Hahodesh November 2017 Web

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AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION AND SCHOOLS Engaging Jewish Life & Learning NOVEMBER 2017 | Heshvan / Kislev 5778

RABBI’S COLUMN Chizuk Amuno is a big, beautiful, complex place. It has within it many RABBI DEBI WECHSLER contradictions and that is one of the unique qualities of our community. We have within us young families and legacy families. We have among us those whose spirit is nurtured by instrumental accompaniment during services and those who find majesty in the single piercing voice of a professional Hazzan. We are those who come from traditional Jewish homes and we are those who were raised in traditional Christian homes and we are those who still find their home in a faith community other than Judaism. We prefer the casual intimacy of summer shul in the round and we are relieved when we return to the formality of the Main Sanctuary and ties and jackets. The challenge is to contain all of us within our one institution. To be one thing to many people – a community that strives to be sacred. A congregant of ours recently explained to me how her son the biologist explicates the way to contain multiple elements within one entity: water H2O. It has within it the potential to be solid, liquid and gas. I like the idea of Chizuk Amuno as Continued on Page 2


2017 Fineman Jewish Ethics Lecture presents

“The Ethics of Money” featuring

Ron Lieber Boo k avai s will be labl e on site p the rior to lect u r e.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 7:30 P.M. (With book signing at 7 p.m.)

Dessert reception to follow. Please RSVP to Doris Tanhoff, Dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org or 410-486-6400 ext. 288


oin us for this special evening which may also be of special interest to teens and young adults.

Ron Lieber, New York Times “Your Money” columnist since 2008, will be the featured speaker at our Paul J. Fineman Ethics Education Lecture on Tuesday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. Author of the bestsellers The Opposite of Spoiled, Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money, and Upstart Startups, A Guide for Young Entrepreneurs, Ron will speak on “The Ethics of Money.” Before coming to the Times, he wrote the “Green Thumb” personal finance column for The Wall Street Journal and spent 14 years at the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago. Mr. Lieber’s book Taking Time Off: Inspiring Stories of Students Who Enjoyed Successful Breaks from College and How You Can Plan Your Own, was a New York Times bestseller by the Amherst College graduate. Established in 1991, the Paul J. Fineman Fund for Ethics Education was created by his wife, children and grandchildren to honor Paul’s memory in a meaningful way.


Erev Shabbat, Friday Evenings

6:00 p.m. Oneg Shabbat - Gather to greet each other. 6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming Shabbat with song & prayer.

Shabbat Mornings

9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services – Celebrating Shabbat in community with prayer, inspiration, Torah Study, & personal milestones.


Candle Lighting.........................Friday 5:45 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YERA Samantha Cooper becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Study Session .......................................4:30 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ......................................5:30 p.m. Havdalah .................................................6:29 p.m.

NOVEMBER 10/11 / HESHVAN 21/22

Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:38 p.m. TORAH PORTION: HAYYEI SARAH Chloe Levin becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Zev Lowenberg November Birthday Blessings Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Torah for Tots .......................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv .................................. 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:22 p.m.

NOVEMBER 17/18 / HESHVAN 28/29 Candle Lighting: ....................Friday 4:32 p.m. TORAH PORTION: TOL’DOT Sara Silverman becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Schwartz Family Service .....................................10:30 a.m. Shabbat Study Session ......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ..............................................5:16 p.m.


Candle Lighting: .....................Friday 4:28 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YETZEI Evie Chmar becomes Bat Mitzvah Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Shabbat Study Session .......................3:45 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv ................................... 4:30 p.m. Havdalah ...............................................5:12 p.m.

Our Sanctuary is equipped with an audio assistance system to aid in hearing our services. Please see an usher or security guard for a headset.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

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Fridays at 9:15 a.m. | November 3 & 17 Bring your infants and toddlers to an interactive Tot Shabbat. Join Melissa Berman, Chizuk’s Young Families Coordinator, for songs, puppets, stories and more in the Goldsmith Music Room. No RSVP Required.


On behalf of the entire congregation and guests, thank you for sharing your holidays and assisting our worshippers as an usher during our High Holy Day services. Welcoming and assisting the thousands of members and their families during the holidays is an important and overwhelming responsibility. Our thanks to: Stuart Aiken, Allison Baumwald, Eric Beser, Stephani Braverman, Janice Brodsky, Moe Brown, Stan Brull, Alan Conn, Diane Dansicker, Art Feld, Marsha Gamerman, Jenny Gamliel, Stephani Gilbert, Allan Greenberg, Saul Gurney, Bob Hallock, Barry Isaac, Marshall Janoff, Alan Kanter, Neil Katz, Ruthanne Kaufman, Ted Levy, Bruce Lewbart, Dick Manekin, Lily Massouda, Joyce Miller, Ed Mitchell, Sande Mitchell, Carl Polsky, Mark Pressman, David Richman, Joan Rombro, Sheila Sandbank, Andy Sandler, Diane Scar, Maxine Seidman, Lee Sherman, Harriett Stein, Richard Udell, Ted Walman, Bob Wolf, Donna Wolf, Sherwin Yoffe, David Young Without your volunteer help and your willingness to share your holiday time with others, we would not have been able to warmly welcome and assist those who joined us for the High Holy Days. Your mitzvah of hospitality was deeply felt and greatly appreciated by all. Thank you for helping make Chizuk Amuno the sacred community that Rabbi Wechsler spoke of on Rosh HaShanah.

