Kurn Hattin 2010 Annual Report

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Kurn Hattin 2010 Annual Report

Rejoicing Growth As one season closes and the next is upon us, the natural world takes stock. The harvest is soon in and the joy of its bounty an exciting ripple in the current of each day. Branches scatter their leaves in abundance, dropping seeds for the coming springtime. At Kurn Hattin Homes, rejoicing in the growth of each child, the accomplishments and challenges, we also take measure. Like tender saplings, children thrive with attention and consistency. True to the promise of the Kurn Hattin mission, we devote our energy to steadfast care and commitment to services designed to bring out the joyful life each child has to give to the world. Rejoice in the coming pages as we grow together, celebrating another year of dedication to the boys and girls who call Kurn Hattin home.

“The mountaintop we’ve gained today; but, lo, our rainbow far away with ten-fold brilliance scans the sky.� Charles Albert Dickinson, Founder 1

The Architecture of Service Having a long-term perspective of Kurn Hattin history, although somewhat intermittent, I believe I have an appreciation of the unfolding of the Kurn Hattin architectural progression. In the span of my lifetime, Kurn Hattin has been a continuing work in progress. It has demonstrated that an institution can, should and must grow to meet the ever-diverse demands of its mission. Like horticulture, the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants demands constant attention; many factors have an impact on the growth of an establishment. A few are student population, available land, water sources and the purpose of the overall plan of the organization. Setbacks occur. One example is that of the first and existing structure of Kurn Hattin in 1894. The main building was all-encompassing, including a dining room, sleeping arrangements, classroom and an administrative area. In 1908, a tragic fire leveled the building. Fortunately, there was no loss of life. As if recovering from a tornado in the Midwest, a plan was formulated and Kurn Hattin moved ahead. The building was replaced in 1909. Planning starts with a focus on the present and is always accompanied with an eye to the future in conscious recognition and awareness that life in any mode does not remain constant. The Kurn Hattin trustees and administrative staff have evaluated today’s assets in light of assessments of requirements for a smooth transition to the foreseeable future. From time to time, the Kurn Hattin visions are published to assist in the acquisition of essential resources to continue on the road to success. All of the Kurn Hattin family of trustees and administrative, academic and support staff express our gratitude for the legions of benefactors who have made and continue to make the Kurn Hattin dream a reality. David J. Maysilles, President Class of 1943




Residential Care: Cornerstone of Childcare Options Everywhere we turn, we hear that at-risk children are failing in school, becoming violent and experimenting with drugs. By the time they reach their late teens, parents, schools and local agencies are saddled with a myriad of significant problems. It makes sense to start early! And I am absolutely convinced, after thirty-six years in the business, that the quality of life of children in residential care such as ours supersedes that of children receiving only community-based treatments or foster care. Residentially placed children report positive relationships with staff, less isolation from their families, an increase in self-esteem and a sense of control over their future. So let us rejoice in the concept of residential care. If it did not exist, where would be the alternative? What would be the cost to the children and society in general? I know the role that programs like Kurn Hattin’s play in family preservation. I know the new course charted by children and their families who have partnered with us. I rejoice in their growth and achievements. Christopher W. Barry Executive Director


The Gift of Growth For organizations like Kurn Hattin Homes, the commitment of generous donors is the lifeblood of the program. Over 115 years ago, a group of friends, college classmates of Kurn Hattin’s founder, gave generously of their time, their resources and their encouragement to a man whom many called a dreamer. “What ought to be was quite as significant to him as what was,” said classmate Charles Thwing in a eulogy to Reverend Dickinson. The country then was facing severe economic challenges. The war between the states was long over, but the wounds were still healing and families were set adrift from poverty. Today, as the economy recovers slowly, in fits and starts, Kurn Hattin is profoundly grateful for the first $2,000 bequest upon which our endowment grew, now providing income to cover almost 20% of the operating budget. Unrestricted gifts, annual fund donations, special campaigns and income from trusts compose the balance. Another sign of recovery for the non-profit world is the increase in Charitable Gift Annuity rates. For donors over age 65, this opportunity provides a rate of return more than six times the average certificate of deposit. Kurn Hattin conducted an unexpected and successful mini-campaign this past Spring to raise $50,000 to repair the swimming pool. It was a delight to see the smiles on the children’s faces on that first dive into the new pool. Special thanks to Swimming Pool Sponsors: Patricia D. Kelsey, Janet “Sis” Lewis, Bruce Woodward, Ira S. and Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Fund, Andrea Scott Trout, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Waxman, John and Priscilla Watson, Sovernet Communications, Rockingham Charities Associates, IPG Employee Benefits, Prime, Buchholz & Associates, and Fitz, Vogt & Associates. The Kurn Hattin Archives has been relocated and updated. This collection, established during Kurn Hattin’s Centennial in 1994, is a complete pictorial and publications record since 1894. Visitors are most welcome! Thank you to all who responded so generously to help us surpass our Annual Fund goal of $415,250 by almost 15%! We look forward to the upcoming year with renewed dedication to serving children in need. Connie Sanderson Director of Development and Public Relations



Sources of Income:

Report from the Financial Manager The fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 continued to be challenging as Kurn Hattin’s endowment investments were affected by the economy and the fluctuating stock market. Rebalancing efforts were made, with the advice of our investment advisors during the period of July 1, 2009–June 30, 2010. The rebalance of our investments was implemented to follow the new asset allocation directives that came from the June, 2009 Executive Committee meeting. The review and update was made with the intent to minimize future market impacts. Kurn Hattin completed a number of major improvements to infrastructure during FYE 2010. The last phase of the Telephone and Information Technology plan was completed with the digging of new ditches and installation of new conduit and fiber optic lines. This provided improved connectivity, lightning protection, speed, improved recovery and backup and support for future planning. The Wheeler Gym furnaces were replaced and upgraded and the Mathey parking lot was replaced and upgraded. The swimming pool required extensive repairs and maintenance which were completed in time for the summer program.


