Swiss Club Magazine - July/August 2016

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HAPPY NATIONAL DAYS! Small Nations, Big Celebrations



On the Menu


Social Dance Classes

EURO CUP FEVER Cheers and Beers


2 016







Carsten Kjeldmann, General Manager E:

Adrian Vogt, Executive Chef/F&B Manager E:

DID: 6591 9421

DID: 6591 9428


Serene Yee, Membership Manager E:

Paulina Halim, Event Sales Manager E:

DID: 6591 9426

DID: 6591 9430


Lydia Zhai, Chief Accountant E: DID: 6591 9450

Timothy Felix Rajadurai, Sports Manager E:



Kumar Samy, Grounds & Housekeeping Manager E:

Christelle Taillens, Marketing Manager E:

DID: 6591 9438

DID: 6591 9455

DID: 6591 9451

ADMIN & HR Joey Chaw, Office Manager E: / DID: 6591 9422



MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Gerda Gehrig (RELAX Magazine) E: Daniel Mueller (Sports) E:

Martin Silberstein President


René Cotting Deputy President


Max Schweizer (Buildings & Infrastructure) E: Adrian Jacklowsky (Marketing) E: Felix Kobel E:

Markus Blattmann Treasurer


Patrick Regamey Secretary


Anantha Ayer E: Fritz Horlacher E:






3 Club Management, Staff and Reservations 3 Committee 4 From the Editor 5 Your Say 6 A Message from the Committee 7 A Message from the General Manager 8 Welcomes and Farewells 8 Opening Hours DINING 10

Wine, Dine and Unwind in July & August

EVENT 12 14 15

Make Yourself at Home at The Guesthouse Fabulous Shopping at The Fair Swiss Club Cheers on Triumphant Switzerland in First Match of Euro Cup


In this issue, you’ll find an extensive report from Sabine Silberstein on the April meeting of the Organisation of the Swiss living abroad, on Page 24 - 25. It touches on many topics of vital importance to Swiss expatriates, from banking abroad to the consequences of lapsed pension contributions and health insurance policies. We also share highlights of the second successful Fair at the Swiss Club, brilliantly organised by Gerda Gehrig and Susanna Rueegger Koechli, on Page 14. And, as usual, we chronicle the Club’s numerous sporting achievements. Speaking of sports, at the time this issue goes to print, the final fate of the Swiss in the Euro Cup is unknown. However, one thing’s for sure – it was an exhilarating, fun-filled night at Arbenz on the night of Switzerland’s first match against Albania on Page 15.

16 Get Fit for the Summer! 18 The Swiss Club Salutes Our Adult and Junior Tennis Champions 19 A Triumphant Lacoste JTTL Season 2016 20 A Glorious End to the Padel Season 20 German-Swiss Golf Club Competition Schedule

In this issue, we introduce a new section, ‘Spotlight on…’. First up, we turn the spotlight on dance, and acquaint you with UKtrained dance instructor, Richard Little. Read about the classes we offer at the Club on Page 21, and consider taking up this most delightful and social of sports.


Summer holidays are here again for many of us, and with it comes the temptation of taking a break from exercise regimes and disciplined eating. We should all cut ourselves some slack, but not to the point that it undoes the hard work of the year past. Like reputations, fitness takes a long time to build and far less time to lose. Take Timothy’s advice on Page 16, and stay in top form throughout the summer.

21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 30 31 31 32 33

Spotlight On…: Dance Seventh Swiss Ambassador’s Football Cup Happy Horseriding! In a Festive Mood ASO/OSE Meetings April 2016 German European School’s Two Campuses Merge Into One There’s More to Switzerland than Watches, Chocolates and Cheese Meet a Member: Why the Wiegeles the Swiss Club First Impressions: The Swiss Club Ticked All the Boxes for the Beermanns Meet a Staffer: Margaret Loves Her Window to the World Spotlight On…: Dance Q&A for the Culturally Confused Kids’ Space Regular Activities: Fitness, Friends, Fun!

Happy Swiss National Day and Happy Singapore National Day!

Till next issue,

Suzanne Lauridsen Editor, RELAX RELAX is edited and designed by SPEcial Pte Ltd. Suzanne, Copy E:

T: (65) 9820 9520

Pam, Liaison


T: (65) 9871 0666

Edwin, Art


T: (65) 8500 2975 MCI (P) 047/03/2016






GRATITUDE FOR GUIDANCE Hi Christelle, Many, many thanks for guiding me via phone on the step-by-step online purchase of Oktoberfest tickets last Friday. The online booking went well. We received the e-tickets to print within 5 minutes after the online transaction, and have already printed and passed them to Dr Boehmer.

Dear Carsten, As you know, I am a regular visitor at The Guesthouse and Club restaurants. It is time for some feedback.

Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday ahead. Take care and best regards,

Every time I stay here, I enjoy excellent facilities, outstanding service, friendly personnel and above all, two restaurants with high quality food and beverages, very suitable for both casual dining (Pergola) and formal business 'al fresco' dining (Arbenz). All my guests upstairs are always very impressed and love the place as well as the quality and service. One particular evening, my last night on a trip to Singapore, after my guests had left, I picked up some pre-ordered food items that had been delivered by a vendor. As agreed, your staff stored them in the cool room of the restaurant (thank you for that courtesy and flexibility). When I realised that they had not been vacuum-packed, Chef Adrian immediately offered his help and five minutes later, we were standing in the kitchen at his vacuum machine, packing up the goods for safe transportation to Bangkok. This is a service FAR beyond all expectations and deserves a BIG THANK YOU and accommodation, not only to Chef Adrian for this outstanding service but to all your staff, many of them friends for many years. You have in me a loyal customer who will continue to return very regularly. My experience tonight at 1am is another good example of the reasons why. Thank you.

Catherina PA to CEO, Münchener RückversicherungsGesellschaft, Singapore Branch

ANNA’S PICTURE SPEAKS VOLUMES This lovely drawing was done by talented young Member Anna Schweizer. It was a ‘thank you’ gift for Christelle, who came to Anna’s aid with a plaster and kind words after she’d fallen and cut herself.

Regards, Marc Deschamps

GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? Email your feedback about the Swiss Club, Club-related matters, living in Singapore or any topic of interest, to Please include your name and mobile number. We’d love to hear from you.


SWISS CLUB NEWS VIA SOCIAL MEDIA Follow the Swiss Club on one of our five social media and digital channels and never miss a long-awaited event or a last-minute change of plan due to weather. It’s efficient, it’s immediate and it’s free! Follow us on…

NEWSLETTER Your weekly news available here.

Weekly Newsletter Visit our website and subscribe right now! Twitter @swissclubsing

Facebook /swissclubsingapore


Instagram #swissclubsingapore


A WORD FROM THE COMMITTEE Not quite approaching with the speed of a F1 car, but clearly visible on the horizon is this year’s Oktoberfest. From 7 to 11 September our Members and friends will be celebrating once again in the original beer tent in what some call the ‘best party in Singapore’. Make sure you have your tickets for this 17th Anniversary event, to celebrate and mingle with another 10,000 food-loving and beer-drinking ‘fans’, ‘Bavarian style’.