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water because it correctly gives the impression of our community as dynamic, as organic, as fast moving in some areas and trickling in others, as having the ability to be life giving and nurturing and also having the ability to devastate and destroy, as being stagnant and also as being ever flowing. There is a Biblical phrase popularized by Elie Wiesel who used it as the title of the first volume of his autobiography, kol ha nechalim holchim el ha yam. All rivers run to the sea, yet the sea is not full. (Ecclesiastes 1:7) That’s my hope for us, that we contain within us mighty rivers all flowing to the same place without end. Our community has the capacity to hold with it innumerable elements which may even be contradictory. We share a history and a destiny, and most importantly we share a part in community.


Join us for an evening with Ira Forman to discuss how contemporary anti-Semitism plays a role in American political life. Forman served as Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the U.S. State Department. Prior to the State Department, Forman served as the Jewish Outreach Director for the Obama for America campaign. He served for nearly 15 years as the Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council.



LIVELY CONVERSATION AT RABBINIC TRANSITION TOWN HALLS On Sunday, October 8, our Transition Co-Chairs, Sandi Moffet and Stephen Pomerantz, along with our consultant, Dr. Guy Sapirstein, conducted two interactive Town Halls with over 100 congregants and other members of the community. Results of our recent congregational survey as well as feedback from our Rabbinic Transition Roundtable discussions were presented. Sandi and Steve discussed the Rabbinic Search timeline and answered numerous questions from the community about our engagement and search process. The conversation was wide-ranging, positive and constructive. Participants said that they were inspired by our recent High Holy Day services, particularly the warmth and personal touches throughout. Much of the material shared at the Town Halls is now available on the Chizuk Amuno website in the Rabbinic Transition section. Also included is our Rabbinical Assembly questionnaire, a document carefully developed based on the Survey and Roundtable feedback, that lays out how we perceive ourselves as a congregation and community and what we are looking for in a new rabbi. This questionnaire can be viewed at www.tinyurl.com/Rabbinic-Questionnaire Currently, the Transition Committee is reviewing Rabbinic applications and will soon begin the interview process followed by candidate visits to Chizuk Amuno. These visits will be designed for maximum interaction with our community. Congregants and other community member impressions will be actively sought after each visit. The Transition committee is grateful to all of the Town Hall attendees for their thoughtful, honest, and enthusiastic participation. Continued involvement by the community will be vital to our success. Please do not hesitate to communicate with our committee directly or by email at search@chizukamuno.org.

Sandi Moffet Co-Chair, Transition Committee

Stephen Pomerantz Co-Chair, Transition Committee

Chizuk Amuno Congregation Rabbinic Transition and Search Committee: Ronald Attman, Allison Baumwald, Jason A. Blavatt, Jenny Gamliel, Ricky Gratz, Bob Hallock, Nancy Hudes, Ruthanne Kaufman, Jonny Lewis, Sarah Manekin, Jordon Max, Samuel Moskowitz, Jeffrey Platt, David Roffman, Michelle Rosenbloom, Mindy Rosen, Abigail Malischostak, Lee Sherman, and Lynn Tucker


Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools is fortunate to have a wonderful, dedicated maintenance, clerical, administrative, and support staff, all of whom ensure that the synagogue and schools run as needed. Our staff serves our members, students, officers, faculty, committees, schools, and clergy in achieving our mission and goals. The synagogue, our members, our auxiliary groups, our staff, and others would like to demonstrate our appreciation to the staff through a small December holiday financial gift. In lieu of tipping, the congregation has created a Staff Holiday Gift Fund, which is divided equally among the support staff every December. We appreciate those who contribute to the holiday gift fund to our maintenance and support staff members in honor of their good work during the High Holy Days and throughout the year. We’re blessed to have staff members with longevity and dedication. Please join us in acknowledging these dedicated staff members. Contributions to the Staff Holiday Gift Fund may be sent to the synagogue office. The holiday gift includes a listing of each person who contributed. Thanks for your thoughtful support.


In celebration of Kathy and Stevan Weinberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary and Stevan’s 75th Birthday, in lieu of presents, the Weinbergs directed their family and friends to contribute to Chizuk Amuno with the proceeds to be used towards items on our synagogue and schools wish list. Connecting their special occasions with our William and Irene Weinberg Athletic Fields, named in memory of Stevan’s beloved parents, our schools will benefit from new bleachers for our sporting events and a large supply of new sports equipment for our teams and our youth. Our thanks to Kathy and Stevan for sharing their simchas with their Chizuk Amuno family and our appreciation to their family and friends for their generous gifts. Page 3



Many times during the year members and friends tell us that they would like to contribute something to our congregation or schools in honor or memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion. We are often asked what we may need and what would enhance one of our schools, programs, our services, or our programs. Sometimes, our synagogue budget alone cannot provide for all of our wishes and needs, large and small.

