AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning JUNE/JULY 2018 | Sivan / Tammuz / Av 5778
In September I shared with you some thoughts on how I hoped we might spend this year of transition. Now with the year drawing to a close, I’d like to share some highlights as well as challenging us as a community as we continue to move forward.
Chizuk Amuno is so fortunate that our congregants enjoy celebrating the holidays together at the synagogue. Not only do we come together on Shabbat, but we also join in celebration of the Jewish festival cycle. We began the year with magnificent High Holy Day services which included personal reflections by community members. Hanukkah was a smash with over 1000 people celebrating, blessing, lighting, eating and enjoying fireworks. Star Wars Purim was so successful that we ran out of groggers, megillahs and beer and parents were begging us to stop the music so their children would agree to go home to bed! And just last month the Torah was welcomed with study, with play, and with procession by our littlest Torah scholars during Shavuot.
As my term as President of Chizuk Amuno draws to a close, I want to share my appreciation for the opportunity to lead our historic congregation and to do so with the support of an engaged community. I have consistently articulated my belief that “we” are much stronger and more effective than “me.” The past two years have been a period of introspection and transition, which is healthy, albeit not always easy, for any community. As I stated at my last Board meeting, we should be proud of our accomplishments during this period, as it is the continuing foundation of our future. Personally, I have witnessed how Chizuk Amuno plays a vital role in the lives of our children and adults, as well as the importance of providing a healthy environment to live, learn and grow as Jews. I will continue to be a part of the exciting endeavors of Chizuk Amuno and look forward to continuing our conversations in person. Todah Rabah.
Jason A. Blavatt President
SHABBAT MORNINGS JULY 7, 14, 21, 28 AUGUST 4, 11, 18 9:15 A.M.
Over the years we have been privileged to cultivate a group of adult learners. So we were proud to offer a range of adult education classes that took place six days a week this year with hundreds of adult learners studying Jewish Ethics, the texts of Israel, Pirkei Avot, the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity, Talmud and Judaism and technology. Even our school parents took part in study with a special class just for them. We hosted lectures by Ron Lieber of the New York Times and our own internationally known Dr. Joy Silberg and invited published authors Rabbi Elana Zaiman and Rachel Kadish to share their new works with us at Book Talks. During this year of transition we even initiated new programming as well. Hazak, our renewed group for members over 55 enjoyed successful programs every month this spring Continued on Page 2
KRIEGER AUDITORIUM (Creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment.) During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually and appropriately, for Shabbat Services. Families and friends, adults and children are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul. 9:15 a.m. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by the clergy. The Dvar Torah theme for this year is Israel at 70. JULY 7
6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.
Shabbat Mornings
9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.
JUNE 1/2 / SIVAN 18/19
Candle Lighting.........................Friday 8:08 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’HAALOT’KHA Alexander Hartman and Grant Swirnow become B’nei Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Gus Buchdahl Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Study Session ......................................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................8:00 p.m. Havdalah ................................................8:54 p.m.
JUNE 8/9/ SIVAN 25/26 Candle Lighting: .............,........Friday 8:13 p.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’LAH L’KHA Colin Bernstein and Liora Eichhorn become B’nei Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler June Birthday Blessings Family Service ......................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ........................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 8:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................8:58 p.m.
JUNE 15/16 / TAMMUZ 2/3 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 8:16 p.m. TORAH PORTION: KORAH Carsyn Levitt becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Dr. Benjamin Sax Shabbat Study Session .......................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................... 8:00 p.m. Havdalah .....,..........................................9:01 p.m.
JUNE 22/23 / TAMMUZ 9/10 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 8:18 p.m. TORAH PORTION: HUKKAT Leon Missry becomes Bar Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Schneider Shabbat Study Session .......................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................... 8:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................9:03 p.m.
JUNE 29/30 / TAMMUZ 16/17 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 8:19 p.m. TORAH PORTION: BALAK Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Shabbat Study Session .......................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................... 8:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................9:04 p.m.
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JULY 6/7 / TAMMUZ 23/24 Candle Lighting.........................Friday 8:18 p.m. TORAH PORTION: PINHAS D’var Torah by Rabbi Gruenberg Study Session ......................................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................8:00 p.m. Havdalah ................................................9:03 p.m.
JULY 13/14 / AV 1/2 Candle Lighting: .............,........Friday 8:15 p.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT-MAS’EI Shabbat Study Session ........................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 8:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................9:00 p.m.
JULY 20/21 / AV 8/9 Candle Lighting: ......................Friday 8:11 p.m. SHABBAT CHAZON TORAH PORTION: D’VARIM Shabbat Study Session .......................7:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................... 8:00 p.m. Havdalah .....,.........................................8:55 p.m.
JULY 27/28 / AV 15/16 Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 8:05 p.m. SHABBAT NACHAMU TORAH PORTION: VA’ETHANNAN Shabbat Study Session .......................6:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................... 7:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................8:49 p.m.
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Please Note: Wednesday, July 4 Daily Services will be at 9:15 a.m.
Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis.
Just call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300, by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.
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with attendance of over 50 each time. We also increased the amount of music in our schools and in our congregation with our innovative Rosh Shirah position. With special funding we supported multiple new ventures including a brand new Friday night service Shir Shabbat with its own band. Our achievements in the 2017-2018 year were experienced here in the synagogue and schools and outside in the larger community. Here at home, we were so happy to celebrate the 36th anniversary of KSDS and the larger community recognized our excellence in accessibility for breast feeding mothers and for environmental responsibility. We even helped establish a new kosher supervision for the Baltimore Washington area. Those are just a handful of the highlights of our 2017-2018 transitional year. As we continue to move forward I hope that in the coming years we’ll continue to explore our congregational identity and dream about Chizuk’s place in the Baltimore Jewish community. We are privileged to work with talented staff members. These staff members are champions of Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools and they work hard to support and provide the kind of religious and educational experiences our community has enjoyed for many years. We should be grateful beyond words to those members of the staff who have been so supportive and helpful during this transitional year. In addition, let us express our thanks to those members of the lay leadership and congregation who have been helpful, kind and loyal this year. I look forward to building on this extraordinary year with my new colleague Rabbi Gruenberg.
