Kurn Hattin 2013 Annual Report

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K U R N H AT T I N 2 0 1 3 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Join Their Journey: www.kurnhattin.org

I was raised by five different families before I actually got adopted. I always felt like an outsider. At Kurn Hattin, I found a place that makes me feel safe and secure. The kids here are nice— nobody’s “cooler” than anyone else. We’re all the same—we’re all like one big heart. I feel like this will be a part of me forever. Jenitza Fernandez, ‘13

October 2012: Kurn Hattin Homes for Children welcomes new board president Charles P. Kelsey

What is the same for everyone who reaches our doors, whether they be families and children, donors, Board members, staff and volunteers, or friends is the promise that founder Reverend Charles Dickinson made so many decades ago, when he said:

“Better to put a few dollars into these fresh young lives, in God’s free air, on God’s green grass, innocent, teachable, full of all good possibilities…” Almost 120 years have passed since those words ushered in the founding of a childcare organization in the bucolic hills of southern Vermont, and what would come to be an enduring legacy of love, compassion, and commitment to excellence.

An ambitious Strategic Plan, adopted in early 2013, charts a course of sustainability designed to secure Kurn Hattin’s future for another century. The plan asks hard questions and offers in depth answers. It breathes life into the day to day work of dedicated staff. An analysis of how we deliver services combined with refining and monitoring practices will ensure maximum use of resources. Initiatives such as enhancing the Farm Program, revisiting our academic curriculum, preparing for a Capital Campaign, Board enrichment, enhancing the lives of the children in the cottages and in extracurricular activities, continuing and growing a first rate music program, and maintaining a well cared for campus that is the pride of the community; these are just a sampling of the highlights of the plan. Join our journey as we look ahead with optimism and strengthened commitment to providing hope for another century of families and children.

Tom Fahner and Connie Sanderson, Co-Executive Directors

November 2012: Alumna Lyssa Jackson receives the Annual Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, from the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Northern New England Chapter

December 2012: Kurn Hattin Children perform with Grammy award winning fiddler Natalie MacMaster on her holiday tour


Fast forward to 2013: a new era resonates, with new ideas and new hopes. Kurn Hattin Homes has grown to be one of the premier childcare agencies in the country. The mission to transform lives continues to serve as the guiding principle in all that we do. Service delivery methods have changed since an august group of leaders signed our charter on August 18, 1894, yet the call to nurture and educate young children in need is heard perhaps louder than ever.


What every journey has in common is a beginning, a path traveled, and a hope that the destination will fulfill the expectations of the traveler. Some paths are uneventful, and the traveler stops briefly to rest or contemplate before continuing on to the destination. Another path may present a challenge, an opportunity, or perhaps an unforeseen but welcome realization. For those for whom Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is the destination, the journey is complex and the expectations are distinct to each traveler seeking our doors.

Join Their Journey: www.kurnhattin.org


Kurn Hattin’s journey this year progressed with incredible milestones and achievements. Our Board of Trustees and Incorporators provided a clear course for our future embodied in a comprehensive 3 year strategic plan to strengthen Kurn Hattin’s sustainability, programs and services. Our Investment Committee provided exceptional stewardship of our financial resources that resulted from a well formed strategy of investment diversity which took full advantage of a record setting domestic market.

We experienced thrill and pride along with the Kurn Hattin Select Choir under the leadership of Lisa Bianconi as they performed their way to victory in the WGBY “Together In Song” competition. At Kurn Hattin, every child participates in the mandatory and rigorous music program. For nearly 100 years, this tradition of choral and instrumental training has provided incredible lifetime impact in our childrens’ confidence and development here and beyond.

We adopted a new organizational structure establishing the positions of Co-Executive Director for Academic and Residential Services and Co-Executive Director of Business Operations and Institutional Advancement. This structure allows us to focus our resources even more effectively toward services and programs that include an ever changing acuity of the children in our care.

No year or moment can pass without expressing our deepest thanks and appreciation to each and every donor. Your remarkable generosity provides the means to employ the most exceptional teachers, counselors and staff in the childcare field who then create remarkable transformations of the children in our care. We are forever indebted to you. It is our hope that you see the results that your donations make possible.

On June 8 the class of 2013 made their next step in their respective journeys, with some of our graduates admitted to the Hershey School in Hershey, PA. One will attend Vermont Academy and the others will attend high school in their home towns. This is a testament to the strength and effectiveness of Kurn Hattin’s academic, counseling and residential programs and services. These young women and men are remarkable individuals who have faced their adversity head-on and begun a new journey with the requisite skills and confidence to pursue their lives in a productive and positive manner.

January 2013: Tom Fahner and Connie Sanderson named Co-Executive Directors of Kurn Hattin Homes for Children.

Our sails are set, the winds are right. We have set our course and we invite you to stay aboard and continue as we make the next leg in this incredibly worthwhile journey transforming lives while making our world a better place for those who, without you and Kurn Hattin, would otherwise be lost.

Charles Kelsey, President of the Board

January 2013: Community leaders and performing artists collaborate with Kurn Hattin Homes to celebrate their annual Diversity Week.



I come from “the hood” basically. There's trash everywhere and drug dealers, I don't feel safe there. At Kurn Hattin I feel protected, it is my second home. The teachers really care and give me extra help when I need it. No one from my family ever graduated high school… I want to be the first. Jahyde Bullard, ‘13

February 2013: The KH boys’ basketball team finishes a banner season with a 19-2 record.

April 2013: Professional and student musicians from across the region perform at Kurn Hattin’s 6th Annual Jazz Invitational featuring trombone legend and KHH alum, Dick Nash.

Join Their Journey: www.kurnhattin.org


I wasn’t really doing my work, I simply refused to do things. I wasn’t motivated and I didn’t know why. I just wanted to get away from the fighting and stop the arguing. Everyone at Kurn Hattin just wants to help and that’s what it boils down to. Just helping us. I’ve changed more than I can explain—I’ve learned there’s satisfaction in just working hard. And now I know I’ll be taking the life skills that I’ve learned here with me. D’Leanne Solovei, ‘13

April 2013: Poet Dr. Robert Fay collaborates with Kristie Lisai’s writing students for Kurn Hattin’s 12th Annual Ziggy Ostrowski Mystery Writing Contest

April 2013 : The Rite Aid Foundation awards a grant of $10,000 to Kurn Hattin Homes for Children to support the Healthy Children Program, which funds medical care for the children at Kurn Hattin who are either uninsured or under-insured.

April 2013: Kurn Hattin Select Choir Named Top Children’s Gospel Performer on WGBY-TV Choral Competition Series, “Together in Song”


I can never fully repay Kurn Hattin for what they gave me, because what they gave me goes beyond value. Kurn Hattin didn’t turn me into the person I am, but it allowed me to become the person I knew I could be. Lyssa Jackson, ‘08



June 2013: Kurn Hattin receives USDA’s Healthier US School. Challenge (HUSSC) Bronze Level of Distinction.

