48-405 - Advanced Building Systems Instructor: Vivian Loftness The Center for Regenerative Landscapes was designed in collaboration with a classmate (Annie Bodhidatta) for the completion of the ninth semester studio themed “Building Systems Integration” at Carnegie Mellon University. The aim of this project is to attain knowledge on the use of passive and active technologies that ultimately reduce a building’s carbon, water, and waste footprints. Creative solutions were incorporated to recycle air, reuse and store water, use the earth as an active system, and use the sun in as many ways possible. Essentially, the key theme of this project aimed to integrate the building to the natural landscape.
Site Plan
PHIPPS CONSERVATORY Center for Regenerative Landscapes
Greenhouse Design
Summer Ventilation Strategy Winter Heating Strategy
Building Plans
Perspective, Section, Site Plan, Aerial Perspective
PHIPPS CONSERVATORY Center for Regenerative Landscapes