HAZZAN SEARCH COMMITTEE ANNOUNCED JENNY GAMLIEL AND ANTONY ROSEN TO CO-CHAIR Chizuk Amuno President, Jason A. Blavatt, has announced that Jenny Gamliel and Antony Rosen will co-chair the Search Committee for the selection of our new Hazzan. Working with the Cantors Assembly of Conservative Judaism, the search committee will lead a year-long process of defining the position, vetting and interviewing potential candidates, bringing finalists to the congregation, and involving our members in the process along the way. Similar to our recently concluded, successful rabbinic search, the planning and subsequent recruiting process will be strategic, inclusive, and transparent. Our goals and objectives, informed by our members, will focus on satisfying our needs, while allowing the opportunity to aspire and imagine. You will continue to be apprised of the status of the process and have the opportunity to provide feedback by speaking with our committee members or writing to We will conduct the entire process in a professional manner, so as to exhibit Chizuk Amuno in the most favorable light. We are pleased to announce the full Hazzan Search Committee with our thanks for their dedication and service to the congregation and community: Sandy Abramoff, Marci Aronchick, Yifaat Asher, Marc Attman, Jay Baraban, Jerry Buxbaum, Jeff Cooper, Arnie Feiner, Judy Gerstenblith, Barry Gittlen, Jane Kahn, Rena Lapidus, Laura Reaven, Erika Schon, Meira Silverstein, Jeff Snyder, and Charlee Sterling. Bob Hallock and Sandi Moffet will represent the Executive Committee and Rabbi Gruenberg and Glenn Easton will staff the committee. As Hazzan Perlman becomes Hazzan Emeritus following the High Holy Days, an Interim Hazzan will be engaged and along with Rabbi Gruenberg, Rabbi Wechsler, Rudy Stoler and staff, all of our cantorial tasks and b’nei mitzvah preparation will continue with full attention and care.
Please join us as we welcome Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg and his family to the Chizuk Amuno family on their first Shabbat in our community. On Friday evening, July 6, please join us for a musical and spirited Shabbat service at 6:15 p.m. in our Amphitheater. Leslie Pomerantz and Bob Hallock will be joining Rabbi Gruenberg for the service preceded at 5:45 p.m. with an Oneg Shabbat of light refreshments. On Saturday, July 7, please join us for Shabbat morning services followed by a congregational luncheon and popsicles and summer treats at the playgrounds after lunch. We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Gruenberg, his wife Elissa, and his children to our congregation and schools. Please watch for a series of opportunities to meet, study with, and get to know Rabbi Gruenberg throughout the upcoming year. Allison Baumwald and Lee Sherman are heading the Rabbinic Welcome and Transition committee and would invite your thoughts and participation in ensuring a warm and engaging welcome for our new Rabbi.
Additional information about our Hazzan Search will be shared in HaHodesh and through emails as the process begins in earnest in the fall. Please write to with any suggestions, questions, thoughts, or concerns. Your involvement and input is needed and important. Our thanks to the members of the Hazzan Search Committee for their time, leadership, and assistance.
Jenny Gamliel Co-Chair
Antony Rosen Co-Chair
RABBI JOSHUA Z. GRUENBERG INSTALLATION as Senior Rabbi of Chizuk Amuno Congregation SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 7 P.M. Page 3
Calling all rising College Freshman! We want to stay in touch with our Chizuk Amuno member students when they go off to college. We do that by sending themed holiday packages with kosher snacks and supplementing the packages with witty and entertaining letters from our rabbis. Once you have your child’s college address please be in touch with Bonnie Ziegelstein If you would like to volunteer to help Bonnie pack and mail goodies, that would be great too.
L’Hitraot, farewell to our students heading off to spend their summers at camp. We like to keep in touch with our kids over the summer and send letters to them. Please email Rabbi Wechsler at with your child’s name, summer address and the dates when they will be away. Kayitz Na’im – have a great summer!
Supported by the College Outreach Fund created by the Bat Mitzvah Women Class of 2004.
BONEI AMUNO — BUILDERS OF FAITH BEQUEST PROGRAM Planning for the future is as important for institutions as it is for us in our personal lives. Through the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, our congregation’s endowment, we are working to create a stable financial future for our synagogue. As with all not-for-profit institutions, the synagogue cannot rely on dues and tuitions alone to provide the income necessary to meet budgetary expenses or to fulfill our ambitious and creative long-range plans. Along with outright voluntary contributions, our endowment fund yields significant income to offset current expenses and to ensure a viable future for Chizuk Amuno.
Our grateful appreciation to the family of Bette Miller Sherman for their generous and thoughtful gift of two beautiful benches for our sukkah courtyard for all to enjoy. We are honored to link the name of Bette Miller Sherman with our congregation in such a meaningful way.
CONGREGATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 6:45 P.M. - Election of synagogue officers - Appreciation to synagogue leaders & volunteers ... followed by the celebration in honor of Hazzan Perlman. Page 4
We are grateful to you and the many members who have responded so generously when asked to support the various programs and causes of the congregation. We hope that you will enable the congregation to continue to plan for our future by becoming a member of our bequest society, Bonei Amuno, Builders of Faith. Gifts and bequest of $5,000 and above are recognized on our Legacy Wall in the Garden Lounge. A Letter of Intent is not a legal or binding document, but it represents a positive statement, a moral commitment to participate in Chizuk Amuno’s continuing financial security. Your participation - at any level - will inspire others to follow your leadership. We encourage you to provide for the synagogue in your estate planning, specifically through a bequest in your will. We invite you to contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Vice President or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue to begin a conversation about our Bonei Amuno Program or visit our website for more information or to request an appointment.
GOLDSEKER HESED AWARD Does your Chizuk Amuno sixth grader have a passion for mitzvot and an idea for an innovative hesed project in the community? Pre bnei mitzvah students who are currently enrolled in formal Jewish education are eligible for the Goldseker Hesed Award which provides a financial gift to be used towards the hesed project and a tzedakah box. This award was created by Shelley and Sheldon Goldseker in recognition of young students who perform meaningful acts of loving-kindness. To be considered for the Goldseker Hesed Award for 2018, please be in touch with Rabbi Wechsler at
A YEAR IN SONG Last spring the Senior Staff went to the Zaiman Educational Alliance committee with a request for funding to enhance the musical offerings at the congregation and schools. Each had multiple needs united with a vision of bringing more song into our hallways, our prayer services and our classrooms. Over the course of nine long weekends, our Rosh Shirah Sam Blustin, brought music to all three of our schools and to our congregation. He led Ta’am Shabbat with our KSDS students, Shabbat singing with our youngest GECC and Tot Shabbat friends, and taught monthly in RRS. We scheduled special programs including a pajama Havdalah, zemirot (Shabbat singing) after services, and seudah shlishit (the Shabbat Third Meal). Sam also enhanced our Amuno minyan and helped create a new musical offering – Shir Shabbat on Friday nights. Here’s what people had to say about our “year in song”: “Amuno Minyan participants have been so fortunate to have Sam Blustin lead us in prayer and song. His beautiful melodies and niggunim (wordless songs) added a deeper dimension to our davening and drew more and more people to our service. We hope that Sam’s model of an uplifting, participatory, ruach (spirit) -filled service will continue.” “The best form of a compliment is through imitation. Watching my son play guitar, sing songs and pretend he is Sam, while my daughter sings along puts a huge smile on my face. Sam has captured the heart and soul of my kids through his guitar and music on Friday mornings in the chapel.” We wish Sam lots of good luck as he continues with the fourth year of his rabbinic education and we express our gratitude to the ZEA for funding this program.
