gala dessert reception catered by Annie Hood and the congregation. Our thanks to our Concert Committee and our generous donors. In addition to the sculpture and title of Hazzan Emeritus, Hazzan Perlman will also be honored with a portrait in our gallery of emeritus clergy and a permanent fund, the Hazzan Emanuel Perlman Music Fund, to support musical programming at the synagogue in perpetuity. While officially becoming emeritus in August, Hazzan Perlman will be with us for the High Holy Days, for the days of Yizkor on the festival holidays, and for several Shabbatot during the year while we search for our next permanent Hazzan.
Goldsmith Early Childhood Center celebrates its 60th anniversary this year! Did you know… The Nursery school began on Stevenson Road in the fall of 1958, renamed Early Childhood Education Department in the 1970’s. In 1987, the school was renamed the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center and moved to its current location in 1988. Thousands of preschoolers and their families have come through our doors in the last 60 years. They have filled our classrooms with love, friendships and smiles. We are so thankful we have had the opportunity to reach so many and help build a Jewish foundation for our young families.
HELP US CELEBRATE! Sunday, August 26 - The Goldsmith Parents Association is hosting a Welcome Back Snow Cone Party on the playground for Goldsmith families at 10 a.m. followed by a kickoff concert from BABY BEATS! with Max & Root, in the Ben & Esther Rosenbloom Amphitheater at 11 a.m. Chizuk Amuno friends and families are welcome to attend the concert. SAVE THE DATE- 60th Anniversary Reunion Sunday, March 31, 2019. Calling all Grads, current and past families, teacher and administrators: If you are interested in helping us plan, or know of our early alumni, please contact Michelle Gold at Page 6
On June 10th, Krieger Schechter Day School held its 7th annual Schechter on the Move 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. 750 people attended this popular community event that was managed and timed by Charm City Run. Following was a festive post-race party - the last of 36 events celebrating 36 years - that included live music from KSDS students and local bands, food trucks, a silent auction, and several kid's activities. Schechter on the Move raised a record $75,000 that will go directly to KSDS scholarship.
Contact Amy Blavatt, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Amy your e-mail address.
Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President,
ATTENTION ALL SISTERHOOD MEMBERS: Please look for our dues mailing and new brochure in your mailbox sometime in August! Send your dues and become a member ASAP so that you don't miss any of our exciting programs!
SAVE THE DATES! Come to a Meet and Greet with Elissa and Joshua Gruenberg, our new Senior Rabbi and welcome them in to our Chizuk Amuno family. September 26, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at Chizuk Amuno Congregation Drinks & Dessert (Dinner not included) Free to attend. RSVP kindly to Donna Friedman at Kosher Cooking with Susie Fishbein, author of the "Kosher by Design" cookbooks! Described as the Martha Stewart of Kosher cooking and entertaining, Susie Fishbein will be coming back to Chizuk Amuno on October 17! Mark this date on your calendar and look for additional details coming soon!
SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP The shop remains open on Tuesday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon through August. But get ready! The holidays are coming, plus Dixie and Anne will be attending the NY Gift Show in August so there is a lot to get excited about with the shop! Contact Dixie at if you need to set up a special appointment or call us at 410-824-2067 ..
AUGUST 14-17TH 10AM TO NOON There will be fabulous specials and sales on many items in the shop. Plus, this will give you some extra shopping opportunities to prepare for the holidays. Stop by early and often as you may find new items on sale each of these days!
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Turkey Burgers. Beer, Soda, Water & Dessert. $15 per person-Men Only! RSVP by Wed. Aug. 22
Send your checks in to the Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood, 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 or Pay Online at brotherhoodopeningBBQ18
BUY YOUR LULAV AND ETROG! Order your Lulav and Etrog set from Israel through Brotherhood representatives, Marvin Spector, 410-484-8939 or Michael Moranz, 410-486-0277 by Wednesday, Sept. 5. $45 per set. Please make your check payable to Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood.
SHOP HOURS (Through - August 28): Tuesday 10 a.m. - 12Noon ONLY
Regular shop hours will resume Tuesday, August 28th with the following hours: Tuesday 8/28, Wednesday 8/29, Thursday 8/30: 10 a.m. to 12Noon, 2 to 6 p.m. Friday 8/31: 10 a.m. to Noon
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ENGAGE IN GEMILUT HASADIM We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim program, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.
LEARN ALL ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY Wednesday, August 15 7 p.m. As our Shmirat Adamah Committee gets in gear, our first event will be an evening about solar energy. Please join us as we learn what it is, how it works, and how using solar energy benefits our environment (and your wallet!). If you are considering a solar installation for your home, Retrofit Baltimore will also be discussing their co-op purchase plan which allows for discounted costs for a home solar power system. To RSVP, go to
SHMIRAT ADAMAH COMMITTEE – GUARDIANS OF THE EARTH As part of the One Water Partnership, an effort to foster actions that will help to heal and preserve our streams and bodies of water, we have reinstated our Shmirat Adamah Committee – our ‘green team’ – to develop projects that will take place over the coming year. If you would like to serve on the committee or help with our ‘green’ projects, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesday, August 15, 4-7 p.m. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, Todah Rabbah to our May and June participants: Heller Kreshtool (leader), Yifaat Asher, Alan Becker, Alli Bernstein, Bryan Bernstein, Bryce Bernstein, Colin Bernstein, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Jan Carter, Hillary Crystal, Joanne Felton, Garth Gerstenblith, Hedy Goldstein, Carol Gratz, Hazel Greenstein, Melissa Halpern, Jennifer Heller, Shelley Hendler, Margi Hoffman, Joy Katz, Rena Lapidus, Rona Sue London, Saundra Madoff, Hazel Radowsky, Marcia Scherr, and Maxine Seidman We also express our appreciation to our friends at Beth El Congregation who generously gave us the use of their freezer and refrigerator during the few days in June we were without power.
OPEN GEMILUT HASADIM MEETING Tuesday, August 28, 7:30 p.m. We are pleased to announce that Dorothy Gold has been named chair of our Gemilut Hasadim Committee. You are invited to join us at our first meeting of the new year, learn about our many current varied projects, and explore new ideas for future projects. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman at
GH2 (GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP) If you would like to help our team developing a social calendar or escort the Gilead House residents to events, please contact Margie Simon,, or Jennie Rothschild,
Wednesday, August 15, 2-3:30 p.m. Help us perform the mitzvah of gemilut hasadim – acts of loving kindness. If you are traveling to Israel and can take a package of baby blankets to our liaison there, please let us know. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman
ADOPT-A-ROAD Sunday, August 19, 9 a.m. (raindate: August 26) Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422 Todah Rabbah to our June participants: Jay Finkel, Irwin Golob, and Moe Brown
Sundays, August 19, 9 a.m.
