June july 2014 hahodesh web

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ha odesh A Note of Thanks


henever we think we are at the end of a story it may be that we are just at its beginning. Each fall we read the death of Moses and then immediately begin Torah again reading the story of Creation. A beautiful teaching combines the last letter in the Torah, the “lamed” with the first letter written in the Torah, the “bet.” Lamed-bet spells lev, heart. “Everything in life depends on purity of heart,” our sages teach. This June-July newsletter marks the end of our current synagogue program year, and the beginning of our next. At this moment, with a purity of heart, we who are privileged to work on behalf of Chizuk Amuno Congregation as professionals and lay leaders say thank you to our synagogue family. Please accept our grateful appreciation for your continuing membership and contributions that enable us to serve you, our members, as well as our larger community. Inside Chizuk Amuno, we understand it is a choice to contribute and participate here. We thank you, our synagogue members and friends, for the choice your affiliation with us reflects and the spirit your presence brings to us all. Wherever we stand thinking it is an end, we are really at a place of beginning. Just as our tradition believes there is no end to Torah, accept these best wishes for a pleasant and rejuvenating summer season aware that as we begin again at Chizuk Amuno, much celebration, learning, and connecting awaits us in the fall. B’Shalom Rav, Rabbi Ron Shulman

June-July 2014 | Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5774



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Tikkun Leil Shavuot JE WISH JOURNE YS J U N E 3 , 2 0 1 4 | 5 S I VA N 5 7 7 4

JOIN US ON A JEWISH JOURNEY Tuesday, June 3 Minhah 7:45 p.m. Erev Shavuot Service 8:00 p.m. …followed by Kol Rinah, our a cappella singers Tikkun Leil Shavuot – study sessions 8:30 p.m. Refreshments 9:30 p.m. Late Night Study Session 10:00 p.m. For complete details about Shavuot activities and services, turn to page 4.

All Ages Celebrate Torah on Shavuot Wednesday, June 4 Auditorium where they will prepare for the bikkurim At our Shavuot Festival Morning Service, everyone – from our youngest to our oldest – will sit with each other and study the Ten Commandments. At 10 a.m., adults will gather in the Krieger Auditorium and – over coffee and nosh – explore the Ten Commandments with study partners. While we study, our children will gather for their Family Service in the Hoffberger Chapel or Torah for Tots in the Esterson 1

ceremony. At 10:30 a.m., we’ll receive and read Torah in the Sanctuary. Our children will join us and bring bikkurim, greens and fruits, to decorate the bimah. Afterwards, the children will gather in the Hoffberger Chapel for other activities including The Frisbee GuyGary Auerbach, followed by a blintz bar with toppings.


Our kick-off meeting in May was a great success! A dozen women gathered to schmooze, introduce their product or service, and learn about making business connections through their everyday activities. Participants left feeling supported and were enthusiastic about future meetings and the potential they bring. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 10 at 7 p.m. The featured speaker will be Gerri Baum, who will speak about social media, a tremendously affective tool in today’s business environment. Don’t miss it! For more information, or to RSVP, contact Ava BarronShasho, avabarronshasho@yahoo.com.

Luv2Learn Rocks Chizuk Amuno!

May 18 was another outstanding day at Chizuk Amuno! Over 150 students came to our learning festival to expand their minds and mingle with friends. We thank co-chairs Marsha Manekin and Howard Cohen, as well as their enthusiastic committee for their hard work. It really paid off - everyone enjoyed themselves!

CJE Recognition Program

In May, many members of our congregation and school community were recognized by the Center for Jewish Education. The following were nominated for an award: Britta Hoffman (GECEC), Brina Pintzuk and Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff (RRS), and Shelley Hendler, Bracha Lang, Amanda Levine, and Dafna Tasch (KSDS). Two KSDS alumni were also nominated: Rebecca Margolis and Samantha Bloom). Amanda Levine (KSDS) received the Samuel Glasner Award honoring a teacher who epitomizes creative, quality teaching. Our member Melissa E. Berman received the Nathan and Ruth Lipsetts Award for unusually creative skill in the classroom, and playing an important role in the life and affairs of the Baltimore Jewish community. Ann Kahan presented the Sam Kahn Distinguished Educator Award.

College Outreach

Mazal Tov to our college graduates! We wish you much luck in the next exciting steps on your journey. Mazal Tov to our high school graduates and welcome to College Outreach at Chizuk Amuno. This past year, Bonnie Ziegelstein, chair of our College Outreach committee, and her wonderful volunteers sent 150 care packages to our Chizuk college students. On the High Holy Days, Hanukkah, and Passover, our students received snacks, notepads, calendars, and other goodies to help nurture their connection to the synagogue. Thank you to Bonnie and her team for their efforts. As we begin to assemble our new group of Chizuk Amuno college students for 2014-2015, students and parents are welcome and encouraged to send their updated college addresses directly to Bonnie at bonnieroy3@verizon.net.

Brotherhood Closing Breakfast

Sunday, June 8, following morning minyan, which begins at 9:15 a.m. Our featured speaker is attorney Fran Glushakow Gould, who will discuss Advanced Directives, as they relate to Jewish Ethics and policy in the state of Maryland.

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B’rukhim Habaim • Welcome to Our New Members Rebecca and Joshua Bass Lindsey and Ryan Brook

Liana and Larsson Davis Jacquelyn Pearlman Harriette Wimms

Laura and Richard Reaven Sarah and Joel Sunshine

We are happy to welcome those who have most recently in joining Chizuk Amuno, please call our Director of chosen to join our Chizuk Amuno family. Communication and Member Services, Cheryl Snyderman, 410/486-6400, ext. 300. If you have friends or family who may be interested 2

School May Be Closed, But the Judaica Shop is Not

Summer Building Hours

Beginning Tuesday, June 17 we will begin our Beginning on Tuesday, June 17, the Sisterhood Judaica summer building and office schedule. The synagogue office will be closed on Sunday mornings and the Shop will be open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-noon building will be closed every evening at 7 p.m. following and 2-4 p.m. throughout the summer. We will also be available other times by calling Anne, 410/303-7716, or the evening minyan. The only exception will be on Monday evenings if a committee or group needs to Edna, 410/653-3495. schedule a meeting. Summer meetings should end by We are always available to help you select the perfect 9 p.m. and be scheduled through Jenny Baker, ext. 227. gifts for babies, birthdays, b’nei mitzvah, engagement, wedding, or hostess. Our volunteers will spend the summer finding new and wonderful merchandise “Like” Us on Facebook! to prepare for our reopening in mid-August. If there You Could Be a Winner! is anything special for which you are looking, please You haven’t “Liked” us yet? contact Anne. What are you waiting for! Recognizing Your Gifts Join our Facebook community. And tell your Bimah Flowers, Perpetual Memorials, and Terumot friends, parents, children, siblings, HaKodesh–Tribute Gifts and Discretionary Fund– significant other, and if bubbie and zayde can be found in the “Giving” section of the Chizuk are into it – tell them, too. Once we have Amuno website, www.chizukamuno.org. 500 “Likes,” we will hold a drawing and Hard copies of the Bimah Flowers and Perpetual a special Chizuk Amuno Facebook “Liker” will be the Memorials lists can be found on the table recipient of a wonderful gift. at the entrance to the Sanctuary.