Join Their Journey: www.kurnhattin.org


At my old school, I’d always be the one to get bullied. I’d feel sad and just completely shut down. At Kurn Hattin I finally learned what it feels like to have friends. Now instead of being down, I feel happy all the time. My parents say that I’ve done a great job here. They think I’ve changed, I’m more confident and I’m doing better at home. Kurn Hattin gives you the chance to be yourself. Thomas Taylor, ‘13

June 2013: Fourteen graduate to move on to their respective high schools, including Milton Hershey and Vermont Academy on full scholarship

July 2013: Six Kurn Hattin students travel to Washington D.C. for Youth Leadership Summit


Where I lived there were a lot of drug dealers, kids going into drugs. I was just someone alone, no one to talk to. Just staying with my mother, never going out. Kurn Hattin is a place I can trust. It’s always busy and there’s something to do. You’re always going to be active. I think I’ve changed a lot and now I just want to go outside, talk to people and be with my friends. I love talking to the staff members, I just love being around this whole place. Evany Rodriguez, ‘13

September 2013: Select Choir are the featured performers at Wings of Hope Ceremonies for Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire



September 2013: Lisa Bianconi becomes a semifinalist for the Grammy Music Educator Award: 25 chosen out of the original 30,000+ nominations across the country

Join Their Journey: www.kurnhattin.org

Report from the Financial Manager The year ending June 30, 2013 was notable in many respects. Operating expense of $5.44 million was $69,000 below Fiscal 2012. Endowment investments realized a 12.5% total return for the year with a June 30 market value of $42.5 million. Contributions to Kurn Hattin exceeded $1 million in Fiscal 3013. The year ended with an overall increase to net assets of $1.5 million. 8

On a smaller scale, but of significant importance, this was the first year of accepting day students into our educational program. The lack of a middle school in Westminster, VT requires students in the 7th and 8th grade to enroll in one of the several middle schools in the surrounding towns. On a pilot basis two Westminster students were enrolled in the program which proved to be very successful. This opens up the opportunity for Kurn Hattin to have a broader mission reach without overtaxing our residential facilities while making use of excess capacity we have in the school. Financially it opens up a source of revenue through the educational voucher system providing tuition payments for each student. This fits in very nicely with our strategic goal of diversifying our revenue sources.


Total fixed assets, net of depreciation, is $4.3 million as of June 30. Major capital investments during the fiscal year included an overhaul of the fire alarm system in Mayo, major renovations to Turrell Cottage, and removal of an underground oil tank. In addition we implemented a new student information system accessible to houseparents, staff and teachers creating a more efficient system for tracking and reporting student data. A great deal of time was spent this past year looking ahead to the future of Kurn Hattin through a robust strategic planning process. Sustaining a financially viable Kurn Hattin for years to come through endowment and revenue growth, and control of expense through greater efficiencies will be among the many goals we will be working on in the years ahead.

Stephen R. Fitch


Bequests and Additions to Endowment

Year Ended June 30, 2013

With much gratitude, the trustees of New England Kurn Hattin Homes publish the following list of funds which have been received during the past fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.




Doris Fadenrecht Trust



Alice L. Farrand Trust


Contributions, Direct Appeal & Charitable Gift Annuity 1,021,587


Charles and Mary Fuqua


Investment Allocation Investment Income

Income from Outside Trusts



Other Income*





$ 5,442,681


Support from Parents and Guardians Total


Ruth Gates Estate


Gay Family Fund


Huff Family Trust


Sybil Ibey Estate


Helen Kunzelmann Estate


Fred Matteson Memorial Fund


National Society of New England Women Richard T. Nash EXPENDITURES Residential, Education, Counseling and Childcare


Robert Owens, Jr. Memorial Fund Sally Randall Pooled Income Fund

1,113 5,000





Administration, Human Resources and Finance



Total June 30, 2013



Development and Public Relations**



Grand Total


Depreciation of Capital/Assets



$ 5,442,681


Total * O ther Income includes the lunch program, meal reimbursement, rents and farm products. ** Includes marketing awareness campaign.




Financial Report

A cumulative listing of bequests and other additions to endowment funds received over the years is available upon request from the Kurn Hattin Development Office, P.O. Box 127, Westminster, Vermont 05158. Four contributions totaling $274,358 have been received to purchase Charitable Gift Annuities from July 1, 2012–June 30, 2013.

Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have supported Kurn Hattin during the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Westminster Club

W.I. Mayo Club

In the hills of this small southern Vermont town the steady purpose of caring for young children continues to thrive.

The Director of Kurn Hattin Homes from 1927-1963.

$15,000 and up


Charles & Mary Fuqua Mr. Edward Ikerd Mrs. Patricia D. Kelsey Mr. & Mrs. George Morland Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Williams*

Mattie Harvey Club


Mattie, a neglected young girl from the woods of Maine, inspired Kurn Hattin’s founder to embark on a lifelong path to improve the lives of New England’s boys and girls. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hubbard Barbara Matteson The Rite Aid Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Alan Watson

Reverend Charles Dickinson Club


Native son of Westminster, Vermont and the founder of Kurn Hattin Homes. Anonymous Mr. Bill Fenn Father Lance W. Harlow Mr. John Cooper Hubbard Mr. Charles P. Kelsey Mrs. Richard B. Lewis, Jr Lewis P. Gallagher Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maysilles* Mr. Richard T. Nash* New Hampshire Charitable Foundation/Ira S. & Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Foundation Ms. Sharon E. Owens-Avey Talcott-Gran Charitable Trust

$2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William Baldasaro Mr. Michael Ceppi Clayton F. & Ruth L. Hawkridge Foundation Cogswell Benevolent Trust The Columbine Foundation Incorporated Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Fletcher D. Proctor Trust Mr. & Mrs. William Gray Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Williston, VT Mrs. Janet Piro Lide Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Morong* National Society of New England Women People’s United Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Robertson John & Nancy Sinclair Mr. & Mrs. Merton J. Snow Jim & Kay Stack Allan & Virginia Turner William & Caroline Warren Whitney-Blake Company Mr. John Zimmermann

Eleanor Ward Club


Beloved Staff Member from 1938-1980 (Girls’ Campus Supervisor 1960-1980). Anonymous The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Luke & Diane Bazin Jean L. Black Mr. Michael Bouvier* Mr. Scott R. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Gary Carrier Mrs. Wilma Cowie

Pat & Heidi Crotty Darlton W. Cenate & Sons, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Dinnany Discount Oil Stephen & Doreen Durand Mrs. Mary Fenn Mr. Edward Frenette Mrs. Ermalea Frisbie Mr. & Mrs. Donald I. Gale, Sr* Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gallagher Ms. Geraldine Golet Pat & Huc Hauser Hickok & Boardman Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Houghton Mr. Dale Hubbard Mr. Robert P. Hubbard Hubbard Farms Charitable Foundation Mr. Will Hurd, Jr IPG Employee Benefits Mr. Vincent P. Infante Mr. Donald R. Inglis* Ms. Sibyl Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Jon Korpela/ Kalevala Management, Inc Mr. Christian Korpela Anthony & Elizabeth Maiola Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Menzel* Mrs. Joyce H. Miller Mr. Deno Mokas Garvin & Nancy Moore, Jr New England Food Foundation, Inc Northeast Windham County Charitable Fund, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Peterson* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Piro* Prime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc Mrs. Frank J. Prindl Ms. Signa L. Read Robert F. Cooper Family Foundation, Inc Mr. & Mrs. David Schaefer Mrs. Mary Ann Sears Selection Unlimited