The following list offers some suggestions compiled by our schools and leadership but don’t hesitate to suggest additional, creative ways to enhance our congregation and community. Hanukkah Wish List contributors will be recognized in the HaHodesh monthly newsletter. To contribute something on our Hanukkah Wish List, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Glenn Easton, or Liz Minkin-Friedman at the synagogue. Inscribed Brick on Derekh Amuno Pathway in honor or memory of loved one - $250 Sponsor a Young Families Shabbat Kiddush Lunch - $400 Purchase two iPads for event credit card uses - $500 each Sponsor Nutritional snacks in our Preschool (one month) - $800 Sponsor the Tikun L’el Shavuot Program - $1,000 New Goldsmith Classroom Furnishings - $1,250 each Technology equipment for the Abramoff Makerspace -$1,500 Upgrade a new Day School, Religious School, or Preschool Office Computer - $1,800/ea. Underwrite one issue of the HaHodesh Monthly Newsletter - $1,800 Grade-wide Field Trips for Religious School or Day School - $2,000 each Rosenbloom Religious School Israel@70 program - $2,500 KSDS Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel@70 celebration - $3,600 Underwrite the next annual Wings of Memory Yizkor Booklet - $6,500 Underwrite the Annual Purim Carnival - $7,500


Calling all Chizuk College Students! College Outreach Package Deadline

November 27 Thank you to Bonnie Ziegelstein our chair of college outreach who makes sure that our college students stay connected to us while they are away. For Jewish holidays our college students receive gifts of snacks and a greeting from Rabbi Wechsler. If you have not yet submitted your Chizuk Amuno college student’s address please email it to dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. This effort is supported by the Adult Bat Mitzvah 2006 College Outreach Fund


Sometimes we are asked by generous members who would like to make a lifetime legacy gift to the congregation what we need to name or endow to ensure the future of our congregation. Chizuk Amuno has been blessed by many generous families who have endowed programs, dedicated schools, and named rooms to provide for the generations of future children and members of our congregation. The following represent some of the current needs to enhance, expand, and maintain our historic synagogue. Endowed Fund to Gift Mezuzah to Newlywed Couples - $36,000 Endowed Religious School Scholarship - $36,000 Endowed Summer Camp Scholarship Fund - $36,000 Endowed KSDS Scholarship - $72,000 Endowed Special Needs Fund - $100,000 Endowed Annual Wings of Memory Yizkor Book - $136,000 Endowed Youth Group Leader - $180,000 Endowed Archives Staffing and Program - $500,000 Named & Endowed Youth Department - $1 million Named & Endowed Netivon High School Program - $1.25 million Named & Endowed Entrance Lobby - $1.5 million Named & Endowed Senior Rabbi Chair - $2.5 million Named & Endowed Cantor’s Chair in Jewish Music - $2.5 million Named & Rededicated Cemetery - $3 million Named & Endowed Educational Academy - $7 million Named Synagogue Sanctuary - $10 million Named Synagogue Campus - $15 million Page 4

Did you visit the Goldsmith Museum Revolving Display Case during the High Holy Days? Could you identify what each of them are? You may be surprised. The Chizuk Amuno Goldsmith Museum has many more pieces in our collection than we are able to display at any one time. Our revolving display enables us to share special and unique items in our collection with our members and guests. Our thanks to Wendy Davis, Melissa Halpern, Linda Katz, and Jan Schein for creating this year’s revolving display.



Foul weather threatened, but couldn’t dampen our spirit. A few hundred friends came out for our Sukkot Fall Festival and smiles, laughing, and camaraderie defined the atmosphere for the day. We started with Characters in the Krieger (rain, rain, go away!) where the Very Hungry Caterpillar, Belle (special thanks to The Maryland Princess Company and all of our teen volunteers), Superman, Super Girl, a Ninja Turtle, the Cat in the Hat, Dora, and Olaf signed autographs. The inflatable Moon Bounce and Obstacle Course were huge hits, as well as a hula-hoop entertainer, our face-painting station and the good ol’ Corn Hole game. We even had a beer-tasting session for our ‘not-so-young’ attendees. ‘Kids’ of ALL ages helped with our service projects, which included creating over 150 toiletry gift bags for clients of Paul’s Place; and decoratively painting gourds for residents of Weinberg senior facilities. We also created colorful ‘inspiration rocks’ to adorn the path to the bimah in our new amphitheater. Todah Rabbah to our co-chairs, Esther Greenberg and Rena Lapidus, along with staff member, Cheryl Snyderman, for their support in making this such a special day. We express appreciation to Home Depot, Wegman’s, Giant Food, and the Weisberg/Glaser family for their donations in support of our event.


Thank you to everyone that helped decorate the Attman Family Sukkah again this year!