Adult Bat Mitzvah

The new Adult Bat Mitzvah class is almost full but we saved a space for you! Come join us for a wonderful experience of learning, friendship, and exploration. Before signing up, please make an appointment to speak to Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.



Join us for Summer Shul at Chizuk Amuno!

Shabbat Mornings 9:15 a.m. • July 5, 12, 19, 26 August 2, 9 Shabbat Morning Services are held in the Krieger Auditorium, creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment. Synagogue members lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah, supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, and Hazzan Perlman and Dr. Shualy. During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually and appropriately for Shabbat Services. Families and friends, adults and children of all ages are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul.


To register or for more information, contact Doris Tanhoff, 410/824-2055 or dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org.


Schedule of Shabbat Services Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, and our synagogue community. This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service features including family activities. Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. most Shabbat mornings, except holiday weekends.

JUNE-JULY 2014 Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5774 June 6/7 | Sivan 8/9 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat New Shabbat Dinner New Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: B’HA-ALOT’KHA, NUMBERS 8:1-12:16 Bat Mitzvah of Amanda Trattner Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler Family Service 10:30 a.m. Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:57 p.m.

June 13/14 | Sivan 15/16

July 4/5 | Tammuz 6/7 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: SH’LAH L’KHA, NUMBERS 13:1-15:41 Bat Mitzvah of Ava Scharfstein Sermon by Rabbi Shulman

Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: BALAK, NUMBERS 22:2-25:9 D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:01 p.m.

June 20/21 | Sivan 22/23

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:03 p.m.

July 11/12 | Tammuz 13/14

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: KORAH, NUMBERS 16:1-18:32 Sermon by Rabbi Wechsler

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:03 p.m.

Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: PINHAS, NUMBERS 25:10-30:1 Shabbat Club Hatikvah D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member

June 27/28 | Sivan 29/30 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: HUKKAT, NUMBERS 19:1-22:1 Bar Mitzvah of Aidan Resnick Sermon by Rabbi Schneider

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:04 p.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot • Jewish Journeys June 3, 2014 | 5 Sivan 5774

Join us on a Jewish Journey. Choose your destination. Enjoy an hour of travel led by a wonderful trip leader in the company of our Chizuk Amuno community. Minhah 7:45 p.m. Erev Shavuot Service 8:00 p.m. …followed by Kol Rinah, our a cappella singers Tikkun Leil Shavuot – Shavuot study sessions Refreshments Late Night Session

8:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m.

Study Sessions A Journey from Legalistic Judaism to the Masorati Tradition: Musings from the Daughter of an Orthodox Rabbi Dr. Joyanna Silberg In this personal presentation, congregation member and psychologist Dr. Joyanna Silberg will discuss the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of her affiliation with the Conservative movement after having grown up within the Orthodox tradition. She will discuss key formative experiences. She will also highlight the importance of finding meaning through creating rituals from existing sources and the importance of “transitional spaces” for fostering spiritual moments.

Home and Away Dr. Arthur Lesley Exile and the opposite, being comfortably at home, are not locations on maps. They are both personal and universal feelings that people bear with them, wherever they are. Jews have recalled going from one to the other at many different times. Yehuda Amichai, Jerusalem on “Yom Kippur, 1967” “Anatevka” (Sholem Aleichem) French-Jewish Poetry after the 1394 exile from France Judah Halevi in East and West: in Spain and on the way to Jerusalem Why It’s Important to Recite T’filat haDerekh Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman Do we walk with God, or does God walk with us? I believe that we walk together. During this hour we will all walk together in the presence of God.


All Boxed In: The Aquatic Adventures of Moses and Noah Barry M. Gittlen, Ph.D. Professor of Biblical and Archaeological Studies Director, Undergraduate Jewish Studies Program Towson University Two guys get into vessels and shove off for uncharted adventure. Each begins a journey that will lead to a destiny somewhat different from expectation. Set your sails for wondrous things and join us as we examine the subtle ways in which Torah links these two ancient mariners and their journey. Book of Ruth Rabbi Deborah Wechsler A journey of women making a new beginning with men.

August 1/2 | Av 5/6

July 18/19 | Tammuz 20/21 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT, NUMBERS 30:2-32:42 D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:56 p.m.

July 25/26 | Tammuz 27/28 Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: MAS’EI, NUMBERS 33:1-33:49 D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m.

7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:51 p.m.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Summer Shul Shabbat Morning Service

9:15 a.m.

TORAH PORTION: D’VARIM, DEUTERONOMY 1:1-3:22 Shabbat Hazon D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

6:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:44 p.m.

Candle Lighting June 6

8:12 p.m.

June 13

8:15 p.m.

June 20

8:18 p.m.

June 27

8:19 p.m.

July 4

8:18 p.m.

July 11

8:16 p.m.

July 18

8:12 p.m.

July 25

8:07 p.m.

August 1

8:00 p.m.

Observing Tishah B’Av The Ninth of Av

We will observe Tishah B’Av with prayer and reflection on Monday evening August 4 at 8:30 p.m. During the Ma’ariv service for Tishah B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations, Eikhah. Tishah B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning. On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose legacy have shaped our identity and values. Foremost among the events we remember are the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in the year 586 BCE. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE. We will also gather in observance of Tishah B’Av on Tuesday morning, August 5 at 7 a.m. A special Minhah service will be held at 1 p.m. At this afternoon service we will wear our tallit and tefillin, ritual symbols that we will not use during our Shaharit service in expression of our mourning. Tishah B’Av is a full or partial day of fasting and introspection observed with emotion as we transform trauma into wisdom through ritual.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Minhah, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah: refer to weekly Shabbat schedules

From Here to Eternity Dr. Moshe D. Shualy If the Universe is Eternal, why do we run out of time? Jewish tradition insists that Eternal Life is planted within us. After the Torah is read we hear the solemn blessing, an oath actually – ve-Hayyei ‘Olam Natt’a beTokheinu! After which we all say Amen! So where is this Eternity? Come explore perspectives to discover words beyond the conventional horizons. Find Eternity within the flowing streams of time that forever recede from the shores of the present moment. From Ovrutch to Detroit, from Despair to Hope Rabbi Paul D. Schneider Ben Schneider, my father, did not share even one story about his youth with his sons until he turned 70. He didn’t want to burden us with stories of poverty and anti-Semitism. If only he had known how impoverished we would have been without knowing our past! I will share some of these family stories.

