inzv T h i s
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h i z u k
S e a s o n
m u n o
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o n g r e g a t i o n
2009 | 5770
Chizuk Amuno C o n g r e g at i o n
In this issue: • What Grounds You? Exploring Personal Values • High Holy Day Schedules
1 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
• Sukkot and Simhat Torah Schedules
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Rosenbloom Religious School
18 months - 5 years 410/486-8642
Krieger Schechter Day School
Open House
Wednesday, November 11, 10 a.m.
Kindergarten - 8th Grade 410/824-2066
Michelle Gold, Director Elise Harrison, Assistant Director
Open House
Kindergarten - 7th Grade 410/486-8641 Open House
Sunday, January 31, 9:15 a.m. Alex Weinberg, Director
Monday, October 19, 9 a.m. and Sunday, January 10, 2 p.m. Dr. Paul Schneider, Headmaster Ilene Wise, Director of Admission
Stulman Center for Adult Learning Florence Melton Adult Mini-School
410/824-2058/5 Judy Meltzer, Director
Netivon High School Programs 410/486-8641 Please call for a personal tour. Alex Weinberg, Director
8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org
Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
President Dr. Anne L. Young, pres@chizukamuno.org First Vice President Richard Manekin, 1stvp@chizukamuno.org Vice President Michelle Malis Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein Secretary Dr. Andrew Miller Treasurer Alan Mogol Assistant Treasurer Sandra Moffet
synagogue staff
Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman | x230
rshulman@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Deborah Wechsler | x231 dwechsler@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman | x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman | x233 eperlman@chizukamuno.org Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy | x243 mshualy@chizukamuno.org
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Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School
Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | pschneider@soink12.ksds.edu Director, Congregational Education
Alex Weinberg | x234 | aweinberg@chizukamuno.org Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org
Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning
Torah–Expanding Our Perspective By Dr. Antony Rosen Avodah— In the Service of Our Community By Dr. Arthur Lesley Gemilut Hasadim— Over the Generations By Lynne Lichtig
Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator
Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org Youth Educator
Isaac Woloff | x305 | iwoloff@chizukamuno.org Curator, Goldsmith Museum
Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org
administrative staff
Executive Director
Ronald N. Millen | x224 | rnmillen@chizukamuno.org Director of Congregational Advancement
Laurel Freedman | x275 | lfreedman@chizukamuno.org Synagogue Administrator
Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org Controller
a l l
2 What Grounds You? by Rabbi Ron Shulman
Rev. Yehuda Dickstein
Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org
m u n o
o n g r e g a t i o n
2009 | 5770
Ritual Director Emeritus
Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program
h i z u k
S e a s o n
Greetings at This Season by Dr. Anne L. Young
Rosh HaShanah Overview
11 Rosh HaShanah Schedule 14 Stulman Center Summer By Judy Meltzer 15
Building Foundations at the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center By Jenny Gamliel
17 An Amazing Journey at Krieger Schechter Day School By Alana and Barry Silverman 18 This is a Jewish Playground By Abby Kogen 19
What’s Nu? • College Outreach • Brotherhood • Hoffberger Chapel Renovations
20 Jewish Community Beyond Our Borders By Stacy Jacobson 21 Building Houses, Connections, and Skills By Ellen Friedman 22 Sukkot–from the Ground Up By Rabbi Deborah Wechsler 23 Sukkot Overview 24 Sukkot Schedule 25 Simhat Torah Honorees 26 Sisterhood Makes an Imprint on Our Community By Marsha Yoffe 27 Getting to Know You... Profiles in Generosity
Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org Information Systems Manager
Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org Cemetery Director
Cover: This needlepoint, “The Life Cycle of Chizuk Amuno and The Life Cycle of the Jewish Family” can be viewed in its entirety in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby.
Barbara Lichter | x248 | blichter@chizukamuno.org Assistant Cemetery Director
Marsha Yoffe | x309 | myoffe@chizukamuno.org Communications and Membership Coordinator
Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org Graphic Designer
Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org
Chizuk Amuno has a long history of proud service to Baltimore’s Jewish community. Dedicated to strengthening faith in our people’s covenant with God, the purpose of Chizuk Amuno Congregation is to create a sacred Jewish community. Here individuals and families can find meaning for their lives from serious engagement with the texts, wisdom, and celebrations of Judaism. In pursuit of this mission, Chizuk Amuno ascribes to the rabbinic teaching: “The world is sustained through Torah – learning, Avodah – prayer and service, and Gemilut Hasadim – acts of loving kindness.”
What Grounds You? By Rabbi Ron Shulman
hile at the beach this summer, a cute sign hanging in a gift shop caught my eye. “The meaning of life is to give life meaning.” Not without some truth to it I thought, walking by to the next item of interest. The quote reminds me of a time when I was witness to a conversation about personal purpose. Standing before me and some friends was a very distinguished and well known Jewish scholar, an elder statesman of our people. He grew up in Brooklyn, fond of both baseball and philosophy. Making his way through the early years of his professional career he became a teacher and writer. It was clear that this prominent man lived his life with a sense of mission. His life is a commitment to the ideals and principles he believes in, many of which derive from his studies of Judaism. Listening closely, my friends and I heard him speak of his anguish, his disappointment, and the tensions that consume his life. Most people don’t share his views, he told us. He has not achieved
many of his goals for affecting the lives of his students, or even society. I thought to myself, here is a man who guides his life by the values he most cherishes and, in retrospect, now wonders if it is worth it?” With great power his words answer yes. “This tension,” he declares “between what I believe in and what results, this tension is the source of my life’s meaning. I can define my existence only through the commitments and values I honor. I cannot be responsible for realities and choices beyond my influence.” This honest self-reflection remains with me. Such honesty is compelling. It asks us to consider the purposes of our lives. What grounds us? The question is important. Two personal principles ground my life. Family is first. No relationships matter to me more than those I share with my loved ones. No task, no effort, no obligations come before the needs and requirements of my family. I’m sure many of you would express these same sentiments. Integrity is next. The essence of any theological or religious stance is integrity. I could not do the sacred work to which I am dedicated, nor put into practice those things
Jewish values are concepts, concepts that take on meaning when we act them out. It isn’t enough to profess them. We must practice them.
2 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
in which I believe, nor work on behalf of the needs of a Jewish community, if I did not try to remain focused on being trustworthy and pursuing goodness. I hope that many of you would express similar ideals. Rabbi Max Kaddushin taught that for Judaism values are what define our relationships with one another and with God. He explained that Jewish values are concepts, concepts that take on meaning when we act them out. It isn’t enough to profess them. We must practice them. Rabbi Kaddushin writes, “A value concept lives in its concretizations, each concretization being a fresh and unique expression of the concept.” That is among the reasons Jewish tradition prizes deed over creed. We display our beliefs more honestly than we declare them. That’s the truth about values. They define our existence only if they influence our choices and life patterns. A life of learning should foster thoughtfulness and understanding. A life of prayer and service ought to inspire humility and respect. A life of good deeds strives to reflect love and compassion. We demonstrate the meaning of our lives through the commitments and values we honor. Values are not a matter of opinion. If correct, they transcend the limits of our own experiences and preferences. We derive them from the wisdom and truths of our Jewish tradition. We discover them in the consequences of our errors and efforts to change. We recognize them in the hurt we cause others or the pain we, too, endure. We know them of conscience, of ancestry, and most certainly, of faith.
An unidentified poet writes: To look is one thing. To see what you look at is another. To understand what you see is a third. To learn from what you understand is still something else. But to act on what you learn is all that really matters. “What grounds you?” This is the question with which we introduce HaZ’man ~ This Season, our new periodic synagogue publication. As we prepare to enter a new year for our lives and our sacred community, we asked three members of Chizuk Amuno Congregation to consider what lies at the heart and soul of their lives, their values, and their Jewish identity. We were curious how that passion reflects their experiences here at Chizuk Amuno. Antony Rosen, Lowell Glazer, and Lynne Lichtig answer the question, each one reflecting an aspect of our congregation’s mission of Torah - learning, Avodah – prayer and service, and Gemilut Hasadim – acts of loving kindness. We hope their insights inspire your own as you anticipate the coming High Holy Day season. May we greet a New Year of goodness, grounded in meaning. Like the sign at the beach says, “The meaning of life is to give life meaning.” L’Shanah Tovah!
