February 20/21 News and Announcements

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota

Verse of the Week:

February 21st, 2016

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things

that are on earth.” Colossians 3: 2

This Week in Sunday school:

This week, Sunday School students will be studying “John Prepares the Way” using verses from the third chapter of Matthew. The bog: by pastor hahn Having had a Biology Major at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire there were many interesting classes that I had the opportunity to enjoy. One of the most memorable was a summer coarse studying Bryophytes and Lichens (or should I say moss). There are well over 200 different varieties of moss right here in Minnesota and Wisconsin, of which I had about 150 in my personal collection at one point. Anyway back to the class. It was a week-long excursion in northern Wisconsin at one of the University of Wisconsin Biology Camp locations. Each day consisted of going out and collecting different mosses and then coming back to the lab and identifying what specific moss it was. Dr. Foot, our instructor was our guide and helper throughout the week. It was on the second day that my respect for Dr. Foot increased greatly. Our class was on a little outing to collect a rare type of moss that can be found only on a peat bog. If you know anything about peat bogs the peat we are talking about is itself a type of moss called sphagnum. Peat grows very rapidly and in large clusters, sometimes so large it can become an island unto itself. That's where we were that morning, on an island of peat moss, on the shore of a little lake. This particular bog even had trees growing on it. As we stepped foot on the bog Dr. Foot gave us some instruction that sounded rather foolish. While on the bog we were to walk with our arms fully outstretched. Dr. Foot modeled how we were to walk and it made him look rather foolish. He kept reminding us to keep our arms outstretched as we went along. Slowly the class started to lower their arms because they didn't want to look so foolish. I lowered my arms because I didn't want to look

foolish and no one else was doing it, except Dr. Foot. That is until it happened. It happened to me. I was the one who found a hole in the moss that, within a matter of seconds, had engulfed me up to my shoulders. Somehow my arms went out to my side and I was able to stop myself from slipping down over my head. As I was in that hole I felt helpless, I couldn't move. The moss was so tight around me all I could think about was how glad that there were other people around to help. It took several people and about 30 minutes to pull me out. And here's the funny thing. everyone was walking from that moment on with their arms straight out to their sides and no one looked foolish anymore. Our Epistle Reading for this Sunday is taken from Philippians 3 starting at verse 17 where it begins with Paul saying, "Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have for us." Paul is sharing these words with his brothers in Philippi, the church in Philippi. He was encouraging them not to stray away from the cross of Christ. Oh, you may look a little strange or different as you walk in Christ, but it is for your good and for the good of the Gospel. Don't give up when it seems that everyone else has abandoned Christ. Keep doing what I am doing because I am imitating Christ. Christ is our joy, our crown, our Savior. These words encouraged the church in Philippi as they continued in their faith. As we come to Christ Lutheran Church to worship we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. We can see each other as people who are imitators of Christ, as example to each other. This keeps us strong in the faith. And whenever things start to look foolish, even when they are instructions from His Word, we can encourage one another as we stand firm as the body of Christ.

Announcements Please pick up: your offering envelopes! They are located on a table in the south end of the narthex by the doors leading to the preschool. Thanks! Easter Flowers: It is that time of year again to order your flowers for Easter Sunday! There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Please be sure to print your name so we can accurately play your name in the bulletin. Checks can be made out to Christ Lutheran Church and please note “Altar Guild Easter Flowers” in the memo line. Your choice of flowers are: Easter Lilies-$8, Tulips-$8, Mums-$9, and Hydrangeas- $14 Keep Updated: The weekly news and announcements is now a digital publication! If you would like to be added to the email list, please send an email to christlutheraneagan@outlook.com. There will still be physical copies for you to read during fellowship hour and copies you can take home in the narthex. Know Your elder: With all of the changes happening in the church, the Board of Elders wants you to know they are here to guide you through these transitions. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns refer to the list below to contact your Elder. They are happy to help! Last Names Aballa-Bongard: Boomgarden-Gregory: Grensth-Hultquist: Isaak-Marstad: Matschinner-Rowe: Ruchtaeschel-Studer: Sullwold-Zahnow:

