Faith Messenger January 2011

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*Volume 127 *No. 01*Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 *JAN 2011

Contents Happy New Year, Felicia..Home Page Stand Up by Maxine .............. 2 Jesus! The Man .................. 3 Divine Trinity by Byrum ......... 4 Brazil Youth Convention.......... 5 More of Brazil .................6 Christian Triumph News........... 7 Pictures from Paul and Doris..... 7

Christian Triumph is excited to be a part of your New Year! Thank you! Our goal for 2011 is to explore the Good News and share the Love of God through new and diverse ways, as directed by the Holy Spirit. We will keep you informed of the latest events at the mission in Corpus Christi, the “journey” with Donna and family in Brazil, different avenues of ministry, literature distribution, and interesting articles and poems by gifted writers. We welcome your input and ideas. Our readers are appreciated!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This morning as I was listening to the radio, an advertisement was broadcast for Speak Up University. I was interested to discover the details so I went to the link – and was fascinated by what I read and watched. It seemed there was a transfer student who had attempted to start a pro life group on her campus and, as a result, faced major resistance by faculty. The way she was treated is best described as “childish.” In checking the site even more, I learned that another student had to pursue legal action against a professor because of his unethical assignment. Surprisingly, this was at my very own university and in my field of study. (Thankfully, the university made amends (Continued on Page 2)

once the situation was brought to the attention of the president. However, not all universities are doing this.) I often wonder why it seems that everyone but Christians can speak out with little persecution and even obtain recognition. But if Christians take a stand then we are often labeled as being “overly pious” or “judgmental.” How is it that a belief which promotes peace, acceptance, love, well being, patience and Eternal Glory could be labeled as “judgmental” and, so often, with those opinions based on hate? Christianity is a lifestyle choice. We should have the same freedom of speech as everyone else and be given the same opportunity to be heard. Why must we cower in the shadows when others stand firm for their rights? America was founded on Christianity! We have every right and reason to speak out and speak up. By Felicia

STAND UP Stand up!!! Stand up!!! Stand to your feet!!! Enough of destructive discouragement ---of tears!!! Is our God dead--maybe too insensitive to care--or too weak to hear our prayers? No, never, He shall answer in His time!!! Hold on to Him!!! Have Faith---go forward, Conquer your albatross, In His mighty name!!! He shall not fail you---no, never!!! God is yet the Almighty!!! -Maxine Tolbert Trigleth

Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

(Felicia is the great granddaughter of Evelyn Anderson, and the great, great granddaughter of the founders of Christian Triumph, Rev. and Mrs. L. Y. Janes)


L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

are here to be light, bringing out

the God-colors in the world.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at

God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill.” - Jesus Matthew 5 - The Message 2

Instead, He was delivered by the virgin Mary, His earthly mother and Joseph, “the husband of Mary” (Jesus’ legal parent). As well, He was almost certainly welcomed by animals sheltered in the stable. God’s first baby gown was a “square of cloth…the long strip…wound round and round about him,” as He lay, innocent as a lamb, in a feedbox. Barclay His first visitors were not extended family; instead, they were strangerscommon shepherds, working constantly to care for their sheep, “quite unable to keep the details of the ceremonial law;” in reality, “they could not observe all the meticulous hand-washings and rules and regulations.” Barclay Immediately Herod, the governing official, was disturbed by rumors of wise men searching for a child, born to be King. He was insanely jealous of his political position and meant to immediately eliminate this contender to the throne. Because Jesus’ life was threatened, Joseph was warned by an angel to escape with the family into Egypt, and they must have experienced great anxiety as they traveled to reach a place of safety. Sadly, in the small town of Bethlehem, the hearts of parents were breaking, for every child under two was ordered by Herod to be murdered, the consequence of Herod’s angry, hard heart. It is the evilness of this world that causes pain, sorrow and death. Innocent people are harmed and so was Jesus. He understands suffering; He experienced it!