Rabbi Ron Shulman Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 3
Greetings at This Season L by Dr. Anne L. Young, President Chizuk Amuno Congregation
ast spring, I joked that in my first year as president, I purchased a cemetery and accepted a greenhouse. The latter was the class gift from the Krieger Schechter Class of 2009 to the synagogue. Now I can add the launching of a new series of publications to my list of presidential highlights. The most significant change is our new quarterly magazine HaZ’man, which means “this season.” As is evident from this first issue, the focus of HaZ’man will be on telling our story, as congregants reflect on their Jewish community and synagogue experiences, and our schools and constituent groups review their activities and projects. In addition, HaZ’man will contain information about upcoming holidays. You have already received our new monthly publication, HaHodesh, which combines elements of the old Kol Amuno and the postcard packets. And, if you subscribe to our weekly e-update, you can expect changes as well. To be called HaShavua, it will contain brief descriptions of upcoming events, with links to our website from which more detailed information is available. You can subscribe to this weekly e-mail message by sending your name and e-mail address to info@chizukamuno.org. These new and revised publications are just the first phase of changes intended to improve and enhance communication. The next phase will involve upgrading our website. In addition, educators in some of our schools are experimenting with YouTube videos, Facebook pages, and Twitter. Of course, not all of us will be interested in all of these forms of communication. But we want to ensure that we are communicating in ways that congregants find useful and meaningful,
helping them find their place in our sacred community. As with any new venture, we will likely need to make some adjustments and modifications. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Since the launching of a new publication is a rare occurrence, I asked Jan Schein, our Congregational Archivist, about previous undertakings. The first known newsletter was Chizuk Amuno Chronicle, published on December 1, 1926. Milton Fleischer, the congregation’s president, wrote: We would appreciate it very much if you would give us your full co-operation by letting every person connected with Chizuk Amuno, constitute themselves as a committee of one, and mail to Rabbi Coblenz all family news matters … Chizuk Amuno strives to be as one large family. Let’s work together. Our archives contain no further editions of this or any other newsletter until October 1940, when the first edition of the Congregational Bulletin was published. In that issue, the president wrote: This Bulletin, which fills a long-felt need in our Congregational life, will be the mirror in which will be reflected all the activities of our Congregation and its constituent organizations. It is my hope that each succeeding issue will be the messenger of Chizuk Amuno to our members and friends, and will make the relationship between them and the Synagogue deeper and closer. Reading these words reminds me that while the methods of communications have evolved since 1926 and 1940, the goals remain the same. From my perspective, the most amazing thing about these two presidential messages is that they were written by the same person, Milton Fleischer! This issue of HaZ’man contains information about the High Holy Days and Sukkot. On behalf of the Officers and Board of Trustees, I wish you and your family a sweet and healthy year. Shanah Tovah!
…We want to ensure that we are communicating in ways that congregants find useful and meaningful, helping them find their place in our sacred community.
4 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
Torah v r u ,
E x p a n d i n g O u r P e r s p e c t i ve by Dr. Antony Rosen
here is a famous cover of the New Yorker magazine showing New Yorkers’ view of the world—ending at the East River! Part of the reason that we find it amusing is that we recognize how representative that is of our own worlds. Life is busy, heavily scheduled, often focused on the close and urgent. There are moments when we perceive that the narrow perspective is just too narrow—who are we, why are we here, is there a meaning for our lives other than pursuing our work, satisfying our needs, and keeping things in balance? These questions may bubble up naturally, as a function of stage of life, or be stimulated when our predictable world is shaken by challenges (economic, health, family) which prove that we really are not in ultimate control. At such times, we yearn for that broader perspective, the ability to be conscious of things “beyond the East River.” Having become a member of Chizuk Amuno several years ago, it is gradually becoming clear that Torah is that pathway to broader consciousness.
Abraham Verghese, in his book Cutting for Stone, notes that “Life is lived forward, but understood backward.” For me, the recognition that Torah—as the Jewish system of thinking and living—could enable consciousness and greatly enrich life came gradually, and in retrospect. Unlike many conclusions, which come from the intellect, this came from the soul, and was made possible by several things. (I) Sanctified time. Our lives are busy, filled with bustle, and noise and light. The world of the spirit is completely drowned out. It is not easy to see the small sparks and hear the very soft sounds unless you choose to go into a quiet and dark place, and be patient. For example, everyone has had the experience of moving suddenly from a very bright environment into the darkness. Everything initially seems very black—and it is easy to bump into objects—and we fail to perceive even dimly lighted signs for the first few minutes. After 10 minutes, it is incredible how the continued on page 28
Having become a member of Chizuk Amuno several years ago, it is gradually becoming clear that Torah is that pathway to broader consciousness.
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 5
Avodah v s u c g
I n S er v i ce by Dr. Arthur Lesley
t is not so simple to know our neighbor, the person sitting next to us at services and with us at the Kiddush line. Ever since I arrived at Chizuk Amuno in 1985, I have been aware of Lowell Glazer as a friendly face, an officer of the congregation, and an influential person among Baltimore Jews. Tall and athleticlooking, with a slightly shy smile, he speaks gently and directly. It isn’t his appearance that is the most memorable quality about him, but the unself-conscious earnestness with which he recalls the causes and institutions he has helped and the smile that comes when he talks about them. Lowell and his wife Harriet are wellknown as donors large and small to Chizuk Amuno and as sponsors of important causes and events, but until I talked with him recently, I had only a bare idea of what they, their family, and their circle of friends have contributed to shape the character of Jewish and communal institutions in Baltimore.
6 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
H i s C o m m u n ity : L owell G lazer
As an officer of the ASSOCIATED, Sinai Hospital, LifeBridge Health, the University of Maryland, Baltimore Hebrew University, and several country clubs, Lowell Glazer has been taking responsibility for the community, health services, education at all levels, and anyone else who needs help. I was surprised to learn how much he has done for the community, while at the same time working very hard and making notable achievements in business. For over 50 years he has developed land and residential and commercial real estate and has built homes, condominium townhouse communities, shopping centers, storage facilities and office buildings. As he has been acknowledged a leader in philanthropy, his professional achievements have also been recognized by his peers, being elected president of the Home Builders Association of Maryland.
Lowell and his wife, Harriet, became members of Chizuk Amuno in 1963. Lowell served as Congregation President from 1992-1994 and has participated on several committees throughout his affiliation with our shul.
Growing up a hard-working son of a father who worked very hard as well, he always felt he wanted to make things better. Joining Chizuk Amuno in 1968 opened a whole range of opportunities to improve things. “I didn’t get active until later,” but then he came to recognize “I had an obligation and an opportunity to do something.” Already involved in a successful business career— “People ask me to do things, to be on boards.”—he combined his strong desire to help young people and his commitment to the community of Chizuk Amuno, especially in the project of building of Chizuk Amuno’s Solomon Schechter Day School. “I took off a summer from work to get that building built,” and he is proud of insisting that the one-floor building be sturdy enough eventually to support a second story. He and Harriet agree that they wanted to do things for people while they were alive. They have spontaneously done many things for which there will be no plaques, but are memorable for the satisfaction they got from helping out. For example, a handwritten note from a small shul asked for help in transporting 35 speech-impaired children to a convention in Ocean City. Years later, recalling making a phone call and arranging the bus fare and registration for the children, Mr. Glazer smiles broadly. He enjoys the idea, the satisfaction of seeing the actual results—“seeing the kids make use of what you meant and made possible—not any recognition.” He emphasizes that it is not the amount of the giving that is important, but recognizing the chance to make a difference for people. Anybody can find such opportunities to enjoy “the fact of giving.” “Especially in hard times, we need to take care of the
community.” He says, “Give ‘til it hurts,” simply to describe the way he feels about giving, not to make a pitch to others. Asked how he chooses among several worthy causes, Mr. Glazer says, “I like to be versatile,” and his steady priorities are Chizuk Amuno, the ASSOCIATED, and Sinai Hospital. Even in dealing with conflicts about action, “I like to be a positive person, but I like to listen a lot to both sides of a story, or all three, before making a decision.” When he encounters attitudes he doesn’t like, he tries to set an example of the behavior of which he approves, instead of scolding. For his peaceable attitude, others have given him the nickname, “Mr. Switzerland.” From my conversation with Lowell Glazer, I learned that our real philanthropists are recognizable by their actions, of course, and by the newspaper articles and plaques that announce their efforts. More immediately, however, we can recognize our philanthropists by the smile that comes over their faces when they recall the details of what they accomplished. Even those of us who have not succeeded in business like Mr. Glazer can look forward to earning the smile he has won many times by helping where it is needed and “giving ‘til it hurts.” n
It is not the amount of the giving that is important, but recognizing the chance to make a difference for people.
Arthur Lesley arrived in Baltimore in 1985 and has been a member of Chizuk Amuno almost since then. He taught Hebrew and Jewish literature at Baltimore Hebrew University until this past June and has taught at the Stulman Center for Adult Learning. He is the proud father of Michael, a KSDS graduate, recent conductor of Kol Rinah, and Harvard doctoral candidate.
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 7
Gemilut Hasadim Over
By Lynne Lichtig
I have been given an opportunity to be part of something that will perpetuate my feelings about Judaism and the Jewish people throughout future generations. For that I am grateful and hopeful that our children and grandchildren will find some meaning for themselves within our Movement.
have been volunteering in some form since I was a young child—I didn’t know it was called that—because I just was helping my mother as she did her “work.” I guess my “roots” ran deep, my parents and extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins were all involved in our small town’s only synagogue. It just became routine as I got involved in school groups, USY, and other after school activities, even after we left our small town for somewhere else. I am not sure how it happens—when someone asks you to do something and you just say yes. Maybe it is the need to be accepted, or find friends, or find a sense of fulfillment. All of these things happen when you see yourself as part of something bigger. Why it happens to some and not to others is the age old question. Synagogue life at Chizuk Amuno for me started over twenty years ago when Larry and I decided to move from York, PA to the 8 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
Baltimore area in order to provide a wider Jewish experience for our young children. I did research (then it was done by phone, not the internet!) and being from a Conservative background, Chizuk Amuno seemed to be a right fit. We settled in over the summer and once the kids were in school, my first question when I walked into the building was “Is there anything I can volunteer to do?” Stanley Minch and Dorothy Rainess wasted no time setting up a project for me! It didn’t take me long to become involved in the PTA of the religious school. Helping Jewish kids have those extra special “perks” to make coming to the synagogue fun— who could say no to that? I met wonderful parents who make that connection as well and I thought it was good use of my time. So the next time I was asked to take a leadership role in a community that was already my “home” I said yes! When the time was appropriate for me to activate my Sisterhood membership, a lot of continued on page 28
May the coming New Year 5770 be one of goodness and peace! May we draw nearer to one another and to our sacred heritage, dedicated to Finding Meaning, Strengthening Faith, and Creating Community.
osh HaShanah and Yom
while hoping we have changed.