Shaftsbury United Methodist Church, Shaftsbury, VT Mr. Alfred D. Sines Sovernet Communications Mr. Peter T. Stavrou* Summit Distributing, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Thomas, Jr Mr. Lawrence Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tortolani Mrs. Andrea Scott Trout Ms. Anne Proctor Walker Mrs. Judy Wallace Mrs. John F. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Barry Waxman Mrs. Gundy Weindl Whole Kids Foundation Mrs. Alan Williams Mr. Richard Woodhull & Ms. Deborah Tumey

Eliza Sessions Club

$500 to $999

Via train, trolley, stage and foot, she visited New England villages asking on behalf of the children. Her work generated legacies and endowments that are a substantial part of Kurn Hattin’s financial structure. Anonymous Bill & Margot Abbott Ms. Trudy Abbott Mr. & Mrs. David W. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Avery* Mr. Henry Bader Bank of America Matching Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Bardwell* Ms. Colleen C. Barrett Mrs. Diana Lupien Belcher-Bacon Charles & Sue Bingaman Mr. & Mrs. William L. Brackett Mr. & Mrs. James Bridgeo Brooksby Village, Inc Matthew & Carolyn Brown Bryant Chucking Grinder Foundation

Crosby-Gannett Fund Mr. Timothy A. Cunningham Mrs. Elizabeth L. David Miss Ruth L. DeMone Dayton & Dianne Duncan Durand Toyota Ford Eaton Vance Management Mrs. Wendell Farnham Ms. Alanna Farnsworth Alison Fillmore-Parker & Paul Parker Bob Fowler & Mary Habig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Milton Frye Tom & Susan Galligan James Gay Green Mountain Insurance Company Inc Douglas & Jeanie Greenwood Mr. Alexander Haslam Mrs. Hilary Hatch Mr. Stephen W. Hayes Hicks Machine Company Hubbard, LLC Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation Ms. Jeanne Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Johnson Kurn Hattin Alumni Association Lake Sunapee Bank Mr. Randy Logsdon* Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mackey Mr. Paul Mallory The Melanson Company Incorporated Julia & Alexander Merriman Mr. & Mrs. Earle J. Milberry Modern Woodmen of America #10244 Miss Marilyn E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Al Motzer Mrs. Otto F. Oberhelman Mr. Michael J. Obuchowski Patriot Freightliner, Western Star Peerless Insurance Company Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation Ms. Jean S. Robinson

Rotary Club of Bellows Falls Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rounds Ruth Trowbridge Brown Charitable Trust/Stephen Brown Connie Sanderson Savings Bank of Walpole, Walpole, NH Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schwenk, Jr Jane & Herman Skofield Dr. & Mrs. James Smith St. James Thrift Shop Stettenheim Foundation Incorporated Christine Takacs/Rapt Creative Mr. John P. Tazelaar United Natural Foods United Technologies Charity Trust Miriam C. & W. David Van Scoter Mr. & Mrs. Vern Violette Ms. Trudy Walker Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wilmott Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Wilson Woodward Photography Bettina & Kel Youngs

Margaret Duncan Club


Houseparent 1928-1951. “Every one of those boys had a good part in him and that’s what I looked for; that’s what I remember now.” Aloha Foundation Mrs. Avis Conant Arseneault* Cindy Bacigalupo Stephen Baker Mrs. Estelle Barry Bates & Murray Incorporated Ms. Candace Beardsley & John E. Fothergill Mr. Ernest L. Betts* Carolyn Blake-Deyo & Bob Deyo* James M. Bolger Peter & Debbie Boyle Ms. Patricia Budnick Mrs. Ginny Callahan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Clayton* Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Clayton* Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cross Mrs. Violet Day Ms. Birgit Deeds Denis, Ricker & Brown, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dunbar Dan Easley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Easton, II* Tom & Donna Fahner Kim Fine First Congregational Church United Women’s Fellowship, Manchester, VT John & Winifred McDowell Follett Mrs. Shane Goldman* Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gosselin Greater Hartford United Church of Christ, Hartford, VT Denyse Guariglia Mr. Christopher Hackett Charles & Margot Hakes Wayne & Jean Harlow William & Diane Harting Larry & Sue Hennessey Dr. David Heydenreich Richard & Carol Johnson Joy Wah Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kelly Mark & Bonnie Kimball Mr. Robert Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. King Kiwanis Club of Claremont, NH Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Kozikowski Mr. David Liebtag Mr. Randy MacDonald Manchester Lions Club, VT Rick Manson Ms. Alice S. Marks Elliot & Barbara Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Maysilles Mr. William McCormack Mrs. Deborah F. McGrath

Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Meyer, Jr Ms. Helene A. Minugh Mr. Kenneth Morris Mr. & Mrs. Alexander F. Morze New York City Colony NSNEW #1 Ryan Ostebo Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Pearson, Jr Stephen & Darlene Pecor Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Pfadenhauer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Piro* Mr. Edward R. Potter Mr. Ronald J. Rajewski William & Margaret Rensch Resnick, Amsterdam & Leshner, PC Shelley Richardson Mrs. Leah Robinson Mr. Byron M. Roscoe Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Rounds Springfield Elks Lodge #1560, VT Mr. John W. Stickney Ms. Susan Struble Susan & Robert Tidlund Mr. Kenneth J. Varall Vermont State Society D.A.R. Cameo Club Mrs. Helen Ward* Dr. William H. Warren, Jr Ms. Margaret Watson Ms. Virginia Watson Westmoreland Lions Club, NH What To Do Circle of Woodstock Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Williams* Women’s Fellowship of Christ’s Church, Saxtons River, VT Ms. Doreen Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Woolson Thomas & Faith Wuenschel Mr. & Mrs. Fred Yeadon, Jr


$100-$249 Each friend’s gift is an important part of the whole. From childhoods remembered, they invest in childhoods being lived. Acrebrook Realty Mr. Peter Adam* Ms. Kim Adams Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Adlerbert Mr. & Mrs. Charles Aimi All Seasons Construction Corporation Mrs. Ellen Allman Alpha Chapter #53 OES American Legion Auxiliary #5 Stephen & Joan Ames Mr. J. Eric Anderson Robert Atherton Mark Auerbach Mr. & Mrs. Warren Austin Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bagalio Ms. Mimi Baird Mrs. Elizabeth Baldarelli Ms. Lucy K. Baldwin Bank of Oklahoma Roger & Cynthia Barmash Mr. H. Valentine Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry Mr. & Mrs. James Barschdorf* Dorothy M. Bartlett Mrs. Linda Bazin Real & Carol Bazin Bellows Falls Woman’s Club, Bellows Falls, VT Ms. Judith Benjamin Mr. John M. Berge Mr. & Mrs. William A. Berry Ms. Miriam R. Bierman Mrs. Alvah B. Billings The Birch Family Stephen F. Black* Mr. E. Wayne Blake