As we are continually striving to improve our Club, we greatly appreciate the feedback we get throughout the year. Dear Members of the Swiss Club, Many of us are already looking forward to the upcoming summer break. Welcome summer and welcome Summer Members! So far we have had 27 families taking up our Summer Membership. It will be nice to see some new faces at the Swiss Club during the summer break, together with the ones who are staying back. Should you encounter some summer Members, why not have a friendly chat? They may become full Members! As we are continually striving to improve our Club, we greatly appreciate the feedback we get throughout the year. We receive many constructive ideas and proposals, and do our utmost to maintain and build on the positives. And when we room for improvement is brought to our attention, we move swiftly to correct, realign, or add to the Club. Speaking of feedback, thank you all for taking the opportunity to participate in the ‘Swiss Club Pulse Check’, our members’ satisfaction survey. We are currently evaluating and compiling the many constructive comments received. Further information will be shared in our next issue of Relax. 6

In preparation for the Oktoberfest, the new Oktoberfest shop opened on 10 June. Swiss Club Members can now buy anything related to the Oktoberfest, from Dirndls, Lederhosen and accessories to tickets for the actual event. The opening hours can be found online or on the big window of the former ‘children's playroom’ at the Pergola. Only a couple of weeks after the Oktoberfest, our AGM will be held on 26 September. This will be a good opportunity for all Members to hear more details about the land sale and to help shape the future of the Club. A detailed agenda will be sent out together with the invitation, around two weeks before the AGM. The Committee would like to congratulate the Management and staff for having put their hearts and souls into making this Club a better place, since Carsten started as General Manager, 15 months ago. With declining membership numbers, changes in the economic environment, rising costs and the normal challenges with maintenance and upkeep, they have done a tremendous job in bringing our costs down and safeguarding the financial viability of the Club. The tennis court upgrade, which should be completed in early July, is only one example of the tireless efforts of the Sports Team. The weekly mountain bike group outings and the return of Aquaspin have been warmly welcomed by our Members. The energy which has gone into recruiting new members by our Marketing Team, in addition to providing and promoting events and activities of interest to existing Members, has resulted in a much less dramatic reduction of total membership numbers than might otherwise have been the case. Examples have been more art exhibitions, DIY workshops, camps and dance classes. The improvements in the kitchen have not gone unnoticed and the F&B Team in general has stepped up the pace and become more effective, efficient and

professional, while maintaining their high quality and proactive friendliness. Last but not least, such a sizeable operation needs to be managed and cared for. This vast responsibility falls upon our Finance & Administration Team. Once again, we would like to bid a final farewell to our Deputy GM Finance & Administration, Ms. Eleonore Taillens, who was instrumental in the transition to the new structure. Eleonore has recently had twin boys and has decided to concentrate on grooming these two future Swiss Club Members. Why are we highlighting some of the achievements of the Management and the staff at this point in time? Close to three years ago, the Committee wrote the following in this particular column. Here is an excerpt: “We have started to review the strategic plan for the Swiss Club for the next 5 years with the following objectives: 1. To drive the club forward. Based on a strong tradition, while ensuring clarity of the changes around us. 2. To determine what the objectives of the Club should be, in light of the changing scope and preferences of the Members. 3. To devise a plan for improved inclusion of the Members into key decisions concerning the Club. 4. To ensure that we generate an environment, which makes people passionate about going to. 5. To cater to the needs and wants of our Members in a more specific way, while ensuring the financial viability of the Club. In short, to utilise the fantastic potential of the Swiss Club in real terms for the benefit and pleasure of its members: You!” We feel that the Club has made some impressive strides forward in what can be termed as a less-than-friendly macroeconomic environment. We will continue to support the Management with the necessary guidance to provide to you, dear Members, the satisfaction you expect and deserve.


Adrian Jacklowsky Committee Member (Marketing)


A MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER Dear Members, It is once again that time of the year when Swiss Club takes a ‘breather’ as Committee and Management sum up our operational year and take stock of achievements and future opportunities for the year ahead. Without going into too much detail, it has been a challenging yet rewarding year on many fronts. The Club has been able to adjust and manoeuvre itself through a challenging landscape affected by the global economy, the increasing cost of living, the relocation affecting expatriate clubs, and the ongoing difficulties in hiring qualified manpower in the food and beverage industry. I would like to thank our staff and management for their support and feedback throughout the year as we aim to align work practices, values, services and communication with the expectations and needs of our current and newly joined Members alike, to make Swiss Club better. Some of these improvements will be based on feedback received though our annual Members’ pulse survey. While it has been delightful to read all the positives, it has been very useful to read the constructive comments for improvements and fine-tuning both in terms of facilities, services and offerings. Thank you to all who took the time to reply and add value for the betterment of the Club. As a first-time initiative, having 12.50% or 175 Members respond is a fantastic result. We will, as promised, draw a $750 credit reward to a lucky Member in the month of July, and publish the survey results in the next issue of this magazine. At the time of writing we are welcoming our first Summer Members and the EURO 2016 football extravaganza. I hope this presents numerous opportunities for some social fun and friendly rivalry as the Club’s membership base is well represented with Switzerland, Germany, France and England all in it to win it. This nationality mix accounts for approximately 75% of

our total membership base, and there is a good chance that one of these teams could be in the final (particularly as Denmark is not participating). Fun aside, kindly take note that on Monday 18 July the Club will be ‘closed’ for its annual electrical power grid testing as well as our annual Staff Day, giving a much deserved break for all Swiss Club employees to have some fun together. Do look out for more information at the Club, and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the limited use of Club facilities on the day. As always, the Club will again be buzzing with activities and events over the coming months. We truly hope to see you and your family for the Swiss National Day celebrations on 6 August from 6pm onwards, when we welcome an amazing 15-piece Swiss Military Band and the ever-popular Lampion procession and bonfire. The following month it’s Oktoberfest time from 7 to 11 September. If tickets are not already in hand, hurry – you do not wish to miss the great music, food and this year’s special Oktoberfest Beer! Have a great holiday and safe travels. See you all back at the Club. Warmest regards,

Thank you to all who took the time to reply and add value for the betterment of the Club. As a first-time initiative, having 12.50% or 175 Members respond is a fantastic result.

Carsten Kjeldmann General Manager



Welcomes and Farewells

The Swiss Club welcomes:

The Swiss Club farewells:


Type of Membership


Type of Membership

Markus & Susanne Boehme

Associate Transferable

Michaela Massani


Thomas & Samantha Katsaros

Associate Transferable

Roland Feser & Feser-Chua Geok Lian Irene


Thomas & Carmen Christensen


Timothy Ho Sin Yung


Dieter Vranckx & Mirjam Gysi-Vrancks Swiss Nominee Non-Swiss Nominee Stephane Michel Gautrais & Wendy Isabell Van Mullekom-Gautrais Frank & Silke Beermann


Patrick & Uth Mausfeld-Lafdhiya


Carola Wagner-Schoenherr & Markus Robert Wagner


Rudolf & Nelly Rolles


Pedro & Maria Teresa Flames


Helmut & Martina Wuebbenhorst


Brendan McCarthy


Kevin Michael Swampillai & Nabila El Kha- Swampillai

Associate Transferable

Georges & Judith Khneysser


Patricia Jan Phillips


The Swiss Club welcomes back: Name

Type of Membership

Pierre J Moccand


Peter & Tine Dalsberg



DINING OUTLETS ARBENZ Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays T: 6591 9424 Lunch: Wed – Fri & Sun, 12:00 – 15:00 Dinner: Wed – Sun, 18:30 – 24:00 (Last orders at 22:00) Dress Code: Smart Casual, except Sundays PERGOLA T: 6591 9431 Sun – Thur: 07:00 – 23:00 Fri & Sat: 07:00 – 24:00 (Last orders at 22:30)

TANDOORI CORNER T: 6591 9431 Lunch: Mon – Fri, 11:00 – 14:30 Dinner: Mon – Fri, 18:00 – 21:30 Sat & Sun: 11:00 – 21:30 (Last order at 21:30) JUNGLE BAR Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays T: 6591 9433

For restaurant reservations, please call 6591 9420 between 10:00 – 20:00.

After office hours, please call 6591 9431.

Wed – Fri: 11:30 – 23:30 Sat & Sun: 09:30 – 23:30

SPORTS FACILITIES Daily Tennis Court 07:00 – 22:30 Football Field 07:00 – 22:30* Leisure Pool 07:00 – 22:00 Gym 07:00 – 22:30 *Can be booked for exclusive usage **Fees apply for usage of Sports Hall. Prior booking is required.


Mon – Fri Lap Pool Sports Hall

06:00 – 22:00 18:00 – 22:00

Weekends, Public and GESS School Holidays Lap Pool 07:00 – 22:00 Sports Hall 07:00 – 22:00**

Outlet opening hours are subject to changes.