As of June 30, 2010, the market value of the assets of the endowment funds is $39,235,529. Due to current market conditions an unrealized gain of approximately 1.4% was required to adjust the investments to market value from June 30, 2009. The value of land, buildings and equipment as of June 30, 2010 is carried at $10,987,282 before depreciation. Additions to fixed assets (Capital Items) were $243,512 of which $40,162 was a prior year carryover. Unrestricted bequests were under prior year by $269,967, while the Holiday and Spring direct mail appeals showed gains over the prior year. Income and dividends from investments were down $309,383 from the prior year. Finance, human resources and administration consists of 5 staff members. They continue to bring together good teamwork, stability, and co-training to these areas of Kurn Hattin. It should also be noted that all staff responsible for budgets continue to do an excellent job managing their costs within budgets. Again, the combination of carefully managed costs and the ability to offer first-rate services speak well of the Kurn Hattin staff. Kenneth A. King


Financial Disclosure: The purpose of the Financial Annual Report is to inform the public and contributors of the financial position of the organization and to acknowledge and recognize the support of our trustees and contributors. Our Financial Statements were examined by the firm of Lehman, Wilkinson & Oster of Keene, NH, a certified public accounting firm. Audits are conducted annually in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and include an assessment of accounting principles used as well as an evaluation of our financial procedures, controls, and presentations. Copies of the audited statements are available upon request at the Kurn Hattin office in Westminster, VT. The audited statements may reflect different classifications than presented here and will reflect Unrealized Gains or Losses.

Financial Report

Additions to Endowment

Year Ended June 30, 2010

With much gratitude, the trustees of New England Kurn Hattin Homes publish the following list of funds that have been received during the past fiscal year, July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010.

Sources of Income:

Unrestricted Restricted $ 2,978,806


Maria Crovat Trust



Katherine B. Fisher Estate


Contributions, Direct Appeal and Charitable Gift Annuity 1,072,235


Pauline Fulton Trust

77,800.00 44,320.77

Amount Required from Endowment Investment Income

$ 25,000.00

Income from Outside Trusts



Elizabeth Leighton Trust*

Other Income*



Fred J. Matteson Memorial Fund*



Genevieve Rusterholz Morgan Estate


$ 5,530,428


Priscilla B. Norton Fund*


Support from Parents and Guardians Total

Robert W. Owens, Jr. Memorial Fund* Frances L. Sherman Trust Ruth E. Wright Estate

Expenditures: Residential, Education, Counseling and Childcare

$ 4,274,308


Administration, Human Resources and Finance



Development and Public Relations



Depreciation of Capital/Assets



$ 5,530,428



* Other Income includes the lunch program, meal reimbursement, rents and farm products.

Total June 30, 2010



4,508.00 31,405.45 $ 214,042.22

$ 40,000.00

Grand Total

$ 254,042.22

Those marked with an asterisk (*) are additions to pre-existing funds or subsequent increments to bequests. Only the new amounts are shown in these cases. A cumulative listing of bequests and other additions to endowment funds received over the years is available upon request from the Kurn Hattin Development Office, P.O. Box 127, Westminster, VT 05158. Two contributions totaling $110,322.50 have been received to purchase Charitable Gift Annuities from July 1, 2009–June 30, 2010.


Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have supported Kurn Hattin during the fiscal year July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

Westminster Club

Reverend Charles Dickinson Club

$15,000 and up In the hills of this small, southern Vermont town the steady purpose of caring for young children continues to thrive. Anonymous Charles & Mary Fuqua Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelsey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Owens Katherine B. Fisher Estate/ Ms. Leanna Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Williams*

Mattie Harvey Club $10,000-$14,999

$5,000-$9,999 Native son of Westminster, Vermont and the founder of Kurn Hattin Homes. Clayton F. & Ruth L. Hawkridge Foundation Mr. John Cooper Hubbard Mrs. Richard B. Lewis, Jr. Mary F. Bodine Trust/Barbara Bodine/Thomas Bodine National Society of New England Women New Hampshire Charitable Foundation/Ira S. & Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Fund Sidney & Judith Kranes Charitable Trust Jim & Kay Stack Talcott-Gran Charitable Trust/Ms. Winifred McDowell

Mattie, a neglected young girl from the woods of Maine, inspired Kurn Hattin’s founder to embark on a lifelong path to improve the lives of New England’s boys and girls. Mrs. Natalie N. Hall Barbara Matteson The Rite Aid Foundation Turrell Fund Mr. Bruce Woodward

W.I. Mayo Club

Eleanor Ward Club



The Director of Kurn Hattin Homes from 1927-1963. Anonymous Ms. Trudy Abbott Mr. & Mrs. William Baldasaro Cogswell Benevolent Trust Mrs. Wilma Cowie Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Fletcher D. Proctor Trust Frances L. Sherman Trust/ Ms. Marilyn Quirin Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hawley Mr. Will Hurd Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation Mrs. Janet Piro Lide Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Menzel* Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Morong* Ms. Sharon E. Owens-Avey Mr. & Mrs. Merton J. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Thomas, Jr.

Beloved Staff Member from 1938-1980 (Girls’ Campus Supervisor 1960-1980). The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Jean L. Black Jim & Marjorie Bohne Mr. Michael Bouvier Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Crotty Stephen & Doreen Durand Mrs. Mary Fenn Mr. Edward Frenette Mrs. Donald Frisbie Mr. & Mrs. Donald I. Gale, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gallagher Mr. Alexander Haslam Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holbrook Mr. Robert P. Hubbard Mr. Donald R. Inglis* Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kelsey Kiwanis Club of Keene Anthony & Elizabeth Maiola Martin Salomon Morton & Gustel Schreiber Morton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maysilles* Modern Woodmen of America

Tim Mollica Mr. Benjamin K. Neithercut* New England Food Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Owens Paul A. Gordon Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Peterson* Robert F. Cooper Family Foundation Inc. Robin Colson Memorial Foundation Rockingham Charities Limited Ruth Trowbridge Brown Charitable Trust/ Mr. Stephen Brown S. Margaret Gallagher Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schwenk, Jr. Jane & Herman Skofield Mrs. Andrea Scott Trout Ms. Anne Proctor Walker William & Caroline Warren Mr. & Mrs. John Alan Watson Mr. & Mrs. John F. Watson* Mr. & Mrs. Barry Waxman Mr. Richard Woodhull & Ms. Deborah Tumey

An asterisk (*) denotes alumnus/alumna. Every effort has been made to ensure that the donor list is complete and accurate. Regrettably, errors or omissions can occur and the Development Office appreciates all items for correction.