10 p.m. Late Night Session: The Journey from Sinai Rabbi Ron Shulman Join Rabbi Ron Shulman’s Late night Torah Study during which we’ll explore meanings of Revelation by studying Torah texts, Midrash, and Jewish thought.

Memorial Plaques Dedication Shavuot 2014 | 5774

Wednesday, June 4 First Day of Shavuot

Carl Theodore Amdur Sam Beck Dorothy Bloomberg Sophie “Sally” Dzija Dorothy Radoon Freed Alfred L. Freud Ruth Friedman Freud Patsy Kayne Gilbert I. Elliott Goldberg Alice Goodman Beryl Haimowitz Harold J. Hettleman Dr. Theodor Kaiser Philip Kaplan Lt. Colonel Irvin I. Klein Marian Helzner Klein

Shaharit: Festival Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Torah Study Sessions, Adults, Krieger Auditorium 10:00 a.m. Torah for Tots, Esterson Auditorium 10:00 a.m. Family Service, Hoffberger Chapel 10:00 a.m. Torah Service 10:30 a.m. ...followed by Musaf: Holiday Prayers Kiddush, following services Minhah/Ma’ariv 6:15 p.m.

Thursday, June 5 Second Day of Shavuot Shaharit: Festival Morning Service Yizkor Memorial Prayers Kiddush Luncheon, following services Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah 5

9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

8:30 p.m. 8:56 p.m.

On Shavuot, Thursday, June 5, during the Yizkor service, the following memorial plaques will be dedicated. Sam Koser Shirley Koser Rose Greenblatt Krol Hannah Rita Millen Fred Nochumowitz Elaine Futerman Parnes Dr. Howard F. Raskin Annette Shermak Ellen R. Siegel Sara Slavin Bettye Elaine Steinberg Milton Steingart Yetta Steingart Zahava Velder Esther M. Weinberg

Milestones in Our Community

B’nei Mitzvah

We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. JUNE 7 Amanda Jo Trattner Meirah Yaffah daughter of Lisa and Dr. Bradley Trattner JUNE 14 Ava Lorelei Scharfstein Avrahamah daughter of Drs. Julie and Daniel Scharfstein JUNE 28 Aidan Patrick Resnick Benesh Dov Reuven son of Kathleen and Glenn Resnick


We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Paxton Oliver Albert, son of Michelle and Brad Albert and grandson of Drs. Gayle and Brian Schwartz Dylan Mara Altchek, daughter of Jamie and Daniel Altchek, granddaughter of Darlene and Gerry Gordon and great-granddaughter of Howard “Chuck” Klein and the late Marian Klein Samuel David Cirillo, son of Deborah and Anthony Cirillo Rena Pearl Gratz, daughter of Sarah and Ricky Gratz, granddaughter of Carol and Dr. Ed Gratz and Drs. Linda and Paul Weinberg, and great-granddaughter of Claryne Weinberg Joshua Caleb Hanna, son of Dr. Anna Dreyer and Richard Hanna William Asher Weiss, son of Lauren and Adam Weiss and grandson of Harriet and Alan Kanter


We wish Happy Birthday to these members of our synagogue family who celebrated a birthday milestone with us in shul. Martin Greenberg Sondra Greenberg Bob Hallock Ethel Jacobs Martin Zuckerman Robert Manekin


Mazal tov to the following members of our synagogue family who are celebrating their wedding anniversary this month. 70th: Shirley and Stanley Adler 65th: Doris and Jay Bernhardt 30th: Joy and Paul Robinson 20th: Heather and Brian Boos


We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Rebecca Gillette, daughter of Ellen and Richard Gillette, to Max Brondfield, son of Drs. Jane Melnick and Eric Brondfield


We congratulate the following couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Joshua Bass, son of Theresa and Marc Bass, to Rebecca Silver Benjamin Miller, son of Sandra Dzija and Dr. Andrew Miller, to Kay Steiger, daughter of Lois Steiger and the late Bruce Steiger

In Loving Memory

In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the passing of our members: Dr. Stuart H. Brager, husband of Marlene Brager, father of Jaye Greenfest, Susan Topel, Cyndie Jacobson, and brother of Dr. Gary Brager and Terry Meyers Joel (Buddy) Finkelstein, husband of Gloria (Goody) Finkelstein, father of H. Bruce Finkelstein, Aaron Finkelstein, Scott Finkelstein, Karin Stratfrord, and step-father of Mitchell LaBorwit, Scott LaBorwit, and Todd LaBorwit Leonard J. Fox, husband of Elaine Fox, father of Steven Fox and Margie Fox Kwart, and brother of Sanford Fox Dr. Gerald M. White, husband of Libby White, and father of Dr. Charles White, Dr. Andrew White, Judi Cuttler, and Abigail D’Costa We offer our sincere condolences to our members: Jill Bers, on the loss of her father, Larry M. Wolf Steven Bers, on the loss of his mother, Martha Bers The Honorable Michael Finifter, on the loss of his mother, Sylvia Finifter Krause Forrest Foss, on the loss of his father, Murray Foss Judy Harrow, on the loss of her father, Dr. Morris Shapiro Sanford Schreiber, on the loss of his brother, Russell Schreiber Brad Schrum, on the loss of his mother, Barbara E. Schrum 6

Joan Schuster, on the loss of her mother, Harriet Waldman Robin Smith, on the loss of her father, Irwin Margulis Dr. Susan Straus, on the loss of her father, Hyman Farber Toby Wiseman, on the loss of his brother, Gerald Wiseman Zosia Zaks, on the loss of his father, Arthur Zaks As a synagogue community, we express our sincere condolences and prayers for comfort to those who mourn.

Members in the News

Congratulations to Jonathan Hettleman, son of Shelly and Jeffrey Hettleman, who received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship.

Rabbi Zaiman Receives Honorary Doctorate

On May 15, St. Mary’s Seminary and University of Baltimore conferred an honorary Doctorate of Divinity on Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman. Dr. Brent Laytham, Dean of the Ecumenical Institute of Theology at St. Mary’s cited Rabbi Zaiman for his “learned devotion to Torah through faithful rabbinic ministry, for his leadership in fostering community locally and nationally, and for his generous work to improve Jewish-Christian relations.” We congratulate Rabbi Zaiman upon receiving this well-deserved honor. The community of Chizuk Amuno wishes him a hearty Mazal Tov!