HAKARAT HA TOV – GRATITUDE Thank you to these families who provided home hospitality for Sam our Rosh Shirah this year. We are so grateful for the gracious welcome that you provided on behalf of the congregation. Rachel Siegel & Sam Andorsky, Abby & Isaac Woloff, Andrea Lieber & Ted Merwin Aviva & Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Rita & Marshall Plaut, Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, and Rabbi Debi Wechsler
THANK YOU TO OUR SYNAGOGUE LEADERS As we conclude our synagogue and school year, we pause to thank our committee chairs, parent association presidents, auxiliary presidents, retiring board members, and community representatives for their extraordinary time and dedication to our congregation and schools. In addition to the leaders below, each committee and auxiliary group has hundreds of volunteers who devote thousands of hours to our congregation, schools, and community. We gratefully acknowledge these 2017-18 leaders! Outgoing Board Members Allison Baumwald Lee Sherman Committee Chairs Allan Greenberg – Budget & Finance Leslie Seidman – Goldsmith Early Childhood Center Janine Frier – Krieger Schechter Day School Chair Jodi Moskowitz – Krieger Schechter Day School Vice Chair Allison Baumwald – Membership Jeff Snyder – Religious Life Michelle Clay – Rosenbloom Religious School Lynn Tucker – Stulman Center for Adult Learning Margie Simon – Gemilut Hasadim Howard Brill – House & Grounds Dick Matz – Cemetery Andrew Miller – Nominating Committee Gil Abramson – Legal Counsel, Personnel Sanford Schreiber – Legal Counsel, Parliamentarian Linda Katz – Museum & Cultural Arts Rabbinic Search – Sandi Moffet, Stephen Pomerantz Parent Association Presidents Goldsmith Early Childhood Center PA Kelly Blavatt and Stacey Thompson Krieger Schechter Day School PA - Alicia Berlin Auxiliary Groups Ruth Silber – Sisterhood President Richard Udell – Brotherhood President Samuel Moskowitz – Chizuk Amuno Foundation President Sheila Sandbank - Israel Bonds Community Representatives Frank Spector – Baltimore Jewish Council
TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME… Tuesday, June 12, 7:05 p.m. It’s Chizuk Amuno & Schools Night Out with the Orioles! Join with friends from our community to see the Baltimore Orioles trounce the Boston Red Sox. Tickets are only $19 each (plus a 10% service charge per ticket) – we will be seated in the Low Reserve sections 55 through 87. Tickets can be purchased at Please note that the kosher food vendor is located near section 80. If there is enough interest, we will arrange transportation for an additional charge. Please notify Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300,if you would like to take a bus from Chizuk Amuno. Go O’s! Page 6
HIGH HOLY DAYS SERVICES 5779 Members will soon receive our booklet with our High Holy Day services information. Please note these important dates: Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 9 Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & 2 Monday & Tuesday, September 10-11 Cemetery Memorial Services Sunday, September 16 Kol Nidre Eve – Tuesday, September 18 Yom Kippur Day Wednesday, September 19 Continuing our Rabbinic transition planning, we will hold two services (Sanctuary and Krieger Auditorium) in order for all members to hear our new Senior Rabbi, Joshua Gruenberg. Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg and Rabbi Debi Wechsler will rotate between the two services. Thanks to our growing young family population, our High Holy Day Torah for Tots program will be held in the Stulman Auditorium led by Michelle Gold and we will hold two family services in the Esterson Auditorium led by Rabbi Seltzer to accommodate our large family service crowd. NEW THIS YEAR will be a late afternoon public Yizkor service open to the community followed by our Family Neilah Service and our Sanctuary Neilah service (Don’t forget to bring your Shofar!). We also anticipate and thank the Blavatt Family for providing a Post-Neilah snack at the end of Yom Kippur for our members to break-thefast together.
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2018 GRADUATES As our school year comes to a close, Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools congratulates the many graduates of our educational programs along with our dedicated faculty and education staff. Nearly 600 students from preschool to high school participate in one of our excellent educational programs which encompass our Goldsmith Early Childhood Center, Rosenbloom Religious School, Krieger Schechter Day School, Achshav, and Netivon. Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Michelle Gold, and Rabbi Moshe Schwartz along with our clergy and school administrators oversee an exciting curriculum and meaningful experiences for our children.
Ayala Asher Rachel Brody Ezra Glazer David Klein
Carsyn Levitt Alex Missry Grant Swirnow
Not pictured: Alex Hartman Paul Hudes Sophia Koman Lillian Resnick
Achshav Eliana Abel Katelyn Flaks Ethan Harrison Lauren Losin
Eden Oberfeld Rachel Silhavy Lexi Silverman Ethan Swartz
Netivon: Felice Falk Sara Karmiol Gabe Samuels
Charlie Shapiro Esther Shapiro Isaac Spokes
GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Noam Arie Dylan Attman Emma Avraham Jackson Blavatt Sydney Brook Daniella Caplan Eli Cerato Jackson Cerato Harper Chado Jonathan Cohen Lila Cohen Abram Davis Jenna Densky Colby Dorich Austin Finkelstein Jordan Gerstenblith Ari Gluck Emma Goldsmith
Caleb Gordon Madelyn Gurstelle Alexandra Hackner Jonah Hodes Liam Hoffman Claire Jacobson Max Kapustin Courtney King Madelyn Klein Cooper Kursman Jackson Lamb Ava Leven Gabriel Levy Charlotte Littman Isabelle Littman Ayelet Lotan Brooklyn Maimon Eli Malmud
Asher Mareiniss Liam Nadiv Jacob Ross Bryce Rubinstein Kate Sacks Sophia Santiago Aleen Shabi Jordan Sisserman Cashel Snitzer Zack Stein Brady Thompson Olivia Treiser Elan Turkel Drew Ungar Edwin Williamson Shaya Woloff Ayla Zimmerman
KRIEGER SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL Blanca Berger Sollod Nathan Matthew Bogin Allison Emily Cohen Lauren Eve Cohen Talia Gail Steinig Eisner Benjamin Lee Espeland Hannah Sadie Getz Henry Ivan Glaun Mali Rose Glazer Piper Lilly Jordan Isabella Kazin
Jamie Micah Lickstein Gabrielle Lily Moshkatal Cassidy Marie Mossing Tucker Josephine Mossing Olivia Rose Philosophe Garrett Bailey Rifkind Matthew Ezra Romalis Gideon Ray Rone Julia Helen Willis Talia Brooke Zirkin Page 7
In honor of Israel's 70th birthday students searched for items in their homes that connected them to Israel. Photographs of the students and their special objects are now on display as part of the timeline in the Hendler Learning Center.