Wine, Dine and Unwind in July & August

It’s summer holidays for many of our Members with school-going children and teenagers. For those of you who are staying put here in Singapore, a family dinner out at the Swiss Club is a great way to connect with your kids, preferably minus the handphones. Come and sample the coming month’s enticing offerings, and look out for ever-changing daily and seasonal specials. There’s always something to satisfy and surprise you at the Swiss Club! AT PERGOLA

Marvelous Mussels What:

A month-long menu of classic and fusion dishes starring mussels: Moules Marinieres White Wine, Shallots, Onions, Parsley


Moules Poulettes Creamy Sauce, Chives


Moules Thai Green Curry, Ginger, Lemongrass


Moules Paysannes Creamy Sauce, Whole Mustard Seeds, Tarragon


Moules Tomato Tomato Sauce, Basil


All dishes served with French Baguette When:

1 – 31 August 2016

Rösti Nights (every Friday) What:

Golden-brown Rösti with traditional accompaniments


6 – 10pm

How much:

Portion – $16.50 each Buffet – $46.50 per person



Raclette Nights (every Wednesday) What:

Authentic Swiss raclette (grilled cheese scraped from the wheel) with traditional accompaniments


6 – 10pm

How much:

Portion – $16.50 each Buffet – $46.50 per person


Charming Champagne Brunch What:

A sumptuous spread of breakfast and lunch specialties, including free-flow house champagne, red and white wine.


Sunday 14 August, 11.30am – 2.30pm

How much:

Members $108 per person Guests of Members $118 per person Children price (5 - 12 years old) $35 per person


Wines of the Month for July and August What:

Indominata Gran Reserva Chardonnay, Casablanca Valley 2014 Roquette & Cazes, Douro 2012


1 July – 31 August 2016

How much:

$68 per bottle $14 per 150ml glass

Tasting Notes Vinification:

The grapes come from two vineyards located in different parts of the Douro Valley: the Cima Corgo and the Douro Superior. Grapes were carried into Quinta do Crasto´s winery for selection, removing stalks and grapes were crushed and transferred into stainless steel conic shaped vats. Then, maceration period took place using ‘delestage’, an alternative French technique to the classic pumping over method.

Oak aging:

18 months in French oak barrels (70% new, 30% one year of use)

Grape varieties:

60% Touriga Nacional ; 15% Touriga Franca ; 25% Tinta Roriz



Tasting Notes:

Purple rim with aromas of fresh wild fruits, soft toasty hint and cocoa. Full bodied, refreshing acidity, black fruits, and silky round tannins and complex palate with long finish.

Tasting Notes Varietal:

100% Chardonnay (manual harvest)




Bright gold colour


Tropical fruits to certain lactose notes, smooth butter and toasted wood


Deep flavours surrounded by oily and balanced structure

A collaboration between two reputable wineries, Ch Lynch Bages (Bordeaux) and Quinta do Crasto (Douro), this premium Portuguese wine embodies the ultimate Bordeaux wine style.


In-Room Amenities • Free WiFi

• Hair dryer • In-room safe • Small fridge • Mini bar • Flat screen TV • 1 King bed (Suite) • 2 Single beds (Deluxe room)

Make Yourself at Home at

The Guesthouse When your home cannot accommodate extra guests, when clients and overseas colleagues visit Singapore, when your home is undergoing renovations… look no further than The Guesthouse, the private boutique hotel-like accommodation at the Swiss Club. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Many newcomers to the Club are surprised to see that we have our own little ‘hotel’ within the Swiss Club grounds. Far more exclusive than a public hotel, it may only be booked by Swiss Club Members. However, Members are welcome to book rooms on behalf of their guests.

Several Members use The Guesthouse as an extension of their own home when guests outnumber beds. Others have used it to accommodate wedding guests from overseas, or small delegations of conference-goers. For business or pleasure, The Guesthouse is the epitome of understated elegance and luxurious comfort.

HEAR WHAT GUESTS SAY ABOUT THE GUESTHOUSE… Our stay at the Guesthouse in March was like being in a home away from home. We had a comfortable stay, and appreciate the care and attention that we received from all members of the staff. Thank you. Bruno Rossi and Norizah Rossi (Absent Member) After leaving Singapore three years ago, we greatly enjoyed our return. The Guesthouse is the perfect place to be! Anna, Toni and Sophie Van Ijzendoorbn (Absent Member) Peaceful and quiet accommodation with very friendly and helpful staff. I enjoyed my stay very much. Peter Thomé (Guest of the German European School in Singapore)


Check-in/Check-out Information • Room booking must be made by Swiss Club Members only. • The Guesthouse provides non-smoking accommodation in all rooms. • Official Check-in time: After 14:00/ Check-out time: By 12:00. Late check-out/early check-in charges apply. • The room rate is on a per room per night basis; includes GST and à la carte Continental Breakfast. • Confirmed room reservations not cancelled 48 hours before arrival will incur a retention charge equivalent to one night’s room rate. • Guests are requested to settle their bills directly at the reception before check-out unless prior arrangements have been made in writing. • 10% Service Charge will be added unless paid through an active Swiss Club membership account. • A Membership Fee of $10 per person per day will be charged to all guests (above 6 years of age) who are not Members of the Swiss Club. • Extra bed will be charged at $70 per room per night; a baby cot can be arranged at no extra cost. INTERESTED IN STAYING AT THE GUESTHOUSE? E: For more information, please approach the Reception at the Guesthouse.




Fabulous Shopping at The Fair

On Wednesday 21 April and Thursday 22 April, The Fair at the Swiss Club made a successful comeback after its debut last year. NEW VENDORS, NEW VISITORS Around 200 ladies (and a few brave gents) came, shopped, mingled and marveled at our lovely Club. The diverse mix of 23 vendors, including just six from last year’s lineup, was handpicked by tireless organisers Gerda Gehrig and Susanna Rueegger Koechli. The response to the call-for-vendors ads online and in ‘RELAX’ was overwhelming. "With so many applicants, the selection process was very difficult. You could call it a happy problem," said Gerda. The first day of The Fair was well patronised, considering the heavy downpour in the early afternoon. Traffic picked up and continued into the evening till closing time at 9pm. The second day saw shoppers come and go, never emptyhanded, from 9am to 4pm.

With so many applicants, the selection process was very difficult. You could call it a happy problem. Gerda Gehrig "People like something different," said Susanna, attributing the success of The Fair to the lineup of carefully curated vendors. 14

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE The assembled vendors offered a vibrant selection of homewares, apparel, footwear, cookbooks, cosmetics, candles, artwork and arts and crafts. A wine vendor, The Wine Depot, offered something for the shopping-averse (read ‘most males’).

Susanna Rueegger Koechli and Gerda Gehrig

People like something different. Susanna Rueegger Koechli WHAT WONDERFUL WARES! Among the myriad of marvelous wares for sale were fascinating maps by Wood Touch, handcrafted in Mauritius and the Madagascar Islands. Gorgeous jewellery and leather goods from return vendor Amabalis attracted wistful looks and healthy sales. The friendly vendor Nadine Breitenmoser patiently explained that her exquisite jewellery was designed by Swiss designer Rejane Rosenberger, made in Nepal in protected workshops, then finished in Switzerland. HOME (Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics) was another standout vendor, selling lovely handmade cloth bunting and various items handcrafted

by migrant workers seeking shelter for various heartrending reasons. The stall was overseen by volunteer Marijke Boehm, who was also showcasing her stunning personalised ‘memory boards’ – photomontages of Singaporean landmarks. A stunning self-published cookbook entitled ‘Carrotsticks and Cravings’ was on sale by Australian mum-of-three TerriAnne Leske, Her ‘fourth baby’, as she called it, was filled with healthy, interesting recipes and mouthwatering photography. The Cinnamon Room, part of The Lifestyle Collective, showed a selection of its lovely rugs. Brand owner Visha Nelson explained that the block-printed and laser-cut patchwork pieces were made in India from oxhide and cowhide. ALTERNATIVE SHOPPING FOR DISCERNING PEOPLE It was so refreshing to see beautifully handmade products at reasonable prices rather than the usual mainstream retail offerings. It struck as that the products on offer shared much in common with the Swiss Club – exclusive but not pretentious, high quality yet affordable. In so many ways, the Fair was a perfect fit for the Club.