Michael Blau Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blount Mr. Thomas W. Bodine Ms. Barbara A. Bodine Mr. Thomas Boggs & Peggy Brown Mr. Bruce R. Bonadies Col. & Mrs. Nelson B. Bond Karlie A. Borst Mrs. Elaine Morrison Bowen Herman & Nancy Bowman Reverend Ruth M. Brandon Brattleboro Rotary Club, VT Mr. Lloyd Brooks Mr. & Mrs. John Brown William Burke Cheryl Burrows Bill & Sandy Burton Ms. Mary-Jane Bush Cyrain G. Cabuenas Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cadwell Mr. Elisha Edward Camp Bob & Beth Campbell Carl M. Dessaint VFW Post #1034, North Brattleboro, VT Mrs. Charles A. Carlson Mrs. Priscilla Carpenter Mrs. Doris Casson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Choukas, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Ciambra Claremont Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Clark Sheriff & Mrs. Keith D. Clark Ms. Helen R. Clauson Stephen A. Clayton Ms. Anne K. Cleveland Mr. David L. Cloutier* Mr. Gill B. Coates Debbie Greco Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Burton J. Cohen Michael & Jane Collier Mrs. Marcia Connolly* Mr. Robert S. Conway, Sr

An asterisk (*) denotes alumnus/alumna. Every effort has been made to ensure that the donor list is complete and accurate. Regrettably, errors or omissions can occur and the Development Office appreciates all items for correction.



Clifton & Marilyn Cooke Ms. Kathleen D. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Coolbeth Mr. Peter Corbo Corpus Christi Parish Mr. Jesse Corum, IV Ms. Kristine Costa Dr. Charles Cunningham Mrs. Judith Curless Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Randall Daniels Ms. Virginia M. Daring Daughters of Isabella Mrs. Rosemarie H. Davis Ted & Susan Day Mrs. Lillian De Giacomo Ms. Erica DeZitter Ms. Veda I. Decof Ms. Char Delabar Bruce & Rhoda Devarney Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Deverill Nicholas DiPietro Richard & Carol Dion Thomas & Linda Doane Ms. Janice Doolittle Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Doyle* Ms. Susan Reis Dugan Ms. Bobbie Durfee Ms. Cynthia Durling Ms. Margaret R. Durling William Eagan East Hanover Board of Education Mr. Roger W. Eastman Doris & Herb Eddy Mr. Patrick Eddy Ms. Linda Edelman Edelstein & Company LLP Elizabeth & Keith Edwards Ellis Music Company Mrs. Mary S. Ely Mr. Stephen W. Ensign Ms. Therese Parent Etman Mrs. Alice Farrand Leonard E. Farrar Stanley & Shirley Farrar

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Feltus Mr. John Fenniman Ms. Bernadette Ferenc First Church of Christ, Scientist, Nashua, NH Mr. Brian Fitzgerald Ms. Linda Flannery Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher LTC & Mrs. Timothy M. Flynn* Foley Distributing Gordon & Shirley Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. David E. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frymire Sonja Fullam Mr. & Mrs. Justin Fuller* Mr. David Fusco GE Foundation Eugene & Linda Gaffey Mr. & Mrs. David D. Gaffey Lucy Gagnon Ms. Karen Galloway Ms. Sheila Gardella Mr. Joseph Gareau J. Richard Garrett Mr. Edward M. Gartner Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gause Mr. Clifford Gilbert Ms. Kellee L. Gilbert Amy Larner Giroux Lawrence & Mae Good Mr. & Mrs. Judson Gooding Mrs. Robert Goodrich* Bruce & Delinda Goyer Ms. Laura Griggs Mr. Terry Gulick Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gunnerson* Mary Gyori Ann Hadley Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Haggerty Mr. William Gaylord Hakes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hallett Mrs. Ron Hamel Ms. Mary J. Harrington Mrs. Joan V. H. Harris Ms. Caroline A. Harris

Ms. Elizabeth M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Mike T. Hastings* Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Hayes Elizabeth & Mike Henry Joyce M. Henson Mrs. Dayton M. Henson Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hewitt Ms. Patricia Hickcox Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hildebrandt Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Hodgkins* Hohokam Colony NSNEW #134 Mr. Marshall P. Hoke Mr. Robert Holbrook Lillian & Tom Holland Mr. Howard W. Hollis* Mr. & Mrs. Peter Holloway David & Pamela Howard Mr. James M. Howe Robert Howe Ms. Sue Hunt Thomas & Corinna Hussey Ms. Joy E. Ingham Jennifer Jacobs Asha Jankowska Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Jefferis Peter & Jeanne Jeffries J. Clyde & Ruth A. Johnson Mr. Robert T. Jones Mrs. Charlotte R. Jones* Ms. Deborah Jones Roberta & Nick Jones Mrs. Marcelyn Karagosian Steve & Kim Keefe Leroy & Patricia Keith Mr. Herbert D. Kelleher Mrs. Barbara Keller Mrs. John Kennedy, Jr Mrs. Anne Keppler Marilyn & Ollie Kimball Kenneth & Carol King Ms. Nancy Kingsbury Kiser’s Orthotic & Prosthetic Services, Inc Mrs. Jacqueline Klose Ms. Barbara E. Knapp

Richard Knight & Charlene Grant Mr. & Mrs. Edward Koch Mr. & Mrs. Steve Korcheck Mr. & Mrs. Harold LaValley LaValley Building Supply, Newport, NH Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Lamson Ms. Jane Landenberger Mr. Bill Landwehr Karen Lansberry Mr. James Lantz Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Lawrence Lawton Floor Design Mr. & Mrs. James Lernihan Mrs. Shereen Letz Ms. Elizabeth G. Lewis Charlotte Lewis-Hankus & Julian Hankus Mr. Richard G. Licence* Mr. Brent T. Lisai William & Anne-Marie Litchfield The Loose-Knit Group Ms. Janice Loring Ralph P. & Mary Ann Lowen Lucas Industries Mr. James A. Lynch Mr. John M. Lynch Douglas Lyon Dr. Jacqueline Lyon Mrs. Kenneth MacAskill Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. MacLaughlin M L Magrath Mr. George B. Malin Mrs. Richard G. Mallory, Sr.* Mrs. Mildred Maloskie Ms. Clara A. Manor Marble Valley Lions Club, Rutland, VT Mrs. Ruby Marcotte Mr. & Mrs. David Marvin Taylor Maynard* John & Kay McCrillis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGraw Major Mac McLaughlin Ms. Linda Merchant Ms. Irene Michaud

Miller Construction Company Ms. Corey Mitchell Ms. Joyce Slayton Mitchell Monument Farms Dairy Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Morel* Mr. & Mrs. Roy Morrison The Morrison Family Ms. Judith Morton Connie Moser Motion Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy Sue & Jack Murray Nancy Nash-Cummings Mr. & Mrs. John C. Navroth Dennis & Carmen Needham Ms. Karen Neff New Hampshire Trust Company Mr. & Mrs. J. Cheston M. Newbold Mr. & Mrs. Jeff F. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nilan, III Ronald & Rose Noble Mr. Philip J. Norton, Jr Gail & Tom Nunziata Ms. Margaret B. O’Neill Mrs. Walter Oldendorph John R. & Diane Osborne Mrs. Nancy Osgood* Ms. Laura D. Page Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Parker* Marie H. Patterson Ms. Suzanne Peltier People’s Linen Service Janice J. Perry Mr. Brad Peterson Pinnacleview Equipment Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piotrowski Ms. Jane Piro Ms. Kathy A. Piro Clint Plante Ms. Melissa Post Ms. Sandy Post Albert & Patricia Potter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pratt, Jr.* Mr. John M. Pratt Ms. Doris Pratt