Honoring Beth Goldsmith

Congratulations to Beth Goldsmith and The Goldsmith Family Foundation who have been recognized by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for their support of the museum’s “Bringing the Lessons Home”

program. The program provides a unique learning opportunity for students to explore the lessons of the Holocaust as a means of understanding the responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy. To date, more than 700 high school students have participated. Beth and The Goldsmith Family Foundation are being honored for their generous support of the program since its inception in 1994. If you would like your milestone included in the HaHodesh, please notify Judy Simkin, ext. 232 or jsimkin@chizukamuno.org.

Thank You Rabbi Paul Schneider


wo summers ago, when Dr. Paul Schneider completed his tenure as Headmaster of our Krieger Schechter Day School, our congregation’s Board of Trustees proudly and generously provided him with a two year rabbinic role as Director of Congregational Life.

Over the past two years, as for decades before, Dr. Schneider’s insights and caring have helped us expand our synagogue programming and continued to touch lives through his teaching, officiating, and storytelling. This summer, grateful for Paul Schneider and all that he means to so many of us, we say thank you. Though the planned two years draw to their close, our respect and admiration for our teacher, rabbi, and friend continue. Thank you is not good-bye. Paul Schneider will continue to be a presence on our campus in his rabbinic office.

He will officiate during the coming High Holy Days in the Stulman Auditorium Service on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Rabbi Schneider will continue to be available by request for wedding celebrations and funeral observances. He’ll also continue as a teacher in our community, as may be scheduled. Paul, we are grateful for your devotion and thoughtfulness over the past two years. You are a genuine example of Torah values and derekh eretz, as well as a cherished friend. Thank you very much!

how best to bring them together. She cares about all of us. To Judy, the classroom experience is a social one, a setting for friendships, and a place to begin what can be continued everywhere else. For Judy, every experience is potentially one to which one wants to bring a Jewish perspective. As well, there is no new idea she didn’t consider and no old idea she didn’t revisit. Judy’s standards are the highest possible and her results match her expectations. We thank you, Judy. We are better and brighter because we are your students. Even as we celebrate your achievements, know that we will always be grateful and continue on as your adult Jewish learners.

In Judy’s honor, our synagogue community generously established the “Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars Fund.” Join us on Tuesday evening, August 19 for our annual movie night outside in the courtyard, this year, the 1st Annual Judy Meltzer Cinema Under the Stars.

Thank You Judy Meltzer


udy Meltzer’s years as Director of Adult Learning at Chizuk Amuno draw to a close this summer as Judy celebrates her well-deserved retirement. Judy’s passion for books, her passion for ideas, her passion for language, her passion for Jewish wisdom, and more deeply, her passion for people inspire us all. Judy based her teaching and her administration in relationships. She knew her students, her teachers, and

Our heartfelt gratitude to the following donors whose generosity enabled us to name and perpetuate Cinema Under the Stars in honor of Judy Meltzer. Phyllis and Louis Friedman Miriam and Forrest Foss Lee Meyerhoff Hendler

Paula and LeRoy Hoffberger Wendy and Barry Isaac Ronnie Kleiman

Mimi Blitzer and David Mallott Kathy and Sandy Shapiro Ann and Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman

Anonymous (3) • Ann and Michael Andorsky • Myra and Ira Askin • Jenny Baker • Merri and Fred Beckman • Eve Berkow • Beverly Berman • Doris and Jay Bernhardt • Jean Bernstein • Rabbi David Bienenstock • Valerie Binder • Annette and Sy Bluestein • Beth and Albert Blumberg • Janice and Norris Brodsky • Ruth and Allen Brown • Sarajane and Arthur Brown • Harriet and Moe Brown • Arlynne and Robert Brown • Marian Bushel • Carolyn and Richard Camras • Karen and Steven Caplan • Myrna and Senator Ben Cardin • Rosann M. Catalano, Ph.D • Amy and Bruce Chapper • Susan Chouinard • Suzanne F. Cohen • Edna and Mace Crystal • Carol Cummins • Diane and Stephen Dansicker • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dashoff • Carole Diamond • Sandra and Sheldon Dobres • Cindy and Glenn S. Easton • Karen Bonnie and Seth Eaton • Debbie and Jim Effron • Linda and Bob Eisenberg • Hilary and Steven Epstein • Carole Finerman • Sally and Rabbi Steven Fink • Elaine Fox • Claire and Howard Freeland • Rhona and Sonny Freiman • Miriam Gerstenblith • Ellen and Richard Gillette • Sandy and Barry Glass • Jackie Glassgold • Judy Gluckman • Michelle and Kyle Gold • Phyllis S. Gold • Seema Goldbergh • Ms. Jean Suda and Kim Golden • Bruce Goldman • Anna Goldman • Florene and Ron Goldner • Shelley and Sheldon Goldseker • Anna and Richard Gordon • Jill Goodman and Ben, Hannah, and Ilana Grabenstein • Sally and Arthur Grant • Carol and Ed Gratz • Joseph Greenblum • Sarajane Greenfeld • Rona London and Steven Greenspan • Cheryl Snyderman and Alan Guttman • Carole Halverstadt • Ina and Calvin Hamburger • Ellen Hart • Debby and Jesse Hellman • Leah Hellman • Elayne Hettleman • Shelly and Jeff Hettleman • Sandra Hittman • Margi and Steve Hoffman • Adele Hollander • Paula and Paul Hollinger • Al B. Honick • Ruth B. Hurwitz • Roz and Nelson Hyman • Serene Israel • Bluma Jed • Gilda and Art Kahn • Dovey Kahn • Jane and Ronald Kahn • Harriet and Alan Kanter • Gail and Lenny Kaplan • Linda G. Katz • Ruthanne Kaufman • Harriet Keiser • Marilynn and Martin Kinstler • Arlene Klaff • Helen Kleinman • Sybil Kolodny • Roz and Al Kronthal • Norman LaCholter • Edith and Walter Lamm • Debora Lang • Linda Leffman • Teresa Alpert-Leibman and David Leibman • Bettye and Jerome Leibowitz • Heather Miller Rubens and Chris Leighton • Harriett and Mende Lerner • Barbara Brodie and Arthur Lesley • Mae Rosen Levin • Monica and Richard Levine • Linda and Mark Levy • Barbara and Bruce Lewbart • Helen and Herman Lewis • Peggy and Bill Lewis • Sam Lichter • Gail Lipsitz • Carol Berkower and Thomas Loveland • Saundra and David Madoff • Arthur Magida • Hannah and Marty Magram • Shelly and Ira Malis • Vivian and Bob Manekin • Marsha and Richard Manekin • Dr. and Mrs. Warren Massouda • Beverly and Jordon Max • Jill and Aaron Max • Melton Babies • Arlynne Brown • Anna Davis • Hilary Epstein • Monica Bernstein Levine • Rona London • Susan Shofer • Ellen Spokes • Annabelle and Morris Mervis • Israela and Rabbi Michael Meyerstein • Sandra Dzija and Andrew Miller • Judy Miller • Marilyn Naviasky • Arline Nitzberg • Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pakula • Janice and Hazzan Emanuel Perlman • Sue and Howard Platt • Pam and Jeffrey Platt • Rev. Jason Poling • Paulette and Julius Pollack • Zelda and Clifford Rachbach • Dorothy Rainess • Anita Raynes • Rabbis Nina Beth Cardin and Avram Reisner • Dawn Reznik • Judy Richter • Dr. Linda Berger Roochvarg and Cantor Elias Roochvarg • Judith C. Rosenberg • Claire and Hal Rossman • Deverah Routman • Beverly and Stuart Sagal • Sheila and Howard Sandbank • Marilyn and Rabbi Paul Schneider • Bobbi and Steve Schulman • Anita B. Schulman • Maxine Seidman • Rabbi Stuart Seltzer • Sarah and David Shapiro • Denise and Bruce Shauer • Bette Sherman • Dora Ordman and Dan Sherman • Shirley Shor • Nancy and Dr. Moshe Shualy • Judi and Mark Shulman • Miriam Shulman • Robin and Rabbi Ron Shulman • Carole and Hanan Sibel • Jeannie and Louis Siegel • Ruth and Harry Silber • Joy and Richard Silberg • Judy and Phil Simkin • Margie Simon • Mickey Simon • Ina and Jon Singer • Elinor Sklar • Harriette and Marvin Solomon • Rabbis Ilyse Kramer and Sonya Starr • Ellen Stein • Susan and David Straus • Karen Desser and Morris Swartz • Monica and Eyal Talor • Doris and Marshall Tanhoff • Marcia Toppall • Lynn and Nelson Tucker • Sylvia Tulkoff • Debbie and Henry Tyrangiel • Richard and Harriet Udell • Faina Vaynerman • Frada A. Wall • Rabbi Debi Wechsler • Joyce and Michael Wechsler • Estelle Weinberg • Pierre Wessel • Mark Whitman • Wesley Wilson • Dorothy Yankellow • Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe • Anne and David Young • Miriam and Bob Zadek • Ellen Kahan Zager and Jack Zager • Rebecca and Bil Zarch 7

Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org

Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055


President Michelle Malis, pres@chizukamuno.org First Vice President Dr. Andrew J. Miller, 1stvp@chizukamuno.org Vice President Jason A. Blavatt Vice President Sandra Moffet Secretary Michelle Hettleman Treasurer Louis E. Sapperstein Assistant Treasurer Dr. Stephen Pomerantz

S Y N A G O G U E S TA F F Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230 rshulman@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231 dwechsler@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Paul D. Schneider x226 Director of Congregational Life pschneider@chizukamuno.org Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 eperlman@chizukamuno.org Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243 Ritual Director mshualy@chizukamuno.org

Executive Director Glenn S. Easton | x224 | geaston@chizukamuno.org Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Stuart Seltzer | x234 | sseltzer@chizukamuno.org Head of School, Krieger Schechter Day School Bil Zarch | x259 | bzarch@ksds.edu Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org Curator, Goldsmith Museum Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org Choir Director, T. Herbert Dimmock

A D M I N I S T R AT I V E S TA F F Synagogue Administrator Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org

Controller Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org Information Systems Manager Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org Cemetery Director Marsha Yoffe | x309 | myoffe@chizukamuno.org Director of Communication and Member Services Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org Graphic Designer Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org

Gemilut Hasadim Activities at Chizuk Amuno Art with a Heart

Art with a Heart’s mission is to enhance the lives of those in need by bringing its visual art programs to them. Upcoming date: Sunday, July 27 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Carpooling will be available from the Chizuk Amuno parking lot at 1 p.m. To register and for driving directions please contact Miriam Foss.

Operation Welcome Home Maryland

Join us as we welcome home our troops from military service overseas. Volunteers meet at BWI airport and help pack goodie bags, welcome and cheer for soldiers, and thank them for their service. Dates are set one to three weeks in advance of the incoming flights. If you would like to be informed of these welcoming opportunities contact, Rabbi Wechsler at dwechsler@ chizukamuno.org. This project is suitable for adults and children of all ages.

Hakhnasat Orhim – Welcoming Guests

If you live within walking distance of the synagogue and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Wechsler, dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.

IOU Clothing Drive Resounding Success

Thanks to all who donated such high quality business clothing to make the drive our most successful yet! Thanks to you we were able to donate to six agencies that help their participants return to the workforce. Special thanks to: Dan Foss, Forrest Foss, Leah Helman, Judy Meltzer, Jennie Rothschild, Margie Simon, Vanda White, and the students and teachers of Rosenbloom Religious School

Our Daily Bread

Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children on Sundays, June 29, July 27, and August 31 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To sign up, please contact Wendy Davis, 410/358-5979 or bandwdavis@aol.com, or Jenny Baker, 410/602-9885 or bakerjenny@yahoo.com. Todah Rabbah to our April volunteers: Wendy Davis (leader), Jeffrey Davis, Melanie Schehr, and Susan Schehr


Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood performs the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue on Sunday, June 8. Meet us at 9 a.m. by the front office. All supplies will be provided. All are welcome. To volunteer, please call Irwin Golob at 410/560-7422.

Ronald McDonald House

Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home-cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home. The upcoming summer dates for dinner are Wednesdays, July 9 and August 20. Todah Rabbah to our Sisterhood May volunteers: Karen Zale (leader), Melanie Block, Amy Chapper, Edna Crystal, Jakob Espeland, Wendy Espeland, Matt Greenspan, Joy Katz, Rona London, Saundra Madoff, Nancy Safferman, Marcia Scherr, Lynn Tucker, and Frada Wall We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org, or refer to our website for more information.

Cancer Patient Resource for the Chizuk Amuno Community Barbara Einhorn, a cancer survivor and longtime member of Chizuk, has offered to volunteer as a Certified Patient Navigator for cancer patients. She works with patients and families, navigating the complex and often confusing systems in cancer centers and hospitals, obtaining accurate information and services. Barbara can explain complimentary services and resources offered to assist patients from diagnosis through treatment to survivorship. These resources 8

address countless issues, including stress reduction and well being, support groups, therapies, nutrition, massage and biofeedback, to name a few, enabling patients and their families to move from panic to powerful. We welcome Barbara as a volunteer who can provide supportive service to members of our congregation who are in need.