Kippur bring us together.
We merge our vastly different
During the High Holy Days
backgrounds, experiences, and
we are reminded that we
memories into one whole and holy
belong to a community of Jews with
whom we share values and history.
At Chizuk Amuno Congregation
We greet and meet one another at
we are fortunate that we can provide
the synagogue with the purpose of
our synagogue members with
measuring the course of our lives and different settings and styles of High the condition of our world. Our worship is unique on the High
Holy Day Services, as well as joint opportunities when we all gather as
Holy Days. The liturgy’s themes
one. Each of these worship services
address our vulnerabilities and
meets our standards of tradition and
fears, our strengths and hopes. We
quality as a Conservative synagogue.
face the future mindful of the past
The following brief descriptions
and present in an honest process of
of each High Holy Day Service
introspection and repentance. On
may help you to anticipate your
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur we
participation and comfort during the
seek a familiar synagogue service
Days of Awe.
L’Shanah Tovah
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Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 9
Sanctuary Service High Holy Day Worship in the Sanctuary Service is formal in style, providing a large and evocative setting for personal prayer and reflection. The Chizuk Amuno Synagogue Choir accompanies the Hazzan’s recitation and davenen. English readings and reflections, as well as the Rabbi’s sermon, are interspersed during the service to enrich and inform each person’s experience. Krieger Auditorium Service High Holy Day Worship in the Krieger Auditorium Service is formal in style, providing a warm and participatory setting for personal prayer and reflection. The Ba’al Tefilah’s recitation and davenen sets the ambience for prayer. English readings and reflections, as well as the Rabbi’s sermon, are interspersed during the service to enrich and inform each person’s experience. Stulman Auditorium Service High Holy Day Worship in the Stulman Auditorium is less formal in style and somewhat abbreviated, providing an intimate and participatory setting for individuals and families to join in prayer and reflection. Members of the congregation assist the Rabbi and Ba’al Tefilah in leading and reciting the prayers and performing other ritual roles. Stories, anecdotes, and readings are interspersed during the service to enrich and inform each person’s experience. Torah for Tots Families with Kindergarten age and younger children may choose to attend a Torah for Tots Service designed especially for them on both days of Rosh HaShanah, Kol Nidre eve, and Yom Kippur. Advance sign up is necessary to accommodate everyone comfortably.
Family Services On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur mornings a one hour High Holy Day service is held for all families with children in grades K - 4 who want to share an interactive family experience. Two services will be held on the First Day of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, and one on the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah and Kol Nidre eve. Advance sign up is necessary to accommodate the many parents and children who wish to attend together. The Rabbi and Ba’al Tefilah conduct this informal service in a manner that engages adults and children alike. The service includes prayer, a brief Torah service, the sounding of the Shofar, and other High Holy Day symbols and themes. High Holy Day Experiences for Families and Children Chizuk Amuno Congregation’s educators offer many opportunities for students in grades K through 12 to share in age appropriate holiday experiences and learning together. Childcare and children’s programs will be available for the complete mornings of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding when congregational services are completed, enabling parents to fully participate in High Holy Day Services. Second Day of Rosh HaShanah 2009 – 5770 On the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah, Sunday, September 20, all the members of our synagogue family, across all the generations and all the worship services, will gather together in the Chizuk Amuno Sanctuary to celebrate Rosh HaShanah, creating an embracing and open community for us all. In our Sanctuary, joyously filled with the spirit of our synagogue community, together we will share in the prayer, hopes, and sacred privilege of welcoming a New Year.
This service of traditional High Holy Day prayer will be augmented by explanations that focus on personal and religious meaning, and include a blend of familiar melodies as well as congregational singing. After 10 a.m. seating in the Sanctuary is open for the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah, just as it is on Erev Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur afternoon. Elderly and disabled members who require special assistance for their comfort in the Sanctuary will be able to reserve their seats for this service by contacting Judy Simkin. A separate Second Day ticket will be provided to Chizuk Amuno families in order to assure that there will be space for all of our members who plan to attend. Ushers will be located throughout the Sanctuary floor and balcony to ensure that everyone is assisted and comfortably seated. Rabbis Shulman, Wechsler, and Schneider, along with Hazzan Perlman will join in conducting this worship service merging all who worship in the Sanctuary, Krieger, and Stulman Auditoriums into one congregation. Following all services on the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah we will join together in the Garden Lounge for a Kiddush, greeting our synagogue family and friends with wishes for a healthy and good New Year. It is our sincere hope that everyone who attends and participates throughout the High Holy Day season will find inspiration and joy in the presence of God and our entire community. Our clergy appreciate the privilege and responsibility of leading this sacred and dynamic congregation in prayer and contemplation on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Proud that our worship services provide variety in their styles and characters, our clergy view each of our congregation’s varied High Holy Day Services with equal value, dignity, and importance for our synagogue members, families, and friends during the Days of Awe. L’Shanah Tovah u’Metukah!
For a Good and Sweet New Year Looking forward to meaningful and joyous services, we wish you a sweet and good New Year!
As members of Chizuk Amuno Congregation, we each choose which one of these worship services we plan to attend when confirming our synagogue membership for a new year. Most of us
10 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
choose to remain in the same service in which we have participated for many years. Every year as the High Holy Days approach, some of us elect to change our choice of worship service, subject to the availability of seats in that different location.
If you would like to make a seating or location adjustment or have any other questions regarding High Holy Day seating, please contact Judy Simkin, 410/486-6400, ext. 232 or jsimkin@chizukamuno.org.
Defending Your Life Film Presentation
Saturday Evening, September 12, 8 p.m. A romantic comedy/fantasy film about a man who dies and is put on trial in the afterlife for being afraid. Defending Your Life is a story about judgment, as on Yom Kippur, we are judged in order to determine our fate. Despite its comedic overtones, the film contains elements of drama and allegory. Cast: Albert Brooks, Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine, Rip Torn, and Lee Grant. Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler will lead us in discussion following the film presentation.
Selihot Services
Saturday Evening, September 12, 10 p.m. Selihot is a unique and moving late night “Service of Forgiveness” that begins the High Holy Day season. During the Selihot Service we are introduced to some of the prayers and motifs of the coming Days of Awe. The Selihot Service is an emotional, spiritual, and evocative evening of teshuvah, repentance, reflecting upon our deeds and experiences this past year as we consider personal and religious goals for future growth and change. We begin with Havdalah and conclude our evening with the sounding of the shofar. The Torah Scrolls in the Ark are publicly changed into their white High Holy Day covers which symbolize the freshness and purity of the coming New Year.
5770 High Holy Day Services 2009
Erev Rosh HaShanah, Friday, September 18 Minhah: Afternoon Service (in the Hoffberger Chapel) Ma’ariv: Evening Service Candle Lighting
5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:52 p.m.
We will usher in the New Year together in the Sanctuary. Seating will be open for this service. All of our clergy will participate during this service.
Rosh HaShanah – 1st Day, Shabbat, September 19 Sanctuary and Krieger Auditorium Services
Shaharit: Morning Service Torah Service Musaf: Holy Day Service
9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Rabbi Ronald Shulman and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman will officiate at services in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Deborah Wechsler and Dr. Larry Amsterdam will officiate at services in the Krieger Auditorium.
Stulman Auditorium Service
High Holy Day Sparkle Too busy to polish your silver? Bring your silver Judaica objects to us for a museum quality cleaning. Drop off: Goldsmith Museum Office Tuesday-Wednesday, September 8 - 9, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Pick up: Sunday, September 14, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cost: $25 and up per object, determined by condition at drop-off. Proceeds benefit the Goldsmith Museum. Cost of polishing may be considered a partial deduction. If you would like to be trained as a volunteer, or have any questions, please call Susan Vick, ext. 291
Rosh HaShanah Service
9:30 a.m.
Rabbi Paul Schneider and Dr. David Roffman will officiate at services in the Stulman Auditorium.
Erev 2nd Day Rosh HaShanah Minhah: Afternoon Service Ma’ariv: Evening Service Candle Lighting
6:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m. after 7:36 p.m.
We will continue our welcome of the New Year together in the Sanctuary.
Rosh HaShanah – 2nd Day, Sunday, September 20 Sanctuary, Krieger, and Stulman Auditorium Services
Shaharit: Morning Service Torah Service …followed by the Sounding of the Shofar Musaf: Holy Day Service
9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
We will merge the Sanctuary, Krieger, and Stulman, Auditorium services in the Sanctuary for the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah. Rabbis Shulman, Wechsler, Schneider and Hazzan Perlman will officiate. Our entire community will complete our welcome of the New Year together in the Chizuk Amuno Sanctuary.
