October 2018 - Hahodesh

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AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning OCTOBER 2018 | Tishrei / Heshvan 5779



I would like to share two urban legends with you. An urban legend is a story or an event that has been transmitted by many people for RABBI JOSHUA GRUENBERG some time. There is no discernible way to determine the veracity of the legend, but for all intents and purposes it does not really matter. What does matter is the message behind the story, or the lesson which the carefully crafted story or actual event aims to teach.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 - EREV SHEMINI ATZERET Erev Shemini Atzeret Evening Service – 6:15 p.m.

The first story is one that could have taken place anywhere or at any time. Here is the version that I was told some time ago. A group of second-year medical students enter a lecture hall for what promises to be a most difficult final examination on anatomy. They suffer through the three-hour exam only to come to the final question which has a note above it that tells them that if they do not answer that question correctly they will fail the entire examination. You are probably thinking that it was some detailed question about the heart or the like. The question simply read, “What is the name of the custodian who cleans the anatomy lab after your class?” All of the students thought to themselves that they had seen this man a thousand times if they had seen him once. Yet none of them knew his name. The professor, of course, did not fail the students, but a valuable lesson had been learned. The second story happened on a country road, in the middle of a dark rain-soaked Alabama night during the 1960’s. An African-American woman was stuck on the side of the road with great car troubles, and she feared for her safety during those turbulent times Continued on Page 2

MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 SHEMINI ATZERET & EREV SIMHAT TORAH Shemini Atzeret Morning Service – 9:15 a.m. Yizkor – 10:15 a.m. Traditional Erev Simhat Torah Minhah - 6:15 p.m. Hoffberger Chapel Family & Congregational Erev Simhat Torah Service – 7 p.m. Krieger Auditorium Please join us for a "lite fare" dinner at 6:15 p.m. RSVP at tinyurl.com/CACS-simhattorah TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2- SIMHAT TORAH This year we honor three special individuals on Simhat Torah morning, who represent the essence of our mission and purpose as a sacred congregational community. These three pillars of our community represent the three pillars of our mission – Torah (study), Avodah (Shabbat Prayer), and Gemilut Hasadim (Mitzvot).

Helen Lewis (Kallat Torah)

Bill Lewis (Hatan Torah)

Phil Nochomowitz (Hatan B'reishit)

Simhat Torah Morning Service – 9:15 a.m. (with our students leading/reading) Torah Torah Torah Parade & Activities - 10 a.m. Ages preschoolers thru 1st grade Young families will come together at 10 a.m. to prepare for the candy parade in the sanctuary, celebrate the Torah in a brief service and participate in a variety of holiday activities. Congregational lunch following program. Join us for this joyous service followed by a Kiddush luncheon in honor of our honorees. Minhah - 6:45 p.m.


SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY SHABBAT SERVICES Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings

9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.

OCTOBER 5/6/ TISHREI 26/27 Candle Lighting.........................Friday 6:25 p.m. TORAH PORTION: B’REISHIT Mallory Gordon becomes a Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots........................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................5:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .....................................6:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................7:06 p.m.


TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ON SHABBAT Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Call Cheryl Snyderman, 410-486-6400, ext. 300, by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services.

Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 6:14 p.m. TORAH PORTION: NO-AH Francesca Plovan becomes a Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Gruenberg Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Parent-Led Torah for Tots..................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................5:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 6:00 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:55 p.m.

OCTOBER 19/20 / HESHVAN 10/11 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 5:54 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YERA Lior Gamliel becomes a Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots........................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................4:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 5:45 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:45 p.m.

OCTOBER 26/27 / HESHVAN 17/18 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 5:54 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YERA Fiona Williamson becomes a Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Gruenberg Family Service ......................................10:30 a.m. Parent-Led Torah for Tots..................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 5:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................6:36 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

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HAVDALAH TAILGATE Hosted by Goldsmith Early Childhood Center & Young Families of Chizuk Amuno Saturday October 27, 6:15 p.m. Come in your favorite team clothes. Tailgate style dinner, games, and Havdalah. $5/person; $20 family maximum Pay Online at Tinyurl.com/havdalahtailgate RSVP required by Wednesday, October 17 to mgold@chizukamuno.org or mberman@chizukamuno.org

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while she sat in the car praying that someone would come along to help her. Eventually, after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, a young Caucasian man stopped to help her. He drove her to a nearby gas station and then waited with her until her car was fixed. Just prior to leaving the woman wrote down the man’s name and address and promised to repay this kind gesture in some way. A few months later the man was sitting in his house with his family when he heard a knock at the door. When he opened the door there was a delivery-man with a large box that contained a television. The man was told that the television was paid for in total and that it was a gift. The note in side read, “Thank you for helping me when no one else would and when I was in fear for my life. Fondly, Mrs. Nat King Cole.” There are so many people who exist in our world who deserve our gratitude for all of the things that they do for us, yet often we forget to show our thanks. For some it may be the custodian who toils silently without much notice. For others it may be the random stranger who is willing to help us in our greatest time of need. For all of us we have family, friends, and even some random strangers who deserve our gratitude for all that they do. There is always a lull in the rhythm of the Jewish world following the holiday season. Perhaps this quiet time is an occasion for us to begin the New Year by practicing gratitude. I want to conclude this article by thanking all of the staff and volunteers who made our busy holiday-period such a rousing success. We don’t see the work that many of them do, but we benefit from it tremendously.

Todah Rabbah!


MAUREEN DAVID AND HOWARD ROSENBLOOM JOIN THE CHIZUK AMUNO FOUNDATION BOARD We are pleased to announce that Maureen David and Howard Rosenbloom have been selected as new members of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation Board of Directors filling open seats. We thank Ronnie Kleiman and Jason Blavatt for their service on the Foundation Board. We also thank Associated Past President, Linda Hurwitz, for serving on our Foundation Board.


Established in 1994, The Chizuk Amuno Foundation is a not-for-profit supporting organization for the benefit of Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools. By effectively managing and prudently investing, growing, and monitoring its assets, the Foundation fulfills its mission to provide for the growth and perpetuity of the synagogue and schools. Under the leadership of its Board of Directors, the assets of the Foundation are managed and invested by The Jewish Consolidated Investment Fund of The Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. The Foundation consists of restricted and unrestricted endowment funds. Currently, the Foundation has 150 individual funds including our two cemetery Perpetual Care Funds. The total Foundation assets are approximately $18,000,000 from which we allocate 5% per year to fulfill the intent and purpose that each endowment fund donor specified. Continuing on the Foundation Board under the presidency of Samuel Moskowitz are Ira Malis, Leonard Attman, Gary Attman, Richard Matz, David M. Schwaber, Stuart Kaplow, Neil Leikach, Sandi Moffet, Beth Goldsmith, Allan Greenberg, Rabbi Gruenberg, and Glenn Easton. Debra Weinberg, the new President of the Associated will join our Foundation Board along with Associated executives, Marc Terrill and Michael Friedman. We are grateful to our Foundation Board and to the generous donors who have created permanent endowments to support our community. For information about the Chizuk Amuno Foundation or the creation of new endowment funds, please contact Glenn Easton in the synagogue office or Liz Minkin- Friedman in the KSDS office.

Our college aged students were welcomed back to school with greetings from our clergy, chocolate treats, and a fridge magnet with the Jewish holiday dates for the next year, an essential item for every dorm room or off campus apartment. The next holiday package goes out for Hanukkah so there is still time to get us your child’s college address. If you would like your college student to receive Hanukkah greetings, please send in their address by December 1st. Addresses may be submitted online in the “synagogue Life” section of the website or by email to Rabbi Wechsler dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Our continued thanks to Bonnie Ziegelstein for coordinating our College Outreach. Our program is supported by a special College Outreach Fund established by the Bat Mitzvah Women Class of 2004.

