News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
August 28th, 2016
Verse of the Week:
Announcements Joe Connolly is going to be 90! There’s a special party for him on Saturday, September 3rd, 1:00-4:00 pm at the Lost Spur Gold & Event Center, 2750 Sibley Memorial Hwy 13 in Eagan. Please call 651-454-4378 or write to to let them know you’ll be coming (ASAP). Or send a card to Joe at 4273 Amber Dr., Eagan, MN 55122. Happy Birthday, Joe! INSTALLATION: Rev. William Keller II will be installed as Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, 255 W. Douglas St. (at 5th Ave. S.), South St. Paul, today (Sunday) at 4:00. May God richly bless the ministry of God's people gathered at Concordia. 2016 Sunday School Registration: Sunday school registration forms for this year are located on the bulletin board next to the fellowship hall as well as on the last page of this News and Announcements. The first day of Sunday school will be September 11th, 2016. Preschool at Christ Lutheran begins on September 12 and 13. Please keep this ministry to these little ones in your prayers, as well as the teachers! Did you miss Bible Class? Or maybe you want to recap the discussion. “Lead Like JESUS BIBLE Study UPDATES” are available on the church website. Pastor will post a brief synopsis of the lesson for anyone who could not attend. The updates are located under the Adult Education link within the Worship tab on the website navigation bar.
The Human Care Board would like to thank everyone who donated to the July food drive. Food and money were taken to the Open Door Pantry in Eagan, and it was greatly appreciated! God bless you all! Also, a big thanks to those who came to help clean and sanitize toys for the preschool. It’s a big job, and your help was much appreciated!
Upcoming Meetings and Events The Board of Youth will be holding a meeting on Sunday, September 4, at 12:00 pm to discuss the Youth Family Accounts at Christ Lutheran Church. The discussion will focus upon the distribution of the money from the account to the Youth General Fund, another fund within CLC, or to a Youth Mission Fund. If you have any questions relating to this meeting, you can talk to the Chairperson of the Board of Youth (Melissa Clawson) or the Vice President of CLC (Jim Struck). Rally day: Please join us on Sunday, September 11, at 11:15 for a picnic lunch and games to kick off the Sunday School and Bible Class year. Hot dogs and chips will be provided. If possible, please bring a dessert to share. This fun event is for all of the congregation. See you there! (Yes, we said free hot dogs and lots of desserts! Why would you miss this?) Coming Up Soon! Community Blood Drive: On Thursday, September 8th, Christ Lutheran Church will be sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive from 12:00-5:00 pm. To schedule appointments please call 1-800-REDCROSS (800-733-2767) or register online at and enter sponsor code: Christ Luth Church. There is also a sign-up sheet in the narthex. The "Lead Like Jesus" study will continue every Sunday morning. Through this study, we will hopefully experience Jesus in a new and different way, as we grow to trust and follow Him and as we seek to come together and lead others to the Cross. It is my prayer and desire that "Lead Like Jesus" will be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in our journey to becoming effective servant leaders as we gather together to be fed and strengthened through God's Word and teachings.
Get Involved Secretary for the Church Council Needed! We need someone to take minutes at all Church Council and Voters’ meetings and distribute them in a timely manner. Please consider if this is something you can do to help out Christ Lutheran in an important way. Your opportunity to work with children! Sunday School Teachers are still needed elementary, middle school, and high school. If you are interested in teaching classes, please see Michele Lukanen or sign up on the board in the fellowship hall hallway. World Mission is right here! The Anyuak Sunday School, which meets from 2:30-3:30, is in need of teachers. If you are interested in helping with this outreach program, please see Michele Lukanen ( Constitution and By-Laws Committee: The Church Council is seeking volunteers to be part of a committee to examine and propose changes to the Constitution and By-Laws. This informal group will report to the Church Council recommendations for changes to both the Constitution and the By-Laws. After Church Council consideration, the changes recommended may proceed through the approval process as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. If you would like to participate on the committee or have suggestions, please contact Kelly Callahan or let Pastor Hahn know.
Our Gifts to the Lord August 21, 2016 General Fund Aug 15-19, 2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need
Attendance $4622.45 $1260.00 $5882.45 $6,935.00
Saturday Aug 13, 5:00pm Sunday August 14, 9:00am Sunday August 14, 2:00pm Total
15 85 25 125
Christ Lutheran Church Sunday School “Growing in Christ” Registration Form Starts Sunday, September 11th – 10:15 am – 11:15 am Parent’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ Street/City address: ____________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact or Cell Phone _________________________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________________________________ 1. Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Month of Baptism ______________________Allergy Concerns ____________________ 2. Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Month of Baptism ______________________Allergy Concerns ____________________ 3. Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Month of Baptism ______________________Allergy Concerns ____________________ 4. Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Month of Baptism ______________________Allergy Concerns ____________________ Are you currently looking for a preschool? _________________________________________ I give permission for my child/ren to fully participate in the Sunday School program at Christ Lutheran Church, including snacks and games. In case of an emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parents/guardians of the child/ren. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission for the medical personnel selected by the Sunday School staff to secure proper and necessary treatment for my child/ren as named on this form. Signature & Date __________________________________________________________________ I understand that during the course of the year pictures may be taken to help us remember the events of the year.and I give permission for my child’s picture to be used in church publications such as Physician’s name clinic __________________________________________________________ but not limited to the monthly newsletter and the church website. Signature & Date __________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS REGISTRATION FORM TO: Michele Lukanen Christ Lutheran Church 1930 Diffley Rd Eagan, MN 55122