KSDS 2012-2013 Annual Report

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Letter from Bil Celebrating Krieger Schechter in Times of Transition As my first year at Krieger Schechter comes to a close, I reflect on what has been an enriching and meaningful year for our community. It has been a year to think deeply and examine who we want to be in the greater landscape of Baltimore’s independent and Jewish day schools. For over thirty years, KSDS has stood proudly and confidently as an egalitarian educational option for our Jewish community. Now, after the untimely closing of both the Day School at Baltimore Hebrew and The Shoshana S. Cardin School, we find ourselves as the only non-Orthodox Jewish day school in Baltimore. We take this very seriously; therefore, at all levels of the school, we are both grappling with and embracing our role in the greater Baltimore Jewish community as an educational leader that has proudly produced close to 1,000 alumni who are flourishing academically and professionally in their respective fields. Graduate after graduate has reported to us that Krieger Schechter prepared them to be the students and people they are today. Now, as more alumni choose to send their children to KSDS, their confidence in our school’s unparalleled education is confirmed. Some faces have changed, but the overall averah (feeling/ atmosphere) remains the same. The administrative team has spent the year discussing and defining our priorities as a learning community. We laid out many of the plans in the Day 72 report that was sent out earlier this year, and we have been diligently making progress on each of those goals. This annual report is the culmination of a lot of hard work completed by many different people in our community. I hope you take the time to read it and reflect with us on an outstanding year of growth and learning. Sincerely,

Bil Zarch Head of School

KSDS Accolades 1) Over 50% of our students in Grades 3-7 qualified for the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth assessment tests, well above the Baltimore-area average for independent and religious schools. Students qualify by scoring at the 95th percentile or above in Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning or Math Concepts. 2) The Class of 2013 had an incredibly high acceptance rate (over 90% acceptance) to area independent and magnet high schools. 3) KSDS was selected as one of four Jewish day schools in North America to work with TAMRITZ, a digital badge learning network for Jewish Day Schools. TAMRITZ will provide schools with a badge-based summer professional development online course focused on teaching in the digital age; in-person training; a networked community of practice; and ongoing coaching to design and implement their own badge learning programs. Digital badge learning takes a traditional system of awarding badges for achievements to a new media level. Guided by their teachers, students explore their own interests and acquire knowledge and skills within an academic context. 4) The Middle School received a grant to participate in a Jewish Day School Partnership with Facing History and Ourselves. A team of teachers and administrators took part in a week-long seminar in Boston to learn about the Facing History pedagogy, content, and core values. The KSDS team will continue to work alongside a FHAO coach to bring this exciting learning into the fiber of our school. Facing History is an international educational organization whose mission is to engage students in an examination of racism, prejudice, bullying behavior, and anti-semitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry.

Lower School Highlights 1





1 Fractured Fairy Tales

The talented Grade 2 storytellers capped off their comparative literature unit by entertaining the Lower School with a musical presentation of Fractured Fairy Tales. Students put a twist on classic fairy tales including “Little Red Riding Hood” and the “Three Little Pigs,” and our memories of the afternoon lived “happily ever after!”

2 Learning Hebrew with a Taste of Milk and Honey

Our Kindergarten students are learning Hebrew through Chalav U’Dvash, an exciting, innovative Hebrew language program. Bentzi, the turtle puppet (with the help of our fabulous faculty), “teaches” conversational Hebrew by engaging the children in dialogue, games, songs, movement and dance.

3 Grade 3 Oregon Ridge Trip

KSDS Grade 3 students traveled to Oregon Ridge Park to reenact the American pioneers’ trip westward along the Oregon Trail. At the park, the students (dressed in period attire) transported their supplies and personal belongings through the tall grasses in covered wagons. Along the trail, the students raised temporary shelters, cared for livestock, built campfires from flint and tinder, and played games and sang folk tunes reminiscent of pioneer days.

4 Grade 1 Puppet Theater

With the help of a generous donation from the Gitomer family, Grade 1 was able to expand their celebration of their study of geography and global cultures to include marionette presentations of some of their favorite folk tales from Europe, Africa and South America. The presentations were an added feature of the Grade 1 World’s Fair, which also included a fashion show and interactive stations developed and manned by the students themselves.

5 Learning Through First-Hand Experiences

In conjunction with their Humash (Bible) studies, our Grade 4 students had the opportunity to reenact “avodah b’farekh” (hard labor). The students made mud bricks and experienced a taste of how our ancestors felt when they were slaves in Egypt. The children traveled to four stations to gather the necessary supplies: clay, water (Nile River), straw, and sand. In the spring when Grade 4 students sat at their family seder and sang Avadim Hayyinu, (“We were slaves”), the words of the Haggadah rang true!

1 Girls Basketball Tournament Victory

The Middle School at KSDS offers three seasons of sports including soccer, basketball, cross country, track, softball, baseball, and lacrosse. Averaging over 85% participation each year, students hone their skills and compete against other middle schools in the area. The Girls A Basketball team had a stellar record of 15-2 and clinched the KSDS Invitational Tournament. Go team!

2 Netbooks

Using netbooks in science class is just one example of the many ways in which technology is incorporated into instruction. The students use the netbooks to write up labs using the scientific method, record trial data and averages using Excel spreadsheets and create graphs. The netbooks immediately allow the students to see how the information they have just obtained from their lab work compares to the information that their classmates obtained.

3 Celebrate Charm City!

Whether you were born in Baltimore or just joined the community recently, there were new things to be learned about Charm City throughout the three days of this year’s Learning Festival. Students were introduced to numerous service providers and agencies that help make Baltimore a stronger city. Themed trips in each grade included visits to the Jewish Museum, Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History & Culture, Visionary Arts Museum, MICA, Center Stage, Museum of Industry, Street Car Museum. The festival culminated in a shopping cart parade and Hairspray-themed dance party.

4 Purim Fun

KSDS celebrates Purim with fun, costumes, tradition and silliness! When Adar comes, happiness increases, and KSDS students let their creativity shine in enjoyment of the holiday. Traditions include student-led reading of the megillah, Purim shpiels, and topsy-turvy teaching.

5 Oklahoma! !‫אוקלהומה‬

A highlight of the KSDS experience is the Grade 8 all-Hebrew musical (this year it was “Oklahoma!”) The entire grade comes together to act, sing, dance, use Hebrew dialogue, and support each other in the production of this amazingly creative show. Our students’ experiences in plays, public speaking and presentations over the course of all of their KSDS years give them the confidence and comfort to perform in Hebrew for the wider Baltimore community.






Middle School Highlights

KSDS Class of 2013 Reflections Ben Balfanz

Mira Baum

Daniel Ben-Or

Sophie Berkman

Rayut Berkowitz

Melanie Block

Hunter Bloomfield

Rachel Bogin

Jake Brooks

Allie Cohen

Jordan Cohen

Gabrielle Corrigan

Allie Davis

Matt Davis

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “The Millenium Project...was a good experience for learning to write a long research paper, which I will definitely use in the future.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “I’ve spent nine years here…how could we not be close, I even have two “adopted sisters” in the grade.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “I felt like I left a part of me in Israel and this Israel trip with my fellow eighth graders has forever left an imprint in my heart.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “I think the elective choices are fun, interesting and a good but different learning experience than we are used to.”