By: Vered Tasch Nusinov This past school year, the Middle School at Krieger Schechter Day School partnered with JMore magazine to add a new and exciting elective for 6th and 7th Graders. In addition to art, cooking, woodworking, and sewing, journalism officially joined the list of electives, and our young KSDS writers have been working tirelessly ever since. Students have conducted interviews with administrators, teachers, fellow students, rabbis, board members, and people outside of our immediate community. They then worked to transcribe their interview recordings and generate articles about news and events in our school, local community, nation, and world. News topics have included field trips, 36th anniversary events, holiday celebrations, the 8th Grade play, fundraising efforts, and summer camps, as well as heavier matters such as gun control, #MeToo, hurricane relief, and world hunger. All of the students’ articles are published on JMore’s online magazine: The journalism students have also had the opportunity to learn from Alan Feiler, editor-in-chief of JMore, and Linda Esterson, JMore Junior’s editor, who offered valuable feedback on students’ writing, in addition to well-deserved accolades. As a teacher, this course has been a true source of pride. The students work so hard and devote much time outside of class to produce high quality, meaningful, and reflective pieces. These young writers offer readers their unique and important perspectives on our world. Their final, published products serve as a testament of our students’ knowledge, strength, and empathy.
Students teachers and families all took part In our Israel competition 70 facts for 70 years!
KOL HAKAVOD Mazel Tov to KSDS 7th Grade Student, Ezra Geller, on winning first place in the national 2018 Legacy Heritage Better 2 Write Contest! Ezra's essay recounting his recent Better Together program experience exhibited a high quality of writing and earned him a scholarship towards an overnight summer camp as well as a generous award for KSDS to use for student scholarship.
With the help of Brina Pintzuk, Rosenbloom’s Art specialist the students expressed their thoughts and wishes for Israel on this giant cake!
GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER We are excited to begin our first camping season in partnership with Coppermine Fieldhouse. Coaches from Coppermine will be partnering with our counselors to create a summer experience with water play, gymnastics, art, nature, creative movement, music and Shabbat. We look forward to a fun filled, exciting summer.
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Sisters enjoyed celebrating Israel’s 70th!
We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.
CLOTHING DRIVE This May’s Clothing Drive brought in five carloads which were delivered to: MCVET, Our Daily Bread, Paul’s Place, The Center for Urban Families, and Success in Style. These agencies provide training and support for clients who often have nothing, and so our help in providing a professional outfit that can be worn for an interview is extremely meaningful. We thank the dozens of people who brought in clothing for this cause. In addition, Todah Rabbah to our dedicated volunteers for their help unloading/ loading cars and making deliveries: Amy Chapper (leader), Carole Diamond, David Flax, Tamie Flax, Melissa Halpern, Leah Helman, Nadia Massuda, Judy Meltzer, Jennie Rothschild, Nancy Sall, Margie Simon, Janice Wallach, and Michael Wallach
GH2 (GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP) Chizuk Amuno’s project to support asylum-seekers Great News! In mid-May we received the outstanding news that one of the residents at Gilead House has been officially granted asylum! This is a milestone worthy of celebration as it opens a whole new world for him, including giving him the opportunity to bring his family from Africa and re-unite. We thank our GH2 volunteers for their caring and support, which helped to carry him through this difficult time. Our partnership with Gilead House is entering its second year. This past year has been about strengthening our connections with the three residents of Gilead House as we support their needs and help them become acclimated to life in the USA. In addition to preparing the house in advance of their moving in, and providing boots, gloves, hats, etc. for surviving our cold winter, and providing much-needed transportation, we have had opportunities to bring the residents to events at Chizuk Amuno and also to share meals together. This year, a focus will be put on creating a social calendar of free local events (lectures, concerts, movies, etc.) to which our cadre of volunteers can take the Gilead House residents. If you would like to help the team developing the calendar or escort them to events, please contact Margie Simon,, or Jennie Rothschild,
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesdays, June 20, July 18, 4-7 p.m. Join the Chizuk Amuno team as we cook and/or serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children being treated in Baltimore area hospitals. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, Todah Rabbah to our April and May participants: Heller Kreshtool (leader), Ayala Asher, Yifaat Asher, Alan Becker, Alli Bernstein, Bryan Bernstein, Bryce Bernstein, Colin Bernstein, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Jan Carter, Hillary Crystal, Carol Gratz, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Melissa Halpern, Jennifer Heller, Shelley Hendler, Margi Hoffman, Joy Katz, Rena Lapidus, Rona Sue London, Saundra Madoff, Jan Nelson, Hazel Radowsky, Marcia Scherr, Maxine Seidman, Mollie Smulyan, and Marsha Yoffe Page 9
CELEBRATING THE REACH OF KNITTING HAVURAH Wednesdays, June 20, July 18, & August 15, 2-3:30 p.m. Indeed, it has been a very busy year for Knitting Havurah. Over the course of the year, our dedicated corps of knitters and crocheters touched 336 lives by providing: 30 red baby hats to the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center to help bring awareness to lifelong heart-healthy living and 30 purple baby hats to the National Center of Shaken Baby Syndrome for their campaign to raise awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome; two adult hats for patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy, distributed by the Mildred Mindell Cancer Foundation; 76 baby blankets to ShareBaby, pregnant veterans, and Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem; 178 scarves (these are donated to JVC which uses them for their 2,000 winter care packages assembled at Community Mitzvah Day); and 20 twiddlemuffs, to residents of the Veterans Administration Geriatric Department who have dementia or Alzheimer’s. In May, our participants took a break to celebrate their hard work and the special camaraderie they share. In addition to enjoying a scrumptious lunch, they knitted “potato-sack style” – one person’s right hand and their partner’s left hand (as pictured) – and also had to come up with knitting terms based on the first initial of their name. And, 1, 2, 3, then it was back to their ongoing projects.
As part of the One Water Partnership, an effort to foster actions that will help to heal and preserve our streams and bodies of water, we have reinstated our Shmirat Adamah Committee – our ‘green team’ – to develop projects that will take place over the coming year. If you would like to serve on the committee or help with our ‘green’ projects, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.
LEARN ALL ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY Wednesday, August 15 7 p.m.
Help us perform the mitzvah of gemilut hasadim – act of loving kindness. If you are traveling to Israel and can take a package of baby blankets to our liaison there, please let us know. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400 ext. 300. Todah Rabbah to our April knitters/ crocheters: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Linda Eisenberg, Claire Freeland, Miriam Godfrey, Irene Himelfarb, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Hazel Radowsky, Eileen Schultz, Margot Terle, and Harriet Udell We also thank Jacob Deutch for his contribution of yarn.