STAFF ANNIVERSARIES Staff longevity has a major impact on the culture, success, and accomplishments of any organization. Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is blessed to have many long-term staff members. Each year, we honor staff members celebrating their 10th, 18th, 25th, and 36th anniversaries with the congregation and schools at our annual Summer Staff Luncheon. Our synagogue staff members celebrating anniversaries include Dr. Moshe Shualy for 25 years, Michelle Gold for 18 years, and Paulette Pollack and Marsha Yoffe for 10 years of service to our congregational community. (Of course, Winston Williams still holds the longevity lead beginning his 45th year with the congregation.) Our schools have numerous faculty and staff members celebrating anniversaries including Barbara Baylin, Shannon Cohen, Alex Thaler, and Kristen Wavle celebrating 10 years and Donna Friedman, Wendy Gelber, and Pnina Moschel celebrating 18 years and Roxy Buchsbaum, Iris Ingber, and Alina Matz celebrating 25 years. Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools is indeed blessed to have long-term, dedicated staff and family members. Page 3


KADIMA FUND OFF TO A GREAT A START With Tishrei coming to a close, the search committee looks forward to the next steps in the search process. If you have not yet joined us to share your vision for our next Hazzan, we invite you to participate in our last round table on Wednesday evening October 10th, and ask that you RSVP on the synagogue’s website. Later this month the committee will distribute our survey to the entire Chizuk Amuno community in order to hear more about your concept for the next Hazzan. Sincere thanks to Marc Attman and Jeff Cooper for their work on this project. After presenting the findings of the community conversations and the survey to the congregation, we will use the results to inform our search. Thus, it is vital that we hear from as many in our community as possible... be sure to bring your voice to the table. As we move into late fall, the committee will begin vetting and interviewing candidates before bringing finalists to the full congregation for consideration in 2019. In addition to speaking with any of the committee members, we remind you to reach out to us: search@chizukamuno.org

Look for the Kiddush Cup Pledges Tracker! We are on our way!! The new Kadima Fund has had a wonderful start thanks to so many of you who have already participated. The energy is palpable as we forge down a new path here at Chizuk Amuno. Your participation is greatly needed and highly valued. Last year we had over 60% participation and this year we are striving for the lofty goal of 100% participation! We all want to show our support for Rabbi Gruenberg and his entire professional staff and all that they do for us. Look for the giant Kiddush Cup Participation Tracker in the Lobby and help us fill ours as we all follow along towards this year’s 100% participation goal. Make it easy on yourself and save us a call by sending in your pledge today. Your support is so vital to insure that all of our programming and educational opportunities will be possible in the year ahead. Please consider giving whatever you can to be part of a new Chizuk Amuno tradition as we reach 100% participation. Join us as something very special is happening here and we can all be a part of it. Thank you so very much!!

With thanks for your participation,

Jenny Gamliel & Antony Rosen Hazzan Search Committee Members: Jenny Gamliel (Co-Chair), Antony Rosen (Co-Chair), Sandy Abramoff, Rabbi Marci Jacobs-Aronchick, Yifaat Asher, Marc Attman, Jay Baraban, Jerry Buxbaum, Jeff Cooper, Arnold Feiner, Judy Gerstenblith, Barry Gittlen, Jane Kahn, Rena Lapidus, Laura Reaven, Erica Schon, Meira Silverstein, Jeff Snyder, Charlee Sterling. Ex-officio: Sandi Moffet, Bob Hallock, Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg, Glenn Easton

Pam and Jeffrey Platt

Jamie and Marc Cohen

Kadima Fund Campaign Co-Chairs

CLEAN UP WITH YOUNG PROS! Sunday, October 21, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Join us for Chizuk Amuno’s Young Professionals kick-off event. We’ll be spending the morning at Masonville Cove Environmental Education Center. Led by staff from the National Aquarium, we’ll learn a little about ocean conservancy and then get our hands (and feet) dirty cleaning debris from the shoreline. It’s a great opportunity to make a positive impact in our community and make some like-minded friends in the process. This event is free, however, for those interested in contributing, tzedakah will be collected and donated in support of programs at the Aquarium. Water and snacks provided. RSVP required: Melissa Halpern, mhalpern@chizukamuno.org Page 4

This event is co-sponsored by Chizuk Amuno’s Shmirat Adamah Committee and the One Water Partnership.



On Sunday November 4, we celebrate the installation of Joshua Z. Gruenberg as the eighth Senior Rabbi in the 147-year history of Chizuk Amuno. This special evening will be the culmination of a week of Installation activities that will encompass all parts of our congregation, including our various schools. Participating in the celebration will be Dr. Arnold Eisen, the Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Senator Ben Cardin, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emeritus Emanuel Perlman, and Synagogue President Sandra Moffet. Also participating are Rabbi Aaron Brusso (Rabbi Gruenberg’s brother-in-law), our Kol Rinah A Capella Choir, and the KSDS Choir, as well as a couple of surprise speakers! “In the few short months since Rabbi Gruenberg’s arrival, we have certainly found both an extraordinary rabbi and friend,” shares Sandi Moffet on the installation theme from Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers): “Make for yourself a rabbi, acquire for yourself a friend”. Sandi co-chaired the Senior Rabbi Search Committee along with Stephen Pomerantz who will also participate in the installation evening. Stephanie and Ron Attman, Sarah and Ricky Gratz, and Nancy and Rick Hudes are chairing the installation evening which will conclude with a gala dairy dessert reception in Rabbi Gruenberg’s honor.

As a meaningful way for our families to personally meet and get to know our new senior rabbi, a series of neighborhood coffees with Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg will be hosted over the next 18 months in the homes of our members. Some of the gatherings will be for members in the same neighborhood, some will be for members in the same age or stage of life cohort, and some may be formed simply because a host wishes to invite 20 to 30 friends and neighbors to meet our rabbi. Coordinated by Allison Baumwald and Lee Sherman, members interested in either attending a neighborhood coffee or hosting an evening are invited to e-mail Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org

In the week leading up to the installation, each of our three schools will be participating in an “Installation Spirit Week” of activities with Rabbi Gruenberg, and students in our Achshav and Netivon high school programs will serve as ushers for the installation evening. All attendees will be invited to write special welcome messages, blessings, and good wishes on decorative cards which will be assembled into a keepsake journal as a gift for Rabbi Gruenberg and his family. Please watch for your formal invitation to the installation and join our synagogue and the Baltimore community for this historic celebration in the life of Chizuk Amuno Congregation.

TODAH RABBAH Thank you to these congregants who offered holiday meals to visitors last month: Liba Goldblum & Jay Baraban Jennifer Heller & Joel Turner Miriam & Joel Suldan

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THANKS TO OUR SECURITY GUARDS As we begin a new school and synagogue year, we want to thank our security guards for ensuring our safety throughout the year. Through Defender One Security, run by Jon and Jennifer Krieger, we are grateful to the following security guards:

Matt Attman

Joshua Canete

Matteo Cantelmi

Nitai Gafny

Matt Goodman

Don Gray

Tyler Grier

Angela Larkins-Lucas

David McCullers

Manson Mikel

Peleg Ovadia

Lou Ruzicka

Please share our appreciation with our guards when you see them at the synagogue.

Noah Somerville

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Jean Stanley

August 14, 2018. They’re on their way. Just another few hundred miles to go after a journey of 11,000 miles throughout the American southeast. They are a contingent of nine Israeli 16-17 year olds, accompanied by their 23 and 24 year old Madrichim (counselors). Why are they visiting the US? Theirs is a combined mission and tour with the purpose of bringing the culture of Israel to us in the States. Not only do they sing, dance, act, and perform their 45 minute show at least once, sometimes twice or three times a day, but they also schlep all the props, costumes and scenery including electrical and staging paraphernalia to and from each show to their traveling van and UHaul. They represent Israel’s best. Chosen from 1,000 teens, they are 30 in total, divided into three geographical regions and hosted by volunteer families from the Jewish community. Fortunately, their interactions with American Jews help to dispel the negative images held by some American Jews, particularly Jewish college youth. These Israeli Scouts discuss their life in Israel, including dialogues, interactions, get-togethers, and trips together with Palestinian youth. Thus, Diaspora Jews of all ages learn more about Israel and her multi-faceted society and these interconnections. Hopefully, these budding relationships will lead to blossoming friendships where we can all appreciate Israel, and yet openly express our disappointments when government decisions contradict our values of pluralism, tolerance and acceptance. Let’s pray for a year of greater understanding and cooperation. May 5779 bring stronger and closer ties between our two communities. Submitted by Rita Plaut Member, Chizuk Amuno Israel Engagement Committee


Rena’ s Bat Mitzvah Saturday, November 10, 9:15 a.m.

Shortly you will be receiving by email an invitation to Rena’s Bat Mitzvah. I have been so grateful that over the course of her thirteen years (and even before!) she has been raised in the loving arms of Chizuk Amuno Congregation. Our simcha will not be complete without you, so I hope that you will be a part of our family on November 10 to celebrate with us as Rena becomes the newest member of the adult Jewish community. Services at 9:15 a.m. will be followed by a Kiddush luncheon. Please let us know that you’ll be attending by emailing Rena11.10.18@gmail.com. Please gift Rena only with your presence, no presents. Should you wish to make a donation, you are invited to join me in supporting a Community Kiddush Fund. To encourage other B’nei Mitzvah families to share their simchas (happy occasions) with the entire congregation at a communal Kiddush lunch following services. B'Simcha, Rabbi Debi Wechsler

Our new “Lake Chizzy” retention pond benefited from abundant rains this past summer. Our thanks to Ann Betten and our House & Grounds Committee for ensuring the beautiful upkeep of this new area.

VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Our newest feature in the HaHodesh will introduce you to the unsung heroes in our community. These are our dedicated volunteers who greet you on Shabbat morning, clean Greenspring Avenue so debris does not end up in the bay, deliver meals to members who have just given birth, and tutor undeserved children to give them a better chance in life. They assure that we have a minyan, help asylum-seekers adjust to American culture, provide emergency medical support on the High Holy Days, and serve lunch to about 600 of Baltimore’s homeless once a month. And the list goes on and on. Our volunteers serve our synagogue and greater community in countless ways and help to create the rich and warm ‘home’ that is Chizuk Amuno. For our debut column, we would like you to ‘meet’ Hazel and Hilly Greenstein. Hazel and Hilly immigrated to the United States from South Africa in 1976. Many will recognize them as the former proprietors of zyzyx! They became members of our community in 2011. Once it was time for retirement, they were considering what to do with their time. A mailing from Chizuk Amuno listing several volunteer opportunities in our Gemilut Hasadim initiative caught their attention. And that was the beginning of a wonderful and fulfilling partnership. Over the last several years, they have participated with our monthly Ronald McDonald House and Our Daily Bread sessions – often bringing their granddaughter, Madison, a KSDS graduate. Hazel is also a prolific member of our Knitting Havurah. They are regulars each year when we prepare BBQ chicken for Our Daily Bread and they have both helped out at our bi-annual Mitzvah Fair and annual Purim Carnival. When you see Hazel and Hilly, please be sure to thank them for their significant and much appreciated contributions.

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Sunday, October 7, 10 a.m. | Free admission.

The Best Place on Earth by Ayelet Tsabari

Joe Hyams is London born and educated, with a background in Media & Marketing Communications. Connecting his media know-how to a desire to improve Israel’s image abroad, Joe made Aliyah, joining Honest Reporting in 2005. He trains Israel supporters the world over in the identification of media bias and effective responses in the digital age. He has lectured to Jewish Federations, AIPAC National Policy Conference, as well as school and community events across the USA, South America, Australia and Hong Kong. Please RSVP to Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org. SPONSORED BY THE CHIZUK AMUNO ISRAEL ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE

NAVIGATING TROPE Cantor Joel Lichterman Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m. 5 Sessions: October 17 - November 14 Free for Chizuk Amuno members ; Community learners $10 per class ; $100 for unlimited clergy / staff classes Many of us are hesitant to explore unfamiliar biblical Hebrew texts and often unable to decipher the unfamiliar markings and annotations placed under and over the script to guide its ritual chanting. It is these very markings, called “trope” that serve as invaluable tools in reading, pronouncing, singing, and mastering the language. Learning to apply the trope (cantillation) markings is a transformative experience, like deciphering a once inaccessible code which, once broken, opens a new world of opportunities. Many of my past students have said that learning trope is like solving a mystery! Not only are you able to more fully participate in the ritual life of your synagogue, you quickly gain new insights into and an understanding of our religion and many of our treasured rituals. At first, learning trope might seem challenging, if not an exercise in futility! However, once you have mastered the basic “foundational” tropes, the system is quite straightforward and logical in its practical application. Some of my past students are parents of b’nei and b’not mitzvah who encouraged their children by studying with them. Many of these parents were expected to simply memorize the texts as they prepared for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah years ago, and missed a golden opportunity to deepen their connection with practical Judaism. Whatever it is that motivates you, memories, sentiment, the desire to commemorate a milestone, on the occasion of yahrtzeit, or studying alongside your child, the ability to chant Torah or a Haftarah links you with and gives you greater ownership of our unique and age old tradition. I look forward to guiding you on an exciting new journey! - Cantor Joel Lichterman Page 8

Sunday October 28 at 9:15 a.m.

Led by Karen Desser These eleven short stories mostly focus on Israel’s Mizrahi Jews (from North Africa), featuring mothers and children, soldiers and bohemians, lovers and best friends, all searching for their place in the world. We’ll discuss this beautifully written, compelling book which gets to the heart of contemporary Israel. RSVP to Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or 410-486-6400 ext. 288

HAZAK BEGINS NEW YEAR WITH LUNCH AND LEARN AT PEARLSTONE HAZAK is Chizuk Amuno’s ongoing educational and social program for adults 55+. We meet for Lunch and Learn monthly. Our first program, Thursday, October 25, will be at the Pearlstone Farm. Calling all omnivores, carnivores and vegetarians! No matter your preference, we all eat vegetables and fruit that are grown on farms. We care about how it is sown, grown, harvested and brought to our table. We care about the ethics regarding the hard-working folks who undertake the tasks of caring for our food products before they reach our tables. Did you know that the Torah has laws governing the harvesting of produce? Join us for a hands-on, mind-sharpening “lunch and learn” adventure at the Pearlstone Farm. We will have the opportunity to participate in a small harvest, the joy of sitting down to eat the fruits of our labor in the company of one another, and the enjoyment of an early fall day, with no worries. We will carpool from the Chizuk Amuno parking at 11:30 a.m. and we will return by 2:30 p.m.. The program is free. Lunch is only $15. Please call Doris Tanhoff in to register, 410-824-2055.


Classes are free for Chizuk Amuno members. Community learners are $10 per class or $100 for unlimited clergy & staff classes. Registration required.

NEW! SIXTY YEARS OF TRADITION AND CHANGE Rabbi Paul D. Schneider Mondays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. October 15 – December 17, 2018 During 1958, Rabbi Mordecai Waxman published the volume that defined Conservative Judaism at the time. It was called Tradition and Change. Anyone who wanted to know about the movement and where it stood on major issues was directed to that book. In the 60 years since publication of Tradition and Change, Conservative Judaism has confronted the very same issues that have challenged societal norms in general. At every juncture, the movement’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has struggled with the tension between tradition and change addressing issues including egalitarianism and sexuality. Through the lens of the deliberations of the Law Committee, this course will examine some of these monumental changes.

NEW! “TALKING BOOKS” TALKING TO BOOKS THAT TALK TO US Judy Meltzer and Helen Lewis Wednesdays, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. 2018: October 10; November 7; December 5; 2019: January 16; February 27; March 13; May 15 Join us in reading and discussing outstanding short stories about Jewish characters who were shaped by the forces of history. Coffee plus treat. Required: The un-Americans by Mary Antopol

NEW! JOSEPH: THE EARLY YEARS Rabbi Stuart Seltzer Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m. October 9 - December 18, 2018 Please note: Class is limited to 20 people. Joseph story takes place over the last 4 Torah portions of the book of Genesis. This class will study the first of these Torah portions, “Vayeshev,” which introduces the reader to Joseph and his brothers. In this first of four “family albums” we will look closely at Joseph’s colored coat, his dreams of grandeur, his sale into slavery, his servitude in Potiphar’s house, and his imprisonment in the royal jail. Through “snapshots” of Joseph’s life during his early years before his ascent to power in Egypt, we will study the details provided and speculate about the details that are omitted. Through various rabbinic and modern commentators, and our own imagination, we will explore human nature, behavior, and relationships. We will use the original Hebrew text, as well as various English translations.

TALMUD CLASS - “YOMA” Rabbi Avram Reisner Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. October 10, 17, 24, 31; November 7, 14, 28; December 5, 12, 19, 2018 * Fee: $50 Chizuk Amuno members / $100 community learners per semester This year we will study Yoma – Chapter 8 of the Talmud. “Yoma” means “the day” and is a reference to Yom Kippur. This chapter addresses the rules of “afflicting yourself” on Yom Kippur followed by a general consideration of repentance. This is a new chapter and class is not dependent on previous participation. Newcomers are welcome to join. We will present the text in Hebrew/ Aramaic with my full translation, and you will have before you both the Hebrew/ Aramaic text and the translation offered by Adin Steinsaltz, as well as his notes.

NEW! CURRENT EVENTS RABBI JOSHUA Z. GRUENBERG Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Beginning October 9, 2018 You may or may not know that Rabbi Gruenberg was a political science major in college, and actually thought about going into politics. Naturally like all failed politicians, he became a pulpit rabbi. In the Jewish tradition, Civil Discourse has always been an ethos. In fact, given the political climate in America today, modeling civil discourse is an art that Jewish communities can practice to serve as a light unto the nations. Join Rabbi Gruenberg for a discussion on the hottest topics and issues facing society today. We will discuss Israel, the United States, and all things political refracted through the lens of Jewish values and focusing on the future of the relationship between these historic allies. This will be a fun and spirited class open to all, with the only rules being respectful listening and no interrupting.

MISHNAH Rabbi Debi Wechsler Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Beginning October 11, 2018 Mishnah is the “other half” of the Torah received by Moses at Sinai. This concentrated book of Jewish law will be our guide as we wander through Seder Moed, the Order of the Mishnah concerning holidays. Texts will be presented in both Hebrew and English. Beginners are most welcome.