Emery-Weiner School, Houston, Texas “I have learned tradiutions and customs. I feel more connected to the Jewish community.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Krieger Schechter is a school that not only gets kids ready for high school, but also makes friends for life.”

St. Paul’s School “The KSDS sports program has taught me and given me several qualities to improve myself as an athlete through hard work and commitment.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “You can always count on the teachers if you have a question, or if you just have a problem.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “If you are coming just for Middle School, be open to your friends and ask tons of questions.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Every teacher has an open-door policy, so much knowledge can be acquired and the school really brings the best out of each student.”

Bryn Mawr School “I believe that Schechter is about acceptance and support and being taught everlasting moral values.”

Pikesville High School “KSDS is a place where students can receive a great education and where students can learn and connect with their Jewish identity.”

Centennial High School “The teachers and administrators take the time to get to know you and fit the classes to your needs.”

St. Paul’s School “At KSDS, I believe the most active concept of Derekh Eretz is support, which is related to respect.”

manny Epstein

Molly Feldman

Derek Gold

Jessica Green

Miriam Greenberg

Matt Greenspan

Maya Hettleman

Ethan Heyman

Naomi HOch

Ben Lapidus

Anna Levin

Brad Levin

Naomi LIchtenstein

Ethan LItofsky

Rebecca Margolis

Alyssa Miller

Friends School of Baltimore “Not only do you learn the school subjects but also how to make your way in the world.”

River Hill High School | Netivon “Most people like large classes but what is special about Schechter is each kid gets equal opportunity and much attention.”

Carver Center for Arts & Technology “I loved “Oklahoma,” every single second of it, and I will never forget all the amazing bonds and memories that I made.”

Garrison Forrest School “After all this the KSDS community has meant to me that I’ll never be alone to matter who I’m with or where I am.”

Pikesville High School | Netivon “KSDS is a close-knit community. It has given me a wonderful education.”

Baltimore City College | Netivon “You, as the student, are able to go to your teachers after class or lunch if you need help.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Krieger Schcechter isn’t just a school, it’s a second home. Not only do we learn, but we enhance our knowledge of Judaism.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Being a Carson scholar was not only the result of my hard work but of everything my teachers have taught and instilled in me.”

Pikesville High School “The 8th grade is a family to me in so many ways. They constantly are there for any of the forty-six kids, we all call each other brothers and sisters.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Traveling with the grade for three short days in New York City, got me even more excited to spend two whole weeks in Israel.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “We are a tight-knit community, We are all friends and we have each others’ back.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Playing a sport every season the past four years has truly been a memorable experience, and definitely a highlight of the sports program for me.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Despite the constant bombardment from longterm assignments, tests, and projects, I was able to plow through and persevere.“

Gilman School “The reason that I loved Mrs. Gelber so much as a teacher is simple...she was able to teach us about math, while making it fun and exciting.”

St Paul’s School “At Schechter, I learned many things that I find essential for kids to learn...[such as] treating one another with respect as well as equally.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Krieger Schechter is a family...Like a parent, this school welcomes you, shapes you, occasionally reprimands you, but most of all, [it’s] home.”

Danielle Neschis

Jamie Neumann

Marcelle Philisophe

Megan Reznik

Elana Rubin

Allison Rybalnik

Sydney Schuster

Merav Schwartz

Alanna Sereboff

Rebecca Sereboff

Aaron Slutkin

Noah Sopher

Keren Stearns

Teva vogelstein

Hannah Weiss

Avishai Wilcox

River Hill High School “The community at Schechter is unlike any other. We learn Jewish values that will help us succeed.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Throughout my Schechter years, some of the values I have been taught are patience, optimism, to understand and to be open-minded.”

Carver Center for Arts & Technology | Netivon “In Israel, each one of us developed a closer connection to the Land and each other.”

Carver Center for Arts & Technology “It is just like having an extended family and another home.”

Roland Park Country School | Netivon “Studying Israel for all these years obviously gave me knowledge, but I’ve never felt such a connection to Israel until our visit.”

Gilman School | Netivon “The sense of community...has given me a better understanding of the strength of cooperation and togetherness that can’t be taught in a classroom.”

Baltimore City College | Netivon “Travelling with Schechter has taught me to work better with other people and brought us closer as a grade.”

Pikesville High School “Although the Schechter academics have excelled many standards, I know that I will never forget the Schechter family I have learned to love.”

Pikesville High School | Netivon “Krieger Schechter is not only a school where the students go to their classes, it is a Jewish community. By the time we finish...we are a family.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Going to Israel again will never be the same because I won’t have these amazing friends to be with.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “The teachers here have high expectations for the students and I will carry that on.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “The process of the play strengthened the bond of our grade so much. During the play you really have to rely on your classmates.”

Roland Park Country School “Studying Hebrew at Schechter helped me connect to the Jewish people...it ties us to our past and helps connect us to our future.”

Park School “We saw our Math and Spanish teachers dancing and we (the students) danced with them. At any other school...the students would run away.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “Schechter influenced me to love Judaism and to want to continue to study the Jewish religion.”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School “I believe that Schechter really helps people learn how to properly debate and inquire in ways that other schools don’t teach.”

Moving on to New Adventures In June, Krieger Schechter said farewell to five beloved faculty members whose combined service to KSDS was over one hundred years. We thank all of them for their hard work and dedication to our school and wish them much luck on their next great adventures.

Joan Gottlieb

After 30 years at KSDS, we say goodbye to Joan Gottlieb, who has touched the lives of hundreds of Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. Joan’s creativity, sense of humor, and ability to intellectually challenge her students and colleagues has made her a precious resource to our entire community. She so strongly believes in the mission and vision of KSDS and has infused her classroom with those values. She promoted the idea that every mistake is an opportunity for learning and proudly displayed the classroom sign “Pobody’s Nerfect” to highlight this belief. Joan’s students leave her classroom at the end of the year with a sense of empowerment and an excitement for learning!

Hedy Goldstein

After 29 years at KSDS, we say goodbye to Hedy Goldstein. As a creative, innovative teacher, Hedy was an architect of integrated learning , linking Social Studies, Math, Language Arts, Judaic Studies, Art, and Science in a meaningful way. Together with her Grade 3 partner, Elissa Hellman, our school has been enriched by such programs as “Biome Day,” “The Judy Chicago Dinner Party,” “The Womemmy Awards,” and “Apple Valley Days.” Her energetic, fun-loving, personality is contagious and has touched the lives of her colleagues along with hundreds of KSDS students throughout the years.

Elissa Hellman

After 30 years at KSDS, we say goodbye to Elissa Hellman. Elissa has masterfully taught Grade 3 General Studies to hundreds of our KSDS students and alumni. Her sense of dedication and attention to detail have set a high standard for Elissa’s students and colleagues. In Elissa’s classroom, the academic, social, and emotional needs of each and every child have been consistently nurtured. Elissa is a role model of derekh eretz and a true mentsch. She has developed and managed our Lower School tzedakah program, using it has an opportunity to promote a sense of giving as well as to educate our young students about the many worthwhile organizations that are in need of our support.