Sundays, June 17, July 15, 9 a.m. Contacts: Wendy Davis, 410-358-5979 or, Jenny Baker, 410-602-9885 or, or Lily Massouda,
Sunday, June 24, 9 a.m. Performing the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue.
Todah Rabbah to our March and April participants: Jenny Baker, Wendy Davis (co-leaders), Randi Braman, Barbara Cohen, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, and Madison Greenstein
All supplies provided. All welcome.
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As our Shmirat Adamah Committee gets in gear, our first event will be an evening about solar energy. Please join us as we learn what it is, how it works, and how using solar energy benefits our environment (and your wallet!). If you are considering a solar installation for your home, Retrofit Baltimore will also be discussing their co-op purchase plan which allows for discounted costs for a home solar power system.
Contact: Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422 Todah Rabbah to our April participants: Jay Finkel, Irwin Golob, and Moe Brown
VISIT and sign up for our monthly GH newsletter on the left side of the web page.
SISTERHOOD Contact Ruth Silber, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Ruth your e-mail address.
Summer is coming, and the school year is winding down. There are still many occasions to shop for. The shop has limited summer hours so be sure to stop in before June 13th! No summer specials but be sure to watch for the August notice so that you don’t miss anything when we start getting ready for the fall High Holy Days. We have wonderful gift ideas for someone special headed to college in the fall – mezzuzot that are magnetic or “stick” instead of being nailed on, electric shabbat candle holders and electric menorahs that will make great graduation gifts. Please don’t forget that the shop can place custom orders for you! Kippot for your Simcha, challah boards for a wedding gift, Simcha Scroll as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah gift, Baby spoons or menorahs, and more!
CHIZUK AMUNO SISTERHOOD CLOSING MEETING & DINNER Wednesday June 6, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Did you grow up going to Hamburgers, Hecht Company, Hochschild Kohn's or Hutzler's? Our Guest Speaker Michael Lisicky, nationally recognized department store historian, lecturer and author will take us down memory lane as we revisit these elegant emporiums of the past. Mr. Lisicky resides in Baltimore and is an Oboist for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. $18 (Members) $23 (Non-Members) Dinner is included. RSVP by Friday, June 1 Check payable Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, 8100 Stevenson Rd, Baltimore, MD 21208 Contact Donna Friedman at or 410-370-5037
If you need anything during the summer from the shop and you cannot get in on a Tuesday morning, please email Dixie Leikach at SHOP HOURS (June 1 -11): Sunday 10 a.m. to 12Noon Monday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2-6 p.m. Friday 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
SHOP HOURS (June 12 -Mid-August): Tuesday 10 a.m. - 12Noon ONLY
SHOP PHONE: 410-824-2067
BROTHERHOOD Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President,
BROTHERHOOD CLOSING EVENT & BREAKFAST Sunday, June 3, 10 a.m. The cost is $5 per person (money is going to charity.) Women are invited. We will be having a full delicious breakfast. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Harry Ezratty from the Jewish Historical Society discussing three outstanding Jewish women in history. Please send your checks in to the Brotherhood, 8100 Stevenson Rd., Baltimore, MD.
BROTHERHOOD BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, July 11, 2-7:30 p.m. Little known FACT: your blood donation can save not just one, but up to three lives. Call Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 to reserve your special time to donate life-saving blood. Walk-ins Welcome. Page 11
B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. JUNE 2 ALEXANDER RYAN HARTMAN ELIYAHU RAFAEL son of Jill & Dr. Adam Hartman
JUNE 9 COLIN MATTHEW BERNSTEIN MOSHE HERSHEL son of Alli & Bryan Bernstein LIORA NEHAMA EICHHORN LIORA NEHAMA daughter of Dr. Lemore Carmi & Gilad Eichhorn JUNE 16 CARSYN LEIGH LEVITT KIRIN LEAH daughter of Michelle May and Adam Levitt
JUNE 23 LEON ALEXANDER MISSRY YEHUDA son of Katya & Jack Missry Page 12
Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Elior Jesse Chapper, son of Sara & Michael Chapper, and grandson of Amy & Bruce Chapper, Ellen Kahan Zager & Jack Zager and great-grandson of Ann Kahan Eliezer Moses Glassman, son of Nina & Matthew Glassman and grandson of Randee & Ron Glassman
In Loving Memory
Laurel Freedman, on the loss of her father, Lawrence Portnoy Andrea Polsky, on the loss of her father, Lee Resnick Kevin Wachs, on the loss of his mother, Marsha F. Wachs Jodi Wahlberg, on the loss of her grandmother, Marcia E. Dahne As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.
New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined our Chizuk Amuno family.
In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members:
Alexander Fiterstein and Meira Silverstein Daniel and Adinah
Ann S. Cohen, wife of Arnold Cohen, mother of Dr. Harold Cohen and Beth Cohen and sister of Morton Silverstein
If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining the Chizuk Amuno Family, please call Glenn Easton at the synagogue office, 410-486-6400.
Stephen Fishbein, husband of Janet Fishbein, father of Lauren Fishbein and brother of Harriet Hawse Dr. Harold H. Gilbert, husband of Phyllis Gilbert and the late Patsy Gilbert, father of Stephany Gilbert, Lawrence Gilbert, Debbie Glassman, and step-father of Eric Troy and Steven Troy William “Willie” Hirshfeld, husband of Loretta Hirshfeld and father of Jill Weiss and David Hirshfeld Janice Tomach Layton, mother of Roxy Buchsbaum and Susan Grudziecki and grandmother of Emily Kaufman We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Michael Benjamin, on the loss of his mother, Sheila Benjamin Arnold Foreman, on the loss of his sister, Sheila Sweren
Members in the News Mazal Tov to Shuli Raffel, Krieger Schechter Day School, who was the 2018 recipient of the Ahavat Tzion (Love of Israel) Award from the CJE.
SHARE YOUR GOOD NEWS WITH YOUR CHIZUK AMUNO FAMILY Our community celebrates many happy occasions that we want to share with our entire Chizuk Amuno family. We now share births and wedding announcements to the congregation by email in addition to the Bereavement Notices. We invite you to share your good news with your entire Chizuk Amuno family by sending it to
Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.
