Welcome to The March/April Issue.
And suddenly, Spring is on the horizon! The snowdrops are out and the daffodils are poking their heads through!
It is an exciting time of year, with lots of shows and events to look forward to. In fact, over 1000 diary dates are listed in this issue. Plus, in the centre pages you will find our 2024 Year Planner (part two).
With the lush Spring grass, it is also a time of year to be conscious of your horse/pony’s weight. We have a Spring Feeding feature on page 10, followed by Body Condition Scoring on page 12.
We are now working on our Show Special issue, and welcome your input - stories of achievements, show reports, adverts and previews. Email these to showdates@centralhorsenews.co.uk
Wishing you a very pleasant Spring,
Editor and publisher
Zoe Phipps
Advertising Sales
Heather Dodd advertising@centralhorsenews.co.uk
Tel: 01295 404077
Show Dates
Zoe Phipps
Tel: 01295 404077
Published by: HD&R Solutions Ltd, 16 Wimborn Close, Deddington, Banbury, Oxon, OX15 0NA.
Tel: 01295 404077
Copyright Central Horse News. All rights reserved.
ISSN No. 2056-760X
Over the winter months we have mostly been concentrating on giving the horses some time off from competition after a busy summer season. We have been focusing on training and addressing any issues we have with each individual horse in order to give them the best start come spring when their work will pick up again.
With my boys we have gone through the process of Hoof x-rays and gait analysis in order to rebalance their feet, now that they are working up the levels and establishing their BD careers. This involves working with the vet, farrier and physio in order to give them the best support during this process, I will go into this process in more detail further along in this series.
The boys have now started going out competing again with the aim of getting them qualified for the ROR Winter Dressage Championships at the end of April.
Wally has already gained his qualification and I'm very pleased
with the way he's going at Elementary having won at his first BD outing since September in front of a List 1 judge no less! He has now got the scores he needs to go to the championships and Biscuit won't be far behind him.
We also had two new additions to the yard before Christmas. Two ex-racehorses that have joined us to continue rehabilitation and to start the retraining process. Firstly Rita, a 7 year old who last ran in 2023; she is a sweet mare and the focus with her is to gain condition and strength, whilst continuing her education from racehorse to riding horse. Since her arrival in December we have been pleased with her progress; she has gained weight and is starting to develop a topline. She moves well and we think that in future she may well be a ROR dressage prospect. She had a visit from her physio a few weeks ago and they fed back that she has improved since their last visit, which is always great to hear
The Second new arrival was Teddy. He is an 8 year old 16.2 ex-racer and we have been tasked with his rehabilitation over the winter months. Myself and Mieke, who has taken on the role of riding this lovely boy, embarked on a methodical journey to re-establish Teddy into a disciplined work routine following a hind limb injury sustained during the previous spring. We started with groundwork and lunging, we have progressed to flatwork and hacking. We have also made some adjustments to Teddy's tack, featuring a change in saddle, bit and noseband,
which were implemented to ensure optimal support and comfort during our sessions. Our sessions expanded to encompass entertaining hacks, methodical trot, and canter work within the confines of the school. We focussed on strengthening his left rein through dedicated trotting exercises and worked on increasing his balance, while keeping training fun and varied. Over time we have begun to introduce exercises such as trot poles, lateral work and now even some jumping. We are very pleased with his progress as he is now looking much stronger and happier in his work and we look forward to getting him out this spring.
More next issue...
Team OliverGames has launched into 2024 with aplomb and exciting new collaborations
A new sponsorship could be in the offing for 2024. Sofia is thrilled with this potential developing association. Lips are sealed until the signatures have hit the dotted line. Never count the chickens before they’ve chirruped “Cheep, Cheep!” And fluffed their downy yellow feathers.
Just before the dawn of 2024, Cadillac moved up into 18th place in the World Rankings. A huge achievement.
Without wonderful sponsors and their support it would be so much more difficult to attain this level and stature within such a demanding sport. Not wishing to offend anybody but this is not Darts. If only the financials were as rewarding!
Sponsors help to make it happen. It is the kudos of being capable of drawing the attention of dovetailing brands. Sponsorship is a partnership, a working relationship, and Sofia aims high with her social media platforms. A younger potential demographic for brands she works with equates to a few TikTok Tutorials. This platform is the ‘go to’ for younger equestrians and a minefield for most of the older ones. Sofia’s expertise, creativity and proficiency is invaluable as a sponsored rider.
For riders wishing to pursue sponsorship, it is vital to be able to provide a catalogue of activity, success and engagement. It is not a matter of just taking. It is a two way bridlepath, and riders have to prove themselves. As riders move up the ranks and agegroups they very often employ someone specifically to manage this for them. However to reach that point the pudding has to be eaten and the monies earned. And the sponsorships solidified to guarantee the income for this luxury. Sofia is determinedly on this path whilst managing to juggle academia, mock exams, interviews for college placements, training and family life.
The trips abroad are now beginning to stack up. The first foray over the Channel was to Le Mans where Team Games experienced the highs and lows of the sport. Cadillac and Sofia danced their
socks off in the gloom of a receding French winter, with Cadillac feeling stronger and increasingly confident. A score of 69.148 left them in 7th place. Their placing would have been higher, but one judge who has a preference for a different type of pony scored lower than the other two. This is no criticism. It is an opinion that all judges, riders, trainers and owners are entitled to.
Twelve minutes after the last test, the Prize Giving was called. In those few minutes Cadillac became hopping lame. Sofia leapt off, and as chance would have it, the legendary JoJo in her inimitable style had made a new acquaintance. One who proved to be invaluable considering the language barrier that had to be overcome.