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This month we have an opportunity to perform the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming guest as well as showing generosity to strangers. Teaching Jewish Values is a priority at Goldsmith Early Childhood Center, Thanksgiving affords us the opportunity to incorporate these actions. Acts of Tzedakah should be extended to the larger community. As a family there are many opportunities for you (prior to spending time with your own family) to reach out; help serve a Thanksgiving meal in a shelter, visit people in the hospital, volunteer in a nursing home or assisted living facility, invite a “stranger” (someone you know, but maybe your children do not) to your Thanksgiving table. The next day, you may want to take leftovers to a facility like “Our

Daily Bread”. Talk to your children about extending their love, warmth and hospitality to guests in your home and generosity to those we do not know. PJ Library is an amazing resource in which you can share Jewish stories that can help your family talk together about values and traditions that are important to you. www.pjlibrary.org is where you can sign up to receive free books or find additional resources to the books you are receiving, just click “beyond books”. Other Suggested reading for you and your child: The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins Six Crows by Leo Lionni Only Nine Chairs by Deborah U. Miller


November 5-9 Sponsored by the KSDS PA The book fair features Jewish and secular books for all levels. To commemorate KSDS’s 36th Anniversary we will have a special section with books that were written by our alumni. Funds raised go to the Ezrine/Glazer Library Media Center which supports the entire CAC community. It’s a great place to find your Hanukkah gifts!


Tuesday, November 14, 9 a.m. Experience day-to-day life at KSDS. See students in action, meet the Head of School and other administrators, and hear from 8th Graders about their KSDS experience. No registration required.


Wednesday, November 29, 7 p.m. Come for a comprehensive overview of KSDS. Learn about our academic program through a student work showcase, speak with teachers, and hear from an alumni panel. Register at ksds.edu/visit


Sunday, November 12, 1-3:30 p.m. Join us for our annual STEAM Showcase. Families will rotate through age-appropriate, hands-on sessions presented by members of the KSDS community. This event is sponsored by the CAC Sisterhood. RSVP at ksds.edu/steam

MENASHE FILM The Balashim (K) class whose name means Detectives, had a great time exploring the Aron Kodesh in the Main Sanctuary. As part of their curriculum the students are learning about the synagogue, its clergy and significant parts of the building. Page 6


Sunday, November 19, 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, November 19, 3 p.m. The Gordon Center The movie played at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and features actor, Ruben Niborski, who attended KSDS from 2013 - 2015 before moving to Israel. KSDS is reserving a block of seats for the event and hosting a Meet & Greet afterwards. Buy tickets at ksds.edu/menashe

ENGAGE IN GEMILUT HASADIM We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Cheryl Snyderman, csnyderman@chizukamuno.org or ext. 300, or refer to our website for more information.


Are you in your 60’s or 70’s? Do you sometimes find yourself in unfamiliar territory? Are you experiencing new feelings and having a hard time figuring out what is going on? Then this program is for you! This winter, Chizuk Amuno will bring you Wise Aging, a program developed by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality to support people in this specific age group. Through conversation and text study, participants will learn to identify new feelings and garner a better understanding of what it is that they’re experiencing. Some of the topics we will explore are authenticity, our relationship to our bodies, healthy relationships, living with loss and change, and leaving a legacy. Please join us at an informational meeting on Saturday, December 9, 12:30 p.m. following Shabbat services. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman.

GILEAD HOUSE GEMILUT HASADIM PARTNERSHIP (GH2) Contacts: Margie Simon, mbs827@verizon.net, or Jennie Rothschild, jzrothschild@comcast.net.


Sunday, December 3 9 a.m. Contact Irwin Golob, 410-560-7422


Chizuk Amuno has joined with 15 other synagogues and churches to form the One Water Partnership, an initiative designed to ignite faith communities to take actions that will help to heal and preserve our streams and bodies of water. In addition to making changes in behavior, this will include opportunities for learning about the issues and ways we all can address them. The One Water Partnership program was developed by Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, along with Interfaith Power & Light, Blue Water Baltimore, and University of MD Extension. In addition to some funding, these organizations will lend logistical and informational support as each congregation develops their own plan to become caretakers of our environment. If you would like to be involved in this meaningful program, please contact Cheryl Snyderman.

ART WITH A HEART Sunday, November 12 Contact: Claire Freeland, cfreeland@gmail.com


Wednesday, November 15, 2-3:30 p.m.


Sunday, November 19, 9 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.


Contact Fran Glushakow Gould, franny1912@yahoo.com, 443-691-0133 Todah Rabbah to our current volunteers: Fran Glushakow Gould, Rita Plaut, David Spitz, and Ellen Weiss

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Wednesday, November 15, 4-7 p.m. Contact: Heller Kreshtool, hellerk25@aol.com


Wednesday, December 6, 7:30 p.m. Would you like to learn more about the varied projects in which we participate? Is there a potential Gemilut Hasadim activity you would like to explore? You’re welcome to join us. RSVP to Cheryl Snyderman. Come early (6:30 p.m.) and help paint inspiration rocks for our new amphitheater (as in the photo above). Just let Cheryl know if you plan to paint.


Need a ride to shul on Shabbat mornings? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Cheryl Snyderman by Tuesday of the week you want to attend services. Page 7



Questions and more information, please contact Richard Udell, Brotherhood President, pvfc3251@verizon.net


Contact Ruth Silber, Sisterhood President, with any questions or for further information at Sisterhood@chizukamuno.org. If you’d like to receive our Sisterhood e-newsletter, please send Ruth your e-mail address.


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, NOON Brotherhood Tailgate Cost $12 per person Men, women & children invited. Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood

presents All kinds of Tailgate foods. Beer, Soda & Water. The Ravens are playing the Greenbay Packers.