Andreas & Patricia Prindl Ms. Karin Prindl Professional Sports Catering, LLC Prosper Homemakers Club Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Prunier* William Putnam Mr. James J. Quinn* Mr. Charles Ranges Real to Reel Video Ms. Elizabeth R. Redington Ms. Ann-Marie Regan* Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Reid Ms. Theresa Reilly Mr. Burton Reynolds Mr. Roland Reynolds, Sr Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ricard Mr. & Mrs. Dominic M. Riccio Ms. Luna Ricker Mrs. Frances L. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Robling Ms. Elisabeth T. Roos Patricia & Alexander Rowe Martha Ruffle Mr. & Mrs. J. Ruthven Ryan Patricia C. Saltsman Sam’s Outdoor Outfitters Ms. Frances Ellen Sample James & Arla Sampsell Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sanders Jaimie Scanlon Cornelius & Ruth Schenck Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Scott Seaside Country Store Incorporated Mr. David C. Seeley Mr. Kenneth Severens Shaftsbury United Methodist Women’s Group, Shaftsbury, VT Ms. Norma M. Shakun Mr. & Mrs. David Shaw Ms. Roxanne Shelton Ms. Margaret B. Shiverick Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Shoemaker Mr. Jeffrey Shute William & Joan Smidutz Mrs. Sandra F. Smith

Ralph & Irene Smith Springfield Orthodontics Mr. & Mrs. David W. Stacy J. Hayes & Sandra Stagner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stark State Street Matching Gift Program Mr. John Steuer Geri & Merv Stevens Sara Stine Mrs. Willis Stoddard John T. & Suzanne Stoodley Ms. Helen L. Stotz Mr. Malcolm Streeter Mr. & Mrs. Bertil Stromberg Paul & Karen Morze Sturgeon Sugar River Bank Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Swartz Mrs. Thomas J. Sweeney Jennifer Tallman David & Susan Taylor Gwynna & John Taylor Barbara & Alan Ternes Dr. Gerald Theberge Elisabeth Tobey Ms. Patricia Trombley Jim & Peggy Tucker Mr. Harry Turner William & Kris Tyson Ms. Brenda Underhill Linda Colarusso Van Alstyne Ms. Linda Van Cor Ms. Mary S. Van Zandt Mr. & Mrs. Allen Vander Meulen Mr. Steve Varrieur The Vermont Country Store Vermont State Society D.A.R. Vernon Seniors James & Robin Vincent Roger Paul & Nancy Vincent Steve & Valerie Vincent-Horton Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur W. Walker* Jeanne & Geoffrey Waller Walpole Senior Citizens, Walpole, NH Mr. Robert Warren Mr. Stephen W. Webster

Wendell Veterinary Clinic Westminster East Parish Board of Directors, Westminster, VT Mrs. Ardith Wharry Mr. & Mrs. John Whitaker Miss Carol Whitcomb Joan Willey Mr. Paul T. Williams Mrs. Janet S. Wilson Ms. Brenda M. Wilson Ms. Eva Wilson Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665, VT Women’s Fellowship, West Lebanon, NH Mr. Roger S. Wood Mr. Bruce Woodward Alice Yantis* Fred W. & Lorraine Yates Ms. Carol A. Young


Up to $99

Dedicated supporters of the Kurn Hattin mission. Anonymous Mrs. Eugene B. Ackerman Ms. Doris Adami Ms. Gloria Adams Lewis & Carol Alderman Mr. & Mrs. David Allbee American Legion Auxiliary Unit #15 American Legion Post #3 Dot Ames Ms. Lauren Amidon Mrs. Henry Anderson Ms. Jean Anderson Ms. Kit Andrews John J. & Linda Angelico Mr. John Angier Stephen & Ellen Ankuda Mr. Chris Appelberg Ms. Pamela Argy Mr. & Mrs. Wynn W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. George Arvay Ms. Jean Asselin

Ms. Anne Atherton Melanie Atkin Ms. Jeanne Atkinson Janet Avery Ms. Carolyn L. Avery B.F. Women of the Moose #1123, VT Ms. Priscilla Jenne Babcock* Mrs. Nancy Bacon Mr. Arthur Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balch Mr. & Mrs. David Baldasaro Timothy B. & Donna J. Baldwin Mr. Jack Barber Ms. Flora S. Barber Steve & Valerie Barry Mr. & Mrs. William Barschdorf* Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bart Mrs. Nelson T. Bateman, Jr Jim & Michelle Bates Mrs. David Bates Denis & Nancy Bazin Suzanne Bazin Mrs. Alma Beals Harold & Barbara Beam Ms. Lois Beardwood Cricket Beauregard-Lewis Andrzej Bednarowicz Joe & Mary Beer Mr. Walter R. Beer, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bejtlich, III Julia Bemis Ms. Barbara J. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. John Bentley Ms. Pamela Bentz Mr. & Mrs. Adeloid C. Benware Mr. Conrad J. Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Jack Berkley Ms. Kathryn D. Bevis Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Lisa Bianconi Miss Phyllis Binkley Ms. Carolyn Birch Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Blake Ms. Barbara Bluto Ms. Judith L. Bogan

Ms. Ellen C. Booth Ms. Mary Jane Bosworth Mr. Joseph F. Bouchard Mr. Richard Bowen Ms. Alice J. Bowen Cynthia Bowler Mr. & Mrs. Homer Bradley, Jr Ms. Evelyn Brassor Brattleboro VFW, VT Mr. Christopher Braves Gary & Debbie Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Briggs, Sr.* Jean & Gordon Bristol Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Britton Daniel G. Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Brown* Ms. Diana L. Brown Ms. Eileen Brown Ben & Jeanne Brumaghim Jenna Buchanan Ms. Mary Lou Buchanan Mrs. Eliot Buckingham Ms. Faith Buell* Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bullock Ms. Mary Butler Mr. Tim Butterworth Mr. & Mrs. William P. Bystrom Candace Caggiano Mr. William J. Callahan Peter Callas Mrs. Leslie Canavan Ms. Muriel N. Caouette Robert & Marguerite Caron Mr. Kenneth Carpenter Ms. Katrina L. Carreau Mr. & Mrs. Andres Castillo* Mr. Charles J. Cathcart Central Christian Church, Columbia, TN Chad Farnum Builders, LLC Effie Chamberlin Mrs. Connie Chamberlin Gerry & Jim Chandler Grace Chandler Jill Chase