ANNUAL APPEAL - KSDS Carolyn Helfman in memory of Janice Layton
ANNUAL APPEAL STULMAN ADULT CENTER Marjorie Simon in honor of Lynn Tucker's 70th birthday
EILEEN K. MARKS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis in memory of Sheila Benjamin
FLORAL FUND Ann Harris in memory of Daniel Harris Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Judith Markendorff Tanna Omansky & Erika & Adam Omansky in memory of Louis Omansky
GOLDSMITH MUSEUM FUND Ilene Goldbloom in honor of Linda Katz’s special birthday Steve & Anne King in honor of Linda Katz's special birthday
HAZZAN EMANUEL PERLMAN MUSIC FUND Wishing Janice Perlman a speedy and complete recovery : Steve & Diane Dansicker, Glenn & Cindy Easton Alan & Harriet Kanter, Ruthanne Kaufman, Steve & Anne King, Judy Meltzer, Marlene Pollack, Howard & Sheila Sandbank, Marvin & Judith Spector, and Nelson & Lynn Tucker Mace & Edna Crystal in honor of Janice Perlman
HAZZAN PERLMAN ENDOWMENT FUND Stephany Gilbert for a speedy recovery of Janice Perlman Fred Heyman in honor of Hazzan Perlman's retirement
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Herta Baitch's special birthday
JARED SCOTT LEVY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Allen & Terry Holzman Mark & Linda Levy in honor of Sandy Brenner's 70th birthday Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Marilyn Eidelman Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Betty Zlotowitz
KSDS DAVID M. BLOOMBERG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Estelle Bloomberg wishing Janice Perlman a speedy and complete recovery Estelle Bloomberg in memory of Harold Gilbert Estelle Bloomberg wishing Mazal Tov
KSDS ELI & YETTA MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Beverly Max's special birthday
KSDS MARTHA B. KAYNE MEMORIAL TIKKUN OLAM AWARD FUND In memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert: Mr. Leonard & Mrs. Helene Bers, Barry & Alberta Cooperman, Ira & Susan Himmel, Mr. Douglas Magill/Roland Park, Inc., Park Towers East Condominium, Inc. Lily & Warren Massouda, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sagal, Mr. & Mrs. Jared Shure, and Jane Weil
KSDS PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT FUND Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams in memory of Aleene Jean Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams in memory of Marcia E. Dahne Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams in memory of Janice Tomach Layton
KSDS REZNIK FRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dawn Reznik wishing Mazal Tov to Liam Friend on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah Dawn Reznik wishing Sharon Caplan a full and speedy recovery Dawn, Larry & Chantal Reznik wishing Keith Miller a full and speedy recovery Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Rick Smith Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Marcia Dahne Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Madalyn Zager
KSDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Merwin Family in appreciation to Jenny Baker, Hazzan Perlman, Rudy Stoler, and Rabbi Wechsler for Sarah Merwin's Bat Mitzvah Mr. & Mrs. Miner Brown for a speedy recovery of Janice Perlman Mr. Steven & Dr. Robyn Blum in honor of Ethan Espeland's Bar Mitzvah Michele Brill in honor of Howard Brill's 60th birthday Dr. Anton & Mrs. Sally Grobani in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Dr. Anton & Mrs. Sally Grobani in memory of Marcia E. Dahne Dr. Anton & Mrs. Sally Grobani in memory of Malca Vardi Dr. Gary & Mrs. Garth Ann Gerstenblith in memory of Evelyn Gerstenblith Dr. Marshall & Mrs. Rita Plaut in memory of Diane King Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Marcia Dahne Michael & Susan Applefeld in memory of Susan Weinerman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cohen in memory of Diane King Chantal & Larry Reznik in memory of Lucille Muser Mr. & Mrs. Miner Brown in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Mr. & Mrs. Miner Brown in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert
LOUIS BARRY GERSHEN OUR DAILY BREAD FUND Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Linda Mondell a speedy and complete recovery Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Janice Perlman a speedy & complete recovery Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Robert Binder, Kristen Fogarty, Frieda Gershen, Elizabeth London, and Michael Plotkin Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of beloved mother Michael Gershen in memory of H. T. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abrams in memory of Ronald Hatwell
Dr. Lawrence Narun in memory of Rosa Narun Janet Scherr in memory of Louis Shugam Joe Greenblum in memory of Erika Greenblum Lynne Lichtig in memory of Herbert Borger Marilyn Folus in memory of Allen Dagurt Barry Schepp in memory of Theodore Schepp Barry Wolfe in memory of Edna Wolfe Deborah Schwaber in memory of Jonathan Schwaber Robin Smith in memory of Irwin Margulis Rosalyn Malinow in memory of Helen Hoffman & Robert Hoffman
MORNING MINYAN FUND Howard & Barbara Cohen wishing Janice Perlman a speedy recovery Howard & Sheila Sandbank wishing Carl & Arlene Sperling's son Scott a refuah sh'lemah Ruthanne Kaufman wishing Dr. David & Deborah Roffman's grandson a speedy and complete recovery Ruthanne Kaufman wishing Carl & Arlene Sperling's son Scott a refuah sh'lemah Ruthanne Kaufman Mazal Tov to Alle & Ruth Brown on the birth of their grandson, Blake Matan Chernyak Ruthanne Kaufman wishing Sharon Caplan a speedy and complete recovery Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the yahrzeit of David Silverman Mae Levin in honor of the births of Randee & Ron Glassman’s grandchildren Eliezer Moses Glassman & Talia Aliza Mako Stephany Gilbert in honor of birth of Randee & Ron Glassman’s grandson Eliezer Moses Glassman Dr. David Schwartz in memory of Max Benjamin Schwartz In memory of Dr. Harold "Hesh" Gilbert: Jenny Baker, Roberta Brenick, Drs. Harvey & Susan Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis, Glenn & Cindy Easton, Dr. Arnold & Mrs. Lisa Feiner, Dan & Ann Fried, Jackie Glassgold, Bill & Toba Grant, Serene Israel, Ruthanne Kaufman, Elaine Fox & Margie Kwart, Marlene Pollack, Les & Audrey Polt, Amy & Hugh Schwartz, Leslie & Judy Stellman, Norman Wigutow, Sherwin & Marsha Yoffe, and Margot Zipper Gary & Shuli Raffel in memory of Arye Pollack Harvey Caplan in memory of Paul Caplan Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Sarah Crofford Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Jacob Goldberg Linda Caplan in memory of Solomon J. Nathanson Margie Kwart in memory of Leonard Fox Michael Scherr in memory of Beatrice Scherr Richard Fairman in memory of Helen Fairman Soref & Bernard Soref Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in memory of first responder son, Michael Jay Kreitman Stuart & Vicky Becker in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Ted & Jody Levy in memory of Dr. Harold Gilbert Ruthanne Kaufman wishing Mazal Tov to Randee & Ron Glassman on the birth of grandson Eliezer Moshe Glassman Joan Rombro with thanks to Ruthanne Kaufman