Sunday, August 26, 10 a.m. – noon
Contacts: Lily Massouda, 410-653-9173 or or Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or
Contact: Claire Freeland,
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Todah Rabbah to our June participants: Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Andrea Polsky, Brian Polsky, Daniel Polsky, David Polsky, and Evan Polsky
B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B'nei Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to their families. AUGUST 25 EZRA CHAIM GLAZER EZRA CHAIM son of Ilana & Danny Glazer
Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Hadar Tehila Baruch, daughter of Drs. Rachel Levine Baruch & Jeremy Baruch, granddaughter of Tobie & Dr. Robert Levine, and great-granddaughter of the late Mildred & Rabbi Israel Goldman Sawyer Daniel Gratz, son of Amanda & David Gratz and grandson of Carol & Dr. Ed Gratz and Lisa Michalski
Births (cont.) Sean Magram, son of Yan & Henry Magram, grandson of Hannah & Dr. Martin Magram and greatgrandson of Rose Strauss Dalia Cecilia Saguato, daughter of Eva Rigaonti Saguato & Paolo Saguato and granddaughter of Drs. Karen & Daniele Rigamonti and Giana & Giorgio Saguato Zelda Marie Spina, daughter of Danielle & Joe Spina, granddaughter of Catherine & David Max, and greatgranddaughter of Beverly & Jordon Max and Mary Price Ashton Shay Verstandig, son of Stacey & Steven Verstanding, grandson of Denise & Carl Verstanding and Ressa & Stefan Luger and great-grandson of Bob Nusinov and Geraldine Luger
Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Lisa Easton, daughter of Cindy and Glenn Easton to Kenny Davis, son of Diane and Kenny Davis Sr. Stacy Siegel, daughter of Barbara & Dr. Howard Siegel and granddaughter of Esther Miller, to Jason Steinberg, son of Gwen & Paul Steinberg
Garrett Randall Fried, son of Renee & David Fried and grandson of Ann & Dr. Dan Fried and Fern & Sam Friedel
Shira Sandler, daughter of Andy & Karen Sandler, to Max Simchowitz
Brooks Ryan Levine, son of Rebecca & Jared Levine, grandson of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool and Nancy & Steve Levine and great-grandson of Charlotte Miller and Connie Kreshtool
We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness.
Jack Haber Lipsitz, son of Melanie & Ryan Lipsitz and grandson of Lynne & Harry Lipsitz and Arlene Haber
Daniel Pete Blumberg, son of Beth & Dr. Albert Blumberg, to Allison Beth Traister, daughter of Eileen & Michael Traister Barri Defrancisci, daughter of Diane Scar & Dr. Cliff Faber and Vince & Sherry Defrancisci and
Weddings (cont.) granddaughter of Gloria Scar, to Anton Merbaum, son of Lilianne & Alan Merbaum Lori Fleischman to Stuart Abell Seth Golob, son of Miriam & Irwin Golob and grandson of Lois Balser, to Sophie Glassman, daughter of Ann Smith & Richard Glassman Lane Levine, son of Leslie & Ken Levine and grandson of Beverly Wiseman and the late Toby Wiseman, to David Avruch, son of Drs. Barbara Bassil & Joseph Avruch Dr. Kevin Platt, son of Pam & Dr. Jeffrey Platt and grandson of Sue & Howard Platt and Walter Straus, to Dr. Sarah Baruch, daughter of Linda & Dr. Murray Baruch Kira Sherman, daughter of Scarlett & Dr. Ron Sherman and granddaughter of Dr. Michael Sherman, to Joseph “JC” Carroll, son of Nenett Franz and Joe Franz and grandson of Nancy Sullivan and Steve Hafen Dahlia Silberg, daughter of Drs. Joy & Richard Silberg and granddaughter of Evelyn Silberg to Drew Rifkin, son of Gail & Eric Rifkin
In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Bertold Bodenheimer, husband of Miriam Bodenheimer, father of Judith Miller and Fritzi Bodenheimer, and brother of Elizabeth Wolfson Howard Wagner Brill, father of Leonard “Lee” Brill and Deborah “Debbie” Brill, brother of Dr. Lessa Brill
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In Loving Memory (cont.)
Members in the News
Shoshana Cardin, mother of Steven Cardin, Ilene Vogelstein, Rabbi Nina Cardin and Sanford Cardin
Congratulations for Eva Stoller as this year’s recipient of MVP Madrikha Award, funded by the Hittman Endowment
Robin B. Levine, mother of Jamie Levinson and sister of Allison Benesch
Samantha Max, daughter of Jill and Aaron Max, has been selected to join the newsroom staff of The Telegraph, in Macon, GA as a Report for America corps member. Samantha, an emerging journalist who was an investigative reporting intern for the Medill Justice Project and a bilingual multimedia news intern at Hoy, Chicago Tribune’s Spanish-language daily, will primarily focus on health issues and community engagement at The Telegraph. “Public distrust in the media seems to be higher than ever, and I think that’s largely because the stories people read about in the news or see on TV hardly resemble the reality of what they’re experiencing in their day-to-day lives,” explains Samantha.
Dr. Stanley Norman Yaffe, husband of Florence Yaffe, father of Harriet Yaffe, Randy Maier and Ilene Salditch, and brother-in-law of Charlotte Kessler and Harriet Kessler We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Dr. Bernard “Buddy” Cohen, on the loss of his father, Dr. Jerry M. Cohen Fritzi Hallock, on the loss of her mother, Judith R. Kolker Robert Manekin, Richard Manekin and Chip Manekin, on the loss of their sister, Lynn Huberman Stern Harel Turkel, on the loss of his grandmother, Rivka Cohen Condolences to the family of our former Building Engineer, Dave Bohager, who passed away earlier this year. As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Margie Kwart Joel & Gail Smith Stephen Handelman and Debbie Satisky Page 10
Congratulations to our members who were elected to positions of leadership at the Associated Annual Meeting in June. Beth Goldsmith, Ron Attman, Harel Turkel, Fritzi Hallock, Ira Malis, Bruce Hoffberger, and Robert Manekin were elected to the 2018 Slate of Officers and Jason Blavatt and Ellen Gilette were elected to the Board of Directors. During the meeting, Aaron Max was congratulated on his recent election as President of the Pearlstone Center and Dick Manekin was thanked for serving as outgoing President of the University of Maryland College Park Hillel. We also thank outgoing Associated Chair of the Board, Linda Hurwitz, for her service on our Chizuk Amuno Foundation Board and congratulate her on a successful term.