Honoring Chizuk Amuno’s Volunteers

We celebrated Volunteer Shabbat on April 19. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our congregation. Personal service is a significant force for caring and community building. Our volunteers add warmth, meaning, and vitality to all that we do as a sacred community. Administrative Assistance/ Purchasing

Jerry Buxbaum Adele Marcus Marvin Spector Dorothy Yankellow Anne Young


Irwin Golob, leader Robert Anbinder Howard Brill Lee Brill Moe Brown Jay Finkel Bruce Lewbart Marvin Spector Zosia Zaks Art with a Heart

Jenny Baker Deb Charles Rena Finkel Ruben Finkel Miriam Foss Claire Freeland Howard Freeland Leah Helman Nancy Hudes Paul Hudes Ruthanne Kaufman Dixie Leikach Mae Levin Ira Malis Nadia Massuda Jennifer Arndt Robinson Ann Rubin Benny Rubin Elana Rubin Tamara Rubin Susan Silberman Mickey Simon Rabbi Debi Wechsler Rick Wasserman BBQ Chicken Prep for Our Daily Bread

Jenny Baker and Wendy Davis, leaders Jeremy Bers Allen Brown Ashton Brown Darian Brown Kevin Brown Stephanie Brown Philip Chait

Vivian Chait Melody Cooper Hillary Crystal Debbi Cirillo Tony Cirillo Art Drager Dani Drager Forrest Foss Marsha Gamerman Michael Gershen Myra Gershen Hazel Greenstein Hilly Greenstein Debby Hellman Gilda Kahn Ruthanne Kaufman Brad Levin Robbie Levin Mae Levin Lily Massouda Janice Perlman Hazel Radowsky Joan Rombro Clara Rosenberg Anita Shulman Judy Spector Marvin Spector Marvin Steingart Sandra Steingart Judy Yaillen Marsha Yoffe Karen Zale Margot Zipper Brotherhood Blood Drive

Warren Gould, leader Marilynn Kinstler Martin Kinstler Ben Kreshstool Warren Massouda Jay Schein Judith Spector Chizuk Amuno Choir Volunteers

Max Bloom Sharon Holback Marc Kivitz College Outreach

Bonnie Ziegelstein, leader Alison Feldstein David Feldstein Dawn Reznik

Community Mitzvah Day

Miriam Foss Donna Friedman Kim Glaun Jeannie Glazer Shari Kaplan All the Chizuk Amuno members who volunteered on December 25, 2013 Food Drives

We thank all who generously contributed food and money to our Yom Kippur and PrePassover Food Drives. Goldsmith Museum and Hendler Learning Center Storytellers and Docents

Diane Aronson Leon Berg Wendy Davis Dorothy Hellman Gabbaim

Naomi Amsterdam Wendy Davis Ron Goldner Mike Moranz Carl Polsky Susan Schehr Jeff Snyder Marvin Spector Green and Just Celebrations

Margie Simon and Ruthanne Kaufman, leaders Miriam Foss Judy Meltzer Cheryl Snyderman

Greeters/ Shalom Squad

Fran Glushakow Gould and Sheila Sandbank, leaders Larry Amsterdam

Allison Baumwald Lorinda Belzberg Jason Blavatt Kelly Blavatt Beth Blumberg Gary Brager Howard Brill Michele Brill Karen Desser Arlene Friedman Michael Gershen Myra Gershen Ellen Gillette Jackie Glassgold Payton Goldman Ron Goldner Beth Goldsmith Allan Greenberg Barbara S. Grochal Robert Hallock Arthur Harrow Judith Harrow Leah Helman Shelly Hettleman Allen Holzman Terry Holzman Barry Isaac Alan Kanter Neil Katz Anne King Joanne Kraus Jerry Kurman Teresa Alpert-Leibman Neil Leikach Mae Levin Lisa Levine Larry Lichtig Lynne Lichtig Brian Litofsky David Mallott Vivian Manekin Aaron Max Sandi Moffet Alan Mogol Ellen Mogol Maureen Nathanson Bob Ness Arnold Neuburger Elke Neuburger Eric Nislow

Rita Plaut Irv Pollack Carl Polsky Stephen Pomerantz Joan Rombro Andy Sandler Louis Sapperstein Sandy Schreiber Anita Schulman Judy Schwartz Maxine Seidman Lee Sherman Margie Simon Joel Suldan Robert Wolf Marsha Yoffe Anne Young HackermanPatz House

Frada Wall, leader Anne King Linda Levy Lisa London Nadia Massuda Miriam Platt Mickey Simon Dorothy Yankellow Hosts

Michael Adess Stuart Aiken Sam Askin Geri Baum Allison Baumwald Jason Blavatt Susan Bloom Janice Brodsky Norris Brodsky Moe Brown Stan Brull


Ann Cohen Arnold Cohen Alan Conn Diane Dansicker Arnold Dashoff Karen Desser Arthur Feld Arlene Friedman Ken Friedman Arlene Friedman Marsha Gamerman Jenny Gamliel Edward Gratz Allan Greenberg Saul Gurney Robert Hallock Allen Holzman Barry Isaac Serene Israel Marshall Janoff Gilda Kahn Alan Kanter Neil Katz Linda Katz Ruthanne Kaufman Herb Koppel Joanne Kraus Neil Leikach Ted Levy Bruce Lewbart Lynne Lichtig Dick Manekin Lily Massouda Warren Massouda Aaron Max Joyce Miller Ed Mitchell Sande Mitchell Sam Oppenheim

Ivan Oshrine Pam Platt Carl Polsky Leslie Pomerantz Mark Pressman Shuli Raffel David Richman Anthony Rose Howard Sandbank Sheila Sandbank Andy Sandler Diane Scar Sandy Schreiber Maxine Seidman Lee Sherman Ruth Silber Marilyn Spector Harriet Stein Marvin Steingart Sandra Steingart Harriet Udell Richard Udell Frada Wall Ted Walman Ellen Weiss Donna Wolf Robert Wolf Sherwin Yoffe David Young IOU Clothing Drive

Sophie Sall, leader Amy Chapper Nina Elman Amy Fink Forrest Foss Gilad Foss Carole Diamond Leah Helman

Elaine Katz Rebecca Lederer Nadia Massuda Judy Meltzer Jennie Rothschild David Sall Nancy Sall Margie Simon Vanda White Marsha Yoffe Sherwin Yoffe RRS Students and Teachers Thanks to all who generously donated. Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden

Allen Brown, leader Mira Baum Jeremy Bers Ann Betten Alison Davis Michelle Gold Rachel Kaplan Shari Kaplan Jacob Kligman Hazel Radowsky Megan Reznik Alex Rubin Marci Scher Bonnie Schloss Cheryl Snyderman GECEC Summer Camp Knit One, Learn Too

Vivian Chait Edna Crystal Carole Diamond

Linda Eisenberg Miriam Foss Claire Freeland Sandy Goldstick Esther Marsiglia Judy Meltzer Maureen Nathanson Arline Nitzberg Hazel Radowsky Anita Raines Seema Reznick Anita Shulman Miriam Shulman Harriet Udell Medical Professionals On-Call