STULMAN CENTER FOR ADULT LEARNING For questions about our classes and/or registration call us at 410-486-6400 x. 288 or email dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org

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THE PERFECT GIFT Every once in a while, you come up with the perfect gift. The Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood has done just that for our graduating Netivon and Achshav students, all of whom have a new and important door in their lives. Last month, these students walked into their new college dorm rooms. Sisterhood gave each student a beautiful mezuzah as a sign upon these new doorposts. A mezuzah is a perfect gift to symbolize beginnings – a blessing for their new lives. A few weeks ago, Ethan Swartz's parents sent this photo of Ethan putting up his mezuzah on the doorpost of his dorm room. They were so moved by Ethan wanting to do this, and so was I. Every time Ethan goes in and out, he will take with him the lessons of his parents and 4 years in Achshav, engaging with Jewish friends, texts, values and questions - symbolized so well by Sisterhood's gift. - Rabbi Stuart Seltzer

THE RABBI AND THE QUEEN On the first day of school, the entire Rosenbloom Religious School community welcomed Rabbi Gruenberg and presented him with a personalized card with everyone's signature. Rabbi Gruenberg told the students how happy he was to be here and that he looked forward to getting to know them and their families. He sounded the shofar, and explained its significance. Rabbi Gruenberg wished the kids a year filled with health, happiness and success in school. Rabbi Seltzer also introduced the students to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, who died this summer. In honor of her memory, he taught the students one of her greatest hits, R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Like the teachings of the rabbis, Aretha Franklin's song taught the importance of practicing respect in our everyday interactions with people. Rabbi Seltzer taught the students the Hebrew word “kavod,” which means honor or respect. He explained to the students that in Jewish terms, respect is not related to how you feel about someone. It's about how you behave. According to the rabbis, “kavod” is not something that must be earned. Rather, it is something inherent to us as human beings. Rabbi Seltzer encouraged the students to help make Rosenbloom Religious School a community that learns about and gives people respect. At the conclusion of the opening assembly, each student received a picture in words of the Hebrew idea for respect, KAVOD: Kindness shows respect for people. Ask yourself, “Am I being respectful?” Voice your respect in words and deeds. Others deserve respect because they are the children of God. Day by day, let your respect for life grow. Page 10

CHIZUK AMUNO HOSTS BETH EL AND BETH ISRAEL FOR ITS OPENING ACHSHAV AND NETIVON PROGRAM On Tuesday evening, October 9th, Chizuk Amuno will welcome its new and returning Achshav and Netivon students for another wonderful year. We are excited to announce that this year, our new rabbi, Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg, and Phil Jacobs will be joining our dedicated staff. In addition, four shinshinim or teen ambassadors from Ashkelon, Bar Ling, Yonatan Kantarowicz, Yael Israel, and Shani Kalmonovich will be leading our teens in experiential programming to strengthen their relationship with Israel. This year's opening program will honor the teens of Chizuk Amuno, Beth El and Beth Israel for choosing to continue their Jewish education in High School with a celebratory dinner, icebreakers, and a special concert by Ari Lesser, a Jewish rapper, singer, songwriter, and spoken word artist.

MUSIC TOGETHER® AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION Goldsmith Early Childhood Center and Chizuk Amuno Congregation are thrilled to be hosting Music Together®, a weekly music and movement class for families. It's Groovy Baby Music Together won Nickelodeon's Parents Pick Award for "Best Music Class in Baltimore!" as well as "Best Music Class in Towson!" Starting October 9, we will have classes on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (class is now full), 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. for an 11 week session featuring the "Fiddle Collection" (new music each season). For class details and registration, go to www.itsgroovybaby.com



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We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim program, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.

NEW! KNITTING FOR NIGHTOWLS Wednesday, November 7, 7-8:30 p.m. You asked for it and now you’ve got it! For all you knitters and crochet-ers who couldn’t make it to our daytime Knitting Havurah due to your work schedule – please plan to join us for our new evening session. We’ll be making baby blankets, winter scarves, baby caps, and twiddlemuffs. To express interest or RSVP, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org

KNITTING HAVURAH Wednesday, October 17, 2-3:30 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Snyderman Todah Rabbah to our participants in July and August: Vivian Chait, Edna Crystal, Maureen David, Linda Eisenberg, Susan Ezrine, Elaine Gittlen, Hazel Greenstein, Irene Himelfarb, Esther Marsiglia, Betty Medalie, Sande Mitchell, Eileen Schultz, Margot Terle, and Harriet Udell. We are very appreciative of our yarn donors: Edna Crystal, Vivian Chait, Jacob Deutch, Linda Eisenberg, Hazel Greenstein, and our anonymous donor (through the Collection Center in the coatroom). We would also like to thank Jenny Baker for her contribution of old jewelry which will be used to adorn twiddlemuffs. Lastly, Forrest Foss delivered 30 baby blankets to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and Roy Ziegelstein delivered 10 twiddlemuffs to Johns Hopkins Memory and Alzheimer’s Treatment Center on their Bayview campus. We thank each of them for being our shaliakh, our messenger.


ART WITH A HEART Sunday, November 18, 1–3 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity for families with children ages 6 and over. Contact: Claire Freeland, cfreeland@gmail.com Todah Rabbah to our August participants: Claire Freeland (leader), Howard Freeland, Lisa Levine, Israela Meyerstein, Claudia Pak, and Laura Stein

READING PARTNERS With the start of the new school year – it’s the perfect time to get involved! To volunteer or for more information, please contact Fran Glushakow Gould, 443-691-0133.

ADOPT-A-ROAD Todah Rabbah to our August participants: Irwin Golob (leader), Moe Brown, Jay Finkel, Garrett Rifkind, and Nick Rifkind Page 12

Wednesday, October 17, 4-7 p.m. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, hellerk25@aol.com Todah Rabbah to our July and August participants: Heller Kreshtool (leader), Ayala Asher, Yifaat Asher, Alan Becker, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet Brown, Hillary Crystal, Miriam Golob, Carol Gratz, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Janet Kantor, Rona Sue London, Saundra Madoff, Sande Mitchell, Rita Plaut, Hazel Radowsky, Michael Radowsky, Marcia Scherr, Maxine Seidman, Alana Snyder, Cheryl Snyderman, Susan Straus, and Marsha Yoffe

GH2 (GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP) In this project lending support to four asylum seekers, we will be providing experiences to help these men learn about our community and American culture. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Margie Simon, mbs827@verizon.net, or Jennie Rothschild, jzrothschild@comcast.net.

OUR DAILY BREAD Sunday, October 21, 9 a.m. Contact: Lily Massouda, 410-653-9173 or lmassouda@gmail.com Todah Rabbah to our July and August participants: Lily Massouda (leader), Hilary Benjamin, Isaac Benjamin, Michael Benjamin, Barbara Cohen, David Flax, Rebecca Flax, Tamie Flax, Ruth Gann, Frank Greenstein, Hazel Greenstein, Hilly Greenstein, Madison Greenstein, Arlene Klaff, and Cheryl Snyderman





Contact Amy Blavatt, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org. If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Amy your e-mail address.

Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President, pvfc3251@verizon.net

UPCOMING EVENTS: KOSHER COOKING WITH COOKBOOK AUTHOR SUSIE FISHBEIN Wednesday, October 17, 6:30 p.m. Presentation to begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. We are pleased to welcome Kosher cookbook author Susie Fishbein to Chizuk Amuno. Susie has been described as the “Kosher Martha Stewart” and will present tips, tidbits, and samples of her cooking. There will be a book signing after this event. Cookbooks are sold in our Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop. Space is limited, so please send in your payment as your RSVP. $55/person. Pay online at tinyurl.com/chizuk-susiefishbein or checks can be made payable to Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 We will not be accepting payment at the door due to the popularity of this event. Any questions, please contact Amy Blavatt at amyblavatt@comcast.net. SAVE THE DATE PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW SPRING BUS TRIP Sunday, March 13, 2019 Details to follow. Questions, please contact Donna Friedman, donnagfried@comcast.net

The Brotherhood will be holding the first in a series of four lectures for our Men-Meat & Midrash. Our first session will be on Wednesday October 24, at 7 p.m. in the Esterson. Rabbi Gruenberg will be our lecturer for all four sessions. The series will be on the Book of Judges. Our first lecture will be on Deborah, Barak & Yael-A tale of military might and espionage. A delicious meal will be served, Dessert, Beer, Soda & Water. Cost is $12 per person.


October should be a better month for shop hours! So, we will take advantage and run a SALE! Take 25% off ANYTHING for your HOME (so anything in the shop except jewelry and tallitot). Be sure to check the cart for additional items that may be at a deeper discount! Be sure to get your Boscov’s Friends and Family Day Discount Pass at the shop. Only $5 per pass will get you a great discount on top of additional discounts on Tuesday, October 16th at any participating Boscov’s (hint – there is one in Westminster and the shopping day usually includes GREAT discounts on most of the merchandise!) Reminder – have a simcha coming up? We have great wedding, B’nei Mitzvah, and baby gifts. Plus, many of the customized items that you need for your simcha (Kippot, Tallitot, Simcha Scrolls, and more) are available at the shop. Before you shop online – be sure to stop by and see our options!

SHOP HOURS: Sunday 10-Noon, Monday 10-Noon, 2-4pm, Tues-Thursday 10-Noon, 2-6pm, Friday 10-Noon Please remember that when schools and the synagogue are closed then we are closed! And…our shop is run entirely by volunteers so please be patient and nice.

Mail your checks into the Brotherhood or pay online at tinyurl.com/menmeatmidrash18 RSVP by Wednesday, October 17

BROTHERHOOD BLOOD DRIVE Thursday, October 18 12:30 - 6 p.m. Little known FACT: your blood donation can save not just 1, but up to 3 lives. Call Warren Gould, 301-602-0017 to reserve your special time to donate life-saving blood. Page 13


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B'nei Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to their families.