Alumni in the News Natan Gamliel received The Princeton Alumni Award, which is presented to juniors based on strength of character, a sustained high level of scholarship, and demonstrated excellence in some other field, whether leadership, athletics, creative arts, or service to their fellow man. Daryn Levine received the Dartmouth Book Award, which is presented annually to a strong academic student who demonstrates strength of character, has made a positive contribution to the school community, and excels in at least one non-academic area. Tal Boger and Aviad Gamliel received the High School Principal’s Award, which recognizes outstanding citizenship by students who, in the estimation of the faculty, grade advisors and the administration, have, through their excellent leadership, academic commitment, and example, contributed the most to the life of the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School. Sam Rubin and Sara Berman received the Keter Shem Tov Award, which recognizes outstanding leadership by our students. The award is given annually to those students who, in the estimation of the faculty, advisors, and the administration, have contributed the most to the unique Jewish spirit that reflects the mission of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School through their example, through their character and through their middot.
Mazal Tov to all of our members and alumni on their many endeavors!
Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our
schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. BRONFEIN NATHAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Michael & Jessica Bronfein in memory of Willie Hirshfeld
BUILDING FUND Alan Betten in memory of Morris Betten
CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Roslyn Savlov
CONGREGATIONAL - GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Dr. Sandra Steingart in honor of Anne & David Young’s wedding anniversary Ann Betten in memory of Louis Eliasberg James & Barbie Prince in memory of Shoshana Cardin Janice & Marc Strauss wishing Mazal Tov in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Jacob
FLORAL FUND Leonard Foland in memory of Irving Foland Stanley & Janet Kantor in memory of Max Weiss
GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Dr. Sylvan & Mrs. Susie Feldman with thanks
GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER TZEDAKAH FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Steven & Stacey Verstandig’s son, Ashton Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Carl & Denise Verstandig’s grandson, Ashton Joan Raskin in honor of Dr. Ronald Goldner’s 80th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the naming of Marsha & Jay Gamerman’s granddaughter Hallie Erin
STULMAN CENTER FOR ADULT EDUCATION Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of David & Anne Young’s special anniversary Anne Young with appreciation to Rabbi Avram Reisner for his Talmud class Steve & Anne King in honor of Roz Malinow’s 75th birthday Bruce & Barbara Lewbart with thanks to Rabbi Avram Reisner for teaching the Talmud Class
KOL RINAH MUSIC FUND Mr. Eric Reisman & Dr. Sheryl Cooper in honor of Larry Amsterdam’s Man of the Year award.
HAZZAN EMANUEL PERLMAN MUSIC FUND Steve & Kathy Weinberg in honor of Drs. Steve & Roberta Schulman’s son Sam’s marriage to Kate Sonya Alperstein in honor of Beth & Albert Blumberg’s son Danny’s marriage to Allison Traister Lew & Erika Schon in honor of Hazzan Perlman being elected as Chizuk Amuno’s Hazzan Emeritus
Margot Zipper in memory of Dr. Norman I. Zipper Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his assistance with Shivah for Lee Resnick Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah Sandy Beber with thanks
HAZZAN PERLMAN ENDOWMENT FUND Amy & Jason Blavatt wishing Janice Perlman a continued speedy recovery Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of Hazzan Perlman
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL PROJECT FUND Arthur & Herta Baitch in honor of Rose Kovens birthday Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Judy Kolker Margot, Stu, Shelley & Andi Zipper in honor of Herta Baitch’s 85th birthday
JARED SCOTT LEVY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. David & Mrs. Deborah Roffman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Rabbi & Mrs. Joshua Gruenberg’s son Sam Mark & Linda Levy in honor of Hazzan Perlman’s retirement & elevation to Hazzan Emeritus Bill & Toba Grant in memory of Jared Scott Levy & William Weinberg Dottie Yankellow in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern Edward & Sande Mitchell in memory of Barbara Levy Gradet Edward & Sande Mitchell in memory of William Hirshfeld Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Shoshana Cardin Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Barbara Levy Gradet Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Jared Scott Levy
KSDS ELI & YETTA MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Beverly Max in memory of Eli Miller Cindy & Robert Max in memory of Dr. Jerry Cohen
KSDS EZRINE LIBRARY FUND Amy & Jason Blavatt in memory of Lee Resnick
KSDS GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND James & Barbie Prince in memory of Rivka Cohen James & Barbie Prince wishing Mazal Tov to Seth & Sophie Golob on their marriage Dr. Sylvan & Mrs. Susie Feldman with thanks
KSDS I. LEON GLASSGOLD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of Jackie Glassgold’s new home Jackie Glassgold in honor of the birth of Heller & Jeff Kreshtool’s grandson Brooks Ryan Levine John Gibson & Lori Glassgold Gibson in honor of Leon Glassgold’s Yahrzeit Jackie Glassgold in honor of the birth of Nancy & Steve Levine’s grandson Brooks Ryan Levine Jackie Glassgold in memory of beloved husband Leon Jackie Glassgold in memory of Shoshana Cardin
KSDS JOAN GOTTLIEB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Irving & Hedy Goldstein in honor of Ian & Bridget’s wedding Irving & Hedy Goldstein in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Gottlieb’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Steve & Margi Hoffman in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Gottlieb’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Joan & Michael Gottlieb in memory of Ron Dekelbaum Joan & Michael Gottlieb in memory of Max Gottlieb Joan & Michael Gottlieb wishing Mazal Tov to the KSDS 2018 Graduating Class
KSDS LOWELL & HARRIET GLAZER MEDIA CENTER FUND Lowell Glazer in memory of Joseph Lazinsky