Swiss Club Cheers on

Triumphant Switzerland in First Match of Euro Cup

It was standing room only as over 100 patriotic football fans gathered at Arbenz on Saturday 11 June to watch Switzerland’s first match of the Euro Cup, against a valiant Albanian team. A RIVETING MATCH, A HAPPY ENDING It was a fantastic match to watch, between, dare we say it, two equally impressive teams. When Switzerland scored a goal before half time, the cheering could be heard by the squirrels in the most distant treetops of the Club’s grounds. With four minutes to go before the whistle, it looked like substitute Albanian striker Shkleze Gashi was going to score the

equaliser. Fortunately for the Swiss, keeper Yann Sommer responded with lightning speed and pushed the ball over the bar. Kudos to the Albanians who put up a great fight, despite being one man down when captain Lorik Cana was sent off with a red card for a handball, just before half-time. A GAME OF ANOTHER KIND At half-time, Carsten hosted a beer

drinking game with five contestants comprising three thirsty men and two sporting ladies. The winner gulped the beer down in less than five seconds, apparently defying all laws of physiology and winning a bucket of beer in the process. It was a great night, and a testament to the power of sport to unite not just compatriots, but fans of all nationalities.



Get Fit for the


Once again, it’s the holiday season and we’re all travelling. It’s hard to keep our lifestyle healthy and in check with so many things going on. However, there are some simple things you can do to keep in shape. Here are some common foods and drinks which contain significant amounts of simple sugars: • • • •

Energy drinks Hydration drinks Cakes and pastries Cocktails and most alcoholic beverages

I suggest you simply reduce the portions you consume. That way you can limit your sugar intake but still get your fix.

#2 TIM’S TOP TWO TIPS: AVOID SIMPLE SUGARS Sugar is probably the biggest cause of weight gain and energy issues. While our bodies require sugar for functioning purposes and energy, processed sugars can actually be counter-productive.


There is sugar present in almost all food and drinks which are processed. Simple sugars are usually added to increase the flavour of foods, or to provide a catalyst effect. There is no real reason to totally avoid consuming sugar. Moderation is the key. With ever growing food portion sizes, this can often be challenging. In order to avoid consuming an excessive amount of simple sugars, simply reduce the amount of processed foods you eat. 16

SPEND 15 – 30 MINS DAILY ON EXERCISE It might be hard to keep up a constant routine up while travelling through different places. The good news is, you can still keep in good shape by simply spending 15 to 30 minutes exercising. By incorporating strengthening

exercises together with stretches on a daily basis, you can at the very least maintain whatever progress you have made during the year. I so often hear people complain that they feel they have reversed the progress they have made, and undone all the year’s hard work on a short holiday. It’s truly regrettable and totally avoidable!

15 to 30 minutes a day can keep you right where you left off. Timothy Felix Just remember, 15 to 30 minutes a day can keep you right where you left off in your journey towards your fitness goals. HAPPY (NOT HIPPY) HOLIDAYS These are just two simple techniques to keep in shape while travelling. Safe travels, and have a great summer!

Article contributed by Timothy Felix Rajadurai, Sports Manager, Swiss Club




3 4



The Swiss Club Salutes

Our Adult and Junior Tennis Champions May was a very busy day on court, with two tournaments played – the Adult Swiss Club Championship and the Junior Championship. It is heartening to see the number of participants constantly increasing. We saw around 70 to 80 players fighting for the title over two weekends. It was also satisfying to see the marked improvement in all players, children and adults. Unfortunately rain required us to postpone the adults’ finals. However, it failed to dampen the good mood of the 90 people present at the lively closing dinner. Thanks to all participants, parents and everyone involved for helping us to organise the tournaments. AND THE WINNERS ARE… Here are the results you’ve been waiting for. ADULT SWISS CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Men’s A Main Draw: Winner – Thierry De Panafieu Runner up – Jerome Roux

Men’s A Plate: Winner – Eric Morin Runner up – Christof Jaeger

Women’s A Main Draw: Winner – Corinna Gorriz Runner up – Alexia Malpel

Women’s A Plate: Winner – Carola Donikian Runner up – Christof Jaeger

Men’s B Main Draw: Winner – Wen Tan Runner up – Thomas Wiegele

Men’s B Plate: Winner – Alain Perrot Runner up – Loic Tardy

Women’s B Main Draw: Winner – Tanja Burgardt Runner up – Christine Aeberhard

Women’s B Plate: Winner – May Cotting Runner up – Charlotte Cameron

JUNIOR SWISS CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Open Main Draw: Winner – Charles Ayman Runner up – Ben Wiegele

Open Plate: Winner – Nans Petit Runner up – Jan Van Heusde

12 & Under Main Draw: Winner – Federico Ghersi Runner up – Kieran Davies

12 & Under Plate: Winner – Martin Lim Runner up – Victor Brudy

10 & Under Champion Boys: Winner – Romain Levard Runner up – Lucas Halbach

10 & Under Champion Girls: Winner – Kijanna Jaeger Runner up – Ines De Panafieu

10 & Under: Winner – Akshay Menon

Runner up – Lucas Aschwanden

DATES TO NOTE We will start weekly Tennis and Multi-sports Summer Camps from Monday 20 June to Friday 12 August 2016. Please register online. Kindly also note that regular Junior classes recommence on Monday 15 August. The 40XV tennis team wishes you a wonderful summer break! Article and photos contributed by Pierre Capdeville



A Triumphant Lacoste JTTL Season 2016 Our Swiss Club Junior teams brought glory to the Swiss Club in the first season of the Lacoste JTTL (formerly KLM JTTL).

WILL TO WIN In all sports, especially tennis, you must have the will and mind to win. The Swiss Club Junior teams had both in abundance. The 14B Swiss Club Spinners, 12B Swiss Club Warriors, and 10A Swiss Club Slammers played their hearts out and smashed their way to the trophies. The Spinners and the Slammers sweated their way into first and third places respectively in their categories, and the Warriors were first in their Pool. The tennis season ended on a high note! GROOMING GREAT YOUNG TALENT In the last couple of years, the Swiss Club has produced some outstanding junior players. That’s a big feat for a tiny club in Singapore. The junior teams are already looking ahead to the next season. Training continues, and for most of them, training is three or four times a week. Some of them are also competing in the next national championships at the end of May. We wish all of them the best of luck. For our junior players though, luck doesn’t really come into play. Their ace is the mantra ‘Believing is doing’.

WE CONGRATULATE… Swiss Club Spinners 14U-B Ben Wiegele Federico Ghersi Lucas Parilla Yago Parilla Rohan Menon

Swiss Club Warriors 12U-B Kieran Davies Janick Arm Paul Klingenberg Octave Lebard Luca Brandenberg

Swiss Club Slammers 10U-A Sebastian Wiegele Akshay Menon Lucas Aschwanden Mason Christiansen Aiden Thng

Article and photos contributed by Aileen Aschwanden 19


A Glorious End to the Padel Season As the school year draws to a close and summer approaches, we were fortunate to close the season with a wonderful padel tournament. THANKS AND CONGRATULATIONS I would like to thank the padel community for coming out, having a good time and making the tournament a success. It is wonderful to see the sport continue to grow as we attract new participants with every event. The social aspect of the sport was evident from the convivial atmosphere around the court and at the dinner.

TEE FOR TRIVIA Between 1457 and 1502, golf was banned in Scotland on three separate occasions to ensure that local golfing enthusiasts focused fully on preparations to defend against an English invasion. The ban was enforced in 1457, 1471 and 1491.