Our entire community will gather at 4:30 p.m. in the Garden Lounge for friendship and refreshments before walking to an outdoor ceremony to symbolically cast away our sins. Minhah: Afternoon Service 7:00 p.m. Ma’ariv: Evening Service 7:15 p.m. Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 11
Kol Nidre - Erev Yom Kippur, Sunday, September 27 Sanctuary, Krieger, and Stulman Auditorium Services
Minhah: Afternoon Service (in the Hoffberger Chapel) Ma’ariv: Evening Service Candle Lighting
6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:37 p.m.
Rabbi Ronald Shulman and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman will officiate at services in the Chizuk Amuno Sanctuary. Rabbi Deborah Wechsler will deliver the sermon.
Yom Kippur
1st Day of Rosh HaShanah – Shabbat, September 19 Youth Services and Special Holiday Youth Activities continue through 1 p.m.
2nd Day of Rosh HaShanah – Sunday, September 20 Youth Services and Special Holiday Youth Activities continue through 1 p.m.
Kol Nidre – Sunday, September 27
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
Family High Holy Day Experience grades K - 4, with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required
Yom Kippur, Monday, September 28
Room 102 Room 211 Kolker Youth Lounge
9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Rabbi Ronald Shulman and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman will officiate at services in the Chizuk Amuno Sanctuary. Rabbi Deborah Wechsler and Dr. Larry Amsterdam will officiate at services in the Krieger Auditorium.
Stulman Auditorium Service
Yom Kippur Service
9:30 a.m.
Grades K - 1 Lerner Beit Midrash Grades 2 - 4 Music Room Grades 5 - 6, with Abby Kogen Room 252 Grades 7 - 12 Teen Service, with Isaac Woloff Hoffberger Chapel 11:15 a.m. Family High Holy Day Experience grades K - 4, Esterson Auditorium with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required Torah for Tots Family Service, Krieger Gym with Michelle Gold and Alex Weinberg, prior sign up required
Rabbi Paul Schneider and Dr. David Roffman will officiate at services in the Stulman Auditorium. Our entire community will complete our observance of Yom Kippur and the High Holy Days together in the Sanctuary. Seating will be open for these sessions and services.
Heshbon HaNefesh Study Sessions Rabbi Shulman’s Discussion Minhah: Afternoon Service Neilah: Concluding Service (Be sure to bring your shofar!) Family Neilah Service in Krieger Auditorium
12 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m.
Grades K - 1 Grades 2 - 4 Grades 5 - 12
Room 102 Room 211 Kolker Youth Lounge
School Age High Holy Day Services
Esterson Auditorium
School Age High Holy Day Services
Sanctuary and Krieger Auditorium Services
Rosh HaShanah
10 a.m.
Rabbi Paul Schneider and Dr. David Roffman will officiate at services in the Stulman Auditorium.
5770 High Holy Day Children and Youth Services
Rosh HaShanah
Grades K - 1 Grades 2 - 4 Grades 5 - 12
Rabbi Deborah Wechsler and Dr. Larry Amsterdam will officiate at services in the Krieger Auditorium. Rabbi Ronald Shulman will deliver the sermon.
Shaharit: Morning Service Torah Service Yizkor Memorial Prayers Musaf: Holy Day Service
5770 High Holy Day Children and Youth Services
Childcare and Children’s Programs— for children ages 2 through 5 years n Childcare and programs for children ages 2 through 5 years will be available from 9:00 a.m. until all congregational High Holy Day Services are completed on the First and Second Days of Rosh HaShanah as well as on Yom Kippur Morning. n Snacks will be provided for the children on each day. n Check-in for Childcare will be held in the lobby of the Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Grades K - 1 Lerner Beit Midrash Grades 2 - 4 Music Room Grades 5 - 6, with Abby Kogen and Isaac Woloff Room 252 Grades 7 - 12 Teen Service, merged with Congregation in Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Family High Holy Day Experience grades K - 4 , Esterson Auditorium with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required Torah for Tots Family Service, Krieger Gym with Michelle Gold and Alex Weinberg, prior sign up required
6:30 p.m.
Family Service: Grades K - 4 , with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required
Esterson Auditorium
Torah for Tots Pajama Party, with Michelle Gold and Alex Weinberg, prior sign up required
Krieger Gym
Youth and High School Services Grades 5 - 6 with Abby Kogen Room 252 Grades 7 - 12 with Isaac Woloff Hoffberger Chapel Yom Kippur – Monday, September 28 9 a.m.
Grades K - 1 Grades 2 - 4 Grades 5 - 12
Room 102 Room 203 Kolker Youth Lounge
10 a.m.
Family High Holy Day Experience: Grades K - 4 , with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required School Age High Holy Day Services Grades K - 1 Grades 2 - 4 Grades 5 - 6 Special Activities followed by Services, with Abby Kogen Grades 7 - 12 Teen Service with Isaac Woloff
Esterson Auditorium
Lerner Beit Midrash Music Room Kolker Youth Lounge Hoffberger Chapel
11:15 a.m.
Family High Holy Day Experience grades K - 4, Esterson Auditorium with Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, prior sign up required Torah for Tots Family Service, Krieger Gym with Michelle Gold and Alex Weinberg, prior sign up required 6:45 p.m.
Family Neilah Service
Krieger Auditorium
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 13
What’s a Stulman Center Summer? by Judy Meltzer
he Stulman Center for Adult Learning is open 12 months of the year, offering classes, study groups, films, and a variety of opportunities for learning. Learning doesn’t stop in the summer; hence, a Stulman Center summer is filled with activities that will exercise your mind in airconditioned comfort; intrigue, exploration, discovery, confrontation, challenges. It’s never too hot to go hiking. In June, twenty-five students pursued “Pathways through the Prayerbook” with Rabbi Gila Ruskin. They explored the text, context, and subtext of the Shabbat evening and morning prayers. Their journey was enhanced through the study of stirring poetry, song, and commentary. Summer is a time to kick back and relax. Also a time to contemplate some of the questions that we don’t have time to address in the busier winter months. Joe Greenblum helped students to confront Jewish practice, exposing them to the scholarship of Dr. Arnold Eisen, JTS Chancellor and scholar. Remember the drive-in movies? We offer the shlep-out films. Film-goers shlepped out their lawn chair and enjoyed our “Cinema under the Stars” in its fifth year of outdoor films, replete with candy, drinks and snacks. And oh, yes. Fresh, hot popcorn, made on-
site. And all free!!! What is summer without a camp experience? And WHAT a camp experience! Our second summer camp presented a celebration of music and art—Jewish style. Dr. Susan Vick taught “Broadway Boogie Woogie: American Art in the Jazz Age.” Her outstanding illustrated lectures enlightened campers on what the visual arts reveal about dance styles of the period, the neighborhoods, and the music of the Jazz Age. Seth Kibel presented “The Jews of American Jazz,” an in-depth examination of the music, personalities, lives, and careers of American musical giants George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Benny Goodman, and Artie Shaw. And every day began with a mouthwatering breakfast – juice, coffee, waffles, pancakes, bagels, lox, cream cheese, scrambled eggs, and muffins. (Not all on the same day, of course.) What is our one regret? We had to turn away would be campers. We were filled to capacity. As one camper put it in her thankyou note, “Wow! What a week – next year you’ll need the Armory!” As you can tell, a Stulman Center summer is not to be missed. And Stulman Center fall is terrific, too! Watch for your brochure listing all the many ways you can be a part of our learning community. n
Building Foundations
A t G oldsmith E arly C hildhood E ducation C enter by Jenny Gamliel
What is our one regret? We had to turn away would be campers. We were filled to capacity.
14 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
Judy Meltzer is Chizuk Amuno’s Director of the Stulman Center for Adult Learning and the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School. She loves everything about Adult Jewish Learning. As an adult, Judy earned a masters degree in Jewish Studies, taught adults in many settings, and always continued to study. When it comes to Jewish learning, you're never too young or too old.
he name of this publication, HaZ’man or “This Season,” is meant to evoke reflection on the various seasons our lives. My husband and I have four children under the age of eight - two graduates of Goldsmith and two current students. For us, time has taken a new and curious twist in recent years. As the parents of small children, we like to say that the days are long, but the years are short. Particularly with our youngest already approaching two, I am feeling the “short year” part quite acutely. This first installment of HaZ’man calls on us to look at time through the lens of what grounds us as
individuals and as a community. It should come as no surprise that what grounds me is my husband and my children. It may seem obvious or even trite, nonetheless, it delights me to find that to be my reality at this point in my life. As I go through my days, my months and my years, the choices that I make are filtered through the lens of my family. What will my choices mean for the other five people who live in this house? Will it help my children to learn the life lessons that are important to me and to my husband? To be sure, there are many spokes on the wheel of my life, yet they all relate back to that central hub of my family. Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 15
As my husband and I make this journey raising our children together, we have found that the community of Chizuk Amuno has become a fundamental part of our days and years.