Eliza Sessions Club $500-$999 Via train, trolley, stage and foot, she visited New England villages asking on behalf of the children. Her work generated legacies and endowments that are a substantial part of Kurn Hattin’s financial structure. Anonymous Ascutney Union Church Mr. & Mrs. Paul Avery* Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Bardwell* The Barker Foundation Inc. Bazin Brothers Trucking Mrs. Diana Lupien Belcher-Bacon Bethel Mills Incorporated Mr. Thomas Boggs Bryant Chucking Grinder Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gary Carrier Mr. Shaun Carroll Chroma Technology Corporation Mr. Arthur C. Cloutier Mr. Timothy A. Cunningham Miss Ruth L. DeMone Mr. & Mrs. David Dike Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dunbar Dayton & Dianne Duncan Mrs. Wendell Farnham Mr. Bill Fenn Fitz, Vogt & Associates Mrs. Shane Goldman* Green Mountain Insurance Company Inc.

Douglas & Jeanie Greenwood Patricia & David Hallam Mr. & Mrs. Huc H. Hauser Mr. Stephen W. Hayes Mr. Clarence Houghton Hubbard Farms Charitable Foundation IPG Employee Benefits Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon H. Kelly* Ms. Sibyl Kirby Mr. David Liebtag Marble Valley Lions Club Miss Marilyn E. Moore Gregory & Lynne O’Brien Mr. Paul W. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Piro* Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation Mrs. Frank J. Prindl The Richards Group Mr. & Mrs. James Robertson Rotary Club of Bellows Falls Savings Bank of Walpole Mr. Alfred D. Sines St. James Thrift Shop Stettenheim Foundation Sugar River Savings Bank Miriam C. & W. David Van Scoter Ms. Trudy Walker Mrs. Judy Wallace Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wilmott Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Young Mr. John Zimmermann

Margaret Duncan Club $250-$499 Houseparent 1928-1951. “Every one of those boys had a good part in him and that’s what I looked for; that’s what I remember now.” Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. David W. Ackerman Amber Anderson Mrs. Avis Conant Arseneault* Mrs. Anne August Cindy Bacigalupo Mr. Christopher W. Barry Bates & Murray Incorporated Ms. Candace Beardsley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Black* Mr. Matthew J. Boggess Mr. Ryan Boland Mr. & Mrs. William L. Brackett Camp Lanakila Chester Rotary Club Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Clayton* Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Clayton* Ms. Mary B. Conathan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crane Ms. Birgit Deeds Mr. & Mrs. David H. Doherty George & Marsha Dubois Mr. Patrick Eddy Tom & Donna Fahner Mr. Thomas Faxon Ms. Alison Fillmore Kim Fine

First Congregational Church United Women’s Fellowship, Manchester, VT Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Foster Paul & Annie Furze Mr. Robert T. Gannett, Jr. Mr. David C. Garre, Jr. Donald & Lillian Goss Mr. & Mrs. William Gray HB Fuels Mr. & Mrs. Willard O. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Hamilton George & Laura Heller Mrs. Katherine Holmes J. Clyde & Ruth A. Johnson Joy Wah Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy, Jr. Mark & Bonnie Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth King Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. King Kiwanis Club of Claremont, Claremont, NH Mr. & Mrs. Jon Korpela Kristin’s Bistro & Bakery, LLC Kurn Hattin Alumni Association Mrs. Mildred Lupien Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mackey M L Magrath Mrs. Richard G. Mallory* Marine Corps League Mr. & Mrs. David J. May Mr. William McHugh Mrs. Meritta McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Jose Mendez* Julia & Alexander Merriman

Ms. Helene A. Minugh Mr. & Mrs. Alexander F. Morze Mr. Richard T. Nash* Mrs. William P. Noonan Tom O’Dell Mr. & Mrs. Otto F. Oberhelman Stephen & Darlene Pecor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Piro* Prime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc. Mrs. Leah Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Rounds Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sanders Connie & Lee Sanderson Roland & Mary Scott Ms. Dale Shaughnessy Dr. & Mrs. James Smith Spaulding and Madden Tax Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stagg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stavrou* Christine Takacs/ Rapt Creative Susan & Robert Tidlund UBS Financial Services, Inc. Mr. Kenneth J. Varall The Vermont Country Store Mrs. Helen Ward* Mrs. Rennie R. Washburn Ms. Margaret Watson Westminster Institute Board of Directors Whitney-Blake Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Wilson Ms. Carol A. Young


Friends $100-$249 Each friend’s gift is an important part of the whole. From childhoods remembered, they invest in childhoods being lived. A.A.R.P. Keene Chapter #1914 Mr. & Mrs. William Abbott Mrs. Eugene B. Ackerman Mr. Peter Adam* Ms. Kim Adams Ms. Beverly J. Allen Alpha Chapter #53 OES Mr. & Mrs. Jason Alten Mr. & Mrs. Henry Anderson Stephen & Ellen Ankuda Ms. Carolyn L. Avery Ms. Priscilla Jenne Babcock* Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bader Mr. Stuart F. Bailey Ms. Reva Bailey Ms. Mimi Baird Mr. David Baldasaro Ms. Lucy K. Baldwin Mr. H. Valentine Barnes Mr. & Mrs. James Barschdorf* Mrs. Frederick Bauer, Jr. Denis & Nancy Bazin Real & Carol Bazin Behan Communications, Inc. Bellows Falls Women’s Club, Bellows Falls, VT Mr. & Mrs. William A. Berry Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Lisa Bianconi Mrs. Alvah B. Billings Miss Phyllis Binkley