Amy Jo Shapiro

It’s hard to imagine the middle school without Amy Jo Shapiro, but after 24 years, she will be moving on to new adventures. Amy Jo has inspired students in three different languages - English, Spanish, and Hebrew - throughout her tenure. From Hamlet to improv, she introduced middle schoolers to a world of theater arts. Eighth graders found that they could reach new heights beyond their wildest imagination under her direction in the capstone project of the 8th grade play, performed entirely in Hebrew. Her other contributions include directing the Ruth play, coordinating the annual Talent Show, inspiring students with her love of the environment through the TEVA experience, guiding students in advisory, and teaching Hebrew and Writing Workshop. We will always cherish the talent, dedication, and passion that Amy Jo brought to every project and student.

Saundra Madoff

“The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.” - author unknown The 2013 school year concluded with a fond farewell to Head of Lower School, Saundra Madoff. Throughout her 23 years of dedicated service to the KSDS community, Saundra continually personified the core values of Krieger Schechter: strength of character, love of learning, and a deep commitment to Jewish identity. As both teacher and Lower School principal, Saundra employed her warmth and creativity to foster a genuine community of caring among the students, parents and faculty of Krieger Schechter.

Philanthropic Statement Annual Campaign dollars directly impact every student and faculty member by providing KSDS with the flexibility to address current and emerging needs. Among these include the affordability gap (tuition assistance), strengthening educational programs, outside-the-classroom experiences and professional development for our faculty, ensuring they have the tools necessary to meet our 21st century learners.

KSDS by the Numbers Total Raised: $310,500 Total Number of Gifts: 680 Average Gift: 456 Etz Society Members: 20 Alim Society Members: 12

Students Served: 355 School Days: 173 Faculty Members Participating in Professional Development: 70 Students in Middle School Sports: 135 Students Receiving Tuition Assistance: 134 Support Made Available to Grade 8 Students for the Israel Trip: $9,000 iPads Purchased: 15 Puppet Theaters Built: 1

Events in support of scholarship have graciously supported the KSDS scholarship fund. These dollars go to support families annually and make up the gap in their ability to afford a day school education.

Todot: A Celebration of Leadership Schechter on the Move 5K Race

Six Weeks Til Summer

Amount Raised: $60,000 Amount Raised: $30,000

New Dollars Raised: $15,000 104 Participants

Endowment: Investing in the Future Endowments provide a continuous source of funds to sustain our school. These dollars support our students, our programs and our facilities on an annual basis. Through our endowment we are best able to plan and make strategic long-term decisions. Endowments offer a lasting way to honor or memorialize a family member, friend or faculty member through a permanent and lasting investment. We are grateful to those who have generously funded the various KSDS endowments and designated funds. KSDS is currently participating in the Russel Family Generations Baltimore Day School Endowment Project which is run in partnership with PEJE, THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and the AVI CHAI Foundation. Through this project we will be increasing our efforts to grow our endowment and legacy giving program.

Endowment Balance: $7,658,766 Number of Total Endowments: 58

Todot...A Celebration of Leadership On the evening of Saturday, March 2, the community gathered at Krieger Schechter Day School’s spring gala, Todot…A Celebration of Leadership, to honor Senator Ben Cardin and Myrna Cardin. Over two hundred people attended the festive evening, which included great music and dancing, hors d’oeuvres, and a dessert buffet. The primary goals behind the annual Todot celebration are to recognize outstanding leadership and to raise dollars for the KSDS Annual and Scholarship Fund. This fund provides need-based tuition assistance to almost 40% of current KSDS students and funds myriad educational opportunities at KSDS. This year, Todot raised almost $60,000! The school’s mission is to provide an unparalleled Jewish and general studies education, enabling our students to become confident, successful and valued members of society as committed and knowledgeable Jews. An important emphasis is placed on leadership – recognizing and valuing what that looks like in each of our students. Myrna and Ben Cardin serve as continuing role models for the KSDS community with their dedication and commitment to issues of local, national, and international interest. To see the online journal of the evening please visit http://www.ksds.edu/giving/special-events/todot/

Todot Chairs: Kim and Braeme Glaun; Sarah and David Shapiro Honorary Committee:

Arthur C. Abramson, Ph.D Lorinda and Allan Belzberg Lisa Beckerman and Jamie Berman Arlynne and Robert Brown Frona Brown, Ed.D. Janine and Rob Frier Wendy and Allan Gelber Barbara Levy Gradet Eileen and Ned Himmelrich

Ruth and Jay Lenrow Teri and Brian Litofsky Jodi and Sam Moskowitz Beth Pepper and Mark Neustadt Andrea and Brian Polsky Sharri and Greg Rochlin Erika and Lew Schon Mollie and Bill Smulyan Deborah Cardin and Jonathan Willis


Rachael Abrams, ‘91 Deborah Cardin Janine Frier Jenny Gamliel Esther Greenberg Fritzi and Bob Hallock Eileen Himmelrich Joy Katz Julie Scharfstein Anat Zirkin

Schechter on the Move 5k Race On Sunday, June 9, 2013 over 450 people participated in the Schechter on the Move 5k Run and 1 mile Fun Run. This annual event is a highlight of the year, marking the conclusion of another successful school year and celebrating the special community at KSDS. Funds raised from race sponsorship go to support the KSDS Scholarship Fund. This year $30,000 was raised from the event and went to support the almost 40% of KSDS families that received need-based tuition assistance. Participants of all ages joined in the morning, walking and running the 3.1 miles through the Stevenson neighborhood that adjoins KSDS. A sea of neon green (from the race shirts) could be seen throughout and the energy was exciting. Back on the KSDS campus there were post-race festivities that included water laser tag, face painting and moon bounces. In addition, new this year was the men’s basketball tournament played on the outdoor sport court. A great morning was had by all.

Race Chair: Liz Minkin Friedman Race Committee:

Sima Abarbanel Josh Abrams Jill Baldinger Donna Balinkie Lisa Beckerman-Berman Allyson Brooks Michael Brooks Maya Brooks Heather Cohen Jamie Cohen Mickey Cohen

Rebecca DeMattos Wendy Espeland Sherri Feldman Pam Friedman Stacey Getz Jeanne Glazer Julie Hettleman Becki Kazin Kevin Keane Stacey Landsman Susan Lewis

Amanda Levine Rona London Elise Michelson Robin Nesky Jeff Nusinov Linda Rabinovich Sharri Rochlin Robin Rose-Samuels Ann Rubin Jenny Schloss Becky Schwartz

Leslie Seidman Jennifer Shapiro Michelle Shenk-Cooper Penny Silverman Miriam Suldan Michelle Tepper Lisa Walman Deborah Wechsler Amy Weintraub Heller Zaiman

$1,000 Sponsors:

$250 Sponsors:

BB&T BMW Towson David S. Brown Enterprises, LTD Doctors Express of Pikesville FACTS Management Company Gorfine, Schiller, & Gardyn, P.A. Joshua P. Weintraub DDS, PA KSDS PA MET Laboratories Neustadt Creative Marketing Schoenfeld Insurance Associates Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc. The Solomon Foundation