Annual Sisterhood bimah decorating for sukkot.

Please mail your checks to the Brotherhood by November 17.

Men, Meat, and Midrash

Wednesday, February 6, 17,6:30 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER P.M.

The Kabbalah. Taught by Dr. Moshe Shualy. Food, Beer, Drinks & Dessert $10 / person RSVP by Mon. Nov. 27 Mail all checks into the Brotherhood 8100 Stevenson Rd. | Baltimore, : PARTMD 3 21208 with Rabbi Moshe Schwartz

Deli dinner and drinks included. For men only.


Cost: $8/person. RSVP to Richard Udell, pvfc3251@verizon.net or pay online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/men-meat-and-midrash-tickets-20993504136

Sunday, December 10, 3 - 5 p.m.


It’s a Chizuk Amuno “Granddate” Experience Calling all Grandparents for our Holiday Keepsakes Workshop. Bring your grandchildren (suitable for any age who likes to make things with you!) We provide the materials and some great ideas. You provide the special relationships and the fun. For more information contact Melissa Berman 410-486-8641 Page 8

Professional clothing drive.

Sisterhood E-Cycling & Shredding.

SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP - BLOWOUT SALE! November 1 through 30th Everything in the shop will be 25% off

(Hanukkah, books, and parchment excluded).

Start your Hanukkah shopping early (we have great jewelry items!) and support the Judaica Shop at the same time. Sunday 9:30am-11:30am Monday 10-noon and 2-4pm Tuesday 10-noon and 2-6pm

Wednesday 10-noon and 2-6pm Thursday 10-noon and 2-6pm Friday 10-noon

(Closed when schools are closed) Join our Facebook Group – “Chizuk Amuno Congregation Sisterhood Judaica Shop” for the most up to date information about specials and new products.


B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to their families. NOVEMBER 4 SAMANTHA PAIGE COOPER DAFNA ARIELLE daughter of Dr. Michele ShenkCooper & Jeffrey Cooper NOVEMBER 11 CHLOE ELIZABETH LEVINE BRACHA CHAYA daughter of Amanda & Dr. Stuart Levine NOVEMBER 18 SARA DOROTHY SILVERMAN SARA DVORAH daughter of Dr. Penny Brown & Dr. Ronald Silverman NOVEMBER 25 DEBORAH PEARL (EVIE) CHMAR DVORAH PENNINA daughter of Amy & Michael Chmar

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Elise Katherine Blatt, daughter of Lauren & Hal Blatt and granddaughter of Ellen Rosenberg & Cary Besmanoff, Stuart Blatt, Karen Kestenberg and Howard Kestenberg and Michael & Anna Geisser

Births (cont.) Madeline May Burton, daughter of Tamar & Lawrence and granddaughter of Judy & Jayson Folus and Catherine Burton Rebecca Shira Levinoff, daughter of Heather & Aaron Levinoff Annabelle Nicastro, daughter of Rebecca Farkas and Kevin Nicastro and granddaughter of Gail Letzter and Dan Farkas Leora Avital Chvala Reisner, daughter of Sara & Etan Reisner, granddaughter of Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin & Dr. Avram Reisner, Frances Chvala and Dr. Robert Chvala and great-granddaughter of Shoshana Cardin and Rosalie Chvala

In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Rabbi Yehuda Dickstein, our former Ritual Director, from 1965-1992. Sylvia Gimbel, mother of Phyllis Winner, Joseph Gimbel and Neal Gimbel We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Sandy Abramoff, on the loss of her mother, Esther Elkin Lynne Lipsitz, on the loss of her mother, Fannie Mondell Cindy Schiff, on the loss of her sister, Adrienne Shifman Dr. Mark Shulman, on the loss of his father, Dr. Eli M. Shulman As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

New Members We are happy to welcome those who recently joined or returned to our Chizuk Amuno family. Mark Chodak & Carole Gould, Ryan Chodak Jan & Jen Katzen Mia and Camden David & Melissa Langer Zachary and Alexandra Rabbi Ben & Sara Shalva Lev and Avital Tony & Julie Warren Anthony and Lillian Jared & Rebecca Levine

Members in the News Our members were featured in the October issue of JMORE Magazine. Yasher Koach to: Phyllis, Leonard, and Jeffrey Attman for their support to the Jemicy school. Tammy & Fred Heyman for chairing the Associated Super Sunday. Dan Morhaim who represents the 11th District in the Maryland general assembly.

SHARE YOUR GOOD NEWS WITH YOUR CHIZUK AMUNO FAMILY Our community celebrates many happy occasions that we want to share with our entire Chizuk Amuno family. We will soon begin sharing births and wedding announcements with the congregation by email along with the Bereavement Notices we already send. We invite you to share your good news with your entire Chizuk Amuno family by sending it to HaHodesh@ChizukAmuno.org. Page 9


Terumot HaKodesh. We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our

schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410-486-6400, or by logging on to your Chaverweb account from the Giving page of our website. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Beth Goldsmith, Development Chair, or Glenn Easton, Executive Director, at the synagogue. CONGREGATIONAL GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND

Hugh & Amy Schwartz in honor of the birth of Larry & Naomi Amsterdam’s granddaughter Ruby Tal Nadel Dr. Margi Okum in memory of Alfred Okum Family of Dr. Israel Weiner in memory of Dr. Israel Weiner

FLORAL FUND GENERAL DONATIONS Barbara Stein in memory of Francis Muskin Cindi Schrum in memory of Samuel Seidman

HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL PROJECT FUND Margot Zipper in honor of Herta & Arthur Baitch’s 65th anniversary

KSDS 36TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lewis in memory of Joyce D. Feinberg.


