Faith Messenger

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*Volume 75 *No. 09 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * NOV 2011

Contents: Sweet Spirit of God . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Thanksgiving Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Anita and Byrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Haggai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Second Dream by Peggy . . . . . . . . . 6


One busy evening of activities, little Jimmy told his family that he would just like to stay home a while and play with his toys. Did you ever feel that way? In our attempts to make life better, we sometimes deprive ourselves of the time needed for relaxation and contentment. In the Book of Luke, we discover that Martha experienced similar feelings. She welcomed Jesus into her home, sincerely wanting to please Him with a delicious dinner. But, quickly, she noticed that her sister, Mary, was in the other room, leaving her alone with all the work.

Truthfully, we often find ourselves as overly busy as was Martha. Often, we are influenced to do numerous good deeds or to attend multiple meetings, but then it seems this busyness, even though helpful, still leaves us lonely and feeling disconnected. Mary, on the other hand, is the example of one who slowed down and listened attentively to the Voice of God. Indeed it is our Creator Who, in reality, makes life worth the living, as well as keeps us closely connected to Himself. Furthermore, in Him, we find our peace, personal identity, healing, and contentment. In this account, surely Mary had helped Martha earlier in preparing for Jesus, simply because He unreservedly honored her for sitting and for hearing His Words. In effect, Jesus was teaching all of us that digesting His eternal words was much more important than any other activity, even eating a good dinner. An investment of time with our Lord will always result in support, Pg2

wisdom, and spiritual guidance which then will empower our lives or any ministry in which we are active. Like Mary and Martha, our presence with God is immensely valued, and time with God is necessary for soaking up that Divine energy which makes life whole.

This is the song of Evelyn Anderson’s heart heard many times during her ministry: Jesus is all the world to me, My life, my joy, my all; He is my strength from day to day, Without Him I would fall; When I am sad, to Him I go, No other one can cheer me so; When I am sad, He makes me glad, He’s my friend. Will L. Thompson

“…Mary sat on the floor, listening to Jesus as he talked...” Luke 10:39

SWEET SPIRIT OF GOD: Thou giver of joy and peace, compliment us with your precious presence. Delight us with energetic gladness. Sweep out the sadness that has stayed too long. Allow hope to find entrance, where defeat has staked its claim. Kind Usher: Help kindness to find warm assurance where it has been eroded by harshness. Stimulate within us a sense of genuine expectancy. Enable us to take the 24 golden nuggets of each day and create meaningful memories. Let the thrill of victory ring out unto all we touch. Thank you for giving us freedom to sing songs of praise to you, Our God!!!! For Thou are Worthy!!!

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at

Maxine Trigleth


warm, good food to eat because even in tough times, we are still one of the richest and most blessed nations on earth. Thanksgiving is a time to give praise to the One that makes all this and everything else possible. Give thanks from a grateful heart and with a loud and unashamed voice, praise God! As the 10 went their way, only one turned to thank the Master. He indeed shouted and gave glory to God. If more Christians would give thanks as loud as we ask for mercy, where would our nation be today?

A True Thanksgiving Story Ron Chaplain and Pastor Luke 17: 11 – 19

From The Living Bible

“While traveling to Jerusalem, [Jesus] passed between Samaria and Galilee. As He entered a village, 10 men with serious skin diseases met Him. They stood at a distance and raised their voices, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ When He saw them, He told them, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ And while they were going, they were healed. But one of them, seeing that he was healed, returned and, with a loud voice, gave glory to God. He fell facedown at His feet, thanking Him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, ‘Were not 10 cleansed? Where are the nine? Didn’t any return to give glory to God except this foreigner?’ And He told him, ‘Get up and go on your way. Your faith has made you well.’”

“God is alive! Praise Him who is the great Rock of Protection.” Psalms 18

“LORD, how I love you! For you have done such tremendous things for me.” Psalms 18

Soothing Breezes More of God’s Kindness! Recall when the Weather was warm And how soothing it was To feel a cool breeze. The colorful leaves In the fall and The clear Starry night, All ways Showing us God’s Kindness.