Andrew I. Pupkin, DDS PA Asher & Simons, P.A. Aviva (‘01), Teva (‘13), Acey (‘15), and Elan (‘20) Vogelstein Capital Camps Dankner-Fiergang Eye Associates Firedrive Marketing Group Habonim Dror Camp Moshava Hands on Therapy Lightning Golf & Promotions Maryland Spine and Brain Specialists, LLC Maryland Title Works Unlimited, Inc. McDonogh Dental Associates, LLP Orthopedic Associates of Central Maryland PCR Educator Quarry Wine & Spirits Shapiro’s Café SOS Technology Group Superior Tours The Zolet Lenet Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Woodhome Insurance Your Community Pharmacy

$500 Sponsors: Abramoff, Neuberger, & Linder Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation Antwerpen Nissan Brown Advisory CK Productions Crown Trophy Entinex, Inc. Fusion Dental Goldberg’s Liquors Greater Baltimore Prosthodontics Greenspring Pediatric Dentistry Hertzbach & Company, P.A. Isaacs, Nawy, and Olson, DDS Orthodontics JCC of Greater Baltimore Law Offices of Fisher & Winner, LLP Levin & Curlett Olwyn Diamond, D.D.S. Orly Moving Play Keepers Signs by Tomorrow Silverman Thompson Slutkin & White LLC Stone Mill Bakery Tom and Patti Minkin WilkinsonShein Communications

$100 Sponsors: The Therapy Spot Always There Nursing and Companion Care Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy Diamond Sunoco Edmart J. S. Edwards Miss Shirley’s Café Organized2Succeed Polovoy Custom Cleaners

Media Sponsor: Baltimore Jewish Times

Designated Commitments Through these designated gifts, donors contribute financial resources to meet priorities beyond the scope of our budget. These gifts encompass contributions for capital improvements, additions to our endowment funds, and the creation of programs or projects that fulfill our mission and vision.

$5,000 and Above

Drs. Penny Brown and Ronald Silverman Establishment of Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Scholarship Fund Margot Zipper Gift to the Margot and Norman Zipper Library Fund

$1,000 - $4,999

Lori Gibson Gift to the I. Leon Glassgold Scholarship Fund Drs. Lauren and Donald Small Gift to the Adam, Sara, and Benjamin Scholarship Fund Krieger Schechter Day School is fortunate to be a part of the larger Baltimore Jewish Community. Through the generosity of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Day School Initiative, the school received generous funding for tuition assistance.

Subsidies and Grants: $171,000 Weinberg Initiative: $196,000 Tuition Assistance for families in based on demonstrated need.

Endowment Funds and Named Funds Total Value as of June 30, 2013: $7,658,766 Total FY 13 allocation to KSDS: $357,148 (based on December 31, 2011 market value)

Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund Esther Ann Brown Adler Scholarship Fund David M. Bloomberg Memorial Scholarship Fund Mary F. Chinn Scholarship Fund Minnie Garber and Rose Greenberg Scholarship Fund Herbert and Gertrude Goldman Endowment Fund Harold Goldsmith Memorial Scholarship Fund Albert and Harriet H. Hoffenberg Endowment Fund Marian and Howard “Chuck� Klein Scholarship Fund Julius and Lore Levi Scholarship and Award Fund Carol Lombardo Scholarship Fund

Robert and Julie Ain Scholarship Fund Shirley and Melvin Blumberg Memorial Fund Hilda R. and Paul A. Cohen Endowment Fund I. Leon Glassgold Memorial Scholarship Fund Rabbi Israel & Mildred Goldman Scholarship Fund Joan Gottlieb Scholarship Fund Sydney and Isobel Kemper Scholarship Fund Florence Kitt Levenson Memorial Scholarship Fund Solomon Liss Memorial Scholarship Fund Jack Mark Memorial Scholarship Fund

Tuition Assistance Endowment Funds (Continued) Eli and Yetta Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Arnold and Elke Neuburger Scholarship Fund Pauline and Ivan Oshrine KSDS Endowment Fund Eva Raden Scholarship Fund Merrill M. Rief Memorial Scholarship Fund Joseph and Florence Schwaber Scholarship Fund Dr. Howard Lee Silverman Scholarship Fund Rea B. Slusky, Henry O. Slusky, and Stanley H. Slusky Scholarship Fund Julia and Myer Strauss Scholarship Fund Myra S. Wagonheim KSDS Scholarship Fund Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Scholarship Endowment Fund* Stanley H. Wilen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Stanley I. Minch Scholarship Fund The Noah and Negrin Families Scholarship Fund Pugatch Scholarship Fund The Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund Dr. Paul D. Schneider Scholarship Fund Rita Helzner Silverman Memorial Scholarship Fund Judge Albert L. Sklar Scholarship Fund Adam, Sara, and Benjamin Small Scholarship Fund Sigi and Lucille Strauss Scholarship Fund Kurt and Erna Weiler Memorial Scholarship Fund Bernice Wingrat Memorial Fund Irvin Wolock Memorial Scholarship Fund

Program Endowment Funds Doris and Jay Bernhardt Family Fund Zanyl and Isabelle Krieger KSDS Professional Development Fund* KSDS General Endowment Fund Silverman-Brown Author-in-Residence Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Friedenwald Memorial Fund KSDS Program Enhancement Fund Lois and Alvin Neuberger Family Education Fund Sindler Family Foundation Endowment Fund

Ezrine Library/Glazer Media Center Endowment Funds Leonora and Ellis Edlow Memorial Library Book Fund Lebovitz Endowment Fund Louis W. and Esther P. Miller Library Endowment Fund Margot and Norman Zipper Library Endowment Fund

Lowell and Harriet Glazer Media Center Fund Rita Michelson Memorial Library Fund Laura and Hymen Saye Endowment Fund

Award Funds Norma and Harry Blumberg Mathematics Award Fund Martha B. Kayne Tikkun Olam Memorial Award Fund Samuel, Abby, and Michael Schulman Science Fund Sylvia and Herbert Zinz KSDS Award Fund

Judaic Memorial Award Fund KSMS Derech Eretz Award Fund Donald Levinson Faculty Award Fund

KSDS 30th Anniversary Campaign The KSDS 30th Anniversary Campaign raised 1.2 million dollars in the academic year of 2010-2011. The dollars raised were used for school renovations and enhancements, and established the KSDS 30th Anniversary Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship Fund was created to support need-based tuition assistance for five years, which will be completed in 2015. We are grateful for the significant contributions the following donors made to the campaign.

