Faith Messenger Feb 2012

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*Volume 76 *No. 02 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * FEB 2012

Contents: Holiness in 2012, Poem by Maxine 1-2 Pastor Ron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Poem by Byrum, Wayne’s Mission.. 4 Peggy’s Song and Dream. . . . . . . . . . 5 Christian Influence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Picture, Poem by Byrum . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Happy Valentine’s Day

God’s Mercies “are new Every morning.” La. 3:23

Photography by Frank Martin of Peace Valley, MO

In Old Testament history, we read the account of Abram who left his home country in search of a land promised by God. On the journey, Abram went to Egypt because there was a “famine in the land,” and there, he devised his own strategy for survival in an unknown society. Because he was afraid that the men of the country would kill him just to acquire his beautiful wife, Sarai, Abram told her to tell them that she was only his sister, and then they would treat him well. Sure enough, the little imprecision worked, and she was taken into Pharaoh’s palace, while Abram gained animals and servants in return. Truly, Sarai was his half-sister, as later described in Genesis 20:11-13, but she was still very much his wife also. And this vague act of deceit, designed in fear, was definitely dishonest; in fact, the Sovereign Lord acted in response with His own Divine plan. He inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household, and when Pharaoh finally determined the cause of this distress, he sent for Abram. Pg 2

After a few anxious moments, Abram was told to take his wife and leave, escorted on his way by Pharaoh’s men. Like Abram we may, at times, form methods and actions based on fear of the unknown. But in using deception which involves pretense, dishonesty, and trickery, this choice plainly contributes to a makebelieve world that is in itself an imitation of true life. In observing human nature, it is evident that some patterns of deceit develop in childhood, ones often learned from abuse or fear. Furthermore, individuals who continue these patterns as adults may do so because of a deep need for support or personal development. There are other reasons for this troubled behavior as well, linked to greed, malice, envy, etc. In fact, Jesus describes these in Mark 7: 20-23 as evil thoughts which make us “unclean.” At whatever level deceit begins in the heart, it is seen as a hopeless and inadequate way of facing life’s issues. THE GOOD NEWS: Jesus came to help us experience new growth! He forgives our self-defeating ways and offers change and a return to our Heavenly Father who knows us like a book. There is nothing hidden from Him nor does it have to be for John 3:16 tells us that God loves us so much, Jesus died for our sins, and He lives forever to encourage, strengthen, and support us as we grow in grace and receive a blessed, holy, and full life. John 10:10 “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”- Jesus Hebrews 13:5 NIV “…because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7: 24—25 NIV

YOUR WILL BE DONE When in this life we venture, There are judgments to be made. I have learned through past experience That it’s always safe to say, “Not as I wish, but as You will”; And results will better be, For Your purpose is far reaching And more meaningful to me. You can see far in the future From beginning to the end, And ever o’er the mountains And around the crooked bends. But our vision is so cluttered In this complicated life That we need Your Holy Spirit To help us safely to arrive. Pg 3

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer P.O. Box 5187 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at 2

We think we know exactly What we’re striving for down here, Soon to find that it’s too shaky; And we’re filled with doubts and fears. We have found that it’s much better If we ask Your helping hand, And to whisper rather softly, “Lord, please share with us Your plan.”

Pressing Toward the Mark By Ron Pastor and Chaplain “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14

Do you remember in the garden When His heart with anguish filled, That in humble, sweet submission, Jesus prayed for the Father’s will? Fore He knew His plan was perfect, And He wanted to obey, Though the price would be so costly As He gave His life away.

I remember a few years ago while driving a school bus that we were headed to Springfield, which is about 100 miles away, with a busload of kindergartners and first-graders who began asking me if we were “there yet.” (I knew it was going to be a long day since we were still in sight of the school.) Similarly, Paul said, “I’m not there yet. I have not finished the course; [We still have a lot of things yet to do] but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind.” As we begin the New Year of 2012, it is very important that we forget about a lot of things in the past. In contrast, living under grace gives us so many things to look forward to in this New Year. If we hang on to the past we will just drag things around behind us; no need for that. God gives us freedom and allows us to grow and experience forgiveness as well as a greater “reaching forth unto those things which are before… [pressing] toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” In “pressing toward the mark” this means to get closer or to crowd in. Paul knew how important it is to work hard with one goal in mind (one object in mind). Look forward to the things of God and never look back. Each year we must also plan for what we want to see at the end of the year. Without a plan or without working towards the future, there is little hope in getting things accomplished. There is a prize waiting for us! It begins with the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” This is God’s life-plan for us. He called us to do great things, and this is the highest calling that a man, woman or child can ever have. As well this goal stays before us until the day we die. This divine

It was not without a struggle As three times He called for help. In the midst of all that conflict He was willing to die to self. It’s that kind of dedication That it takes for us to come To the place where we are willing For the Lord’s will to be done. Maxine Trigleth

Photo by Frank Martin, Peace Valley, MO

When Job sought to understand the Lord’s will, God asked him in return: “Do you know how a hawk soars and spreads her wings to the south?”