In Loving Memory

Lake Hyla Kazam, daughter of Caroline & Elan Kazam, granddaughter of Harriet & William Helfand and Wendy & Tsion Kazam, and great-granddaughter of Rosamond & Dr. Israel Helfand

In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Joan Kaiser, mother of Dr. Robert Mark Kaiser and Susan Lynn Kaiser

Julius Alexander Perlman, son of Deborah & Steven Perlman and grandson of Janice & Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and Leah & Daniel Rubenstein

We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Evelyn & Dr. Gary Brager, on the loss of their son, Robert Andrew “Robbie” Brager

OCTOBER 13 FRANCESCA GRACE PLOVAN GAVRIELLA daughter of Faye Feldman & Bradley Plovan

Hanna Faith Ungar, daughter of Nina & Brett Ungar, granddaughter of Randee & Ron Glassman, Marla Sabin and Jerry Ungar, and greatgranddaughter of Bea Radinsky

Dr. Bernard “Buddy” Cohen, on the loss of his mother, Phyllis Cohen

OCTOBER 20 LIOR REUT GAMLIEL LIOR REUT daughter of Jenny & Dr. Ziv Gamliel

We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness.


OCTOBER 27 FIONA NIAMH WILLIAMSON CHAVA daughter of Vicki & Geoffrey Williamson

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Meirav Aviah Franck, daughter of Rabbi Ilana & Raphael Franck and granddaughter of Forrest Foss & Miriam Foss z’l, and Martine & Claude z’l Franck Kevin Paul Isaac, son of Michelle Newman & Ryan L. Isaac, grandson of Wendy & Barry Isaac, and great-grandson of Marion Isaac Page 14

Births (cont.)


Emily Fine, daughter of Kathy and Richard Fine z’l and granddaughter of Carole Buchman, to Garrett Levy, son of Karen & Harvey Levy

Weddings We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Jonathan Mogol, son of Ellen & Alan Mogol and grandson of Irene Epstein, to Wendy Bronfein, daughter of Jessica & Michael Bronfein Leland Nislow, son of Stephanie & Eric Nislow and grandson of Bernice & Harvey Fineman, Judy & Fred Nislow and Chase Solomon z’l, to Nataly Shwartz, daughter of Marina & Avi Shwartz and granddaughter of Ray Kozuch

Brett Ungar, on the loss of his grandfather, Ira Sabin As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Shari Karp Brady Dr. Allister Suarez Hannah Crystal Dr. Jennifer & David Schneyer Samantha, Connor Josue Flores Jennifer & Michael Fox Rory, Alexa, Riley Lindsay & Matthew Rausch Gregory, Lucas, Julien Dr. Jonathan Golub Zachary, Eli, Samantha

Members in the News Alan Mogol was named as one of the Best Lawyers in America in the 2019 Edition of “The Best Lawyers in America.” Anna Davis was selected as a 2018 Leadership in Law Honoree by The Daily Record.


Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our

schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue.

CONGREGATIONAL GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Harvey Sindler in memory of Stanley Adler Jay & Miriam Gerstenblith in memory of Theodore Gerstenblith Jody & David Ginsberg in memory of Zita Danker Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of Bob Wolf's 70th birthday

CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH CONTRIBUTION FUND Cindy & Glenn Easton in honor of the aufruf of Amy Easton and Zack Steinborn

FLORAL FUND GENERAL DONATIONS Dr. Steven & Mrs. Karen Caplan with thanks Dorothy Rainess in memory of Irving Sax Sylvia Gamerman in memory of Brian Gamerman

Jenny Baker in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Paulette & Jay Pollack & Dawn Reznik in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Dr. Sandra Steingart wishing Mazal Tov to Janice & Hazzan Emanuel Perlman on the birth of their grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Dr. Warren & Mrs. Lily Massouda wishing Mazal Tov on the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman’s grandson Julius Alexander Perlman



Arthur & Herta Baitch in memory of Belle Baitch, Joseph Baitch, Mary Friedlander, Harry Friedlander, Wolf Griffel & Beila Griffel

Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the engagement of Stephanie & Eric Nislow's son Leland to Nataly Shwartz


GOLDNER RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday: Ilene Becker, Arlene & Ron Berman, Moe & Harriet Brown, Jo Cohen, Stephen Bierer & Rhona Cohen, Rhona & Sonny Freiman, Susan, Anna, Samuel, Viviana & David Lorch, Rabbi P. Michael & Mrs. Israela Meyerstein, Arnold & Elke Neuburger, Michael & Hazel Radowsky, Mr. & Mrs. M. David Richman, Jerry & Ruth Ross, Maxine Seidman, Cheryl Snyderman & Alan Guttman, Mende Lerner & Harriett Stein, Richard & Harriet Udell, Lauren Wallen & baby Wallen, Margot Zipper Irv & Sharon Caplan in honor of Florene & Ron Goldner's 55th anniversary & Ron's 80th birthday Mace & Edna Crystal in honor of Florene & Ron Goldner's 55th anniversary & Ron's 80th birthday Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Rabbi Gruenberg & his family joining our Chizuk Amuno Congregation Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Harriet & Moe Brown's daughter Betsy Forester becoming a Rabbi Marlene Pollack in honor of the ordination of Harriet & Moe Brown's daughter Betsy Forester and Betsy's installation as Rabbi of Beth Israel Center Fran Pressman in memory of Beatrice Goldberg Moe & Harriet Brown in memory of Dr. Marvin Brown Jerry & Judy Caplan wishing Mazal Tov to Ron Goldner for his reading from the Torah on his special birthday

GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER TZEDAKAH FUND Sharon Rose in honor of Dr. Ronald Goldner's 80th birthday Jeffrey & Barbara Snyder in memory of Leonard Strakowsky

HAZZAN EMANUEL PERLMAN MUSIC FUND Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of the birth of Manny & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman

Sarajane & Arthur Brown in honor of Bob Wolf's 70th birthday

JARED SCOTT LEVY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mark & Linda Levy in memory of Lois Hoffman

KSDS ARNOLD & ELKE NEUBURGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Arnold & Elke Neuburger wishing Sandra Glass a speedy and complete recovery

KSDS ELI & YETTA MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jordon & Beverly Max in honor of the engagement of Cindy & Glenn Easton's daughter Lisa to Kenny Davis

KSDS GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Ken & Edina Stoller & family wishing Mazal Tov to the Gerstenblith family on the birth of Ezra Yair

KSDS I. LEON GLASSGOLD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jackie Glassgold in honor of the birth of Harriet & Bill Helfand's granddaughter Lake Hyla Kazam Jackie Glassgold in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman

KSDS KURT & ERNA WEILER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Linda Cole wishing Mazal Tov & congratulations to Lori Cole on the publication of her book

KSDS LOUIS & ESTHER MILLER LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Ira Miller in honor of the birth of Barbara & Dr. Howard Siegel & Esther Miller's grandson & great grandson Elliott Pierce Eisenberg

KSDS MARTHA B. KAYNE MEMORIAL TIKKUN OLAM AWARD FUND Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of the birth of Heller & Jeffrey Kreshtool’s grandson, Brooks Ryan Levine Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of the engagement of Cindy & Glenn Easton daughter, Lisa to Kenny Davis Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Bruce & Barbara Lewbart for their double simchas of a special birthday and anniversary Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Marilyn & Paul Schneider's special 50th Anniversary Dr. Seth Glassman & Mrs. Debbie Gilbert Glassman in honor of Ann & Dan Fried on the birth of their latest grandchild

KSDS MINNIE GARBER & ROSE GREENBERG SCHOLARSHIP Sondra Greenberg in honor of Susan & Allan Greenberg Sondra Greenberg in honor of Marc Greenberg

KSDS PAUL D. SCHNEIDER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Glenn & Cindy Easton in honor of Rabbi Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider's 50th anniversary

KSDS REZNIK FRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dawn Reznik & Family in memory of Pat Nurick Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Robbie Brager Janine & Rob Frier in memory of Jacqueline Tucker Paulette & Jay Pollack in memory of Linda Golub’s beloved daughter Erin

KSDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. & Mrs. Anton Grobani wishing Edna Hendler a speedy recovery Gil & Ann Abramson in honor of birth of Miriam & Jay Gerstenblith's grandson Ezra Yair Gerstenblith Judy & Joel Berman in honor of Bill & Mollie's anniversary & thanks for being so helpful Marty Zuckerman in honor of Rabbi Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider's 50th wedding anniversary Maxine Seidman in honor of the marriage of Jay Barbaran & Liba Goldblum's son Gabe Dr. Steven & Mrs. Marjorie Hoffman in memory of Stanley Adler Gary & Garth Ann Gerstenblith in memory of Theodore Gerstenblith Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Robert "Robbie" Brager Stephen Leven in memory of Eunice Leven Rudy & Arlene Fleischmann in memory of Lurie Fleischmann Dr. & Mrs. Anton Grobani wishing Mazal Tov to Barbara & Dr. Howard Siegel on the birth of their grandson, Elliott Pierce Eisenberger, and their daughter Stacy's engagement to Jason Steinberg