Headmasters Circle

Patricia, Gary, Sarah & Carlyn Attman Janine and Rob Frier


Melissa and Jonathan Cordish and Family Dr. Maria and Marshall Haine


Beth and Albert Blumberg Arlynne and Robert Brown and Family Miriam and Forrest Foss Marcia and Leonard Frier Neil and Dixie Leikach Family Fund Krieger Schechter Day School Parent Association


Pam and David Bernstein Dori and Rob Blitzstein and Family Brown-Silverman Family Stacey and Randy Getz and Family Melanie and Raymond Haroun and Family Joy and Dr. Eugene Katz The Lever Family Barbara and Michael Levine and Family


Edye and Steven Abrams and Family Donna and David Brooks and Family Heather and Howard Cohen and Family Debbie and Chuck Frazer Pam and Dr. Robert Friedman and Family Lois H. Halpert Leroy E. Hoffberger Dr. Carol Berkower and Thomas Loveland Mindy Mintz Mordecai and Family Livia and Antony Rosen and Family Jayme and Gabriel Schneider and Family Jeannie and Louis Siegel Family Foundation Adina Amith and Cy Smith and Family Monica and Eyal Talor and Family

The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation The Florence & Charles Hoffberger Charitable Foundation

Jodi and Sam Moskowitz and Family Ruth and David Simon and Family Lorraine and Earl Raffel and Family Erika and Dr. Lew Schon and Family Amy and Andrew Slutkin and Family The Trattner Family Deborah and Benjamin Zager Heller and Ari Zaiman Shelly and Ira Malis and Family Miriam Blitzer and David Mallott and Family Omnicare, Inc. Pamela and Dr. Jeffrey Platt and Family PNC Lauren and Donald Small and Family Jillian Wilson and Family Hillary and Joel Wohl and Family Lorinda and Dr. Allan Belzberg and Family Karen and Dr. Steven E. Caplan and Family The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc. Liz Minkin Friedman and Dr. Keith Friedman and Family Cindy and Rabbi Jay Goldstein and Family Tammy and Fred Heyman and Family Nancy and Edward Kutler Cindy and Robert Max and Family Rita and Dr. Marshall Plaut and Family Joanne and Abraham Rosenthal and Family Marilyn and Dr. Paul D. Schneider and Family Amy and Peter Sloane and Family Miriam and Joel Suldan

KSDS Honor Roll The Honor Roll of Donors lists the names of those who made gifts to the KSDS Annual Campaign and the KSDS Scholarship Fund between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. These gifts represent cumulative giving for the year and every effort has been made to present a correct listing of donors. If there is an error, please accept our apologies and contact the Development Office at (410) 824-2050 or sfried@ksds.edu. KSDS is grateful for the leadership of the Annual Campaign Chair, Cheryl Abrams, and Development Chairs, Janine Frier and Jeff Dubnow, in helping us reach our goals for this year’s effort.

$10,000 and Above Dr. Frona Brown

Dr. Maria and Marshall Haine

Janine and Rob Frier

Helaine and Louis E. Gitomer

The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn, Inc.

PNC Bank

Sarah and David Shapiro

$5,000 - $9,999 Beth Pepper and Mark Neustadt

Alena and David M. Schwaber

$2,500 - $4,999 Lois Halpert

Hoffberger Foundation

Dr. Karen Garber and Andrew Sandler

Isador and Fannie Havelock Foundation


Mollie and Dr. William Smulyan

Heller and Dr. Ari Zaiman

The Florence and Charles Hoffberger Charitable Foundation

The Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation, Inc.

Laura and David Stein

Pam and David Bernstein

Kim and Dr. Braeme Glaun

Teri and Dr. Benjamin Philosophe

Adina Amith and Cyril Smith

Miriam and Forrest Foss

Tammy and Frederic Heyman

Ruth and David Simon

Rebecca and Bil Zarch

Barbara B. Hirschhorn

Jodi and Samuel Moskowitz

Amy and Andrew Slutkin

$1,800 - $2,499

$1,000 - $1,799 Annonymous (2)

Myrna and The Honorable Benjamin Cardin

Paula and LeRoy Hoffberger

Marilyn and Rabbi Paul D. Schneider

The Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore

Shoshana Shoubin Cardin

Nancy and Edward Kutler

Adrienne and Herbert Schoenes

Jessamyn and Kenneth Abel

Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood

Dr. Carol Berkower and Thomas Loveland

Erika and Dr. Lew Schon

Cheryl and Timothy Abrams

Edna and Mace Crystal

Saundra and Dr. David Madoff

Drs. Ruth Horowitz and Carl Shanholtz

Ann and Dr. Michael Andorsky

Ellen Sudranski Friedman

Michelle and Ira Malis

Barbara and Dr. Howard Siegel

Ann Berman

Chaya and Howard Friedman

Michael P. Meisel

Jane and Keith Sopher

Dori and Robert Blitzstein

Pam and Dr. Robert Friedman

Alison and Dr. Giora Netzer

Drs. Jennifer Heller and Joel Turner

Beth and Dr. Albert Blumberg

Jenny and Dr. Ziv Gamliel

Sheila and Dr. Lawrence C. Pakula

Wells Fargo Foundation

Dr. Randi and Darrell Braman

Wendy and Dr. Allan Gelber

Leslie and Dr. Stephen Pomerantz

Ellen and Dr. Charles White

Drs. Maya and Steven Brooks

Jacqueline Glassgold

Sharri and Greg Rochlin

Lois and Larry Wolf Melanie and Dr. Lorne Yasbin

Arlynne and Dr. Robert Brown

Fritzi K. and Robert J. Hallock

Sara Schechter

Roxanne and Norman Buchsbaum

Sandra Hittman

Michael and Janet Scherr

Alberta Cooperman

Ellen and Sidney Cohen

Henry H. Goldberg

Jimena P. Martinez and Michael J. Hirschhorn

Edye and Steven Abrams

Suzanne F. Cohen

Ilene and Morton Goldman

Drs. Julie and Douglas Jacobstein

Linda and Dr. Ronald Berger

Judy and David Drager-Davidoff

Joan and Dr. Michael Gottlieb

Joyce and Louis Kaplan

Bryna and Louis Bernstein

Debbie and Chuck Frazer

Drs. Melanie and Ray Haroun

William E. Leboe

Jill and Steven Bers

Janet and Alvin Freedman

Tacey and Lawrence Himelfarb

Shelley Hendler and Dr. Scott Lever

Robyn and Steven Blum

Laurel and Matthew Freedman

Eileen and Ned Himmelrich

Roberta and Dr. Richard Levin

Michele Brill

Stacey and Dr. Randal Getz

Gina and Dan Hirschhorn

Carole Ann and Brahm Levine

$500 - $999

$500 - $999 (Continued) Katherine and Paul Lichtenstein

Bonnie and Pacy Oletsky

Edythe Rosenzwog

Judith and Marvin Spector

Lifebridge Health

The Isaac and Leah M. Potts Foundation

Robin and Jack Samuels

Dr. Theodore Walman

Ellen and Carl Love

Play Keepers, Inc.

Rebecca and Rabbi Steven Schwartz

Deborah Cardin and Jonathan Willis

Drs. Miriam Blitzer and David Mallott

Andrea and Dr. Brian Polsky

Phyllis and Harvey Shankman

Phyllis Brill-Wingrat

Leslie and Russell Margolis

Susan and Dr. Bruce Rabin

Bena and Stan Siegel

Ellen Kahan Zager and Jack Zager

Anne and Kenneth Moss

Ellen and Howard Richmond

Robin and Dr. Samuel Smith

Ann and Rabbi Joel Zaiman

Kim and Dr. David Neschis

Drs. Livia and Antony Rosen

Harriet and Mitchell Sollod

Karen and Dr. Jeffrey Zale

Stacie and Jeffrey Dubnow

Rachel Elliott and Ray Hall, Jr.