In this story, I see a happy occasion for the lepers but a disappointment for the Lord. How common this is even today. We as a nation will soon celebrate Thanksgiving. We are a nation built on Godly principles by people seeking healing of the soul and freedom of religion. We will sit around a table with friends and family; many of us will have

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I'M HEAVEN BOUND! Even more so is God’s Kindness in preparing Us a place in Heaven. Just to look Upon the face of the One Who Paid the penalty for our sins will be A delight, and, oh, the joy of Reuniting with our loved ones Who have repented and been Washed in the blood of Jesus.

I had been headed in the wrong direction. And what I needed was a full-course correction. When I invited Jesus to take on my case, He recommended that I, “about face.” My plans and goals have now all been rearranged, And all my friends have noticed that my life has changed. With God's help, my entire life has been turned around. And, thank the Lord, I'm now to heaven bound!

But in all our dreams, a thought Remains. There is a need to Help spread this Good News Of Jesus’ Redeeming power.

Since I am now to heaven bound, I have found That with God near me, any place is holy ground. O, Glory, Hallelujah, I am heaven bound! How wonderful the sound, “I'm heaven bound!”

The day is fast approaching When we will stand Before the Lord. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. …From one man he made every nation of men…he determined the times set for them…God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him.”

Byrum C. Lee: 04/2009

SHARING OUR PLENTY Storm clouds will come, and then they will go; It has always been, and will always be so. Those clouds will bless us with needed rain, So the crops can produce an abundance of grain. When they are ripe, we can harvest those crops From the broad plains to the mountain tops, Having plenty for ourselves and to spare With those in need, if we're willing to share.

Acts 17

Praise God for His cool breezes and His great Kindness! Anita

When God blesses us with more than enough, While others around us are having it tough, He isn't pleased if we keep it all for ourselves, While others have nothing but empty shelves. If they can pay for it, that's well-and-good, But as long as there is plenty of food, It's better to share than the surplus to store, For according to nature there'll always be more.

H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G!

Byrum C. Lee: 11/2010



Building of the Christian Triumph Mission Church In Corpus: The building process is still in the works. Meetings have been held with the contractors and the plans should be finished soon. We continue to seek God’s will in this endeavor and fully and humbly acknowledge our need for God’s guidance. =======================

In September, Christian Triumph piloted a new collaboration with Narciso Zamora (Church of God missionary) in Peru, where we now send the finished copy for the Mensajero de Esperanza to a local printer. Narciso receives the periodical, bundles it and sends it to all the Peruvian churches that have been requesting multiple copies. This works very well. Additionally, we are preparing some of our classic Spanish tracts to be printed there for distribution by Narciso. Printing and distributing these large quantities in Peru will save Christian Triumph a considerable amount of money in postage on literature. Narciso is being modestly compensated for his work and this will help him have a steady income which will aid in his ministry in the Cajamarca region of Peru. In this area, he serves as regional president of the Churches of God.

The Story of HAGGAI Haggai was the only person in the Old Testament with that unusual name, and even more significantly, he was uniquely called by God to motivate a people who needed to be reminded to put God first! His message was to those captives who had returned to their Holy City and had begun building the temple 16 years prior, yet had never finished it. Through Haggai, the Lord Almighty stated, “Those people say, ‘The time has not yet come for the Lord’s house to be built’…is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?...Give careful thought to your ways.” (NIV The Living Insights

Please go to to check out the last few blog posts by Narciso. These are being updated by Donna Schillinger, granddaughter of Evelyn Anderson, somewhat regularly.

Study Bible Charles R. Swindoll General Editor)

God used His messenger, a human being with a distinct name, to inform His people that they remained accountable. And in the same way, at times, God’s Spirit reveals to us that

Diana, Secretary/Treasurer of Christian Triumph states that a great amount of literature went out in October to Narciso for distribution. 5

we need to remember our God, to rethink our actions, and to put God first in everything. Furthermore, like the captives who planted much and harvested little, we might need to be motivated through some type of discipline or adversity, described as “motivation with teeth in it.” (Charles R. Swindoll). Yet, God’s merciful purposes are always to encourage us to stay close, to keep His Word, to honor our promises, fulfill our calling, and then finish what was begun, hopefully, before 16 years pass. In Haggai’s day, neglecting the rebuilding of the temple meant a failure to meet God in the place that symbolized His Presence. Today, we are God’s Temple, and similarly, in neglecting Him, we deprive ourselves of His perfect direction, leadership, and care. The message remains in 2011: Remember our God, seek His ways, and then “get with it” - in living your purpose and calling. And finish the building process!