KSDS SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND Dr. Marshall & Mrs. Rita Plaut & Family in honor of Dr. Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider's 50th anniversary Maxine Seidman in honor of Rabbi Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider's 50th anniversary

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KSDS STANLEY I. MINCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bill & Sue Crystal in honor of Mace & Edna Crystal's 66th wedding anniversary

LOUIS BARRY GERSHEN OUR DAILY BREAD FUND Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Barbara Blumberg all good things in her new home Michael & Myra Gershen in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Michael & Myra Gershen in memory of Marian Rosenthal Vivian & Phil Chait in memory of Stanley Adler Michael & Myra Gershen wishing Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Marty Zayon on their 50th anniversary

MEMORIAL FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Barbara Mandel & Ellen Mandel Maltz in memory of Marvin Mandel Beverly Berman, Gail & Samuel Weingram, Mindy & David Caplan & Joanne & Pat Forrest in memory of Bernard Berman Gale Herr Sarubin in memory of Robert Thomas Kaufman Gale Herr Sarubin in memory of Paula Porter Gale Herr Sarubin in memory of Carole Phyllis Mannes Hanan Sibel in memory of Simcho Sibel Howard Forman & Elaine Weinstein in memory of Stanley Adler Joel Kaufman & Family in memory of Robert Thomas Kaufman Margi Okum in memory of Fanny Mae Okum & Alfred Okum Marshall & Doris Tanhoff in memory of Joyce L. Katz Millie Fisher in memory of Meta Guthorn Barry S. Glass in memory of Shirley Glass Barry Wolfe in memory of Reuben Wolfe Gordon Salganik in memory of George Rosen Richard Fairman in memory of Benjamin Fairman, Bernard Soref, Hannah Sarah Fairman & Helen Soref Elaine Plant in memory of Dorothy Caplan Ethel Klein in memory of 14 family members for 2018-19 Florence Max in memory of Howard Max Marion Isaac in memory of Sylvan Isaac Sue Grudziecki in memory of Amanda Grudziecki Susan Liss in memory of Baird Michelson

MIRIAM FOSS GEMILUT HASADIM MEMORIAL FUND Dr. Andrew Miller in memory of Rubin Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis in memory of Lottie Steinberg

MORNING MINYAN FUND Beverly Moses with thanks Bruce & Amy Chapper wishing a Mazal Tov to Allister Suarez on joining the Chizuk Amuno family Jackie Glassgold in honor of Arnie & Lisa Feiner's anniversary Marcia Klein with thanks to Dr. Shualy Elliott Rudnick with thanks Edward & Sande Mitchell in honor of the birth of Randee & Ronald Glassman's grandchildren: Talia Aliza Mako, Eliezer Moses Glassman & Hannah Faith Ungar Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of the birth of Randee & Ronald Glassman's granddaughter Hanna Faith Howard & Barbara Cohen in honor of Randee Glassman's 65th birthday Les & Audrey Polt in honor of the upcoming marriage of Bernice & Harvey Fineman's grandson Leland Nislow to Nataly Shwartz Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the yartzeit of Dr. Benjamin Berdann

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Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of the yartzeit of Milton B. Silverman Margot Zipper in honor of Randee Glassman's 65th birthday Margot Zipper in honor of the engagement of Esther Miller's granddaughter Stacy Siegel to Dr. Jason Steinberg Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman's grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Nina & Brett Ungar's daughter Hanna Faith Ruthanne Kaufman in honor of the birth of Randee & Ron Glassman's granddaughter Hanna Faith Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in honor of Ruthanne Kaufman for all she does for Chizuk Amuno Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in honor of 75th birthday of Michael Wallach Anita Schulman & Family in memory of Franklin Schulman Dr. Jay Rudo in memory of Frederick Rudo Howard Wagenheim in memory of Zelda Wagenheim Larry & Carol Gilbert in memory of Alexander Gilbert Lynne Lichtig in memory of Sylvia Gorger Margie Simon in memory of Joseph Simon Michael & Libby Monias in memory of F. Helene Monias, Jacob Rotman & Anna P. Monias Sarajane & Arthur Brown in memory of Robbie Brager Amy & Hugh Schwartz in memory of Robert Andrew Brager Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis in memory of Stanley Adler Mace Crystal in memory of Esther Crystal Norris Brodsky in memory of Pearl Vogel Robert Manekin in memory of Bernard Manekin Sarah Bohn in memory of Jeffrey Goldman Shirley Adler in memory of Elsie Adler Linda Katz in memory of Judy Kolker Patsy Milner in memory of Dorothy Bulmash Robert & Virginia Kass in memory of Louisa Baskin Sam & Rosalind Oppenheim in memory of Marian Waldman Susan Schehr in memory of Mark Rosenblatt Amy & Hugh Schwartz wishing Mazel Tov to Janice & Hazzan Emanuel Perlman on the birth of their grandson Julius Alexander Perlman Dr. Michael Klaff with thanks for Dr. Jerry Hoffman's genealogy research Sonny & Kaye Kreitman with thanks to Dr. Moshe D. Shualy for his kindness and support

PATHWAYS TO MENSCHLIKEIT FUND Larry & Lynne Lichtig in honor of Bob Wolf's 70th birthday Mace & Edna Crystal in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter Rebecca Tucker in memory of Barbara Leibowitz Lichter

PRAYER BOOK FUND Jay Baraban & Liba Goldblum in honor of Rabbi Stuart Seltzer by Gabe & Rachel Baraban Michael & Lynn Gittleson & Family in honor of Richard Crystal's 65th birthday Dr. Warren & Mrs. Lily Massouda in memory of beloved sister Terri

RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Irwin & Miriam Golob in honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday Mark & Fran Pressman in memory of Anna Edelstein

ROSENBLOOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND Melissa Berman & Family in memory of Ethan Haas's grandmother

SELMA & ALVIN BLAKER ENDOWMENT FUND Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Stella Zanoff Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Leonard Cohen

SPECIAL OFFERING CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT Fred & Judy Zimmerman in honor of Harriet Udell's Special Birthday Jenny Baker in honor of the birth of Hazzan & Janice Perlman grandson, Julius Alexander Perlman Michael & Hazel Radowsky in honor of the marriage of Albert & Beth Blumberg's son Daniel Michael & Hazel Radowsky in honor of Ed & Sande Mitchell's 50th Anniversary Bob & Linda Eisenberg in honor of Bob Wolf's special birthday Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Sandy Steingart's 75th birthday Bruce & Barbara Lewbart in honor of Harriet Udell's 75th birthday Canasta Girls - Lynn, Arlene, Janet & Marge in honor of Joyce & Louis Kaplan's niece Renee Kaplan's marriage to Mark Schwartzman Canasta Girls - Lynn, Arlene, Janet & Marge in honor of Benita Schwartzman's son Mark's marriage to Renee Kaplan Dick & Marsha Manekin in honor of the engagement of Karen Garber & Andy Sandler's daughter Shira to Max Simchowitz Donald & Eileen Himelfarb in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Bill Smulyan's 50th wedding anniversary Gary & Garth Ann Gerstenblith in honor of the birth of Miriam & Jay Gerstenblith & Shira & Ted Avi Gerstenblith's grandson & son Ezra Yair Gerstenblith Martin & Marilynn Kinstler in honor of Bob Wolf's special birthday Michael & Hazel Radowsky in honor of the birth of Ted Avi & Shira Gerstenblith's son Ezra Yair Gerstenblith Michael & Hazel Radowsky thanking Susan & David Straus for their kindness & friendship Rabbi Paul & Mrs. Marilyn Schneider in honor of their 50th anniversary Beverly Penn in memory of Stanley Adler Cherie Hochberg in memory of Stanley Adler Dick & Marsha Manekin in memory of Stanley Adler Emily & Ron Meyers in memory of Stanley Adler Howard & Carol Caplan in memory of Stanley Adler Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Dr. Stephen Greenhouse Jenny Baker in memory of Robert Andrew Brager Ethan Haas in memory of Ian Scher Mende Lerner in memory of Fay Brown Mende Lerner in memory of Anna Lerner Pat & Susan Wilson Stanzione in memory of Stanley Adler Saul & Joan Gurney in memory of Stanley Adler Saul & Joan Gurney in memory of Bernard Siegel Dr. Sandra Steingart wishing Mazel Tov to Jay & Miriam Gerstenblith & Helen Lewis on the birth of their grandchild and great grandchild Dr. Sandra Steingart wishing Mazal Tov to Cindy & Glenn Easton on the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their daughter Amy to Zack Steinborn Dr. Donald Katzner with thanks

SPECIAL OFFERING - GEMILUT HASADIM Gail Lipsitz with thanks to Chizuk Amuno for hosting the Hebrew Class Sonya Gichner in honor of Margie Simon's birthday