KSDS MARTHA B. KAYNE MEMORIAL TIKKUN OLAM AWARD FUND Stephany Gilbert in honor of the marriage of Dr. & Mrs. Seth Glassman’s son Brian to Emily McNalley Stephany Gilbert in honor of the wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pakett’s daughter Amy to Emily Borenstein Francis & Susan Longley in memory of Dr. Harold H. Gilbert Elizabeth & Mark Borris in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Douglas & Dr. Susan Schehr in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Isobel Kemper in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Roberta Rood in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Robert & Margie Fisher in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Debbie & Seth Glassman wishing Mazal Tov to Ellen Kahan Zager & Jack Zager on the birth of their grandson, Elior Chapper
KSDS MINNIE GARBER & ROSE GREENBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sandi Greenberg in memory of Martin Greenberg
KSDS PAUL D. SCHNEIDER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Robert & Arlynne Brown & Family with thanks to Fran Glushakow Gould for her support following the death of Irwin Pack Donna Friedman in memory of Janice Tamach Layton
KSDS RABBI ISRAEL & MILDRED GOLDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Anna Goldman & Tobie Goldman Levine in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert
KSDS REZNIK FRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Olwyn & Myrna Diamond on their granddaughter Gabi’s Bat Mitzvah Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Lester & Sharon Miller on their granddaughter Gabi’s Bat Mitzvah Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik wishing Marsha Yoffe a speedy & complete recovery Gary & Shuli Raffel in honor of Janine & Rob Frier’s son Jonathan’s graduation Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Rivka Cohen
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Janine & Rob Frier in memory of: Rivka Cohen, Gerald Greenspoon, Judith Kolker, Melvin Korman, Lawrence Portnoy, and Lee Resnick Paulette Pollack in memory of Howard Brill Janine & Rob Frier wishing Mazal Tovto Heller & Jeff Kreshtool, on the birth of their grandson Brooks Ryan Levine Janine & Rob Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Shuli Raffel on receiving the CJE Ahavat Tzion Award Janine & Rob Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Jodi & Dan Wahlberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eli Janine & Rob Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Ellen Kahan Zager & Jack Zager on the birth of their grandson, Elior Jesse Chapper Janine & Rob Frier wishing Mazal Tov to Miriam & Irwin Golob on the marriage of their son Seth to Sophie Glassman
KSDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Carl & Ellen Love in honor of the marriage to Beth & Albert Blumberg’s son Dr. Barry & Mrs. Elaine Gittlen in honor of Ethan Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Dr. Marshall & Mrs. Rita Plaut in honor of your special birthday Gil & Ann Abramson in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jodi & Daniel Wahlberg’s son Eli Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the ordination of Harriet & Moe Brown’s daughter Betsy Forester Marvin & Judith Spector in honor of the ordination of Moe & Harriet Brown’s daughter Betsy Forester Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Shuli Raffel’s BJE Award Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ron & Jane Kahn’s grandson Ethan Espeland Tzeira & Ofer Minka in honor of Eli Wahlberg’s Bar Mitzvah Tzeira & Ofer Minka in honor of Ethan Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Lois Wolf in honor of the ordination of Moe & Harriet Brown’s daughter Betsy Forester Rabbi Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider in honor of Ethan Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Sherwin & Marsha Yoffe in honor of the birth of Bruce & Amy Chapper’s grandson Elior Jesse Chapper Bill & Mollie Smulyan in memory of Judy Kolker Dr. Marshall & Mrs. Rita Plaut in memory of Shoshana S. Cardin Dr. Stuart & Mrs. Amanda Levine in memory of Sheila Benjamin Dr. Stuart & Mrs. Amanda Levine in memory of Lee Resnick Dr. Stuart & Mrs. Amanda Levine in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Dr. Stuart & Mrs. Amanda Levine in memory of Marcia Dahne Garth Ann Gerstenblith in memory of Morris B. Gerstenhaber Joe & Annette Cooper in memory of William Hirshfeld Karen Jacobs in memory of Beverly Exler Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Shoshana Cardin Mr. Steven Levin & Dr. Jill Baldinger in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Mr. Steven Levin & Dr. Jill Baldinger in memory of Aleene Jean Smith Mr. Steven Levin & Dr. Jill Baldinger in memory of Marcia Dahne Maxine Seidman in memory of Shoshana Cardin Linda Lebovic in memory of Lee Resnick Drs. David & Susan Straus wishing Mazal Tov for Ethan Espeland’s Bar Mitzvah Moe & Harriet Brown wishing Mazal Tov to Eli Wahlberg on his Bar Mitzvah
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Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Erica Allen for her help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Rabbi Moshe Schwartz for his assistance with the Shivah for Lee Resnick Dr. Eric & Mrs. Wendy Espeland with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Rabbi Paul Schneider, & Hazzan Perlman for a beautiful & meaningful Bar Mitzvah service for their son Ethan
KSDS SYLVIA & HERBERT ZINZ AWARD FUND Victoria Vance Weiskopf in memory of Herbert Zinz
LOUIS BARRY GERSHEN OUR DAILY BREAD FUND Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Elaine Plant a speedy recovery Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Barbara London a speedy recovery Jennifer Eisenberger in memory of Lou Gershen Melody Cooper in memory of Michael Barnstein
MAHZORIM FUND Sara Fran Richman in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schwartz’s 45th wedding anniversary Alvin & Ilene Powers in memory of Simon Goldseker
MEMORIAL FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Aaron Leibowitz in memory of John Leibowitz Amy Caplan in memory of David Caplan Arthur & Judith Harrow in memory of Beatrice Shapiro Audrey Levine in memory of Irving Pearlstein Barbara Mandel in memory of Edith Oberfeld Bernard & Natalie Fish in memory of Sylvia Naden David Kessel & Rona Schwartz in memory of Shoshana Cardin Lawrence Pakula, M.D. in memory of Sidney F. Pakula, M.D. Linda Davis in memory of Rachel Ramos Marci Platt in memory of Sheila Berman Mordehai & Amy Gur in memory of David Weinberg Bruce Goldman in memory of Edythe Goldman Joseph Greenblum in memory of Harry Greenblum Martin Zuckerman in memory of Elizabeth Zuckerman Robert Krizman in memory of Eddie Krizman Barbara Mandel in memory of Meyer Oberfeld Elaine Plant in memory of Morris Caplan Miriam Platt in memory of Louis Seidman Shirley Kaufman in memory of Helen Weitzman Wilma Greisman in memory of William Greenfeld