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purpose can only be accomplished through God’s help, direction, grace and His Spirit. All these come from following God as we press toward that mark, positively aware that what God has called us to do is greater than anything this world has ever known. This is the high calling of being a Christian. In Christianity, the great prize is being totally forgiven, completely set free from sin and, most importantly, being welcomed into the presence of our Heavenly Father. This prize is not about “golden streets or mansions.” It is about the presence of Almighty God and seeing Jesus our Savior. Amen Bless the Lord for He is Good!!!

Bringing HOPE in 2012 In researching Juvenile Delinquency on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, it appears that the age for illegal behavior by minors has dropped in recent years, and younger boys and girls are committing crimes. Those who repeatedly offend are likely to become even more violent in their behavior. Youth mentoring is one of several ways described as preventive services. Several months ago, Wayne, age 84, was introduced to our Faith Messenger readers as a volunteer mentor who cares deeply for these young people. Almost every week he visits minors at the Juvenile Court, sharing his own story with them and encouraging them to “never give up.” Additionally, he always makes sure they hear this life-changing message: YOU ARE SOMEBODY! Recently Wayne expressed a profound desire to see others become more aware of this critical situation within our youth, and then, in some way, become a part of the solution. Other prevention services include parenting education, family counseling, substance abuse education and treatment as well as compassionate volunteers becoming more involved in learning how to share or how to help with our struggling youth.

RESOLUTIONS FORGETTING WHAT'S BEHIND Did you find any solutions For keeping your resolutions Which you made in January— Now that it is February? Do your problems of the past Seem to hold you hard-and-fast; Your good intentions didn't last, So from your mind, they've been cast? Paul's sincere desire for perfection, Hadn't been reached to his satisfaction, But he said, “Forgetting what's behind, With God's help, I hope the prize to find.”*


*Philippians 3:13-14

Byrum C. Lee: 2012

John 8:12




The following is a song by Peggy which she describes as “words [which] came to me from Jesus.” The Faith Messenger is happy to share this beautiful song once again.

In the Bible, we read of dreams and visions in which God communicates with various individuals. In the subsequent article, Peggy shares a dream in which Jesus ministers to her.

My dear child, right now I see you Your sad eyes so full of pain You’re so hurt and brokenhearted You think you’ll never love or trust again.

I dreamed I woke up and found myself dead. I wasn’t sure I was dead, so I got up and put on my cape and wrapped it around me. I went outside and began to walk up the hill. I could feel rocks under my feet so I decided I must still be alive. At the top of the hill was a friend’s cabin. I went in the cabin. There were four women there. I lay down on the couch and began to fade. One of the women said, “I know what that is and I’m getting out of here.” I said, “Please don’t go, for Jesus is coming for me and you will miss something wonderful.” So the ladies decided to stay. I began to cry. They asked, “Peggy, why are you crying?” I replied, “I love Jesus so much. I wish I could kneel before Him and give Him gold and precious jewels.” They said, “Peggy, you’ve done a lot for Jesus.” I replied, “Much I have done has been for self, but that doesn’t count, not really.” Suddenly Jesus stood in the doorway. He was pure light and so beautiful! He walked over to me and I knelt at His feet and began to cry. “Jesus, I love you so much. I wish I could give you gold and precious jewels, but much I have done for you was for self and that doesn’t count, not really.” Jesus reached down and took me up in His arms as if I were a child. He said, “I know that, but you’ve done more than you know – a kind word, a smile.” Still holding me in His arms, He looked around the room at the women and said, “Be faithful until I come.” I woke up. The dream was over. I thought, what is God telling me in this dream? What did the four women represent? I remembered that one year I couldn’t lead the ladies sharing group at camp meeting, and I asked a friend to lead. She had never done that, but since I believed she could, she decided to lead the group and then did a fine job. I had encouraged her to step out in faith and do for the Lord what she didn’t know she could do.