An Amazing Journey
A t K r i ege r S c h ec h t e r D a y S c h o o l by Alana and Barry Silverman
The learning experience at KSDS goes beyond the classroom. Each year the feeling of community and being part of the KSDS family grew. As my husband and I make this journey raising our children together, we have found that the community of Chizuk Amuno has become a fundamental part of our days and years. Before the children were born, we loved being able to take a break from the hectic pace of our working lives in order to gather for Shabbat and Hagim. For us, Chizuk Amuno was the ideal place to do such a thing. When we needed intellectual pursuit, we found it. When we needed quiet meditation, we found it. When we needed camaraderie, we found it. Chizuk Amuno brought together study, prayer, and friendship in a place that was both familiar and stirring. Needless to say, taking a break from the hectic pace of life on Shabbat does not have the same tranquil resonance now that we have a house full of four walking and talking balls of energy in our home. Shabbat now involves less serene reflection, and more parachutes and pretzels. Intellectual inquiry is not quite so lofty these days. On a good day, it comes in the form of an especially earnest theological question from a five year old. Despite the dramatic changes in our lifestyle, we continue to look to the 16 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
wider Chizuk Amuno community to keep us grounded, and are always delighted that it does. Torah for Tots and Family Services have become absolute staples of our family’s Shabbat diet. The Young Family programming throughout the calendar year provides us with an marvelous range of activities to enjoy together. Youth groups and Hagim family services round out the picture for us. It is satisfying to know that the same community that kept our feet on the ground as a young married couple is still able to do so—ten years and four children later. Of course, the backbone of this grounding is the educational structure that our kids get within the walls of Chizuk Amuno. In the interest of full disclosure, I should acknowledge that I am a teacher and fanatical about the job that teachers do. That being said, I firmly believe that without the educational scaffolding of Jewish learning, all the rest is in danger of collapse. With all four of the kids now school age, Krieger Schechter Day School and Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center have become vital touchstones for us and for them. Our kids are learning who they are through the Jewish lens of these schools.
As they progress through Goldsmith they are learning about the Jewish holidays and experiencing them in a very direct way. Regular Shabbat observance is fun, interactive, and quite alive for my kids. Our family’s home Shabbat and holiday rituals are constantly expanding and evolving based on new tidbits that come home from Goldsmith. Israel is a regular part of their school year. They are learning about the amazing geography of the country. They are absorbing the music of the land. They experience Israeli food and dance and its wider culture at Goldsmith. While I know that there will all too quickly come a day when my kids are graduated from the schools within the Chizuk Amuno building, I will always be grateful for the foundation that they built for me, for my husband and for my children. n Having grown up at the shul, Jenny is a fourth generation member of the Chizuk Amuno family. Many are familiar with her parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents: Mollie and Bill Smulyan, Dorothy and Nathan Needle, and Mollie and Jacob Hamburger. Jenny and her husband, Ziv, live in Owings Mills with their four kids (fifth generation CAC) Natan, Aviad, Lior, and Gilad.
n the spring of 2000, we were considering a number of options for first grade for our daughter, Marnie. This was not going to be an easy decision. Marnie was an early reader with an extensive vocabulary but she had trouble with transitions and following directions. She needed a place that would be nurturing and at the same time challenging. Upon visiting Krieger Schechter, we noticed two students walking down the hall singing. We took this as a sign that this was a happy place. We met with Ilene Wise who couldn’t have been more welcoming and encouraging. Yet, we were still apprehensive about how Marnie would take to this totally new environment. She took the test and went off to shadow. When she returned, she exuberantly proclaimed, “I love this place. I never want to leave.” The rest is history.
Now, eight years later, Marnie’s enthusiasm for KSDS is stronger than ever. We still love the place and wish we didn’t have to leave. This fall, Marnie will enter the Carver Center for Arts and Technology and we will all embrace the challenges of high school. Thanks to KSDS we are ready. Without question, Marnie received an inspiring and productive education. She is a bright child who needed to be challenged and KSDS delivered that challenge day in and day out, year after year. The Hebrew education she received was unparalleled. We realized the benefit of that education when Marnie stood on the bimah for her bat mitzvah and chanted her haftarah with emotion and precision. We couldn’t have been more proud or thankful for all the incredible KSDS teachers who
taught and mentored Marnie over the years. Her Jewish education also inspired us as a family. We began putting up a sukkah each year, became more observant of Shabbat, and participated in more holiday observances than just those that fall in September. Marnie’s secular education was just as incredible. Her teachers were more than great instructors, they were caring and compassionate people who took a genuine interest in each student. It was this superior learning environment that gave Marnie the tools to become an exceptional writer and story-teller. The learning experience at KSDS goes beyond the classroom. Each year the feeling of community and being part of the KSDS family grew. The field trips to Philadelphia, New York, The Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and Teva gave us all shared experiences and produced friendships that will last far beyond her days at KSDS. Now after eight years we understand that the real beauty of KSDS is how the whole continued on page 28 Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 17
This is a Jewish Playground by Abby Kogen
What’s Nu?
Keeping In Touch With Our Kids by Hillary Crystal
This past school year has gone by so fast! It seems like yesterday that we sent out apple candies and honey sticks to our college students for Rosh HaShanah. We have had a great year keeping in touch with our Chizuk Amuno college students and we know that they have appreciated the goodies we have sent them. Here is an excerpt from a thank you note we received from one of our students:
he school day ends with the sound of Rosenbloom Religious School students banging a beat on the floor and clapping their hands as they sing, filling the first and second floors with their voices. While counting the Omer together in the month of May, our students sing and teach each other different Middot (Jewish Values) and how they have personal relevance to their lives. One day the school learns from the Gimmel class as they teach their understanding of the middah of supporting the community. The school listens as a third grader describes a real life scenario where they have applied this concept from our tradition to their life. Here the students are the teachers. We ask ourselves, what and where is a classroom? Our classroom is the playground, the art room, the food pantry. The power of education is the creation of authentic moments of applied learning. At Rosenbloom Religious School students are given the language and knowledge to approach their lives within the context of their Jewish 18 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
background. When Jordan says he likes religious school “because he’s with his best friends” he is also learning the importance of community and celebration. When Emma says she loves studying and acting out what she has learned in the Torah, the source book of our tradition, she becomes empowered by making connections between her life and the life of our ancestors. When Evy says she loves religious school because “she loves learning how to teach other people,” she is learning that she is the next link in the chain. Here lies the power of religious school education: we use this “living laboratory” of our community as the application ground for our students - they can apply what they learn in theory to real life moments. No matter whether you are in the kitchen or playground, classroom or chapel, every room is a sacred space. n
We ask ourselves, what and where is a classroom? Our classroom is the playground, the art room, the food pantry. The power of education is the creation of authentic moments of applied learning.
Abby is Chizuk Amuno’s Coordinator of Congregational Education. She received her Bachelor of Art’s degree in Theatre and Peace Studies from Goucher College and is currently a candidate for her MSW at the University of Maryland.
Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood – Building Community Through Active Participation By Jeff Snyder Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood has a long history of contributing to the richness of the synagogue community. Some of the service oriented activities Brotherhood directs are the American Red Cross Blood Drives, Adopt-A-Road, Holocaust memorial candle distribution, pizza night for children, and providing lulav and etrog sets to the community. We also have Brotherhood events that are planned just for the fun of it - Monday nights, our annual December 25 movie, and bowling (yes, bowling is still fun!).
“It is 4:45 a.m. and I am in my dorm library trying to finish one of the three large papers I have due in the next three days. I thought you should know that at this moment of academic peril, I am sustained by the awesome light up blue raspberry finger blow pop that recently arrived in my mailbox as part of my Hanukkah care package from Chizuk Amuno. As the crystallized sugars dissolve in my mouth, I can feel them carrying the spirit of Hanukkah and the Chizuk Amuno community throughout my body and giving me new energy to finish these assignments.”
We would love to include your college undergraduate student in our college outreach program for next year. All you need to do is send us some basic information and we will add them to the list. Please send the Brotherhood members will lead shiva minyan when needed. Our members are always visible and integral participants in ritual and education activities in the shul. Watch for details about our new program called Keruv. Most importantly, the Brotherhood creates a warm and welcoming environment to help build its membership. All members are welcome to the Brotherhood and are actively encouraged to bring their interests and ideas to the table. Regardless of the individual’s knowledge level and participation at Chizuk Amuno, the Brotherhood provides a vehicle to become more involved comfortably. Future activity is planned that includes environmental awareness through solar lighting at CAC and soy-based candles for ritual observance. Road trips will be planned to destinations of interest to the membership.
student name, address at school, phone number, e-mail address, birthday, and year in school to Hillary Crystal at: jackandhillary@comcast.net or call 410/363-4060. We have also started a new program for current high school students. If you are planning to visit colleges in the near future, many of our Chizuk Amuno students are available to meet with you on campus. Several of our families have taken advantage of this program and have completely enjoyed meeting with our enthusiastic and knowledgeable students. Contact Hillary Crystal to arrange a visit with one of our students. Many thanks to the following people for their time, energy, and support in the running of the college outreach program: Miriam Foss, Shari Rosen, Judy Simkin, Rabbi Wechsler, Alex Weinberg, and Beverly Wiseman (who sends birthday greetings to all of our students). The Brotherhood has benefited greatly from its affiliation with the FJMC (Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs). Ideas, learning, programming, and some truly valuable gatherings are part of the FJMC’s purpose. Jeff Snyder is serving in his first term as Brotherhood President. He, his wife, Barbara, and their children, Jonathan and Rebecca, have been members of Chizuk Amuno since the early 1990’s when Jonathan began at Krieger Schechter Day School.