Congratulations to the winners of each category: Men’s Open Champions:

Till Gygax and Phillip Rasmussen

Men’s Open Runners Up: Harry Boot and Diego Parrilla Women’s Open Champions:

Andrea Holzmann and Gerda Gehrig

Women’s Open Runners Up:

Lies Verniers and Alice Katzinski

Junior Open Champions: Federico Ghersi and Rohan Menon Junior Open Runners Up: Johann Greilinger and Akshay Menon I would also like to thank the Swiss Club and 40XV for their support in the organisation of the tournament and celebratory dinner. It was indeed a great success. Article and photos contributed by John Chun

German-Swiss Golf Club

COMPETITION SCHEDULE NIGHT GOLF (HARI RAYA PUASA) THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE FOR OUR GROUP TO PLAY NIGHT GOLF AT JCC! Date: Tuesday, 5 July 2016 Tee-off commences: 17:31 Venue: Jurong Country Club, Singapore Format: Stableford Registration by: 30 June 2016 JULY 2016 MEDAL ROUND Date: Tee-off commences: Venue: Format: Registration by:

Saturday, 23 July 2016 12.30pm Palm Villa Golf & Country Resort, Johor Stableford 18 July 2016

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 & AUGUST MEDAL ROUNDS (2) INTERESTED IN PLAYING GOLF? If you would like to join our golfing group, or take part in one of the competitions, please contact: Dieter Gumpert, Golf Convenor M: 9754 1907 T: 6465 5250 E: 20

Date: Tee-off commences: Venue: Format: Accommodation: Registration by:

Saturday 27 August 2016 (1st Round) Sunday 28 August 2016 (2nd Round) Saturday – 12:30, Allamanda Course Sunday – 08:00, Cempaka Course Palm Resort Golf & Country Club, Senai/Johor Club Championship – Stroke over two days Two August Medals – Stableford Le Grandeur Palm Resort Johor 22 August 2016




Social Dance classes have been offered at the Swiss Club since January this year. We spoke to Dance Teacher, Richard Little, about the benefits and rewards of this fun form of exercise.

BENEFITS ABOUND According to Richard, people take up dance for many reasons. Some have a desire to get fit, while others seek a new interest or hope to improve their social lives. Whatever the motivation, the physical and psychological benefits of dance are well documented. MOVES OF THE MOMENT Ballroom & Latin, Salsa, Argentine Tango, Rock & Roll and Modern/French Jive never really go out of style. However, different dances surge in popularity depending on the music of the time. “For a lot of modern music, French Jive (also known as Modern Jive) and Cha Cha Cha are good choices, though Salsa and Argentine Tango have always had a popular following. In the 1950s and 60s, Rock & Roll was the dance of the day. Ballroom & Latin continues to be well liked, especially the waltz, foxtrot and rumba for wedding dance preparation,” said Richard.

Dance is for everyone.

Richard Little

A PERSONAL PASSION Richard started dancing in his 20s (after graduating from university) and qualified as a dance instructor with the UKA in 2002. In the UK, he worked with Brighton Dancing, Dance Fever (Wilmslow) and Bollington Dancing, before moving to Singapore in 2009. He has since founded ‘Dance Reflex’, and teaches group and private lessons at the British Club and now at the Swiss Club. “Dance is for everyone – an escape, to enjoy. Take it to where you want it to go and make it your own,” said Richard. SOCIAL DANCE AT A GLANCE When: Lesson Practice session Where: Who: What: How many:

4 Aug to 8 Sep 2016 (further courses to follow) 7.30pm – 8.30pm (optional at extra charge) 8.35pm – 9.05pm Aerobics Studio Males and females, Adult Structured and progressive group classes, with emphasis placed on gaining knowledge and confidence A minimum of 6 participants, with space for up to 14

INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES? Email Timothy Felix at or contact Richard Little: M: 8358 7688 E:


Seventh Swiss Ambassador’s

Football Cup

The seventh edition of the Swiss Ambassador’s Football Cup took place on Saturday 23 April 2016 at the Swiss Club. This year, we welcomed 150 U11 players as six girls’ and eight boys’ teams, cheered on by parents and friends. HONOURED GUESTS After a day of great football, the Swiss Ambassador Thomas Kupfer and our guest-of-honour Ms Sim Ann, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communications and Information, presented the medals and trophy during the award ceremony. DOUBLE VICTORY FOR THE GERMAN EUROPEAN SCHOOL In both the girls’ and boys’ competition, the German European School Singapore teams were the winners of this year’s cup. Together with the winning trophy and gold medals, each victorious team member won a ticket for a rock climbing afternoon, kindly sponsored by UBS. 22

MEET, GREET, EAT, WIN For the first time this year, the children had the opportunity to meet and interact with acclaimed local football players Irfan Asyraf, Hazim Faiz and Muhelmy Suhaimi from the Garena Young Lions, who attended the tournament. For the refreshment and sustenance of the young players, Nestlé kindly offered cool MILO drinks from the popular MILO van, Casa Italia sponsored delicious ice cream, and the Swiss Club provided energising snacks. During this year’s lucky draw, the children won attractive prizes off the field including Swatch watches and Swiss survival kits, sponsored by Presence

Switzerland. Singapore Jerseys and Nike hampers were sponsored by the Football Association Singapore. Nobody went home empty-handed, hungry or thirsty. Congratulations to all players. Your team spirit made the event a resounding success. We very much look forward to next year’s tournament. Visit the Embassy Facebook page to find more pictures of the event: swissembassysingapore Article and photos courtesy of Olivia Reuteler, Culture and Projects, Embassy of Switzerland



Happy Horseriding! On the morning of Monday 9 May 2016, the SSiS thirdgraders embarked on their Class Camp at Riders Lodge in Malaysia. It was a week filled with fun, friendship and exciting equine encounters. FAREWELLS AND FORMALITIES At around 9am, the students assembled in front of the school. After a short phototaking session, the kids boarded the bus, the parents waved goodbye and off we went. The first challenge presented itself very early on. Passing immigration and handling their own passport was a first for most of the children, and all were relieved once it was over. Compared to that first hurdle, the rest of the bus ride was a piece of cake. The kids passed their time playing games, telling jokes and laughing. When we arrived at Riders Lodge we were welcomed by Senne, Agnes and their team, and were briefed on the house rules. The children moved into their comfortable rooms and the adventures began. HANGING OUT WITH HORSES As expected, the horseriding was the highlight of the camp. Most of the children had never ridden on a horse before and were quite anxious at the prospect. After spending some time each day on the horses and in the stables, they finally got used to moving around the majestic animals. Not only did the children learn how to ride a horse, they were also educated about horses’ diet and how to saddle and

clean them. On one occasion they even observed a farrier fitting a horseshoe on one of the horse’s hooves. By the end of the camp, everyone felt quite comfortable on horseback. CREATIVITY UNTETHERED A major part of the week was also spent being creative. On one occasion the children had the opportunity to draw a batik painting with a local artist. On another one they created their own hat out of a large piece of paper, which they had to present in a fashion show in front of the judges later that evening. In their free time, the children made ‘land art’, built huts and decorated them. FREE TIME AND FRIENDSHIP Despite the packed schedule, the children got to enjoy some free time. Many played football and dodge ball, jumping into the small pool for relief from the heat and humidity. In the course of the camp, the children of both third-grade classes got to know each other much better. Friendships were forged over laughter, card games and silly jokes. Although there were pangs of homesickness and a few tears, all the children overcame their fears, nerves and doubts and thoroughly enjoyed the week with the help of their roommates and friends.

From the ‘Horse’s Mouth’

Here are some of the children’s comments, overheard at Riders Lodge… “I liked feeding the horses.” “At first I was scared because my horse was a bit wild.” “We had to ride around the entire arena by ourselves, I was very nervous.” “The riding was very cool, because it was a bit bumpy.” “The hat parade was great fun; we laughed a lot and saw very creative hats.”

Article and photos contributed by Denise Budry and Rashne Athayde 23


In a Festive Mood ASO/OSE Meetings April 2016

This year the Organisation of the Swiss living abroad is in a festive mood. As we turn 100 years old, the Congress in August will take place on the ‘Bundesplatz’ (the square in front of the Parliament building) in Berne from 5 to 7 August. AN OPEN INVITATION TO ALL SWISS Every Swiss is invited to take part in the festivities, which include free concerts and many stalls to explore. For more information, please visit our website Want to wish the organisation Happy Birthday? You can do so by entering our video competition, which closes end of May.

We listened to speeches by politicians from Schwyz, followed by the president of the Swiss Confederation. The latter shared how, on his travels, he often has to explain ‘how Switzerland works’ with its 26 cantons, four languages, different school systems and so on. An exhibition of posters illustrating the history of Swiss emigration was also being held.

Speaking of festivities, our April meeting started with a celebration. We met in Brunnen in central Switzerland instead of Berne for our board meeting, after which we attended the Birthday celebration of the ‘Auslandschweizerplatz’ (the square dedicated to the Swiss all over the globe). When our home country celebrated its 700 years, each and every canton contributed to a hiking path in central Switzerland, which ends at this picturesque square in Brunnen. This year, both the path and the square will be 25 years old.