Recently, I heard a radio interviewer speak with a young man who had been placed into an orphanage by his mentally ill mother at an early age. There, he suffered loneliness, confusion and daily, physical abuse by the older boys. Although the children in the orphanage were taken to church and heard the words “God loves you,” it was impossible for this young man to believe in the love of God, until later, when he heard about the “suffering” of GodJesus. Then he was able to identify and respond. Jesus -God in the flesh- was fully divine and fully human. He suffered as we do, as described in the book of Isaiah, “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.” (Isaiah 53, NIV) JESUS, the man In a humble village, and most likely, in a cave-like dwelling, hollowed out from a limestone rock, baby Jesus (Emmanuel – God with us) was born into our world. His birth was unassisted by a doctor or nurse in a sterile room.

(Continued on Page 4)


Wayne’s purpose is like God’s, who entered our world - in the form of the man, Jesus – and did so to show us His love and a better way of living.

JESUS! THE MAN In many circumstances of life, children continue to suffer or are mistreated or abandoned by selfish men and women. (A child is never to blame.) Not only do these people eliminate God from their own lives, but they confuse and devastate the faith of their innocent victims.

Jesus grew in wisdom! Herod died! Does God care about suffering? Always!


The Daily Study Bible by William Barclay The Living Insights StudyBible NIV February issue: Jesus, the Man, Article II)

Our Lord, the holy God, who is almighty, Is the divine Creator of everything. Of our worship, He is most worthy. Join with us as we sing praise to our King.

Sharing God’s Love

Jesus is God, the Father's, one and only Son. Even now our Lord is reigning with His Father. On God's right side, He sits on the throne. There isn't, like Jesus any other.

By Faith Messenger Editor

A few weeks ago, Wayne was impressed to go to the Judge of our local courthouse and volunteer to visit with the juveniles who were detained for unlawful actions. And now, in doing so, Wayne, age 83, shares the stories of his own difficult life with them. Because of religious extremists, he was abused as a child and eventually left home, catching a train when he was only 13. Wayne has a loving, inspiring way about him, as he tells of what he has learned and of the hope and unlimited possibilities available for these young persons. In “entering” their world, he is able to connect with them, and identify with their pain.

The Trinity includes the Holy Spirit, Who of the divine Godhead is a part. The Holy Spirit wants to inhabit, And sanctify each dedicated heart. We bow before the God, who in heaven abides. The divine Trinity is three persons in one. He is always close by each one's side; The Father, with the Spirit, and His Son. Byrum C. Lee: 05/2009 4

In November, the youth, Gwen, Patricia and Danielle (see photo), attended the national youth conference of the Church of God in central and southern Brazil, which was held in Curitiba, the capital of the state of Paraná, just to the north of our state, Santa Catarina. Brazil is such a massive country—larger than the continental US, but not nearly as easy to get around in—so the Church decided to let the north of Brazil begin its own national youth convention. Previously, the youth from the north had to travel for a week on bus just to get to the threeday convention! As it is, youth of the central and southern parts of Brazil still have to travel considerable time and distance for this convention. We, being fairly close to Curitiba, had only a sixhour bus ride. Others had to travel more than 24 hours on bus, one-way. That didn’t keep them home, however. The conference, which has been steadily growing larger, attracted almost 600 youth this year – about 150 more than was projected!

Let’s continue our journey with Donna Schillinger and her family in Brazil. “Transformed to Transform” is the Theme of Brazilian National Youth Convention Greetings from Joaçaba, in the south of Brazil. You may recall from the last report that the Schillinger family is residing here for six months, part of a nine-month sabbatical from life in the blessed and privileged United States of America. We are attending the Church of God in Joaçaba, which is under the pastorate of Eliezer Zamora, son of Narciso Zamora, long-time friend and ministry partner of Christian Triumph Company, and author of the book, Walking Man: A Modern Missions Experience in Latin America ( The church in Joaçaba has 35 to 40 in regular Sunday attendance, and the congregation has a good distribution of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Probably one of the smaller age groups, however, is high school youth – there were two, and now three, with the addition of our daughter Gwen.