The Birch Family Ms. Barbara A. Bodine Ms. Barbara Bodwell Mr. Bruce R. Bonadies Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bonanno Col. & Mrs. Nelson B. Bond Karlie A. Borst Mrs. Elisabeth L. Bowman Reverend & Mrs. Nehemiah Boynton Reverend Ruth M. Brandon Brattleboro Women’s Evening Club, Brattleboro, VT Jean & Gordon Bristol Dave Brodeur Mr. Lloyd Brooks Flip Brown Bob & Sally Bruce Mr. Duane Burbank* Jennifer & Shawn Burke Mrs. Kathryn Burkett Bill & Sandy Burton Ms. Mary-Jane Bush Mr. Elisha Edward Camp Bob & Beth Campbell Joan & Sean Campbell Mrs. Charles A. Carlson Anita Carlson-Allen Mrs. Priscilla Carpenter Mr. Norman S. Case, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Chabot Mr. & Mrs. Ray Chamberland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Choukas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Clark Stephen A. Clayton Mr. Robert H. Cleary* Ms. Anne K. Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. Burton J. Cohen

Conneman & Associates, Inc. Mr. Robert S. Conway, Sr. Clifton & Marilyn Cooke Ms. Kathleen D. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Coolbeth Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cormier Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cross Dr. & Mrs. Charles Cunningham Mrs. Amber Cutler Mr. & Mrs. William Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Randall Daniels Daughters of Isabella Mrs. Elizabeth L. David Mr. & Mrs. Albert Davis Mrs. Rosemarie H. Davis Mrs. Sarah Reeves Davis Mrs. Violet Day Ms. Erica De Zitter Mr. Craig Decker Ms. Char Delabar Delta Dental Plan of New Hampshire Theresa DeMasi Mr. David DiSilva Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Dinnany Mrs. Evelyn S. Doane Thomas & Linda Doane Mrs. Betty Dodd Governor and Mrs. James Douglas Dr. & Mrs. Philip H. Dunham, D.D.S. Ms. Bobbie Durfee Ms. Margaret R. Durling Mr. Roger W. Eastman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Easton, II* Mr. Brian Ebbighausen Doris & Herb Eddy Ms. Linda Edelman

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eldridge, Sr. Mrs. Richard E. Ely Mrs. William Emmons, Jr. Mrs. Alice Farrand Leonard E. Farrar Stanley & Shirley Farrar Mr. Dennis M. Fassett Lt. John E. Fay Federated Church of East Arlington, VT Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Feltus Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Ferguson Mr. Kenneth R. Ferron David & Joyce Fillmore First Choice Communications, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Fisher LTC & Mrs. Timothy M. Flynn* Mr. Charles Foale Mrs. John S. Foster Mr. & Mrs. David E. Fox Sara Frantz Sonja Fullam Mr. & Mrs. Justin Fuller* Mr. & Mrs. David D. Gaffey Lucy Gagnon Ms. Sheila Gardella Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gardner Mr. Joseph Gareau Mrs. Ralph B. Gates Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gilbert Gilman Chapter #88 OES Chris Goding Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gosselin Mrs. Louis G. Graves James & Colleen Grout Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Guy Ann Hadley Mr. Nelson Halladay

Mrs. Joan V. H. Harris Ms. Elizabeth M. Harris William & Diane Harting Mr. & Mrs. Mike T. Hastings* Mrs. George Hayer Mrs. Karen Henricks Mrs. Dayton M. Henson Joyce M. Henson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hildebrandt Julia A. Hill Mrs. Beryl M. Hinton Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Hodgkins* Mr. & Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke Mr. Chris Howarth Mr. David E. Howe Mr. James M. Howe Diane Hunter Ms. Elizabeth B. Ikerd Immanuel Episcopal Church of Bellows Falls, VT Mr. Charles J. Incadella Jennifer Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Jacobs Peter Jeffries Jessamine Chapter #75 OES Mrs. James Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Johnson Richard & Carol Johnson Mrs. Charlotte R. Jones* Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Jones Mrs. Margaret S. Jones Mr. Robert T. Jones Mr. Paul Kane Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Karski Dennis & Jill Kathan Mrs. William Keech

Keene Woman’s Club, Keene, NH Ms. Diane S. Kelly Ms. Mary Ellen Kiernan Mrs. Walter Kilburn, Jr. Marilyn & Ollie Kimball Ms. Barbara E. Knapp Mr. James Koontz Jim & Jann Kurrasch Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Lamson Dean & Karen Lansberry LaValley Building Supply Inc. Bertha Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Lengyel Carrie & Matthew Leonard Mr. & Mrs. James Lernihan Mrs. Shereen Letz Ms. Margaret Lewis Mr. Richard Long Mr. Rory Longe Louise & William Luring Dr. Jacqueline Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lyon Ms. Nancy C. Manafort Rick Manson Ms. Alice S. Marks Ms. Pamela B. Marsh Mr. & Mrs. David Marvin Ms. Rebecca Mayer Mr. Michael E. McAllister Mr. William McCormack John & Kay McCrillis Mrs. Deborah F. McGrath Major Mac McLaughlin Mrs. Virginia Merrill Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Meyer, Jr. Miller Construction Company

Bruce & Kay Lou Miller Joyce Miller Ms. Judith Miller Ms. Francese Mills Ms. Coren Mitchell Ms. Joyce Slayton Mitchell Mr. Deno Mokas Mr. & Mrs. George Morland Mr. & Mrs. Al Motzer Mount Anthony Union High School Sue & Jack Murray Dennis & Carmen Needham Mr. & Mrs. J. Cheston M. Newbold Ronald & Rose Noble Mr. Ralph Noyes Mrs. Walter Oldendorph Mr. & Mrs. David Oppenheim Mrs. Nancy Osgood* Mr. Gilbert T. Owren, Jr. Ms. Laura D. Page Paul’s Pest Control Peerless Insurance Company Ms. Suzanne Peltier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Pfadenhauer Mrs. Ellsworth Pierce Pinnacleview Equipment Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piotrowski Pittsford Lions Club Clint Plante Ms. Sandy Post Albert & Patricia Potter Mr. Edward R. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pratt, Jr.* Ms. Doris Pratt