This heaven sent lady has an Eventing son based in Le Lion D’Angers. She summoned a blacksmith who arrived within the hour. Pressure point testing with hoof testers revealed that Cadillac had not only trodden on himself, but was a shred shoe clamped. The rescuing blacksmith shaved away part of the shoe, alleviating the pressure. The relief was almost instantaneous and with lots of cold hosing, the problem would have been undetectable at the trot-up. Despite getting sounder by the hour, Sofia made the decision to not present and to therefore fight on full power another day. The required three marks that are so elusive for qualification will be fought for in Belgium in a couple of weeks’ time.
Whilst at Le Mans, Sofia’s world continues to spin. News was received that Sofia had an unconditional offer for The Ladies College in Cheltenham, following on from a successful interview before leaving for France. She was also the sole recipient in her year to be awarded the Academic Half Colour, missing the prestigious ceremony because she was travelling in the lorry, nose deep in her books.
Sofia’s response to the news of the College Offer was “Hoorah, I can now fail all my GCSE’s and still be accepted!” Katie’s firm retort was “NOT if you want to carry on riding”. This is perilous territory. Sofia would sell Cadi before failing her GCSE’s. THAT is never going to happen.
Another skill that Sofia has is that of ‘Washer Woman’. So if all else fails, she does have that to fall back on. On the journey to France, JoJo was determined to minimise disruptions and so
deemed it a wise decision to fill the lorry with fuel to brimming. The magical figure was £300. Unfortunately the lorry disagreed and spat back with vengeance, despite JoJo’s coaxing. All over her beautiful designer jacket.
Sofia leapt into action, stripped the jacket from JoJo’s shoulders and plunged it into a bucket of water, and gave it a good swish around with some handy washing powder. This had to suffice until the destination was reached, whereupon Sofia again leapt into action, utilising the wheelbarrow as a washing receptacle. “I did spray out of the wheelbarrow first!” After a good soaking, the prognosis was good, and the jacket has survived.
The famed wheelbarrow was called into action again when Sofia managed to fall off her scooter in all her competition kit. Katie handily had a washing line and clothes pegs on board on which to dry the items. The classy lorry park area was beginning to resemble a travellers site. Minus the shell suits. Only the outward facing labels on the clothing prevented this assumption. No Fila or Adidas here. However the Oliver Games trio did have to endure wearing the polyester mix over-trousers for three days. A Godsend. As long as you avoid naked flames.
Amidst all this moisture things inevitably got a bit chilly and uncomfortable. With miserable weather and damp clothing everywhere, any form of extra heating would be welcome in the event of a repeat debacle. As Sofia wryly commented “Next time, we’re bringing the Dachsies Max and Talula. The four legged hot water bottles”
As for the upcoming weeks? Immediate competition plans include a trip to Belgium, as well as domestic visits to Myerscough and then Addington. Dachshunds firmly on board. Just in case.
By Maria Wynne of Wynne-Wynne Marketing & PR Email: Eqwynne@icloud.com Photos by Mila Fromage https://www.instagram.com/design.the.light_studioTo keep up with Team Games, please follow Sofia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sofiagames.dressage/?hl=en
Equestrian well-being extends far beyond the act of riding itself. It encompasses a multitude of elements, ranging from the health and happiness of your horse to those you choose to surround yourself with, and even the measures you take to maintain your own well-being.
Embark with us on a journey that exceeds the confines of the saddle, as we unveil ways in which you can uncover joy beyond the equestrian experience.
Sarcoids have posed a treatment challenge for veterinary surgeons for as long as they have been recognised, due in no small part to their unpredictable behaviour and variety of clinical presentations. Consequently, no single treatment is reliable in dealing with all sarcoids and, there is a wide range of options available; every case is different requiring assessment and careful consideration of all the factors before embarking on treatment. That said, the introduction of surgical lasers is proving a very useful resource with some significant advantages in certain cases, although an understanding of the different types and behaviour of sarcoids is essential in their selection.
Sarcoids are the most common type of equine skin tumour, estimates of their prevalence vary, a recent study reported a frequency of 5.8% within the population of horses in Great Britain. They are locally invasive and aggressive, however they do not metastasise to internal organs. Their behaviour is variable, some progress rapidly while others remain unchanged for a lengthy period then suddenly start growing, frequently after trauma or irritation to the sarcoid. Inappropriate treatments and home remedies can also lead to their rapid spread and growth. Rarely, spontaneous resolution occurs and thereafter, the horse will usually be immune to further sarcoids. Unfortunately, this starkly contrasts with horses that are treated; even with successful treatment a horse which has had sarcoids remains at risk of developing more at other sites. Sarcoids may develop anywhere on the horse’s skin; most commonly seen on the chest and axilla, groin and sheath and, on the face around the eyes and muzzle. These areas are frequently bothered by flies, and it is thought that they may have a role in the spread of sarcoids across the horse. For horse owners sarcoids have a significant economic impact, treatment can be costly and ongoing, can require time away from work or competition, horses with severe extensive lesions may not be able to work and, horses are devalued significantly at sale and sometimes failed at pre purchase examinations due to the presence of sarcoids.
The role of lasers
Surgical diode lasers are increasingly being used in veterinary practice as a treatment modality, this is likely due to the increased availability of the technology and, an increase in the evidence base supporting their use in appropriate cases. There are three main types of laser currently in use; CO2 lasers heat up the water within the tissue causing less trauma to surrounding tissue, diode and Nd:YAG lasers are both delivered via a fibre, and achieve better coagulation of blood vessels. Laser light provides a highly focused beam of energy, which generates intense heat when it interacts
with tissue causing vaporisation of the tissue at which it is directed. Blood vessels are coagulated leading to a bloodless surgical field.