Norman & Rachel Chateauneuf* Ms. Jean A. Cheer Judith & Herman Chernoff Cheshire Builders Incorporated Fran & Michael Cheslock Betty & Michael Christiansen Ms. Frances Church Ms. Barbara J. Clark William R. & Elizabeth Clary, Jr Marsha & Henry Clayman Nancy Clingan Patti Cody Ms. Ruth Colby Charles & Lorna Cole Barbara Comtois Mr. & Mrs. Richard Concato Albert & Jean Conklin Ms. Arlene Conwell Lucille Cook Mrs. William Corbo Mr. & Mrs. James Cormier Ms. Christia M. Corsaut Chris & Sue Cota Rodney & Cheryll Couey Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Courtemanche Mary Coventry Crane’s Ford Chapter NSDAR Mr. Jay Craven Mr. & Mrs. Robin Crossan Crystal Rebekah Lodge #14 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunningham Mrs. Amber Cutler Lois D’Arcangelo Mr. & Mrs. William Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Daley Mr. & Mrs. Matt Daly Mary Davis Mrs. Elizabeth F. Davis Ms. Patricia S. Davis Beverly DeCamp Deacon John Tenney Colony NSNEW #160 Mrs. James D. Dean Ms. Beverly Decoigne

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Dennis Clari & Maurice Derosia Ms. Jeanne Desilets Mrs. Claud Dexter Mrs. Charles E. Disque Mr. Raymond J. Doherty Mrs. Rita M. Doherty Mr. Stephen P. Donna Carol & Frank Donnell Ms. Diane J. Donohue Ms. Letitia A. Dovhan Ms. Blanche B. Dowd Kent & Maria Dramstad Ms. Roseanne Dubeau Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dunn Mrs. Patricia J. Dupree Mrs. Barbara Dyer Mrs. Caryl Dyer Mrs. Barbara Eaton Mrs. Charlotte Edson Bruce & Sharon Edwards Ms. Susan Eiseman Ms. Corine Eldredge Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eldridge, Sr Ms. Martha Elliott Ms. Claudia Ellis Mr. Tedric Emerson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Erkson Mr. Wesley J. Esser, Jr Mr. Thomas E. Evans Ms. Elizabeth A. Fahy Teddy & Nelson Farr Mr. Dennis M. Fassett Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Faulkner Mr. Malcolm Faxon, Sr.* Mr. Thomas Faxon* Mr. Gary V. Fellows Mr. & Mrs. L. G. Ferguson Mrs. Ethel Virginia Ferguson Ms. Roberta J. Ferguson Ferrisburg Grange #539 First Congregational Church of Turners Falls, Turners Falls, MA Mr. Abbott C. Fisher Ms. Melissa Fisher

Stephen Fitch Mr. Kenneth Flagg Mrs. Raymond F. Fleck Ms. Dorothy S. Fluharty Foley Distributing Corp Ms. Elaine Folsom Ms. Mary E. Folsom Tom Fontaine Mr. Stanley Foss Ms. Joanne Foulk Mrs. Gino C. Franzi Ms. Doris Frechette* Mr. Henry P. Furman Carol Gage Ms. Eleanor H. Gallagher Jerome & Nancy Galloway Mr. Richard B. Gassett Mr. & Mrs. William Gay* Kyle Geddes Mr. Christopher F. Geffken Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Geist Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Gentes Jason & Jami George Ms. Helen H. George Mr. George Gerecke Ms. Nellie C. Germaine Ms. Suann Gerstel Mrs. Patricia Geyser Ms. Blanche Bradley Gibeault Mr. & Mrs. George Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Gilbert* Mr. William A. Gilbert* Ms. Diane L. Giroux Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gochey Ms. Mary Weeks Goodwin Ms. Irene Gordon Eleanor Goulette Ms. Mary Z. Gover Ms. Brigitte Graves Green Mountain Chapter DAR Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greene Ms. Barbara Greenough Mr. & Mrs. Clayton E. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gross James & Colleen Grout

Ms. Carol Guerard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guthrie Robert & Patricia Haas Judy Halberg Halestown Grange No. 287 Ms. Pauline Halfpenny Leonard & Beverly Hall Mrs. Natalie N. Hall Ms. Isabelle R. Handy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanrahan Dean & Janet Hanson Mrs. Rose Haptonstall John & Sheri Harrigan Lee & Susan Harrington Mr. James Harris Ms. Rose Haselton Mrs. Phyllis N. Hawley Mrs. George W. Hay Mrs. Jennie M. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Hayward Mr. Robert A. Hebert Mrs. Wesley Herwig Mrs. Clair Hesselton Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hewitt Mr. Mark Higgins Ms. Jenna Higgins Ms. Wilma H. Higgins Ken & Diane Hill Ms. Reba Hill Mrs. Albert J. Hinds Stephen & Sharon Hodges Hodgkins & Sons Incorporated Beverly Hood Mr. & Mrs. Roderic K. Hood Dr. John Perry Hooker Hope Grange #15 Ms. Florence Howard Ms. Barbara H. Howe Ms. Carol Howe Ms. Jane Howell Hubert’s Department Store, Inc Reverend Pete Hults Mr. Luke A. Humphrey, Sr Susan Hunter Larry & Nancy Huot

Mrs. Margaret U. Hutchins Sharon M. Irish Ms. Joan S. Jackson Ms. Margaret A. Jaird George Jardine Ms. Helen Jarest George & Linda Jeffrey Mr. Walter Jennison David & Margaret-Elaine Jinno Mr. John E. Joachim Dr. Timothy Johnson Larry & Lynn Johnson Mrs. Carl A. Johnson Ms. Jane Johnson Ms. Joan M. Johnson Mrs. Martha Turner Johnstone Mr. Phil Jones Mrs. James D. Jones, Jr McKenzie Jordan Mrs. Rochelle F. Jordan Barbara Joy Charles J. Kamal Mrs. Beverly Birch Karamberis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kartschoke Mr. & Mrs. Earl V. Kaulback, Jr Mrs. William Keech Keene Woman’s Club, Keene, NH Mrs. Lloyd A. Kelley, Jr James & Jane Kelly Ms. Anna M. Kelly Ms. Priscilla Kenney-Brand John & Sandra Kenyon Mrs. Patricia Kenyon Peggy J. & Howard Kerbaugh Sue Kessler Ms. Katherine C. Kilpeck Mrs. Deirdre Kimball Mary K. King Dr. & Mrs. Donald Kinley Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kinville* Miss Jane S. Kirk Jim & Jann Kurrasch Gerald & Patti Kurtis Ms. Dianna La Fleur Mr. & Mrs. Alfred La Rosa

Ladies Church Circle, Townshend, VT Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lanata Ms. Ruth Lane Al & Jeannie Laramie Nora Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lawrence* Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Theodore LeBlanc Ms. Erika Lee Ms. Grace Leonard Ms. Elayne P. Leonelli Ms. Denise C. Lesperance Arlene L. Lewis Yngveig K. Lewis Kristie Lisai Father Joseph A. Lively Mrs. Shannon Logue Joel & Arnice Long Mr. Richard Long Ms. Kathleen Long Mr. Rory Longe Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Loura Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Lovely Loyal Order of Moose Ms. Diane A. Luff Ms. Francine Luft Ms. Carol Lundgren Lyman Hall Colony NSNEW #161 Lt. Col. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lyon Mr. Robert MacKenzie, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacPhee Hannah Macon Mr. Gregory Macri, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Mike Madison Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Magoon Ms. Betty Jean Mahoney Allen & Nancy Manley Mr. Charles Marchant Marine Corps League Ms. Cynthia Marini Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. David Marx, Sr Mr. & Mrs. David G. Mason