(Chorus) I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? You’ve been so hurt and you’re still hurting. I know just what you’re going through. I was deceived, despised, rejected By those I loved and trusted, too. (Chorus) I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? Those I loved – well, they forsook me The way that people often do I stood alone with none to help me, I suffered all of it for you. (Chorus) I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? I rose triumphant over all my suffering! And triumphant you can be. For on the cross I took your sorrows And now, my child, just lean on me. For I came to heal the brokenhearted To cleanse the wound and take the pain. My child, won’t you come unto me And let me make you whole again? For I will make you whole again.

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Evelyn Anderson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. L Y. Janes, founders of Christian Triumph, has been a great Christian witness throughout her life. We send to her - our love and Happy February Birthday wishes.

The second lady was my head nurse where I worked in NY. She didn’t like me, yet, somehow I influenced her for the Lord. The third lady was a girl I had taught in Sunday school. She was grown up. Perhaps, I had planted some seed for the Lord and it had grown. I remembered the children’s favorite song, “Why do I sing about Jesus? Why is He precious to me? He is my Lord and Savior. Dying He set me free.” The fourth lady I didn’t recognize. She was someone I had impacted for Christ. Perhaps she was a woman I had met on the bus that I promised to pray for. We will never know until we get to Heaven the people we have influenced for Christ or the seed we have sown. =========== Christian Triumph continues to sow the seed in South America with the help of Narciso Zamora.

News from Donna, Evelyn Anderson’s Granddaughter:

Brother and Sister Janes

In a report from Narciso, PastorMissionary who works with Christian Triumph, he says: the cost of printing 2000 El Mensajeros (Christian Triumph’s Spanish periodical) was the same as the cost for printing 1000. He continues: Therefore, we spoke with the seminary in Lima (Peru), and they have agreed to distribute 700 El Mensajeros among their students and the local churches. The pastors in the jungle region asked for 300 copies – there are five pastors there – and we have nine pastors in the coastal region and 16 here in the Cajamarca region, in addition to the 48 independent churches of the Granja Porcon. My son, Gerson, a professor at the seminary in Lima, is preparing a form that we can send out to help us know the need for tracts and how the recipients will use them.

Shared by Missions: Paul Here is a letter from Anita to an evangelist, Brother Smith, who is going to Bolivia. At the Church, I spoke to you regarding Spanish tracts. The contact email address is The Secretary/Treasurer at Christian Triumph in Corpus Christi, Texas, can tell you more about the literature distribution. …you can check out the web site at and its Spanish counterpart at Blessings on you as you minister to the Spanish speaking people, Anita, friend of missions



Christian Witness: Every born-again believer and every Holy Spirit filled church is a witness of God’s love. If you would like to share articles, poems, or pictures with the Faith Messenger readers, we would be glad to print them, if possible.

TRY DEVELOPING A FORGETTER I've been thinking about something I should mention, So now I have decided to bring it to your attention. If there are things in your past that you truly regret, Life will be better, if those things you can forget.

The Faith Messenger is composed in Microsoft Word. Please send in a compatible attachment. Please email to or send to Christian Triumph Company, PO Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465-5187

Of those whom you've wronged, ask to be forgiven; To those who wronged you, forgiveness should be given. Even with forgiveness, if it's hard to forget the past, It's better to just move on, for this life won't always last.

CHRISTMAS PAGEANT by El Campo’s Children

If you've worked on a problem, seeking for a solution, But still haven't come up with a satisfactory resolution; Here's something you might try, even if with it you differ— Try developing a forgetter and decreasing your rememberer, Byrum C. Lee: 06/201 ******** THANKS to all our FM readers. We appreciate you. Thanks to Yutha (Michigan) who says that when she receives her FM, she sits down and reads it all the way through. Thank you for such wonderful encouragement.

First Church of God in El Campo's children's Sunday school class held a Christmas pageant entitled Tip Toe to Bethlehem. Pictured in the photo, front row, left to right are: Inn Keeper – Payton , Mary – Kendall, and Joseph – Michael. Back row, l-r Wiseman – Kaden ; Littlest Angel – Layla ; and Shepherd – Konnor. Sent by Sherry

Thanks to each and every one who writes and helps with this ministry. There are no words to express our appreciation. The Lord bless you richly! Christian Triumph is a God-called and Godordained missions’ (local and foreign) outreach and is a part of the eternal Kingdom of God. Those of us who work closely with this ministry pray that the Lord’s will is and always will be the governing force of all that we do. Thank you for praying. Happy Valentine’s Day! You are loved!



Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company 905 Bluntzer PO BOX 5187 Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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one thing I do,

Forgetting those things Which are behind, And reaching forth Unto those things Which are before…” Philippians 3:13-14



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