Traditional surgical excision with a scalpel blade and closure of the wound by stitching the wound edges back together has been associated with poorer success rates, it is thought that sarcoids seed tumour cells into the wound bed as they are removed, frequently leading to regrowth at the scar site.
With laser surgery these cells are vaporised as the sarcoid is removed, and this is likely one of the reasons why excision by laser surgery is proving more successful than traditional excision. The energy provided by laser light is extremely accurate and can be directed with great precision, the energy dissipates quickly within tissue causing reduced post- operative swelling and pain, compared to thermocautery (in which an electric current is passed through a resistant wire generating heat, which is then applied to the tissue).
An assessment is made based upon the size, location and number of sarcoids present, and a surgical plan is made.
In many cases the sarcoids can be removed with the horse under standing sedation in combination with local anaesthetic and pain relief. If however, the sarcoids are not accessible or the patient is particularly fractious, it may be necessary to administer a general anaesthetic. The sarcoid is removed along with a minimum of a 1cm margin of healthy surrounding tissue to try to ensure all the root has been removed. The wound will therefore, often appear significantly larger than the sarcoid that was present. It is generally advised that the sarcoid is submitted for histopathology to confirm the diagnosis and, to ensure that surgical margins have been achieved. The wound is left open to heal by granulation, the time taken for healing depends upon the size and location of the wound, however most are typically healed in 4 - 8 weeks.
Many patients will be discharged the same day, while others may spend one night at the surgery if they have had a longer procedure or general anaesthetic. All horses are discharged with a course of anti-inflammatory medication such as phenylbutazone, to help reduce pain and swelling. As long as conditions are not very muddy and there are not lots of flies around, horses are typically turned out for paddock rest as movement helps to reduce post-operative swelling.
Antibiotics are not generally prescribed, the surgical site is given a sterile scrub prior to surgery and the intense heat
from the laser serves to sterilize it further.
After a post-operative check about 7-10 days after surgery, most horses do not need further review and can begin work providing the tack does not interfere with wound healing.
A study by P Compston et al published in 2015 looked at a large number of horses, which had sarcoids treated by laser surgery. It reported that 82% of sarcoids removed did not come back and that in horses which had multiple sarcoids removed, there was no recurrence in 71% of cases. The same study also found that recurrence of the sarcoid at the surgery site was most likely to occur within 6 months. Verrucose sarcoids had higher chances of recurring, possibly due to a wider root network of sarcoid tissue than other sarcoids.
It has been shown that there is a less successful outcome in the treatment of sarcoids in cases that have previously been unsuccessfully treated with home preparations. This may be because interfering with sarcoids unsuccessfully leads to them behaving more aggressively or, that previous treatments disrupt the margins of the sarcoid making it more difficult to
Tom joined Hook Norton Veterinary Group in 2014 and the Practice Partnership in 2022. Having previously worked in a mixed practice in Worcestershire, Tom joined us to work solely with our Equine Team. Tom has specialist interests in orthopaedic & lameness cases and is one of the key vets for laser surgery and sarcoid removal.
establish surgical margins.
Instances when laser surgery may not be appropriate include perioccular sarcoids, where proximity to the structures of the eye means that surgical margins cannot be achieved. Malevolent sarcoids covering an extensive area with indistinct margins are often too extensive for the entire area to be treated.
There is currently no one treatment that is safe, effective and practical that can be used in all cases of equine sarcoid. An assessment of the type, size and location of the sarcoid is essential before beginning treatment. Treating sarcoids with non-prescription treatments can lead to rapid change or growth in the sarcoid and, may make future treatments less successful. If in doubt actively monitoring the size and behaviour of the sarcoid before getting a veterinary assessment is preferred.
Laser surgery is a very useful tool in the treatment of a wide range of equine sarcoids, it is generally very well tolerated by horses and has a favourable success rate when compared to many other treatments with relatively few complications however, wound healing can take time.
Tom is also currently studying for his advanced practitioner certificate in Equine Orthopaedics at the University of Liverpool, alongside his work at HNVG.
Tom has a young family, and his wife, Lotty, is a Vet in our Small Animal Team. Tom enjoys getting out into the countryside on his road and mountain bikes and following the National Hunt Racing & Point to Point seasons in his spare time.
T: 01608 730085
E: equine@hooknortonvets.co.uk
a) One week: the top layer of the wound has scabbed over and peeled away, it will begin to fill with granulation tissue. c) Four weeks: wound completely filled with granulation tissue, the pale pink ring around the wound indicates re-epithelialization as new skin cells form and then migrate across the granulation tissue. b) Three weeks: granulation tissue is filling the void when this is complete the wound margins will start contracting inwards. d) Six weeks-epithelialization nearly complete leaving a small scar. Test site (white arrows) and margins established with the diode laser. A subtle swelling is still viable where the local anaestheti was infiltrated (black arrow) Partial thickness incision made with the laser to provide a guide before the margins are distorted by changes in skin tension Full skin thickness inision made, using Allis tissue forceps to maintain skin tension and aid cuttingiven that 1 in 10 horses suffer from laminitis each year, according to The British Horse Society, it is important that horse owners understand how this can be controlled, through management and nutrition.
Firstly, owners should be familiar with the symptoms of laminitis. Symptoms of acute laminitis can be severe and come on quickly. In contrast, a horse with chronic laminitis is likely to show ongoing or relapsing symptoms.