Jordon & Beverly Max wishing Mazal Tov to Glenn & Cindy Easton on the engagement of their daughter Amy to Zack Steinhorn Beverly Max in memory of Yetta Miller Jordon Max in memory of David Max

KSDS ESTHER ANN BROWN ADLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Penny and Dr. Ron Silverman in memory of Mark David Green


Anita Klawans in memory of Tillie Reiser Anita Klawans in memory of Warren Klawans Barbara Mandel in memory of Marvin Mandel Carole Diamond in memory of Lewis Goodman Sanford Block in memory of Sylvia Block Stanley Adler in memory of Elsie Adler


Carole Kornreich Foss in honor of Forrest Foss’ birthday


Marshall & Rita Plaut in honor of Leslie & Audrey Polt’s 50th Anniversary Sandy Beber with thanks to the morning minyan Ruthanne Kaufman for a speedy recovery of Norman Wigutow Anita Schulman & family in memory of Franklin D. Schulman Dr. Lawrence Pakula & family in memory of Dora Kaplan Pakula Larry Gilbert in memory of Fannie Blumberg Lowell Glazer in memory of Myer Glazer Michael & Libby Monias in memory of Jacob Rotman Michael & Libby Monias in memory of Anna Monias & F. Helene Monias Amy Berdann Schwartz in memory of Dr. Joseph Shear Bruce Lubich in memory of Irving Lubich Samuel Oppenheim in memory of Marian Waldman Anita Schulman in memory of Nettie Reiter & George Reiter Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Arthur Medalie Ruthanne Kaufman in memory of Rubin Miller



Phyllis & Leonard Attman in memory of: Judge Aaron, A. Baer, Bernard Bliden, Dr. Ronald Stanley Branoff, Alan Lewis Caplan, John Cimino, Cantor Abraham J. Denburg, Raymond Ely, Dr. Howard G. Fader, Ellen Sachs Fedder, Dr. Gilbert Nathan Feinberg, Norma Friedman, Barry A Gold, Jeannie Lazinsky, Hilbert M. Levine M.D., Stephanie Brooke Levine, Samuel Sidney Levitas, Emanuel Levy, Joanne Heyman Levy, Edwin “Eddie” R. Malin, Leonard Arnold Orman, Ivan Bernard Oshrine, Shelly B. Pinkner, Harriet Pleet, Rosalie Renbaum, Allen E. Robinson, Iris Rombro, Harriett B.Rosenthal, Shifra M. Rubin, Marcy Beth Rynd, Phyllis P. Sarubin, Marvin M. Satisky, Barry Ira Schloss, Sonia Schnaper, Marvin M. Schuster, M.D., Benjamin Emanuel Seaman, Jules R. Shaivitz, Selma Shaivitz, Earle K. Shawe, Alvin Sirota, Rae Steller, Melvin J.Sykes, Goldie Tossman, Jerome B. Trout Jr. Leopold “Lee” Vogelstein, Jeanne deLaViez Weisgal, Sally Marcus Wolf, and Walter Zashin



Jackie Glassgold in memory of Dr. Hilbert Levine

KSDS JOAN GOTTLIEB SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pollack in memory of Jack Weinglass Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pollack in memory of Mike Appel Irv & Hedy Goldstein in honor of Dani and A.J.’s marriage

KSDS LOUIS & ESTHER MILLER LIBRARY ENDOW FUND Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pollack in memory of Louis Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tabach in memory of Louis Miller Rochelle Fink in memory of Louis Miller Marilyn Singer in memory of Louis Miller Marion Pines in memory of Louis Miller Lynx Investment Advisory in memory of Louis Miller Irv & Hedy Goldstein in memory of Louis Miller

Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Friedman in honor of David Saltzberg’s commemorating 50 years as a Bar Mitzvah Dr. & Mrs. Anton Grobani wishing for a speedy recovery of Tzeira Minka JCC Community Garden Club in memory of Harriet Keiser


Judith Schwaber in honor of the Schwaber & Cherney family yahrzeits

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Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of the birth of Larry & Naomi Amsterdam’s grand-daughter Ruby Tal Nadel Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of Mace & Edna Crystal’s 65th Anniversary Howard & Sheila Sandbank in honor of Moe & Harriet Brown’s 55th anniversary