Dr. Albert Aboulafia Dr. Richard Ambinder Dr. Gary Applebaum Dr. Allan Belzberg Lorinda Belzberg Dr. Ron Berger Sarajane Brown Dr. Aaron Charles Dr. Jeffrey Cole Dr. Tammi Davis Dr. Ziv Gamliel Dr. Ron Goldner Dr. Melanie Haroun Dr. Ray Haroun Dr. Ed Kraus Linda Levy Dr. Louis Malinow Dr. Stanford Malinow Dr. G. Robert Medalie Dr. Joel Meshulam Dr. Richard Meshulam Dr. David Roffman Dr. Ron Schechter Dr. Lew Schon Dr. Steve Schulman Dr. Gayle SchwartzDr. Jim Wolf Dr. Jonathan Zenilman Dr. Roy Ziegelstein Minyan Regulars

Michael Adess Susan Adess Michael Andorsky Edward Attman Heather Boos Jack Boos Gary Brager Philip Chait Vivian Chait

Etta Clay Harvey Cohen Susan Cohen Melody Cooper Ralph Dolgoff Sandra Dzija Wendy Eisenberg Arnie Feiner Michael Gershen Myra Gershen Harold Gilbert Stephany Gilbert Larry Gilbert Marsha Glass Siegel Jackie Glassgold Debbie Gilbert Glassman Leonard Glassman Randee Glassman Seth Glassman Fran Glushakow Gould Leslie Goldschmidt Leonard Goldschmidt Warren Gould Arthur Harrow Jerry Hoffman Allen Holzman Ruthanne Kaufman Richard Kolker Sidney Krome Jerry Kurman Rachel Layton Suzanne Levin Bruce Lewbart Deena Lowenberg Jeffrey Luntz Pauline Luntz Andrew Miller Louis Miller Sylvia Pardes Carl Polsky Hazel Radowsky Joan Rombro Alan Rosen Josh Rosen Howard Sandbank Sheila Sandbank Anita Schulman Sandy Shapiro Lynne Tucker Michael Wallach Maria Waltemeyer Sid Waltemeyer Howard Weinberg Margie Weinberg Wesley Wilson Dorothy Yankellow Fred Zimmerman

Judy Zimmerman Jonathan Zylberman Mitzvah Corps

Jeffrey Platt, leader Gil Abramson Larry Amsterdam Eric Beser Norris Brodsky Harriet Brown Gil Davis Arnold Feiner Fran Glushakow Gould Ricky Gratz Arthur Harrow Harriet Helfand Ruthanne Kaufman Richard Kolker Jerry Kurman David Platt Carl Polsky David Roffman Sheila Sandbank Andrew Sandler Bruce Yaillen David Young Operation Welcome Home

Judy Schwartz, Allen Senker, and Rabbi Debi Wechsler, leaders Stuart Aiken Jenny Baker Ava Barron-Shasho Eric Beser Kay Beser Kelly Blavatt Amy Crystal Hillary Crystal Jack Crystal Diane Dansicker Stephen Dansicker Debbie Effron Barbara Einhorn Linda Eisenberg Robert Eisenberg Gerald Feldman Sheila Feldman Daniel Freedman Laurel Freedman Matt Freedman Sara Freedman Linda Freud Debbie Gilbert Glassman Seth Glassman Fran Glushakow Gould Becky Gordon

Steve Gordon Joan Gottlieb Michael Gottlieb Warren Gould Hazel Greenstein Hilly Greenstein Alan Guttman Harriet Helfand Hayden Hoffman Maya Hoffman Sara Hoffman Kenn Hurwitz Iris Ingber Harriet Kanter Joyce Kaplan Anne King Dixie Leikach Eric Leikach Mark Leikach Larry Lichtig Lynne Lichtig Elysa Lipsky Andrea Polsky David Polsky Evan Polsky Leslie Pomerantz Stephen Pomerantz Hazel Radowsky Michael Radowsky Seema Reznick David Sall Nancy Sall Sophie Sall Marcia Scherr Steven Scherr Bob Schwartz Judy Schwartz Allan Senker Matthew Senker Alanna Sereboff Rebecca Sereboff Ben Shasho Judi Shulman Cheryl Snyderman Marvin Steingart Sandra Steingart Ezra Suldan Miriam Suldan Bob Wolf Donna Wolf

Ludmilla Bakayeva Elaine Baker Kay Beser Andrew Bloomfield Geoff Bloomfield Maddie Braman Randi Braman Carole Buchman Jessica Brodsky Ina Caplan Nathan Caplan Barbara Cohen Jessica Cohen Allan Conn Diane Dansicker Arnold Dashoff Eileen Dashoff Mark Davis Jason Folus Elaine Fox Arlene Friedman Ken Friedman Jay Gamerman Marsha Gamerman Carol Gilbert Stephany Gilbert Debbie Gilbert Glassman Fran Glushakow Gould Lily Glushakow-Smith Shira Glushakow-Smith Leonard Golombek Betty Golombek Joan Gottlieb Michael Gottlieb Warren Gould Matthew Hackner Gilda Kahn Jerry Katz Suzanne Katz Arlene Klaff Bernie Krol Rahel Lerner Linda Levy Mark Levy Larry Lichtig Lynne Lichtig David Madoff Saundra Madoff Ben Manekin Sarah Manekin Lily Massouda Warren Massouda Janice Perlman Fay Prohovnik Shuli Raffel Dawn Reznik Paul Rosen

Our Daily Bread

Jenny Baker and Wendy Davis, leaders Ari Abramson Ann Andorsky


Nancy Sall Sophie Sall Sheila Sandbank Susan Schreier Wendy Schelew Bobbi Schulman Michael Schulman Don Shein Ruth Shein Mollie Smulyan William Smulyan Jeffrey L. Snyder Cheryl Snyderman Judy Spector Marvin Spector Marvin Steingart Jeffrey Stern Sherry Stern Miriam Suldan Carry Tamres Harriet Tamres Elaine Tobias Mitchell Tobias Daniel Tuchman Lynn Tucker Nelson Tucker Wesley Wilson Marsha Yoffe Sherwin Yoffe David Yousem Kelly Yousem Rabbi Debi Wechsler Jeffrey Zale Karen Zale Paul’s Place

Barbara Grochal, leader Miriam Foss Judy Meltzer Race for the Cure

We thank all who registered for Kelly Blavatt’s Chizuk Amuno team and Anne King’s team Ronald McDonald House

Miriam Foss, leader Sam Askin Jenny Baker Beth Blumberg Geoff Bloomfield Hunter Bloomfield Louis Bookoff Molly Bookoff Nancy Bookoff Harriet Brown