• Reluctance to move or turn
• Visibly lame with shortened or stiffened strides
• Change in behaviour and temperament
• Symptoms can be similar to colic
• Laminitic stance – leaning backwards onto heels to relieve pressure at the front
• Growth rings on hoof (wider at the heel)
• Abnormalities of the angle and/or shape of the hoof
• Large, cresty neck
• Heat in the hoof wall
Maintaining fibre levels for these horses is important as this helps to keep the digestive system functioning and healthy and provides a barrier to the
toxins that can contribute to laminitis. This is why the addition of a low sugar soaked fibre mash can be so beneficial, for example, Speedi-Beet from British Horse Feeds:
• has zero starch and only 5% sugar
• has a prebiotic effect due to the beet fibre
• provides non-heating slow-release energy
• can be used as a fibre alternative or forage replacer
• can be used as a low calorie fibre alternative
• provides hydration, particularly important for those on medication
In addition, supporting the horse’s inflammatory cycles is key, given that laminitis is, in simple terms, damage and inflammation of the tissue between the hoof and the underlying coffin bone. Having been used for human health for thousands of years, more recently, Turmeric has been shown to have a positive effect on horses well being. TurmerAid™ from The Golden Paste Company:
• contains a unique blend of turmeric, linseed and black pepper to ensure maximum absorption and optimum results.
• is naturally low in sugar
• supports the body’s natural inflammation cycles.
• contains ingredients which aid digestion and improve intestinal health
• helps boost the integrity of the natural defence mechanisms
• supports the microflora which naturally occurs in the stomach
It is worth noting that you should speak to your vet about an appropriate management programme for your horse as this should be done on a caseby-case basis. Keeping an eye on not only your horse’s weight, but also their body condition and temperament is important to get a more accurate picture of their overall health. Speaking to an independent nutritionist after following guidance from a vet can also help you with choosing the right feed for your horse.
Download your free laminitis guide from https://mailchi.mp/britishhorsefeeds.co m/free-download-laminitis-guide
Keeping your horse at a healthy weight can be challenging and requires careful management of their health, diet and exercise regime. Being overweight is highly unfavorable to horses’ welfare and they are at greater risk of concerning health conditions such as arthritis, laminitis and equine metabolic disease (EMS).
Although it can be a challenge to maintain your horses’ weight through changing seasons, a really simple way to monitor their weight is by using a body condition chart. There are two different types of body condition scoring (BCS), one uses a 0-5 scale and the other a 1-9 scale. Often weight tapes are used to assess horses’ weight but these are not very accurate when used alone and they do not account for breed variations, whereas body condition scoring is very easy to do and can give you a more holistic view of your horses’ condition. Body condition scoring doesn’t require the use of any equipment, just your hands, and it should be completed every 2 weeks in combination with weight tapes. This will allow you to build up an accurate picture of your horses’ weight and keep control of fluctuations, especially as the seasons/grass growth changes.
The body condition score of your horse influences their life from athletic performance to reproductive health. Therefore, it’s important to consider your horses circumstances when interpreting their body condition score, for example horses that are lactating, pregnant or young have greater energy requirements. This means you will have to give them additional nutritional support in order for their body condition to not fall below 3. If you are struggling to get your horse to lose or gain weight then it is very important for a veterinary surgeon to assess them as there may be an underlying health issue to blame.
Body condition scoring is carried out by feeling your horses’ muscle, fat and bone across its body. Body condition scoring should be assessed in three main areas; neck and shoulders, abdomen and hindquarters. The optimum score for each area in a normal horse is between 2.5-3, all horse owners should aim to keep their horses around this score throughout the year. It’s important to understand the difference between feeling fat and muscle. Fat is softer and creases when there are deposits in certain regions such as the crest of the neck; muscle feels much firmer. It is important that when you implement a body condition scoring regime, each time it is completed it should be at the same time and by the same person to achieve the most accurate results. It’s a good idea to record your horse’s weight and body condition score in a table or graph so you are able to see fluctuations throughout time.
1.Neck and shoulders
The nuchal ligament is a tubular structure that runs from the poll to the withers along the top of your horse’s neck. If the area above the nuchal ligament is hard, thickened and not easily manipulated from side to side then this is alarming, especially if your horse is not a stallion. Horses with large crested necks are at increased risk of metabolic diseases such as laminitis.
Run our hands down the shoulder blade, fat pads can be felt in front and behind the shoulder blade.
When palpating across your horses ribs they should be easily palpable with minimal pressure.
Across your horses’ wither and spine there should be a very thin
layer of fat and the bones should be felt.
You should be able to lie your hand flat across your horses back, if there is a dip and buildup of fat either side of the spine then this is an indication that your horse is overweight.
Your horses’ hips should be seen but not protruding and they should be palpated easily with light pressure
The hindquarters should be slightly rounded in shape – an appleshaped hindquarters indicates your horse is overweight
The body condition scoring chart
0 – Emaciated a extremely underweight
• Extremely thin neck with no muscle of fat coverage.
• No fat can be felt on any areas of the horse.
• Ribs are protruding and easily palpable.
• Bones, pelvis/hips and spine can be easily seen and palpated.
• Tail bone extremely protruded.
• Hindquarters sunken either side of the spine.
• Large gap between hind legs.
1 – Thin a underweight
• Thin neck with a small amount of muscle and fat coverage.
• Small amount of fat can be felt across the horse.
• Ribs easily seen and palpable.
• Pelvis/hips and spine can be seen and palpated.
• Tail bone protruding slightly.
• Hindquarters sunken either side of the spine.
• Large gap between hind legs.
2 - Lean areasonable
• Neck somewhat thin.
• Neck musculature shape is visible.
• Thin layer of fat covers the body.
• Ribs are just seen and can be palpated.
• Pelvis/hips and spine can be palpated.
• Tail bone protrudes slightly.
• Small gap between back legs.