A MOST PRODUCTIVE AND INTERESTING MEETING On Saturday morning, we had a very productive and interesting meeting of the Council of the Swiss living abroad, chaired for the first time by our new president Remo Gysin. Apart from the usual constitutional items to approve, annual report and finances, Ambassador Burri and Peter Zimmerli from the foreign department spoke on various topics including the transition from the printed version of the revue to the app and/or online version. This was highly encouraged, since mailing accounts for the major cost of producing the revue. If more members switch to the app and/ or online version, we will be able to maintain six annual issues. If not, we may be limited to four, which would make the revue less up to date (www.swissabroad. ch). E-Government remains an important goal, but as we know, it takes time.

Since the square was in need of maintenance, local institutions from Brunnen as well as many Swiss citizens and clubs from all over the world contributed to the costs. However, they still need a few thousand Francs more, so if anyone wants to contribute, please visit for details. 24

ASO’s directors shared some of the highlights of this year’s anniversary Congress in Bern. THE NEED TO ATTRACT YOUTH Ambassador Burri shared his observation that many Swiss Clubs around the world have mostly older members, and expressed his hope that more young Swiss will join. The Foreign Department encourages Embassies to organise ‘Jungbuergerfeiern’ together with local Swiss Clubs in order to attract more youngsters. One of the latest members of ASO is the ‘Auslandschweizer Jugendparlament’, whose president we welcomed to the Council.


Offering activities that are attractive for young people, such as sports camps, has always been a priority for ASO/OSE. This year there will be anniversary camps which will see four groups of youngsters reaching Bern from the four corners of Switzerland (French part, Grisons, Ticino and Basel) on the day of the Congress. Visit or for more information. BANKS, PENSIONS AND HEALTH INSURANCE Unfortunately we did not get any good news about the hot topic of ‘bank accounts for Swiss living abroad’. Two motions regarding this issue will be discussed in Parliament sometime this year, and we hope to find a solution for most Swiss in the not too distant future. In the afternoon, we discussed AHV/AVS. Since many young Swiss go abroad to gain work experience, during which time

they do not contribute to AHV, when they reach retirement age they have gaps in their contributions and therefore receive smaller pensions. Ideally, one could fill the gap by paying a contribution upon returning to Switzerland and commencing work. However, this is not yet possible. Another topic on the agenda was health insurance. Many Swiss pay high premiums for private health care and never use it during their young and healthy years. If they move abroad and return years later, they can only get the minimum health insurance, which often doesn’t allow a choice of doctors and hospitals, or purchase private insurance at outrageously high costs. Hence it was suggested that insurance companies should offer to keep policies on hold for an unlimited number of years when a client moves abroad, and then reactivate the policy when he or she returns.

COMMEMORATE AND CELEBRATE ASO’s directors shared some of the highlights of this year’s anniversary Congress in Bern. These include the recent release of a postal stamp commemorating 100 years of the organisation, and a book telling the story of the Swiss abroad (in German), which will be launched in August and can be purchased at a special price during the jubilee. There will also be speeches by the president of Parliament and Federal Councillor D. Burkhalter, and free concerts for all. If you are still in Switzerland in early August, why not plan a day in Berne? See you there!

Article and photos contributed by Sabine Silberstein 25


Left to Right: Dr Bettina Fischer, Dr Michael Witter, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Dr Michael Pulch, Dr Thomas Hufnagel, Mr Hermann Battenberg

German European School's

Two Campuses Merge Into One The German European School Singapore (GESS) recently announced the development of a new campus, reinforcing its roots in Singapore and marking an exciting new chapter for the school.


PLANNING FOR FUTURE EXPANSION Plans are afoot to merge two existing campuses into one purpose-built school with state-of-the-art facilities. With the potential to grow the school community to 2,000 students, the new grounds will have important school facilities and spaces – specially designed to accommodate the evolving mind-sets of future generations.

WORLD-CLASS FACILITIES Facilities at the new campus will include a competition-sized sports field and a sports hall, an Olympic-size swimming pool, music and drama facilities, a European Culture Centre, cooking lab, state-of-the-art design technology studio, age- and subjectspecific classrooms, a canteen, specialist rooms, a library and an auditorium.

Feedback and contributions by teachers and the community on the school’s layout and design were taken into account, as the aim was to custom-build a campus that meets the comprehensive needs of students, teachers and the community.

A groundbreaking ceremony took place at the 3.05 hectare site of the planned school on May 9th, 2016, located at Dairy Farm Road in Singapore. The campus will be ready to move in to during the 2018 June/July school holidays in order to operate by August.

About GESS GESS plays a vital role integrating the European community in to Singapore by providing students with a holistic learning platform, which emphasises the values and virtues of global diversity. The school provides education in German, following the German Curriculum, and an English-speaking education, following the IB Curriculum. The school currently educates 1,500 students of more than 50 nationalities from 18 months to 18 years, and is open to take new admissions. GESS’ main intake from The Swiss School in Singapore begins in Grade 7, following the end of the students’ tenure at the Primary School. All students in Grade 6 from The Swiss School Singapore take part in a ‘tester day’ at GESS where students can choose to join the German Curriculum stream or the English-speaking IB Curriculum stream. Following this, enrolled students complete a comprehensive orientation programme and are assigned student ‘buddies’ on their first day to ensure that their transition is smooth. For more information about the school, visit Article and photos contributed by GESS

There’s More to

Switzerland than Watches, Chocolates and Cheese As Swiss National Day is on 1 August, we thought we’d take this opportunity to enlighten our Members with some of the lesser-known facts about Switzerland. TINIEST VINEYARD The Dalai Lama owns the smallest vineyard in the world, which is located in Switzerland in the mountainous Valais region. Les Amis de Farinet consists of only three vines and has an area of 6.4 square miles (1.67 square metres). EUROPE’S HIGHEST TRAIN STATION

WORLD’S LONGEST RAILWAY TUNNEL Recently opened on 1 June 2016 after 17 years of construction, the Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is officially the world’s longest and deepest railway tunnel. It measures 57 kilometres in length, providing a highspeed rail link through the Swiss Alps between southern and northern Europe. MOST HUMANE ANIMAL LAWS It is illegal to keep a single guinea pig – they must be kept in pairs or multiples. This law also applies to other social animals and birds such as budgerigars. MUSICAL MILESTONE

Jungfraujoch is an underground railway station in the Bernese Oberland region. At 3,454 meters (11,332 ft) above sea level, it is the highest railway station in Europe, and is close to the summits of the Eiger, Jungfrau and Mönch mountains. An elevator leads to the Sphinx Observatory, a viewing platform that affords breathtaking views of an alpine wonderland of ice, snow and rock. This pioneer of mountain railways, the construction of which was dismissed by skeptics as ‘impossible’, celebrated its 100th Anniversary on 1 August 2012 – on Swiss National Day!

The portable cassette player was first tested in St. Moritz, Switzerland, in February 1972, when its German-Brazilian inventor Andreas Pavel pushed the play button to start the song ‘Push Push’ by Herbie Mann and Duane Allman. Pavel experienced a "floating" sensation as he listened to the music and watched the mountain snow fall, realising that his new device could provide "the means to multiply the aesthetic potential of any situation”.