Welcome to the New Hoffberger Chapel Over the summer, the Hoffberger Chapel was refurbished with new carpeting, chairs, and cabinets for talitot, tefillin, siddurim, and humashim. The renewed chapel will provide a comfortable and flexible environment for prayer and learning. We express our gratitude to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Mollie and Harry Hoffberger who provided a generous gift to fund this project. The chapel is dedicated to Charles H. Hoffberger, Harriet H. Hoffenberg, Clara H. Lebovitz, Esther H. Rosenbloom, and Etta Hoffberger Weinberg.
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 19
by Ellen Friedman
by Stacy Jacobson
am so grateful for the incredible opportunity with which Chizuk Amuno provided me and would not have been able to go to Buenos Aires without the Gemilut Hasadim scholarship I received. My spring break took me far from the conventional Costa Rican villas and all-inclusive resorts that many of my peers have visited. Instead, I decided to participate in a Hillel Alternative Spring Break trip to perform community service within the Argentinean Jewish community. We arrived on a Friday, so my introduction into Jewish Argentinean life was Friday night Shabbat services. What I saw that first night in Buenos Aires was Jewish life coming together like I had never seen before. The seats in the service were packed; people lined the walls and sat on the floor just to take part in Kabbalat Shabbat. Dressed in jeans, tank tops, and flip flops, the dress code was hardly what I am used to seeing in an American Jewish sanctuary. However, the passion and fervor for the ceremony was unmatched by anything I had ever experienced. After singing Od Yavo Shalom with the rest of the congregation—
our arms around each other, native Spanish and English speakers as one group—I realized how special that moment was in my Jewish life. Our group of 25 spent the rest of the week volunteering at various Jewish and secular organizations. Our main project was to revamp the outdoor play area for the Tel Aviv School, the local Jewish day school which serves the least financially able Jewish families in Buenos Aires. Through our five days at the school, we got to know the adorable faces of the youngsters, spoke to them in Spanish, English, and Hebrew, and even learned a dance together after making Kiddush on Friday afternoon. We visited Baby Help, a service run through the JDC to help homeless and jobless women with day care for their infant through three year olds. Our group also spent a day with L.I.F.E. Argentina, a service organization with which we went to a shantytown outside Buenos Aires where the poverty and drug rates are so high that even
The meaning I reaped from my trip and my commitment to Jewish life continues to shine through.
20 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
the police have given up regulating the area. There, we helped build, sand, and paint two community centers that prior Hillel ASB groups had begun (including the Towson University chapter). The meaning I reaped from my trip and my commitment to Jewish life continues to shine through. I am very involved in my Hillel on campus as a member of our Hillel Leadership Council. n Stacy Jacobson, a graduate of Rosenbloom Religious School, is currently a rising Senior at Northwestern University, with a double major in Journalism and Political Science.
or years, driving through Baltimore’s older neighborhoods, I felt sad at the sight of once lovely houses that have become neglected and decrepit. I used to think, “Someone ought to do something about that,” and I wished that I could help. Now, by volunteering with Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity, I’m doing just that. Last winter I helped on two interfaith builds along with other Chizuk Amuno members, and I was hooked. This summer I took advantage of my teacher’s schedule to volunteer one day a week on the house sponsored by the United Churches group at CHFH. I met an incredible, inspiring group of volunteers. There are congregants of many area churches, some of whom have been volunteering at CHFH for years. There are the wonderful young Americorps volunteers who oversee our project, college students or recent graduates who, instead of going to frat parties and spring break trips, are working incredibly hard while living
on a meager stipend. And then there are the homeowners—Baltimoreans who have purchased or who are waiting to purchase a home from CHFH, and are giving back to the community by helping to build a home for someone else. I learned many useful skills—how to use a circular saw, how to install subflooring that won’t squeak, and how to work on an unfinished second story despite a moderate fear of heights. It’s gratifying to see the progress that we can make on a house in just one day, and to see how much more is added from week to week. I truly feel that I’m putting my Jewish values into practice in the most concrete way (no pun intended). Chizuk Amuno’s support for CHFH is something of which we can all be proud. n
In honor of Rabbi Deborah Wechsler’s tenth anniversary at Chizuk Amuno, the congregation donated housewarming gifts for the six families whose homes were dedicated in June. Roxie and Jonathan, Monyetta, Faye, Josie, Jean and Taja all received basic items for the house, a colorful welcome mat, and a flower pot filled with flowers. Chizuk Amuno has participated in the Interfaith Build since its inception in 2007.
Ellen teaches Judaics at Krieger Schechter Middle School and also teaches in the Netivon program. Her family has been at Chizuk Amuno for almost 20 years. Ellen’s three sons, Aaron, Josh, and Zachary, all graduated from Schechter and attended Netivon. Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 21
by Rabbi Deborah Wechsler
ukkot is my new favorite Jewish holiday. It gained that distinction only in the past four years that I have built a sukkah in my home. To be honest I don’t remember if I had a favorite holiday before now, but this year when Morah Susan and Ellen’s class of four year olds asked me what my favorite Jewish holiday was (I was invited to visit the class for “Q week”—questions for the rabbi), Sukkot was the obvious choice. All week the house is filled with friends and family who come to share a meal or playtime in the sukkah. Our sukkah is decorated with New Year cards, drawings by my children and nieces and nephews, and pictures from previous years’ sukkot. We share one great meal after another, and sit outside under the leaves and the stars, reciting Kiddush in our cozy retreat. Celebrating Sukkot is in many ways a contrast to the previous weeks’ observances of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. In contrast to the rootedness of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, Sukkot is a festival that celebrates being set free from earth. Among the many technical requirements for building a sukkah, one of the more unusual is that the skhakh or leafy covering must be uprooted from 22 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
Celebrating Sukkot at Chizuk Amuno
the ground. This means that despite how lovely it might be, a gazebo with a tree overhanging it does not fulfill the requirements of a kosher sukkah. It is ironic in some way because sukkot is at essence a harvest festival, celebrating the earth’s bounty. However, a sukkah is only kosher if it uses something that grows from the ground yet is disconnected from it. This goes to the heart of the festival and its meaning. The requirement for the leafy covering of the sukkah is that it be put there actively, not passively. On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur the tradition has a concern that one attends the synagogue, listens to the prayer leader, and takes it in passively. Sukkot comes as the corrective and says that to celebrate this festival, one must be an active participant in one’s own Jewish life. It is not okay to just let a tree drape over the sukkah and call it a day. We are intentional in our observance and our joy at the holiday. Joy is the essence of sukkot and all of us who have felt that extreme of happiness know what it is to be set free from that which binds us to the ground. We disconnect ourselves from all that is grounded so that we might celebrate in a way that is unique to our community and unique to our selves.
uring the Festival of Sukkot we are completely immersed in the rituals, objects and foods of the hag, holiday. Many themes are associated with HeHag, “THE Holiday” as the Rabbis called Sukkot. Themes include the joys of community, awareness of our environment, hospitality and the welcoming of guests, thanksgiving to God as we celebrate our lives and all that sustains us, including the physical and spiritual sustenance we seek. On Sukkot we place ourselves into the sukkah, the temporary dwelling space that we call home for a little over a week. As we commemorate our ancestors Exodus from Egypt and their wilderness wandering, we pause from the routines of our lives at the beginning of another year and reflect on all that we cherish and appreciate. Joining with family and friends, we take time to dwell together in sukkot, celebrating as the Israelites did during Temple times, appreciating the land of our people, and our home community. We continue our ancestors’ tradition of demonstrating gratitude for all that sustains us, and sharing our blessings with others. Sukkot is an eight day pause to give thanks; an expression that can be recreated each time we eat a meal. Before enjoying our food we pause, we begin our meals with motzi, the b’rakhah-blessing that acknowledges the wondrous process of nature and the continual efforts of people that produces the food we eat. We are grateful to God for the bounty of the earth and our responsibility to feed ourselves and all who are hungry. We celebrate our partnership with God in the on-going miracle of creation. We conclude our meal with another moment of prayer, the reciting of Birkat HaMazon, blessings following a meal. This pause after 23 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
enjoying our food focuses on four themes: we are grateful for food, for the Land of Israel, the holy city of Jerusalem, and for our community’s partnership with God. On Sukkot we recognize that our ancestors lived with much less, and under much more duress than do we. But their hearts were filled with no less–and possibly with more–gratitude than ours. They were grateful simply for what was. Considering our own lives this holiday season we emulate that value. Seated in our sukkot we too are grateful, simply for what is. At Chizuk Amuno this year during Sukkot, together we will pause to explore the prayer and blessings of Birkat HaMazon. Using our new Birkon Kol HaMesubin—All Who Are Gathered Birkat HaMazon booklet created last spring in celebration of Rabbi Deborah Wechsler’s 10 years in our sacred community, we will explore the themes of gratitude for food, the Land of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, and partnership with God. Our sukkot will be decorated to reflect these four ideas contained in the blessings of Birkat HaMazon. In our classrooms and religious services we will grapple with the fundamental concerns that the ideas of Birkat HaMazon pose: hunger in our society, peace in Israel and Jerusalem, and how God is present in the experiences of our lives. On Shabbat, October 3, during our all of our Sukkot Services, we will ask the question, How Do We Demonstrate Our Thanks? We will ask everyone present in the Sanctuary, in our Family Service, in our Youth Services, and even at Torah for Tots to discuss and help determine our congregation’s response to hunger, and to the needs of people in our community and in Israel during this holiday season. Join us as we rejoice on our festival and celebrate Sukkot in our sacred community.