Prosper Homemakers Club Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Prunier* Mr. James J. Quinn* Mrs. Mary Lu Randall Real to Reel Video Ms. Elizabeth R. Redington Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Reid Ms. Theresa Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Burton Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Roland Reynolds, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Richardson Mrs. George V. Roberts* Mrs. Arthur Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rogers Richard & Mary Roy Martha Ruffle Mr. & Mrs. J. Ruthven Ryan James & Arla Sampsell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Scarlatelli Mr. & Mrs. David W. Scott Seaside Country Store Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Seitz Shearer Honda Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Shoemaker Mr. Jeffrey Shute Signaltree Marketing & Advertising John & Nancy Sinclair Mr. James Skofield Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Smith Ms. Julie Smith Mr. Michael C. Smith J. Hayes & Sandra Stagner

State Street Matching Gift Program Mr. John Steuer Mrs. Barbara G. Stevens Mr. John W. Stickney Sara Stine Ms. Susan Struble Jennifer Tallman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thomson Elisabeth Tobey Mr. & Mrs. Barry Tucker Mrs. Clara Turner VFW, Robert F. Johnson Post 771, Springfield, VT Ms. Mary S. Van Zandt Mr. & Mrs. Allen Vander Meulen Vernon Seniors Mr. & Mrs. Vern Violette The Virginia Company Colony, NSNEW Gerd & Norma Wagner Michael & Cheryl Walker Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur W. Walker* Walpole Senior Citizens Mr. & Mrs. Frank Walter Ward & Webb, P.C. Dr. William H. Warren, Jr. Mr. Robert Warren Mrs. Anthony Watson Carol & David Webster Mr. Stephen W. Webster Wendell Veterinary Clinic Mr. David A. Wentworth* Barbara West Mrs. Natalie H. Wheeler Miss Carol Whitcomb Mrs. Patricia R. White Jennifer & Eric Whiteley Mr. & Mrs. James Wickwire Mr. David B. Willard Joan Willey

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Williams* Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Williams* Mr. Stephen W. Williams Mrs. Janet S. Wilson Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665 Mr. James Wirths Women’s Fellowship, Congregational Church, West Lebanon, NH Womens Fellowship of Christ Church Mr. Roger S. Wood Mrs. James Woodhull Ms. Doreen Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Woolson Mrs. Nancy Wright Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Yager Mr. Christopher M. Zocca


Contributors Up to $99 Dedicated supporters of the Kurn Hattin mission. Anonymous Ms. Doris Adami Kathryn Adams Mr. Robert W. Adams Ms. Marjorie Ahern Pat Akeley Mr. George E. Alexanian* American Legion Auxiliary #7 American Legion Auxiliary Unit #15 American Legion Post #3 Amidon Electric Glenn & Barbara Andres Mrs. Doris M. Anthony Mrs. Evelyn Greenslet Arnold Mr. & Mrs. George Arvay Melanie Atkin Mr. & Mrs. Leo Auger Mr. & Mrs. Warren Austin Janet Avery Mr. & Mrs. Robert Avery* Ms. Eileen S. Babineau Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balch Mr. Jack Barber Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Barrett, Sr. Ms. Carol Barry Ms. Jess Barry Ms. Mildred Barry Steve & Valerie Barry Mr. & Mrs. William Barschdorf* Peter & Martha Bartlett Ms. Barbara Bascetta Mrs. David Bates Mrs. Alma Beals Harold & Barbara Beam Ms. Lois Beardwood


Mrs. Eleanor Wright Beckley Mr. Walter R. Beer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bejtlich, III Bellows Falls Emblem Club #153 Julia Bemis Mr. & Mrs. Adeloid C. Benware Berkley & Veller Greenwood Mrs. Jean C. Bisby Carolyn Blake-Deyo & Bob Deyo* Michael Blau Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blount Ms. Corky Bond Mimi Bonneau-Paul Ms. Faith Boone Ms. Mary Jane Bosworth Mr. Earl Boudette Sandy & Rene Boutotte Ms. Alice J. Bowen Mrs. Ruth Bradish Mr. & Mrs. Homer Bradley, Jr. Brattleboro A.A.R.P. #763 Brattleboro Area Middle School Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Mrs. Carl J. Bridge Bridgewater Grange #284 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Briggs, Sr.* Gary & Debbie Briggs George & Janice Bristol Bob & Jane Brockway Ms. Eileen Brown Dr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Buck Ms. Clare Buckley Mrs. Anne G. Bugbee Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bullock Ms. Trudi Doyle Burrows Mr. & Mrs. William P. Bystrom Candace Caggiano Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. William J. Callahan

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Calusine, Jr. Mrs. John A. Capestro Sharon & Rocco Caprarello Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Carnevale Robert & Marguerite Caron Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Carpenter Laura Carroll Mrs. Doris Casson Mr. Charles J. Cathcart Patrick Cavanaugh Cavendish Homeworkers Club II Mrs. Connie Chamberlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Chamberlin Gerry & Jim Chandler Marge & Clyde Chapman Norman & Rachel Chateauneuf* Mrs. Marion S. Chester Betty & Michael Christiansen William & Gail Christmas Ms. Frances Church Church of the Good Shepherd, South Woodstock, VT Claremont Masonic Organization Nancy Clingan Mr. David L. Cloutier* Club Wildwood Civic Association Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Coburn Patti Cody Debbie Greco Cohen Charles & Lorna Cole Ms. Margot G. Collins Barbara Comtois Mr. & Mrs. Richard Concato Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Congdon, Jr. Congregational Church Fellowship of Wells River, VT Albert & Jean Conklin Mrs. Marcia Connolly* Ms. Ethel E. Connors