MIRIAM FOSS GEMILUT HASADIM MEMORIAL FUND Dr. Roy & Mrs. Bonnie Ziegelstein in memory of Dr. Stanley Yaffe
MORNING MINYAN FUND Anne & David Young in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart’s 55th anniversary and Barbara’s 75th birthday Edward & Sande Mitchell in honor of Amy Schwartz’s 60th birthday Richard & Harriet Udell in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart’s 55th wedding anniversary, & Barbara’s 75th birthday Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Jeff & Heller Kreshtool’s grandson Brooks Ryan Levine Edward & Sande Mitchell in honor of Barbara & Bruce Lewbart’s 55th anniversary & Barbara’s 75th birthday Les & Audrey Polt in honor of the marriage of Erika & Lew Schon’s son & Sylvia Pardes’ grandson
Les & Audrey Polt in honor of the birth of Randee & Ron Glassman’s grandchildren, Eliezer Moses Glassman & Talia Aliza Mako Marsha & Jay Gamerman & Family in honor of Larry Amsterdam being named “Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year” Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the Yahrzeit of Lilly Berdiansky Warren & Jerome Warren Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the Yahrzeit of Edith S. Berdiansky Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the Yahrzeit of David Silverman Stephany Gilbert in honor of Charlie reading Torah Ann Harris in memory of Archie Cohen Dr. David Yousem in memory of Herbert Yousem Dr. Melvin Kramer in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Dr. Sandra Steingart in memory of Marvin Steingart, Sam Koser, Shirley Koser, Bernard Koser Edward & Sande Mitchell in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Estelle Weinberg in memory of David Rivlin Franny & Lee Stotsky in memory of Mildred Sklar Harold Schlenger in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Howard & Barbara Cohen in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Janet Scherr in memory of Fannie Shugam Joan Greenberg in memory of Peggy Lewis Joan Rombro in memory of Leonard Rombro Joanie & David Greenberg in memory of Stanley Yaffe Joanie Greenberg in memory of Willie Hirshfeld Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Shirley Blumberg Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Joseph Blumberg Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of E. Harvey Kayne Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in memory of William Woolf Larry Lichtig in memory of Murray Lichtig Les & Audrey Polt in memory of Shoshana Cardin Margie Simon in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Amy & Hugh Schwartz in memory of Shoshana Cardin Judith & Richard Hoffberger in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Julian Lewis in memory of Stanley Yaffe Martin Zuckerman in memory of Max Zuckerman Stanley Zuckerman in memory of Elizabeth Zuckerman Margot Zipper in memory of Dr. Norman I. Zipper Teresa Alpert in memory of Rhona Holzman Tamres Stephany Gilbert in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern Roselle Yaffe in memory of Dr. Harold H. Gilbert Roz Guben in memory of Samuel Guben Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Judith Kolker Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Shoshana Cardin Sandy Beber in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Sarah Bohn in memory of Solomon Geller & Rachel Geller Sean & Janet Coleman in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Steve & Anne King in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern The Kemper Family: Isobel, Donna, Alice, Lewis & Ellen in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Dr. Damie Stillman with thanks for the daily minyan & for the wonderful role Dr. Shualy plays in it & in the congregation Ted & Jody Levy with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy & Ruthanne Kaufman for their kindness & support
PATHWAYS TO MENSCHLIKEIT FUND Cheryl Snyderman in honor of the marriage of Irwin & Miriam Golob’s son Seth to Sophie Glassman Steve & Anne King in honor of Irwin & Miriam Golob’s son Seth’s marriage to Sophie Glassman Uncle Arnie & Aunt Miriam Kahn in honor of Irwin & Miriam Golob’s son Seth’s marriage to Sophie Glassman Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the wedding of Miriam & Irvin Golob’s son Seth to Sophie Glassman
Irwin & Miriam Golob in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal’s new home Irwin & Miriam Golob in honor of the marriage of Sonia & Bernie Kozlovsky’s daughter Irwin & Miriam Golob in honor of the marriage of Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Platt’s son Kevin Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of the marriage of Miriam & Irwin Golob’s son Seth to Sophie Glassman Beth Shavitz in honor of the marriage of Miriam & Irwin’s son Seth to Sophie Glassman Steve & Anne King in honor of the marriage of Amy & Bruce Chapper’s son Jon to Stacey Derkatch Irvin, Miriam & Adina Golob in memory of Shoshana Cardin Irwin & Miriam Golob in memory of Rivka Cohen Larry & Lynne Lichtig wishing Mazal Tov to Miriam & Irwin Golob on the marriage of their son Seth to Sophie Glassman
PHYLLIS & LEONARD ATTMAN MUSIC FUND Phyllis & Leonard Attman in memory of: Herbert Beckenheimer, Rodger Dorsey, Dr. Harold Gilbert, Simon Goldseker, Willie Hirshfeld, Kevin Kamenetz, Judith R. Kolker and Lois Miliman
PLAYGROUND FUND Dr. Richard & Mrs. Fern Babkes wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Ed & Carol Gratz’s grandson Sawyer Gratz
PRAYER BOOK FUND Marti & Ruth Schnitzer in honor of Alberta Cooperman’s 90th birthday Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Ruth & Jerome Ross’ 60th anniversary Sarajane & Arthur Brown in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart’s 55th anniversary & Barbara’s 75th birthday Nancy, David, Maury & Sophie Sall in honor of Elaine Tobias’ 90th birthday Buzz & Elayne Berg in memory of William “Willie” Hirshfeld Reta Davis & Family in memory of Willie Hirshfeld Sheldon & Shelley Goldseker in memory of Shoshana Cardin Shirley Littman in memory of William “Willie” Hirshfeld Fritzi & Bob Hallock with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler for her wonderful teaching
SISTERHOOD PROGRAMS/DONATIONS Amy & Jason Blavatt wishing Marsha Yoffe a speedy recovery Amy & Jason Blavatt in honor of Miriam & Irwin son Seth’s marriage to Sophie Glassman Amy & Jason Blavatt in honor of Eric Leikach & Ke’Onna’s wedding
SPECIAL OFFERING CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT Allen & Ruth Brown in honor of Barbara Lewbart’s 75th birthday Allen & Ruth Brown in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart’s 55th Anniversary Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Marvin & Judy Spector’s 55th wedding anniversary Dr. Lawrence & Mrs. Naomi Amsterdam in honor of the ordination of Moe & Harriet Brown’s daughter, Betsy Forester
Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart’s 55th Anniversary Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the birth of Ron & Randee Glassman’s grandson, Eliezer Moses Glassman Irv & Sharon Caplan in appreciation to Wendy Davis for the special Kippot for their triplets Jenny Baker Mazal Tov to Harry & Lynne Lipsitz on the birth of their grandson, Jack Haber Lipsitz Jenny Baker in honor of the birth of Jack & Ellen Zager’s grandson, Elior Jesse Chapper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stern Diane & Stephen Dansicker in honor of Barbara Lewbart’s 75th birthday Jonathan Azrael Louis Kaplan for his aliyah on April 28 Saul & Joan Gurney in honor of Bernard Suffel’s special birthday Susan Bernstein wishing Marsha Yoffe a speedy & complete recovery Susan Bernstein in honor of the marriage of Bernard & Sonia Kozlovsky’s children Susan Bernstein wishing Mazal Tov to Irwin & Miriam Golob on Seth’s marriage to Sophie Glassman Tom & Barbara Steinhardt wishing Janice Perlman a full & speedy recovery Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of the ordination of Moe & Harriet Brown’s daughter, Betsy Forester Carl & Ellen Love in honor of the birth of Amy & Bruce Chapper’s grandson Elior Jesse Chapper Carl & Ellen Love in honor of the birth of Ann Kahan’s great grandson Elior Jesse Chapper Dan & Ann Fried in honor of the birth of Amy & Bruce Chapper’s grandson Eior Jesse Chapper Dan & Ann Fried in honor of the marriage of Bruce & Amy Chapper’s son Jon to Stacey Derkatch Dr. & Mrs. Lew Schon in honor of Larry Amsterdam being named “Blue Yarmulke” Man of the Year Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Dr. Adam & Jill Hartman’s son Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah Gloria Diener in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal ‘s new home Hazel, Michael & Jason Radowsky in honor of the birth of Sean Magram Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the marriage of Beth & Albert Blumberg’s son Danny to Allison Traister Ira & Jill Gansler in honor of Pam Platt’s special birthday John & Robin Denick in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Posner’s son Andrew’s graduation from U of M School of Medicine Kari, Mark, Andrew & Allison Schlossberg in honor of Elaine Tobias’ 90th birthday Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in honor of Anna Davis receiving the 2018 Leadership in Law Award Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Barbara Lewbart’s special birthday Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Barbara & Bruce Lewbart’s anniversary Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Anne & David Young’s anniversary Michael & Libby Monias in honor of Libby & Michael Monias’ aliyah Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Barbara & Bruce Lewbart’s 55th anniversary & Barbara’s 75th birthday Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of the birth of Allan & Ruth Brown’s grandson Moe & Harriet Brown in honor of Judy & Marvin Spector’s anniversary Joshua Rosen in honor of the diamond wedding anniversary of Dr. Jerry & Marcia Hoffman
Marlene Pollack in honor of Judy & Marvin Spector’s anniversary Serene Israel in honor of Jeff & Pam Platt’s son Dr. Kevin Platt’s marriage to Dr. Sarah Baruch Nelson & Lynn Tucker in honor of Jeff & Pam Platt’s son Dr. Kevin Platt’s marriage to Dr. Sarah Baruch Norris & Janice Brodsky in honor of Larry Amsterdam being named Chizuk Amuno “Blue Yarmulke” Man of the Year Owen & Barbara Katzman in honor of Dr. Raymond Haroun Sally Goldberg in honor of Janet & Stanley Kantor’s anniversary Saundra Ehrlich in honor of Elaine Tobias’s 90th birthday Alfred & Lee Whiteman in memory of beloved sister Alfred & Lee Whiteman in memory of Willie Hirshfeld Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva Oslick, Sander Oslick & Rose Rosenblum Bill & Toba Grant in memory of Lawrence Portney Bill & Toba Grant in memory of Judith Kolker Brian & Sandi Moffet in memory of Judith Kolker David & Elise Saltzberg in memory of Bertold Bodenheimer Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Fine in memory of Rivka Cohen Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig in memory of William “Willie” Hirshfeld Gail (Shaivitz) Oppel & Jerald Oppel in memory of Shoshana Cardin Gary Charlestein in memory of Shoshana Cardin Gordon Salganik in memory of Phyllis Salganik Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Judith Kolker Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Shoshana Cardin Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Marsha Wachs Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Noah Dubnow Jenny Baker in memory of Lee Resnick Joel & Pamela Fradin in memory of Lee Hornstein Judy A. Hyatt in memory of Judy Kolker Larry & Lynne Lichtig in memory of Rebecca Lichtig Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in memory of Mavis Williams Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in memory of Judith Kolker Lou & Joyce Kaplan in memory of Shoshana Cardin Martin & Rhona Levin in memory of Edith Kolker Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in memory of Ann Cohen Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Shoshana Cardin Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Judith Kolker Jeffrey Scherr in memory of Judith Kolker Joshua Rosen in memory of Harry Louis Rosen & Louis Volks Joshua Rosen in memory of Enid B. Rosen & Beila Rosen Judah Gudelsky in memory of Leah Gudelsky Marlene Pollack in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern Jenny Baker in memory of Rivka Cohen Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Judith Kolker Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Stanley Yaffe Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern Sally Goldberg in memory of Stanley Yaffe Sandi, Brian, Ilana & Wayne Moffet in memory of Lawrence Portnoy Sandy & Tobey Schreiber in memory of Judy Kolker Tom & Barbara Steinhardt in memory of Willie Hirshfeld Tom & Barbara Steinhardt in memory of Marsha Wachs Wendy Jachman in memory of Judith Kolker Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Jenny Baker for her help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Rudy Stoler for his help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Harriet Brown for her assistance with Shivah for Lee Resnick
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Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Harriet Brown for her help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah Marsha Yoffe wishing thanks to Glenn Easton, Clergy & Administrative Staff for their kindness and concern during her recent recovery
Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Norman & Sarah Dekelbaum’s son Ron Jenny Baker in memory of Shoshana Cardin Natalie Shapiro in memory of Charles Agetstein Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein in memory of Shoshana S. Cardin
Cheryl Snyderman in honor of the birth of Amy & Bruce Chapper’s grandson Elior Jesse Chapper Cheryl Snyderman wishing Marsha Yoffe a Refuah Sh’lemah Cheryl Snyderman in honor of the marriage of Bruce & Amy Chapper’s son Jonathan to Stacey Derkatch Mickey Simon wishing Janice Perlman a speedy & complete recovery Cheryl, Cory & Melody Snyderman in honor of the birth of Barbara & Alan Grochal’s granddaughter Sydney Grochal Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the 100th birthday of Cheryl Snyderman’s father Morris “Moe” Levine Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the marriage of Amy & Bruce Chapper’s son Jonathan to Stacey Derkatch & the birth of Amy & Bruce’s grandson Elior Jesse Chapper Marjorie Simon in honor of the birth of Sean Magram Marjorie Simon in honor of the birth of Brooke Ryan Levine Marjorie Simon in honor of the 100th birthday of Moe Levine Cheryl Snyderman in memory of Shoshana Cardin Barbara & Alan Grochal in memory of Dr. Alvin Morris Marjorie Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Albert & Beth Blumberg on the marriage of their son Danny to Ally Marjorie Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Harriet & Moe Brown, on their daughter Betsy Forester becoming a Rabbi Marjorie Simon wishing Mazal Tov to Amy & Bruce Chapper on the marriage of Jon & Stacey Marjorie Simon wishing Mazal Tov Albert & Beth Blumberg on the marriage of their son Danny to Ally
In memory of Howard Wagner Brill: lan & Ann Betten, Anne & David Young, Benjamin Oneil, Betsy & Lou, Julia & Eric Narrow, Bob & Donna Wolf, Bob & Fritzi Hallock, Bruce & Robin Cohen, Cheryl Snyderman, Debbie & Chuck Frazer & Family, Dr. David & Mrs. Saundra Madoff, Dr. Scott Lever & Ms. Shelley Hendler, Dynamic Design Enterprises, Edward & Sande Mitchell, Elise, David, Daniel, Emma & Micah Saltzberg, Frank & Linda Kearney, Fred & Judy Zimmerman, Helen Levine & Family, Howard & Sheila Sandbank, Jackie Glassgold, Jeff & Melissa Berman, Jenny Baker, Jill Hurwitz, Joanne Finegan, John Smyth, Judith A. Hyatt, Larry & Lynne Lichtig, Larry & Naomi Amsterdam, Linda Barron, Lisa Epstein, Mace & Edna Crystal, Marcy Shapiro, Claire (Shapiro) & Harvey Hoffman, Marlene Pollack, Marsha & Richard Manekin, Mickey Simon, Moe & Harriet Brown, Janis & Barry Miller, Amy & Hugh Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Katz, Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams, Mitchell Gold, Leslee & Mitch Gold, Janine & Rob Frier, Cindy & Robert Max, Toba & Bill Grant, Mr. Douglas & Dr. Susan Schehr, Maxine Seidman, Myrna Goldberger, Nathan & Ellen Myerberg, Neil & Bonnie Katz, Nelson & Lynn Tucker, Payton Goldman, Reta S. Davis, Richard & Ellen Gillette, Robert & Arlynne Brown, Robert & Cindy Max, Robert Denmark, Ronnie Kleiman, Ruthanne Kaufman, Sarajane Greenfeld, Selma Kofsky & Robin Gold, Stanley & Debra Friedman, Steve & Diane Dansicker, Ted & Jody Levy, Ted Walman, Trina Jacobs, and William Hankowsky
SPECIAL OFFERING GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Maurice & Ann Shamash in honor of Dr. Ron Goldner’s 80th birthday
SPECIAL OFFERING – ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Dr. Adam & Jill Hartman’s son Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah
TZEDAKAH FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton wishing Marsha Yoffe a speedy & complete recovery Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Gil & Ann Abramson’s anniversary Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Barbara & Bruce Lewbart’s 55th anniversary & Barbara’s 75th birthday Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Sheila Sandbank’s special birthday Glenn Easton & your friends at Chizuk Amuno in honor of Susan & Robert Macht’s wedding anniversary Lynne & Harry Lipsitz, David, Joanna & Andrew Warden in honor of the birth of Jack Haber Lipsitz Adam Geroff & Ana Pavich in honor of Liora Eichhorn becoming a Bat Mitzvah Edward & Sande Mitchell in memory of Stephen Fishbein Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Judith Kolker Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of David Easton Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Rivka Cohen
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WEINBERG BLEACHERS FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the speedy recovery of Kyle & Michelle Gold’s son Derek
WILLIAM & IRENE WEINBERG ENDOWMENT FUND Bill & Toba Grant in honor of Sandra G. Moffet becoming President of Chizuk Amuno Congregation Tracey & Lawrence Himelfarb in honor of the Installation of Sandi Moffet as President of the Congregation
ZAIMAN EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE ENDOWMENT FUND Dr. David & Mrs. Saundra Madoff in memory of Shoshana Cardin
HAZZAN PERLMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Howard Sobkov with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for officiating at his mother’s unveiling
RABBI SCHNEIDER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Dr. Clifford & Mrs. Diane Faber in honor of the wedding of Barri Defrancisci & Anton Merbaum Drs. Richard & Joyanna Silberg in honor of the marriage of Dahlia Silberg & Drew Rifkin Lori Fleischmann & Stuart Abell with thanks for officiating at their wedding Dr. Everett Siegel & Mrs. Janet Berg in memory of Lillian Siegel
Matthew & Laurel Freedman in memory of Lawrence Portnoy Miriam Bodenheimer in memory of Bertold Bodenheimer Rocky & Norman Buchsbaum in memory of Janice Layton Arnold Cohen in memory of Ann Cohen Rosalyn Malinow with thanks to Rabbi Paul Scheidner & the congregation for her birthday honor
DR. SHUALY’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Sandy Beber in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy’s ritual assistance Drs. Adam & Jill Hartman in memory of Dr. Harold H. Gilbert Miriam Bodenheimer in memory of Bertold Bodenheimer Ben Finkelstein & Laurie Hollander in memory of Dr. Morton Herbert Hollander Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein in memory of Ralph Meyerstein Sally Goldberg with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for his kindness & support of her family