Hag Sameah jna dj
Sukkot – From the Ground and Up
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 23
Schedule of Sukkot Services and Programs Erev Shabbat and Sukkot, Friday, October 2
Hol HaMoed Fifth Day of Sukkot, Wednesday, October 7
5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:29 p.m.
Minhah Erev Shabbat and Sukkot Service Candle Lighting First Day of Sukkot, Shabbat, October 3
Shabbat and Festival Morning Service
9:15 a.m.
Birkat HaMazon Discussion – How Do We Demonstrate Our Thanks? … responding to hunger and human needs in our community and in Israel
Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together Family Service Torah for Tots Kiddush Luncheon in the Attman Family Sukkah Hugei Shabbat – Group Activities for ALL ages
10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Following Services
Minhah/Ma’ariv Candle Lighting
6:15 p.m. after 7:14 p.m.
Second Day of Sukkot, Sunday, October 4
Festival Morning Service
9:15 a.m.
Family Service
10:00 a.m.
Featuring Hallel Sing Down and Lulav Shake Sukkot Story by Dr. Paul Schneider
Kiddush Luncheon in the Attman Family Sukkah
Following Services
Sukkah Hop and Share
12:30 p.m.
Meet in front of the Hoffberger Chapel
Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
6:30 p.m. 7:12 p.m.
Hol HaMoed Third Day of Sukkot, Monday, October 5
Shaharit USY S’mores in the Sukkah Minhah/Ma’ariv
7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Hol HaMoed Fourth Day of Sukkot, Tuesday, October 6
Shaharit Netivon Opening Program–Booths and Burgers Minhah/Ma’ariv
7:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Shaharit GECEC Disney Character Meet and Greet …Pizza dinner in the Krieger, RSVP required …YFC Sundaes in the Sukkah
7:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
Hol HaMoed Sixth Day of Sukkot, Thursday, October 8
Shaharit “In the Beginning” - A Musical Celebration of Creation …featuring Hazzan Perlman and the Chizuk Amuno Choir …text study of the Creation Story in Genesis with Rabbi Shulman
7:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
Hoshanah Rabbah, Seventh Day of Sukkot, Friday, October 9
Shaharit Minhah Erev Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret Service Candle Lighting
Shemini Atzeret, Eighth Day of Sukkot, Shabbat, October 10
Shabbat and Festival Morning Service Yizkor Memorial Prayers Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir Joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service
Celebrate Sukkot with a Lulav and Etrog set from Israel. Please make check for $45 payable to Chizuk Amuno Congregation Brotherhood and submit it by September 22 to the synagogue office. For more information, call Brotherhood representatives Marvin Spector, 410/484-8939 and Michael Moranz, 410/486-0277.
24 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
9:15 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Erev Simhat Torah, October 10
Minhah 6:00 p.m. Seudah Shelishit: End of Shabbat Dinner 7:00 p.m. YFC Dinner, RSVP required 6:30 p.m. Erev Simhat Torah Service 7:30 p.m. …celebration and dancing with our Torah Scrolls for all ages Candle Lighting after 7:03 p.m.
Erika Schon
Kallat Torah Chai. It was 18 years ago that Erika Schon, and her husband Lew, became members of Chizuk Amuno. She has been a continuing presence since. Together they are raising five boys, Ian, Jeremy, Andrew, Jason, and Benjamin, all GECEC and KSDS graduates, who have also made Chizuk Amuno their second home. Music has always played a major role in Erika’s life and she is committed to Jewish identitybuilding through music and cultural arts. It is no surprise that she sang in Kol Rinah
Maureen Walsh David Kallat Bereishit Almost 20 years on our Rosenbloom Religious School Education Committee! It’s possible that it’s a record, but more importantly, it’s a testament to Maureen’s commitment to Chizuk Amuno, to education, and
and serves as the director of the community high school choir, HaZamir, and the KSDS middle school choir. She also teaches a Schechter choral minyan. We can always count on her to dedicate her time and energy to musical programs at Chizuk Amuno and Schechter, including the annual KSDS 8th grade play. Erika has served for years as an active board member of the ASSOCIATED and Baltimore Hebrew University. Her most recent professional position was Interim President of Baltimore Hebrew University where she led the efforts to recreate that school as the newly formed
Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University where she will continue as the Director.
to creating a second Jewish home for her family. Maureen started off active in our preschool and religious school PTAs and then moved on to being the “salad-maker” for Junior Congregation. She participated in our Adult Bat Mitzvah class, the Shoshana Cardin Institute for Leadership, and the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School. In addition to the RRS Education Committee, Maureen has served on the Membership, Stulman Center Education, GECEC Education, and Personnel Committees.
Maureen is a member of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation board, and has just completed her tenure on the synagogue Board and Executive Committee where her numerous contributions have guided policy and programs from which all of us benefit. In her spare time, Maureen is a Maryland Assistant Attorney General, in the Educational Affairs Division. Maureen and her husband Steven are the parents of three Chizuk Amuno GECEC/RRS/Netivon graduates, Sarah, Julia, and Katie.
Simhat Torah, Sunday, October 11
Festival Morning Service Family Service and Torah Unroll Kiddush Luncheon in honor of our Simhat Torah honorees: Gil Abramson, Maureen Walsh David, and Erika Schon Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah
It’s Time to Buy Your Lulav and Etrog!
7:00 a.m. 5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:18 p.m.
Simhat Torah Honorees
9:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Following Services 6:00 p.m. 7:01 p.m.
n Sunday, October 11, Simhat Torah, we will conclude reading the Torah and begin reading it anew. The honor of being called to the Torah for the concluding aliyah of the year and the honor of being the first aliyah of the new reading cycle are considered very precious, as is the Maftir, the last Torah reading on Simhat Torah. Reflecting the loving relationship of God and the Jewish people through Torah, the congregants called upon for these honors are referred to as Kallat (Bride) Torah, Kallat Bereishit, and Hatan (Groom) Maftir.
Gil Abramson Hatan Maftir “Becoming ‘involved’ was, and I believe still is, the best way to make a large congregation smaller and more personal.” And Gil has acted upon his words. He and his wife, Ann enrolled their now grown children, Alissa and Ari, in the religious school. When his father and mother passed away, Gil embraced the welcoming, warm, participatory environment in the daily minyan and could be counted on to chant Torah at Shabbat and High Holy Day
services. Gil is currently a partner at the law firm of Hogan & Hartson. Drawing on his professional expertise in personnel law, he has also taught a class at Chizuk
Amuno on the Jewish Laws Regarding Labor and Employment. He is a graduate of Chizuk Amuno’s Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and has participated in many other Stulman Center programs. We are grateful to Gil for his responsiveness, his willingness to stop whatever he is doing to help us. Gil has served on the synagogue’s Board of Trustees for 13 years, advising the congregation and schools on personnel matters. “You really get to know people when you deal with personnel issues, and I haven’t met anyone I don’t like!”
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 25
Sisterhood Makes An Imprint On Our Community by Marsha Yoffe
s an integral part of our synagogue community, Sisterhood contributes in many ways to the vitality of life here at Chizuk Amuno. Between fundraising, programming, events, and contributions, our members are always involved in a multitude of projects.
We raise our funds through membership dues and the proceeds from our Judaica Shop, under the management of Anne King. The proceeds from several years enabled us make a contribution of $50,000 to the renovation of the Krieger Auditorium, completed in the fall of 2008, culminating with the opening gala Kruisin’ to the Krieger. At that time we also contributed to the community-wide barbeque bash which kicked off the year. Later in the fall we provided flowers for the bimah in the Sanctuary for Sukkot and partially sponsored the Sukkot Kiddush. Each year Sisterhood makes a contribution to each of our schools and this year was no different. We were able to give each of our schools $1,000 as well as a $500 donation towards the Purim
Carnival. In addition, we provide scholarships to KSDS and Camp Ramah. As always, we are proud to sponsor the Friday night dinner and luncheon for Sisterhood Shabbat. Our members shine with their Torah reading, davenen, and singing skills on this special weekend. In honor of Rabbis Wechsler’s tenth anniversary at Chizuk Amino, Sisterhood made a special donation and subsidized the Kiddush luncheon on Shavuot. Cultural and informative events have always been a mainstay of Sisterhood activities. This year we again held “Bagels and a Book” and reviewed The Knitting Circle. Speaking of knitting, our members instructed each other in knitting techniques. With these knitting and other needle skills we were able to create afghans to distribute to CHANA (in addition to the cell phones we collect throughout the year). Our recipe swap and Earth Day programs kept us up to date with our community and each other. Through our Gemulit Hasadim efforts we had two paper shredding events, served at Ronald McDonald House, and cooked chicken soup for members who were sick and at home. In addition, Sisterhood raises money for Women’s League of Conservative Judaism Torah Fund which directly supports the future of our clergy at various seminaries, camps, and learning institutions around the world. This year we collected over $10,000 in support of Torah Fund. Sisterhood’s work is never done and we look forward to a busy and productive year ahead. Please join us! n After more than ten years as a member of the Cemetery Committee, Marsha recently became the staff member in charge of sales for Garrison Forest Cemetery. She has spent more than 25 years in interior design and sales both in Chicago and the Baltimore area. Marsha and her husband, Sherwin, sent their children, Abe and Alana, to KSDS and continue to be active in the life of the synagogue.