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Massey Ms. Virginia M. Mattison Eddie & Mimi Maxfield Joseph & Rebecca Mayer Mr. Abraham McAllister Dr. & Mrs. Craig F. McBeth McBride-Harwood Post 44 Mrs. Gordon McClure Mr. & Mrs. J. David McCrillis Ms. Linda McCullock Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDonald Dennis & Maureen McDonough David & Donna McGuire Mrs. Patricia E. McHale Mrs. Edythe C. McKay Mr. Ken McKean Mrs. Lillian Brown McMullen* Mr. Steve Mele Ms. Mabella Mendez* Mrs. Mary Ann Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Donald Messer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyers Robert & A. Elaine Michaels Deanna Michaelson Middle Branch Grange Gini Milkey Dick & Lori Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Miller Ms. Lori Miller Milnes School Sunshine Ms. Ila Mitchell Allan Moch Mrs. Mary E. Moiles Mrs. Edward A. Molteni Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moore Ms. Elaine Moore Shirley Morawski Mr. Arthur Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Morse Mr. Thomas Mosher Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Z. Moss Ms. Deborah Moya Ms. Christine Mulvey* Calvin & Julie Ann Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Myers

Ms. Viola Myers John & Patrice Nash Moses DeWitt Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Colonists Nature Club of Saxtons River, VT Ms. Shirley Neathawk Ms. Patricia Neer Mrs. John K. Neubert Newbury Women’s Fellowship, Newbury, VT Guy & Janet Nido, Jr Ms. Helen Nims Mrs. Rhonda L. Nolan* Harriet & Frederick Norris North Orange Grange #86, MA Mr. Burton A. Nowers Ms. Dale O’Brien Ms. Margaret O’Brien William & Marlene O’Connor James & Helene O’Dell Larry & Lecia O’Dell Ms. Mary F. O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Ochsner Mr. Richard H. Olson, Sr Sara & Benjamin Olson Mrs. Harriet Oman Virginia Onorato Ms. Joyce M. Ordinetz Miss Patricia Osterberg Ms. Bev Osterberg Mr. & Mrs. Henry Otto, Jr Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Owen Tom & Victoria Oxholm Ms. Lisa Palmer Ms. Florence V. Parent Mr. Michael Parson Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Pastula Mr. Steven Peckham Mrs. Leland Perry Mr. Warren W. Peschl Ms. Diana Peters Mrs. Marny Chester Peterson John & Madeline Pichette Brian & Kerry Pickering

Mr. Stephen L. Pike, USNR-Ret Ms. Thelma J. Pilloni Ms. Kathleen Pirruccello Paula & Thomas Pirzinger Ms. Helen E. Pleisch Ms. Louise L. Plouffe Ms. Margaret R. Portelance Poultney United Methodist Church of Women, Poultney, VT Poultney Women’s Club, Poultney, VT Ms. Doris Powden Ms. Claire K. Prettitore Ms. Kerrie Prettitore Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Prouty* Nancy Purbeck Mrs. Virginia A. Putnam Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Queen* Radburn Sunshine Mrs. Marianne F. Raftis John & Ruth Ramsey Whitney H. & Flora Rathbun Rebeckah Hastings Chapter D.A.R. Russ & Margie Record Red Mountain Chapter #41 OES Mr. Peter Reilly Ms. Elizabeth Reynolds Ms. Florence L. Reynolds Rhoda Farrand Chapter D.A.R. Mr. Robert Rhodes Ms. Christine Riccio Mr. & Mrs. William Ringwall Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts Ms. Ann H. Root Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Rossi Barbara Rourke Ms. Pauline E. Routhier Reverend Yvon J. Royer Leon H. Rudd, Jr Karen & Stan Rumrill Mr. & Mrs. James Rumrill Mr. Micheal Ruschell Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rushia Ivis H. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Russell* Mr. & Mrs. William G. Ryan

Mrs. Joseph E. Ryan Ms. Marjorie J. Ryea Donald Saaf Ruth Salter Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Sands Mr. & Mrs. Kennith Sartorelli Saxtons River Lodge #33 I.O.O.F. Wayne & Christina Schillinger Ms. Ute Schmidt Mrs. Louise Schmitt Mr. Brett P. Schoff Mr. & Mrs. John Schroeder James & Wanda Schumann Scott Powerline & Utility Equipment Mrs. Mary Scoville* Roberta Seavey Ms. Rose Seiler Mr. & Mrs. William Semonite Mrs. Louise Seward Ms. Ruth Shapiro Ms. Dale Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Shaw, DVM Mr. Donald Shedd Mr. Gary D. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Sibley David Simcoe Ms. Paula S. Simonds Dr. & Mrs. David W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith* Mr. & Mrs. Nelson W. Smith Ms. Priscilla Smith Ms. Susie Smith Ms. Virginia A. Smith Smith Insurance Agency Helene & Steven Sotsky Mr. Stephen V. Space Spaulding & Madden Tax Services Mr. James Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. St. Hilaire Mrs. Elizabeth Stacy Edward & Dorothy Stall Mrs. Corrine Steeves Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Stickney



Ms. Beth Stickney Reverend & Mrs. James Stirling Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Stockwell Mr. Gordon M. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Stotz Susan Strebel Ms. Katsuko Sugiyama Ms. Mary Ann Sullivan Ms. Sharon Sullivan Clarence & Shirley Swain Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Swartz Mr. & Mrs. Neale Sweetman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Swierczynski Mr. & Mrs. Doug Switzer TCM Manufacturing USA, Inc TD Bank Wealth Management Tadano Mantis Corporation Mr. Glenn Tartaglia Ms. Marion Tartaglia Mr. & Mrs. Craig Taylor Ms. Doris M. Tazelaar Ms. Queenie Temple Thirwood Place Residents Association Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Thomas Penni Thomas Mr. & Mrs. R. Thompson Rob & Lydia Thomson Mr. Henry P. Thurlow, Jr

Ms. Anna Tilton* L. Dale & Erma L. Tindell Mr. Brian Tipple Mr. Joshua Tobin Ms. Marguerite Tonnesen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Towers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Truso UBS Financial Services, Inc UBS Matching Gift Program VFW #7823, Ladies Auxiliary, Middlebury, VT Volunteer Colony Ms. Trema L. Voytek Mrs. Loyola Vuolo Millard & Joan Waite Mr. & Mrs. Adam Wallace Rosina Wallace Mrs. Frank Walter Ms. Laura C. Warren Mrs. Rennie R. Washburn Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Webb Ms. Wanda M. Webster Wells River Congregational Church, UCC, Wells River, VT Mrs. George Wenzel West Newbury Women’s Fellowship, West Newbury, VT Westminster Auto

David Westover Ms. Audrey Wheatley Mr. Ronald Wheeler* Mr. Reginald Whitaker* Mrs. Claire White Mr. & Mrs. George Whiton Ms. Virginia Dale Wick Mr. William Wilkison* Ms. Mary Kinney Williams Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilmott Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilson, Jr Mrs. Marion Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wissel Joe & Gina Wolterman Women’s Fellowship of the United Church, Bellows Falls, VT Mrs. Charlene R. Wood Mrs. Roger Wood Mrs. William J. Wood, Jr Ms. Kim Worden David & Adrienne Wright Mr. Robert A. Wright Norman Wright Mr. & Mrs. Randy Wurtsbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wyant Donna M. Yerdon Ms. Miriam Yorks Mrs. Lori A. Young-Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Ziegler