3 - Optimum ahealthy
• Neck musculature shape present but less clear.
• Neck shows no cresting (exception = stallions).
• Ribs/spine/hips not visible but palpable with light pressure.
• Hindquarters rounder in shape.
4 – Overweight a unhealthy
• Neck musculature shape not visible.
• Crested neck (fat felt along the neck).
• Ribs palpable with firm pressure but covered by fat.
• Fat pads present at the shoulder and tail head.
• Pelvis/hips difficult to palpate.
• Rounded hindquarters - peachy.
• Valley running from the withers to tail head.
5 – Obese a extremely unhealthy
• Neck is wide and firm.
• Large crested neck.
• Neck musculature not visible.
• Large layer of fat covering the ribs/hips/spine.
• Large fat pads at the shoulder and tail head.
• Table top appearance across the back.
• Deep valley running from withers to tail head.
In order to body condition score donkeys, we need to adjust the system used for horses as they deposit fat differently. The donkey sanctuary has developed a body condition scoring chart which scores from 1-5 and gives a score for five different areas of the donkey.
• Neck and shoulders = the neck is very thin and the bones are very easily palpated.
• Withers = very prominent and palpated easily.
• Ribs and abdomen = ribs very visible and easily palpated.
• Abdomen has a tucked-up appearance.
• Spine = dorsal/transverse processes of the spine very easily palpated.
• Hindquarters = hips very easily palpated with no musculature. Large gap between back legs.
• Neck and shoulders = small layer of muscles in the neck and small divergence where the shoulders and neck meet.
• Withers = small layer of fat covering the dorsal spinous. processes (DSPs) and withers.
• Ribs and abdomen = ribs cannot be seen but very easily palpated
• Spine = dorsal/transverse processes of the spine felt with a small amount of pressure. Musculature is poor.
• Hindquarters = thin layer of muscle covering the hindquarters. Hips can be easily palpated.
• Neck and shoulders = muscles well developed under a thin layer of fat. Smooth junction between neck and shoulders.
• Withers = DSPs and withers covered with a good layer of muscle and fat.
• Ribs and abdomen = thin layer of fat/muscle covers the ribs and can be palpated with a small amount of pressure. Good muscle tone of the abdomen, trim to the body.
• Spine = spinous/transverse processes can be palpated individually with a small amount of pressure. Muscles well developed either side of the spine.
• Hindquarters = rounded hips which can be palpated, with good musculature of hindquarters.
• Neck and shoulders = neck is crested and hard to manipulate, shoulders are covered with a thick layer of fat.
• Withers = broadened withers which can be palpated with hard pressure.
• Ribs and abdomen = abdomen more pendulous and rounded, ribs can be palpated with hard pressure.
• Spine = dorsal/transverse processes can be palpated with hard pressure.
• Hindquarters = well rounded with even deposits of fat.
• Neck and shoulders = neck falling to either side and very crested. Shoulders are protruding with thick layer of fat.
• Withers = very broad which can be palpated with very firm pressure.
• Ribs and abdomen = ribs covered with large uneven regions of fat. Abdomen very pendulous.
• Spine = spinous/transverse processes very difficult to feel. Large fat pads running alongside the spine with creasing and bulging.
• Hindquarters = hips cannot be palpated. Uneven bulging fat pads overhanging the tail head.
As we have previously mentioned horses and donkeys that are overweight are at an increased risk of developing health problems. Laminitis is one of the biggest concerns for an overweight horse, this is a very painful and debilitating condition which can cause rotation of the pedal bone. It takes a lot of management and veterinary/farriery intervention for an animal to recover from laminitis. It is best to prevent this condition before it occurs by keeping your
Charlotte studied at the University of Surrey and kept busy representing her university in polo, rowing and the University of Surrey Equestrian club. She graduated in July and joined the team at Avonvale to complete an equine internship. Charlotte is looking forward to developing her skills in all areas of general practice and has a particular interest in stud work.
horses at a healthy weight. Similarly, horses that are overweight and develop insulin resistance are susceptible to a condition called Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS). This is a syndrome in which the metabolism is deranged and can cause issues with energy metabolism, fat composition, clotting issues, inflammation and damage to blood vessels. Keeping your horse slim, fit and healthy can help prevent them from developing EMS. Overweight horses/ponies and donkeys put additional stress on their joints which can lead to the development of arthritis. Arthritis is a chronic condition that cannot be reversed and can be increasingly hard to manage. Once the animal has lost some weight this additional pressure is taken away and they will have a much more positive response to treatment.
A keen equestrian, Charlotte enjoys eventing and owns an Irish Sports horse and a little chestnut pony.
Avonvale Equine Practice, Ratley Lodge, Ratley, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 6DT.
Tel: 01295 670501
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PleAse cHecK tHat tHe evenT is runNinG before setTinG
Sunday 12th May 2024
10/03/2024 Shire Horse Society National Show (8th-10th) at Staffordshire County Showground, Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0BD. www.shire-horse.org.uk
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping (9th-10th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. T: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com
10/03/2024 Berks & Bucks Draghounds Meet at Pangfield Farm, Bucklebury Road, Stanford Dingley, Reading, RG7 6DY. honsecretaries@berksandbucksdraghunt.org www.berksandbucksdraghunt.org
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Bow House Equestrian, Bishops Castle, SY9 5HY. T: 07779 259933 bowhousefarm@googlemail.com www.bowhousefarm.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping (9th-10th) at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. T: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk
10/03/2024 BRC Dressage to Music and Introductory Championships (8th-10th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Club, Mill Road, Slapton, Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT. www.bhs.org.uk/british-riding-clubs
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping with clear round & Unaff Showing at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxon OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com
10/03/2024 Arena Eventing Champs (9th10th) at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com
approx 8miles (short-cut available)