Getting To Know You . . . Profiles in Generosity
s we tell Chizuk Amuno’s story throughout the pages of HaZ’man ~ This Season, we recognize that our story is also made up of hundreds of individual “stories” about families that make Chizuk Amuno a philanthropic priority. Below are the thoughts of the Leikach Family on why they choose to support Chizuk Amuno, above and beyond their membership dues.
The Leikach Family— Dixie, Neil, Eric, and Marc
The Leikachs have been members of Chizuk Amuno since 2004. Eric is a 2009 graduate of Krieger Schechter Day School and Marc is a current student at Rosenbloom Religious School. Dixie and Neil are graduates of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and Neil is the President of the Chizuk Amuno PA Council. Why is Chizuk Amuno a philanthropic priority for your family?
We know that membership doesn’t cover the expenses for that which Chizuk Amuno wants to accomplish. We want to make sure that we are supportive over and above what is needed. 26 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
What do you value about Chizuk Amuno?
The warmth, diversity, and inclusivity in the community. There are so many people involved in all areas—from preschool to adults—and Chizuk Amuno is accepting of all of them. Even before Dixie’s conversion was complete, we always felt comfortable here. What role does the synagogue play in your life?
Chizuk Amuno is at the core of our Jewish life. We spend so much of our discretionary time here, whether it is taking classes, volunteering, or going to services. We do a lot of other community volunteering because there is so much need in the Jewish world. But our time at Chizuk Amuno is about being with friends and nurturing our family.
When was it that you felt community at Chizuk Amuno?
Even though we were members elsewhere, we joined CAC because our kids were at Krieger Schechter. Our other shul was much smaller and we were concerned that we wouldn’t feel as welcome at Chizuk Amuno. The opposite was true! We came in for our first Rosh HaShanah and we were immediately welcomed by both people we knew and didn’t know. We will never forget how we felt that day. What is your favorite Chizuk Amuno moment?
Definitely the Purim Carnival. It’s wonderful to see all the schools working together. What other opportunity do we have to see the clergy, staff and members having so much fun all at one time? It is a wonderful way to create Jewish memories and connections in our community. Amongst family and friends, Dixie is often referred to as “The Purim Carnival Lady.”
Rosh HaShanah 5770 | 27
recognize our gifts and be grateful, it lets us find our wholeness and integrity, and it lets us perceive the mystery with wonder rather than fear. Our environment at Chizuk Amuno is wonderfully rich with opportunities to make this happen. In my life, there has been no better place. n
darkness recedes and one perceives a new “low-light” world. The Shabbat is just such an opportunity, providing the time and separation from the normal bustle of life to allow perception of a beautiful spiritual world, normally obscured. (II) Expect and accept the incomplete. A major barrier to growth is knowing where to start. In terms of religious practice, what is incomplete and what is hypocritical? At the Revelation at Sinai, Moses presents the laws and precepts of Torah to the Jewish people—who respond
enables connection to the Divine. In the doing, the space, the patterns, the sanctity, and the ethics are revealed. Soft, beautiful sounds. (III). Learning, discussion, and thinking are the paths of Torah. Access to Torah is not limited—and numerous interpretations are encouraged. The applicability of the stories of our ancestors to our lives, and our ability to see ongoing connection and revelation in our world, come from active engagement in study and discussion. Life does not end at the East River, even for New Yorkers. The power of Torah—its stories and systems and precepts and
“Na’aseh v’Nishma”—we will do and we will hear. Our family has found the doing— incomplete as it is - a critical first step which
values—to expand our consciousness into dimensions that we do not naturally see in our daily lives, is infinite. Torah lets us
Lynne Lichtig continued from page 8
synagogue life, our childrens’ schools, the wider community of organizations such as Hadassah—combined with my educational background of business and management could be incorporated in my life and offer me more growth, more education, and more community in the wider sense. In recent weeks, as my newest level of leadership as Seaboard Region President of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, I have been in discussions with other lay leadership, those in a position to impact the Conservative Movement. I have been given an opportunity to be part of something that will perpetuate my feelings about Judaism
and the Jewish people throughout future generations. For that I am grateful and hopeful that our children and grandchildren will find some meaning for themselves within our Movement. All of this would not be possible if my husband and children protested in some way, but they didn’t. In order for me to be at meetings, luncheons, and conferences, a lot of scheduling and balancing took place, as we all do in our lives. I am grateful that my family saw it as a worthwhile investment in their wife and mother’s mental health and spiritual wellbeing. n
reached a level of understanding about themselves and the world around them, so when they arrive in Israel they can savor the whole experience and appreciate it for all that it is worth, because not only have they learned about Judaism and Israel, they get to live it. Once they return, each child realizes that their eight year journey is
complete. In the fall, Marnie enters a different learning environment. However, she plans to continue her Jewish education by enrolling in Netivon. Thanks to KSDS we, as a family, are fully prepared to take this next step. No wonder we can say with all sincerity, “we love this place.” n
Dr. Antony Rosen continued from page 5
old memories surfaced. I had spent over 15 years in York very active in synagogue life. I was next in line to become President of the Ohev Shalom Sisterhood when we moved. A rabbi from my small town had become the Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, my aunt/Sunday School teacher/ mentor had served as a Branch President of Women’s League, and other signs seemed to point me towards that involvement. In a very short time, I found that all of my experience in the volunteer arena—in Alana and Barry Silverman continued from page 17 experience is woven together and culminates with the class trip to Israel. By their last year, the kids know how to work together. They know each other’s weaknesses and strengths. They have
28 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
Antony is originally from Cape Town, South Africa, where he also attended medical school. In 1987 he moved to New York City to work at the Rockefeller University in Immunology. After meeting and marrying Livia, they moved to Baltimore in 1990. Antony trained in Medicine/ Rheumatology at Johns Hopkins and has been there since. Currently, Antony serves as Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Director of the Division of Rheumatology. Antony and Livia are the proud parents of Matthew (KSDS 8th grade) and Paul (KSDS ’09).
Chizuk Amuno Cemeteries C
hizuk Amuno members now have two options for burial of loved ones. Arlington Cemetery is our longestablished, beautifully maintained cemetery in Baltimore City. Barbara Lichter, Director for Arlington, can be reached at the synagogue, ext. 248 if you wish to purchase lots or have any questions. Garrison Forest Cemetery, opened this past spring, is located in Owings Mills. Only synagogue members may purchase lots at this location. The same high standards of maintenance that apply to Arlington will be kept at Garrison Forest. Marsha Yoffe, Assistant Director for Garrison, can be reached at the synagogue, ext. 309 if you wish to purchase lots or have any concerns. Neither cemetery will accept cremated remains nor can Arlington lots be exchanged for lots at Garrison.
Annual Memorial S e r v i ce
Arlington Cemetery Sunday, September 13, 11 a.m. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, accompanied by the Chizuk Amuno Choir. Following the formal ceremony, Dr. Moshe Shualy will be available to offer graveside prayers. For more information, call Cemetery Director, Barbara Leibowitz Lichter at 410/486-6400, ext. 248. Arlington Cemetery is located on Rogers Avenue, west of Reisterstown Road.
1 | HaZ’man ~ This Season
HaZ’man ~ This Season | Rosh Hashanah 5770 | 1
time sensitive m aterial please deliver promptly
For more information, call Miriam Foss, 410/486-6400, ext. 281
Please check expiration dates.
Please drop off your sealed food in bins located in the Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby and the Administrative Lobby.
A service initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
Make checks payable to Chizuk Amuno, Attn. Food Drive.
In lieu of food, monetary donations will also be accepted and donated to kosher food funds.
Beef stew, canned fruits, canned meats/tuna, canned vegetables, dish soap, disposable salt and pepper shakers, ketchup and mayonnaise, laundry detergent, macaroni & cheese, metal forks, napkins, paper lunch bags, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, plastic baggies, plastic ware, rice, stove top stuffing, sugar, tea bags, toilet paper
As we con to sup tinue enviro port nme initiat ntal we as ives, k donat that you e you r fo in recy clable od bags
Rosh HaShanah, Sunday, September 20 Wednesday, September 30
to benefit community agencies
Yom Kippur
Food Drive
You open Your hand, and Your favor sustains all the living. —Psalm 145
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Chi zu k A muno Co ngrega ti on 810 0 Steve nson Rd, Ba ltim ore, Md 212 08
BYOB: Bring Your Own Bag
Non Profit Org. us postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544