Dennis Miller Robin Fink Curt Hartog Jim Struck Dick Bielenberg Curt Hartog David Hasche

Preschool Registration: for the 2016-2017 academic year is open, for returning families and families of Christ Lutheran Church. Please see the February Newsletter or the Church website for a description and cost of the classes. Our very own Hannah Hartog: will be taking a mission trip to Budapest, Hungary with Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent, June 30-July 8, 2016. Hannah is the daughter of Curt and Karra Hartog and is a junior at Concordia University, St. Paul. Hannah is asking for donations to help fund her trip. To donate or to find out more about Hannah’s trip, go to https://share.habitat.org/Hannah-hartog-gvt17604.

Upcoming Meetings and Events A Reconciliation: The entire congregation is requested to attend the reconciliation meeting on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 8:30am to noon. This important session will be facilitated by the Minnesota South District helping provide healing and guidance so Christ Lutheran Church can move forward to build God's Kingdom. All members of Christ Lutheran Church are encouraged to attend this important session. Lunch will be provided by the Elders. Please join us in this healing and growth process.

February family worship & Meal: Please join us on Saturday, February 20, at the 5pm service. The preschoolers will be singing, and after the service, please join us for a free meal and activity. This is a great chance to meet and connect with preschool families.

Lenten Supper Schedule: Wed. February 24th: Host, Board of Human Care, Menu Sloppy Joes, Time 5:30-6:15 Wed. March 2nd: Host, Board of Preschool, Menu Deviled Ham Sand. & Ambrosia, Time 5:30-6:15 Wed. March 9th: Host, Board of Youth, Menu Soup, Time 5:306:15 Wed. March 16th: Host, L.I.F.E. Groups, Menu Family Favorite Goulash, Time 5:30-6:15 LIFE Group Meetings schedule: Monday Nights, 6:30 pm, Men’s and Women’s group at Eagan Pointe: Contact Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Wednesday Afternoons, 1:30pm, Women’s group: Contact Geri Bonewell 952-891-2853 Saturday mornings (First three of each month), 9am, Men’s Group: Contact Mark Bonewell 952-891-2853

Get Involved Materials Needed: The igloo will be returning to the preschool room. We are in need of empty, clean gallon containers (please rinse any gallon milk or juice containers with bleach water). Please place any donations outside the preschool classroom. Readers wanted: Do you have a favorite childhood story? Do you love to read to children? If so, we would love to have you as one of our Preschool guest readers! Guest readers are needed Thursdays and Fridays at 11:30 am. A sign-up sheet is available in the east hallway on the preschool bulletin board. Please see Michele Lukanen if you have any questions. Become a Board member: All of our boards and committees could use more volunteers to help with their missions. One of our church Elders will be happy to provide more information.

By the numbers

Our Gifts to the Lord Feb. 14, 2016 General Fund Feb. 8-14, 2016 Joyful Response* Total Weekly Need


$5,327.80 Wednesday Feb 10, 7:00pm $535.00 Saturday Feb 13, 5:00pm $5,862.80 Sunday Feb. 14, 9:00am $6,935.00 Sunday Feb. 14, 2:00pm Total

92 20 116 228

Have a little fun Trivia 1. Where was Jesus Mostly Raised as a Child? (Matthew 2:23) a. Jerusalem b. Cyprus c. Nazareth d. Egypt 2. What is the meaning of the name “Barabbas?” a. Prisoner b. Great Leader c. Son of the Father d. Condemnation 3. Who was promised by the Holy Spirit that he wouldn’t die until he saw the Messiah? (Luke 2:25-26) a. Saul b. John c. Simeon d. Herod 4. How many books are in the New Testament a. 25 b. 26 it c. 27 d. 29 5. Who was Eve’s first child? a. Abel b. Lot c. Cain d. Enoch

For Those Viewing Online: Christian Games for all ages http://christgaming.com/play-games/ Trivia Answers 1. C, 2. C, 3. C, 4. C, 5. C,

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