Helen Elizabeth Cook Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Copans Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Corbett Mrs. Edward Corbiere Mr. Peter Corbo Mr. & Mrs. William Corbo Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Corum Joseph & Kristine Costa Ms. Margaret Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Weyman Crocker Mr. & Mrs. Robin Crossan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Crowe, Jr. Mrs. William Cruikshank Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Ed Curtiss Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Daley Mary Jo Dansereau Lois D’Arcangelo Mrs. James D. Dean Ms. Mary Dean Sawyer Ms. Doris Dearborn Mrs. Neil Dearborn Dave & Beverly DeCamp Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred H. Demers Mr. Brian Densmore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Descoteaux Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Deverill Mrs. Claud Dexter Mr. & Mrs. James Deyo Rhonda & Brad Dinwiddie Ms. Brenda Dodge Ms. Margaret Dodge Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donegan Mr. Herbert P. Donley* Mr. & Mrs. George Doolittle Ms. Janice Doolittle Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Doyle* Ms. Lynda J. Du Shane Ms. Helen S. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Dumas Mrs. Patricia J. Dupree

Mrs. Marjorie Durling Mrs. Barbara Dyer Mrs. Caryl Dyer Dan Easley Mrs. Barbara Eaton Bruce & Sharon Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Carroll G. Ellis, Jr. Ms. Claudia Ellis Mrs. Asa Elwell* Corwin & Elizabeth Elwell Reverend & Mrs. Ernest Jean Evans Mr. Thomas E. Evans Ms. Janet Fabricius Steven & Cindy Fahner Ms. Irene Fariss Teddy & Nelson Farr Ms. Claudette Faubert Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Faulkner Mr. John Fenniman Mrs. Ethel Virginia Ferguson Ms. Roberta J. Ferguson Ferrisburg Grange #539 Mr. Abbott C. Fisher Mr. Kenneth Flagg Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn H. Fleming Francis & Linda Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher Tom Fontaine Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fornier Mr. Stanley Foss Ms. Joslin Kimball Frank Mrs. Gino C. Franzi Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Frost, Sr.* Eugene & Linda Gaffey Carol Gage Ms. Katherine Gallagher* Jerome & Nancy Galloway Ms. Karen Galloway Mr. John L. Gardiner Thomas & Gail Garfield Mr. Edward Gartner

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Geist Ms. June B. Generous Ms. Blanche Bradley Gibeault Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Gilbert* Mr. William A. Gilbert* Mr. Gary A. Gilman* Ms. Mary Jean Gilman Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gochey Spiro Gokas Lawrence & Mae Good GoodSearch Kirk & Cathy Goodwin Paul Gordon Ms. Ruth Ellen Gorton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Goss Mr. Merle Gould* Greater Falls Travel Agency Mr. Mark Green Ms. Barbara Greenough Mrs. Hattie S. Greenwood Michael & Linda Griglun Mr. & Mrs. Clayton E. Griswold Ms. Sandra Grover Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gruol Mr. Terry Gulick Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gunnerson* Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guthrie Robert & Patricia Haas Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Haggerty Judy & Allen Halberg Halestown Grange No. 287 Ms. Pauline Halfpenny Halladay’s Greenhouse & Florist Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hallett Ms. Elinor Hamill Mr. Paul Wm. Hare Ms. Kathleen Harman John & Sheri Harrigan Lee & Susan Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Harold Harris

Mr. James Harris Mrs. George W. Hay Ms. Virginia W. Hayes Mrs. Sophia W. Healy Mr. Robert A. Hebert Steve & Deb Hebert Charles & Mary Henderson Mrs. William Hennessey Jonathan & Martha Henry Ms. Mary Alice Herbert Mrs. Clair Hesselton Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hewitt Mrs. Doris Higgins Ms. Joan Hildebrandt Mr. Paul Hill Mr. John Hilliard Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Hinds Mr. & Mrs. Warner Hodgdon Mr. James Hodgkins* Mr. Howard W. Hollis* Dr. John Perry Hooker Ms. Florence Howard Ms. Carol Howe Mr. & Mrs. James Howell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hull Ms. Sue Hunt Graham & Susan Hunter Mrs. Sybil B. Ibey* Mr. James M. Ingersoll Ms. Joy E. Ingham Ms. Linda C. Ives Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jacobs Mr. Raymond Jaquith* Mr. & Mrs. Dorothy Jarvis Mrs. Alma Jaskey Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Johnson Ms. Janice M. Johnson Larry & Lynn Johnson Ms. Mary Johnson Dr. Timothy Johnson Mrs. Emerson Johnstone Mrs. Martha Turner Johnstone

Ms. Alice A. Jones Ms. Bettye Jones Mrs. Rochelle F. Jordan Ms. Martha W. Judson K. Beebe Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kadden Mrs. Beverly Birch Karamberis LeRoy & Patricia Keith Mrs. Lloyd A. Kelley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kenney Mrs. Anne Keppler Peggy J. & Howard Kerbaugh Sue Kessler Mr. Noel Kinski Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kinville* Miss Jane S. Kirk Richard & Charlene Knight Mrs. Anthony Korte Mr. Harold Krevsky Joanne Kurnik Ladies Church Circle, Townshend Church, Townshend, VT Ladies Society of the United Church of Winchester, Winchester, NH Mr. & Mrs. George T. LaBonne Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaBrecque George & Patricia LaRoche Ms. Marjorie S. LaRowe Mr. Andrew Lane* Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lawrence* Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Lawrence Ms. Katherine P. Leary Mr. & Mrs. Theodore LeBlanc Hillary & Anne LeClaire, Jr. Margaret Lemnah Ms. Grace Leonard Ms. Elayne P. Leonelli Mr. Robert Levine Mrs. Phebe Ann Clarke Lewis Mr. Richard G. Licence* Ms. Margaret Lillie