Sunday SSunday12thMay2024 12th May 2024
Starting at 9.30am asthorse 1.45pm
Suitable forall types of horse/pony&rider
Over40optional jumps
Refreshments available subject to conditions Cotswold FirstAid in attendance
S. Cook, Oxstalls Farm, Admington, Shipston-on-Stour, WarwickshireCV364JW.
Tel: 01789450262 or 07767 205400 E-mail: sue@lqgagri.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Arena Eventing at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com
10/03/2024 Unaff Dressage & Unaff Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. T: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net
10/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Fenning Farm, Chapel Lane, Soham Fen, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5UL. T: 07875 044829 carol@fenningfarm.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Dressage, Show Jumping & Team Quest at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8NX. T: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Dressage & Unaff Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. T: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com
10/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Abbey Farm Dressage, Jacks Lane, Turvey, Bedford, MK43 8DH. www.indoordriving.co.uk
10/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Bedgebury Equestrian Centre, Lady Oak Lane, Goudhurst, Kent, TN17 2SJ. www.indoordriving.co.uk
10/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Sparsholt Equestrian Centre, Sparsholt College, Westley Lane, Sparsholt, Winchester, SO21 2NF. www.indoordriving.co.uk
10/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Berkshire College of Agriculture, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6QR. www.indoordriving.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Dressage & TQ at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. T: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. T: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. E: mfec@btconnect.com www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk
10/03/2024 Rearsby Lodge RC Dressage at Aylesford Equine, Woodside View, Loughborough Road, Shoby, Melton Mowbray, Leics, LE14 3PF. T: 07748 644740 info@rearsbylodge.com www.rearsbylodgeridingclub.co.uk
10/03/2024 Dressage at Seechem Equestrian Centre, Rowney Green Lane, Alvechurch, Worcs B48 7EL. Contact: 01214 452333 seechem@hotmail.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff and BD Quest Dressage at Snowball Farm EC, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 8EH
T: 01628 666222 shows@snowballfarm.co.uk
10/03/2024 Mounted Games at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk
10/03/2024 Quest Dressage at South Staffordshire College, Rodbaston Campus, Rodbaston, Penkridge, Staffordshire, ST19 5PH. T: 07973 332093 dressage.entries@southstaffs.ac.uk
10/03/2024 British Dressage at Stourport Riding Centre, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs, DY13 9JD. enquiries@stourportridingcentre.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warks, B94 6JD. T: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk
10/03/2024 The South Downs Bloodhounds Meet at Grange Park, Northington, Alresford, SO24 9TG. www.southdownsbloodhounds.com
10/03/2024 BE Tweseldown Horse Trials (9th10th) at Tweseldown Racecourse, Bourley Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 8AD. T: 01252 819961 / 07912 629433 info@tweseldown.co.uk www.tweseldown.co.uk
10/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Warminster Saddle Club, Warminster, Oxdene, Wilts, BA12 0DZ. Contact: 01985 213925 office@warminstersaddleclub.com www.warminstersaddleclub.com
10/03/2024 British Show Jumping Training Show (9th-10th) at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. T: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk www.wellington-riding.co.uk
10/03/2024 Arena Eventing at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. T: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
10/03/2024 Arena Eventing at Wickstead Horse Play, Eastrop, Highworth, SN6 7PP. T: 07725 733443 www.wicksteadhorseplay.co.uk
10/03/2024 British Eventing Oasby Horse Trials (7th-10th) at Foxdale, Oasby, Nr Grantham, Lincs, NG32 3NA. www.britisheventing.com
11/03/2024 Racing at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse, Luddington Road, Stratford-uponAvon, Warwickshire, CV37 9SE. T: 01789 267949 info@stratfordracecourse.net www.stratfordracecourse.net
11/03/2024 British Dressage at Beech Tree Farm, Badgworth Equestrian Centre, Badgworth, Axbridge, BS26 2QU. Contact: 07989 320978 www.badgwortharena.co.uk
11/03/2024 Car Boot Sale at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. T: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk
11/03/2024 Clear Round Arena Eventing at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT.
Schedule download: www.centralhorsenews.co.uk
ONLINE ENTRIES: www.myridinglife.com
T: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
11/03/2024 British Dressage (11th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. T: 01280 416469 info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Dressage at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. T: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com
12/03/2024 Arena Eventing & Clear Round Jumping at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. T: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. T: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. T: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk
12/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. T: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. T: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training
12/03/2024 Unaff Dressage and Clear Round Show Jumping at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. T: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk
12/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. T: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
12/03/2024 British Dressage at Widmer EC, Lacey Green, Bucks, HP27 0PG. T: 01844
Berrow Hill Lane, Feckenham, B96 6RU
Hunters -ROR -Working Hunter Ponies -Cobs-ColouredsMountain &Moorland -Show JumpingDressage -Children’sclassesVeterans -Fancy Dress -Gymkhana/mounted games
Family friendly show –everyone welcome!
Entries on the day or online from 1st May, closing date 24th June 2024 WWW.HORSE-EVENTS.CO.UK
Entries secretary: Mrs T Gaunt, feckenhamhorseshow@hotmail.com – tel: 07764260061
275139 widmerec@hotmail.co.uk www.widmerequestrian.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Dressage (10th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. Contact: 01280 416469 info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
12/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Barleylands Equestrian Centre, Barleylands Road, Basildon, Essex SS15 4BG.