The theme of the conference was “Transformed to Transform,” and a talented young artist had depicted it using the font from the Transformers movie, with a backdrop of an urban skyline (see photo).


minded youth, eager to discern and follow God’s will in their lives. This can be easy to forget when there are just two or three youth at church on Sundays in their hometown.

There were three services on Saturday and Sunday and one on Monday, each conducted by churches from a different state in Brazil. The theme verses were Romans 12:1-2. The preaching was pretty good, from what I could understand. I followed along pretty well until the speaker said something funny. It was a bummer to be among the only three people not laughing (the other two being my husband and daughter). Humor is one of the hardest things to get in a new language.

Each of the Joaçaba youth had a wonderful time and made new friends, who they are now in touch with on Facebook, or the more popular social network in Brazil, Orkut. They were not the only ones to benefit from attending the convention, however. I could see that Pastors Eliezer and Cristiane Zamora had been recharged during the convention as well. Back in Joaçaba, they enthusiastically shared new songs and referred to points from sermons that encouraged them. And it was a blessing to John and me as well. Even our threeyear-old, Chaise, had a great time!

Each of the services was opened by a different praise and worship group from the state in charge of that service. The bands were, in a word, awesome! I was very impressed with the quality of music, as well as the genuine spirit of worship. The response of the youth was cause for praise, too. It was a true joy to see the youth praising God, jumping up and down, clapping hands, hands lifted to Heaven. No, this is not a charismatic group, just young people worshipping in a way that resonated with them. It was a thing of beauty and the Holy Spirit was palpable.

Please join us in prayer that all the youth that attended the convention will stand firm in the decisions they made during that weekend. And please continue to pray for the growth of the Church of God in Joaçaba, and particularly for growth in the youth group. (Schillingers – traveling to Bolivia in 2011.)

At the end of each service, many youth came forward – some to receive the gift of salvation, but as this was generally a crowd of Christian youth, most went forward to make commitments for stronger walks with Christ, or to seek spiritual help in resolving some issues.

-----------------------------------------------“When my grandmother, Evelyn Anderson of Christian Triumph Company, learned I was going to serve in the Peace Corps in Ecuador, she told me she had a friend there, Narciso Zamora.” - And thus in 1989 began Donna’s “journey” in South America.

Perhaps of greatest encouragement to the youth in attendance was the reminder that there are many other like6

students taking the course. Four hundred students are still faithfully taking the Spanish Bible course. The local Bible Institute begins again in February 2011.

CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH NEWS The English Bible lessons, authored by George Bell, have been reprinted. They are without cost and ready to send to any person who would like to study the principles of the doctrine of Christ.

The two new English tracts, HOPELESS and MY TRUE STORY will soon be printed in Spanish and then can be sent for evangelizing.

Additional New English Bible lessons are “in the works” and will be available for study in 2011. Their subject is MORE ABOUT THE LOVE OF GOD.

-------------------------------------------------The following are two more pictures sent to Christian Triumph by Paul Schmoll and Doris Bardell. We appreciate them.

-------------------------------------------------Pastor Israel of the Christian Triumph mission church is still active “on the radio.” The programs are on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, six hours a week. Another Brother from the mission church assists him. Please continue to remember Pastor Israel’s eye; he is still not seeing well. --------------------------------------------------

Picture sent in by Paul Schmoll of Brother Janes (with his suit on) baptizing.

The Spanish Bible Correspondence courses consume almost all of Elena’s time. She helps in the local Spanish Bible Institute also. --------------------------------------------------------Spanish books: Five hundred each of six Spanish books have been purchased to complete the course’s requirements. The books are sent one-by-one to the

Doris Bardell family Feb. issue: More of Anita, Jo, Donna, Peggy, Jesus! the Man, letters, Matt. THANK YOU! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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“Cast All your anxiety On Him Because He cares for You.”

Begin your New Year with God.


I Peter 5:7 (NIV) 8


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