Howard & Sheila Sandbank in memory of Rubin Miller Lou & Joyce Kaplan in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of David & Marlene Schwaber’s granddaughter Olivia Schwaber Phil Nochumowitz in honor of Moe & Harriet Brown’s 55th Anniversary Phil Nochumowitz in honor of Mace & Edna Crystal’s 65th anniversary Phil Nochumowitz for a speedy recovery of Michael Chmar Margot Zipper wishing Jonathan Lowenberg a complete & speedy recovery Randi, Larry, Lindsay & Allie Waskow wishing Dr. Carl Sperling a speedy recovery Randi, Larry, Lindsay & Allie Waskow wishing for a speedy recovery of Lee Miller Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in honor of Erica & Lew Schon’s son Ian’s engagement to Bridgette Alvin & Selma Blaker in memory of Marvin Dahne Amy & Jason Blavatt & family in memory of Rubin Miller Amy & Jason Blavatt & family in memory of Dr. Hilbert Merrill Levine Amy & Jason Blavatt & Family in honor of Ron Attman’s 70th birthday Carole Buchman in memory of Joanne Levy David Mallott & Mimi Blitzer in memory of Rubin Miller Dr. Albert Pats in memory of Leah Leavey Howard & Michelle Rosenbloom in memory of Harriet Keiser Irv & Sharon Caplan in memory of Alan Elkin Jenny Baker in memory of Joyce Feinberg Judy Meltzer in memory of Rubin Miller Larry & Naomi Amsterdam in memory of Rubin Miller Maxine Seidman in memory of Rubin Miller Nelson & Lynn Tucker in memory of Arthur Medalie Sanford & Tobey Schreiber in memory of Dr. Joseph Shear Shirley Sachs in memory of Sonia Schnaper Lou & Joyce Kaplan wishing Mazal Tov on the marriage of Steve & Toby’s daughter Lou & Joyce Kaplan wishing L’Shanah Tovah to Shoshana Cardin

SPECIAL OFFERING - GEMILUT HASADIM Mickey Simon in honor of Natalie Jeffrey’s special birthday Ms. Marjorie Simon in memory of Rubin Miller


Gloria Hack in honor of Glenn Easton


Amy & Jason Blavatt & family in honor of the engagement of Cindy & Glenn Easton’s daughter Amy to Zack Steinborn David & Linda Richman in memory of Linda & David Richman’s parents Dr. Gary Okum in memory of Fanny Mae Okum & Alfred Okum


In honor of Stevan & Kathy Weinberg’s 50th wedding anniversary & Stevan’s 75th birthday: Ilene & Barry Blum, Daniel & Joan Cagan, Joanie & Herb Gottlieb, Bruce Ingerman, Melvin & Judy Kopilnick, Marc & Ava Lenet,



Elaine Copeland, mother, by Marsha & Richard Manekin & family. Nelson G. Freed by his parents. Barry Leibowitz by his family. Dr. Stuart Brager, on his birthday by Marlene Brager & family


SHABBAT, NOVEMBER 11 /22 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Chloe Elizabeth Levine, by her parents, Amanda & Dr. Stuart Levine, and her grandparents, Ellen & Larry Silverman and Carole Ann & Brahm Levine

Tsipi & Michael Renbaum, Howard & Lois Robins, Jeff & Helene Waranch, and Robert & Adrianne Weinblatt

Amy & Hugh Schwartz in honor of Hazzan Perlman for all the work he does to bring peace to the world Evelyn Ezrine with thanks to Hazzan Perlman for his presence & thoughtfulness at Leon Ezrine’s unveiling Sandy Beber with thanks Alan Cohen in honor of his aliyot Beverly Berman & family in memory of Bernard Berman Marcia Greenberg Hoffman in memory of Ray Ordintz Greenberg Amy & Hugh Schwartz with thanks to Dr. Moshe Shualy for his continued kindness Sandy Beber with thanks Michael Sanow in memory of Ann Levin


Dr. Brian & Gayle Schwartz in honor of Hillary & Derek Schwartz’ wedding Arthur & Sally Grant in memory of Rubin Miller Barton Keiser in memory of Harriet Keiser Adrienne & Gary J. Reicher in memory of William Pantell Ann & Gil Abramson in memory of Edith Robinson & Rubin Miller


Audrey & Leslie Polt in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary


SHABBAT, NOVEMBER 4 /15 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Paige Cooper, by her parents, Dr. Michele Shenk-Cooper & Jeffrey Cooper, and her grandparents, Rena & Jack Shenk. In Memory Of: Lynn & Arnold (Maishe) Cooper, grandparents of Samantha Paige Cooper Maynard Sayer, father, by Suzanne Katz & family. Kitty Mogol by Ellen & Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah & Sophie Mogol and Irene Epstein. Mollie Zacansky, mother & grandmother, by Loretta & William Hirshfeld & family. Selma Borger by Lynne & Larry Lichtig & family. Nina Donick, mother, by Faye & Howard Pollack & family, Harriet & Barry Grossman & family and Rita & Philip Schleider & family. Bessie Tucker, by Sally & Arthur Grant, children & grandchildren. Florence Berman Hoffberger by Lois Halpert & family. Susan Blavatt by Ronald Blavatt & family. Elenore & Irving Hochberg, parents, by their children & grandchildren. Leah Glazer by Ronald Blavatt & family. Leah Glazer, mother, by Nancy Dickman & family. Shirley K. Berger by Howard “Chuck” Klein.