RABBI WECHSLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ellen Levin, Eddy Dahne & Jodi Wahlberg with appreciation to Rabbi Debi Wechsler for her support to our family during Shivah for Marcia Dahne Fritzi & Bob Hallock in appreciation for her special kindness Beverly Wiseman in honor of the marriage of her grandson Lane Levine to David Avruch Sue & Bill Crystal for a speedy recovery of Sue Crystal’s sister Albert & Nadja Pats in honor of Nadja & Albert Pats’ 64th anniversary Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Pam Platt in honor of Drs. Kevin Platt’s & Sarah Baruch’s Aufruf Jody & Dan Wahlberg in honor of Eli Wahlberg’s Bar Mitzvah Barbara Scott in memory of Maurice Sharan Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of Sadie Barron Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of David Barron Dr. Albert & Mrs. Nadja Pats in memory of Bessie Pats Schendlinger Dr. Eric & Mrs. Sharon Rubin in memory of Elaine Sirota Sally & Arthur Grant in memory of Lynn Huberman Stern Miriam Bodenheimer in memory of Bertold Bodenheimer Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler for her assistance with the Shivah for Lee Resnick Andrea, Brian, Daniel, Evan & David Polsky with thanks to Rabbi Debi Wechsler for her help with David Polsky’s Bar Mitzvah
BIMAH FLOWERS SHABBAT, AUGUST 4 / 23 AV In Memory Of: Sylvia Borger, mother, by Lynne & Larry Lichtig & family. Larry Esterson by his wife & children. Samuel Gerber by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren. Irving Sanow, father & grandfather, by Michael Sanow & family. David Max by Beverly & Jordon Max & family. SHABBAT, AUGUST 11 / 30 AV In Memory Of: Sophie Frankel, grandmother, by Dorothy Yankellow & family. Kitty Hamburger, mother, by Ina & Calvin Hamburger & family. Victoria Plaut, mother, by Rita & Dr. Marshall Plaut & family. Elizabeth Goodhart, mother & grandmother, by Judith & Fred Zimmerman & family. Helen Chernak by Marlene Pollack & family. Norma Emma Kemper, sister, by her family. Jesse Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Harold Smulyan by his children & grandchildren. Irvin Goldner by Rosalind & Dr. Alfred Kronthal. Joseph Simon by Muriel Simon & family. Libby Wall, mother, by Frada Wall & family. Jon B. Singer, by Ina Singer & family Cele and Albert Landay, parents, by Rhona & Dr. Martin Levin & family. SHABBAT, AUGUST 18 / 7 ELUL In Memory Of: Harry L. Minch by his family. Theodore Epstein by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Arthur H. Goodman, father, by Tanna Omansky. Franklin David Schulman by Anita Schulman, children & grandchildren. Norman Keiser by Harriet Keiser & family. George Rosen by Gordon Salganik & family. Irene Weinberg, mother, by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Lena E. Bloomberg by Estelle Bloomberg & family. Jules Livingston by his family. Ida Attman, mother, by Phyllis & Leonard Attman. Harry Plotkin, father, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Esther Crystal by Edna & Mace Crystal. Gene Walman, brother, by Dr. Ted Walman & family. Mollie B. Esterson by Sallye Esterson & family. Samuel D. Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Steven Szapiro, by his mother & brother, Marlene Szapiro and Jay Szapiro. Claire M. Gould, mother, by Fran & Warren Gould & family. Gabriel Goldman, on his birthday, by his children & grandchildren SHABBAT, AUGUST 25 / 14 ELUL In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Ezra Chaim Glazer, by his parents, Ilana & Danny Glazer, and his grandparents, Zipora & Mordechai Glazer
In Memory Of: Aviva & Rabbi Kenneth Berger, grandparents of Ezra Chaim Glazer Nettie Goldman Weinstein by Marvin Solomon & family. Edgar J. Hecht, Jr., father, by Jill & Louis Sapperstein & family. Leo Amster, father, by Louise & Jay Weinberg & family. Minna Zimmerman, mother, by Judith & Fred Zimmerman & family. Jacob Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Eleanor Himelfarb, mother, by her family. Gerson Mehlman, husband, father & brother, by Susan Mehlman, Arthur Mehlman & families. Blanche & Irving Joffe, parents, by their family. Beatrice Kaufman by her daughter, Ruthanne Kaufman. Michael Barry Kaufman by his sister, Ruthanne Kaufman. Mark I. Baker by his wife, Elaine Baker & family. David Bloomberg by his wife Estelle Bloomberg & family. Aaron Levin, father, by Rhona & Dr. Martin Levin & family. Richard Konigsberg, brother, by Maxine & Dr. Martin Cooper & family. Jared Scott Levy, on his birthday, by his family.
Thinking about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office or order a dedicated brick online on our website at
Cemetery Memorial Services Sunday, September 16
Arlington Cemetery • 10:00 a.m. Garrison Forest Cemetery • 11:30 a.m. In the tradition of our ancestors, we gather inside the hallowed gates of our congregation’s cemeteries to recite psalms, prayers, and personal memorials during the Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Services are conducted by our clergy, accompanied at Arlington Cemetery by voices of the Chizuk Amuno Choir.
Holocaust Memorial Service Sunday, September 16
Holocaust Memorial Garden at Chizuk Amuno • 1:00 p.m. To honor the memories of our loved ones who perished in the Shoah, our beloved departed whose graves we cannot visit, we will hold a special Memorial Service in the courtyard. Please join us to honor the legacies of those we will always remember.
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Goldsmith Early Childhood Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Sandra G. Moffet, President Rabbi Joshua Z. Gruenberg Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emeritus Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media
School’s in Session! August 27 - Kindergarten Orientation August 28 - Goldsmith Early Childhood Center (3’s, 4’s & 5’s) Krieger Schechter Day School August 29 - Goldsmith Early Childhood Center (2’s) September 5 - Rosenbloom Religious School (Kochavim-Atid, 2-7)
BUILDING WIFI UPDATE: Our new public wifi has been changed to “CAC-Guest” which no longer requires a password or acceptance of terms of use. The old “BuildWifi” may still appear in your list of public wifi, please use the CAC-Guest wifi connection, for best service.
September 16 - Rosenbloom Religious School (Balashim-Giborim, K-1) October 9 - Achshav & Netivon - (Grades 8-12)
A Jewish Community Gathering & Discussion on Suicide Jewish Perspective; Depression; Barriers to Mental Health Treatment; Stigma; Youth/Teen Suicide; Bullying; Grieving; Coping with the Aftermath; Healing
Wednesday, August 8 at 7 p.m. Chizuk Amuno Congregation | 8100 Stevenson Road | Baltimore, MD 21208
Joshua Gruenberg Rabbi, Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Kat Olbrich MD Director, American Foundation for Suicide
Stacey Meadows LCSW-C, JCS Supervisor for Therapy Services
Howard Reznick LCSW-C, JCS Manager for Prevention Education
Rachael Abrams LCSW-C, JCS clinician and grief counselor
Free & Open to the Community RSVP (Preferred):