PATHWAYS TO MENSCHLIKEIT FUND Irwin & Miriam Golob in memory of Marcia Dahne Irwin & Miriam Golob in memory of Janice Layton
PLAYGROUND FUND Diane Potts in honor of Howard Brill’s 60th birthday Marjorie Simon in honor of Howard Brill's 60th birthday
Donna Shapiro in memory of Belle Cohen
Page 13
Steve & Lynne Richmond in honor of Howard Brill's 60th birthday
Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Howard Brill's special birthday Mr. Harry Deitchman in memory of Eva Deitchman
SELMA & ALVIN BLAKER ENDOWMENT FUND Natalie Feinblum in honor of Alvin Blaker's special birthday
SPECIAL OFFERING CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT Gary & Ellen Petler for the honor given Albert & Linley Grosman Howard & Sheila Sandbank wishing Deborah & David Roffman's grandson a Refuah Sh'lemah Jenny Baker wishing Janice Perlman a Refu'ah Shelemah Jose Hernandez with thanks Steve & Diane Dansicker in honor of Howard Brill's 60th birthday Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of Anne & Maurice Shamash's grandchildren Saul & Hannah Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Sigmund Eckhaus's 90th birthday Judy Hyatt in honor of Barry Glass' special birthday Mickey Simon in honor of Lynn Tucker's special birthday Mrs. Arlene Friedman in honor of Lynn Tucker's 70th birthday Paulette Pollack in honor of Howard Brill's special birthday Arthur & Judith Harrow in memory of Morris Shapiro Audrey Levine in memory of Marcia Dahne Barry & Pearl Oslick in memory of Eva Oslik, Sander Oslick & Rose Rosenblum Brad & Lisa Trattner in memory of Dr. Victor I. Sorgen Carolyn Williams in memory of Jacqueline Pearlman Jenny Baker in memory of Marcia Dahne Jenny Baker in memory of Madalyn Zager Jenny Baker in memory of Janice Tomach Layton Marc & Jamie Cohen in memory of Aleene Smith Miriam Seidman Platt in memory of Sherman Platt & A. Ernest Platt Phil Nochumowitz in memory of Sam Nusinov Saul & Joan Gurney in memory of beloved mother Steven & Jill Bers in memory of Larry Wolf Steven & Jill Bers in memory of Martha Bers Stuart & Beverly Sagal in memory of Ingrid Hess Howard & Sheila Sandbank wishing Mazal Tov to Leah Helman on the birth of her great granddaughter Everly Rehak Marie Schwartz with thanks to the Matz Family for hosting family sedars Oscar Schabb with thanks to Dick & Alana Matz & Family for hosting the Family Passover Sedar in memory of Shirley & Lester Matz
WAGNER BRILL MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND Jacob & Florence Eisen in honor of Howard Brill Jan & Gerald Feldman in honor of Howard Brill's special birthday Melissa Halpern in honor of Howard Brill's 60th Birthday Michele Foreman in honor of Howard Brill’s 60th Birthday Stanley & Debra Friedman in honor of Howard Brill
DR. SHUALY’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Mae Levin in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy's 70th birthday Wallace Kleid in memory of Max Kleid Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in memory of Libby Fuchs Kreitman Randi & Howard Ginsburg & Steven Zinz with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for comforting our family at the passing of Herbert S. Zinz
HAZZAN PERLMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Paulette Pollack & Dawn Reznik wishing Janice Perlman a speedy and complete recovery Sonny & Kaye Kreitman with thanks
RABBI WECHSLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Robert & Vivian Manekin in honor of their 45th wedding anniversary Albert & Nadja Pats in memory of Anna Pa
BIMAH FLOWERS SHABBAT, JUNE 2 / 19 SIVAN In Honor of: The Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Ryan Hartman, by his parents, Jill & Dr. Adam Hartman, and his grandparents, Myrna & Ivan Markowitz The Bar Mitzvah of Grant Jaycob Swirnow, by his parents, Marcie & Stephen Swirnow, and his grandparents, Sunda & Dr. Robert Kroopnick and Ilene & Alan Swirnow
In Memory Of: Rivian & Allen Hartman, grandparents of Alexander Ryan Hartman, on the occasion of Alex’s Bar Mitzvah Richard M. Larimer by Dr. Anne & David Young Sarah Slavin by her children and grandchildren Max Lerner, father, by Harriett & Mende M. Lerner & family May R. Berger, mother, by her family Miriam Ness, mother, by Robert Ness & family Jane Kaplan Feinglass, mother & grandmother, by Ina Singer & family Blanche Miller by her children & grandchildren Anna L. Reznick, mother, by Irma Gamson & family
Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Lynn Tucker's 70th birthday
SPECIAL OFFERING GEMILUT HASADIM Mickey Simon in honor of Howard Brill's special birthday
THEODORE & JEAN WARANCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jeff & Helene Waranch in honor of Jordan Weinberg passing the Certified Financial Planning (CFP) designation
Page 14
In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Colin Matthew Bernstein, by his parents, Alli & Bryan Bernstein, and his grandparents, Barbara & Barry Marlin and Fran & Harry Bernstein The Bat Mitzvah of Liora Nehama Eichhorn, by her parents, Dr. Lemore Carmi & Gilad Eichhorn, and
her grandparents, Dalia & Benjamin Eichhorn and Rachel & Shlomo Carmi In Memory Of: Philip Finglass by his family Dorothy Katz Manekin by her children Lester R. Litt, father, by Mindee & Bruce Block & family Pauline Brozofsky, mother, by Ellen & Dr. Mark Gordon Gersohn Rubin by his children & grandchildren Albert Lorch, father, grandfather & great-grandfather, by Florene & Dr. Ron Goldner & family Harry Erdman, father, by his family Irving Pearlstein, father, by Audrey Levine & family Henry Goldsmith, father, by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family Roselda Cole by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family Anna Glassman, mother, by her family Bess Goldsmith, mother, on her birthday, by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family
SHABBAT, JUNE 16 / 3 TAMMUZ In Honor Of:
The Bat Mitzvah of Carsyn Leigh Levitt, by her parents, Michelle May and Adam Levitt, and her grandparents, Karis & Michael Levitt, Maria & Bob Olender and Kay Kenny In Memory Of: Clayre Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family Reba and Hyman Polsky, parents, by Sherrie & Carl A. Polsky & family Mary Gold by her family Isaac Renbaum by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family Archie Cohen by Ann Harris & family Morton Kahn, father & grandfather, by Arlene & Dr. Carl Sperling & family Helen Weitzman, mother, by Shirley Kaufman & children David Rivlin, father, by Estelle Weinberg & family Ruth S. Dashoff, mother & grandmother, by Ilene & Arnold Dashoff and Susan & Dr. Michael Propper & families Phyllis Salganik by Gordon Salganik, Wendy & Robert Davis, Debby & Dr. Jesse Hellman, & grandchildren Abraham Harris, grandfather, by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family Jennie Pines, mother, by her family George H. Young by Dr. Anne & David Young Annette P. Meyers, mother, on her birthday, by Marlene Brager and family