Deborah Cardin Amy Chapper Stacy Cohen Edna Crystal Hillary Crystal Laurel Freedman Andrew Gersh Indye Gersh Garth Gerstenblith Dorothy Gold Hazel Greenstein Hilly Greenstein Madison Greenstein Miriam Haar Drew Himmelrich Eileen Himmelrich Margi Hoffman Matthew Hudes Nancy Hudes Janet Kantor Ginny Kass Joy Katz Anne King Ben Kreshtool Heller Kreshtool Jeffrey Kreshtool Linda Levy Mark Levy Lisa London Saundra Madoff Nadia Massuda Maureen Nathanson Marian Pachman Janice Perlman Jacob Rapkin Lorren Rapkin Dawn Reznik Megan Reznik Bev Rosen Shari Rosen Lynn Rudman Nancy Safferman Rachel Safferman David Sall Maury Sall Nancy Sall Sophie Sall Sheila Sandbank Marcia Scherr Eileen Schultz Judy Schwartz Leslie Seidman Maxine Seidman Alanna Sereboff Rebecca Sereboff Sharon Siegel Ron Siegel

Hannah Barkai Simhi Margie Simon Mickey Simon Michelle Shermak Mollie Smulyan Cheryl Snyderman Howard Sobkov Max Sobkov Sam Sobkov Frank Spector Susan Straus Cary Tamres Harriet Tamres Lynn Tucker Frada Wall Rabbi Debi Wechsler Madeline Willis Marsha Yoffe Sherwin Yoffe Karen Zale Sisterhood Judaica Shop

Anne King, leader Harriet Brown Vivian Chait Amy Chapper Edna Crystal Diane Dansicker Randee Glassman Miriam Golob Ginny Kass Nancie Leibowitz Lynne Lichtig Ellen Mogol Judy Schwartz Judy Spector Donna Wolf Dorothy Yankellow

Special Connections

Linda Levy, leader Marilynn Kinstler Mark Levy Hazel Radowsky Sheila Sandbank Frada Wall

Synagogue Social Action Committee

Teresa Alpert-Leibman Every effort has been made to list our volunteers accurately. If an error has been made, please notify us and accept our apology.

Mazal Tov to Our June Graduates Krieger Schechter Day School Thursday, June 12, 7 p.m.

Leave a Legacy at Chizuk Amuno

Purchase an Inscribed Tribute Brick on Chizuk Amuno’s Pathway to Faith It’s the perfect time to honor your student on their graduation. Or to thank a teacher for an amazing year. Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone or lifecycle event. • $250 per brick for up to four lines of text, 15 characters per line • Package options available Purchase a brick online using a credit card at http://bit.ly/DerekhAmuno, or contact Glenn Easton, 410/485-6400.

Camp Bound?

Though it is a dying art, the clergy would like to write letters to your campers while away during the summer. If your child would like to receive a letter from us, please send your child’s name and camp address, as well as the dates that he or she will be attending camp to jsimkin@ chizukamuno.org. Have a great summer!

Eva Abel Jeremy Elon Bers Jacob Alexander Blank Sara Gabrielle Buchdahl Jessica Perlman Cahn Sarah Perlman Cahn Elizabeth Sophie Cohen Rachel Michelle Colbus Danielle Alison Drager Abigail Shira Drager-Davidoff Zoey Madison Driscoll Felice Falk Nicholas Ryan Feldman

Rebecca Eve Fingerhood Katia Folkart Sophia Miriam Friedman Madison Haine Charlie Stuart Hallock Hannah Himelfarb Benjamin Arieh Izenberg Mitchell Shane Jay Jacob Ari Kaplan Abigail Kayla Lerman Jillian Victoria Meyer Ryan Everett Michelson Betzalel Yair Moskowitz

Jaclyn Okun Yoav Paz-Priel Daniel Jacob Polsky Joseph Reisberg Benjamin Gregory Romalis Brina Tamar Rosen Lindsey Sloane Rosenbloom Alexander Michael Rubin Gabriel Micah Samuels Charles Joseph Shapiro Esther Irene Shapiro Benjamin Barron Shasho Howard Lee Silverman

Rachel Ilana Silverman Isaac Michael Spokes Eva Doreen Stoller Ezra Jay Suldan Scott Aaron Tepper Jacob Eli Troy Taylor Nisa Walman Sedric Yamey White Madeline Gabrielle Willis Samantha Ariel Wions Lior Isaac Witow

Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center Wednesday, June 11, 10 a.m. Four Year Olds Nava Andorsky Benjamin Blitz Dylan Brown Hailey Cohen Isaac Cohen Sami Densky Sophia Epstein Mia Fox Nir Friedman Hannah Hackner Molly Keehn Avi Kornbluth

Bar Maimon Naomi Maine Eliana Mamriev Gefen Miller Shaya Miller Alice Nesky Jacob Netzer Sophie Plovan Carter Radz Lexi Rosen Isaac Shapiro Noah Sharff Leah Silverman


Eli Spiegelman Noah Sunshine Eva Taylor Rax Tshuva Ellie Tyberg Izzie Uhlfelder Leah Ullman Adley Weinberg Gideon Wielechowski Zina Wilhelm Brady Yasbin Raviv Zarch Emma Zirkin

Five Year Olds Benjamin Abrams Tyler Boches Martin Burgunder Joseph Dunn Summer Friedman Joseph Hutzler Nicolette Kazin Austin Levine Rachel Levy Roger Sacks Casey Silverman Naama Simhi Benjamin Wahlberg

Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544

TIME SENSITIVE M ATERIAL please deliver promptly 8100 Stevenson Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org

Join us on Sunday, June 1:

ac e

Schechter o

he Move nt

5k R

8 a.m. Schechter on the Move 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run

11:30 a.m. 143rd Annual Meeting The membership will be asked to approve the Slate of Officers and nominations to the Board of Trustees. 6 p.m. Club Hatikvah Featuring the Mexican Dance Troup Bailes de mi Tierra.

W H O I S NEW S alomone R ossi? SHABBAT SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 4 P.M. Presenting the music of the first Jewish polyphonic composer, Salomone Rossi. Performed by

Hazzan Emanuel Perlman, a professional choir,

New Shabbat and Shabbat Dinner

instrumentalists, and conducted by

Friday, June 6 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Services in the Courtyard We welcome adults, school

New Shabbat Service for an

families, and friends of all ages to this contemporary, upbeat Friday night service with guitar music. We use a special prayer book that includes Hebrew transliteration and English reflection. Join us before our

informal, lovely summer styled Shabbat Dinner. Fee: $18 per adult; $12 per child ages 4-12; children 3 and under, free.

T. Herbert Dimmock. No fee. For more info or to RSVP, contact Doris Tanhoff, dtanhoff@chizukamuno.org. We express our gratitude to Sandra Hittman for her

RSVP: synagogue office or ppollack@chizukamuno.org by

generous support which made this concert possible.

Monday, June 2.


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