In Memory Of: Frieda Silverman, grandmother of Chloe Elizabeth Levine Blanche Kanter, mother, by Harriet & Alan N. Kanter & family. Albert Gamerman by his wife, Sylvia, and Sarah & Dr. Marc Gamerman & Nancy Gamerman. Albert Gamerman, father, by Marsha & Jay Gamerman & family. Alice Plaut, mother, by Doris Fox & family. Albert Esterson, father-in-law, by Sallye Esterson & family. Theresa Harris, grandmother, by Toba & Bill Grant & family & Kathy & Stevan Weinberg & family. Gabriel Goldman, by his children & grandchildren. Bert Mark Dashoff, father & grandfather, by Ilene & Arnold Dashoff, Susan & Dr. Michael Propper & families. Irving Siegel by his children, grandchildren, great-granddaughter and great-grandson. David Levin, father, by Sandy Brenner. Dr. Alan S. Exler, brother, by Dr. Karen Jacobs & family. Lena Matziover by her granddaughter Ruthanne Kaufman. Philip Feinglass by Harriet Feinglass, children & grandchildren. Harold Miller by his wife, Bette, & family. Anna Glassgold by Jackie Glassgold & family. Reba Raffel by Lorraine & Earl Raffel. Lena Cummins, mother, by her family. Frank Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren & great-grandchild. Jonathan S. Baker, son, by Elaine Baker. Rosalie Jerome by Harvey Jerome & family. Nathan L. Cohen, on his birthday, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen & family.

SHABBAT, NOVEMBER 18/29 HESHVAN In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Sara Dorothy Silverman, by her parents, Dr. Penny Brown & Dr. Ronald Silverman, and her grandparents, Dr. Frona Brown and Howard Brown and Susan & Ira Himmel In Memory Of: Howard Silverman, grandfather of Sara Dorothy Silverman Kurt Weiler, father, by Linda & Dr. Jeffrey Cole & family. Martin Beerman, father, by Carole & Dr. Morton Ellin & family. Morris Shor by Shirley Shor & family. Isadore Isaac Wolfson by Edna & Mace Crystal. Paul Flax, father, by Stephanie & Ronald Attman & family. Sam B. Conn, father, by Allan Conn.

Benjamin Yoffe, father, by Marsha & Sherwin Yoffe & family. Joseph Massuda, father, by Cindy & Gabriel Massuda & family. Lillyan Tushman, mother, by Marsha & Sherwin Yoffe & family. Sylvia Reznick Wolf by her daughter Seema Reznick. Kenneth Marc Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family. Rita Meshulam, mother, by Barbara & Dr. Richard Meshulam and Jenny & Dr. Joel Meshulam. Magda Koves, mother, by Judy & Jayson Folus & family. Dr. Saul Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal & family

SHABBAT, NOVEMBER 25 /7 KISLEV In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Deborah Pearl (Evie) Chmar, by her parents, Amy & Michael Chmar, and her grandparents, Helene Feldman and Brian Feldman & Marci Shtzman In Memory Of: Deborah Chmar Yaffe, grandmother of Deborah Pearl (Evie) Chmar Annie Malkin by Audrey Levine & family. Theodore Dzija by Sandra Dzija Miller & family. Helen Cohen by Barbara & Howard Cohen. Norman Steinberg, father, by Ilene & David Freishtat & family. Marcia Ann Spector, sister, by Judy & Marvin Spector & family. Rose Freedman, mother & grandmother, by Alice & Allen Alperstein & Mimi & Jack Freedman & family. Bernard Whitman, father & grandfather, by Edee Schnitzer & family. Harry Blumberg, father, by Dr. Albert Blumberg & family. Louis Millen by Ron & Alita Millen & family. Arthur Levine by Audrey Levine & family. Harry Wolfsthal by Dr. Susan Wolfsthal & Dr. William Keys & family.

Were you beaming with pride at a loved one’s bar or bat mitzvah? Were you trying to come up with the ‘perfect’ Hanukkah gift? How about purchasing a brick to celebrate a milestone or honor the memory of somebody special? Each permanent brick is a $250 contribution. Contact Judy Schwartz, Derekh Amuno Chair or Marci Scher at the synagogue office 410-486-6400.

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8100 STEVENSON ROAD BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21208 www.chizukamuno.org 410-486-6400 info@chizukamuno.org

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410-486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410-486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410-486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410-824-2055 Jason A. Blavatt, Esquire, President Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Rabbi Paul Schneider Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Dr. Moshe D. Shualy, Ritual Director Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Michelle Gold, Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Melissa Halpern, Director of Communications, Marketing, and Social Media



It was so much fun the last time that we’re bringing it back.

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Rosenbloom Lobby Contact Donna Friedman, Dfriedman@ksds.edu

5:45 P.M. AT CHIZUK AMUNO More details to follow.

Partially sponsored in loving memory of Daniel Joseph Siegel and in recognition of Daniel’s Sparks of Change Foundation



SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1:30 - 4 P.M. Main Sanctuary More details coming soon!


Friday, November 10 -17 We are conducting a minifood drive for the food bank at GEDCO, whose inventory reaches critical lows as Thanksgiving approaches. Please visit our website for a complete list of items.

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