Mr. Matthew T. Lincoln Max E. Lincoln Mr. Mark Lipski* Kristie Lisai Ms. Margaret M. Lively Ms. Carolyn Locke Raphael & Ivonne Lopez Ms. Dorothy Lovell Ralph P. & Mary Ann Lowen Lucas Industries Mr. Richard Lucier Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Luther Mrs. Kenneth MacAskill Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacPhee Mr. Gregory Macri, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Magoon Mrs. Mildred Maloskie Mrs. Muriel Barber Manning Mr. Charles Marchant Mrs. Ruby Marcotte Mr. & Mrs. David G. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Donald Massey Elliot & Barbara Matteson Ms. Virginia M. Mattison Mr. & Mrs. Harold May Joseph & Rebecca Mayer William & Doris McCanna Mrs. Barbara McCarthy Barbara & David McClaflin Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McClure Mr. & Mrs. J. David McCrillis Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDonald Mrs. Patricia E. McHale Mr. Bruce K. McMahon Ms. Catherine A. McMullen Mrs. Laurence Menard Ms. Jennifer A. Mentzer Mrs. Mary Ann Merrill Ms. Donna Metz Middle Branch Grange Mrs. Leslie Miller Ms. Lori Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Minard Minnesota Colony NSNEW #147 Ms. Cynthia F. Mitchell Ms. Ila Mitchell Mrs. William Moiles Mrs. Ann Moore David Morcom Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mullin David Murdoch, III Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy Muse & Associates Real Estate Ms. Viola Myers Nature Club of Saxtons River Mr. & Mrs. John C. Navroth Ms. Vaughnette Neal Newbury Women’s Fellowship, Newbury, VT Guy & Janet Nido, Jr. Mrs. Rhonda L. Nolan* Marilyn Noonan* George & Gerry Noor Harriet & Frederick Norris Mrs. Alex P. Norskey North Orange Grange #86 Ms. Suzanne Nothnagle Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nowakowski Mr. Burton A. Nowers Ms. Dale O’Brien Ms. Margaret O’Brien Mr. Michael J. Obuchowski Ms. Amelia Obuchowski Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Ochsner Ms. Lecia O’Dell Mr. & Mrs. Wasil Oleksyszyn Mr. Richard H. Olson, Sr. Mrs. Harriet Oman Ms. Bev Osterberg Mr. & Mrs. Henry Otto, Jr. Ms. Eileen M. Our Tom & Victoria Oxholm


Contributors, continued Barbara G. Page Mr. Frank Papp* Jon & Deborah Pappas Isolde Parda Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Parker* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Parnigoni Mrs. Judy Patno Mrs. Peers Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Payne Mrs. Ada Pearson Mrs. Leland Perry Mr. Jack Peters Mrs. Marny Chester Peterson Bill & Robin Phillips John & Madeline Pichette Pierce-Lawton Post #37 Mr. Robert H. Piggrem* Ms. Thelma J. Pilloni Ms. Kathy A. Piro Joseph & Lois Place Mr. & Mrs. Perley E. Plante Harvey & Kathleen Plimpton John & Mary Pohodzay Mrs. Cecile G. Potter Poultney United Methodist Church Women Poultney Women’s Club Mr. John M. Pratt Ms. Claire K. Prettitore Professional Dental Care Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Prouty* Mrs. Mary B. Purbeck Mrs. Marion S. Ramsdell Russ & Margie Record Ms. Olive C. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Reynolds Mr. Robert Rhodes Ms. Christine Riccio Mr. & Mrs. William Ringwall Mr. Richard A. Robbins Mrs. Lisette Roberts


Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Roth Tony & Bertha Rousseau Mrs. Haskell Royce Mr. & Mrs. George Ruhe Mr. & Mrs. James Rumrill Karen & Stan Rumrill Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rushia Mr. & Mrs. Mike Russo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Ryan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joanna D. Saunders Cornelius & Ruth Schenck Ms. Ute Schmidt Mrs. Louise Schmitt Mrs. Druzilla B. Schoch Mr. Brett P. Schoff Mrs. Margaret Schultz Mrs. Mary Scoville* Roberta Seavey Mr. David C. Seeley Mr. & Mrs. William Semonite Mr. Robert Serozynsky Mrs. Louise Seward Mr. & Mrs. David Shaw Mr. Donald Shedd Ms. Roxanne Shelton Allan & Linda Shepard Ms. M. Josephine Shepard Carol Shipp Ms. Margaret B. Shiverick Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Sibley Mr. & Mrs. John Sieber Steven & Karie Slayton William & Joan Smidutz Smith Insurance Agency Mrs. Beverley W. Smith Dr. & Mrs. David W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith* Ms. Priscilla Smith Dr. & Mrs. Richard Sobel Ms. June S. Soine South Royalton Womans Club Mr. Stephen V. Space

Mr. & Mrs. Kermit R. Spaulding Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 Springfield Town Democratic Committee Ms. Shirley Squires Mrs. Wayne Stacy Ronald & Annette Stark Ms. Sydney Stevens Reverend & Mrs. James Stirling Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Stockwell Mrs. Willis Stoddard George & Mary Stone Mr. Gordon M. Stone John T. & Suzanne Stoodley Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Stotz Ms. Helen L. Stotz Joyce Straw* Mr. Steven Streeter Strolling of the Heifers Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strong Mr. Aaron E. Struthers Paul & Karen Morze Sturgeon Ms. Katsuko Sugiyama Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan Mrs. Philip H. Suter Mr. & Mrs. Neale Sweetman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Swierczynski Mr. & Mrs. Doug Switzer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Symonds Mr. Brent Taggart Mr. & Mrs. Roth W. Tall, Jr. Ms. Vivian Tate Mr. & Mrs. Craig Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Taylor Ms. Doris M. Tazelaar Barbara Ternes Mrs. Mildred S. Thomas Rob & Lydia Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tobin Mr. Kenneth Tucker Ms. Shirley E. Twitchell

Mr. & Mrs. William Tyler Stewart & Carolyn Underwood United Methodist Women, Rutland, VT United Workers of North Church, North Congregational Church, St. Johnsbury, VT Upper Valley Haven VFW #7823, Ladies Auxiliary, Middlebury, VT VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post #1034, North Brattleboro, VT Vermont State Society D.A.R. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Violette Volunteer Colony, NSNEW, Rosemark, TN Mr. & Mrs. John Von Bargen Rosina Wallace Waterbury Center Grange #237 Mr. & Mrs. David Welch West Newbury Women’s Fellowship, Bradford, VT Westminster Fire & Rescue Mr. Ronald Wheeler* Mr. & Mrs. John Whitaker Mrs. Claire White Bob & Lucille Wichland Bruce & Kelly Wichland Ms. Virginia Dale Wick Mr. William Wilkison* David & Jane Williams Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilmott Windham Southeast Administrator’s Association Windsor County Retired Teachers Mr. & Mrs. John Wirkkala Ms. Janice E. Wojcik Women of Walpole Women’s Fellowship of the United Church, Bellows Falls, VT Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Woodhull Mr. Thomas Woodward Mrs. Elsie Woolam