Ellen and Alan Mogol

$100 - $499 Sylvia and Dr. Allan Lassen Rita and Walter Abel

Teresita and David Eakin

Sara and Joe Haroun

Mindy Mintz Mordecai

Dr. Albert J. Aboulafia

Karen and Dr. Seth Eaton

Elissa and Stanley Hellman

Nancy and Marc Muser

Rachael ‘91 and Joshua Abrams

Robin Zimelman and Laurence Eisenstein

Marjorie and Dr. Steven Hoffman

Elisabeth and Louis Narrow

Barbara and Michael Agetstein

Deborah Steinig and Jason Eisner

Dr. Tamara and William Intner

Elissa and Robert Ness

Mindye and Fred Allentoff

Hilary and Steven Epstein

Illysa and Noam Izenberg

Alison J. Dray-Novey and Michael S. Novey

Janet G. Baldinger

Rebecca Pearlman and Peter Evans

Lynn and Ronald Jacobs

Harriet and Harvey Nusbaum

Kathryn Frey-Balter and Joseph Balter

Daniela and Jacob Eyal

Sheila and Richard Jacobstein

Vered and Jeffrey Nusinov

Drs. Liba Goldblum and Jay Baraban

Sandy and Stan Feinstein

Ilene and Dr. Peter Jay

Ivan Oshrine

Anita and Kenny Baum

Sherri and Arnold Feldman

Miriam and Arnold Kahn

Marc and Linda Perlin

Gail and Jack Baylin

Jill and Dr. Dean Fiergang

Jane and Ronald Kahn

David Platt ‘00

Lorinda and Dr. Allan Belzberg

Bailey and Stanley Fine

Sonna and Michael Kalis

Pam and Dr. Jeffrey Platt

Drs. Diane and Dan Berkowitz

Millie S. Fisher

Shari and Neil Kaplan

Kelly Platzke

Connie Berman

Laura and Dr. John Flaks

Nancy and Steve Karasik

Jackie Portnoy

Suellen and David Berman

Allison and Erik Folkart

Suzanne and Gerald Katz

Hazel and Dr. Michael Radowsky

Cindy and Howard Bernstein

Linda Freud

Barbara and The Honorable Owen Katzman

Shuli and Gary Raffel

Marcia and Dr. Ken Better

Sarah and Dr. Andrew Fried

Drs. Susan Wolfsthal and William Keys

Dawn Reznik

Jerry Bilton

Ann and Dr. Daniel Fried

Anita and Elliot King

Drs. Karen and Daniele Rigamonti

Drs. Sara Spinner-Block and Brian Block

Joi Fried

Dr. Melvin Kramer

Ira and Ann Robinson

Estelle Bloomberg

Harriet and Dr. Alan Friedman

Michelle Kramer

Alisa and Michael Rosenbloom

Rabbi Susan Grossman and David Boder

Dr. Suzanne Keilson and Eliot Friedman

Heller and Jeffrey Kreshtool

Esther and Louis Rosenstock

Joan and Barry Bogarad

Donna and Dr. Gary Friedman

Rachel and Lloyd Lachow

Doreen and Richard Rosenthal

Marina and Andrey Bogin

Elizabeth and Dr. Keith Friedman

Steve and Carol Landsman

Aliza and David Rothenberg

Elizabeth and Mark Borris

Lisa and Robert Friedman

Dr. Rena and Ari Lapidus

Gina Fiss and Dr. Joshua Rubenfeld

Evelyn and Dr. Gary Brager

Sara and Dr. Robert Fuld

Caryn and Dr. Brian Lerman

Ann and Dr. Aviel Rubin

Stephanie and David Brecher

Jennifer Berg Gaither and Chris Gaither

Gale Bliden Lev

Sharon and Dr. Eric Rubin

Gail and Michael Brooks

Jennifer Noparstak and Jonah Geller

Jill and Aaron Levin

Beverly and Stuart Sagal

Geraldine and Dr. Bruce Brown

Alexander (‘94) and Lori Gitomer

Lisa and Stuart Levine

Victoria Young and Jonas Salganik

Harriet and Miner Brown

Elaine and Dr. Barry Gittlen

Amanda and Dr. Stuart Levine

Elise and Dr. David Saltzberg

Linda and Dr. Jim Burgin

Debbie Gilbert and Dr. Seth Glassman

Helen and Dr. Herman Lewis

Julie and Daniel Scharfstein

Sydnee z”l and Herbert Burgunder, Jr.

Dina and Arie Glazer

Hillary and Jonathan Lewis

Dara and Dr. Ronald Schechter

Debbi and Dr. Aaron Charles

Ilana and Daniel Glazer

Carole and Steve Lichtenstein

Wendy Schelew

Carole Gould and Mark Chodak

Jeanne and Hillel Glazer

Beth Creeger and Chuck Liptz

Jayme and Gabriel’90 Schneider

Barbara Cohen

Sima and Yehuda Glazer

Teri and Brian Litofsky

Drs. Roberta and Steven Schulman

Barbara and David Cohen

Dr. Albert Glickman

Marlene and Mark London

Eileen and Dr. Stanley Schultz

Hasia Cohen

Michelle and Kyle Gold

Barbara Werner-Lubich and Bruce Lubich

Kay Schuster

Barbara and Howard Cohen

Drs. Sharon Feinstein and Amit Golding

Marsha and Richard Manekin

Drs. Carla Rosenthal and Alan Schwartz

Heather and Dr. Howard Cohen

Hana and Dov Golding

Jami and Bernard Margolis

Leslie Seidman

Susan and Todd Cohen

Florene and Dr. Ronald Goldner

Alina and Richard Matz

Maxine Seidman

Hope and Gregory Corrigan

Hedy and Irving Goldstein

Jill and Aaron Max

Rebecca and Dr. Sidney Seidman

Sue and Bill Crystal

The Gorfine Foundation, Inc.