Gifts in Kind Gifts in kind given throughout the year enable Kurn Hattin to meet daily needs. Donors who gave goods and services over $500: Penelope Arms Ken & Gaile Avent Linda Bazin Jean & Gordon Bristol Chester Rotary Club Cota & Cota Incorporated/ Mr. Casey Cota David & Terri Dumaine Mr. & Mrs. Fred Easton, II Elm Court Estate (Les & Amy Freeman) Andrew & Thea Fahner Fall Line Condominiums Leonard Farrar Theodore Goddard Inflatable Fun Lake Morey Resort Megan Lansberry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Little Mr. & Mrs. David Maysilles Mr. Richard McCreary Tim Mollica Oster & Wheeler, P.C. The Ritz Carlton Hotel & Casino, San Juan, Puerto Rico Salmon & Nostrand/George Nostrand Telluride Ski & Golf The Virginia Company Colony, NSNEW #143

Wishes Do Come True Fund Donors who provided support for wish list items Ms. Pamela Argy Ms. Jean Asselin Mr. Mark G. Auerbach Miss Phyllis Binkley Brooksby Village, Inc Ms. Katrina L. Carreau Cogswell Benevolent Trust

The Columbine Foundation Incorporated Corpus Christi Parish Kent & Maria Dramstad Ms. Susan Reis Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Easton, II Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Fletcher D. Proctor Trust Charles & Mary Fuqua Eleanor Goulette Ms. Mary Z. Gover Denyse Guariglia Father Lance W. Harlow Ms. Rose Haselton Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Hayes Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Ms. Joan M. Johnson Barbara Joy Ms. Katherine C. Kilpeck Mrs. Richard B. Lewis, Jr Ms. Virginia Lisai Mr. Richard McCreary Julia & Alexander Merriman Modern Women of America #10244 Garvin & Nancy Moore Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Z. Moss Calvin & Julie Ann Murphy National Society of New England Women New York City Colony, NSNEW #1 People’s United Community Foundation Ms. Margaret R. Portelance Ms. Signa L. Read William & Margaret Rensch The Rite Aid Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sartorelli David Simcoe Penni Thomas & Steve Haldeman Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Truso Vermont State Society D.A.R. Cameo Club The Virginia Company Colony, NSNEW #143 Whole Kids Foundation Mr. John Zimmermann





Executive Committee

John A. Hubbard

Marilyn E. Moore President, Peabody

William S. Abbott Keene, NH

John A. Hubbard Walpole, NH

Merton Snow Shaftsbury, VT

Ruth L. DeMone Clerk, Peabody

Jerry L. Bardwell* Middleboro, MA

Charles P. Kelsey Deerfield, NH

James Stack Walpole, NH

Robert Sinclair Treasurer, Middleton

Diane Bazin Westminster, VT

Jon Korpela Goffstown, NH

Malcolm Streeter Westminster, VT

Michael Blau Keene, NH

Michelle Laurendeau Bellows Falls, VT

Vernon Temple Saxtons River, VT

Gordon Bristol Brattleboro, VT

James Lynch Westminster, VT

Susan Tidlund Montague, MA

Scott Bundy Boxborough, MA

Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola Newport, NH

Roberta Woodhull Violette New London, NH

Philip Caliendo Duxbury, MA

Rick Manson Brattleboro, VT

Trudy Walker Northampton, MA

Leslie Canavan Chesterfield, MO

Barbara Matteson Chatham, MA

Joan Woodhull Willey Newport, NH

Gary Carrier Brattleboro, VT

David J. Maysilles* Keene, NH

Ronald M. Williams* Madison, CT

Frances Cheslock Bellows Falls, VT

Walter B. Menzel* Tiburon, CA

Janet Wilson Walpole, NH

Paul Clough Bellows Falls, VT

Corey Mitchell Springfield, VT

Greg Worden Brattleboro, VT

Patrick Crotty Westmoreland, NH

Marilyn E. Moore Peabody, MA

Elizabeth David Old Saybrook, CT

Rhonda L. Nolan* Danbury, CT

Ruth L. DeMone Peabody, MA

George W. Nostrand Chester, VT


Bradley Dunbar Saxtons River, VT

Michael J. Obuchowski Bellows Falls, VT

C. Anthony Adlerbert

Doris Eddy Ludlow, VT

James Robertson Spofford, NH

Trudy Walker Investment Consultant

Bill Fenn White River Junction, VT

Connie Sanderson Westminster, VT

Janet Wilson Treasurer/Retired Executive

Justin Fuller* Westminster, VT

Sheldon Scott Walpole, NH

Christopher Hackett Westminster, VT

Elaine Sinclair Middleton, MA

Charles P. Kelsey President Retirement Community Executive Jerry L. Bardwell* Member at Large EMS Consultant/Manager

Patricia D. Kelsey David J. Maysilles Roberta Woodhull Violette

Gary Carrier Vice President Retired Executive Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola Member at Large Volunteer Ronald M. Williams* Chairman, Vice President Retired Executive



Anthony C. Adlerbert

Connie Sanderson, CFRE Co-Executive Director Business Operations and Institutional Advancement

Stephen E. Baker William S. Abbott Retired Financial Manager Diane Bazin Golf Course Manager/Owner Gordon Bristol Construction Management Owner Patrick Crotty Real Estate Professional Elizabeth David Financial Management Company Assistant Vice President

Ralph N. Buck Paul Clough George L. Kelley* Janet M. Lewis Edward R. Potter William Semonite Theodore Thomas, Jr. Priscilla Mayo Watson

Thomas G. Fahner, M.S. Co-Executive Director Academic and Residential Services Eileen Brown, R.N. Director of Health Services Stephen R. Fitch, M.A. Financial Manager Jennifer Jacobs, M.A. Director of Counseling

Rick Manson Insurance Agent

Susan Kessler, M.Ed. Director of Admissions

Michael J. Obuchowski State Commissioner

Karen Lansberry, B.S. Director of Residential Services

Malcolm Streeter Contractor

Scott Tabachnick, M.Ed. School Principal

Roberta Woodhull Violette Retired Food Retailer

Luke Bazin Edgar T. Campbell Thomas Dowling Mary Fenn Nancy Purbeck Ida Snow


Non Profit Org

Kurn Hattin Homes for Children PO Box 127 • 708 Kurn Hattin Rd. Westminster, Vermont 05158 (802) 722-3336 www.kurnhattin.org

ACCREDITATION AND LICENSING: Independent School Approval by the Vermont State Board of Education Department for Children and Families, State of Vermont MEMBERSHIPS: The National Fellowship of Child Care Executives Association of Fundraising Professionals The Vermont Coalition of Residential Providers Vermont Principals’ Association Vermont Independent School Association PHOTOGRAPHY: Kristie Lisai, Jeff Woodward and the Kurn Hattin Archives Printed on recycled paper

US Postage


Kurn Hattin Homes for Children

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