Ms. Laura Wormell Mr. Robert A. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wyant Alice Yantis* Mrs. Beverly Young Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zagoreos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zublic

Gifts in Kind Donors who gave goods and services over $500 Gifts in kind given throughout the year enable Kurn Hattin to meet daily needs. Alburg Golf Links/ Luke & Diane Bazin Allen & Stephanie Brahin Camp Aloha Leonard Farrar Grafton Village Cheese Company Dr. David Heydenreich HPC Foodservice Corporation Inflatable Fun Tricia Keenan/ Growing Design Richard Long Ludlow Snowmobile Club Mr. & Mrs. Walter Menzel* Tim Mollica Pepsi Cola Bottling Corporation George Ruhe Salmon & Nostrand/ George Nostrand Steven Semel Scott Taylor Steve Varrieur Vermont Country Store The Virginia Company Colony, NSNEW #143

Board of Trustees Executive Committee David J. Maysilles*, President

Retired Executive Director Ronald M. Williams*, Vice President Retired Executive Trudy Walker, Vice President Investment Consultant George W. Nostrand, Member at Large Attorney John A. Hubbard, Member at Large Retired Executive William S. Abbott Retired Financial Manager Jerry L. Bardwell* Culinary Specialist Gary Carrier Retired Executive Jeff Hatch Retired Major Gifts Officer

Charles P. Kelsey Food Service Consultant Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola Volunteer Rick Manson Insurance Agent Walter B. Menzel* Marketing Consultant Michael J. Obuchowski State Representative Merton Snow Accounting Executive Malcolm Streeter Contractor Roberta Woodhull Violette Retired Food Retailer Janet Wilson Retired Executive

Presidents Emeriti

Trustees Emeriti

Administrative Staff

Angus C. Black, Jr. John A. Hubbard Wentworth Hubbard Patricia D. Kelsey Roberta Woodhull Violette

Anthony C. Adlerbert Stephen E. Baker Angus C. Black, Jr. Paul Brandon Ralph N. Buck Paul Clough Wentworth Hubbard George L. Kelley* Janet M. Lewis Edward R. Potter William Semonite Peter Svendsen Theodore Thomas, Jr. Priscilla Mayo Watson

Christopher W. Barry, M.Ed. Executive Director Eileen Brown, R.N. Director of Health Services Thomas G. Fahner, M.S. Director of Educational and Residential Services Jennifer Jacobs, M.A. Director of Counseling Susan Kessler, M.Ed. Director of Admissions Kenneth A. King Financial Manager Connie Sanderson, CFRE Director of Development and Public Relations

Massachusetts Corporation Marilyn E. Moore President, Peabody Ruth L. DeMone Clerk, Peabody Robert Sinclair Treasurer, Middleton

Incorporators William S. Abbott Keene, NH Jerry L. Bardwell* Middleboro, MA John P. Barry Bellows Falls, VT Diane Bazin Westminster, VT Michael Blau Keene, NH Scott Bundy Boxborough, MA Philip Caliendo Duxbury, MA Leslie Canavan Chesterfield, MO Gary Carrier Brattleboro, VT Frances Cheslock Bellows Falls, VT

Paul Clough Bellows Falls, VT Patrick Crotty Westmoreland, NH Elizabeth David Old Saybrook, CT Ruth L. DeMone Peabody, MA Bradley Dunbar Saxtons River, VT Doris Eddy Ludlow, VT Justin Fuller* Westminster, VT Christopher Hackett Westminster, VT Jeffrey B. Hatch Brandon, VT John A. Hubbard Walpole, NH

Charles P. Kelsey Deerfield, NH Jon Korpela Goffstown, NH James Lynch Westminster, VT Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola Newport, NH Rick Manson Brattleboro, VT Barbara Matteson Chatham, MA Walter B. Menzel* Tiburon, CA Corey Mitchell Springfield, VT Marilyn E. Moore Peabody, MA George W. Nostrand Chester, VT

Michael J. Obuchowski Bellows Falls, VT James Robertson Spofford, NH Connie Sanderson Westminster, VT Sheldon Scott Walpole, NH Elaine Sinclair Middleton, MA Merton Snow Shaftsbury, VT James Stack Walpole, NH Malcolm Streeter Westminster, VT Vernon Temple Saxtons River, VT Susan Tidlund Montague, MA

Dave Twombly Brattleboro, VT Roberta Woodhull Violette New London, NH Cheryl Walker Fairfax, VT Trudy Walker Hudson, NY Nancy Wettach Westminster, VT Joan Woodhull Willey Newport, NH Ronald M. Williams* Madison, CT Janet Wilson Walpole, NH Greg Worden Brattleboro, VT

Incorporators Emeriti C. Anthony Adlerbert Luke Bazin Edgar T. Campbell Thomas Dowling Mary Fenn Thelma Frederick Robert T. Gannett Nancy Purbeck Ida Snow John Watson

*Alumnus/Alumna of Kurn Hattin


Kurn Hattin Homes PO Box 127 • 708 Kurn Hattin Rd. Westminster, Vermont 05158 (802) 722-3336 www.kurnhattin.org

on Services, State of Vermont Vermont State Board of Education | Department of Social and Rehabilitati Accreditation and Licensing: Independent School Approval by the | Vermont Principals’ Association of Fundraising Professionals | The Vermont Coalition of Residential Providers Association | Executives Care Child of Fellowship National The : Memberships paper Printed on recycled Photography: Jeff Wodward and Kurn Hattin Archives

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