Annalisa McCann

Ava and Harry Shasho

Monica and Steven Davis

Sheri and Jeffrey Green

Elise and Dr. Jeffrey Michelson

Robin and Rabbi Ron Shulman

Arthur L. Drager

Rona Sue London and Steven Greenspan

Tzeira and Ofer Minka

Ronda and David Silbermann

Esther Drager

Rahel Lerner and Dr. Adam Gregerman

Patti and Tom Minkin

Regina and Fredric Smith

$100 - $499 (Continued) Deborah and Frank Spector

Deborah and Dr. Kenneth Vogelstein

Debra and Joe Weinberg

Ilene and Jerold Wise

Elinor and Jeffrey Spokes

Jodi and Dan Wahlberg

Susan and Elliot Weinstein

Eileen and Morris Wise

Bonnie and Stuart Stainman

Mel and Susan Wahlberg

Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum and Harold R. Weisbaum

Sherrill and Ronald Yasbin

Dr. Vered and Maxwell Stearns

Vera and Barry Wasserman

Stacy and Alan Weiss

Drs. Anat and William Zirkin

Yael and Solomon Turkel

Rabbi Deborah Wechsler

Libby and Dr. Gerald White

$99 and Below Sima and Jeffrey Abarbanel

Inessa and Igor Epshteyn

Marlene and Benjamin Kuntz

Beverly Rosen

Anonymous (4)

Danielle and David Epstein

Sharan and Melvin Kushner

Harriet and Herbert Rosen

Erica Allen

Marlene and Larry Ettlin

Claire Landers and Steven Falk

Mindy and Jeff Rosen

Marcia and Dr. Avraham Amith

Claire Landers and Steven Falk

Jeffrey Landsman

Honey and Dr. Morris Rosen

Rachel Siegal and Dr. Samuel Andorsky

Lisa and Dr. Arnold Feiner

Bracha and Peter Lang

Dr. Roberta Babbitt and Nathan Rosen

Jeff and Rabbi Marci Jacobs Aronchick

Wendy and Evan Feldman

Dr. Jeffrey R. Lapides

Marilyn and Alfred Rosenstein

Jenny Baker

Jay Finkel

Donna Latova

Rozalija and Jean Rozin

Pamela Mandell and Balage Balogh

Tamara and David Flax

Linda Lebovic

Ronit and Neil Rubin

Carolyn and Gilbert Barron

Faith and Dr. Allen Friedman

Ellen and Alvin Levi

Svetlana and Leonid Rybalnik

Iris Barron

Faye and Daniel Friedman

Julie A. Levi (‘91)

Cindi and Brad Schrum

Gerri Baum

Michelle Frisby

Arnie and Ellen Levin

Joan Seid

Barbara and Ryan Baylin

Lora and Gregory Gann

Susan and Alan Levy

Terry and Neal Sereboff

Lana and Jacob Bekar

Deborah Geller

Paul Levy

Rena and Jack Shenk

Celeste Sollod and Dr. Zackary Berger

Margaret Gillespie

Drs. Gail and Robert Liss

B. Shenkin & Co., Ltd.

Michael Berkman

Ellen and Richard Gillette

Janet and Richard Livingston

Nancy and Dr. Moshe Shualy

Rose Berlin

Kate and Edward Gilman

Deborah Levi and Eric Lowy

Jeannie Gruzin and Louis J. Siegel

Lisa Beckerman and Jamie Berman

Bruce Y. Goldman

Barbara Mandell

Marjorie Simon

Drs. Linda Alexander and Geoffrey Bloomfield

Rebecca and Stephen Gordon

Nancy and Aaron Marcus

Muriel Simon

Karen and Jeffrey Blum

Pamela Grant

Susan Gewirtz and Stuart Martin

Libby (‘97) and Adam Smoler

Lois and Matthew Blum

Barbara and Benjamin Green

Ellen and Dr. Harold Mendelson

Toby Asch Snyderman

Sylvia Braverman

Esther H. Greenberg

Israela and Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein

Sondra Sobkov

Devorah and Bob Brooks

Dr. Elizabeth Levine Greene

Joyce and Paul Miller

Andrew Stark

Sara R. Brown

Sally and Dr. Anton Grobani

Jamie and Yossi Moshkatal

Amy and Benjamin Steinberg

Caroline and David Cahn

Lynne and Peter Grossman

Elana and Dr. Ari Moskowitz

Drs. Sandra and Marvin Steingart

Jay Caplan

Dr. Anna Dreyer ‘95 and Richard M. Hanna

Sandra and Robert Moss

Anna and Alexander Stovsky

Merle Caplan

Debby and Dr. Jesse Hellman

Marian Iris Muser

Carol Tankersley

Amy and Benjamin Cohen

Marilyn and Stanley Heyman

Lili and Peter Nemirovsky

Ronnie Thierman

Karen and Howard Cohen

Irene Himelfarb

Karin and Jacques Noah

Elaine and Norman Tucker

Liz and Mickey Cohen

Saul Himelfarb

Marlene and Mark Nusinov

KSDS Tzedakah

Ilene and Dr. Neri Cohen

Iris and Gary Ingber

Elaine and Dr. Martin Pearlman

Sandy and Phil Umansky

Michelle and Paul Cohen

Drs. Karen and Fred Jacobs

Beverly and Sam Penn

Ilene and Dr. Bert Vogelstein

Sylvia Cohen

Ann and Sanford Jacobson

Isabel and Dr. Steven Pinson

Harriett Waldman

Susan Brooks-Cohen and Todd Cohen

Gabrielle M. Ezra-Jordan and John Jordan

Brina and Jay Pintzuk

Julie and Anthony Warren

Ruth and Jeffrey Colbus

Ann H. Kahan

Tamara Plant

Nissa and Paul Weinberg

Beth El Congregation

Joy and Dr. Eugene Katz

Sybil C. Plovan

Pamela Weinstein

Lynn and Arnold Cooper

Yehudit and David Kesselman

Faye and Howard Pollack

Julie Bernstein and Steven Weinstein

Cheri Crow

Howard Klein

Vivian and Gerald Portnoy

Alison and George Wielechowski

Hillary and Jack Crystal and Family

Barbara and Marc Klein

Gail Potashnick

Dorothy Gold and Dr. James Wolf

Diane and Stephen Dansicker

Marci Kleiner

Mindy and William Pruitt

Marilyn and Irvin Zimmerman

Mimi Davidoff

Sheri and David Knauth

Regina Puleo

Lauren and Dr. Chad Zooker

Amy DiAngelo

Judy and Dr. Melvin Kopilnick

Terri and Michael Rabinowitz

Jennifer and Robert Zunikoff

Iris and Sanford Edelson

Sonia and Dr. Bernard Kozlovsky

June Dennen and Alan Reisberg

Linda and Lloyd Eisenberg

Emily L. Kramer ‘96

Robyn Hurwitz and Brian Rogers

Donna and Fred Elrick

Madlyn and Steven Kroll

Viktoria and Roman Romalis

Krieger Schechter Day School Board Ex Officio Members, Voting

Mark Neustadt, Chair Michele Brill, Vice Chair Cheryl Abrams Jill Bers Janine Frier Marshall Haine Kenneth Moss Sarah Shapiro Dr. Ari Zaiman

Samuel E. Moskowitz Michelle Malis

Rachael Abrams Jeff Dubnow Randal Getz, M.D. Richard Manekin Rebecca Schwartz Jane Sopher

Ex Officio Members, Non Voting Ronald Millen, Executive Director CAC Rabbi Ron Shulman Rabbi Deborah Wechsler Howard Richmond, Business Manager Bil Zarch, Head of School Liz Minkin-Friedman, PA Co-Chair

Ex Officio, Past Chairs Dr. Robert Brown Dr. Anne Young Harriet Helfand Dr. Gary Brager Florene Goldner Hadassah Gordis Gerald Katz Dr. Barry Lever Dr. David Mallott Michael Novey