“That night, when [Jacob] stopped to camp at sundown, he found a rock for a headrest and lay down to sleep, and dreamed that a staircase reached from heaven, and he saw the angels of God going up and down upon it. At the top of the stairs stood the Lord.” Genesis 28 (The Living Bible) SECOND DREAM By Peggy Phillips I dreamed I woke up and found myself dead. I wasn’t sure I was dead, so I got up and put on my cape and wrapped it around me. I went outside and began to walk up the hill. I could feel rocks under my feet so I decided I must still be alive. At the top of the hill was a friend’s cabin. I went in the cabin. There were four women there. I lay down on the couch and began to fade. One of women said, “I know what that is and I’m getting out of here.” I said, “Please don’t go, for Jesus is coming for me and you will miss something wonderful.” So the ladies decided to stay. I began to cry. They asked, “Peggy, why are you crying?” I replied, “I love Jesus so much. I wish I could kneel before Him and give Him gold and precious jewels, but I’ve done so little for Him.” They said, “Peggy, you’ve done a lot for Jesus.” I replied, “Much I have done has been for self, but that doesn’t count, not really.” Suddenly Jesus stood in the doorway. He was pure light and so beautiful! He walked over to me and I knelt at His feet

“This one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his Temple, living in His presence every day of my life, delighting in His incomparable perfections and glory.” Psalms 27:4 (The Living Bible)


and began to cry. “Jesus, I love you so much, I wish I could give you gold and precious jewels, but much I have done for you was for self and that doesn’t count, not really.” Jesus reached down and took me up in His arms as if I were a child. He said, “I know that, but you’ve done more than you know – a kind word, a smile.” Still holding me in His arms. He looked around the room at the women and said, “Be faithful until I come.” I woke up; the dream was over. I thought, What is God telling me in this dream? What did the four women represent? My friend was there. I remembered that one year I couldn’t lead the ladies sharing group at Camp meeting. I asked her to lead. She had never done that, but since I believed she could, she decided to lead the group and did a fine job. So I had encouraged this friend to step out in faith and do for the Lord what she didn’t know she could do. The second lady was my head nurse, when I worked in Buffalo, NY. She didn’t like me, yet somehow I had influenced her for the Lord. The third lady was a girl I had taught in Sunday school. She was grown up. Perhaps I had planted some seed for the Lord and it had grown. I remembered the children’s favorite song. “Why do I sing about Jesus? Why is He precious to me? He is my Lord and Savior. Dying He set me free.” The fourth lady I didn’t recognize. She was someone I had impacted for Christ. Perhaps she was a woman I had met on the bus that I promised to pray for. We will never know until we get to heaven the people we have influenced for Christ or the seed we have sown. A SONG BY PEGGY “These words of a song came to me from Jesus.”

(Chorus) I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? 2. You’ve been so hurt and you’re still hurting. I know just what you’re going through. I was deceived, despised, rejected By those I loved and trusted, too.

REPEAT CHORUS 3. Those I loved – well, they forsook me The way that people often do I stood alone with none to help me, I suffered all of it for you.

REPEAT CHORUS 4. I rose triumphant over all my suffering! And triumphant you can be. For on the cross I took your sorrows And now, my child, just lean on me. For I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? For I will make you whole again. -----------------------Beginning in January, the Faith Messenger will re-introduce those who founded Christian Triumph and those who now work with this missionary literature ministry. We welcome comments from our readers so that we might improve this periodical as well as the mission work.

1. My dear child, right now I see you Your sad eyes so full of pain You’re so hurt and brokenhearted You think you’ll never love or trust again.

Available: Free English Christmas tract and other tracts, book by Narciso, Free Bible Lessons. Thank you, FM Editor 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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“Thank God For His Son His Gift Too wonderful For words.” 2 Corinthians 9:15 (The Living Bible)


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