A St Bernard dog called Barry, who lived between 1800 and 1814, rescued more than 40 people in the Swiss Alps. His heroic acts were performed while working at the Great St Bernard Hospice, located nearly 2,500 metres above sea level on the treacherous Great St Bernard Pass. After his death in retirement, his body was passed into the care of the Natural History Museum of Bern, where his skin was preserved through taxidermy and his body reconstructed. SWISS SUPERLATIVES Not unlike Singapore, Switzerland is the little nation that did… and continues to blaze trails, challenge conventions, and generally impress the world in almost every area of human endeavour. Be it in politics, banking, technology, science, medicine or art – and okay, in horology, cheesemaking and chocolate-making, Switzerland excels in just about everything it attempts. Happy National Day to all Swiss nationals, here, at home and abroad! 27


Why the

Wiegeles the Swiss Club

Members for five years, the Wiegele family consists of Christian and Larissa, and their three children, Nathalie aged 14, Ben aged 13 and Sebastian aged 9. ONE CLUB, SO MANY REASONS The Wiegeles joined the Swiss Club a couple of months after their arrival in Singapore, on the recommendation of a German couple who lived in their condo. They initially had two Club memberships, but cancelled the other one after realising that the Swiss Club easily met all their needs. What do they value most about the Swiss Club? “The setting with its lush greenery, the charming heritage building, the space, the genuinely friendly staff, the amazing food, the professional sports facilities... everything!” enthused Larissa, originally from the United Kingdom. “The staff are very sincere. It’s service from the heart,” Larissa elaborated. She recalled her 45th birthday celebration earlier this year, which began with candlelit aperitifs on the lawn, followed by a superb sit-down dinner in the Rifle Lounge. No detail was less than perfect. THE FAMILY THAT PLAYS TOGETHER, STAYS TOGETHER “The Swiss Club was the driver for all of us either starting or restarting tennis,” explained Christian, a passionate sportsman, who hails from Austria. As the CFO in Asia for Dole Asia Company, he often travels to the Philippines, and as far afield as Japan and New Zealand. “The Swiss Club helps me stay on top of it,” said Christian, referring to his hectic schedule. “I train with Timothy once a week and go running four mornings a week.”


The Swiss Club was the driver for all of us either starting or restarting tennis. Christian Wiegele

The weekend before this interview, Ben and Sebastian had both won trophies with their respective Swiss Club teams in the Singapore Lacoste tennis competition, and the whole family were looking forward to Larissa Wiegele competing in the family tennis tournament at the Swiss Club the very next day. WE COULD TALK FOREVER… “The tennis programme has been the The space constraints of this page conduit for so many great friendships,” require us to summarise our delightful added Christian. “In fact, some of our best conversation with the Wiegeles. Nathalie friends have been made at the Club.” spoke about the fantastic fun she has in the pool and especially on the diving FOOD, GLORIOUSLY board. Ben fondly recalled his recent CONSISTENT FOOD 13th birthday party... The conversation Larissa shared that she looks forward to meandered to cover the family’s recent trip her Friday ritual of tennis followed by a to India and their impending trip to Spain bowl of the Club’s excellent Bircher muesli. with fellow Swiss Club members. Nathalie loves the sweet potato gnocchi, Ben orders butter chicken and butter “There is no place nicer in Singapore,” naan with monotonous regularity, and said Larissa. Though so much was said, Sebastian’s current favourite is spaetzle. we think that says it all.

There is no place nicer in Singapore.




The Swiss Club Ticked

All the Boxes for the


This is the second time in Singapore for German couple, Frank and Silke Beermann. They return with two beautiful children, Lina and Robin, who turn five and three in July. THE COMPLETE CHECKLIST Frank is the CEO for Asia of DMG Mori, a company that specialises in machine tools, and travels incessantly from Monday to Friday. Silke has her hands full with two children at home, at least until they are settled in preschool and kindergarten in August. From playing soccer at the Swiss Club five years ago, Frank already knew that there was a high incidence of German speakers, which would equate to many opportunities for socialising. The luxury of space and the abundance of greenery were also etched in his memory. Therefore, joining the Swiss Club was a given. From the sound of

things, it was a good decision all round. “The greenery gives you the feeling of being in a natural environment, away from the built-up city, “ said Silke. “I am also very impressed by the service team. They remain calm during very busy times, and always make the kids feel welcome.” A SPORTING FAMILY “I really enjoy the professional sports equipment and facilities,” said Frank, adding that he played in the soccer tournament the weekend before our interview. The playground and pool are hits with the kids, and Lina will be joining the swimming

classes soon. Silke intends to attend the gym and yoga classes in August. Frank summed up the sentiments of the family. “We’re very happy we joined the Swiss Club because we have a relaxing destination with a lot of families around for our kids.”

We have a relaxing destination with a lot of families around for our kids.

Frank Beermann



Loves Her Window to the World

A member of the Swiss Club ‘family’ for more than a year, Customer Relations Executive Margaret Yapnanto loves her job behind the Front Desk of The Guesthouse.

SURABAYA TO SINGAPORE Margaret is a happily married 34-yearold mother of two boys, with one on the way. Hailing from Surabaya in Indonesia, she has been in Singapore for 10 years, and previously worked as Academic Coordinator and Course Consultant for a private college. FROM TAKING CALLS TO CONDUCTING TOURS Margaret’s workdays are filled with taking phone calls, making reservations for Members, handling enquiries, receiving deliveries from vendors and conducting guided tours. 30

“In my job, I get to meet people of so many nationalities. It really is a window to the world,” said Margaret.

My job really is a window to the world. Margaret Yapnanto Margaret shared how one couple recently gave her a traditional Swiss cake on their return from a trip home, as a token of their appreciation for some small gesture of help that she had extended to them. She was touched by

their kindness in response to what she sees as merely “doing her job”. MORE THAN A HOTEL Margaret urges Members to make full use of the facilities of the Club and in particular, The Guesthouse. “Don’t overcrowd your house when you have guests. Put them up at The Guesthouse,” urged Margaret. “We have more facilities than any hotel can offer, and we are amid beautiful nature.” Now you know her name, drop by and say hi to Margaret.




Master the lexicon of the local ‘kopi culture’, grasp the differences between heaty and cooling foods, and get acquainted with ‘carrot cake’, Singaporean-style.


Q: When my colleague asked me if I wanted a coffee, I gratefully accepted. I was surprised to say the least when she came back with a hot drink in a plastic bag. When she saw my mouth gaping, she explained that it was ‘kopi-o’. Please enlighten me. A: Local coffee, or ‘kopi’, is an institution that takes some getting used to. For starters, the beans are roasted with butter or margarine, and sometimes sugar, until they are oily, aromatic, caramelised and browned. In traditional ‘kopitiams’, or coffee shops, kopi is brewed in a ‘coffee sock’ in a longspouted pot. If you are taking it away, it is poured into a plastic bag with a drawstring cord, and a drinking straw. Here are the popular variants, explained. Kopi – The standard cup of kopi is made with sweetened condensed milk. Since fresh milk wasn’t available in the nation’s early days, Singaporeans made do with canned. Though now everything is imported, the taste for canned dairy remains.

Q: I was shocked the other day when somebody said they were bringing some famous ‘carrot cake’ to the office. I was expecting the baked type with the walnuts and cream cheese frosting. Instead, I got this fried mass of something that looked like scrambled egg with coarse chunks of a glutinous substance in it. What on earth is it? A: You’ve encountered ‘chye tow kway’, which loosely translates to ‘fried carrot cake’. It’s basically steamed rice cake with radish, scrambled in a wok with egg and as much or as little chilli as desired. Sometimes prawns are added, and it is usually topped with chopped spring onions. There are two types – white and black. The black is simply white carrot cake to which sweet soya sauce has been added in the wok. It’s a tasty breakfast, lunch or supper treat. Try it – most people love it!

Kopi C – With unsweetened evaporated milk and sugar, this cuppa kopi is a little less sweet, creamier and more caramel-like than standard kopi. Recommended for Western tastes. Kopi C Kosong – With evaporated milk, no sugar. Kopi O – No milk, with sugar. Kopi O Kosong – No milk, no sugar.

other hand, though consumed hot, is considered a cooling food because of the effect it has on our bodies after consumption. In grossly simplified terms, illnesses supposedly caused by heaty factors – not just food but weather conditions and other sources of heat, should be treated with cooling foods, and vice versa. So when you suffer from a cough with thick phlegm, which is supposedly caused by heatiness, heaty foods should be avoided and cooling foods, such as tofu and sugar cane, should be sought out. It’s complicated – and foods you would assume were heaty or cooling are often not.

MY WORD! Q: When I am sniffling and coughing, my concerned and well-meaning local colleagues tell me not to take ‘heaty foods’. Are they talking about spicy curries, food straight from the grill, or something else altogether? A: According to traditional Chinese medicine, all foods have a cooling, heating or neutral action on the energy in our bodies. Therefore ‘heaty’ and ‘cooling’ refer not to the state of the food but their effects on our bodies. For example, chocolate and durian are considered heaty foods, though they are not served hot. Tea, on the


(pronounced ‘choi’) Cantonese phrase used to ward off bad luck and invite good luck, usually said three times, and often followed by the gesture of knocking on wood loosely equivalent to the English idiom ‘touch wood’. For example: “That mozzie bit me. Hopefully I don't get dengue, choy, choy, choy!” “Hopefully this marriage won't end in divorce, choy, choy, choy!”