SHABBAT, JUNE 23/ 10 TAMMUZ In Honor of: The Bar Mitzvah of Leon Alexander Missry, by his parents, Katya & Jack Missry, and his grandparents, Judith & Leon Missry and Bogdan Nalivaiko In Memory Of: Elena Nalivaiko, grandmother of Leon Alexander Missry, on the occasion of Alex’s Bar Mitzvah Robert Wasserman, father, by Vera & Barry Wasserman & family Louis Seidman by Miriam Platt Johanna Ladenburger by her daughter, Lottie Steinberg Samuel Blavatt, father, by Ronald Blavatt & family Sayde J. Sklar by her children & grandchild Harold Hammer, father, by Ann & Ronald Holstein & family Leonard Rombro, father, by Joan D. Rombro Robert I. Davis, father, by Carol & Gilbert Davis & family Eli Miller by Beverly & Jordon Max & family
TZEDAKAH @CHIZUK Molly Glaberman by Lorraine & Earl Raffel. Morton Jerome Goldman, father, by his family. Joseph Lazinsky, father, by Phyllis & Leonard Attman & Lowell R. Glazer Sol Slavin by his children and grandchildren Frances Klotzman, mother, by Ellen & Dan Karlin and Dr. Lewis Klotzman Rae Preissman, mother & grandmother, by Harriet & Richard Udell & family
SHABBAT, JUNE 30 / 17 TAMMUZ In Memory Of: Reuben Caplan, father, by Sharon & Irvin Caplan. Leo Tabackman, father, by Donna & Robert Wolf & family Elizabeth Zuckerman by Martin Zuckerman & family Albert Hirsch by Hedy & Irving Goldstein and Clara & Frank Hirsch Daniel Joseph Raskin by Joan Raskin, Lisa Raskin and Philip Raskin
Warren Komins by his family Florence S. Fish by her children & grandchildren Crawford M. Clay, by his wife, Etta S. Clay Abraham Schwartzman by Martin Zuckerman & family Bruce Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family Sybil Klaff Effron, on her birthday, by her family
SHABBAT, JULY 28 / 16 AV In Memory Of: Philip Glassner, father, by his family Leatrice Gevantman, mother, by Sandra Zylberman & family Mark E. Rosenblatt by Susan, Douglas, Jonathan & Melanie Schehr and Sylvia Rosenblatt Sybil Effron, mother, by Deborah & James Effron & f family Doris Eigenberg, mother, by Judi & Marc Komins & family Abraham Kemper by his children & grandchildren
SHABBAT, JULY 7 / 24 TAMMUZ In Memory Of: Rose Cohen, mother & grandmother, by Nancy Cohen & Michael & Andrew Schaffer. Bernice Bass Horn by Bill Lewis & family. Mary Shostack, mother, by her family. Norman Altshuler, father, by his family. Max Reznick, father by Irma Gamson & family. Ann Weinstein, mother, by Jay Weinstein & family. Louis and Rae Isaac, parents, by their family. Marvin Schnitzer, father, by his family. Morris Goodhart, father & grandfather, by Judy & Fred Zimmerman & family. Eli J. Pateka, brother, by Marlene Szapiro. Amos I. Meyers, father, by Marlene Brager & family Bertha B. Levy, mother, by Shirley Shor & family. Marci Glazer Crosby, daughter, by Lowell R. Glazer & family. Elmer M. Newhouse, father & grandfather, by Susan & Dr. Marc Hochberg & Frannie & Jennifer. Tessie Gerber by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren.
SHABBAT, JULY 14 / 2 AV In Memory Of: Irvin Cohn by Dr. Jerry Buxbaum. Jack B. Kaplan by Seymour Weisberg Sylvia Kronthal by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family Eva P. Rapkin, mother, by Henne & Harvey Rapkin & family Shirley Sue Gelkin, wife, mother & grandmother, by Dr. Michelle Gelkin Rosenbloom & Howard Rosenbloom, Gail Sureff, and Ben & Nicole Sureff Selma Lebow Finkelstein by her family Fanny Radowsky, mother, by Hazel & Dr. Michael Radowsky Max Kurman, father, by Gail & Jerry Kurman & children Edward Mackler, father & grandfather, by Ilene & Stephen Mackler, Geoffrey, David & Melissa & S Stefanie Mackler Esther Fox Goren, by her sister, Natalie Jeffrey Jerome B. Rose by Traci & Mark Lerner & family
SHABBAT, JULY 21 / 9 AV In Memory Of: Joseph Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow and family Earle Fritz by his children & grandchildren Frieda Davis, mother, by Tammi & Mark Davis & family Anna Sugarman Bank, mother, by Estelle & Allan Rose & family Irene Rubin, mother & grandmother, by Margi, Steve, & Nathaniel Hoffman & Rebecca Hammerman Freda Renbaum by Barbara & Tom Steinhardt & family
WINGS OF MEMORY Wings of Memory is Chizuk Amuno’s annual Memorial and Tribute Book used when we recite Yizkor on Yom Kippur, as well as on Shemini Atzeret, Pesah, and Shavuot. The book is an inspiring publication in which we honor the memories of our loved ones. Letters will be mailed out shortly with the previous year’s listing and a request for a minimum contribution of $36 in order to cover the cost of printing the publication. Responses are due by Friday, July 13. If you have not yet received your Wing of Memory letter, please contact Cheryl Snyderman, ext. 300.
Observing Tisha B’Av The Ninth of Av Saturday, July 21, 9 p.m. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tisha B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah. Tisha B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values. Foremost among the events, we remember are the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in the year 586 BCE. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE. We will also gather in observance of Tisha B’Av on Sunday morning, July 22 at 9:15 a.m. A special Minhah service will be held at 2 p.m. At this afternoon service we will wear our Tallit and Tefillin, ritual symbols that we will not use during our Shaharit service in expression of our mourning. Tisha B’Av is a full or partial day of fasting and introspection observed with emotion as we transform trauma into wisdom through ritual.
Thinking about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special, perhaps for a graduation gift? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office. Page 15
Goldsmith Early Childhood Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Sandra G. Moffet, President - Elect Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman
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Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media
Schechter on the Move 5K Race, 1 Mile Fun Run, & Trike Race
Managed by
Online registration closes on Tuesday, June 5th at midnight.
- The 5K race will be chip-timed this year -
Following the Schechter on the Move 5K, Fun Run and Trike Race, KSDS will culminate our year-long 36th anniversary celebration with an amped-up, post-race party lasting until noon. Plan to stay for the morning and enjoy live music from local bands, food trucks, a silent auction, moon bounces, face painting, water tag and a special surprise. Don’t forget to bring towels for children for after water tag, blankets or chairs to relax and your wallet to purchase delicious food.