SPECIAL OFFERING GOLDSMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Art & Eena Feld in honor of Dr. Ron Goldner's 80th birthday Barbara & Earle Falck in honor of Special birthday for Dr. Ronald Goldner Bruce & Amy Chapper in honor of birth of Ann & Dan Fried's grandson Garrett Fried David & Ronda Silbermann in honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday Jerry & Gail Kurman in honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday Suzanne Katz in honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday Seymour & Benita Lozinsky in honor of Florene & Ron Goldner's 55th anniversary and Ron's 80th birthday Stanley & Eleanor Katz in honor of Ron Goldner and the reading of his Haftorah Stuart & Judith Poltilove in honor of Ron Goldner's 80th birthday

TZEDAKAH FUND Jay & Marsha Gamerman in honor of the engagements of Cindy & Glenn Easton's daughters Lisa & Amy Barry & Carole Forman in memory of Stanley Adler Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Annette Rayman Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Mark Strumwasser Glenn & Cindy Easton in memory of Irwin Epstein Steven Mandell in memory of Barbara Mandell

WAGNER BRILL MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND Scott & Lois Cohen in memory of Howard Brill Elizabeth, Mark, Lee & Josh Borris in memory of Howard Brill Sarajane Greenfeld with thanks to Rabbi Nina & Avram Reisner

DR. SHUALY’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in honor of Dr. Shualy Dr. Arnold Feldman in memory of Harry & Mary Cooperstein Jeffrey & Karen Zale in memory of Lillian Zale Lou & Joyce Kaplan with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for officiating at the wedding of Renee Kaplan & David Schwartzman

RABBI GRUENBERG’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Davis Family Philanthropic Fund Robert & Wendy Davis with thanks to Rabbi Gruenberg Ron & Jane Kahn in honor of their 50th anniversary & in gratitude to Chizuk Amuno Fred Heyman in memory of Howard Brill

RABBI SCHNEIDER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Sonny & Kaye Kreitman in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Rabbi & Mrs. Schneider

RABBI WECHSLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Beverly Wiseman in honor of Edna & Mace Crystal's 66th wedding anniversary Dr. Albert Pats in memory of Leah Leavey Loretta Hirshfeld in memory of Willie Hirshfeld Sally & Arthur Grant wishing Mazal Tov to Helen Lewis and family on the birth of Ezra Yair Gerstenblith Nolan Aiken & Cat Kane with thanks to Rabbi Wechsler for all her support Stephen Levinson and Gail Shawe in memory of Bernice S. Levinson

RAISING AWARENESS: A JEWISH COMMUNITY GATHERING AND DISCUSSION ON SUICIDE As a response to the growing trend in suicides, in August Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Jewish Community Services (JCS) joined together to begin a conversation within our community on the topic. In addition to Chizuk Amuno and JCS, the program was co-sponsored by The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, JMore Magazine, and Sol Levinson & Bros. Our featured speaker was Kat Olbrich, Director of the Maryland office of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Kat shared statistics regarding suicide as it relates to age, gender, and personal situations. She discussed behavior that could serve as warning signs as well as responsible, affective responses to those signs. Rabbi Gruenberg served as the moderator for the evening. In his opening remarks, he referred to the historical response to suicide within the Jewish community and emphasized that today it is understood that we must be connected to each other and care for each other. Our panelists included Jewish Community Services professional staff members: Stacey Meadows, Supervisor for Therapy Services, who spoke about the stigma attached to mental health issues; Howard Reznick, Manager for Prevention Education, who discussed the suicide epidemic among youth and offered a basic approach to communicating with teens in order to lessen the likelihood of a suicide; and Rachael Schultz Abrams, clinician and grief counselor, who spoke about the aftermath – understanding and accepting the feelings you experience and moving forward. About 100 people attended the presentation and were given the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists and meet with them informally after the program. Due to the significance of the topic, plans are underway for a follow-up program for a little later in the year. Please watch for details. If you or somebody you know is in crisis, or you would like information regarding suicide prevention and awareness, you can access a list of resources at tinyurl.com/SuicideAwarenessResources.

SOLAR ENERGY INFORMATIONAL SESSION In August, our newly re-established Shmirat Adamah committee sponsored its first event – an informational session on solar energy. Joelle Novey, Executive Director, Interfaith Power & Light, MD, DC, NoVA, reviewed current sources of energy and how they affect the earth, focusing primarily on climate change. Joan Plisko, Community Sustainability Director, Pearlstone Center, discussed current sustainability efforts, primarily solar, at Pearlstone as well as in cooperation with The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. Lexi Williams, Field Organizer, Retrofit Baltimore illustrated how solar energy works and reviewed a solar power co-op purchase opportunity. As of press time, five of the individuals who attended have signed up for rooftop solar, two of which have already signed their contracts! If you would like more information about solar energy, please contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org. Page 17

HIGH HOLY DAY BIMAH FLOWERS ROSH HASHANAH BIMAH FLOWERS In Memory Of: Evelyn & Norman Altshuler, by Deborah & James Effron & family Sylvia & Norman L. Apatoff, by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchiden Ida Attman & Harry Attman by their son, Leonard Attman Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family Dr. M. Larrie Blue by his wife Sima Blue Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba & Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family Jerome Cardin by his family Hilda R. & Paul Cohen by their son, Richard Nathan L Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family Rosa Lebovitz Cohen by her family Sybil & Harold Effron by Deborah & James Effron & family Dorothy & Robert Gerber and Selma & Ezra Gratz, by Carol & Dr. Ed Gratz & family Albert Gamerman and Jean & Henry Satisky, by Jay, Marsha, Ira, Jeffrey & Jamie Gamerman Tessie & Samuel Gerber by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren Rabbi Israel M. & Mildred Goldman by the Congregation Bess & Henry Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family Sarah & Michael Goldstein and William Abrams by their family Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family Nathaniel Jacobs, Samuel Budd Jacobs, Belle C. Jacobs, Morris A. Offit and Lena L. Offit by Ethel Jacobs & family Herbert Kleiman, Benjamin Kleiman & Rebecca Kleiman by Ronnie Kleiman & family Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry M. Leibowitz by their family Eileen Mary & Donald Nathan Leish, by Susan & Paul Bloomberg & Jack Lenore & Edwin Levy and Jeanette & Louis Levy by their children & grandchildren Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife, Tammie Plant & children Faye & Harry Plotkin, by Marlene & Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren Louis & Anna Polakoff and Abraham & Esther Goldman by their children Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation Henry O. Shor, Joseph & Sarah Shor, Manuel Shor, Morris Shor, Hyman & Bertha Levy and Isabelle Rosenberg by Shirley Shor & family Solomon & Hannah Silverman and Isadore & Flora Rosenbloom by their family Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children & grandson Doris & Isadore Stern by their children & granddaughter Stuart Tilson by his family Irene & William Weinberg, parents, by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family

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Cecelia & Max Weiss by Janet & Stanley Kantor & family Jacob & Rebecca Wolock by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation Sylvia Zinz, Fannie & Samuel Zinz and Tessie & Samuel Gerber by Herbert Zinz, children & grandchildren

YOM KIPPUR BIMAH FLOWERS In Memory Of: Evelyn & Norman Altshuler by Deborah & James Effron & family Sylvia & Norman L. Apatoff, by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren Ida Attman & Harry Attman by their son, Leonard Attman Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family Dr. M. Larrie Blue by his wife, Sima Blue Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Joseph & Reba Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family Dr. Stuart Brager, Miriam & Harry E. Brager, Amos I. & Annette P. Meyers by Marlene Brager & family Jerome Cardin by his family Paul & Hilda R. Cohen by their son, Richard LeRoy S. Cohen by his family Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family Rosa Lebovitz Cohen by her family Rose & Sam B. Conn and Penny Conn, sister, by Allan Conn Lee & Dr. Morris L. Cooper by their children & grandchildren Esther & David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie & Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore & Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard & Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna & Mace Crystal Sybil & Harold Effron by Deborah & James Effron & family Mildred & Rabbi Israel M. Goldman, by the Congregation Harold Goldsmith by his family Bess & Henry Goldsmith, by Ilene & Alvin Powers Sarah & Michael Goldstein and William Abrams by their family. Frieda & Irving C. Grant by their family Rebecca Greenwald, mother, by her children & grandchildren Mollye Hamburger, Kitty & Ben Hamburger and Esther & Harry Blumberg, by their family Mollie & Harry Hoffberger by their children Herbert J. Kleiman by his wife & family Ruth S. & Abraham Krieger by their children & grandchildren Barbara Leibowitz Lichter and Barry M. Leibowitz by their family Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Lenore & Edwin Levy and Jeanette & Louis Levy by their children & grandchildren Harold Miller, Blanche & Eli Miller and Elise & Jacob Yospy, by their children & grandchildren

Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family Harry L. & Theresa Minch by their family Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife, Tammie Plant & children Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Lillian & Edward Rosenberg by Ronnie Kleiman & family Anna & Solomon Rosenbloom by their children Esther & Benjamin Rosenbloom and Saul Rosenbloom, by their family Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation Dorothy L. Schapiro by her family Joseph & Sarah R. Schapiro by their children & grandchildren Louis Seidman and Ernie Platt by their family Henry O. Shor, Joseph & Sarah Shor, Manuel Shor, Morris Shor and Hyman & Bertha Levy and Isabelle Rosenberg by Shirley Shor & family Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar & by their children & grandson Stuart Barry Tilson by his family Dr. Leonard Wallenstein by his family Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation Sylvia Zinz, Tessie & Samuel Gerber and Fannie & Samuel Zinz by Herbert Zinz, children & grandchildren

SHEMINI ATZERET BIMAH FLOWERS In Memory Of: Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family Abby & Dr. Saul Blumenthal, Kenneth Blumenthal, Bruce Blumenthal and Reba & Joseph Phillips by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family Nathan L. Cohen by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family Esther & David Crystal, Cecelia Crystal, Rosie & Jacob Wolfson, Adolph J. Wolfson, Samuel D. Wolfson, Isadore & Rosalie Wolfson and Leonard & Sara Wolfson Katz by Edna & Mace Crystal Rabbi Israel M. & Mildred Goldman by the Congregation Harold Goldsmith by his family Marjorie & Martin Greenbaum by Kathy & Bruce Posner & family and Selene & Harvey Greenbaum & family Morris & Sara Layton, parents, by the Layton family Edith & Edward Mackler & Wilfred Gluckstern, by their family, Stephen, Ilene, Geoffrey & Lindsay, David & Melissa & Stefanie Mackler Shirley & Lester Matz, Mollie & Maurice Goldstone and Sarah & Harry Matz by Alina & Dick Matz and Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Stanley I. Minch by his wife, June Minch, & family Lois & Alvin Neuberger by their children & grandchildren. Morton (Sonny) Plant by his wife, Tammie Plant & children. Ruth Pollack by Fran & Dr. Jonathan Matz Bess & Henry Goldsmith by Ilene & Alvin Powers & family Cantor Abraham Salkov by the Congregation Henry O. Shor, Joseph and Sarah Shor, Hyman N. & Bertha B. Levy, Isabelle Rosenberg, and Manual & Morris Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Sayde J. & Judge Albert L. Sklar by their children & grandchild Norman N. Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow, Fred & Amy Yankellow, Sonia & Rick Samuel & Ethan & Eileen Yankellow Rafael Moshe Zaiman by the Congregation

BIMAH FLOWERS BIMAH FLOWERS SHABBAT, OCTOBER 6 / 7 TISHREI In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Mallory Ilana Gordon, by her parents, Sheri & Eric Gordon and her grandparents, Joan & Saul Gurney and Charlotte & Michael Gordon In Memory Of: Shlomo Vardi by Joan & Michael Vardi & family Erna Weiler, mother, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family Aaron Harris by Toba & Bill Grant & family and Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family Selma Rubin by Susan Smolen & family Beverly G. Rudman, mother, by Lynn Rudman & family Louis Setren by Jeffrey Setren & family Dr. Robert E. Schwartz, father, by Judith & Dr. Robert Schwartz & family Belle Isaacson, mother, by Linda & Robert Eisenberg & family

SHABBAT, OCTOBER 13 / 4 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Francesca Grace Plovan, by her parents, Faye Feldman & Bradley Plovan, and her grandmothers, Aida Feldman and Sybil Plovan In Memory Of: Mayer Feldman and Steven Plovan, grandfathers of Francesca Grace Plovan, on the occasion of Francesca’s Bat Mitzvah Pauline Lozinsky Weinstein, mother, by Janice & Jay Weinstein & family Doris Stern by her children and granddaughter Dr. Alan Marc Levine by Barbara Spector, Dana & Andrea Levine & Alissa Wong Samuel H. Perlmutter, father, by Helen Kleinman Jacob M. Lerner & Jacob Berman, fathers, by their family Morris Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein Sarah & Benjamin M. Lewis by their children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren Sylvia Tinanoff by Howard Sandbank & family Hazel S. Blatt, mother, by Stuart R. Blatt & family Saul Rosenbloom by his family Carlton Gould, father, by Fran & Warren Gould & family Gerald M. Katz by Suzanne Katz & family Paul J. Fineman, on his birthday, by his children & grandchildren

SHABBAT, OCTOBER 20 / 11 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Lior Reut Gamliel, by her parents, Jenny & Dr. Ziv Gamliel, and her grandparents, Mollie & Dr. William Smulyan and Rivka & David Gamliel In Memory Of: Dora Luskin, mother, by Jeanne & Jack Luskin & family Lucille Frederick, mother, by Janet & Carl Jacobs & family Ruth Attman, mother, by Debbie & Dr. Marc D. Attman Herbert Goldman by his family

Albert J. Weiner by Ira Weiner & Lynn Weinberg & Robin Weiner & Brian and Marc Weiner Gladys F. Goodman, mother, by Tanna Omansky Dr. Jules Scherr by Bonnie Scherr & children Maynard Sayer, father, by Suzanne Katz & family Kitty Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein Mollie Zacansky, mother & grandmother, by Loretta & William Hirshfeld & family Selma Borger by Lynne & Larry Lichtig & family Nina Donick, mother, by Faye & Howard Pollack & family, Harriet & Barry Grossman & family and Rita & Philip Schleider & family Bessie Tucker, by Sally & Arthur Grant, children & grandchildren Florence Berman Hoffberger by Lois Halpert & family Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family

SHABBAT, OCTOBER 27 / 18 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Fiona Niamh Williamson, by her parents, Vicki & Geoffrey Williamson, her grandparents, Linda Williamson & Edward Rockstein and Denise & Robert Schubert, and her great-grandparents, June & Gene Williamson, Ellen Schubert and Vera Schmidt In Memory Of: Elenore & Irving Hochberg, parents, by their children & grandchildren Leah Glazer by Ronald Blavatt & family Leah Glazer, mother, by Nancy Dickman & family Shirley K. Berger by Howard "Chuck" Klein Elaine Copeland, mother, by Marsha & Richard Manekin & family Nelson G. Freed by his parents Barry Leibowitz by his family Blanche Kanter, mother, by Harriet & Alan N. Kanter & family Albert Gamerman by his wife, Sylvia, and Sarah & Dr. Marc Gamerman & Nancy Gamerman. Albert Gamerman, father, by Marsha & Jay Gamerman & family Alice Plaut, mother, by Doris Fox & family Albert Esterson, father-in-law, by Sallye Esterson & family Theresa Harris, grandmother, by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family Gabriel Goldman, by his children & grandchildren Bert Mark Dashoff, father & grandfather, by Ilene & Arnold Dashoff, Susan & Dr. Michael Propper & families

In appreciation of those who recently dedicated a brick for our Derekh Amuno. • Joan and Saul Gurney, in honor of Mallory Gordon’s Bat Mitzvah October 6, 2018 • Florene and Ron Goldner, in memory of Norman Lorch • The children and grandchildren of Shoshana Shoubin Cardin, in memory of Shoshana Shoubin Cardin Thinking about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. For more information or to make an order, please contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office or order a dedicated brick online on our website at www.chizukamuno.org.

JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST AND STAY CONNECTED! Visit www.chizukamuno.org and sign up at the bottom

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www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org

Goldsmith Early Childhood Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Sandra G. Moffet, President Rabbi Joshua Z. Gruenberg Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emeritus Emanuel C. Perlman Joel Lichterman, Interim Hazzan Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media

“If you truly wish your children to study Torah, study it yourself in their presence. They will follow your example. Otherwise, they will not themselves study Torah but will simply instruct their children to do so.” - Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Kotzk


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 5 P.M. KIDS PROGRAMMING: $5/child (includes program & pizza dinner) RSVP requested by November 12 to Jodi Wahlberg, jwahlberg@ksds.edu. Parents are welcome to drop off their kids and go to adult program.

GECC - TRANSITION TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT If you have a child or know of someone who has a child that will be 5, this event is for you! Meet parents of current Kindergarteners. Wednesday, October 24 at 7 p.m. We will walk you through the Kindergarten registration process (both public & private school), show you what forms you need and when you need to apply/register. RSVP to Michelle Gold, mgold@chizukamuno.org


Children must be accompanied by an adult. Join Becky Gordon and the Yofi Tofi Puppets for an interactive Thanksgiving program of song and story. An adaptation of the PJ Library book, Rivka’s First Thanksgiving, will be featured.

Sponsored by:


Early Childhood Center

AGES 5-9

Come and meet Ellen Kahan Zager and Harriet Cohen Helfand and learn how the words of Torah inspired their new book, And There Was Evening And There Was Morning. After, enjoy a workshop on how letters and rhymes can come together to form visual and literary images that bring inspiration and joy.


AGES 10-14

Come join artist and Rabbi Mat Tonti as he presents stories from his upcoming graphic novel the Book of Secrets. This is the story of two children who receive a mysterious book from their missing grandparents. Rabbi Tonti will project the images onto a screen and will have participants from the audience act out rolls from the book.

Author Jeremy Dauber offers a rich account of Jewish humor: its nature, its development, and its vital role throughout Jewish history.

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