Holidays are fun, but sometimes the hours can drag on… Here’s something constructive to do in your spare time.

Meet Our Unofficial Member This guy was spotted strolling in the grounds of the Swiss Club, just behind the Pergola seating furthest from the kitchen, alongside the path to the tennis courts.

Do you recognise him? See if you can answer these multiple choice questions correctly. He is… a) a small dinosaur b) a Komodo dragon c) a monitor lizard He eats… a) cheese and crackers b) eggs, small lizards, birds, fish and small mammals c) flowers and insects He can live for… a) up to 10 to 20 years, and even longer in captivity b) over 100 years c) 50 years on average in the wild






































































































Well done, Vivien Spiller. You’ve won a Swiss Club cap for submitting the first-drawn completed and correct entry in our Kids’ Space lucky draw for May/June. 32


N TION L D Y Word Search

Find and circle the following twenty words. Enjoy celebrating Swiss National Day on 1 August and Singapore’s National Day on 9 August!




Complete this page, provide your name, membership number, age, phone number and email address, and hand it to the reception at the Guesthouse. You could be the lucky one to win a mystery prize every issue! Entries close 1 August 2016.

Name Membership No. Age Email

Daytime Tel No.



Join in our regular activities and form binding friendships as you keep fit. We have something for all interests, ages and levels of fitness. SOCCER FAMILY SOCIAL SOCCER Sun 15:00 – 16:30 (Soccer Field) Sun 16:30 – 18:00 (Soccer Field) SOCIAL SOCCER Mon 20:00 – 22:00 (Soccer Field) Please register with Urs Lichtenberger (E: and Thomas Koechli (E: to get on the mailing list. An email is sent to Swiss Club members every Friday to get players registered for soccer on Monday. GERMAN TEAM SOCCER PRACTICE Tue 20:15 – 22:00 (Soccer Field) Rino Binder E: (German All Stars) SWISS TEAM SOCCER PRACTICE Wed 20:00 – 22:00 (Soccer Field) League games on Saturdays Coach: Urs Brutsch E: Heinz Braegger E: Captain: Thomas Kaegi E: SOCCER TRAINING FOR KIDS Training on Saturday 09:00 – 10:30 U5/U6/U8 (Sports Field) Cosmo United Football Academy Olliver E: W: M: 9821 3896 PADEL Padel Tennis Director: John Chun E: M: 8344 0903

TENNIS LADIES’ SOCIAL Fri 09:00 – 11:00 (Court 2)

FORTY-FIFTEEN (40XV) Tennis Director: Pierre Capdeville E:

Jennifer Timmermann E: M: 9619 4651

Please check the tennis noticeboard for courts allocated for coaching.

MEN’S SOCIAL Tue 18:00 – 22:00 (Courts 2 & 3) 21:00 – 22:00 (Court 4) Sat 14:00 – 18:00 (Courts 2 & 4) SATURDAY SOCIAL Social tennis for men and women aged 17 years and above

SWIMMING AQUADUCKS E: M: 9487 5183 PARENT AND CHILD 30 mins sessions Mon – Fri 15:30 – 16:00 (Leisure Pool)

Sat 17:00 – 19:00

PRESCHOOL LTS 30 mins sessions

Sports Manager: Timothy Felix E:

Mon – Fri 15:30 – 17:00 (Leisure Pool) Sat 10:00 – 12:00 (Lap Pool)

LADIES’ CLINICS Mon & Tue 09:00 – 11:00

LEARN TO SWIM 30 mins sessions

Mon: Court 1 – Open to all members Court 4 & 5 – WITS/LTS teams only

Mon – Fri 15:30 – 17:00 (Leisure Pool) Sat 10:00 – 12:00 (Lap Pool)

Tue: Courts 4 & 5 – WITS/LTS teams only Fri 08:00 – 10:00 Courts 4 & 5 – Open to all members, registration with 40XV is required MEN’S CLINIC Tue 19:00 – 21:00 Court 4 & 5: • Parent/child and tiny tots programme • Junior introductory/development programme • Junior intermediate/advance programme For times and dates, please see the 40XV display at the tennis courts.

COMPETITION & DEVELOPMENT CD1 & CD2 Mon – Fri 17:00 – 18:00 CD2 & CD3 Mon – Fri 18:00 – 19:00 CD2, CD3 & CD4 Sat 09:00 – 10:00 CD1 Sat 10:00 – 11:00 ADULTS' TRAINING Fri 08:30 – 09:30 (Leisure Pool) SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING Kerstin Karb E: M: 9185 0159



AEROBICS BODY TONING Tue & Fri 08:30 – 09:30 (Aerobics Studio) STEP AND TONING Wed 18:00 – 19:00 (Aerobics Studio) Please contact Andrea Holzmann-Zaouchi at E: or T: 9835 4674 for more details. AQUA BIKING Wed 19:00 – 19:45 Thu 08:30 – 09:15, 09:15 – 10:00 Sat 09:00 – 09:45, 09:45 – 10:30 Please contact the Sports Manager, Timothy Felix at E: Pre-registration of 24 hours is required for this class. BADMINTON Thu 20:00 – 22:00 (Sports Hall) Please contact Martin Goerg at E: for more details. BIKE RIDES ON SUNDAYS 8/5, 22/5 & 5/6, 09:00, departing Swiss Club in front of the Club House till 11:00 Please register via Newsletter. BOOT CAMP Mon 18:00 – 18:45 (Soccer Field) (Note: During rain, Boot Camp will be held at the gym.) Please contact the Sports Manager, Timothy Felix at E: DANCE Thu 19:30 – 20:30 (Aerobic Studio) Please contact Richard Little at T: 8358 7688 for more details.

GOLF German-Swiss Golf Club

SKAT Wed 20:00 – 23:00 (Jungle Bar)

Please contact Dieter Gumpert at E: for more details or refer to page 21.

Please contact Hubert Nerlich at E: or T: 6734 0034 for more details.

JASS Six rounds per year, usually a Friday night.

SQUASH MEN’S AND LADIES’ SOCIAL Wed 20:00 – 22:00 (Squash Court)

Please contact Aileen Aschwanden at E: for more details.

Junior Development Programme (For children 5 to 12 years) Sat 17:00 – 18:00 (Squash Court)

KARATE FOR KIDS Aerobics Studio Thu 16:00 – 16:45 (Mini-Ninjas, 4 - 6 years) 17:00 – 18:00 (Little Dragons, over 6 years)

Please contact Rhamanan at E: or T: 9146 6824 for more details.

Please contact the instructor, Sensei Peter Robertson, at E: or T: 9837 8637 for more details.

Please contact Stephen Koch at E: or T: 6528 0624 for more details.

MAHJONG Mon 19:30 – 22:30 (Rifle Lounge) Thu 13:00 – 16:00 (Rifle Lounge)

YOGA HATHA YOGA Sat 09:00 – 10:00 (Yoga Studio)

Please contact Jill Boschung at E: or T: 9022 4605 for more details.

Please contact Nadja Pizzo at E: or T: 9145 4408 for more details.

PERSONAL TRAINING Please contact Timothy Felix at E:, by appointment only.

YIN YOGA Mon 08:30 – 09:30 (Yoga Studio) Please contact Laurence Chehab-Fabry at E: or T: 9170 8218 for more details.

PILATES Please contact the Convenor, Kirstin Rehkopf, at E: for more details. Tue 18:30 – 19:30 (Yoga Studio) Please contact Martina Rohde at E: or T: 9489 6463 for more details. Wed 08:30 – 09:30 (Aerobics Studio) Please contact Christabel Lim at E: or T: 9619 5820. Note: Pre-registration is required for this class.


VOLLEYBALL Wed 20:00 – 22:00 (Sports Hall)

GOT A SUGGESTION? If you would like to suggest a new activity, please contact our Sports Manager, Timothy Felix Rajadurai, at





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