Barleylandsequineevents@yahoo.com www.barleylandsequestrianevents.co.uk
13/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping with clear round at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk
13/03/2024 Evenlode RC Dressage Champs at The Unicorn Equestrian Trust, Granary Cottage, Netherswell, Stow On The Wold, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL54 1LB. info@evenloderidingclub.co.uk www.evenloderidingclub.co.uk
13/03/2024 British & Unaff Dressage at Mendip Plains EC, The Carthouse, Chewton Field Farm, Ston Easton, Radstock, BA3 4BX. T: 01761 241123 www.mendipplainsec.co.uk
13/03/2024 British Dressage at Quob Stables, Church Croft Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley, Southampton, Hamps, SO32 2AR. T: 02380 694657 enquires@quobstables.com www.quobstables.com
13/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Sands Farm Equitation Centre, Northlands Road, Warnham, Horsham, W Sussex, RH12 3SQ. T: 01403 252238 linda.wayman@sky.com www.sandsfarmec.co.uk
13/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. T: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk
13/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. T: 01225 783220
Sunday 28th April – Sapey Prep for Success
Sunday 26th May – Sapey UA1 ODE & 2-phase HT
Sunday 28th July – Sapey UA2 ODE & 2-phase HT
Sat 31st Aug & Sun 1st Sept – BE Sapey
info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
13/03/2024 British Dressage (10th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. T: 01280 416469
info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
13/03/2024 Unaff Showing at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com.
14/03/2024 British Show Jumping (14th-17th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT. T: 01525 222114
14/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Coombelands Equestrian, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH21 1BQ. Contact: 01798 873011 equestrian@coombelands-stables.com
14/03/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. T: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com
14/03/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8NX. 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com
14/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk
14/03/2024 British Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. T: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk
14/03/2024 Clear Round at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. T: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com
14/03/2024 British Dressage at Saddlesdane Equestrian Centre, Ashford Road, Faversham,
Saturday 3rd August 2024
Affiliated Welsh Classes & Unaffiliated Classes for Hunters, Working Hunters, Shires, Mountain & Moorland, Veteran & Coloured, Showjumping, Fancy Dress & Ridden Pony Classes
ForSchedulesandonlineentriesgoto www wwww.tenburyshow.co.uk .tenbur yshow.co.uk or send an SAE to Mrs C. Kemp, Wagspatch, St.Michaels, Tenbury Wells, Worcs. WR15 8TG
Kent, ME13 0NX. T: 01233 740270 www.saddlesdane.co.uk
14/03/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. T: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
14/03/2024 British & MCI Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warks, CV12 9JA. T: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk
14/03/2024 Clear Round at Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Warks, CV35 9BL. T: 0330 1356416 wprodwell@warwickshire.ac.uk www.wcg.ac.uk
14/03/2024 British Dressage (10th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. T: 01280 416469 info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
15/03/2024 British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. T: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk
15/03/2024 British Show Jumping (14th-17th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk
15/03/2024 British Show Jumping (15th-17th) at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxon, OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com
15/03/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 5DT. T: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk
15/03/2024 British Dressage at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk
15/03/2024 British Dressage (11th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. T: 01280 416469 info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Dressage Quest at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. T: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk
16/03/2024 Spider drive to The Red Shoot Inn at The Red Shoot Inn, Toms Lane, Ringwood, Hamps. www.britishdrivingsociety.co.uk
16/03/2024 Arena Eventing (16th-17th) at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. T: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping (14th-17th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT T: 01525 222114
16/03/2024 NSEA Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT. T: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping (15th-17th) at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxon, OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. T: 0118 970 1019 www.thecroftec.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net
16/03/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Glos, GL19 3BE. T: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk
16/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Beechwood Equestrian Centre, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 8DY. www.indoordriving.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. T: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk
16/03/2024 Dressage at Lincomb Farm, Lincomb, Worcestershire, DY13 9RB. T: 01299 251351 www.crosscountrycourse.co.uk
16/03/2024 British & Unaff Dressage at Mendip Plains EC, The Carthouse, Chewton Field Farm, Ston Easton, Radstock, BA3 4BX. T: 01761 241123 www.mendipplainsec.co.uk
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. mfec@btconnect.com www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL. sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leics, LE9 9NE. T: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk
16/03/2024 Showing (16th-17th) at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk
16/03/2024 British, Quest & Team Quest Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk
16/03/2024 Croome and West Warwickshire Hunt Point to Point at Shelfield Park, Burford Lane, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6JW. www.pointtopoint.co.uk
16/03/2024 High Easter Racing Club Point to Point at High Easter, Chelmsford www.pointtopoint.co.uk
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Radfords Equestrian, Lower Farm House, Llanymynech, Shropshire, SY22 6LG. Contact: 01691 831523 www.radfords-equestrian.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Dressage, Unaff Dressage & Stress Less Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. T: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at South Staffordshire College, Rodbaston Campus, Rodbaston, Penkridge, Staffordshire, ST19 5PH T: 07973 332093 www.rodbastonequine.com
16/03/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk
16 /03/2024 Clear Round at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warks, B94 6JD. T: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Dressage Quest & Unaff Dressage at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hamps, RG27 0LJ. T: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk www.wellington-riding.co.uk
16/03/2024 Unaff Mini Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Wing Jumping & Dressage Centre, nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 0LB. Contact: 07552 810200 www.wingjdc.co.uk
16/03/2024 Worcester & District RC Arena Eventing at Rectory Farm Cottages, Cirencester GL7 7JW. www.worcesterridingclub.com
16/03/2024 British Dressage at The College Of West Anglia, Landbeach Road, Milton, Cambs, CB24 6DB. Contact: 01223 860701 horse@cwa.ac.uk www.cwa.ac.uk/horse
16/03/2024 British Dressage (11th-17th) at Addington Equestrian, Addington, Bucks, MK18 2JR. T: 01280 416469 info@addington.co.uk www.addington.co.uk
16/03/2024 British Eventing Moreton Horse Trials (16th-17th) at Moreton Equestrian Centre, Moreton, Dorchester, Moreton, Dorset, DT2 8RF. www.britisheventing.com
16/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Frenches Farm, Oxen End, Little Bardfield, Essex, CM7 4PU. www.frenchesfarm.arenaeq.com
16/03/2024 NSEA Show Jumping at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com
16/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Finching Field EC, The Elms, Finchingfield, Essex. www.finchingfieldequestriancentre.co.uk
16/03/2024 Stoneleigh Riding Club Open Dressage at Moreton Morrell College, Warwick, CV35 9BL. Contact: 07912 367778 entries.stoneleighrc@gmail.com
17/03/2024 Dressage & Show Jumping at Alsager EC, Church Lawton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST7 3RQ. Contact: 01270 872083 alsagereqc@btinternet.com
17/03/2024 Unaff Winter Dressage Series at The Avon Centre, Kingsweston Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QT. T: 01179 590266 info@theavoncentre.org.uk
17/03/2024 Berks & Bucks Draghounds Meet at Mayridge Farm, Mayridge Lane, Englefield, Reading RG7 5JT. honsecretaries@berksandbucksdraghunt.org www.berksandbucksdraghunt.org
17/03/2024 Berkshire County RC Open Winter Unaff Dressage series at Fairoak Grange Equestrian Centre, Ashford Hill, Berks, RG19 8BL. www.berkscountyrc.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Bow House Equestrian, Bishops Castle, SY9 5HY. T: 07779 259933 bowhousefarm@googlemail.com
17/03/2024 Arena Eventing (16th-17th) at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. T: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk
17/03/2024 Bromsgrove & District RC Emerald Dressage at Gracelands Equestrian Centre, Crutch Lane, Droitwich WR9 0BE. T: 07950 802129 bdrcterrie@gmail.com
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping with clear round at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk
17/03/2024 Showing at Burstow Park Equestrian Centre, Horley, Surrey, RH6 9TF. T: 01293 279924 Office@Burstowparkridingschool.com
17/03/2024 British Show Jumping (14th-17th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT. T: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk
17/03/2024 British Dressage (17th-18th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, LU7 9BT. T: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk
17/03/2024 British Dressage Quest at Caron
Roberts Equestrian, Lanes Farm, Marlborough Road, Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 7SA. T: 07715 906163 tammy@robertsequestrian.co.uk www.robertsequestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 British Show Jumping (15th-17th) at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxon OX3 0QG. T: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com
17/03/2024 Cherwell Valley RC Dressage Championship Show at Moulton College, Pitsford Centre, Gate 4, Moulton, Northants, NN3 7QL. Contact: 07973 121807 rach.crook@gmail.com www.cv-rc.co.uk
17/03/2024 Arena Eventing at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 No Stress Winter Dressage, Show Jumping, Combined Training & Clear Round at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hamps, PO14 3EW. T: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. T: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com
17/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. T: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Dressage & British Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. T: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk
17/03/2024 British Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8NX. T: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk
17/03/2024 Dressage at Hall Place EC, Sulham Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5UB. T: 01189 426938 www.hall-place.com
17/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Merrist Wood EC, Holly Lane, Worplesden, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. www.indoordriving.co.uk
17/03/2024 Indoor Driving UK at Moreton Morrell EC, Warwickshire College, CV35 9BL. www.indoordriving.co.uk
17/03/2024 Equine Table Top Sale at Keysoe, Church Road, Keysoe, Bedford, Beds, MK44
2JP. T: 01234 708400 www.keysoe.com
17/03/2024 British Dressage TQ at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. T: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. T: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk
17/03/2024 Arena Eventing at Lincomb Farm, Lincomb, Worcestershire, DY13 9RB. T: 01299 251351 www.crosscountrycourse.co.uk
17/03/2024 British Dressage Team Quest & My Quest & Unaff at Mendip Plains EC, The Carthouse, Chewton Field Farm, Ston Easton, Radstock, BA3 4BX. Contact: 01761 241123 www.mendipplainsec.co.uk
17/03/2024 Showing (16th-17th) at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Dressage at Petley Wood Equestrian, Petley Farm, Marley Lane, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0RE. T: 01424 871677 www.petleywoodequestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Radfords Equestrian, Lower Farm House, Llanymynech, Shropshire, SY22 6LG. Contact: 01691 831523 www.radfords-equestrian.co.uk
17/03/2024 Show Jumping at S & G Equine, Ollerton, nr Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2BS. T: 07970 767873 sweaverbhsai@hotmail.com www.sandgequineltd.com
17/03/2024 Showing at Saddlesdane Equestrian Centre, Ashford Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 0NX. T: 01233 740270 www.saddlesdane.co.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping Finals at Sands Farm Equitation Centre, Northlands Road, Warnham, Horsham, W Sussex, RH12 3SQ. T: 01403 252238 linda.wayman@sky.com www.sandsfarmec.co.uk
17/03/2024 Shropshire South RC Dressage at Stoke Court, Greete, Shropshire, SY8 3BX. Contact: info@shropshiresouthrc.org.uk www.shropshiresouthrc.org.uk
17/03/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at South Staffordshire College, Rodbaston Campus, Rodbaston, Penkridge, Staffs, ST19 5PH. 07973 332093 www.rodbastonequine.com
17/03/2024 Maplewell Hall 2024 at Maplewell
Royaldik/Headley Britannia/Jumbo 16.2hh Stallion/2013/liver chestnut/SHB(GB)