Krieger Schechter Day School Parent Association Executive Board Co-Presidents Liz Minkin-Friedman Terri Philosophe Vice President Leslie Seidman Communications Liaison Heather Cohen Treasurer Evan Feldman Immediate Past President Connie Berman Members-at-Large Rachel Siegal Keira and Josh Shein Michelle Tepper Teacher Representatives Wendy Gelber Faith Friedman Kay Schuster

Committee Chairs Book Fair Jan Fabiyi Shari Kaplan Sharri Rochlin Leslie Seidman Box Tops for Education Robyn Hurwitz Giant Receipts Lisa Scherr Easy Money Halaina Snyder

Chesed Committee Donna Friedman Edina Stoller

Magazine Drive Tacey Himelfarb School Supplies Terri Rabinowitz

Grandparent/Special Friends’ Day Julie Bernstein Shabbat Share Jodi Wahlberg

Restaurant Fundraiser Andrea Polsky Spirit Wear Barbara Baylin Jen Kosmides Art Auction Michelle Shenk Cooper Amy Steinberg Jo Corbi’s Lynne Grossman

Welcoming Committee Rachael Abrams Keira Shein Welcome-Challah Erika Buchdahl Social Chairs/Coffee Chats Michelle Cooper Amy Steinberg

Book Club Discussion Groups Claire Landers Schechter on the Move 5k Liz Minkin-Friedman Teacher Appreciation Monica Davis Teri Litofsky Terri Philosophe Jodi Wahlberg

Holiday Celebrations Robyn Hurwitz Mischloach Manot Susan Cohen Model Seder Jill Aizenstein Picture Parent Kim Glaun Jackie Ross Parent Discussion Groups Julie Warren Liz Minkin-Friedman Lost and Found Edina Stoller Green Committee Ina Krief Community Service Club Pam Mandell PR/Marketing Committee Robin Rose-Samuels Keira Shein Lunch/Recess Coordinators Jamie Moshkatal Dina Glazer

KSDS Class of 2009, Then

Row 1: Mariah Speert, Amanda Kievsky, Melissa Davis, Sophia Goldman, Shir Kaplan, Allison Spector, Abby Abrams, Sarah

Schrum, Samantha Shapiro, Sarah Mandel, Marlee Michelson, Rachel Rudo, Anya Hammerman, Yael Lowenberg, Brianna Cohen, Miriam Pomerantz, Alaina Mandel, Allison Friedman, Noa Lipton, Alessandra Rigamonti, Marnie Silverman, Adi Goldberg

Row 2: Alec Blitzstein, Alex Schultz, Eric Trattner, Daniel Radov, Ori Shimony, Miles Greenspoon, Noah Smith, Elliott Stainman Row 3: Aryeh Ness, Eric Leikach, Paul Rosen, Drew Stern, Abe Stein, Sam Rubin, Aaron Karacuschansky, Adam Wolod, Quinn Flaks, Evan Lieberman, Isaac Krell

KSDS Class of 2009, Now Bucknell University

Israeli Defense Force

Towson University (2)

Carroll Community College

James Madison University (2)

Tulane University (3)

College of Wooster

Johnson & Wales University

University of Maryland (7)

Columbia University (2)

Princeton University

University of Miami

Cornell University

Salisbury University

University of Pennsylvania (2)

Dickinson University

Sewanee University

University of Tampa (2)

George Washington University

Stevenson University

University of Virginia

Goucher College

Temple University

Young Judaea Year Course

Howard Community College

The Ohio State University

KSDS Alumni Spotlight Nathaniel Hoffman, Class of 1991

Nathaniel Hoffman has written about immigration and politics for more than a decade as a reporter and editor at newspapers in Idaho and California. He worked as a reporter at the Boise Weekly, the Contra Costa Times and the Idaho Press-Tribune. His journalism has taken him to Cuba twice, to Mexico, Israel and Lebanon and deep into Oregon’s Hell’s Canyon. Hoffman has covered the immigration and demographics beat since he got his start in journalism in Nampa, Idaho in 2001. In 2010, Hoffman left his post as News Editor at Boise Weekly to write Amor and Exile, the story of American citizens who fall in love with undocumented immigrants only to find themselves trapped in a legal labyrinth, stymied by their country’s de facto exclusion of their partners. Hoffman is the founding editor of The Blue Review, a journal of popular scholarship at Boise State University. He lives in Boise with his wife and two daughters.

Arielle Lever, Class of 2002

Arielle is the Co-Founder and Director of Educational Outreach at CO/LAB Theater Group, a “non-profit organization dedicated to providing Creative Opportunities Without Limits and Boundaries.” CO/LAB exists to offer individuals with developmental disabilities a creative and social outlet through theater arts in a safe and judgment-free environment. Since its founding in 2011, CO/LAB has served over 350 participants (with over 50 volunteers through workshops, classes, satellite programs and residences which has 13 participant-generated performances. Arielle attended Carver Center for the Arts and Technology (’06) and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Syracuse University (’10).

Celia Neustadt, Class of 2004

Celia Neustadt is both the founder and director of The Inner Harbor Project, a start-up organization dedicated to solving the competition for public space between local teens, tourists, and businesses. She is currently working on a three-year initiative to make the Inner Harbor a safe and inclusive public space. The project uses a research-based approach to work with stakeholders, identify issues, and implement solutions. Celia founded this organization after meeting with Baltimore City public school students who valued the Harbor and were apprehensive that violence would tarnish Baltimore’s reputation and its economy. After conducting a year’s worth of research in the Inner Harbor, the project has developed a plan for resolving tension, working hard to raise support for implementing their recommendations in the second and third year. Celia was the Valedictorian of Baltimore City College’s Class of 2008. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Pomona College.

Rabbi Adam Roffman, Class of 1994

Rabbi Adam Roffman began his rabbinic education at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also earned an MA in Talmud and was awarded the Levinthal Prize in Homiletics and the Gelb Prize in Talmud. He served as the Rabbinic Fellow at B’nai Jeshurun in Manhattan, where, along with his pulpit responsibilities, he counseled and taught conversion students. Rabbi Roffman is a proud Schechter alum, a graduate of Amherst College with a BA in Political Science, and Circle in the Square Theatre School with a certificate in Musical Theatre Performance. Born in Baltimore, MD to two extraordinary educators, Rabbi Roffman currently brings his enthusiasm for teaching Judaism to both the Adult Education and Teen programs at Shearith Israel in Dallas, TX. He is married to Rabbi Shira Wallach.

Shanna Tellerman, Class of 1995

Shanna founded her first technology company, Sim Ops Studios, out of graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center. She was the CEO of Sim Ops Studios for over five years leading up to the eventual acquisition of the company by Autodesk, Inc. Shanna has been a frequent speaker in the game industry and a thoughtful leader on the topic of women in technology. She has been active in organizations including Astia, Women 2.0, Girl Geeks, and Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network. In 2009, she was named one of Business Week’s best young entrepreneurs. Shanna’s education includes a Master’s in Entertainment Technology in 2005 and her Bachelors in Fine Arts in 2003 from Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently a partner with Google Ventures and an advisor at Illuminate Ventures.

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We love hearing from all of our KSDS alumni. Please send an e-mail to sfried@ksds.edu with any alumni updates and to make sure we have your current contact information.

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